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Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From the Bible

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1 The OzBoy File The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible Written By Lloyd T Vance & Steve Johnson


The OzBoy File

The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible



Lloyd T Vance & Steve Johnson


The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible

This July 30, 2005 photo shows an excavation of an 11th-12th century house made of hard-burnt bricks in Itil, a Silk Road city that served as the Khazar capital, near Astrakhan, about 800 miles 1280 km) south of Moscow, The Khazars established the first feudal state in eastern Europe. A Russian archaeologist says he has found the lost capital of the Khazar empire, a powerful medieval state that once stretched from the northern shores of the Black Sea to Central Asia and whose rulers adopted Judaism as their state religion.

The Freedom Collective™ Is a group of like-minded people dedicated to seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. In association with Truth Media™ Inc. Freedom Collective™ The OZBOY FILE™ and associated logos and certain images listed are copyright Trademarks and are not to be copied or reproduced without express permission. The images contained within this publication are shown and used for illustrative purposes, have been found on public domain and have used for educational use only and no ownership is implied or intended unless stated specifically.


The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible

Introduction Chapter 1 The Thirteenth Tribe, THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE

Chapter 2 Absolute Historical Proof : Jews are not Israelites! Chapter 3 Is The Jews' "Chosen People" Masquerade Finally Over? Chapter 4 Did The Exodus Really Happen? Chapter 5 Ancient Muslim Ruins Found in Israel ... Again Chapter 6 Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem does not belong to Jewish-Israelis Chapter 7 A History of Israeli-MOSSAD False-Flags Against the USA and others Conclusion


The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible

Introduction Welcomed to The OzBoy File – The Truth Jews Are Not Israelites From The Bible. This book is being written so the average Joe and soccer mom Julie can understand, there is a few books written on the Khazars Empire and The Thirteen Tribe. But I wanted to do a book for the average person to read and understand in plain English and then if people want to move onto investigating further they can buy and read books like the following.

Publisher Random House


The truth is a valuable commodity in today’s world people are being lied to, deceived and there is plenty of deception from Government, News, Mainstream Media and other reading sources. Usually when people get attacked you know that person being attacked has hit a raw nerve and the attackers are most probably out to shut them up and stop the truth getting out. Failing that certain sources and people will resort to blackmail and if all else fails assassination. We realize by doing a book like this we will be attacked, being called the usual names, Anti – Semetic, Nazi’s, and the Holocaust of WW11 be brought up, and I say to these people sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. The Truth Never Lies! The Truth Can Never Be Silenced! I am innocent, all I have done wrong is put together a book exposing what the truth is, if some people feel threaten by that, that’s because maybe they are living a lie and pushing lies and want The Truth Silenced? Sit back and enjoy this book as I gather my research on this subject and put it together for you to read.


Chapter 1 The Thirteenth Tribe, THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE The history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. . . The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain. A large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term "anti-Semitism" would become void of meaning, since it is based "on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated."


Chapter 2 Absolute Historical Proof : Jews are not Israelites! Research Proves "Jews" are non-Israelite Asiatics! DATELINE U.S.A. (1977) -- In 1976 Random House published a book that should have hit the Christian Churches like a blockbuster, but instead they chose totally to ignore it. It dealt with the racial origin of the people in Communist and Christian countries who call themselves "Jews," and whom the Churches (and the Jews themselves) generally insist are "God's Chosen People," the Israelite descendants of Abraham. Since the late 1800's a small number of Bible Scholars, who were also students of History and Racial origins, have insisted the Church denominations were wrong that instead of being Israelites, these Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their "religion" over 1,000 years ago and had become know as "Jews." These Bible scholars were ignored or condemned, and often called "cultists" or "anti-Semites." Now, after many years of research, a well-known Jewish author, Arthur Koestler has published a 255 page book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE in which he proves the same point i.e. that these Eastern European "Jews" are neither Israelites nor "Semites," but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and Huns! Most major newspapers and magazines reviewed the book during 1976. Also, Random House, the publisher, advertised it extensively and began some of their ads with the following headline: WHAT IF MOST JEWS AREN'T REALLY SEMITES AT ALL?


In addition, Random House quoted the following reviews: "Mr. Koestler's excellent book...Is as readable as it is thought-provoking. Nothing could be more stimulating than the skill, elegance and erudition with which he marshals his facts and develops his theories..." Fitzroy Maclean, New York Times Book Review. "You do not have to be Jewish to be interested... Are today's Western Jews really ethnic, Semitic, Biblical Jews, or are most of them descendants of converted Khazars?... This compact, interesting book...examines tragic-ironic implications in [this question] for modern history... It should fascinate." --Edmund Fuller, Wall Street Journal "Koestler marshals the evidence in a clear and convincing way. He tells a good story, pulling together materials from medieval Muslims and Jewish travellers, scholarly controversy and the mysterious lore of the Khazars." --Raymond Sokolov, Newsweek Robert Kirsch of the Los Angeles Times stated in his lengthy review that 'Arthur Koestler publicizes with his customary skills a daring hypothesis: that THE KHAZAR JEWS MIGRATED TO POLAND AND BECAME THE FOREBEARS OF EASTERN EUROPEAN JEWRY...' Then Kirsch quoted Prof. A. N. Poliak of Tel Aviv University, who stated that "The large majority of world Jewry is descended from the Jews of Khazaria." Then he again quoted Koestler in THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, "If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race and that GENETICALLY THEY ARE MORE RELATED TO THE HUN, UIGUR, AND MAGYAR TRIBES THAN TO THE SEED OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB..." (emphasis added)


We cannot stress enough how absolutely imperative it is for all Christian Americans to consider the startling proof in Arthur Koestler's book that today's Jews are not Israelites. The Jewish influence on American life has reached such a stage that no student of contemporary history can ignore it. Not only the news media are Jewish monopolies, but top positions in the U.S. government are largely filled by Eastern European Jews. The magazine and book publishing houses are in Jewish hands and movies, television, and the other entertainment industries are dominated by Jews in all phases. America's government and most of her people's sources of information are controlled and directed by Jews. If these people were really "God's Chosen People," perhaps Americans would have little cause for concern. BUT WHAT IF THEY ARE REALLY THE "HUNS" AND THEREFORE THE ANCIENT ENEMIES OF CHRISTENDOM? Since many Americans may not have an opportunity to read Koestler's book, we shall herewith submit our own index-style review. THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE proves beyond doubt that modern Jews are not Biblical Israelites. Every church member in America should insist that his Pastor investigate these claims. Are our Jewish politicians, publishers, movie makers, and opinion molders God's "Chosen People"? Or are they Mongol and Hun infiltrators of Christendom?


Chapter 3 Is The Jews' "Chosen People" Masquerade Finally Over? Shortly after World War I, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, assembled a staff of experts in Detroit to conduct research on the European Jews who had been entering America in large numbers since the 1880's. Ford provided the staff with several million dollars for this research, and in 1923 he published the results in a four-volume work titled "THE INTERNATIONAL JEW." It was Henry Ford's conclusion that very few of these people who called themselves "Jews" were descendants of the Bible Israelites. Ford further proved that these Jews, using all sorts of crimes while under the cloak of being the Chosen People of the Bible, were rapidly taking economic and political control of America. In the religious field, Ford claimed THE JEWS HAD SECRETLY GAINED CONTROL OF MOST PROTESTANT SEMINARIES AND CHRISTIAN BOOK- PUBLISHING HOUSES and had been able to remove almost all criticism of Jews from Christian literature. In summing up his findings, Henry Ford stated, "The Jews are not the Chosen People, though practically the entire Church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to be so." Ford's book caused a furor for a few years but soon disappeared from colleges, universities, and public libraries and became unobtainable at any price. The Churches continued to teach "The Jews are God's Chosen People, Israel," and the (by then) Jewish-dominated news media began to refer to Jews always as Israelites.


Anyone opposing the increasing Jewish control of the nations was immediately branded "anti-Semitic;" and Jewish dominated Seminaries taught new ministers to quote Genesis 12:1-3 and sternly warn their flocks that anyone speaking unfavorably of the Jews would be "cursed by God." Jewish control of American society, politics, and religions continued to increase. In 1951 retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer, Col. John Beaty, published a scholarly 265-page book IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. In it Col. Beaty gave overwhelming evidence this strange Race of Eastern European "Jews" were actually Khazar and Mongol Asiatics and had no racial ancestory in Israel at all. He then proved that by 1951 these "Jews" had a stranglehold on American politics, on Banking and Credit, on all sources of news, on the entertainment industry, on America's education system, and that they were the predominant race as judges, lawyers, doctors, and in organized crime. The Jewish news media refused to review the book, Jewish book dealers refused to handle it, Christian book stores ignored it, and only a few thousand copies were distributed. Most Americans never heard of IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. Now, because of renewed interest, both THE INTERNATIONAL JEW (in an abridged edition) and IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA have been reprinted and are available. The latest, and perhaps the most succinct book on this subject, is ISRAEL'S 5 TRILLION DOLLAR SECRET by Col. Curtis B. Dall, former son-in-law of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a personal acquaintance of many high officials in the U.S. Govern meant since the 1930's. Col. Dall lives and works in the Washington, D. C. area, and his book, published in 1977.


Col. Dall proves again, from reliable sources, that the Jews are NOT Israelites. In fact, Col. Dall calls their masquerade as "Israel" the greatest "hoax" of the last centuries! It should be read by every non-Jew. You now know their false identity as "Israel" protects these "Jews" from being exposed as aliens and as anti-Americans. Give this book to your Minister. Tell him to preach the truth - or resign! Most preaching today is based on the "Jew-Israel" myth, and it is false. "Fear them not therefore; for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed: and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye on the housetops" (Jesus, in Matthew 10:26,27). Chapter 4 Did The Exodus Really Happen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsOF_o4BvJQ&feature=player_embedded There is already ample evidence to suggest that the Old Testament is not an historical document but a religious one. Zahi Hawas, the famed archaeologist, has come to the conclusion that the flight from Egypt actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Hebrews, and Pharaoh gave chase simply because the Hyksos were killing and looting everywhere they went.


But just as the ancient Hebrews copied the story of the great flood from the Epic of Gilgamesh, they appear to have lifted the exodus from the Hyksos. Keep in mind that n those times, the thing of value was the book itself, rather than the content, so there was no such thing as copyright or plagiarism. Copying a really good story from a book you read to one you were writing was considered normal practice back then. The Bible is not science, it is the collected stories of a primitive tribal people telling each other how important they are. And like fishermen talking about the one that got away, or Ramses with his temple carvings of the did-not-really-happen victory over the Hittites at Kadesh, the writers of the ancient testaments assumed that the people they were telling stories to had no way to verify the claims for themselves. So "embellishment" was a low-risk activity. The writers of the ancient texts were probably not thinking much further into the future than the guys who pen the "Celebrity dates space alien" stories you see at supermarket checkout lines. The fact that the celebrity is a real person does not prove the space alien exists. It's just a story. The fact is that Egypt (along with Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc.) have vast archaeological treasures from which their ancient histories are confirmed. For the stories told the situation is quite different. The story of ancient Israel has no archaeological support for it, and indeed the available archaeology suggests the stories are just that stories.


Israel, while rich in antiquities, is almost totally devoid of artifacts from this supposedly glorious time in her history. The existence of the fabled First Temple was supported with just two artifacts, a carved staff ornament in the shape of a pomegranate and the Jehoash tablet. Both of these artifacts have been exposed as frauds. We are told that once there was a magnificent temple on that hill, but it "all went away." Chapter 5 Ancient Muslim Ruins Found in Israel ... Again

Israeli archaeologists have announced that ruins long thought to be of an ancient synagogue are actually the remains of a palace used by Muslim caliphs 1,300 years ago Another archaeological "proof" of ancient Israel goes "poof!" Egypt is literally littered with the ruins of the ancient temples and palaces of her rulers. As much as has been found, it is estimated that only 1/3 of Egypt's archeological wonders have been uncovered. A newly discovered temple was uncovered while digging a sewer line, and a cache of finely preserved mummies was literally stumbled over by a cow in a pasture. Iraq's ancient heritage was enshrined in its ancient sites and museum. As a result of the war, many of those sites have been damaged or destroyed. Part of the ancient city or Ur now lies underneath a US air base runway.


Nebuchadnezzar's palace now lies underneath a US-built parking lot. The treasures of the museum have only partly been recovered. The treasures from the looted archaeological sites have been scattered to the world. All of this wealth of archaeological treasures must of course annoy Israel. We are raised from birth with Old Testament tales of the greatness of the ancient Israelites, of the powerful kingdoms of Solomon and David and the first temple. Yet Israel, while rich in antiquities, is almost totally devoid of artifacts from this supposedly glorious time in her history. The existence of the fabled First Temple was supported with just two artifacts, a carved staff ornament in the shape of a pomegranate and the Jehoash tablet. Both of these artifacts have been exposed as frauds. We are told that once there was a magnificent temple on that hill, but it "all went away." The wonders emerging from the soil of Egypt, Iraq, and Iran serve as a constant reminder that ancient buildings of such a scale as we are told the First Temple was simply do not vanish without a trace. There is considerable reason to suspect that the tales told in the Old Testament are just that tales. The Bible is not science, it is the collected stories of a primitive tribal people telling each other how important they are. And like fishermen talking about the one that got away, or Ramses with his temple carvings of the did-not-really-happen victory over the Hittites at Kadesh, the writers of the ancient


testaments assumed that the people they were telling stories to had no way to verify the claims for themselves. So "embellishment" was a low-risk activity. We do know from the available archaeological evidence that the Exodus probably actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Israelites. We know that the story of Moses is suspect because no Egyptian princess would hide a Hebrew child inside Pharaoh's household, then give the kid a Hebrew name ("Moses" is actually an Egyptian title meaning "Prince" and is included in the names of many Pharaoh's names such as Tut-Moses, Ah-Moses, Ra-Moses (Ramses) etc.) Likewise, the story of Masada may be less than accurate. The remains found on the mountain were buried with pig bones, something no proper Jewish funeral would tolerate, which suggests that the bodies found and venerated as heroes of ancient Judea were actually those of dead Romans, for whom burial often involved animals as gifts to the spirit of the dead. But a good story is a good story and the writers of the ancient texts were probably not thinking much further into the future than the guys who pen the "Celebrity dates space alien" stories you see at supermarket checkout lines. The fact that the celebrity is a real person does not prove the space alien exists. It's just a story. Given enough time, even a simple story written in jest can take on a life of its own. Scientology began as a bet between two science fiction writers look how wide spread that has become in just a short time.


But, over time, entire religions with attendant wealth and power structures have been built on the premise that these old testament stories really happened exactly as written. And today, here in the 21st century world, science has started to catch up with these ancient legends and call many of them into doubt. So, for a nation that justifies its existence on the writings of the Torah, the plethora of sites and artifacts confirming the ancient histories of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. etc. etc. must seem a dire political threat for a nation whose own ancient history seems to have left little if any traces at all. In that context, the strange behavior of the US military which posted guards around the Iraq oil ministry while bulldozing Iraq's archaeological sites starts to make sense, if the supporters of a very insecure nation decide that leveling the archaeological playing field is preferable to allowing the obvious disparity in artifacts to remain visible to the world. Chapter 6 Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem does not belong to Jewish-Israelis Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the American Israel Public Affairs Council on Monday that "Jerusalem is not a settlement." He continued that the historical connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel cannot be denied. He added that neither could the historical connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem.


He insisted, "The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today." He said, Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital. He told his applauding audience of 7500 that he was simply following the policies of all Israeli governments since the 1967 conquest of Jerusalem in the Six Day War. Netanyahu mixed together Romantic-nationalist cliches with a series of historically false assertions. But even more important was everything he left out of the history, and his citation of his warped and inaccurate history instead of considering laws, rights or common human decency toward others not of his ethnic group. So here are the reasons that Netanyahu is profoundly wrong, and East Jerusalem does not belong to him. 1. In international law, East Jerusalem is occupied territory, as are the parts of the West Bank that Israel unilaterally annexed to its district of Jerusalem. The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Hague Regulations of 1907 forbid occupying powers to alter the lifeways of civilians who are occupied, and forbid the settling of people from the occupiers' country in the occupied territory. Israel's expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem, its usurpation of Palestinian property there, and its settling of Israelis on Palestinian land are all gross violations of international law. Israeli claims that they are not occupying Palestinians because the Palestinians have no state are cruel and tautological.


Israeli claims that they are building on empty territory are laughable. My back yard is empty, but that does not give Netanyahu the right to put up an apartment complex on it. 2. Israeli governments have not in fact been united or consistent about what to do with East Jerusalem and the West Bank, contrary to what Netanyahu says. The Galili Plan for settlements in the West Bank was adopted only in 1973. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin gave undertakings as part of the Oslo Peace Process to withdraw from Palestinian territory and grant Palestinians a state, promises for which he was assassinated by the Israeli far right (elements of which are now supporting Netanyahu's government). As late as 2000, then Prime Minister Ehud Barak claims that he gave oral assurances that Palestinians could have almost all of the West Bank and could have some arrangement by which East Jerusalem could be its capital. Netanyahu tried to give the impression that far rightwing Likud policy on East Jerusalem and the West Bank has been shared by all previous Israeli governments, but this is simply not true. 3. Romantic nationalism imagines a "people" as eternal and as having an eternal connection with a specific piece of land. This way of thinking is fantastic and mythological. Peoples are formed and change and sometimes cease to be, though they might have descendants who abandoned that religion or ethnicity or language.


Human beings have moved all around and are not directly tied to any territory in an exclusive way, since many groups have lived on most pieces of land. Jerusalem was not founded by Jews, i.e. adherents of the Jewish religion. It was founded between 3000 BCE and 2600 BCE by a West Semitic people or possibly the Canaanites, the common ancestors of Palestinians, Lebanese, many Syrians and Jordanians, and many Jews. But when it was founded Jews did not exist. 4. Jerusalem was founded in honor of the ancient god Shalem. It does not mean City of Peace but rather 'built-up place of Shalem." 5. The "Jewish people" were not building Jerusalem 3000 years ago, i.e. 1000 BCE. First of all, it is not clear when exactly Judaism as a religion centered on the worship of the one God took firm form. It appears to have been a late development since no evidence of worship of anything but ordinary Canaanite deities has been found in archeological sites through 1000 BCE. There was no invasion of geographical Palestine from Egypt by former slaves in the 1200s BCE. The pyramids had been built much earlier and had not used slave labor. The chronicle of the events of the reign of Ramses II on the wall in Luxor does not know about any major slave revolts or flights by same into the Sinai peninsula.


Egyptian sources never heard of Moses or the 12 plagues & etc. Jews and Judaism emerged from a certain social class of Canaanites over a period of centuries inside Palestine. 6. Jerusalem not only was not being built by the likely then non-existent "Jewish people" in 1000 BCE, but Jerusalem probably was not even inhabited at that point in history. Jerusalem appears to have been abandoned between 1000 BCE and 900 BCE, the traditional dates for the united kingdom under David and Solomon. So Jerusalem was not 'the city of David,' since there was no city when he is said to have lived. No sign of magnificent palaces or great states has been found in the archeology of this period, and the Assyrian tablets, which recorded even minor events throughout the Middle East, such as the actions of Arab queens, don't know about any great kingdom of David and Solomon in geographical Palestine. 7. Since archeology does not show the existence of a Jewish kingdom or kingdoms in the so-called First Temple Period, it is not clear when exactly the Jewish people would have ruled Jerusalem except for the Hasmonean Kingdom. The Assyrians conquered Jerusalem in 722. The Babylonians took it in 597 and ruled it until they were themselves conquered in 539 BCE by the Achaemenids of ancient Iran, who ruled Jerusalem until Alexander the Great took the Levant in the 330s BCE. Alexander's descendants, the Ptolemies ruled Jerusalem until 198 when Alexander's other descendants, the Seleucids, took the city.


With the Maccabean Revolt in 168 BCE, the Jewish Hasmonean kingdom did rule Jerusalem until 37 BCE, though Antigonus II Mattathias, the last Hasmonean, only took over Jerusalem with the help of the Parthian dynasty in 40 BCE. Herod ruled 37 BCE until the Romans conquered what they called Palestine in 6 CE (CE= 'Common Era' or what Christians call AD). The Romans and then the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium ruled Jerusalem from 6 CE until 614 CE when the Iranian Sasanian Empire Conquered it, ruling until 629 CE when the Byzantines took it back. The Muslims conquered Jerusalem in 638 and ruled it until 1099 when the Crusaders conquered it. The Crusaders killed or expelled Jews and Muslims from the city. The Muslims under Saladin took it back in 1187 CE and allowed Jews to return, and Muslims ruled it until the end of World War I, or altogether for about 1192 years. Adherents of Judaism did not found Jerusalem. It existed for perhaps 2700 years before anything we might recognize as Judaism arose. Jewish rule may have been no longer than 170 years or so, i.e., the kingdom of the Hasmoneans. 8. Therefore if historical building of Jerusalem and historical connection with Jerusalem establishes sovereignty over it as Netanyahu claims, here are the groups that have the greatest claim to the city: - A. The Muslims, who ruled it and built it over 1191 years. B. The Egyptians, who ruled it as a vassal state for several hundred years in the second millennium BCE.


C. The Italians, who ruled it about 444 years until the fall of the Roman Empire in 450 CE. D. The Iranians, who ruled it for 205 years under the Achaemenids, for three years under the Parthians (insofar as the last Hasmonean was actually their vassal), and for 15 years under the Sasanids. E. The Greeks, who ruled it for over 160 years if we count the Ptolemys and Seleucids as Greek. If we count them as Egyptians and Syrians, that would increase the Egyptian claim and introduce a Syrian one. F. The successor states to the Byzantines, which could be either Greece or Turkey, who ruled it 188 years, though if we consider the heir to be Greece and add in the time the Hellenistic Greek dynasties ruled it, that would give Greece nearly 350 years as ruler of Jerusalem. G. There is an Iraqi claim to Jerusalem based on the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests, as well as perhaps the rule of the Ayyubids (Saladin's dynasty), who were Kurds from Iraq. 9. Of course, Jews are historically connected to Jerusalem by the Temple, whenever that connection is dated to. But that link mostly was pursued when Jews were not in political control of the city, under Iranian, Greek and Roman rule. It cannot therefore be deployed to make a demand for political control of the whole city. 10. The Jews of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine did not for the most part leave after the failure of the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans in 136 CE.


They continued to live there and to farm in Palestine under Roman rule and then Byzantine. They gradually converted to Christianity. After 638 CE all but 10 percent gradually converted to Islam. The present-day Palestinians are the descendants of the ancient Jews and have every right to live where their ancestors have lived for centuries. Chapter 7 A History of Israeli-MOSSAD False-Flags Against the USA and others Israel, our only 'friend' in the ME, wouldn't attack us, would they? OMG! Only a raving loonie and a certified 'anti-Semite' would accuse that 'peace' loving nation of Israel as being behind numerous false-flags, including 9/11 and preparing to set off another one to get Americans enraged so we'll "Shock and Awe" Tehran into oblivion. Right? Fool The World: Suspicious Novels and Authors: Prophets or Insiders? The Last Jihad is the title of a "fictional" novel written by Joel Rosenberg (well worth you time to click on this link). Mr. Rosenberg has been called the Christian Nostradamus but he is Jewish and an Israeli citizen. The Last Jihad was written long before 9/11 occurred, and opens with a hijacked airliner flying a kamikaze mission into an


American city which leads into a war with Saddam Hussein over weapons of mass destruction. Then 9/11 happened, and then the war in Iraq happened --his fiction became reality... to a T. It is extremely interesting to note that Rosenberg was educated at the University of Tel Aviv and has previously worked for Israeli head of state Benjamin Netanyahu. Maybe Netanyahu provided Rosenberg with the plot for this book seeing as he also seems to have predicted 9-11 in his book written in 1995 called Terrorism: "How the West Can Win." An article about the [Army School of Advanced Military Studies] report appears in the Washington Times on September 10, 2001. The report refers to Israel’s armed forces as a “500-pound gorilla in Israel” that is “well armed and trained” and is “known to disregard international law to accomplish mission.” Of the Mossad, the report says: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning.” Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act. EXPECT FALSE FLAG ATTACK TERROR ATTACK TO PRECEDE INVASION OF IRAN by Paul Craig Roberts, former editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury April 1950: Anti-Jewish Bombings in Iraq Are Attributed to Israelis A series of bombings targets Jews in Iraq. These attacks are later attributed to Israeli agents to allegedly panic Jews into emigrating to Israel, starting a long-standing controversy that continues unresolved. [HA'ARETZ, 6/4/2006]


July 1954: Israel Commits Bombing Attacks in Egypt, Tries to Blame Muslim Brotherhood, Bombs explode in British and American cultural centers and libraries, and in post offices in Alexandria and Cairo. The campaign ends when a bomb explodes prematurely in the pocket of an Israeli agent who is about to plant it in a British-owned cinema. The plan is to damage the relations between Egypt and the US and Britain by placing the blame for the bombings on the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian Islamic militant group. An initial inquiry places blame on the Minister of Defense, Pinhas Lavon, but a subsequent inquiry authorized by Sharett finds that Lavon was set up using forged documents, and that the true author of the false-flag attack was none other than David Ben Gurion, the “father of the Israeli State. (see March 2005)” [NEW YORK TIMES, 12/11/1954; NEW YORK TIMES, 3/30/1975; HIRST, 2003, PP. 290-296] These events, which later become known as the Lavon Affair, will be documented in the diaries of Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett, who did not learn of the plot until after it was completed. [ROKACH, 1986] 1967-2001: Israel Provides Support to Militant Islamic Groups in the West Bank and Gaza 1984-1989: Israeli Intelligence Officer Supplies Arms to Iran; Some Profits Allegedly Used to Fund False Flag Attacks By his own account, Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe runs a covert Israeli arms network, primarily supplying weapons to the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran for use in the Iran-Iraq War. Huge profits are made.


“At various times the fund reached peaks of more than $1 billion,” he later explains in his book, Profits of War. At its height it stood at $1.8 billion.… Between 1984 and 1989 no less than $160 million was funneled to [Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak] Shamir’s [Likud] faction.” He also says that the money helped finance the intelligence community’s “black” operations including “Israeli-controlled ‘Palestinian terrorists’ who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine.” The Israeli government will later deny that Menashe had any association with their intelligence services. But faced with evidence, the government will change its story, alleging that he was only a low-level translator who had taken to freelancing arms deals. However, Ben-Menashe is able to produce strong evidence to support his version of events and his 1991 trial in New York will culminate in his acquittal on the grounds that the jury disbelieves the Israeli government’s denials. [BEN-MENASHE, 1992, PP. 120; CONSORTIUM NEWS, 1997 All of these Israeli terrorist ops and false-flags--and more--are available at History Commons CONFESSIONS OF AN EX-MOSSAD AGENT: IN April of 1986, Israel tricks the USA into bombing Libya in "Operation Trojan" "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain.


It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work." Yes, Israel's plan to build up Saddam Hussein into a boogieman worked wonders for that Zionist entity. And is still paying off for Israel, but not for the 1.3 million murdered Iraqis. The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda Particularly shocking to American readers is Ostrovsky's claim that a right-wing clique within Mossad decided, unbeknownst to then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, to assassinate President George Bush when the president was in Madrid at the end of October 1991 for the opening of Arab-Israeli peace talks. Evidence was to be manufactured implicating the Palestinians. Three named Palestinian extremists were "taken" from Beirut to Israel's Negev desert and held incommunicado, according to Ostrovsky. Meanwhile Mossad-generated threats on the president's life, seemingly from Palestinians, were leaked. These were designed to throw suspicion on the organization of rogue Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal. Names and descriptions of the three terrorists were leaked to Spanish police so that, if the plot was successful, blame would automatically fall on them. Eventually, however, the assassination plot was called off... In a grisly conclusion to the story, however, the three Palestinian prisoners met the fate that had been decreed for them from the time the plot was hatched. In the Negev hideout where they were being held they were "terminated," to employ Ostrovsky's chilling word.


Did Israel also harvest their organs? And was Robert Kennedy's alleged assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, another Israeli MOSSAD agent? If RFK had won the 1968 presidential election, you can damn well bet he would have taken a serious look into the murder of his brother, JFK and the thought of that made some very uneasy. Operation Entebbe According to a UK government file on the crisis, an unnamed contact within the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association attempted to convince a British diplomat in Paris, shortly after the hijacking, that the Israeli Secret Services and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), had acted together to seize the plane. According to this version, the Shin Bet helped design the operation to undermine the PLO's standing in France and its rapprochement with the USA. The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt Finally, we should not forget that the Zionists used terrorism when they were in a similarly weak position and trying to obtain their own state. Between 1944 and 1947, several Zionist organizations used terrorist bombings to drive the British from Palestine, and took the lives of many innocent civilians along the way. Israeli terrorists also murdered U.N. mediator Count Folke Bernadotte in 1948, because they opposed his proposal to internationalize Jerusalem. Nor were the perpetrators of these acts isolated extremists: the leaders of the murder plot were eventually granted amnesty by the Israeli government and one of them was elected to the Knesset.


Another terrorist leader, who approved the murder but was not tried, was future Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. Indeed, Shamir openly argued that "neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat." Rather, terrorism had "a great part to play … in our war against the occupier [Britain]." If the Palestinians' use of terrorism is morally reprehensible today, so was Israel's reliance upon it in the past, and thus one cannot justify U.S. support for Israel on the grounds that its past conduct was morally superior. Anyone who says Israel would commit a false-flag to get the USA to "Shock and Awe" Iran into oblivion is just a raving anti-semite.' Right? Right? And if using that worn-out canard doesn't have the desired effect, then scream that the one asking questions is a Holocaust™ denier! When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty A particularly damning report compiled by a CIA informant suggests that Israeli Defense minister Moshe Dayan personally ordered the attack and wanted it to proceed until the Liberty was sunk and all on board killed. A heavily redacted version of the report was released in 1977. It reads in part: "[The source] said that Dayan personally ordered the attack on the ship and that one of his generals adamantly opposed the action and said, 'This is pure murder.' One of the admirals who was present also disapproved of the action, and it was he who ordered it stopped and not Dayan."


This amazing document generated little attention from the press and Dayan was never publicly questioned about his role in the attack. The analyses by the intelligence agencies are collected in a 1967 investigation by the Defense Subcommittee on Appropriations. Two and half decades later that report remains classified. Why? A former committee staffer said: "So as not to embarrass Israel." More proof has recently come to light from the Israeli side. A few years after Attack on the Liberty was originally published, Ennes got a call from Evan Toni, an Israeli pilot. Toni told Ennes that he had just read his book and wanted to tell him his story. Toni said that he was the pilot in the first Israeli Mirage fighter to reach the Liberty. He immediately recognized the ship to be a US Navy vessel. He radioed Israeli air command with this information and asked for instructions. Toni said he was ordered to "attack." He refused and flew back to the air base at Ashdod. When he arrived he was summarily arrested for disobeying orders. Israel Urges US to Attack Iraq: "Sooner, Rather than Later" Sharon's advisor: Urges US to accelerate aggression on Iraq, says postponement bad for Israel January, 2003 Published November 5, 2002 in the Times/UK Attack Iran the Day Iraq War Ends, Demands Israel


The Military KNOWS Israel pulled off 911 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsWcQXr1Nk8&feature=player_embedded MUST WATCH VIDEO "The White House knew within minutes of the USS Liberty attack, that the perpetrator was really Israel. On two separate occasions, the White House recalled aircraft rescue missions for the Liberty. On the last attempt, LBJ told Rear-Admiral Lawrence Geis of the Sixth Fleet, “I WILL NOT EMBARRASS OUR ALLY.” The Liberty was then left “dead in the water,” without any assistance for over 16 hours." Are we still covering up for Israel and 9/11 so we "don't embarrass our ally?" And what kind of 'ally' regularly kills Americans, spies on the USA, stealing our most secret military info, uses the LOBBY to corrupt Congress and determine who wins elections and uses its agents to loot tremendous amounts of money from Wall Street? Conclusion I think we have made the case proving today’s Jews living in Israel are not decendants of Abraham as they claim, and we have convincingly provided proof and evidence of this. There are a few books out on the market talking more about The Thirteen Tribe and tracing the Jews of Israel today back to the Kharza Empire. Finally we have provided convincing evidence to show Israel and their Mossad is a criminal terrorist group, out of control and goes


about carrying out Terrorist Attacks and blaming the Arabs and Muslims for such attacks, they have also targeted United States of America, but their politicians are paid off by APIAC the Jewish Lobby in Washington to look the other way. America is so controlled by these Zionist, lying, murdering Jews that No President, No Senator or No Congressman can get elected to political Office unless they support Israel and the current Jews living there. America and most Western Countries Government are a conquered people having these Zionist Jewish Bankers, political Lobby Groups take over our country’s and Western Government do as their told by Israel or else they will attack these Governments using these Jewish Lobby Groups calling anybody Anti Semetic, Nazis, and bring up the Holocaust. The Internet has with its introduction been a great source for finding out the truth, researching and studying this topic so I can write this book. I hope you have enjoy reading this book and thank you for buying it.

The End

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