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Turbocharge Your Team’s Productivity: Increase Your Ability to Deliver

Date post: 22-Jan-2015
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Many factors impact a team’s productivity. Some are well understood—collocation, size, common purpose. Others are less well known including social capital—the value of social networking. Rob Maher describes techniques that have been successfully used within organizations to enhance team productivity. Even geographically dispersed teams can benefit from techniques that build social capital to enhance productivity and reduce risk. Sharing case studies, Rob demonstrates how techniques—adopting Scrum and kanban, decentralized decision making, self-organizing teams, and even changing a company’s staffing model—can dramatically improve a team’s productivity. In the same way that investing in tangible assets (physical capital) or training and education (knowledge capital) can increase a team’s ability to produce, so can investing in social capital. Rob describes the impact social capital can have on your team’s productivity and well-being, and provides techniques to improve your team's social capital.
BW5 Session 6/5/2013 2:15 PM "Organizing by Products, Not Projects: Increasing Your Ability to Deliver" Presented by: Rob Maher Rob Maher Consulting Brought to you by: 340 Corporate Way, Suite 300, Orange Park, FL 32073 8882688770 9042780524 [email protected] www.sqe.com
  • 1. BW5 Session 6/5/20132:15PM "Organizing by Products, Not Projects: Increasing Your Ability to Deliver" Presented by: Rob Maher Rob Maher Consulting Broughttoyouby: 340CorporateWay,Suite300,OrangePark,FL32073 [email protected]

2. Rob Maher Rob Maher ConsultingRob Maher is a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP and Agile Development coach, a Lean Kanban University accredited kanban trainer, and a founding Professional Scrum Trainer with Scrum.org. With more than fifteen years of software development experience, Rob has a history of leading change in large organizations, helping them transition to Scrum and improve their software development lifecycle using solid ALM practices. A frequent speaker at industry events worldwide, Rob provides Scrum, kanban and software development training and consultancy across SE Asia. Robs experience includes working as a ScrumMaster, helping teams implement kanban, coaching teams in Scrum and software development practices, and helping testers master automated testing techniques. 3. TurbochargeYour Turbocharge Your TeamsProductivity IncreaseyourAbilitytoDeliver y yProductivityWWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/ORCMID/3879260297/ 4. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityBriefHistoryofTeamProductivity People workattheslowestunpunishedrate shouldhave$linkedtooutputtoincreaseproductivity shouldhavefrequentbreaksandgoodpay canbe draftanimals can be draft animals 5. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityBriefHistoryofTeamProductivity 1. Constancyofpurpose y p p8. Driveoutfear2. Adoptawinwinphilosophy9. Breakdownbarriers3. Ceasemassinspection10. Eliminateslogans4. Dontawardbusinessbyprice11. Eliminatequotas5. Improveconstantly12. Removebarriersofjoy6. Institutetraining 6 Institute training13. Education&selfimprovement 13 Education & self improvement7. Adopt&Instituteleadership14. Everybodyworksontransition 6. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityBriefHistoryofTeamProductivity 7. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivity Technologyismakingusdumber..HTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/EMILIEP/346381107BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityHTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/AMIRJINA/2282812623 8. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityMeasuringaTribe Individual ValueIn ndividual Se ecurityTribal Security yTribal ValueRay Immelman 9. BriefHistoryofTeamProductivityANewTheoryOfMotivation Autonomy y Time Technique TeamMastery GoldilocksTasks CreatetherightenvironmentPurpose p Communicate Emphasizepurposeoverprofit Purposewords 10. AgileProductivityHTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/ATOMICSHED/161716498/AgileProductivity Scrum says Scrum Teams are self says ScrumTeamsareself organizing Kanban says Encourage acts of leadership says Encourageactsofleadership ateverylevelintheorganisation 11. SocialCapitalHTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/AMAGILL/3367543094SocialCapitalStructuralRelationalCognitive 12. Advantages Diminishesopportunism Diminishes opportunism Reducesneedformonitoring Reducestransactioncosts Difficulttoimitate,truecompetitiveadvantage CantbeboughtortradedunlikeotherformsofcapitalDisadvantages GroupThink Group Think Homogeneity Redundancyinsharing 13. Trust Cognitive AffectiveDispersionsHTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/SIMON/2254650518/ 14. DispersionsHTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/SIMON/2254650518/Dispersions 15. SocialCapitalinavirtualteam?Client 16. Environment Nov2011 Nov 2011 InhouseBA&Test OutsourcedDevelopment&Infrastructure MultiVendorenvironment LowthroughputforcoresystemBAUandbreakfix Low throughput for core system BAU and break fix Isthereabetterway?Perceptions 17. Wewanttobeagile(Scrum)MeasuringtheTribes Individual ValueIn ndividual Se ecurityTribal Security yTribal ValueRay Immelman 18. Usingthemeasurement Urgencytochange Urgency to change Involveoutsiders LookfornewsymbolsHypothesis Visualizework &explicitpolicieswill Visualize work & explicit policies will acceleratecognitivetrustleadingto acceleratedaffectiveTrust 19. TheTeam 3BAs 3 BAs 4Developers(vendor) ?BusinessTesters 2ITTesters 2 IT T tTheKanbanMethod 20. KanbanMethodPrinciples Startwithwhatyoudonow Start with what you do now Agreetopursueincremental, evolutionarychange Respectcurrentroles,responsibilities&jobtitles Encourageactsofleadershipat alllevelsinyourorganizationKanbanMethodPractices Visualize LimitWorkinProgress ManageFlow MakePoliciesExplicitImplementFeedback Implement Feedback Loops ImproveCollaboratively EvolveExperimentally (usingmodelsandthescientific method) 21. Benefits Predictability Trust SocialCapitalhasbeencreated Increasedbudget Bothsidesvaluerelationship onetribe B th id l l ti hi t ib TribalbelongingSocialCapital&Kanban AcceleratedCognitiveTrust Accelerated Cognitive Trust Workfocuseddailymeetings 22. WaystoIncreaseSocialCapital Investinit Invest in it Useaprocessthatwillbuildcognitivetrust Talkabouttrust Thesearenotteambuildingexercises g LeadershipstylesStaffingModels BalancedMatrix Balanced Matrix Projectorganizationsoftenplacethe projectatthecentre Whatiftheteamwereatthecentre? What if the team were at the centre? 23. Whywastehighsocialcapital?CaseStudy2 LargeNZInsurer Large NZ Insurer InvestedheavilyinScrum Chasingselforganizingteams MovedfromProjectteamstopermanentteams Createdabacklogofprojectsandassignedthemtoteamsat Created a backlog of projects and assigned them to teams at thelastmoment 24. PullingitallTogether BruceTuckman Bruce Tuckman W.EdwardsDeming DanPink SOCIALCAPITALCalltoAction Measureyour tribe Measure your tribe UnderstandyourteamsSocialCapital. Investinit WhodoyouTrust? Wh d T t?
