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Ttiii I F L TCO - Library of Congress · 2 THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1906 TTII i...

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THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1906 2 TTII i Ttiii tined to be suttceasful so a to enable the fnil d States to complete its preparations it it becomes retort 10 fV reful Inerveotton American Reports Lou of His Horses Taken by the Rebels The State Department ha received a- dJsKittU from a Grand RapkK Mich nan who property at Santo Do rolngo Cuba announcing that the ifft- surgents have r iMi ltleft d twelve horses from his plantation there The Navy Department was advised of the arrival of the Des sCotne with Sic retnry Taft and hi party on board at Havana shortly after 2 oclock this morning Additional dispatches hive ven J from Commander Col ell of tho Dfnxr at Havana saying that quiet prevails and that negotiation for j AC are proceeding between the In- sure Jits and the government and that both sites are preserving order pending the conferences with Secretary Taft THREE BATTLESHIPS The Navy Department this afternoon announced that battleships Louis- iana Virginia and New Jersey which are sailing down the coast wllu go di rect to Havana instead of Into Key West for orders as was originally intended- A wireless telegram states that thy were oft Charleston S C last night The department also announces that the Dixie now at Clenfuegos will be by either the Tacoma or the Cleveland In order that she may resume her station in Santo DomIno where trouble is threatened HELD FOR LARCENY Detective Comwell of the Central Of- fice this morning arrested for Weedon and Buriingame Charles H Reed twentyfour years oW living at Laurel Xd who is wanted to answer to a charge of larceny of a SOld watch and an 1851 halfdollar from Henry IL Evertson of 1994 Anthony Bronx N Y When questioned at Police Headquar- ters this morning Reed admitted had had the watch and coin in his possession and that he had spent the latter for liquor but claimed that h had found them ESTIMATES TO EXTEND Indicating his desire to extend the public playground movement and make it i permanent fixture in the develop- ment f this city Henry Curtis super- visor of the public playgrounds today submitted to the District Commissioners Ills estimates for the fiscal year begin fling July 1 1907 in which he asks for a total appropriation of fISdOOO to carry- on the work on an enlarged scale JUSTICE ANDERSON BACK FROM EUROPE Justice Thomas H AmJereon ot Supreme Court c the with Mrs yndfrsan ana Miss Anderson spent several months travel ins in Europe returned to W shht toc ard wa at VIC City Han today DIED Bl RKEOn Tueeday September 18 i o at 320 a m Mrs RHODA BURKE beloved wife of Michael Burke at the home of her sister Mrs Elisabeth Bteden 17 atreet southeast SMa was horn in Washington fortjnln years ago her name being Rhoda Katrl- Twentynine years a o she married Michael liurke muturant keeper at Chesap sik- iifach ltd cams to WMhlnKiun u Sunday to visit her sister and wa tak n sullenly Ill on Monday Tuesday morning shortly after S oclock she died The at- tending physician staled that death was jUt to heart failure superinduced a com- plication of diseases Mrs Burke is suvived by her husband a son Frank and two daughters Mrs Mary dark and Miss Maggie Burke Funeral services will be held in St Peters Catholic Church tomorrow morning at oclock Interment will be matte in Mt Olivet Cemetery Friends and rela- tives Invited It BURKE On Tuesday Septemter 18 1906 at i a m JOHN the only son of Matthew and Della Burke nee Hurney DARLJNOOn Monday September 17 1906 at 1045 p m OEOROB AUOfSTUS be- loved husband of Julia F Darllns aged sixtytwo years Ianiculant win be fouad in another col- umn HAAS On Tuesday September IS 1S06 at her residence 4M Sixth street northwest ANNA BELLE HAAS wife of Orlandu M Haas HOLLAND On Wednesday September 1 1906 at oclock a m MARY R HOLLAND wife of C A Holland Funeral from her late resMence 1500 II street northeast Friday September 1906 oclock p m Friends and rela- tives Invited sel 2t- BOGERS On Tueeday IS ISO at 10 a m JOHN the husband of Margaret Ross at his reJMence 69 Myrtle street northeast Mr Rogers was fiftyseven years old and succumbed to heart trouble lie had been a resident of Washington thirtylive He was a native of Pottsville a widow he hi survived by ne- Bfns and tame daughter William lieorge Robrn Walter Auguat and Louise Mass be said for the of his snil tomorrow afternoon at the family rsi- d nce Other details of the funeral have not been completed SMITH On Tuesday September 18 1906 at a m RALPH MILTON Infant son if Forrent Q and Ada C Smith aged four months two weeks sad six days IN MEMOR11M- iPFIER IB sad but loving remembran- cf ANDREAS IjOFFLER who diet on par ago today September 19 IMa It FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderately priced GUDE 1214 JP St Phone M 4878 HINDLE BAYLIS5UN- DERTAKKR8 AND KKBALMRRS- BTH AND H BTS NW Everything first class and reasonable Personal and prompt itrvice Phone SLain 537- s j30t J WILLIAM LEE Hi Pean K W WasWoeten D C Il jo ilaln 025 nU1- to I 1 ew < ORDERED TO HAVANA th pull re- placed fROM NEW YORKER Detec- tives avenueS I bat- he PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS l tri t WhO ha ounh a She b II I A September ears Ill Besides lIar y III rep northwest A2D LXVT AT re- ceIve the fl- at w I l I t7NDE1TAal < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > STILL IN SESSION morning session of the executive csmnetl of the American Federation of Labor was taken up largely with mal- lets of minor Importance A number of complaints on questions of jurisdiction wire constdened anti referred to Presi- dent Gompera with direction to arrange tot conferences between the organisa- tions claiming jurisdiction Th application of the Flint Oiasa As- sociation for reafrfltation with the A F of U was received ami it WM de- ckled that it wopldbe received and act- ed on favorably when the association agreed to accept the former decision of the executive council Work for the campaign was discussed and President Qompers was authorised to appoint organisers to strengthen the labor movement and central and State organisations affiliated with the A F of L are to be asked to appoint organ isers for campaign work All expenses of the campaign are to be paid from the funds of the A F of L VICIOUS HORSE SEIZES BUD DOBLE WITH TEETH SAN JOSE CaL Sept IS Bud Doble the famous driver and trainer who has bandied trotting horses for the lat forty years and Is known throughout- the country is in a serious condition hare a result of being seIzed by a vicious stallions teeth shaken like a rat and thrown to the ground Before he could arise the animal reared then threw himself on the pros trat form of the trainer crushing Do bin into Insensibility Only the arrival of a stableman who beat the animal saved Dobtes life Several bones are broken however MISS WEIBINDER HAS IDENTIFIED ASSAILANT Continued from First Page his name is Jones Colored persons who know him say his name is not Jones but Chase and that he lives in Washington but has been In Prince George county for several weeks Cemraittod to Prison This morning the prisoner was hand cuffed and taken to the oMen of Jus- tice of the Peace Carr After he was Identified Justice Carr ordered him committed to the Marlboro Jail to await the action of the grand jury The prisoner was placed in Constable Vincents only after a flares Notwithstanding the fact that he was handcuffed be up a fight and had to be clubbed and overpowered by several men While the was driving along the road to the Jan Chase mum- bled threats of getting even and sev- eral times attempted to attackS Vincent but the latter kept his revolver handy and delivered the to th Jailer shortly before noon DEATH RECORD Michael OConnor 71 yews 62L street northeast Zetty Diamond 30 years SM- ternth street northwest Lewis P Wall 7 years Government Hospital for the Arthur Tyson tS years HS4 Twenty third street northwest William 15 years 781 geeomi street outhw t Patrick Cook W years J9B Pennsyl- vania avmu northwou Ella Willis years 2Z Klntb W years 1 South Capitol street Robert A Whittoy 6 years Tmond D C Milton Hurgertord SC years 1CM oc moat avenue Frank Lyons OS yean Ksnilworth Annie B Hans SC years m Sixth street northwest Sylvia Jackson i month D northwest Jessie B VUItams S oath Hill northwest Herman BaurrKartcn 5 months 1207 H street northeast Am F L COUNCIL TIle the off Arthyr Eighth Ins attest Annie Fuller 1 C Cherr strung Ore 1 northwest 2td ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CONFUSION SUPREME- IN DEMOCRATIC RANKS Continued from First Page was predicted that the governor will be renominated Hearst People Confident- At Hearst headquarters great confi- dence was also expressed and claims laid to almost everything In sight Hearst people claipt to have New York county Erie Onondaga and twenty or more other counties AntiHearst Democrats today took a- new tack They say that Hearsts speech at Union practically re- pudiated the Democratic declare the Independence League seems disposed to nominate in nomination not only entire ticket but many local ticketS even machine Democrats who have up to this time been for it is de- clared will insist that the Democratic convention shall ignore the Independence League altogether and nominate ticket de novo They believe that Haarst cannot stand for this and that on the rock of regularity tho Hearst ship is likely to go to Fuel Added to Flames When this story was carried to the Hearst camp It was Intimated that Democratic sensibilities would bo re- garded and the Buffalo convention would have its other wishes respected In a large degree so long as It agreed- to the main point of nominating Hpf rat Hearst men stated that the Hearst movement now is so widespread inside Democratic ranks that this primal fact would have a tendency to aside technicalities as to party regularity and the like as soon as the delegates as- sembled at Buffalo In the primaries Instead of allaying the political excitement appear to have added to the flames Higgins Stock Rises After Quiggs Defeat NEW YORK Sept The over- whelming defeat of Odell and in the Republican primaries yesterday has made Roosevelts friend Herbert E Parsons the undJputed Republican leader south of Westchester Quigg a hopeless minority last move In his endeavor to iln the support of wavering Repub- licans was to come cut for Charles E Hughes for governor This it is stated was without the or conSent of Hughes but nevertheless to a large extent Inder the circumstances Higgins stock is rising rapidly Jerome Is Overjoyed- At McClellans Showing NEW YORK Sept If In his own role as a boss buster District Attorney Jerome expressed himself today as high- ly elated by the strong showing made yesterday in the New York primaries- by the antimachine forces of parties Mr McClellans success was indeed gratifying said Jerome and was much greater than I had been led to ex- pect from the Information in my pos- session I am also gratified to note good of Mr E Par- sons who notwithstanding the fact that he is a political the best element of the Republican party A F L With Mr Hearst Are Not Strained President Qompers ot the American Federation of Labor said today the relations of the American Federation of Labor and Mr Hearst were not strained as bad ben reported but were of the most pleasant character President Qompers said there was no truth in the story that the American Federation of Labor had entered into an alliance with Mr Hearst or with an politician He regarded Mr Hearst as one of big men of the country who was not only friendly but helped labor and was aiding It in the present contest In commenting on the stories printed about Mr Hearsts indifference to the defeat of McGillicuddy by LlttlefleW Mr said Mr Hearst did not aeem to enthusiastically support Mc Gillicuddy but Mr Hearst no doubt had his own reasons for his action I State Qui fa- In Qui Quin punctured the Hughes hewn I bot n m Relations t th defeat ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY There are special underselling values galore throughout this immense stock of fine Furniture They are values that tempt liberal buying and our GENEROUS CREDIT TERMS make PAYING EASY I I 1 Furniture Bargains I- j I- I t x Th Handsome quarter- ed oak Bedroom Suite Dresser has ex- tended front French plate mirror and carved standards Washstand without glass 47 value 3350 I I ttii i I un- derselling price- ¬ ¬ ¬ Nixt oakfinislt lUlroorn Suite pretty Dresser with platr nurnr d j drawers and handles valiu uiidfrsiMiiis priie 10 5 0 brass P sis An exceptional value in Handsomely designed nicely carved Large mirror and brass handles 1 A f Sold for 25 Our underselling price JtTefcvT Side- boards 0 A new of Bedroom or Dining Chairs strongly built with brace arms carved pan el and neatly turned spindles 125 Underselling 4UC price line IA iii ¬ < HUB FURNI l URE CO Southeast Corner I7- th and D Streets ttCREDIT IS YOUR PURS I jI = TCO S COEDUCATIONAL Begins Its Twentyfourth irea September 24 PSIMABY IKTEKMBDIATE AND HIQK SCHOOL DBPAETSIKWTS It has prepared stu4w far more than twenty colleges and it accredited to those which on certificate Small classes under thorough and experienced teachers High moral and intellectual standards with simple and direct methods Three eulldtngs designed for school pur- poses The equipment includes new tertea art and manual training departments library and study hull lunch room gym- nasium and playground Catalogues at the t o k stores or from the principal THOMA8 W SIDWELL 1081117 I street northw s- tNtionl Cathedral School For Girls MOUNT 8T ALBAN WASHINGTON D C OPENS OCTOBER 1 Primary Preparatory and Academic Depart mints Students Admitted to OoltegM- OB Graduate InatructtoH la Art Without Rxtra Charge Smeial Attention Wren to Music Day Pupils Taken for Only Btoiaway Pianos for Practlc Fireproof Butldlnt Redoont Nurse Coa M a for dy pupils leave Dupont Circle at 8Z5 a m return SM p m Can leave Georgetown at St and SM a m RT REV H Y HATTERLEBS DD LLD President of Trustees MRS BARBvUR WALKER M A Principal Washington Seminary SM 4 S ST X W Aa rn st s l oo earnest girts The admitting on c rUfleate to all four of the following col Welle l y Mt Holyoke Vasear and Smith Planned for those vita desire thorough Inetruction and the upbulh Ing of character amid beautiful surroundings and reSeed associations Academic College Preparatory and Spe- cial C ur a Primary and Preparatory De under a Normal Teacher Oaeees Instructed by college graduates tennis Call for catalogue Mr and Mrs O T 8KALLWOO- DHALLNOTES DAY AND NIGHT PREPAJATOB SCHOOL College Preparatory Grammar and Primary Classes open Oetobtr 1 Special coaching all umnver OalalocuM PRANCES MANX HALL AM 1 E st aw FRENCH TEACHING E JAMIN Has returned from her vacation la Male and Is stopping at Mrs TRSMONTTS HOME rita R t nw Will resume French teaching there NATIONAL OOZiL2QS or PHARMACY 8B88ION BEGINS SBPTV M ISM Lectures and laboratory course in Botany Materla Medics Toxicology General and Chemistry and Pharmacy and Micro scopy Special students received In any of the Poe Prospectus address the Dean H E XALU80WSKI 8M I aw OtBc hours Deity from am to 4 pja sa4Ut- WASHINGTON CHRISTIAN COLLUdE Fourteenth and frying 8U N W Delightful location AM college education Day students solicited Tftrma reasonable SOSSJEA opens October the first President DANIEL E MOTUEY Ph D- ST AGNES SCHOOl A boarding school for u the tarot of the Sisters ot the EptseopsJ Church Terms 130 and IK per month For catalogue address The MaterinCharge MISS WAXliACBB SCHOOli Pot Beys and Girls 1707 P St JT Gives sp lal training jo pupIls who varioua causes are unable tu the work of public schools limited Opens Wednesday October X- sel Ut Sth K Established ISiS Positions to graduates er money reloaded Best Instruction day or night In Bookkeep- ing Shorthand Typewriting and all school subjects Preparation for civil service exami- nations 24tb YCAT of Saoeess in Washington The Berlitz School of Languages 72J tt N W A Prmc Grand Prizes St Low 04 05 French German Spanish etc Native teachers School open front 9 te 9 Trial Lesson Free HOLY CROSS ACADEMY Select school ladles and children Academic and Preparatory Departments Complete courses la Music sad Art Com mercial HeOi ens Sept 17 1HS Mass auSOJOt Friends School bon Certificate Courses loaM the Cap- Ita Prlnclpatll at I C rot from fur BUSINESS 14th O nard Liege for OUlur Music for Ists year batina Oct 1 IlN only private school 1 National Schoo An- alytical SilOfttreet Washington B under V keep ri COLLOI- A J I I L 1 1 course ave ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ Wonder What Mertz Will Say Today Stare Closes Every Day at 6p m Saturday at 9pm Your of fine tailoring will be fully met by the garmencs that Mertz builds to order And think of it You can have a suit built measure of fine and satisfaction guaran- teed for 9 MERTZ AND MERTZ CO 906 F Street 1 X v I i Vfrw V1 f5 W rUS Ai i Mertz Special Fall Suit to 9 Order f r ideas I I fabricsfit I I r es L A tO- M ¬ = SPECIAL orcra TO THE HOLDERS of Certificates of Indebtedness Series A Metropolitan Railroad Company Notice is hereby given that the Cer- tificates of Indebtedness Settee A Metropolitan Railroad Company dated the tvelfth day of August A D 1SW and payable on the first day of October A D 1966 will be paid on the said first day of October 1908 upon presentation- of the same at the office of the ington Railway and Electric 14th and East Streets Washing- ton D C Checks for interest due on said certificates the 1st of October 1906 will be mailed to the registered holders of the certificates as heretofore Interest on these certificates will cease after the said lint day of October IMS F HAM Sept 15 19M Treasurer Proper Decorating of Homes requires We services of exnerte See us lWPaav6s- e1iliiVrcaWs Plieno H d- I J I I COm V 8IlJS a oteri Y 33 ¬ ¬ ¬ > afth session opens October 1 1306 exclusively Complete course Degree of JL B can be secured at end sec- ond year Post graduate Practice Course ef technical instruction leading in one year to degree of LL M For catalog apply to Secretary IMl F St K VS or after Oct lilt at Law School Building S18K20 13th SC NW Phone M 343C POTOMAC UNIVERSITY 604606 Fifth Street N W Fourth year open Oct 1 iHt Evening sessions exclusively Regular course oC three years leading to gr of LL B and a fourth year leading to degree of LL M Tuition 560 a Year For further Information apply at school or office of the Dean 1W Columbian Building MOUNT VERNON SEMINARY Elevon Hundred 31 Street Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies Established In J87S this continues the careful training and thorvjcli Instruc- tion In every department for rnlch It teas hitherto b n so favorably XL awn It Is modern and procreMilve In metbcda and spirit and Is equipped wltb every appliance toe the health and comfort of Its pupils including steam heat passenger elevator perfect sani- tation and ample playgrounds Thirty Mcond year begins on Tuesday Oc- tober eoon4- 9or information apply to Mrs J SOkCERS- Mr ADELIA GATES H0K8LET Principals John Porter Lawrence PIANO 1313 N Street N W Cooking Dressmaking Tailoring Instruction Individual and Practical National Soheol Domestic Arts Conn Ave AM at n Illustrated Circular MISS LIPPINCOTT and MISS BAKERS SCHOOL Xlndergarten Preparatory sAd Academic Departments ftC Cat ave corner of Con- necticut Reopens Oct 2 Coach calls for children TRAINING SCHOOL tltt Cal Ave eec Ooooeetlcut Ave Martha Washington Seminary Fmr younr women Special and general Two years course for high school Music art etc Also primary department lot limited number Reopens Oc teber J EDWARD W THOMPSON Prln- dpal 14th et near Thomas Circle FOR BOYS Its Boarding and Day Departments with Its Junior and Senior Schools with Its modern buildings and its extensive athletic grounds with its able Fatuity and its thor- ough course of study offers unusual advan- tages lot the education of a boy from the time be leaves the kindergarten until he en- ters college Master LOUIS L HOOPER Wl Wisconsin avenue BUSINESS COLLKOi 11TH A F PTa NW Over 1W typewriters la betidIng ex- perienced Instructors In all commercial branches Including Shorthand Type and Civil Service New j are enrolling daily C U write Main 3499 fer catalogue Over fN past year National University School LAW SCHOOL stir I I Columbia Kindergarten of f I THE WASHINGTON SCHOOL With A may be obtained at u leg booluotorett and tuSsle or of the Head I I I preparation tvirees Yearook lead EIght S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SPECIAL NOTICES THIS IS TO NOTIFY all perrons against giving credit to ray wife Mary Wise Thompson as I wi not be ra for any indebtedness either In her or my name K L TIOMPSON It A SCHOLARSHIP open to competitive examination has been Medical Department of Georgetown Uni- versity Examination will commence on September t7th Applications for ex- aminations will be until Septem Always the Same Tharps Pure Q12 a St 27 W Phono Main 1141 Epecial Pzirato Delivery her GEO KOBER Dean II H Street sell3t rkeley Rye 20 M ¬ ¬ > > University Bcly Columbian Organized by Special Act of in lift CHARLES WILLIS NEEDHAM LL D President Mth Session 1 07 opens 3- irndergTaduata Graduate sad Professional irses offered of UM High Schools and ot tar accredited i admitted to the undersraduato couraea- itnout xamtnaUon Buildings University Hall Ifith and H streets Law Building H street and Dental Building IMI II 79 Utn street Labontuiry of ntln nng Van KH The Hospital imK H street National College of Pharmacy 88 I Departments TS AND SCZKlfCSS DIVISION OP OSAJUATB STTTDIES Graduate oour leading to dexreee of Master of Aru Muter of Sel M Ctvll Engineer Electrical Engineer Mo hank al Engineer and Doctor of Philosophy COLUMBIAN COLLEGE UndervraduatA course to degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science COLLEGE OX ZKOKTEEBHTQ- Indergraduate courses leading to the Bachelor of Science degrees In Civil Elec- trical and Mechanical Engineering DIVISION O7 ABCHITZCTUEE Undergraduate course leading to the de gree of Bachelor of Science In Architecture DICJCNE FACULTY OP MEDICINE A four year course also a nvey course leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine rACUZiTY OF TXflTBY threeyear course Irexilot to the degree of Doctor of Dental Surtten AND JURISPRUDENCE Regular law course leading to the d- gree of Bachelor of Graduate courses leading to the d of Master of Laws Master of Patent Law and Doctor of Jurisprudence POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY Graduate courses Mad ng to 9t Master of Diplomacy sad Doctor of Phil- osophy COLX2O2Z OP PHARMACY Threyear course leading to UM degree of Doctor uf Pharmacy For catalogues application blanks sad fur Ibm Information communicate with OTIS SWETT Registrar MBlOt Cor H and 15th atreets nw BELCOURT SEMINARY Home and Day School for Girls Cor 13th and GIrard Sts N W Primary preparatory and collage meats Tearhrrs are college graduates of expert professional training Music Art and Expression School Opens October 3 Mrs ART BVgKE 8OMERVELL- Mies DA LEE DUNCAN Principals WIMODAUGHSIS CLASSES Ulf NEW YORK AVE Literature French German and Millinery Omce open to 7 MISS NORCRA886 WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW Ult New York ave reopens Monday Oe tober 1 7 p m Public invited evening ses- sions threeyear course leading t degree of Bachelor oC Laws Graduate courses MM year Master of Law pea to women and men property qualified Tuition M per year Catalogues at book stores Per mtormatiun apply to 33e S enoer Mussey JVli Dean Phone M6B 4U Fifth ww WALTER T HOLT Mandolin Guitar and Banjo Teacher Club Advantages to Pupils Free Studio Wash College of Music 1290 F St Y M fl INSTITUTE A School for Employed Men and Youths un- der the direction of Experts in Education Claaework ts conducted at night frjm M to- W oclock Faculty of twenty instructors ill men of Urge experience Superb educational equipment Otnenu cljb features baths gymnasium library dining room School of- tewber 17 offering usual busies studies and special courses viz Real Estate Law and Conveyancing Spanish Corporation Aeeaunt- eehBlcal Science Language Courses open Monday Oct bulletin terms etc apply to MYRON J JOXKS Director Phone M isW 17K G St N W JOHNS GOLLEG The George Washington I Con Grad tea HID Park e leading ear Laws D depart > Mo lit I I tg Cone L Pot WaskinL- oft Ire street Architecture strOlL t LAW degrees apt ru Oases I tie Sept 17 ommerce and Finance opens Scp eM Sill > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Vermont Avenue near Thomas Circle Conducted by the Brothers of the ChrUtioa Scnoola A SELECT DA7 COLLEGE FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOlo COLLEGIATE COMMERCIAL ACADEMIC AND PRIMARY DEPARTMENTS School Opens September M Catalogue sent on application U1730C BROTHER OERMAN3S Miss fladeiras SchoolF- OR GIRLS HOME AND DAY ISM and lEt l h just below Dupont Circle Primary IntermedIate High School and Graduate Departments College Preparatory and General Courses in Charge of Frauleln Marl von Un schuld An in Charge of Mrs W H Holmes Gymnasium and Tennis School session begins Oct 2 LUCY MADEIRA Principal EPENCZ3IAK BUSINESS COLLEGE 403 Ninth Street N W lisa been Is now and will under the new ownership and management continue to be Washingtons Greatest OfficeTraining In- stitution for Stenographers Bookkeepers Of- fice Assistants civil Service Candidates and Useful Life Real merit appoint- ments results honorable deal- Ings promises fulfilled and the proprietors assisted by specialists are some of the dis- tinctive features that have made and shall maintain the as the leading college of its kind Do not spend time and money at an Inferior school but come to the Spen conan The College la open dally for students and from 8 am to 9 pm The de mands tot graduates In Shorthand and Send booklets and special information auMeodtf- I BRISTOL SCHOOL English antI French Church School- Separate French residence with advantages I to those of a refined Parisian home I for and for social Ute for its high scholastic standing and for IU strong attitude against extravagant expenditure and against catering to the luxuryloving tend metes of the tintefl ALICE A BRISTOL Principal Mintwood Place and 18th St COMMERCIAL SCHOOL j East Capitol Stroat year begins Tuesday Sept 4 Six iBfrtiusters and iftygrs machines in type- writing OBtatosue free COURT F WOOD LL M aul3tr Prlnclpo Pre SCHOOL s I MucK satisfactory Allen n are for free equal The school Is Ohar15t1Ze4 tar Its training I d f elegant joins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GEORGETOWN FOUNDED IN IIH SCHOOL OF LAW REV DAVID II BCEL S J President of the University hARRY M Justice Supreme Court District ot O- lumbiaj D n f the Faculty and Law and iracttca and fcqnUy Pleading and Practice E HAMILTON LL D Chkrf Justice of the Court f AM e f the District oC Lecturer en Constitutional La the Law of and Baoity J Associate Justice Supreme Court ot tfce D triet of Columbia Lecturer OB the Law of Contract CsKlul Law and Domestic BeUUoM HON DANIEL THBW WRIGHT Associate JuUee Supreme Court of UM Die filet ef C vuiuMi Lecturer on Law of Insurant nON WENDELL PHILLIPS STAFFORD Associate Justice Supreme eon of UK Des trict of Columbia Lecturer on the Law of Agency CHARLES A DOUGLAS A B Lecturer on the Law of Toru NsefUM Paper and Elementary Law MICHAEL J COLBERT A M LL M Lecturer en the Law Personal Property safi Partnership HON D W BAK8R A M LU X States Attorney for UM District of Columbia Lecturer ea the Law of Real Estate and UM Law of BvUence judge of the Circuit Court DANIEL W A M Ph Df- LT M Court of aU M MTB LEiGH J HOLDSWORTH GORDOX A B 1 M DAXIBL OTK NOOHUE A M PH D LL M and P- EASBTSMITII A M LL M- K J WATKINS S er PRANK E CUXXINGHAM Secretary ADDITIONAL i THB FOURTH TEAR OR POSTGRAD- UATE COURSE liON HOLMES CONRAD Late Seltettor General of UM Ualle4 States OB the History of the Development f Law and Comparative JurwiiruawMa oa the History of the Law lION SETH 8HEPARD LL chief Justice Court of Appeal of UM of Columbia On the History of Constitutional Law and Ibo KBV JOHN S J- On Natural Law sad TAW MONRoE SMITH LL D UM 8 H l of Polltteal Seleace of Columbia UniversIty New York CUT OB Chi Law lioN LOIT8 Jt IX D Justice of the Court of AB4ls of the Dtotnct of On mternaUonal Law and rreiga Relates of the United States RALEIGH C MINOR LL rpraraiwor of Law In the University of VV- glaia On the Conflict of Laws lION JOKX W YERKES LL Aectd Law M rte p l Cor J NOTA MeOILL LL M- On Patent Law ALDIS B BROWXE Courts WILLIAM C WOODWARD M D LL M GEORGE E HAMILTON Oa Legal Columbia On Geserl Prestos and IB tar and FREDERICK Solicitor State DeparUsiyO On Cltlr nyihtr The tWrtys TenU annual s loa oens on WednMday October 1 iSchool 1MB northwest at menu will be for the All are Cordially Invited to fcrxow Sioo00 information l mnt pai M t ef with an enroll before SCHOOL OF MEDICIXE and continue el tot Btu leabUod tor day only tonr Chemistry Pb nMehoto and iet rl lo v for euataal eHKH practical work In of ettj and In HoopltaL For circulate drea XOBEK H 8tn t Exceptional opportunltlea are for In Dentistry Session begins September T- OW N COGAN D S ta H Street United States College Veterinary Surgeons 2M C ST JCW WABHIXOTOK D C SESSION JS04OT BEGINS OCTOHBR 1- OfTm prospectus and tall HrformaUon C BARXWBLL ROBINSON V S Dean Phone Main zm r UNIVERSITY lON B Lecturer OR Ledrer 1ft the or Wills JiBlR LL n rporatielM e nOM X LLO U B of Unit ROB- INSON NOTA MCGILL Quiz Masters CLARENCE JL WItSOX Jut Assistant sad English Uons of Civil Ubetty CONWAY Ca U Associate Columbia D D- On u LL JvrWiedGla and practiec of IMat Ota LL D Bibles MON D W BAKER A LL Y- Ualted Attorney for tIM of Fired Assistant lIeS the BuildIng which aaniaflcs term tat bet The be st his in the evening ftem Ulldl I for fees etc Students proposing to connect the school d to the R SeeM r TINt tCtJ eDth session wm V nIght being given Practical lab oratory work instructors In AnatomY Phploo Pathology Dr Ample facilities and the tn venlty the Dean DR DE TAL DEPARTMENT O a modern education t a- PACULTY Law liON the and- S District Professor itt lisPread B- On UnIted K States DOMrft Evidence VAN < 50 m- In Itw and street time eSeqIg Secretary will oee durIng I 15550eetiy 1 WATKINS begs Pep tembec months dent Instruction p lerturoS under ad- dress ¬ ¬ > ± > Miss Dorseys School 1 152 Street on Connecticut Avenue Primary Academic Preparatory Athletic Court with TUB MISSES BOARDING AND OPENS OCT L SEND FOR CIRCULARS ee7 t PA3HBB LANGUAGE SCHOOli Speaking reading and translating rapidly Native trial hundreds of testImonials last X Y ave Senor COStAR Prta- seltf THE MARYLAND SCHQOL FOR THE BLIND BALTIMORE MD INCLUDING THE FOR BLIND AND DEAF A thorough course of instruction In Grammar tt Hijrh School Branches Manual Training Physical Culture Sometrtis Ssis s ad SSueio A full corps of welltrsl d and xparienc 1 teachers ChIldren from the District of Co lumbla and Maryland may b 4mUt 4 fri if unable to pay Patronage from without th State solicited Advanoed pupils In music may take advantage of opportunities offered by the P body per annum School opeo September 10th JOHN F BLKDSOE A B A M Maryland Agricultural College COLLEGi PARK Md JTarjIands School of Technology COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Agricultural Scientific Mechanical Horticultural Chemical Civil Engineering Terms 9 payable quarterly in advance no extras Healthful location near Wash- ington All modern sanitary improvements Two cadets to a room separate commences with eatraao examtaa tions September 18 and It EQUIPS 3O IIP33S WORK For tall particulars address as above ST ROSaS INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL WILL prepared to fill orders for lames S WiM coat wraps etc Lesessa given in cutting and fitting further Infer apply to S 3 o it RW College Fully instructor 8TIAC 5 FOR GIRLS ltfIIi 17th 87 BOYS 14 MASS AYE S teachers It Joe erv 1300 SupertntfD E- a11138t 1 bed reopen en Setttelftber IHC wlll suIt Fur n a t DAT DEPARTMENT free first year WhOa we be and se sasS ¬
Page 1: Ttiii I F L TCO - Library of Congress · 2 THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1906 TTII i Ttiii tined to be suttceasful so a to enable the fnil d States to complete its preparations


TTII i Ttiii

tined to be suttceasful so a to enablethe fnil d States to complete itspreparations it it becomes

retort 10 fV reful Inerveotton

American ReportsLou of His Horses

Taken by the Rebels

The State Department ha received a-

dJsKittU from a Grand RapkK Michnan who property at Santo Dorolngo Cuba announcing that the ifft-

surgents have r iMi ltleft d twelvehorses from his plantation there

The Navy Department was advised ofthe arrival of the Des sCotne with Sicretnry Taft and hi party on board atHavana shortly after 2 oclock thismorning

Additional dispatches hive venJ from Commander Col ell of tho

Dfnxr at Havana saying that quietprevails and that negotiation forj AC are proceeding between the In-

sure Jits and the government and thatboth sites are preserving order pendingthe conferences with Secretary Taft


The Navy Department this afternoonannounced that battleships Louis-iana Virginia and New Jersey whichare sailing down the coast wllu go direct to Havana instead of IntoKey West for orders as was originallyintended-

A wireless telegram states that thywere oft Charleston S C last night

The department also announces thatthe Dixie now at Clenfuegos will be

by either the Tacoma or theCleveland In order that she may resumeher station in Santo DomIno wheretrouble is threatened


Detective Comwell of the Central Of-

fice this morning arrested forWeedon and Buriingame Charles

H Reed twentyfour years oW livingat Laurel Xd who is wanted to answerto a charge of larceny of a SOld watchand an 1851 halfdollar from Henry ILEvertson of 1994 AnthonyBronx N Y

When questioned at Police Headquar-ters this morning Reed admitted

had had the watch and coin in hispossession and that he had spent thelatter for liquor but claimed that hhad found them


Indicating his desire to extend thepublic playground movement and makeit i permanent fixture in the develop-ment f this city Henry Curtis super-visor of the public playgrounds todaysubmitted to the District CommissionersIlls estimates for the fiscal year beginfling July 1 1907 in which he asks for atotal appropriation of fISdOOO to carry-on the work on an enlarged scale


Justice Thomas H AmJereon otSupreme Court c the with Mrsyndfrsan ana Miss Anderson spentseveral months travel ins in Europereturned to W shht toc ard wa atVIC City Han today

DIEDBl RKEOn Tueeday September 18 i o at

320 a m Mrs RHODA BURKE belovedwife of Michael Burke at the home of hersister Mrs Elisabeth Bteden 17atreet southeast

SMa was horn in Washington fortjnlnyears ago her name being Rhoda Katrl-Twentynine years a o she married Michaelliurke muturant keeper at Chesap sik-

iifach ltd cams to WMhlnKiun uSunday to visit her sister and wa tak nsullenly Ill on Monday Tuesday morningshortly after S oclock she died The at-tending physician staled that death wasjUt to heart failure superinduced a com-plication of diseases

Mrs Burke is suvived by her husband ason Frank and two daughters Mrs Marydark and Miss Maggie Burke

Funeral services will be held in StPeters Catholic Church tomorrow morningat oclock Interment will be matte inMt Olivet Cemetery Friends and rela-tives Invited It

BURKE On Tuesday Septemter 18 1906 ati a m JOHN the only son of Matthewand Della Burke nee Hurney

DARLJNOOn Monday September 17 1906at 1045 p m OEOROB AUOfSTUS be-loved husband of Julia F Darllns agedsixtytwo years

Ianiculant win be fouad in another col-umn

HAAS On Tuesday September IS 1S06 ather residence 4M Sixth street northwestANNA BELLE HAAS wife of Orlandu MHaas

HOLLAND On Wednesday September 1

1906 at oclock a m MARY RHOLLAND wife of C A Holland

Funeral from her late resMence 1500 IIstreet northeast Friday September1906 oclock p m Friends and rela-tives Invited sel 2t-

BOGERS On Tueeday IS ISO at10 a m JOHN the husband ofMargaret Ross at his reJMence 69 Myrtlestreet northeast

Mr Rogers was fiftyseven years oldand succumbed to heart trouble lie hadbeen a resident of Washington thirtylive

He was a native of Pottsvillea widow he hi survived by ne-

Bfns and tame daughter Williamlieorge Robrn Walter Auguat and Louise

Mass be said for the of hissnil tomorrow afternoon at the family rsi-d nce Other details of the funeral havenot been completed

SMITH On Tuesday September 18 1906 ata m RALPH MILTON Infant son

if Forrent Q and Ada C Smith aged fourmonths two weeks sad six days


iPFIER IB sad but loving remembran-cf ANDREAS IjOFFLER who diet onpar ago today September 19 IMa It

FUNERAL DESIGNSof every description moderately priced

GUDE1214 JP St Phone M 4878


BTH AND H BTS NW Everything firstclass and reasonable Personal and promptitrvice Phone SLain 537-

s j30t


Hi Pean K W WasWoeten D C

Il jo ilaln 025















l tri tWhO








ears IllBesides

lIar y

III rep








I l















morning session of the executivecsmnetl of the American Federation ofLabor was taken up largely with mal-lets of minor Importance A number ofcomplaints on questions of jurisdictionwire constdened anti referred to Presi-dent Gompera with direction to arrangetot conferences between the organisa-tions claiming jurisdiction

Th application of the Flint Oiasa As-

sociation for reafrfltation with the AF of U was received ami it WM de-

ckled that it wopldbe received and act-ed on favorably when the associationagreed to accept the former decision ofthe executive council

Work for the campaign was discussedand President Qompers was authorisedto appoint organisers to strengthen thelabor movement and central and Stateorganisations affiliated with the A Fof L are to be asked to appoint organisers for campaign work All expensesof the campaign are to be paid fromthe funds of the A F of L


SAN JOSE CaL Sept IS Bud Doblethe famous driver and trainer who hasbandied trotting horses for the latforty years and Is known throughout-the country is in a serious conditionhare a result of being seIzed by avicious stallions teeth shaken like arat and thrown to the ground

Before he could arise the animalreared then threw himself on the prostrat form of the trainer crushing Dobin into Insensibility Only thearrival of a stableman who beat theanimal saved Dobtes life Severalbones are broken however



Continued from First Page

his name is Jones Colored personswho know him say his name is notJones but Chase and that he lives inWashington but has been In PrinceGeorge county for several weeks

Cemraittod to PrisonThis morning the prisoner was hand

cuffed and taken to the oMen of Jus-tice of the Peace Carr Afterhe was Identified Justice Carr orderedhim committed to the Marlboro Jailto await the action of the grand juryThe prisoner was placed in ConstableVincents only after a flares

Notwithstanding the factthat he was handcuffed be upa fight and had to be clubbedand overpowered by several men

While the was drivingalong the road to the Jan Chase mum-bled threats of getting even and sev-

eral times attempted to attackS Vincentbut the latter kept his revolver handyand delivered the to th Jailershortly before noon


Michael OConnor 71 yews 62L

street northeastZetty Diamond 30 years SM-

ternth street northwestLewis P Wall 7 years Government

Hospital for theArthur Tyson tS years HS4 Twenty

third street northwestWilliam 15 years 781 geeomi

street outhw tPatrick Cook W years J9B Pennsyl-

vania avmu northwouElla Willis years 2Z Klntb

W years 1 SouthCapitol street

Robert A Whittoy 6 years TmondD C

Milton Hurgertord SC years 1CM ocmoat avenue

Frank Lyons OS yean Ksnilworth

Annie B Hans SC years m Sixthstreet northwest

Sylvia Jackson i month Dnorthwest

Jessie B VUItams S oathHill northwestHerman BaurrKartcn 5 months 1207

H street northeast









Annie Fuller

1 C



















Continued from First Page

was predicted that the governorwill be renominated

Hearst People Confident-

At Hearst headquarters great confi-

dence was also expressed and claimslaid to almost everything In sightHearst people claipt to have New Yorkcounty Erie Onondaga and twenty ormore other counties

AntiHearst Democrats today took a-

new tack They say that Hearstsspeech at Union practically re-pudiated the Democratic

declare the IndependenceLeague seems disposed to nominate

in nomination not only entireticket but many local ticketS

even machine Democrats who have upto this time been for it is de-clared will insist that the Democraticconvention shall ignore the IndependenceLeague altogether and nominateticket de novo They believe thatHaarst cannot stand for this and thaton the rock of regularity thoHearst ship is likely to go to

Fuel Added to FlamesWhen this story was carried to the

Hearst camp It was Intimated thatDemocratic sensibilities would bo re-

garded and the Buffalo conventionwould have its other wishes respectedIn a large degree so long as It agreed-to the main point of nominating HpfratHearst men stated that the Hearstmovement now is so widespread insideDemocratic ranks that this primal factwould have a tendency to asidetechnicalities as to party regularity andthe like as soon as the delegates as-

sembled at BuffaloIn the primaries Instead of

allaying the political excitement appearto have added to the flames

Higgins Stock RisesAfter Quiggs Defeat

NEW YORK Sept The over-whelming defeat of Odell and inthe Republican primaries yesterdayhas made Roosevelts friend HerbertE Parsons the undJputed Republicanleader south of Westchester Quigg

a hopeless minoritylast move In his endeavor to

iln the support of wavering Repub-licans was to come cut forCharles E Hughes for governor Thisit is stated was without the orconSent of Hughes but nevertheless

to a large extent

Inder the circumstances Higginsstock is rising rapidly

Jerome Is Overjoyed-At McClellans Showing

NEW YORK Sept If In his own roleas a boss buster District AttorneyJerome expressed himself today as high-ly elated by the strong showing madeyesterday in the New York primaries-by the antimachine forces ofparties

Mr McClellans success was indeedgratifying said Jerome and wasmuch greater than I had been led to ex-pect from the Information in my pos-session I am also gratified to notegood of Mr E Par-sons who notwithstanding the fact thathe is a political thebest element of the Republican party

A F LWith Mr Hearst

Are Not StrainedPresident Qompers ot the American

Federation of Labor said today therelations of the American Federation ofLabor and Mr Hearst were not strainedas bad ben reported but were of themost pleasant character PresidentQompers said there was no truth in thestory that the American Federation ofLabor had entered into an alliance withMr Hearst or with an politician Heregarded Mr Hearst as one of bigmen of the country who was not onlyfriendly but helped labor andwas aiding It in the present contest

In commenting on the stories printedabout Mr Hearsts indifference to thedefeat of McGillicuddy by LlttlefleWMr said Mr Hearst did notaeem to enthusiastically support McGillicuddy but Mr Hearst no doubthad his own reasons for his action






Quinpunctured the Hughes hewn



n m



















There are special underselling values galore throughoutthis immense stock of fine Furniture They are values thattempt liberal buying and our GENEROUS CREDITTERMS make PAYING EASY

I I1 Furniture Bargains I-jI-

I t



Handsome quarter-ed oak BedroomSuite Dresser has ex-

tended front Frenchplate mirror andcarved standardsWashstand withoutglass 47 value


I Ittii


derselling price-




Nixt oakfinislt lUlroorn Suite pretty Dresserwith platr nurnr d j drawers and handles

valiu uiidfrsiMiiis priie10 5 0brass P


An exceptional value inHandsomely designed

nicely carved Large mirror andbrass handles 1 A fSold for 25 Our

underselling price JtTefcvT



A new of Bedroom orDining Chairs strongly builtwith brace arms carved panel and neatly turned spindles125

Underselling 4UCprice

line IAiii¬


HUB FURNI l URE CO Southeast Corner I7-th and D Streets



COEDUCATIONALBegins Its Twentyfourth irea

September 24PSIMABY IKTEKMBDIATE ANDHIQK SCHOOL DBPAETSIKWTSIt has prepared stu4w far more than

twenty colleges and it accredited to thosewhich on certificate Small classesunder thorough and experienced teachersHigh moral and intellectual standards withsimple and direct methods

Three eulldtngs designed for school pur-poses The equipment includes newtertea art and manual training departmentslibrary and study hull lunch room gym-nasium and playground

Catalogues at the t o k stores or from theprincipal THOMA8 W SIDWELL

1081117 I street northw s-

tNtionl Cathedral SchoolFor Girls


Primary Preparatory and Academic Departmints Students Admitted to OoltegM-

OB GraduateInatructtoH la Art Without Rxtra Charge

Smeial Attention Wren to MusicDay Pupils Taken for Only

Btoiaway Pianos for PractlcFireproof Butldlnt Redoont Nurse

Coa M a for dy pupils leave Dupont Circleat 8Z5 a m return SM p m Can leaveGeorgetown at St and SM a m

RT REV H Y HATTERLEBS DD LLDPresident of Trustees


Washington SeminarySM 4 S ST X W

Aa rn st s l oo earnest girts

Theadmitting on c rUfleate to all four of the

following col Welle l y Mt HolyokeVasear and Smith Planned for those vitadesire thorough Inetruction and the upbulhIng of character amid beautiful surroundingsand reSeed associations

Academic College Preparatory and Spe-

cial C ur a Primary and Preparatory Deunder a Normal Teacher

Oaeees Instructed by college graduatestennis Call for catalogue

Mr and Mrs O T 8KALLWOO-

DHALLNOTES DAY AND NIGHTPREPAJATOB SCHOOLCollege Preparatory Grammar and PrimaryClasses open Oetobtr 1 Special coaching allumnver OalalocuMPRANCES MANX HALL A M 1 E st aw

FRENCH TEACHING E JAMINHas returned from her vacation la Male andIs stopping at Mrs TRSMONTTS HOME ritaR t nw Will resume French teaching there


Lectures and laboratory course in BotanyMaterla Medics Toxicology General and

Chemistry and Pharmacy and Microscopy Special students received In any ofthe

Poe Prospectus address the Dean H EXALU80WSKI 8M I aw OtBc hoursDeity from am to 4 pja sa4Ut-


Delightful location AM college educationDay students solicited Tftrma reasonableSOSSJEA opens October the first


ST AGNES SCHOOlA boarding school for u the tarotof the Sisters ot the EptseopsJChurch Terms 130 and IK per monthFor catalogue address The MaterinCharge

MISS WAXliACBB SCHOOliPot Beys and Girls 1707 P St JTGives sp lal training jo pupIls whovarioua causes are unable tuthe work of public schoolslimited Opens Wednesday October X-

sel Ut

Sth K Established ISiSPositions to graduates er money reloadedBest Instruction day or night In Bookkeep-ing Shorthand Typewriting and all schoolsubjects Preparation for civil service exami-nations

24tb YCAT of Saoeess in WashingtonThe Berlitz School of Languages

72J tt N W A PrmcGrand Prizes St Low 04 05French German Spanish etc Native teachers

School open front 9 te 9 Trial Lesson Free


Select school ladles and childrenAcademic and Preparatory DepartmentsComplete courses la Music sad Art Com

mercialHeOi ens Sept 17 1HS MassauSOJOt

Friends School


Certificate Courses


the Cap-Ita







14th OnardLiege

for OUlur


forIsts year batina Oct 1 IlN

only private school 1 National



SilOfttreetWashington B



ri COLLOI-A J I I L 1 1










Wonder What Mertz Will Say TodayStare Closes Every Day at 6 p m Saturday at 9 p m

Your of fine tailoring will be fully met bythe garmencs that Mertz builds to order

And think of it You can have a suit builtmeasure of fine and satisfaction guaran-teed for 9

MERTZ AND MERTZ CO 906 F Street1 X v I i Vfrw V1 f5 W rUS Ai


Mertz Special FallSuit to 9Order f r



I fabricsfit








SPECIAL orcraTO THE HOLDERS of Certificates ofIndebtedness Series A MetropolitanRailroad Company

Notice is hereby given that the Cer-tificates of Indebtedness Settee AMetropolitan Railroad Company datedthe tvelfth day of August A D 1SWand payable on the first day of OctoberA D 1966 will be paid on the said firstday of October 1908 upon presentation-of the same at the office of theington Railway and Electric14th and East Streets Washing-ton D C Checks for interest due onsaid certificates the 1st of October 1906will be mailed to the registered holdersof the certificates as heretofore

Interest on these certificates will ceaseafter the said lint day of October IMS

F HAMSept 15 19M Treasurer

Proper Decorating of Homesrequires We services of exnerte See us

lWPaav6s-e1iliiVrcaWs Plieno H















afth session opens October 1 1306exclusively

Complete course Degreeof JL B can be secured at end sec-ond year Post graduate Practice Courseef technical instruction leading in oneyear to degree of LL M

For catalog apply to SecretaryIMl F St K VS or after Oct lilt at

Law School Building S18K20 13th SC N WPhone M 343C


604606 Fifth Street N WFourth year open Oct 1 iHt

Evening sessions exclusivelyRegular course oC three years leading togr of LL B and a fourth year leading

to degree of LL M

Tuition 560 a YearFor further Information apply at school or

office of the Dean 1W Columbian Building

MOUNT VERNON SEMINARYElevon Hundred 31 Street

Boarding and Day Schoolfor Young Ladies

Established In J87S this continuesthe careful training and thorvjcli Instruc-tion In every department for rnlch It teashitherto b n so favorably XL awn It Ismodern and procreMilve In metbcda and spiritand Is equipped wltb every appliance toe thehealth and comfort of Its pupils includingsteam heat passenger elevator perfect sani-tation and ample playgrounds

Thirty Mcond year begins on Tuesday Oc-tober eoon4-

9or information apply toMrs J SOkCERS-Mr ADELIA GATES H0K8LET


John Porter LawrencePIANO

1313 N Street N W

Cooking Dressmaking TailoringInstruction Individual and PracticalNational Soheol Domestic Arts

Conn Ave A M at n Illustrated Circular


Xlndergarten Preparatory sAd AcademicDepartments ftC Cat ave corner of Con-

necticut Reopens Oct 2 Coach calls forchildren

TRAINING SCHOOLtltt Cal Ave eec Ooooeetlcut Ave

Martha Washington SeminaryFmr younr women Special and general

Two years course for high schoolMusic art etc Also primary

department lot limited number Reopens Octeber J EDWARD W THOMPSON Prln-dpal 14th et near Thomas Circle

FOR BOYSIts Boarding and Day Departments

with Its Junior and Senior Schools with Itsmodern buildings and its extensive athleticgrounds with its able Fatuity and its thor-ough course of study offers unusual advan-tages lot the education of a boy from thetime be leaves the kindergarten until he en-

ters college

Master LOUIS L HOOPER Wl Wisconsinavenue

BUSINESS COLLKOi 11TH A F PTa NWOver 1W typewriters la betidIng ex-

perienced Instructors In all commercialbranches Including Shorthand Typeand Civil Service New j

are enrolling daily C U writeMain 3499 fer catalogue Over fNpast year







Columbia Kindergartenof





A may be obtained at uleg booluotorett and tuSsle or of the Head






Yearook lead












THIS IS TO NOTIFY all perrons againstgiving credit to ray wife MaryWise Thompson as I wi not be ra

for any indebtedness either Inher or my name K L TIOMPSON

ItA SCHOLARSHIP open to competitiveexamination has beenMedical Department of Georgetown Uni-versity Examination will commenceon September t7th Applications for ex-aminations will be until Septem

Always the Same

Tharps Pure

Q12 a St 27 W Phono Main 1141Epecial Pzirato Delivery

her GEO KOBER Dean II HStreet sell3t

rkeley Rye

20 M





UniversityBcly Columbian Organized by Special


PresidentMth Session 1 07 opens 3-

irndergTaduata Graduate sad Professionalirses offered of UMHigh Schools and ot tar accredited i

admitted to the undersraduato couraea-itnout xamtnaUon

BuildingsUniversity Hall Ifith and H streetsLaw Building H street

and Dental Building IMI II79 Utn street

Labontuiry of ntln nng Van KHThe Hospital imK H streetNational College of Pharmacy 88 I

DepartmentsTS AND SCZKlfCSS

DIVISION OP OSAJUATB STTTDIESGraduate oour leading to dexreee of

Master of Aru Muter of Sel M CtvllEngineer Electrical Engineer Mo hank alEngineer and Doctor of PhilosophyCOLUMBIAN COLLEGE

UndervraduatA course to degreesof Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of ScienceCOLLEGE OX ZKOKTEEBHTQ-Indergraduate courses leading to the

Bachelor of Science degrees In Civil Elec-trical and Mechanical EngineeringDIVISION O7 ABCHITZCTUEE

Undergraduate course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science In Architecture


A four year course also a nvey courseleading to the degree of Doctor of MedicinerACUZiTY OF TXflTBY

threeyear course Irexilot to the degreeof Doctor of Dental Surtten

AND JURISPRUDENCERegular law course leading to the d-

gree of Bachelor ofGraduate courses leading to the d

of Master of Laws Master of Patent Lawand Doctor of Jurisprudence

POLITICS AND DIPLOMACYGraduate courses Mad ng to 9t

Master of Diplomacy sad Doctor of Phil-osophy

COLX2O2Z OP PHARMACYThreyear course leading to UM degree

of Doctor uf Pharmacy

For catalogues application blanks sad furIbm Information communicate with

OTIS SWETT RegistrarMBlOt Cor H and 15th atreets nw

BELCOURT SEMINARYHome and Day School for Girls

Cor 13th and GIrard Sts N WPrimary preparatory and collage

meats Tearhrrs are college graduates ofexpert professional training

Music Art and ExpressionSchool Opens October 3Mrs ART BVgKE 8OMERVELL-Mies DA LEE DUNCAN



Literature French German and MillineryOmce open to 7 MISS NORCRA886


Ult New York ave reopens Monday Oetober 1 7 p m Public invited evening ses-sions threeyear course leading t degree ofBachelor oC Laws Graduate courses MMyear Master of Law pea to women andmen property qualified Tuition M per yearCatalogues at book stores Per mtormatiunapply to

33e S enoer Mussey JVli DeanPhone M6B 4U Fifth ww

WALTER T HOLTMandolin Guitar and Banjo Teacher

Club Advantages to Pupils FreeStudio Wash College of Music 1290 F St

Y M fl INSTITUTEA School for Employed Men and Youths un-

der the direction of Experts in EducationClaaework ts conducted at night frjm M to-W oclock Faculty of twenty instructors illmen of Urge experience Superb educationalequipment Otnenu cljb features bathsgymnasium library dining room School of-

tewber 17 offering usual busies studies andspecial courses viz Real Estate Law andConveyancing Spanish Corporation Aeeaunt-

eehBlcal ScienceLanguage Courses open Monday Oct

bulletin terms etc apply toMYRON J JOXKS Director

Phone M isW 17K G St N W


TheGeorge Washington



Grad tea














tg ConeL









ru OasesI tie Sept 17

ommerce and Finance opens Scp











Vermont Avenue near Thomas CircleConducted by the Brothers of the ChrUtioa




Catalogue sent on applicationU1730C BROTHER OERMAN3S

Miss fladeiras SchoolF-OR GIRLS

HOME AND DAYISM and lEt l h just below DupontCircle Primary IntermedIate High School

and Graduate DepartmentsCollege Preparatory and General Courses

in Charge of Frauleln Marl von Unschuld An in Charge of Mrs W H Holmes

Gymnasium and TennisSchool session begins Oct 2



lisa been Is now and will under the newownership and management continue to be

Washingtons Greatest OfficeTraining In-

stitution for Stenographers Bookkeepers Of-fice Assistants civil Service Candidates andUseful Life Real merit appoint-ments results honorable deal-Ings promises fulfilled and the proprietorsassisted by specialists are some of the dis-

tinctive features that have made and shallmaintain the as the leading collegeof its kind Do not spend time and moneyat an Inferior school but come to the Spenconan The College la open dally for studentsand from 8 am to 9 pm The demands tot graduates In Shorthandand Sendbooklets and special information auMeodtf-

I BRISTOL SCHOOLEnglish antI French Church School-

Separate French residence with advantages I

to those of a refined Parisian home I

for and for social Ute for itshigh scholastic standing and for IU strongattitude against extravagant expenditure andagainst catering to the luxuryloving tendmetes of the tintefl

ALICE A BRISTOL PrincipalMintwood Place and 18th St


j East Capitol Stroatyear begins Tuesday Sept 4

Six iBfrtiusters and iftygrs machines in type-writing OBtatosue free

COURT F WOOD LL Maul3tr Prlnclpo







are for free

equalThe school Is Ohar15t1Ze4 tar Its training












President of the UniversityhARRY M

Justice Supreme Court District ot O-

lumbiajD n f the Faculty and

Law and iracttca and fcqnUyPleading and Practice


Chkrf Justice of the Court f AM ef theDistrict oC

Lecturer en Constitutional La the Law ofand Baoity J

Associate Justice Supreme Court ot tfce Dtriet of Columbia

Lecturer OB the Law of Contract CsKlulLaw and Domestic BeUUoMHON DANIEL THBW WRIGHT

Associate JuUee Supreme Court of UM Diefilet ef C vuiuMi

Lecturer on Law of InsurantnON WENDELL PHILLIPS STAFFORDAssociate Justice Supreme eon of UK Des

trict of ColumbiaLecturer on the Law of Agency

CHARLES A DOUGLAS A BLecturer on the Law of Toru NsefUMPaper and Elementary Law

MICHAEL J COLBERT A M LL MLecturer en the Law Personal Property safi

PartnershipHON D W BAK8R A M LU X

States Attorney for UM District ofColumbia

Lecturer ea the Law of Real Estate and UM

Law of BvUence

judge of the Circuit CourtDANIEL W A M Ph Df-

LT MCourt of aU M MTB LEiGH








Late Seltettor General of UM Ualle4 StatesOB the History of the Development f Law

and Comparative JurwiiruawMa oathe History of the Law

lION SETH 8HEPARD LLchief Justice Court of Appeal of UM

of ColumbiaOn the History of Constitutional Law and Ibo


On Natural Law sad TAWMONRoE SMITH LL D

UM 8 H l of Polltteal Seleaceof Columbia UniversIty New York CUT

OB Chi LawlioN LOIT8 Jt IX D

Justice of the Court of AB4lsof the Dtotnct of

On mternaUonal Law and rreiga Relatesof the United States

RALEIGH C MINOR LLrpraraiwor of Law In the University of VV-

glaiaOn the Conflict of Laws

lION JOKX W YERKES LLAectd Law M rte p l Cor





ColumbiaOn Geserl Prestos and IB


Solicitor State DeparUsiyOOn Cltlr nyihtr

The tWrtys TenU annual s loa oens onWednMday October 1

iSchool 1MBnorthwest at

menu will be for theAll are Cordially Invited to

fcrxow Sioo00

information l mnt pai M t ef

with anenroll before


and continue el tot Btu

leabUod tor day only

tonr ChemistryPb nMehoto and iet rl lo v

for euataal eHKHpractical work In of ettj and In

HoopltaL For circulate dreaXOBEK H 8tn t

Exceptional opportunltlea are forIn

Dentistry Session begins September T-

OW N COGAN D S ta H Street

United States CollegeVeterinary Surgeons



OfTm prospectus and tall HrformaUon





Lecturer OR

Ledrer 1ft the or WillsJiBlR LL n

rporatielM enOM X LLO









Uons of Civil UbettyCONWAY


UAssociate Columbia



On u

LLJvrWiedGla and practiec of IMat

Ota LL DBibles


Ualted Attorney for tIM of



lIeSthe BuildIng

which aaniaflcsterm


The be st hisin the evening ftem Ulldl I for

fees etcStudents proposing to connect

the school d tothe

R SeeM r

TINt tCtJ eDth session wmV

nIght being given Practical laboratory work instructors In

AnatomY PhplooPathology Dr

Ample facilities andthe

tn venltythe Dean DR


modern education








Professor itt



On UnIted

KStates DOMrft


< 50 m-

In Itw andstreet time


Secretary will oee durIngI



begs Peptembec monthsdent Instructionp lerturoS









Miss Dorseys School1 152 Street

on Connecticut AvenuePrimary Academic Preparatory

Athletic Court with



PA3HBB LANGUAGE SCHOOliSpeaking reading and translating

rapidly Nativetrial hundreds of testImonialslast X Y ave Senor COStAR Prta-




BLIND AND DEAFA thorough course of instruction In

Grammar tt Hijrh SchoolBranches Manual Training PhysicalCulture Sometrtis Ssis s ad SSueio

A full corps of welltrsl d and xparienc 1

teachers ChIldren from the District of Columbla and Maryland may b 4mUt 4 fri ifunable to pay

Patronage from without th State solicitedAdvanoed pupils In music may take advantageof opportunities offered by the P body

per annum Schoolopeo September 10th


Maryland Agricultural CollegeCOLLEGi PARK Md

JTarjIands School of TechnologyCOURSES OF INSTRUCTION

Agricultural Scientific MechanicalHorticultural Chemical

Civil EngineeringTerms 9 payable quarterly in advance

no extras Healthful location near Wash-ington All modern sanitary improvementsTwo cadets to a room separate

commences with eatraao examtaations September 18 and It

EQUIPS 3O IIP33S WORKFor tall particulars address as above

ST ROSaS INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL WILLprepared to fill orders for lamesS WiM coat wraps etc Lesessa givenin cutting and fitting further Infer

apply to S 3 o it RW

CollegeFully instructor

8TIAC 5FOR GIRLS ltfIIi 17th 87


S teachers


Joeerv 1300

SupertntfD E-



reopen en Setttelftber IHC wlll

suIt Furn a




first year

WhOa we beand se sasS

