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TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY · helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At...

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St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org 5th Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016 A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s Gospel we return to the Last Supper to hear Jesus’ new command- ment to love one another. Good stewards, as the recipients of God’s unending love, take this commandment seriously. Though we are reminded of his love throughout the year, it is Jesus’ actions and words during the feast of Passover that show us the extent of his love and the way we too can live a life of stew- ardship: “… love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Can we accept this commandment from Jesus? Are we able to embrace this kind of discipleship? Can we humbly offer ourselves in loving service to one another? TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY UPCOMING EVENTS Spiritual Adoption Program: The “Spiritual Adoption Program” starts this weekend! Participants pledge to pray for nine months for a baby in dan- ger of abortion. While this child will remain unknown to his or her 'spiritual parent', God knows who the child is. Many people have found that naming 'their child' helps to keep them focused on the reality that their prayers are helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s New Life Center. More details coming soon. Monthly Mass and Healing Service: The Mass & Healing Service will be on Monday, April 25, 7 pm. All welcomed! Social Apostolate: We will be collecting non-perishable food items the weekend of May 1. Please place your donation in the bins in the Church. Pentecost Potluck: Our annual Pentecost Potluck will be after the 11am Mass on Pentecost, May 15. Bring a dish to share! Natural Family Planning (NFP): Learn NFP with the Home Study Course. Visit www.nfpandmore.org for details. Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Course is $70. Rosary Crusade for Life: The 18 th Annual Rosary Crusade for Life will be Saturday, May 7 th at 8:30am Mass at St. Angela Merici followed by an adoption testimony; ends with Adoration, Rosary & Benediction. For information call Pam at 460-9360. Pilgrimage to Holy Land & Greece June 6 to 20, 2016 Fr. Mariano D. Veliz, O.P. Chaplain Pilgrim sites include Jerusalem, Cana, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Corinth, Athens, The Sea of Galilee, Ephesus, Philippi, And much more! Price: $4,900 Contact Proximo Travel for details Phone: 855-842-8001 Email: [email protected] See flyer in the rear of the church. Precious One 10 - 12 week old preborn baby Week 1: Conception; the baby is smaller that a grain of sugar, but the in- structions are present for all that this person will ever become. Every unborn child unjustly condemned to be aborted has the face of Jesus Christ. ~ Pope Francis ~ Precious One 10 - 12 week old preborn baby Week 1: Conception; the baby is smaller that a grain of sugar, but the in- structions are present for all that this person will ever become. Mothers’ Day Intentions If you wish to have your mother, either living or deceased, remembered in the 9 am or 11 am Mass on Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 8) please obtain a Mothers’ Day Mass intention envelope in the back of church, place your donation in it, and drop your sealed envelope in any parish collection. Please indicate which Mass the intention is for. The last day to submit your intention is Monday, May 2, 2016. Mother’s Day cards are available in the office.
Page 1: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY · helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org 5th Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016


In today’s Gospel we return to the Last Supper to hear Jesus’ new command-

ment to love one another. Good stewards, as the recipients of God’s unending love,

take this commandment seriously. Though we are reminded of his love throughout

the year, it is Jesus’ actions and words during the feast of Passover that show us the

extent of his love and the way we too can live a life of stew-

ardship: “… love one another. As I have loved you, so you

also should love one another” (John 13:34). Can we accept

this commandment from Jesus? Are we able to embrace this

kind of discipleship? Can we humbly offer ourselves in loving

service to one another?



Spiritual Adoption Program: The “Spiritual Adoption Program” starts this weekend! Participants pledge to pray for nine months for a baby in dan-ger of abortion. While this child will remain unknown to his or her 'spiritual parent', God knows who the child is. Many people have found that naming 'their child' helps to keep them focused on the reality that their prayers are helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s New Life Center. More details coming soon.

Monthly Mass and Healing Service: The Mass & Healing Service will be on Monday, April 25, 7 pm. All welcomed!

Social Apostolate: We will be collecting non-perishable food items the weekend of May 1. Please place your donation in the bins in the Church.

Pentecost Potluck: Our annual Pentecost Potluck will be after the 11am Mass on Pentecost, May 15. Bring a dish to share!

Natural Family Planning (NFP): Learn NFP with the Home Study Course. Visit www.nfpandmore.org for details. Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Course is $70.

Rosary Crusade for Life: The 18th Annual Rosary Crusade for Life will be Saturday, May 7th at 8:30am Mass at St. Angela Merici followed by an adoption testimony; ends with Adoration, Rosary & Benediction. For information call Pam at 460-9360.

Pilgrimage to Holy Land & Greece

June 6 to 20, 2016

Fr. Mariano D. Veliz, O.P. Chaplain

Pilgrim sites include Jerusalem, Cana, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Corinth, Athens, The Sea of Galilee, Ephesus, Philippi,

And much more!

Price: $4,900

Contact Proximo Travel for details Phone: 855-842-8001

Email: [email protected]

See flyer in the rear of the church.

Precious One 10 - 12 week old preborn baby

Week 1: Conception; the baby is smaller that a grain of sugar, but the in-structions are present for all that this person will ever become.

Every unborn child unjustly

condemned to be aborted has

the face of Jesus Christ.

~ Pope Francis ~

Precious One 10 - 12 week old preborn baby

Week 1: Conception; the baby is smaller that a grain of sugar, but the in-structions are present for all that this person will ever become.

Mothers’ Day Intentions

If you wish to have your mother, either living or deceased, remembered in the 9 am or 11 am Mass on Mother’s Day

(Sunday, May 8) please obtain a Mothers’ Day Mass intention envelope in

the back of church, place your donation in it, and drop your sealed envelope in any parish collection. Please indicate which

Mass the intention is for. The last day to submit your intention is

Monday, May 2, 2016.

Mother’s Day cards are available in the office.

Page 2: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY · helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s

V Domingo de Pascua ~ 5th Sunday of Easter ~ 24 de Abril de 2016


En el Evangelio de hoy, nosotros retornamos a la Última

Cena para escuchar el nuevo mandamiento de Jesús de amarnos los

unos a los otros. Los buenos corresponsables, como receptores del

interminable amor de Dios, tomamos este mandamiento con mucha

seriedad. Aunque se nos recuerda su amor a través de todo el año,

son las acciones y las palabras de Jesús durante la fiesta de la Pascua

las que nos muestran la extensión de su amor y la manera en la que

nosotros podemos también vivir una vida de corresponsabilidad: “Les doy un mandamiento

nuevo: ámense unos a otros. Así como yo les he amado, ámense también ustedes los unos a los

otros.” (Juan 13:34). ¿Podemos nosotros aceptar este mandamiento de Jesús? ¿Estamos dis-

puestos a abrazar esta clase de discipulado? ¿Podemos ofrecernos humildemente nosotros mis-

mos, unos a otros, en amoroso servicio?

Próximos eventos

Colecta de Comida para el Apostolado Social:

La colecta de comida para el apostolado social

sera el fin de semana del 1 de Abril, 2016.

San Antonio - celebrando 100 anos!

Comida de Pentecostes: Nuestra comida anual pentecostes sera despues de la misa a las 11:00am el Domingo Pentecostal 15 de Mayo. Porfavor haga planes para venir y traiga un platillo para compartir.

Sabado de Milagros: 30 de Julio, 2016; Tulane University McAlister Auditorium, 43 McAlister

Drive, New Orleans. Para Mάs

informaciónón, www.mensaje1.com o (504) 467-2550. Fray Sergio Serrano,

Predicador Neil Véliz y los Misioneros de Jesús.

Programa de Adopcion Espiritual: San Antonio de Padua comenzara el "Programa de Adopción Espiritual". Participantes oraran durante nueve meses por un bebe en peligro de aborto. Mientras este bebe permanece desconocido a su 'padre o madre espiritual', Dios sabe quien es el bebe. Muchas personas encuentran que nombrar el bebe les ayuda a permanecer enfocados en la realidad que sus oraciones están ayudando salvar un bebe en particular del peligro de aborto. Al final de los nueve meses, tendremos un baby shower que beneficiara el Centro para Mujeres Nueva Vida. Tendremos mas detalles próximamente.

Trata * Muestra * Vive La Misericordia de Dios

Bebe Precioso

Semana 1: Concepcion

el bebe es mas pequeño que un

grano de azucar, pero todo esta

presente para lo que se convertira.

Intenciones para Misa Día de las Madres

Si usted desea que su madre, viva o difunta, sea recordada en la misa

de 9 am o 11 am el Día de las Madres, (el domingo, 8 de mayo) por favor obtenga un sobre en la parte trasera de la iglesia, ponga

su donación en él, y deposite el sobre sellado en cualquiera de las

Colectas a mas tardar el 2 de Mayo. Por favor escriba en el frente del sobre para cual misa es la inten-ción, bien sea para las 9 am espa-ñol o 11 am. Si usted desea enviar a su madre una tarjeta de Día de

las Madres, estas están disponibles en la oficina.

Antes de formarte en el vientre, ya te

conocia; y antes de que nacieras ya te

consagre: te encomende como profeta

de naciones. ~ Jeremias 1:5

Que es lo que el catequismo de la iglesia catolica dice?

CCC parafo 2270

Vida humana debe ser respetada y

protegida desde el momento de

concepcion, desde el primer momento

de su existencia. Un ser humano debe

ser reconocido a tener derechos; ya

que es el derecho inviolable de cada

ser inocente a la vida.

Page 3: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY · helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org 5th Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016

Liturgy Intentions: April 23 to 29, 2016

Fifth Week of Easter

SAT Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14

4:00 Tom Busenlener, Special Intention,

Dr. Charles and Josephine Wagner,

Peggy M. Jordan, O.P., Jeffrey Jordan,

Dennis Jordan, Gloria D. Mc Cornin,

Junius Chauvin, Leonard Johnson

SUN Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21-27; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

7:30 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua

9:00 Ester Maria Bello, Noemi de la Grana,

Familia Iribar Martinez, Maria Mercedes

Hernandez, y Gladys Maria Gutierrez

11:00 The Zimmermann Family,

Sarah Champagne, Marks D. Boyle

MON Saint Mark, Evangelist 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20

8:15 Jack Michael Almon

12:10 Monday Church Ladies

TUES Weekday Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a

8:15 Catherine Santorae

12:10 Jan Sullivan

WED Weekday Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8

8:15 Collin Ganus

12:10 Marie T. Blaum, Natalia Ortega

THUR Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11

8:15 The Souls in Purgatory

12:10 Serafina Ortega

FRI Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17

8:15 Greg Henry

12:10 Richard Spindel

SAT Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21

SUN Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29

Parish Giving for April 17, 2016

The Second Collection for the weekend of May 1, 2016 will be for Catholic Home Missions.

Thank you for your generosity! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please consider giving online by going to www.sapparish.org; click the WeShare icon.

April 23/24: Spiritually Adopt-A-Baby Campaign Kick-off

April 25: Monthly Mass and Healing Service 7:00 pm

April 29: This day’s collection is for St. Anthony’s Friars

April 30/May1: Second Collection for Catholic Home Missions

April 30/May1: Social Apostolate Food Drive

May 2: Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 pm

May 7/8: The Ascension of Our Lord

May 7/8: Second Collection is for the Parish Improvement Fund

May 8: Mother’s Day ~ Special Blessing of all Mothers

May 8: Special Blessing for Expectant Mothers (moved here)

May 15: Pentecost Sunday/Parish Potluck after 11:00 am Mass

May 22: Second Collection for the Military

May 23: Monthly Mass and Healing Service 7:00 pm

What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church have to say?

CCC Paragraph 2270

Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the

moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence,

a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person among

which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5


A Dominican Friar meditating on the

Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Artwork by Fr. John G. Restrepo, O.P.


A 12-pack of note cards with this image are now available in the

Church office.

$10 for the 12-pack.

First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly) $5,414.53 12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass $591.75

Votives (Candles) $106.75 St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate $259.85 Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Fund 1,514.35

Page 4: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY · helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion. At the end of the nine months, we will host a baby shower that will benefit Woman’s

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org 5th Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016

C entury lub

Paul and Barnabas strengthened the spirits

of the disciples and exhorted the to do…


(Hint: look in today’s readings)

Last week’s answer:

“Paul and Barnabas”

(See Acts 13:14)

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members

of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:

Worship, Word, Service, & Community.

Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese




































May 1
























Dau Nguyen






You are invited to participate in

Eucharistic Adoration each Friday.

Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass and ends with

Benediction at 11:50 am. You can spend as much or as little

time as you desire.

The Century Club winner for

April 18, 2016 was Michael J. Harrison.



A Dominican Rosary Apostolate

The Prayer and Study Group:

Wednesdays 6-8pm in the Conference Room.

Contact Fr. Mariano for further information.

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.preachmypsalter.com

Preach My Psalter

Offers the following on Saturday mornings:

5 am Holy Hour with




Confessions available during Holy Hour

6:10 am Eucharistic Celebration

Give online to St. Anthony!

From our website:

1) Visit www.sapparish.org; click the WeShare Icon.

2) Click on any collection, Mass or Votive Intention.

3) Select your donation amount and frequency.

4) Enter in your account and payment information.

From your Smartphone:

Scan QR code (below) & follow steps 2 thru 4 (above).
