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Truth Alive: November 2015

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Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2015 40 A TRUTH MINISTRIES PUBLICATION Three Ways The Church Can Better Serve Special Needs Families (Page 8) Special Article by Chris Hulshof

Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2015 40


Three Ways The Church Can Better Serve Special Needs Families

(Page 8)

Special Article by Chris Hulshof

Prepare for persecutions 5

Dr. Billy Graham

Three Ways The Church Can Better Serve

Special Needs Families 8Chris Hulshof

A Historical Overview of the Brethren

Movement Dr. Alexander Kurian 9

World News 11

Can You Fight with Your Hands Folded 13

Mr. Bob Shank

Susanna Wesley, Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks and

other ordinary-extraordinary women God

used to change the world 19

Christian Post

God’s Repenting? 21

Joni and Friends

The Uniqueness of Jesus 26

Mr. Albert Daniel

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Ever since the first issue in 2009, Truth Alive has been a leading monthly magazine for Christian families around the globe.

It is published by Truth Ministries, a humanitarian charity into social ministry, education and evangelization.

Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2015 40


Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2015 40


Dear Readers,Paul's words to the believers in 1 Corinthians 15 are words of encouragement and challenge. He reminds his readers of the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. And he goes further to discuss our spiritual death and resurrection. Read through this important chapter and you will see Paul's passion for the victory we already have through Jesus. Our assurance of eternal life means we should live now in that victory.

We must remember this victory in the work we do for Jesus here on earth. We do not need to be afraid. We do not need to be timid. But we should work for the Lord with all we can do because he has promised us that our work will be effective. What we do for the Lord does matter! If we do not work for the Lord, who will?

There are so many people who have not yet heard the saving message of Jesus Christ. Each of us must work to grow in our own faith and also to reach out to those around us in need of Jesus. Whether we live in a remote village or in a large city there are always opportunities to be a witness and a servant. There are people in need everywhere we look. Ask God to show you how to serve him and for the courage to carry out his work.

As you read this issue of Truth Alive I encourage you to look for what God is saying to you personally. These articles will help equip you in your work for the Lord, and in your spiritual growth. You will also find ideas for ways to serve others and to show God's love wherever you are.My prayer is that you will be inspired and challenged to use your life to help reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Dr.C.V.VadavanaFounder & Chairman, Sathyam Service Trust

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58




From the Editor

Prepare for

In the event of a national catastrophe, much confusion, terror and consternation would reign. What would the Christian do? What should our attitude be? Which way would we

turn if the country in which we live were suddenly wrecked and all the props gone?The immunity to persecution that Christians in our country have experienced in the past two or three centuries is unusual. Christ strongly warned Christians that to follow Him would not be popular, and that in most circumstances it would mean cross-bearing and persecution.The Bible says that all who "desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that as the time of His return draws nigh, "They will seize you and persecute you" (Luke 21:12). We have no scriptural foundation for believing that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ's sake. The normal condition for Christians is that we should suffer persecution. Are you willing to face persecution and death for Christ's sake?

What Would You Do?Since we have experienced little religious persecution in this country, it is likely that under pressure many would deny Christ. Those who shout the loudest about their faith may surrender soonest. Many who boast of being courageous would be cowardly. Many who say, "Though all others deny Christ, yet I will never deny Him," would be the first to warm their

hands at the campfires of the enemy.Jesus, in speaking of the last times, warned, "Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake" (Matthew 24:9). The Scripture says, "because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12).The apostle Paul, referring to the c o m i n g e v i l d a y, s a i d , "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Ephesians 6:13).Here are five ways to fortify yourself so that you will be able

to stand in that day.1. Make SureFirst, make sure of your relationship to God. Amos the prophet saw the Day of Judgment fast approaching for Israel. He warned the people to prepare to meet God. The word preparedness should be a key word for everyone.

It is strange that we prepare for everything except meeting God. We prepare for marriage. We prepare for a career. We prepare for education.But we do not prepare to meet God. Even though most Americans see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, by and large we are making few preparations to meet God. This is a time for repentance and faith. It is


Dr. Billy Graham

November 2015


November 2015


a time for soul-searching, to see if our anchor holds.Have you been to the cross where Christ shed His blood for your sins? Have you had the past forgiven? Have you come by faith, confessing that you are a sinner and receiving Christ as

your Savior? I tell you that this cross is the only place of refuge in the

midst of the storm of judgment that is fast

approaching. Make sure of your relationship with God.2. Walk With GodSecond, learn now to walk with God in your daily life. Abraham walked with God and was called a friend of God. Walk with God as Moses did on the back side of the desert; when the hour of judgment fell upon Egypt, Moses was the one who led his people to freedom. Walk with God as David did as a shepherd

November 2015


boy; when the time of crisis came, David was prepared to meet it. Daniel and his three young friends walked with God in Babylon, and when trouble came, God was beside them—whether it was in the lions' den or in the fiery furnace.. But He has promised to go with us through the trouble. Stephen was a young man "full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5). They stoned him to death, but his was a triumphal entry into heaven. If you are not strengthening the inner man or woman by daily walking with God now, when a crisis comes you will quake with fear and give in, having no strength to stand up for Christ.3. Assimilate ScriptureThird, we should fortify ourselves with the Word of God. Begin reading, studying and memorizing Scripture as never before. The Bible says, "Stand therefore, having your waist girded with truth" (Ephesians 6:14). The truth is the Word of God. We are to be girded and undergirded with the Word. Read it, assimilate it, feed on it; let it be your staff and strength. It is quick and powerful. It is the bulwark of the soul. Many souls are anaemic and starved for the things of God. They are totally unprepared for a time of crisis. Store these Scriptures away so that if your Bible is ever taken from you, you will have the Word of God written on the tablet of your heart. Many stories have come out of prison camps, of Christians who had no Bibles but had committed to memory great portions of Scripture. What a comfort, blessing and strength these Scriptures were as they repeated them over and over again to themselves.4. Pray AlwaysFourth, fortify yourself with prayer. The Bible, referring to "the evil day," says, "Pray in the Spirit always with all kinds of prayer and supplication" (Ephesians 6:18). If we are to stand uncompromisingly for Christ when a national crisis comes, we must rediscover the power of prayer.The early church knew the value and necessity of prayer. Earnest, fervent prayer preceded every major triumph. Prayer preceded Pentecost. Peter and John were en route to the temple to pray when they witnessed for

Christ, and thousands were converted. Paul and Silas prayed in prison, the Philippian jailer found Christ, and Paul and Silas were delivered.If Christianity is to survive in a world filled with materialism, the church must have a revival of prayer. As individuals, we must repent of prayerlessness. The prayer meeting must become the vital institution it was when evangelical Christianity was the mightiest force in the world.5. Meditate on ChristFifth, we must fortify ourselves by meditating upon the person of Christ. Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said, "There have never been 15 minutes in my life when I did not sense the presence of Christ." We must learn again to practice the presence of God. We must say with David, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). Christ must be vitally real to us if we are to prove loyal to Him in the hours of crisis.Will You Stand?Today our nation ranks as the greatest power on the face of the earth. But if we put our trust in armed might instead of Almighty God, the coming conflict could conceivably go against us. History and the Bible indicate that mechanical and material might are insufficient in times of great crisis. We need the inner strength that comes from a personal, vital relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. The words of Isaiah are appropriate for us today: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon" (Isaiah 55:6-7). God needs men and women who will "stand in the evil day." You can enlist today in the army of God by giving your life to His Son Jesus Christ and letting Him become the Captain of your soul. "Yet to all who received Him, He gave the power to become sons of God, to those who believed in His name" (John 1:12). ©1957 BGEA

November 2015


Three Ways The Church Can Better Serve Special Needs Families

Chris Hulshof

Luke 14:15-24 has been referred to as the “Lost Great Commission” or the “Lost Mandate.” In this parable Jesus tells a story of man who is hosting a large banquet. He sends out the usual R.S.V.P.’s. Much to his dismay, each of the invitations was refused. The man then turned to his servant and asked him to go find the poor, maimed, blind, and lame and bring them to his celebration. When room is still available he instructs the servant to go further out of the city and bring those along the highways and lanes. The desire of the host was that his great banquet would be filled.

One implication taught through this parable is the inclusionary nature of the Kingdom of God. Those who are marginalized by society because of disability find themselves welcomed by the Master. This story challenges the church today to model a similar acceptance in a cold and calculated culture where value and significance is measured by appearance and contribution. These measurements leave those who have a disability feeling unwelcomed and alienated. I believe a church that takes seriously this mandate will engage in three important practices.

1. Create a climate of inclusive hospitality.Many churches have a plan for creating an attractive environment that immediately welcomes visitors. They have strategically placed parking lots attendants, greeters, and representatives in order to produce an inviting atmosphere. Yet, this plan does not often

consider that the newest visitor to the congregation could be a person

with a disabi l i ty. An accessible church will

formulate a plan so that a visitor who has a special need will be easily, conveniently, and enthusiastically accommodated in a welcoming atmosphere.

Disability ministry is family ministry. If a family has a child with a cognitive disability, who will be responsible to welcome the family, access the need through parental conversation, and suggest a suitable plan for the service? If a visitor arrives who is visually impaired, what plan is in place to ensure that he is included in corporate worship? The simple gesture of having a braille Bible available would go along way in making the guest feel at home. Strategically placed handicapped seating that is not confined to the back of the sanctuary and also allows for families to sit together in worship also demonstrates an expectant welcome.

When a church has a plan in place to welcome those with disability, they are demonstrating a generous and inclusive hospitality. It is a hospitality that says, “We have been waiting for you.” As the number of people with a diagnosed disability continues to rise it is essential for churches to thoughtfully consider how hospitable they actually are.

2. Minister to every member of the family.Disability ministry is family ministry. This concept often eludes those who are implementing a disability ministry program in their church. The intention is to focus solely on the one whose life has been touched by disability. They invite interested church members to form a “buddy system” for the disabled child. Perhaps a specific Sunday School class is established for those who attend church and have a disability.

(Continued on page 16)

November 2015


.N. Darby is also known for his Bible translation - The Darby Bible, formally known as The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J.N.Darby. He also translated the Bible into French and German. Quite a brilliant mind! Darby penned his life motto in the lines of this hymn which he composed:

“Oh, the joy of having nothing, and being nothing,

Seeing nothing but a living Christ in glory,And being careful for nothing,But his interests down here.”

(For a short biography of J. N. Darby, see, Dr. Sunny Ezhumattoor, A Portrait ofJohn Nelson Darby, Thekkel Publications, 2006. For a concise history of the Brethren Movement, see Plymouth Brethren by the same author).

Plymouth BrethrenSeveral independent gatherings started all over the British Isles (later spreading to other parts of the world). Revivalism and Scriptural simplicity certainly remained as the major spiritual outlook of these groups. In England, the first Brethren assembly was established in Plymouth in 1831, which is the source of the title “Plymouth Brethren.” This was not a name taken by them, but rather it was given to them by others. The new group was called by others as the “brothers of Plymouth”. Their brotherly love and warmth of fellowship definitely made a deep impression upon all those who observed them. The early Brethren were against all denominational labels. This was part of their core beliefs. They never had the thought of founding a denomination. They referred to themselves as “brethren” or “believers” who “gather unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” (and no other name). They preferred that their gatherings be known as

“assemblies” than “churches” (to distinguish it from denominational churches).Two prominent leaders of the Plymouth meeting were Samuel PrideauxTregelles and Benjamin Wills Newton. These men were responsible for one of the best Critical Editions of the Greek New Testament. Treggelles also wrote a Hebrew Grammar and translated Gesenius’sHebrew Lexiconfrom Latin.He was also in the committee overseeing the preparation of the Revised Version.

Bethesda Chapel in Bristol was another important meeting of the Brethren. George Mueller, a great hero of faith, who established an orphanage in Bristol (1836), was one of the leading brethren in the Bethesda Chapel. Another leading figure in that meeting was Henry Craik, the son of a Scottish minister. He was Muller’s tutor. It is said that Craik’s knowledge of original language was beyond that of most men and his insight into Scripture was unsurpassed.

The first twenty year period of the Brethren Movement can be considered as their “golden era.” In the opinion of many historians, at least to some extent, it constituted the most illustrious and edifying chapter in the history of the church since the first century.

Beginning in 1848, a series of divisions divided the Brethren as “Open” and Exclusive”. It was a split in the Plymouth meeting that led into this fundamental division. It was to those who sided with Darby t h a t t h e n a m e “ E x c l u s i v e Brethren”was given. The Exclusive Brethren have s u f f e r e d m a n y subsequent splits. It is the

A Historical Overview of the Brethren Movement

Dr. Alexander Kurian


November 2015


O p e n B r e t h r e n ( t h i s n a m e distinguishes them from the

Exclusive Brethren) who are known around the world as Chris t ian

Brethren, Independent Brethren or commonly, as Plymouth Brethren. Even among the Open Brethren one will find “tight” or “closed” and even (“open – closed”!) assemblies

November 2015


Church worship service disrupted. Pastor asked to leave house at Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh August 2, 2015: Extremists disrupted Sunday worship at a local house Church in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh on August 2, 2015. Pastor Nandlal stays in a rented accommodation at Ghazipur and leads a house Church. While the Sunday service was going on, they stormed in and disrupted the worship service. They ordered the Christians to stop worshipping and threatened Pastor Nandlal of dire consequences if he did not leave the area. Due to pressure from the radicals, the house owner has also asked Pastor Nandlal to leave his house and find some other alternative. No FIR has been registered yet. Ghazipur district is one of the four districts that form the Varanasi division of Uttar Pradesh.

Christians threatened and beaten at Chhattisgarh August 8, 2015: A mob of 500 villagers targeted the small Christian community at Dhanora, Chhattisgarh after they refused to renounce Christianity. The Christians had been summoned to a community meeting where they were accused of spreading Christianity and were pressured to renounce Christianity or face the consequences. The Christians were reportedly threatened with ouster from the village and were told that they will not be allowed to harvest the crop for their fields. However the Christians did not agree so they were beaten up. No FIR has been filed till date.

Three Evangelists attacked by radicals at Karnal, Haryana

August 9, 2015: Evangelists Tinku Ram,

Rajesh Singh and Karan Singh of Bhaini Kalan village of Karnal District, were attacked and severely beaten by attackers carrying iron rods on August 9, 2015 at 6:30 pm. The Evangelists were returning to their village from Gharaunda city also in Karnal District. According to Rajesh Kumar, the attackers struck him hard twice with iron roads at the back of his head resulting in him being unconscious. However according to Tinku Ram and Karan Singh, even after that the attackers did not stopped kicking and thrashing Rajesh's unconscious body. He suffered 14 stiches on his head as a result of the beating. Karan Singh and Tinku Ram were also beaten up as a result of which, Karan Singh broke his leg and his forearms. The doctors later performed a surgery on Karan Singh and put steel plates to hold his hand in place. An FIR has been filed but no arrests have been made till date.

False case leads to arrest of Pastor at Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh August 9, 2015: Radicals targeted a community of Christians at Padlava, Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh and the Pastor Ramesh Vasuniya was manhandled and arrested on false charges on August 9, 2015. The Church led by Pastor Vasuniya was pelted with stones while the Church service was going on. Soon the police arrived and arrested Pastor Vasuniya even while the Church service was in progress. He was falsely charged with throwing stones at the "Kanwariyas" and charged with a case of forced conversion under the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act. He


November 2015


was also charged under section 295 A of the Indian Penal Code. Local media amplified the false charge against the Pastor and it is with great difficulty that he was finally bailed out.

Naxalites kill Christian in Bahiramgarh, Chhattisgarh August 12, 2015: According to reports received f rom local Chris t ians in Bhairamgarh, Chhattisgarh, Naxalites killed Sukhdev Negi, an influential Christian, in the view of his family members. The killers also beat up his neighbours when they protested Negi's killing. Local Christians have approached the police but no action has been taken till date. Ealier in 2013, Sahdev, Negi' brother had been kidnapped by Naxalites and at the time of release had been warned never to return to his own village or to speak about Christianity.

Pastor killed in Malkangiri, Orissa August 17, 2015: According to reports received from local Christians, Pastor Gurumurthy Madi was killed by a group of Naxalites at Malkangiri district of Orissa. Pastor Madi was 29 years old and it is believed that he was killed because he refused to hand over a fellow pastor who was a former Naxalite. He leaves behind his wife and three children aged 8, 6 and 2.

Lady Pastor attacked, beaten up and stabbed in Punjab August 23, 2015: Pastor Rani Gill from Rambagh, Boli Inderjeet, district Batala, Punjab was attacked in a gruesome manner by high caste who opposed her presence and work of preaching in the area. The incident took place on Sunday, August 23, 2015 around 4 pm. The attackers, who were armed with spears and iron rods, beat up Pastor Rani Gill on the head with iron rods and pushed a spear in her left breast resulting in sever injuries. A Church member who tried to protect Pastor

G i l l was also attacked with a sharp knife, which resulted in his head getting a

sharp cut down to his neck. He was hospitalized in a serious condition. This is

not the first time that Pastor Rani Gill has had to face opposition. According to reports, the same group of attackers have been creating trouble for her for the last 6 years. There have been multiple attacks on the Church members who come for worship and once the attackers even climbed the Church roof and urinated on the Cross. An FIR has been filed with the local police.

Pastor arrested for preaching at Gazipur, Uttar Pradesh

August 23, 2015: Pastor Dinesh Yadav was attacked and beaten up by extremists at Saidpur, District Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh on August 23, 2015. According to reports the attack took place without provocation and was so severe that Pastor Dinesh Yadav still bleeds from his ears due to internal injuries. The attackers later took Pastor Yadav to the Khanpur Police Station where he was arrested and charged with forced conversion.

Fourteen Christians arrested at Dhar, Madhya Pradesh September 6, 2015: The police arrested 14 Christians on charges of disrupting peace on September 6, 2015 at Tanda village, Bagh Block, District Dhar, in Madhya Pradesh. The Christians were holding a peaceful prayer service. Earlier the Pastor of the congregation Suresh Mandloi and some evangelists were threatened by local extremists under the influence of the village head and were told not to hold prayer meetings at Tanda village. The pastor had approached the police for protection but found out that the radicals had already submit a complaint against him with the police, so had decided not to conduct the prayer service. The Church members however gathered and were praying in the absence of the Pastor when they were attacked by a mob of over 150 people. The mob manhandled Christians and even women and children present were roughed up. Fourteen Christians were taken to the Tanda Police Station and were charged under section 151 of the Indian Penal Code. They were bailed out the next day but the situation in the village remains tense.

November 2015


It's been called “The Most Contested 37 Acres in the World.” We were there last week.Most know it as the Temple Mount; it sits within the Old City of Jerusalem. Site of Solomon's Temple - built about 3000 years ago, but destroyed about 400 years later - it's history is profound. Likely the spot where Abraham was sent by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac (rescued by God's intervention and the divine provision of a ram as the sacrifice), it has played a part in Israel's history with Jehovah for four millennia.

Solomon's Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians in 586 BC; rebuilt 70 years later by Zerubbabel, it was expanded/enhanced by Herod the Great - during the lifetime of Jesus - and was ultimately utterly destroyed in 70 AD by the Roman General Titus as part of his defeat of the Jewish rebellion against their Roman occupiers.

Muslim armies seized Jerusalem in the 7th Century, and built the Dome of the Rock at the spot they believed to have been occupied by the earlier Jewish temples. Since 1967 - and the outcome of the Six Day War - Israel reclaimed possession of the Temple Mount, but Moshe Dayan granted control of the Temple Mount to the Muslims. One requirement that has been established and enforced: none but Muslims can pray on the Temple Mount.

Since then, the three religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity - that regard the place as a historic holy place have been at odds over the compound. Most Jews and Christians believe that there will be a third Temple built

t h e re one day, and that aspiration - founded on biblical prophesy -

incites violent reaction from the Islamic Camp. The most contested 37

acres in the world...

That isn't the only real estate where religious conflict is waged today. In Bremerton, Washington, Ground Zero has been declared at the 50-yard line, in the football stadium of Bremerton High School. That's where Joe Kennedy - the assistant coach of the varsity football team - has been leading a participation-optional after-game prayer since 2008. His inflammatory chants go something like this: “Lord, I thank you for these kids and the blessing you've given me with them. We believe in the game, we believe in competition and we can come into it as rivals and leave as brothers.”

The Seattle Satanic Temple (no joke)became incensed, and planned to force their way onto the field to offer their own post-game invocations. The brouhaha forced the hand of the local school district, who issued a cease-and-desist order to Coach Kennedy - who refused to be refused. Two weeks ago - after their game against Centralia High School - coaches and players from both schools joined Kennedy at midfield, to exercise their Freedom of Religion (see: the United States Consti tut ion, Bil l of Rights , First Amendment).

In Judaism and Islam, the House of God has GPS coordinates; two sides claim the same turf, and prayers from that position are either encouraged or denied. In the Christian faith, the temple is also the place where the Spirit of God resides, and where prayer is promoted.

Where - exactly - is that? “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

What's Joe Kennedy supposed to do?

Can you Fight with your

Hands FoldedMr. Bob Shank

November 2015


November 2015


“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).In Jerusalem, the fight is between Jews and

Muslims. In Bremerton, it's between Christians and Satanists. Prayer must be a powerful thing; it brings out the most significant opposition...

November 2015


Each of these ministry opportunities

demonstrates compassion and addresses a particular individual need. However, while disability affects one family member it impacts the whole family. There is mother and father who may not have been out on a date for some time because they do not know who to entrust with the care of their child. There may be a sibling whose adolescent apprehensions also include concerns for a brother or sister with a disability.

Perhaps they even find themselves as the designated caregiver at times when they simply what to hang out with their own friends. An accessible church will consider how they can address the needs of the family as well as the needs of the disabled individual.

3. Engage in collaborative ministry as part of missional ministry.To often the focus of disability ministry is one of mission rather than collaboration. In other words, churches will host an event or function that directly targets the disabled in their

community. If the event is successful some will attend the church and perhaps even make a profession of faith. Yet, there is little consideration given to involving those with disabilities in the full body-life of the church. This is a tragic misstep.God has gifted every believer for the work of the ministry within the church. Sadly, those with disabilities can find themselves on the sidelines because no one has taken the time to understand how they are uniquely gifted and can contribute to the body of Christ. This may not be an easy process but it will be a rewarding one. I believe a church that takes seriously the giftedness of their disabled members will experience firsthand the delight of worship without pretense. They will encounter a celebration of His redemption that is magnified in beautiful weakness and awe-inspiring honesty. One way that the church can be a powerful example of the compassion of Christ is to model a ministry of acceptance and inclusion for those with disabilities. In doing so, the church will be welcoming those that Christ called us to bring into His great banquet.

(Continued from page 8)

November 2015


New York, October 19, 2015: In Seven Women, author Eric Metaxas offers up little-known details about the inspiring lives of seven women, including Susanna Wesley, mother of vastly influential Christian ministers John and Charles Wesley; Joan of Arc, the teen martyr who changed the course of a war with claims of being guided by “voices;” and Rosa Parks, whose decision to say “no” led to her becoming the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.”

Wesley, known as the “Mother of Methodism,” was a dedicated homeschooler who created her own textbooks. She “was manifestly methodical in raising her children,” Metaxas writes. Wesley's methodical approach to child-rearing included setting strict schedules on everything from eating and dressing to sleeping. She also taught her 10 children (nine others died in infancy) early on to fear God, seek His blessings and to treat others with kindness.

The foundation Wesley laid for her children proved especially pivotal in the lives of her sons, John and Charles, the former of which founded the 80-million-strong Methodist denomination while the latter is credited with writing nearly 9,000 hymns (the Christmas favorite “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” is one of them).

John and his politically-minded Methodist movement were instrumental in pressuring the British government to abolish slavery and child labor and to enact penal reform. The religious movement also led to the “establishment of countless private societies and organizations dedicated to caring for the poor and suffering.”

One particular aspect of the Wesleys' lives that

may not be common knowledge is that for a brief time, the family lived with what the historical record presents as a rather cantankerous poltergeist. This “spirit” or “apparition,” as Susanna described it in one letter, was likely a “demonic disturbance,” according to Metaxas.

Then, there is Joan (Jeanette) d'Arc, a poor 15th century Roman Catholic teen who was moved to abandon her family's simple farm life to lead soldiers on the battlefield during a brief segment of the Hundred Years' War. At the age of 12, Joan became convinced that she had been receiving “messengers from Heaven” who at the onset encouraged the young girl in her faith, according to Metaxas. Years later, a 16-year-old Joan believed the “voices” were now giving her specific instructions on where to go and whom to speak about liberating France from England's military advances.

Her voices were correct and her mission proved successful, mostly for her homeland but not very much for herself. Joan was awarded for her sacrifice and obedience to God by being labeled a heretic, a witch, a blasphemer, and other choice names by a malicious contingent of religious and political leaders.

Metaxas suggests in Seven Women that envy and a thirst for revenge on the part of the judge overseeing her “sham” trial was the motivation for Joan to be burned at the stake. The 19-year-old former peasant girl died with her eyes resolutely focused on a cross. The last word witnesses claimed they heard her utter as she burned to death was, “Jesus!”“She was wise beyond her years and yet innocent; she was strong and vulnerable; she was bold and humble. She

Susanna Wesley, Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks and other ordinary-extraordinary women God used to change the world

November 2015


was all these things at once, and she seemed to embody France itself, and hope itself too,” Metaxas writes.It would take 18 years for Joan's case to be reviewed and nullified, while it only took only about another five hundred years for the young Roman Catholic martyr to be beatified and later canonized as a saint.There are no doubts about Joan of Arc's exploits, as they are well-documented. So presumably, there should be no doubts about her heavenly messengers or the source of her voices — or doubts about what Metaxas suggests was a demonic disturbance in the Wesley's home.

But how can a skeptic get something meaningful out of a story belonging to someone like Joan of Arc, whose entire testimony is framed by the supernatural?

“I think the issue is that we can't worry so much about the skeptics that we don't report,” Metaxas told The Christian Post. “You have to report what people [experienced] when there's incredible corroboration for these things. When something can be corroborated by so many eyewitnesses, I think the onus is on the person who is being skeptical or doubtful to say, 'Well, then what do you make of this? Did they all lie? Did they all perceive things wrong? What do you make of it?' Because I say that these things, it seems that they did happen.” In Joan of Arc's case, “it's either God speaking through the angel … or it's demonic forces,” he added. Metaxas went on to draw a parallel between Joan's experience and that of Christ's on the Mount of Transfiguration.

The biblical account (in Matthew 17) tells of Jesus being seen by some of his disciples talking with two figures described as Moses and Elijah, who died thousands of years prior to Christ's own birth.

By all accounts, Christ was talking with dead people, although the Christian faith asserts

that there is eternal life, or life after death.

“When you look at Joan d'Arc and you look at all

the other details, it argues that there's something there that was of God because there's so much about her that is focused on Jesus. It doesn't seem that this is a demonic deception. But again, I would say to people, keep an open mind, on both sides. Look at it critically,” said Metaxas, who is also author of the popular book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life.

In addition to Joan of Arc and Susanna Wesley, there is the profoundly instrumental act of Rosa Parks, who died in 2005. Parks refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus might be viewed as a “simple act” by some, but her polite and resolute refusal to budge was the fuel for the 381-day long Montgomery Bus Boycott and, as Metaxas notes, “catapulted Martin Luther King Jr. to fame.” Parks' stand was also the catalyst for the modern Civil Rights Movement.

Parks was a loyal member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and credited her grandparents with getting her accustomed to daily devotions that included Bible reading and prayer. A young Rosa also learned early on that the Christian principles her family held dear did not always play out well in her everyday life.

Among some of the gems Metaxas recounts of Parks' life was her fated encounter with bus driver James E. Blake. Many might recall that it was Parks' stand against Blake's demand in 1955 that thrust her into the spotlight of the Civil Rights Movement.

However, the pair had a similar encounter 12 years prior, when “Blake forced (Parks) off his bus because she had refused to obey his demand that she pay the fare at the front door and then get off the bus and reenter through the back door.” Parks relented after observing that Blake “looked like he was ready to hit me.”

The encounter was so off-putting, that Parks vowed never to again board any bus driven by

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Blake. As history would have it, her resolution was made in vain.

Claudette Colvin, a pregnant and unwed 15 year old, was actually the first person arrested for not giving up her seat to a white bus rider in Montgomery under Alabama's segregation laws. According to the local NAACP chapter, Colvin just did not fit the kind of image activists felt they needed to project in order to win their federal lawsuit challenging the bus segregation law.

But it was the testimonies of Colvin and four other women that eventually led to the law being affirmed as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Metaxas recounts that when Parks, 42, showed up about nine months after Colvin's own arrest at the courthouse to stand trial for refusing to obey the bus driver, “a young girl shouted joyfully, 'Oh, she's so sweet. They've messed with wrong one now,'” apparently confirming that Parks' demure personality was the exact face the NAACP legal team needed for its cause.

“She seemed tailor-made for the role. She was a churchgoing woman, decidedly dignified and decent,” Metaxas writes. “Nobody could say she had done anything to deserve such wretched treatment — except to be born of black parents.”

Parks' engagement in (Continued on Page:23)


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God was so exasperated with the rebellion of Israel, that He was just about ready to devastate the nation's crops with a swarm of locusts. When you read the book of Amos, God appears to come across as impatient and hotheaded. But just when you hear the swarming in the distance, He seems to cave in and have a change of heart. How can this be? He's God. Did God repent in the sense of deciding one thing yesterday and another, today? No, for He knows everything from the beginning, including how He would act in all future situations. Did He have a change of opinion? No, it's almost blasphemous to speak of God having an "opinion" about anything--it implies that the Lord makes judgment calls without knowing all the facts, or that His preferences are mere tastes or whims with no reference to what is pure and right. So how can God "repent?" As humans change, God shows them different "sides" of His character fitting with their behavior. His wrath shows itself when people rebel, His kindness

when they turn again--kindness that He had all along. It may appear to us that He has repented--and the Bible may use that language so we can grasp the idea--but He has not repented or reconsidered. Professor A. A. Hodge said, "When [God] is said to...be grieved, or to be jealous, it is only meant that He acts towards us as a man would when agitated by such passions." God graciously condescends to accommodate Himself to our finite and often one-dimensional world. He uses human metaphors so that we might understand as best as we can. How gracious of Him! God is bending over backward to give expression to His great love and passion for you. No matter how many mistakes you make, God will never change His mind about your sonship. Lord God, I thank You that You only "borrow" human metaphors. Thank You for never changing Your mind about me.

Joni and FriendsGod Repenting?


“I think we've lived in a time in our culture in the last 40 or so years where the heroic has been denigrated and we're not telling people the stories of these heroes very much. I think it's lacking and it has affected us as a culture. I think it's just very important for us to [do] that.”

The seven women whose stories are featured in Metaxas' book were simple, ordinary women who God nonetheless used to do extraordinary things. Though gifted, perhaps by grace, these women were not superhuman.They persevered, gave of themselves and, compelled by their faith (the apparent “secret of their greatness”), lived by their convictions.“I say this all the time,” said Metaxas, “that God is always watching us and we need to understand that what you do today, how you treat another person, all these things, they count for eternity and you have no idea how that's going to affect someone. And you need to have faith that God calls us to do the right thing. He'll deal with the details. … You just need to know to be obedient and do what He calls you to do. Anything can happen.”Consider Susanna Wesley, he said, who “was just being a good mother, and she changed the world.”

“This woman changed the world,” Metaxas said. “She never knew she was changing the world, but that's what happened.”If your faith brings you to the right thing “and you do the best you can, you have no idea what the results could be,” he added.

activism did not start or end with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. In fact, she was involved in Black Power protests in the 1970s, took a stand against South Africa's apartheid system, and participated in the 1995 Million Man March. Parks, the first woman and second black American to be laid in honor in the Capitol rotunda, recounted in her biography Quiet Strength, “As a child I learned from the Bible to trust in God and not be afraid.”

In addition to Joan of Arc, Wesley and Parks, Seven Women: And the Secret of Their Greatness also recounts the stories of Hannah More, Maria Skobtsova (Saint Maria of Paris), Corrie ten Boom, and Mother Teresa.Metaxas' latest book compliments his popular Seven Men: And the Secret of Their Greatness, in which the author profiles George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, John Paul II, and Charles Colson.Metaxas also authored the best-selling book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.It might be fair to say he has a slight obsession with telling other people's stories. “Well, it seems like that right? For me, I think we lack heroes in our culture and it's really harming us. Young people need to have heroes. We all need to have heroes, to say, 'What is the life of somebody who lived a great life and what does that say to me about my life?' I think that heroes automatically and dramatically inspire others, and if you don't hear those stories you won't be inspired,” Metaxas told CP.

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Jesus came to proclaim the good news of SalvationŸ Jesus came to preach the gospel – the good news of salvation – to open the way to the Kingdom of heaven through his church.Ÿ The Gospel of Christ “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…”Ÿ Jesus came to give us the spiritual life.

The Deity of Jesus ChristŸ Jesus was born of a virgin, through the Holy Spirit.Ÿ Jesus’ miracle working powers was a proof of His Deity.Ÿ Jesus lived a sin-free life while on the earth, though He went through the worst of temptations.Ÿ His method of teaching, using parables, was unique.Ÿ He talked with authority and guarantee of His promises.Ÿ He was never afraid of any earthly powers even to the point of death.Ÿ He never carried or used any physical weapons; instead when confronted by people, he answered them boldly with the WORD of GOD, even to Satan.Ÿ Jesus’ life was a perfect example according to the Word of God, for His followers.Ÿ Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection fulfilled prophecies about the first coming of the Messiah.Ÿ Most importantly, He was resurrected from the dead and appeared to over 500 people before his ascension to Heaven.

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Only One God and One MediatorŸ “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus”.Ÿ Therefore, Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.”Our righteous AdvocateŸ “And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous Christ is our Advocate with the Father.”

Salvation is only through JesusŸ There is no salvation in no one else. “…there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”All Authority is given to JesusŸ Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”Ÿ “The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”Ÿ “…the Father judges no one, b u t h a s c o m m i t t e d a l l judgement to the Son that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.”Ÿ “…has given Him authority

t o e x e c u t e judgement…”

1 Tim 2:5-6

John 14:6

1 John 2:1

Acts 4:12

Matt 28:18

John 3:35-36

John 5:22-23

John 5:27

The Uniqueness of JesusAlbert Daniel (Contd...)

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Isa 61:1-2

Rom 1:16



1 Tim

