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TURPENTINE DRIPPINGSNews.Articles/4-6-50.pdfs eewre toee. ^dd was. rw nmer had a i tbat eoUM date...

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'He's Got Kind Of A Commitment To ^e Too' TRimSDAY. APRIL 6.1960 A SATISFACTORY SOLUTION 1\TOW tb*t aeboot uttboiltles haw It acraed with Maror Shaw that It would ha a food thlnf to place the pcopoead Latta Park eonmonlty bandlag oa tiu adfa of tha DUworth Kl^aTs^lanfoand. parhapa a iattafacfawy'^aolntlon to the moDtha-^ eontrOTcrey haa been found. Itoeh of tha land i|ow naed for tba •shoot planrouDd belonia to the Park * Baereatlan COBimlaaloD. Haneo. ttwro ■honld be BO queatkm owr tStla to tha property or the bnUdlB«. Porthemere. tha playynmnd la loat a abort dlctanca fBora the eecond alte ae> laetad by the Ccnunleiion after protaeta were filed acalnst tha orlilna) elte. Thna the ntOlty of the buUdlnc. liuofar aa that nutlty te determined by location, would be unimpaired. pna obieetkra to the Shew propoaal which mlfht be ralaed by DUworth ante and taachera appean to hare been 1 la advance by an official of the rm employed recently by the City Sebool Board. Ba wrola: 'yhew ttet tlw low of play a by tba cwaettuctlflB of tba pfopoeod boa WQOldboamUNn.oRaetbpthsdamrab . of bavtag the oae of tba tndoer play man a* tbM wtMD n would not be need for recrea ttenpapeon.- Dr. K. K. OartBgar. dty aehool aupetlB- tandant, baa added hla petuenal andaaa* manfle that of the eebool eonaultaata. It might be wlae for Dr. Oarlnger and Ur. Shaw to check with the aararal fam- fUcB IMng tmt tha playground atta te find out what they think of tha idea. Otherwlae. a new bornaU' neat may ba atlrrad up. U they ara agraaahia, and If tbara y no proUet from DUworth paranU and taachera. then the Park h Recreation Com- mlMlon wUl doubtleaa proceed. The tmpor- unt thing U to buUd the eommuni^ cen ter. and to keep faith with the CharlotU vetera who epprowd the prelect laat year. Mayor Sbaw'e auggeatlan wUl do both, *a bellert. PUBUC OWNERSHIP JUSTIFIED gflTT COUNCIL approval^of a mew to VJ toaae tba Quartermaater Depot wUl cpeed along a project of great potential beoeflt te tha whole eoramuntty. The Depot haa lJUMO aqnara feat of and and tha apace li needed for the further deretopaent of Cbarlotta'a fact growing . the Depot eewirmce of tbla. In eU probaMUty. tba pur- ehprice would be tar lower than the naiaal ent for awh faeUttlec. Tbla low ooct would give prtwte towtota a great adwat- ■ga over esattng prtwUly-ownad faelUUea. It ia not only panlbte but probable tbat tMe altnatlon would be detrimental to the c«- Bunlty and to many of ite Mlnwwnrn wbo haw towrtad la noo-fOTf™«-«« -AltamaUm l le not < win tint ba offered to other branehea of ^the armed foreee when reiaaaed by the ly. If they do not want It, and It to r Ulmly that they win. it wOl ba d te the Btote Oowmment. tha City ; and prtwte Inwetori In tbat The lataat Imna of Chartotte. puUlabad -by the Chamber of Commarca. aat forth clearly tba eholea between City and pri- K But tmdar the c I with prl- tt could prow (0 be a motecUon (or prtwU eutotprlm. The depot eotod be obtatnad by the dty at no com and operetad at a profit. Thaae proftu could ba channeled tato atr- aad upkeep, tbewby dmi- tog aapcndttma that ________________ etty tnaanty. Tbla would raUew a tax bordm. The Clty>oanSollad depot itaould bo Mdo taaaUe by boto ctty and Collected By Bill Shorpe TURPENTINE DRIPPINGS I cttr < f tba et I It would baw owr pti- two aUematlwt edet I UUe m R. tat up I It. and uaa (be or (11 the MgtaaM Ite tttta te It, and to ■uBdamOpctwtoly.owaad fadUtlae of a eiaiUar nature. It eoutd leaaa mw* to eom- -------- BHat edwatogaoue to tba commtmtty Item tor ------- *- - AltemaUw 1 to conetotcnt wub (be prl- WM aotoiyelee dctaoi. to be awa But oa> -tea s and aaa wbat prebabty would bap- I H it WWB ebmw.^ Mgbed tuZ _ aMjMthe dwot. It amy ba a lyndkata ef ■New Tirk baafcera, e Phlledeiphla lawyer, on broker, or pomMy a groiip of Char- THE MANING OF THE CROSS In thlB particular eaae, pnbUe ownanUp and cpermtlcn of a community faelUty aeame to ba tba only praeUeal aolntkm. one which offara the beat proepaet that the Depot wUl centlnM to be a oonatructlw. rather a dIarnpUre, innuenca In the A Sight In Tht World (Bmom BecM. g«%aly Newi A Pnm). Btond on tba Bquaro a few ottentee te tba ewnttg. and ife a sight In the world to iw bow elooe eome glrto can alt to ibe drtm^ef te ear. MystoriM Coming Up fBamett CoMty News) A lady tdto UB te heard thto eoawnattoB te a bcaoty parlcr: Bakl one dtotntbad lady to another Tm fwt BfraW some day thto atom bonb hnilnma la gotag to be hombto. hat think, if <me wwe to be dropped on thto communltv It would blow rrery one of « Into maternity.'' And the other lady eald: -Tee. and with aB te Uaefeout. there would be no way te te worM of na tUUat who did H." Cracklin' Cornbraod (Beatrtaa Cobb te 1 im uji uuoao. maoe oi oa-iaeiuDswa eracenns. pev- erabty with water greand meal. Taking note of my Tanberlng- for thto -delloaey"-foi tetk wbat I eotalder U-Bdtem Mon. wbo Uwa te te tower part of Burke, not wry ftr from Lawndale, kept me tt mtite when be k&led boo recmtly and on hto twit trip to Uorgenton brought me laat week a genereoe «teP)y cf both craekUns and water ground BwaL TO be feaattng tor aome (bne to come. 'I told my wife.'he reported when he ( 0, Kara Craahira s eewre toee. ^dd he was. rw nmer had a i tbat eoUM date wltb te old i _ _ _______ _ nrovidei few me at boom. eepecUDy when I can tako to her eraekltne and water ground meaL I am ptenty would the world be like without » of the I Uva in a world tbat la dreadfully cam- travd about In our Uttie > of action and tboughL Tbla In tt- «elf la bad enou^ But the fact tbat we Vant K ae U mn worm. Bow quickly tba bialden and the youth with their draamg- ' ■ad aablttone afUma. eneeurab to th« Armehlziga of the eomraenpUM. Modem literature preeento our ganera- , tton u fighting a dreary and Inteng bat- tto. It Bbowi a aoelety tbat U dying, raltb la gene. Jay to gme. Ideals are gone. Virtue gone. Men are seekere of gold rather than mekera of Ood. Cynlelara haa aetUed Upon the middle-aged and ae^lsticatlon Jlmtm youth, Men try to aelm what they :^an out of life. So our novellsto ptetara-thlg BeaeratleB. < Duo of eye tod ear. beaTy-beartad, this kenerutlon etnely needs to know the way to.etetary. PhOoedphen prate of theorlas ♦nd IgfWstara deHm more machinery. Our .Vast Mdal machine creaka bsaetly ml Bat ^therek bo Joy la tt alL . Jang Chrlat iutd. la the world ye ihaB Iteve tribtfatl(m..b«t be of good ebam. J have oferernDt tbg^wortd.- Ptm» Tfcg liuieelllg Ceke JawBsI mtsred la the taea of thi Crem tba aa- aartten mmaad fooOah than, but it ia a proven fact new. For the flrat dladplaa. Baster aura broke and tbsy becam new men . . . vletory wag ttialrtl Tbsy went forth to aei the tarape of a new Chrtgttaa eMmattoa. Such is the promtee to ne. IB tba midst Of tribnlatton. wt eta have tba asmiraoea of tha daybreak and vtotory In the Crom and RegurraetioB of Jeaua Christ our Lord. , Time changed that first Baster mom. A tmw page waa toned up on tba calendar of etenlty. 9br w that can be etetocT Cfm aelf tbrougb the IndwelUag Chrlat For ui there la a new aaaaaatlDi lod'ot conduct the tort of Ood. For us there should ba aa end to look ing for the evil la men. end a beglBBlDC of leoktag for the good. Frr na U tha knowledge that Not by Bight not by power, but by My spirit aatth the Lord.** Is tha way to ulUmato victory. Eternity wfll prove that the meek have Bbsrltod the earth. Fer ua there la vletory In Christ Jote over tha iMt enemy of maitetnd. death. lUa auae Chrlat who eenqnered death baa pcBBlsed the aama eletary to thoee wbo Uva ter Rtan. •boeaaa* X live ye AaD Uvu alao.“ . . m we are to to no dirt or Amt. All of ns tovad old i_____ pailiasa be woanT the werldk bert etoanar. but Me I a radiant ebrerful oaimMUty]uat to have _ ) around made vou fad eood. One MriT nomtac tha offlea door opened and te walked a yoniwer man. who tetrodueed bimadf aa Oeerves son-te-law. savlag: *1 got bod newa tor > who knows bow te waa I him I Hera's That Dog Again 1 our ateoare man. la becaun be wkbad te taka « coma to M oa b_____ r««aite lab. n toy te neeaikrxX aa naartv as poa- dbla tala aelM talk ta apphFtto Ite te Job; "W toter-te-Iaw left mv meter-ta-lawmetteafly peedteB. Oha wD have aa a montb teem Soctol Ba- eurttv and tePs about ah Itoaa (teU mv wUg) and I tetkad thtegi over last night. Wa tbought If I .................................rJobatagwUhteowoBte t ba bad tetmadialatr was net ceovtoeed. *vrbat“. began te 1 te top of a baDparkr Tha dog answered » - . Rnrooff -Very good", mid te ten me hoWi bosteamr* Tbe dog Ufiad "Ilrr-otigh!* "SseeDoot". replied te otan. "and now about te kmgeat hHtsr In baMbani- The dog growled cnee I Ite- m. -aadD cmdd bars tele rteantoe Job akog with te floor b^. wa mold----- ----- - Meteor. I have te kmgeat hHtor In basabanr and said ... Itir-utb!By tete tiiM te bartender waa dtognstod. "Wotte faka."^ snorted, and srlth teat be threw te deg tad bia frtend out into te street. As te dog plekad r' - auDcy tmr to Compensation a OM hare te, tea ewtagi and premtee fMrteah BiBtea. Mi di________ to keep your sfflees real dean. man below wm let me bave ........... . meoev mer to Uothar. and that arOl glva hv onougb to ret along an. Ton me. Mr. Feck, ws dodt srant our mother to be a ward of te Oovernment.'* Ain'HtTlie Truth (Camdau Cbrwilelal Another one of ms's nysterlaa to srhy a i Accomplishmant A small town to ana in wMeb teste la not mote to. ese .but. brother, what you bsar makta up for Familiar hifroni Than wtMD te bkd leefetd out ta te i " ' raut te mma eM croud.* UtwraY Republicans Work On Principles For Party By MARQUIS CHILDS AMOmo btoral BapubUcana on A oapttd Bm a iteliteiiil of prtnotplaa to bang ctRUlaMd that la tetoBdad to ba tba eocnaratona «f a new erganlaatlBu, Aa ceneatoad fc. The Im-Javlta plan a health tawwaaea niilta feraad tkm favon te Irvlag Itoa su ' ef New Terlt. The 5? AteMi_______ Fartr-It would b ■on bepo that te new do ter te yiapubteana for Dswctetle paid medlesl can would ba baaed CB te tedIvlAial-s tacotea. WRta S tetdwv among bote SepubUeana and Dmo- crate te OongrM. I bald ban o«« ZB tea ewai teswask-andA toi M te doBteant taetkn te te party that daetdid tea toane te te ceateg daettOB U "Uborty varfos Bodallam.” It ako would taka te many RapuMIcaBB aagtf te pca- aerra a Hparttoam or an unparU- •aa fortogn pdlcy and wbo are deeply dlstnrbed by te teetka of te Taft-Wbtrry-BrldgM toadar- btp te te Baaata. . Oaitalnly. tbara to roea for soeb aa otgantoaUce. Tboaa cf BMdsr- wUbte te aaaentova board, cldad to sirlha oat any raforuaeo to auppect for te Fair Deal te ADA'S policy atetooMt. That waa i tba teaialaBea ef a mteer- - ' teat baa tty te I ^froi teuU Bot^ba'teHd to stthw of tba parttoa. Tha tart to. of ocma. teat ADA'S anppoft has ban givsa alaaeat as- ehtotvely to DuTrycratto! raadldataa, Ita soocam baa brought angry d»- nmriitVm from Obalmaa Ouy Ooorga Oabrtalaoa and otboa ot te OOP high braaa. ADA alwaya baa takas vlawa te tba 1 feel tbat a nagattva. "back to Bta ' who •t bateg aaetndadrdtoaad any votaa ............ te way.' mtloB rear gate 1 opts imteHwi, Flnt oa te hto af obatodae to teoaey. Tha Rapublleaa NatteiHl Owmwlttoa to ttadf bavteg a tough ttas ntoteg fuada. Tha Baoate and Bouaa PnstotamlBBal OampalgB BtfflaoMbteimwould baima- D to And te pkktttoB vary Mm. That, at any rata, to te faar ef aama wbo would Uba to laa te MW takes aatroBf Use. Tha ergte. a tbs foieaa ef Jti PEAK n MTBBBBHT It to faar of mttttteg te pasty wide opes tbat datera masy who would Uka te }ote «9. The daelara- ticu on dvll rtobta. for arampta. to te strung eestraat to tba timid poslttos takas by tbe party In tta raoBt oftklal policy at>' Tha daolarattos favon BOW to amat and > mties baa rlgoreaaiy auppcctod tbs majer teassuras of Admtelatra- tton forelgB poltoy teUsdid to usttt aad strvBgten te free world. Is Ttaw ef thto fact tt to aafastob taw to im tbat m aama ewn- rKMa a easmalis ef euwahai aad IntimldstMB has bw dtaaelad agateat ADA BO that Umss wbo wIM to tote It must do ao te meral. That. If It la aetuaUy.trua. to aatt- Arawteas. astl daa^tlc. ntt- rratytbteg tbat te Amarlcau trad syetMB stands lor. I would Uka te soa a sawowa** Mtlaa eparkad by bkaral Bipukll tiUes wtthte te framowetk of tbs two-pai^ antstoi to baaltby asd da- BtnUa. ADA baa Bet teaMfonsad tha DsmacraUe Fartor. It to ra- saruffsrss.i's rraasteiaul tet eoMamtora B*> pnbUeasB ebattoh for It. But It Me tndoaad aa aaUdato to te mwigaiii asd iiniiliiiiimj tet taVBTlably work te M tbhw ba as tef are. It has kdpad te tbow te way te naaoBabto cbaiwo te a evtftty obasgteg wotM Here's One Man's Version Concerning Alcohol Action ■y ROmr C RUARK NEW -rauc tour akiSl tba not a lay te wMdgh the t Otate soda gtraa m wbatbar It picks yon i you down, and I have te do.ray I raadteg long dla- , aartaUona on drtekteg. rangtag from what makas an aleobohe to Stntobt beuihcm does noC Ncltbrr does Scotch and water. Bear makas you burp. MarttaBa load to ftoa>flghls. quar- rate wllta wtraa aad a tendaMy to tea flat CD your fany. Martlnla mtud with wtaM at Ornwr and brandy after trlpto te potanttal aailtai airtla. and atrlda rapidly ispa. -------------------------- attar a bout of WtaM (baa after a teurnamHit. wttb aartlte grog. Brandy to an UBlbtekabta drink bafora P. M. - lu turn «vuiirau u wv Aoienaui :---- ^ir- Madical AaaeeiaUoto. Tha tovaal f* ' aayi Unt wtaWey wont te taiallnatet teal warm; wemT lift yon up: »wi*» at lift yon up: »wi*» " woaT gtva you tetoa Banda rather than a atlmntotiL B »». PM. 11... a.t ss aleobal. ao matter vtet te eea- Wbtoky dees net makeyou phtty. IteSmSS!^ It ^ makaa tbte T- martmii with _______ ______ and brandy without m efteet. Wa have had an te trraUsiB aliMtodtom. or te i ..... ........ ...... tetolaraaee tor akohoL trma <w- Bdalgwteo to an early ftratton for ' 5? ^ ^ Mg braterto baraban bat. Oat of an te soeond-gtatoMa I have raad ^ and board about drtekliw. only cna JS J~L!£2S5* (gnitorad BwaU) In a etty ten wu m taiwu ngbt nan toaar 0 s (be ehnreb. One Satarday night tha tavara burnad and a parrot, which waa kept there by te o«bv, found refuge to te etaseb not doer. Cams Sunday merntam aad tlnw for te church rarvieo. Wtam te Metehagaa to ffla te. te' penrut let out a squawk: *Ob. new ehorui gtato today.* When - tba iraebar sMte out to lake bis ptea tba pniiet. wta anater neaeb sbeubad: "A new banandar. ...............-/ ei«c. ^^atetmu^^B tTBAtOOT POOP At heaven kaowi what cost to my Ufa opactaney I have ed'ma up wttb my own aummaUca of al- eoboi te Ua retationablp to Bwa. or *UBka would net Mm ooptt I &om maha yoa (ad wataaw. U you have over Upplad. at aa onteer eperts evaat aad ratamed to a blaitng fln or an otbswtoo ever- baatad roaaa you know what X mean. Ptgbtteg dnBte iBvartaMy loaa. Oryteg fatnala gnaka tatvarUMy ret sick. Ameroin drunka tevarta- Akohel la net Banh beat frted. but It to also pnsdbla to ba bttaan by a- dog. Aleobol to bar* to stay. End of treattoa. aad I hope tbu rteaBUma. a aad «Bl dtopaste ef te anttar « Drew Pearson's Merry-Go-Round Bradley Warned Against Budget Cuts LEAVE THIS FIGHT TO THE IRISH WABHDfCrro*. have Pimi HOUSE baa repented at Maun ef A what The Now Fork yimes haa caBod lU Ttermytarook Pair mood, aad repealed tha Xrt^ unity provlaloB tt tagged onto an BCA appeoprtattona bfU. We are relieved to •w thlj ifraadon of conmon aenae in a natter that to mamttaPy Bont of our af- ialr. Wa trust tt win extend also to Mayor O'Dwyar and hU exdteble Hlbemlaas. who 9T9 prepaitBg a variety of piquant Inanlta fer the vldt of Utoterh Prime MlBtoter. aad- an other cttlaa having among their pop- tolatloas a group whose ferebeara eama .tnm Mtead. The pgrtttto between Sire and Ulster to » eoBMtett arraaiement growtng out of old fttaCs and podtleal eampnlslaiu. It la oae tbat the p«wla of mater have asoroved In tapeated eleetleBa and oae. I come te tfaw and with the gradual Iraoen tag of susptdoB and m-win between both areas of a . V so buraod W attar thto « of Ocn. BradleyV racnl tartlim that Thomas has jww oiteed ______ _ to print to tba si tee to aem mart fer te tt * an. Burnet Maybank < ra to tevsattoata. Oarottna qoaM Bndlar shanty ea wbatte te gUjDOemom budget I to And out how tbto nation. It cannot be enforced by outside column got Ocn. Bradley's' w«vt UMme^.'___ _______ agltetlon and It ia Indeed remarkably tm- SiS perttemt of a few of our offieo-hoider. to S5SJr.*35; 'SSJS? ■uppoee that we are ordained to bang to- Bradtora ramaika, whte tutfeaed t eaeldwabU tmt Bm. gether the heads of the aeparated parties. TteBaa* vartoea. Aa for tha Hlbemlaa societies now ao_aa- Paltetog ^ *hrea JtoBsteca te etemto M •Idoooaly agltatlDg against tha vtott''orahs. wtSTTStetai^lrf' elected foreign offlctal to arvtral dtfaa ta this countrytent tt about that tbslr tm which ooa mi nauitoably uaeful to thto toountry and Ow vbola anied worid during Ora war ta wfatoh ta atentteOy defeaaelam ■re allowed oUmm te fight for her right to BentnUp. Wtthotoi Ulster as aa acting an tsertnable base would have countrytent tt about that tbalr members decided once aad fer all which natten poaaaaan thalr tottoanMlpf B they ara Aiaerlean they ought to agitato a UU tie leaf about the deenaetle affalrt of a foraigB natlea. K they are tom Irttomen. they could probably do a mmta bettor Job agatato partition on tbe Ould Bod than they art dotag here, and with leto «m- barraanimt te a nation which has gleeu them dual dUaaaUp over three or four on aD te might have bito Draw Ptem' vsst s "Tea. but i weuM tan to qualify dtot* Bradlay brattated. Toudeet want to foaUly te good cfllma pert,' HttlBd warn* ranpe «ra ........................ nmraver, ss the Mbaaa atoe quoted wbat Oea. Bradlw ate eff-te- ------- - '•-■an even appear la te iiaiwgraphln . d: *Tba evsnteal toraagih of ev iDdutrtal eapadty. Wa mte - too much trem year ta year. gtoJOOtoOJto or Mf------ "Ur. Speaker. I cant pray stamrety by raMtog aema- tbtaqr I have prepared. Tbat would ba Bka tall^te good Lord: l«efc. Lord, thto Is my prayer fer tomoriew, so be ready for It. I stt ta my roektaqr toata at ulgbt sntfl I hare a mantel outline of'my tamcettai and. with Rta bate, t always And te wivds to ctotes tt Jba next day." This doant raami. te ahaptete haatena to CMtote. that we shouldut eenUnue to exhort Ood by auto bsaotlful an- trvallM as te Lord's Prayer, "but coot tai a while I tbttUC be Ute to beer from on off te estt. m te speak.HoadloU Buraau fortBw ks Itne ta ta lato^ Keoneth of Be BBdtetfi bg BB an toft to aettaito Ktonat the U. 8. fined m by Ju^ Bam Cathay ter da- at tha ~sb. - eafe. Loofei aa tf i » Cnb an AatatvOla 9^ h,A totarttoa to Qm pm both wnya fat ttmm thgr hOb.- tan Dear Heme. •anater ef toakteg te ttoty te Pearwu. but I can aamre te auhcoBimlttee tet tta eblaf sumaet wawrt oven praant dmlBg Bradley-a (rattmnny. Maanwhtls. tbto eotama amvas netoes tet any tea a raaponalbto offletol to aatoquotod CB aaitbte tha ptoBe to an. uttod to know about, te eatoma arm da tta beat to gat te true facta. Morg To Inmtigata XpnAT Bradley aaU. iiiniiil ep btely. waa tet Itotea V* went have te (ndadrlal raparlty nar te atoaMe ateek- pOs to start a war for al toast «■» yana aeweiw. toe uuted tel Bate'll a MdW ttatten aM Btet gto etelma afeato whom teMtea mamto Be ate lefwad to pndte wtaai man ef te joint ditofa of steff .... Tt to true that ov Mem grand, atr aa -an not auffldaitt new to flgid a mate uv.* •v tetei. *Nar do wa •mael to ha ■ftUlte fer auto a iilitel bp P-e te of teal ymr BO.* ha istoteil raw X teal tost wa are gtow to aebtose te naemamy feram to pravte a iliiMrw attack tram mtoggng toto nalkte X <tte toltow tetwawabeaMatowtoawarltB «m* Bg. imagtttotlva flaovtary for Ate Start gymttwton tengm date to Ite tbs Nattenal Sceumv ■mauran Board, ba wffl ted an outfit about as full of snap ss a worn-out M0g- On te books, tbe NSBB bad te vttal Job of btaeprlntte etvl] defenra. ratoeatte t»- doMaa. tedtog tba meat ettethu os of rmoaiem. te ptantog M ngolattog pradnettoB. maaperaw. te Oov- iraminl toeOlttos to ttma of ................. But tUa aO-impertaat beard ba bate beth Imitortimi and htobad anted by egaate tet tetoi be ebwtog tta oteugh bttd tecta tea ataole t etott dafmm. And te OteM does net wtet to give te beard aa B ta tea a rsalleOa Bern AdmtototrsUoo g to pton te rotoea- Congranionol Sky-Klot W*W ftiBteki Baraard BrattretR ebaplato to Ooapmatonal tatolar paiad aatet to dteotog te Mted to tel It bat bad no i _ ■a s-JS t;
  • 'He's Got Kind Of A Commitment To ^e Too'

    TRimSDAY. APRIL 6.1960

    A SATISFACTORY SOLUTION1\TOW tb*t U» aeboot uttboiltles haw It acraed with Maror Shaw that It would ha a food thlnf to place the pcopoead Latta Park eonmonlty bandlag oa tiu adfa of tha DUworth Kl^aTs^lanfoand. parhapa a iattafacfawy' ̂aolntlon to the moDtha-^ eontrOTcrey haa been found.

    Itoeh of tha land i|ow naed for tba •shoot planrouDd belonia to the ‘Park * Baereatlan COBimlaaloD. Haneo. ttwro ■honld be BO queatkm owr tStla to tha property or the bnUdlB«.

    Porthemere. tha playynmnd la loat a abort dlctanca fBora the eecond alte ae> laetad by the Ccnunleiion after protaeta were filed acalnst tha orlilna) elte. Thna the ntOlty of the buUdlnc. liuofar aa that nutlty te determined by location, would be unimpaired.

    pna obieetkra to the Shew propoaal which mlfht be ralaed by DUworth ante and taachera appean to hare been

    1 la advance by an official of the rm employed recently by the

    City Sebool Board. Ba wrola: 'yhew ttet tlw low of play a

    by tba cwaettuctlflB of tba pfopoeod boa WQOldboamUNn.oRaetbpthsdamrab .of bavtag the oae of tba tndoer play man a* tbM wtMD n would not be need for recrea ttenpapeon.-

    Dr. K. K. OartBgar. dty aehool aupetlB- tandant, baa added hla petuenal andaaa* manfle that of the eebool eonaultaata.

    It might be wlae for Dr. Oarlnger and Ur. Shaw to check with the aararal fam- fUcB IMng tmt tha playground atta te find out what they think of tha idea. Otherwlae. a new bornaU' neat may ba atlrrad up.

    U they ara agraaahia, and If tbara y no proUet from DUworth paranU and taachera. then the Park h Recreation Com- mlMlon wUl doubtleaa proceed. The tmpor- unt thing U to buUd the eommuni^ center. and to keep faith with the CharlotU vetera who epprowd the prelect laat year. Mayor Sbaw'e auggeatlan wUl do both, *a bellert.

    PUBUC OWNERSHIP JUSTIFIEDgflTT COUNCIL approval^of a mew to VJ toaae tba Quartermaater Depot wUl cpeed along a project of great potential beoeflt te tha whole eoramuntty.

    The Depot haa lJUMO aqnara feat of and

    and tha apace li needed for the further deretopaent of Cbarlotta'a fact growing

    . the Depot

    eewirmce of tbla. In eU probaMUty. tba pur- eh— price would be tar lower than the naiaal ent for awh faeUttlec. Tbla low ooct would give prtwte towtota a great adwat- ■ga over esattng prtwUly-ownad faelUUea. It ia not only panlbte but probable tbat tMe altnatlon would be detrimental to the c«- Bunlty and to many of ite Mlnwwnrn wbo haw towrtad la noo-fOTf™«-««

    ‘-AltamaUm l le not <win tint ba offered to other branehea of

    ^the armed foreee when reiaaaed by the ly. If they do not want It, and It to

    r Ulmly that they win. it wOl ba d te the Btote Oowmment. tha City

    ; and prtwte Inwetori In tbatThe lataat Imna of Chartotte. puUlabad

    -by the Chamber of Commarca. aat forth clearly tba eholea between City and pri-

    K But tmdar the c I with prl-tt could prow (0 be a motecUon (or prtwU eutotprlm. The depot eotod be obtatnad by the dty at no com and operetad at a profit. Thaae proftu could ba channeled tato atr-

    aad upkeep, tbewby dmi- tog aapcndttma T« that

    ________________ etty tnaanty. Tbla wouldraUew a tax bordm. The Clty>oanSollad depot itaould bo Mdo taaaUe by boto ctty and

    Collected By Bill ShorpeTURPENTINE DRIPPINGS

    I cttr <f tba et

    I It would baw owr pti-

    two aUematlwt edetI UUe m R. tat up I It. and uaa (be or (11 the MgtaaM Ite tttta te It, and

    to ■uBdamO’ pctwtoly.owaad fadUtlae of a eiaiUar nature. It eoutd leaaa mw* to eom--------- BHat edwatogaoue to tba commtmtty

    Item tor ------- —*- -‘’AltemaUw 1 to conetotcnt wub (be prl-

    WM aotoiyelee dctaoi. to be awa But oa> -tea s and aaa wbat prebabty would bap-

    I H it WWB ebmw.^ Mgbed tuZ _ aMjM the dwot. It amy ba a lyndkata ef ■New Tirk baafcera, e Phlledeiphla lawyer,

    on broker, or pomMy a groiip of Char-THE MANING OF THE CROSS

    In thlB particular eaae, pnbUe ownanUp and cpermtlcn of a community faelUty aeame to ba tba only praeUeal aolntkm. one which offara the beat proepaet that the Depot wUl centlnM to be a oonatructlw. rather a dIarnpUre, innuenca In the

    A Sight In Tht World(Bmom BecM. g«%aly Newi A Pnm).

    Btond on tba Bquaro a few ottentee te tba ewnttg. and ife a sight In the world to iw bow elooe eome glrto can alt to ibe drtm^ef te ear.MystoriM Coming UpfBamett CoMty News)

    A lady tdto UB te heard thto eoawnattoB te a bcaoty parlcr:

    Bakl one dtotntbad lady to another Tm fwt BfraW some day thto atom bonb hnilnma la gotag to be hombto. hat think, if of action and tboughL Tbla In tt- «elf la bad enou^ But the fact tbat we Vant K ae U mn worm. Bow quickly tba bialden and the youth with their draamg-

    ' ■ad aablttone afUma. eneeurab to th« Armehlziga of the eomraenpUM.

    Modem literature preeento our ganera- , tton u fighting a dreary and Inteng bat-

    tto. It Bbowi a aoelety tbat U dying, raltb la gene. Jay to gme. Ideals are gone. Virtue

    gone. Men are seekere of gold rather than mekera of Ood. Cynlelara haa aetUed Upon the middle-aged and ae^lsticatlon

    Jlmtm youth, Men try to aelm what they :^an out of life. So our novellsto ptetara-thlg BeaeratleB.

    < Duo of eye tod ear. beaTy-beartad, this kenerutlon etnely needs to know the way to.etetary. PhOoedphen prate of theorlas ♦nd IgfWstara deHm more machinery. Our .Vast Mdal machine creaka bsaetly ml Bat ^therek bo Joy la tt alL . Jang Chrlat iutd. la the world ye ihaB Iteve tribtfatl(m..b«t be of good ebam. J have oferernDt tbg^wortd.-Ptm» Tfcg liuieelllg C—eke JawBsI

    mtsred la the taea of thi Crem tba aa- aartten mmaad fooOah than, but it ia a proven fact new. For the flrat dladplaa. Baster aura broke and tbsy becam new men . . . vletory wag ttialrtl Tbsy went forth to aei the tarape of a new Chrtgttaa eMmattoa.

    Such is the promtee to ne. IB tba midst Of tribnlatton. wt eta have tba asmiraoea of tha daybreak and vtotory In the Crom and RegurraetioB of Jeaua Christ our Lord.

    , Time changed that first Baster mom. A tmw page waa toned up on tba calendar of etenlty.

    9br w that can be etetocT Cfm aelf tbrougb the IndwelUag Chrlat

    For ui there la a new aaaaaatlDi lod'ot conduct the tort of Ood.

    For us there should ba aa end to looking for the evil la men. end a beglBBlDC of leoktag for the good.

    Frr na U tha knowledge that “Not by Bight not by power, but by My spirit aatth the Lord.** Is tha way to ulUmato victory. Eternity wfll prove that the meek have Bbsrltod the earth.

    Fer ua there la vletory In Christ Jote over tha iMt enemy of maitetnd. death. lUa auae Chrlat who eenqnered death baa pcBBlsed the aama eletary to thoee wbo Uva ter Rtan. •boeaaa* X live ye AaD Uvu alao.“

    . . m we are toto no dirt or Amt. All of ns tovad old i_____pailiasa be woanT the werldk bert etoanar. but Me

    I a radiant ebrerful oaimMUty—]uat to have _ ) around made vou fad eood.

    One MriT nomtac tha offlea door opened and te walked a yoniwer man. who tetrodueed bimadf aa Oeerve’s son-te-law. savlag: *1 got bod newa tor

    > who knows bow tewaa Ihim I Hera's That Dog Again

    1 our ateoare man. la■ becaun be wkbad te taka «coma to M oa b_____

    r««aite lab. n toy te neeaikrxX aa naartv as poa- dbla tala aelM talk ta apphFtto Ite te Job;"W toter-te-Iaw left mv meter-ta-lawmetteafly

    peedteB. Oha wD have aa a montb teem Soctol Ba- eurttv and tePs about ah Itoaa (teU mv wUg) and I tetkad thtegi over last night. Wa tbought If I


    t ba bad tetmadialatrwas net ceovtoeed. *vrbat“. began te

    1 te top of a baDparkr Tha dog answered » - . “Rnrooff -Very good", mid te

    ten me hoWi bosteamr* Tbe dog Ufiad "Ilrr-otigh!* "SseeDoot". replied te

    otan. "and now about te kmgeat hHtsr In baMbani- The dog growled cnee I

    Ite- •m. -aadD

    cmdd bars tele rteantoe Job akog with tefloor b^. wa mold----- ----- -Meteor.

    I have

    te kmgeat hHtor In basabanr and said ... Itir-utb!’ By tete

    tiiM te bartender waa dtognstod. "Wotte faka."^ snorted, and srlth teat be threw te deg tad bia frtend out into te street. As te dog plekad r' -

    auDcy tmr toCompensation

    a OM hare te, tea ewtagi and premtee fMrteah BiBtea. Midi________to keep your sfflees real dean.man below wm let me bave ........... .meoev mer to Uothar. and that arOl glva hv onougb to ret along an. Ton me. Mr. Feck, ws dodt srant our mother to be a ward of te Oovernment.'*Ain'HtTlie Truth(Camdau Cbrwilelal

    Another one of ms's nysterlaa to srhy a i


    A small town to ana in wMeb teste la not mote to. ese .but. brother, what you bsar makta up forFamiliar hifroni

    Than wtMD te bkd leefetd out ta te i " ' raut te mma eM croud.*

    UtwraY Republicans Work On Principles For Party

    By MARQUIS CHILDSAMOmo btoral BapubUcana on A oapttd Bm a iteliteiiil of prtnotplaa to bang ctRUlaMd that la tetoBdad to ba tba eocnaratona «f a new erganlaatlBu, Aa ceneatoad

    fc. The Im-Javlta plana health tawwaaea niilta feraad

    tkm favon te Irvlag Itoa su ' ef New Terlt.


    5?AteMi_______Fartr-It would b

    ■on bepo that te new do ter te yiapubteana

    for Dswctetle

    paid medlesl can would ba baaed CB te tedIvlAial-s tacotea. WRtaS tetdwvamong bote SepubUeana and Dmo- crate te OongrM.

    I bald ban o««ZB tea ewai teswask-andA

    toi M te doBteant taetkn te te party that daetdid tea toane te te ceateg daettOB U "Uborty varfos Bodallam.” It ako would taka te many RapuMIcaBB aagtf te pca- aerra a Hparttoam or an unparU- •aa fortogn pdlcy and wbo are deeply dlstnrbed by te teetka of te Taft-Wbtrry-BrldgM toadar- btp te te Baaata.. Oaitalnly. tbara to roea for soeb aa otgantoaUce. Tboaa cf BMdsr-

    wUbte te aaaentova board, cldad to sirlha oat any raforuaeo to auppect for te Fair Deal te ADA'S policy atetooMt. That waa

    i tba teaialaBea ef a mteer- - ' teat baatty te I

    ^froiteuU Bot^ba'teHd to stthw of tba parttoa.

    Tha tart to. of ocma. teat ADA'S anppoft has ban givsa alaaeat as- ehtotvely to DuTrycratto! raadldataa, Ita soocam baa brought angry d»- nmriitVm from Obalmaa Ouy Ooorga Oabrtalaoa and otboa ot te OOP high braaa.

    ADA alwaya baa takas

    vlawa te tba 1feel tbat a nagattva. "back toBta 'who

    •t bateg aaetndadrdtoaad any votaa............

    te way.' mtloB rear gate 1 opts imteHwi,

    Flnt oa te hto af obatodae to teoaey. Tha Rapublleaa NatteiHl Owmwlttoa to ttadf bavteg a tough ttas ntoteg fuada. Tha Baoate and Bouaa PnstotamlBBal OampalgB

    BtfflaoMbteimwould baima- D to And te pkktttoB vary Mm. That, at any rata, to te faar ef aama wbo would Uba to laa te MW

    takes aatroBf Use. Tha ergte.

    a tbs foieaa ef JtiPEAK n MTBBBBHT

    It to faar of mttttteg te pasty wide opes tbat datera masy who would Uka te }ote «9. The daelara- ticu on dvll rtobta. for arampta. to te strung eestraat to tba timid poslttos takas by tbe party In tta raoBt oftklal policy at>'Tha daolarattos favon BOW to amat and >

    mties baa rlgoreaaiy auppcctod tbs majer teas suras of Admtelatra- tton forelgB poltoy teUsdid to usttt aad strvBgten te free world.

    Is Ttaw ef thto fact tt to aafastob taw to im tbat m aama ewn- rKMa a easmalis ef euwahai aad IntimldstMB has bw dtaaelad agateat ADA BO that Umss wbo wIM to tote It must do ao te meral. That. If It la aetuaUy.trua. to aatt- Arawteas. astl daa^tlc. ntt- rratytbteg tbat te Amarlcau trad syetMB stands lor.

    I would Uka te soa a sawowa** Mtlaa eparkad by bkaral BipuklltiUes wtthte te framowetk of tbs two-pai^ antstoi to baaltby asd da- BtnUa. ADA baa Bet teaMfonsad tha DsmacraUe Fartor. It to ra-saruffsrss.i'srraasteiaul tet eoMamtora B*> pnbUeasB ebattoh for It.

    But It Me tndoaad aa aaUdato to te mwigaiii asd iiniiliiiiimj tet taVBTlably work te M tbhw ba as tef are. It has kdpad te tbow te way te naaoBabto cbaiwo te a evtftty obasgteg wotM

    Here's One Man's Version Concerning Alcohol Action

    ■y ROmr C RUARKNEW -rauc tour akiSl tba not a

    lay te wMdgh the t Otate soda gtraa m

    wbatbar It picks yon i you down, and I have te do.ray

    I raadteg long dla- , aartaUona on drtekteg. rangtag from what makas an aleobohe to Stntobt beuihcm does noC Ncltbrr

    does Scotch and water. Bear makas you burp.

    MarttaBa load to ftoa>flghls. quar- rate wllta wtraa aad a tendaMy to tea flat CD your fany. Martlnla mtud with wtaM at Ornwr and brandy after trlpto te potanttal

    “ “ aailtai airtla. andatrlda rapidly ispa.

    -------------------------- attar a boutof WtaM (baa after a teurnamHit. wttb aartlte grog. Brandy to an UBlbtekabta drink bafora • P. M.

    - lu turn «vuiirau u wv Aoienaui :----^—ir-Madical AaaeeiaUoto. Tha tovaal f* 'aayi Unt wtaWey wont te taiallnatetteal warm; wemT lift yon up: »wi*»at lift yon up: »wi*» "

    woaT gtva you tetoa Bandarather than a atlmntotiL

    B »». PM. 11... a.t ss

    aleobal. ao matter vtet te eea-Wbtoky dees net make you phtty.

    IteSmSS!^ It ^ makaa tbte T-martmii with _______ ______and brandy without m efteet.Wa have had an te trraUsiB

    aliMtodtom. or te i............. ......tetolaraaee tor akohoL trma
