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TSU Painting I syllabus fall 12

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TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY College of Liberal Arts Department of Art Painting I Semester: Fall Year: 2012 Instructors Name: Samuel L. Dunson Jr. Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hour Course Class Location: Rm. 002 Elliot Hall Office Location: Womens Bldg. Rm. 103a
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College of Liberal Arts Department of Art Painting I

Semester: Fall Year: 2012 Instructors Name:Samuel L. Dunson Jr. Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hour Course Class Location: Rm. 002 Elliot Hall Office Location: Womens Bldg. Rm. 103a Office Telephone: ext. 963-2083 Office Hours: MWF 10-11:30 &1:30-2:30

TR 10:30 – 12:45 E-mail Address:  [email protected]

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Art Appreciation (no prerequisite) is a course for all students interested in understanding the visual arts in everyday experiences. The course surveys the visual arts, including fundamental and historical distinctions between Eastern and Western art forms. This course may be used towards satisfying the University’s humanities requirement.

This course is designed to offer the student an opportunity to practice painting at an introductory level. In order to pursue painting in its more advanced stages, the student must have an understanding on how the medium works. Style, themes, concept and subject matter are desired forms of individual expression, but without a formal introduction to the said styles, themes and concepts, these forms of expression are not properly translated. Without the knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of the painting medium, the student will not be able to successfully express themselves through the use of this medium..

Rationale and Course Objective

Course Description

Basic Skills and ObjectivesAfter successfully completing all course requirements, students should be able to:1. Matriculate with confidence from introductory painting  to its more advanced stages.2. Understand and utilize the formal aspects of the painting medium through the proper use of paints, brushes, and supports .3. Exercise the proper application techniques of oils and/or acrylics through the manipulation of fluid, rigid, additive and subtractive painting.4. Gain an understanding of the terminology, methodology and technology of the medium .5. Understand painting historically, technically, and critically based upon tests given throughout the semester .6. Utilize the no less than five paintings created in class to contribute positively to your personal portfolio.7. Stimulate respectful competition amongst your colleagues in order to grow a stronger dept.

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Course Requirements:1.  Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis, excessive unexcused absences will result in a lower grade and/or result in a withdrawal from the course according to university policy.2.   Students are expected to remain in class and work for the duration of the class.3.  Students are expected to complete all required class assignments properly by the due date.4.  Students are expected to participate fully in class discussion and critiques.5.  Each student will be expected to bring their supplies to each class with the intention of working on painting projects.

Classroom Policy:1.Classroom integrity is vital to the students preparation for painting assignments, and in some instances may affect grading. Allow enough time to come into the classroom set up and begin no later than 10:30. Do not wait on others to begin if you know what needs to be done on your painting.2. Punctual attendance at all class sessions is necessary for a passing grade; roll will be taken daily. Unexcused absences will result in the lowering of the students final grade. You have up to 4 absences that will not affect your final grade. Upon the fourth absence, your cumulative letter grade will be lowered regardless of the letter grade.3. Students who do not perform according to pre-set standards of the course, identified by their performance on either diagnostic or achievement tests given during the first two weeks--are required to attend academic support programs indicated by the results of the diagnostic assignment or the achievement tests and to demonstrate proficiency in the indicated skills.4. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited.  Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class.  In addition to other possible disciplinary actions which may be imposed through the regular institutional procedures as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an F in the course.  (If the student believes that he or she has been erroneously accused of academic misconduct, and if his/her final grade has been lowered as a result, the student may appeal the case through the appropriate institutional procedures.  See the student handbook)

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Criteria for Evaluation:A: Superior. Risks are taken and many are overcome. Student has an excellent grasp of the concepts covered in class. A serious effort is put forth and the student engages work with a degree of technical excellence. Marked improvement is evident.

B: Above average.  Student does an above average job on works. Assignments and studio work are accurate. Student displays a level of

marked improvement, understands what is asked of him or her and responds well to suggestions. Can see and correct errors well. Strong command of observational skills.

C: Mediocre. Work is acceptable, but average, sometimes doesn't fully comprehend all the concepts covered in class. Works have errors.

Student may work hard but simply meets assignments and requirements. Some improvement is shown. May or may not see errors in their work but isn't very effective in resolving those problems.

D: Below average. Work is often late and/or of poor quality. Student has major problems with grasping or finishing assignments.

Student shows little improvement. Can't fix and doesn't see errors in their work. Student doesn't follow directions or requirements of the instructor. Could have some skills however they lack proper motivation or initiative.

F: Failing.  Work is usually late and of poor quality.  Student shows no initiative and makes little attempt at finishing assignments.

Student is chronically absent or tardy at best.  Student shows little to no improvement.  Student chooses not to address the errors in their work, and does not follow the guidelines set by the instructor. May have some skills however they do not choose to exhibit them.

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Grading Rubric: There are approximately 1500pts to be earned in the Painting I class. Below is a breakdown of those possible points as they pertain to particular assignments

Foundation pts toward the final grade

Physical Paintings and stretched canvas 600ptsTests (4) 400ptsJournal and weekly assignments 400ptsCritiques 100pts*Classroom Integrity possible 50pts 

* Classroom integrity is loosely based upon attendance, class participation, willingness to achieve and overall class performance.

Extra Credit:Extra Credit in the Painting I class is not based upon doing extra work. Students will be given extra credit points by either purchasing and reading the book Art and Fear Observations on the Perils (And Rewards) of ArtMaking written by David Bayles and Ted Orland, subscribing to a journal or magazine pertaining to fine art (web-based magazines are not included), or keeping an online painting class blog along with your painting I journal. Once the book has been purchased or the magazine/journal has been subscribed, you must show proof of either in order to receive the 25 extra credit points. A list acceptable magazines and periodicals can be found on the last page of the syllabus

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Attendance PolicyPaintings are to be created during class time. In order for each student to prepare themselves artistically in the painting medium, it is expected as well as required that you will be present and on time.  

TardinessAttendance will be taken no later than 10:25 unless stated otherwise. If you enter the room during the call of attendance you will be counted as present and on time. Anyone entering the room more than five minutes after attendance will be reported as tardy. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the professor that he is present if he has entered the room after roll has been called. Three tardies will equal one absence. Tardies will directly affect the grade of your paintings. For each tardy received during the duration of a painting exercise, 2pts will be taken off of the total points achieved for that particular painting exercise. 

Absentees Due to attendance problems in many art studio courses, an absentee policy has been implemented in the Painting I class. A student's grade will not be altered or affected by 1-4 unexcused absences. Upon the fifth absence, a student’s grade will be lowered by one letter grade. Every two subsequent absences will result in another lowering of a student's grade. 10 absences will result in an automatic failing of the class. This includes tardies which equal an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the professor that he is present if he has entered the room after roll has been called. Unexcused absences will directly affect the grade of your paintings. For each unexcused absence received during the duration of a painting exercise, 4pts will be taken off of the total points achieved for that particular painting exercise. 

Late AssignmentsAssignments unfinished or not turned in by the due date will be considered late. All grades for late assignments will be lowered based upon the date that they are to be turned in. If an assignment, be it painting or journal assignment, is late the grade will be lowered by one letter grade for each day it is late until it reaches the grade of “C”. At that point the point total received will be no higher than 70%, and will lower from that point.

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Journal Information: http://www.artistsjournals.com/instruction.htm

Each Student in the Painting I Course will be required to keep a painting journal in a 3 ring binder. (An inexpensive 3 ring binder can be purchased from most discount stores). The arts journal is an important part of the art student's education. It serves as both a collection of research material as well as a catalog of important information compiled for artistic reasoning. Though not all journal entries help in bolstering an artist's conceptual ideas, they do aide in the possibility of organizing thoughts and ideas in one place. Therefore it becomes a helpful part of the educative and artistic process.The Painting I journal will consist of, but is not limited to:1. Design I Syllabus2. Reading Packets3. Tests and Assignments4. Weekly articles and/or reviews of art exhibitions or happenings, taken from magazines, websites, books etc.5. Weekly updates of a chosen artist.6. Sketches for designs.7. Homework assignments.8. Any important conceptual thoughts or ideas. The Painting journal will be collected on a regular basis (assignment due dates). The grade for the binder will be based upon assignments and the artistic manner in which you keep the binder. This may be subject to change based upon the academic schedule, or for any unexpected changes during the semester.

 Inexpensive binder (required) Sheets of drawing paper should be hole punched and put into the binder for sketching.

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Pigments: (Student Grade, Artist grade optional, Supports: can be found in sets of 8 or more) Three standard size poster boards (can be bought from Wal-Mart*White (Titanium – T) or other discount stores)*Yellow(Cadmium medium -O : Indian optional) 2- 18X24 Canvases and/or birch plywood (or masonite)*Red (Cadmium Medium – O, Alzarin crimson optional) 2 mid-scale Canvases and/or birch plywood*Blue (Ultramarine- TL : Cobalt optional) (No less than 30 inches in any direction)Green (Sap – TL, Viridian optional)Violet (Dioxazine – T) Palette: Choose from Earth tones (*Raw umber- O, Raw Sienna – a disposable palette pad (for acrylic or oil), T, Burnt Sienna – T, Yellow Ochre – O) plexiglass or glass*Black (Ivory) wax paper and a flat panel.*required pigments

 MiscellaneousInexpensive binder (required)

Brushes:Drawing pad (small and inexpensive)2” House painting brushLidded containers (needed for oils)#8 Filbert Large plastic containers for water#2 - #12 Flats spray bottle (optional)#6 and #10 BrightsProtective Clothing#7 - #8 Round Old cloths (such as t-shirts) for paint rags1 Detail brush Odorless paint thinners (for oil paints only)1 Plastic or metal palette knifeThese can be synthetic and/or natural hair brushes. No Bristle Brushes Gesso: Liquitex (quart or gallon)(Brushes should be found in sections specifically for oils and/or acrylics) 

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Materials Pricelist

BrushesIndividualLook for the end cap at Plaza art supply. There you will find brushes that are 60% off the original priceBrushBright #8Flat #10Flat #12Round #82 inch flat utility brush  

Brush packs PricePrinceton Value pack (Taklon 4) 13.99Princeton Value Pack (Taklon 6) 18.99Lowe cornell All Purpose flat brushes 4.85Lowe cornell flat nylon 17.29 Plastic Knife 1.55No bristle brushes

Individual paintsAmsterdam Acrylics 5.00 eachRed mediumPrimary yellowUltramarine blueRaw umberRaw siennaTitanium whiteLamp black Paper Palette 4.61  Gesso quart 6.95

Area Art Supply Stores:Plaza Art Supply Jerry's Artarama633 Middleton Street 5361 Mount View RoadNashville, TN 37203 Antioch, TN 37013Phone: 615-254-3368 (615) 731-5901

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Magazines Art Magazines Aesthetica World of ArtArt Magazine Art CalendarArt Newspaper Hi-FructoseArt Papers Art in AmericaArt TimesArt ForumArts JournalFrieze

JuxtapozNew YorkerArt on PaperNew American PaintingsWomen in the Arts MagazineArtreview Art CalendarBorbonesaManhattan Fine Art MagazineChumBrookly Fine Art magazineRickshaValentine New York MagazineThe Art  NewspaperArt NewsNY Arts Magazine

Art and Painting Websites:www.artinfo.com/modern-painters-magazinewww.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/www. booooooom.comwww.beautifuldecay.comwww. woostercollective.comwww. vvork.comwww.dailyserving.comwww.newamericanpaintings.comwww. juxtapoz.comwww. artdaily.comwww. artdeadline.com
