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The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education Education for values – continuity and context Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018 Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018 AGENDA TUESDAY, 24TH OF APRIL 2018 Arrival and accommodation Gaudeamus University Hotel 12 Codrescu Street, Iasi, Romania WEDNESDAY, 25TH OF APRIL 2018 08:30 - 09:30 AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu” 09:30 - 11:00 AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu” 11:00 - 11:30 ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA UNIVERSITY OF IASI Main Building, Carol I Boulevard, no 11 Registration of the participants Opening Addresses: PhD Prof. Mihaela ONOFREI, Vice Rector Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania PhD Prof. Romițã IUCU, Vice Rector University of Bucharest, Romania PhD Prof. Ioan BOLOVAN, Vice Rector Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania PhD Prof. Otilia DANDARA, Vice Rector Moldova State University, Chișinãu, Moldova PhD Prof. Octavian Mãdãlin BUNOIU, Vice Rector West University of Timișoara, Romania Congratulatory Remarks: His Eminence TEOFAN, Metropolitan, Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina His Grace Petru GHERGHEL, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese Prof. Mihai CHIRICA, Mayor of Iasi City Ing. Maricel POPA, President of Iasi County Hall PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN, Former Director Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association PhD Prof. Laurențiu ȘOITU, Conference President, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Coffee break Keynote Addresses: PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN, Former Director Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association - Skills and Values in International 11:30 - 13:00 SENATE ROOM Commitments PhD Prof. Rolf HEMPELMANN, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany - Schülerlabors and STEM Education for Sustainable Development PhD Prof. Ioan BOLOVAN – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Book release: Romanian University and Country Founders: Vasile Pârvan, Onisifor Ghibu, and Nicolae Iorga 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch ORGANIZERS : PARTNERS: MEDIA PARTNERS: www.iec.psih.uaic.ro/ciea2018

The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018



Arrival and accommodation Gaudeamus University Hotel

12 Codrescu Street, Iasi, Romania


08:30 - 09:30 AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu”

09:30 - 11:00 AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu”

11:00 - 11:30


Main Building, Carol I Boulevard, no 11 Registration of the participants Opening Addresses: PhD Prof. Mihaela ONOFREI, Vice Rector Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

PhD Prof. Romițã IUCU, Vice Rector University of Bucharest, Romania PhD Prof. Ioan BOLOVAN, Vice Rector Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

PhD Prof. Otilia DANDARA, Vice Rector Moldova State University, Chișinãu, Moldova PhD

Prof. Octavian Mãdãlin BUNOIU, Vice Rector West University of Timișoara, Romania

Congratulatory Remarks:

His Eminence TEOFAN, Metropolitan, Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina

His Grace Petru GHERGHEL, Bishop of the Roman – Catholic Diocese

Prof. Mihai CHIRICA, Mayor of Iasi City

Ing. Maricel POPA, President of Iasi County Hall

PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN, Former Director Institute for International Cooperation of the

German Adult Education Association

PhD Prof. Laurențiu ȘOITU, Conference President, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,


Coffee break

Keynote Addresses: PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN, Former Director Institute for International Cooperation of

the German Adult Education Association - Skills and Values in International

11:30 - 13:00 SENATE ROOM

Commitments PhD Prof. Rolf HEMPELMANN, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany - Schülerlabors and STEM Education for Sustainable Development PhD Prof. Ioan BOLOVAN – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Book release: Romanian University and Country Founders: Vasile Pârvan, Onisifor Ghibu, and Nicolae Iorga

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

14:00 - 15:30 Paper presentations


Topic I Topic II Topic III

Education and values. Politics and strategies of the ICT and axiology

Historical, methodological and education for values

epistemological approaches

Moderators: Moderators: Moderators:

PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU, Babes- PhD Prof. Vladimir GUȚU,

West University of Timișoara, Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Moldova State University, Republic

Romania Romania of Moldova.

PhD Prof. Maia TOLSTAIA, PhD Prof. Carmen COZMA, PhD Prof. Catalina ULRICH,

Moldova State University, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of University of Bucharest, Romania

Republic of Moldova Iasi, Romania PhD Associate professor

PhD Prof. Carmen–Mihaela PhD Carolina ȚURCANU, Gianina-Ana MASSARI,

CREȚU, Moldova State University, Republic Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Moldova Iasi, Romania

of Iasi, Romania

PhD Prof. Mirela ALBULESCU,

Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-

Napoca, Romania


PhD Student Tina TURICEANU PhD Student Andreea URSU PhD Student Smaranda CHICU

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30 Paper presentations


Topic I Topic II Topic III

Education and values. Politics and strategies of the ICT and axiology

Historical, methodological and education for values

epistemological approaches

Moderators: Moderators: Moderators:

PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU, Babes- PhD Prof. Vladimir GUȚU,

West University of Timișoara, Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Moldova State University, Republic

Romania Romania of Moldova

PhD Prof. Mirela ALBULESCU, PhD Prof. Carmen COZMA, PhD Prof. Catalina ULRICH,

Babes-Bolyai University Cluj- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of University of Bucharest, Romania

Napoca, Romania Iasi, Romania PhD Associate professor

PhD Prof. Maia TOLSTAIA, PhD Carolina ȚURCANU, Gianina-Ana MASSARI,

Moldova State University, Moldova State University, Republic Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

Republic of Moldova of Moldova Iasi, Romania

PhD Prof. Carmen–Mihaela


Alexandru Ioan Cuza University

of Iasi, Romania


PhD Student Tina TURICEANU PhD Student Andreea URSU PhD Student Smaranda CHICU

17:30-18:30 Free time


Dinner and Romanian folklore show Bucium Motel Restaurant (Iasi – Vaslui Road, DN24,

km 12, https://www.motelbucium.ro/) The bus will leave from Hotel Gaudeamus at 18.30




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018


ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA UNIVERSITY OF IASI Main Building, Carol I Boulevard, no 11

09:30 - 11:00

AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu”

Keynote Addresses: PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, West University of Timișoara, Romania - Monitoring progress towards Europe 2020 – solutions implemented by the member states to reach the agreed targets PhD Prof. Chris DUKE, Centre for European Studies, RMIT, Australia - Good at what? Good for what? Higher education values in an age of discontinuity PhD André SCHLÄFLI, Former Chair International Adult and Community education Halle of Fame, Oklahoma University, US - Think Tank in adult learning

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:30

AULA MAGNA “Mihai Eminescu”

Coffee break

Keynote Addresses: PhD Prof. Ekehard NUISSL VON REIN, Deutches Institut fur erwachsenenbildung, German Institute for Adult Education - Cultural learning PhD Prof. Harald MIKKELSEN, VIA University College Denmark – Successful projects through co-creation

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 15:30 Paper presentations AULA MAGNA Mihai Eminescu FERDINAND ROOM GAUDEAMUS ROOM 430

Topic I Topic II PANEL VIA University

Education and values. Historical, Politics and strategies of the College, Denmark methodological and education for values Participatory methods in epistemological approaches Education

Moderators: Moderators: Moderator: PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU, Babes- Claus Beyer IVERSEN, West University of Timișoara, Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, VIA Pædagogisk-Socialfaglig Romania Romania Højskole PhD Prof. Mirela ALBULESCU, PhD Prof. Cãtãlina ULRICH,

Babes-Bolyai University Cluj- University of Bucharest, Romania

Napoca, Romania PhD Prof. Carmen COZMA,

PhD Prof. Maia TOLSTAIA, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

Moldova State University, Republic Iasi, Romania

of Moldova PhD Carolina ȚURCANU,

PhD Prof. Carmen–Mihaela Moldova State University, Republic

CREȚU, of Moldova

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

Iasi, Romania



PARTNERS: MEDIA PARTNERS: www.iec.psih.uaic.ro/ciea2018

The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30 Paper presentations

AULA MAGNA Mihai Eminescu


Topic I Topic II

Education and values. Historical, methodological and Politics and strategies of the education for

epistemological approaches values

Moderators: Moderators:

PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU,

West University of Timișoara, Romania Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania

PhD Prof. Mirela ALBULESCU, PhD Prof. Catalina ULRICH,

Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania University of Bucharest, Romania

PhD Prof. Maia TOLSTAIA, PhD Prof. Carmen COZMA,

Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

PhD Prof. Carmen–Mihaela CREȚU, PhD Carolina ȚURCANU,

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova


PhD Student Tina TURICEANU PhD Student Andreea URSU

17:30-18:30 Free time


Bucium Motel Restaurant (Iasi – Vaslui Road, DN24, km 12, 707037 Iasi, Romania,

18:30 – 21:00


The bus will leave from the Hotel Gaudeamus at 18.30




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018


Trip from Iasi to Chisinau The bus will leave from Hotel Gaudeamus at 6.30


11.00 - 12.00 12.00 - 12.30

12:30 - 13:30

Moldova State

University, Bloc

2, Hall

Arrival from Iasi / Accommodation/ Registration of the participants Lunch Opening Ceremony Welcome Addresses: PhD Prof. Gheorghe CIOCANU, Rector of the Moldova State University PhD Igor ȘAROV, General Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova Katrin DENYS, Senior Desk Officer for Eastern Partnership Countries, DVV International Bonn, Germany PhD Desiree JONGSMA, UNICEF Moldova Representative PhD Prof. Laurențiu ȘOITU, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

13:30 - 15:00

Moldova State

University, Bloc

2, Hall

Keynote Addresses: PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN, Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult

Education Association IIZ/DVV - Volkshochschulen - Centers for Adult Education and

Lifelong Learning PhD Prof. Vladimir GUȚU, Dean the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences,

Sociology and Social Work, Moldova State University - Continuous training

reconceptualization of teachers in the Republic of Moldova PhD Prof. Michael OSBORNE, University of Glasgow, Scoția, UK - Big Data and Adult Learning

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 - 16:30 Panels/Workshops




Education challenges in the context of diversity Adult Education Centres – roles and functions in

Moderator: development and innovation

PhD Prof. Otilia DANDARA, Moderators:

Moldova State University Katrin DENYS,

Panelists: DVV International

PhD Malgorzata STAWIAK-OSOSINSKA, PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN

Jan Kochanowski University, Poland Institute for International Cooperation of the German

PhD Prof. Viorica GORAȘ-POSTICÃ, Adult Education Association IIZ/DVV

Moldova State University

PhD Prof. Larisa CUZNEȚOV,

Ion Creangã Pedagogical State University

16:30 - 17:30 Trip to Orheiul Vechi 17:30 - 21:30 Dinner and mini-concert, Restaurant Orheiul Vechi

21:30 - 22:30 Trip to Chisinau




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018



Keynote Addresses:

9:30 - 11:00

Moldova State

University, Bloc

2, Hall

PhD André SCHLÄFLI, Former Chair International Adult and Community education Halle of

Fame, Oklahoma University, US - Presentation of a successful train the trainer and adult

education system in Switzerland. Can this model of professionalization be transferred

into another country? PhD Prof. Katarina POPOVIC, Secretary General of ICAE - The International Council for

Adult Education - Lifelong learning: policy discourse vs. common sense PhD Prof. Dieter DOHMEN, Research Institute for the Economics of Education and Social

Affairs, Berlin, Germany - The role of adult learning for innovation and economic


11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 13:00 Paper presentations


Topic I Education and values.

Historical, methodological and

epistemological approaches Moderators: PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, West University of Timișoara, Romania PhD Prof. Mirela ALBULESCU, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj- Napoca, Romania PhD Prof. Maia ȘEVCIUC, Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova PhD Prof. Carmen–Mihaela CREȚU, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza

of Iasi, Romania PhD Prof. Valentina BODRUG-

LUNGU, Moldova State University,

Republic of Moldova



Topic II Politics and strategies of the

education for values

Moderators: PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU,

Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-

Napoca, Romania PhD Associate professor

Gianina-Ana MASSARI, Alexandru

Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,

Romania PhD Carolina ȚURCANU,

Moldova State University, Republic

of Moldova. PhD Irina GÎNCU, Moldova State

University, Republic of Moldova



Workshop International Adult Education

Projections – Agenda 2030 and

SDG - fostering values,

competencies, knowledge

Moderator: PhD Prof. Heribert HINZEN

Institute for International

Cooperation of the German Adult

Education Association IIZ/DVV

13:00 - 13:30 Lunch ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

13:30 - 15:00 Paper presentations


Topic I Topic II Workshop

Education and values. Historical, Politics and strategies of the Learning city and creative

methodological and education for values economy

epistemological approaches

Moderators: Moderators: Moderators:

PhD Prof. Simona SAVA, PhD Prof. Ion ALBULESCU, Babes- Bettina BRAND,

West University of Timișoara, Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, DVV International

Romania Romania

PhD Prof. Maia ȘEVCIUC, PhD Associate professor Gianina-


Moldova State University, Republic Ana MASSARI,

DVV International Belarus

of Moldova Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of

PhD Prof. Carmen-Mihaela Iasi, Romania


University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Moldova State University, Republic

Iasi, Romania of Moldova

PhD Prof. Valentina BODRUG- PhD Irina GÎNCU,

LUNGU, Moldova State University, Republic

Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova

of Moldova


PhD Student Nadejda BUTNARU PhD Student Irina CARAUȘ

15:00 - 15:30 Closing Ceremony

15:30 - 17:30 Trip and Wine tasting Cricova

17.30 Trip to Iasi




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018


PhD Prof. Sturla Bjerkaker, The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning

Graduated from the University of Oslo (several periods as young and as adult) in 1993

(sociology, social science, law and adult education). He is Director/ Secretary General at the

Norwegian Association for Adult Learning (1997 – up to date). Previously he has been:

Principal/ Rector at the Nordic Folk Academy, a Nordic Centre for adult continuing

education, placed in Gothenburg, Sweden; General Secretary of Adult Education

Associations, director of Norwegian Popular University Press; Head of information unit at

the Norwegian Consumers Coop Association. He published books on adult education and

study circle methods. He also published articles and given presentations and speeches for years on adult education. He has been a Board member and now treasurer of the International Council for Adult

Education (1999 – 2015), a Board member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (2002 -2006),

Head of the Norwegian Advisory Board for the EU Gruntvig Programme (2000 – 2010), Board member of the Oslo

City Walldorf Upper Secondary School (2010 – 2013).

PhD Prof. Ioan Bolovan, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, Romania

Ioan Bolovan is the Vice Rector of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

(since 2012), a professor at the Faculty of History-Philosophy and a Researcher at the

Romanian Academy – the Cluj-Napoca branch, The Centre of Transylvanian Studies. Since

August 2015 he is the president of the International Commission for Historical

Demography (ICHD), Geneve. Starting 2016, he became the director of the Centre for

Studying the Population at “Babeș-Bolyai” University. He is member and evaluator for

numerous national and international journals: Continuity and Change, Journal of Family

History, Historical Life Course Studies, Historicka demografie, Transylvanian Review,

Revue Roumaine d’Histoire etc. His field of expertise includes the modern and

contemporary history of Romania, the history of population and historical demography etc. He published (individually or as co-author), edited and coordinated 68 books at national and international level.

He published 185 studies and articles in countries such as Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Greece, Hungry, Serbia,

Argentina etc.) He is a member of International Commission for Historical Demography (ICHD) and of ICM

Gorizia, Italia.

PhD Dieter Dohmen, Research Institute for the Economics of Education and Social Affairs, Berlin

Dieter Dohmen, born in 1962. is founder, owner and Managing Director of the FiBS

Forschungsinstitut fiir Bildungs- und Sozialfikonomie (Research Institute for the Economics

of Education and Social Affairs) in Berlin. He works as researcher and consultant in the

economics of education for more than 30 years: in recent years with a particular focus on

vocational education and training and adult learning. Dr. Dohmen was the team leader of

various international comparative studies on as well as continuing VET and adult learning in

the European Union. e.g. "Financing the adult learning sector", "Financing training" and

"Promoting adult learning for vulnerable groups in Europe: Financing instruments and

accompanying measures", commissioned by the European Commission and Cedefop and the ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

development of voucher schemes for adult learning on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and

Research and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Furthermore, he conducted a number of

studies on vocational education and training and its financing. e.g. for German Agency for International Co-

operation. KfW Banking Group, and other organisations. Actually, he is involved as funding expert in a study on

adult learning policies for DG Employment and team leader of a project on the "Macro-economic benefits and

financing of adult learning", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. His core expertise

is on education financing and educational management and planning in a national and international perspective.

He works across the education system from early childhood education and school education to higher education

and continuing vocational education and training. Over the last few years the financing of higher education as

well as adult learning was at the core of his focus. He had the major responsibility for developing the new model

for the financing of lifelong learning in Germany and for a recent study on demand-led financing of professional


PhD Prof. Chris Duke, Centre for European Studies, RMIT, Australia

Chris Duke is a widely published internationally oriented British and Australian higher,

adult and non-formal education authority. Formally retired, he holds honorary

professorships in Australian and the UK universities. His work has included creating and

leading continuing education-lifelong learning operations at the universities of Warwick,

Auckland, RMIT, and the Australian National University, and serving as President of the

University of Western Sydney Nepean. Key international and national NGOs leadership

roles include with PASCAL, ICAE, ICUAE, ASPBAE, NIACE, UALL and AAAE. He has

consulted widely with IGOs including UNESCO and UIL, OECD and EU. Recently he has

assisted in the evaluation of Romanian universities within the national HE development agenda.

PhD Prof. Rolf Hempelmann, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

Born in Herford (Germany) in a family of high school teachers, on 27 February 1951, in

1970 he started attending Münster University, studying Chemistry and French language, at

the same time studying the cello at the University of Dortmund. He graduated the

Chemistry specialization in 1976. Between 1980-1993, he worked as a researcher at the

Research Institute from Jülich. He made long campaigns for measurement at CERN

designing a high performance back scattered neutron spectrometer. In January 1987 he

defended the external habilitation at University of Aachen. In May 1987 he is awarded the

Nernst Prize offered by the German society of physical chemistry. For a year, starting with

July 1987, he has been senior fellow at the National Laboratory in Los Alamos (USA)

working on new materials and new technologies with industrial applications. Between 1995-2014, he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Paul Scherrer Institute of Switzerland. Since

1997, he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Korean Institute of Science and Technology, the

Saarbrucken branch. For eight years (2000-2008), in parallel with academic activities, he engaged in spin off

activities and created the Company SusTech GmbH & Co KG in Darmstadt. He authored more than 300 papers

with Hirsch index of 41. Since 2003 he is director of the Schülerlabor NanoBioLab of the University of Saarland. In

2006 he was the initiator of the Foundation SchülerLabors in the District of Saarland and in 2010 he founded the

German Schülerlaboren Association (LernortLabor). He established the magazine of LernotLabor Association

“LeLa”. In recognition of scientific merits and determining role in organizing the Association LernotLabors in ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

2010, he received the medal "Bundesverdienstkreuz" for merits in promoting scientific education activities for

young people provided by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In 2017 he was awarded with the title of Honoris

Causa of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi.

PhD Prof. Heribert Hinzen, Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association


Heribert Hinzen studied at the Universities of Bonn and Heidelberg, Germany, gaining a

doctorate in comparative studies with a thesis on adult education in Tanzania. He has been

working with DVV International since 1977 in headquarters and offices in Sierra Leone,

Hungary, and now in Laos, the Regional Office for South and Southeast Asia. He was Deputy and

Director of the Institute in Bonn for almost 25 years. He is an Honorary Professor at the

University of Iasi, as well as the University of Pecs, which conferred an Honorary Doctorate on

him also. Currently he teaches at the Royal University of Phnom Penh comparative studies of

education, looking into non-formal education, lifelong learning, skills training for youth and

adults, especially in the Asian and European regions. Earlier he was a Vice- President of the International Council for Adult Education as well as the European Association for the Education

of Adults, Member of the Reference Group of Experts on Higher and EFA, and the UN Literacy Expert Group. He

serves on several editorial boards, including Adult Education and Development, which he edited for three decades.

He is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, and an Associate of the PASCAL

International Observatory. He has written, edited, and published extensively on adult education, lifelong learning,

cooperation and development.

PhD Prof. Romiță B. Iucu, University of Bucharest, Romania

Romita B. Iucu currently serves at the University of Bucharest as Vice Rector, president of

the Academicals Council of the University, and professor of educational sciences. He has

contributed at many levels, starting as the coordinator of teacher education programs in

the Centre for Open and Distance Education at the University of Bucharest. As deputy

general director in the Romanian Ministry of Education, Department for Continuing

Learning and Education, he projected and implemented the first National Strategy for

Continuing Learning and Education, an integrated document that included teachers’

education. From 2005 to 2007, Iucu served as the vice president of Romania’s National

Council for Educational Reform and from 2007 to 2009 was nominated as member of the

Romania’s Presidential Commission for Education and Research. In 2010, he was elected president of the European Network on Teacher Education Policies. Iucu has published numerous papers in

Romania and abroad in the field of continuing learning and education related to teachers’ education. He has

coordinated teams of research in this field. He has written three books on the subject, and he was awarded the

highest distinction for education and sciences by Romania’s president in 2004.




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

PhD Harald Mikkelsen, VIA University College, Denmark

Harald Mikkelsen has held the office of Rector of VIA University College since 2007.

Prior to this position, Dr. Harald Mikkelsen held the position of rector for Center for

Higher Education of Central Jutland. Mr. Harald Mikkelsen holds a Master of Science in

Geology with a minor In Geography. He has also been awarded a Ph.D. in Geology from

the University of Aarhus. Mr. Harald Mikkelsen chaired University Colleges Denmark

from 2014 to 2017, an interest and policy-making organization consisting of the seven Universities of Applied Science in Denmark as well as the Danish School for Media and Journalism. In addition, he

is a board member for several business and educational organizations in Denmark.

PhD Prof. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, German Institute for Adult Education

Prof. Dr. and Dr. honoris causa Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein studied sociology and pedagogy.

He was Manager of the Heidelberg Institute for Educational Research and Director of the

Adult Education Centre in Hamburg. From 1991 until 2003 he lectured as a university

professor on adult education at the Philipps-University in Marburg. Since 1991 he has been

Director of the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) in Bonn. In addition, he has held

a chair in adult education at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2003 and has visiting

professorships at the Universities of Torun (Poland), Timisoara (Romania) and Florence

(Italy). He has represented Germany at the OECD, UNESCO, the European Conference on Lifelong Learning and the European Commission in Brussels. In 1998, he was elected President of the European

Research and Development Institutes of Adult Education (ERDI); since 2003 he has been serving as Past-

President. From 1998 to 2004 he was Vice-President of the Leibniz Association. In 2006 he was elected member

of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. Since 2008 he has been a member of the

Advisory Board for Educational Research at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

PhD Prof. Michael Osborne, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Michael Osborne is Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning at the University of Glasgow and co-

director of the Research Cluster in Social Justice, Place and Lifelong Education. He is experienced

in adult education, VET and Higher Education research, development and evaluation. He is

Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning within the

Faculty of Education and Co-director of the PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social

Capital and Lifelong Learning. Professor Osborne's main interests in research and development

are: widening participation to higher education, teaching and learning in higher education, the

VET/HE interface and the development of learning cities and regions. He has worked for developing and evaluating the first Adult Access courses to Higher Education in the

former Inner London Education Authority. He has recently published an overview of the last 30 years of access

developments in Scotland as a chapter within the book Scottish Education. His most recent work has been

directed towards the field of Learning Cities, Lifelong Learning for Work Transition in Mid-life and Teaching and

Learning and Innovation in Higher Education. He is linked internationally to specialist groups concerned with

lifelong learning in Universitas 21, and to organisations such as UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning and the

Asia Europe Meeting Forum for Lifelong Learning. ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

Acad. PhD Prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ioan-Aurel Pop is the Rector of Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca from 2012. He has

been a member of the Romanian Academy since 2010 and of the European Academy of

Science and Arts since March 2013 and has held visiting chairs and fellowships at prestigious

institutions in Austria, Italy, and the USA. Dr. Pop has been director of several collective

projects and member in many other projects of national and international scientific research,

as well as coordinator and organizer of several international conferences and editorial

projects. Since 1992, he has been the editor of the ISI (Thomson Reuters) Transylvanian

Review, promoting high-level research in the field of education, specifically adult education. He has published more than 30 books as an author or editor, as well as numerous articles and essays and

participated in several European research projects. Dr. Pop has been Manager of the Romanian Cultural Centre in

New York and Manager of the Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice. He became the

youngest person accepted among the members of the Romanian Academy in 2010, and in 1999 he was appointed

corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts in Paris and he was accepted as a member of

the European Academy of Science and Arts from Salzburg in 2013.

PhD Associate Professor, Katarina Popović, the Department for Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and

Secretary General of ICAE (International Council for Adult Education)

Katarina Popović is a visiting professor for adult education and lifelong learning at few

European universities, and president of the Serbian Adult Education Society. She is the

member of International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, several relevant

European and international organisations, editor in chief of the journal “Andragogical studies”

and author of numerous publications, articles and books in the field of adult education and

lifelong learning. She is certified trainer (Swiss) in adult education, with rich experience in

trainings worldwide; for many years she was the vice president of EAEA, and coordinator of

German DVV international for South East Europe, participating and coordinating numerous

projects in the field of adult education, lifelong learning and vocational training in various roles policy advisers, evaluator, curriculum developer and trainer. As Secretary General of ICAE she works mainly

on the policy level, and as support to the implementation of the global agendas (SDGs, EFA), bringing global goals

and commitments to the local practices and implementation.

PhD Prof. Simona Sava, West University of Timișoara, Romania

With over 15 years of experience in education, training, research and project & programme

management, Simona Sava works as a Professor of adult education at the West University of

Timisoara (since 1997) and she is also the director of the Romanian Institute of Adult

Education (IREA) since 2000 and the scientific director of IREA since 2013, providing

teaching and training at BA and MA level, research, project management (more than 30RDI

projects), being a well-known Romanian specialist in the field of adult education and lifelong





The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

PhD André Schläfli, Swiss Federation for Adult Education, SVEB, Zürich

Dr André Schläfli is the director of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB, which is the

national umbrella organisation of the non-formal adult learning sector in Switzerland. SVEB

represents around 700 organisations and experts. The federation has developed a national

train-the-trainer system, the quality label eduQua for adult education providers, a modular

system in the field of basic skills, and many other innovations in the field of adult learning. He is

working in research in a close relationship with the university of Zurich and Basle. André

Schläfli's main fields of activity are policy and professionalization in adult learning. He has been

an active member of international associations and networks for over 25 years and was inducted into the IACE Hall of Fame as the first Swiss member in 2011. He is member of the

board of HOF. He is currently vice-president of ICAE and member of the IACE steering committee.

PhD Prof. Laurențiu Șoitu, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Lifelong Learning Institute, Romania

Laurentiu Șoitu, Conference President, has created university and community programs to

develop adult education both as an academic discipline and a practical offering to the

public in need. For the first time in the Romanian Higher Education System, Soitu

introduced pioneering courses in adult education for license and master’s degree levels at

the University of Iasi. He was also one of the initiators of the Management of Adult

Education program, a Europe-wide master’s program. Șoitu organized research oriented to

rural education institutions in Romania, referring to experiences from the inter-war period,

but also to the new learning contexts within the extended Europe. To extend the services of

his university to the public, including persons with special needs, inmates, the elderly and

other marginalized people, Șoitu helped create the Adults’ Education Regional Centre, funded though the Worldwide Bank. Șoitu has developed manuals of good practices for diversity education

actions. He also initiated in partnership with Danish foundation, a centre with specialized services for older

people open to public interaction with centre residents. One of his greatest contributions is his work with Iasi’s

International Conferences of Adult Education, held every four years, gathering participants from Europe, Asia, the

U.S. and many other countries. Durable learning partnerships and mutual relationships have been formed from

these gatherings, including professor and student exchanges. ORGANIZERS :



The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018




1. Abalașei Beatrice & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Considerations on Education for Values through

Popescu Lucian University of Iasi, Romania Sport Activities

Abalașei Beatrice & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Attitudes Regarding Social and Moral Values of

2. Popescu Lucian & Puni

University of Iasi, Romania Sports


3. Albulescu Ion & Albulescu ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of Strengthening social cohesion through education

Mirela Cluj-Napoca, Romania for democratic citizenship

4. Anghelache Valerica ”Dunãrea de Jos” University of

Adult Education: General Analysis Highlights

Galati, Romania

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” The Role and Value of Teacher Training and

5. Axinte Roxana University of Iasi, Romania /Info Professional Development in Pre-University

Educatia of Iași, Romania Education

6. Bâlici Nadejda & Bâlici Moldova State University, Conceptual Synchronization: Systemic paradigm

Marcel Chisinau, Republic of Moldova models and praxiological processes

7. Beyer Iversen Claus VIA University College VIA University College in Romania: Education and


8. Blaj Eronim-Celestin ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” A Model of Moral and Creative Education in the

University of Iasi, Romania Vision of Ștefan Odobleja

Blândul Valentin Cosmin &

Teacher training through the conversion of

9. University of Oradea, Romania general human values into transferable

Florica Orþan competencies

Boca-Zamfir Mioara & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

The Revised cyber bullying inventory (RCBI) for

10. university students: validity for Romanian Turliuc Maria-Nicoleta University of Iasi, Romania

adolescent population

Moldova State University of

Interviewer's Perspective on Psychological

11. Bolea Zinaida Realities Specific to Interviews with Deported Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Candel Octav Sorin & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Sense of Relational Entitlement – Romanian

12. version. Factor structure and associations with Turliuc Maria-Nicoleta University of Iasi, Romania

romantic attachment and dyadic satisfaction

Chiș Alexandra & Rusu S. ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of

School performance in adolescence: Does

13. emotional intelligence matter? An investigation of

Alina Cluj-Napoca, Romania

a Romanian sample

14. Cozma Carmen ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Grounding Education on Ethical Values: A Caring-

University of Iasi, Romania Kindness Centred Approach

15. Crut Ligia ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Body, gender and sexual identities in

University of Iasi, Romania contemporary protestant America

Cuznețov Larisa & Calaraș

Ion Creangã Pedagogical State Education for Family and Training for

16. University, Chisinau, Republic of Intergenerational Relations Culture in Context of


Moldova Postmodern Pedagogy




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

17. Darii Ludmila Moldova State University of Value Orientations as Main Component of

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Teacher’s Vocational and Pedagogical Culture

Moldova State University of

The strengths of values as potentiators for

18. Donțu Maria improving research competence and self- Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


19. Durnea Letiția ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Proverbs in Adult Education

University of Iasi, Romania

20. Duþã Nicoleta University of Bucharest, Education in the spirit of moral values – strategies

Romania for motivating students to learn

21. Ganea Eugenia & Bodrug- Moldova State University of Developing gender-sensitive competences of

Lungu Valentina Chisinau, Republic of Moldova teachers in vocational/ technical schools

22. Ghicov Adrian Institute of Education Sciences Education for values: from authentic text to the

of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova personality of the reader and cultivated speaker

23. Goraș-Posticã Viorica Moldova State University of Educational role of women in peace education:

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova global and local approaches

Academy of Music, Theater and

Guțu Zoia & Dohotaru

Fine Arts of Chisinau, Republic Choreography as means of training value

24. of Moldova orientations for students at faculties with artistic


Moldova State University, profile

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

25. Hriscu Ana ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

On fashion as a part of education for values

University of Iasi, Romania

Foro Italico University of Rome,

Isidori Emanuele &

Italy Family and Sport: Between Values and Lifelong

26. ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of

Sandor Iosif & Togni Fabio Learning

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

University of Brescia, Italy

Necmettin Erbakan University

27. Kabadayi Abdülkadir Faculty of Education Basic Analyzing the Types of the Values in the Books

Education Department, Meram Written for the Preschoolers

Kampusü, Konya Turkey

28. Lazãr Emil University of Craiova, Romania The Relationship between Axiological Autonomy

and Axiological Proficiency

29. Leon-Armanu Nicoleta ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence as

University of Iasi, Romania Applications for Adult Education

30. Loghin, I. Corneliu ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Perspective on the role of the basic values in

University of Iasi, Romania Restorative Justice conceptual system

31. Massari Gianina-Ana ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Innovative Approach by the Center for Early

University of Iasi, Romania Childhood Education

32. Mocanu Mihaela ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National values in the Romanian press in the

University of Iasi, Romania second half of the 19th century

National School of Political

Science and Public Role of education

for a culture of peace,


democracy and human rights – 70 years from the

33. Moroianu Zlãtescu Irina International Academy of

adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human

Comparative Law-Haga

Rights -

United Nations Association of





The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

34. Ovcerenco Nadejda Tiraspol State University, Educating the young generation for parenthood in

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova the context of modern world challenges

Tiraspol State University,

Own values and common values in the education

35. Posțan Liliana of adults: (re)conception of spirit and identity and

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

community behavior

Transcarpathian Institute of Expansion of public movement for education of

36. Reho Hanna Postgraduate Education, preschool age children in Zakarpattia at the end of

Uzhgorod, Ukraine the XX - at the beginning of the XXI century

37. Repida Tatiana Moldova State University of Reflections on Consolidating Students’ Moral

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Values

38. Rogoz Nicoleta ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” The importance of values in defining the vision

University of Iasi, Romania and mission of school institutions

”Babes-Bolyai” University of

Sandor Iosif & Isidori

Cluj-Napoca, Romania Education for sports values, critical reflective

39. Foro Italico University of Rome, methodologies, and human Bildung: from theory

Emanuele & Togni Fabio

Italy to practice

University of Brescia, Italy

40. Spînu Lilia Moldava State University, Some conceptual approaches to employment of

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova pedagogical profile faculties’ graduates

Ion Ionescu de la Brad

41. Stanciu Mihai University of Agricultural The myth of the cave or the education for values. A

Sciences and Veterinary leap in time, the pedagogical axiology

Medicine, Iasi, Romania

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

42. Stanciu Tudor University of Iasi, Romania Elements of analysis of success in adult education

“Gh. Asachi” Technical projects

University of Iasi, Romania

43. Stawiak-Ososiñska Jan Kochanowski University, Challenges facing adult education in

Ma³gorzata Poland contemporary Europe

Petroleum & Gas University of

Personal Development and Career Education

44. Suditu Mihaela Elements: Values, Training, Interests during Ploieºti, Romania

University Studies

45. ªevciuc Maia Moldova State University of Assumptions and opportunities for development

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova of investigational competency at students

46. Todoran Corina North Dakota State University, International adult learners’ motivations to

School of Education, , U.S.A pursue doctoral degrees in the United States

47. Tomescu Mihai University of Bucharest, The role of education in sustainable development:

Romania A possible way to avoid tragedy of the commons?

Ion Creangã Pedagogical State The values of non-conflict education in the context

48. Țãrnã Ecaterina University, Chisinau, Republic of

of adult socio-personal integration


49. Ursu Andreea & Turliuc ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” An Overview of Research on Romantic

Nicoleta University of Iasi, Romania Relationships.




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018



The Practice Degree of Democratic Behaviors of

1. Al-Momani Mufadi &Al- Al-Balqa Applied University, Male and Female Principals at the Public Basic

Jlouni Mahmoud Hasan Jordan Schools in their Tasks Performance in Bani Obeid

District, from the standpoints of their teachers

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Career and Professional Success


2. Axinte Roxana University of Iasi, Romania /Info


Educatia of Iași, Romania

Bâlîci Marcel & Bâlici Moldova State University of

Role and functions of new formative contexts for

3. development of phonological awareness from the

Nadejda Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

ACISSI perspective

4. Berea Cristi ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Emotional Intelligence in Romania: Research and

University of Iasi, Romania Practice

5. Bețivu Aurelia ”Alecu Russo” State University, The factors that cause the change of values in

Republic of Moldova contemporaneity

6. Bîrnaz Nina&Butnari Moldova State University, Transcendental awareness, the basic value of

Nadejda Chisinau, Republic of Moldova academic staff

Boca-Zamfir Mioara & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Cyber-bullying among Romanian adolescents: the

7. relationships between the cyber-bullying group,

Turliuc Maria-Nicoleta University of Iasi, Romania

depression, anxiety, and self-esteem

8. Bocoș Mușata ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of European Policy Priorities in the Field of Adult

Cluj-Napoca, Romania Education as Reflected in the Romanian Reality

9. Boghian Ioana “Vasile Alecsandri” University

Values Promoted by Intercultural Education

of Bacau, Romania

10. Bostan Carmen – Gabriela Institute of Educational Sciences The Teachers' Stress In Relation To School

of Bucharest, Romania Violence

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

The relation between the personality factors

11. Buzduga C. Andreea extraversion, neuroticism, general cognitive

University of Iasi, Romania

aptitude and critical thinking

12. Chabior Agata Jan Kochanowski University, Old age and aging in research - towards

Kielce, Poland gerontological education

Nicolae Testemițanu State

13. Chiriac Argentina & University of Medicine and Particularities of training teachers in higher

Trebeș Tatiana Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of education from an intercultural perspective


Jan Kochanowski University,

14. Chrost S³awomir Stefana ¯eromskiego, Kielce, Personal and social skills of teachers


Cojocariu Venera-Mihaela ”Vasile Alecsandri” University of

Pedagogical diary - a way of identifying some of

15. the values of future primary and preschool & Mareș Gabriel Bacau, Romania


”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Axiological landmarks on the profile of a

16. Crețu Carmen Mihaela & University of Iasi, Romania successful entrepreneur in a multicultural society.

Serdenciuc Nadia Laura “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Students', teachers' and entrepreneurs'

Suceava, Romania perception




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

17. Crețu Carmen Mihaela & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Teacher for talented students, a promoter of

Vrabie Tina University of Iasi, Romania education for values

Center of Early Intervention The importance of home environment and

18. Dabija Patricia “Voinicel”, Chisinau, Republic of parental coaching for the development of young

Moldova children at risk of disability

19. Dandara Otilia

Moldova State University of The role of community in the framework of

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova educational factors diversification

20. Dutova Laurenția

Moldova State University, Strategies of approaching the English lexicon in

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova technical specialties

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Bullying in Romanian Schools: Teachers

21. Grãdinariu Tudorița Perceptions and Their Responses to Three Types

University of Iasi, Romania

of Bullying Behavior

22. Grigore Ana-Nicoleta

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Fish-fisher, a qualitative psycho-pedagogical

University of Iasi, Romania evaluation tool for personality

Moldova State University, of


Guțu Vladimir & Vicol Chisinau, Republic of Moldova University – labor market: conceptualization of

Marta Iuliana ”Petre Andrei” University of achieving inverse connection

Iasi, Romania

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

The psychometric properties of the Romanian

24. Holic I. Roxana version of Test Anxiety Inventory adapted to a

University of Iasi, Romania

competitive academic context

25. Ioja Ioan

”Babeș-Bolyai” University of The National and European context regarding

Cluj-Napoca, Romania teachers' training

University of Bucharest,

The continuous professional training for the staff

26. Iucu Oana in the Managerial and administrative assistance




Iucu Romițã & Elena University of Bucharest, By teaching we learn. The emerging role of

Marin Romania students` peer teaching in higher education

28. Iurea Corina

Petroleum & Gas University of The Specificity of Primary School Student

Ploiești, Romania Counselling

Krawczyk-Blicharska Jan Kochanowski University,

Education and vocational counselling as a

29. response to the labour market requirements –

Ma³gorzata Poland

european guidelines and the situation in Poland

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”


Leonte Alina Mihaela & University of Iasi, Romania English and Music for Refugees Integration

Paraschiv Cosmina Ileana Special middle school C. Programs

Paunescu of Iasi, Romania


Marian Andrei & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Motivation and Personality - Parametric Values of

Apostolache Roxana University of Iasi, Romania Self-efficacy in Self-regulated Learning


Massari Gianina-Ana& ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” A comparative study on teaching practice in early

Miron Florentina-Manuela University of Iasi, Romania childhood education

33 Mãrgãrițoiu Alina

Petroleum & Gas University of Preserving Human Values While Changing the

Ploieºti, Romania Roles of Special Education Teachers

34. Mleșnițã Vasilica

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Postmodern social conventions towards saving

University of Iasi, Romania face wants




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018

University of Bucharest, The Psychological Dimension of Teaching

35. Motataianu Irina Teodora Assessment – a Foundation for Continuous Self-


Training -

Moldova State University,

Deontological aspects in training interpersonal

36. Nastasiu Silvia doctor-patient communicative competencies to Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

medical students

37. Neculau Bogdan ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” The adult trainer. Possible skills and challenges of

Constantin University of Iasi, Romania modernity

Nicolae Testemițanu State

38. Pruteanu Maria University of Medicine and

Use of specialized language for didactic purposes

Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of


Rãduț-Taciu Ramona & ”Babeș-Bolyai” University of European policy priorities in the field of adult

39. Stan Cornelia & Bocoș

Cluj-Napoca, Romania education as reflected in the Romanian reality


40. Romaniuc Liliana Romanian Literacy Association Values driven leadership

”Babeș-Bolyai” University of

Rusu S. Alina & Davis

Cluj-Napoca, Romania Civic engagement of students through human-

41. School of Social Work, Rutgers, animal interactions: Ideas for an Interdisciplinary


The State University of New Service Learning-based curriculum

Jersey, USA

42. Safta Cristina Georgiana Petroleum & Gas University of Personal Values and Interests – Implications on

Ploiești, Romania the Occupational Choices

43. Sãlãvãstru Dorina ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Teaching Strategies of the Adults Based on the

University of Iasi, Romania Cognitive Load Theory

44. Stan Angela & Eftimie Petroleum & Gas University of Teachers' orientation towards feedback - value of

Simona Ploiești, Romania a real partnership with the pupils

Moldova State University of

The communicative functions of the polyphonic

45. Strah Lidia conversation in teaching of Romanian as a non-

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

mother tongue language

Suditu Mihaela & Badea Petroleum & Gas University of

Values, influences and practices in raising and

46. educating toddlers: reflections on designing a Mihaela Ploieºti, Romania

training program for kindergarten teachers

47. Talasman-Chiorean ” Babeș-Bolyai” University of Career Decision – between motivation and

Claudia Cluj-Napoca, Romania vocation with FSPAC students

48. Turculeț Alina Raluca Transilvania University of Positive politeness strategies in educational

Brașov, Romania communities

Moldova State University of

Managerial actions for achieving continuity and

49. Țurcanu Carolina interconnection between cycles of higher Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


50. Ulrich Hygum Catalina & University of Bucharest, Our non-traditional students; learning and living

Nedelcu Anca Romania in academic world

51. Zaharia Frãguța ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Education as ’Communion’ Event

University of Iasi, Romania




The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education

Education for values – continuity and context

Iasi, Romania – April 25th–27th, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova - April 27th–28th, 2018


1 Ceobanu Ciprian

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Quality standards in computer assisted distance

University of Iasi, Romania instruction

2 Chicu Smaranda Gabriela

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” The Impact of Social Media on Scholarly Practices

University of Iasi, Romania

3 Emandi Elena-Maria

“Ștefan cel Mare” University of “The Happiness in Their Eyes” – Empowering the

Suceava, Romania Silver Generation through TV Commercials

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Farcaș Lidia & Cãlțun University of Iasi, Romania Strategies for STEM Education in Secondary

4 Ioana &Cãlțun Ovidiu La Salle High School, Romania


Florin High School ”Vasile Alecasndri”

of Iasi, Romania

Farcaș Lidia & Cãlțun

”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Education for New Technologies and Robotics.

5 University of Iasi, Romania

Ovidiu Florin A trendy discussion or a real necessity?

La Salle High School, Romania

Saarland University,


Hempelmann Rolf & Saarbrücken, Germany Schülerlabors and STEM Education for

Cãlțun Ovidiu ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Sustainable Development

University of Iasi, Romania

7 Manea Adriana Denisa

”Babeș-Bolyai” University of The family institution in the technological epoch

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

8 Manolache Manuel Adelin

Politehnica University of Integrated Organic Decision Making Platform


University of Zululand, South

Using Mobile Technology for Learners in Adult

9 Morakinyo Akintolu Literacy Program in Nigeria: Evidence from a


Randomized Field Experiment

10 Stan Emil

Petroleum & Gas University of Digital Textbooks - Just a Beautiful Story

Ploiești, Romania


Țicãu Sîrghea Alina & ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Meanings of the digital textbook

Sîrghea Corneliu Robert University of Iasi, Romania



