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  • 8/14/2019 Truckle Hill 2008 Interim Report


    Wessex Archaeology

    Further Work on a Detached Roman Bath-house and

    Earlier Building at Truckle Hill,North Wraxall, Wiltshire

    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavation and Outreach Programme

    Ref: 58522.01 March 2009

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    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavationand Outreach Programme

    Produced for:Wiltshire County Council Archaeology Service

    Wiltshire and Swindon History CentreCocklebury Road


    SN15 3QN

    By:Wessex Archaeology

    Portway HouseOld Sarum Park

    SalisburyWiltshireSP4 6EB

    March 2009

    WA Document Ref. No. 58522.01

    Copyright Wessex Archaeology Limited 2009, all rights reservedWessex Archaeology Limited is a Registered Charity No. 287786

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    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavationand Outreach Programme



    1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 11.1. General....................................................................................................................... 11.2. Previous work at the site............................................................................................. 11.3. Outreach..................................................................................................................... 3

    2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................. 33. METHOD STATEMENT..................................................................................................... 44. STRUCTURAL SEQUENCE ............................................................................................. 4

    4.1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 44.2. The bath-house .......................................................................................................... 44.3. Pre bath-house building........................................................................................... 84.4. Lime / mortar preparation area ................................................................................. 10

    5. FINDS .............................................................................................................................. 10

    6. ENVIRONMENTAL REMAINS ........................................................................................ 117. DISCUSSION AND PROPOSALS .................................................................................. 11

    7.1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 117.2. Structural sequence.................................................................................................. 117.3. Finds......................................................................................................................... 127.4. Environmental remains............................................................................................. 127.5. Outreach................................................................................................................... 127.6. Publication................................................................................................................ 137.7. Archive...................................................................................................................... 13

    8. BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................. 14

    APPENDIX 1: Context Summary

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    Figure 1. Site location planFigure 2. Plan of bath-house and earlier structural remains, as recorded in October



    Cover. Early building: painted plaster on wall 30

    Plate 1. Bath-house: frigidarium (cold room) / cold bath 1; plunge pool partlyexcavated to floor level (scale = 2m; view from north-east)

    Plate 2. Bath-house: Caldarium (hot room); apsidal south end partly excavated tofloor level (scale = 2m; view from north-west)

    Plate 3. Early building: detail of painted plaster on wall 30 (scale = 0.5m; view from

    east)Plate 4. Early building: wall 31 and associated post-hole 260 (scale = 0.5m; view

    from east)Plate 5. Early building: column base 34 exposed in base of Trench M (scale = 1m;

    view from north-west)Plate 6. Early building: window opening / niche in wall 32, adjacent to wall 20 of bath-

    house (scale = 0.5m; view from east)Plate 7. Promontory (arrowed) north of bath-house; site of lime / mortar preparation

    area (view from south)Plate 8. Lime / mortar preparation area Trench B1 (scale = 1m; view from east)Plate 9. Excavations in progress on lime / mortar preparation area Trench B1Plate 10. Pupils from Hardenhuish School investigate lime / mortar preparation area

    Back cover. Bath-house: frigidarium (cold room) / cold bath 1; plunge pool partlyexcavated, with remains of steps visible to rear


    Table 1. Site Archive

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    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavationand Outreach Programme


    Wessex Archaeology, with the support of Wiltshire County Council ArchaeologyService, undertook a second season of a continuing archaeological excavation andoutreach programme to provide more information about a recently discovered Romanbath-house at Truckle Hill, North Wraxall, Wiltshire, centred on Ordnance SurveyNGR 383700 176240.

    As in 2007 the success of the project has owed much to the support of the landownerand, especially, the large number of highly motivated and very competent volunteerexcavators it has attracted.

    Previous work at and in the vicinity of the Truckle Hill Roman bath-house, culminatingin the excavation of 2007, uncovered a particularly well-preserved structure, arguablyone of the best surviving rural, detached bath-houses in the country, and also one ofthe largest. Subsequent conservation work was followed by targeted excavations in

    2008 which revealed the cold bath in frigidarium / cold bath 1 to be unusually deep a plunge pool rather than a bath, with an associated flight of steps. The floor withinthe apsidal end of the caldarium was also exposed, though with no evidence for ahypocaust or hot bath surviving, and the associated furnace has not yet been found.

    The most significant and unexpected discovery in 2008 was an earlier buildingbeneath the bath-house. The high status of the building is indicated by theexceptional quality of some of the painted wall plaster, the remains of a mosaic floor,a few fragments of window glass and a probable column base. As yet, too little of thisbuilding has been exposed to ascertain its extent, layout and function, though anearly 2nd century AD date has been provisionally suggested for its construction. Itcould be a bath-house, but other possibilities might include a temple or shrine, or

    perhaps a detached summer dining room. It may have been subsidence which led toit being abandoned and demolished, and it was subsequently replaced by the bath-house, perhaps towards the end of the 2nd century AD. Large quantities of paintedwall plaster recovered down-slope to the east of the bath-house may derive from thisbuilding or its predecessor.

    The sequence of deposits investigated in 2008 on the promontory to the north of thebath-house, has been interpreted as deriving from lime / mortar preparation and, ifso, represents a rare discovery of what must have been a commonplace feature onmany villa and other sites that had substantial stone structures. Although a Romandate has yet to be confirmed it does seem most likely.

    Proposed excavations in 2009 will aim to determine the extent and layout of thenewly-discovered earlier building. There is considerable scope for well-preserved

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    remains to survive to the west and south of the bath-house, which should providefurther information about the internal decoration and dating, as well as contributing toan understanding of the function of the building. In 2010 it is hoped to investigateselected features revealed by geophysical survey on the top of Truckle Hill to providemore information about the setting of the villa as well as possibly revealing something

    of the pre-existing Iron Age landscape.

    In 2011, a post-excavation programme is proposed which will bring together theresults of the 2009-10 investigations, integrate them with the results of the 2007-8investigations, re-examine the evidence from the 19th excavations of the Truckle Hill(North Wraxall) villa, and place the whole in its context of Late Iron Age and Romano-British settlement in this part of the Wiltshire Cotswolds. It is anticipated that theresults will be published as an article in the Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural HistoryMagazine.

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    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavationand Outreach Programme


    The programme of archaeological work in 2008 was commissioned by WiltshireCounty Council, and we are most grateful to them and North Wiltshire District Councilfor providing funding for the excavation and outreach work. In this respect, thesupport of Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger (County Archaeologist, Wiltshire CountyCouncil) has been instrumental in the success of the project. Further support hasbeen provided by Wessex Archaeology through its community programme led byMargaret Bunyard. The interest and help provided by the landowner, Mr Antony Little,continues to be a major factor in the success of the project which, without hissupport, would not take place.

    Various individuals provided help during the course of the fieldwork. Particular thanksare due to Steven Hill (Dooey) and quad bike which together took all our equipmentand finds to and from the site and daily replenished our water supplies. Paul Lysleykindly allowed parking on his land for the many volunteers and visitors. Dave Sabin

    undertook metal detecting across the site and also helped with the interpretation ofvarious features, particularly the lime / mortar preparation area. Rachael SeagerSmith advised on the collection and retention of the ceramic building material, whileMel Barge (English Heritage Inspector for the region) offered guidance on theexcavation, cleaning and storage of the wall plaster, as well as highlighting itssignificance, and discussed the possibilities of future work at the site. We are gratefulto Susan Clelland and Naomi Hall for undertaking the GPS survey of our trenches.

    As in 2007, the involvement of a large number of enthusiastic and very capablevolunteers was the key factor in the success of the project, the total number reachingalmost 30 over the two and a half week duration of the excavation. They includedmembers of local groups, university students, museum volunteers, staff from

    Wiltshire County Council, English Heritage and Wessex Archaeology or ex-WessexArchaeology staff, and individuals - some local, some from further afield - who weresimply keen to be involved with the project. Paul Hadley, Jayne OConnell and CliveGreen were ever-present and their skill and experience was much appreciated, whileMary-Jane Harding sorted and cleaned all the painted wall plaster. However, allthose who took part are greatly thanked for their help.

    The fieldwork was directed by Phil Andrews with the assistance Darren Baker. Theproject was managed for Wessex Archaeology by Margaret Bunyard, who also co-ordinated the team of volunteers and the participation of pupils from HardenhuishSchool. We are especially grateful to Cally Longhurst and Cat McHarg for organisingthe Young Archaeologists Club visit and activities.

    This report was compiled by Phil Andrews, with graphics by Rob Goller.

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    Interim Report on the 2008 Archaeological Excavationand Outreach Programme


    1.1 General

    1.1.1 Wessex Archaeology, with the support of Wiltshire County Council

    Archaeology Service (WCAS), undertook a second season of the continuingarchaeological excavation and outreach programme to provide moreinformation about a newly-discovered Roman bath-house at Truckle Hill,North Wraxall, Wiltshire, centred on Ordnance Survey NGR 383700 176240(Figure 1).

    1.1.2 The Truckle Hill Roman bath-house lies at a height ofc. 84m aOD on thewest side of a narrow, steep-sided valley within the parish of North Wraxall inNorth Wiltshire. It sits within the Wiltshire Cotswolds in a landscape rich inRomano-British archaeology the Fosse Way Roman Road lies 1.5 km tothe west as does the major shrine site at Nettleton Shrub. The bath-house isonly some 150m away from the Truckle Hill (North Wraxall) Roman Villa, a

    substantial villa and probable farm estate centre, partly excavated by G.Poulet-Scrope in 1859-60 (Scheduled Monument W878; WAM1862; Scott1993, 205), which occupies a relatively flat, hilltop position. Further detailsrelating to the setting and discovery of the bath-house can be found in thepublication of the 2007 work on the site (Andrews 2009).

    1.2 Previous work at the site

    1.2.1 Following the partial exposure of the Roman bath-house in 2004 during small-scale stone quarrying activity by the landowner, a rapid recording exercisewas undertaken by Wessex Archaeology (WA 2005). Subsequently, a rapid

    walkover survey was carried out by the English Heritage (EH) ArchaeologicalSurvey & Investigation team of the narrow valley containing the site. The EHGeophysics Team undertook an earth resistance survey of the immediatevicinity of the bath-house which produced clear results suggesting thepresence of at least one further building and a complex of otherarchaeological features (Linford and Payne 2005). Initial conclusions of thispreliminary work were that the entire head of the valley may have formed amanaged landscape in Roman times, potentially of similar nature to thenearby site at Nettleton and probably attached to the Truckle Hill villa estate.

    1.2.2 The steep topography of the valley side upon which the bath-house wasconstructed has posed a difficult conservation problem since the time of the

    buildings discovery. Direct vehicle access to the site, especially for onecarrying fill material, is virtually impossible. Unfortunately, co-ordinated

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    attempts to adequately protect the exposed remains through the wintermonths of 2004-6 were not successful, and deterioration of the siteaccelerated at an alarming pace.

    1.2.3 Following a site visit in May 2007 it was felt that that the maximum effortshould go immediately into the urgent preservation by record of the mostvulnerable parts of the bath-house. To achieve this aim a partnership project(WCAS, EH and WA) was proposed which would provide the resources andpeople to undertake controlled excavation of the site and maximise theopportunities thus afforded.

    1.2.4 Excavations in September-October 2007 (Andrews 2009) uncovered thecomplete suite of rooms, of two phases, with initial construction probablytaking place during the 2nd century AD, perhaps in the second half of thatcentury. The use of the bath-house continued until the end of the 3 rd or, morelikely, the 4th century AD. There is a possibility that the new, phase 2frigidarium / cold bath remained unfinished at the time the bath-house ceased

    operation. The chronological relationship to the bath suite in the Truckle Hillvilla excavated in the mid-19th century is uncertain, but it is suggested that thetwo co-existed, although the use of the latter may have superseded thedetached bath-house which was subsequently abandoned.

    1.2.5 A surprisingly small assemblage of finds, particularly metalwork (excludingnails), was present. However, the small quantity of decorative materialrecovered in 2007 (painted wall plaster and window glass) indicated that thebath-house was relatively sumptuously appointed, though it had beenextensively robbed of re-usable materials, probably soon after it wasabandoned. The quality of the decoration, as well as the large size of thebath-house, suggested that it may have been used by the occupants and

    visitors to the villa rather than being a separate bath-house for estateworkers.

    1.2.6 Like some other detached bath-houses, it was subsequently used foragricultural purposes, perhaps as a barn, and a corn-drying kiln wasconstructed within part of the shell of the abandoned building, probably in the4th century AD. Samples from deposits associated with this activity wereexceptionally rich in cereal remains, comprising predominately glumes andspikelet forks of spelt wheat. These are highly indicative of mass de-huskingon a scale probably far exceeding the needs of the nearby villas inhabitants.The most likely reason for this is that pure, cleaned grain was being producedto supply military needs and towns, for example Bath which lay less than 15

    kilometres to the south-west along the Fosse Way.

    1.2.7 There is convincing evidence that parts of the bath-house were excavated inthe 19th century with G. Poulet-Scrope, excavator of the nearby villa,remaining the most likely candidate for this work. There is also a possibilitythat the exposed bath-house structure was consolidated and retained as alandscape feature at that time.

    1.2.8 Following completion of work in 2007, the archaeological trenches werebackfilled and fill material generated from the excavation was strategicallyplaced (over Teram) to protect the vulnerable and exposed structuralelements that could not be preserved by consolidation. Over the winter of2007-8 the more robust of the exposed bath-house walls were packed and re-pointed with lime mortar and the wall heads soft capped with turf by

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    specialist contractors to aid their long-term preservation, this conservationwork being funded locally by WCAS via the Monument Management Scheme.

    1.2.9 Subsequently, the villa and adjacent hilltop area were subject to geophysicalsurvey which has pinpointed the location and confirmed the orientation of thevilla complex as well as recording a variety of other features, some likely to beof Iron Age date. Furthermore, LiDAR data indicates the presence of a roadapproaching the north side of the villa through what is now dense woodland(Archaeological Surveys Ltd 2008).

    1.3 Outreach

    1.3.1 The landowner, Antony Little, is very interested in the history of his site andfavourably disposed to further investigation. He has generously agreed tocordon off the area of the Roman bath-house and make it and thesurrounding part of the valley available for investigation over severalseasons.

    1.3.2 Not only is the site of intrinsic interest and worthy of research, but its positionand state of preservation make it an ideal candidate for communityinvolvement and outreach, extending the benefits of archaeology to a wideraudience. It is not often that there is such a good opportunity to involvemembers of the local community in a significant archaeological investigation.

    1.3.3 Education and outreach were therefore considered as central to this project,and not as an additional feature. The involvement of local community groupswas planned into each relevant phase of the work.

    1.3.4 Furthermore, the involvement of volunteers and students has allowed a

    greater level of investigation to take place than would otherwise have beenpossible within the constraints of the budgets in 2007 and 2008.


    2.1 The principal aims of the 2008 archaeological excavation were to:

    further examine the cold bath in frigidarium / cold bath 1 to establishits depth, the survival of any lining and the drain arrangements;

    establish the presence or otherwise of a hot bath at the apsidal(south) end of the caldarium;

    excavate an area further to the rear (west) of the bath-house toexpose more of the construction terrace and locate the furnace(s);

    excavate an area / trench to the front (east) of the bath-house tolocate any surviving surface(s) and, further down the terrace slope,to recover a representative assemblage of robbed and discardedbuilding materials;

    excavate a trench across the top of a small promontory at the northend of the valley where geophysical survey indicated further, buriedbuilding remains;

    2.2 An integral part of this project was the outreach programme, the aim of which

    was to enable members of the public, local societies and students to takepart in the process and delivery of a worthwhile project. The objective was to

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    encourage community and outreach activities and provide training in fieldsurvey and excavation techniques.

    2.3 A further objective was to provide archaeological data of sufficient quality toinform the designation of the site, in combination with other research data.This will also increase understanding of the archaeological resourcerepresented on the site and inform revision and further focusing of thelonger-term research project.


    3.1 No specific method statement was prepared for the 2008 excavation, but thatcontained in the Project Design for the 2007 excavation (WA 2007) was alsoused for the 2008 works, including finds collection and environmentalsampling strategies. As in 2007, all trenches were hand-excavated and,

    following conclusion of the 2008 programme, all trenches were backfilled,with care taken to use the appropriate material to cover exposed areas ofpainted wall plaster.


    4.1 Introduction

    4.1.1 The excavation was undertaken over a two-and-a-half week period at theend of September and the beginning of October 2008. The exceptionalvolunteer response resulted in an average daily workforce of 10 people,

    enabling all the aims of the excavation to be addressed. Thirteen trencheswere excavated, designated Trenches A M (Figures 1 and 2).

    4.1.2 Prior to excavation it was assumed that the results would relate to the bath-house or (at the time) undefined features / activity on the promontory at thenorth end of the valley. However, during the course of the bath-houseexcavation it became clear that this occupied the site of an earlier buildingand, therefore, the discoveries relating to this are described separatelybelow.

    4.2 The bath-house (Figure 2)

    Frigidarium (cold room) / cold bath 1 (Trench D; Figure 2 and Plate 1)

    4.2.1 This lay on the east side of the apodyterium (changing room), north of theentrance corridor, and extended almost as far as the eastern edge of the cut-and-fill terrace which the bath-house occupied.

    4.2.2 The frigidarium / cold bath 1 was exposed during excavation in 2007 andshown to be divided internally by wall 13 which separated the upper, westernpart from the lower, eastern part occupied by the apsidal-ended cold bath.The cold bath was subject to relatively limited investigation in 2007, but thisrevealed it to have a substantial, square east end (wall 18). The relatively

    massive nature of this structure was necessary not only to hold the weight ofthe water in the bath, but also to provide a substantial foundation in the

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    made-ground at the front of the terrace on the steeply sloping valley side.The bath itself was semi-circular with an apsidal east end, with maximumdimensions of 4.5m by 2.25m, the roof probably vaulted and with a half-dome at this end.

    4.2.3 Further excavation in 2008 revealed the base of the cold bath or, perhapsmore correctly, plunge pool at 81.80m aOD, approximately 1.7m below thesurviving wall tops. Also exposed were the remains of four or possibly fivesteps in the south-west corner of the plunge pool, built into the upper part ofcross-wall 13, which here was 0.80m wide (see back cover). Only thesouthern half of the plunge pool was investigated and so the northern extentof the steps was not revealed, but small-scale exploratory work in 2007showed that they did not continue the full length of wall 13. The steps hadbeen robbed of any ashlar or covering material and only the rubble coresurvived, but this indicated steps each between 0.1 and 0.15m high; no floorsurface survived in the upper, western part of the frigidarium. The bottomstep was approximately 1.3m above the base of the plunge pool which

    comprised a 40mm-thick layer of opus signinum directly overlying clayeyterrace-fill material.

    4.2.4 There was no surviving lining on the exposed walls of the plunge pool,although opus signinum appears to have been used to seal the walls, assome was present in joints between the stones and also in the backfill of theplunge pool. The extent and nature of this mortar both here and in the baseof the pool, where it survived discontinuously, indicates extensive robbingafter the structure went out of use. No evidence for a drain was found, butthis was almost certainly located in the east side of the plunge pool andbelow the level of excavation in this area. There was, however, what mayhave been the blocking of a water inlet towards the base, near the southern

    end of wall 13, represented by a small, irregular patch of tile fragments withtheir edges exposed. Alternatively, this blocking might simply indicate anarea of repair.

    4.2.5 The plunge pool was filled with a sequence of deposits (249, 250, 251, 252,253, 270, 271) largely resulting from the robbing and possible demolition offrigidarium / cold bath 1. Layer 270, 0.45m thick, was particularly noteworthyas it comprised almost entirely square- or rectangular-section cut / sawn tufablocks (typically between 360 x 150 x 60mm and 300 x 160 x 80mm)representing collapsed roof structure. Layer 252 was a continuation of thepreviously recorded (and analysed) crop-drying deposit, almost certainlyderiving from the post-bath-house crop-dryer built into the entrance corridor,

    and above this was a layer of Pennant roof tiles, some complete or nearcomplete. A moderate quantity of box flue tile fragments was also recovered,and the upper fill of the plunge pool comprised a substantial deposit of stonerubble and mortar (layers 249 and 250).

    4.2.6 It has been suggested that frigidarium / cold bath 1 was abandoned as aresult of subsidence, perhaps towards the end of the 3 rd century, andreplaced by cold bath 2 which was built on the north side of the bath-house.Some evidence for subsidence was apparent on the outer face of the northwall (9) which was very ragged, and it could be seen in several places thatparts of this wall had broken away. Internally, several cracks were present inthe wall and a number of loose stones reflect the structures poor conditionand instability.

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    Caldarium (hot room) (Trench C; Figure 2 and Plate 2)

    4.2.7 This occupied the south-west corner of the bath-house, the apodyteriumlying to the north and the tepidarium to the east. Extensive investigation in2007 revealed the entire plan, and a section was excavated through the infilldeposits at the northern end. The excavation at the north end, adjacent towall 15, revealed a 1.3m-deep sequence of demolition / collapse depositsoverlying a 0.18m thick charcoal-rich deposit. The underlying depositcomprised mortary material, probable construction debris, but only a verysmall area was exposed and this was not further investigated in 2007. As inthe tepidarium no remains of a hypocaust were found.

    4.2.8 Excavations in 2008 investigated the western half of the apsidal south end ofthe caldarium, with the specific aims of establishing the floor level and thepresence (or absence) of a hot bath within this part of the room. No evidencefor a hot bath was identified, nor any traces of a hypocaust. However, amortar surface (281) 20-30mmm thick was exposed at 83.90m aOD,

    approximately 1.7m below the surviving wall tops. This was constructed overa rubble foundation (282), similar to that recorded elsewhere within theinterior of the bath-house.

    4.2.9 At approximately 1.15m above mortar surface 281 were two possible putlogholes in the inner face of apsidal wall 19. These were 1.3m apart, 0.2mdeep, 0.2m high, with that to the south 0.2m wide and that to the west only0.12m wide. The arrangement suggests a matching pair may be present inthe eastern, unexposed half of apsidal wall 19, and perhaps these holes heldjoists that supported a floor. Two other possible putlog holes were recordedat a similar height in 2007 in the north-west corner of the caldarium (in walls15 and 16), and it may be significant that no other internal examples have

    been recorded elsewhere within the bath-house.

    4.2.10 Excavation in 2008 also showed that the springer on the west wall - for whatwas presumably an arched opening between the apsidal end and thenorthern part of the caldarium - was slightly skewed to the wall alignment.However, the struck pointing here and on the inner face of the apsidal walldemonstrated a high standard of finish, quite different to the rough finish infrigidarium / cold bath 1 which appears to have been robbed of its facing ofopus signinum or other material (see above). The caldarium was filled with asequence of robbing and demolition / collapse deposits (212, 213, 214, 280)that overlay mortar surface 281. Layer 214 differed from the others in that itcomprised a discontinuous burnt deposit; this visually did not resemble the

    spreads of crop drying debris found elsewhere, and it probably equates withthe charcoal-rich deposit recorded within the north end of the caldarium in2007.

    External features and deposits (Figure 2)

    4.2.11 Several small-scale investigations were undertaken around the exterior ofthe bath-house in 2008 in order to establish the presence and nature of anyexternal surfaces and features.

    4.2.12 It is almost certain that the area immediately east of the entrance corridor

    and the tepidarium would have been surfaced, probably paved, perhaps withsteps leading up to the entrance. There was no surviving evidence for anypaving, but remnants of two successive mortar surfaces (276, 277), possibly

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    the foundations for paving, were found (in Trench E) within the angle at thesouth-east corner of the tepidarium at a height of approximately 84.30maOD.

    4.2.13 To the rear (west) of the bath-house five investigations were undertaken(Trenches A, I, J, K and L), where the primary aim was to locate the bath-house furnace(s), as well as expose part of the terrace. Discoveries made inthree trenches (A, I and L) are relevant here. The most significantobservation in terms of the bath-house is that no furnace was present in thisarea, which was its anticipated location. This finding was further confirmedby the absence of any flue opening along either the inner face of the westwall (16) or the western half of the apsidal south wall (19) of the caldarium(this is discussed further below).

    4.2.14 The rear of the terrace appeared to be defined (in Trench A) by a wall (30)which was subsequently shown to be part of a pre bath-house building(see below). This wall would have acted as a revetment and left a gap of just

    over 3m at the rear of bath-house here, just less than half that predicted onthe basis of the 2007 excavation. However, it now seems certain that theentire terrace was created for the construction of the earlier building ratherthan the bath-house, and the latter would have been simply fitted into theavailable space following the demolition of the earlier building.

    4.2.15 There was no surviving paving or mortar surface on the base of the terracebehind the bath-house in Trench A, as was found to the north in the 2007excavation (layer 114, a rough mortar surface, west of the apodyterium).West of the caldarium post - bath-house crop drying debris (211) directlyoverlay rubble make-up layer 263 (also found to the north in the 2007excavation) at 84.25m aOD. This debris was approximately 0.1m thick in

    Trench A, 0.4m thick in Trench L to the north, but petered out to the south,not extending as far as Trench I. It was also recorded further to the north,adjacent to the apodyterium, in 2007, where subsequent analysis showed itto be exceptionally rich in charred cereal remains, though it may notnecessarily have derived from the crop dryer constructed within the bath-house entrance corridor.

    4.2.16 Above crop drying debris 211 was a remarkably homogeneous layer of whatis best described as oolitic sand (209), up to 0.75m thick and containinglenses of Pennant rooftile fragments but few other inclusions. It is hoped toestablish the source / nature of this material through further analysis of amonolith sample, but it clearly post-dated the use of the bath-house and the

    subsequent crop drying activity. Overlying deposit 209 in Trench A werelayers 208 and 279 representing demolition / collapse and slope-washdeposits respectively, sealed by topsoil (207). The sequence was broadlysimilar in Trenches I and L, though the former had a greater thickness ofoolitic sand than the latter and a correspondingly shallower thickness ofdemolition / collapse / slopewash deposits. The deposits in Trenches A, Iand L were undisturbed, and there was no evidence for probable antiquarianinvestigation as was recorded to the north behind the bath-house in 2007.

    4.2.17 Three small investigations (1m test-pits, approximately 10m apart) wereundertaken on the steeply sloping terrace side between 10m and 30m eastof the tepidarium. Previous very limited work had indicated the presence notonly of ceramic building material, but also wall plaster (some of it painted)and window glass (one sherd), thought likely to derive from the robbing of

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    the bath-house, probably in the late 3rd or 4th century. The 2008 excavationconfirmed the presence of significant quantities of structural debris,particularly wall plaster, on this slope, at least 0.9m thick in Trench F at thetop of the slope, 0.7m thick in Trench G, and 0.2m thick lower down inTrench H. There was some evidence (in Trench G) that the slope had beenterraced in places when created, but there was no indication within the verylimited areas exposed that it had been revetted. It is currently thought thatmuch if not all of the structural debris may derive from the robbing anddemolition of the building preceding the bath-house, rather than the bath-house itself as previously believed.

    4.3 Pre - bath-house building (Figure 2)

    4.3.1 During the course of investigations immediately to the south and west of thebath-house elements of an earlier structure were revealed. This was anunexpected discovery and, at present, the extent, layout and function of thisbuilding remain unknown, but its rich decoration indicates high status. An

    early 2nd

    century AD date is suggested on the basis of the small quantity ofpottery and style of wall painting, but the evidence at present is tenuous. Itwent out of use and was demolished prior to the bath-house beingconstructed, probably in the second half of the 2nd century AD.

    West of the bath-house

    4.3.2 The most substantial remains were in Trench A to the west of the bath-house where a 2m length of wall 30 was uncovered. Initially this was thoughtto be a revetment at the rear of the terrace behind the bath-house, but thepresence of wall plaster on the east face indicated that this was not the case.Wall 30 survived to a height of 1.15m, was at least 0.3m wide and, from what

    little could be seen, was built of limestone rubble. A thin layer of opussigninum (265) on the east face formed the base for the initial layer of plaster(266) which was painted pink, with irregular splashes of dark red paint. Onlythe upper part of wall plaster 266 was visible, with the remainder obscuredby the second (and final) layer of wall plaster (267). The earlier layer, inrelatively poor condition, had been pecked all over to provide keying for thesecond layer which was notable for the quality of the painting and thepolished finish of the plaster (Plate 3 and front cover).

    4.3.3 Although only a 1m width of the wall face was exposed this was sufficient toshow several details of the decorative scheme of wall plaster 267, thecolouring imitating various marbles. Along the bottom was a 0.2m high dado(or perhaps the dado baseboard) painted pink with red and black speckling,separated by a black line from a bright orange-yellow mottled and streakedfield at least 0.45m high. Within this field were the corners of two panels ofmottled buff colour with red speckling, the panels defined by black borders. At the base of the dado was one, in places two rows of small pale redtesserae (269) laid on a base of opus signinum (268), undoubtedly theremains of the border of a mosaic floor, the rest presumably removed afterthe building was abandoned and before the bath-house was built. In thisarea at least, the bath-house foundations were deeper than the floor level (atc. 84m aOD) of the earlier building and thus had destroyed any associateddeposits. The remains of the mosaic were sealed by collapsed wall material

    including some wall plaster (210); fragments of wall plaster in this depositwere recorded in two dimensions in order to reconstruct, if possible, details

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    of the decorative scheme on the upper part of the wall which had notsurvived in situ.

    4.3.4 At present it is unknown whether wall 30 was the rear (west) wall of theearlier building and, if so, if it was free-standing with space between it andthe back of the terrace or was built into the slope and acted as a revetment,or whether one or more rooms lay to the west and have subsequently beencompletely buried by hillwash. Further investigation is required to resolvethis.

    4.3.5 Trench J, 1.8m to the south of Trench A, revealed wall 31, almost certainly acontinuation of wall 30, sealed by collapse / demolition deposits containingsome wall plaster (259), slopewash (258) and topsoil / subsoil (257). Onlythe upper part of the east side of wall 31 and surviving in situplaster wasrevealed in order not to expose more wall plaster than was necessary, whichhere was painted cream and appeared to be plain (Plate 4). Of particularinterest was the evidence for a possible opening or doorway in wall 31,

    defined to the north by stone-packed post-hole 260 built into the wall (thesouth side of the postulated opening lay beyond the limit of excavation), withthe plaster appearing to lap up against the edge of the now-missing post. Atimber-framed doorway would seem a little unusual in a building of thisnature and clearly further excavation is needed to clarify this.

    4.3.6 Trench K, a 1m test-pit 2.25m to the north of wall 30, showed that the walldid not continue this far. However, on the same alignment was whatappeared to be a column base (34), assumed at present to be associatedwith the earlier building rather than the bath-house (Plate 5). Only the upperpart of the column base was exposed, at a depth of 1.1m (at c. 84.35maOD), and though heavily frost shattered it was at least 0.6m square

    (extending beyond the edges of the trench to the north and east), its preciseform uncertain. It was sealed by a series of slopewash deposits (233, 234,274) and topsoil (232).

    South of the bath-house

    4.3.7 Trench M, immediately to the south of the tepidarium, was excavated todetermine the survival of any external bath-house surfaces in this area. Nonewas found, but adjacent and almost parallel to the bath-house wall (20) wasan earlier wall (32) which extended for the full 2.8m length of the trench andcontinued beyond this to the east and west (Plate 6). Wall 32, lay atapproximately 90 to walls 30 and 31 in Trenches A and K, was 0.6m wide

    and, although only the top was exposed, it was well-constructed of facedlimestone with a rubble and mortar core. On the inner face was what waseither a window opening or niche, or possibly a window opening converted toa niche, 1.1m wide, with a 0.25m deep splayed opening formed by finely-cutashlars. This had been covered by plaster, painted cream but with no otherdecoration visible. Though not further excavated, there was a substantialquantity of similar plaster visible on the inside which had fallen off the wallface and subsequently been cut through by the construction of the bath-house. The top of wall 32 lay at between 84.00m and 84.40m aOD and itseems almost certain, therefore, that the associated floor level (not exposed)must be lower than that of the mosaic (at 84.00m aOD) in Trench A.

    4.3.8 Trench N, 1.25m to the east of Trench M, did not reveal a continuation ofwall 32 and it is likely, therefore, that this wall returns to the north between

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    the two trenches. There is a possibility, however, that it has sufferedsubsidence and collapse closer to the front edge of the terrace, and it wasobserved that the eastern part of the wall in Trench M was in much poorercondition than the western part, almost certainly a result of subsidence. Asubstantial mass of apparently in situ mortared masonry (33) occupyingmuch of Trench N and extending to the north, south and east does notappear to be part of a wall, and may be some form of foundation orconsolidation deposit associated with either the bath-house or, and perhapsmore likely, the earlier building.

    4.4 Lime / mortar preparation area (Figure 1)

    4.4.1 Trenches B1 (5.5m x 1m), B3 (4m x 1m) and B2 and B4 (both 1m x 1m)were excavated on the top of a pronounced promontory on the west side ofthe valley approximately 100m north of the bath-house (Plate 7). Earliergeophysical work had indicated the presence of possible structural remainshere (Linford and Payne 2005), and visual inspection indicated what

    appeared to be a small, heavily overgrown quarry immediately to the west,dug into the valley side and partially backfilled with fairly modern debrisincluding concrete and ironwork. Although a Roman date was consideredpossible, a medieval or post-medieval date could not be ruled out.

    4.4.2 The excavated remains have been interpreted as a quarry and associatedlime slaking / mortar preparation area of probable Roman date, although nodefinitive dating evidence was recovered.

    4.4.3 All the trenches revealed similar sequences comprising limestone fragments(generally less than 0.2m in size), charcoal-rich layers and mortar surfaces,the latter probably naturally formed rather than deliberately laid, all sloping

    very gently to the west (Plate 8). The slope of these deposits gave theimpression of filling a shallow semi-circular basin, estimated to be between20m and 25m long and approximately 10m wide, the edge perhapssurrounded by a low, dry-stone wall or bank comprising larger stones (227)which was revealed in Trench B1. Only the upper metre or so of what islikely to be a fairly deep sequence was investigated, but the deposits havebeen provisionally interpreted as being associated with a lime-slaking pit orbasin. Here, the lime would have been soaked in a shallow pool of water(perhaps tapped from the nearby stream or an adjacent spring) and allowedto settle prior to being removed, dried and then used in the production ofmortar or plaster. The adjacent quarry would have been the source of thelimestone which was then burnt in a kiln to produce lime (the charcoal-richlayers may represent burnt fuel), the lime kiln(s) presumably located nearby.The size of the promontory and, therefore, the likely substantial depth ofdeposits suggest activity over possibly a prolonged length of time.

    5 FINDS

    5.1 The finds recovered during 2008 have yet to be fully processed andrecorded but virtually all are of Roman date. Preliminary assessmentindicates there to be a very small quantity of pottery and a few iron objects.

    There is also a moderate quantity of ceramic building material (mostly boxflue tile), several pieces of stone (including tufa blocks from frigidarium / coldbath 1), a few fragments of window glass, and mortar samples from the lime

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    / mortar preparation area. By far the largest category of material is paintedwall plaster, much of it decorated, the painted surfaces of which have beengently washed and the material laid out to dry in trays.


    6.1 Eight bulk samples were taken in 2008 but have not yet been processed. Fivecome from a variety of deposits associated with the bath-house and threefrom charcoal-rich deposits in the lime / mortar preparation area. Most ofthose from the bath-house are likely represent crop drying debris derivingfrom the later Roman use of the building, while the charcoal-rich samplesfrom Trench B1 are perhaps derived from fuel associated with lime burning.There is also one monolith from the oolitic sand (layer 209 in Trench A).


    7.1 Introduction

    7.1.1 It was originally envisaged that 2008 would be the last season of excavationon the bath-house. However, the discovery of an earlier building beneath ithas resulted in a revision to the proposed programme of work. It is nowanticipated that a further season of excavation will be undertaken in 2009 toinvestigate the earlier building, followed in 2010 by investigation of selectedfeatures revealed by geophysical survey on the top of Truckle Hill, to the northand west of the villa site. It is hoped that the proposed 2010 excavation willprovide more information about the setting of the villa as well as possiblyrevealing something of the pre-existing Iron Age landscape.

    7.2 Structural sequence

    7.2.1 There is probably little more to learn through further excavation of the bath-house, although the failure to find a furnace remains perplexing; it may havebeen accommodated within, rather than outside the bath-house, but thisseems unlikely and no evidence has been found to suggest that this was thecase. The base of the cold bath in frigidarium / cold bath 1 was revealed in2008 and shown to be unexpectedly deep a plunge pool rather than a bath,and the remains of a flight of steps into the pool was also exposed. The floorwithin the apsidal end of the caldarium was uncovered, though with noevidence for a hypocaust or hot bath surviving.

    7.2.2 The discovery of an earlier building beneath the bath-house was unexpectedas no evidence for this was found in 2007. The high status of the building isindicated by the exceptional quality of some of the painted wall plaster (Daveyand Ling 1982, 46), the remains of a mosaic floor, a few fragments of windowglass, a probable column base, as well as other details of the architecture. Asyet, too little of this building has been exposed to ascertain its extent, layoutand function, though an early 2nd century AD date has been provisionallysuggested for its construction. It could be a bath-house, but other possibilitiesmight include a temple or shrine, or perhaps a detached summer dining room.It may have been subsidence which led to it being abandoned anddemolished, and it was subsequently replaced by the bath-house, perhapstowards the end of the 2nd century AD. It is now thought more likely that muchif not all of the painted plaster recovered from the trenches on the slope below

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    the terrace derives from this earlier building rather than the bath-house,although during fieldwork it was noted that none of this material, with theexception of the plain cream-coloured pieces, matched that found in situ.

    7.2.3 Proposed excavations in 2009 should aim to determine the extent and layoutof the earlier building. There is considerable scope for well-preserved remainsto survive to the west and on the continuation of the terrace to the south of thebath-house. Targeted excavation in these areas will also provide furtherinformation about the internal decoration and dating, as well as contributing toan understanding of the function of the building.

    7.2.4 The sequence of deposits on the promontory to the north of the bath-househas been interpreted as deriving from lime / mortar preparation and, if so,represents a rare discovery of what must have been a commonplace featureon many villa and other sites that had substantial stone structures (Davey andLing 1982, 52-3; http://www.eng-h.gov.uk/mpp/mcd/sub/kiln3.htm). Although aRoman date has yet to be confirmed it does seem most likely. The

    pronounced magnetic response obtained during the earlier geophysicalsurvey can now be attributed to the quantity of burnt debris present ratherthan structural remains (ie a building) as was previously suggested. No furtherexcavation is currently proposed in this area but comparison of mortarsrecovered from the sequence of deposits here with those in the bath-houseand earlier building may demonstrate a link, and one or more radiocarbondates should be obtained to confirm whether or not the sequence is indeedRoman and, if so, to when in the Roman period the upper deposits whichhave been investigated belong.

    7.3 Finds

    7.3.1 The wall plaster has been cleaned and dried, but the other finds are still to beprocessed. It is envisaged that the remaining processing and recording will beundertaken within the next six months. Subsequent assessment and analysiswill be integrated into the post-excavation programme following the proposedtwo further seasons of fieldwork in 2009 - 10. External specialist input is likelyto be required to contribute to the publication of the important assemblage ofpainted wall plaster.

    7.4 Environmental remains

    7.4.1 The eight bulk samples have yet to be processed, but it is envisaged that thiswill be undertaken within the next six months. The charred plant remains and

    charcoal assemblages will be rapidly assessed to determine whether they arelikely to represent crop drying debris, fuel from heating the bath-house or fromthe lime burning activity, or are from some other source. The monolith will bedescribed and the material (oolitic sand) characterised. Any subsequentanalysis of the samples will be integrated into the post-excavation programmefollowing the proposed two further seasons of fieldwork in 2009 - 10.

    7.5 Outreach

    7.5.1 Following the success of the outreach programme in 2007 and 2008 (Plates9 and 10), which resulted in all of the excavation aims being achieved and inmany cases exceeded, it is clear that work during further seasons may beundertaken on the same basis, involving volunteers drawn from a variety ofsources.

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    7.5.2 The community nature of this project also provides an ideal opportunity toexamine and record any surviving artefacts in museum collections (egDevizes Museum) from the Truckle Hill villa, presumed to be the parent site ofthe bath-house and earlier building. This may provide evidence forconnections between these two sites, refining the chronology, sequence ofdevelopment and range / nature of the activities at both sites. With a smallteam of volunteers, recording to assessment level could be rapidly achievedwith minimum specialist input, and the results included in the final publication.

    7.6 Publication

    7.6.1 In 2011, a post-excavation programme is proposed which will bring togetherthe results of the 2009-10 investigations, integrate them with the results ofthe 2007-8 investigations, re-examine the evidence from the 19th excavationsof the Truckle Hill (North Wraxall) villa, and place the whole in its context ofLate Iron Age and Romano-British settlement in this part of the Wiltshire

    Cotswolds. It is anticipated that the results will be more than sufficient to justify publication of a short (approximately 30 pages) article in the county journal. It is also anticipated that the results will be disseminated via morepopular publications, both printed and web-based.

    7.7 Archive

    7.7.1 The complete site archive (Table 1) from the 2008 excavation, which willinclude paper and digital records, photographic records, graphics, artefactsand ecofacts, will be prepared following the standard conditions for theacceptance of excavated archaeological material by Devizes Museum, and ingeneral following nationally recommended guidelines (SMA 1993; Museums

    and Galleries Commission 1994). It will eventually form part of theconsolidated archive for the entire Truckle Hill project which will be depositedat either Devizes Museum or Chippenham Museum.

    Table 1. Site Archive

    WA Project Code File No. Details No. of sheets Format

    58521 1 Index to archive 1 A4

    58521 1 Copy of interimreport

    22 A4

    58521 1 Context index 4 A4

    58521 1 Day book 4 A4

    58521 1 Graphics register 1 A458521 1 Sample index 1 A4

    58521 1 Photo registers 8 A4

    58521 1 Survey records 7 A4

    58521 1 Context sheets 88 A4

    58521 1 Context findsrecords

    XX A4

    58521 Roll of drawings Graphics 4 A1

    58521 1 Graphics 4 A3

    58521 1 Graphics 6 A4

    58521 1 Sample records 9 A4

    58521 - B & W negs andcontact sheets

    Approx 100 /3 sheets


    58521 - Digital photographs Approx 150 CD

    58521 - Finds boxes - X boxes

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    7.7.2 The site archive from the 2008 excavation is currently held at the offices ofWessex Archaeology under the reference number 58522.


    Andrews, P., 2009 The discovery, excavation and preservation of a detachedRoman bath-house at Truckle Hill, North Wraxall, Wilts. Archaeol. Nat. Hist.Mag., 102, xx-xx

    Archaeological Surveys Ltd 2008 Truckle Hill Roman Villa, North Wraxall, Wiltshire:Magnetometry and Earth Resistance Survey, unpublished report 226

    Davey, N. and Ling, R., 1982 Wall-Painting in Roman Britain, Britannia Monograph 3

    Linford, P. and Payne, A., 2005 Truckle Hill Roman Building, North Wraxall,

    Wiltshire: Report on geophysical survey, English Heritage

    Museums and Galleries Commission 1994 Standards in the museum care of

    archaeological collections, London, Museums and Galleries Commission

    Scott, E., 1994 A Gazetteer of Roman Villas in Britain, Leicester Univ. Archaeol.

    Monog. 1

    Society of Museum Archaeologists [SMA] 1993 Selection, Retention and Dispersalof Archaeological Collections: guidelines for use in England, Wales andNorthern Ireland

    WAM [Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Magazine] 1862, 7, 59-74

    Wessex Archaeology 2005 Truckle Hill Roman Building, North Wraxall, Wiltshire:

    Rapid Building Recording, unpublished report 58520.01

    Wessex Archaeology 2007 [August] Truckle Hill Roman Building, North Wraxall,

    Wiltshire: Project design for an Archaeological Research and Outreach

    Programme (ref. T10098.003)

    http://www.eng-h.gov.uk/mpp/mcd/sub/kiln3.htm[accessed 8/10/08]

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    APPENDIX 1: Context Summary

    Context Description Interpretation (Trench)

    30 Wall Early building north-south wall with painted plaster (A)

    31 Wall Early building north-south wall with painted plaster (J)

    32 Wall Early building east-west wall with painted plaster (M)33 Masonry Buttress / foundation? (N)

    34 Column base Early building portico? (K)

    200 Layer Topsoil (B1)

    201 Layer Rubble (B1)

    202 Layer Burnt layer (B1)

    203 Layer Burnt layer (B1)

    204 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    205 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    206 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    207 Layer Topsoil / subsoil (A)208 Layer Collapse deposit (A)

    209 Layer Oolitic sand deposit (A)

    210 Layer Collapse deposit, adjacent to wall 30 (A)

    211 Layer Burnt dump crop drying debris (A)

    212 Layer Rubble fill in hot room (C)

    213 Layer Rubble fill in hot room (C)

    214 Layer Burnt layer in hot room (C)

    215 Layer Tumble (I)

    216 Layer Dump/demolition deposits (F)

    217 Layer Dump/demolition deposits (G)

    218 Layer Dump/demolition deposits (H)

    219Layer Rubble layer (B3)

    220 Layer Mortar layer (B3)

    221 Layer Mortar layer (B3)

    222 Layer Mortar layer (B3)

    223 Layer Rubble layer (B2)

    224 Layer Mortar layer (B2)

    225 Layer Slumped layer (B2)

    226 Layer Burnt layer (B1)

    227 Layer Rubble deposit collapsed / revetment (B1)

    228 Layer Rubble layer (B4)

    229 Layer Mortar layer (B4)

    230 Layer Rubble layer (B4)

    231 Layer Oolitic sand deposit (I)

    232 Layer Topsoil (K)233 Layer Subsoil / colluvium (K)

    234 Layer Colluvium / slopewash (K)

    235 Layer Redeposited colluvium ? (K)

    236 Layer Burnt, charcoal-rich layer (B1)

    237 Layer Soil layer (B1)

    238 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    239 Layer Soil layer (B1)

    240 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    241 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    242 Layer Rubble layer (B1)

    243 Layer ? Burnt layer (B1)

    244 Layer Mortar layer (B1)245 Layer Burnt layer (B1)

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    Context Description Interpretation (Trench)

    246 Layer Burnt layer (B1)

    247 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    248 Layer Mortar layer (B1)

    249 Layer Rubble in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    250 Layer Rubble in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    251 Layer Pennant rooftile deposit in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)252 Layer Burnt dump crop drying debris in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    253 Layer Collapse / demolition layer in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    254 Layer Collapse deposit (L)

    255 Layer Oolitic sand deposit (L)

    256 Layer Burnt dump crop drying debris (L)

    257 Layer Subsoil (J)

    258 Layer Colluvium / slopewash (J)

    259 Layer Collapse deposit, adjacent to wall 31 (J)

    260 Post-hole ? Part of doorway / opening in wall 31 (J)

    261 Fill Fill of post-hole 260 (J)

    262 Layer Topsoil / subsoil (M)

    263 Layer Rubble foundation / make-up layer (A)264 Layer Slopewash / fill, W of wall 30 (A)

    265 Wall surface Op sig layer on wall 30 (A)

    266 Wall surface Painted wall plaster (earlier) on wall 30 (A)

    267 Wall surface Painted wall plaster (later) on wall 30 (A)

    268 Layer Floor make-up for mosaic (A)

    269 Floor Remains of mosaic floor adjacent to wall 30 (A)

    270 Layer Tufa blocks collapsed roof structure / ceiling in cold room /cold bath 1 (D)

    271 Layer Demolition / collapse deposit in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    276 Floor Mortar base / floor in cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    273 Layer Terrace fill exposed in base of cold room / cold bath 1 (D)

    274 Layer Collapse / colluvial deposit (K)

    275 Layer Collapse / abandonment deposit (K)

    276 Layer Mortar base / foundation for exterior surface (E)

    277 Layer Mortar base / foundation for exterior surface (E)

    278 Layer Topsoil (N)

    279 Layer Collapse / demolition deposit (A)

    280 Layer Collapse / demolition deposit in base of hot room (C)

    281 Floor Mortar base / floor in hot room (C)

    282 Layer Rubble foundation in hot room (E)

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    Previously excavated bath-house

    Area of 2008 excavation

    Wall/feature of earlier building

    Cold bath 2

    Cold bath 1

    Frigidarium(cold room)

    Apodyterium(changing room)

    (Later) corn-drying kiln


    Caldarium(hot room)

    Tepidarium(warm room)






















    Terrace cut 151

    Pad 113







    J I




    Column base 34

    Wall 30

    Wall 31

    Wall 32

    Masonry 33





    Date: Revision Number:

    Scale: Illustrator:


    16/02/09 0

    1:1250 RG


    Plan of bath-house, and earlier structural remains (as recorded in October 2008) Figure 2

    This material is for client report only Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.

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    This material for client report only Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction

    Revision Number:

    Scale: Illustrator:

    Path: Y:\PROJECTS\58522\Drawing Office\Report Figs\Assessment\09_02_13\A4_photo03.ai





    Plates 9-10



    Plate 10: Pupils from Hardenhuish School investigate lime/mortar preparation area

    Plate 9: Excavations in progress on lime/mortar preparation area Trench B1

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    Registered Head Office: Portway House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 6EB.
