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Tube and Pipe Benders

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  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders

    3/20A ssem bly L ine for Tub e and Pipe B enders 3

    In tub e and w ire b en din g, E lectro pn eu maticshas been the pioneer in India since 1982w hen w e developed our first C NC tube bender.W e offer the most exhaustive range ofbenders and continue to innovate to bringbetter bending solutions to our custom ers.

    E iectropneum atics has manyIndia 's firs t tube benders to its credit. 3-Axes CNC Tube Bender in 1982 Largest D raw -type P ipe B ender in 1985 3-Axes CNCWire Bender in 1997 Boost Bender for R= 1D bends in 2000 M ulti-R ad ius, B i-D irectio nal CNCT ub eB ender in 2001 to -A xes A ll-E lectric CNCT ub e B end erin 20 06 3-A xes C NC R otary-H ead T ype W ireB ender in 2006 M ulti-s tack, E lectric T ube B en dercom plete range in 2008, 2009 O rbital E lectric T ube B ender in 2009

    ..... and m any m ore.

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders



  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    These hydraulic semi-automatic NC Tube Benderscan handle tubes from 00 6 to 419 mm in round,rectangular, square and other sections. The NCXmodels can produce parts with multiple bends in asingle plane. The additional pre-settable linear androtary indexing arrangement in NCXR models allowmulti-plane bending. With the exception of plane ofbend (POB)and distance between bend (DBB)beingmanual against pre-set stops, the bending cycle isautomatic. In bigger machines, tube orientation isalso powered.

    SpecificationsModel Unit 30NCX 65NCX 80NCX 100NCX 150NCX 200NCX 325NCX 400NCX30NCXR 65NCXR 80NCXR 100NCXR 150NCXR 200NCXR 325NCXR 400NCXR

    Max. tube capacity (Dxt)* mm 32 x2 65 x4 80 x2 114 x 6 168 x 11 219x13 324 x 17 419x21Min. tube capacity (D)* mm 6 10 10 25 50 76 89 114Max. bend radius (CLR) mm 500 600 1200Min. bend radius mm 20 24 24 38 100 228Min. bend radius 2D 2D 2D 2DLength over mandrel m 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6Bend angle rangeMax. bend speed (accuracy)DBB&FOB accuracy 0.5(in NCXRmodels)Connected load (approx.) kW 3.7 7.5 15 30 37 55 75Weight (approx.) kg 1300 2300 2500 4500 16000 25000 55000 700001500 3000 3200 5000 19000 30000 62000 80000

    " Fo r f er ro us t ub es w ith U T S o f 4 5 k g/r nm '. S ta nd ar d b en di ng d ir ec ti on i s c lo ck w is e. P o we r s up pl y, 4 15 \1 , 5 0 Hz . 3 -p ha se A C . F or m o de ls 1 50 N CX R o nw ar ds , li ne ar a nd r ot ar y in de xin g a rr an ge me nt is p ow er ed .Note:D = Tube outside diametert ~ W a ll th ic kn es sCL R = Ce nt re L in e R a di usDO B ~ D eg ree O f B en dFO B ~ plane O f BendDB B = D i st an ce B e tw e en B e nd s


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Features N o. of m ulti-p lan e b en ds settab le =8 (PO B&DBB)

    (in NCXR ) P ro gramm ab le DOB in autom atic o pen loo p co ntro l.

    P re -s el ec ta ble POB ( in NCXR) P ro gramm ab le b en din g an gle an d p reset b en ding seq uen ce M em ory cap acity o f 5 0 p ro gram s w ith 1 5 b en ds/p ro gram E lectro pneumatics' m ak e M icro P LCwith 3 " to uch screenMMI

    Options In creased b en d rad iu s (on select m od els) Extra m andrel length and extended arm forspecif ic applicat ions M od ified versio ns w ith sp lit to ols, h eated to ols, etc.to s ui t c ompon en t r eq uir em e nts Safety mat and safety flap on bend arm A utoma tic m an dre l lu br ic atio n H yd rau lic o il coo ler C oun te r- cl oc kw is e b en din g


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Electropneumatics' CNC Wire Bendersare capable of bending steel wires from00 2 to 6 mm. They can bend wires inboth clockwise and counter-clockwisedirections. The push, turn and bend axesare driven by AC servo drives. Thesemachines can be supplemented withwire decoilers, straightners, cut-off andfeed units.


    The 6CNC3W model is a compression bend type wirebender ideal for automotive remote rods for door locks,hood support, actuator levers and also for consumerand decorative items. The 6CNC3WAmodel integratedwith decoiler, straightner and servo feed unit is anextended rotary head type machine capable ofproducing zigzag, multi-plane, curvature and helixbends in wires. Complex curved parts are possible byinterpolation of the feed and bend axes. The electricdrives consume less power, reduce noise levelsdrastically and provide a clean machine and workingenvironment.


    Model Unit 6CNC3W 6CNC3WA-SI Max. wire capacity (D) mm 6.0 (UTS 65 kg/mm') 6.0 (UTS 65 kg/mm') J.0 (UTS 110 kg/mm') 5.0 (UTS 110 kg/mm')--Max. bend radius (CLR) mm 25 InfiniteMin. bend radius I- Im 0.5 2Min. distance between successive bends mm 7.5 7.5- --Push (Y ) mm 1000 Infinite (Coil feed)--Max. range Turn (B) deg 0-360 0-360

    ~ _jend (C) deg 0-110 0-180--- -1-Push (Y ) - I~ mm/s(mm) 1200 (0.1) 1300 (0.1) IMax. speeds (accuracy) Turn (B) deg/s (deg) 500 (0.1) 300 (0.1)- _ I~Bend (C) deg/s (deg) 150 (0.1) 1300 (0.1)-- -- Ionnected load (approx.) kW 5.5 16--Weight (approx.) kg 1000 3000P ow er s up pl y, 4 1S Y, 50Hz, 3 -p ha se A C .

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders



  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Features E le ctr op ne uma tic s' m a ke u se r- fr ie nd ly m ic ro pr oc es so r-b as ed 'SMARTBEND430 ' c on tr ol le r w it h c olo ur LCD

    mon ito r a nd k ey bo ard a cc ess F ully p ro grammab le ax es m ov em en t in closed lo opp ositio n a nd v elo city fe ed ba ck m od e A dv anced o n-lin e diag nostics w ith clo sed lo opmonit or in g o f s er vo a xe s, d is pl ay o f a xe s p os it io n/s pe ed ,

    o n-g oin g, se qu en ce a nd e rro r m essa ge s D ata en try as P ush -T um -B en d (Y -B -C )v alu es or X -Y -Zco-ordinates

    Options Extra m andrel length and extended arm for specificapplications M od ified v ersion s w ith sp lit to ols, h eated to ols, etc.to s uit c ompon en t r eq ui rem en ts Safety mat and safety flap on bend arm

    C ap ab ility o f p ro gramm in g in in ch es o r m illim ete rs A utom atic tube length com putation based on setparameters S prin g b ac k c alc ula tio n a nd o ff- lin e c om p en sa tio nfacility P ro gramm ab le tu be lo ad in g p ositio n MU lti-seq uen ce ben d cap ability fo r u p to fiv e parts w ithcomm on b en d rad iu s an d d iam eter P ro gram re trie va l b y a lp ha nume ric c od e, p assw ordp ro tectio n fo r d ata en try, too l part d ata sto rag e an do n-sc re en p art c ou nte r w ith re se t fa cility

    A utoma tic m an dre l lu br ic atio n H yd ra ulic c hillin g u nit C oun te r- clo ckw is e b en di ng S erv o c on tro lle d in de pe nd en t p re ssu re d ie a ssista nd /o r c ar ria ge b oo st

    SpecificationsModel Unit 30CNC3X 65CNC3X 100CNC3X 150CNC3X 200CNC3X 325CNC3X 400CNC3X

    Max. tube capacity (Dxt)* mm 32 x2 65 x4 114 x 6 168 xll 219x13 324 x 17 419 x21Min. tube capacity (D)* mm 6 10 25 50 76 89 114Max. bend radius (CLR) mm 120 300 500 600 600 1000 1200Min. bend radius mm 20 24 38 100 150 178 228Min. bend radius 1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 2D 2D 2D 2DLength over mandrel m 2 3 4 4 4 6 6Bend angle range deg

    Push (Y)Max. speed(accuracy)Connected load (approx.) kW 10 19 22 37 37 55 75Weight (approx.) kg 2500 3500 9000 15000 30000 62000"For ferrous tubes with UTSof 45 kg/mm'. Standard bend direction is clockwise. Power supply, 415Y, 50Hz, 3-phase AC.

    1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    SpecificationsModel Unit 10CNC4X3 19CNC4X3 38CNC5X3 65CNC5X3 80CNC5X3 16CNC5X2-LR

    Max. tube capacity (Dxt)* mm 10 x2 19 x2 38 x2 65 x 3 80 x 3 16 x2Min. tube capacity (D)* mm 3 3 6 10 10 3Max. bend radius (CLR) mm 30 80 180 250 250 70Min. bend radius mm 12 24 20 38 38 12Min. bend radius 1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 1.5DMax. radius difference 15 35 50 80 90 30(max. - min.) mmTooling stack nos. 3 3 3 3 3 2+2Length over mandrel m 2 2 3 3 3 2Bend angle range deg 5 - 180 5 - 180Bending directionAxes drives Electric Electric

    Push (Y)Max. Turn (B)speed(accuracy) Bend (C) 150 (0.1)Radius (X)Stack (Z)

    Connected load (approx.) 9.7 12 17 26 32 14*POI ferrous tubes with UTS of 45 kg/rn-n'. Standard bend direction is clockwise. Power supply 41SY, 50Hz, 3-phase AC.


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Electropneumatics' Multi-Axes CNC TubeBenders have a wide variety of features anda combination of electric and hydraulic drives forthe programmable axes. They are designed tobend complex parts of different materials inhigh-volumes for all industries, specificallyautomotive.


    1 3 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Features Minimum R = 10 bending on tubes with Oft ratio : : s ; 9 Achievable parameters on R = 10 in 'boost' modeOvality: 8 - 10%,Thinning: 12 - 13%

    Capability of serpentine bends (with suitable tooling) Fully programmable closed loop (servo) 'bend-boost'speed and position control

    Unlimited tube length and capability of serpentine bends Mandrel-less and tie rod-less operation in 'boost' mode Suitable for both boost and normal (higher capacity)bending

    Options Provision of carriage with manually pre-settable linearand rotary indexing facility for multi-plane bends(in CNC2XR-Bmodels)

    Extra mandrel length or deletion of mandrel Split tool arrangement for R ~ 57 mm


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Electropneum atics' CN C Boost Benders m eetthe stringen t ovality/thinning requirementsof bend ing thick-walled , tight-radius tubesrequ ired in the boiler, chem ical and processin d us tr ie s. S y nc hr on is at io n a nd p ro gr ammab il it yof speed and position through servo controlsr es ults in e xc elle nt c on tr ol o n th e b en d q ua lity .


    Specifica tionsMode l Unit 65CNC2X -B lOOCNC2X-B65CNC2XR-B lOOCNC2XR -BlMax. tube capacity (Dxt)* mm 63.5 x 6.35 114 x 6 j-Capacity in boost mode mm 50.8 x 5.5 63.5 x 6.35

    Max. bend radius (CLR) mm 300 500 I~Min. bend radius (mandrel-less) mm 24 38- -inerms of D Iin. bend radius 1D (on D/t ~ 9) 1D (on D/t ~ 9)-~ --Speciality/suitability Serpentine bends (max. 150 CLR) Serpentine bends (max. 150 CLR)Length over mandrel --m 2 2--Bend angle range deg 5 - 180 5 - 180Max. bend speed (accuracy) deg/s (deg) 18 (0.2) 12 (0.2) IDBB and FOB accuracy mm &deg 0.2 0.2(in CNC2XR-Bmodels) -I~Booster unit Hydraulic clamp & boost unit for axial compression with programmablecontrols for synchronised bend-boost speed relationConnected load (approx.) kW 11 18.5-

    Ieight (approx.) kg 5000 80006000 9500~ -I~"For ferrous tubes with UTS of 4Skg/mm'. Standard bend ing d ir ect ion is c lockwis e. Powe r supply , 41SY, 50Hz , 3 -pha se AC.


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Chassis BendersFor bending of square, rectangular ortubular sections for chassis longmembers of jeeps, trucks andcommercial vehicles.

    Section CoilersThese machines can form coilsof condensers and evaporators usedin refrigeration products. They canbend square, rectangular, round orany other section. They are usuallyprovided with a decoiler, straightner,D-profile former and cut-offunit.

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Electropneumatics' has indigenous expertise indeveloping customised solutions for the mostdemanding bending requirements. We work with ourcustomers to offer the right equipment andautomation, either as a single product or a productionline, that can give the best productivity and qualityusing the latest techniques. These custom-designedmachines can bend sectional profiles, tight-radii,different tube materials, thin-walled and thick-walledtubes, solid rods in cold or hot condition.

    Section BendersSections used in luggage frames, furnitureframes, automobile accessories, etc. canbe bent on these machines. They areusually adapted to have an extendedarm and reduced bend spindle heightto accommodate complicated bendconfigurations.

    Multi-PlaneHot Bending ModulesSolid stabiliser bars, torsion bars, etc. havecomplicated bend geometries and are bentin hot condition on our multi-plane hotbending modules that are specificallydesigned for these complex parts shapes.

    PortabendThis universal mobile multi-purpose tubeworking station has a sawing, !D/ODdeburring, bending and ferrule pre-settingunit. They are most suitable for hydraulicpiping work in hydraulic shops, hydraulicmachine tool factories and also for on-boardand off-shore tasks.


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Features Machines available for end forming, cuttingand punching of tubular parts

    Compact and modular, yet robust designs Can process tubes from 016 up to 0114 mmin carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel,aluminium, copper, brass and other materials

    Special purpose machines available to suitspecific needs Custom-designed tools offered for all operations High productivity machines User friendly Electropneumatics' NC/CNCcontrolswith intelligent operator interface

    End Forming Machines Cold forming of intricate shapes and profiles-heading, flaring, swaging (expanding/reducing),beading and others are possible

    Available in one, two or multiple stages withlinear or rotary indexing facility

    Can form one or both ends of the tubesimultaneously

    End Cutting Machines Square end trim cuts, angle, radius and scallop cuts Incorporates dual blade shear and supportedshear technologies

    End cutting systems can be incorporated ontube benders

    Punching Machines Hole punching in tubular (round, square,rectangular, oval) and other sections

    CNCprogrammable hole pattern

    Multi-Station Tube Processing Machines Suitable for performing a combination of endforming, cutting, punching, bending, etc. onone machine

    2-Stage, Linear IndexingLight Duty Tube End Former

    2-Stage, Linear Indexing,Heavy DUtyTube End Former

    5-Stage, Rotary IndexingTube End Former1 8 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - + - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


  • 8/6/2019 Tube and Pipe Benders


    Electropneumatics & Hydraulics (India) Pvt. Ltd.Gat No. 254/255, Kharabe Wadi, Chakan-Talegaon Road,Chakan, Pune 410501, India.Tel.: +91 (0)2135 667500 Fax.: +91 (0)2135667502Email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]://www.electropneumatics.com/http://www.electropneumatics.com/mailto:[email protected]
