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Tuesday 3/4/14

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Tuesday 3/4/14. Please get out the following: Unit 2.2 Packet Pencil Highlighter Calendar. Packet Pg. 2-3 The United States Constitution: The Legislative Branch Scavenger Hunt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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TUESDAY 3/4/14 Please get out the following: Unit 2.2 Packet Pencil Highlighter Calendar

PowerPoint Presentation

Tuesday 3/4/14Please get out the following:Unit 2.2 PacketPencilHighlighterCalendar

QuestionAnswer to QuestionArticleSectionConstitutional Provision1. There is a 50-50 tie on a bill regarding gun control in the Senate. Who will cast the tie-breaking vote?The Vice President of the United States who is also the President of the Senate13The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.2. Your uncle just celebrated his 30th birthday. Can he run for the House of Representatives?3. The media are reporting a raise in federal income tax for the coming year. Where did the proposal for this new tax originate?Packet Pg. 2-3 The United States Constitution: The Legislative BranchScavenger HuntFor each question below, find the article and section within the Constitution that responds to the question. Write in the answer and then the constitutional provision with key words underlined. USE THE LANGUAGE FROM ORIGINAL TEXT.

QuestionAnswer to QuestionArticleSectionConstitutional ProvisionThere is a 50-50 tie on a bill regarding gun control in the Senate. Who will cast the tie-breaking vote?The Vice President of the United States who is also the President of the Senate13The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.2. Your uncle just celebrated his 30th birthday. Can he run for the House of Representatives?Yes12No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained the Age of twenty five years3. The media are reporting a raise in federal income tax for the coming year. Where did the proposal for this new tax originate?The House of Representatives17All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives4. A candidate you strongly support was just elected senator. How many years must pass until this candidate can be reelected?6 years13The Senate shall be composed of two senators from each State. . . for 6 years5. Troops from a foreign country have invaded Oregon. Which branch of government has the power to declare war against this aggressor?Congress18To declare War6. The president has appointed a new ambassador to Haiti. Who must approve this appointment?The Senate22He shall appoint, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, Ambassadors7. If a vice president were to commit a federal offense, who has the power to impeach him or her? Who has the power to put the impeached official on trial?Impeachment - House of RepresentativesTrial - Senate123The House of Representatives shall have the sole Power of ImpeachmentThe Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments8. Who has the power to regulate trade between the states? Congress18To regulate Commerce among the several StatesConstitutional ProvisionPrinciple or Principles ExemplifiedExplanation of How They are ExemplifiedArticle I, Section 9, Clause 2Writ of Habeas CorpusIndividual RightsThis clause does not allow the Writ of Habeas Corpus (challenge of to be suspended unless when in Cases of Rebellion, or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Habeas Corpus is part of an individuals right to due process of law and this clause protects that right from being abused or randomly denied.Article I, Section 7, Clause 2The VetoSeparation of Powers

Checks and BalancesThe power of Congress to make laws is checked by the Presidents power to either approve or veto any proposed law.In addition any bill must pass both houses of Congress so each chamber checks the other.Finally, the president must veto a bill with reason that is in writing and returned to Congress. This checks his/her power to some extent by ensuring vetoes arent on a whim or for purely personal reasons.Article I, Section 2, Clause 1Direct Election of the House of Representatives

Popular Sovereignty

FederalismMembers of the House of Representatives are elected by the people within their states every two years.

States will determine qualifications for voting.Article I, Section 8, Clause 11Declaration of WarSeparation of powers and checks and balances

President is commander-in-chief but only the Congress can declare war thereby checking his power in that role.Article I, Section 8, Clause 18Elastic ClauseRule of LawThe Congress can make laws that are deemed necessary and proper in order to help them exercise their delegated powers.

Packet Pg. 4: Legislate and LegislatorKey Elements:Separation of Powers Federalism is a type of separation of powers. Its known as Vertical Separation. The separation of powers within the Federal government is known as Horizontal Separation.

Key Elements:Separation of PowersOur system has: Legislative Branch (Congress) with specified powers in Article 1 of the Constitutionan Executive Branch (The President) with specified powers in Article 2 of the Constitutionand a Judicial Branch with specified powers in Article 3 of the Constitution.

Key ELEMENTS:Rule of lawThe idea is that no person is above the law and no one person or entity has too much power within our system a direct connection to separation of powers.This is key to successful legislation.

Legislative ProcessLegislators are supposed to consider their constituents, or the people they represent, regardless of how many voted for them (popular sovereignty). House and Senate share responsibilities in creating laws that consider their constituents, their party affiliation and what is best for the nation.This is all allowed because of the Necessary and Proper/ Elastic Clause in the Constitution

Legislative Process: pg. 215

Legislators:Delegates vs. Trustees Delegate When a congressperson acts and votes according to what their constituents want. The focus is on promoting their individual interests (Common in the House). TrusteeWhen a congressperson acts and votes according to their convictions and what is best for the country at large and in the long run.(Common in the Senate) Which do you think makes a more effective legislator, a delegate or a trustee? Why? What types of circumstances would be more appropriate for the delegate role? What types of circumstances would be best for the trustee? Packet pg. 4-6: JigsawDivide up the tables on pages 4-6 among your new table members.Each person is responsible for 1-2 tables.Time permitting: teach to the table your answers for each table.HW: Read 12.1-12.3 and complete pages in the packet.Packet pg. 4: QualificationsFORMAL/CONSTITUTIONAL QUALIFICATIONSINFORMAL QUALIFICATIONSPacket pg. 4: QualificationsFORMAL/CONSTITUTIONAL QUALIFICATIONSINFORMAL QUALIFICATIONSHouse 25 yrs7 yrs citizenresidency in district representingSenate30 yrs9 yrs citizenResidency in state representingRaceGenderOccupationEducation6th period Seats:Education and Labor Committee Chair: Drew MitchnerEnergy and Commerce Committee Chair: Hannah KatzJudiciary Committee Chair: Parker MalachowskyEveryone else:Sit in the area of the room you normally are in.Make sure you seat one extra person on the left side of the seating arrangement5th Period Seats:Education and Labor Committee Chair: Kate KesnerEnergy and Commerce Committee Chair: Randy KenyonJudiciary Committee Chair: Lexi GreenbergEveryone else:Sit in the area of the room you normally are in.Make sure you seat one extra person on the left side of the seating arrangementBlock 3/5-6/14Please get out the following:Unit 2.2 PacketPencilHighlighterCalendar

Check out seats!Packet pg. 4-6: Jigsaw15 minutes: Divide up the tables/charts on pages 4-6 among your new table members 5 total tables/charts.Teach/share tables to partners.HW: Read 12.1-12.4 and complete pages in the packet.Packet Pg. 4:Constituents Individual Constituents help them with federal agencies, create jobs, answer complaints, and provide information.

Business and Interest Groups- introduce legislation that is beneficial to them, intervene with regulatory agencies, secure federal grants, and secure federal contracts.

Entire District/State secure federal projects, create jobs through federal grants and contracts, support policies and legislation that is good for the entire district or state.

Packet pg. 4: QualificationsFORMAL/CONSTITUTIONAL QUALIFICATIONSINFORMAL QUALIFICATIONSHouse 25 yrs7 yrs citizenresidency in district representingSenate30 yrs9 yrs citizenResidency in state representingRaceGenderOccupationEducationPacket, Pg. 5:IncumbentsCurrent office holder who is running for re-election. 97% of the time they WIN!They have the experience, funds and bragging rights (like money from the pork barrel, or treasury, they used for projects)

Packet pg. 5: House (H.A.) vs. The Senate (S.A.)HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSIMILARITIESSENATETerms of OfficeElection to OfficeQualifications for officeDeliberations and Floor DebatesLeadership RolesPacket pg. 5: House (H.A.) vs. The Senate (S.A.)HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSIMILARITIESSENATETerms of Office2 years6 yearsElection to Officedirectly(435 total, based on state and district population size Census Bureau stats every 10 years)Popular SovereigntyDirectly(100 total, 2 per state, 53 Dems., 45 Rep., 2 indep.)Qualifications for office25 yrs old, US citizen, residentResidency and citizenship requirements30yrs old, US cit 9 yrs, residentDeliberations and Floor DebatesDebate can be openRules are sameLeadership RolesSpeaker,Maj/Min leaders and whipsMaj/Min leaders and whipsSenate Majority leader

Adelegate to Congressis a non-voting member of theUnited States House of Representatives, who is elected from aU.S. territoryor fromWashington, D.C., to a two-year term. While unable to vote in the full House, a non-voting delegate may vote in a House committee of which the delegate is a member.

Packet Pg. 6: Leadership Roles LEADERSHIP ROLEPOWERS & RESPONSIBILITIESWHO IS IN THAT POSITION NOW?Name and Party AffiliationSpeaker of the HouseMajority and Minorities LeadersHouseSenate Majority LeaderSenate Minority LeaderMajority and Minority WhipsHouse & Senate

Packet Pg. 6: Leadership Roles Check out Pg. 209

LEADERSHIP ROLEPOWERS & RESPONSIBILITIESWHO IS IN THAT POSITION NOW?Name and Party AffiliationSpeaker of the HousePresides over the House, administrative duties, hands bills to committees, brings legislation to the floor for debate and vote, committee assignments.John Boehner (R) Ohio(selected by the House usually represents the majority party, in line for presidency after the VP)Majority and Minority LeadersHouseManage legislation on the house floorMaj Eric Cantor (R) VirginiaMin Nancy Pelosi (D) - California(elected by their parties, majority is 2nd in command and minority is 1st in command)Senate Majority LeaderSelected by the Senate. Essentially same duties as the Speaker although will also help establish rules for debate since Senate doesnt have Rules Committee.Harry Reid (D) Nevada(under the Vice President, who is President of the Senate and the President Pro Tempore, who is the senior senator of the maj. Party)Senate Minority LeaderLeader of the opposition in the Senate plays same role as House Minority leader. Organizes opposition and policy agenda and voting.Mitch McConnell (R) - KentuckyMajority and Minority WhipsHouse & SenateAssistant floor leaders, responsible for informing and persuading party members.Kevin McCarthy (R) CaliforniaSteny Hoyer (D) MarylandRichard Durbin (D) IllinoisJohn Cornyn (R) - Texas

TYPE OF COMMITTEEKEY FUNCTIONSCONCRETE EXAMPLEStanding CommitteeSubcommitteesSelect/Special CommitteesJoint CommitteesConference CommitteesPacket Pg. 6: CommitteesTYPE OF COMMITTEEKEY FUNCTIONSCONCRETE EXAMPLESee Page 210Standing CommitteeAlways exist from Congress to Congress. Responsible for reviewing bills that deal with specific policy. Energy. Judicial. Labor. Homeland Security SubcommitteesResponsible for gathering information on bills throughout the hearing process. Subcommittee for Homeland Security Select/Special CommitteesResponsible for creating legislation of investigating a specific issue as designated by Congress. Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. Joint CommitteesResponsible for gathering information or investigating specific issues. Has members from both House and Senate. Joint Committee on Taxation. Conference CommitteesResponsible for reconciling (fixing the problems/differences) between two similar bills. Budget Resolution Conference Committee Packet Pg. 6: Committees

Packet Pg. 7:Power of the PurseThe power to raise taxes and appropriate (assign) that tax money to programs. All appropriation bills must originate in the House. Checks and Balances Power of the Purse is on example of how Congress can direct the President and keep him in check. The Senate must also approve all Presidential appointments. Congress can also override a presidents veto with a 2/3rds vote in both houses. Congress is also responsible for establishing lower federal courts and the number of federal judges.

Packet Pg. 7:Your Current Representatives Who are CAs US Senators?What party do they belong to?How long have they been in the Senate?When are they up for reelection?Who is your member of the House of Representatives?What party do they belong to?How long have they served in the House?Your Current Representatives Who are your US Senators?What party do they belong to?How long have they been in the Senate?When are they up for reelection?Barbara Boxer democrat, since 1993, 2017Diane Feinstein democrat, since 1993, 2019Who is your member of the House of Representatives?What party do they belong to?How long have they served in the House?Anna Eshoo democrat, since 1993, 2014 (CA 18th District)Mike Honda democrat, since 2001, 2014 (CA 17th District)Your Current Representatives Our district

The Legislative Process Committee WorkObjective: Understand how committee work on bills in the Senate influences how individual members legislate.

Committee Work in the Legislative ProcessThe committee chair is the member of the majority party who has served the longest in the Senate. The seniority rule usually refers to the longest serving member of the committee but for this task use Senate membership. The ranking member is the member of the minority party who has served longest.Directions: Use all the materials provided and follow the directions of your committee chair to help you through the process. Each committee should have a final version of a bill with amendments ready to hand in to the teacher.

TIME Each committee has 45 minutes (or until the end of the class period) to create a final version of their bill for reporting.

READ THE DIRECTIONS COMPLETELY AND CAREFULLY FIRST! REMEMBER YOU ARE THE SENATOR YOUVE BEEN GIVEN, NOT YOURSELF!!!!!Friday 3/7/14Please get out the following:Unit 2.2 PacketRole card from simulationAny other simulation work.

The Legislative Process Committee WorkObjective: Understand how committee work on bills in the Senate influences how individual members legislate.

Committee Work in the Legislative ProcessThe committee chair is the member of the majority party who has served the longest in the Senate. The seniority rule usually refers to the longest serving member of the committee but for this task use Senate membership. The ranking member is the member of the minority party who has served longest.Directions: Use all the materials provided and follow the directions of your committee chair to help you through the process. Each committee should have a final version of a bill with amendments ready to hand in to the teacher.

TIME Each committee has 45 minutes (or until the end of the class period) to create a final version of their bill for reporting.

READ THE DIRECTIONS COMPLETELY AND CAREFULLY FIRST! REMEMBER YOU ARE THE SENATOR YOUVE BEEN GIVEN, NOT YOURSELF!!!!!Monday 3/10/14Please get out the following:Unit 2.2 PacketPencilHighlighterCalendarText book

Leadership Roles Check out Pg. 209

Adelegate to Congressis a non-voting member of theUnited States House of Representatives, who is elected from aU.S. territoryor fromWashington, D.C., to a two-year term. While unable to vote in the full House, a non-voting delegate may vote in a House committee of which the delegate is a member.

Your Current Representatives Our district

Technically, How a Bill Becomes a LawMember of Congress Introduces BillBill is referred to a Committee by Speaker of the House and/or Senate Majority Leader *Bill is referred to Committee* Committee Chair can:Kill the billPigeonhole the Bill (put at the bottom of the agenda/extends discussion)Consider the Bill

What happens again in Committee? Committee refers bill to subcommittee*Subcommittee holds hearings and investigatesSubcommittee reports bill back to CommitteeCommittee decides on the bill* options:Pigeonhole the billKill the billVote on the bill as isRevise bill in Mark-up Session (This is what you did)

And then?Committee reports the bill to Rules Committee*:Places bill on calendarDetermines type of debate open or closedBill reaches the floor of the House*Amendments are proposed and voted on the floor of the House Germaine (must be same issue as the bill)Floor Votes on the amendments and BillDifferent type of votes determined as process goes alongEntire House votes on the final bill

Goodness! Im still not a law?! Speaker signs the Bill and sends it to the SenateBill repeats the entire process in the Senate Chamber* (usually Senate has been crafting own version of the bill at the same time)No rules committee in the SenateOpen debate always with occasional restrictionsFilibuster (tactics used to delay passage of a bill, like lengthy speeches) is permitted Senate votes on passage of the Bill Bill is referred to Conference Committee * if it is different version from the House version

This is getting ridiculous?!?House and Senate vote on the reconciled version of the BillBill is printed in final formBill is sent to the PresidentPresidential action*:Signs bill- Bill becomes a LawDoes not sign- 10 Day Rule- Pocket Veto (If Congress is out of session within 10 days of sending the Bill- Bill is DeadVeto the Bill Bill is returned to Congress Veto is overridden in the house Veto is overridden in the Senate Bill becomes a Law (YAY FINALLY!)

Legislative Process: pg. 215

Politically, How a Bill Becomes a Law:Read Politics, Power and You pg. 220-221What factors influenced YOU during the committee simulation? In a floor debate, how might the following affect your decision. filibusteryour party affiliation your status as an incumbent (lets say were about to have an election)

EUQ: Reflecting on the Legislative ProcessSummative Reflection Civic ParticipationPlease respond to our second essential question in paragraph form in the space provided. Draw on the various assignments, activities and readings we have done over the last week including:

Proficient:Your 2.2 guided reading packet and any additional notes you took during classThe ConstitutionThe Senate committee simulation see your notes on the frontPower, Politics and You pg. 220-221AdvancedFederalist # 10Federalist #51

What factors influence how individual members of Congress legislate?
