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Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Sta nd ard Form Fo r Members of the Le9 i slature 1 . Birthday and p 1 a __ - (//sf!- 2. Marriage (s) date place )7 : 3. Significant events for example: B. Civic responsibilities _____________________________________ / 4. Church S. Sessions 6. Public Offices A. Local _____________________________________________________ B. . c. National __________________________________________________ . ..,._ 'J '/ ./7:/r, .i ''-'tr' , I / ' 9. Names of parents C4,;L.Ji .; t /_, rJf,., /, / .. \ ..J, J I ,.,.
Page 1: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Members of the Le9 i slature

1 . Birthday and p 1 a ce,~--=-/-L7--LJ.1h:L..:M~I---=-I.....:.fl_/::_7 __ ..:~~'-!.:.!-"~~~· ~~h~~;.I-!.1.!.:...,rtf/.!..!!::..._ - (//sf!-

2 . Marriage (s) date place

)7 :

3. Significant events for example:

B. Civic responsibilities __________________________________ ___


4 . Church

S. Sessions

6 . Public Offices

A. Local __________________________________________________ ___

B. State_~~z~--~,~~~·~7~/~~/~Y-.....:.-_7~~-~~~~~~~-----------------------. c. National ________________________________________________ __

. ..,._ 'J ' / ./7:/r, .i ''-'tr' ,

I / '

9 . Names of parents C4,;L.Ji.; t /_, rJf,., ~...-( /, / .. \ ..J, J

I ,.,.

Page 2: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. '

lO.Education _____ ~ __ -_.,_~-~~~--'---~~~~1 ~~--C~~-·~~~;~:~J~'FP~!~·f~·/ __ ._· ~J~~-/,~~~-/~------t I I 7;..,£,, d; fi !!t~ I"' ' ..-( " . dYR

/ 11. Degrees _______________________________________________________________ __

12. Other

1 I fiuu.r-rv' .

Page 3: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation Bntries

Applicabi l ity

Source Non Applicable Applicable Information obtained /

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Page 4: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ll.o\:-1 W. TURNER. Governor

Page 5: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.





DA:' \V. Tuli t'E~.-Governor. Born in Corning, Adams county, Iowa, March 17, 1877. Educated in Corni.Jng public schools and Corning Academy. Served in Spanish-AmNican war, May .'loth, 1898 to November 2nd, 1899, Philippine expedition. Ten years in ]owa national guard. Member state senate in thirtieth, thi rty -first 3llnd thirty-second general assemblies. Farmer and merchant. Married, three childre:Jl. Elected governor, November, 1930. Republican.

ARCH W. McfARLANE.-Lientenant Governor, was born in Waterloo, Iowa, April 14, 1 ~85, educated in the public schools, and was graduated from hi(:h school in 1904. Wa; married April 5, 1908, to Miss Elsie V. Hawkins. He is now engaged in tht• whol~ale fuel business, with headquarters at Waterloo. Is a member of Christ Episcopal church, being a vestryman of that church. Is. a member of the variou:; braache~ of the Masonic order, including El-Kahir shrine, Knights of f>ythias, Elks, Loyal OrdeT of Moose, and is a supreme officer of the United Com;nercial Travelers. E.llccted a member of the Iowa house of representatives in 1914, re-elected in 1916-18 and 1920. Was speaker pro tern of the thirty-sev­enth :;en era~ assembly; speaker of the house of the thirty-eighth, thirty-eighth 5pecial and thirty-ninth general assemblies. Elected to the senate in 1926 as a member of the forty-second general assembly. Was nominated for lieutenant gov­ernor by the state central committee in 192ll, elected lieutenant ,overnor in the t{ovember election of that year and re-elected in November, 1930. In politics he is a republican.

G. C. Glt!EEl'iw.u.r.-Secretary of State, was born at Hastings, Mills county, Iowa, Mard:1 2l, 1889. His father, L. L. Greenwalt, was born in Fremont county, Iowa; his mother, Lula Wood Greenwalt, is a native of Kansas. He attended the publk schoe»ls of Hastings, graduating from the high school in 1907. He entered Simpson College, Indianola, graduating from the department of business in 1911. He taught and coached athletic teams in the Creston high school and in 1913 was appointed instructor in North high school, Des Moines, where he remained until 1\.lay, 1917, when be entered service in the World War. In August, 1917, he was comr;; issioned second lieutenant infantry and was assigned to the 88th Division, at C:lmp Dodge, Iowa. In July, 1918, he was promoted to first lieutenant and went to France with his division. He was returned to United States and honorably discharged in August, 1919. When the Iowa national guard was re­organized aiter the war, be was commissioned captain and assigned to command Company A !68th infantry. In May, 1923, he was promoted to major and since that date has commandedl the first battalion 168th infantry. After leaving the service in 1919 he again took up school work at East high school, Des Moines. In 19.12 he was appointcdl to an administrative position with the United States Veterans Blllreau, which he held until 1930. He- was married in August, 1917, to Margherita Cook, daughtev- of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cook, formerly of Hampton. They have three S<)ns. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, the American Legion, and the Masonic order. A republican in politics.

]. W. LoNc.-Auditor oJ State, was born on a farm in Ringgold county, Iowa, June 26, 187i3. He received his early education in the rural schools, attended Simp­son college, Indianola, Iowa, and Western Normal college, Shenandoah, Iowa, grad­uating frorru the latter in 1896. He taught in rural schools two years; served as superintende nt of city sch()()IS for five years; and was elected county superintendent of Decatur a::ounty, Iowa, in 1906; re-elected in 1908 and again in 1910. Moved to Ames, Story county, Iow<ll, in 1916, and became a traveling salesman for county officials' supplies, until elected auditor of state November 2, 1926. He was married June 22, 18.98, to Emma M. Laney, of Decatur, Iowa, and has a family of three

Page 6: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


~.fa the strictly I puzzle?


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l . . . . ,. JURNER :lOW lVix-em-GivesJ

__ -GIJVERioRJN~~ No Hint _of-1


7: . A R.esponse ·- -"TKr;30s DIEs,· Le~~d wiT. ~~ . The Register -

.. . 7 , WASHINGTON, D.C. - Pres-i ident Nixon faced a severe in­

-·---•~ ... :.~ :~:::~·ee:UrageoUI ·t-ead-ertt.eFnationai--c-halleng8---:-T.u~sday.. ·.

I . . .. · I with .North Korea's claim that it

. . .. n Depression 1• shot down a u.s. Navy electron­! ics plane. that allegedly pene-

. By George Mills I trated its air sp~e. I Dan Turner, courageous gov- i· · •

ern or. of Iowa during the turbu- ~ The loss of .the reconna•s­lent depressioh years of 1931- . sance pla_ne With · 31 persons 1933,-died- ~uesday-afternoon at aboard rmse~ f~ars of another Rosary Hospital in Corning. He Pueblo-type mc1dent .. Senator

___________ w.as..92. ... ·-··-------·-· ·-·--·- _ .. ... } __ Strom Tburmogd (Rep., S.C.) -------- · Thevenera15Ie- · Iowa· ·eid'er-l caltect_1he-_ 1!1Daw~~t :E-{;:1?~--~ -

.. ~ ... . ...

. statesman, who lived in Corning I "flying Pueblo." · . . :.: ...... . , ... a~l his life, entered the hospital . . ·Mr . . Ni~~n ~~~:nssed the pro_b-

. jlem at a series of meetings with .

PICTURES: Page ,'? 1 his top advisers and with con- ! ! gressional leaders and plans to I

late in March. Death was due to I take it up 1 at ·a previously infirmities of age. 1 sch~duled mee.ting todar of the

Services ·wm be at 2 p.m. I National Secunty Counc1l. Friday at First · Presbyterian; No~ Hint· Church ~~ Corning. Burial will There was no hint of how or be · at Walnut Grove Cemetery. whether the White House would

A "Fighter" ·respond to the North Koreans, Mr. Turner was a Republican. who sei~ed the intelligenc~ _ship

But he was a fighter who made Pueblo m Ja~uary, 1968, m an up his own mind during a tern- area 200 zn!!es from where pestuous career that started search operations were launched ~ during the depression of the for the EC-121 crew. 1 '

.. i890s. .. Late Tuesday American He fought many of his battles I officials were reviewing pos­

. for the cause of the farmer. slble' options ranging all the Frequently, conservative Repub- way from dJplomatic protest to licans were his opponents. He a retaliatory attack on some

_.. battled with President Herbert North ·Korean military air Hoover during . the 1930s over field. · th~ collapse of farm prices. He A massive seard'i was in I bhs_tered . Ezra T~ft Benson, progress and the Pentagon re­DwJght Eisenhower s secretary ported Tuesday night that U.S. I of agriculture, during the 1950s. aircraft. had spotted debris, but. j'

r .... t .. r.nd In hie Uf~fien .. w 1u 1 no survivors. l

Page 7: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


·fledge~ answer

,, "The ,, I

ind, the -~uur,.----_-·---~-- ---------z··z-"'r·-···:E·-"~- :~' ------,.-- · · ·.

. .

pproval! • • •-com1c- -

·sund•y ""'I yy--·-······- -~·--·-- ---·----·---·-- ... -----

"'~ -e· ---··-· -, -- -·o - -·- -- - - - · -·-- -·-- - - - .~.

Center~d in his lifetime was:~ no survivorS~ s much of the excitement fios- The search ~ aided by two tratioli . ·and progress ~f .the Russi~n . warships - w~,s cen- .

1 entire Tw.entietb Century era tered m the Sea of Japan .11bout 1 Jn Iowa. 95 miles southeast of The North 1

ije was a key man in the I Korean port of Chongjin. I . organization of the National · - Great Concern j Lr Farni~ Organization (N.F.O.) Most officials in and out 'of '

.. ..... Congress viewed the ~ituation Po with g~eat concern but str.essed c~

-t-;:;-.,..,.......-;~--n;:=:-*-:1=--------· .. :.D1i · si:x

However, Representative L. ·· ~iver$ - (Dem,, S.C.) pf -the House Armed le Commi~e, declared ~~

. PI - PLA"NE- , .- . ., al

Please ·turn to .Page Nine ot ]

l~ans . Enjoy ~~; Warm -Weather al~ Temperatures o v e r I o w a

warmed Tuesday as the ~arly th1 morning fog gradually lifted. Tt

.. The chang~ in sky cover re helped warm southern sections co . .the 7-0s-during-the .afternoon·, in while the remaining clouds in

Dan Turner northern Iowa held the temper- n attires in the 60s. ti

JlaL••wu-.----~--------~~--------I~~~~~nd~~~t _T_hz~·n_ke~r----~~~ure~t~~~~~~-~_p L ' ih 1955. Characteristically, he The five-day forecast, Thurs- .

IJ SUu• had differences with the N.F:e. day through Monday, predicts ifi

d · leadership. temperatures averaging 2 to 6 et

8 . &liY•. . . ·-·. -····-·-- ··- -- -··------as ·~cyolltrg ···srcrte-senator in degrees above normal. ·Nonrlal th · 1903, he became part of Gov. high is 61 for Des Moines. Nor- pr

:f your Albert Cummins' team of "Pro- mal low is 40. ist · Rain and slightly cooler tern- ell

!, Write TURNER .- peratures are forecast for today cr Please. turn to Page Three through Thursday. . · . . di:

181, call City Living May Not. Be So Bad


Frustrations of living in crowded -----------­cities do not seem to invite heart attacks.

This i's the word from studies · with monkeys, half of whom

were confined to cages while the others had· )0 times more free­dom, including being able to wsmdP.r outdoors.

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Most cc was wise to cut defense spendin much fat on it they are calling th1

Senator Williams wants an lro11 wnt be reduced.' He's an old line : duys of the iron clads. .

Page 8: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' -A~liCTIM--lJF. ~~

'DEMO SWEEP . . . .. . .. -· -··· '-· ... ·- .. -..: . TURNER ... . · ·. _·_. ~ontinued'fr_om Page _Vi,ie .

gressives': which :.finally · broke -~....tttom:,..; ·ntilnceoi

. ::.l - •.

Iowafo.litic~· . ····~- -his· ·(me-• temi ·.·-··-·-M,.-.."'.,. ernor . occurred .. ::the. so-called . "cow · -~war"-; in .eastern ... ·Iowa.

. . . ' l"~ . ' . '

---· ... ·----,-~---- ... -caned·uurGiiircr--· - 'I •• • •

That "war'* consisted 'of .. an· pprising of f3J1Pers who · ob­j~ted tQ · m~datory ·testing of

·-- . ~ttle- . for tu~culosis. · · Mr. TUrner· had to c~ll out the-~·Na.

--tiopal '(;uard, ·which conyerged oii. Tipton tu gua&f veterinaria.Ds cfta.rged .with trm'=task of cattle-

- testipg. - .. . ~-Alse) while be was ·governor,

the . werst agricultural tlepre$­sion of --modern times deE~PeJned .1

' -~· as.· di(f the' Widespread business and industrial depression.

-: Go-vernor ··Tutner-·maae· two · · trips to Washington, where,...he

warned President Hoover that sDmething · had to be ttAIHI"-·'tA-·+~ hltlt t h e downward trend which en~e4 banks ·"by ~e

· :liiiilffi'eclS,- reSUlted thousands of Iowan~· ·· losing their farms through foreclo­sJu-e, brought corn down to 12 cents a bushel and saw unem-

~ -·Jiioyment grow-to disastrous p~oporti~ns. Mr. Hoover I ·however 1 did not

belieVe the situation was ·quite as· b~ as painted by the plain­speaking Iowa governor . ... _Tha; ,e~ection .of. ',J,;}oJ.t.-.-luuv

and both Mr. Hoover and ·Mr. Turner went down to defeat in a Democratic landslitle. _ ·1·

,. . Mr. ·Turner was a Co~ing J ....._,... __ """'- · _ . .. ; ,..,;..., ...... lJ .. , "'"rl #\'1'11

....... ... ··~ 4 • ' . ...

-·-· __ . Former Io'" ~---a~d . ..9~(.is. sl

from Chief J u~

Page 9: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

u~mocrauc tanu::mu~:;. , · ! n.• .. Mr.:~~rper .~as a_ Co~g ~ . mercnant originally and ah -·Aaams'"····cot.ibty farmer ·-;:-wtth Iarg.e.holrling~ . -·

He was born,Mar. 17, 1877, ()n a farm near Corning. In addi­tion to farm chor~s, he as. a bpy in a general store opened by his father in 1868.

Liberal Tendenctes· ······ · . .

The elder Turner was a Civil · . war · veteran and a rock6ound.

Republican, and was troubled at times oy his son's . apparently liberal tendencies .. ....

'iDon't stray too far from the · bugle, boy," the father warned. In those days, most w~fr vet-: erans believed you had to be a Republican to be a loyal Am~ri­can.

The late governor's full name was Daniel Webster Turner,· but he never was known as anything but DarrW. Ttlrner. -·-- --~

.• Shortly after his graduation fi'om tile ~ld Cornlnt Acad-.

·-enfy in .1898,--~Blisted in the !~y I~r servtte in the Span­flh-runertcan ·w.a:r. ·~e •ervett m the Philippines. His fighting qualities included

: expertness with his fists. He +--- -wolf"the boxing championship i>f

his division, although he suffered a .~ broken nose that remained a facial characteristic the rest of

~-i i I


hls life. -He joined the Iowa National

Guard when 1le came home and rose to the rank Qf maj_or before

--·:· resigning 10 years later. Mr. Turner was elected state

senator from the ·old Adams­Taylor diStrict in 1903. He was 26 years old, the youngest Iewan ever elected to the Sen-ate up to that time.

Constant Warfare . . . ~ '

· He served six years in · the Senate as a member of the Progressives, who engaged 1 ·in constant w a r f a r e with the "Standpatters" for· control of the Republican Party.

· ·. ·-·-·'FOrmer GovE near Corning in agricultural intei A resident of the

· of the National -~

Page 10: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


i:>ene:u.e <:t::S <:t_ .u-ternucJ. u.a. .... ~

Progressives, · who engaged ~ 'in constant: -W.a-.r._i az·e with the "Standpatters" for· .co.ntrol of the Republican Party. ·-- · ·- - ·

While he· was a senator; the . ·Progressives forced the adop­

tion or the dfr~ct primary -for nominating major party candi­dates for office. The practice of

and others with free- passes also came to an end.

He-.was.. one oi Jhe finest· public speakers of hi& time and he keynotea'Itep1iJ)HCin sta~conventtons-WJree--mnes:.-1-<

:During .World War lhe served as ·a Y.M.C~A. secretary in France. In World War II he workec:twitll ttre~<ari:7oduc:timlt Board in Washington.

Agriculture was in deep trou­ble in 1928. Prices were low and many banks already had been forced 'to close begiifufug with the· ~ollapse that took place in rural· areas beginning· in 1920 .

• Left Convention

By 1928 Mr. Turner, the late Henry . A. W at lace and other irked Midwestern farm leaders

,. went to ·the Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Mo., to de~pand support for tural r-elief. ··-· . -__::___...(""~ . ..J

· Mr. Wallace left_'that """""'""""''-1

tion and became a Democrat. He 'later was U.S. -secreiliry agriculture and vice-presia~nt under Franklin Rooseveit.

Mr. Turner was one of four ~e~~.s.· . at t.~e ;Kansas fi~~ convention who d e m a n d e d greatet Republican recognition J.\.ir. Turner, who ~nd support for the farmer. He is shown during his d1 oelped dr,aft a mirwrity report in 1963 at the age of ~ setting out ·such a goal. · ThE!' - -------- ­c o n v e n t i o n nominated Mr. Hoover. Mr. Turner decided to stay with the party.

In 1930 he ran for the Re­publican nomination for gov­ernor. lfe won 'the nomination nnd was elected. A kP.v olank ·in his platform

was adoption of a state inc tax as a form of "property relief., The 1931 Legislatur( not enact such a law, but 1933-1934 Legislature did, a sales and corporation ta' well.

Mr. Turner won electior

Page 11: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

; the ldOp­. ·~or ·

.__.di­ce of

. •. . .

Profile taken in 1963 sho - : fered · by· Mr-:-Turner·:·during a

· .-· ~.erving with the Anny during t · -·War;;----··-· ·-·-~ .. -:· ·- . . -· . . .

velt carriedt Iowa- f~r president Adlai by. 184,000 votes· that year ~;\and · again the margin .. helped the lat~ Mr. Clyde L. Herring, a Democrat, eight to defeat Mr. Turner by 53,000 Iowa

His Mr. ·Turner came back in 1934 tor E

to wi~"· a bitter battle for the dean Republican nomination for gov- servE ernor over Robert Colflesh of · OU Des Moines, Chirence Knutson Robe of Clear Lake and W ~illace Leo Short of Sioux City. Hers<

Mr. T u r n e r campaigned :~ .. e ... '-4 ... ihe safeS'· tax that ·year.- Sena But the Dem6Cratic tide was Robe still strong and Mr. Herring was ---­~e-elected by 14,000 votes.

Mr. Turner never ran for office again~ although south-

~ ... ~r.estJetn--t~n..,KeJtulntcal!lS . aJ •.. Mr. Turner, who remained active inretirement, waytt felt that he· could have

:nition been elected to Congress from '!

~r. He is shown during his daily two-miie hike near Corning · the Seventh Congressional dis- . report in 1963 at the age of ~6:. he .wanted to 'become . The~~~=~~~~~~=~-~~-~-----~~t~a~~=~w~~~~eRey~~us d Mr. was adoption of a state income 2-1 in 1930 over the late Fred who did not see eye-to-eye , ied to tax as a form of "property tax Hagemann, a Waverly Demo- with him were just as glad :


relief." The 1931 Legislature did crat. The vote was Turner that he did not run. not enact su~h a law'. but the 364 000 Hagemann 134 ooo. One mark of his independent , 1933-1934 .Legtslature dtd, and a ' ' ' thinking was his activity in be- l sales and corporation tax as Days Numbered half of Republican Eisenhower well. Republican days were num- for president in the 1952 election 191 Mr. Turner won election by bered in 1932, however. Roose- and his backing for Democrat 1tform

Page 12: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

u. or l. ~Lasses -:-· IOWA CITY, IA •. (AP)-Picket­

ing classroom buildings to _em­phasize-~aduate .assist~tsJ

· - - ... 4

.Votes. .. .for MT!f.fi;;-:-rrrn;n;i:ii>IMFI~Mi-elnig:uhj'!lt_liv __ ~~ fo~~--~~~e~o~~ ~£ -· . ~oudspeakers

. .. .. WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) -

. .toJnstalj_5i_-His death leaves former Sena- The Senate broke with its past~

vm·:·a-:bitter · battle· for the dean of former· governors. He ti<>n of a ·public address system ublican nomination for gov- served from 1943 to 1~5. in the Senate chamber. !

)r over Robert Colflesh of · Other " former governors are A resohlutioinfn authoritzing t "a . , " . s p e e c re _orcemen sys em

Momes_, Clarence Kn~tson Robert D. Blue ~f Eagle Grov-e; and auxiliary appurtenances, Clear Lake and Wallace Leo Hoegh, now of Colorado; was approved by voice vot~. For M: of Sioux City. Herschel Love I e s s, now in years there .have been com­r. Turner -c~mpaigned Washington. D.C.; Norm an pla~ts ?bout the difficulty of · t th a1 ""tax th. t · . a now m · Ill.· U.S. heanng Senate debates, but noth-ms e s e., . a ye r Senator lias been ifoiie ·aooiifil.- .. ·

the Democratic tide Robert Fulton of Waterloo. Ful- · The estimated cost is $125,000. strong and Mr. Herring was p::;;· ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;::;;:· ::=::=;;;;;:;:;:::=;:;:;:::=;;;;::=;;:;;;;;;::=;:;:;:;:;:;:iiiii le.cted by 14,000 votes. ·

,fr. Turner never ran for ice again, although south­stem Iowa Republicans al­.ytt felt that be · could have ~ elected to Congress from ~ Seventh Congressional dis­ct had he wanted to ·become andidate. Some Republicans r 1id not see eye-~ye


• Funeral Flowers • Hospital Arrangements



.... op Now, suits the • desig stod sterli factu that l We

equi' the r



lL Aim were just as glad j

It be did not run. FREE DELIVERY · : ____ _

ne mark of his independent i 1kJng waR his activity in be-l f of Republican Eisenhower I nrP.RirlP.nt In thP. 1952 election



Page 13: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

from a horse on his farm · 1blican, in_ addition to his ore prop:detor a·nd' ~.ankcr. r. Turner was an organizer

t ,

... Mr. Turner, second from right, confers :with Io·

directors in the National Farmers Organization· '(N.~ e>rganizational meeting for the group in ·Des :Moines in the picture, are, from left:.John Warin of Maloy, Ra.y Po·

- --€ity, 'Furner; arid Corbin Crawford af AinswortJh-z.--

ton served" some two weeks last ' January. __ _ Son_ Died in Chin~ Mrs. Turner died in 1961. A

son, Ned, died at 39 while serv­-ing with the armed forces in · China. -He was a major. ,_~rviv1ng are a .. son, Prof.

Thomas Turner of the Univer­sity of Iowa Scljool of Musi~ at Iowa City; a -daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Witt of Mount Kisco, N.Y., and six grandchildren. Mrs. Witt has been in Corning · caring for her !ather ·in recent months.

e · Pi~keting . 0

IOWA CITY, IA. (AP)-Picket­ing classroom buildings to em­phasize graduate· assistants' de­mands was reoommended Tues-day ___ by the campus assistants

to university President Howard REGISTER PHOTOS Bowen. ,

Profile taken in 1963 shows broken nose suf- The demands included higher fered hy Mr. Turner during a boxing m~tch w.hile pay and free tuition plus de­Berving wi,th the Army during the Spanish-American pendency allowances and bigger

. parts in planning and directing

I War. · ' ,, courses the assistants teach and

- ---.. ·--- - - -·-- .. ----- ___ .. _______ · · ... -·-- a pay increase from $2,700 to ""'t "~rriPrltlnwR fhr nresidentl Adlai Stevenson for president $3,000.

Page 14: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Former Governor of Iowa, Adams County's ~irst Ltt1zen

L'1n W. Turner Dies at 92

lm~f"Mt lM fMm-•n' br~K ...... " O!'W of o~n Tv~t'"t Jl4• to.n.; e>ecvp.tr~'· In •ddit)on , ~ 11\~t .t dOM t'T• on t,.,. t.,rn,ty•, t.km

~at~~ in !~ (OO'lln9 And A.d4m~ c-oumy .. ,.~ .... n,.;.fl p<fvr~t ""'" t.tkM rn l ~S .u one" of th. f•rms.

Name Students For Honor Roll

it Is Announced

At Third Quarter

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O pen Hous,e Is Planne-d Mr. Erik Kierulff Here

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Head of State in 1930-32; TB law Ac(omplishment fl 1n W T1tttwr 1lf t ·,,rtlln~. (nl n1

•'~" • ;.·w,'l'l'lf"~r "r T1}w, J'lOd F11 :i Ctt.Lt,..n nl ,\ .-i.,m..; Ct'tmt.v. d.,•d tilf':tti.l•, .t(h•mnnn :\f. frn.;.lry h•''l prt.tl In c,,rrHr.~

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Page 15: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

a me 5tudents >r ijonor Roll ist Is Announced

.t Third Quarter

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Pat Swain, Northgote To Iow a Cit·y Course

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Page 16: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Dan W. Turner

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'Adams NFO To lincoln Meet

''lis~ning A ffcir

Co~dudt'd Saturday

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Page 17: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Page 18: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Page 19: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.





Are we struggling to be worthy As along life's road we go.

If we're having serious problems There's a thing we all should know.

Our heritage is not a face, We put on or off at will.

No amount of money bought it, No amount, will keep it still.

What we are and what we can be, Is an attitude of mind.

Share life's story with each other, Leaving selfishness behind.

When you leave a heritage to others. You are planting God's good seed.

It may help in their life struggle, And fulfill your own deep need.

By June Myers

1 Hen­Riley,

a renee •r, Don )avis, ; Car­vers.

!tley, Glee lrace


by 'lis Jet lSi­


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in Jy to er :s, Je

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Page 20: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I· ;


graduted from Grinnell High School m 1926. and from Grinnell College 1n 1930.

She married Richard Malcom Phillips of Grinnell and had two sons. David and John. Dick ran movie Theaters for Mr. Blank of Des Moines in several towns. After he died in 1955 Kitty continued to live 1n Algona. Iowa and was the city Librarian there until she retired.

She continues to make her home in Algona. Submitted by Almira Turner


Daniel Webster Turner ( 1877- 1969) was born in Corning, and spent most of his life here. After graduating from the Corning Academy, he worked with his father in the General Store and continued there for many years.

Daniel Webater Turner

In 1900 he married Al ice Sample Hayworth. There were three children: Marjorie who married Don Witt . She worked as a Psychologist in the New York City schools for fifteen years before she returned to Corning; Edward Bates who married Rowena Hawley. He died in 1946 of a combination of diseases contracted white serv1ng in China in the Army; and Thomas Sample who married Isabel Lambly. He taught Music and Harmony at the University of Iowa. Iowa City until he retired recent­ly.

Dan was a peace loving man. but he took part 1n three wars. He was a combat person in the Span­ish American war: he was in France with the YMCA: and he served as a "dollar a year man" in Washington, D.C. where he supervised the Prison production of rope.

He distinguished himself by serving a term as Goveror of the State of Iowa in 1932-34. Among other things. he will be remembered as having the courage to see that our laws were enforced. When farmers in eastern Iowa protested at having their cattle tested for Tuberculosis. Dan called out the National Guard to see thai the tests were made and the sick cattle destroyed. .

His tenure as Governor of Iowa was cut short by the dramalic democratic landslide and launch of


the New Deal by Franklin D. Roosevelt (p lus enemies created by the Cow War) .

He and most of his brothers were a part of the local "hose team" - originally pulling the hose cart to fires. but later mostly a form of racing.

1 remember him as a story-teller for the family children. particularly his continued stones of a fictional " Billy Brazee" .

He was a civic minded person and backed many local projects.

He was instrumental in helping the farmers organize the NFO. He never went to college, but he was a great student and admirer of Abraham Lincoln, and well educated in governmental affairs. He was an excellent public speaker, and gave many a Memorial Day Address.

In his later years he lived by himself until his daughter ret ired and returned to Corning. He was an active supporter of the Presbyterian Church. He took daily walks to maintain his health. Submitted by Almira Turner


Francis Austin Turner, born March 24. 1900, was the son of Austin Beecher and Ella Shuler Turner Jr. He had an older brother. Theodore. who died when he was two years old. Francis attended Corning schools and Kiskiminltas Spring School in Pennsylvania. He graduated from Grinnell College in 1921 and was the youngest student to graduate up to that time. He returned home to join the business operated by his lather and Dan Turner.

l aNor and Francia A. Turner

In 1924 he was married to La Nor Holmes (born January 11. 1901) of Keota. Iowa. They met while attending Grinnell. LaNor graduated Phi Beta Kappa and taught school one year in Wapello before het' marriage. To this union a daughter, Sarah Jane and a son. Austin Beecher. were born. The family lived most of their married life in the home they built at 1202 Grove Avenue. In their fatter years the couple lived in the carriage house at Happy Hollow Country Club (Edgewood) . La N­or designed the plans for the extensive remodeling of the house into their unique home.

Besides devotion to their daughter. son, grand­children and friends. theirs was a life of service and concern for their community and state. While active in fay-m management and in management of one of southwest lowa'soldest department stores, Francis took great interest in his community. He was a member of the original board of trustees of the Corning Municipal Utilities and served 20 years. He was on the City Council from 1928 to 1932 and spent 18 consecutive years on the Corning School Board. He initiated the formation and was pr-esident of the Adams County Weather Modification Association during a period of drought in 1his area. He was Adams County SaV­ings Bond Chairman for 20 years until his death. During this time the country won several state awards. He was an a clive member of the Presbyte­rian churct>l, Rotary International and the American Legion. He served in 1957 and 1959 as senator from Adams and Taylor counties in the Iowa State Senate.

La Nor was a learned stu dent all of her life . led to her interest 1n educa11onat and selt-im~lch ment proJects. She was am officer o f the Coro~e­Public Library Board of T..-ustees for man rn,ng Working in the Iowa Federation of Womenys ~~~ she was chairman of the Pan AmericanComm·n at the time the student exchange program be' ee She served as State Chairman of thle Schotar~~­and Loan Committee of the Federat~on. Shew P member ol the board of the Iowa Children's H~ Society in Des Moines. was active lin the Corni Red Cross Blood Bank. was a member and pre': dent of P.E.O. Chapter ChV. the Corning Cultur Club, and was active in Corning Oepartment ~ Clubs. a

Francis lived for a little over three y-ears folloWing a heart attack at a Uni11rers1ty of Iowa football game. He died in Corning .January 12, 1962

La Nor lived tto participatte in the 1 OOth An-niver­sary celebraticm for A.B. Turner and Son in Octo­ber. 1968. She wrote thehstoryof thestoreforthe anniversary pamphlet, wlnich ser\'led for future store histories. She died ir\' Corning December 18 1968. Submitted by Jo Arrm G. Turrner '


" Frank" was born in Cmrn1ng, Iowa. in 1916 to Theodore Baker Turner and Ida Jane Okey Turner. He was graduatted from the- Corning High School in 1933 and from 1he University of Iowa in 1937.

He worked as a Flight (Jii spatcher for American Airlines until he joined the Air Corps and served as a Flight Dlspatt:cher in Egwpt during the second World War. He married Elizabeth RU1ppert of Pins­burgh. Pennsytlvania. They-had two sons and one daughter, John. Mark and ll.esley.

After the war. he went to fRio deJa.fleiro and was a dispatcher fOr Braniff A~irlines in Brazil. Lima, Peru and Dallas, Texas unttil he retired.

Currently they are living in Brazil and dreamlng of building a lhome in Anacortes. Washington. Submitted b_v Almira Turne~r


John Harold lTurner II wass born in Coming, Iowa in 1907 to Theodore Bake.rr Turner and Ida Jane Okey Turner. Hie graduatecd from H~gh School in Grinnell. Iowa iln-1926 ancf •from the University ol Wyoming in 1931. He joinecd thE' Unit-ed States Air Force and was a pilot until me was killled in a plane accident in Deoember of 1~40 testintg blind flying equipment.

He married Mlary Kathrym Budd from Big Piney, Wyoming. They had one daughter, Nlan, who was two at the time of her father' !s death. Submitted by Almira Turner


Ruth Marie <Conger. ymungest child of Roy Franklin and Laura (Jones) Conger, was born August 10, 19!27, in Con~ning. Adams County. Iowa.

Neal amd Ruth (Colllg•r) Tur.-r

Page 21: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I .

I l : I ! !

.. ·

~tau a£ Jfafua





First Regular Se.ssion


• Convened January 13, 1969

Adjourned May 23, 1969

• ROBERT~ h~, i,~emor

ROGER W. JEPSEN, President of the Senate

WILLIAM H. HARBOR, Speaker of the House

Publlahed by the STATE OF IOWA

I>ea Moines

Page 22: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


~k. Tabor w:as in pal·tnership with his son, J ack, in a fn rming and cattlE> feeding busine:ss on a farm that has been in the family for one hundred vea1rs. Sen •ed as committeeman on the Agricultural Adjustment Adminis­tration seven JYenrs . Member of the Methodist Church, Farm Bureau, and American Legi1on.

l'll!r. Tabor, m D~::mocrat, ~ervcu in the Iowa H ouse of Repn?sentatives in the F ifty-eigh;,t h , Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Sixt!eth Extra sc·ssions from Jac~son Counf:ty , and Sen::tor f rom Jackson-Jones Counties during the Sixty-fhst sess:;ion.

He passed a•way Apdl 5, 1!.!68. Su t· ,·iving l'.l r. Tabor an~ his widow, Ella . ana two sons, .. J ack Tabor of Baldwin, Iowa and Dr. James Tabor of Engle­wood, ColoradG>. Also surviving Mr . Tabor are two sister s, Mrs. Leon Gray of Mar tinville,. Indiana and :Mrs. Eloise Stewart of Preston, Iowa and on c> brotiher, Cliffo;11:d Tabor, Baldwin, Iowa.

'V'.Jterefore, JBe It Resolved by the Srnwtc of th e Si~;ty-tl!h·d G e11e1·nl cmbly of 1/.owa: 'fhat in the passing of the Honorable Howard Tabor,

···" s tate has lmst a n honoreu citizen and a fai thful and useful public servant., and the Senat-e by this resolution wou!d express its apprecia tion of h is s~r­vice-, and t<'ndcer its sy mp<'thy to the members of hi~ fnmil~·.

Be It Ft!rtlirer Resol·vecl : That a copy of this resolution he spread upon the .Tournai oif tlw Sena•c ~·.nd the Secretary of the Senate be dirQctcd t.n forward an cm·ro!led copy to the fa mily of th'! deceas\'J.


C:omm iLt<:'e


lmR. PRF:~I J'l'l!::l\ r: Your committe•.· . appointcd t o prC]">!'lr<' a ~u it:o~hl <> I'~'"'· ·'· luti•m (',., 111111E''li11Nat i ng- th<:> I i fc, cha n ::<:tcr and publit !\erv ic0 of !.he Ia h· (;%.Hnn:- Dnr;·,il:'i "'· Turner . begs !(•;\':"" to subn1it thP following memorial:

Daniel Webr.;:;ter Turner w:;,. s bo1·n i\1urch 17, 187i, on a farm nea r Corning:. Ada m s Cou nt~>.·, Iowa. H e died Apri! 15, 1969, at Corning, Iowa , 92 years old.

S hortly aftof't' r g·raduation from the old Corning Academy in lS~8, he en· listed in th ~ _.;\nny for Sl!l'ViC<' in t h ;; Spanish- .A:·.wrican war. He served in the- Ph ilippirh- .;.

! lt- jniJi t-d t 1h~· l uWil N:ll i•n lH1 (; UtJ.I d w i1 t.:1 1 :1-:- l'alJ ~(· h Pnt'.' l' rot i l lJ,t- \Val· :.~ nd l! t.• ; t iH· r:, nk of 11!1\j()!' lwf;, l'(~ rt-:<i ~;ning i·.'n ytar~ lat!· r·.

D.n 1 t1U:.l h>.' wu!; t'l ~'tted Statt: Stl!" ~vr fr., •n lhc 11lu A<.lallls·T~<YI<>r County clisltrict. H(• w:a s 2G y.:::ars old, th(· young·esl lowan t'\' er e!cd.C'd to the Senatf, up. to that tim:e.

Page 23: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


He set·ved six years in the St·nate as a member of the Progres · engaged in constant warfare with "Standpatters" for control of t~'·a who lican Pa!·ty. W~en he was a ~ena~or, the. Progressives forced the :doep~b­of the duect pr1ma ry for nommat1ng maJor party candidates for om Ptlon

ce. He was one of the finest public speakers of his time and he ki

Republican state conventions three times. eynoted

During World War I he s~rved as a Y.M.C.A. SC\:retary in Fran World War II he worked with the War Production Board in Washin.,...ce. In .,.on.

In 1!:130 he won the Republican no!llination for Governor and was elected.

Mrs. Turner died in 1961. A son, Ned, died at 39 while serving with th armed forces in China during World War II. Surviving are a son p fe {. Thomas Turner of the University of Iowa at Iowa City; a daughte; ~0 ·

Marjorie Witt of Mo:1nt Kisco, New York, and six grandchildren. ' rs.

Now, The1·ejore , B e It R('solved by the Senate of the Sixty-third Gen l A.ssembly of Iowa : That in the IJassi ng of Governor Daniel W. Tur~ra, the State of Iowa has lost a valued and honored citizen and by this resolutier , attests its sincere sympathy to the family. on

Be lt F 11rther Resolv<Jd: That a copy of this resolution be spread upo the Journal of the Senate and the Secretary of the Senate be directed t o sen~ ;;n enrolled copy to h is son and daughter.




J\lr.. P RESIDF.I':T : Y ou r commitl~l'. appointed to prepare a suitable reso­lutirn conl!ncmorati!lg the life, chn r:~ cter :mel puhlic Sl'r vke of the IRte Honnr.thl" Edward Vrba. begs !cave to suhmit the following memorial :

P.dward Vrba was born at Cresco, Iowa, October ::10. 1907, t he son of Mr. ;lnd Mrs. John E. Vrba. He attended ru1·al schools of Howard County anti cr!lduatec! f rom Cr<'sco High School in l!l27.

Evelyn L. Brant of Austin, Minnesota, and he wer e marr ied December 25, l!l38. A daughter, Diane Kay, died in infa ncy. A son, Duane Edward Vrba, survives in G!tberlville, !own.

~: 1·. VrLa fa rmt!d m uch oJ hi:> life but wa~ l!lilp;oyt!J a::; a p::;ychialric aid~ a t li-e l\1ent:.tl Health Institut~ in h1Jep:.mdence, bwa, the last eleven years.

He was active in REA work serving as a charter m ember of the Hawkeye Tri Coun ty REA. Mr . Vrba had been a member of t h e board of directors of

Page 24: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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ancestry You searched for Daniel W. Turner in Iowa

CDnlact US: l·S()().AHCESTRY

1900 United States Federal Census

Name: Daniel W Turner

llotlll' in 1900: Quincy, Adams, Iowa

Age: 23

llinh l>att>: Mar1877

l~inhplacc: Iowa

R~cc White

Gender· Male

Relutmnship to Son

I kad of House·

Father's :-lame: Austin B

Father's Ohio


\!other's Jl:amc: MaryC

~!other's Ohio


~lantal Status· Single

ReSidem·e : Coming Town, Adams, Iowa

Ckcupatton· View on Image

t\ctghbors: View others on page

Household Name

Members: Austin U Turner

Mal)· C Turner

Theodore B TUrner

Daniel w Turner

Ruth C Turner

Laura f Turner

Donald G TUrner

Ransom ll Turner

Augusta Asp

Delia Od~on









24 20

Sout't"(' Citation: h•lf: ltJHO; ('••ll1o.ll" Pl;ll't" (/ttlllc'lf, 4.tltull.' luwo: Rull Tt·~.1 •lt.1: P.t,;~• .Jif: ~ 111111 •r 11ton Oi,l ri<1: w.

Snurt~ lnfonnation: All<'t"tn.t"Om.lo.MHiilllh 1.\./ult""Pt (, IICiiL<CIJ:<)ci.ttab..l~·onlanf').Pr'O,O.lT lS\ \n\'1"SS~.rorn ( JJt"r~ltOil.'i.ltt<'. J00-1. On"tul&tA-: I 1 t od Statt>,of Alnt·nc;~ RurNuof 1 u•

1 l~ nnVthCr~.. .. u. .. t.fth lrut,IStlt:,.o IYOO\\a~tlll,f;100 D.(".;,atKJna A \ a c1 ltft-ord" Adman· tra.non 1900 T6 S.".a rulk..

l>e-~ription: Tb ~ d.atab3$t" ·.;.a 1 u'ldt"l. IO I Mf ud &.a f"ll k'Dit'\l 1t11hr 1900 l rult'Ci St. It"' Fftknl Ce1 thfoT•ftflh('f"'_ .. ,._fAthfol trd$t.atn.Cf'flSI 'tJL.Pr$~ rn.l11} dftatba tcfud c-ath Jll"NOO ... , am.- addrt"i.'io. Marta p rortwhc-ad of houwhold. \"Ok>rorra<"f' ~·• 1h and' olh rth ~f' ~t b:->! btnhd.n o~lllt"l 1 un1bl-rof \f'.U~ mJrrilt'd.lht" 101.31 nu btrof

hlldn-r1 hom ofrht.• I'M(ht"'' th.- 1111 ~hrr dt IOM"d 1 ln"nlu11 ., btrthptl<"f' birthpJ.ac"t"(.)l f1tht.'f" and morht.•r. if 1~ tnd1\1cluat ,,,~~ (of\:• n horn. tht' ,,.,.ro( •mm1p,ratron a net thf' nnmb.'fof ,,..,.,., an tlw- t·n•tt-d Slillt"s. tht"ntltt· l ~lnp t-11111~< t f<Jfl'l ·n lJ. •I ll mcii,tduabo,t>r a~ hH Ill\ -cmt Ql"t"Upitltt•n. and mort>. ,\dditlf,n:IIIJ, tht• t1JJ1("ll. ufth ,., ho,tt•d on tht> popui;Hh.ln x· l ~ '''It' .ut• hnl.t'Ci tl)a<"llt,;tl im.lht'>Oftht• 1~0 h•dt•J,II ("t'll'"'· t.E>am m Ol"(' ...


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Page 25: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1 ':11 u unnea ~Ia:res reaera1 ~ensus- A.Ilcesrry.com

ancestry You searched for Daniel W. Turner in Iowa

1910 United States Federal Census

Name: Daniel W Turner [Da.niel W Turner]

A~c in 1910: 33

r,timatt-d bi11h abt 1877


Birthplac(': Iowa

Rt•httion to H('ad Head

of House:

l'athcr's Bii1h Ohio


Mother's Bir th Ohio


SiXHISc's name: Alice

Home in 1910: Corning Ward 2, Adams, Iowa

:O.Iarital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Namr

1\lrmbers: Daniel W Tumcr 33

Alice Turner 29

Mayoric Turner 8

Edward Turner 3

Source CiL.a.tion: \u JQIO; Crns1 c. Plano Commg 1\ard 2. 'dams.Jou'O R lh:l4 300 r.tg~. 118. Enum"rauon Oi-.tntt. 1(). hNJt.r- SJZ

Source Information: \nc.~tf\.rom. 1910 lnit,·dStur, f J •rc1lC t:tr!i'J•~ {douaba~on·lint>l. Pro\o.l T.l..S \. \nn'::tlf\ .rom Opt"ration' In(', :.:(lo6. I· or d t.uls on tht"' l'Ontt>nb ofth film numbt•r ... \l rt I he (olhmin~ ,_\ R \ \\rh P<'Rr: NAR.\ U11 ,in.1l <1Ato.: l nihd Stalt•:- of .\n~rir.t. Burt>an u( th\· t't•n,u" 7hir'il'lllth ('ensus ofthl•l"nitt•tl Swws. H/W. ,,,,,hington. n.c.: :-:ation<\1 Arl·hi\t'S t1¥U1 Rt•c'Ord .. \clministr;nion. 1910 .1'624. 1. 17H roll"

f)c \c r-iption: Thi-. d;'l totb<t.;.c ~'an intlt>\ to thr ht•ad of h1JI I't'holc1~ t n••mc>litlt>rl in tht> H)IO Lnit~t St.-h·' l·t•d•·• .11 ( I u .. tht" 'Olirtt>t'nth Ct. ""'''of lht" l nitNt St tlt !(., In cldt1ition. t"ac'h in(lt·x,·d name> is link, ct to <1u 1 ·ma~t",ofthc> 1910 Frdt>ral Ct•n us 'lh ••nrorm:uion h'('Ofd(•d in tht· t"\'n~ I' in~hK1r-. n me~.

n-l:tt 01 .. tup to h('aclortam h. a t"At 1:\iiitl.nrtM. ,,sex. rolororraC't'. "'hl'lht~r !(.1111f,1r. m~mrd. " do" f. ordnom-d. t..irthp i1 ~,.,but tall• C't of( th r anrl roothn. ami mo r Ltam morr.

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Page 26: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1 ~LU unnea ,::,tares reaerru \....-ensus- f\Ilcesrry.com

ancestry You searched for Daniel W. Turner in Iowa

1920 United States Federal Census

Name: Daniel WTurner

Home in 1920: Quincy, Adams, Iowa

AgC': 42 years

Estimatt>d birth abt 1878

~·ea r :

Birthplace: Iowa

Relation to Head Head

of House:

SpousC''s name: Alice S

Father's Hirth Ohio


~!other's Hirth Ohio


Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Sex: Male

Home owned: Own

Abk to read: Yes

Able to Write: Yes

Image: 761

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name

Members: Daniel W Turner

Alice S Turner

Fred B Turner

Thomas S Turner



38 12


Source ('it3lion: 't r:1r: H)20:Ct:n'u~ Plano: Quinc.v. Adams. /ou·a; Roll T0:!5 ..J-6: PO\gt>: :~ \: Enum~·ration Oi~trkt: w: lmasr,t.•: -(,.

Source Information: \O('t' 'lry.tom. 1920 { 'nilt<i Stute~ 1-'t.•t.lt:ral ('trruu., ltl:~tabaSt- on·lint>l. 1'1'0\0, L.:T. l'S \ : \ nc'l':•:tn.wm Opt.•r-.ttion ... ln<'. 200Q.Im<1gl'S rt>produn-rl b.\ J.'(lrnii~St•ourh .

Fur<h•tflils on tht.• <.·unh.•nti- o( lh<' film nnmbt>~. \i .. it tht> follo,,ing :\ .\K \ wt•h pa~t>: NARA.

Original data: FourtN·nth t\·n .. us <>flht• l nitC''l State-s. 1920: (~·ational An·hht·~ \lierotilm Public\ttion T6:t:). :.!076 roll~): Rt'<'Orcl~ofth<> t3nrt>au oftht• Ct.·nsu!-.. Rl'C"'rrl Cmup :lQ: "·llional .\r(·hht''· \\,tshington. n.c.

Dc"tcription: Thi:>.rlilt<lba:-;e is an inrit.'\ to indi\idnal~ t•numt:ratt·d in th<' 1920 linih.'d Statt>~ frde-rnl Ct>n~us. tllt' Fm•rt<•t•nth Ct·n ... u~of tht.• L;nitt>rl St:.trs. It indnd~ .. all ~t<~h' .. and ttrritol;(''"· as""''(;!" \1ilitctt)' and :'\aval For<."\'S, th .. • \'iJl!,in h.hmd~. Pu~rto Rico. \nwriran Samoa. Guam. and thr Pamuna Canal 'l.ont.•. Tht• <"t'n ... u~ pro\idt•s man.' dt>tailsal>out indi,·iductls and f~mili c..: induding: MOl\.'. g~ndt••. W•!,t'. birth plat'\'. ~t'<U of immigration. rnotht•t ton)!.ttt'. ;-lllci pM(•nts' hirthphlCt.'~. In addition. tht' namt>~ <lftho .. e- li<ttd on tlw J>Opulation ~rh<'<lnlf" al\•linkt•d to actual image!'- oft he IQ:.!O Ft•rlt·ral Ct·n.;.u.;,. Lfam more ...

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Page 27: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

wwa i::)tate \.....ensus \.....Uuecuun, J O.JO-t::::f.L.J - Ailli~sLry .cum

ancestry You searched for Daniel W. Tu.rne r in Iowa

Cortact Us: 1-800-ANCESTRY

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Naml': Daniel WTurner

Birth Year: abt 1878

Birth Plac·e: Iowa

Gender· Male

Race· White

\l.trita Status. Married

Census Date: 1 Jan 1925

Rc~idl•ncc Stall'. Iowa

Rl•sitlcncc County: Adams

Locality: Corning

Rdation to Hl·ad: Head

:O.Iother: Allie Baker

:\!other's Ohio


Father: Austin B Turner

Father\ Birth abt 1838


Father's Ohio


Marriage Place: Ohio

Spou~c Name: Alice Turner

Roll: IA1925JS83

Line: 7

:"\righbors: Vic" others on page




Daniel W Turner

Alice Turner

Edward B Turner

Thomas S Turner


43 16


lh d lldl .. ~ 1 ntam .. lo\~" 'tah "ll:"~IISt"S lor thr (ol \log) a-..: tR,:;o. 188.'; tkCJ;,. IC)U;-,. 191:; • • mtl 1925 If df"'.,) in<."'huk .. somt•ht>,l luf hiJ I 1'hUI I (\'lb\ 'f'•md uthc:t..,Vt"(''ollt"th'U ~(rom 1ft~s6--l897- lnformation rt\a!lo~blt: f111 ·'" inrlhtd111l "ill 'an l«ordin~ to thl' 'tn ,,..., ' oan 1 thr tnfornl,ttinn fl'C}tlt''h"d on lht ('1'l1:o.U~ foml Sl>mco O( tht" inform:1tion <·ont;~inffl in lh j d,1l,1h4-1 t'

1t1 lll~h in<IIH'It'": mtrnt• :lf.t". l!~·nctt'r,l.l<''t'. hitthJ•I,H·c·. lll<trit,ll ~tatu". antt plotn· of runmt•r ttion l..tarn nlOI't' ...

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Page 28: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Individual Record FamilySearch™ U.S. Social Security Death Index

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~ Daniel TURNER Birth Date: 17 Mar 1877 Death Date: Apr 1969 Social Security Number: 483-16-1968 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Iowa

Death Residence Localities ZIP Code: Localities:

50841 Brooks, Adams, Iowa Carl, Adams, Iowa Corning, Adams, Iowa

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This data is only accurate as of 1 Jan 2010.

The information on this printout is from the United States government records and is in the public domain. No claim to copyright is expressed or implied.

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http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/SSDI/individual_ record.asp?recid=483161968&l... 1/20/2010

Page 29: Turner, Daniel W · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

sion T od~v-\T urner Diesi !Pope Going to GE

' Gover~or of For Labor Obse1 ly 1\lrk DuBrow

• · D Iowa 1n 30s . f i S/On rama · VA'l'ICAN CITY (1\1')-Pupc:l!o lake part u _ •n1•• 1 $T'~ . ' t'OIINING lUI' I) -O:m Turn. l':•ul Vl announced Wednesday ·1or the :i!llh ~~~

~ . Ill" "St d 0 " h • . c.- - ~uvcrOJlr uf luwa tlurinK. ua e w go to .cncva m I (IWl n Jon " ' " "" IU'Jhl my last yc·•r on I r 1 h 111 I' · 1 d r 1 • u 10 ne 1 w r.n w~ m· , . .luw: tu alt~nt.l tt.P. r,lltiJ anni· t .~l)l>l' Cirg:miz:

t•durs ~r~:~scd H lo $1 ,250 hut u~~d it .the "tuw. wnr' and a ~uvwl( vcr~ury celPbrulion o[ the In· 1which i~ ~chtd vt•o Y ~paruo~ly. f•:J'Cc hclnml lhc fttrnHJhttn of tcrn:.liun~l Labor OrJ:anixallvn. 'lJalf of ucxl Ju

* .. .. · th~ ~IJtion~l 1-':~rm~rs Or~lnlza- · 'l'hc world'~ IH;(((C:.t ~acla· : "Ttl U!i.~ inv Q.: What 6~1rt~d the decline · lion tht·t.l 't'uestlay at l lle <J!(~-t ion ul ~'rllt~~taut ,cliurcl11:s, ll!~ ;pcctl:d 01111 ~o

u! five trltvlsion tlra nu'' ' of !fl . , Wurl~ Cuuut•JI 1,1 Churclt~s. ~:~ltlfmu<:h r•o:;p~m!J. 1

• I · the !'ope h~tl ~en\ 11 word ne jof cs\C~:m for A.: I think clcal'ly it was " I . rurncr served un~y une term w:tnls IIJ visit its headquarteu :representative


l.tJ\'e Lucy". "I I.Qve Lucy" m the sl:•tchousc, m the early .in Geneva during his visit, but ·gnnizatiJ>n thai wus ~n CX<·cll~nt ~how with ils 1930s, ami lois Ius.~ uf popularity'thc llom~n C:ttholic l'onlilr 1wiU1 our missiJ ~:cncric type. II hclon~;cd in ; w:Js blamed in purl 1111 the "l'o.w, UJOttle " " u11·nhun of ll1iS in his ~~~mity aml Jll:. any progrnm sc!lcdule; there lwar." A stale law was passcd·annuunccmcnl. CJ~td to rep was nothing against it. But the . . . Pope P~ul told his weekly WJih humble I evil or " I l.ovc Lucy" was rcqulrm~: the v~ccmoh•m or all general audience: 'I It will be til! lhnl it started the trc.k lo the l,.:,ttle lind . the destruct ton of: "An o!flcial Jnvita!iQn has Pope to Gene~ West Coast. That meant thnl tloscuscd annnals.. -bern ~ent to us to go to Geneva !Sixteenth cent

lit;un·s contrul ol the progr:tm was Farmers, suflenng un~cr the; -. . 1\eslanl reforrr , Wor· Iuken nway lr.un the creative first blo~s o~ the depress1nn, rc-I J d D . . Ahout six ;(:ribcd people nnd fllll hat•k into lhc Utl_cd Wilh ViOlence to the lt•J:IS- · u ge en I e s ,I'July 31 , the ·, pro· t-onlrol or u~cncic~. From l~lion :tnd Tur·n·c·r· twd to t·ull m Ab d I pI ,Afric~ for 1 :t und this time 1111, l~levision just tl~?(lS to COfOJc~ tl. 0 66 y ea ,Uganda . .

mcm- startcdto~·~<iuwnltill. i thuu~h he r:.n. fur governor To Move Trial \ The tnp to um;otic ! the nest two clcctums alter thai. . . the Pope's 3 , ·ovided "' "' * lim lost hath limes. 1 !' motiOn to have the nborll~n I the six years

Q.; Why did you deplore the In War ,tnal o! Joseph Abodeely held ~n tother foreign !r o I move of TV 10 llollywootl" ,another county was overruled 1011o the Holy l

. . . 'l'llrncr was oorn in Corn~g ! l.inn dislrie~ ~ourt Tuesday. 'dia, New y01 of the A.. I lhmk ~very astute in 1817 and allcnded pubbc• Judge Wilham F.ads over· ,Nalions head

1 y or obsc1·vcr reL'Ogmzed the pro- school and the Corning u<::Jtlcmy!rulcd the motion for a change of the Shrine of sse d funnel dang.cr t~ all responsible here. He fCrvcd in the Spanish·ivenuc hrnucht by allorneys for gal, ond Bogo

·h the programming 10 a wholesale American war as a member oflthe 37-year-cltl Cedar napids The World , !r, and surrender ol theater s!an- _the expcditioMry f(lrt:cs in thejhusincss man. lie Is accused ofles which i.~ ; !rum tlards. "Philippines nnd in Wurld wnr l · ~tdmg and abetting a convictedlp1:uteslant A

What mnclc the golden a~c worked with the YMCA in laiJnrtionisl. dox churches or tclcvi~iun w~s the ""Ollie F'ranc'c. ! Eads pointed out lhut .the dc·;desire to vi;,·

lcvision r• I I f II I who had come from the He served three terms as a [ ense gave t \e o owmg as was conveye1 theater am! who allar.ked th~ stale senator, elccte<l first from grounds that J\bodcely c<~uld not lignale J an

cries or dramatic part 0 r pro· Adams and 'l'aylor coWllics in l receiv~ a fair ll'ial in Linn cn~n-:outch head 1 I of!. It gramming on the basis 01 1902 :~l the age of 2ll. lty or m th!! olhet· lour c<~unlics lretariat for 1 1 ver~· theater stnnilards, the a l e r J\llcl' his term as governor, of the judicial district, Jones, The' visit " . !Is in· quality. Turner went buck to Corning;Cedar, Johnson Ol' Iowa: phosizes the J1 color or course the mom<'nl it where he was a merchant and: Considerable pre-trial pub· eraiion belt

public went to Hollywood that disap. managed the ramlly's farm hold- !icily, the nature of the erimelcatholic cbu n was peared: it became slick and it lngs in the area. charged, the nature of the oc. cil," the cou nlial lo became safe, nnd the content In the ltl50's he traveled cupaUan of the defendant and _ _

became of very lilUe im· thousands of miles throucltout his national origins. IT . . porlance. And this of c<~urse is the United Slates, making! No Prejudice f3Jnfl

Jproacb the ad man's delight. This is speeches in favor of farmers Since there was no allegation 'I C exactly what he wants: Non· organizing tv rnisc the prices of prejudice' of the judge, the ra <.'Onlroversial. It. wasn't trying they were gelling ror their pro·.ruling said, the case, if chnnged

is l 0 n to be literate or articulate. It ducts. Eventually the NFO wwl to a dif!el'ent jurisdiction,[ UNION Sf


1g0 11


fl was simply telling a cliche formed, with national head- "must be awarded to lite C<IUn· _ A Ft R 1 quarters here. ·Jy in the district in which no l ·

·ily . . . 5 ot·y enormously skill!ully. In recent years. Tw-ner•s!objection exists." 'lcopter ~x~h ·Y 0 f * * * pride in his decision to call out F.ads said there WiiS no doubt day, k•lhll! eporler. Q.: Wbot about a program troops to enforr.c state vaccina. that there wns 11 ~eat amount aboard. Il 1

vas a like "Playhouse 90", IYhich lion laws was reinforced by !be of publicity in the esse, but that army copt1 on in· carried nn io Hollywood for a fact every stale in the tution it has lessened and a "consider. hoW's and

wbile with stage mctbuds? now has a similar regulation. a~le periocl of !ime has elap!:~!d" seven dead A. : I think the difficulty He also boasted that the only smce lhe_ trJal of the_ .man Acc<~rdin{

c tors' wllh "Playhouse 90" is that It speecb he ever memori~oo was Abodeely ~s accused_ ol otdmg. CH-47 bel;. was almost impossible to the keynote address at the slate .concerrung te 5 t 1 ~ 0 n Y a£\sively in v

in llle rnaintaln a 5landard of hour Republican convention in 1912.. fnends of Abodee\y who l o 1 d vehicle, exJ :ion (ol and a half original dramas as He met Democratic: Sen. Eu- abo~t. bemg aware of m u c b --·- -$50 0 . frequently in a year as this. I gene McCarthy last July 4 when p!ltc!l~i and c<~m~.ent:, .t h e that for think this is one af the things McCarthy, then a candida1t1 for 1 ge 5~ d, the publtclty . would I

1e was a that very few people seem to his par~y's presidential nomina. l thr~t ttsel! more readily mto mJ she ~;ecognize about the p.roblem lion, campaigned in Corning. ! ~~~~o:;~,~~~~~~~h~~r~ !~e~ I ' ~tort or or producing dramatic pro· In 1000 Turner marned the I a news item relaHve ta this went up grams on television. former Alice Sample and the ~case along with the other na.! - ----- rnuple had threP. cJdldt'en. She-uo.nal state ond local n c w sf • L• t• died in 1961. A son, Maj. Ncd jitems:" ·

S I 0 n I S I n g S Turner, died in 1~46 of ~n i~l·. Not Koowledgeabl ness contracted whde servmg m . e World war ll. I _on the point that Abodeely is

1 4--WHIF· TV, Rock hl•nd 6--WOC-TV, D••••port 8- WKBr. Lo Crou•

I 0-KROC· TV, Rocht•l•r -WHO.lV, De• Mo;nos

i:OO t?.:30


Survivors Include a dau~:hter, I well· known. because he formerly , Mrs. Marjorie Will Corning o":ned 8 ~lght club, the ruling .

' ' sa~d that m a "populous, metro-! and a son, Dr .. Tom Turner,_pro- politan county such ns l.inn" it f~ssor of mustc at the linover. ~ would be reasonable to assume• stly of Iowa. ' there would ~ "numerous peo­

• pie not particularly knowledge." He Helped Gef ~ able" iibout the defendant or

I the case.

·Somebody' s Goaf _The judge also re~erred to two ! • ___ ... ~-· __ ·-·-.. . ~mn county cas~~ ~n .. the pas tj
