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Page 1: Tunnel Vision: How to Create, Develop and Build Yournancymatthews.com/.../2012/08/Tunnel-Vision-ebook.pdf · Tunnel Vision Laser Focused Attention & Intention on Your Goals and Dreams
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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 1

“Tunnel Vision: How to Create, Develop and Build Your Vision for Your Most Amazing Life!”

Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………………….. Page 2 Tunnel Vision …………………………………………….. Page 3

Daily Practices for a Visionary Life …………….. Page 5

Creating, Growing & Developing Your Vision …. Page 10

Laser Focused Attention & Intention …………… Page 15


Bonus Section Hit the Jackpot with the *7*7*7 Success System! Page 18 Appendix (Some of My Favorite Books) ………….. Page 19

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 2


“Life is a classroom, only those who are willing to be lifelong learners will move to the head of the class.” ~ Zig Ziglar

Congratulations! You are a “Visionary with Guts” and are embarking

on an exciting journey giving you the opportunity to truly live the life of your


I share with you here the principals, practices and systems that have

personally worked for me as well as for hundreds of my clients. These

practices were developed over years of intense study with mentors, sages

and coaches. I, too, continue to grow and evolve and am committed to

sharing what I learn to support and empower others.

I invite you now to take embrace the opportunity you have before you

to experience life as a “Visionary with Guts” using the tools and resources

provided herein and to continue to surround yourself with like minded

people. To proclaim here and now to live you life committed to V-I-S-I-O-N!

“V” Victorious – Decide right now in this moment that you are victorious in achieving your goals and dreams “I” Intentional – Be intentional in your thoughts and actions, focusing on your goals and dreams daily “S” Support System – Surround yourself with like minded people, those who “get” you and are committed to supporting you being the best that you can be “I” Immunity – Protect yourself from negativity, fear, stress and worry through consistent and persistent practice of self- development “O” Overcome Obstacles – As challenges arise, view them as opportunities to learn grow and stretch yourself “N” Never, Never, Never Give Up! – Your dream and vision are counting on you!

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 3

Tunnel Vision

Laser Focused Attention & Intention on Your Goals and Dreams

Everything begins in thought, what you focus on expands. A key

component to living the life of your dreams is in knowing what they are. All

too often we are living someone else’s dream, someone else’s definition of

success and somewhere along the way, our personal dream and visions

are lost.

In my years of experience working with client’s supporting them in

creating their extraordinary lives; I’ve found people who work with me are

generally in 1 of 3 places:

1. Some are crystal clear on their visions, goals and dreams and

use these practices and methods to solidify their intention. They

know that they key to achieving their goals is daily focused

attention and are in the process of deepening their commitment

and achieving amazing results.

2. Others have an idea of their direction, their “Why” but are fuzzy

on the “how.” The practices in this first section on Tunnel Vision

will give you the ability to focus on the “Why” and will help you

see and identify the “How’s” that show up to move you closer to

your goals and dreams.

3. Many people I work with have no idea what is to come next, they

just know that where they now are is not bringing them the peace,

purpose and fulfillment they desire. There’s a part of them that

has been lying dormant and as it wakes up, is calling them to

search for deeper meaning, connection and purpose in their lives.

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 4

These practices will support you in opening the door of

possibilities again so that your personal dream and vision can be


Through all phases I encourage you to be patient, persistent and

consistent. It has often been said that “Success Leaves Clues”, within

these pages are the Success Clues that I have personally used and shared

with my clients to support them in living as a “Visionary with Guts.”

“Vision without passion is a picture without possibilities. Vision alone does not inspire change. It must be strengthened by passion.” ~ John Maxwell

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 5

Daily Practices

Here is my mantra: “Every day I read, write and focus on my “Why” and my purpose.”

“Every Day?, Really?”

Yes. “Weekends too?”

Yes. “What about my birthday?”

Yes. “How about when I’m on vacation?”

Yes. “My day is already so full! How will I fit this in?”

It’s easy & I’ll show you how! I have been practicing this for over 10 years and admittedly, there have

been times when I fell out of practice and skipped some time. As I reflect

over the years, it is crystal clear that the times when I have experienced the

most success, happiness and prosperity have been when I was fully

committed to this practice. So join me and dive in and enjoy the rewards that

come from consistent and persistent attention to your purpose.

Start Your Day With Gratitude

Before you even get out of bed or lift your head off the pillow, think of 5

people and/or things that you’re grateful for. As you consider each one, really

spend a moment to think about, cherish and appreciate all you do have. Is it

the fact that you have a pillow? Your family (name them one by one), friends,

pets, new car, old car that still works and gets you where you want to go, your

health, new opportunities, new shoes, any shoes at all?

“I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet.” (Persian Sufi Proverb)

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 6

All too often people start their day thinking about their long “To Do” list

or all of the things that are going wrong, which then send them in a tailspin of

worry, concern and fear. When you practice beginning your day with

gratitude you’ll never wake up on the wrong side of the bed again!

Take a few minutes now and list the people and things you are most

grateful for right now (remember really feel the appreciation):






“Of all the virtues, gratitude is probably the most neglected and least expressed.” ~ John Maxwell

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Read, Write and Focus on Your “Why” Every Day (In Writing)

To begin, keep it simple and commit to a minimum of 15 minutes a day

to this practice. Ideally I suggest that you make this the first 15 minutes of

your day. And, yes, that may mean waking up 15 minutes earlier. If you

feel any resistance to this suggestion, ask yourself: “Is my dream worth

getting up 15 minutes earlier?” (I bet you would do it if you had to catch a

flight for a vacation.) The power of doing this exercise early in your day

allows you to set the tone and direction of your attitude and the quality of

your life, instead of letting life’s circumstances direct your course.

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 7

1. Suggested reading. The types of books and magazines to read during

this portion of the practice should deal with leadership, self-

development, positive thinking, stories of champions who overcame

obstacles, biographies of people you admire and respect. I have

included an Appendix with some of my favorite books (and of course

“Visionaries with Guts” is an excellent resource [shameless plug]). Many

people are already reading the Bible as part of their daily practice. By

all means you should continue that practice. What I’m suggesting is

that you add another dimension to your reading and self development.


Note: It was during my morning time of reading and being focused on

the intention of expanding my business, my method of delivery of my

message that the inspiration to create the book “Visionaries with Guts” as

a compilation was born. The result: (a) creation of over $20,000 in 20

days (b) providing a vehicle for 27 other people to share their message,

and (c) an amazing resource for every reader to tap into their own power

as a “Visionary with Guts.” (The book was “The One Minute Millionaire” by

Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen.)

The idea hit on December 19, 2009 with the intention to have the book,

completed and published by February 19, 2010. Want to take a guess at

when the book was in our hands? Yes…. This Really Works!


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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 8

2. Suggested writing. Does your mind go blank at the thought of

journaling? Do you love to write and could spend hours writing?

Whether you’re taking on journaling for the first time or have been

doing so for years, a Visionary with Guts is specific and intentional in

their journaling. Following these journal guidelines, tips and

suggestions will give you the opportunity to get laser focused and build

your “Tunnel Vision” perspective.


Ideas to Inspire Your Writing

Use each of these prompts for several consecutive days (or longer). I

enjoy variety in my journaling and use these types of prompts on a

rotational basis.

(A) The Six Major Areas. Choose what you want to create in your day in

the areas of Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Money and Time. For

example, a daily entry could be “Today I nourish my body with healthy

foods and move my body with 30 minutes of exercise. My mind is

active and plentiful, creating new and exciting ideas, my faith is strong

and supports me in all areas, I am a people and money magnet,

bringing the perfect situations to move me closer to my goals and I

handle everything I am meant to with grace and ease.” Put some

attention on each of these areas and choose what YOU want to

create. Perhaps you desire a quiet mind, a strong lean body, an

overflowing bank account. Remember, thoughts become things!

Choose wisely.

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 9

(B) Yesterday’s Lesson and Yesterday’s Gifts. This exercise allows us to

recognize and remember that all of our experiences are designed to

teach us lessons and keep us in a spirit of gratitude.

“The ultimate success is always hidden by problems. In

solving them you acquire the skills that you need to be a

leader.” ~ John Di Lemme

(C) Gratitude from A to Z: Start each day in your journal by listing 5

people or things that start with the letter “A”, next day “B”, then “C” and

so on. Get creative, have fun! (I am grateful for xylophones; they

have such a great sound!)

3. Set Your Intention: Take a few minutes after journaling to imagine

how your day is going to be, how you will feel throughout the day

(happy, excited, joyful in expectation of a miracle). If you already know

your “Why” and your big Vision, spend some time imagining your big

Vision as your reality. Really feel it, see all the people around you,

where you are living, where you are travelling. It’s time to DREAM


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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 10


Creating Huge Long Term Goals. The first step is to take your mind

away from your present day problems and challenges. They may be in

the area of financial needs (i.e. getting the bills paid this month, or

perhaps a physical area, a sickness or illness, wanting to lose weight or

to fit into the clothes you now have that are too tight, or maybe in the

area of relationships (getting one or improving the one you have).

Next, move your thoughts to the “ideal” of what you want to have in

your life. I know that sometimes this can be difficult, especially if the

current situation you’re in is causing you extreme hardship or

unhappiness. What I know emphatically is that in order to change your

current circumstances, you must allow your mind to be far removed from

them and focus on creating and imagining your “perfect” future.

One of the games we play at our Happy Hour networking is our “virtual

reunion” – pretending we’re friends that haven’t seen each other in 5

years and sharing what we’re up to now. It’s so much fun to watch the

process unfold.

At first many people have trouble imagining themselves even taking a

vacation, let alone the big leap of traveling by private jet, donating

millions of dollars to charity. Then as the evening progresses and

people give themselves permission to dream again, the floodgates open

and their dreams unfold and come to life.

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 11

To achieve a goal you have to have a goal. To ensure your success

in achieving your goals, choose goals that really matter to YOU. For

those whose goals and dreams are still a bit fuzzy, give yourself

permission and make the time to dream again. What are the things you

most enjoy doing? What makes you happiest? What would you be

doing even if no one paid you for it? If you don’t already have one,

create a Dream Board or a Vision Board. In my CD and Book “Dream

Board Secrets” I take you through a 5 step process to creating a Dream

Board that really works. (See www.NancyMatthews.com for more info

on Dream Board Secrets.)

Get started by taking some time to imagine, visualize and write down

what your life looks like 5 years from now. Remember that your present

condition is just that – in the present – and that you have the power to

create your future however you want it to be. I was talking with a friend

a few months ago, and she shared that her daughter wanted to go away

to college in 2 years. She told her daughter she needed to stay close to

home because she didn’t have the money to be able to travel and visit

her. I asked her “Does that mean you don’t think things can change or

that they’ll improve over the next 2 years? That you’re ‘stuck’ in this

financial situation forever.” In that moment she was able to shift her

thinking and open the door to create new possibilities for her future! You

have the same power! Give yourself the gift of infinite possibilities and

start dreaming again! Be specific, be extravagant and create exactly the

type of life you want to live!

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 12


(A) Take out a sheet of paper and write down in detail what your perfect

day of work looks and feels like.

(B) Take out another sheet of paper and write down in detail what your

perfect day of play looks and feels like.

Here’s a glimpse of one of my perfect days of work (and note, this will

shift and grow as you achieve some of your goals and as the things you

want also shift):

I wake up at 6 am and enjoy my morning coffee and then read, write

and meditate. I’m then off to the gym which is in the west wing of my

beautiful home on the ocean and have an invigorating workout with

my personal trainer – who pushes me just beyond that place where I

want to stop and then feel amazing as I did more than I thought I

could do (but he obviously knew I could).

I return to the main house – have a delicious protein shake and then

off to the shower – I take my time in the shower and let the water

clean my body and my mind – and have 2 new brilliant “shower

ideas” – that I look forward to implementing – one is to follow up with

Oprah on the new show we’ve started and the other is to create the

foster care transitional housing homes in Atlanta – we’ve successfully

set up 15 housing communities already and the children are


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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 13

After my shower I review my notes for the lunch presentation I’m

giving to a local high school – and the evening presentation sharing

the Visionary with Guts method with entrepreneurs who are excited,

motivated and inspired to live the life of their dreams and to serve


My limousine arrives at 11 a.m. and takes me to the school

presentation which is a huge success and the teenagers are excited

and hopeful for all of the new possibilities they’ve created for

themselves – watch out world – these kids are amazing.

The District School Board Officer was there and we signed a contract

for $100,000 for the Visionary with Guts curriculum to be carried

throughout the State.

I then go to a lunch meeting with the producers from the Oprah

network – reviewing the upcoming season and masterminding on the

new show – they love the idea and we proceed to negotiate a million

dollar contract for the first 4 episodes.

Later I proceed to the Prosperity Network Event where 500

entrepreneurs and small business owners are gathering to connect,

grow and prosper. They are excited, motivated and inspired to create

their dream lives. The presentation is lively and interactive and it

warms my heart when one of my original students comes forward to

share how her life has been changed – her children are doing well

and she has just opened 10th business!

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Copyright 2012 by Nancy Matthews, All Rights Reserved

www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 14

All of the people in attendance leave inspired and motivated to

pursue their dreams and connections with each other and take action

to continue as part of the Prosperity Network – becoming Platinum

Members – and creating extraordinary alliances.

I return home after a glorious day to meet my husband, (who I spoke

with throughout the day sharing our love and admiration for each

other) who also has an amazing day and he shares the stories of his

perfect day as well.

Notice the detail in my “Perfect Day of Work” and be sure to include as

much detail as you create your “Perfect Days!” These visualizations will

become part of your daily practice of setting your intention and dreaming

big. Now, watch as the miracles continue to unfold and move you closer

to your goals and dreams.

“When you start living your vision, the universe conspires to

move you in the direction of your goals and dreams; presenting

you with opportunities to learn and grow, create alliances and

build your vision.” (“Visionaries with Guts”, pg 157)

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www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 15


With your daily practices in place, your Big Dream clearly outlined

it’s time to step out and live your day in alignment with your vision. One

of the first things you’ll discover is the *magical* opportunities that

present to move you closer to your vision.

“When I have been truly searching for my treasure, I’ve

discovered things along the way that I never would have seen

had I not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible.”

~ Paolo Coelho (“The Alchemist”)

Keep your eyes and ears open, the miracles are just waiting for you to

see them.

Eliminate Distractions & Hire a “Drama Monitor”

As a Visionary with Guts you’re presented with numerous

opportunities and more and more people will be seeking you out to create

relationships, both in business and personally. To ensure that you stay

true to your path and your vision, it is essential to be discerning when

choosing which activities, relationships and opportunities you participate in.

A great way to choose which ones to align yourself with is to ask the

question “Will this opportunity move me closer to or further away from my

goal?” If it pulls you away from your goal, powerfully and politely say “No”

(you’ll find this is also a great time management technique).

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www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 16

Eliminate distractions that come in this fast paced, instant technology

and communication world by having a well thought out and planned

schedule for your day. As you create your schedule group your activities

and tasks by “priority management”

(A) Actions that will move you toward your goals (long and short term)

(B) Income generating activities

(C) Day to day operations

(D) Things that need to get done ‘someday’

Next, be sure that at least weekly you are taking 1 action step that

moves you closer to your goals and dreams. Note: if you are able to do

1 action step a day, that will get you there at record speed. And, be

patient and considerate with yourself, you want to keep time in your life

for the things that really matter most (family, friends and taking care of


Once your schedule has been created watch out for these two big

Time Robbing Monsters:

(1) Being pulled off focus. We’ve all felt it, you sit down at the computer

to check your email or look something up on the internet (“this will

just take a minute”) and before you know it, an hour has passed and

you haven’t event done what you set out to do! Watch yourself and

be mindful of your behaviors and activities to keep you laser focused

on the task at hand.

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www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 17

(2) Drama, Drama, Drama! When the phone rings and the caller ID is

for that friend of yours that typically calls to complain or

moan…Don’t Answer! When you find yourself in the midst of a

conversation which is either negative or speaking poorly of another

person…Change the Subject! When an upset occurs or the

monkeys in your head start swirling around in all the challenges,

troubles and worries over which you have no control call out your

“Drama Monitor” and Stop – Drop & Roll:

STOP the conversation, thought or worry

DROP the subject

ROLL with whatever caused the upset to arise and start looking for the solution instead of focusing on the problem

Keep your Drama Monitor employed full time, its job is to help you

recognize when you’re in the midst of it and to be aware of the drama so

you can then change your behavior.

“You can’t change your behavior before you change your

awareness. But if you change your awareness first, then your

behavior will change automatically.” ~ Chris Michaels (“Your

Soul’s Assignment)

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*Bonus Section* Hit the Jackpot with the *7*7*7 Success System!

“S” Shift Your Mindset to Powerful Positive Thoughts

“U” Unleash Your Potential, Your Gifts and Your Talents, Toot Your Own Horn and Acknowledge Your Wins

“C” Create Games – We love to play games! Make a game out of your networking, follow up and phone calls “C” Collect Things – Contacts, Information and Ideas!

“E” Excellence – Always Pursue Excellence and Do Your Best! “S” Simplify & Structure – Create a Schedule That Fits Your Life “S” Support System – Surround Yourself with Like Minded, Inspired People That “Get” You and Are Committed to Supporting You In Living an Extraordinary Life! Go to www.WPNGlobal.com to download the FREE Audio teaching “7 Essential Success Strategies to Hit the Jackpot Now!”

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www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 19

Appendix – Some of My Favorite Books

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Awakening the Entrepreneur Within by Michael E. Gerber Better Than Good by Zig Ziglar The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber Everyone Communicates Few Connect by John C. Maxwell

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann Go-Givers Sell More by Bob Burg and John David Mann How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie Leadership Gold by John C. Maxwell Live Your Dreams by Les Brown Meet & Grow Rich by Joe Vitale and Bill Hibbler The Millionaire Mindset by Dr. Carlos Garcia Garranza The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen The Power of Mentorship by Melinda Boyer Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping Radical Manifestation by Colin Tipping The Success Principles by Jack Canfield The Tap by Frank McKinney Thank God It’s Today by Barry Gottlieb Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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www.NancyMatthews.com Tel: (800) 928-6928 Page 20

Appendix – Some of My Favorite Books (cont’d) Tribes by Seth Godin Uncommon Friends by James Newton Visionaries with Guts by Nancy Matthews Your Soul’s Assignment by Chris Michaels Winning in Life Now by Michelle Prince Winning the Toughest Customer by Delia Passi Winning with People by John C. Maxwell
