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Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Turkish Bankers Association Candidacy and Policy Proposals

    Yilmaz MumunovSezgin Pamuk, CPA, FRM

    December 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Why do we send this?

    We believe that the Turkish Bankers Association (TBA) needs a freshexecutive board with new members in order to increase the visibility ofTurkish professionals within the finance sector of the City and to create abetter networking environment for its members.

    We believe reform is required in order to achieve the goals of theAssociation. If elected we will: Make improvements to the Governance Code and website

    Create new networking opportunities and have more effective communicationbetween executive board and members

    Set a new vision and mission for the Association

    Develop effective policies

    Ensure adequate financial resources

    Enhance the Associations public image

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    New Governance Code

    The rules and bylaws of the Association shall be made available to eachmember. All members shall be bound by the written rules and bylaws of theAssociation

    Understand and respect the relationship between the board and members. Put owning association members at the heart of the association as a principle Carry out board business efficiently

    Bring Governing Document and Charter up to date in order to promote amore active and accountable executive board structure. Chairperson position subject to a maximum of 2 terms Board member position subject to a maximum of 3 terms To ensure continuity of the board, any member who has been absent for

    more than 6 months to be replaced (Executive Committee members who

    have not attended in person any meetings of the General Committee overthe preceding 6 months or any Annual General Meeting shall cease to be amember of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee willreserve the right to reinstate a member if the non attendance is deemedjustified)

    1 month handover period after each election

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    More transparent board and governance

    Disclose complete list of revenue and expenses to all Ordinary members onTBA internal website, which would be accessible with the membership login

    More transparent and accountable by cutting the cost and publishing onlineall transactions over 50

    Executive Members nominated for that purpose by the Executive Committeeshall take minutes of the proceedings at all General Meetings of theAssociation

    Executive Committee meeting minutes and action points to be disclosed toOrdinary members (minutes of the board meetings of how to transactcurrent business shall be entered in a book and confirmed at the next

    meeting) Semi-annual progress report (acquisition of new sponsors and members) to

    be provided to members

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    Turkish Investment Forum - London

    While strictly politically neutral, the Association should nevertheless beproud to serve as a forum for investment and economic development debateon the current issues in, and future direction of Turkey. Due to Turkeysstrong financial system, the financial crisis has had little impact and hastherefore become a centre of interest to foreign investors. We would work on

    establishing the first Turkish Investment Forum in the United Kingdom tobe held annually going forward. This event will attract leading M&A andprivate equity dealmakers, legal advisors, portfolio managers and corporatefigures involved in Turkish investment activity and also some leadingpolitical figures from Turkey would be invited. By being part of the debateand having more guest speakers from Turkey and elsewhere our memberswill have access to influential policy makers and cutting edge insights.

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    External Networking

    Fellowships and friendships develop if members are in regular contact thusthe TBA will maintain and cherish the tradition of having more regular andbetter organised monthly meetings. The TBA also will be more active inorganising numerous social events for its members and guests, includingcharity balls, exhibitions and new Sunday brunches.

    TBA would be outward looking, offering more creative and usefulnetworking opportunities to members. There would be events organised withthe other City clubs (Azerbaijani, Polish, Lithuanian, Georgian, Ukrainian,Russian, Serbian, Georgian, Bulgarian and Romanian). Many joint events

    will be held with such clubs, and their success will lead to the creation of amore formal framework for cooperation. The TBA could also be more activein maintaining contacts with like-minded Turkish Associations / clubs andindividuals in other countries and cities: Paris, Moscow, New York, Geneva,Frankfurt etc.

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    Internal Networking

    Provides opportunities for members to create a profile where member canuse this as recruitment or job seeker platform

    Develop relations with top class recruiters and introduce candidates

    Internal forums (exchange all kinds of ideas; exam experience, job

    experience ) Active job postings

    Monthly drinks would be changed to the third Thursday of each month

    Monthly drinks would be announced at least a month in advance and at least

    once a quarter would be held in Canary Wharf

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    New Website

    Enhanced and better functionality in order to respond to members needs

    Ordinary members internal website with access to internal documents

    Easy payment method PayPal

    More interactive website developed and maintained by professional


  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Thank you for you interest

    Yilmaz Mumunov

    Yilmaz Mumunov is a Risk Manager at FundQuest, a

    BNP Paribas Investment Partners company. He is

    responsible for performing risk due diligence on

    mutual and hedge fund managers covering the entire

    spectrum of investment strategies. Prior to joiningFundQuest was Senior Associate, Research at IMS a

    London based fund of funds organisation. Mr. Yilmaz

    graduated from University College London with a B.A.

    in Economics and Business with East European


  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Thank you for you interest

    Sezgin Pamuk, CPA , FRM

    Sezgin Pamuk has more than five years experience in

    Finance Industry and currently working as an

    Assistant Manager at OTC Valuation Desk of Globeop

    Financial Services, a Hedge Fund Administrator. He is

    responsible for producing independent valuation andquantitative valuation models for all asset classes.

    Prior to joining Globeop he has worked in Financial

    Software sector for 1,5 years and Deloitte Turkey for

    three years. Sezgin holds B.A. (Eng) Degree from

    University of Istanbul, School of Business and MSc.

    Finance from University of Bradford where he ranked

    1st place with Distinction. He is a fellow member of

    Istanbul Chamber of Certified Public Accountants and

    currently studying for Certified Financial Analyst (CFA)

    Level III and finished Financial Risk Manager (FRM)


  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Vote For

    Accountability Commitment







  • 8/3/2019 Turkish Bankers Association - Candidacy and Proposals 2012


    Contact Details

    I ask each of you with the time to contact us. I want to hear about yourconcerns, your priorities and your ideas for the TBA. Please find my contactdetails below. I will endeavour to get back to each and every one of you indue course. If you know other colleagues, friends, and business partners whomight be interested, I would be grateful if you can forward the information

    to them as well.

    Yilmaz Mumunov

    Email: [email protected] [email protected]

    Mobile: 0044 79 6030 4986

    Sezgin Pamuk

    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Mobile: 0044 79 1682 5298

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
