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Tutorial: Order Fulfillment Microsoft Corporation Published: September 2010 Summary This tutorial shows you how to implement a BizTalk RFID solution for the Order Fulfillment Scenario in an incremental fashion (lesson-by-lesson). At the end of each lesson, you can test the solution to verify that it works correctly. You will develop a solution for the shipping station and then develop a solution for the commissioning station.
Page 1: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Tutorial: Order Fulfillment

Microsoft Corporation

Published: September 2010

SummaryThis tutorial shows you how to implement a BizTalk RFID solution for the Order Fulfillment

Scenario in an incremental fashion (lesson-by-lesson). At the end of each lesson, you can test the

solution to verify that it works correctly. You will develop a solution for the shipping station and

then develop a solution for the commissioning station.

Page 2: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


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Page 3: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


Tutorial: Order Fulfillment...............................................................................................................4

Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.............................................................................................5

Step 1: Create an RFID Process by Using RFID Manager......................................................5

Step 2: Test the RFID Process by Using RfidClientConsole.....................................................7

Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process......................................12

Step 1: Create a Custom Event Handler................................................................................12

Step 2: Modify the Process to Use the Custom Event Handler..............................................20

Step 3: Test the Process........................................................................................................22

Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process...........................25

Step 1: Create a Sample Database........................................................................................26

Step 2: Create a Business Rule Engine (BRE) Policy............................................................27

Step 3: Configure the RFID Process to Use the BRE Policy..................................................31

Step 4: Test the Process........................................................................................................34

Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider............................................................................37

Step 1: Create a Skeleton Provider by Using the Provider Template.....................................38

Step 2: Start the Provider.......................................................................................................40

Step 3: Add an RFID Device and View Its Properties.............................................................42

Step 4: Test the Process........................................................................................................46

Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management API................................................................................50

Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFID..................51

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID.............................57

Step 3: Test the Process........................................................................................................64

Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility..............................................................................65

Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFID..................66

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID.............................69

Step 3: Test the Process........................................................................................................72

Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device Simulator..........................................................................73

Step 1: Create a Device Translator........................................................................................74

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Use the Simulator...................................................................80

Step 3: Run the Device Simulator..........................................................................................85

Step 4: Test the Process........................................................................................................87

Lesson 8: Print a Tag................................................................................................................. 89

Step 1: Modify the Translator to Support Printing a Tag.........................................................90

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Support Printing a Tag............................................................94

Step 3: Test the Process........................................................................................................96

Page 4: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Tutorial: Order Fulfillment

This tutorial shows you how to implement a BizTalk RFID solution for the Order Fulfillment

Scenario [RFID11] in an incremental fashion (lesson-by-lesson). At the end of each lesson, you

can test the solution to verify that it works correctly. You will develop a solution for the shipping

station and then develop a solution for the commissioning station.

PrerequisitesBefore you perform the steps in this tutorial, review the Understanding BizTalk RFID [RFID11]

section of this documentation for a high-level overview of all the features of BizTalk RFID.

In This Section

Lesson Description

Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process In this lesson, you create an RFID process

named TutorialProcess by using RFID

Manager. The process contains a logical device

and a SqlServerSink event handler.

Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and

Add It to the Process

In this lesson, you create a custom event

handler named MyEventHandler that

generates an advance shipment notice (ASN)

message, and add the event handler to the

RFID process.

Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor

Event Handler to the Process

In this lesson, you create a Business Rule

Engine (BRE) policy to match the purchase

order numbers, and add a

RuleEnginePolicyExecutor component to the

process to invoke the BRE policy.

Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider In this lesson, you create a device provider

named TutorialProvider, add a device named

TutorialDevice, and bind the logical device in

the process to the device.

Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management API In this lesson, you create two .NET console

applications by using the RFID Management

API. The first application removes the

TutorialProcess, the TutorialDevice, and the

TutorialProvider from BizTalk RFID. The


Page 5: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Lesson Description

second application adds the TutorialProvider,

the TutorialDevice, and the TutorialProcess

to BizTalk RFID.

Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility In this lesson, you create two command files

that use the RfidClientConsole utility. The first

file removes the TutorialProcess, the

TutorialDevice, and the TutorialProvider from

BizTalk RFID. The second file adds the

TutorialProvider, the TutorialDevice, and the

TutorialProcess to BizTalk RFID.

Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device Simulator In this lesson, you create a device simulator for

the TutorialDevice, modify the

TutorialProvider to use the simulator, run the

simulator, and test the process by having the

device simulator generate tag-read event


Lesson 8: Print a Tag In this lesson, you modify the TutorialProvider

and the device simulator to support printing a

tag, and test the printing of a tag from a .NET

console application.

Lesson 1: Create an RFID ProcessIn this lesson you use RFID Manager to create an RFID process named TutorialProcess, which

contains a logical device and a SqlServerSink event handler. When the process receives a tag-

read event, the SqlServerSink event handler stores the tag information in the RFIDsink


In This Section Step 1: Create an RFID Process by Using RFID Manager

Step 2: Test the RFID Process by Using RfidClientConsole

See AlsoRFID Processes [RFID11]

Step 1: Create an RFID Process by Using RFID ManagerIn this step, you use RFID Manager to perform the following tasks:


Page 6: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Create an RFID process named TutorialProcess.

Add a logical device, shippingreader, to the process.

Add a SqlServerSink event handler to the process.

Start the TutorialProcess process.

Prerequisites BizTalk RFID must be installed and running.

The Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents event handler assembly must be registered with BizTalk RFID. See Registering Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents Assembly with BizTalk RFID for more details.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To create the TutorialProcess process by

using RFID Manager

This procedure has instructions to create a

BizTalk RFID process named TutorialProcess

with a logical device and a SqlServerSink

event handler.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk RFID 2010, and then click RFID Manager.

2. In RFID Manager, expand RFID Services Administration, and then expand your machine name.

3. Right-click Processes, and then click New Process.

4. For Process Name, type TutorialProcess, and then click OK.

The Bind Wizard opens.

5. On the Introduction page, click Next.

6. On the Logical Devices page, click New.

7. In the Logical Device Name window, for Name, type shippingreader, and then click OK.

8. On the Logical Devices page, click Next.

9. On the Components page, click New Component.

10. From the List of available components, select SqlServerSink, and then click Add.


If you do not see SqlServerSink in the list, you may not have registered the

Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents assembly with BizTalk RFID. See Registering

To create the TutorialProcess process by using RFID Manager


Page 7: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents Assembly with BizTalk RFID for more


11. For Instance Name, type MySqlSink, and then click OK.

12. In the Add Component dialog box, click Close.

13. On the Components page, click Next.

14. On the Summary page, Check Start the Process when I click Finish box.

15. Click Finish.


The following comments apply to this step:

A process is a high-level object that combines various entities such as logical devices and event handlers.

The Binding Wizard enables you to create two types of bindings: device bindings and component bindings. Device bindings enable a process to declare a set of devices from which to receive events. Device bindings are declared through logical devices. Component bindings represent the configuration of the parameters for components in a process. A component is a module that is located in the process pipeline. Components receive and process events such as tag-reads.

By default the value of the Tag Processing Mode for a process is set to Transactional. For more details on tag processing modes, see Transaction Model [RFID11].

The Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents assembly contains two event handlers, SqlServerSink and RuleEnginePolicyExecutor.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed Step 1 in this lesson, perform Step 2: Test the RFID Process by

Using RfidClientConsole, which gives you step-by-step instructions to test TutorialProcess by

using RFID Manager.

See Also

BizTalk RFID Concepts and Terminology [RFID11]

Step 2: Test the RFID Process by Using RfidClientConsoleIn this step, you use the RfidClientConsole utility to test the TutorialProcess process you created

in the previous step.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Create an RFID Process by Using RFID Manager before

performing this step.


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The procedures in this step assume that you are using a folder named rfidtutorial that contains a subfolder named testfiles on your C drive. If you use any other drive or folder names, use those names in the appropriate places when performing the procedures.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a sample tag-read event XML file This procedure has instructions to create an

XML file that contains information about a

sample tag-read event. The structure of the

XML content in the file is the structure that the

RfidClientConsole utility expects for a tag-read

event in XML format.

To test TutorialProcess by using the

RfidClientConsole utility

This procedure has instructions to test the RFID

process, TutorialProcess, by using the

RfidClientConsole utility and the sample tag-

read event XML file.

To verify that the process received the event This procedure has instructions to verify that

TutorialProcess received the event posted by

the RfidClientConsole utility.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler in the event

handler pipeline of TutorialProcess executed

successfully upon receiving the tag-read event.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type Notepad, and then click OK.

3. Copy the following XML text into Notepad:

<RfidEventBase xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-

instance" i:type="TagReadEvent"



<m_lockObject />




To create a sample tag-read event XML file


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<d3p1:Value xmlns:d5p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"





<d3p1:Value xmlns:d5p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"






<m_sourceName>Antenna 1</m_sourceName>









<numberingSystemIdentifier i:nil="true" />


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<d2p1:description>EPC Class 0





4. In Notepad, click File, and then click Save.

5. For File name, type TREvent1.xml.

6. Verify that the folder, c:\rfidtutorial\testfiles, exists on your hard disk. If the folder does not exist, create it before performing the next step.

7. Browse to the c:\rfidtutorial\testfiles folder, and then click Save to save the TREvent1.xml file in that folder.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type cmd, and then click OK to open a command prompt window.


On Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 computers, if the User Access Control

feature is turned on, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories,

right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run As Administrator to run the

command prompt with administrator privileges.

3. Switch to the c:\rfidtutorial\testfiles folder, and then execute the following command from the command prompt:

rfidclientconsole.exe AddEventToProcessPipeline

TutorialProcess TREvent1.xml shippingreader


The AddEventToProcessPipeline command posts a tag-read event based on

the XML content in the input file to a process.


You can view the help for the RfidClientConsole utility by executing the

rfidclientconsole /h command. To view more details about using a specific

command, execute rfidclientconsole /h <command name>.

To test TutorialProcess by using the RfidClientConsole utility

To verify that the process received the event


Page 11: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In RFID Manager, expand Processes, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click View Tags.

2. In the View Tags - TutorialProcess dialog box, click Refresh to refresh the list, and verify that the tag you posted appears in the list.

3. Click Close to close the View Tags dialog box.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that the tag you posted to the process appears in the result list.


The value of the tag ID in the XML file is "AQEBAQ==", which is a base64 string

representation of the hex2 value "0x01010101". Therefore, look for a tag event

with tag ID 0x01010101 in the result list.


The following comments apply to this step:

The AddEventToProcessPipeline method or the Send Tags dialog box posts a tag-read event directly to the process pipeline. The event is a simulated tag-read event, and there is no physical device or device simulator involved in this scenario.

In a real-world scenario, a tag-reader device sends a message to the device provider when an item with a tag comes within its range, and the provider raises an event for the event processing engine to process. You can also write a device simulator that simulates a real

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


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device, and have the simulator send a message to the provider, which in turn raises a tag-read event.

In the order fulfillment scenario, a reader at the shipping station raises a tag-read event for an RFID process when an item is going out the dock door to the distribution center.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event

Handler and Add It to the Process.

Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the ProcessIn Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process, you created the TutorialProcess process with a logical

device and a SqlServerSink event handler. In this lesson, you create a custom event handler

that generates an advance shipment notice (ASN) message to be sent to the distribution center,

and add the custom event handler to the event handler pipeline.

In the Order Fulfillment Scenario [RFID11], the ASN is generated at the shipping

station when the item goes out at the dock door, and the ASN is sent to the distribution


In This Section Step 1: Create a Custom Event Handler

Step 2: Modify the Process to Use the Custom Event Handler

Step 3: Test the Process

See AlsoRFID Event Handlers [RFID11]

Implementing an RFID Event Handler

Step 1: Create a Custom Event HandlerIn this step, you create a custom event handler that generates an advance shipping notice (ASN)

message in XML format.

Prerequisites You must complete Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process before performing this step.

You must have Visual Studio installed on your computer.



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Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create an event handler class This procedure has instructions to create a

custom event handler class that derives from

the RfidEventHandlerBase class.

To implement the GetEventHandlerMetadata


This procedure has instructions to implement

the GetEventHandlerMetadata method to

support parameters for the event handler.

To implement the Init method This procedure has instructions to implement

the Init method to support initialization of the

event handler.

To implement the ProcessTagReadEvent


This procedure has instructions to implement

the ProcessTagReadEvent method to support

processing an event.

To build the event handler assembly This procedure has instructions to build the

event handler assembly (myeventhandler.dll).

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

2. In Visual Studio, click File, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In Project Types, select Visual C#.

4. In Visual Studio Installed Templates, select Class Library.

5. For Location, type c:\rfidtutorial.

6. For Name, type MyEventHandler.

7. Clear the Create directory for solution option.

8. Click OK to close the New Project dialog box.

9. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click Class1.cs, and then click Rename.

10. Type MyEventHandler.cs, and then press ENTER.

11. Confirm that the name of the class is changed from Class1 to MyEventHandler in the editor.

12. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click References, and then click Add Reference.

13. Click the Browse tab.

14. Navigate to the bin subdirectory (C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk RFID\bin) of the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

To create an event handler class


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15. Select Microsoft.Rfid.Design.dll, and then click OK.

16. Repeat instructions 12, 13 and 14 to add references to the Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk.dll and Microsoft.Rfid.util.dll assemblies.


You can also multiple-select the assemblies by pressing CTRL and the assembly


17. If the MyEventHandler.cs file is not open in the editor, double-click MyEventHandler.cs in the Solution Explorer window to open it.

18. Add the following statements at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Utilities;

19. Modify the MyEventHandler class to derive from the RfidEventHandlerBase class:

public class MyEventHandler : RfidEventHandlerBase

1. Add a public static method named GetEventHandlerMetadata to the MyEventHandler class as shown in the following code fragment:

public static RfidEventHandlerMetadata

GetEventHandlerMetadata(bool vendorextensionalso)




A custom event handler class must implement a public static method named

GetEventHandlerMetadata to support configuration of an event handler. The

signature of the method must be the same as the one shown in the preceding

code fragment. RFID Manager invokes this method to obtain metadata about the

event handlers and populate the property grid.

2. Add the following code to the GetEventHandlerMetadata method to support two parameters—LogRequirement and ASNOutputFolder. When LogRequirement is set to true, the event handler logs information to the process log file. The event handler generates an advance shipment notice (ASN) to the ASNOutputFolder folder.

RfidEventHandlerMetadata metadata;

Dictionary<string, RfidEventHandlerParameterMetadata>

parameters = new Dictionary<string,


parameters.Add("LogRequirement", new

RfidEventHandlerParameterMetadata(typeof(bool), "Logging

To implement the GetEventHandlerMetadata method


Page 15: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Required", true, false));

parameters.Add("ASNOutputFolder", new

RfidEventHandlerParameterMetadata(typeof(string), "Advance

Shipping Notice Output Folder", null, true));

metadata = new

RfidEventHandlerMetadata("MyEventHandler", parameters);

return metadata;


The RfidEventHandlerMetadata object in the preceding code maps the name of

the event handler to a parameter dictionary. The parameter dictionary in the

preceding code contains two keys—LogRequirement and ASNOutputFolder.

The values for these keys in the dictionary are parameter metadata describing

the type of the parameter, default value for the parameter, and so on.

1. Right-click RfidEventHandlerBase in the editor, and then click Implement Abstract Class. You should see the Init method added to the MyEventHandler class.

public override void Init(Dictionary<string, object>

parameters, RfidProcessContext container)


throw new Exception("The method or operation is not



2. Remove the statement that throws an exception from the Init method.

public override void Init(Dictionary<string, object>

parameters, RfidProcessContext container)




You should use the Init method to initialize an event handler. In this scenario, you

could use the Init method to extract the values for the LogRequirement and

ASNOutputFolder parameters that are set at design time by using RFID


3. Add two private member variables to the class to hold the values of the LogRequirement and ASNOutputFolder parameters of the event handler as shown in the following code:

private bool logRequired;

private string ASNOutputFolder;

To implement the Init method


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4. Add the following code to the Init method to initialize these member variables with the values of the parameters LogRequirement and ASNOutputFolder.

if (parameters == null)


if (parameters.ContainsKey("LogRequirement"))

logRequired = (bool)parameters["LogRequirement"];

if (parameters.ContainsKey("ASNOutputFolder"))

ASNOutputFolder =



The first parameter that BizTalk RFID passes to the Init method is a dictionary of

parameters to the event handler and their values.

5. Based on the value of the LogRequirement parameter, you may want to initialize a logger object that you can use to log information to the process log file. Add the following method and declare two variables as shown in the following code fragment to support logging:

private Level logLevel;

private static ILogger myLogger;

6. Add a method named InitializeLog as shown in the following code fragment:

internal void InitializeLog(RfidProcessContext container)


if (myLogger != null)


string loggerName = this.GetType().Name;

myLogger = RfidProcessContext.GetLogger(loggerName);

//inherit log level from the process

myLogger.CurrentLevel =



logLevel = myLogger.CurrentLevel;

myLogger.Info("starting logging for {0}",




An event handler should use the logger object returned by the GetLogger

method of the RfidProcessContext object to log any information. This causes all


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the information logged by any event handler in the same process to be in one log



An event handler should use the logging level configured by the user to

determine the type of information to log to its log file. The preceding code uses

the logging level of the process.

7. Add a statement to invoke the InitializeLog method from the Init method as shown in the following code fragment:

if (logRequired)



BizTalk RFID passes the RfidProcessContext object as a second parameter to

the Init method. The Init method then passes the RfidProcessContext object to

the InitializeLog method as a parameter.

1. Add an event handler method to the class as shown in the following code fragment:


public TagReadEvent ProcessTagReadEvent(TagReadEvent





An event handler method must be annotated with the RfidEventHandlerMethod



The ProcessTagReadEvent method in the preceding code takes a

TagReadEvent as an input parameter, processes it, and returns a

TagReadEvent as an output parameter for the next event handler in the event

handler pipeline to process the event.

2. Add the following code to the ProcessTagReadEvent code to generate an advance shipment notice (ASN) message:

if (logRequired) myLogger.Log(String.Format("At the

beginning of the ProcessTagReadEvent method. Event is: {0}",

tagReadEvent), logLevel);


To implement the ProcessTagReadEvent method


Page 18: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


//Generate ASN, and drop it to the output folder

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

string PONum =


string ItemID =


string ASNXml = "<ASN><PONumber>" + PONum +

"</PONumber><ItemID>" + ItemID + "</ItemID><ShippedDate>" +

DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</ShippedDate></ASN>";


doc.Save(ASNOutputFolder + "\\ASN_" +

System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xml");


catch (Exception ex)


if (logRequired)

myLogger.Log(String.Format("exception {0}", ex),



if (logRequired) myLogger.Log(String.Format("At the

end of the ProcessTagReadEvent method. Event is: {0}",

tagReadEvent), logLevel);

return tagReadEvent;


The preceding code uses the values of ItemID and PONumber in the vendor-

specific data of the tag-read event posted to the process to generate an advance

shipment notice (ASN) message.

3. Add the following statement at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using System.Xml;

4. Add another event handler method that takes an array of RfidEventBase as a parameter, and add the code to the method as shown in the following code fragment:



Page 19: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

public TagReadEvent ProcessTagReadEvent(RfidEventBase[]



TagReadEvent tagReadEvent = (TagReadEvent)


return ProcessTagReadEvent(tagReadEvent);

// Handles only the first tagRead event in the array,

the other events in the array are ignored.



  In the later steps, you will be using a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event

handler ahead of this component in the event handler pipeline. The output type of

the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor must match the input type of at least one of the

event handlers of this class. That is the reason why you are creating this method

that takes an array of RfidEventBase objects as a parameter.

1. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click MyEventHandler, and then click Build.

2. Resolve any build errors by verifying the code in your event handler against the code in the instructions of this step.


In the next step, you will copy the myeventhandler.dll assembly to the processes\

TutorialProcess\bin directory in your BizTalk RFID installation directory so that you

can use the event handler in the TutorialProcess process.


The following comments apply to this step:

The name of an event handler method can be any valid method name. This custom event handler uses the name HandleTagReadEvent to make its function obvious.

When you deploy an event handler, you can also initiate a custom installation action that is required for the event handler to function. For example, deploying a custom event handler might create a SQL Server database or a table within a database to store the data needed by the event handler. To deploy an event handler, you call the Deploy method. Likewise, to remove an event handler, you call the Undeploy method. For more information, see Event Handler Deployment [RFID11].

The Event Handler Template sample ships with a Visual Studio template that you can use to create an event handler. To develop an event handler component using the template, you need to create a new project using the template and implement the methods in the

To build the event handler assembly


Page 20: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

RfidEventHandlerBase class. For more information, see the readme document shipped with the Event Handler Template sample.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Modify the Process to Use the Custom

Event Handler, which gives you step-by-step instructions for configuring the process to use the

custom event handler you created in this step.

See Also

RFID Event Handlers [RFID11]

Implementing an RFID Event Handler

Step 2: Modify the Process to Use the Custom Event HandlerIn this step you register the custom event handler, MyEventHandler, with BizTalk RFID, and then

configure the process to use MyEventHandler.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Create a Custom Event Handler before performing this step.

You must create a directory named Output in the C:\RfidTutorial folder, and then create a folder named ASN in the Output folder.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To register the custom event handler with

BizTalk RFID

This procedure has instructions to register the

MyEventHandler assembly with BizTalk RFID.

To configure the RFID process to use the

custom event handler

This procedure has instructions to configure

TutorialProcess to use MyEventHandler, and

to specify values for parameters of


1. In RFID Manager, expand Processes, and then click TutorialProcess.

2. Right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Stop.

3. Right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Edit.

The Browse tab in the right pane becomes active.

To register the custom event handler with BizTalk RFID


Page 21: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

4. Right-click Component Bindings, and then click Add New Component.

5. In the Add Component dialog box, for Type of component to register, select the Private option.


Components are of two types: public and private. Public components are

registered once in BizTalk RFID, and instances can be created for use across

any process. Public components are placed in the global assembly cache (GAC).

Private components must be registered with BizTalk RFID every time a new

process needs an instance of the component. Private components are placed in

the processes\bin folder located in the BizTalk RFID installation folder.

6. Click Register.

7. In the Register Private Components dialog box, click Add.

8. Browse and select MyEventHandler.dll(C:\rfidtutorial\MyEventHandler\bin\Debug\MyEventHandler.dll), and then click Open.

9. In the Register Private Component dialog box, click OK to close the dialog box.

10. Confirm that you see the MyEventHandler event handler in the List of available components. Do not close the Add Component dialog box yet.

1. In the List of available components, select MyEventHandler, and then click Add.

2. In the Add Component Instance dialog box, for Instance name, type ASNEventHandler.

3. Confirm that the value of the LogRequirement parameter is set to True.

4. For the ASNOutputFolder parameter, type C:\rfidtutorial\output\asn.


You must make sure that the ASN folder exists. If the folder does not exist, create

it before performing the next instruction.

5. Click OK to close the Add Component Instance dialog box.

6. Select ASNEventHandler, and then click Move Up to move the component up in the order ahead of the MySqlSink event handler in Instances of components in current process pipeline.

7. Click Close to close the Add Component dialog box.

8. In the left pane, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Validate to validate the changes you have made.

9. In the Validate Process message box, click OK.

10. Right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Start to start the process.


The following comments apply to this step:

To configure the RFID process to use the custom event handler


Page 22: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

If you have the MySqlSink event handler ahead of ASNEventHandler in the event handler pipeline for the process, you get the following error message when validating the process. This is because the event handler method in the SqlServerSink event handler does not return anything (returns void). Hence, any event handlers placed after the SqlServerSink event handler become unreachable.

The process has a component that is not reachable. None of its

event handler methods will ever get called. There is no path for

system type starting from a logical device that reaches this

event handler. One common reason for this happening is that

there are event handlers but no logical devices in the process.

The event handler is <EventHandlerDefinition










</EventHandlerDefinition>. Verify if this event handler is

properly positioned in the process pipeline

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test TutorialProcess.

See Also

How to Add a Component to a Process [RFID11]

Step 3: Test the ProcessIn this step, you use the RfidClientConsole utility to test the TutorialProcess process.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Modify the Process to Use the Custom Event Handler before

performing this step.


Page 23: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To test TutorialProcess by using the

RfidClientConsole utility

This procedure has instructions to test the RFID

process, TutorialProcess, by using the

RfidClientConsole utility and the sample tag-

read event XML file.

To verify that the process received the event This procedure has instructions to verify that

the TutorialProcess process received the

event posted by the RfidClientConsole utility.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the MyEventHandler component executed


To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler in the event

handler pipeline of TutorialProcess executed

successfully upon receiving the tag-read event.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type cmd, and then click OK to open a command prompt window.


On Windows 7 or Windows vista SP2 computers, if the User Access Control

feature is turned on, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories,

right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run As Administrator to run the

command prompt with administrator privileges.

3. Switch to the c:\rfidtutorial\testfiles folder, and then execute the following command from the command prompt:

rfidclientconsole.exe AddEventToProcessPipeline

TutorialProcess TREvent1.xml shippingreader


The AddEventToProcessPipeline command posts a tag-read event based on

the XML content in the input file to a process.


You can view the help for the RfidClientConsole utility by executing the

rfidclientconsole /h command. To view more details about using a specific

To test TutorialProcess by using the RfidClientConsole utility


Page 24: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

command, execute rfidclientconsole /h <command name>.

1. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click View Tags.

2. In the View Tags - TutorialProcess dialog box, click Refresh to refresh the list, and verify that the tag you posted appears in the list.

3. Click Close to close the View Tags dialog box.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that a file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor.

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see the tag you posted to the process displayed in the result list. It is the top-most item in the result list with the latest timestamp for sinktime.


The value of the tag ID in the XML file is "AQEBAQ==", which is a base64 string

representation of the hex2 value "0x01010101". Therefore, look for a tag event

with tag ID 0x01010101 in the result list.

To verify that the process received the event

To verify that MyEventHandler executed

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 25: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


The following comments apply to this step:

The AddEventToProcessPipeline method or the Send Tags dialog box posts a tag-read event directly to the process pipeline. The event is a simulated tag-read event, and there is no physical device or device simulator involved in this scenario.

In a real-world scenario, a tag reader device sends a message to the device provider when an item with a tag comes within its range, and the provider raises an event for the event processing engine to process. You can also write a device simulator that simulates a real device, and have the simulator send a message to the provider, which in turn raises a tag-read event.

In the order fulfillment scenario, a reader at the shipping station raises a tag-read event for an RFID process when an item is going out the dock door to the distribution center, and the RFID process generates and sends an ASN message to distribution center.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 3: Add the

RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the ProcessIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

In this lesson, you add a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler ahead of other event

handlers to invoke a policy named VerifyPO. The VerifyPO policy verifies if the purchase order

(PO) number in the tag-read event matches the PO number for the tag in the RFIDTutorial

database. If the PO numbers are not the same, the policy terminates the event handler pipeline.

In this case, the other event handlers—MyEventHandler and SqlServerSink—are not executed.

If the PO numbers are the same, the MyEventHandler and SqlServerSink event handlers are


In This Section Step 1: Create a Sample Database

Step 2: Create a Business Rule Engine (BRE) Policy

Step 3: Configure the RFID Process to Use the BRE Policy

Step 4: Test the Process


Page 26: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

See AlsoAdding a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Component to an RFID Process [RFID]

Walkthroughs for Creating and Using Policies in RFID Processes

Overview of BRE Integration with BizTalk RFID [RFID11]

Step 1: Create a Sample DatabaseIn this step, you use SQL Server Management Studio to create a sample database that you will

use in the next step to create a Business Rule Engine (BRE) policy.

Prerequisites You must complete Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process

before performing this step.

SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2008 SP1 must be installed on your computer.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To create the RFIDTutorial database This procedure has instructions to create the

RFIDTutorial database, which will be used later

by a BRE policy.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect in the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand your computer name.

4. Right-click Databases, and then click New Database.

5. For Database name, type RFIDTutorial, and then click OK.

6. On the menu bar, click File, point to New, and then click Query with Current Connection.

7. Copy the following SQL text into the query window, and then press F5 to execute the query:

USE [RFIDTutorial]



To create the RFIDTutorial database


Page 27: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

[TagID] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,

[PONumber] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,






INSERT INTO [TagPO] VALUES ('0x01010101','PO123456')

INSERT INTO [TagPO] VALUES ('0x01010102','PO654321')


The TagPO table maps a tag identifier to the purchase order number of the

purchase order to which the tagged item belongs.

8. Confirm that the TagPO table is created with two records by using SQL Server Management Studio. Resolve any error messages before you proceed to the next step.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Create a Business Rule Engine (BRE)

Policy, which gives you step-by-step instructions for creating a BRE policy.

Step 2: Create a Business Rule Engine (BRE) PolicyIn this step you create a BRE policy that logs an error message and terminates the event

processing pipeline if the purchase order (PO) number in the tag information does not match the

PO number in the database for a tag. The following code fragment is pseudocode for the BRE


IF (IdInTagInfo IS EQUAL TO IdInDatabase) //If ID found in the DB

AND if (PONumberInTagInfo IS NOT EQUAL TO PONumberInDatabase)

THEN Log a message that says "PO numbers do not match"

AND Teminate the event handler pipeline

At the end of this step, you will have a policy that looks like the following code fragment:

IF RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex == RFIDTutorial.TagPO.TagID

AND NOT (String.Equals(



THEN RfidRuleEngineContext.LogMessage("PO numbers do not match",



Page 28: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

AND RfidRuleEngineContext.set_ShouldTerminatePipeline(True);

When the rule is invoked, the rule engine performs the following select statement based on the

Tag ID value in the RfidRuleEngineContext object, and retrieves the record containing the

PONumber value from the TagPO table.

select * from TagPO where TagID = RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex

Then the rule engine performs the following actions (mainly to execute the second operand for

the AND operation):

1. Invokes the GetVendorSpecificData method on the RfidRuleEngineContext class and receives the returned PONumber value as a System.Object.

2. Invokes the Convert.ToString method to convert the returned Object to a String.

3. Invokes the String.Equals method to compare the String obtained from the previous action with the PONumber value string from the result list.

4. Performs a NOT operation on the result of the String.Equals method.

If the PO numbers match, the result of the NOT operation is false, and the actions in the rule are

not executed. If the PO numbers do not match, the result of the NOT operation is true, the

actions in the rule are executed, and the event handler pipeline is terminated.

Prerequisites The BRE components of BizTalk Server 2010 must be installed on your computer.

You must complete Step 1: Create a Sample Database before performing this step.

Visual Studio must be installed on your computer.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a BRE policy This procedure has instructions to create the

VerifyPO policy.

1. Add the StaticSupport registry key, and set it to 1 as described in Invoking Static Members of a Class.


You will use the ToString static method of the System.Convert class in a

business rule. If you set the StaticSupport registry key to 1, you do not need to

assert an instance of the Convert class to execute the business rule. If the key

does not exist on your computer or the key is set to 0, the rule engine requires

you to assert an instance of the Convert class to execute the business rule.

To create a BRE policy


Page 29: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010, and then click Business Rule Composer.

3. In the Policy Explorer window, right-click Policies, and then click Add New Policy.

4. For the policy name, type VerifyPO, and then press ENTER.

5. In VerifyPO, right-click Version 1.0 (not saved), and then click Add New Rule.

6. For the rule name, type Match, and then press ENTER.

7. In the IF pane, right-click Conditions, and then click Add logical AND.

8. Right-click AND, point to Predicates, and then click Equal.

9. In the Facts Explorer window, click the .NET Classes tab.

10. Right-click .NET Assemblies, and then click Browse.

11. Click Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents, and then click OK.

12. Expand RfidRuleEngineContext, and then drag get_TagIdAsHex to argument1 in the IF pane.

13. In the Facts Explorer window, click the Databases tab.

14. Right-click Servers, and then click Browse.

15. In the Connect to SQL Server dialog box, click OK after verifying the credentials.

16. Expand RFIDTutorial, and then expand TagPO.

17. In the IF pane, drag TagID to argument2. The BRE policy should look like the following pseudocode:

IF RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex ==


18. Right-click AND, and then click Add logical NOT.

19. In the Facts Explorer window, click the .NET Classes tab.

20. Right-click .NET Assemblies, and then click Browse.

21. Click mscorlib, and then click OK.

22. In the Facts Explorer window, expand mscorlib, and then expand String.

23. In the IF pane, drag Equals(String a, String b) to NOT.

24. Expand Convert, and then drag the ToString(Object value) method to replace a in the IF pane.

25. On the .NET Classes tab, expand Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents, and then expand RfidRuleEngineContext.

26. In the IF pane, drag GetVendorSpecificData(String key) to value.

27. In the IF pane, type PONumber for the string.

28. In the Facts Explorer window, click the Databases tab.

29. Expand RFIDTutorial, and then expand TagPO.

30. In the IF pane, drag PONumber to replace b. The BRE policy should look like the following pseudocode:

IF RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex ==



Page 30: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

AND NOT (String.Equals(




31. In the Facts Explorer window, click the .NET Classes tab, expand Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents, and then expand RfidRuleEngineContext.

32. In the THEN pane, drag LogMessage(String message, Object argument) to Actions.

33. In the THEN pane, click message, type PO numbers do not match, and then press ENTER.

34. On the .NET Classes tab, drag get_TagIdAsHex to argument in the THEN pane.

35. In the THEN pane, drag set_ShouldTerminatePipeline(Boolean value) to Actions.

36. In the THEN pane, click value, select True from the drop-down list, and then press ENTER. The BRE policy should look like the following pseudocode:

IF RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex ==


AND NOT (String.Equals(




THEN RfidRuleEngineContext.LogMessage("PO numbers do not

match", RfidRuleEngineContext.get_TagIdAsHex)



37. In the Policy Explorer window, in VerifyPO, right-click Version 1.0 (unsaved), and then click Save.

38. Right-click Version 1.0, and then click Publish.

39. Right-click Version 1.0, and then click Deploy.

Comments The scenario that the VerifyPO policy implements is called the Filtering scenario because the

policy filters tag events based on whether the PO numbers match. If the PO numbers do not match, the event hander pipeline is terminated. Therefore, any event handler in the pipeline that follows the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler does not execute.

You can also use a BRE policy to augment tag information with additional information before

forwarding the event to the next event handler in the event handler pipeline. For more

information about how you can use BRE policies in filtering and augmenting scenarios, see

Walkthroughs for Creating and Using Policies in RFID Processes.


Page 31: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Configure the RFID Process to Use the

BRE Policy, which gives you step-by-step instructions to configure the TutorialProcess process

to use the VerifyPO policy.

See Also

Creating Business Rules by Using the Business Rule Composer [RFID11]

Step 3: Configure the RFID Process to Use the BRE PolicyIn this step you configure the TutorialProcess process to use the VerifyPO policy you created in

the preceding step.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Create a Business Rule Engine (BRE) Policy before performing

this step.

The Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents event handler assembly must be registered with BizTalk RFID. See Registering Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents Assembly with BizTalk RFID for more details.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To give the worker process account access to

the RFIDTutorial database

This procedure has instructions to give the

identity under which the event handler is

running access to the RFIDTutorial database.


The user account under which the

RFID process runs needs to have

access permission to any database the

BRE policy refers to. On Windows 7

and Windows Vista SP2 computers, the

RFID process runs in the

RfidServices.exe process. The identity

for this process is RfidSvcAcc by

default. On Windows Server 2008 SP2

and Windows Server 2008 R2

computers, the RFID process runs in a

worker process (w3wp.exe) hosted in

IIS. The identity for worker processes


Page 32: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

and RfidServices.exe is

RfidWorkerProcessAcc by default.

The identity can be specified during the

configuration of BizTalk RFID.

To configure the RFID process to use the

VerifyPO policy

This procedure has instructions to configure

TutorialProcess to use the

RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler to

execute the VerifyPO policy.

1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, expand RFIDTutorial, and then expand Security.

2. Right-click Users, and then click New User.

3. For User name, type RFID Service Account.

4. For Login name, type <your computer name>\RfidSvcAcc (for Windows 7 and Windows Vista SP2) or <your computer name>\RfidWorkerProcessAcc (for Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2).

5. For Schemas owned by this user, select db_owner.

6. For Database role membership, select db_owner.

7. Click OK to close the Database User - New dialog box.

To give the worker process account access to the RFIDTutorial database


Page 33: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Stop.


If the Stop menu item is disabled, the process may not have been running.

Therefore, you can skip this step.

2. Right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Edit.

3. In the right pane, on the Browse tab, right-click Component Bindings, and then click Add New Component.

4. In the List of available components, click RuleEnginePolicyExecutor, and then click Add.

5. For Instance name, type MyBREInst.

6. Click Configure next to Rules Configuration, and then click the ellipsis (…) button.

7. For Policy Name, select VerifyPO.

8. Click Database Facts to switch to the Database Facts view.

9. Type the following values in the Database Facts view:

Property Value

Connection String Data Source=(local);Initial



Table Name TagPO

Dataset Name RFIDTutorial

10. Click Add.

11. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

12. Click OK to close the Add Component Instance dialog box.

13. In Instances of components in the current process pipeline, click MyBREInst, and then click Move Up twice so that MyBREInst is the first component in the event processing pipeline.


The order in which you add the components is important, because the event

handlers process the events in the order that you added the components. In this

scenario, the TutorialProcess generates an advance shipment notice (ASN)

message, and stores the tag information in the RFIDsink database only if the

purchase order (PO) numbers in the tag-read event information and the

RFIDTutorial database match. If the PO numbers do not match, the process

terminates the event handler pipeline, and the MyEventHandler and

SqlServerSink event handlers are not executed.

To configure the RFID process to use the BRE policy


Page 34: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

14. Click Close to close the Add Component dialog box.

15. In the left pane, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Validate.

16. In the Validate Process message box, click OK.

17. In RFID Manager, in the left pane, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Start.


If the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor component throws an exception because the

component could not connect to the RFIDTutorial database, you probably forgot

to perform the instructions in the "To give the service account access to the

RFIDTutorial database" procedure.

Comments The RuleEnginePolicyExecutor component contains two overloaded event handler

methods named PostEventToRuleEngine and PostEventsToRuleEngine. Both the methods return an array of RfidEventBase objects. The process has event handlers of types: RuleEnginePolicyExecutor, MyEventHandler, and SqlServerSink. If the return type of the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler does not match the input type of any of the event handlers in the custom event handler, the validation of the process fails and you cannot start the process. That is why you had to create an event handler method that takes an array of RfidEventBase objects as an input parameter in the custom event handler.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 4: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test the process after adding the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor component.

See Also

Adding a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Component to an RFID Process [RFID]

Step 4: Test the ProcessIn this step, you use the RfidClientConsole utility to test the TutorialProcess process. You post

two tag-read events to the process with the first tag-read having the correct PO number and the

second tag-read having the incorrect PO number. The VerifyPO BRE policy does not execute

any actions for the first tag-read event because the PO number is correct, but the policy executes

the following actions for the second tag-read event because the PO number is incorrect:

Logs a message similar to the following message in the process log:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|


Terminates the event handler pipeline so that the MyEventHandler and SqlServerSink event handlers are not executed.


Page 35: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Prerequisites You must complete Step 3: Configure the RFID Process to Use the BRE Policy before

performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To test TutorialProcess by using the

RfidClientConsole utility

This procedure has instructions to test the RFID

process, TutorialProcess, by using the

RfidClientConsole utility and the sample tag-

read event XML file.

To verify that the process received the event This procedure has instructions to verify that

the TutorialProcess process received the

event posted by the RfidClientConsole utility.

To verify that the VerifyPO policy executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the Business Rule Engine (BRE) policy


To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the MyEventHandler component executed


To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler in the event

handler pipeline of TutorialProcess executed

successfully upon receiving the tag-read event.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type cmd, and then click OK to open a command prompt window.

To test TutorialProcess by using the RfidClientConsole utility


Page 36: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


On Windows 7 computers, if the User Access Control feature is turned on, click

Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, right-click Command Prompt,

and then click Run As Administrator to run the command prompt with

administrator privileges.

3. Switch to the c:\rfidtutorial\testfiles folder, and then execute the following command from the command prompt:

Copy TREvent1.xml TREvent2.xml

4. Open TREvent2.xml in Notepad, and change the value of the PONumber element to PO654321.

5. Close Notepad.

6. In the command prompt window, execute the following command:

rfidclientconsole.exe AddEventToProcessPipeline TutorialProcess TREvent1.xml



The value of the tag ID in the TREvent1.xml file is "AQEBAQ==", which is a

base64 string representation of the hex2 value "01010101", and the value of the

PONumber field is PO123456.

7. In the command prompt window, execute the following command:

rfidclientconsole.exe AddEventToProcessPipeline TutorialProcess TREvent2.xml



The value of the tag ID in the TREvent2.xml file is "AQEBAQ==", which is a

base64 string representation of the hex2 value "01010101", and the value of the

PONumber field is PO654321, which is incorrect.

1. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click View Tags.

2. In the View Tags - TutorialProcess dialog box, click Refresh to refresh the list, and verify that the two tags you posted appear in the list.

3. Click Close to close the View Tags dialog box.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Processes\TutorialProcess subfolder in the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

2. Open the TutorialProcess.log file in Notepad.

3. Confirm that you see an entry similar to the following entry:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|

To verify that the process received the event

To verify that the BRE policy executed


Page 37: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment



The VerifyPO policy logs this message when the PO numbers do not match. The

second tag you posted has the incorrect PO number. Hence, the condition in the

Match rule of the VerifyPO policy evaluates to true, and the actions are


2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor.

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only one tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list with the latest date-time stamp for sinktime.


The following comments apply to this step:

The AddEventToProcessPipeline method or the Send Tags dialog box posts a tag-read event directly to the process pipeline. The event is a simulated tag-read event, and there is no physical device or device simulator involved in this scenario.

In a real-world scenario, a tag reader device sends a message to the device provider when an item with a tag comes within its range, and the provider raises an event for the event

To verify that MyEventHandler executed

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 38: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

processing engine to process. You can also write a device simulator that simulates a real device, and have the simulator send a message to the provider, which in turn raises a tag-read event.

Set the logging mode to verbose to debug any issues.

In the order fulfillment scenario, a reader at the shipping station raises a tag-read event for an RFID process when an item is going out the dock door to the distribution center, and the RFID process generates and sends an ASN message to distribution center if the PO number in the Cases Tagged database match the PO number in the tag-read event.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device


Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device ProviderIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

Added a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler in Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

In this lesson, you create a device provider named TutorialProvider, add a device named

TutorialDevice to BizTalk RFID, and bind the logical device in TutorialProcess to

TutorialDevice. The TutorialProvider provider also simulates the device, and the provider

generates two tag-read events automatically.

In This Lesson Step 1: Create a Skeleton Provider by Using the Provider Template

Step 2: Start the Provider

Step 3: Add an RFID Device and View Its Properties

Step 4: Test the Process

See AlsoServer Provider Development [v11]

Step 1: Create a Skeleton Provider by Using the Provider TemplateProvider Template is a Microsoft Visual C# sample that ships with a Visual Studio template that

can be used to write Device Service Provider Interface (DSPI) device providers. You can


Page 39: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

download the sample from the BizTalk Server 2010 Code Samples Web site


To write a DSPI device provider by using the provider template, you need to create a new

Visual Studio project using the template and implement the methods in the classes that derive

from the T:Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi.DeviceProvider and

T:Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi.PhysicalDeviceProxy classes.

In this step, you create a Visual Studio project by using the provider template, but you do not add

any code.

Prerequisites You must download the Provider Template sample to your computer.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a skeleton provider by using the

provider template

This procedure has instructions to create a

skeleton provider by using the Visual Studio

template that ships with the Provider Template


To verify that the TutorialProvider provider is

successfully registered

This procedure has instructions to verify that

the TutorialProvider provider is registered

successfully by using RFID Manager.

1. Copy the DSPI Provider Template.zip file that ships with the Provider Template sample to the Visual Studio templates folder.

The default location of the Visual Studio templates folder is C:\Users\<User Name>\

Documents\Visual Studio <version number>\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#. You

need to place the .zip file in the Visual Studio templates folder exactly as it is (that is,

without decompressing it). Visual Studio expects the templates to be in the .zip format.

2. Click Start, point to All Programs, expand Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

3. On the menu bar, click File, point to New, and then click Project.

4. In the Project types list, click Visual C#.

5. In the Templates list, in My Templates, click DSPI Provider Template.

6. For Location, type c:\rfidtutorial.

7. For Name, type TutorialProvider, and then click OK.

To create a skeleton provider by using the provider template


Page 40: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

8. In Solution Explorer, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

The project template is set up so that after the build, the provider DLL is automatically

copied to the provider folder and the provider is registered with the server. Thus simply

building the empty project by using the supplied template results in your provider being

registered with BizTalk RFID. See the pre-build and post-build commands for the project

to understand how this works.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft BizTalk RFID, and then click RFID Manager. If you had RFID Manager open before building the Visual Studio project, press F5 to refresh the list of providers.

2. Expand RFID Services Administration, expand <Machine Name>, and then click Device Providers.

3. Verify that you see TutorialProvider in the list of Device Providers, and that the status of the provider is Registered.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed step 1, perform Step 2: Start the Provider, which gives you step-by-

step instructions for adding code to the TutorialDeviceProvider class that derives from the

T:Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi.DeviceProvider class, and for starting the provider.

Step 2: Start the ProviderIn the previous step, you created a Visual Studio project by using the provider template. In this

step you add code to implement the Init method of the TutorialDeviceProvider class. RFID

Manager invokes the Init method when you start the TutorialProvider provider. Note that the

GetProviderMetadata method contains the default implementation, and you may want to change

the implementation based on your requirements.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Create a Skeleton Provider by Using the Provider Template

before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To test the TutorialProvider provider before

implementing the Init method

This procedure has instructions to test the

TutorialProvider provider before modifying the

Init method to contain code instead of throwing

an exception.

To verify that the TutorialProvider provider is successfully registered


Page 41: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

To implement the Init method of the

TutorialDeviceProvider class

This procedure has instructions to add code to

the Init method.

To test the TutorialProvider provider after

implementing the Init method

This procedure has instructions to test the

TutorialProvider provider after adding code to

the Init method.

1. In RFID Manager, in the list of Device Providers, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Start.

You should see a message box that says "Provider TutorialProvider encountered

error. The method or operation is not implemented. Resolve the issue that is

causing the error, and then retry the operation". You get this error message because

the TutorialDeviceProvider class does not implement the Init method.

2. In the message box, click OK.

1. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, double-click MyDeviceProvider.cs.

2. Add the following statement at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Utilities;

3. Add a private member variable logger of type ILogger to the TutorialDeviceProvider class:

private ILogger logger;

4. Expand the region titled provider lifecycle and factory method in the source editor.

5. Delete the throw statement in the Init method.

6. Add the following code to the Init method:

//use the logger object passed as a parameter to log


this.logger = providerContext.Logger;

logger.Info("In the Init function of the provider");


The default location for the provider log file is %RFIDDATADIR%\Providers\

TutorialProvider, and the name of the log file is TutorialProvider.log.

7. Delete the throw statement from the Shutdown method.

8. Expand the region titled metadata support.

9. Review the code in the GetProviderMetadata method.

To test the TutorialProvider provider before implementing the Init method

To implement the Init method of the TutorialDeviceProvider class


Page 42: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

10. Update the code in the GetProviderMetadata method with information relevant to your organization. This instruction is optional.

11. Right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

1. In RFID Manager, click DeviceProviders in the left pane if any other node is selected.

2. Press F5 to refresh the view.

3. Verify that the value of the status field is set to Started - OK for TutorialProvider.


The post-build command of the project starts the provider automatically when

you build the project. It failed the previous time because the Init method was not


4. Navigate to the %RFIDDATADIR%\Providers\TutorialProvider directory, and open the TutorialProvider.log file in Notepad.

5. Verify that you see the message that the Init method logs in the log file.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Add an RFID Device and View Its

Properties, which gives you step-by-step instructions for adding code to implement a few

methods of the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class that derives from the

T:Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi.PhysicalDeviceProxy class.

Step 3: Add an RFID Device and View Its PropertiesIn the previous step, you added code for the Init method of the MyDeviceProvider class. In this

step, you add code to implement a few methods of the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class. These

methods are called when you add a device that uses the TutorialProvider provider and view

properties of the device.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Start the Provider before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To add a device that uses the TutorialProvider


This procedure has instructions to add a device

named TutorialDevice that uses the

TutorialProvider provider.

To test the TutorialProvider provider after implementing the Init method


Page 43: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

To view properties of the TutorialDevice device This procedure has instructions to view

properties of the TutorialDevice device.

To implement methods of the

PhysicalDeviceProxy class

This procedure has instructions to implement

methods of the PhysicalDeviceProxy class to

support viewing properties of the device in

RFID Manager.

1. In RFID Manager, right-click Devices, and then click New Device.

2. On the Introduction page, click Next.

3. On the Provider page, select TutorialProvider from the Available Providers, and then click Next.

4. On the Connection page, verify that you see only TCP in the drop-down list of protocols.

You see only TCP in the drop-down list of protocols because TCP is the only protocol

supported by the TutorialProvider provider. See the GetProviderMetadata

implementation of the MyDeviceProvider class to confirm this.

5. On the Connection page, type TutorialDevice for the name.

6. Type for Name or IP Address, type 8888 for the port, and then click Next.

7. On the Add Devices to a Group page, click Next.

8. On the Authentication page, click Next.

9. On the Unsuccessful page, verify that the connection to the device failed. The connection to the device failed because the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class does not implement the methods that RFID Manager invokes.

10. For Name, type TutorialDevice, and then click Next.

11. On the Completion page, click Finish.

To add a device that uses the TutorialProvider provider


Page 44: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialDevice, and then click Properties.

You should see a message box that says "A connection could not be established to

the device. To view the last known properties of the device or to modify the

connection information, click OK". Viewing the properties of the device failed because

the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class does not implement the methods that RFID Manager


2. In the message box, click OK.

3. In the TutorialDevice Device Properties dialog box, click Cancel.

Now you will implement the methods required to establish a connection to


1. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, double-click MyDeviceProvider.cs if it is not already open in the source editor.

2. Expand the region titled provider lifecycle and factory methods if it is not already expanded.

3. Verify that the GetDevice method creates and returns an object of the MyProviderDeviceProxy class.

4. In Solution Explorer, double-click MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs.

5. Expand #region internal implementation.

6. Add a private member variable named connectionInformation of type ConnectionInformation as shown in the following statement:

private ConnectionInformation connectionInformation;

7. Remove the existing throw statement from the constructor.

8. Add the following statement to the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy constructor:

this.connectionInformation = connectionInformation;

9. Expand the region titled connection management.

10. Remove throw statements from all the methods in this region (SetupConnection, IsConnectionAlive, and Close).

11. Add the following statement to the IsConnectionAlive method:

return true;


You can add code to the SetupConnection method to set up a connection to

your device, to the Close method to close the connection to your device, and to

the IsConnectionAlive method to ping the device to see if the connection is still


12. Expand the region titled device metadata.

To view properties of the TutorialDevice device

To implement methods of the PhysicalDeviceProxy class


Page 45: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

13. Delete the throw statement from the Get method of the DeviceInformation property.

14. Add the following code to the Get method of the DeviceInformation property:

//use the connectionInformation that was saved off in the


DeviceInformation info = new DeviceInformation("1",

this.connectionInformation, null);

return info;

15. In Solution Explorer, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

16. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialDevice, and then click Properties.

You should see a message box that says "The properties of the device could not be



The methods that you have implemented so far allow a connection to the device

to succeed. Now you will implement the methods to allow clients to get

information about properties.

17. Delete the throw statement from the GetPropertyMetadata method.

18. Add the following code to the GetPropertyMetadata method:

//todo: Return metadata for the properties supported by your

device instead

//of returning an empty dictionary

Dictionary<PropertyKey, RfidDevicePropertyMetadata> result =

new Dictionary<PropertyKey, RfidDevicePropertyMetadata>();

return result;

19. Expand the region titled commands and notifications.

20. Delete the throw statement from the SendMessage method that takes two parameters.

21. Add the following code to the SendMessage method that takes two parameters (sourceName and command):

ResponseEventArgs response = new ResponseEventArgs(command);

switch (command.GetType().Name)


case "GetCurrentPropertyProfileCommand":


GetCurrentPropertyProfileCommand cmd = command as


PropertyProfile pp;

if (sourceName == null)


Page 46: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


//todo: get the actual properties from the


pp = new PropertyProfile();




//todo: get the actual properties from the

source specified

pp = new PropertyProfile();


cmd.Response = new






response = new ResponseEventArgs(command, new

CommandError(ErrorCode.FunctionUnsupported, "not supported",





CmdResponseEvent(this, response);

22. Delete the throw statement from the SendMessage method that takes only one parameter.

23. Add the following code to the SendMessage method that takes only one parameter:

SendMessage(null, command);

24. Expand the region titled device metadata.

25. Delete the throw statement from the GetSources method.

26. Add the following code to the GetSources method:

//todo: return the actual sources / antennas present in the


Dictionary<string, PropertyProfile> result = new

Dictionary<string, PropertyProfile>();

return result;


Page 47: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

27. In Solution Explorer, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

28. In RFID Manager, right-click TutorialDevice, and then click Properties. You should be able to see the TutorialDevice Device Properties dialog box without any error messages.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 4: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions for testing the TutorialProvider provider by using an RFID process.

Step 4: Test the ProcessIn this step, you add code to handle the TagReadEvent event, create a test RFID process, and

use RFID Manager to send tags to the process.

Prerequisites You must complete the steps in Step 3: Add an RFID Device and View Its Properties before

performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To add code to support handling the

TagReadEvent event

This procedure has instructions to add code to

support handling the TagReadEvent event.

To modify TutorialProcess to use


This procedure has instructions to modify the

TutorialProcess process to use the

TutorialDevice device.

To verify that the process received the event This procedure has instructions to verify that

TutorialProcess received the events posted by

the TutorialProvider provider.

To verify that the BRE policy executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the BRE policy executed.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

MyEventHandler executed.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler executed.

To modify TutorialProcess to use TutorialDevice


Page 48: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In RFID Manager, Expand RFID Services Administration, expand <Machine Name>, and then expand Processes.

2. Right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Bind.

3. On the Introduction page, click Next.

4. On the Logical Devices page, select the check box next to shippingreader, and then click Next.

5. On the Devices and sources for shippingreader page, select the check box next to TutorialDevice in the list of Devices and Groups, and then click Next.

6. On the Components page, click Next.

7. On the Summary page, click Finish.

1. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, double-click MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs if the file is not already open in the source editor.

2. Add the following statement at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid;

3. Add a method named handleTagReadEvent to the TutorialProviderDeviceProxy class as shown in the following code fragment:

#region handle events

void handleTagReadEvent(byte[] data, string ItemID, string

PONumber, string source, DateTime timestamp)


TagReadEvent ev = new TagReadEvent(data,


null, source, timestamp,

null, TagDataSelector.All);

ev.VendorSpecificData["PONumber"] = PONumber;

ev.VendorSpecificData["ItemID"] = ItemID;

Notification n = new Notification(ev);

NotificationEventArgs args = new


if (DeviceNotificationEvent != null)


DeviceNotificationEvent(this, args);

To add code to support handling the TagReadEvent event


Page 49: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment



#endregion //handle events


This method is invoked when the provider receives a tag-read event

asynchronously. To notify the client of events other than responses to commands,

implement DeviceNotificationEvent. The provider template that you used to

develop the provider has already implemented DeviceNotificationEvent.

4. To test the HandleTagReadEvent method and to see tags in RFID Manager before hooking up your provider to get asynchronous tags from the physical device, you can temporarily add the following code to the SetupConnection method of the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class to simulate asynchronous tag-read events. Double-click MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs in Solution Explorer, and copy the following code to the SetupConnection method:

//todo: Remove this temporary code after hooking up async


//notifications from the device to the provider.

WaitCallback cb =



//simulate async tag notification.

//Give the connection some time to get established

//before sending these mock tags over to the server.


//tag-read event with right PO number


", "PO123456", "some location", DateTime.Now);


//tag-read event with wrong PO number


", "PO564321", "some location", DateTime.Now); };


5. Add the following statement at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Utilities;


Page 50: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

using System.Threading;

6. Right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

2. In the View Tags - TutorialProcess dialog box, click Refresh to refresh the list, and verify that the tags that provider posts appear in the list.

3. Click Close to close the View Tags dialog box.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Processes\TutorialProcess subfolder in the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

2. Open the RFIDTutorial.log file in Notepad.

3. Confirm that you see an entry similar to the following entry:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|



The VerifyPO policy logs this message when the PO numbers do not match. The

second tag you posted has an incorrect PO number. Hence, the condition in the

Match rule of the VerifyPO policy evaluates to true, and the actions are


1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that only one file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.

To verify that the process received the event

To verify that the BRE policy executed

To verify that MyEventHandler executed


Page 51: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only the tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 5: Use the RFID

Management API, which gives you step-by-step instructions to use the RfidClientConsole utility to

clean up and install the TutorialProcess process, the TutorialProvider provider, and the

TutorialDevice device.

Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management APIIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

Added a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler in Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

Created the TutorialProvider provider, added the TutorialDevice device, and bound the logical device in TutorialProcess to TutorialDevice in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider. The provider itself simulates the device, and raises two tag-read events for the process to handle.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 52: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

In this lesson, you create two .NET console applications by using the RFID Management API. The

first application removes the TutorialProcess process, removes the TutorialDevice device, and

unregisters the TutorialProvider provider from BizTalk RFID. The second application registers

TutorialProvider, adds TutorialDevice, and adds TutorialProcess to BizTalk RFID. In the last

step, you test TutorialProcess to make sure it is installed successfully.

In This Section Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFID

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID

Step 3: Test the Process

See AlsoManaging RFID Programmatically [RFID11]

Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFIDBizTalk RFID ships with an assembly named Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies,

which contains several Web service proxy classes, including the following proxy classes that a

client application can use to communicate with BizTalk RFID. To use the proxy classes from your

application, you need to add a reference to the

Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies assembly.

Name Description

ServerManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID server.

ProcessManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID processes.

DeviceManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID devices.

ProviderManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID device providers.

BindingManagerProxy Manages the bindings of a BizTalk RFID


ComponentManagerProxy Manages the components in a BizTalk RFID


In this step, you create a Visual Studio solution, and add code to remove TutorialProcess,

TutorialDevice, and TutorialProvider from BizTalk RFID.

Prerequisites You must complete Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider before performing this step.


Page 53: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a Visual Studio solution This procedure has instructions to create

a .NET console application by using

Visual Studio.

To add code to remove a process, a device,

and a device provider from BizTalk RFID

This procedure has instructions to add code to

the Visual Studio solution to remove a process,

a device, and a device provider from BizTalk


To test the console application This procedure has instructions to test the

console application and verify the results in

RFID Manager.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Visual Studio, and then click Visual Studio.

2. Click File, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In Project Types, click Visual C#, and then in Visual Studio Installed Templates, click Console Application.

4. For Location, specify c:\rfidtutorial.

5. For Name, type UninstallApp, and then click OK.

6. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click References and then click Add Reference.

7. Click the Browse tab.

8. Navigate to the bin subdirectory in the BizTalk RFID installation folder.

9. Multiple-select Microsoft.Rfid.Design.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents.dll, and Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk.dll by pressing CTRL and clicking each assembly name.

10. Click OK to add references to the assemblies named in step 9.

11. Add the following using statements at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using System.IO;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Management;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Runtime;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Design;

To create a Visual Studio solution


Page 54: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.ProcessComponents;

1. Add the following three static member variables to the Program class:

static string processName = "TutorialProcess";

static string deviceName = "TutorialDevice";

static string providerName = "TutorialProvider";

2. Add the following code to the Main function to remove the TutorialProcess process from BizTalk RFID:

//create a ProcessManagerProxy object

ProcessManagerProxy pmp = new ProcessManagerProxy();

//verify that the process exists

if (ProcessExists(pmp))


//get the process status

RfidProcessStatus[] rps = pmp.GetProcessStatus(new

string[] { processName });

//if the process is running or paused

if ((rps.Length > 0) &&

((rps[0].ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Started) ||

(rps[0].ExecutionState == ExecutionState.EventCollecting)))


Console.WriteLine("Stopping the process: " +


pmp.StopProcess(processName, false);

Console.WriteLine("Verify that the process is

stopped, and then press <ENTER> to continue...");



Console.WriteLine("Deleting the process: " +



Console.WriteLine("Verify that the process is deleted,

and then press <ENTER> to continue...");

To add code to remove a process, a device, and a device provider from BizTalk RFID


Page 55: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment



3. Add the ProcessExists static member function to the Program class as shown in the following code:

static bool ProcessExists(ProcessManagerProxy pmp)


// get all the names of processes registed with BizTalk


string[] processes = pmp.GetAllProcesses();

foreach (string process in processes)


//see if the "TutorialProcess" exists

// if it does, return true

if (process.CompareTo(processName) == 0)

return true;


//if the process is not found in the list, return false

return false;


4. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to delete the TutorialDevice device from BizTalk RFID:

//create a DeviceManagerProxy object

DeviceManagerProxy dmp = new DeviceManagerProxy();

//verify if the TutorialDevice device exists

if (DeviceExists(dmp))


Console.WriteLine("Deleting the device: " +



Console.WriteLine("Verify that the device is deleted,

and then press <ENTER> to continue...");



5. Add the DeviceExists static member function to the Program class as shown in the following code:

static bool DeviceExists(DeviceManagerProxy dmp)


Page 56: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


//get device definitions for all the devices

DeviceDefinition[] dds = dmp.GetAllDevices();

foreach (DeviceDefinition dd in dds)


//if TutorialDevice is found, return true

if (dd.Name.CompareTo(deviceName) == 0)

return true;


//If TutorialDevice is not found, return false

return false;


6. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to stop and unregister the TutorialProvider provider:

//create a ProviderManagerProxy object

ProviderManagerProxy pdmp = new ProviderManagerProxy();

//get the status of the provider

ProviderStatus[] ps = pdmp.GetProviderStatus(new string[]

{ providerName });

//if provider exists

if (ps[0] != null)


if ( ps[0].ProviderState == ProviderState.Running)


Console.WriteLine("Stopping the provider: " +



Console.WriteLine("Verify that the provider is

stopped, and then press <ENTER> to continue...");



Console.WriteLine("Unregistering the provider: " +




Page 57: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Console.WriteLine("Verify that the provider is

unregistered (deleted), and then press <ENTER> to




7. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click UninstallApp, and then click Build.

1. Press CTRL+F5 to execute the UninstallApp program. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Stopping the process TutorialProcess

Verify that the process is stopped, and then press <ENTER> to


2. In RFID Manager, click Processes, and then verify that the TutorialProcess process is in the Stopped state. If the process is still in the Started state, press F5 to refresh the view, and verify again.

3. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output:

Deleting the process: TutorialProcess

Verify that the process is deleted, and then press <ENTER> to


4. In RFID Manager, verify that the TutorialProcess process is deleted. If you still see TutorialProcess, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

5. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Deleting the device: TutorialDevice

Verify that the device is deleted, and then press <ENTER> to


6. In RFID Manager, verify that the TutorialDevice device is deleted. If you still see TutorialDevice, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

7. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Stopping the provider: TutorialProvider

Verify that the provider is stopped, and then press <ENTER>

to continue...

8. In RFID Manager, click Device Providers in the left pane, and then verify that the TutorialProvider provider is in the Stopped state. If the provider is not in the Stopped state, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

9. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following

To test the UninstallApp solution


Page 58: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

output in the command prompt window:

Unregistering the provider: TutorialProvider

Verify that the provider is unregistered (deleted), and then

press <ENTER> to continue...

10. In RFID Manager, verify that the TutorialProvider provider is deleted. If you still see TutorialProvider, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device

Provider to BizTalk RFID, which gives you step-by-step instructions to add a device, a provider,

and a process.

See Also

Managing RFID Programmatically [RFID11]

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFIDBizTalk RFID ships with an assembly named Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies,

which contains several Web service proxy classes, including the following proxy classes that a

client application can use to communicate with BizTalk RFID. To use the proxy classes from your

application, you need to add a reference to the

Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies assembly.

Name Description

ServerManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID server.

ProcessManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID processes.

DeviceManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID devices.

ProviderManagerProxy Manages the BizTalk RFID device providers.

BindingManagerProxy Manages the bindings of a BizTalk RFID


ComponentManagerProxy Manages the components in a BizTalk RFID


In this step, you create a Visual Studio solution, and add code to add TutorialProvider,

TutorialDevice, and TutorialProcess to BizTalk RFID.


Page 59: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk

RFID before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a Visual Studio solution This procedure has instructions to create

a .NET console application by using

Visual Studio.

To add code to add a device provider, a device,

and a process to BizTalk RFID

This procedure has instructions to add code to

the Visual Studio solution to add a device

provider, a device, and a process to BizTalk


To test the console application This procedure has instructions to test the

console application and verify the results in

RFID Manager.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Visual Studio, and then click Visual Studio.

2. Click File, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In Project Types, click Visual C#, and then in Visual Studio Installed Templates, click Console Application.

4. For Location, specify c:\rfidtutorial.

5. For Name, type InstallApp, and then click OK.

6. Right-click References and then click Add Reference.

7. Click the Browse tab.

8. Navigate to the bin subdirectory in the BizTalk RFID installation folder.

9. Multiple-select Microsoft.Rfid.Design.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.ManagementWebServiceProxies.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.OobComponents.dll, and Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk.dll by pressing CTRL and clicking each assembly name.

10. Click OK to add references to the assemblies named in step 8.

11. Add the following using statements at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using System.IO;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

To create a Visual Studio solution


Page 60: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Management;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Runtime;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Design;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.ProcessComponents;

1. Add the following three static member variables to the Program class:

static string processName = "TutorialProcess";

static string deviceName = "TutorialDevice";

static string providerName = "TutorialProvider";

2. Add the following code to the Main function to register the TutorialProvider provider with BizTalk RFID:

ProviderManagerProxy pdmp = new ProviderManagerProxy();

Console.WriteLine("Registering the provider: " +


pdmp.RegisterProvider(providerName, providerName, null);

Console.WriteLine("Verify that the provider is registered,

and then press <ENTER> to continue");


3. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to copy TutorialProvider.dll to the appbase\bin subdirectory:

string appbaseProvider =



TutorialProvider.dll", appbaseProvider + "\\bin\\

TutorialProvider.dll", true);

Console.WriteLine("Copied the provider binary to its

appbase\\bin directory");

4. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to add the TutorialDevice device to BizTalk RFID:

DeviceManagerProxy dmp = new DeviceManagerProxy();

Console.WriteLine("Adding a device: " + deviceName);

TcpTransportSettings tts = new

TcpTransportSettings("localhost", 8888);

ConnectionInformation ci = new

ConnectionInformation(providerName, tts);

To add code to add a device provider, a device, and a process to BizTalk RFID


Page 61: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

UserDeviceInformation udi = new UserDeviceInformation(ci,


DeviceDefinition dd = new DeviceDefinition(udi,

"TutorialDevice", null);

dmp.AddDevice(dd, "RootDeviceGroup", true);

Console.WriteLine("Verify that the device is added, and then

press <ENTER> to continue");


5. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to add the TutorialProcess process to BizTalk RFID:

ProcessManagerProxy pmp = new ProcessManagerProxy();

Console.WriteLine("Creating a process: " + processName);

RfidProcess process = new RfidProcess();

process.Name = processName;

LogicalDevice mylogicaldevice = new

LogicalDevice("shippingreader", "my logical device");


//get OOb assembly name and class names

Type t1 = typeof(SqlServerSink);

string oobAsmName = t1.Assembly.FullName;

string sqlSinkClsName = t1.FullName;

Type t2 = typeof(RuleEnginePolicyExecutor);

string breClsName = t2.FullName;

//add devent handlers to the process

EventHandlerDefinition breEHD = new

EventHandlerDefinition("MyBREInst", oobAsmName, breClsName);


EventHandlerDefinition myEHD = new

EventHandlerDefinition("ASNEventHandler", "MyEventHandler",



EventHandlerDefinition sqlSinkEHD = new

EventHandlerDefinition("MySqlSink", oobAsmName,


Page 62: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment



string appbaseProcess =



MyEventHandler.dll", appbaseProcess + "\\bin\\

MyEventHandler.dll", true);

Console.WriteLine("Copied the custom event handler

MyEventHandler binary to its process app base\\bin



6. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to bind shippingreader (logical device) with TutorialDevice (physical device):

ProcessBinding processBinding = new ProcessBinding();

DeviceBinding deviceBinding = new DeviceBinding();




7. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to specify component bindings for the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor component:

Dictionary<string, object> breSinkProperties = new

Dictionary<string, object>();

breSinkProperties[RuleEnginePolicyExecutor.PolicyName] =


Collection<FactBinding> l = new Collection<FactBinding>();

DataConnectionFactBinding d1 = new

DataConnectionFactBinding("Data Source=(local);Initial

Catalog=\"RFIDTutorial\";Integrated Security=SSPI", "TagPO",

"RFIDTutorial", true);


string xml = FactBinding.SerializeFactList(l);


= xml;



8. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to specify component


Page 63: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

bindings for the MyEventHandler component:

Dictionary<string, object> myEHParams = new

Dictionary<string, object>();

myEHParams["LogRequirement"] = true;

myEHParams["ASNOutputFolder"] = @"C:\RFIDTutorial\Output\




// We do not want to set any component binding parameters


// we are ok with the default bindings in the SQLServerSink

9. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to save the bindings for the TutorialProcess process:

BindingManagerProxy bmp = new BindingManagerProxy();

bmp.SaveBinding(processName, processBinding);

Console.WriteLine("Verify that the TutorialProcess is

created, and then press <ENTER> to continue");


10. Add the following code to the Main function after the existing code to start the TutorialProvider provider and the TutorialProcess process.

//Start device provider and start the process one after


Console.WriteLine("Starting the provider: " + providerName +

", and starting the process: " + processName);



Console.WriteLine("Verify that the TutorialProvider and

TutorialProcess are added, and then press <ENTER> to continue



11. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click InstallApp, and then click Build.

1. Press CTRL+F5 to execute the InstallApp program. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Registering the provider: TutorialProvider

Verify that the provider is registered, and then press

To test the InstallApp solution


Page 64: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

<ENTER> to continue

2. In RFID Manager, click Device Providers in the left pane, and then verify that the TutorialProvider provider is in the Registered state. If TutorialProvider does not appear in the list, press F5 to refresh the view, and verify again.

3. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output:

Copied the provider binary to its appbase\bin directory

Adding a device: TutorialDevice

Verify that the device is added, and then press <ENTER> to


4. In RFID Manager, click Devices in the left pane, and then verify that TutorialDevice is in the list of Devices. If you do not see TutorialDevice in the list, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

5. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Creating a process: POTestProcess

Copied the custom event handler MyEventHandler binary to its

process app base\bin directory

Verify that the TutorialProcess is created, and then press

<ENTER> to continue

6. In RFID Manager, click Processes in the left pane, and then verify that the TutorialProcess process is displayed in the list of Processes. If you do not see TutorialProcess in the list, press F5 to refresh the view in RFID Manager, and verify again.

7. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to continue. You should see the following output in the command prompt window:

Starting the provider: TutorialProvider, and starting the

process: POTestProcess

Verify that the TutorialProvider and TutorialProcess are

added, and then press <ENTER> to continue

8. In RFID Manager, click Device Providers in the left pane, and then verify that the TutorialProvider provider is in the Started state. If the provider is still in the Stopped state, press F5 to refresh the view, and verify again.

9. If RFID Manager, click Processes in the left pane, and then verify that the TutorialProcess process is in the Started state. If the process is still in the Stopped state, press F5 to refresh the view, and verify again.

10. In the command prompt window, press ENTER to end the InstallApp program.

11. Press any key to close the command prompt window.


Page 65: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test the TutorialProcess process.

Step 3: Test the ProcessWhen TutorialProvider starts, it automatically posts two tag-read events to the TutorialProcess

process. In this step, you will verify that the event handlers in TutorialProcess executed


Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID

before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To verify that the BRE policy executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the BRE policy executed.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

MyEventHandler executed.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler executed.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Processes\TutorialProcess subfolder in the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

2. Open the RFIDTutorial.log file in Notepad.

3. Confirm that you see an entry similar to the following entry:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|



The VerifyPO policy logs this message when the PO numbers do not match. The

second tag you posted has an incorrect PO number. Hence, the condition in the

Match rule of VerifyPO policy evaluates to true, and the actions are executed.

To verify that the BRE policy executed

To verify that MyEventHandler executed


Page 66: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that only one file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.

1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only the tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility,

which has steps to use the RfidClientConsole utility to uninstall and install an RFID application.

Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole UtilityIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

Added a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler in Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 67: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Created the TutorialProvider provider, added the TutorialDevice device, and bound the logical device in TutorialProcess to TutorialDevice in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider. The provider itself simulates the device, and raises two tag-read events for the process to handle.

Created two .NET console applications that use the RFID Management API in Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management API. The first application uninstalls the RFID application. The second application installs the RFID application.

In this lesson, you create two command files that use the RfidClientConsole utility. The first file

removes the TutorialProcess process, removes the TutorialDevice device, and unregisters the

TutorialProvider provider from BizTalk RFID. The second file registers TutorialProvider, adds

TutorialDevice, and adds TutorialProcess to BizTalk RFID. In the last step, you test

TutorialProcess to make sure it is installed successfully.

In This Section Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFID

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID

Step 3: Test the Process

See AlsoUsing the RFID Client Console [RFID11]

Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk RFIDBizTalk RFID provides the RFIDClientConsole command-line utility. RFIDClientConsole enables

the RFID administrator to configure and monitor BizTalk RFID by using the command prompt. In

this step, you use RfidClientConsole to remove a process, a device, and a device provider.

Prerequisites The TutorialProcess and TutorialProvider must be in Started state.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a command file with commands to

remove a process, a device, and a device

provider from BizTalk RFID

This procedure has instructions to create a

command file with commands to remove a

process, a device, and a device provider from

BizTalk RFID.

To test the command file This procedure has instructions to test the


Page 68: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

console application and verify the results in

RFID Manager.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type notepad, and then click OK.

3. Click File, and then click Save.

4. Navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial folder, and then click the New Folder toolbar button to create a folder named UsingRfidClientConsole in that folder.

5. Double-click the UsingRfidClientConsole folder to open it.

6. For File name, type Cleanup.cmd.

7. Click Save to save the file and close the Save As dialog box.

8. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to stop the TutorialProcess process:

rfidclientconsole stopprocess TutorialProcess false

9. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to export all the process information to an XML file:

rfidclientconsole exportprocesses TutorialProcess C:\


10. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to delete the TutorialProcess process:

rfidclientconsole deleteprocess TutorialProcess

11. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to export all the device information to an XML file:

rfidclientconsole exportdevices TutorialDevice C:\


12. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to delete the TutorialDevice device:

rfidclientconsole deletedevice TutorialDevice

13. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to stop the TutorialProvider provider:

rfidclientconsole stopprovider TutorialProvider

14. Add the following statement to the cleanup.cmd file to unregister/delete the TutorialProvider provider:

rfidclientconsole unregisterprovider TutorialProvider

15. Click File, and then click Save to save the changes.

16. Click File, and then click Exit to exit Notepad.

To create a command file with commands to remove a process, a device, and a device provider from BizTalk RFID

To test the command file


Page 69: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In a command prompt window, switch to the c:\rfidtutorial\UsingRfidClientConsole folder.

2. Type the following command and then press ENTER:


3. Verify that you see output similar to the following output:



stopprocess TutorialProcess false

Command executed successfully


exportprocesses TutorialProcess C:\RFIDTut


Command executed successfully


deleteprocess TutorialProcess

Command executed successfully


exportdevices TutorialDevice C:\RFIDTutorial \


Command executed successfully


deletedevice TutorialDevice

Command executed successfully


stopprovider TutorialProvider

Command executed successfully


unregisterprovider TutorialProvider

Command executed successfully


Page 70: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

4. Use RFID Manager to verify that TutorialProcess, TutorialProvider, and TutorialDevice are removed from BizTalk RFID. Press F5 to refresh the views in RFID Manager to display the latest information.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device

Provider to BizTalk RFID, which gives you step-by-step instructions to create a file to add a

process, a provider, and a device.

See Also

Using the RFID Client Console [RFID11]

Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFIDBizTalk RFID provides the RFIDClientConsole command-line utility. RFIDClientConsole enables

the RFID administrator to configure and monitor BizTalk RFID by using the command prompt. In

this step, you use the RfidClientConsole utility to add a device provider, a device, and a process.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Remove a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider from BizTalk

RFID before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a command file with commands to

add a device provider, a device, and a process

to BizTalk RFID

This procedure has instructions to create a

command file with commands to add a device

provider, a device, and a process to BizTalk


To test the command file This procedure has instructions to test the

console application and verify the results in

RFID Manager.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type notepad, and then click OK.

To create a command file with commands to add a device provider, a device, and a process to BizTalk RFID


Page 71: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

3. Click File, and then click Save.

4. Navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\UsingRfidClientConsole folder.

5. For File name, type setup.cmd.

6. Click Save to save the file and close the Save As dialog box.

7. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to register the TutorialProvider provider with BizTalk RFID:

rfidclientconsole registerprovider TutorialProvider


8. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to copy the provider binary file to the bin subdirectory of the provider appbase directory:

rfidclientconsole copyproviderfile TutorialProvider C:\


9. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to import the TutorialDevice device information from an XML file:

rfidclientconsole importdevices C:\RFIDTutorial\

UsingRFIDClientConsole\TutorialDevice.xml true true

10. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to import the TutorialProcess process information from an XML file:

rfidclientconsole importprocesses C:\RFIDTutorial\


11. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to start the TutorialProvider provider:

rfidclientconsole startprovider TutorialProvider

12. Add the following statement to the setup.cmd file to start the TutorialProcess process:

rfidclientconsole startprocess TutorialProcess

13. Click File, and then click Save to save the changes.

14. Click File, and then click Exit to exit Notepad.

1. In a command prompt window, switch to the c:\rfidtutorial\UsingRfidClientConsole folder.

2. Type the following command and then press ENTER.


3. Verify that you see output similar to the following output:



registerprovider TutorialProvider TutorialProvider

Command executed successfully

To test the command file


Page 72: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


copyproviderfile TutorialProvider C:\RFIDTutor


Command executed successfully


importdevices C:\RFIDTutorial\Using

RFIDClientConsole\TutorialDevice.xml true true

TutorialDevice added!

The property profile for devices [TutorialDevice] could not

be applied. This can happen if the devices were

offline. For details, see the RFID service log files. Retry

applying the property profile for these de

vices again.


importprocesses C:\RFIDTutorial\Usi


Command executed successfully


startprovider TutorialProvider

Command executed successfully


startprocess TutorialProcess

Command executed successfully

4. Use RFID Manager to verify that TutorialProcess, TutorialProvider, and TutorialDevice are added to BizTalk RFID. Press F5 to refresh the views in RFID Manager to display the latest information.


Page 73: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test the TutorialProcess process that you created by running the

command file.

See Also

Using the RFID Client Console [RFID11]

Step 3: Test the ProcessIn this step, you test the TutorialProcess process, and verify that the event handlers executed

successfully. In the previous step, you restarted the provider, which generates two tag-read

events for the TutorialProcess process to handle. The TutorialProcess process has three event

handlers—RuleEnginePolicyExecutor, MyEventHandler, and SqlServerSink—in that order.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Add a Process, a Device, and a Device Provider to BizTalk RFID

before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To verify that the BRE policy executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

the BRE policy executed.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

MyEventHandler executed.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that

the SqlServerSink event handler executed.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Processes\TutorialProcess subfolder in the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

2. Open the RFIDTutorial.log file in Notepad.

3. Confirm that you see an entry similar to the following entry:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|



To verify that the BRE policy executed


Page 74: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

The VerifyPO policy logs this message when the PO numbers do not match. The

second tag you posted has an incorrect PO number. Hence, the condition in the

Match rule of the VerifyPO policy evaluates to true, and the actions are


1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that only one file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL

Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only the tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device

Simulator, which has instructions to use the RfidClientConsole utility to uninstall and install an

RFID application.

Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device SimulatorIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 75: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Added a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler in Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

Created the TutorialProvider provider, added the TutorialDevice device, and bound the logical device in TutorialProcess to TutorialDevice in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider. The provider itself simulates the device, and raises two tag-read events for the process to handle.

Created two .NET console applications that use the RFID Management API in Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management API. The first application uninstalls the RFID application. The second application installs the RFID application.

Created two command files that use the RfidClientConsole utility in Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility to uninstall and later install the RFID application.

In this lesson, you create a device simulator that simulates the TutorialDevice device by using

the device simulator framework. The device simulator uses a translator component,

TutorialDeviceTranslator, that you create in this lesson. The translator sends event messages in

XML format to the provider through the simulator. In this lesson you modify the TutorialProvider

source code to not raise events directly, but instead to connect to the simulator and receive the

event XML messages from the simulator to post the tag-read event messages to the process.

In This Section Step 1: Create a Device Translator

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Use the Simulator

Step 3: Run the Device Simulator

Step 4: Test the Process

See AlsoTesting a Server Provider

Step 1: Create a Device TranslatorThe device simulator framework exposes the Device Simulator Interface, which is an abstraction

layer to communicate with vendor-specific device simulator plug-ins. A BizTalk RFID developer

can use the classes in the Device Simulator Interface to develop device simulators for various

devices, and use the device simulators instead of physical devices to test RFID business

solutions or RFID device providers.

A device simulator consists of the following components:

Device simulator framework for managing the common functionality of all the RFID devices such as device properties, tag management, TCP connection management, read-filter management, and IO ports management.

Device translator for the device-specific functionality.

In this step, you create the TutorialDeviceTranslator device translator by using the device

simulator framework. Later, in Step 3: Run the Device Simulator, you will create a configuration


Page 76: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

file for the TutorialDevice simulator to point to the TutorialDeviceTranslator translator, and then

run devicesimulator.exe by specifying the configuration file as the parameter. All the device

simulators use the devicesimulator.exe process, but with different configuration files pointing to

different translators. The devicesimulator.exe file is a core component of the device simulator


Prerequisites You must complete all the steps in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider or Lesson 5:

Use the RFID Management API or Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility before performing this step.

You must have Visual Studio installed on your computer.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To create a device translator This procedure has instructions to create a

device translator that you can use to simulate a


1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Visual Studio, and then click Visual Studio.

2. In Visual Studio, click File, and then click New.

3. In Project Types, click Visual C#, and then in Visual Studio Installed Templates, click Class Library.

4. For Location, type c:\rfidtutorial.

5. For Name, type TutorialDeviceTranslator.

6. Clear the Create directory for solution option.

7. Click OK to close the New Project dialog box.

8. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click Class1.cs, and then click Rename.

9. Type TutorialDeviceTranslator.cs, and then press ENTER.

10. Confirm that the name of the class is changed from Class1 to TutorialDeviceTranslator in the editor. If it is not changed automatically, change it manually.

11. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click References, and then click Add Reference.

12. Click the Browse tab.

13. Navigate to the bin subdirectory of the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

14. Multiple-select Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.Test.DSI.dlland Microsoft.Rfid.Util.dll by pressing CTRL and clicking the items in the list, and then click OK.

To create a device translator


Page 77: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

15. If the TutorialDeviceTranslator.cs file is not open in the editor, double-click TutorialDeviceTranslator.cs in the Solution Explorer window to open it.

16. Add the following statements at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using Microsoft.Rfid.Test.DeviceSimulator.Interface;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Utilities;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Xml;

17. Modify the class TutorialDeviceTranslator to derive from the T:Microsoft.Rfid.Test.DeviceSimulator.Interface.StandardDeviceTranslator class.

public class TutorialDeviceTranslator :



A device translator class must derive from the

T:Microsoft.Rfid.Test.DeviceSimulator.Interface.DeviceTranslator class or



class. The StandardDeviceTranslator class derives from the DeviceTranslator

class, and does not declare the RaiseManagementEvent and

RaiseDiscoveryEvent methods as abstract methods.

18. In the source editor, right-click StandardDeviceTranslator, and then click Implement Abstract Class.

19. Confirm that the Init, OpenConnection, CloseConnection, OnCommand, and RaiseNotificationEvent methods are added to the class.

20. Add a private member variable of type DeviceContext to the TutorialDeviceTranslator class.

private DeviceContext deviceContext;

21. Remove the throw statement from the Init method, and then add the following statement to the Init method:

this.deviceContext = deviceContext;


Use the Init method to initialize a device translator. In this case, you save the

device context object passed as a parameter to the Init method in a member

variable. The T:Microsoft.Rfid.Test.DeviceSimulator.Interface.DeviceContext


Page 78: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

object contains the callback context for the device translator. The DeviceContext

class has member functions to log messages, send responses from translator to

provider, and start and stop listening on TCP ports.

22. Remove the throw statement from the OpenConnection method, and add the following code to the OpenConnection method to have the simulator open a TCP connection for command-response exchange on the port specified in the TCP transport settings for the device in RFID Manager:

TcpTransportSettings tcpSettings =


deviceContext.LogMessage(Level.Info, "Opening the



23. Remove the throw statement from the CloseConnection method, and add the following code to the CloseConnection method to have the simulator close the established connection with the provider on a TCP port:

TcpTransportSettings tcpSettings =



ies.Level.Info, "Closing the connection");


24. Remove the throw statement from the RaiseNotificationEvent method that takes the TagReadEvent as a parameter, and add the following code to the method:


ies.Level.Info, "Raising notification TagReadEvent");

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new


string strXML =






A device simulator configuration file contains the name of the device notification

configuration file. The device notification configuration file contains settings such

as number of events to be raised and interval between the events. Based on the


Page 79: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

configuration settings, a device simulator calls the RaiseNotificationEvent

method of the translator it uses to receive a tag-read event message that the

simulator forwards to the device provider. In this scenario, the TutorialProvider

provider and TutorialDevice simulator use a custom XML protocol where the

messages are in XML format.

25. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click TutorialDeviceTranslator, and then click Properties.

26. Click Build in the left pane if the Build view is not active.

27. Change the Output path from .\bin\debug to .\ so that the output file is created in the root directory of the project.

28. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click TutorialDeviceTranslator, and then click Build.

Comments The TutorialProvider provider currently generates two tag-read events automatically. Now

that you have developed the simulator, you need to have the provider not raise events; instead the provider should receive tag-read events from the simulator.

The syntax for running a device simulator by using a configuration file is:

devicesimulator.exe -c -f TutorialDeviceSimulatorConfig.xml

The TutorialDeviceSimulatorConfig.xml file contains the name of the translator assembly, which in this case is TutorialDeviceTranslator.dll. Here is a sample XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<section name="NumberOfDevices">

<entry name="DeviceCount">1</entry>


<section name="DeviceInformation_1">

<entry name="DeviceName">TutorialDevice</entry>

<entry name="ConnectionType">TCPIP</entry>

<entry name="IpAddress"></entry>

<entry name="PortNumber">8888</entry>

<entry name="ProviderId">TutorialProvider</entry>





Page 80: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment




<entry name="DeviceTranslatorConfigFile"></entry>



The following XML content is for a device notification configuration file, which contains information such as the number of times the RaiseNotificationEvent is invoked, and the interval between the invocations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<section name="Notification">

<entry name="TimePeriod">10000</entry>

<entry name="Distribution">EXPONENTIAL</entry>

<entry name="NotificationErrorRate">0</entry>

<entry name="WaitAfterNotification">1000</entry>

<entry name="InitialDelay">100</entry>

<entry name="Duplicate_Elimination_Time">0</entry>

<entry name="InfiniteNotification">FALSE</entry>

<entry name="ContinuousDataSection">0</entry>

<entry name="DiscreteDataSection">1</entry>


<section name="Discrete Data Section 1">

<entry name="NoOfData">1</entry>

<entry name="TagId">1234</entry>

<entry name="TagData">1234</entry>

<entry name="TagType">1</entry>

<entry name="TagSource">Antenna1</entry>



Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Modify the Provider to Use the Simulator,

which gives you step-by-step instructions to modify the provider code to use the simulator.


Page 81: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

See Also

Testing a Server Provider

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Use the SimulatorIn this step, you modify the TutorialProvider source code to use the simulator. The

TutorialProvider provider currently generates two tag-read events automatically. Now that you

have developed the simulator, you need to have the provider not raise events; instead the

provider should receive tag-read events from the simulator. The simulator sends event

information in XML format to the provider, which in turn raises a tag-read event.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 1: Create a Device Translator before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To modify the provider code to use the


This procedure has instructions to modify the

TutorialProvider source code to use a device

simulator, and receive events from the

simulated device instead of raising tag-read

events itself.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Visual Studio, and then click Visual Studio.

2. On the menu bar, click File, point to Open, and then click Project/Solution.

3. Navigate to the TutorialProvider folder in the RFIDTutorial folder, click TutorialProvider.sln, and then click Open.

4. In the Solution Explorer window, double-click MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs to open the file in the source editor.

5. Add the following private member variables to the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class:

private TcpClient tcpClient;

private NetworkStream netStrm;

private Thread receiverThread;

private Byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];

private AutoResetEvent receiveEvent;

6. Comment out all the existing code in the SetupConnection method that generates two

To modify the provider code to use the simulator


Page 82: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

tag-read events automatically.

7. Add the following code to the SetupConnection method to set up a connection to the device TutorialDevice:

TcpTransportSettings tcpSettings =

connectionInformation.TransportSettings as


if (tcpSettings != null)


//create a TCP client that connects to host and port


//for TutorialDevice settings in RFID manager

tcpClient = new TcpClient(tcpSettings.Host,


tcpClient.NoDelay = true;

//get the network stream object

netStrm = tcpClient.GetStream();

//create a new thread that receives the information from


receiverThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(receive));

receiverThread.Name = "TCP_RECEIVER";

receiverThread.IsBackground = true;

//start the receiver thread



8. Add a method named receive as shown in the following code to receive information from the device:

private void receive()


//reset the receive event, which is set when the data is


receiveEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

//using asynchronous receive to not to block the thread

AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(asyncReceive);

while (true)



Page 83: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

//int byteCount = netStrm.Read(bytes, 0,


logger.Info("MyPhysicalDeviceProxy: in receive()


if (netStrm == null)

logger.Info("MyPhysicalDeviceProxy: netStrm is


//begin reading

IAsyncResult result = netStrm.BeginRead(bytes, 0,

bytes.Length, callback, null);

//wait for the receive event to be set

int eventIndex = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[1]

{ receiveEvent }, 300000, false);

if (0 == eventIndex)


//finish reading

int bytesRead = netStrm.EndRead(result);

if (bytesRead > 0)


System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc= new


//get the xml string from the bytes

string str = enc.GetString(bytes);


logger.Info("Here is the XML String provider

got from device");


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


//get all the needed information

XmlNode notificationDataNode =


XmlNode tagIDNode =


string tagID = tagIDNode.InnerText;


Page 84: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

XmlNode vendorDataNode =


XmlNode itemIDNode =


string ItemID = itemIDNode.InnerText;

XmlNode poNumberNode =


string PONumber = poNumberNode.InnerText;

//call a private method with the data to

raise an event

handleTagReadEvent(HexUtilities.HexDecode(tagID), ItemID,

PONumber, "some location", DateTime.Now);





9. Add a method named asyncReceive that sets the receiveEvent.

private void asyncReceive(IAsyncResult result)


logger.Info("MyPhysicalDeviceProxy: In asyncReceive




10. Add the following code to the Close method to clean up the objects created in the proxy:

logger.Info("MyPhysicalDeviceProxy: Cleaning up in the Close





11. Add a private member variable named logger of type ILogger to the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class.

private ILogger logger;

12. Modify the constructor of the TutorialProviderDeviceProxy class to take an additional parameter of type ILogger, and initialize the logger variable as shown in the following code:


Page 85: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

internal TutorialProviderDeviceProxy(ConnectionInformation

connectionInformation, ILogger logger)


this.connectionInformation = connectionInformation;

this.logger = logger;


13. Add the following using statements at the beginning of the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs file after the existing using statements:

using System.Threading;

using System.Net.Sockets;

using System.Xml;

using System.Text;

14. In the Solution Explorer window, double-click MyDeviceProvider.cs to open the file in the editor.

15. Modify the GetDevice method to pass the logger member as a parameter to the constructor of the TutorialProviderDeviceProxy class as shown in the following code:

public override PhysicalDeviceProxy

GetDevice(ConnectionInformation connectionInformation)


return new

TutorialProviderDeviceProxy(connectionInformation, logger);


16. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

Comments To receive a command from an RFID client application, implement the SendMessage

method, and to send responses implement the cmdResponseEvent. The provider template that you used to develop the provider has already implemented the cmdResponseEvent. You will modify the SendMessage method to support printing tags in Lesson 8: Print a Tag.

To notify the client of events other than responses to commands, implement the DeviceNotificationEvent. The provider template that you used to develop the provider has already implemented the DeviceNotificationEvent.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Run the Device Simulator, which gives

you step-by-step instructions to run the simulator and restart the provider to use the simulator.


Page 86: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Step 3: Run the Device SimulatorIn this step, you create a configuration file for the TutorialDevice simulator to point to the

TutorialDeviceTranslator translator, and then run the devicesimulator.exe file by specifying the

configuration file as the parameter. All the device simulators use the devicesimulator.exe process,

but with different configuration files pointing to different device translators.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 2: Modify the Provider to Use the Simulator before performing this


Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To start the simulator This procedure has instructions to start a

device simulator by using devicesimulator.exe.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type Notepad, and then click OK.

3. Copy the following XML content to Notepad:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<section name="NumberOfDevices">

<entry name="DeviceCount">1</entry>


<section name="DeviceInformation_1">

<entry name="DeviceName">TutorialDevice</entry>

<entry name="ConnectionType">TCPIP</entry>

<entry name="IpAddress"></entry>

<entry name="PortNumber">8888</entry>

<entry name="ProviderId">TutorialProvider</entry>




To start the simulator


Page 87: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment




<entry name="DeviceTranslatorConfigFile"></entry>



4. Click File, and then click Save.

5. For File name, type TutorialDeviceSimulatorConfig.xml.

6. Navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\TutorialDevicetranslator folder, and then click Save.

7. On the menu bar, click File, and then click New to create the notification configuration file.

8. Copy the following XML content to Notepad:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<section name="Notification">

<entry name="TimePeriod">10000</entry>

<entry name="Distribution">EXPONENTIAL</entry>

<entry name="NotificationErrorRate">0</entry>

<entry name="WaitAfterNotification">1000</entry>

<entry name="InitialDelay">100</entry>

<entry name="Duplicate_Elimination_Time">0</entry>

<entry name="InfiniteNotification">FALSE</entry>

<entry name="ContinuousDataSection">0</entry>

<entry name="DiscreteDataSection">1</entry>


<section name="Discrete Data Section 1">

<entry name="NoOfData">1</entry>

<entry name="TagId">1234</entry>

<entry name="TagData">1234</entry>

<entry name="TagType">1</entry>

<entry name="TagSource">Antenna1</entry>



9. Click File, and then click Save.

10. For File name, type TutorialDeviceNotificationConfig.xml.


Page 88: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

11. Navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\TutorialDevicetranslator folder, and then click Save.

12. On the menu bar, click File, and then click New.

13. Copy the following command statement to Notepad:

"%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\devicesimulator.exe" -c -f


14. Click File, and then click Save.

15. For File name, type runTutorialDevicesimulator.cmd.

16. Click Save.

17. In Windows Explorer, browse to the c:\rfidtutorial\TutorialDevicetranslator folder, and then double-click runmydeviecsimulator.cmd to execute the command file.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 4: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test the TutorialProcess process.

Step 4: Test the ProcessIn this step, you copy the updated provider binary file (TutorialProvider.dll) to the %RFIDDATADIR

%\Providers\TutorialProvider\bin folder, restart the provider to use the simulator, and verify that

the event handlers executed successfully.

The devicesimulator.exe file calls the RaiseNotificationEvent method of the translator only one

time because there is only one tag in the discrete section of the notification configuration file. The

RaiseNotificationEvent method returns an XML notification file that the translator forwards to the

provider. The provider raises a tag-read event for the process to handle the event.

Prerequisites You must complete Step 3: Run the Device Simulator before performing this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To copy the updated provider file and restart the

TutorialProvider provider

This procedure has instructions to copy the

updated provider binary (.dll) file to the bin

subdirectory of the provider appbase, and to

restart the provider.

To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that

MyEventHandler executed.

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler This procedure has instructions to verify that


Page 89: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

executed the SqlServerSink event handler executed.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type cmd, and then press OK.


On Windows 7 computers, if the User Access Control feature is turned on, click

Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, right-click Command

Prompt, and then click Run As Administrator to run the command prompt with

administrator privileges.

3. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to stop the TutorialProvider provider:

rfidclientconsole.exe stopprovider TutorialProvider

4. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to copy the updated provider file to the bin subdirectory of the provider appbase directory (%RFIDDATADIR%\Providers\TutorialProvider\bin):

rfidclientconsole.exe copyproviderfile TutorialProvider C:\


5. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to start the provider:

rfidclientconsole.exe startprovider TutorialProvider

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that only one file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.

To copy the updated provider file and restart the TutorialProvider provider

To verify that MyEventHandler executed

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 90: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only the tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list.

Next Steps

Now that you completed this step, perform the steps in Lesson 8: Print a Tag, which has

instructions to modify the TutorialProvider provider and TutorialDeviceTranslator translator

code to support printing a tag.

Lesson 8: Print a TagIn the previous lessons, you did the following:

Created the TutorialProcess process, added a logical device, and added a SqlServerSink event handler in Lesson 1: Create an RFID Process.

Added a custom event handler of type MyEventHandler in Lesson 2: Create a Custom Event Handler and Add It to the Process.

Added a RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler in Lesson 3: Add the RuleEnginePolicyExecutor Event Handler to the Process.

Created the TutorialProvider provider, added the TutorialDevice device, and bound the logical device in TutorialProcess to TutorialDevice in Lesson 4: Create and Use a Device Provider. The provider itself simulates the device, and raises two tag-read events for the process to handle.

Created two .NET console applications that use the RFID Management API in Lesson 5: Use the RFID Management API. The first application uninstalls the RFID application. The second application installs the RFID application.

Created two command files that use the RfidClientConsole utility in Lesson 6: Use the RfidClientConsole Utility to uninstall and later install the RFID application.

Created a device simulator and modified the provider to use the simulator in Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device Simulator.

In this lesson, you modify the TutorialDeviceTranslator translator and TutorialProvider provider

to support printing the tags. You also use a .NET console application to send a


Page 91: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

PrintTagCommand to the device simulator to generate two tag files. Then you use the

RfidClientConsole utility to post the generated tag files to TutorialProcess to test the process.

In This Section Step 1: Modify the Translator to Support Printing a Tag

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Support Printing a Tag

Step 3: Test the Process

Step 1: Modify the Translator to Support Printing a TagTo support printing a tag from the TutorialDevice simulator, you add code to the OnCommand

method of the TutorialDeviceTranslator class to recognize the print-tag request, generate a new

tag, and print the tag (write the tag information to an XML file).

The TutorialProvider provider communicates with the TutorialDevice simulator by using a

custom XML protocol. Here is a sample XML command message that the provider can send to

the TutorialDevice simulator to print a tag:









The device simulator framework invokes the OnCommand method of the

TutorialDeviceTranslator class to handle the command request. Therefore, you add code to the

OnCommand method to process the request, and generate an XML output file containing the tag

data. Here is the sample output file that the TutorialDevice simulator generates:

<RfidEventBase xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"



<m_lockObject />








Page 92: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

<d3p1:Value xmlns:d5p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"







<d3p1:Value xmlns:d5p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"








<m_sourceName>Antenna 1</m_sourceName>









<numberingSystemIdentifier i:nil="true" />



<d2p1:description>EPC Class 0 tag</d2p1:description>




Later, you will use an output tag-read event XML file to test the process by using the

AddEventToProcessPipeline command of the RfidClientConsole utility.


Page 93: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


You must complete the steps in Lesson 7: Create and Use a Device Simulator before performing

this step.

Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.

Procedure Description

To stop the simulator This procedure has instructions to stop the

simulator so that you can successfully build the


To modify the translator source code to print a


This procedure has instructions to modify the

translator code to support printing a tag.

1. In the command-prompt window that runs the TutorialDevice simulator, press CTRL+C. You should see the following message in the command prompt window:

Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

2. Press Y, and then press ENTER to proceed with the termination of the simulator.

1. Open the TutorialDeviceTranslator solution in Visual Studio if it is not already open.

2. In the Solution Explorer window, double-click TutorialDeviceTranslator.cs to open the file in the source editor.

3. Remove the throw statement from the OnCommand method, and add the following code to the OnCommand method:

ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();

//get the command xml string from the argument data

string cmd = enc.GetString(commandArgs.Data);

//remove any trailing spaces in the command string


//log messages that go into simulator log file

deviceContext.LogMessage(Level.Info, "Command received: " +


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


To stop the simulator

To modify the translator source code to print a tag


Page 94: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

XmlNode commandNode = doc.FirstChild;

XmlNode nameNode = commandNode.FirstChild;

if (nameNode.InnerText.Equals("PrintTag"))


XmlNode tagIDNode = nameNode.NextSibling;

String tagID = tagIDNode.InnerText;

XmlNode vendorDataNode = commandNode.LastChild;

XmlNode itemIDNode = vendorDataNode.FirstChild;

String ItemID = itemIDNode.InnerText;

XmlNode poNumberNode = vendorDataNode.LastChild;

String PONumber = poNumberNode.InnerText;

String strDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("s");

deviceContext.LogMessage(Level.Info, "Printing the tag");

//use the item id, po number, and tag id from the command

xml data

TagReadEvent tre = new


System.IO.SensorServices.Rfid.Client.TagType.EpcClass0, null,

"Antenna1", DateTime.Now, null, null);

tre.VendorSpecificData["ItemID"] = ItemID;

tre.VendorSpecificData["PONumber"] = PONumber;

tre.DeviceName = "TutorialDevice";

string strXMLPrint =


typeof(RfidEventBase), true, true);

XmlDocument docPrint = new XmlDocument();


//write the tag information to an xml file with prefix


docPrint.Save("Tag_" + PONumber + "_" +

System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xml");

deviceContext.LogMessage(Level.Info, "Tag printed");


4. In Solution Explorer, right-click TutorialDeviceTranslator, and then click Build.


Page 95: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Comments When you run the TutorialDevice simulator, the simulator creates a log file named

devicesimulator.log in the c:\rfidtutorial\TutorialDevicetranslator folder. The devicesimulator.log file contains messages you logged from the translator along with other messages.

The device simulator log files are rotated. For more information about the log rotation feature, see Log Files with Troubleshooting Information.

To implement support for raising management and discovery events, you should modify the TutorialDeviceTranslator class to derive from the DeviceTranslator class instead of from the StandardDeviceTranslator class. The StandardDeviceTranslator class derives from the DeviceTranslator class, and does not declare the RaiseManagementNotification and RaiseDiscoveryEventNotification methods as abstract methods.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 2: Modify the Provider to Support Printing a

Tag, which gives you step-by-step instructions to modify the TutorialProvider provider to print


See Also

Testing a Server Provider

Testing a Server Application

Step 2: Modify the Provider to Support Printing a TagTo support printing a tag by using the TutorialProvider provider, you add code to the

SendMessage method of the MyPhysicalDeviceProxy class to recognize the

PrintTagCommand command, create an XML request for the simulator, and send the request to

the simulator.

The TutorialProvider provider communicates with the TutorialDevice simulator by using a

custom XML protocol. Here is a sample XML command message that the provider can send to

the TutorialDevice simulator to print a tag:










Page 96: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment


You must complete Step 1: Modify the Translator to Support Printing a Tag before performing this


Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedure in this step.

Procedure Description

To modify the provider code to support printing

a tag

This procedure has instructions to modify the

TutorialProvider source code to support

printing a tag.

1. Open the TutorialProvider.sln solution in Visual Studio if it is not already open.

2. In the Solution Explorer window, double-click MyPhysicalDeviceProxy.cs to open the file in the source editor.

3. Add the following case block to the Switch block in the SendMessage method before the default: statement:

case "PrintTagCommand":


PrintTagCommand cmd = command as PrintTagCommand;

cmd.Response = new PrintTagResponse();

byte[] TagIDPrint = cmd.PrintLabel.GetTagId();

string b64TagIDPrint =


string ItemIDPrint = (string)


string PONumberPrint = (string)


string strXMLPrintCmd =

"<Command><Name>PrintTag</Name><TagID>" + b64TagIDPrint +

"</TagID><VendorData><ItemID>" + ItemIDPrint +

"</ItemID><PONumber>" + PONumberPrint +


logger.Info("Print Command: " + strXMLPrintCmd);

ASCIIEncoding encPrint = new ASCIIEncoding();

To modify the provider code to support printing a tag


Page 97: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

byte[] bytesDataCmd = new Byte[1024];

bytesDataCmd = encPrint.GetBytes(strXMLPrintCmd);

logger.Info("Sending TCP data");

netStrm.Write(bytesDataCmd, 0, bytesDataCmd.Length);


logger.Info("Sent TCP data");



4. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click TutorialProvider, and then click Build.

Comments The provider log file for TutorialProvider, which is typically stored at %RFIDDATADIR%\

Providers\TutorialProvider, contains the messages logged from the provider code along with other messages.

The process log files are rotated. For more information about the log rotation feature, see Log Files with Troubleshooting Information.

Next Steps

Now that you have completed this step, perform Step 3: Test the Process, which gives you step-

by-step instructions to test the TutorialProcess process.

See Also

Server Provider Development [v11]

Step 3: Test the ProcessIn this step, you use a .NET console application to send a print-tag request to the TutorialDevice

simulator through the TutorialProvider provider. After the TutorialDevice simulator prints a tag,

you use the RfidClientConsole utility to post the printed tags to TutorialProcess to test the



You must complete Step 2: Modify the Provider to Support Printing a Tag before performing this


Overview of This Step

You perform the following procedures in this step.


Page 98: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

Procedure Description

To create a client application to test


This procedure has instructions to create a

console application that uses the PrintTag

method of the DeviceConnection class to send

print-tag requests.

To run the TutorialDevice simulator This procedure has instructions to run the

TutorialDevice simulator after the changes are

made to support printing tags.

To copy the updated provider file and restart

the TutorialProvider provider

This procedure has instructions to copy the

latest TutorialProvider.dll file with the printing

support code to the bin subdirectory of the

provider appbase (%RFIDDATADIR%\

Providers\TutorialProvider), and restart the

TutorialProvider provider.

To restart the TutorialProcess process This procedure has instructions to restart the

TutorialProcess process and enable the

TutorialDevice device.

To print tags This procedure has instructions to run the client

application that sends the Print Tag commands

to the device.

To test TutorialProcess by using printed tags This procedure has instructions to use the

RfidClientConsole utility to post the tags that

were printed to the TutorialProcess process.

To verify that the BRE policy executed This procedure has instructions to verify that the

VerifyPO BRE policy executed and the tag with

an incorrect purchase order (PO) number is


To verify that MyEventHandler executed This procedure has instructions to verify that the

MyEventHandler component executed and an

advance shipment notice (ASN) file is


To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler


This procedure has instructions to verify that the

SqlServerSink event handler executed, and

the tag with correct PO number is stored in

tagevents table.

To create a client application to test PrintTagCommand


Page 99: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Visual Studio, and then click Visual Studio.

2. On the menu bar, click File, point to New, and then click Projects.

3. In the list of Visual Studio Installed Templates, click Console Application.

4. Type c:\rfidtutorial for Location.

5. For Name, type PrintTagClient.

6. Clear the Create directory for solution option, and then click OK.

7. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click References, and then click Add Reference.

8. Click the Browse tab.

9. Navigate to the %RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin folder, multiple-select Microsoft.Rfid.Client.dll, Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk.dll, and Microsoft.Rfid.Util.dll by pressing CTRL and the DLL names, and then click OK.

10. Add the following using statements to the PrintTagClient.cs file at the beginning of the file after the existing using statements:

using System.IO.SensorServices.Rfid.Client;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi;

using Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Utilities;

using System.Xml;

11. Add the following code to the Main method to print two tags with IDs 0x01010101 and 0x01010102.

DeviceConnection cn = new




//open connection to the TutorialDevice device.


ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();

//create a PrintLabel object with needed


PrintLabel labelToPrint = new


enc.GetBytes("Test Tag Data"), null, null, null,


//create vendor-defined parameters object

VendorDefinedParameters parameters = new


parameters.InputParameters = new


//specify Item ID and the PO Number values99

Page 100: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\TutorialDevicetranslator folder.

2. Double-click runTutorialDevicesimulator.cmd to run the command file, which runs the TutorialDevice simulator in a command-prompt window.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. Type cmd, and then press OK.

3. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to stop the provider:

rfidclientconsole.exe stopprovider TutorialProvider

4. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to copy the updated provider file to the bin subdirectory of the provider appbase (%RFIDDATADIR%\Providers\TutorialProvider) directory:

rfidclientconsole.exe copyproviderfile TutorialProvider c:\


5. In the command-prompt window, type and execute the following command to start the provider:

rfidclientconsole.exe startprovider TutorialProvider

1. In RFID Manager, expand Processes, right-click TutorialProcess, and then click Restart. If Restart is disabled, click Start to start the process.

2. Click Devices in the left pane, and verify that the device is in the Open state. If the device is in the Disabled state, right-click TutorialDevice in the right pane, and then click Enable.

1. In Visual Studio with the PrintTagClient solution open, press CTRL+F5 to start the PrintTagClient application.

2. Press any key in the command-prompt window to close the window.

3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\RFIDTutorial\TutorialDeviceTranslator folder, and verify that two XML files are created, one with prefix Tag_PO123456, and the other with prefix Tag_PO654321.

4. Rename the file with prefix Tag_PO123456 to TagReadEvent1.xml, and rename the file with prefix Tag_PO654321 to TagReadEvent2.xml.

1. Open Notepad. On Windows 7 computers, you may need to open Notepad with administrator privileges.

To run the TutorialDevice simulator

To copy the updated provider file and restart the TutorialProvider provider

To restart the TutorialProcess processTo print tags

To test TutorialProcess by using printed tags


Page 101: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

2. Copy the following command to Notepad to post the first tag-read event to TutorialProcess by using the RfidClientConsole utility:

"%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe" AddEventToProcessPipeline

TutorialProcess TagReadEvent1.xml shippingreader

3. Copy the following command to Notepad to post the second tag-read event to TutorialProcess:

"%RFIDINSTALLDIR%\bin\rfidclientconsole.exe" AddEventToProcessPipeline

TutorialProcess TagReadEvent2.xml shippingreader

4. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Save.

5. Navigate to the C:\RFIDTutorial\TutorialDeviceTranslator directory.

6. For File name, type test.cmd, and then click Save.

7. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\RFIDTutorial\TutorialDeviceTranslator directory, 1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Processes\TutorialProcess subfolder in the BizTalk RFID installation directory.

2. Open the TutorialProcess.Log file in Notepad.

3. Confirm that you see an entry similar to the following entry:

13| Info|070207 11:54:08|PO numbers do not match|



Though you posted two tag-read events, you see only one message because

only one of the tags has an incorrect PO number. The VerifyPO policy logs this

message when the PO numbers do not match. The second tag you posted has

an incorrect PO number. Hence, the condition in the Match rule of VerifyPO

policy evaluates to true, and the actions are executed. The execution of the

event handler pipeline terminates for the tag-read event without executing the

event handlers (MyEventHandler, SqlServerSink) that follow the

RuleEnginePolicyExecutor event handler.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\rfidtutorial\output\asn folder, and verify that only one file with prefix ASN_ is generated.

2. Open the file in Notepad, and confirm that the value of the PONumber field is PO123456.

3. Close Notepad.

To verify that the BRE policy executed

To verify that MyEventHandler executed

To verify that the SqlServerSink event handler executed


Page 102: Tutorial - Order Fulfillment

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Enter the appropriate credentials, and then click Connect if you see the Connect to Server dialog box.

3. In the Object Explorer window, expand Databases, and confirm that the RFIDsink database exists.

4. Click RFIDsink, and then click New Query on the toolbar.


The SqlServerSink event handler creates the RFIDsink database when the

component is invoked for the first time and if the database does not exist on the


5. Type and execute the following query in the query editor:

select * from tagevents where processname='TutorialProcess'

order by sinktime desc


The sink time is the date-time stamp at which the process receives the event.

The tag time is the date-time stamp in the input XML file.

6. Confirm that you see only the tag with identifier 01010101 displayed in the result list.

Next Steps

Now that you have successfully completed the tutorial, you may want to review the remaining part

of the document, and modify the tutorial to test other features such as support for device

discovery and management events.

See Also

Server Provider Development [v11]

