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Home > Documents > ttl; t:utmpSt · 2018-04-13 · of HAMT, agree that the fol!owing special assignment will be...

ttl; t:utmpSt · 2018-04-13 · of HAMT, agree that the fol!owing special assignment will be...

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    • FHI $ 1,830 • CARE $133,707

    - I .ocai Fund Agent-Cambodia

    ~"lnH'i~'1fJ ltlfJfili 8tlblfims U';CtJtl~:21fitilm

    - jj ~fil!Glli.lry



  • , '


    Nation Religion King


    Ministry of Health National Center for HIV/AIDS,

    Phnom Pen~. o~ I () I I 200 9Dermatology and STD NO.Q.\l..~l...NCHADS




    the National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD (NCHADS}


    the HIV!AIDS Management Team (HAMT) of Koh Kong Pr vinC;l~

    Concerning Decentralization of HIV/AIDS Activities

    Funded under the NCHADS Comprehensive Work Plan 2009

    (1)-The National Center for HIV/AIOS Dermatology and STO (NCHADS) and the ~-IIV/AIDS Management Team of Koh Kong Province (hereinafter known as 'the HAMT), represented by Ph Chhun Huor , acting in his capacity as Provincial Health Director and the Leader of HAMT, agree that the fol!owing special assignment will be carried out with funds ~rovidcd under the NCHADS Comprehensive Work Plan 2009_

    (2)-Task: T~le HAMT, through its subordinates (primarily the Provincial AIDS (\/ian3ger), is responsible for implementation of HIV/AIDS and STI activities in Koh Kong Province_ The !\lational Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD/Ministry of Health (NCHAOS/MoH) wil! directly monitor and supervise implementation on technical aspects and supervise it le financial management of funds provided,

    (3)-Task Components: The HAMT, through its subordinates and represented by the HAMT Leader, will ensure the completion of the activities approved in the provincial HIV/AIDS and STI Annual Work Plan for the year 2009 attached at Annex 1,

    (4)-lndicators and Outputs: Indicators and outputs for the satisfactory perf ("1;TY li:! iiC C uf these tasks are:

    1_ 90 (Yo of activities implemented according to Annex 2 (provincial targets 2009); 2. Accounts satisfactorily maintained, as agreed by the NCHADS Finance Unit; 3 Diannosis and -management of STi cases appropriate (a~~ judged by NCI i!-\L/';

    su pervision); 4_ Testing and Counseling conducted appropriately (as judged by NCi ~ DS

    supervision); Provincial annual and quarterly work plans submitted on time to NCljADS within one month before next annual work plan began and two weeks betore next quarter workplan began . (as Judged by NCHADS PMR Unit)

    # 266, St. 1019, SangkatPhnom Penh Thmey, Khan Russey Kf'o Phnom Penh, Tel/Fax 023883402 website: www.nchads.org



  • 6. Provincial monthly and quarterly reports submitted on time to NCHADS within 2 weeks after each monthly and quarterly activity workplan ended. (as judged by NCHADS PMR Unit)

    (5)-Term: The HAMT shall perform the services specified above during the period commencing on January 1, 2009 and continuing to December 31, 2009. This term is subject to change upon reasonable written notice agreed by the two Parties.

    (6)-Cost: A total estimated cost of not more than US$ 13,097(Thirty tree thousand and ninety seven US Dollars), as in Annex 1; will be provided by NCHADS/MoH as follows.

    (7)-Funding: Funds will be transferred from NCHADS/MoH to the HAMT as an initial advance of $4,365.67 (GF-R7) which will be reconciled and replenish~d each month in accordance with NCHADS standard operating procedures, as laid down in ' the relev8nt "Procedures for Implementation of Programme Activities" with respect to various funding sources, as formally approved.

    (8)-For 2009 , funds are allocated from the following sources:

    • GF-R7 $ 13,097 .00

    (9)-Should further funding become available for provincial activities, the Annual Work Plan at /\nnex 1, the targets at Annex 2, and this agreement at clause 6 and 8 wil! be amended by letter oi arnendmt'}nl

    (10)-lt is anticipated that no additional cost will be paid for the work by NCHADS/MoH to the HAMT, unless extra work is requested to be performed .

    (11 )-If expenditures during the year are less than the approved work-plan, any balance of funds advanced must be refunded to NCHADS.

    (12)-Audit: The HAMT it accounts will be audited as part of the various relevant audits relating to relevant funding sources. NCHADS/MoH reserves the right to audit the HAMT Account at any time.

    (13)-Any difference or dispute arising out of this Letter of Agreement (LOA), which cannot be amicably settled between the parties, shall be referred to adjudication/arbitration in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Heaith.

    (14)-The NCHADS without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of LOA, by written notice of default sent to the HAMT, may terminate this LAO in whoie or in part: (a) if the HAMT fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Letter of Agreement; (b) if the HAMT, in the i,udgment of I\JCHADS has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in excluding the LOA.

    Agreed to by:


  • Ph.Chhun Huor -- - ------. - - -Date: Director of Koh Kong PHD

    Date: d"~ 6 / 2009

    Note: In addition to HIe funding sources above, the national budget, and the following NGO funds and activities identified in the provincial planning process are included in the Annual Comprehensive Plan in Annex 1, but are not covered by the terms or scope of this LOA.

    • FHi $ 1,830

    • CARE $133,707

    • Others $... ... __ .... .

    CC: - Local Fund Agent in Cambodia - Department of Planning and Information, Ministry of Health - ~)artners

  • 61 00 00 0Description

    61 01 00 0 1.IEC Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 01 01 0 Identified needs $ - 61 01 01 1 Coordination meeting to identify needs for IEC61 01 02 0 Production of materials $ - 61 01 02 1 Printed materials61 01 02 2 Electronic materials:TV/Radio61 01 02 3 Billboards61 01 03 0 Events61 01 03 1 Khmer New Year

    61 01 03 3 World AIDS day CARE/OD SAB x $ 100 CARE/USAID Support give to participants

    61 01 03 4 Mobile Shows61 01 03 5 TV and/Radio shows61 01 03 6 Other (festival, concert..)61 01 04 0 Broadcasting61 01 04 1 TV

    Cable TV PAO x x x x 30sessions per month braodcasting on HIV/AIDS via local cable TV

    Coffee shop CARE x x x x Braodcatsing on HIV/AIDS in Coffee shops in Sreambel district

    61 01 04 2 Radio PAO x x x x RACHA 15sessions per month braodcasting on reproductive health including HIV/AIDS via local Radio (FM99.5)

    61 01 04 3 Health promotion events for RH(village loife concert)

    61 01 05 0 Training for IEC

    Supply IEC materials for CITK CARE/OD x $ 1,538 CARE/USAID Supply IEC materials for CITK for quiz and peer

    Description61 02 00 0 2.Outreach Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 02 01 0 Training61 02 01 1 Curriculum design61 02 01 2 Training materials60 02 01 3 Conducting training 61 02 02 0 Mapping & Sensitisation61 02 02 1 Annual mapping (CSSs)61 02 03 0 Outreach interventions61 02 03 1 Operational cost of new program61 02 03 2 Outreach visit (monthly) will discuss with partners60 02 03 3 Owner meetings

    Sub-total for RACHA

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    Sub-total for IECSub-total for CARE/USAID

    Donor Code Target/Expected output


    Account code Who

    Time frame Cost Source Target/Expected outputCat


    Donor Code

    $ - $ 1,638 $ 1,638

    Cost Source

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 1

  • Entertainement services owners provincial meeting with PST/OP and CUWG PAO x x x x $ 1,936 GF-R7/

    NCHADSQuaterly meeting for 20 brothel owners in SMC & Monduleseima district for 2sessions

    61 02 04 0 Peer Education61 02 04 1 Training and refresher training of PEs Refresher training for PST/OP on OPE at provincial level (2/prov/y) PAO x x $ 886 GF-R7/

    NCHADS Training for PST/OP will be conducted twice per year for 9PST/OP

    Initial/refresher training for CITK PEs CARE/ SCICH x $ 3,905 CARE/USAID 65 CITK PE will be trained

    Support outreach of CITK PEs CARE/ SCICH x $ 3,000 CARE/USAID all PE/VHV/VHSG/CBD/TBA be trained

    CITK PEs quarterly meeting CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 6,000 CARE/USAID 65 PE recruitedand trained

    Initial/refresher training of youth Pes (YOS) CARE/ SCICH x $ 1,500 CARE/USAID 65 CITK PE will be trained

    Support for youth PE outreach CARE/ SCICH x $ 3,000 CARE/USAID 4 HCs staff be trained

    Youth PE quarterly meeting CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 4,000 CARE/USAID 40Youth PE be trained

    Health promotion events for RHRH/HIV/AIDS, VCCT, PMTCT - small HP, village concert, youth gathering, support campaign on world AIDS Day, water festival, Candle Light Day

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 5,000 CARE/USAID all month supervision from HC to CBDs

    61 02 01 2 Peer Meetings61 02 05 0 Community outreach61 02 05 1 Preparation costs61 02 05 2 Support costs61 02 06 1 TWG/OPC Meeting60 02 06 2 Provincial meeting of PWG/OPC PWG-OPC meeting PAO x x x x $ 260 GF-R7/ NCHADS Four meeting for 7participants

    60 02 06 3 Provincial PST/OP monthly meeting PST-OP meeting PAO x x x x $ 480 GF-R7/ NCHADS 7meetings will be conduted for 9 participants

    61 02 07 0 Technical coordination $ - 61 02 07 1 Technical coordination61 02 02 2 Sensitization meeting61 02 07 3 Review and updated guidelines61 02 07 3 Establish TWG61 02 07 5 Consensus workshop

    Description61 03 00 0 3.100% CONDOM USE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 03 01 0 Condom promotion61 03 02 0 Training61 03 03 0 Meeting for CUCC/CUWG

    Sub total for GF-R7/NCHADS

    Target/Expected output Cost Source

    Sub-total for OutreachSub total for CARE/USAID

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    Donor Code

    $ 3,562 $ 26,405 $ 29,967

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 2

  • 60 03 03 1 CUCC quarterly meeting Provincial CUCC meeting PAO x x x x $ 180 GF-R7/ NCHADS 4 meeting for 10member of CUCC

    61 03 03 2 CUCC Admin Cost CUWG x x x x N/A61 03 03 3 CUWG monthy meeting Provincial CUWG meeting ODSMC x x x x $ 792 GF-R7/ NCHADS 12 meeting for 6 member of CUWG

    63 03 03 4 CUWG Admin Cost N/A64 03 03 5 Activities of spy N/A61 03 06 0 Techncial coordination61 03 06 1 Meeting on 100% CUP61 03 06 2 Sharing Experience on 100%CUP61 03 06 3 Review and update guideline for 100% CUP

    Description61 04 00 0 4.STI MANAGEMENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q461 04 01 0 Renovation of clinic This activity put under 17.Admin and Finance61 04 02 0 Training $ - 61 04 02 1 Develop curriculum and training materials61 04 02 2 Training of Trainers61 04 02 3 Initial Training in syndromic management 61 04 02 4 Training for target services61 04 02 5 Laboratory Training61 04 02 6 Refresher training training on STI/RTI syndromic case management for health care providers at 222 selected health centers

    PAO x $ 975 GF-R7/ NCHADS

    One 3-days refresher training on STI/RTI case management for sex worker to provide on -site care and treatment for 12 health center staff from 6 HC in two Ods

    61 04 03 0 Supplies61 04 04 0 Other operational cost61 04 04 1 Mobile STI/RTI clinic for sex workers61 04 04 2 Support for payment of user fees N/A61 04 08 0 Technical coordination, etc

    61 04 08 1 Semi Annual meeting NCHADS and Provinces for STI

    61 04 08 2 Quarterly TWG and STI Unit

    Technical coordination meeting PAO x x x x $ 464 FHI Four meeting will be conducted for 8participants from two ODs and PAO

    62 00 00 0Description


    Target/Expected outputCost

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    Donor Code

    CatAccount code

    WhoTime frame

    SourceDonor Code

    Sub total for GF-R7/NCHADS

    Sub-total for STISub total for FHI

    Target/Expected output Cost Source

    Sub-total for CUP

    Sub total for GF-R7/NCHADSSub-total for FHI

    $ 972

    $ 975 $ 464 $ 1,439

    $ 972 $ -

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 3

  • 62 07 00 0 7.HEALTH FACILITY BASED CARE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q462 07 01 0 Need assessment62 07 02 0 Guidelines and policies62 07 03 0 Training 62 07 03 1 Training in OI and ART guidelines62 07 03 2 Training in techical guidelines 62 07 03 3 Secondment for clinicians62 07 03 4 Clinician network62 07 03 5 Training in ART guidelines

    Refresher training for Nurs Counseling62 07 03 6 Training in Laboratory 62 07 03 7 Training in Imagery62 07 09 0 Technical coordination62 07 09 1 Collaborative TB/HIV Activities

    62 07 09 2 Orientation workshop on TB/HIV collaborative activities.


    62 08 00 0 8.HOME BASED CARE and PLHA-SG & MMM Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    Support HBC teams in provision of physical and psychosocial support to PLHA and affected families

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 4,000 CARE

    Support HBC teams in provision of physical and psychosocial support to PLHA and affected families

    Support monthly monitoring and supervision of HBC teams by PAO and HC staff

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 3,000 CARE

    Support monthly monitoring and supervision of HBC teams by PAO and HC staff

    Support MMM activities OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE Support MMM activities

    Strengthen spritual support by religious leaders for PLHA

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE Strengthen spritual support by religious leaders for PLHA

    Strengthen self help group of PLHA OD and CARE x x x x $ 3,000 CARE Strengthen self help group of PLHA

    Refresher training VCG on Home-based palliative care OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE Refresher training VCG on Home-based palliative care

    Train village leaders, religious leaders and PLHA Support Group Leaders in physical and psychosocial care of PLHA

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,650 CARE

    Train village leaders, religious leaders and PLHA Support Group Leaders in physical and psychosocial care of PLHA

    Initial/refresher training CPNs (child protection network) and local leaders in adoption law

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE

    Initial/refresher training CPNs (child protection network) and local leaders in adoption law

    Meetings with schoolteachers regarding rights of children and of OVC to remain at/reintegrate into schools

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 1,000 CARE

    Meetings with schoolteachers regarding rights of children and of OVC to remain at/reintegrate into schools

    Support quarterly meeting of key authorities in stigma reduction/awareness raising at district level

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE

    Support quarterly meeting of key authorities in stigma reduction/awareness raising at district level

    Faciliate community mobilisation to assist OVCs (play groups, OVC kits)

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 1,000 CARE

    Faciliate community mobilisation to assist OVCs (play groups, OVC kits)

    Donor CodeCatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    Target/Expected output

    Source Target/Expected output

    $ -


    Cost Cat

    $ - Sub-total for HFBC

    Sub-total for GFATM/CARE


    Sub-total for GF-R7/NCHADS

    Source Donor Code

    $ -

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 4

  • Support quarterly meeting of key authorities in stigma reduction/awareness raising at district level

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 3,000 CARE

    Support quarterly meeting of key authorities in stigma reduction/awareness raising at district level

    Faciliate community mobilisation to assist OVCs (play groups, OVC kits)

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 3,000 CARE

    Faciliate community mobilisation to assist OVCs (play groups, OVC kits)

    Support transport costs for PLHA travel to ART facilities

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 7,600 CARE Support transport costs for PLHA travel to ART facilities

    Support lab function - specimen transportation (CD4, viral load)

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 8,800 CARE Support lab function - specimen transportation (CD4, viral load)

    Support provision of pediatric ART at RH(referral sevious children to pediatric Hospital/OI-ART)

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 1,000 CARE

    Support provision of pediatric ART at RH(referral sevious children to pediatric Hospital/OI-ART)

    Support PLHA peer education on treatment literacy OD and CARE x x x x $ 4,500 CARE Support PLHA peer education on treatment literacy

    Support monthly coordination meeting of TB/HIV/AIDS activities (including CIP, review WP)

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,000 CARE

    Support monthly coordination meeting of TB/HIV/AIDS activities (including CIP, review WP)

    MMMcativities,Food supply for PLHA/OVC OD and CARE x x x x $ 35,614 CARE MMMcativities,Food supply for PLHA/OVC

    Support transport costs for PLHA travel to ART facilities

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x 1,980$ CARE/USAID 36 VCG will be trained on palliative care.

    Support lab function - specimen transportation (CD4, viral load)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x 2,179$ CARE/USAID 35 PLHA, village leader, religiouse leader be trained.

    Support provision of pediatric ART at RH(referral sevious children to pediatric Hospital/OI-ART)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x 560$ CARE/USAID 25 person be trained

    Support PLHA peer education on treatment literacy CARE/ SCICH x x x x 1,677$ CARE/USAID 8 person be trained

    Support monthly coordination meeting of TB/HIV/AIDS activities (including CIP, review WP)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x 3,853$ CARE/USAID 2 PLHA trained

    Train, support HBC teams in provision of physical and psychosocial support to PLHA and affected families

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x 1,900$ CARE/USAID 8 person be trained

    Support for referral of HIV+ people to get TB screenin CARE/ SCICH x x x x 1,360$ CARE/USAID at least 15 new PLHA/month be screened for TB

    Support MMM activities (HBC monthly meeting) CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 3,600 CARE/USAID 12 meeting conducted per year

    Strengthen spritual support by religious leadersfor PLHA (Funeral)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 673 CARE/USAID PLHA in OD SMC receive spiritual support

    Support regular review meetings between PAO,ODs, RH staff and PLHA Support Group leaders

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 406 CARE/USAID 12 time of meetig be conducted

    VHC meetings to establish community-basedmechanisms to evaluate and select OVC

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 280 CARE/USAID VHC will be established inselected village

    Support vocational training for OVCs CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 1,500 CARE/USAID at least 40% of OVC attend in vocational training

    Meetings with schoolteachers regarding rights of children and of OVC to remain at/reintegrate into schools

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 170 CARE/USAID 2 time of meeting be conducted

    Meeting on stigma reduction / awareness raising at district level with key authorities (CCF)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 2,400 CARE/USAID 4 time of meeting conducted

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 5

  • Faciliate community mobilisation to assisPLHA and OVC

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 480 CARE/USAID Communitis in SMC OD assist PLHA and OVC

    Support transport costs for PLHA travel to ART facilities (Homeland)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 6,800 CARE/USAID

    all poorest PLHA and OVC in OD SMC get support transprtation to OI/ART clinic.

    Support lab function - specimen transportation (CD4, viral load)

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 427 CARE/USAID at least 50 PLHA/OVC will be checked CD4 each month.

    Support provision of pediatric ART at Smach Meanchey RH

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 1,200 CARE/USAID

    Support provision of pediatric ART at Smach Meanchey RH

    Support regular OI/ART team meetings/ case conferences

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 1,000 CARE/USAID OI team meeting be conducted monthly

    Establish and support provincial network of OI/ART clinicians

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 250 CARE/USAID

    Establish and support provincial network of OI/ART clinicians

    Support PLHA peer education on treatment literacy

    CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 740 CARE/USAID PLHA PE conduct education on treatment literacy in community.

    Hospice support (Food) Yr1 CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 3,120 CARE/USAID at least 15 PLHA staying in hospice get support from program.

    Kit OVC (see Worksheet) CARE/ SCICH x x x x $ 5,340 CARE/USAID all poorest OVC get support from Program

    62 08 01 0 Guidelines and policies -$ 62 08 01 1 Develop educational material for MMM62 08 01 2 Develping Guidelines and Policies

    62 08 01 3 Developing and Printing HBC directory to use as referral tool62 08 02 0 Training62 08 05 0 HBC working group / network -$ 62 08 05 1 Semi-annual workshop on HBC network 62 08 07 0 Technical Coordination for HBC -$ 62 08 07 1 Technical Coordination62 08 07 2 Meeting of provincial HBC network62 08 07 3 Quarterly Meeting of HBC Networks62 08 07 4 Quarterly Meeting of PLHAs Support Groups62 08 07 5 TWG Meetings62 08 08 0 Contracting HBC with NGO $ - 62 08 09 0 PLHA Support Groups and MMM62 08 09 1 Self help group meeting62 08 09 2 MMM activities62 08 10 0 Guidelines, policies for PLHA-SG & MMM

    62 08 10 1 In collaboration with CPN+ guidelines & policies established62 08 10 2 Printing guideline and policy62 08 11 0 Technical coordination for PLHA-SG/MMM

    Description62 09 00 0 9.VCCT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    Cost Source Cat

    Sub-total for USAID/CARESub-total for HBC-PLHAs-SG

    and MMM.

    Account code Who

    Time frameDonor Code Target/Expected output

    $ 90,164

    $ 90,164

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 6

  • 62 09 01 0 Guidelines/ Regulation -$

    62 09 01 1 Review and revise, policy, strategy and guidelines for HIV testing 62 09 03 0 Training62 09 03 1 Develop curriculum & Training62 09 03 2 Counseling training62 09 03 3 Laboratory Training62 09 03 4 Training VCCT data management 62 09 03 5 Refresher training 62 09 07 1 Registration 62 09 07 2 Testing Quality Control of HIV testing62 09 07 3 Evaluation62 09 07 4 Counseling network

    Support health promotion on benefits of VCCT and referral to VCCT location by VHVs, PEs

    OD and CARE x x x x $ 2,500 CARE/USAIDS

    Support health promotion on benefits of VCCT and referral to VCCT location by VHVs, Pes in two OD

    Referral suspected cases to VCCT by VCG OD and CARE x x x x $ 1,000 CARE/USAIDS Referral suspected cases to VCCT by VCG in two OD

    Mobile VCCT activities OD and CARE x x x x $ 6,000 CARE/USAIDS Mobile VCCT activities in two OD

    62 09 09 0 Technical coordination meeting $ - 62 09 09 1 Technical coordination meeting62 09 10 0 Quality Assurance


    62 10 00 0 10.COORDINATION and REFERAL NETWORK of CoC Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    62 10 01 0 Needs assessment62 10 02 0 Policy and guidelines $ -

    62 10 02 1 Update the Continuum of Care framework for PLHA

    62 10 02 2 Printing the updated Continuum of Care framework for PLHA62 10 03 0 Training $ - 62 10 03 1 Develop curriculum and training materials62 10 03 2 Workshop for Sharing experine62 10 04 0 Continuum of Care Committee62 10 04 1 Designate CoC committee62 10 04 2 CoC committee meeting expenses62 10 05 0 Referral network62 10 05 1 Development of referral network materials Provide sample transportation for CD4 and viral load testing RH x x x x $ 2,990 GF-R7/

    NCHADSWeekly transportation for CD4 count ,Viroloads from Koh Kong and Sreambel to Phnom Penh

    62 10 08 0 Technical coordinationQuarterly meeting for teachnical support team

    $ 9,500 $ 9,500

    $ 2,990 $ 2,990

    CatAccount code Time frame

    Cost Source Target/Expected output

    Sub-total for VCCTSub-total for USAID/CARE

    Sub-total for CoCSub-total for GF-R7/NCHADS

    Who Donor Code

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 7

  • Description61 11 00 0 11.PMTCT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q462 11 01 0 Policy and Guideline62 11 02 0 Training62 11 03 0 Supplies and drugs62 11 05 0 Technical Coordination

    Support transportation/accomm for HIV+ women to deliver in PTMCT facilities (KK) CARE,OD x x x x $ 1,000 CARE

    Support transportation/accomm for HIV+ women to deliver in PTMCT facilities (KK)

    Support monitoring, supervision, coordination of PMTCT activities (KK) CARE,OD x x x x $ 3,000 CARE

    Support monitoring, supervision, coordination of PMTCT activities (KK)

    Support transport blood specimen of pregnant women for HIV testing CARE,OD x x x x $ 2,000 CARE Support transport blood specimen of pregnant women for HIV testing

    64 14 00


    64 14 00 0 14. PLANNING, MONITORING & REPORTING Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    64 14 01 0 Planning,64 14 01 1 Provincial HIV/AIDS Annual Planning Workshops64 14 01 2 Mid-year Review Workshop64 14 02 0 Technical Strategies64 14 02 1 Strategy Development64 14 03 0 Management & Coordination64 14 03 1 Workshops and coordination meetings 64 14 03 2 Mission to Phnom Penh(FHI office) PAO x x x x $ 600 FHI Monthly mission to NCHADS/FHI by PAO64 14 03 3 Mission to NCHADS64 14 04 0 Trainings and workshops64 14 04 1 NCHADS / Provincial training64 14 04 2 Exchange experiences (in-country)64 14 04 3 Overseas Training 64 14 06 0 Monitoring, Supervision 64 14 06 1 M & E system64 14 06 2 Monitoring & Supervision64 14 06 3 Data collection and reporting 64 14 06 4 Evaluation studies Supervision by data management team PAO x x x x $ 280 GF-R7/ NCHADS Four-3days data collection to OD by provincial data officer and PAO Monthly supervision from PST/OP to DTOP in each province PAO x x x x $ 1,560 GF-R7/

    NCHADS48 supervision to DTOP in OD Smachmeanchey and OD Sreambel by PST/OP CUWG monitoring of all entertainment services ODSMC x x x x $ 1,440 GF-R7/ NCHADS 52 weekly monitoring to entertainments workers by CUWG

    Donor Code

    Donor Code


    $ 6,000 $ 6,000

    Target/Expected output

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    Target/Expected output


    Sub-total for CARESub-total for PMTCT

    Cost Source


    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 8

  • and supervision from 24 PAOs to 76 operational districts (OD) on STI/RTI prevention and care mangement

    PAO x x x x $ 450 GF-R7/ NCHADSFour supervision to OD Sreambel & Smach Mean Chey by STD supervisor/PAO and supervision from 76 operational districts (OD) to 222 selected health centers on STI/RTI syndromic case mangement

    Ods x x x x $ 388 GF-R7/ NCHADSQuaterly supervision to 6HCs by HIV/AIDS OD Coordinator and STD clinic staff

    Description64 16 00 0 16. LOGISTICS & SUPPLY MANAGEMENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q464 16 01 0 Training/Workshop $ - 64 16 02 0 Operating costs 64 16 03 0 Equipment & Furniture64 16 03 1 Clinical equipment 64 16 03 2 Electronic equipment64 16 03 3 Lab equipment64 16 03 4 Storage equipment64 16 03 5 Office Furniture64 16 04 0 Reagents64 16 04 1 Laboratory reagents for STI clinics64 16 04 2 Laboratory reagents for CD4 count64 16 04 3 Laboratory reagents for VCCT64 16 05 0 Consumables $ - 64 16 05 1 Consumables for VCCT64 16 05 2 Consumables for STI clinics64 16 05 3 Consumable for CoC 64 16 05 4 Condom Supply64 16 06 0 Drugs64 16 06 1 ARV drugs64 16 06 2 OI Drugs64 16 06 2 STD drugs64 16 07 0 Other64 16 07 1 ARV pill organiser64 16 07 2 Software for Computer Programmer

    Description64 17 00 0 17. ADMIN & FINANCE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

    64 17 01 0 Administration

    64 17 01 1 Administrative costs Running cost for 35 STI/RTI clinics STD clinic x x x x $ 240 GF-R7/ NCHADS Running course costs for STD clinic Smach Mean Chey

    64 17 01 2 Conmmunication costs STD x x x x $ 120 FHI Payment for monthly fee for mobile phone for STD clinic

    Donor Code

    Donor Code


    $ 4,718

    $ 4,118

    Target/Expected output

    Sub-total for GF-R7/NCHADSSub-total for CARE

    Source Target/Expected output

    Sub-total Log-Mgt

    $ -

    $ -

    Who Cost

    CatAccount code

    Who Time frame

    CatAccount code Time frame

    Sub-total for Planning

    Sub-total for GF-R7/NCHADSSub total for FHI $ 600


    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 9

  • 64 17 01 3 Renovations64 17 01 4 Office Maintenance64 17 00 5 Office supply Supplies, Equipment, mantemance for VCCT Ods x x x x $ 240 GF-R7/NCHADS Office supply for VCCT at Smach meanchey and Sre Ambel

    64 17 01 6 Vehicles64 17 02 0 Documentation costs $ -

    Documentations64 17 03 0 Renovations

    64 17 03 1 Building renovated for MMM/ OIs and ART room

    64 17 03 2 Renovation/Construction 64 17 03 3 Renovation of VCCT room64 17 03 4 Renovate STI clinics64 17 04 0 Salary & Incentives64 17 04 1 Salary

    Salary PHD x x x x Gov. Paid Salary for 24Gov. Staff working on HIV/AIDS/TSD-VCCT-OI&ART in PHD,OD,RH (approximat $50.00 / P)

    64 17 04 2 Incentives Contractor x x x x HSSP/ contractor Paid incentive to 5MD and 15 RH staff those are working in OI&ART,STD,VCCT

    64 17 05 0 Consulting services $ - 64 17 05 1 Local Consultants & contract staff64 17 05 02 Intertnational TA64 17 07 0 External Audit


    BCCIEC 1%

    Outreach 20%

    100%CU 1%

    STI Services 464 1%

    AIDS Care 0%

    HFBC 0%

    HBC,PLHAs-SG and MMM 406 61%

    VCCT - 6%

    CoC - 2%

    PMTCT - 4%

    Surveillance 0%















    $ 480

    II. Summary Budget allocated by Components and sources in 2009

    Component Sources

    $ 360 $ 840



    Sub-total for FHISub-total for Admin

    Sub-total for GF-R7/NCHADS

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 10

  • Research 0%

    Planning, M!'lJlltoring & Reporting 4 {I ~ 1:\~~ ~ 600 3% Data Management 0%

    Logistic and Supply Mgt 0%

    Admin and .Fitiance 480.).- 360 1%

    dT. II' ..J-;%-., ,TOTAL ......... ..;~a!)dTotal

    ~I~ ~ c4_~fl9.il l 1,830 .$J~:{~ ~='~': ....."..·.. 1$()~$4ij •• 100%

    Date: ....................... .



    fh, Le~ 1/~ ~€-

    Koh Kong HIV-AIDS/STI Annual Work Plan 2009 Page 8

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