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-T^Txi>«IA ARE THIS I · Lp/)\ \ {[) o. COOK respect tally in- ; *r ns t»:s mends and the public...

Date post: 27-Oct-2020
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-T^Txi>«IA GAZETTE, ^ ,C*USM*» DAILY BY c .1 li SSOWD ES, E‘ PAYA.LS ,r ,I A|.r y g a h l Yj__ „^SDKIA gazette, ALb,V,„ rut: coustr v> .,-BLlSlEl* REGULARLY ON « tmuiuiuv an » SAruHiivY tlK? u’.LLV« P2* AYSUAl, Pa.ABLB I.Y »fr*V£ ADVANCE. 7Tu-e.^ta^-AdvertUemenU V '* .....w square, inserted tnrce , ’Advertisementscontinued ’*■* f’f, limes for 50 cent* a square lor i-tsi /e, or r> cents ou/sn/e. fiC !.■ »ro counted as a square. by the year, at prices aa..., bavin* reference to :,?ij.ac mat of space tney may oe-, ti’f ,,]vertisin" by the year not to j iVf art cles not included in their re-1 Il-r:.l nor to insert in their ad-; f *' 7 vs any other names than their !="'^\*milT""ANlMf*.>S TON RE- *lSuuS CINE packets. , lo5^ Vessels will expose TI* !liar L:n«of Pack,■« between 1 1 f -,e district of Oolu nbia: B'!e !n-r R Newcomb, Master V .k.'nco, E. H. Ryder. do Met a o. Nickerson do .. o,ilii:n'.)ia, O. Ryder. hl,v;X" I'll.* M isters stood pilots, and ^l iicea week from each place.- AVo"b'0\Vr.K A Co.. Alexandria. C LOdUARU A Co., I wharf, ^ jane 29—ti _ ____ TmNGlON CITY AND N-OR- ISns PACKETS. Tt,e subscribers having P-.r Rinsed of Messrs. Arm held r M?n i Co. two of their splendid New oickets, intend running them "Ciar'v oetweon the two ports, leaving S p ace on the 1st ot each month r Jhri* TRIBUNE. Samuel Boush wiit leave this place on the 1st of Cnth Oece.noe.) ThebngUV •4 Nathaniel Boush, master, on toe V"hingtoship had better have -irservants at this place a da> or two .rS at 20 cents p.-r day. Freight |,J ?1’M*v ^TviLLI AMS & CO. Washington Coy, Nov. 19._ |FOK SALE OK HEN 1. A !ne thiee story brick dwelling Mnouse with store adjoining on Fair- f.xsnvet, the tiou-e at ptose.it occupied by Ashton. Tin* H .use is spacious a id*/,l fibbed. Tne *u ole will Peso d h*.aid jiiynents m id * to >uit tiie aisb es pore baser. Ap > y to I .mi*2$ A M FOVVLE A SON. UdlNET.nUlU AND SOFA MAN- [ v A‘ rollY. Lp/)\ \ {[) o. COOK respect tally in- ; *r ns t»:s mends and the public j k, tilt he has removed to the j <>u:hsi JeolKing street.between Colum- ijjsi i i A’ssmngtnn streets.in the house ‘» neriv occuiped by Fhures iiuoop, mere n* still continues to inanulactuir a s ulot Cabinet Furniture: and also i »h>r ns tneai mat he has on band at pre- <-u, ml intends at all times to keep, a tul ass »rta»ent ot the best l urnituie, mieay the best workmen, and of the j nMt-sl fashions; which he wiil warrant eji.il, if not superior, in quality to any e.?r >if red m the District, and which >*.11 sell tow tor Cash or a liberal cred- it t> punctual persons. And he hopes. Si; ms punctuality and attention to busi- ness, to secu»e a portion of the public jntr'ha;;**. •>. t i'uraitm e neatly repaired and handa S)ii^ v varnished. rj.tNINO handsomely executed anc t'tY» shortest notice iy I-** D I>is!rn,nentttl tv»tl I oca/ .1/hsii\ 11 VILLI AM PK ATT, prolessor ol Mu- sic, av.uUhiuisell ol llns oi>poriuni- *y ofex.tressing his nckri »wiedgements to tits friends, woo iuv- kindly patroniz- M his exrfti »ns and informs them and toe citizens of Alexandria gen-rally, t’H he h is made Mien arrangements, as *i!l enable him to receive several addi* >> >'i ii ptiinls. Mr Pratt respectfully tenders his ser- * ices as an instructor on the Piano Korte. Vjuit.tr, Flute, Violoncelh), &c. Also, as i teacher ol Vocal Music, llis system instruction communicates, in an easy *:*vl familiar manner, the rudiments ol toe science as well as the more abstruse P*rts of the theory of Music, which tends to enlarge the mind cultivate the taste 4«(J facilitate the progress of his scholars. He has great pleasure in referring to M. Coleman, and Messrs. P. H. M* >ff and J. Mass» y. Any communication left at the Semi- **ry of Miss Coleman or at J. Massey’s, meet with imediate attention. jm> ll-tf __ Washington Branch Railroad. 'P'kANSPOKTA riON DEPOT—No- tice is hereby given that, in conse- °t^nce of the impracticability o! making * imerotiscnllec ions, and the losses here- stistai \e4. »v> merchandise or oth- ^ slices hereafter conveyed upon the | will be permitted to be removed \r;1* the depot until the amount of and charges be paid, except for 1 *>'m-rchant'; wh » receive lari*e con- and are in the habit of pay- 1 »hi*ir hill;) »r >aio?lv on the first o< tact> month. ppt 3S MORkISON’S PILLS. 'l*he Genuine 'lygean Vegetable Lnicer- sal Medicines of the British College of Health. : 44Hypocrisy is the tribute which 7 ice has ever paid to Virtue.” IMPORTANT NOTICE. IT is deemed advisable to protect the public from daily impositions, to add ; an additional label on each packet of the ; GENUINE MGRlSON’S PILLS, which must bear the signatur* of each Agent through whose hands it passes, in addi- tion to my name, as no apothecary or druggest is permitted to vend the same. H. SHEPHEARD MOAT, Sole Hygean Delegate tothe U. S. 13roo«v- lyn, N. Y HEALTH SECURED. By the use of the Hygeian Vegetable Universal m3iicines of the British Col- lege of Health, London, which have ob«i tained the approbation and recommen- dation of thousands, (who, by the bit*..3- ing of Providence, have been cured in j Consumptions, Cholera Morbus, lnflam- j mations internally and externally; l)ys-1 pepsia, Fevers, Ague,Indigestion, Bilious or Nervous Alfections and ail diseases; of the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheu- matism, Lummtgu, Tic Doloreux, Drop- j sy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fpilepsy, Apoplexy, | Paralysis, Palsey, Green Sickness, and all obstructions to w hich the female form | is so distressingly liable, and w’hich sends so many ol the fairest portion of ci eation to their untimely graves; Small Pox, Mease Is, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fe- ver, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and all urinary obstructions; Fistula, Piles, Strictures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Bow-els, Worms, Scurvy, Itching or the Skin, King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disor- ders'; in short every comnlaint to which the human frame is so direfullv subject, under all their varied forms ana names: as it has been indisputably demonstrated, that Munis subject to only one real dis- ease, that is the Impurity of the Blood, (from whence springs every complaint that can possibly assail his complicated frame) and a very slight trial of the uni- versal Medicines will evince their all sufficiency to cleanse and purity that source of life, as well as disease, and re- store the suffering patient to the blessings of Heaitn. This valuable Medicine being compos- ed only of vegetable matter, or ‘medici* nahle herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one p.irticle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances fall o. which are uncongenial to the nature ol man and,therefore destructive to the hu- man frame) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age 01 weakest frame, under every stage of hu- man suffering, and, at the same time, the most certain in searching out the root ol every complaint, however deep, and ol performing a cure, that was ever offer- ed to tne worid. The Medicines are comprised in these different articles only, viz. in two kind of Pills, designated No. 1 and No. 2; the first is a powerful, but most gentle, mild ape rient or opening medicines, detaching and partially removing the bilious ropy humors, whilst the No. 2 pills carry off those and the serous, acrid and putiul humours incidental to the body, and ac. together as a ferret in a wanen nevei resting until every avenue of the human frame is thoroughv searched and cleans ed of its impurities. , The genuine Medicines, cnn be had ol W'm. Pomeroy, Alexandria D. C., and also of the following Sub-Agents— R. « Polkinhorn, Saddler, Pennsylvania A ve nup Washington, and i t W rignt. OeoVgetown, of whom alone can the Medicines be warranted genuine, with printed directions. As no Apothecary or Druggist is permitted to send the same, j and to prevent imposition, each package of the genuine Morrison’s Pills, must bear the signature of each agent through whoes hands it passes. Morrisonia or the Family Advi«er, price $2 75. Practical Proofs illustrated bv numerous cases of cure, third edition, price 37 J cents, to be had of the above, feb 23-tf_ SHOE MANUFACTORY. rmHR subscribers have entered into c'>« L partnership, under the firm of Dean Harmon and M.ller. ^ DeAN, A. D. HARMON, JOS. H MILLER. Thev offer for sale, manufactured in Alexandria, at their Factory on Kings!., J5C00 pair corse brogans "| 50iiO *' kip do i °l stood qua- 1000 coarse boots , lily 1000 kip J , which will be sold as low as they can be bought in any of the northern or eastern markets. The retailers in the Distr.ct.and country merchants, are invited to call and examine our stock. Ue shall con- tinue to manufacture, and always hate on hand,such articles as can be relied on We invite orders, which snail be prompt- |y attended to. Light, slaughter, sole, and upper lea- therein the rough, purchased. sept 4— If_fNat. Int. 1^1_ D. G. PRETTYMAN HAS onhand Coaches, Buggies Gigs, «fcc. all of which he offers for sa.e on as accommodating terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Persons wish- ing to purchase Carriages, are respect- fully requested to give him a call, as he warrants his equal in workmanship, and as cheap as they can be procured else- where. Also repairing done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice jv3—1\_ BROWN SUGARS AND RAISINS. BARRELS brown sugar -> A few boxes raisinsandstarch-for *a!e Dy ‘GEO. AWillE nov 15| | PETER’S VEGETABLE PILLS ARE recommended as decidedly supe- rior to any other known combination of Medicine ever offered to the American j people. When taken according to the direction accompaning them, they are highly bene- : lie i ai in the prevention and cure of bilious ! fevers, fever and ague, dispepsia, liver complain ts.sick head* ache, jaundice, asth- ma, dropsy, rheumatism, enlargement of the spleen, piles, cramp and bilious cholic, female obstructions, heart burn, rancid furred tongue, distention of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhoea, flatu- lence, habitual costiveness, loss of appe- tite, blotched or sallow complexion, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, when a cathartic or an aperient is needed.— They have the testimony of the whole medical profession in their favor, while not a single case of ill consequences or in-: efficiency, can be alleged against them, j Perhaps no article of the kind has ever j be?n offered to the public, supported by j testimonials of a character so decisive, t from sources as respectable, or that has given more universal satisfaction. Wherever these pills have been once j introduced into a family, they become a ; standing remedy, and are called for again and again, which is sufficient proof of ; their good qualities. It is a truth, that almost every person who has ever used Peter’s Vegeiuble Pills, j recommend them to their friends, and it j is irom this circumstance alone, that they have gained such an unrivalled reputa- tion. __ Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution, for the cure of obsti- nate diseases, bv means of Vegetable re- medies, \o. 129, Libetty street, N. York, inventor, ank sole proprietor. Each box contains 40 Pills—price 50 cents. DEATH A N D D I IS E A S E. Mens sana, in carport sano. “A mind well lodged, and masculine ol course.” Death met Disease the other day, And thus they gossipped on the way. Death—How comes it friend, in eve- ry shape, You let so many folks escape? A few years back and every elf, Once sick, you laid upon the shelf, Dyspepsia then had power to kill— Asthma defied the doctor’s skill— The lancet too at all times sought, Its hecatomb of victims brought, Then Cosliceness could fatal prove, And Wieumatism no power remove: A simple cold, where’er you went, A subject to my kingdom sent. How comes it then, that now a days, Folksslip your gripe and go their ways? Asthma subsides— Dyspepsia cured, The lancet is no more endured; The sick to day forget all Sorrow, And laugh at both of us to-morrow. Disease—Dread sire! 1 use all means 1 can, To abbreviate the life of man: ],]og his footsteps from his birth, ’TiIfhe returns to mother earth; And though ’lis true that niv success 1* daily growing less and less, This satisfaction l can feel, 1 have not slackened in n y zeal. I use all means l used of old, Changes of weather—hot and cold, I orjve them colds; 1 give them pains; 1 nick their bones; l fire their veins, ( poison them with rancid bile. In place of the digestive chyle, Yet all is useless—nothing kills. Death— I-Iow’s that? Disease—They all take Peters’ Pills, These invaluable Pills, are for sale in Alexandria by Win. Stabler, C. Far- ,piliar and Wm. Harper, and by all tin- principal DruagUtsin the l>. States, niar IS— ly_____ WILLIAM STABLER. > ESPKCI FULLY informs the Citizens of fi V Alexandria and his customers genera lv, h it during the present season he has added a .mount of goods fo his former stock which msk-shis assortment very cump eie.- The following list comprises a |>irt of the arti- cles received and the stock previously on hand, V'2i INSTRUMENTS. Evans’sLaneets, genuine, the most eateemed Gum lance's Spring Lancet?, silver and brass fringes of various kinds Cupping instruments Stethoscopes Surgeons Instruments, m pocket casci TYeth Fxtractt rs Forceps Scales and W. ights in boxes Klastic lhu.gies Trusses, *n assortment Hull's Ut»-to- Abdominal Supporter) Stabler'® Pneumatic Itreast I'ump, Sic* GLASS WARE. 2152 dozen Apothocarits* G:a*t M Also, Cut and other kinds of Smelling Vials Nipple Shells Breast Pipes Nursing Bottles Pessares Funnels, CARPENTERS MEDICINES. Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla Compound Syrup of Liver* ort do do of Iceland Moss Oil of Black Pepper do Caps'va do Cubebs Biack Oxyide of Mercury Precipitated Extract of Bark Cerate of Copaiva, a valuable dressing! for burns Solution of Kreosot Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Root do do do Bucher, a reme- dy of high value in diseases of the blad- der and Kidney*, Etc. 9th ms 28 r Winchester Virginian, Leesburg Genius ol Liberty and Warrenton Register ] FOR RENT. The lower floor of the Warehouse I fntfwe now occupy on Irwin’s wharf,ant | ifdesired, some privilege of t ho (uppei 1 floora-immediate possession cau |he gi i ven. GEO. JOHNSON & Co. oct IS LADIES GARLAND. THIS popular little periodical having already made its way into the hands of many ladies and gentlemen of the District, the publishers have appointed Mr. Tho*. R. R. Hampton of the 3d Au- ditor’s Ofltce, residing on G, near 19th, street Washington City, Agent for the District of Columbia and eastern Vir- ginia, where he will employ assistants.— The Agent has on hand at his house about My complete sets of the work, so j far as published, for new subscribers, or to supply numbers not received. The low price of the work wili, it is hoped, induce a growth of the subscription list, j and surely one dollar, the price per an- \ rvim, could not be better invested by male of female, married or single, old or young. Desides various other corres- pondents. one or more gentlemen of the “ten miles square” wiil continue their contributions to the Garland; not upon the dull monotonous subject of politics, hut will g:ve common place fireside-re- flections upon the a (fairs of life will) fre- quent offerings to them that are, as well as those that should of right become,par- ticipators in a connubial state. Specimens of the work are left at the 1 Lottery office of Richard France, Esq, i Pennsylvania Avenue, and at the Book- j binding establishment of Capt. John A. j Blake, Washington; at (he Gazette Office and store of John H. Brent, Esq. Alex- andria, and at Mr. Thomas’s Book Store Georgetown, where the names of sub- scribers who cannot with convenience see the Agent, may be left. MOORE <fc WATERHOUSE, Phil ad.. Nov. 1-lm Punishers. DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, ) Alkxandkia County, / sct October '/'erm, 1SH7. ; Elizabeth Brockett, Wm. Brocket!, ^ Arrabelia Brockett, and Elizabeth ^ Brockett—complainants. ^ against 5 Robert Brockett, AValter Ann Ball, }> ? and Wm. B *II lu*r husband, Thos £ Wilson, John W. Wilson, Geo. W. Wilson. Walter S. Wilson and ^ others—defendants. J rilHE defendant Thomas- Wilson &. not having entered his appearame and given security accoruing to the Ma- lute and the rules ol this Court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Thomas- W ilson is not an inhabitant of the District ol Columbia, on the motion of the Complainants by their attorney, it is ordered, that the said defendant do appear here on the first day of the next May Term of th s Court, and answer the bill of the Compl inants; and that a copy of this order be lorlhwith in- serted m the Alexandria Gazette for two months successively, and ano her copy be posted at the front door of the Couit House of tiiis county. Test, nov4—2m EDM. 1 LEE, C. C. DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, ) Alexandria County. > sct October Term, 1837. ) John Humphries and Eze-') Kiel Junes, complainants \ r*. \ In chancery. Wm. Herbert and Robert | W. Hunter, delendants j riT'lHE defendant. William Herbert not a having entered Ills appearance to this suit and given secuiity ai cording to the statute, and the rules of this Couit; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Wm. Herbert, is not an inhabitant of the IJi.stuct of Cobitn- bia, on the motion of tin* Complainants by their Counsel, it is ordered, that the said absent defendant do appear here on or before the 1st lay of next May Term of this Court, and a ns*' er the Complain- ants bill, and give security lor pm form- ing the decrees of tin* Court; and that the resident defendant Robeil W. Hun- ter do not pay, convey away, or crt te, the money, property, debts or * Hi els, by him o'Aing to, or in bis hands belonging to the absent defendant, W in. Herbert, until the further order and decree of this Couit; and that a copy of this order be forthwith published f»r two months sue cessively in the Alexandria Gazette, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of this County. I e^t, nuv4-2.li EDM. I. CEE, C. C, Auierican Colonizalton Society^ f Washington, Nov.7, 1S37. $ rjlHE annual meeting of this Society X * ill be hel 1 in this city on Tuesday, tnc J2th of December next and the tu- bers of the Society, and delegates from the Auxiliary Societies in the several States of the Union, are respectlully in j vited to attend. ^ , nov 9 td 11 R. GURLEY , »-ec y. EDWARD’S WORKS. Ac. rpllE Works of Jonathan Edward*, B in l vol roval Svo; Fietchet’s works, 2 volsSvo; Wheatly on Common Prayer; Hooker’s Church Polity. 3 vols Svo, cloth; Fla vet’s Treatise on the Soul ol Man; Fla vet’s Touchstone; Bishop Mcllviine s Evidences of Christianity; Whitfield's Sermons, 1 vol 8vo. with a portrait; Le- land’s Deistical Writers; Gland’s Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. &c &c. F«»r sale by FELL & ENTYY lfcLE. nov 15 ___ j NAUTICAL ALMANAC, FOR 1838. \ MERIC AN Almanac for 1833; Black- wood’s Magazine for Oct.; Stone’s ; Pamphlet on Animal Magnetism; the j Parlor Scrap Book, for 1338; History of ! Mission’s, 2 vols Quarto. Received am. j fbr sale by BELL & ENTWISLE. i nov 15 _ i CHAMPAGNE. y&r BASKETS -"Key” brand in quarts 9 el and pints, wat ranted ot best q 1a- ’! |itv. received by schr Presided*, and lur sale bv A. C. CAXENOVE & Co. I I nov ^ HORSE FOR SALK. j y WILL sell low, if apjded for immedi- l au*»v. a first rale s.cj-JIo Hor*n. ‘nov 13* C. ASHFORD More New a ml Seasonable Goods* !^1 EO. S. HOUGH has opened a large j \J additional assortment of very mi ! perior black, blue, invisible green and i fancy brown Cloths, for gentlemen and | Indies cloaks; middle and low priced do; \ Casimeres, sup London, and more com* j mon for boys; Jyw priced, middle and j some fery s*per Suttineis, of all colors; | twilled, pl*i£ and plaid Linseys; super | 10 4, 114, and 12 4 Whitney blankets, [ Rose and point do; Merinos of all co- , lors; red, white, and yeilow Flannels, I low priced and middle Calicoes, and a j few pieces very handsome black and i fancy challeys and Thibet wool muslin*; black and blue black Silks, colored ditto; black thibet Shawls and Hdkfs.; love do; 5 pieces blucK French Rombazine; cup Ribbons; bleached Russia Shot tings, ve- j ry fine; 5 4 cotton do; superior shillings and Jong cloths; damask, birds eye, and Russia Diapers; mens’ and women’s kid, < beaver, and English silk Gloves, some | extra; lambs’ wool shirts and drawers; j drab Devonshire Kerseys, Flushings and I Pilot cloths; 12 pieces twilled Ragging; j cotton o.snaburgs; 1 piece Butluio cloth; 1 made expressly lor sportsmen’s coats; plain and ribbed English silk Hose; shot t and long; blue, pink, while, light green, black ami rose oatlins. plum and lig'd; black silk Velvets, lo w pric’d, and super; f i few pieces handsome dress ^>hk>; me ms Stocks, with a general stock of domes- tic goods, which again makes his assort- incnit large and very complete. 11th mo inth SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, &c. j A HHDS. New Orleans and Porto JL “I Sugars 10 hhds Cuba Molasses 25 bats Rio and bt. Domingo Coflee 25 lbs"fresh Mace. Just received and for sale by YYM. N. McYElGU. nov 14 __ BUTTER. | fk KEGS prime, just received and i vJ lor sale by BENJ. T. FENOALL, nov 14 \ owell’s wharf. GIN. 1PIPE superior Holland Gin, just re- ceived and for sale by BENJ. T. FEND ALL, r.ov 11 N owell’s whair. SACK i'ALI. FACTORY hi led I.. P. blown £d'iy\.9 Salt, received per Schr. Pie?i dent, and lor sale by nov 14 A. O. CAZENOVE & Co. LANDING, •J.1I10M T^riiz Hartley and for sale I? 10 Dal' S Almonds 25 box* s mould candles. 12 bales dry moss 1000 linen grain bags LAMBERT & McKENZIE. nov 11 __ GRATE COAL. BUSHELS Grate Coal just received per Schr. Prtaident Irom Richmond, and for sale by j nov 11 J. Si G. I. THOMAS. , Maine Mercer Potatoes AjJoat. BUSH, prim* Mercer IVta- (•jlR/U toes, on board Sclir. Bril- liant, Howes master, from Krankf nt, Maine. Persons wishing them will please make early application to the master on board, at Long wharf, oi to nov 11 L A V. B E tv i & McK LN Z1 e», 30KN AND BUCKWHEAT MEAL. 1 BUS. prime white co»n meal | Oxi? *>5 do do Buckwheat do Just received .and (or s,ih‘ low by BENJ. T. KENDALL, nov 10 Vowel 1’s wharf. ! PLASTER AKLOAT. 1 Z1 A TONS Plaster, cargo of the I OO sclir Isabella, from Kasfport,; for sale hv LAMBERT & McKENZIE, nov io Union wharf. GLADES BL T i EK. I 14* KEGS No J /r |or l*r jo do do 2 S tamilv use, for sale by no; 9 THUS. VOW ELL. OLD WHISKEY, TOBACCO, dc., &c Ko BLS M«#nongaheia Whiskey ) 3 bhds. common do 2 boxes extra Orunoko pound Jump : tobacco, war ranted 2 do Coupt'i’s In and 5 do plug, I t's and 10’a 2b lbs Nutinegb 10 ids Mace 250 lbs liar Lead3 2 ois Peach Brandy 1 cask superior Sweet Oil received, and for sale by nuv 8 BENJ. T. KENDALL. , KICHMOND COAL. •g OZ\fk BUSH. Smith’s Coal lOUv/ 1000 do coarse d*> ! on board Sciir. Mobile, for sale by nov 8 A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. j FINE WINES. ,.a CASKS of very superior Slierrv, ♦jU Port Lisbon, and St. Lucar Y\ ines, received per Schr Victory and for sale by nov S A. C. CAZENDVE &. Co. DACON. i a AAA POUMjS Hams, Shoulders : and M idlings, just received and for sale by | nov 8 S. MSSSKKSMiril. CHEESE, TF-A, COFFEE, \‘\ 2 hall Chests G. l>. Tea / superior | y do do V. Hysoa Squamy 5 bn“3 old iiio Coffee I 2 boxes family loal Sugar 3 bbls No. 3 ';o Just iceeived and !• r fi.ie uy ’UENJ. T. h E.NUALL. I nov8 * Wafit's 'Aharf. I DR.CHARLES FARQUHAR t> L i F1C\$ his grab bill acknowledg- 1? merits to the inhabitants of Alexan- ! dria for the libera! patronage be has re* ctived since he has been in business, and respectfully announces that lie has de- clined business in favor of Cook A, Lead- beater. tor wtiom he solicits a continu- ance of those favors so generously be- stowed tipun himself. Ulml.saleam! retail thug, Chemical, /''/"'"'F J)'h' Slt/fr\ Paint.Oil. .[ ,nr> (itafs, Perfumery and a LEADBEATER, respect- ?7 lu.ly announce to the inhabitants of Alexandria and its vicinity, that they have purchased Dr. C. FarquhaCs stock ol Di ngs and Medicines, and that th%iy intend to carry on the business of Apothecaries, ( hem let, ami Druggist,, in all its various brandies, on the premi- ses lately occupied l.y Dr. F. on Hint? street. Having had nsi.Ierable expe- rience in their busim s-. they ,ec| compe- tenl to meet the wishes ot the nuf.lic in any c unman,Is with- which they may be favoured, andtiu.-t by sirictly adhering lo the system ol sei!ii.<;(.'enuine Articles and ol the purest (jaality. tney shall be enti'ieo to « liberal shale ol patronage and support. I’oysieians’ l’iesc:iptions and Family ucc.pcs, accurate»v dispensed day and night. Fine Bermuda Arrow Root, Sago, Ta- pioca. Groats. Laricy, Fit glass, Salad On, Turnaiiiids, Iloni-v, .Soda and Seid- ,l,z Powders. L< zrnucs. Spices Snuffs Havana Cigars, A c. Ac. \\ Into and Va- ricuaffii Bar and Fancy Soaps, Washing Soda.Stuich. I :uc, London Mustard,and ai. other Fmi:y an tics connected with do* '1 rade, on modi rate trims. Best M hire a:.d Coloured Paints, Oil ami Y\ afer Colours, prrpan d l*»r use. Lutnituie, LopuJ, Coat ii Body and S| irit Varnishes and Flushes. Medicinal Plants aiid \ egetable Me- dicines. Puysicians* and Country Merchant* are respcci/ully invitt d to cal!, oct II—tf IA J. SAYRS, £ l () 1 11rd •' I v Y a H(j ])>'Ui».\orth * 1,1 H,ie ,j! ^inir. betwecu Pitt and Roy- -I s!ivt ts, n-.jh ct fully iniun, s his friends and ihe ,*mbac itenoraiiy. that he has a uadi selected assortment <■! hruas, Mt*di- c.i.v.'. Choiiiica.s. iqve trills, and fancy lift I s, which are not to he surpassed in quality, and lor salt* a' moderate prices. l'!)Vs>:cian\ Pre.scr i; u-m:s? neatly and a( tin ate.y compounded, and every arti- cle sent from hi* store carefully labelled. Seamen’s Medic ne ( hosts, with direc- tions, j.ui up to older, at the shortest no- hr>,< _ nov I if fJmmh Hail nun/, 4 Ti?a\spoi:tatio.\ Di.i’ut. i\ov. 4. 1837. i P()fciri\K Outers h »ve been trans- mut'd (rorn the Pro i<!ei>t of the ompany to the Apent to i>nth r no aiti- des convoyed upon this road to bo re- moved uoni tlx* Depot until the amount el freight and chaises bo paid, ol which those interested w id please to take notice. Tiie A pent respectfully and urgently requests ail those led, hrecJ to this Depot to make payment without delay, nov 7—d.'i .v. i IA I ts. ( Ai's a.M) i jj 1. i. \ A.\ iS 11 -j i-cIfully i»:f»>i ms X, I J'» old ( U oiiirt d ||(e public pe* iHTfiny, that be has o. i i and a splendid assoi tmeiit of supt Rl.ick Russian Silk and bur ii«11<■, u! allshapes and finalities, manufactured by join noy men cf lon^ >i!.d u e.l tried > x pn icnCr; as lit keeps no apprer tic* v, lie can, t! rrefote. with con- fidence.r^ comiiu ml arty \vn k which may ie.'.vr fiissnop. lie .has just received hy the last arrivms bom *\« w \ oik, caps of the 1 tect fa>h o1 s. ai d be>t woiknmn* si;i{) and mat- ri M. Arnnnp them will he found youth’* and men’s ClotbC.ps °l a variety oi patterns—ho continues to keep ladies furs ol every kind, such as l" ur Slocks, H ois, MuhM b’wan Skins. &c. as also Fur Skins hr penliemtii’s collars of t*v rv deso ipriue. lie is now m.iiiii'actin ir e* laidirs and pills Reaver Roi n Ms o! the latest ftish- on and b- st materia s. oct b*8 FINE SHKNWNU'/AI! RUTTER. 1L< *E! V I '.\) by !?>♦ * .*• rbsei iber 450N iibs. sb»*r .UKioah I * m :t-r, in fnkins am: Koii«, td si « nor noaii'y. A iso. a iiii.o ami yc;.era! assort. mci t of V* INKS, fAQl/ORS. GROCERIES, &c« Very obi .sinrbiia, Jamaica SpintK ami Mnnonr du hi U iJ^h^'y, purchased at 1:»e of b e Mr. Joseph Maude- ciilfn ‘-‘rn'is, the njc c* ha Vi p.i5 descended 0 uni jv- p. e i.r ms o! V: ndeviile & 1. •.rnionr, and Samuel R. Earn.our do (Jo. Also, about $10(0 worth ot l i A I I > WARE. purchased at a !a’e sale, bought very J, fn; ! will be sc*!<J low f ir rash, hv oct EL if SAM’L. R. I.ARMOUR. (Nat. Jnt. eo:p j QUILLS, WAFERS AND INK. xa neh <A<-ILL.S, .‘rnm .\o to to j\j No 10, cd the best quality 10 lbs Note and Letter Wafers \ irroce Loni'wxnh’s Tied ink 3 grocr* English Slates 1 Just received, and, w ith a genera! as- sortment of Stat.or an , h>r s.de by nnv 8 RULE A. EXT\V!SLE. 77/e ('hris'firt)t l\»if^ni:e,ji,r 1837. p'iDITKl) by the Rev. J ihn A (Nark, q J embellished with 13 splendid en* •jravu;l,c, and enrsci e*j i,y contributions from the mod enem-nt m .d- i i w u?er>, male ami fern a!.jmf received an<l ior -aie by LULL & ENTWISLE. P n V 0 ro a k.\t* A '.'fry ( om! rib■ > r * r < k y I n £ ! i l m t co ..{‘.i'Il’of dtT <h»j» »s<r>‘ i rwifi\|;,| »‘Wery, liov JUoIAIi II. ‘.‘AVIS.
Page 1: -T^Txi>«IA ARE THIS I · Lp/)\ \ {[) o. COOK respect tally in- ; *r ns t»:s mends and the public j k, tilt he has removed to the j u:hsi JeolKing street.between Colum-


c .1 li SSOWD ES, E‘


,r ,I A|.r y g a h l Yj__

„^SDKIA gazette, ALb,V,„ rut: coustr v>

.,-BLlSlEl* REGULARLY ON « tmuiuiuv an » SAruHiivY

tlK? u’.LLV« P2* AYSUAl, Pa.ABLB I.Y


7Tu-e.^ta^-AdvertUemenU V '* ‘ .....w square, inserted tnrce

, ’Advertisementscontinued ’*■* f’f, limes for 50 cent* a square lor

i-tsi /e, or r> cents ou/sn/e. fiC !.■ »ro counted as a square.

by the year, at prices aa..., bavin* reference to

:,?ij.ac mat of space tney may oe-,

ti’f „ ,,]vertisin" by the year not to j

iVf art cles not included in their re-1

Il-r:.l nor to insert in their ad-; f *' 7 vs any other names than their

!="'^\*milT""ANlMf*.>S TON RE-

*lSuuS CINE packets.

, lo5^ Vessels will expose TI* !liar L:n«of Pack,■« between 1 1 f -,e district of Oolu nbia:

B'!e !n-r R Newcomb, Master

V .k.'nco, E. H. Ryder. do

Met a o. Nickerson do

.. o,ilii:n'.)ia, O. Ryder.

hl,v;X" I'll.* M isters stood pilots, and

^l iicea week from each place.-

AVo"b'0\Vr.K A Co.. Alexandria. C LOdUARU A Co., I wharf, ^ jane 29—ti




ISns PACKETS. Tt,e subscribers having P-.r

Rinsed of Messrs. Arm held

r M?n i Co. two of their splendid New

oickets, intend running them

"Ciar'v oetweon the two ports, leaving

S p ace on the 1st ot each month r Jhri* TRIBUNE. Samuel Boush

wiit leave this place on the 1st of

Cnth Oece.noe.) ThebngUV •4 Nathaniel Boush, master, on toe

V"hingtoship had better have

-irservants at this place a da> or two

.rS at 20 cents p.-r day. Freight |,J ?1’M*v ^TviLLI AMS & CO.

Washington Coy, Nov. 19._ |FOK SALE OK HEN 1.

A !ne thiee story brick dwelling Mnouse with store adjoining on Fair-

f.xsnvet, the tiou-e at ptose.it occupied by *« Ashton. Tin* H .use is spacious

a id*/,l fibbed. Tne *u ole will Peso d

h*.aid jiiynents m id * to >uit tiie aisb

es pore baser. Ap > y to

I .mi*2$ A M FOVVLE A SON.

UdlNET.nUlU AND SOFA MAN- [ v A‘ rollY.

Lp/)\ \ {[) o. COOK respect tally in-

; *r ns t»:s mends and the public j k, tilt he has removed to the j

<>u:hsi JeolKing street.between Colum-

ijjsi i i A’ssmngtnn streets.in the house

‘» neriv occuiped by Fhures iiuoop, mere n* still continues to inanulactuir a s ulot Cabinet Furniture: and also i

»h>r ns tneai mat he has on band at pre-

<-u, ml intends at all times to keep, a

tul ass »rta»ent ot the best l urnituie, mieay the best workmen, and of the j nMt-sl fashions; which he wiil warrant

eji.il, if not superior, in quality to any e.?r >if red m the District, and which

>*.11 sell tow tor Cash or a liberal cred- it t> punctual persons. And he hopes. Si; ms punctuality and attention to busi- ness, to secu»e a portion of the public jntr'ha;;**.

•>. t i'uraitm e neatly repaired and handa S)ii^ v varnished.

rj.tNINO handsomely executed anc

t'tY» shortest notice iy I-** D

I>is!rn,nentttl tv»tl I oca/ .1/hsii\

11 VILLI AM PK ATT, prolessor ol Mu- '» sic, av.uUhiuisell ol llns oi>poriuni-

*y ofex.tressing his nckri »wiedgements to tits friends, woo iuv- kindly patroniz- M his exrfti »ns and informs them and toe citizens of Alexandria gen-rally, t’H he h is made Mien arrangements, as

*i!l enable him to receive several addi* >> >'i ii ptiinls.

Mr Pratt respectfully tenders his ser-

* ices as an instructor on the Piano Korte. Vjuit.tr, Flute, Violoncelh), &c. Also, as

i teacher ol Vocal Music, llis system instruction communicates, in an easy *:*vl familiar manner, the rudiments ol toe science as well as the more abstruse P*rts of the theory of Music, which tends to enlarge the mind cultivate the taste 4«(J facilitate the progress of his scholars.

He has great pleasure in referring to

M. Coleman, and Messrs. P. H. M* >ff and J. Mass» y.

Any communication left at the Semi- **ry of Miss Coleman or at J. Massey’s,

meet with imediate attention. jm> ll-tf


Washington Branch Railroad.

'P'kANSPOKTA riON DEPOT—No- tice is hereby given that, in conse-

°t^nce of the impracticability o! making * imerotiscnllec ions, and the losses here-

stistai \e4. »v> merchandise or oth- ^ slices hereafter conveyed upon the

| will be permitted to be removed \r;1* the depot until the amount of

and charges be paid, except for 1 *>'m-rchant'; wh » receive lari*e con-

and are in the habit of pay- 1 »hi*ir hill;) »r >aio?lv on the first o< tact> month. ppt 3S


'l*he Genuine 'lygean Vegetable Lnicer- sal Medicines of the British College of Health.

: 44Hypocrisy is the tribute which 7 ice has ever paid to Virtue.”


IT is deemed advisable to protect the

public from daily impositions, to add ; an additional label on each packet of the

; GENUINE MGRlSON’S PILLS, which must bear the signatur* of each Agent through whose hands it passes, in addi- tion to my name, as no apothecary or

druggest is permitted to vend the same.

H. SHEPHEARD MOAT, Sole Hygean Delegate tothe U. S. 13roo«v-


By the use of the Hygeian Vegetable Universal m3iicines of the British Col- lege of Health, London, which have ob«i tained the approbation and recommen-

dation of thousands, (who, by the bit*..3-

ing of Providence, have been cured in j Consumptions, Cholera Morbus, lnflam- j

mations internally and externally; l)ys-1 pepsia, Fevers, Ague,Indigestion, Bilious or Nervous Alfections and ail diseases; of the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheu-

matism, Lummtgu, Tic Doloreux, Drop- j sy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fpilepsy, Apoplexy, |

Paralysis, Palsey, Green Sickness, and all obstructions to w hich the female form | is so distressingly liable, and w’hich sends so many ol the fairest portion of ci eation

to their untimely graves; Small Pox, Mease Is, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fe-

ver, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and all urinary obstructions; Fistula, Piles, Strictures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Bow-els, Worms, Scurvy, Itching or the Skin,

King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disor-

ders'; in short every comnlaint to which

the human frame is so direfullv subject, under all their varied forms ana names:

as it has been indisputably demonstrated, that Munis subject to only one real dis-

ease, that is the Impurity of the Blood, (from whence springs every complaint that can possibly assail his complicated frame) and a very slight trial of the uni-

versal Medicines will evince their all

sufficiency to cleanse and purity that

source of life, as well as disease, and re-

store the suffering patient to the blessings of Heaitn.

This valuable Medicine being compos- ed only of vegetable matter, or ‘medici* nahle herbs, and warranted, on oath, as

containing not one p.irticle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances fall o.

which are uncongenial to the nature ol

man and,therefore destructive to the hu-

man frame) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age 01

weakest frame, under every stage of hu-

man suffering, and, at the same time, the

most certain in searching out the root ol

every complaint, however deep, and ol

performing a cure, that was ever offer-

ed to tne worid. The Medicines are comprised in these

different articles only, viz. in two kind of

Pills, designated No. 1 and No. 2; the first

is a powerful, but most gentle, mild ape rient or opening medicines, detaching and partially removing the bilious ropy

humors, whilst the No. 2 pills carry off

those and the serous, acrid and putiul humours incidental to the body, and ac.

together as a ferret in a wanen nevei

resting until every avenue of the human

frame is thoroughv searched and cleans

ed of its impurities. ,

The genuine Medicines, cnn be had ol

W'm. Pomeroy, Alexandria D. C., and

also of the following Sub-Agents— R. «

Polkinhorn, Saddler, Pennsylvania A ve

nup Washington, and i t W rignt. OeoVgetown, of whom alone can the

Medicines be warranted genuine, with

printed directions. As no Apothecary or Druggist is permitted to send the same, j and to prevent imposition, each package of the genuine Morrison’s Pills, must bear

the signature of each agent through whoes hands it passes.

Morrisonia or the Family Advi«er, price $2 75. Practical Proofs illustrated bv numerous cases of cure, third edition,

price 37 J cents, to be had of the above,


rmHR subscribers have entered into c'>«

L partnership, under the firm of Dean

Harmon and M.ller. ^ DeAN, A. D. HARMON, JOS. H MILLER.

Thev offer for sale, manufactured in

Alexandria, at their Factory on Kings!., J5C00 pair corse brogans "| 50iiO *' kip do i °l stood qua- 1000 “ coarse boots , lily 1000 “ kip J


which will be sold as low as they can be

bought in any of the northern or eastern

markets. The retailers in the Distr.ct.and country merchants, are invited to call

and examine our stock. Ue shall con-

tinue to manufacture, and always hate

on hand,such articles as can be relied on

We invite orders, which snail be prompt- |y attended to.

Light, slaughter, sole, and upper lea-

therein the rough, purchased. sept 4— If_fNat. Int. 1^1_


HAS onhand Coaches, Buggies Gigs, «fcc. all of which he offers for sa.e

on as accommodating terms as they can

be purchased elsewhere. Persons wish-

ing to purchase Carriages, are respect-

fully requested to give him a call, as he

warrants his equal in workmanship, and

as cheap as they can be procured else-

where. Also repairing done in the best

manner, and at the shortest notice


► BARRELS brown sugar -> A few boxes raisinsandstarch-for *a!e Dy ‘GEO. AWillE

nov 15|


ARE recommended as decidedly supe- rior to any other known combination

of Medicine ever offered to the American j people.

When taken according to the direction accompaning them, they are highly bene-

: lie i ai in the prevention and cure of bilious

! fevers, fever and ague, dispepsia, liver complain ts.sick head* ache, jaundice, asth- ma, dropsy, rheumatism, enlargement of the spleen, piles, cramp and bilious cholic, female obstructions, heart burn, rancid furred tongue, distention of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhoea, flatu- lence, habitual costiveness, loss of appe- tite, blotched or sallow complexion, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, when a cathartic or an aperient is needed.— They have the testimony of the whole medical profession in their favor, while not a single case of ill consequences or in-: efficiency, can be alleged against them, j

Perhaps no article of the kind has ever j be?n offered to the public, supported by j testimonials of a character so decisive, t

from sources as respectable, or that has

given more universal satisfaction. Wherever these pills have been once j

introduced into a family, they become a ;

standing remedy, and are called for again and again, which is sufficient proof of ;

their good qualities. It is a truth, that almost every person

who has ever used Peter’s Vegeiuble Pills, j recommend them to their friends, and it j is irom this circumstance alone, that they have gained such an unrivalled reputa- tion. __

Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution, for the cure of obsti- nate diseases, bv means of Vegetable re-

medies, \o. 129, Libetty street, N. York, inventor, ank sole proprietor. Each box

contains 40 Pills—price 50 cents.

DEATH A N D D I IS E A S E. Mens sana, in carport sano.

“A mind well lodged, and masculine ol course.”

Death met Disease the other day, And thus they gossipped on the way.

Death—How comes it friend, in eve-

ry shape, You let so many folks escape? A few years back and every elf, Once sick, you laid upon the shelf, Dyspepsia then had power to kill— Asthma defied the doctor’s skill— The lancet too at all times sought, Its hecatomb of victims brought, Then Cosliceness could fatal prove, And Wieumatism no power remove:

A simple cold, where’er you went, A subject to my kingdom sent.

How comes it then, that now a days, Folksslip your gripe and go their ways? Asthma subsides— Dyspepsia cured, The lancet is no more endured; The sick to day forget all Sorrow, And laugh at both of us to-morrow.

Disease—Dread sire! 1 use all means

1 can, To abbreviate the life of man:

],]og his footsteps from his birth, ’TiIfhe returns to mother earth; And though ’lis true that niv success

1* daily growing less and less, This satisfaction l can feel, 1 have not slackened in n y zeal.

I use all means l used of old, Changes of weather—hot and cold, I orjve them colds; 1 give them pains;

1 nick their bones; l fire their veins, ( poison them with rancid bile.

In place of the digestive chyle, Yet all is useless—nothing kills.

Death— I-Iow’s that? Disease—They all take Peters’ Pills,

These invaluable Pills, are for sale in

Alexandria by Win. Stabler, C. Far-

,piliar and Wm. Harper, and by all tin-

principal DruagUtsin the l>. States, niar IS— ly_____

WILLIAM STABLER. ■ > ESPKCI FULLY informs the Citizens of

fi V Alexandria and his customers genera lv,

h it during the present season he has added a

.mount of goods fo his former stock

which msk-shis assortment very cump eie.-

The following list comprises a |>irt of the arti-

cles received and the stock previously on hand,

V'2i INSTRUMENTS. Evans’sLaneets, genuine, the most eateemed

Gum lance's

Spring Lancet?, silver and brass

fringes of various kinds

Cupping instruments Stethoscopes Surgeons Instruments, m pocket casci

TYeth Fxtractt rs

• • Forceps Scales and W. ights in boxes

Klastic lhu.gies Trusses, *n assortment Hull's Ut»-to- Abdominal Supporter) Stabler'® Pneumatic Itreast I'ump, Sic*


2152 dozen Apothocarits* G:a*t M

Also, Cut and other kinds of Smelling Vials

Nipple Shells Breast Pipes Nursing Bottles Pessares Funnels,


Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla Compound Syrup of Liver* ort

do do of Iceland Moss

Oil of Black Pepper do Caps'va do Cubebs

Biack Oxyide of Mercury Precipitated Extract of Bark Cerate of Copaiva, a valuable dressing! for

burns Solution of Kreosot Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Root

do do do Bucher, a reme-

dy of high value in diseases of the blad- der and Kidney*, Etc. 9th ms 28

r Winchester Virginian, Leesburg Genius ol

Liberty and Warrenton Register ]

FOR RENT. The lower floor of the Warehouse

I fntfwe now occupy on Irwin’s wharf,ant | ifdesired, some privilege of t ho (uppei 1 floora-immediate possession cau |he gi i ven. GEO. JOHNSON & Co.

oct IS


THIS popular little periodical having already made its way into the hands

of many ladies and gentlemen of the District, the publishers have appointed Mr. Tho*. R. R. Hampton of the 3d Au- ditor’s Ofltce, residing on G, near 19th, street Washington City, Agent for the District of Columbia and eastern Vir- ginia, where he will employ assistants.— The Agent has on hand at his house about My complete sets of the work, so

j far as published, for new subscribers, or

to supply numbers not received. The low price of the work wili, it is hoped, induce a growth of the subscription list,

j and surely one dollar, the price per an-

\ rvim, could not be better invested by male of female, married or single, old or

young. Desides various other corres-

pondents. one or more gentlemen of the “ten miles square” wiil continue their contributions to the Garland; not upon the dull monotonous subject of politics, hut will g:ve common place fireside-re- flections upon the a (fairs of life will) fre-

quent offerings to them that are, as well as those that should of right become,par- ticipators in a connubial state.

Specimens of the work are left at the 1

Lottery office of Richard France, Esq, i

Pennsylvania Avenue, and at the Book- j binding establishment of Capt. John A. j Blake, Washington; at (he Gazette Office and store of John H. Brent, Esq. Alex-

andria, and at Mr. Thomas’s Book Store

Georgetown, where the names of sub- scribers who cannot with convenience see the Agent, may be left.

MOORE <fc WATERHOUSE, Phil ad.. Nov. 1-lm Punishers.

DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, ) Alkxandkia County, / sct

October '/'erm, 1SH7. ;

Elizabeth Brockett, Wm. Brocket!, ^ Arrabelia Brockett, and Elizabeth ^ Brockett—complainants. ^

against 5 Robert Brockett, AValter Ann Ball, }> ?

and Wm. B *II lu*r husband, Thos £ — Wilson, John W. Wilson, Geo. W. Wilson. Walter S. Wilson and ^

others—defendants. J rilHE defendant Thomas- Wilson

&. not having entered his appearame and given security accoruing to the Ma-

lute and the rules ol this Court, and it

appearing to the satisfaction of the Court

that the said Thomas- W ilson is not

an inhabitant of the District ol Columbia, on the motion of the Complainants by their attorney, it is ordered, that the said

defendant do appear here on the first day of the next May Term of th s Court, and

answer the bill of the Compl inants; and

that a copy of this order be lorlhwith in-

serted m the Alexandria Gazette for two

months successively, and ano her copy be posted at the front door of the Couit

House of tiiis county. Test, nov4—2m EDM. 1 LEE, C. C.

DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, ) Alexandria County. > sct

October Term, 1837. ) John Humphries and Eze-')

Kiel Junes, complainants \ r*. \ In chancery.

Wm. Herbert and Robert | W. Hunter, delendants j

riT'lHE defendant. William Herbert not

a having entered Ills appearance to

this suit and given secuiity ai cording to

the statute, and the rules of this Couit; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the

Court that the said Wm. Herbert, is not

an inhabitant of the IJi.stuct of Cobitn-

bia, on the motion of tin* Complainants by their Counsel, it is ordered, that the

said absent defendant do appear here on

or before the 1st lay of next May Term

of this Court, and a ns*' er the Complain- ants bill, and give security lor pm form-

ing the decrees of tin* Court; and that

the resident defendant Robeil W. Hun-

ter do not pay, convey away, or s« crt te,

the money, property, debts or * Hi els, by him o'Aing to, or in bis hands belonging to the absent defendant, W in. Herbert, until the further order and decree of this

Couit; and that a copy of this order be

forthwith published f»r two months sue

cessively in the Alexandria Gazette, and

another copy posted at the front door of

the Court House of this County. I e^t, nuv4-2.li EDM. I. CEE, C. C,

Auierican Colonizalton Society^ f Washington, Nov.7, 1S37. $

rjlHE annual meeting of this Society X * ill be hel 1 in this city on Tuesday,

tnc J2th of December next and the m« tu-

bers of the Society, and delegates from

the Auxiliary Societies in the several States of the Union, are respectlully in j vited to attend. ^ ,

nov 9 — td 11 R. GURLEY , »-ec y.


rpllE Works of Jonathan Edward*, B in l vol roval Svo; Fietchet’s works,

2 volsSvo; Wheatly on Common Prayer; Hooker’s Church Polity. 3 vols Svo, cloth; Fla vet’s Treatise on the Soul ol Man; Fla vet’s Touchstone; Bishop Mcllviine s

Evidences of Christianity; Whitfield's Sermons, 1 vol 8vo. with a portrait; Le-

land’s Deistical Writers; Gland’s Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. &c &c.

F«»r sale by FELL & ENTYY lfcLE. nov 15



\ MERIC AN Almanac for 1833; Black- wood’s Magazine for Oct.; Stone’s

; Pamphlet on Animal Magnetism; the

j Parlor Scrap Book, for 1338; History of

! Mission’s, 2 vols Quarto. Received am.

j fbr sale by BELL & ENTWISLE. i nov 15


i CHAMPAGNE. y&r BASKETS -"Key” brand in quarts

9 el and pints, wat ranted ot best q 1a-

’! |itv. received by schr Presided*, and lur

sale bv A. C. CAXENOVE & Co.

I I nov ^


j y WILL sell low, if apjded for immedi- l au*»v. a first rale s.cj-JIo Hor*n.

‘nov 13* C. ASHFORD

More New a ml Seasonable Goods*

!^1 EO. S. HOUGH has opened a large j \J additional assortment of very mi

! perior black, blue, invisible green and i fancy brown Cloths, for gentlemen and | Indies cloaks; middle and low priced do; \ Casimeres, sup London, and more com*

j mon for boys; Jyw priced, middle and j some fery s*per Suttineis, of all colors; | twilled, pl*i£ and plaid Linseys; super | 10 4, 114, and 12 4 Whitney blankets, [ Rose and point do; Merinos of all co-

, lors; red, white, and yeilow Flannels, I low priced and middle Calicoes, and a

j few pieces very handsome black and i fancy challeys and Thibet wool muslin*; black and blue black Silks, colored ditto; black thibet Shawls and Hdkfs.; love do; 5 pieces blucK French Rombazine; cup Ribbons; bleached Russia Shot tings, ve- j ry fine; 5 4 cotton do; superior shillings ■

and Jong cloths; damask, birds eye, and Russia Diapers; mens’ and women’s kid, <

beaver, and English silk Gloves, some | extra; lambs’ wool shirts and drawers; j drab Devonshire Kerseys, Flushings and I Pilot cloths; 12 pieces twilled Ragging; j cotton o.snaburgs; 1 piece Butluio cloth; 1

made expressly lor sportsmen’s coats; plain and ribbed English silk Hose; shot t and long; blue, pink, while, light green, black ami rose oatlins. plum and lig'd; black silk Velvets, lo w pric’d, and super; f

i few pieces handsome dress ^>hk>; me ms

Stocks, with a general stock of domes-

tic goods, which again makes his assort- incnit large and very complete.

11th mo inth


j A HHDS. New Orleans and Porto JL “I Sugars

10 hhds Cuba Molasses 25 bats Rio and bt. Domingo Coflee 25 lbs"fresh Mace. Just received and

for sale by YYM. N. McYElGU. nov 14



| fk KEGS prime, just received and i vJ lor sale by

BENJ. T. FENOALL, nov 14 \ owell’s wharf.


1PIPE superior Holland Gin, just re-

ceived and for sale by BENJ. T. FEND ALL,

r.ov 11 N owell’s whair.

SACK i'ALI. FACTORY hi led I.. P. blown

£d'iy\.9 Salt, received per Schr. Pie?i

dent, and lor sale by nov 14 A. O. CAZENOVE & Co.

LANDING, •J.1I10M T^riiz Hartley and for sale I? 10 Dal' S Almonds

25 box* s mould candles. 12 bales dry moss

1000 linen grain bags LAMBERT & McKENZIE.

nov 11 __

GRATE COAL. BUSHELS Grate Coal just received per Schr. Prtaident

Irom Richmond, and for sale by j nov 11 J. Si G. I. THOMAS. ,

Maine Mercer Potatoes AjJoat. BUSH, prim* Mercer IVta-

(•jlR/U toes, on board Sclir. Bril-

liant, Howes master, from Krankf nt, Maine. Persons wishing them will please make early application to the master on

board, at Long wharf, oi to

nov 11 L A V. B E tv i & McK LN Z1 e»,


1 BUS. prime white co»n meal | Oxi? *>5 do do Buckwheat do

Just received .and (or s,ih‘ low by BENJ. T. KENDALL,

nov 10 Vowel 1’s wharf. !


1 Z1 A TONS Plaster, cargo of the I OO sclir Isabella, from Kasfport,;

for sale hv LAMBERT & McKENZIE,

nov io Union wharf.


14* KEGS No J /r |or l*r jo do do 2 S tamilv use, for sale by

no; 9 THUS. VOW ELL.


Ko BLS M«#nongaheia Whiskey ) 3 bhds. common do

2 boxes extra Orunoko pound Jump :

tobacco, war ranted 2 do Coupt'i’s In and

5 do plug, I t's and 10’a 2b lbs Nutinegb 10 ids Mace

250 lbs liar Lead3 2 ois Peach Brandy 1 cask superior Sweet Oil

received, and for sale by nuv 8 BENJ. T. KENDALL. ,


•g OZ\fk BUSH. Smith’s Coal lOUv/ 1000 do coarse d*>

! on board Sciir. Mobile, for sale by nov 8 A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. j

FINE WINES. ,.a CASKS of very superior Slierrv, ♦jU Port Lisbon, and St. Lucar Y\ ines, received per Schr Victory and for sale by

nov S A. C. CAZENDVE &. Co.

DACON. i a AAA POUMjS Hams, Shoulders : and M idlings, just received and for sale by

| nov 8 S. MSSSKKSMiril.


\‘\ 2 hall Chests G. l>. Tea / superior

| y do do V. Hysoa Squamy 5 bn“3 old iiio Coffee

I 2 boxes family loal Sugar 3 bbls No. 3 ';o

Just iceeived and !• r fi.ie uy ’UENJ. T. h E.NUALL.

I nov8 * Wafit's 'Aharf.

I DR.CHARLES FARQUHAR t> L i F1C\$ his grab bill acknowledg- 1? merits to the inhabitants of Alexan-

! dria for the libera! patronage be has re* ctived since he has been in business, and respectfully announces that lie has de- clined business in favor of Cook A, Lead- beater. tor wtiom he solicits a continu- ance of those favors so generously be- stowed tipun himself.

Ulml.saleam! retail thug, Chemical, /''/"'"'F J)'h' Slt/fr\ Paint.Oil.

.[ ,nr> (itafs, Perfumery and

a LEADBEATER, respect- ?7 lu.ly announce to the inhabitants of Alexandria and its vicinity, that they have purchased Dr. C. FarquhaCs stock ol Di ngs and Medicines, and that th%iy intend to carry on the business of Apothecaries, ( hem let, ami Druggist,, in all its various brandies, on the premi- ses lately occupied l.y Dr. F. on Hint?

street. Having had nsi.Ierable expe- rience in their busim s-. they ,ec| compe- tenl to meet the wishes ot the nuf.lic in any c unman,Is with- which they may be favoured, andtiu.-t by sirictly adhering lo the system ol sei!ii.<;(.'enuine Articles and ol the purest (jaality. tney shall be enti'ieo to « liberal shale ol patronage and support.

I’oysieians’ l’iesc:iptions and Family ucc.pcs, accurate»v dispensed day and night.

Fine Bermuda Arrow Root, Sago, Ta- pioca. Groats. Laricy, Fit glass, Salad On, Turnaiiiids, Iloni-v, .Soda and Seid- ,l,z Powders. L< zrnucs. Spices Snuffs Havana Cigars, A c. Ac. \\ Into and Va- ricuaffii Bar and Fancy Soaps, Washing Soda.Stuich. I :uc, London Mustard,and ai. other Fmi:y an tics connected with do* '1 rade, on modi rate trims.

Best M hire a:.d Coloured Paints, Oil ami Y\ afer Colours, prrpan d l*»r use. Lutnituie, LopuJ, Coat ii Body and

S| irit Varnishes and Flushes. Medicinal Plants aiid \ egetable Me-

dicines. Puysicians* and Country Merchant*

are respcci/ully invitt d to cal!, oct II—tf

IA J. SAYRS, £ l () 1 11rd •' I v Y a H(j ])>'Ui».\orth

* 1,1 H,ie ,j! ^inir. betwecu Pitt and Roy- -I s!ivt ts, n-.jh ct fully iniun, s his friends and ihe ,*mbac itenoraiiy. that he has a uadi selected assortment <■! hruas, Mt*di- c.i.v.'. Choiiiica.s. iqve trills, and fancy • lift I s, which are not to he surpassed in quality, and lor salt* a' moderate prices. l'!)Vs>:cian\ Pre.scr i; u-m:s? neatly and a( tin ate.y compounded, and every arti- cle sent from hi* store carefully labelled.

Seamen’s Medic ne ( hosts, with direc- tions, j.ui up to older, at the shortest no- hr>,<


nov I — if

fJmmh Hail nun/, 4 Ti?a\spoi:tatio.\ Di.i’ut. i\ov. 4. 1837. i

P()fciri\K Outers h »ve been trans- mut'd (rorn the Pro i<!ei>t of the

ompany to the Apent to i>nth r no aiti- des convoyed upon this road to bo re- moved uoni tlx* Depot until the amount el freight and chaises bo paid, ol which those interested w id please to take notice.

Tiie A pent respectfully and urgently requests ail those led, hrecJ to this Depot to make payment without delay,

nov 7—d.'i .v.

i IA I ts. ( Ai's a.M) i

jj 1. i. \ A.\ iS 11 -j i-cIfully i»:f»>i ms X, I J'» old ( U oiiirt d ||(e public pe* iHTfiny, that be has o. i i and a splendid assoi tmeiit of supt Rl.ick Russian Silk and bur ii«11<■, u! allshapes and finalities, manufactured by join noy men cf lon^ >i!.d u e.l tried > x pn icnCr; as lit keeps no

apprer tic* v, lie can, t! rrefote. with con- fidence.r^ comiiu ml arty \vn k which may ie.'.vr fiissnop. lie .has just received hy the last arrivms bom *\« w \ oik, caps of the 1 tect fa>h o1 s. ai d be>t woiknmn* si;i{) and mat- ri M. Arnnnp them will he found youth’* and men’s ClotbC.ps °l a variety oi patterns—ho continues to keep ladies furs ol every kind, such as l" ur Slocks, H ois, MuhM b’wan Skins. &c. as also Fur Skins hr penliemtii’s collars of t*v rv deso ipriue.

lie is now m.iiiii'actin ir e* laidirs and pills Reaver Roi n Ms o! the latest ftish- on and b- st materia s. oct b*8

FINE SHKNWNU'/AI! RUTTER. 1L< *E! V I '.\) by !?>♦ * .*• rbsei iber 450N iibs. sb»*r .UKioah I *

m :t-r, in fnkins am: Koii«, td si « nor noaii'y.

A iso. a iiii.o ami yc;.era! assort. mci t of V* INKS, fAQl/ORS. GROCERIES, &c«

Very obi .sinrbiia, Jamaica SpintK ami Mnnonr du hi U iJ^h^'y, purchased at 1:»e of b e Mr. Joseph Maude- ciilfn ‘-‘rn'is, the njc c* ha Vi p.i5 descended 0 uni jv- p. e i.r ms o! V: ndeviile & 1. •.rnionr, and Samuel R. Earn.our do (Jo. Also, about $10(0 worth ot

l i A I I > WARE. purchased at a !a’e sale, bought very

J, fn; ! will be sc*!<J low f ir rash, hv oct EL — if SAM’L. R. I.ARMOUR.

(Nat. Jnt. eo:p j QUILLS, WAFERS AND INK.

xa neh <A<-ILL.S, .‘rnm .\o to to j\j No 10, cd the best quality

10 lbs Note and Letter Wafers

\ irroce Loni'wxnh’s Tied ink 3 grocr* English Slates

1 Just received, and, w ith a genera! as-

sortment of Stat.or an , h>r s.de by nnv 8 RULE A. EXT\V!SLE.

77/e ('hris'firt)t l\»if^ni:e,ji,r 1837. p'iDITKl) by the Rev. J ihn A (Nark, q J embellished with 13 splendid en* •jravu;l,c, and enrsci e*j i,y contributions from the mod enem-nt m .d- i i w u?er>, male ami fern a!.jmf received an<l ior -aie by LULL & ENTWISLE.

P n V 0

ro a k.\t* A '.'fry ( om! rib■ > r * r < k

y I n £ ! i l m t co ..{‘.i'Il’of dtT <h»j» »s<r>‘ i rwifi\|;,| »‘Wery,

liov JUoIAIi II. ‘.‘AVIS.
