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Tutorial for MS Word

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  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1

    8Working with Documents

    1. Opening Microsoft word Find out the Microsoft “W” icon on the monitor. If there is no “w” icon Find out

    start, and then click on start. Click on all programs from the start pull down menu. Then click on Microsoft office from all program pull down menu. Then click on Microsoft word from Microsoft pull down menu.

    2. reating a new document Click the Microsoft Office !utton and Click "ew or

    Press CT !"# $%epress the CT ! ke& while pressing the “#”' on the ke&(oard.

    #. Opening an $%isting Document

    Click the Microsoft Office !utton and Click Open& orPress CT !") $%epress the CT ! ke& while pressing the “)”' on the ke&(oard.

    '. Sa(ing a document

    Click the Microsoft Office !utton and Click Sa(e or Sa(e )s $remem(er, if &ou*re sending the document to someone who does not ha+e )ffice -- , &ou willneed to click the Office !utton , click Sa(e )s , and Click Word *+-2,,#Documen t', orPress CT !"/ $%epress the CT ! while pressing the “/”' on the ke&(oard, orClick the ile icon on the 0uick 1ccess Tool(ar.

    . lose/$%it the document Click on file from the menu (ar.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 2

    From the file pull down menu, click on close.

    $diting a Document

    1. T ping 0nserting Te%t

    To enter te2t 3ust starts t&ping4 The te2t will appear where the (linking cursor is located.Mo+e the cursor (& using the arrow (uttons on the ke&(oard or positioning the mouseand clicking the left (utton. The ke&(oard shortcuts listed (elow are also helpful whenmo+ing through the te2t of a document5

    Mo(e )ction 4e stroke6eginning of the line 7)M88nd of the line 8#%Top of the document CT !"7)M88nd of the document CT !"8#%

    2. Selecting Te%t

    Selection Techni5ueWhole word dou(le9click within the word

    Whole paragraph triple9click within the paragraph/e+eral words or lines drag the mouse o+er the words, orhold down S30 T while using thearrow ke&s

    8ntire document choose $diting 6 Select 6 Select )llfrom the i((on, or press T7 9)

    %eselect the te2t (& clicking an&where outside of the selection on the page or press anarrow ke& on the ke&(oard.

    #. 0nserting )dditional Te%t Te2t can (e inserted in a document at an& point using an& of the following methods5

    T pe Te%t 5 Put &our cursor where &ou want to add the te2t and (egin t&pingop and :aste Te%t 5 7ighlight the te2t &ou wish to cop& and right click and

    click op , put &our cursor where &ou want the te2t in the document and rightclick and click :aste . )r,

    • /electing the desired te2t and Press CT !"C $Cop&'.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - #

    • Press CT !": where &ou want the te2t $Paste'.ut and :aste Te%t 5 7ighlight the te2t &ou wish to cop&, right click, and click ut , put &our cursor where &ou want the te2t in the document, right click, and

    click :aste . )r,• /electing the desired te2t and Press CT !"; $Cop&'.

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - '

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word -

    emem(er that &ou can pre+iew how the new font will look (& highlighting thete2t, and ho+ering o+er the new font t&peface.

    #. change the font si>e?

    Click the arrow ne2t to the font si?e and choose the appropriate si?e, or

    Click the increase or decrease font si?e (uttons.

    '. ont St les and $ffects

    Font st&les are predefined formatting options that are used to emphasi?e te2t. The&include5 6old, Italic, and =nderline. To add these to te2t5

    /elect the te2t and click the ont St les included on the Font @roup of the i((on,or/elect the te2t and right click to displa& the font tools. )r

    /elect the te2t and Press CT !"6 $for 6old', CT !"I $for Italic', CT !"= $for =nderline'.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - <

    . hange Te%t olor

    /elect the te2t and click the olors (utton included on the Font @roup of thei((on, or

    7ighlight the te2t, right click, and choose the colors tool./elect the color (& clicking the down arrow ne2t to the font color (utton.

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - +

    2. 0ndent :aragraphs Click the 0ndent (uttons to control the indent.

    Click the I ndent (utton repeated times to increase the si?e of the indent.

    Click the dialog (o2 of the :aragraph @roupClick the 0ndents and Spacing Ta(/elect &our indents

    #. )dd !orders and Shading

    /elect the area of te2t where &ou want the (order or shading.Click the !orders 6utton on the Paragraph @roup on the 7ome Ta(Choose the !order and ShadingChoose the appropriate options.

    '. )ppl St les

    /elect the te2t &ou wish to format.Click the dialog (o2 ne2t to the St les ;roup on the 7ome Ta(.Click the st&le &ou wish to appl&.

    . hange Spacing !etween :aragraphs and ines

    /elect the paragraph or paragraphs &ou wish to change.)n the 7ome Ta(, Click the :aragraph %ialog 6o2Click the 0ndents and Spacing Ta(

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 8

    In the Spacing section, ad3ust &our spacing accordingl&.

    St les

    1. )ppl St les

    There are man& st&les that are alread& in Word read& for &ou to use. To +iew the a+aila(lest&les click the St les dialog (o2 on the /t&les @roup in the 7ome Ta(. To appl& a st&le5

    /elect the te2t

    Click the St les %ialog 6o2Click the St le &ou choose

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - *

    2. reating "ew St les Click the St les %ialog 6o2

    Click the "ew St le 6utton

    Completethe "ewSt le dialog

    (o2.1t the (ottom of that dialog (o2, &ou can choose to add this to the Buick

    St le ist or to make it a+aila(le onl& in this document.

    #. "ew Buick St le

    Insert &our cursor an&where in the chosen st&leClick the St les dialog (o2

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1,

    Click Sa(e Selection as #ew 0uick /t&le.

    )dding Ta@les

    1. reate a Ta@lePlace the cursor on the page where &ou want the new ta(leClick the 0nsert Ta( of the i((onClick the Ta@les 6utton on the Ta(les @roup.

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 11

    2. $nter Data in a Ta@le?

    Place the cursor in the cell where &ou wish toenter the information. 6egin t&ping.

    #. Modif the Ta@le Structure and ormata Ta@le

    To modif the structure of a ta(le5Click the ta(le and notice that &ou ha+etwo new ta(s on the i((on5 Design and

    a out . These pertain to the ta(le designand la&out.

    )n the %esign Ta(, &ou can choose5Ta@le St le OptionsTa@le St lesDraw !orders

    To format a ta(le, click the ta(le and then click the a out Ta( on the i((on. This!a&out ta( allows &ou to5

    Ciew ;ridlines and :roperties $from the Ta(le @roup'0nsert 7ows and olumns $from the ows A Columns @roup'Delete the Ta@le& 7ows and/or olumns $from the ows A Columns @roup'

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 12

    Merge or Split ells $from the Merge @roup'0ncrease and Decrease cell si>e $Cell /i?e @roup')lign te%t within the cells and change te%t directions $1lignment @roup'


    1. S m@ols and Special haracters

    Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want the s&m(olClick the 0nsert Ta( on the i((on

    Click the S m@ol (utton on the /&m(ols @roupChoose the appropriate s&m(ol.

    2. $5uations Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want the s&m(ol

    Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((on

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1#

    Click the $5uation 6utton on the /&m(ols @roupChoose the appropriate eBuation and structure or click Insert #ew 8Buation

    To edit the eBuation click the eBuation and the Design Ta( will (e a+aila(le in thei((on

    #. 0llustrations& :ictures& Smart )rt& and shapes

    a. To insert illustration? Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want the illustration.

    Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((onClick the lip )rt 6utton

    The dialog (o2 will open on the screen and &ou can search for clip art.Choose the illustration &ou wish to include

    @. To insert picture? Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want picture

    Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((onClick the :icture 6utton6rowse to the picture &ou wish to includeClick the :ictureClick 0nsert

    c. To insert Smart )rt Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want the smart art

    Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((onClick the Smart )rt (utton

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1'

    Click the Smart )rt &ou wish to include in &our documentClick the arrow on the left side of the graphic to insert te2t or t&pe the te2t inthe graphic.

    d. To insert shapes

    Place &our cursor in the document where &ou want the shapesClick the 0nsert Ta( on the i((onClick the shapes (uttonClick the shapes &ou wish to include in &our document%raw the desired shapes.

    '. 7esi>e ;raphics

    1ll graphics can (e resi?ed (& clicking the image and clicking one corner of theimage and dragging the cursor to the si?e &ou want the picture.

    . WatermarksClick the :age a out Ta( in the i((onClick the Watermark 6utton in the Page 6ackground @roupClick the Watermark &ou want for the document or click ustomWatermark and create &our own watermark

    To remo+e a watermark, follow the steps a(o+e, (ut click 7emo(eWatermark

    :roofing a Document

    1. Spelling and ;rammar

    Place the cursor at the (eginning of the document or the (eginning of the section

    that &ou want to checkClick the 7e(iew Ta( on the i((onClick Spelling ;rammar on the Proofing @roup.• 1n& errors will displa& a dialog (o2 that allows &ou to choose a more

    appropriate spelling or phrasing.

    If &ou wish to check the spelling of an indi+idual word, &ou can right click an& word thathas (een underlined (& Word and choose a su(stitution.D

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1

    2. Thesaurus

    Click the 7e(iew Ta( of the i((on Click the Thesaurus 6utton on the Proofing @roup.

    The thesaurus tool will appear on the right side of the screen and &ou can +iewword options.

    e )uto orrect Click the Microsoft Office (utton

    Click the Word Options 6utton

    Click the :roofing ta(Click )uto orrect Options (utton

    '. reate a "ew Default Dictionar

    Click the Microsoft Office (uttonClick the Word Options 6uttonClick the :roofing ta(

    Click the When orrecting Spelling ta(Click ustom Dictionaries.Click $dit Word istT&pe in an& words that &ou ma& use that are not recogni?ed (& the currentdictionar&.

    :age ormatting

    1. Modif :age Margins and Orientations?

    The page margins can (e modified through the following steps5

    Click the :age a out Ta( on the i((on)n the :age Setup @roup, Click MarginsClick a Default Margin , orClick ustom Margins and complete the dialog (o2.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1<

    To change the Orientation& Si>e of the :age& or olumns?

    Click the :age a out Ta( on the i((on )n the Page /etup @roup, Click the Orientation , Si>e , or olumns drop down

    menus Click the appropriate choice

    2. )ppl a :age !order and olor?

    Click the :age a out Ta( on the i((on )n the Page 6ackground @roup, click the :age olors or :age !orders dropdown menus.

    #. 0nsert ommon 3eader and ooter 0nformation?

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1+

    Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((onClick 3eader or ooterChoose a st&le

    The 3eader/ ooter Design Ta( will displa& on the i((onChoose the information that &ou would like to ha+e in the header or footer $date,time, page num(ers, etc.' or t&pe in the information &ou would like to ha+e in theheader or footer

    '. reate a :age !reak

    Click the :age a out Ta( on the i((on)n the :age Setup @roup, click the !reaks Drop Down Menu Click :age !reak

    . 0nsert a o(er :age Click the 0nsert Ta( on the i((on Click the o(er :age 6utton on the Pages @roup Choose a st&le for the co+er page


    1. !ulleted and "um@ered ists

    /elect the te2t &ou wish to make a listFrom the Paragraph @roup on the 7ome Ta(, Click the !ulleted or "um@ered

    ists (utton

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 18

    To create a new list?

    Place &our cursor where &ou want the list in the document Click the !ulleted or "um@ered ists (utton 6egin t&ping

    . "ested ists

    Create &our list following the directions a(o+eClick the 0ncrease or Decrease 0ndent (utton


    1. Making a password protected file Click on file from the menu (ar. From file pull down menu click on sa+e as, Click on tools from /a+e as dialog (o2. From tools dialog (o2 /elect generalEsecurit& option. /ecurit& dialog (o2 will appear. Put password. Confirm password on click ok.

    2. Opening a password protected file

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 1*

    First click on file from the menu (ar. From the file pull down menu, click on open. )pen dialog (o2 will appear.

    Then click on target file. Then click on open. Password dialog (o2 will appear. 8nter password to the target file. Then click on ok.

    1. hanging password From the menu (ar click on file. File pull down menu will appear. From the file pull down menu click on sa+e as. /a+e as dialog (o2 will appear. From /a+e as dialog (o2 click on tools Tools dialog (o2 will appear From tools dialog (o2 click on securit& option. 8nter change password word. Then click ok.


    1. :rint a document /elect the document. Click on file from the menu (ar. File pull down menu will appear. From the file pull down menu click on print. Print dialog (o2 will appear. Then select page range. Then click on ok.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking

  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 2,

    2. reate a news paper columnClick on page la&out from the ri((on.Click column.Column dialog (o2 will appear.Then enter num(er of column.Then click ok or press enter.

    unctions of unctional ke

    F %ispla& 7elpF ename the selected itemFG /earch for a file or a folder FH %ispla& the items in the acti+e listF =pdate the acti+e window.FJ Mo+e the cursor to the 1ddress (ar in Internet 82plorer , Mo?illa Firefo2 , and

    most other Internet (rowsers.F =se to spell check and grammar check a document in Microsoft programsFK =se to enter the Windows startup menu, commonl& used to access

    Windows /afe Mode .FL efresh document in Microsoft Word .

    F - 1cti+ate the menu (ar in the acti+e programF 8nter and e2it full screen mode in all modern Internet (rowsers .F )pen the /a+e as window in Microsoft Word .

    Microsoft word Shortcut ke s

    trl 9 , 1dds or remo+es Jpts of spacing (efore a paragraph.trl 9 ) /elect all contents of the page.trl 9 ! 6old highlighted selection.trl 9 Cop& selected te2t.trl 9 D )pen the font preferences window.trl 9 $ 1ligns the line or selected te2t to the center of the screen.trl 9 )pen find (o2.trl 9 0 Italic highlighted selection.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking


  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 21

    trl 9 A 1ligns the selected te2t or line to 3ustif& the screen.trl 9 4 Insert link.trl 9 1ligns the line or selected te2t to the left of the screen.trl 9 M Indent the paragraph.trl 9 " )pen new (lank documenttrl 9 : )pen the print window.trl 9 7 1ligns the line or selected te2t to the right of the screen.trl 9 S /a+e the open document. ust like /hift " F .trl 9 T Create a hanging indent.trl 9 = =nderline the selected te2t.trl 9 C Paste .trl 9 E Cut selected te2t.trl 9 F edo the last action performed.trl 9 G =ndo last action.trl 9 Shift 9 0uickl& create a (ullet point .trl 9 Shift 9 Change the font.trl 9 Shift 9 H Increase selected font " pts up to pt and then increase font

    " pts.trl 9 I Increase selected font " pts.trl 9 Shift 9 J %ecrease selected font 9 pts if pt or lowerN if a(o+e ,

    decreases font (& " pt.trl 9 K %ecrease selected font 9 pts.trl 9 / 9 c Insert a cent sign $O'.trl 9 Shift 9 L :iew or hide non printing characters.trl 9 Jleft arrowH Mo+es one word to the left.trl 9 Jright arrowH Mo+es one word to the right.trl 9 Jup arrowH Mo+es to the (eginning of the line or paragraph.trl 9 Jdown arrowH Mo+es to the end of the paragraph.trl 9 Del %eletes word to right of cursor.trl 9 !ackspace %eletes word to left of cursor.trl 9 $nd Mo+es the cursor to the end of the document.trl 9 3ome Mo+es the cursor to the (eginning of the document.trl 9 Space@ar eset highlighted te2t to the default font.trl 9 1 /ingle9space lines.trl 9 2 %ou(le9space lines.trl 9 . 9line spacing.trl 9 )lt 9 1 Changes te2t to heading .trl 9 )lt 9 2 Changes te2t to heading .trl 9 )lt 9 # Changes te2t to heading G.

    )lt 9 trl 9 2 )pen new document.trl 9 Shift 9 H Increases the selected te2t si?e (& one.

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossenDept. of inance !anking


  • 8/17/2019 Tutorial for MS Word


    Tutorial for MS Word - 22

    trl 9 Shift 9 J %ecreases the selected te2t si?e (& one.trl 9 Shift 9 < /witches to another open Microsoft Word document.trl 9 Shift 9 12 Prints the document.

    Shift 9 # Change the te2t in Microsoft Wordfrom uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the (eginningof e+er& word.

    Shift 9 + uns a Thesaurus check on the selected word.Shift 9 12 /a+e the open document. ust like Ctrl " /.Shift 9 $nter Create a soft (reak instead of a new paragraph.Shift 9 0nsert Paste.Shift 9 )lt 9 D Insert the current date.Shift 9 )lt 9 T Insert the current time.

    Mouse shortcuts

    Click, hold, and drag /elects te2t from where &ou click and hold to the point &ou dragand let go.

    %ou(le9click If dou(le9clicking a word, selects the complete word.%ou(le9click %ou(le9clicking on the left, center, or right of a (lank line makes

    the alignment of the te2t left, center, or right aligned.%ou(le9click %ou(le9clicking an&where after te2t on a line will set a ta( stop .

    Triple9click /elects the line or paragraph of the te2t that the mouse triple9clicked on.

    Ctrl " Mouse wheel >ooms in and out of document.Mouse shortcuts %escription

    SM "ahidul 0slam !ela et 3ossen

