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TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn...

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TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL 10-16 O N. 1lDff _1111M ,-"e.s , _. .. CPI ( Murrow vs. McCarthy: Has TV Entered a 4 New Phase Our Editors Make a 2 -Page Analysis Of the Effects Of This Controversy On TV Broadcasting -~3*.s_.
Page 1: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


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Murrow vs.

McCarthy: Has TV

Entered a 4 New Phase

Our Editors Make a 2 -Page Analysis Of the Effects Of This Controversy On TV Broadcasting


Page 2: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


K. W. C., Riverside

We have been inactive movie-goers for several years until recently when we went to see "The Long, Long Trailer." "Lucy" and Desi did an ex- cellent job in what was probably the poorest story yet put in the movies. Twiss's story was excellent until MGM took it. Twiss s as a Trail- erist and knew what he was writ- ing about and that t 4 is a lot more than you can say for the writers who wrote the screen version. We were so thoroughly dis-

gusted with this picture that we have decided to stick to TV and radio, at least until the movies get wise enough to have some one on the lot that knows a little about his sub- ject.

C. Wadholm, Downey I've said I'd never be one of those

people with their pet peeves always writing in. But I can't watch TV till after my housework is done and babes are tucked in bed. By that time nearly every evening the men in the house have wrestling or box- ing on. Even on Saturday and Sun- day. Why so much of that stuff? Aside from being loud and boister- ous, it's also boring and nerve rack- ing.

"I See A Number In

-r- I've also noticed there is a con-

tinuous slam at Liberace and brother George. For instance, two examples

are "Thunderbolt the Wondercolt" and Donald O'Conner and his cast made some very unnecessary digs at them. They're wonderful musicians. It's a shame more people can't take their example for musical appre- ciation instead of all this wrestling and boxing.

Mrs. R. L. Pope, Anaheim I'm wondering if I am alone in

hoping that Nelson Eddy's recent ap- pearance on Bob Hope's program was just the beginning of a TV career for him, or if all of his fans of a few years ago are writing to try to do something about it? He still sings just as beautifully as ever. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone would get real bright and team him and Jean- nette McDonald together again. this

__ Your Life

NUMBER2 7 This is your lucky day . . . day to put Fisher's Pancake Mix No. 27 on your shopping list. It's a good bet for hearty breakfasts. Contains shortening for tender richness. It's the only popular pancake mix that does. Buy Fisher's Pancake Mix No. 27. Copy,gM 1953,

,,b., flouring Mills Company

t1 J


time on TV? We loved them once, why not again? Let's hear from the rest of the bobby soxers of the late .

30s and get our idol back. TX- Radio I.if, (Formrrtr Itndln-TrlesIr.iou Li fe) April 9, 1954. Vol. .9, No. o ('_UIL )1. ftIG4411f, 1'uhlishrr. Ihrhli.hrd wr.kly at I os Angeles. California. Itnsinr". and Editorial Offices: lelo V. Argyle Me., 1.o14 .\ngrlrw '15 I11011J1y 1 Ylot' ). Califnrnht. Phone 11011,ywood -1-9275- T\' Rio!'" Life was entered as Set 1Class \Inllrr Yrptemlwr 14. 1915. al La. Angrd., I ,\rt of March 3, JN:9. Page Two April 9, 1954/

Page 3: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


A . \


WITH THE UP -SIDE -DOWN HOURS he lives, Ben celebrates aillb BEN HUNTER (left) and his sidekick -engineer Fred most family occasions at night. Here he is with his wife Palmer (right) are the two boys who stay up until the

Eve, and sons Chris and Bobby. The occasion: Bobby's birthday. wee hours of the morning entertaining people on KFI. That's (Morris photos.) Leo Diamond (center) who has been grateful to Ben for the

plugs on his recordings.

It's Not Dull on:

"The Other Side of the Day"

917 HAT DOES the aver- age person do between the hours of one and five -thirty ín the morn- ing? Sleep. That's the

obvious and usual answer. Yet, there are thousands of people,

even hundreds of thousands, who are wide awake and active during all or part of these wee hours in the morn- ing. Ask Ben Hunter. If anyone knows what's huzzin' cousin at these strange hours, it's deejay Ben.

For three years now, Ben and his ad-libbing engineer, Fred Palmer, have been spinning records, cracking jokes, and interviewing the doggond- est people in the doggondest places on KFI, "The Other Side of the Day"

_ from 1 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. (Actually Tuesday morning through Saturday morning.) With the exception of the music pro gram on KFAC, this KFI program is the oldest all-night show currently on the air.

Seldom Dull The things that have happened to

Ben shouldn't happen even to an early -morning deejay.

For example, there was the time he made a longdistance phone call at 4 a.m. to Frankfurt, Germany, to a group of American servicemen. One of the fellows Ben talked to (on the air) was from Los Angeles. By some miracle, the parents of the boy also happened to be listening. Since they hadn't heard from their son for quite some time, needless to say they were April 9, 1954

jubilant to learn he was all right. Then there was the blind man who

used a parakeet as a seeing -eye dog. The parakeet, perched on the blind man's shoulder, gave him directions by pecking him. One morning about 2 a.m., a practical joker pushed the parakeet off his shoulder in a crowd- ed drug store. Now the blind man was really blind! Someone suggest- ed that the man tell his problem to Ben Hunter. He did. Ben told the story over the air. And in twenty minutes the parakeet was returned.

On the humorous side. Ben re- ceived a phone call one morning from a girl who was literalIN having a ball on a yacht off Catalina. As long as she watched her language, Ben said it would be all right if ::he went on the air and described the gala yacht party. Which she did. The only trouble was that a listener way out in Tennessee at 4 a.m. also heard the same program. It was her fiance. Right then and there the boy decided to break off their engage- ment.

It is not unusual for people all over the United States to pick up Pen's program because KFI is one of the few clear channels in the coun- try. "Freak" reception has also been nicked up in such distant places as Saudi. Arabia, and Cristobal. Pana- ma. Good, regular reception is heard in the Aleutians, Japan, Hawaii, all through the islands of the South Pa- cific, and down to New Zealand.

Weekends Rugged Although Ben gets pretty exhaust-

ed at his job occasionally, he doesn't mind the irregular hours too much. On the air from one to five -thirty a.m., he usually hangs around the station for several hours arranging his next program. He arrives at his Sherman Oaks home at seven or eight a.m., hits the sack, and gets up at about one or two p.m.

"I wouldn't mind the routine so much." Ben explains, "if it weren't for the weekends. On Saturday and Sunday I lead a normal life with my wife and kids, and then comes Mon- day it's difficult at times to go back to the zany hours."

There are many compensations, however, for Ben's early -morning routine. His shoo is not. ordinary and he has pretty much of a free hand in putting on what he wants to. At that hour in the morning, he doesn't have to watch the clock as closely as the afternoon and early -

evening shifts. Most of all, Ben is appreciative of the response the pub- lic has given to his program. He has had offers, for more dough, to do oth- er programs, but he feels obligated to stay where he is.

"It's a funny thing," Ben recalls. "When I was first told I would do this program three years ago, I felt sure that no one would be listen- ing and that ít would be strictly nothing. Now I can't leave it be- cause too many people are listening and too many people depend on us for early -morning entertainment."

What a revolting, revealing, and rewarding development!

Page Three

Page 4: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got




KEEP YOUR TV EYES on a young man named Tom Hatten. At the present time, Tom is a staff announcer at KTLA,

Channel 5. Undoubtedly one of the best looking announcers in TV, Tom alsó has abilities along other lines which should take him a long way in the field.

VE WAS young and am- bitious and broke, Tom Hatten was. when he first came to Hollywood in 1947. He was living in Pasadena to he spe-

cific-and was attending the Pasa- dena Community Playhouse.

As with millions of other return- ing veterans. Tom took advantage of the GI Bill of Rights. Operating in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans with the Eighth Fleet on board the destroyer the USS BEATTY (756), the medium height, dark-haired sw abby had been in the U. S. Navy since 1944.

Before that. he had never been away from home.

November 14, 1926. (at twenty seven. Tom is one of the youngest TV announcers in our town) marked the date of his birth. It happened in Jamestown, North Dakota.

Back in 1942, the Hatten family (Tom has two sisters besides his Page Four

Profile of A

TV Announcer

By Ted Hilgenstuhler

parents, all of whom still live in Idaho) moved to Sun Valley, Idaho. At the famed resort, he first worked as a bellhop at one of the hotels. Next. he sang for love and money at one of the night clubs. His place in the Sun Valley society was over- shadowed by a necessary evil called World War II.

Hollywood Bound .

Now the war was over. What was Tom Hatten to do? He decided to he an actor. He read in a "Theater Arts" magazine that they had a spe- cial school at Pasadena where he could enroll under the GI Bill. So he took off.

For two years (1947-1949) he "ex- isted" as a student. There were some pretty good boys and girls who went through the paces and classes with Tom, and who later went on to suc- cessful careers in radio, films and TV. There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol."

After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got a few bit parts on "Space Patrol." He even played the role of a college boy in one of the first "I Love Lucy" films. Nevertheless, jobs were few and far between for Tom from 1949 until 1952.

Turning Point Disgusted and downhearted. That's

the way Tom felt until he received a phone call one day in September, 1952 from a friend of his who was then working at station KTLA.

"Are you working now?" he asked Tom.

"Oh, yes. Just at the moment. how- ever. I'm in-between jobs. You know how it is," Tom replied bitterly.

"There's an opening here at KTLA for a staff announcer and they are having auditions."

"I'm an actor, not an announcer!" Tom remarked.

"Listen, buddy, it's bread and but- ter, so I'd advise you to get down here." his friend said sharply and hung up.

Tom thought it over and did show up. Bossman Klaus Landsherg heard him, saw him. liked him. and hired him that same day.

Hatten has never regretted it. He's eating these days, and pretty well. Even thinking about buying a new home.

More important than -any monetary rewards. are the things he is accom- plishing with his staff job at KTLA. He reads spot announcements, does the "Final Edition." "Spotlight Maga- zine," and seseral other shows. His ambitions now are to keep doing a good job at KTLA ánd eventually to he a TV emcee like Bert Parks. whereby he can utilize his many dif-. ferent talents. -

There has been one big drawback to his job at KTLA. Tom is single and really one of the handsomest guys in the TV world.

"I'm happy the way I am now," Tom explains. "But with a steady paycheck coming in every week, I

can't give 'money' as an excuse for not getting married anymore."

April 9, 1954

Page 5: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


7iworite Role !t's fun assisting Cupid on "Bride and Groom" for it's the happiest show on NBC Television.

By John Nelson NY MERE male who has ever sweated out a wedding as father of the bride, best man, or as the bridegroom himself, knows that

It's a nervewracking experience at hest, even without radio microphones or television cameras.

Then think of my plight. I've been the major domo at 1897 weddings over the past seven years. complete with lights, action, camera and spon- sors! In that span I've handed out 823 ranges, 517 vacuum cleaners. kissed hundreds of brides, calmed their grooms and had seven babies named after me. And I'm just as nervous today as tomorrow's groom.

Marriage anywhere presents a number of problems, and before 20,- 000.000 weekly- NBC viewers it pre- sents some pretty unusual ones. AS Fred Allen told Tallulah Bankhead recently, "I had a couple of friends who got married on the 'Bride and Groom' program. After it was over they learned that their marriage wouldn't he legal in twelve states for fourteen days when the kinescope was played there."

Scope All kidding aside. we've had

couples from forty-eight states and seventeen foreign countries. We've

had Scottish, Negro, Korean. Irish and Chinese couples, and a White Russian bride who was in Hiroshima when the atom bomb was dropped. We've had almost every conceivable occupation from A to Z. literally: from an atom bomb scientist to a zoologist. We've had doctors, lawyers, policemen, clergymen. a sprinkling of Phi Beta Kappas, a college pro- fessor of astrophysics, a probate judge, and one multi -millionaire.

We've had prominent and obscure couples, and all of them were equally nervous, excited and in love. Every couple has a different and Interest- ing story. and meeting almost 1900 couples and helping launch them on the path of matrimony has been a very heart warming and enlighten- ing experience.

I've learned that 90 per cent of the time it's the' bride who instigates the marriage; that grooms are twice as nervous as brides: that people meet in the most unusual way and that some couples have unique rea- sons for wanting to get married.

Questionnaire In addition to what I've learned

talking with a bridal couple every weekday for years, we've gleaned many interesting facts from a ques- tionnaire we send out to couples after they have been married for

MANY COUPLES HAVE BECOME warm personal friends of "Bride and Groom" staffers. B and G has done its best to help newlyweds get

jobs, apartments and raises. It's tough for a boss to say no to a raise when John Nelson asks for it in front of millions of viewers.


i .i i .f

i JOHN NELSON IS PARTIAL to ma- trimony for several reasons other

than emceeing "Bride and Groom." He and his charming wife, Nell, are proud parents of twin boys, Cris and Greg, seven, and a five -year -old glamour girl, Penny.

some lime. From this we found that 679 children have been born to couples married on the program, in- cludin7, the seven named for me, and that more than an additional 100 babies are on the way. The thing that all of us are proudest of. though, is that in eight years only a handful of our couples has been divorced; less than one -tenth of the national average.

Experiences We've really had some warm and

amusing experiences over the past seven years. I think the most harrow- ing, from my point of view, was on the show where a sailor was delayed getting off his ship and left me stranded at the altar talking to my- self for twenty-five minutes. He burst into the studio during the last five minutes of the show, just in time to pant "hello." He and his waiting bride were married after - the pro- gram.

We've had only one couple miss the show entirely. That happened when two young Independence, Mis- souri, neighbors of Harry Truman's were flying into New 'York and their airliner encountered had weather. When they were grounded in Buffalo. a standby couple were married on the show.

One of the biggest appeals.of the program, we feel, is that people like to see young couples get a rousing start in married life; a start that most of them didn't get. And as long as people like to watch weddings. I imagine the show will be around for some time. It's been said that-there are only three great experiences that happen to mankind: birth, marriage and death. And in "Bride and Groom" we have the only one that makes television entertainment.



Page Five

Page 6: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

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GAIL DAVIS ISN'T FOOLING when she aims that pistol. She learned how to shoot When

she was a youngster and playing the role of sharp- shooting Annie Oakley comes quite naturally to the pretty actress.

AIL DAVIS is a straight shooter, both literally and figuratively. The petite star of' KTTV's "Annie Oakley' series is a perfect example of type casting.

Blue-eyed, blonde Gail was the only girl in her neighborhood, con- sequently she had to learn to climb a tree, ride a horse and shoot as straight as an arrow to keep up with her childhood gang. Gail was raised in McGehee, Arkansas, which boasts a population of 3,500. Her father, a doctor, liked to take her on hunting expeditions and she is an excellent shot, although she is too soft-hearted to be much of a huntress. She con- fines her shooting to target practice.

Autry A chance meeting with Gene Aut-

ry brought Gail to Hollywood. Aut- ry was on a personal appearance tour when he met Gail, who was per- forming in a camp show in Texas. He thought she was a "perfect West- ern heroine" type and suggested that she look him up if she ever came to Hollywood. This put a bee in Gail's bonnet and shortly thereafter she headed for the Coast.

Autry cast her as his leading lady in "Cow Town" and the fan response to her appearance was tremendous. She has since appeared with Autry in fifteen feature-length motion pic- tures and thirty of his television films.

With all this experience under her Stetson she was a natural for the role of "Annie Oakley." Autry's as- tute showmanship scored again when he selected' her from among many other hopefuls. -

Sharp hoOtillg

Female The star of k TTF's "Annie Oak- ley" does equally well hitting high notes or the bull's eye of any target.

The only similarity between the real Annie Oakley and the video ver- sion is the name and the fact that both "Annies" are sharpshooters.

Appeal There are very few Westerns, if any

at all, on the video lanes that can boast of such a pretty and unofficial deputy sheriff. Gail plays the niece of the town's sheriff and she's al- ways on hand to. help maintain law and order. When she isn't aiming those six-shooters she's dishing out mild discipline to Jimmy "Tagg Oak- ley" Hawkins or engaging in an ir- revocable flirtation with her uncle's deputy sheriff.

Even though there is a minimum of violence on this series, the show is a well paced Western. "Annie" never uses her shooting irons indis- criminately and she is always cau- tioning "Tagg" of their danger to lit- tle boys who don't know how to use guns.

Gail is happy in her role of "Án- nie Oakley" because she has a gen- uine love of the outdoors. She likes to swim, play tennis and golf. Fur- thermore,- she has no objections or concern about becoming stereotyped as a Western heroine. For the rec- ord. fetching Gail is not a tomboy and she is is much at ease attending a soiree as she is astride a horse.

This straight-shootin' gal leveled with your reporter and admitted she was open-minded about romance but did have a few mental reservations. This should be of interest to marital - minded eligibles. Just what are those reservations?


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1 lab GAIL DAVIS and Brad Johnson,

who plays deputy sheriff Lofty Craig in KTTV's "Annie Oakley" series. (Below) Jimmy Hawkins, who portrays the kid brother, "Tagg Oakley." (KTTV photos.)

Page Six - April 9, 1954

Page 7: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


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Ms Week ¡it zov Lt.0~.9-..o.~ t.-.0-04~-~~-460~

Around TV Row Glamorous grandma, Marlene Diet-

rich, and Hal Roach, Jr. are discussing a TV series for the star.... Speaking of glamour, Jane Russell, Rhonda Fle- ming, Connie Haines and Beryl Davis billed as "The Four Girls" sing a spe- cial Easter Song on the Abbott and Costello-"Colgate Comedy H o u r" show, April 18.

George Burns and Gracie Allen have been voted a place in the Humor Hall of Fame in observance of the Ninth Annual Laugh Week. . Caroline Leonetti joins Bill Stulla in the trek to Channel 9. . Lucy gifted Deaf with a star sapphire ring for his birth - da Bill Ben- dix wraps up film No 79 this week and then takes off for a motor trip with his family.

Hawthorne has a s*itch on give- aways. He has a "brand new" 1929 Hupmobile coupe that he will give away on his KTLA airer.

Now it's official. Telethons have been banned in Los Angeles except for dire emergencies such as earth- quakes or epidemics. Thomas Dock- weiler, chief of the Social Service Com mission, accomplished something the show biz unions have been trying to do for years. Reason for ban was due to the fact that operating cost was way out of line with "take" from tele- thons.

Gale Storm is set for a three week's engagement at the Thunderbird. . "Life With Elizabeth" moves over to KTTV on April 12. . . "Suspense" drops its usual format on the 12th when Irene Dunn femcees the "Easter Parade of Stars," a showing of Ameri- ca's leading new cars. . . Leland Hayward "supervises" thirteen color - casts starting next October. NBC calls them: "Color Spectaculars-great en- tertainment events which will stand out like peaks in the schedule and gain great audience attention by their massiveness and quality." Anyone with a tinted set yet?

Opera lovers note: NBC TV Opera presents Claude Debussy's "Pelleas and Melisande" on Saturday . , , Reed Hadley is enjoying a brief vacation upon completion of thirteen "Public Defender" films. . . . Bob Ellis of "Corliss Archer" fame has sold several scripts to "Henry Aldrich." ... Tom- my Rettig is looking for a mate for Lassie. Wonder if they're planning tó shoot the family life of this canine wonder?

When Ted Mack televises his 1001 Amateur show (Coast, April 17) the performers will not be amateurs. "Graduates" of the program will head- line the gala telecast. Scheduled to

Bill Bendix

appear are Jerry Mahoney, Mimi Ben- zell, Teresa Brewer, Frank Fontaine and possibly Frank Sinatra. . A table in George Montgomery's hobby shop came in handy when Dinah Shore "snatched" it for a prop on her show.

. , "The Lone wolf" has set over- seas locations in Bermuda, Nassau, Havana, Trinidad and San Juan.

Bing Crosby's second telecast of the season, which was filmed several weeks ago, has temporarily been post- poned. The program was originally set for April 4 then moved to April 18. But so far there has been no con- firmation from the sponsor. Bing, Joanne Gilbert and the Wiere Brothers. Wonder what's keeping the sponsor from deciding on a date for the tele- casts? M.R.

Our Thanks TV -RADIO LIFE would like to ex-

press its appreciation toJoan Meisner of the publicity department of KTTV, and to columnist Hal Humphrey of the DAILY MIRROR for their co-operation in obtaining the cover pictures of Ed Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy in this week's issue.

r7:1 -1f Os¢t0


Cover: Ed Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy

"The Other Side of the Day" (Ben Hunter) Page 3

Profile of a TV Announcer (Tom Hatten) Page 4

My Favorite Role ("Bride and Groom") Page 5

Sharp Shooting Female ("Annie Oakley") Page 6

Watch Out for Channel 13! Page 39

Has TV Entered a New Phasef Page 40

You Asked For It-And Didn't Get It! -Page '42

NEWS Ear, Eye Inspire Page 2,

-Page -Page -Page Page Page

Finder Page Page.

Sports Skeds Page Sports Slants Page This Week in TV Page TV Program Finder Page

Holland's Tunnel Lifelines Pick of the Pix Radio in Review Radio Precasts Radio Program Record Notes


11 8

26 25 28 26 36 8

38 38

7 24



VALUABLE PRIZE Would you like to win a Zenith 21"

TV set? Or perhaps a Norge automatic washer? Or any one of 11 big mer- chandise prizes, including a Lewyt vacuum cleaner, Regina electric broom, G.E. Coffeernaker, G.E. Toaster, G.E. portable mixer, G.E. steam iron,' G.E. lightweight iron, Vornado electric fan or a Sunbeam fry pan?

All these prizes, plus 24 beautiful 15" Oneida silver trays, will be given away during the next four weeks in a big contest sponsored by TV -RADIO LIFE; Sues, Young & Brown, distribu- tors of Zenith radios, television and Norge appliances, and the. "Harry Koplan-Rosemary LaPlanche Show."

This show, dedicated to making life easier and more enjoyable for the housewife, will give away hundreds of dollars worth of valuable and much wanted home appliances for the best letters written on' this controversial subject.

All you. have tó do to be eligible for one of these prizes is write a letter in 250 words or less, giving your honest opinion and answer to this question:


I. Write In 250 words or less your opinion on the question "SHOULD WIVES LOOK GLAMOR- OUS WHEN HUSBANDS ARRIVE HOME FROM WORK'"

2 Your written opinion must be accompanied by the coupon shown below or a reasonable fac- simile, giving the name and address of your nearest Zenith or Norge dealer.

3. There are 4 consecutive weekly contests commencing Monday, April 5, 1954. Each contest closes at midnight on the Saturday following the commencement date of each contest.

4 The B persons writing the 6 best letters In each weekly contst who have observed the rules of the contest will be awarded an Oneida Silver Tray and their letters Hill be entered in the com- petition for the Grand Prize described below.

5. The Judges will select from the weekly winners, 11 letters in the order of their merit'. These letters will be awarded prizes as follows: 1st Grand Prize-Norge Automatic Washing

Machine and Grand Prize-Zenith 21 -inch television set,

Modal 2249R 3rd Prize-Lowyt Vacuum Cleaner 4th Prize-Regina Electric Broom Sth Prize-General Electric Coffee Maker 6th Prhe-General Electric Toaster 7th Prize-General Electric Portable Mixer Bth Prize-General Electric Steam Iron 9th Prize-General Electric light -weight Iron 10th Prize-Vornado Electric fan 11th Prize-Sunbeam Fry Pan

R. Letters will be Judged on the basis of origi- nality, sincerity, aptness of thought and expres- sion. There Is no limit on the number of entries a person may make.

,. Decision of the Judges will be final. S Winners will be notified by mall and an-

nounced on the Harry Koplau-Rosemary La- Planclse Show. KHJ-TV. Channel 9.

9. Duplicate prizes will be awarded In case of ties.

10. All entries become the property of Sues, Young and Brown and will not be returned All entrants agree that entries may be used for advertising and all other purposes as Sues, Young and Brown may see fit.

The Harry Koplan-Rosemary LaPlanche Shaw KHJ-1V. 1313 North Vine Street Hollywood 28, California

The name and address of my nearest Zenith or Norge dealer Is:

1 Sender's Name -

Address ._....

Telephone No.

i 1

Paye Sevwt

Page 8: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

APRIL 9, 1954 TV -RADIO LIFE S,,-. ON?,0.to 4t-oze. 4 t4.9.x-95tO.4.~. 0 95/4nt-9.49'y/!'O)9".-Ox0


(KFI, Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m.) (Saturday, 10:00 p:m.)

BEST IN ALBUMS: Tops in the vo- cal category is "Easy to Remember" Wolumbia) featuring one of the great choral groups, the Norman Luboff Choir, - in a round dozen standards. Usually heard in support of this la ' bet's star vocalists, >

the Luboff son g- sters present these expertly arranged sentimental favor ltes in a style that's not only easy y

to remember, but unforgetable. . . .

In the instrumen- tal field, "Soft Lights and Bobby Hackett' (Capitol) gets the nod as Hackett's mellow trumpet, spotlighted against a quiet background of strings, brings an inviting. and intriguing sound to "I Cried for You," "That Old Black Magic," "Soft Lights and Sweet Music" and the others that make for equally easy listening.

TOPS IN SINGLES: With the gals, Dinah Shore -(RCA-Victor) could have her best in many á moon with the bouncey novelty "This Must. Be the Place' an'd the calmer Ralph Freed opus, "Come Back to My Arms."

Peggy Lee (Decca) features "Aut- umn in Rome" and "Johnny Guitar," both whispery ballads from films made to order for La Lee. . . Doris Day (Columbia) is nothing but great on the ballad "I Speak to the Stars" and the novelty "Blue Bells of Broad- way."

Georgia Gibbs (Mercury) sings the oldie, "My Sin," with a solid beat to Glenn Osser's shuffle rhythm that should register heavily with juke fans.

Tommy Dorsey's Orch.'(Bell) heads the dance -band parade with "Make Love to Me" and "My Friend the Ghost"-both featuring Jimmy Dor sey's sax and Gordon Polk vocals against the band's strong beat.

Billy May (Capitol) has a great pair of dance discs in "Rose Marie" and "Bill and Sam," featuring tenor sexist Sam Donahue, who now fronts the band-and, to add to the confusion, is booked by Ray Anthony.

In time for the Easter season is Liberace (Columbia) playing "Easter Parade" and "The Rosary"-both can- dlelight lovelies of yesterday given the Liberace touch and production.

P.S.: Look for RCA -Victor to soon re- issue an album of early recordings by London's Jack Hylton Orch.... A.M.)

rVÁL~AUI7ik i 1:6,e is" e 4





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i`4xOwOxO'O+t.C>t4t444?t/., There's -been a lot of talk about

Donald. O'Connor's emceeing of t h e Academy Awards event. Most people thought he laid a couple of good- sized eggs. To this column, it seemed that he came through in good style. He had an easy air, he wasn't trying to be the whole show himself, he did the job he was supposed to do and with good taste-except in some cases when the material handed him was not too dignified. But that wasn't his fault. In this day and age when em- cees feel they must take over and act so clever, Donald's modest approach was welcome.

Got a very nice note' from Dennis Day thanking this writer for. a story done on Cliff Arquette and Ida Moore. Sold Dennis: "They are both wonder- ful people as well as wonderful tal- ents and I consider myself fortunate to -be able to work with them. Thanks for giving them the credits they have earned." This only proves' what a real- ly fine guy Dennis is. More stars should be as interested in plugging the supporting players in their shows.

To get off on a beauty kick, agents only- should read this. Girls of 21 or over who have real talent as well as beauty have a chance to be chosen "Miss Panorama City," win $10,000 as first prize, and a contract for fifteen weeks on TV plus personal appear- ances. It's part of the campaign to promote Panorama City. If any of you agents know of likely girls, contact R. E. Driscoll at EMpire 21195.. Dead- line is April 25. As for the girls, don't go out yourself.- Your .agent must do the contacting. :

The Cocoanut Grove had a beautiful addition one night last week when Atrdiey Coss of Duluth, Minnesota made an appearance. She .was the win- ner ,of the -"Miss Heart of the 'City" beauty contest sponsored by Jack Gross and Phil Krassne and United Television Programs. She, won a screen test offered by Gross.Krasné s com pany. And talk about a beautiful girl! '

The valley had its first color TV demonstration recently when the Hoff- man company, as part. of its Hoffman Jamboree, had the fights on in color at the North Hollywood Television Company. Speaking of the fights, which we caught at .NBC, what color you could see was interesting, but how much color can you get out of a couple of pairs of,trunks on a couple of sluggers?

The Rodgers and Hammerstein. chew was a really great event on TV. A star-studded cast did themselves proud with the wonderful songs. A special bow to Mary'Martin for a really stand- out job of emceeing and, of course, singing. A few more shows like this and TV will again bring people back into the living room instead of dash- ing out to see some new wide screen process in the movies.

Page 9: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


Monday -Friday .Daytime TV Logs 6:30 8 This Is My Faith -15m. 12:00 2 The Big Payoff-M-F 7 Birthday Jackpot-M-F 6:45 - 2 Program Previews ltnndy Merriman and Bess Food prizes for birthday

8 Farm Report-M-W-F +MYErson emcee quiz program. contestants answering quiz 8 FIIm-Tu-Th 4 Bride and Groom-M-F correctly.

7:00 8 Panorama Pacific 7 Food Fair-W,Th,F 2:50 13 Thought For the Day .2, With Red Rowe G e o r g e 8 Big Payoff-30m.-M,W,F Short messages of faith.

' Wolfe, Grant Holcomb and Helen Parrish , women's editor.

12:15 4, 10 Hawkins Falls Starring Bernadine Flynn and

2:55 3 News, M -F 9 Headline Report-Sm.

9:00 2 You Are What You Eat-M, W, F

Jim Bannon. 12:30 2 Bob CrosbyShow

3:00 2 Garry Moore-Tu, Th With Denise Lor, Ken Carson Durward Kirby nad Howard 2 Morning Show-Tu, Th 4 Betty White Show -30m. Smith's orchestra. H a r r y

8 Breakfast With Ace Betty White with guest, songs and' music by Frank DeVol

Belafonte is guest on Tues- day. -9105

9:15 New

2' Morning Show-M,W,F

4 Coffee Time 1

and the Four Jokers. 8 Arthur Godfrey-M,W

Y- 8 Bob Crosb Tu,Th,F

2 Double. or Nothiiig- M, W, F. With Quizmaster Bert Parks.

9:45 9:55

With Roy Neal. 11 Morning Serenade -10m. 11 KTTV News-Sm.

10 Betty White Show-M,F 11 Buffalo Billy-M-F 3 Hawkins Falls,. M -F

4, 10- Kate Smith Show - 10:00 . 4 Ding Dong School-M-F 12:45 8 Bob Crosby-Tu-W-F Well known guest artists ap-

With Dr. Frances Rorwiets. - 8 Garry Moore-M pear.

' 8 TV Classroom-M-W-F 11 Martin's Double Drama 5 Big Picture-F ' 8 Your Schools Today= D r a mat I c film sequences.

Dude Martin is host. } 7 Jack Rourke ShOw-M

Audience participation show Tu-Th Strike with prizes and surprises. 11 Norma Gilchrist-M-F

Fashion and BeautyHints, 1:00 2 It Rich -30m.

4 Frandsen's Feature- 9 Queen for a Day -30m. ' suggestions for cuttig bud- 7 Mark Jordan Movie-

gets and guest interviews. 8 Newsreel-M-F 13 Chef Milani -60m. 10:15 2 BrighterDay-M-F 10 Studio Ten-M,F 3:15 3 Charlie 'Chase-M

10 Daily Chapel Everyday Life drama of Rev..

10 Youth and Music-Tu 10 Youth Speaks Out-W

3 Film Feature-Tu, 3 Bob Crosby-W - Richard Dennis, starring Bill

Smith. 10 Pacific Fleet Revue-Th With the CruDesPac Band

3 Beauty Secrets-Th 3 Christophers-F . 10:20 10 News-M, F and Ken Taylor, emcee. 3:30 2 Garry Moore-M-F 10:30. 2 Introduction To Art-M-F

Mary Holmes presents a course in art appreciation

1:15, 8 Search for Tomorrow- 9 Suspects Wanted-Tu,Th

With Denise Lor,;Ken Carson, Durward -Kirby and Howard K. Smith's Orchestra. with credit of two college

units. 4, 10 One Man's Family

Story of the Barbour family starring Mary Adams, Ted

10 Studio Ten-Tu, Th 1:30 2 Valiant Lad M -F y- Starring Nancy Coleman and

Jerome Cowan.

3 Varieties-M-Th 3 Wildwest Theater-F 5 Music-M,Th-15m. 5 Tricks and Treats-F Von Eltz, Russell Thorson, _ 8 Love of Life-M-F With Corris Guy.. James Lee, Martin Dean,'Anne

. Whitfield . and Linda Leigh- 9 Caroline Leonetti-Tu,Th

10 7 Ladies' Matinee= - ton. Studio Ten-W With Marjorie Lawson, Bob 1:45 2 Search for Tomorrow- Garretson and Mark Jordan. 8 It Rich-M-F Strike WarrenRiHull. With Mary Stuart. Lynn Lor- 9 Harry Koplan-Rosemary .ing,

11 Star-Shoppers-M-F Bess Johnson and Cliff

Hall. La P{anche-30m. With Bill Welsh. 8 Guiding Light-M-F g g Vith Ray Erlenborn and

Milton Charles. Audience par - 10145 2 California Living-45m. 9 Suspects Wanted-M,W,F ticipation show with musical Mercedes Bates features new 1:55 9 News After Noon-Sm. entertainment. ideas In food preparation and

- - - 10 What's Your Opinion-Tu guest interviews.

4, 10 Three Steps to 'Heaven p Diana Douglas and Mark

2:00 2 Love of Life -15m. 8 Brighter Day-M-F' 9 The Crosbys Calling -30m

11 Bill Leyden's Theatre


3:45 3:45

11 Photo Quiz-M-F Bill CLeyden, host.M

3 Kit Caron ,

2 -Tu -

Roberts star in a serial of a young girl from the midwest who becomes u phologra-

2:15 2 Guiding Light -15m. StarrIng Herb Nelson and Ellen Demming.

SerialAftern en ure- 2 Serial Adventure-M-Th 5 World News-M,Th- pher's model In New York.

4 Mary McAdoo-M-F 3:55 5 Police Calls-5m.-M-Th. i1:00 4, 10 Home Show 7 MaryCarter's Cook Book 7 KABC News-M-F Arlene Francis presents es- pens in the fields of fashion, child care, shopping, leisure time activities, food and home decoration. Designed for

8 Smokey Rogers-M-F 2:20 13 Surprise Theatre-M-F 2:30 2 Arthur Godfrey-hl-Th

4:00 2 Afternoon Show-M,W, Th,F

3 Wild West-M-Th 4, 10 Welcome Travelers women viessers.

8 What's Cooking? -30m. 11 The Little School House

With Janette Davis, Frank, Parker, M a r l o n Marlowe, Haleloke, the Mariners, Lu Ann Sims, the McGuire Sis-

5 Playcrafters Club -25m. 7 Make Believe Ballroom

With Al Jarvis. With Eleanor Hempl. ters and Tony Marvin. 9 Parlor Party -60m. 11:15 2 Pounds Off-W 2 Ladies Always Win-F With Bill Stulla. Florence Pepper demonstrates how to reduce through exer-

With \Ves Battersea. 11 Nancy Dixon -15m. cising. 4 Key to the Kitchen -30m. M, W, F

7 Dizzy Dean Show-Tu With Mike Roy. 11 Rita LaRo Tu, Th. y- 11:25

8 Marjorie Hume-M-F 7 Baseball Game-Tu

Opening game between the O p

5 Music-15m.-F. 9 Mama Weiss -25m.

13 Surprise Theatre-M-F

Glamour hints are given viewers -

on TV-M-F 13 With With Marilyn Hare, David New York YanLees and 2:45 5 World News-F. Street and Dick Aurandt Washington Senators. 4:15 6 Mexican Music-M-F 1'1:30 2 Art Linkletter's House 11 Movieland Matinee Party-M-F-30m. MIKE ROY SAYS 4:30 3 Smilin' Ed McConnell-F Interviews and guests.

"Want 4, Account - 8 Double Or Nothing- a $3500 dream kitchen?" MovieOn Theater Theater-60m. M,W,F Tune in to 13 Al Pearce Show - 8 Garry Moore-Tu,Th

11 Sheriff John's Lunchsubjects. - - 4KNBH 2:30 Variety, music and film short

Brigade . Monday thru Friday 4:45 8 Barker Bill-W,F

With John Rovick. .. . 8 Princess Pat-Th

Page Nine

Page 10: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


TU RDAY ,1tá LOGS Information Received From Stations

Subject to Last Minute Change 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30

8 Televespers 8 Industry On Parade -15m. 8 Frontier Feature Theater -60m. 2 Program Previews 2 What In the World

Dr. Jacques Lipchltz, New York artist and sculptor and Dr. John Cooney, curator of Egyptology, Brooklyn Museum, guests.

10:45 5 Recorded Music 7 Dizzy Dean Show

10:55 7 Baseball Game Philadelphia Athletics vs. Philadel- phia Phillies.

11:00 2 News -5m. 5 'Man's Best Friend

With Herb Wegner. 8 Smilin' Ed McConnell

11:05. 2 Shakespeare On TV With Dr. Frank C. Baxter. Today's lecture: "Othello."

11:30 5 Smilin' Ed's Gang -30m. 8 Tiny Town Ranch -30m.

With Monte Hall. 12:00 2 Afternoon . Show -60m.

"So This is Washington" with l.um N'_ Abner.

5 Giant Movie -60m.. "Outlaw Trail" with Bob Steele and Hoot Gibson.

8 Super Circus Featuring Mary Redline.

' 12:30 8 Film 12:45 2, 8 Horse Racing -30m.

Experimental Handicap from Jamaica, New York.

10 Daily Chapel 13 Public Service Film -15m.

12:50 10 News Summary 1:00. 4 TV Opera -1 Va hrs.

Davis Cunningham and Virginia Haskins sing leading roles in Claude Debussy's 9Pelleas and Melisande." Sung in English, Jean Morel, con- ducts.

5 Giant Movie -2 hrs. "A Yank In London" with Dean Jagger and Anna Neagle.

10 Your TV College . 13 Saturday Matinee -90m.

"Bells of San Fernando" with Donald Woods.

1:15 - 2, 3, -8 Wrestling -60m. Sandor Szabo vs. Danny McShain.

1:30 10 Baseball Game -3 hrs. San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Angels.

1:45 11 Afternoon: Serenade-Sm. 1:55 11 KTTV News -5m.

11 Saturday Matinee -90m. "Fighting Bill Carson."

2:15 2 Your Income Tax -15m. 8 Lone Ranger

2:30 2 Learning '54-30m. Educational survey sessions.

4 Early Movies -90m. "Three On A Ticket" with Hugh Beaumont and Cheryl \\aker.

13 Movie Matinee "Calling All Marines" with Donald Barry.

2t45 8 Stars On Parade -30m. 3:00 2 Winky Dink and You -30m.

5 Giant Movie -60m. "A Song For Miss Julie" with Shir- ley Ross.

7 Campus Farmers Arnold Pike, moderator and Walter Baumgartner of Excelsior High School. They demonstrate "Soil Cul- ture

11 . Saturday Matinee "And So They Were Married."

3:15 8 Feature Theater -90m. 3:30 2 Space Hoppers Matinee -60m.

Dal McKennon and Saul Robbins. With Jimmy Wallington.


April 10 7 Stu Erwin Show -30m.

Starring Stu Elwin and June Collyer in 'Burglar Alarm."

4:00 3 Johnny Mack Brown -60m, 4 Big Picture -30m. 5 Giant Movie -90m.

"Stolen Face" with Paul Henreid and Lizabeth Scott.

7 Cactus Playhouse "Roaming Cowboy" with Ken May- nard.

11 Auction City -60m. With Sam Mannis.

13 Who Knows This -30m. Arnold Pike, moderator quizes pupils of Greenwood Elementary School on Elementary Science, John Fiscus, principal, is guest.

4:15 9 The Christophers 4:30 2 Sunday Funnies -30m.

4 Your Air Force Theater 6 Mexican Music -30m. 7 Dick Tracy -30m.

Ralph Byrd as Dick Tracy meets up with "Prune Face."

9 Seapower for Peace 10 Your San Diego -30m. 13 Big Picture -30m.

4:40 8 Meet Your Mayor-Sm. 4:45 4 The Nature of Things -15m.

8 What Do You Think -60m, 4:55 3 News 5:00 2 Captain Midnight

Adventure series. 3 Lost Jungle -30m. 4 Outdoors With Waggy-30m. 6 Movie -60m.

"Son Of The Plains" with Bob Custer.

7 Cisco Kid -30m. A hidden ghost town holds. terror and excitement for Ciscu, Pancho and a beautiful girl,

9 Big Picture 10 Facts Forum -30m. 11 Cartoon Time -30m. 13 Saturday Matinee

"Slippy McGee" wills Dale Evans and Donald Barry.

5:15 3 Unk 'n' Andy 5:30 2 Contest Carnival -30m.

3 Annie Oakley -30m. 4 Halls of Science -30m,

"Water -Facts and Fallacies" with Dr. John F. Mann, Jr. who discusses some of the misconceptions of oc- currence and movement of water underground.

5 The Fighting West -60m. "Rock River Renegade" with the Range Busters.

7 Space Patrol -30m. Buzz and Happy face great danger in their effort to stop the ruthless Mr. Proteus.

9 Musical Clock Time Dick Whittinghill, host, with the Playmates. Top recording stars and talented teenagers are guests.

10 Film Featurette-15m. 11 Adventures of Blinkey-15m.

5:45 8 Fulton Lewis, Jr. -15m. 10 Saturday News Extra -ism. 11 The Princess

Starring Patricia Blake who re- creates fairy stories for children.

6:00 2 Big Picture 3 Little Theater -15m. 4 Who Soid That? -30m.

With June Lockhart, Morey Amster- dam, H. V. Kaltenorn and Actor Gene Lockhart. VI alter Kiernan is moderator.

7, 8 Saturday Night Fights -45m. Joe Miceli of New York vs. Steve Marcello of Providence, R.I. in a ten round welterweight bout from Bos- ton.

9 Action Theater -60m.

10 Information Police -30m. With Sgt. Rod Crosby and Harry Kay, Jr.

11 Time For Beany-30m. 6:15 3 News Reporter -15m.

6 Movie Feature -75m. "Scattergood Survives a Murder" with Guy Kibbee.

13 Dr. Earl Lee, Ministry -10m. Short messages of inspirativa.

6:25 3 Space Ranger 13 Late News

With Armand La Pointe. 6:30 2 Beat the Clock -30m.

With Bud Collyer and Roxanne. 3 Space Ranger 4 The Tex Williams Show

Starring Tex Williams with Smokey Regers, Terrea Lee, Jimmie Widen - es. Jymme Shor and Naucy Wibie with Candy.

5 Movie 'Theatre-90m. "Impact" with Brian Donlevy, Charles Coburn and Lizabeth Scott.

10 Coke Time With Eddie Fisher.

11 New Ramer of the Jungle 13 Realty Exchange -30m.

6:45 7 Sports Bar -15m. \kith' Hank Weaver.

10 Jack McLean Show -15m. 6:50 8 Channel 8 News -10m. 6:55 3 News Reporter 7:00 New 2 That's My Boy -30m.

Starring Eddie Mayehot'f with Gil Stratton, Jr. and Rochelle Hudson in the adventures of jarring Jack and his non -athletic son. In the first episode Pudgie Dlrkham aids Jack- son in convincing Junior he should attend their Alma Mater Instead of a more intellectual college.

7 Gold Award Theater -30m. William Bishop stars in "Drawing Room A." An amusing tale of a beautiful girt who happens to hate an attack of amnesia right outside the drawing room of a psychiatrist aboard a crack train.

9 Public Service Film -30m. 10 Film Feature -30m.

11 The Life of Riley Starring William Bendix in "Rtiey In A Rut."

13 Dinner Theater-1Sm. 28 Wings to New York -30m.

7:15 13 Musical Show Case -15m. .7:30 2, 3, 8 The Harry Owens Show

With Gil Mershon, Hilo Hattie, Napua, Lel Aloha, Moans, Prince Kawohi and Eddie Bush.

4, 10 Ethel and Albert -Comedy Starring Peg Lynch and Alan Bunce.

6 Movlo Feature -90m. "Danger On The Air" with Nan Grey and Donald Woods.

7 Leave It to the Girls -30m. Maggl McNellis, Eloise McElhone, Vanessa Brown and Betty Talmadse with Henry Faulk and Henry Mor- gan, TV and radio comedian.

9 Feature Film "The Payoff" with Lee Tracy and Tom Brown.

11 Badge "714" Jack Webb as Joe Friday.

13 Hometown Jamboree -60m. 28 To Be Announced

7:45 3 The Christophers-15m. 28 From the Mind of Man

8:00 2, 3, 8 Jackie Gleason Show With Art Carney, Audrey Meadows, June Taylor dancers and Bay Bloch's Orchestra.

4, 10 Spike Jones Show -30m. Comedy -variety show with the City Slickers, Helen Grayco, George Rock and Sir Fredrick Gas and Freddie Morgan. Beany and his pals are guests in a special Easter show de- signed for kiddies.

Page Ten

Page 11: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got



April 10 5 Spade Cooley-Variety-60m.

Spade Cooley and his orchestra with musical entertainmen and acts.

7 Roto Magician -15m. New 11 Lone Wolf -30m.

Louis Hayward stars as Michael Lanyard in a new adventure serles.

28 From 'the Mind of Man 8:15 7 Under the Pepper Trees -15m.

With Hank Weaver. 9 Feature Film

8t30 4, 10 Original Amateur Hour- Ted Mack with new ' talent per- formers.

7 Hollywood Legion Bouts Dick Finley vs. Windy Hawkins in a 12 round state elimination bout for light -heavies.

11' Kent Theatre -30m. 13 Film Playhouse

"6.1. \Var Brides" with Anna Lee and James Ellison.

28 To Be Announced 9:00 2, 3, 8 Two for the Money-Quiz

Herb Shriner conducts quiz ses- sions for studio contestants. Ur. Ma- son Gross is judge. Music by Milton Del.ugg and the nrcbeslra.

4, 10 Show of Shows -90m. With Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Keith Testor, Syisla Michaels and comedians Howard Morris and Carl Reiner.

5 Saturday Nite Movies -1/ hrs. "D.O.A." with Edmond O'Brien and Barbara Britton.

6 Movie Feature -60m. Voice In The Wind" with Francis

Lederer and Sigrid Gurie. 8 Gallo Star Studio -30m.

11 Inner Sanctum -30m. "Queen Of Spades."

9:30 2 My Favorite Husband -30m. Starring .Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson. Liz is a martyr when friends and relatives suspect Georg of philandering.

3 Tri-County Challenge -30m. 8 Masterpiece Playhouse ' "Guilty of Treason." 9 Feature Film

"Monster Maker" with J. Carrot Naish and Ralph Morgan.

11 COI: March of Scotland Yard Boris Karloff stars in "Error At Daybreak."

9:45 .3 Film Feature 10:00 2 You're Never Too Old -30m.

Starring Marilyn Hare and Harry Koplan. Entertainment by perfor- 'mers. over f.0 years of age.

3 Saturday Sit -In Theater 6 Jai Alai -90m.

From Fronton Palacio, with Ray Garcia and John Halvorsen.

11 Town Hall Party Jay 'Stewart, emcee, with Merle Tra- vis, Les "Carrot Top" Anderson, %Vesly and Marilyn Tuttle, Jack Lloyd, Joe Maphis, Rose Lee, Louise O'Brien. Johnny Bond and guest.

13 United We Stand Choir -30m. Crusader Carol Ensemble Choir featuring Clarence Welsh.

10:30 2 Juke Box Jury -90m. Peter Potter and guests date latest records. Appearing are Jane and Clyde Beatty, Archer McDonald. Natalie Wood, Sandor Szabo and Dick Jacket.

4, 10 Your Hit Parade-Music-K Starring Giselie MacKenzie with Spooky Lanson, Dorothy Collins and Russell Arms. Raymond Scott and his orchestra head musical group.

5 Movie Theater "Lured" with Lucille Charles Coburn.

8 Two for the Money -30m. 9 TV Juke Box

13 To Be Announced


Ball and

11:00 4 News Parade -15m. With Tom Frandsen.

S Man's Best Friend 7 Critics Award Theater

"The Three Pirates." 8 Danger

"The Little Woman," the drama of a little girl in danger of her life.

10 Ten Spot Theater "Love, Honor and Goodbye."

13 Late News -5m. With Armand La Pointe.

11:05 13 Owl Movie "Melody For Three" with Jean lier- sholt and Dorothy Lovett.

11:15 4 Late Date At the Movies "Spy Train" %Ith Richard Travis and Catherine Craig.

11:30 3 News 9 Beauty Secrets -15m,

11:45 5 Final Edition With Ken Graue.

9 TV Jukebox -15m. 12:10 2 Midnight News -15m, 12115 2 Late Show

"Six Men" with Harold Warrender and Olga Edwards.

Ear Eye Inspire Mrs. B. G. Allan, Los Angeles

You see, we do think of you as friends because even though you edit a magazine, we believe you have the interest of all of the TV and Radio audiences at heart.

Now, if I may take issue with you about the article in a recent issue re- garding "Fading" programs. Oh, I know I am slow about getting around to writing, but as a housewife I am busy and also I wanted to cool off some before writing. You see, when you say that our girl Ina Ray Hutton is losing her following on TV, you are off the beam. We think she is wonder- ful and so natural when before the cameras. Her programs are full of spice and we never, never miss them.

As for Roberta Linn, well, she is another of our favorites and we never miss her programs and even listened to her on the radio with Ralph Story. Hope they return soon.

Lawrence Welk was a favorite of ours, but now that Roberta is not with him, the orchestra lacks something of the pep and good will that it did ra- diate.

We like Alice Lon and she sings nicely, but has had a very difficult person to follow as "Champagne Lady." It has not been easy for her and she has carried on like the trouper she is. "Bandstand Review" is another wonderful program and we love the McDonald sisters. Hope I haven't bored you, but please give Ina and Roberta credit for holding their follow. ing.

Virginia Church, San Dimas Too much Platter, not enough Patter.

Some of us are concerned over the fact that radio seems to be turning into a disc jockey haven instead of a mix- ture of plays, music and news.

(More Letters On Page 23)


Nicker 3are Saturday,' April 10

"SO THIS IS WASHINGTON," Lum 'n' Ab- ner. (2) 12:00 M.

"OUTLAW TRAIL," Bob Steele, Hoot Gib- son. (5) 12:00 M.

"SIX MEN," Harold Warrender, Olga Ed- wards. (2) 12:15 M.

"A YANK IN LONDON," Dean Jagger, Anna Neagle. (5) 1:00 p.m.

"WHISTLIN' DAN," Ken Maynard, (7) 1:C0 p.m.

"UNDER MONTANA SKIES," Fred Scott. (7) 2:00 p.m.

"FIGH-ING BILL CARSON." (11) 2:00 p.m. "THREE ON A TICKET," Hugh Beaumont,

Cheryl Walker. (4) 2:30 p.m. Secret plans for a new secret weapon are reach- ing the hands of foreign powers.

"AND SO THEY WERE MARRIED." (11) 3:00 p.m.

"A SONG FOR MISS JULIE," Shirley Ross. (5) 3:00 p.m. Two playwrights are in for some surprises when they visit an old Southern mansion to get material about its former occupant, for their new play.

"STOLEN FACE," Paul Henreid, Lizabeth Scott. (5) 4:00 p.m.

"SLIPPY McGEE," Dale Evans, Donald Barry. (13) 5:00 p.m. Story of a young criminal who is reformed by the love of a good woman and the faith of a tolerant and understanding priest.

"SON OF THE PLAINS," Bob Custer. (6) 5:00 p.m.

"ROCK RIVER RENEGADE," Range Bust- ers. (5) 5:30 p.m.

"SCATTERGOOD SURVIVES A MURDER." (6) 6:15 p.m. When two elderly recluses are murdered, Scattergood pins down the murderer.

"IMPACT," Brian Dontevy Charles Colburn, Helen Walker. (51 6:30 p.m. A tycoon runs away from his wife when she tries to have him murdered, finds sanctuary' in a small town and' a job with a pretty garage owner.

"THE PAYOFF," Lee Tracy, .Tom Brown. (9) 7:30 p.m. A newspaper -story about crime in a big city.

"DANGER ON THE AIR," NanGrey, Don- ald Woods. (6) 7:30 p.m.

"G.I. WAR BRIDES," Anne Lee, James El- lison. (13) 8:30 p.m. An ,English girl impersonates her sister in order that she may get into the United States so that she may marry her American sweet heart.

"D.O.A.," Edmund O'Brien, Barbara Britton. (5) 9:00 p.m. Edmund O'Brien goes' to San Francisco for a holiday, has a couple drinks and ends up being poisoned, by persons unknown.

"VOICE IN THE WIND," Frances Lederer, Sigrid Guria. (6) 9:00 p.m. A sensitive musician and his love defy 'totalitarian tyranny until each is broken by the op- pressor.

"MONSTER MAKER," J. Carroll Naish, Ralph Morgan. (9) 10:30 p.m. A Russian scientist -doctor developes a serum to cure a malady which involves great enlarge- ment of the hands, feet and head. How- ever, his selfishness causes him to project this disease.

"LURED," Lucille Ball, Charles Colburn. (5) 10:30 p.m. A redhead helps Scotland Yard solve a London mystery and at the same time carries on a romance on the other side.

"LOVE. HONOR AND GOODBYE." (10) 11:Co p.m. Romance, fun, songs and drama blend nicely when a wife decides to leave her husband for a stage carer.

"THE THREE PIRATES." (7) 11:00 p.m. Three brothers, sentenced to the galleys by their fathers' murderer, who is a ruthless captain of fortune, capture their prison ship and set out after the cap- tain.

"MELODY FOR THREE," Jean Hersholt, Dorothy Lovett. (13) 11:05 p.m. A rural doctor applies understanding and diplo- macy to make people happy.

"SPY TRAIN," Richard Travis, Catherine Craig. (4) 11:15 p.m. Two spies, a war correspondent and a publishers daughter are on an involved train ride.




Page Eleven,

Page 12: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

s ja ' oGs Information Received From Stations

Subject to Last Minute Change 8:45 2 Program Previews 9i00 2 Operation Safety -30m.

Discussion of hazards of traffic on wheels.

4 Palm Sunday Services Pontifical high mass from St. Monica's Basilica in Cincinnati. Arch Bshop Karl J. Alter presides.

9:30 2 Look Up and Live 8 Back To God -15m.

9:45 8 Bible Class -15m. 11 Morning Serenade -5m.

9:55 11 KTTV News 10:OE 2 Lamp Unto My Feet

Joey Walsh stars in "The Keys," the story of a young boy under censure from his father for neglect- ing his studies and taking the fam- ily car without permission.

4 Youth Wants to Know Theodore Granik presents noted per- sonalities. 'telecast In color today. Guest is Leonard B. Hall.

8 Let There Be Light 11 Sunday Western -60m.

"Overland Riders." 2 Morning Show -60m.

"Vicar of Bray" with Stanley Hollo- way.

4 Frontiers of Faith Rev. James Finley and Rev. John Reynolds debate "Is the Church the Enemy of Freedom?"

8 What's Your Trouble 10:45 7 The Pastor

"Charity Performance." 8 Christophers

Morning Serenade


11 13 Air Force Theater

"The Third Pillar." 10:55 11 KTTV News 11:00 4 Early Movies -90m.

"Spy Train{" with Richard Travis and Cheryl Walker.

5 In God We Trust 7 Church in the Home -60m. 8 Faith For Today

11 Great Churches of the Golden West -60m. With Rev. Clifton Moore from the St. James Episcopal Church of Los Angeles.

13 Morning Matinee -90m. "Pardon My Stripes" with Bill Henry and Sheila Ryan.

11:30 2 Garden Vagabond -30m. Norvell Gillespie with films of world-famous gardens.

8 Western Theater 11:50 5 State Income Tax -10m. 12:00 2=To Be Announced

5 Ask the Doctor Gil Martyn, moderator. With a

panel of experts on Radiology. Der- matology and Surgery who discuss the dangers of skin lesions.

7 770 On TV Bill Crago presents Governor Good- win Knight who answers question regarding California state govern- ment and Drew Pearson and his Washington -Merry -Go -Round.

11 Big Picture 12:10 3 News -5m. 12:15 3 What's Your Trouble -15m.

-12:30 2 To Be Announced 3, 8 Contest Carnival

Barker Bros. presents

Debut 4:30 p.m.

[ r O D 1` ` r


12:45 12:50



April 1.1

4 Zoo Parade -30m.'. 5 R. Martin Perkins and Jim Hurl - butt discuss "How Animals Observe Their Owh Boundaries."

5 Movie Theater -60m. "Savage Drums" with Sabu.

7 Faith for Today -30m. 11 Garden Chats -30m.

Joe Littlefield with hints for plant- ing dichondra lawns.


13 Film "Bride for Henry."

10 Daily Chapel -5m. 10 News Summary -10m.

2 Light of Faith -30m. ' Featuring guest religious speakers and music.

3 Film Feature -30m. 4 Mr. Wizard -Science -(K)

Don Herbert and his fun with science demonstrations. Mr. Wizard reviews famous .experiments that were foundations of modern inven- tions.

G Hi -Fi -Music 7 Message of the Master -30m.

Religious music and a short mes- sage of faith.

8 Juvenile Jury 9 Celebrity Time -15m.

10 Words and Music 11 John Wayne Movies

"King of the Pecos." 13 Sunday Matinee

9 Baseball Warm -Up -15m. 1:30 2, 3 Youth Takes a Stand -30m.

4 Sunday Service -30m, 5 Western Theater -60m.

"Saddle Mountain Round Up" with the Range Busters.

7 Tommy Baird -15m. Message of faith and inspiration.

8 Johnny Jupiter -30m. 9 Baseball Game

Hollywood Stars vs. Portland Bea- vers.

10 Frontiers of Faith 1:45 7 Adv. of Captain Hartz

The Captain relates the proud his- tory of Chinese imperial dogs.

1:55 3 News -Previews 2:00 2, 3 Adventure -60m.

Charles Collingwood; host, presents "Bali," a documentary on, the art, culture and social. customs of the Balinese. Dr. Sudjarwo, .Indonesian delegate to the U.N. and Miss Clair Holt, authority on 'Balinese culture are guests. Remainder of program is devoted to a remote broadcast from

the Haskins Laboratories in New York where three noted scientists demonstrate the results of their ex- periments in visual recordings of speech.

4 This Is the Life -Film -30m. "The Upward Look."

7 Super Circus -30m. Featuring Mary Hartline wit'h the Three Shyrettos, unicyclists, the Great Arturo, high wire artist, La - vine's chimps and a clown act.

8 Sunday Afternoon Matinee 10 Big Picture -30m. 11 Auction Park

2115 10 Film -15m. 2:30 4 In My Opinion -15m.

George Todt discusses current con- troversial subjects.


PLAYHOUSE ("The low calory energy food")

4:00-4:30 P.M. KCOP CH. 13


yob r:

Movie Feature -90m. "\\ hispering City" with Paul Lukas and Helmut Dantine.

7 Easter Feature -90m. "Golgotha."

10 Harbor Theater -60m. 11 Jalopy Derby -2'/2 hrs.

Bill Welsh from Culver City. 13 Sunday Matinee

"Tournament Tempo" with Allan Lane and Edward Ashley.

2:45 4 Industry On Parade -15m. 3:00 2, 3 The American Week -30m.

\Vith Eric Sevareid and his observa- tions and analyses of the week's news.

4 Get the Facts -30m. Jimmy Wallington, moderator.

3:30 2 Cavalcade of Books -30m. Georgiana Hardy and Turnley Walk- er with guest authors. Guests are John Houseman, director of .'Exe- cutive Suite" and Louis Calhern, star; Emmett McLoughlin, former Franciscan priest who left mon- astery to pursue a life of his choice; Dale Evans Rogers, author of `An- gel Unaware" who is presented with a check of her royalties to be given to the National Association for Re- tarded Children and Lucy Herndon Crockett, former major In American Red Cross, author of "The Magnifi- cient Bastard."

3 Sunday Cinema -90m. 4, 10 Kukla, Fran and 011ie 7 Western Movie -60m. 8 Your Doctor Answers -30m.

3:45 9 Feature Film 4;00 2 Juvenile Jury -30m.

Jack Barry, emcee. 4, 10 American Forum of the

Air -30m. Theodore Granik presents Senator Homer Ferguson (R., Mich.) and Rep. John W. McCormack (D. -Mass.)

5 Movie Feature -2 hrs. "Snowbound" with Robert Newton and Dennis Price.

7 Gordon's Garden -30m. 8 Pride of the Family

A local boy makes good but causes trouble when he returns' home.

9 Baseball Game -2'h hrs. Hollywood Stars vs. Portland Beav- ers.

13 Kevo-Ette Playhouse "Philo Vance Returns" Sponsored by Kevo-Eettes.

4:30 2 Lone Ranger -30m. 4 -Plant Doctor -30m.

\Vith Dr, Robert Atkinson. 7 Your Faith Is Power -30m.

"The Turning Point." 8 Hank McCune -30m.

10 Polka Party -30m. The Alpiners with polka dances and songs.

13 Debut -Music -30m. Young musical talent vie for musi- cal scholarship. Dr. Raymond Kendall and John Barnett are judges. Sponsored by Barker Bros. Henri Temianka, founder of the Paganini Quartet is guest.




..7,:301m N

;PRESENTED BY Bnibard Ann !READ and Star -Kite Tuno

Page Twelve

Page 13: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


April 1 1

5:00 2 Rocky Jones -Space Ranger - Rocky sets out to trace the thief a ho stole the Orbit Jet. (Coutinued.)

3 Inspirational Time -15m. 4, 10 Hall of Fame

"Simon Bolivar." An Incident in the life of the 19th century South Am- erican liberator.

5 Movie Theater "Whigs of Danger" with Zachary Scott.

6 Cowboys and Injuns-60m. "So This Is Arizona' with Wally Wales and Jack Perrin.

7 Sunday Matinee -45m. "Dark Hour" with Hedda Hopper.

8 You Asked for It -30m. Art Baker, host.

11 Hopalong Cassidy -60m. 'Pride of the. \Vest,"

13 Short Story -30m. "'rite Trap."

5:15 3 News Reporter -15m. 5:30 2 Gene Autry Show -30m.

Attire helps an escaped convict to stay al large.

3 This Is the Life -30m. 8 Lone Ranger -40m. 9 Captain Midnight -30m.

The »dvtntures of a master crimi- nal who is Ica na rted in his plans to terrorize a nation by a young man disguised In a copper mask.

13 Cinema Showcase -90m. "Out Of The Storm" ellh Lois Collier and Jimmy Lydon.

5:45 7 Roto Magician -15m. 11 The Christophers-15m.

6:00 2, 3 You Are There -K -30m. \\'alter Crankile presents "The Con- spiracy of Catherine the Great," a recreation of .tune 28. 1762 elicit Catherine, wife of Peter the Third of Russia overthrew his rule and set up herself as Empress. Maria tiiva and Richard Purdy atar.

3 Talent 'Patrol -30m. 4 Meet the Press -30m.

Lawrence Spivak interviews people iu the news.

5 Flash Gordon -30m. 6 Terry and the Pirates 7 Wild Bill Hickock-30m. 8- Fred Waring -30m.

10 Drew Pearson -15m. 11 Twenty Questions -30m.

With Jay Jackson. Fred Vaii Deven- ter, Florence liinaro, 1íe1.1, Polesie, Bobby McGuire and guest.

6:15 10 Sunday Extra 6:30 2 Life with Father

Starring Leon Ames and Lorene 11111 le.

3, 7 The George Jessel Show Beorge Jessel, host, celebrates his birthday with comic Joe E. Lewis »ud Paddy De Marco, lightweight boxing champion of the world. From St. Alban's Naval Hospital in Long Island.

4, 10 Roy Rogers Show -30m. "Flying Bullets." A atoreoaners neighbor is suspected of a shooting and Roy finds he Is a famous bank rubber.

5 Easts)de Kids -60m. 6 Dangerous Assignment -30m. 8 Waterfront -30m.

Starring Preston luster. 9 Stars On Parade -30m.

11 Startime-30m. 7100 2, 3, 8 Jack Benny Show -30m.

Dennis Day makes first appearance on Jack's show. He and Bill Con- rad, noted character actor appear as two toughies who come to eat iu .luck's Lunch Room. Don Wilson ai- so is in cast.

4, 10 Winchell-Mahoney Show - Paul \\'inchell with his Puppet Jerry. Comedy variety is supplied by Diane Sinclair. Len Spaulding and Dina Varcia, Mary Ellen Terry is guest.

6 City Detective -30m. 7 Break the Bank -30m.

\With Bert Parks. - 9 Feature Theater -90m. tl Noah Webster Says -K

With Ed Reimers and Dr. Frederick l.indstey.

13 Film Playhouse "Mountain Rhythm" with Lynn :Mer- rick and Frank Thomas.

28 San Francisco -Queen of West 7:30 2, 8 What's My Line? -M -30m.

Moderatur Joun Daly with panelists Arlene Fracas. Dorothy Kllgaller, Steve Allen and Bennett Cerf and guest.

3 Cisco Kid -30m. 4, 10 Mr. Peepers -K -30m.

Wally Cos as 31r. Peppers decides to buy a motorcycle with sidecar and takes Harvey Weskit and Prank Whip on a jaunt which ends up in a "haunted" house.

5 "The Movies" -90m. Brought to you by Barbara Anti Breed and Star Kist Tuna. Tonight's movie is "The Man Who ,;healed Himself" with I.ee J. Cobb, Jane Wyatt and John Dail.

6 Movie Parade "Else Angels" with Jacques'Sernas.

7 Hollywood Show Case -30m. Steve Brody stars in "Juice Mau,"

11 Voices of Victory -30m. Choir from Victory Baptist Church and a short message `of faith by Arthur Atlas Peters.

8:00 2, 8 Toast of The Town -60m. Ed Stillivan, host, with Leonard Warren, Metropolitan baritone, the First Piano Quartet, the Szonys Dancers, Patricia D'Or, juggler and Patti Bross, singer. Scenes from "Vera Cruz," United Artists' picture starring Gary Cooper and Burt l.au- r»stet are seen.

3, 4 Comedy Hour -60m. Jimmy Durante, host. with Liberace. Marilyn Maxwell, Ben Wrigley and Eddie Jackson. A surprise guest tunics to Eddie's aid at end of the program.

7 State Income Tax -30m. 11 Bishop Fulton J. Sheen -30m.

Bishop Sheen discusses prayer acid how it makes possible things which we desire.

28 Shakespeare On TV -30m. \\'ills Dr. Frank C. Bauer.

8:15 13 Clete Roberts Reports -15m. 8:30 7 The Lighted Window

With Dr. James \V. Filield. 9 Inspector Mark Saber -30m.

Starring Toni Conway. 11 Pantomime Quiz -30m.

With Mike Stokey nad guests. 13 Freedom Forum -60m.

Freeman Lusk and panel discuss topics of current Interest,

28 People, Places and Politics 9:00 2 Fred Waring Show -30m.

The Pennsylvanians in a Palo. Sun- day program.

3 Toast of The Town -60m. 4 Goodyear TV Theater -60m.

Patricia Neal and Kevin McCarthy slur In "Spring lieunion," the story of how a 15th High School reunion affects two people.

5 Bandstand Revue -60m. Willi Leighton Noble and Anita Gordon featuring old "hits of the week" and noted personalities.

6 Biff Baker, U.S.A.-30m. 7, 8 Walter Winchell-News 9 Rocky King, Detective -30m.

Starring Roscoe Karns. 11 Death Valley Days -30m.

Peter Votrain and Gil Frye star in "The Bell of San Gabriel;" the story of a Franciscan Monk who sets out on foot to travel to the Mission of San Gabriel to find the bell cast




Nicker ?are Sunday, April 11

"VICAR OF BRAY," Stanley Holloway, Eve Gray, (2) 10:30 a.m.

"PARDON MY STRIPES," Bill Henry, Sheila Ryan. (13) 11:00 a.m. A boy trans- porting gambling money loses it, and a girl reporter helps him recover It.

"SPY TRAIN," Richard Travis, Catherine Craig. (4) 11:CO a.m. Two spies, a war Correspondent and a publishers daughter are on an involved train ride.

"SAVAGE DRUMS," Sabu. (5) 12:30 p.m. A newly crowned king goes to the aid of his people, who are endangered by Com- munists.

"KING OF THE PECOS," John Wayne. (11) 1:C0 p.m.

"SADDLE MOUNTAIN ROUNDUP," Range Busters. (5) 2:C0 p.m.

"TOURNAMENT TEMPO," Allan Lane, Ed- ward Ashley. (13) 2:30 p.m. A female talent scout discovers a hockey skater, whom she grooms for stardom.

"WHISPERING CITY," Paul Lucas, Helmut Dantine. (5) 3:C0 p.m. French newspaper - woman uncovers the evil behind a back- stage murder case.

"LURED," Lucille Ball, Charles Colburn. (5) 4:C0 p.m. A redhead helps Scotland Yard clear up a London mystery,. while carry- ing on a romance on the other side.

"SO THIS IS ARIZONA," Wally Wales, Jack Perrin. (6) 5:C0 p.m.

"DARK HOUR," Hedda Hopper. (7) 5:00 p.m. A mystery, with the killer trying to murder a man who is already dead.

"WINGS OF DANGER;" Zachary Scott. (5) 5:00 p.m. A test pilot starts out to solve the disappearance of his friend and runs into a dope smuggling scheme.

"OUT OF THE STORM," Lois Collier, Jimmy Lydon. (13) 5:30 p.m, Two gang- sters hold up the payroll, but forget S1CC.000. A young clerk gets the money and is chased by the police, an insur- ance investigator and the gangsters.

"MOUNTAIN RYTHM " Lypn Merrick, Frank Thomas, II. (13) 7:00 p.m. Lands are up for auction, and Autry's aunt

'calls him to fight the action. "FIVE ANGELS," Jacques Sernas. (6)

7:30 p.m. Five boys living In the base- ment of a bombed house find money hid den there by the Germans, and entrust their good fortune to a thief.

"THE MAN WHO CHEATED 'HIMSELF," Lee J. Cobb, Janet Wyatt. (5) 7:30 p.m.

"INVISIBLE GHOST," Bela Lugosi. (6) 10:C0 p.m. A man becomes a homicidal maniac when he sees his wife.

"MELODY FOR THREE," Jean Hersholt, Dorothy Lovett. (13) 10:30 p.m. Con- cerning the gentle understanding and psycology of the rural doctor in making humans happy.

"DUSTY ERMINE," Ronald Squire, Jane Baxter. (2) 10:30 p.m. This is a comedy on the character of an artist who be- comes a forger by accident and drawn In the search for a counterfeiting ring, "I RING DOORBELLS," Robert Shayne, Anne Gynne. (4) 11:00 p.m. A reporter, a photographer, and a beautiful young lady get mixed up in a murder.

with silver lie donated as a child. '

9:15 7 Dr. I. Q. -30m. 8 Tomorrow's News -15m. I'

9:30. 2, 8 Man Behind the Badge l' "The Seattle Sory." Based on an in- rident In the life of inspector Boyd It. Reynolds of the U.S. immigra- tion and Naturalization service who . worked as an undercover man for one and a half years to deport two aliens suspected of big time gam- bling.

6 Orient Express -30m. 8 Tomorrow's News -30m. 9 The Plainclothesman -30m.

ken Lynch and Jack Orrison star in "Rural Intrigue." An ungrateful young man is found shot to death and three people are suspected of killing him. (Continued on Next Page) /

Pau& Thirteen

Page 14: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

ama .q» atam . a. . TV -RADIO LIFE

Information Received From Stations Subject to Last Minute Change

See Page 9 for 9:00 A.M. to .5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Space Funnies -60m. 3 Jeanne Baird -60m. 4, 10 Pinky Lee Show -30m.

With Pinky Lee, Barbara Luke, Dolly Bee and Jimmy Brown.

7 Make Believe Ballroom- \Vith Al Jarvis.

8 Monte Hall Show 9 Star Time -30m.

13 Gary's Movie Carnival -30m: 5:15 6 Our Town -Spanish -15m.

7 Dusty Walker Show -15m. 5:30 2 The Little Rascals -30m.

4, 10 Howdy Doody -Juvenile Bob Smith's Puppets.

5 Western Feature -60m. "Thunder River Feud." With the Range Busters.

6 Cowboys and Injuns-60m. "Under Texas Skies" with Bob Cus- ter and Bill Cody.

7 The Margaret Whiting Show With the Leo Dukehorn Trio and guests.

9 Gene Norman Show -30m. 11 Sheriff John -Cartoon Time - 13 Webster Webfoot -30m.

Uncle Jimmy Weldon with guests, songs and "Little Joe" stories. Sponsored by Can -A -Pup.

5:55 7 Jack Rourke In Hollywood News from the world of movies, TV and radio.

6:00 2 Charlie Chase Comedies -25m. Famous old comedies.

3 Thought of the Day 4 McElroy at Sunset -45m.

Jack McElroy star, with Barbara Lo- gan, Phil Gray and Eddie Baxter.

7 Chet Huntley News -15m, 8 Annie Oakley

Starring Gail Davis.

April 12 9 Action Theater -30m.

10 Designs in Music -15m. 11 Thunderbolt -15m.

The Wonder Colt.

13 Commander Comet -30m. Starring Larry 'Harmon.

6:10 3 Constantino's Column -5m. 6:15 3 World News

7 Jack Owens Show -40m. With fun and music assisted by Mary Ann.

10 Channel 10 News 11 Ramer of the Jungle -15m.

Jon Ball in "Voice of the Past." 6:25 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m. 6:30 2 Doug Edwards -News -15m.

3 Key To Life -30m. 5 Haw Haw Hawthorne 6 Johnny Jet -Serial -30m. S Newsreel 9 Captain Video -15m,

Starring Al Hodge. 10 San Diego Padres on Parade 11 Time for Beany-Kids-15m. 13 Gary Goodwin's Sports Page

6:40 8 Weather -5m, 6:45 2, 8 Perry Como Show -Music -

Perry with the Fonlane Sisters and Ray Charles Singers. Musical selec- tions Include a medley sung by the Duke University Glee Club and "There Will Be No 'rear Drops To- night."

4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m. 5 Handy Hints -Tips -10m,

With Dorothy Gardner and Ken Graue.

9 Marge and Jeff -15m. 10 Your San Diego 11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Headliner with Rex May -5m.

6:50 4 Sports News -10m. V\ itlt Cleve Hermann.

13 Weather Miss -5m. 6:55 5 Bolamy Weather -5m,

7 Weather Almanac -5m. With Norman Nesbit. Sponsored by Permaglas Water Heaters.

9:45 , 10:00


13 10:15 5 Teleforum-60m.

Rufus B. Von KleinSmld discusses topics of current interest.


Page Fourteee

SUNDAYed) LOGS (Copt nu

11 Paul Coates Confidential File Subject tonight is "Homosexuals."

13 Street Corner U.S.A. With Clete Roberts.

7 Roto Magician -15m. 2, 8 The Web -30m.

- "Stop -Over" with Kay Medford. A gang of desperadoes hides out in a home for girls and terrorizes its in- habitants.

3 I Led Three Lives -30m, 4, 10 Loretta Young Show -

Loretta Young dramatizes answers to too letters she receives. Tonight's story is "Man's Estate." Miss Young portrays the step -mother of a young boy whose father tries to raise him to be a perfectionist.

5 Frank Veloz Show -15m. 6 Movie -75m.

"Invisible Ghost" with Bela Lugosl. 7 Graves for Governor -Political 9 TV Juke Box -45m.

11 Heart of the City -30m. With Patrick McVey and Jane Nigh A political refugee story involving an assassin and a patriot. California House Party

13 Airforce Theater -15m. 10:30 2 Late Show

"Dusty Ermine" w ith Ronald Squire and June Baxter.

3 Sit -In Theater -90m. 4 Man Against Crime -30m.

Starring Ralph Bellamy in "The Chinese Dolls."

7 The World Church 8 Meet Millie -30m.

10 Man Against Crime 11 George Putnam -First Edition 13 Cinema Showcase

"Melody For Three" with Jean Her- sholt and Dorothy Lovett.

11:00 4 Late Date At the Movies "1 Ring Doorbells," with Robert Shayne, Ann Gwynne.

8 Big Picture -30m. 10 Mystery Star Theater -30m.

"Cull Of The Southseas." 11:15 5 Final Edition -15m.

With Tom Hatten. 11:30 5 Televespers

Scenic wonders will interpret the scriptural truth "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto The Hills."

12:00 3 News -15m. 12:15 7 Beauty Secrets -10m!

10 Newspaper of the Air 13 News of the World-Sm.

With Rex May. 7:00 2 Studio One -Drama -60m.

"Jack Sperling, 46," the story of an ambitious business man who must make sudden adjustments In his ilfe when he suffers a cerebral accident.

3 -Ramer of the Jungle Jun Hall stars.

4 Lose the Blues -30m, With Bill Goodwin, Sybil Chtsm and guests who air their personal gripes and try to find a solution.

5 Newsreel -15m. With Gil Marlyn.

6 Gene Autry -30m, 7 Cisco Kid -30m.

Cisco uses a "Talking Horse" to trap some claim jumpers.

8 Superman -30m, Starring George Reeves

9 Craig Kennedy -30m. Donald Woods stars in "The Secret %Vill."

10 Life Is Worth Living With Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. See Channel 11, Sunday at 8 p.m.

11 Abbott and Costello -30m. Abbott and Costello in "Bed to Worse." The boys gó in the flower business and end up poisoning cus- tomers.

13 Rex May's Monday Movie - "Port of Forty Thieves" with Ste- phanie Bachelor and Richard Powers.

28 Schools Workshop -30m, 7:15 5 Surprise Twist -Drama -15m. 7:30 3 Memory Album -15m.

4, 10 Arthur Murray Party - Kathryn Murray, hostess with guest Alfred Drake who sings "Stranger in Paradise."

5 Make Believe Stars \\ ith Lew Bedell and contestants who pantomime to their favorite recording artist. -

6 Baseball Show -15m. With Al Schuss.

7 Advs. of Kit Carson -30m. Kit and El Toro help the United

States Army stop the theft of pay- roll vouchers.

8 People In the News -15m. 9 Hollywood Cabaret -30m.

\\ ith N.T.G. and night club talent. 11 Life With Elizabeth -30m.

Starring Betty \\ bite with Del Moore. Elizabeth asks Al to help her choose a dress over the phone; Elizabeth learns the Girl Scout Handbook by heart w hen she is asked to be a troop leader. Frank De Vol conducts a survey on dogs and Elizabeth thinks he is talking about Mama.

28 Ladera Playground -30m. 7:45 3 Kiernan's Kaleidoscope -15m.

4, 10 Camel News Caravan John Cameron Swayze reports.

6 Greatest Drama -15m. 8 Local News -10m.

8:00 2, 8 Burns and Allen Show -30m. Gracie assumes the brother of George's manager has his leg broken In a fight with George and almost ruins his chances of collecting his insurance.

3 Amos 'n Andy -30m. 4, 10 Name That Tune -K -30m.

With Red Benson and vocalist Vicki Mills in a song Identification pro- gram. Guest Is Louis Armstrong.


K C O P Monday thru Friday

6:00-6:30 P.M.


Page 15: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


April. 12 5 At Ease -30.

AU marine show from Camp Pen- dleton, California,.

6 Play of the Week -30m. 7 You Asked for It -30m,

Art Baker, host, presents "A New Twist On A Trapeze," "Party Tom Foolery," "High Diving Horse Re- turns," "Old Fashioned Teacher" and "King of the Bull Fighting Clowns."

9 The Three "R's" F.ducatlopal fit s,

11 Hollyweed Offbeat -40m. Melvyn Douglas stars in "Find My Murderer."

' 28 Big Picture -30m. "Eyes and Ears of the Army."

8:30 2, 8 Godfrey's Talent Scouts - Arthur Godfrey presents talent per- formers. Doris Hines, contralto. "The Borden Jumpers" and John Thomas Covelli, concert pianist.

3 I Love Lucy -30m. 4, 10 Voice of Firestone

Howard Barlow and the Firestone Orchestra. Eleanor Sieber is guest. Vocal, selections include "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth." from "The Messiah," "The Holy City." "Hosanna," "Where You There?" and 'intermezzo" from "Cavalieria Rusticana." The orchestra plays "Agnus Dei" by Bizet.

5 Roller Derby With Diet- Lane.

6 Johnny Downs Movie "The Bushwackers" with John Ire- land and Lon Chaney, Jr.

7 Superman -30m. Starring George Reeves.

9 Feature Film -90m. 11 Wrestling -21/4 hrs,

With Bill Welsh. 13 Rex May's Monday Movie

"Man of Conquest" with Richard Dix ,and Joan Fontaine,

28 Celebrity Night -30m. Siegfried Schultze, pianist, is guest.

9:00 2, 8 I Love Lucy -Comedy -30m. Starring Lucille Ball and I)esi Ar- naz. Ricky rehearses Lucy's club hand for a dance, then is faced with the problem of salvaging his pro- fessional reputation when the news- paper prints a story about Ricky Ricardo and his All -Girl Orchestra.

3 Red Buttons -30m, 4, 10. Dennis Day Show

Dennis's grandfather becomes dis- gusted with "Party Poppers" and goes in search of some fun. V% hen he runs into two thugs who throw a party for him he little realizes what danger he faces,

7 Church Talent Show 28 The Adult School -30m.

Cooking for the family. 9:30 2, 8 Red Buttons Show -30m.

Red Buttons with comic. eharactert- gallons. With Frank McHugh, Huntz Hail, Betty Garde and Lynn Loring.

3 Meet Millie -30m. 4, 10 Robert Montgomery


Incl, 21" 590 1 Full



HO. 2-3341

MONDmr Presents -K -60m. "For These Services" starring Ray- mond Massey with Arthur Franz and Adele Longmire. The story of a

small town doctor and his son who clash over. the diagnosis of a se- riously ill patient.

7 What's the Name of That Song Bill Gwinn with bis song identifica- tion program.

9:45 6 Tomorrow's News -15m. With Lionel Van Deerlin,

10:00 2 City Detective -30m. Starring Rod Cameron as deal.' Bart Grant. A recorded plea for help saves a girl's sanity, her life and her fortune. '

3 Badge 714 Starring Jack \\'ebb.

6 Bill Mesmer Presents. "Killer At Large" with Robert Lowery and Anabel Shaw.

7 Professor Yes 'N' No Quiz program.

8 Badge 714-30m. 9 Life Begins At 80-30m.

13 Ten O'Clock Theater 10:15 7 Blue Ribbon Dogs -15m.

Alice Scott presents champion dogs of the country.

10:30 2 News, Sports, Weather -30m, With Charles Herring, George Fisher, Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

3 Pacific Theater 4 Story Theater -Drama -30m.

"Let the Cards Decide." 7 Orient Express -30m.

David Hurst stars in "Curse of Agostino," the story of a ghastly and ghostly protest from the past when an eccentric nobleman decides to sell the family castle to a ple- beian couple.

8 Studio One -60m "Paul's Apartment," a mystery drama of a writer who meets and marries the former fiance of a friend. His wife turns out to he a woman of. mystery who systematic- ally searches his apartment which once belonged to the other man,

9 Don Lee World News With I.ce Wood,. Bill Brundige and Ted Meyers,

10 Championship Wrestling New 13 Criswell Predicts -15m. 10:45 9 TV Juke Box New 13 t. A. Today -15m. i

Ed AlcKanna with local news, 11:00 2 Chronoscope-15m.

World event series. Larry Le Sueur. Guest is Joseph E. Johnson, presi- dent of the Carnegie Institute for International l'eace.

4 Eleventh Hour News -15m. Don Rlckles reports.

5 Final Edition With Ken C,,raue.

7 Hank Weaver -News and Sports -15m.

11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Owl Movie

"Meet Dr. Christian" with Jean Her- sholt and Dorothy Lovett.

11:15 2 The Late Show -75m. "Woman of the Town" with Claire Trever and henry Hull.

4 Elroy Hirsch -5m. 7 Prestige Theatre -2 hrs.

"The Three Pirates." 11 Jackson's Theatre

"Laughing at Danger" with Frankle Darro.

11:20 4 Movies -60m. "Million Dollar Baby," with Jimmy Fay, \rline Judge.

11:30 8, 10 Newsreel 12:00 3 Final News 1:00 11 News, Sports -10m. 1:10 11 Late Jackson Theater

"Northwest Outpost" with Nelson Eddy, Ilona Massey and Joseph Schildkraut.

Slicker 3are

. Monday, April 12

"VENGEANCE IS MINE," Valentine Dyall, Anne Firth. (2) 9:05 a.m. A framed man is released from prison, learns that he has only a short time to live, and hires someone to murder him to cast suspi- cion on his enemy.

"NAVY SPY," Conrad Nagel. (7) 1:00 p.m. "DREAMING OUT LOUD," Lum 'n' Abner.

12) 4:00 p.m. The screen debut of Lum 'n Abner in a conglomeration of every- thing that's ever been done about a small town.

"GUILTY OF TREASON," Charles Pickford, Bonita Granville. (5) 4:30 p.m. The story of the arrest and the trial of Cardinal Mindzentzy.

"THUNDER RIVER FEUD," Range Busters. (5) 5:30 p.m.

"I RING DOORBELLS," Robert Shayne, Ann Gwynne. (4) 1:00 p.m. A reporter, a

photographer, and a beautiful young lady get mixed up In a murder.

"SECRET SERVICE INVESTIGATOR," Lloyd Bridges, Lynne Roberts. (11) 2:C0 p.m. Saga concerns counterfeiters .and their expose by the government.

"WOLF CALL," John Carroll, Movita. (11) 4:15 p.m. A playboy is sent to the North- west by his father with the idea that he will become a man. However, he proves his character when he discovers crooks trying to swindle his father.

"UNDER TEXAS SKIES," Bob Custer, Bill Cody. (6) 5:30 p.m.

"PORT OF FORTY THIEVES," Richard Powers, Stephanie Bachelor. (13) 7:00 p.m.

"MAN OF CONQUEST," Richard Dix, Joan Fontaine. (13) 8:30 p.m. The story of Sam Houston, and how he helped to found- the state of Texas, and fulfilled the dreams of Andy Jackson.

"THE BUSHWACKERS," John Ireland, Lon Chaney, Jr. (6) 8:30 p.m. The story of the West and the settlement of this country after the Civil War.

"KILLER AT LARGE," Robert Lowery, Anabel Shaw. (6) 10:00 p.m. Robert Lowery plays the part of a newspaper- man who digs up a veterans housing scandal.

"MEET DR. CHRISTIAN," Jean Hersholt, Dorothy Lovett. (13) 11:00 p.m. Dr. Christian sees to it that the town gets a badly needed hospital.

"THE THREE PIRATES." (7) 11:15 p.m. Three brothers sentenced to the galleys, capture their ship and set out after the captain.

"LAUGHING AT DANGER," Frankie Darro. (11) 11:15 p.m.

"WOMEN OF THE TOWN," Claire Trever, Henry Hull. (2) 11:15 p.m. The exciting love story of the honkey tonk queen of Dodge City. -

"MILLION DOLLAR BABY," Jimmy Fay, Arline Judge. (4) 11:20 p.m.


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i Page Fifteen

Page 16: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

truEsDa t LOGS Information Received From Stations 6:45

Subject to Last Minute Change

See Page 9 for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Space Funnies -60m. 3 Jeanne Baird Presents -60m. 4, 10 Pinky Lee Show -30m. 6 Spanish Language News -15m 7 Make Believe Ballroom 8 Monte Hall Show 9 Star Time -30m.

11 Movieland Matinee, Cont'd- 13 Gary's Movie Carnival

5:15 6 Our Town -Spanish -15m. 7 Dusty Walker Show -15m.

5:30 - 2 The Little Rascals -30m. 4, 10 Howdy Doody -Juvenile

With Bob Smith. 5 Western Feature -60m.

"Fighting Pioneers" with Rex Bell. 6 Cowboys and Injuns-60m.

"West ward Bound" with Buffalo Bill, Jr.

7 The Margaret Whiting Show With the Leo Dukehorn Trio.

9 Gene Norman Show -30m. 11 Sheriff John -Cartoon Time - 13 Webster Webfoot -30m.

trick Jimmy Weldon with guests, songs and "Little Joe" stories. Sponsored by Can -A -Pop.

5:55 7 Jack Rourke In Hollywood - 6:00 2 Charlie Chase Comedies

Famous old comedies. 3 Thought For the Day -15m. 4 McElroy at Sunset -45m.

Jack McElroy, star, with Barbara Logan, Phil Gray and Eddie Baxter.

7 Chet Huntley News -15m. S Range Rider 9 Action Theater -30m.

10 Designs in Music -15m. 11 Thunderbolt -15m.

The Wonder Colt. 13 Commander Comet -30m.

Starring Larry Harmon. 6110 3 Constantino's Column 6:15 3 World News -15m.

7 The Jack Owens Show -40m. 10 Channel 10 News -15m. 11 Remar of the Jungle -15m.

Starring John .Hall in "Voice of the Past."

6:25 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m. 6:30 2 Doug Edwards -News -15m.

3 Captured -30m. 5 Haw Haw Hawthorne 6 Johnny Jet -Serial 8 Newsreel 9 Captain Video -15m.

Starring Al Hodge In "Start Ship of Y esterday.'

10 S. D. Padres on Parade 11 Time for Beany-Kids-15m. 13 Gary Goodwin's Sports Page

6:40 8 Weatherword-5m.


present K C 0 P




April 13 2, S Jo Stafford Show -15m.

,lo Stafford, star, with Paul Weston and Ills orchestra, .lo sings "The Best Things In Life Are Free." "Garden in The Rain," ' April Showers" and "Answer Me, My Love."

4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m. 5 Handy Hints -Tips -10m.

Dorothy Gardiner and Len Grate. 9 Marge and Jeff -15m.

10 Your San Diego -10m. 11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Headliner With Rex May-Sm.

6:50 4 Sports News -10m. With Cleve Hermann.

13 Weather Miss -5m. 6:55 5 Bollay Weather -5m.

7 Weather Almanac -5m. With Norman Nesbit.

10 Newspaper of the Air -5m. 13 News of the World -5m.

With Rex May. 7:00 2, 3 Range Rider -30m.

Starring .lack Mahoney and Dick Jones. Rider finds himself involved w ith more than one kind of ring.

4 The Harry Babbitt Show - 5 Newsreel -15m. .t 6 Rocky Jones, Space Ranger\ 7 Cavalcade of America -30m.

\ salute to famous events and per- sonalities in American history. To- night's episode is "Crazy Judah" with Ross Elliott and Frances Raf- ferty. Theodore Judah becomes the object of ridicule as he tries to sell his dream of a transcontinental ail - road to the politicians of America.

8 Cisco Kid -30m. 9 Colonel Flack -30m.

Starring Alan Mow bray. 10 I Led Three Lives -30m. 11 Annie Oakley

Starring Gail Davis in action -packed Western saga with Brad Johnson. Through her brother's love for rock candy, Annie Is able to save the .sheriff from vengeful outlaws.

13 First Run Movies -75m. Late releases, first time on TV, presented by the Big 4 Chevrolet Dealers. "We're Goingg.Tn Re Rich" will, Gracie Field, Wien Donlevy and Victor McLaglen.

28 Schools Workshop -30m. 7115 5 Surprise Twist -Drama -15m. 7:30 2 See It Now -M -30m.

\With Edward R. Murrow, 3 Art Linkletter-30m. 4, 10 Dinah Shore Show -15m.

Dinah sings in an old house dating to revolutionary times.

5 Cafe Continental -30m. With Roberta Linn and the Mello - men.

6 Heart of the City -30m. \With Pat McVey and .lane Nigh.

7 Name's the Same -Panel - Robert Q. Lewis, emcee, with panel- ists Bill Stern, Joan Alexander and Gene Rayburn.

S People in the News -15m. 9 Your Town's Talent -30m.

Rob Moon, emcee. Tonight is Los Angeles night.

11 Waterfront -30m. Preston Foster as captain John, and his two sons round up gangsters smugting cobalt.

28 Let's Play Like -30m. 7:45 3 Film Feature

4, 10 Camel News Caravan - John Cameron Swayze reports.

8 Local News -10m. 7:55 8 News -5m. 8:00 2 Amos 'n' Andy -30m.

With Spencer Williams, Alvin Child - dress and Tim Moore.

3, 4, 10 Bob Hope Show -60m. Rob Hope with Jack Benny, Rose- mary Clnoney and lea Brown and his band of Reknown.

5 Spotlight Magazine -60m. With Gil Marlyn.

6 China Smith -30m. Starring Dan Duryea.

7 Corina Playhouse -30m. Elizabeth Fraser stars in "Call The Police."

8 Wild Bill Hickok 9 Baseball Warm -Up -15m.



Adolphe Menjou-Drama Adolphe MenJou presents Marshall Thompson in "What Happened At 'three Oaks.' A post Clvil War story based on a resentment of towns- people against the owners of a plantation.

13 Boss Lady -30m. Starring Lynn Bari and Glenn i an -

gait. Drama of the female head of a

construction company and her gen- eral manager.

28 Under the Same Stars -30m. 8:15 9 Baseball Game

I.os Angeles Angels vs. San Fran- c i sco.

28 The Easier Way Ií:30 2 Red Skelton Show -30m.

6 Johnny Downs Movie "I.l'I Abner" with Granville Owen and Martha O'Driscoll.

7 Famous TV Theatre -30m. Joan Leslie stars in "Black Savan- nah." the -story of a young widow tormented by the mystery surround- ing her husband's death.

8 Playhouse of Stars McDonald Carey stars in "The Plug- ger) Nickel" the story of a man minus his wallet who becomes In- volved in a murder.

11 Edward Arnold's Star Showcase -Drama Barton \Iacl.ane stars in "A \ cry Old Murder." A mystery comedy in- volving a town spinster who Is mentally unbalanced and, a ghost that flits through the town late at night.

28 L. A. County Museum -30m. 8:55 9 Headline Report -5m.

With Lyle Bond. 9:00 2 Meet Millie -30m.

Starring Elena Verdugo. 3 Bishop Fulton J. Sheen -30m. 4, 10 Fireside Theater -Drama -

Gene Raymond, host, presents "In- vitation 'fo Marriage." with Lola Albright. A young bachelor is don- vinced that modern women lack true femininity until a successti I female advertising executive proves him wrong.

5 Ina Ray Hutton -Revue -60m. All Girl Entertainment.

7 Make Room for Daddy -30m. Danny Thomas and Jean Ilagen star. Danny's children thinks he loves an aCtt'ess and he teaches them that eavesdropping isn't all it's cracked up to be. Marie Wilson stars as object of his affection.

8 Life of Riley -30m. Starring William Bendix.

11 Big Night Movie -90m. "Casanova in Burlesque" is ilh Joe E. Brown and June Havoc,

"Little Joe the Jack Rabbit" Easter Time Story Record (7" -78 rpm) of Webster Webfoot end Uncle Jimmy Weldon. Sturdily packaged. Sent by return mail. Order today from


50c Postpaid, Tax Incl.

Webster Webfoot, Box 16455, Hollywood 3$

Page Sixteen

Page 17: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


9:30 '


April 13 13 The Visitor -Drama -30m.

'Whit Bissell stars in "The In- quisitor."

28 The Adult School -30m. Living together in the family.

2 Easter Parade of Stars -30m. Irene Dunn, mistress of ceremonies, from Waldorf-Astoria. Appearing are Phyllis Kirk, Nancy Olson, Ann Rutherford, Buff Cobb, Roxanne, Robin Chandler, Peggy Ann Garner, Eva Gabor and 'Margaret Ay. Music by units of the armed services.

3 The Web -30m. ,1 4, 10 Armstrong Circle Theatre

Arthur Trencher, Francis L. Sullivan and Patty McCormick star in "The Three Tasks," a poignant Easter fantasy about a young child not fully aware of her mother's death, who tries desperately to convince her father that she will return.

7, 8 U. S. Steel Hour -60m. . Jessie Royce Landis stars in "Late

Date," the sometimes humorous, sometimes serious story of an artis- tically frustrated floor -walker.

13 Story Theater ,

9:45 6 Tomorrow's News With Lionel Van Deerlin.

10,00 2 Danger -30m. 3 Favorite Story -90m,

Adolphe Menjou, host. 4, 10 Judge for Yourself -30m.

Fred Allen, emcee, with Kitty Kal- len. Bob Carroll and the Skylarks, and Milton DeLuge's orchestra.

5 Duffy's Tavern -30m. Starring Ed Gardner as "Archie," Alan Reed. Pattie Chapman and Jimmy Conlin. Duffy tries to beat the insurance company out of a settlement because he helieves he is wise in the matters of law.

6 Bill Mesmer Presents "Troubled Waters" with James Mason and Alistair Sim.

13 Ten O'Clock .Theater -30m. 10:30 2 News, Sports, Weather -30m,

With Charles Herring, George Fish- er and Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

3 Pacific Theater -90m. 4, 10 Mr. and Mrs. North -30m.

Pam joins a school for models and in a fencing class observes two models taking their sword play too seriously. A later investigation re- veals a murder.

5 George Raft -30m. 7 To Be Announced 8 To Be Announced 9 Don Lee World News -15m.

With Lee Wood, Ted Myers and Bill Brundige.

11 Stairway To Stardom -30m. With Wally Sherwin and guests.

New 13 Criswell Predicts -15m. 10:45 . 9 TV Juke Box New 13 Today in L. A. -15m.

Ed McKanna with local news. 1.1:00 2 The Late Show

"Do Ye Hen John Peel" with John Garrick and Winifred Shotter.

3 PacificTlleatre-60m. 4 Eleventh Hour News -15m.

Don Rickles reporting. 5 Final Edition

With Tom Hatten. 7 Hank Weaver, Sports & News

T ESD LOGS 8 My Favorite Husband -30m.

Starring Joan 'Caulfield and Barry Nelson.- Liz finds it a little diffi- cult being married to a "perfect" husband.

10 Mystery Star Theatre "Pardon My Stripes."

11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Owl Movie

11:15 4 Elroy Hirsch -5m. 7 Prestige Theater -2 'hrs.

11 Jackson's Theatre "Streets of New York" with Jackie Cooper.

13 Owl Movie 11:20 4 Late Movies.

"Rubber Racketeers," with Ricardo Cortez. and Rochelle Hudson.

11:30 8 Newsreel 12:00 3 News

1:00 11 News and Sports -10m. With Jackson 'Wheeler.

1:10 11 Jackson's Theatre -90m. "Love, Honor and Goodbye" with Virginia Bruce and John Loder.

an ax (FAN FAX Is an exclusive TV -Radio Life

column for the many TV and radio fan clubs. It will appear periodical') on our pages. If you are a Fan Club official or member and wish ro have Information printed in this column, send it to FAN FAX, TV -RADIO LIFE, 6361 SELMA AVE., HOLLYWOOD 28. CALIF. We will try to

To Joan Hasley: Sorry Joanie, but we can't supply you with a picture of your

.favorite, Perry Como. You might try wiiting,to Perry direct at CBS -TV.

Anna (Mickey) McGuire has started a new club for Billy Wright. He's on Jimmy Wakely's show. For info write to Anna at 1527 Corinth Ave Apt. 1, West Los Angeles 25.

Here a card from a moron; oops, sorry a "Moore -On." Robert Waste is running a club for lovely Terry Moore, one of Hollywood's most frequent TV -

radio gúest stars. He's an old friend of Terry's, started the club in 1948, turned it over three years later to a girl in Miami for a year and a half, and now she's got it back. Address: 1015 Mon- terey Road, Glendale 6, Calif.

Patty Holloway, 1945 Marengo Ave., South Pasadena would like to know if anyone is interested in joining a fan club for Jimmy Boyd.

Anyone who would like to join the Ina Ray Hutton fan club can contact Sandra Lamb, 4352 Altadena Ave., San Diego 15, Calif.

Anita Johnson, 4441 Sinova Street, Los 'Angeles 32, Calif. would like to join a club for Myron Floren, Lawrence Welk's fine accordionist..

illi(~~~this Is one inch of advertis- ing space. You can SELL

your products and services to more than 115,000 families each week for as little as $6.30 per inch on a 52 -week basis. Single insertion, $8.40. For additional details, call Advertising Department, HO. 4-9275.

Slicker 3are Tuesday, April 13

"THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK," Jane Arden, Douglas Stewart. (2) 9:00 a.m.

"MILLION DOLLAR BABY," Jimmy Fay, Arline Judge. (4) 1:00 p.m.

"BARNYARD FOLLIES," June Storey. (11) 2:00 p.m. The "Missing Heir," radio program, saves an old man from black- mail In this musical comedy.

"THOSE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR," Jack War- ner. (2) 3:45 p.m.

"MYSTERIOUS MR. VALENTINE," William Henry. (11) 415 p.m. Another private eye story, involving blackmail.

"YANK IN LONDON," Dean Jagger, Anna Neagte. (5) 4:30 p.m.

"FIGHTING PIONEERS," Rex Bell. (5) 5:30 p.m.

"WESTWARD BOUND," Buffalo Bill, Jr. (6) 5:30 p.m.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE RICH," Gracie Fields, Brian Donlevy. (13) 7:00 p.m.

"LI'L ABNER," Granville Owen. (6) 8:30 p.m. Mild entertainment based on Al Capps comic strip.

"CASANOVA IN BURLESQUE," Joe E. Brown, June Havoc. (11) 9:00 p.m. Comedy in which Joe E. Brown portrays a duel personality role as a professor of college Shakespeare and a burlesque performer.

"TROJBLED WATERS," James Mason, Ala- stair Sim. (6) 10:00 p.m.

"PARDON MY STRIPES," Bill Henry, Sheila Ryan. (10) 11:00 p.m. A boy trans- porting gambling money loses it, and a

girl reporter helps him recover it. "JEEPERS CREEPERS," Thurston Hall.

(13) 11:00 p.m. "D'YEKEN JOHN PEEL," John Garrick,

Winifred Shotter. (2) 11:00 p.m. "THE THREE PIRATES." (7) 11:15 p.m.

Three brothers, sentenced to the galleys of their ship, capture their ship and set out after the captain.

"STREETS OF NEW YORK," Jackie Cooper. (11) 11:15 p.m. The young operator of a

news stand has trouble because his brother is a notorious racketeer.

"RUBBER RACKETEERS," Ricardo Cortez, Rochelle Hudson. (4) 11:20 p.m. Gang sters invade the used tire business as a

war time profiteering racket. "LOVE, HONOR AND GOODBYE," Virginia

Bruce, John Loder. (11) 1:10 a.m. Ro- mance, fun, songs and drama nicely blended when a wife decides to leave her husband and pursue a stage career.

Classified SPECIAL TO


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For additional classified please see page 37.

Page Seventeen

Page 18: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got



WEDNESDAY i/ LOG Information Received From Stations

Subject to Last Minute Change

See Page 9 for 9:00 A.M. to .5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00. 2 Barker Bill Cartoon Show , 3 Jeanne Baird Presents -60m.

4, 10 Pinky Lee Show -30m. With Pinky Lee, Barbara Luke, Molly Bee and Jimmy Brown.

7 Make Believe Ballroom With Al Jarvis.

8 Monte Hall Show 9 Star Time -30m.

11 Movieland Matinee, Cont'd- 13 Gary's Movie Carnival -30m.

5415 2 Space Funnies -45m. ,

With Dal MCKcnnon. 6 Spanish Language News -15m 7 Dusty Walker Show

5:30 2 The Little Rascals -30m. 4, 10 Howdy Doody -Juvenile

' 5 Western Feature -Movie -60m. "Outlaw Justice" with John Hoxie.

6 Cowboys and Iniuns-60m. "Westward Bound" with Butte lo Bill, Jr.

7 Margaret Whiting Show 9 Gene Norman Show -30m.

11 -Sheriff John -Cartoon time - Film cartoons and fables told by Sheriff John.

13 Webster Webfoot -30m. Uncle Jimmy Weldon with guests, sings and 'Little Joe" stories. Sponsored 'by Can -A -Pop.

5155 7 Jack Rourke In Hollywood News from the world of movies, TV and radio.

6:00 2 Charlie Chase Comedies Famous old comedies.

3 Thought of the Day 4 McElroy At Sunset -45m.

Jack McElroy, star with Barbara Logan, Phil Gray and Eddie Baxter.

7 Chet Huntley News -15m. 8 Stu Erwin Show -30m. 9 Action Theater -30m.

10 Mystery Star Winners -15m. 11 Thunderbolt -15m.

The Wonder Colt. 13 Commander Comet -30m.

Starring Larry Harmon. 6:10 3 Senator Kuchel-5m. 6:15 3 World News -15m.

April 14 7 Jack Owens Show -40m.

With Mary Ann. 10 Channel 10 Newsreel 11 Ramer of the Jungle

Starring John Hall in "Savage Chal- lenge."

6:25 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m. 6:30 2 Doug Edwards -News -15m.

3 Time For Beany-30m. 5 Haw Haw Hawthorne -15m. 6 Johnny Jet -Serial 8 Newsreel, 9 Captain Video -15m.

Starring Al Hodge. 10 S. D. Padres On Parade 11 Time for Beany-Kids-15m. 13 Gary Goodwin's Sports Page

6:40 8 Weatherword 6:45 2, 8 Perry Como Show -Music -

Perry Como with the Fontane Sis- ters, Ray Charles Chorus and Mitchell Ayers Orchestra. Musical selections are "Here," "Secret Love," "June, Moon, Spoon," and "I Get So Lonely."

4 Elmer Peterson-News-Sm. . With Cleve Hermann.

5 Handy Hints -Tips -10m. Dorothy Gardiner and Ken Grain.

9 Marge and Jeff -15m. 10 Your San Diego -15m.

With Sig Smith. 11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Headliner with Rex May -5m.

With Rex May. 6:50 5 Sports News -5m.

With Cleve Hermann. 13 Weather Miss -5m.

6:55 5 Bollay Weather -5m. 7 Weather Almanac -5m.

With Norman Nesbitt. 10 Newspaper of the AIr-5m. 13 News of the World -5m.

With Rex May. 7:00 2, 3, 8 Blue Ribbon Bouts -45m

4 Foreign Intrigue -Drama -30m James Daly as Michael Powers, finds himself a pawn in the police state's efforts to locate the leader of the underground when he goes to Observe the release of some political prisoners.

5 Newsreel -15m. Gil Martyn reports.

6 Abbott and Costello -30m. 7 Sky King -Adventure -30m. 9 Big Game Hunt -30m.

Martin and Osa Johnson films taken in Africa. Tonight's episode: "Float- ing Terror."

10 Break the Bank -30m.


DOLLS GOING FAST (Sold 2) But there's still plenty of time for Easter delivery! They're just half my size, with terry cloth cover over soft foam rubber. Vinyl .plastic face (non-toxic coloring). Squeeze his left foot 'n' hear his quack! Order now .. and oh, yes, enclose cash, check or money $4x00 order for


(S e n t by return mail, tax and' post- age included)

by Can -a -Pop, KCOP .13 Mon. -Fri. 5:30-6:Q0 P.M.

11 Hopalong Cassidy -30m. William Boyd stars In "Twisted Trails."

13 Joe Palooka-30m. Starring -Joe Kirkwood, Cathy Downs, Sid Tomack and Maxie Rosenbloom in the "Second Honey- moon."

28 Long Beach City College 7:15 5 Surprise Twist -Drama -15m. 7:30 4, 10 Coke Time

Starring Eddie Fisher. 5 Janet Dean, Registered Nurse

Starring Ella Raines in the drama- tic events making up the life of a nurse, Janet finds a skeleton in the Goodale house when someone tries to frighten Ann Goodale to death. The Visitor -30m. 6


9 11


28 7:45 2

3 4,

.$ 8:00 2,

3 4,


6 7

9 11


28 8:15 9

8:30 3





Jamie -30m. Starring Brandon DeWilde as the orphan Jamie and Ernest Trues and Polly Bowles, Jamie and his family try to guess the number of beans in a jar to win a TV set. Kings Crossroads -30m. Terry and the Pirates -30m. Starring Johnny Baer and William Tracy in "Diamond Maker." Liberate -30m. Piano stylings and songs by Liberace. Let's Play Like -30m. Mel Allen -M -Sports -15m. Investment Facts -i 5m. 10 Camel News Caravan With John Can.rron Swayze. People In The News -15m..: 8 Godfrey and Friends Arthui Godfrey with Jeanette Davis, Marian Marlowe, Frank Parker, Lu- Ann Sims. the McGuire Sisters, Haleloke, the Mariners and Tony Marvin. Place the Face -30m. 10 I Married Joan -Comedy - Starring Joan Davis. Frosty Frolics -60m. Artistry on the ice with Manny Strand's orchestra and songs by Roberta Linn, My Hero -30m. Inspector Mark Saber Tom Conway stars in "The Hair of the Dog." Baseball Warm -Up -15m. Capture -Drama -30m. "Willie Sutton.". A notorious New York killer is brought to bay. Jay Novello stars, Ethel Barrymore Theater "General Delivery." Miss Barrymore stars an an elderly woman in a boarding house who helps solve a mystery Involving dope peddlers. Families Are First Baseball Game -2 hrs. Los Angeles vs. San Francisco, Godfrey and Friends -30m.

4, 10 My Little Margie -Comedy Starring Gale Storm and Charles Farrell. Margie's boy friend takes advantage of his rank in naval re- serve to get revenge for ,Vern's past treatment. Movie -75 m. "Along Came Love" with Irene Hee- vey. Affairs Of China Smith -30m. Dan Duryea stars in "Devil In The Godown."

Boston Blackie-30m. Starring Kent Taylor. Lots Collier and Frank Orth. Mackie rescues a movie star from jewel thieves. Times Square Playhouse '

Herbert Marshall presents "Man From Yesterday." The true facts be- hind a best selling novel which has restored faith to millions.

28 Know Communism 8:45 9 Amateur Boxing

ti .a_ .

1 Page' Eighteen'

Page 19: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


April 14 9:00 2, 3, 8 Strike It Rich -30m.

Warren Hull, emcee.

4, 10 Kraft TV Theater -60m. Bart Burns and Mary Fickett star In "A Hat For Winter, the story of a jazz musician who must choose be- tween a not too successful musical career and a job for which he is fitted but does not want.

S Olympic Wrestling 7 Critic's Award Theater -90m.

Eduardo Clanelli stars in "Village Idiot."

11 My Hero -30m. Starring Robert Cummings as Robert S. Beanblossom end Julie Bishop as his secretary. Tonight's episode. "Cinderella's Revenge." Beanblos- com changes places with Thacker' to impress an old girl friend who is

visiting. New 13 Jimmy Wakely-Ginny Jack-

son Show -60m. Music guests, variety, from Riser - side Rancho.

28 The Adult School -30m. Literature.

9:30 2, 3 I've Got A Secret -30m. Garry Moore. emcee and panelists Bill Cullen, Henry Morgan and Jayne Meadows and Joan Bennett.

8 Kent Theater Flashback -30m. Paul Coates presents significant happenings and events of the past, and guest interviews.

9:43 $ Tomorrow's News -15m. With Lionel Van Ueerltn.

10:00 2 Follow That Man -30m. Starring Ralph Bellamy.

3 Pacific Theater -90m. 4, 10 This Is Your Life -K -30m.

Ralph Edwards' life stories of in- teresting people.

5 Bill Mesmer Presents. "Behind Locked Doors" with Rich- ard Carlson and Lucille Bremer.

8 Red Skelton Show


11 Front Page Detective -30m. Edmond Lowe stars in "Lonely One." An antique paper weight and some unsigned love poems are del- ivered to the -detective and dupli- cates are found at the scene of two murders.

13 Ten O'Clock Theater -30m. 10:13 7 Roto Magician -15m. 10:30 2 News, Sports, Weather

. With Charles Herring, George Fish- er. Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

4 Regal Theater -30m. "Al Haddon's Lamp," with Robert

Mutton, Buddy Ebson. A real estate salesman must sell a "white ele- phant" before be can marry the boss's daughter.

7 Rotó Magician -15m. 8 Danny Thomas Show

See Channel 7 at 9 p.m., Tuesday, 9 Don Lee World News -15m.

With Lee Wood, Ted Meyers and Bill Brundiae.

10 The Plainclothes Man 11 John .1. Anthony -30m.

The well-known adviser on per- sonal problems helps view era.

New 13 Criswell Predicts -15m. 10:45 5 Wrestlers' Lament -10m.

Dick Lane host, presents wrestlers who air their opinions.

7 Public Service Film 9 TV Juke Box

New 13 L. A. Today -45m. Ed McKenna with local news.

11100 2 Chronoscope-15m. Larry Le Sueur with world events. Guest is Dr. Leonard A. Scheele, surgeon general of U.S. Public health service is guest.



1 h30 3 8

12:00 13 1:00 11

1:10 11

4 Eleventh Hour News -15m. Dnn Rickles reports.

5 Final Edition With Ken Graue.

7 Hank Weaver, Sports & News 8 Dollar A Second

10 Mystery Star Theater "Homicide For Three."

11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Owl Movie

"Strangers In The Night" with Wil- liam Terry and Virginia Grey.

2 The Late Show "For S'ou f Die" with Cathy Down's

and Mischa Auer. 4 Elroy Hirsch 7 Prestige Theater -2 Hrs.

"The Three Pirates." 11 Jackson's Theatre

"Father Makes Good" with Ray- mond Walburn.

4 Late Movie -60m. "She's In The Army," with Marie Wilson, Veda Ann Borg. News -15m. Newsreel Late News -5m. News and Sports -10m. With Jackson Wheeler. Jackson's Theatre -90m. "Man From Frisco" with 3lichael O'Shea and Anne Shirley.

POWER OF TV Several weeks ago Ralph Edwards

had Dr. Kate Newcomb on his "This Is Your Life" show. He mentioned the need for additional funds to build the Lakewood Memorial Hospital in Dr. Kate's home town.

In a ten-day period last week the town (population 450) received 300 mailbags containing $83,779.57. The town was a beehive of activity. The local bank cleared 8,033 checks .

the town's tavern closed its doors to drinkers on Saturday night and of- fered its bar space to money counters. Nearly everyone in town was count- ing money. The proposed hospital was well on its way -thanks to television.

Never under estimate the power 'of a woman is a time worn slogan which might gradually give way to NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF TELEVISION.


Slicker dare Wednesday, April 14 -

"THE POINTING FINGER," John Stuart, Viola Keats. (2) 9:05 a.m.

"MURDER AT GLEN ATOLL," Henry Hull. (7) 1.:00 p.m. Vacationing G -Man seek- ing the quiet of the country, meets his toughest assignment.

"LADIES IN DISTRESS," Alison Skipworth. (11) 2:00 p.m. An English duchess finds plenty of adventure in Hollywood when she travels incognito among the circles.

"BLIND MAN'S BLUFF," Zena Marshall, Kidney Taller. (2) 4:00 p.m.

"VALLEY OF THE ZOMBIES;" Robert Liv- ingston, Ian Keith. (11) 4115 p.m. Keith as a Zombie -one of the living dead, ex- ists as a vampire, but is finally caught.

"KILL OR BE KILLED," Lawuence Tierney, George Coulouris. (5) 4:30 p.m. A man dodges Justice for a murder he didn't commit, and at the same time, carries on a romance with another man's wife.

"OUTLAW JUSTICE," John Hoxie. (5) 5:30 p.m.

"WESTWARD BOUND," Buffalo Bill, Jr. (6) 5:30 p.m.

"ALONG CAME LOVE," Irene Hervey, Charles Starrett. (6) 8:30 p.m.

"VILLAGE IDIOT," Eduardo Clanelli. (7) 9:C0 p.m.

"BEHIND LOCKED DOORS," Richard Carl- son, Lucille Bremer. 16) 10:00 p.m. The adventures of a detective=behind the iron gates of an insane asylum.

"HOMICIDE FOR THREE," Audrey Long, Warren Douglas..(10) 11:00 p.m. A young navy lieutenant and his bride get In- volved in a murder on their honeymoon.

"STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT," William Terry, Virginia Grey. (13) 11:00 p.m. The story of a Marine and how he was given the will to live through letters from an unknown girl.

"FATHER MAKES GOOD," -Raymond Wit burn. (11) 11:15 p.m.

"FOR YOU I'D DIE," Cathy'Downs, Raul Langton. (2) 11:15 p.m.

"SHE'S IN THE ARMY," Marie Wilson, Veda Ann Bork. (4) 11:20 p.m. A young debutante Joins the WAGS -for publicity and a $5000 bet with a newspaper column- ist.

"RUBBER RACKETEERS," Ricardo Cortez, Rochelle Hudson. (4) 1:00 p.m. Gang- sters invade the used tire business as a war time profiteering racket.

"MAN FROM FRISCO," Michael O'Shea, Anne Shirley. (11) 1:10 a.m. A construc- tion engineer revolutionizes shipbuilding, and in the Meantime does all right in the romantic circles.


Valuabk prizes - Drawing Sun. 4 p.m.

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MOVIE RANCH Sunday Arena Show - Stage Show,.- In person, Crash Corrigan, other Moyle and TV stars. SEE Robin Hood Lake d Forest -7t. Apache -Vendetta Spanleh Village- Sitvertown, the R'estern Street -Stage coach or Bank holdup every Sunday 11:30 A.M. - 2000 acres-caves- BBQ-Plenlc grounds and tables -Restaurant.

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BRING THIS AD -SAVE MONEY it admits tree two of your children under 12

and employee parties. For rates and information call STanley 7-3565

Page Nineteen

Page 20: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got




., --- - _ °$ Information Received From Stations

Subject to Last Minute Change

See Page 9 for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Space Funnies -60m. .3 Jeanne Baird Presents -60m. 4, 10 Pinky Lee Show -30m.

With Pinky Lee, Barbara Luke, Molly Bee and Jimmy Brown.

7 Make Believe Ballroom With Al Jarvis.

8 Monte Hall Show 9 Star Time -30m.

11 Movieland Matinee, Cont'd- 13 Gary's Movie Carnival -30m.

5:1.5 6 OUr Town -Spanish -15m. 7 Dusty Walker Show

5:30 2 The Little Rascals -30m. 4, 10 Howdy Doody -Juvenile 5 Western Feature -60m;

"'!;onto ,Basin Outlaw" with the Range Busters.

6 Cowboys and Inluns-30m. "Fighting Pals" with Rex Bell.

7 Márgaret Whiting Show -30m. With the Leo Dukehorn Trio and guests.

9 Gene Norman Show -30m. 11 Sheriff John -Cartoon Time - 13 Webster Webfoot -30m.

Uncle Jimmy Weldon with guests, songs and "Little Joe" stories. Sponsored by Can -A -Pop.


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For only $15,00 a month, YOU can OWN a beautiful wooded full size lot at


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5:55 7

6:00 2

3 4

7 8 9

10 11


6:10 3 6:15 3

7 10 11

6:25 6:30

April 15 Jack Rourke In Hollywood News from the world of movies. TV and radio. Charlie Chase Comedies -25m. Famous old comedies. Thought of the Day McElroy At Sunset -45m. Jack McElroy, star with Barbara Lo- gan, Phil Grey and Eddie Baxter. Chet Huntley News -15m. Life With Father Action Theater -30m. Designs in Music -15m. Thunderbolt -15m. The Wonder Colt.

Commander Comet -30m. Starring Larry Harmon. Constantino's Column-Sm. World News Jack Owens Show -15m. Channel 10 News Ramer of the Jungle -30m. John Hall stars in "Savage Chal- lenge."

2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m. 2 Doug Edwards -News -K -15m 3 Operation Tri Country 5 Haw Haw Hawthorne 6 Johnny Jet -Serial 7, Kraft TV Theater -60m.

"A Marriage Made In Heaven." 8 Newsreel -5m. 9 Captain Video -15m.

Starring Al Hodge in "Star Ship From Yesterday." .

10 S. D. Padres On Parade With Bob Hull and .ludy Jones.

11 Time for Beany-Kids-1 Sm. Bob Clampett's puppet adventures for children.

13 Gary Goodwin's Sports Page 6:40 8 Weatherword 6:45 2, 8 Jane Froman Show -Music

Jane Froman with the Peter Birsch dancers and Henry- Sylvern and his orchestra. Songs are: "It's a Most Unusual Day," "My One and Only Highland Fling," "yloonlight Cock- tails," "(:omin Thru the Rye," "The Bonnie Old Earth," "Here's To the Bridegroom" and "I Love a Lassie."

4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m. 5 Handy Hints -Tips -10m. 9 Marge and Jeff -15m.

10 Your San Diego -10m. 11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Headliner with Rex May -3m.

6:50 4 Sports News -10m. With Cleve Hermann.

13 Weather Miss -5m. 6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.

5 Bailey Weather -5m. 10 Newspaper of the Air 13 News of the World -5m.

With Rex May. 7:00 2 Gene Autry -30m.

Autry sets a trap for a gang of stagecoach robbers.

3 Hank McCune Show 4 Regal Star Time -30m.

"To Any Soldier," with Edmund O'Brien and Stanley Clements. A priest tells a story in church about

a mother who sent a package to Korea to a soldier who has been killed.

5 Newsreel -15m. With Gil Martin.

6 Ramer of the Jungle -30m. 8 Victory At Sea -30m. 9 Kings Crossroads -30m.

10 Film -1 Sm.

11 Pet Exchange -30m. Frank Wright presents trick sal mats and offers free pets on to- night's "Calo Pet Exchange."

13 What's the Issue -30m. Quiz game with. Dr. Orval Watts and Mr. Oliver Carlson. John Baird is moderator.

28 Schools Workshop -30m. 7:15 5 Surprise Twist -Drama -15m.

10 Patio Chats -15m. 7:30 2 Place the Face -30m.

With Bill Cullen, emcee. Watch for rules and. ¿hies of "Three Face" contest.

3 Life of Riley -30m. 4, 10 Dinah Shore Show

Dinah sings twelve songs from her list of recorded hits including "The Gypsy," "Skylark," "Blues In The Night," "Buttons and Bows" and others. .

5 Hollywood Music' Hall Starring Lucille Norman and Vic- tor Young and his Silver Strings.

Bill Shirley, tenor is guest. Songs are "Oh Susanna," "Oklahoma," "Chicken Reel," "Young At Heart," "Homing" and Pr medley of "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet," "Shine On Harvest Moon" and "All American Rainbow."

6 Mr. District Attorney 7 Lone Ranger -Juvenile -30m. 8 People in toe News -;15m. 9 Fishing Tips -30m.

Jack Slattery with tips for fishing enthusiasts.

11 The Open load -Travel -30M. A trip to San Felipe In Lower Cali- fornia along the gulf showing the atmosphere of "Old Mexico."

13 Army and Air Force Report 28 Let's Play Like -30m.

7:45 4 Camel News Caravan John Cameron Swayze reporting.

8' Local News 8:00 2, 8 Meet Mr. McNutley

Starring Ray Mlllaod and Phyllis Avery. Ray's argument with Dean Bradley over marks of a student leads to the belief that he is rer turning to the service.

3, 4 You Bet Your Life -30m. With Quizmaster Groucho Marx.

5 Movie Theater "My Outlaw Brother" with Mickey Rooney, Robert Stack Foster.

6 Regal Theater. 7 Hollywood Showcase -30m. .

"Enchanted Well." 9 Baseball Warm -Up -15m.

11 The Alcoholic Can Come Back Earl Holbrook, moderator.

13 Chef Milani -Talent Parade 28 Shakespeare On TV -45m.

8:15 9 Baseball Game -2 hrs. Los Angeles ss. San Francisco.

8:30 2 Four Star Playhause-30m. Ida Lupino stars -in "Masquerade," the story of an attempted murder during the Mardi Gras festival.

3 My Friend trma-30m. Starring Marie Wilson.

4 T -Men in Action -30m. Martin. Kosleck .and Liza Howard star in "The Case of the Waiting Diamonds." The _ story of two diamond smugglers who are finally trapped by T -men. (This concludes series. Next week -"Justice" -a new dramatic series.) - .

6 Johnny Downs Movie. "Zis Boom Bah" with Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy.

and Preston

FREE DOGS - FREE CATS See the most wonderful pets in the world!


Thursday, 7:00-7:30 p.m. KTTV-Ch 11

Page Twenty

Page 21: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


April 15 7, 8 Ray Bolger Show -30m.

Ray joins the Enlisted Reserves" but meets up with a tough sergeant with an axe to grind.

10- Hollywood Music Hall -30m. Starring Lucille Norman with Vic- tor Young and'his "Singing Strings."

11 Beier* Your Eyes -30m. "Easter."

13 Film -90m. 8:45 28 Frontiers of the Sea -30m.

'9:00 2, 3; 8 Lux Video Theatre Phyllis Thaxter and Gig1 Perreau star in "The Girl Who Couldn't Cry." When a malicious teen-age student Is reproached for her in- solence and worldliness that belie her age, she uses her younger sister

to destroy her teacher's career. 4, 10 Dragnet -30m.

Jack Webb'as Joe Friday canvasses the city gymnasiums for a man sus- pected of beating an elderly woman. man.

7 TV Home Show -30m. Films of model new homes.

11 Feature Film -60m. "Forgotten Women" with Elyse Knox.

28 The Adult School -30m. Consumer Education.

9:15 7 Air Force Theatre -15m. 9:30, 2, 3, 8 Big Town -30m.

4, 10 Ford Theatre -Drama -K "Sister Veronica," starring Irene

Dunn. A much loved superintendent of Saint Mark's Hospital helps bring about' a reconciliation of a young man and woman who base separ- ated because of a father-in-law's objection to the marriage.

5 Siff Baker, U.S.A. Biff gets involved with shuffling cards and a spining roulette wheel InMonte Carlo.

.7 I Led Three Lives -30m Richard Carlson stars in a drama- tic series depicting the true story of Herbert Phllbrick, a Boston exe- cutive, who lived nine years as a Communist and counterspy for the F.B.I.

9:45 6 Tomorrow's News 10400 2 Public Defender -30m.

Reed Hadley stars as Bart Matthews in "The Prize Fighter Story." A

young fighter refuses to take a disc and threatens to go to the police. As

result he is framed on a charge of possessing narcotics.

3' Make Room for Daddy -30m. Starring Danny -Thomas.

4, 10 Martin Kan* -Private Eye Mark Stevens stars. Kane comes to the rescue of a girl who has been framed for a murder charge.

S City Ai Night -60m. Tour . of Interesting institutions of the city,

6 Bill Mesmer Presents -15m. "Lady in the Morgue" w ith Preston Foster and Patricia Ellis.

7 Racket Squad -30m. Reed Hadley stars in "Fair Ex- change."

8 I've Got a Secret 11 Fulton Lewis, Jr. -15m. 13 Ten O'Clack Theater -30m.





10:15 New 11

13 10:30 2

Bowling Close -Up -15m. With George Putnam.

News -15m. News, Sports, Weather -15m. With Charles Herring, George Fish- er, Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

3 Pacific Theater -60m. 4 To Be Announced 7 Star Performers' Theater.

"Black Savanah." The owner of the Black Savanah >line dies leaving his wife with many problems. Joan Leslie stars.

8 Beat the Clock -30m. Bud Collyer and Rosenne put con- testants through stunts in a race against time.

9 Don Lee World News -15m. l.ee Wood, Ted Meyers and Bill Brundige.

10 Rocky King, Detective 11 Jackson's Sport Shots -30m.

New 13 Criswell Predicts -15m. 10:45 9 TV Juke Bee New 13 L. A. Toddy -15m.

Ed )ieKanna with local news.

11:00 2 The Late Show "The World Owes )te A Living." with David Farrar and Judy Camp- bell.

4 Eleventh Hour News -15m. With Reporter Doo (tickles.

5..Final Edition with Tom Hatten.

7 Hank Weaver -Sports & News 8 George Jessel Show

George Jessel with Robert Merrill and Polly Bergen. '

10 Mystery Star Theater "Out Of The Storm" with Linda Darnell.

11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Owl Movie

"Homicide For Three" w ith Audrey Long and Warren Douglas.

1 1:1 5 4 Elroy Hirsch -55m. 7 Prestige Theater

The Three Pirates." 11 Jackson's Theater

"The Last Crooked Mice" Donald Barry and Ade.e Mara.

11:20 4 Late Date at the Movies 11:30 8 Newsreel -30m. 11:45 3 News -15m.

1:00 11 News and Sports With Jackson Wheeler.

1410 11 Jackson's Theater "Army Girl" with Madge Evans and Preston Foster.


WESTERN PIONEER KTLA's Doye O'Dell was the pion-

eer'ing, cowboy singer who brought western music to the New England States during the 1930's.



4031 Wilshire Blvd. L.A. 5


Nicker Yare Thursday, April 15

"SMART ALEC," Leslie Dwyer, Peter Rep folds. (2) 9:00 a.m.

"KING OF THE SIERRAS," Hobart nee. worth. (7) 1:00 p.m. An old man tell* the story of great horses.

' "JEEPERS CREEPERS," Thurston Hall, (11) 2:C0 p.m. Unscrupulous financier finds a coal vein In Pineville.

"RIGHT AGE TO MARRY," Frank Petti. grell, Joyce Bland. (2) 4:00 p.m.

"GAY VAGABOND," Roscoe Karns. (11) 4:15 p.m. The story of twin brothers who are exactly the opposite in charac- ter.

"SUMMER STORM," Linda Darnell, George Sanders. (5) 4:30 p.m. The story of a beautiful woman' in old . Russia, who stirs the hearts of many men, and finally causes a murder,. for which her lover goes on trial.

"FIGHTING PALS," Rex Bell. (6) 5:30 p.m. "TONTO BASIN OUTLAW," Range Busters.

(5) 5:30 p.m. Cowpuncher enlists in the Rough Riders, but is sent back to the prairies to round up a band of rustlers who are stealing government cattle.

"YOUNG LOVERS," Sally Forrest, Keefe Brasselle. (5) 8:CO p.m.

"ZIS BOOM BAH," Peter Llnd Hayes, Mary Sealy. (5) 8:30 p.m.

"FORGOTTEN WOMEN," Elyse Knox. (11) 9:00 p.m. Concerning women who try to escape the reality of their unhappy love affairs.

"LADY IN THE MORGUE," Preston Fester, Patricia Ellis. (6) 10:00 p.m. Private de- tective proves that the death of a girl is not a suicide but murder.

"OUT OF THE STORM," 'Jimmy Lydon, Lois Collier. (10) 11:CO p.m. Two gang sters hold up the payrolls but forget 9100,000. A young clerk gets the money, but Is chased by the police, insurance men and the gang,

"HOMICIDE FOR THREE,",.Audrey Long, Warren Douglas. (13) 11100 p.m.

"THE WORLD OWES ME A LIVING." David Farrar. Judy Campbell. (2) 11:CO p.m. Concerning the invention of a new type glider which comes to the aid of Britain at the crucial, moment.

"THE LAST CROOKED MILE,'" Donald Barry, Adele Mara. (11) 11115 p.m. A de- tective attempts to solve a mysterious bank robbery.

"THE THREE PIRATES." (7) 11:15 p.m. Three brothers sentenced to the galleys of a ship, capture their prison ahlp and set out after their captain.

"ARMY GIRL," Madge Evans, Preston Foster. (11) 1:10 a.m. 'The story of the U.S. cavalry.

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Page Twenty-one

Page 22: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


FRiDAY L b April 16

Information Received Front Stations Subject to Last Minute Change

See Page 9 for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Barker Bill's Cartoon Show -15m.

3 Jeanne Baird Present's -60m. 4, 10 Pinky Lee Show -30m.

With Pinky Lee, Bardarn Luke, Molly bee and Jimmy Brown.

7 Make Believe Ballroom-Con't With Al Jarvis.

8 Monte Hall Show 9 Star Time -30m.

11 Movieland. Matinee, Cont'd- 13 Gary's Movie Carnival -30m.

5:15 2 Space Funnies -45m. 6 Our Town -Spanish -15m. 7 Dusty Walker Show

5:30 2 The Little Rascals -30m. 4, 10 Howdy Doody -30m. 5 Western Feature

"The Texan" with Buffalo Bill. 6 Cowboys and lnjuns-30m.

"Arizona Badman." 7 Margaret Whiting Show -30m.

With the Leo Dukehorn Trio and guest 5.

9 Gene Norman Show -30m. 11 Sheriff John -Cartoon Tim'

13 Webster Webfoot -30m Uncle Jimmy Weldon with guests, songs and "Little Joe" stories. Sponsored by Can -A -Pop.

5:50 3 5155 7

6:00'2 3 4

7 8 9


Thought Fór the Day Jack Rourke In Hollywood - NeNs from the world of movies, TV and radio. Charlie Chase Comedies -25m. Famous old comedies. Thought Of The Day McElroy At Sunset -45m. Jack McElroy, star, With Barbara Logan, Phil Gray and Eddie Baxter. Chet Huntley News=l 5m. Amos 'n' Andy -30m. Action Theater -30m. Designs In Music -15m.

11 Thunderbolt -15m. The Wonder Colt. Sponsored by Challenge Dairy Products.

13 Commander Comet -30m. Starring Larry Harmon.

6:10 3 Constantino's Column -5m. 6:15 3 World News

7 Jack Owens Show With Mary Ann.

10 Channel 10 News 11 Ramar of the Jungle -15m.

Starring John Hall in "Evil Trek." 6:25 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m. 6:30 2 Doug Edwards -News -15m.

3 Topper -

Starring Anne Jeffreys. Bob Sterling and Leo 6, Carroll.

5 Haw Haw Hawthorne 6 Johnny Jet -Serial

8 Newsreel 9 Captain Video -15m.

10 S. D. Padres On Parade -15m. With Bob Hull and Judy Jones.

11 Time for Beany-Kids-15m. Bob Clauipett's puppet adventures for children.

13 Gary Goodwin's Sports Page 6:40 8 Weatherword-5m. 6:45 2, 8 Perry Como Show -Music -

With the Fontane sisters, Ray Charles Singers and Mitchell Ayers and his orchestra. Musical selec- tions include "Answer Me, My Love," "It's Eastertime," "Swanee Riser" and "Come Josephine."

4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m. 5 Handy Hints -Tips -10m. 9 Marge and Jeff -15m.

10 Yóur San Diego -15m. 11 George Putnam -News -15m. 13 Headliner with Rex May -5m.

6:50 4 Sports News -10m. With Cleve Hermann.

7 Weather Almanac -13m. With Norman Nesbitt.

13 Weather Miss -5m. 6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.

5 Bollay Weather -5m. 8 Weatherword-5m.

10 Newspaper of the Air 13 News of the World -5m.

With Rex May. 7:00 2 Mr. District Attorney

Starring David Brian. 3, 4, 10 Gillette Fights -M -45m.

Moses Ward of Detroit vs. George Johnson of Trenton, N.J. in a 10 round middleweight bout. From St. Nicholas Arena, N.Y.

5 Newsreel -15m. With Gil Marlyn.

6 Hopalong Cassidy. Starring Bill Boyd.

7 The Ruggles Show -30m. Starring Charlie Ruggles in "Charlie Shops for a Trousseau.'

8 Four Star Playhouse -30m. See Channel 2 on Thursday at 8:30.

9 Into The Night -Drama -30m. 11 Success Story -30m.

Mastic Tile Corporation. 13 Jimmy Wakely Film -60m.

"Gun Law Justice." 28 Schools Workshop -30m.

New instructional devices. 7:15 5 Surprise Twist -Drama -15m. 7:30 2 Person to Person -30m.

Edward R. Murrow interviews peo- ple in the news speaking from their own homes.

5 Family Playhouse -30m. 6 All Star Theater -30m. 7 Stu Erwin Show -Series -30m.

Starring Stu Erwin and June Coll= yer star in "Jackie Finds A Cause."

8 People In the News 9 Backstage with N.T.G.

N.T.G. with Night Club talent. 11 Files of Jeffrey .tones -30m.

Starring Dan Haggerty in "Murder At Home." Jeff tries to become a peeping Tom and is witness to a murder.

28 Let's Play Like -30m. 7:45 3, 4, 10 Camel News Caravan -

John Cameron Swayze reports.


:! FAD rack at

First..Qifalilv. Full 1'ifshiunetl your "Knit to Fit" . . favorite


food market

7:55 8 Local- News -10m. 8 News -5m.

8:00 2 Mama -30m. Starring Peggy Wood and Judson Laire. Neis is awed by a fraternity brother whose father is a famous physician and is embarassed by his father's skill at carpentry.

3 4,




8 9



8:15 9

28 8:30 2

3 4




10 11 13

28 8:45 4

10 11

9100 2

3 5


Red Skelton Show 10 Garraway at Large -

Dave Garrowav with a music and sanely program. Skitch Henderson directs. music. Guest stars, Lawrence Welk -60m. With Alice I.on. Duffy's Tavern -30m. Ed Gardner stars. Adventures of Ozzie and Har- riet -Comedy -30m. Episodes in the lives of the Nelson family starring Ozzie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard. Cavalcade of America -30m. Baseball Warm -Up -15m. Gold Emblem' Theater Bill Lester stars in "For Life." Jim Ameche Theater -30m. "Bachelor's \\eekend" Baseball Game -2 hrs. Los Angeles vs. San Francisco.

Telephone Screen Review Topper -Comedy -30m. Starring Anne Jeffreys, Robert Sterl- ing and Leo G. Carroll. Key -T Presents Coke Time -Music -15m. Eddie Fisher, star. Johnny Downs Movie -75m, "Man Bait" with George Brent and Marguerite Chapman. Pepsi -Cola Playhouse -Drama Anita Colby, hostess, presents "Hol- lywood Home Sweet Home."

Topper -30m. Starring Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling. Film Featurette-15m. Startime Theater -30m. The Big Feature -90m. "Jigsaw" with Franchot Tone and Jean Wallace. Community Organization This Is Your Music -15m. Helen Parrish, .hostess, presents "Steam Boat Days." Greatest Fights -15m. The Christopher Program With Fath»r Keller and guest. Schlitz Playhouse of Stars - Claude Dauphin stars in "Some- thing Wonderful," the story of a theatrical producer who is both a hero and a heel to an aspiring young actress.

, 4, 10 The Big Story -Drama Western Varieties -60m. Fun and variety for the whole family. Pride of the Family -60m. Starring Paul Hartman and Fay Wray in light comedy centered around the Morrison family. Albie wages a one man campaign to prove to a young couple that Family life is the only Life.

8 Adolphe Menjou-30m. Adolphe MenJou host to weekly stars

11 Friday Feature -60m. "Mandarin Mystery" with Eddie Donlan.

28 Radio and TV -30m. Operation and maintenance.

9:30 2, 8 Our Miss Brooks -30m. Starring Eve Arden. Miss Brooks encounters a problem when Mr. Conklin's daughter receives a low English mark.

3 Dennis Day Show -30m. 4, 10 Sound Stage -30m.

Dramatic series featuring well- known Broadway and Hollywood actors.

Page Twenty-two

Page 23: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got



9:45 6

10:00 2,

3 4






13 10:30 2

3 4





11 New 13 10:45 4

9 New 13

11:00 2



8 11 13

11:15 2



11:20 4 13

April 16 Famous TV Theatre -30m. "Malachi's Cove." Tomorrow's News. With Lionel Van Deerlin,

8 My Friend Irma -30m. Starring Marie 15 ilsun. Break the Bank Dangerous Assignment Starring Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell. "Atomic Mine Story." Modern Movies -90m. "Mr. Universe" with Jack Carson and Bert Lahr. Bill Mesmer Presents. "Without Honor" with Laraine Day and Franchot Tone.

Drama Award Playhouse -30m Lisa Howard start in "Tiger Bait."

A Life In Your Hands -30m. Filmed series dealing with benefits of the California Hospital Associa- tion. Musical Chairs -60m. \\'ith Bill Leyden, Bobby Troup, Johnny Mercer and guest.

Ten O'Clock Theater -30m, News, Sports, Weather With Charles Herring, George Fish- er, Gil Stratton and Austin Green.

Pacific Theater -90m. Victory at Sea -30m. "D -Day."

Affairs of China Smith -30m. Starring Dan Duryea in "Year of the Phoenix," Pepsi -Cola Playhouse Anita Colby, hostess, presents "Hollywood Home Ssneet Home." Don Lee World News Lee Wood, Ted Meyers and Bill lirundige reporting. Magic Corner Movie "Story of G.1. Joe" with Robert Mit- chum and Burgess Meredith. Film Featurette-30m. Criswell Predicts -10m, To Be Announced TV Juke Box Today ín L. A. -15m, Ed McKanna with local news. Chronoscope-1 Sm. World events series with Larry Le Sueur. Guest is Mrs. Alice Leo- pold, director of the Women's Bureau, Department of Labor.

Eleventh Hour News -15m. \\'ith Don Rickles. Hank Weaver-Sports and News -15m. Place the Fre-30m. George Putnam-News-15m. Owl Movie "Vogues" with Joan Bennett and Warner Baxter.

The Late Show 1 Met My Love Again" with Joan

Bennett and Henry Fonda. Elroy Hirsch Prestige Theatre "The Three Pirates." Jackson Theatre "Out of the Storm" with Jimmy Lydon.

Movies -60m. Owl Movie

THUNDERBOLT G the Wonder Colt

Mon. term en. 6:00.6:15 P.M.

Ç es KTTV Channel 11

sponsored by CHALLENGE


11:30 5

8 11t45 3

5 1:00 11

1:10 11

1:15 7

Final Edition With Tam Hatten. Newsreel -10m. Final News Police Calls News and Sports -10m. With Jackson Wheeler. Late Jackson Theatre -75m. "Songs of Adventure" n 1th Steph- anie Bachelor.

Beauty Secrets -10m.

Ear, Eye Inspire Mrs. Roy Mann, San Bernardino .

Do so enjoy reading your letters from the readers of your magazine, and read the whole thing from cover to cover each week.

Have noticed recently the two letters about Ralph Moody and we also would like to comment on this fine character actor. He does such a fine job on each play, but we feej he did an especially fine job as the Judge in a recent play we saw. My family and several of our friends are wondering why he wouldn't be good in a series of this type. Maybe something like the Judge Hardy stories of a few years back. Nell Marshall, los Angeles

Heartily agreed with your remarks Liberace and Betty White -wise. Betty White we were attracted to several years ago when she had a Sunday night show on channel 13. She had guests who were invited into her liv- ing room to examine letters which contained various problems sent in by viewers. Some of these guests were past masters at showmanship and clever repartee; however. Betty held the ball firmly, but most graciously, and my husband Jim (who never has many favorable comments about un- known talent) remarked that here was a gal who was going places TV - wise. It's unusual to see a young girl without professional experience con- duct a program with so much charm and poise. I too think Betty is just get ting started and will emerge an all- time great star. She deserves it, which will make it seem like justice is being served. E. H., Compton

In reference to your recent article on "Who Is TV's Best Commercial An- nouncer?"-for my personal opinion you left out the best man ever, Gary Goodwin. Of the seven select that you mentioned the only one I would listen to is George Fenneman. When any of the other six appear on TV I

turn them off. I guess it's like the old saying, it not what you know but who you know that counts.

Mary Jane Anoble Out of your recent list of seven top

TV commercial announcers, one surely stands above the rest by far. His Name is George Fenneman. He is most out- standing and very interesting. It's hard to describe why I like Mr. Fen-'



3lieker lare Friday, April 16

"SALUTE THE TOFF," John Bentley, Pa- tricia Dainton. (2) 9:05 a.m. A well organized gang successfully carries out a series of million dollar raids.

"HIDDEN CORPSE," Zazu Pitts. (7) 1:C0 p.m.

"I STAND ACCUSED," Robert Cummings. (11) 2:C0 p.m. The dramatic story of two ambitious lawyers who try to work against each other with clashing Ideals.

"DARK INTERVAL," Zena Marshall, An- drew Osborne. (2) 4:C0 p.m. A middle aged man brings his young bride home to his gloomy lodge.

"END OF THE ROAD," EdwardNorris. (11) 4:15 p.m. An amateur detective tries to solve a murder and to prove that the accused man is innocent.

"SPIRIT OF WEST POINT," Doc Blan- chard, Glenn Davis. (5) 4:30 p.m.

"ARIZONA BAD MAN." (6) 5:30 p.m. "THE TEXAN," Buffalo Bill. (5) 5:30 p.m. "JIGSAW," Franchot Tone, Jean Wallace.

(13) 8:30 P.M. "MAN BAIT," George Brent,_ Marguerite

Chapman. (6) 8:30 p.m. The story of murder and a girl who stacks the cards against a man who is attracted to her.

"MANDARIN MYSTERY," Eddie Qulllan. (11) 9:00 p.m. Elléry Queen becomes In- volved with backward corpse.

"WITHOUT HONOR," Laraine Day, Fran- chot Tone, (6) 10:CO p.m. Brotherly love causes a brother to break up the mar- riage of his brother, with unpleasantness for all concerned.

"THE STORY OF G:I: JOE," Robert Hit - chum, Burgess Meredith. (10) 10:30 p.m. The battle of Kaserine Pass, Ernie Pyle in the bombardment of San Vittorio and the bombardment of the monastary at Cassino.

"MR. UNIVERSE," Jack Carson, Bert Lahr. (5) 10:00 p.m. Romance and Broadway fame help Jack Carson win ,the Mr. Universe contest.

"VOGUES." Joan Bennett, Warner Baxter. (13) 11:00 p.m.

"THE THREE PIRATES." (7) 11:15 p.m. Three brothers, sentenced to their ships galleys, capture their prison ship, and then set out after their captain.

"I MET MY LOVE AGAIN," Joan Bennett, Henry Fonda. (2) 11:15 p.m. The story of a woman who falls in love with the wrong man.

"OUT OF THE STORM," Jimmy Lydon. (11) 11:15 p.m. An honest payroll clerk yields to temptation, but finally realizes that money gained dishonestly doesn't bring happiness.

"SONS OF ADVENTURE," Stephanie Bache- lor. (11) 1:10 a.m. Murder on a movie lot, followed by top excitement in track- ing down the suspect, is the basis for plenty of suspense.

neman the best and it isn't his looks although they are very satisfactory. I believe the reasons that you men- tioned are why he is my favorite: neat appearance and wonderful use of lan- guage. I can understand fully when you say it's a wonder any woman looks at the product when Mr. Fenne- man is the announcer.

Mrs. Iddiols, los Angeles My vote for the best commercial

announcer on TV goes to George Fen- neman. Mrs. C. B. Foster, los Angeles

I do so enjoy watching the western pictures. "Hopalong" Cassidy best of all. He always'goes his good job and does not drive your nerves crazy with all that unnecessary pistol noise. 0

Page Twenty-three

Page 24: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

APRIL 9, 1954 TV -RADIO LIFE '4'


2-KNXT--1313 No. Vine St. (28). 5-KTLA--5451 Marathon St. (38). 9-KH3TV 1313 No. Vine St. (28). HO. 9.1212. HO. 9-3181. HO. 2.2133.

3-KEY-T-730 M i r a m o n t e Dr., 6-XE7y--4283 Park Blvd San Diego 10-KFSD-TV. Grant Hotel. Santa Barbara, Calif. 13-KCOP-1000 No. Cahuenga Blvd, 7-KABC-TV-Prospect and Talmadgeg Ave. (27). NO. 3-3311.: (29). HO. 2-7311.

8-KFMB-TV-San Diego, Calif. 28-KTHE-36th and University M2114. Aves. RI. 1141.

4-KNBH-1500 No. Vine St (28). ' HO. 9.6161.

11-KTTV-5746 Sunset Blvd. (28). HO. 2-7111.

Abbott and Costello.... HTTV, 7 p.m. M Adult School... LITHE. 9 p.m. M -F Adventure .........._..._......_ KNXT, 2 p.m. Su Adventures of Blinkey HTTV, 5:30 p.m. Se Adv. of Capt. Hartz.._.-....HABC-TV, 1:45 p.m. Su Affairs of China Smith..KABC-TV, 8:30 p.m. W. . , _.- ................-10:30 p.m. Alcoholic Can Come Back._ HTTV, 8 P.m, Th Allen. Fred .. .___...._......- .. KNISH. In p.m. Fu

Allen, Mel- KNXT. 7:45 p.m. W can Forum of the Alr »...KNBH, 4 p.m. Su

American Week. .,_. KNXT, 3 p.m. Su Amateur Hour....._:- .K' BH. 8:30 p.m. Sa Amos 'n Andy. __...KNXT. 8 p.m. Tu Annie Oakley.._. ..._ KTTV. 7 p.m. To Anthony, John J..,,_,,..._ .KTTV, 10:30 p.m. W Arnold Edward...._...._ _...KTTV, 8:30 p.m. Tu Arthur Sturrny Party_.____.....KNBH. 7:311 p.m. H Aik The Doctor.__..»_ __._KTI.A, l2 m. 'Su At F.a.e ..... KTLA, 8 p.m. It Auction City. KTTV, 4 p.m. Se Auction Park_...._..... _._HTTV. 2 p.m. Su Autry, Gone ..._...HNXT, 5:30 p.m. Su; 7 p.m., Th Babbitt. Harry......_. KNBH, 7 p.m. Tu Backstage With NTG_-.____.KHJ-TV, 7:30 p.m. F Badge 714..

~ __._ FTTV, 7:311 n.m. Sa

Baird, Tommy_ ._....HABC-TV. 1:30 p.m. Su Itanns,.tn,i 'teS0e....._. -- N'1 I.A. a n.i.. so Barker. Bill ....... _.._._..._.»....,.....K_\NT, 6 p.m. W. F Baseball KABC-TV, 11:30 n.m. Sa. Tu;

RHJ-TV, 1:45 p.m. Tu: 8:15 p.m. W, Th. F Bates, Mercedes--._.-.......KNXT, 10:45 a.m. M -F !teat the Cluck.._..._........__.14 i. 6:30 p.m. Na Before Your ayes._.,., ,,.HTTV 4:30 n.m. Th Benny Jack.-...__ ....... __. .._....-.HNXT. 7 p.m Su Riff Faker _ ___.._...KTLA, 9:30 p.m. Th Big Game Hunt ...._._...._.......HHJ-TV, 7 p.m. W Kiz Pa>url._..._.._.. .KNXT 12 m. 51-F Big Story,...._.._.__..»_.... KNBH, 9 p.m. F Ibis Town.. á..._.. HNXT 9:30 p.m. Th Birthday Jackpot_ ._HABC-TV, 2:45 p.m. M -F Rine Ribbon Roots.__.._.___KNXT, 7 p.m. IV Blue Ribbon Dogs __.._,..KABC-TV, 10:15 p.m. M Bolger, Ray...._..._......__._.KARC-TV, 0:30 p.m. Th Holley, Gene KTLA. 6:56 p.m. M -F *Bond. I.yle._ _HH.1-TV, 12:55 p.m. M -P Bees Lady_ KCOP, 8:30 p.m. Tu KIM nn Bl nekie -- KTTV 8:30 p.m. W Reuling Close-IIP _...KTTV. 10:15 p.m. Th Boxing KABC-T7, 6 p.m. Sn; 8:30 p.m. Sn;

_. _- ....... _...KABC-TV. 6 P.m. Sa: 8:30 p.m. Sn; .KNBH, 7 p.m. F;

Break the Bank. HABC-TV, 7 p.m. Su Bride and Groom., KNBII. 12 m. M -F Brighter Day._.-_ _._...HNXT, 10:15 a.m. M -F Buffalo Billy-. .KTTV 12:30 p.m. 51-F Bums at Allen. ._ fi NX1'. R ,t.nt. N Cale Continental_. .........__._ KTI.A. 7:30 p.m. To California House Party ECM 10 p.m Su California Living_._......._.HNXT 10:43 a.m. 11-F**Camel Spa,, t'arayan.._K\Itl. 7:46 p.m. Si -F Campos Fanners__..__...._..HABC-TV. 9 p.m. Se eaptaln MIdnight_...-........__._. KNXT, 6 p.m. Ss;

-. _. __ ......r..,_.._ ... i3 1 1 -TV. 5:30 n.m. Si, Captain Video .- ...... -....HHJ-TV. 6:30 p.m. M -F Captured. KTTV, a p.m. W Carter, Mary -..._....._.-.HABC-TV 2:15 p.m. M -F Cavalcade of Books.--_..KNXtt' 3:30 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America._._._.KAB('-TV. 7 p.m. Tu Celebrity Night..._..._,.__ .LITHE. 8:30 P.m. SI Chase, Charlie HNXT, 6 p.m. F Chet Milani__ ECOP. 3 p.m. M -F; 8 p.m. Th Christopbera___ ,...-»....--_KHJ-TV. 4:15 p.m. Sat

..._..._.__....._... __. .-.....KTTV. 5:45 p.m. Su Chrenosrope.._....._.--..._,..HNXT, 11 p.m. M. W. F Church in the Home.__...KABC-TV. 11 a.m. Su Church Talent Show...__._._-.HABC-TV. 9 p.m. M Circle Theatre.___...._..»_.-... _.HNBH. 9:30 p.m. In Cisco Kid........_..._ KABC-TV. 7 p.m. 51; 5 p.m. Sn City at Night___.......-- -_KTLA. 10 p.m. Th City Detectite.. ...._ M .. KNXT. 10 p.m. Coates, Paul-KTTV--. 10:30 n.m. Su: 9:30 p.m. W Coffee Time ......_....._...._._ KNBH, 9:15 n.m. M -F Colonel March of Scotland Yard KTTV.

..._ ............._.-__.... _ 9:30 p.m. Sa Col. Flack.._..._......._.-.. KILI-T%. 7 p.m. Tit Comedy Hour -- KNBH, R p.m. Su Commander Comet RCMP, 6:00 p.m. Su 1' Pei. _ RNX7' 6:45 p.m. M. W F Confidential File (Contes)..KTTV,9:30 p.m. Su Contest Carnival..._ _ KNT, 5:30 p.m. Sa Cooley, Spade..._. _. ,...HTLA, 8 P.m. Sn Craig Kennedy, Criminologl.R..._._...._..._KHJ-TV.

7 p.m. M *Criswell Predicts.....---KCOP 10:30 p.m. M -F eel tie's Award Theater.-KABC-TV, 9 p.m. W I

á._,... 11 p.m. Sn Crosby. Bob ... ___,_ _.KNXT 12:30 p.m, M -F Crosby's Calling.--._.. _ ..... .._...HHJ, 2 p.m., M -F imager . _ ___ _ M.''s] In wen rii Dangerous Assignment -......._KNBH, 10 p.m. F Davis. Joan ..._..,..__. .-__. /CIRRI. 8 n.m. W Day, Dennis.._._.._ _.._._._..KNBH, 9 p.m. M Pape Twenty-four

. . , , . . . , Death Valley Days KTTV, 9 p.m, alt. Su Dean, Dizzy....---_ _..KABC-TV 11:15 n.m. Tu, Sa Debut KCOP, 4:30 P.M. bu Dick Tracy__...._ _.RARC-TV, 4:30 p.m. Sa Ding Dune School.._...... .KNBH. 10 a.m. M -F Dtgon Nancy ..-..__ KTTV. 4 o.m. M. R. Double or Nothing.__._.._.. KNU-T, 3 p.m. M. IV. F Dr. t -Q ...___.»KABC-TV, 9:15 p.m. Su Dragnet ...._. .. .......__.._ KNISH. 9 P.m. To Drama Award Theatre.._ HABC-TV, 10 p.m. F Duffy's Tavern..._._..........!..», _...KTLA 10 p.m. Tu Dusty Walker Show._,,...KABC-TV, 6:1S p.m. M -F Eastside Ride. KTI.A. 6:30 p.m. Su *Edwards Doug .HNXT, 6:30 p.m. 51-11'Edwards,

Italnh...__..._..._._ RNRH. _....10 Pm. - 1V Erwin, Stu_KABC-TV. 3:30 p.m, Sa: 7:30 p.m. F Ethel and Albert.._. KNBH. 7:30 p.m. Sa Ethel Barrymors Thvatre ._,_...RCOP, 5. p.m. W Faith for Today ........_...._.KABC-TV, 12:30 p.m. Su Famous Playhouse.... ._..».. KABC-TV , 8 p.m. Tu fraturile etury..._..... :_-.....KTTV'. 8 p.m. 1'u Flies of Jeffrey Jones _......._ETTI. 7:30 pm. F Fireside Theater._.._. 9 p.m. Tu F,a"er. Flldle. KNIiH. 7:311 n.m. 41: 8:30 p.m. F Fishing Tips,_...._._ .....HHJ-TV. 7:30 p.m. Tit

lusltback..__...._ _....KTTV, 9:30 p.m. W Flash Gordon.. - 6 p.m. Su Follow That Man KNXT, 10 p.m. W Food Fare __._....,..KABC-TV, 12 m, 9V, Th. F 'nrd Theater ...RNRH 0:30 n.m rh Foreign Intrigue KNBH, 7 p.m. W

..or atar Playhouse KNXT 8.30 p.m. lb Freedom Forum._..._... .KCOP, 8.30 p.m. Su Priimnn. Jane ... ... ....._._ KNXT. Ii:4.5 prn. Th Front Page Detective....._..._.......RTTV. 10 p.m. W Frontiers of Fs itli.. _KNBH 10:30 a.m. bu Front, 1'rn11 s ... KTLA. IS P.m. W Garden Chats RTTV. 12:30 p.m. Su Garden Vagnhond._..__...._.....K.VXT, 11:30 a.m. Su Garroway at Large.__._ ....... _._...ANRH, 8 p.m. F lief The Facts. _._.,-_ KNBH, 3 p.m. Su Gilchrist. Norma.- ......_...KTTV. In a.m. yi-F Gillette Fights_ KNBH, 7 p.m. F Gleason, P.m. Sa Glamour Session _._._.,»._.,__RTTV, / ii.m. Tu. Th Godfrey, Arthur KNXT 8 p.m. W:

2:30 n.m. M-Th f:ndfrey'e Talent Scouts._.._ KNXT. 4:30 p.m.VI Gold Award Theatre..._.___..RA1tC-TV, 7 P.m. Sa Gold Emblem Theater,,._.__ KTTV, 8 p.m. F .' .... in,.w, *iv ..I re Ry1RH, 9 n.m. all an Goodwin, Gnrry.._..._....,,_._....KCOP, 6:30 p.m. M -F l:ordot'e laiden...Y__.._. KABC-TV, 4 p.m. Su *Graue, Ken .--.--....--..KTLA, 11 p.m. M, W

10:30 p.m. Sa Graves, Richard. HABC-TV, 10 pm. Su L rent Churches of Golden west HTTV, 11 a.n, no Green, Austin ........ _.».._.......KTTT, 10:30 p.m. M -F Guiding ' :ht.,,.._ ....KNXT 4:15 o,n,. Sl-F Hall of Fame......._.._._...._.._ KNBH, 5 p.m. Su Halls of Science._..,.,_. _ KNBH, 5:30 p.m. Is Handy hints KTLA, 9:41 p.m. M -F *Batten Tom -._,..HTLA. 11:16 p.m. Su.

11 p.m. Tu. F Hawkins Falls .,__...,-._HNBH, 12:15 p.m. SI -F Hawthorne...._......_. KTLA. 6:30 p.m. M -F Headlines In Action._ -..K111.1-TV, 8:30 p.m. Tu

He*art of the City.... ...... _..._..........RTTV, 10


Su Hermann, Clete HNBH, 6:50 p.m. -F *Herrin Charles .HNXT, 10:30 p.m. M -F

Hirsch, Elroy....,.._ .K2411H 11:15 p.m. M -F HII Parade KNIiii, 10:30 p.m., Na Hollywood Cabaret......._ ,_.. RHJ-TV, 7:30 p.m. y1 Hollywood Legion Bouts. HABC-TV. 8:30 p.m. Si. I log lyn,ad Music Hell_ _ __....KT1.A 7:30 p.m. Th Hollywood Off Beat. ...... __._..._......KTT1-, 8 p.m SI Iiollyw..nd On TV...........,..........COP. 4 p.m. M-1,Home

Show KNBH, 11 n.m. M -F ilomalown Jamboree...._ á-.KCIP, 7:30 p.m. Na Hopalonc CaseidJ---_.:---_-........._...RTTV, 5 p.m. Su Hope. Bob ---.--._.._._.._-.HNBH. 8 p.m, et cry 4th Tu Horse Racing..._ ...... ..__...-....KNXT, 12:45 p.m. Sa House art,, .._ .. 11:30 u.m. of-. Howdy _goody RNiif, 5:30 p.m. sl-F }Huntley. Chet...__,....-.-..._KABC-TV, 6 p.m. 141-F Hutton. Inn Ray KT1.A. 9 p.m. Tn I Led Three Live. .._...._...HABC-TY 9:30 p.m. Th I Love Lucy ... _.....-.K1SXT 9 p.m. M I Married .Ina n.__.._ ._ _.._.. _ KNBI, 8 n.m W Income Tax ..........._ ..... ......._.._._...._ ,_ HS XT.

.2:15 n.m. Re.: KABC-TV, 12 m, Sn: .HNBH, 1:45 p.m. Sn; KTLA. 11:50 a.m. Su

Industry on Parade- ..... _ -KNIiH, 2:45 p.m. Su In God We. rruat....,..- KTI.A, 11 a.m. Su *In My Opinion.._ .HNBH. 2:30 p.m. Su Inner '5 nrtum............_.._..,,. KTTV. 9 p.m. Sa Inspector Mark Saber_...._...KABC-TV, 8 p.m. W:

..._..............HHJ-TV, 8:30 p.m. Su Into The Night -_.. __ KHJ-TV. 7 p.m. F Introduction to Art...-.........KNXT, 10:30 n.m. 4I -F i.e' Got a Secret. KNXT, 9:30 p.m. W Jalopy Derby RTTV 2:30 p.m.' Su Jame. .»..KABC-TV. 7:30 p.m. W Janet Dean, Beg- Nurse... KTLA, 7:30 p.m. W

Jarvis, AL.. EABC-TV, 4 p.m. !t -F Jesse], George.._ .HABC-TV. 6:30 p.m. Su Joe Palooka...__-.__ _.KCOP, 7 n.m. W Jones, Spike . _ »..___.ENBH, 8 p.m. Ss Judge Fur Yourself KNBH. 10 eau. lu Juke Box Juey..._..___....__...KVXT, 10:30 p.m. Sa Jittenlle Jury ... KNXT, 4 p.m. Su Rent Theatre...._.. ... _..___.___. KTTV, 8:30 p.m. Sa Key to the Hltchen..___. .HNBH, 3:30 p.m. M -F Kilpatrick. Reid. KCIP. 8:30 p.m. Tu Kit Carson____...___._........KABC-TV', 7:30 p.m. Si Kaplan, Hurry F......---...--HHJ-TV 3:30 p.m. M -F Kraft TV Theater -.KNBH, 9 p.m. W';

._...._........_.._.._.._......HABC-TV. 6:30 p.m. Th Kukla, Fran and (We.Y__HNBH, 3:30 p.m. Su Ladies Always Wince-._._._KNXT, 2,30 p.m. F Ladies matinee.__....KABC-TV, 3:30 p.m. M -P La Ito . Rita_ ._._.._._._._.KTTV 4 u.m. Tu, tit Lamp Cnto My Feet.._...... ..............KNXT 10 a.m. Su Lane, Dick KTLA 8:30 p.m. M l.a Planche, Rosemery,_.KHJ-TV 3:30 p.m. M -F l. earnnlog 'S4..._á._._.-,.._KNXtF. 2.30 p.m. s Leave It To The Girls..f.KABC-TV, 7:30 p.m. Sn Lee, Dr, EarL__.._.__..._._-._..ECOP 6:15 p.m. la Lee. 1'Inky..._._....__......_.._.._...KNBIR, 5 p.m. M -F Leonetti, Caroline...._._......_.»HHJ-TV. 8 p.m. To;

_....... LI

......_......._.........._......._............1:30 p.m. Th Let', Play Like..._ -._.._._..-THE. 7:30 p.m. M -F *Lewis, lrltlton._...__ ...___HTTV. 10 p.m. Th Leyden, BILL._ _..__ _____._...HTTV, 2 p.m. M -F Liberace..._..._.___.......__._...,.scot 7:30 p.m..W Life Begins At 80..._ á HHJ-TI, 10 p.m. M Life of Riley.... HTTV. 7 p.m. ,'a Life With Eliznheth.._... KTTV. 7:30 p.m. M Life With Father.._.-.._._ H.NXT 6:30 p.m. Su Light or Faith.. HNSCT, 1 p.m. Su Lighted Window._._.,.._..á.KABC-TV. 8:30 p.m. Su Linkletter, Art .. -........KNJtT, 11:30 a.m. )I -F t.utn, Roberta KTLA. 7:40 p.m. to Littlefield. Joe.___--_.-_.HTTV, 12:30 p.m. Su Little Raecale.._._..._ KNXT, 5:30 p.m.M-F Little School House------KTTV, U a.m. M -F Little Theatre_._._ E113 -TV, 6:30 p.m. Su Lone Hanger..._.,._....__-...KABl7-TV 7:30 p.m, Th,

._........._.__..._.._.._.._ _...KNXT, 4130 p.m. Su Lone 'Rolf KTTV, a p,m. la look Co and Line. _....___.....HNXT. 9:30 a.m. Su Lose The Blues....-..........-.-.-KNBH, 7 p.m. M Love lH p.m. át -e Lusk, Preemsn.á._ _._..._...HCOP, 8:30 p.m. Su Lux Video Theatre.,_ KNXT, 9 p.m. Th Mack, ......_..._... .KNBH. 8:30 p.m. Sa Make Believe Ballroom..._...HABC-TV. 4 p.m. M -F Make Believe Stare....... KTLA 7:30 p.m. M Make Boom for Daddy....».TKABC-1V. 9 p.m. To llama Weiss.........._..._._...HHJ-TV, 2:30 P.M. M -F Mama*- ... _-._KNXT, 8 p.m. Man Against Crime.__._._.....KNBH. 10:30 p.m. Su Man Behind the Itadge._..._.-.KNNXT, 9:30 p.m. Su Men's Best Friend.._.._._.... .HTLA, 11 a.m: Sa Merge sod Jeff ..-IL-Il4-TV. 6:43 p.m. M-1'Martin

Kane. Private Eye._ .KNBH. 10 p.m. Th Martin, Dude...___..^ _..KTTV 12:45 p.m. M -F *Slartyn, GiL._.-_.._...._..-.._.K1t1.A, 7 p.m. M -F *May. Kea..._ -.-.....KCOP, 6:45, 6:55 p.m. M -F McAdoo, Mars _..._...KNBH, 2115 p.m. 11, W.

.. F

McElroy, Jack.._.._ _......_.HNB, 6 p.m. M -F *McKanna, Ed KCOI', 10:45 P.m. Rt-F Meet MlIlie..._..._._._.__..____._.HNXT, 9 p.m. Tu Sleet Mr McNutley KNXT, S p.m. Th Meet the Press _____-----KNBH. 6 p.m. Su Men jou, Adolphe. KTTV, 8 p.m. Tu Mercer, Johnny .............._.,..._...........KTTV, 10 p.m. F Message of the Master»._».KABC-TV, t p.m. bu Montgomery. Robert.. .KNIiH 9:30 p.m. 01 Moore, Garry_._.._._._HNXT, 3:30 p.m. M. W. F:

3 p.m. Tu. 7'h Motorola TV Huur._-KABC-TV 9:30 p.m. alt. Tu 51r, and Mrs. North.».._..._.RNRH. 10:30 p.m. To Mr. District Attorney .á_.. KNXT, 7 p.m. F Mr. Peepers._ ___ .HNBII, 7:30 p.m: 8u Mr. Wizard RNRH, t p.m. Su

Musical Chairs..._. .... _..._.... ...KTTV. 10 p.m. F Musical Clock Time..._.._.._.KHJ-TV, 5:30 p.m. Sa My Favorite Husband. KNXT 9:30 p.m. Lea My Friend Irma._,..-.__._....KNXT, 10 p.m. F My Hero.......... _.._...._.KTTV. 9 p.m. W My Little Margie._- KNBH 8:30 p.m. W Name That Tune..- - _ KNBH 8 p.m. 81 Nature of Things ----KNBH, 4:45 p.m. 5a Noah Webster Says KTTV. 7 p.m. Su Noble. Leighton. KTLA, 9 p.m. Su Norman. Gene _.._._ _HHJ-TV. 5:30 p.m. M -F One Man's F'amliy _____...KNBH 10:30 e.m, M -F On Your Account_, KNBII, 4:30 p.m. H -F Open !toad__ ..... ._..____ _.RTTV 71311 n.m. Ih Opera. .._.. _...._ ...HNBH. 1 p.m. la Operation Safety KNXT, 9 a.m. Su Orient Exprese.__.__á_...KABC-TV, 10:30 p.m. M Our Mies Brooks KNXT, 9:30- p.m F Our World __.KTHF. . 8130 p,m,. D Outdoors with Waggle

»» KNBH, 5 p.m. Sa

Owens, Harry __.KN1CT, 1:30 p.m. ha

Page 25: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


Owens, Jack__ _-___KABC-TV. 0:15 p.m. M -F Ozzie and Harriet..._ ..KABC-TV, 8 p.m. F Panorama Pacific /LNXT ; a.m. M -F Pantomime Quir ... KTTV, 8:30 p.m. Su Parlor Party ... _...KH.1-TV, 4 p.m. .M -F Parrish, Helen.._....._........._ KNBH. 8:45 p.m. F Pearce AL __. KCOP, 4:30 p.m. M -F Pepsi -Iola Playhouee._..KARC-TV, 8:30 p.m. F Person to Persun._,.__. KNXT, 7:30 pm. F Pet Erchangd. KTTV. 7 p.m. Th *Peterson, Elmer. KNBH, 6:45 p.m._ M -F t'hheu Playhouse__ ..KNltn, 9 u.m. all Su

Photo Quiz HTTV, 3:30 p.m. M -F Place the Face .^:_.....' KNXT. 7:30 p.ro. Th Plainclothesman 1111.1-T5, 9:30 p.m. Su Plant Doctor ..............._.._ _...KNBH, 4:30 p.m. Su Playcratter's Club._.. KTLA, 4 p.m. M -F Pollee -Calla .KTLA, 3:55 p.m. M-Th: 11:45 p.m. f Potter. Peter.._ _._..._......KNXT, 10:30 p.m. Se Pounds Off ....... __..-..._._.....K.\XT, 11:15 n.m. W Premium Playhouse»___.._......_.. KTLA 1:30 p.m, F Pride of the Family.._,._.,.,_.KABC-+9'. 9 p.m. F Private Secretary ____ KNXT, 7 p.m.

((Ault 18, 25) Su Professor Yea 'N' Ito.._.......KABC-TV, 10 p.n.. M

Public Defender KNXT, 111 p.m. Th *Putnam. George...._ .._._..KTTV. 0:45 p.m. M -Ft

10:30 p m. Su: 11 p.m. H -F Queen for a Day..._ RH,I-TI , 3 p.m- M -F Quick As a Flash_._._._....r KABC-TV, 8 p.m. Th Racket Squad.._.....,_._,,.-.......RABC-T5. 10 p.m. Th Raft, George...._..__.....r_.-. KTLÁ, 10:30 p.m. Tu Samar of the Jrmgle...._.,.KTTV, 6:15 p.m. 51-F:

6:30 p.m. Sa Range Rider---- ..KNXT. 7 p.m. Tu Raye, Martha _..,....KNBH, 9 p.m. every 4th So Realty Exchange.....,._-_ ECM'. 6:30 p.m. Sa Red 'Buttons Show-.-- KNXT. 9:30 p.m. M

Regal Star Time..._..»..-........KNRH, 10:30 p.m. W; " -._.-- . ................_......---_ 7 p.m. Th *Roberts, Clete....KCOP, 6:15 p.m. Su: 10 p.m. Th Robert Montgomery Presents_.KNRH, 9:30 p.m. M

Rocky Jones KNXT, 5 p.m. Su Rocky Ring Detective KHJ-TS', 9 p.m. Su

Rogers. Roy _ _ KNISH. 6:30 p.m. So Roller Derby_--_._......__. KTLA, 8:30 p.m. M Rourke, .lack...,,._...KABC, 3 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:55

p.m. M -F Roy, Mike...._._..__ KNRH, 2:30 p.m. M -F Ruggles, Charlie.....,.»_......KABC-TV, 7 p.m. 1'

Schools Workshop..__...._.._ HIRE. 7 p.m. 11-F Sea Power For Peaee._..._...KHJ-TV, 4:30 p.m. Sa Search for Tomorrow.... .KNXT. 1:45 p.m. H -F See It Now RNXT, 1:30 Tu Seven Seventy On TV..... _....KABC-TV, 12 m, Su 20.0146 Phayhouse _ KNXT. 9 p.m. F Shakespeare On TV....._..._...KNXT. 11:05 n.m. Sa;

_._.. KTHE, 8 p.m. Th

Sheen Bishop Fulton J..-_._» .._.KTTV. 8 p.m. Su Sheriff John.. ......-....-...KITV, 11:30 a.m. 51-F Shriner Herb K VT 9 p.m. Sa Shore. hinslr..-..---KNIt1I, 7:30 p.m. Tu. Th Show of Shows.._.._.. KNBH, 9 p.m. alt. Sa Skelton, Red....__.._._... ._..KNXT, 8::0 p.m. Tu Sky:King á...K11.1-TV, 6 p.m. Su;

...:...... KAIIC-TV. 7 p.m. W Smith' Ed McConnell...__.._.."KTLA, 11:30 a. . Ss Smith, Kate...._.._._.,- KNBH, 3 p.m. 61-F Sotherst Ann...._. .._...KNXT, 7 p.m. alt. Su Sound Stage.. KNBH, 9:30 p.m. F Space Hoppers.. KNXT, 3:30 p.m. Sa Space Funnies..._.... KNXT. S p.m. M. To, Th Spare Patrol..._,....._,..r.KARC-TS, 5:30 p.m. se Spotlight Magazine. .__KTI.A. 8 p.m. Tu Sports 30 KNXT, 6 p.m. Se Stafford, Jo

_ .KNNXT, 6:45 p.m. Tu

Stairway to Stardom .KITV, 10:30 p.m. Tu Star Performers Theater ...».._ ...................KABC-TV,

10:30 p.m. Th Star Shoppers KTTV, 10:30 P.M. H -F Star Time..._..._..._ .KHJ-TV, 5 p.m. M -F Story Theater..._..-..._......._.RNBH, 10:30 p.m. M Street, Dave..._ _ _.._.. .... KCOP. 4 p.n.. M -F Strike It Itich._._.KNIT, 1 p m. 51_F; 9 p.m. W Studio fine.__._. .___. ...RNXT, 7 n.m 6

Studs, Bill ....__.._ ........._..KHJ-TY, 4 p.m. 54-FSuccess

Story__._-, _.._..._..._..K'fTV. 1 p.m. F

Sullivan. Ed-...._..... _...KNXT, 8 p.m. Sn Sunburst Story Book.._KABC-TV, 3:30 p.m. Su Sunday Funnies..._..___ _.. .....KNXT, 4:30 p.m. Sri Sunday Ser ice ...KNISH. 1:311 p.m. Su Super Circus.-___.._._...._ KABC-TV, 2 p.m. Su Superman _......_._.KABC-TY, 8:30 p.m. M Surprise Thsater._._.. _. KCOP, 2:20 p.m. M -F Surprise Twist_._...........__...KTLA. 7:15 p.m. M -F Suspects Wanted....KH.I-TV, 1:15 pro. M, W. F:

1:15 p.m. Tu, Th *Swayze. John Cameron.... KNet11. 7:45 p.n.. a1 -F Teleforum .KTLA, 10:15 p.m. Su Telewspers........_....._.. .... ...._,.KTLA, 11:3n p.m. Su Terry and the Pirates..._.-...._.RTTI. 7:30 p.m. W That's My Roy KNXT, 1 p.m. Sa "The Movies"._.. ____ .._........KTLA. 7:30 p.m. Su The Name's the Same..-KABC-TV. 7:30 p.m. Tu The Pastor.-.____KABC-TI, 10:45 p.m. Su The Princess...........-_.._-_.-.-....RTTV. 5:45 p.m. Sa The Visitor KCOP, 9 p.m. Tu The W'eh.......__ .KNXT, 10 p.m. tau This Is Hnwali__..__.__,....._.KHJ-TV. 8 p.m. Su This 1s The Life. KNBH, 2 p.m. Su This la Your Life. ..KNBH, In p.m. W: This le Your Muslc._..__.._... KNISH, 8:45 p.m. F Thomas. Danny......,._.._.. KABC-TV. 9 p.m. To Three "R's _____ _...KHJ-TV, 8 p.m. M

Three Steps to Heaven KNBH. 10:45 a.m. 51-F Thunderbolt KTTV 6 p.m. M -F Time for Beany..._-_.-__._..HTTV, 6:íS0 p.m. M-F:

..........._.._.._._.._ ..............+........_.._..._...........6 p.m. Sn Times Square Playhouse._ ...._...KCOP, 0:30 p.m. W T -Men In Action.». _ KNRH. 6:30 p.m. Th Toast of the Town..._ ..... ._ ,. KNXT, a p.m. Su *Todt, George....._._ ...K.. BH, 2:30 p.m. Su Popper KNXT. 8:30 p.m. Town Hall Party........._. ._KTTV, 10 p.m. Se Frocks and Treat« KTLA. 3:30 p.m. Y


Each season finds more and more shows being put on film. About the busiest lot in town Is the Hal Roach Studios. Currently in production are "My Little Margie," Trouble ,With Father. "Duffs's Tavern," "Public De- fender," and "Racket Squad,"

The new shows going Into produc- tion are "Blondíe," popular comic strip; "Alias Mike Hercules." a dramatic ad- venture series to be filmed against San Francisco backgrounds. Hugh Beaumont has been signed to portray the title role.

"Code 3," factual dramatic adven- tures concerning the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office)"Passport to Adventure," starring Cesar Romero -as a diplomatic courier; "White Collar Girl." starring Laraine Day; "Tales of a Wayward Inn." starring Brian Aherne in stories of the dramatic events which occur in and about a large melropoi «tan hotel.

Other shows on the schedule are: "It Seems Like Yesterday," a romantic family series with James Lydon in male lead; "Guns of Destiny," drama- tic incidents about firearms that have played a part in the destiny of man; "Parole Chief," with Pat O'Brien.

Roach's expanded production pro- gram is a development of the blue- print he made in 1948; although six years ago he did not always find agreement with his belief that the bulk of television entertainment would be on film and would be produced in Hollywood.

Just when these new video stanzas will be shown on home screens is dif- ficult to determine at this point. Roach only makes them; it's up to the sta- tions to buy the program and log them for television fans.

TV Home Show...._._.._ KARC-Ts. 0 pear. Th Twenty Qneations._ RTTI, 6 p.m. Su 'two for the Money-.--.. KNXT, 0 p.m. Sa

United We Stand Choir HCOP, 10 0.m. Sa O.S. Steel Hour KABC-TV, 9:30 p.m, alt. Tu

Valiant Lady.. -___ -,_.._..KNXT, 1:30 p.m. M -F Veloz, Frank.. KTLA, 10 p.m. Su Victory At Sea....,r...._.._._..KNBH. 10:30 p.m. F Voice of Fireetnne.r_.,....._. KNBH. 6:30 p.m. M

Voices of Victory_.`.._._._HTTY, 1:30 p.m. Sn Wakely, .Ilmmy RCOP, 1 p.m. F; 9 p.nr_ W' 'Waring. Fred KNXT, 9 p -m. Su Waterfront..........._.._. _...__KTTV, 7::0 p.m. Tu *Weaver, Hank_.. ................KARC-TV. 11 p.m. M -F Weather ...... _______KNXT, 10:30 p.nr. M -F;

KABC-TY, 6:55 p.m. M. T, W: 6:50 pear. F m.

Weld), .lark. _-... _ KCOKPN,RH0:30.

9 p.p.m.M


Webster Webfoot.._......_ ECOP, 5:30 p.m. M -F llelcome Traveler« KNISH, 4 p.m. 61-F Welk. Lawrence.. .KTLA. 8 p.m. B Western Vnnetlee_:. _..1Tl.A. 9 p.m. F

What In The World._....__...KNXT, 10::10 a.m. Sa What's Sly Line ... RNXT, 7::44' p.m. Su What's Name of That Song RABC-TV,

9 10 p.m. M

What's The Issue RCOP, 7 p.m. Th White. Betty KNISH, 12:30 p.m. M -F Whiting, Margaret KABC-TV, 5:30 p.m. M -F Who Knows Thia; ... ECM', 4 p.m. Sa Who Said That... KNBH, 0 p.m. Sa

Wild Bill Hickok._ ..............r..HABC-TV. t p.m. Su Williams, Tea __._._...KNBH, 6:34 p.m. Sa Wlnchell Paul _...KNBH, 1 p.m. Sn

*Winched. Walter.---.......KABC-TV, 5 p.m. Si. Winks Oink .. ... _KNXT. 1 p.m. Sa

World Church «.._........,..KARC-TV. 10:30 p.m. Su Wrestler's Lament..___._._. .... KTLA 10:43 p.m. W Wrestling ..... ...................... ...RClli', 8:30 p.m. F

..KNXT, 1:15 p.m. Se; KTI.A, 9 p.m W; KTTV, 0:30 p.m. 51

You Are There....._.._... ,,..KNXT, s p.m. ou You Asked For It_._........__._..KABC-TV, 8 p.m. M Your Air Force Theatre.......-....KNBH, 4:30 p.m. Se

You Bet Your Life..._...__.._.._...HNRH, is p.m. Th Young, I.orette..._....._..-,_.-........KNBH. 10 p.m. Su,

You're Never Toe Old ..._..._.r.._ KNXT 10 p.m. Sn Your Faith Is Power.-__KABC-TV,4:30 p.m. Su

lour Town's Talent KH.I-TV. 1:30 p.m. To Youth Takes n Stand_ ....._.. KNXT, 1 p.m. Su Youth Wants to Know KNBH, 10 a.m. Su Zoo Parade ._.KNBH 15.30 p.m. Su

PICK of the PIX by Aubrey Dahl

Am- in receipt of a missive from Grace E. MacKellar, of Los Angeles, regarding my uncomplimentary re- marks regarding Gypsy, the wonder dog, who helps Ted Lenz on those late evening commercials. She says, "Love and long life to Ted and ,Gypsy, and destruction to this Dahl person. I'll wager he beats his mother." Lady, -my mother is two hundred pounds of must ele and sinew and I never saw the day I could last two rounds with her.

"The Man Who Cheated Himself." (5) April! 11, 7:30. Here is another KTLA first run movie, and I think they, along with KCOP and KABC, are to be commend- ed for their efforts to bring better, or at least newer, mo- vies to TV. This one stars Lee Cobb, in my opinion one of the very best ac- tors now trying to find work, John Dall and Jane Wy- att. Cobb and Dall are San Francisco cops and brothers to boot (I have a younger one, Miss MacKellar, whom I boot around all the timer. When a murder is commit. ted, each of them goes his separate investigation, and as the tale un- winds, it becomes apparent that one of them is the killer. An engrossing, well -acted melodrama that I think you will find entertaining.

' "Love, Honor and Goodbye." (11) April 13, 1:10 a.m. Those of you who have insomnia, or who are fond of Jackson Wheeler's urgent appeals, or who can't bear to turn off the set un- til the last dog is hung (Oops! Par- don me, Gypsy) will probably have to watch this one. Edward Ashley gives refuge to Victor McGlaglen and a girl tot and then has trouble ex- plaining everything to wifey Virginia Bruce, I think the writer of this thing also has a spot of explaining to do,

"Mr. Universe." (3) April 16, 10:00: Jack Carson and Bert Lahr are the chief cavorters in this farcical romp about a wrestler who fights (?) on the level. Carson and Lahr own his con-, tract and bet against him in the big match, which results in varied and energetic efforts to render him incapa- citated, including dousing him with perfume to which he is allergic and keeping him up all night before the match. Robert Aida, as a racketeer, and the lusty Janis Paige are also around to,help enliven the bumptious proceedings.

"Jigsaw." (13) April 16, 8:30. This is a KCOP first run which is about a

man, Franchot Tone, who becomes in- volved with a blonde, Jean Wallace, who is by the way the former Mrs. Tone. There are a couple of murders, a chase and, oh, just lots of things, but, like Mr. Tone. I don't think any- thing compares to being involved with a blonde.

Page Twenty-five


Page 26: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got




o+owooox0 lhOd0+4, O.OOKO'/i ONE OF THE BRIGHTEST PIECES of TV news was last week's announce-

ment that the Ronald Colmans were set to do the television of "Halla of Ivy." This is what many fans have been yearning for and none could conceive of this show debuting on the nation's TV screens without the wonderful pair that made radio "Halls of Ivy" such a refreshing stand -out. Neither could those in the trade picture it without the one and only Don Quinn, who originated and scripted the radio "Flails" (after serving for years in the same capa city with "Fibber and Molly").

We're going to follow the radio for- mat slavishly," Don informed me. (He s busy adapting radio scripts for the television series.) "We had TV in mind when the radio show was written," he explained.

"Halls of Ivy" will go before the cameras April 20 at Motion Picture Center. It will be produced by Ivy Production Company, which Don calls a "family stock" organization (he is president and majority of shares are held by the Quinns, the Colmans and the Nat Woolfs). The company will then lease the films to Edward Small Productions for distribution. Asked about the business end of the TV "Halls of Ivy," Don modestly claimed he was "just the boy in the backroom with the typewriter." (He will act as supervisor of final scripts and sit in on production.) The series, which will be filmed like a movie, will probably be syndicated for October release.

"We won't have an audience when we shoot," Don said. "We may, later, to get a laugh track. But if we do, we won't have any phony sound," he hast- ened to reassure.

In addition to the Colmans, Arthur Q. Bryan has already been signed; others who 'appeared frequently on the radio show are now being tested. You

may expect this show to raise TV standards another notch and I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't rate some big fat awards.

MRS. DOROTHY MULLEN HAS ONE OF TV's most interesting jobs she's the school m a r m at CBS -TV where children appearing on live vi- deo shows put in their three hours of classroom work to conform with state law.

CHILDREN WORKING IN RADIO DON'T have the acute schooling prob- lems of TV juveniles, whose rehear- sals often consume days. Mrs. Mul- len's classes vary in size, according to castings. The two youngest boys on "Life With Father" are regular stu- dents and week before last Margaret O'Brien did some pouring over books in between rehearsal's for "Lux Video Theatre." Mrs. Mullen finds most of her pupils are nice, normal youngsters. Only now and then a precocious one.

ADD TO THE POINT WITH PRIDE for Tom Tully's sympathetic and ef- fective performance as the professor emeritus of ABC -TV's "Make Room for Daddy": Charlie Cantor, who was or- iginally scheduled to play the part, took sick and Tully had twenty-four hours to get acquainted with his de- manding role.

LOOK FOR SOUTHERN CALIFOR- NIA to rate at least a couple of Pea- body Awards. They'll be announced April 14 . . . Ralph Story showcased


,,CORRECT TIME all day long



KBIG The Catalina Station


Pepe Twenty-six

the Radio Blooper record last Friday morning on his CBS show. It's very amusing to hear the compilation of famous radio and TV fluffs, but na- turally the worst and sometimes most hilarious can't be aired . Was a judge Thursday night for jolly Chef Milani's KCOP "Talent Parade." It was difficult to pick one winner from such talented and attractive youngsters.

THE PRESS WERE ASKED NOT to attend the audition George Gobel did for NBC-TV. A normal reaction was wanted ... Looks as if Imogene Coca might do her own TV show from Hol- lywood come Fall ... Hey, Andy and Virginia)".Queen for a Day" produc- er Jim Morgan is one of your "Turn Back the Clock" fans. And speaking of "Queen," TV -Radio Life recently re- ceived an entry fee for its last -sum mer's contest. Delay was understand- able . all the way from Liberia, West Africa from Mrs. Nidra Reed. L.A. missionary serving the "bush" territory.

OUR ESTEEMED READER, U.C.L.A.'s DR. FITE, has written: "It seems to me that TV has sunk lower and is more and more commercial . most of all it is destroying the reading hab- it of many -educated people. Have you noticed how many superb and thrill - radio shows fall completely flat on TV-"Inner Sanctum," "Dragnet," "Life with Father," Eve Arden, Bing Crosby, "Inspector Mark Sabre?" .

DR. FITE IS AN ALL-OUT CHAM- PION OF RADIO, as you can see. I agree with some of his remarks, but truthfully admit that I especially like "Dragnet," "Life with Father" a n d Bing on TV. Like radio, too. Think there is room. for both. Think TV -haS its faults, but would like to point out things like "Shakespeare on TV," "Richard II," "See It Now," and simi- lar programs which help redeem TV's situation. As for TV causing juvenile delinquency, let's look at the matter from the angle that it has been the reason for many families staying home and getting acquainted again. What do you readers say?

EVE ARDEN, WHO WAS MULLING THE IDEA of doing summer stock dur- ing the "Our Miss Brooks" vacation, is staying home instead to' wait for the stork. Eve and her husband, Brooks West, who have three adopted children, expect their own in August or September. Already the "Brooks" gang is filming ahead so that "the show can go on. Checked Al Lewis, director and one Of the writers, to see it Eve's baby would be written into the script a la Lucy's. He commented on the good timing of baby and script on the Desilu "production," then said that in "Our Miss Brooks' " case the stork's arrival was also good timing because, due to summer vacation, it wouldn't interfere with turning out the TV films.

THE EXPECTED BABY WON'T BE WRITTEN into the "Our Miss Brooks" shows. There'd be no point. "Connie Brooks" would first marry "Mr. Boyn ton" and according to script ideas, thus spoil the show's romantic in terest. Re -runs of the films would be ruined and besides, they'd have to change the name of the program to "Our Mrs. Boynton!"

Page 27: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got



1tec44t4 o ao a 'oxo WHO'S GUESTING

Sunday, April 11-THE FREE USE OF KNOWLEDGE, KNX, 8:35 a.m. John A. Krout, vice president and provost, Colum- bia University and Ernest Nagel, proles- sor of philosophy, Columbia University will Join Dr. Lyman Bryson In a discus- sion on "Dialogues" by Sumner.

Week of April 12-LADY'EDITOR OF THE WEEK, KFI, 9:30 a.m. Motion picture star, Ann Miller will be guest editor this week on the Bob Hope show. Miss Miller will discuss her recent trip to the Brazilian film festival In San Paulo, Brazil.

Thursday, April 15 - EDDIE CANTOR SHOW, KFI, 6:35 p.m. Eddie Cantor will interview Harold Arlen, the famous song- writer and play some of his more famous compositions which include: "Stormy Weather," "Over the Rainbow," "That Old Black Magic," "I Love A Parade" and "Get Happy."


WOOD, KNX, 9:30 a.n,. Angela Lansbury will star in the play "Homecoming."

Sunday, April 11-THE WETBACKS, KNX, 2:00 p.m. Ron Cochran will be the narra- tor on this full hour, documented, tape recorded report on illegal immigration into the United States across the Mexican bord- er. Producer of the show will be Stuart Novins, CBS radio. '

bunday, April 11-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD, KABC, 5:30 p.m. The pro- gram for Palm Sunday will be "The Be- trayal and the Crucifixion."

Sunday, April 11-NBC STAR PLAYHOUSE, - KFI, 6:00 p.m. Fredric March and Flor-

ence Eldridge, one of the nation's fore- most husband and wife acting teams will

portray the leading roles In Arther Millers drama, "Death of a Salesman."

Sunday, April 11-HALLMARK HALL OF FAME, KNX, 6:00 p.m. Van Heflin will appear as guest star this week, In the role of Captain Catesby Jones, in "The New Star."

Sunday, April 11-BING CROSBY SHOW, KNX, 9:00 p.m. Gary and Lindsay Crosby will return this Sunday as guests on Bing's show. Last week, Gary sang "Somebody Bad Stole the Wedding Bell" and this week it will be Lindsay's turn with "Dime and A' Dollar."

Sunday, April -11-NEW YORK PHILHAR- MONiC, KNX, 11:30 p.m. Dimitri Mitro- poulos will present the American radio premiere by Manuel- de Falla with the New York Philharmonic Symphony. The broadcast will originate from Constitution Hall in Washington,D.C.

Monday through Saturday-GAME OF THE DAY, KHJ, 10:30 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 p.m. Dizzy Dean, Al Helfer, Buddy Blattner, Art Gleeson and Bob Fulton will alternate- ly describe the "Game of the Day."

Monday, April 12-TELEPHONE HOUR, KFI, 9:00 p.m. Noted American soprano, Eileen Farrell, will be guest soloist. Miss Farrell will sing "Trees," "Floods of Spring" and she will sing Infiammatus from "Stabat Mater" with the chorus. Miss Farrell's feature solo for the evening will be Madre, pietosa Vergine from "La Forza del Destino" by Verdi.


FUTURE, KNX, 9:00 p.m. George Meany, president of the American Federation of Labor will speak from New York's Hotel Commodore.


Harry and Rosemary have set Ells - Worth Vines, tennis player, and Jeri Sotherri, vocalist, for upcoming guest shots on Channel 9.

liThy liTas This Show

Taken 011 The .air 2 A lot of people are asking why something couldn't. be done to keep "Last Man Out" on the radio. It was one program that militantly fought Communism.


OMPASSION and sympathy for ex -Communists prompt- ed Richard English to cre- ate NBC's award -winning documentary, "Last Man

Out." The series of drama -docu- mentaries presents the stories of those people who once embraced Communism and then left the party.

The purpose of the series is to help these 'disenchanted" people and en- courage more Communists to leave the "fold." Mr. English believes that rehabilitation by means of social ac- ceptance, understanding and em- ployment are necessary to help them return from their former godless re ligion.

English ir. no way condones the disillusioned ex -Communists but he looks upon their predicament as an affliction or a handicap. The writer well knows the meaning of being handicapped. He suffered from pro- gressive loss of hearing and only re- cently did he have partial hearing restored in one ear.

In the early thirties, English decid. ed that writing was one profession in which he could earn a living even if his hearing failed completely. He has written extensively for national magazines and the motion pictures. Some of his successful scenarios were "711 Ocean Drive," "Big Jim McLain," and "Copper Canyon." His writing assignments took him to South America, where he was Introduced to the social evil of Communism. This prompted him to write his first magazine articles on the problem.

Richard English has no axe to grind nor is he running for any po- litical office. His only concern is the repatriation of ex -Communists. He states that most people who join the Communist party do so because they are an unhappy lot. And when many of them realize that this politi- cal system doesn't solve their prob- lems they become disillusioned and drop their membership in the party. English states that the Communist Party does not draw upon any par- ticular race, creed, or religious group for converts. Anyone is susceptible to this illness.

"Last Man Out" was the winner of TV -Radio Life's Eleventh Annual Dis- tinguished Achievement Award as the outstanding radio documentary in 1953. The frank, fearless series

vividly portrays the position of ex - Communists in our society.

A subject is chosen for portrayal .

only on the basis of his sincerity. If he had joined the Communist Party. because of his sincere beliefs and then left because of a subsequent .

disillusionment, then he's the man for English. "After all," he says, `

"many men with the courage of their convictions joined the party because they thought it presented the best way to bring about changes they deemed necessary in this country.. It's a tribute to their strength and sincerity when they withdrew from the party as soon as they discovered its deceit and duplicity.

"Many of these people have tes- tified before -government committees and given aid wherever they could to this country. They should com- mand the respect of all of us for helping America fight the evil they all now recognize in Communism."

If English believes a man to .be sincere in his efforts to rid himself of the stigma of Communism he will go to great lengths to help him. If he is convinced that a subject is not sincere he will have nothing more to do with him.

Recently he was approached to present the story of Corporal Edward S. Dickenson, the Virginia farm boy who changed his mind about staying with the Communists in Korea. After a careful study of the situation, Eng- lish refused to do' the show on the grounds that he felt the boy was in- sincere, emotionally unstable, and generally an unreliable subject for his show.

"I realize," says English, "what a wonderful opportunity it would have been to capitalize on the headline value of the 'then hot copy but it would have gone against the only demands I've ever put on the mate- rial for this show.

"If in any way the program helps to get the 'Last Man Out,' then it will have served my purpose."

Mr. English discovered last week that he will have to wait awhile to achieve his purpose. "Last Man Out" was taken off the air last week. If enough people demand its return, there is the possibility of having this award -winning series renewed.

Page Twenty-seven

Page 28: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


Radio in Review .G>xOxOxO'R4

For Love o' Mike ( Comment

Radio Ramblings Things are popping at KLAC. Gene Norman leaves the

station.... Jim Ameche moves into his spot-Peter Potter solos on the KLAC dial. Pete, by the way, is preparing two new shows for KNX. The AM version of "Juke Box Jury" was auditioned on April 8 and the tape for "Cast- away" will be cut next week.

:Award -winning "Feature Project" airs an hour-long report "The Wetbacks" on April u..... Jack Bailey vaca tions next month prior to taking over the video chores on "Truth or Consequences."

Martin Block's ABC show is beamed to Montreal, Can- ada.... Richard English is being bombarded with mail since his anti-Communist "Last Man Out" program left the air.

. KFWB's fern disc jockey Beverly (Mrs. John Hay) gave birth to a baby boy, Brian Ar- `thur, last week. . Howard K. Smith and Edward R. Murrow were awarded the Overseas Press Club citation for "best consistent reporting." . .

Art Linkletter vacations in Ho- nolulu next week ... Phoenix, Arizona proclaimed April 3 as "My Friend Irma Day" in con- junction with the annual Easter Seal Drive. Marie Wil- son and Mary Shipp were guests of honor on the occasion.

Gordon MacRae has auditioned for the role of "Curly" in the movie version of "Oklahoma." After watching him perform in this role on the "Rodgers and Hammerstein Salute" last week we think he should be a cinch for the role. The musical crew on "Railroad Hour" keeps teasing Gordon about his long hair which he grew for his "Curly" tele -role. But he doesn't seem to mind because if he gets the bid for the movie part he'll have to wear his locks long for many months. M.R.

Gordon MacRae

"Fire At Pusan" A special broadcast dramatizing the recent fire which

endangered the 30,000 inhabitants of Pusan was vividly presented by the ABC Public Affairs Department and Public Information section of the Red Cross.

The dramatization of this true incident effectively pleaded the Red Cross's need for funds. Actor Norman Rose played the role of a Red Cross field worker who aided the destitute Koreans by employing every Red Cross service at his command.

The conflagration left the citizens of Pusan hopelessly bewildered until the Red Cross stepped in to help. Inno- culations, DDT dusting, food, clothing and shelter were provided. Educational films were shown instructing the Pusans as to how they could combat this disastrous situ- ation.

Ira Marion wrote a convincing script and Bernard Green's music, as always, was extremely good. M.R.

Point With Pride . to Edward Arnold's "Spotlight Stories" on Don Lee-

Mutual. Arnold's pinpoint profiles of famous people and humorous anecdotes about these people are exceptionally well narrated by one of radio's outstanding story tellers. page Twenty-eight

Start Your "Good Morning-


:r BUENOS DIAS ' 6 :00-7:15 Mon. thru Sat. b- Eddie Rodriguez

*Indicates News Broadcast ¿Jndientes Highlight TBA-To Be Announced.

Q KABC-A Man and His Music. 6 KFI-Base Harris At Home. KHJ-Basil de Soto. KNX, KFMB-Robt. Q. Lewis. KALI-Dr. S. Bailee. KBIG-Catallna Bandstand. RCBQ-No School Today. KFAC-Business Review. KFOX-Bible Breakfast. KFSD-My Secret Story.


Sat. A.M. 7:00 to 5:30 and 9:30 to 11:30


KFVD Steve Shoemaker. *KFWB. KXLA-News.

KGB-Record Hite. RGER-William Nickerson. KGFJ-World Bible Society. RGIL-Musical Clock. KIEV-Allin Slate.

*KLAC-News; Stock Reports. KMPC-Clock Watcher.

*KPMO-News; Early Risers. KPOL-Joe White Show. KOWLSpanish Hour (cont'd) KRKD-Messianic Hour.

*KVOE-News; Breakfast Nook KWRW-)lilt Nava Show.

S:05-KFWB-Mark Scott. 8:15*KHJ, KGB-News.

KALI-Let There Be Light. KFAC-Sports News. KFOX-Let There Be Light. KFWB-BiiI Leyden. RGFJ-National Guard. KXLA-Sacred Records. KLAC-Sam Baiter.

*RMPC-Business News; Sports *BOWL-World News. Spanish.

KPOL-Voice of Calvary. KXLA-Sacred Records.

8 :20-KFAC-Morning Parade. KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.

8:30-KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. RAJ, KFXM. KGB-Kasen of

Rest. BALI-Music.


HFOX-I Am Sanctuaries. KFSD-Woman In Lose. KGER-Voice of China. KGFJ-College of Div. Science.

*KGQ-News. KIEV-Music. RMPC-Clock Watcher. HOWL-Precious Memories. RPOL-Music of the World. KRKD-Breakfast Club. KVOE-Breakfast Nook. KWKW-Milt Nasa.

8:45-KFAC-Unity. KFOX-The Great Victory. KFVD-Spin and Win.

*KFWB. RGFJ-News. RGER-Morning Melodies.

*HGFJ-News. KGIL-Fashions in Music. RWKW-Joan of Arc. KXLA-Gospel Bookstore. KFI-Jump, Jump. KHJ-Flying Feet.

¿KNX. KFMB-News; Theater of Today.

KALI-Dr. W. M. Morris. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-Serenade. KFOX-Revival Time.

*KFSD-News and Weather. KFWB-BW Leyden. KGB-Club Women. RGER-Cathedral Choir. HGFJ-Time For Music. KIEV-Music.

*KLAC-News: Haynes. *KO W L-News.

KPMO-Muslc for the Mrs. KRKD-Modrrn Melodies,

*KVOE-News; Backfence. K W K W-Fina.

9:15-R ABC-Mlrandy's Garden, KGB-Your Navy Show. KFAC-Church Federation. KFSD-Nosy on the Air. KFVD-Melody Time. BOWL-German Hour. KWKW-Spanish Fiesta.

9:35*KPOL-News; Sanders. 9:30-KABC. HCBQ-Space Patrol.

KFI-Song anod Dance Man. KHJ-Basil De Soto Show.

¿KNX. KFMB-Stars Over Hollywood.

KCBQ-Space Patrol. KFAC-Cathollc Topics. KFOX-Victory Parade. KFSD-Breakfast in Ho1ly'd. KFVD-Steve Shoemaker. KFWB-AI Jarvis. KGB-Three Suns. ROER-john Brown. HGFJ-Time for Music. KIEV-Lawrence Welk. KLAC-Peter Potter. HVOE-Backfence Matinee. KWRW-Tony Selo. BMA-Sacred Records,

9:15-KHJ-Garden Show. KFOX-Voice of the Bible. KXLA-Adventures in Books.

9 :50*HGFJ-News. i0*KABC-Ira Cook. *RAJ-News.

KNX. KFMB-City Hospital. KALI-Proudly We Hail. KBIG--Catalina Bandstand. HCBQ-'Oft the Record"

(3 hrs.). KFAC-Concert Stage.

*KFOX-News; Assembly. KFSD-Music on Sweet Side.

*KGER-Weyne Ring. RGFJ-Musical Portraits. AGIL-Midmorning Melodies.

*KIEV-News- Music. KMPC-Bill Stewart to 1. HOWL-Lithuanian Hour. RPOL-String Instrumental.

*RVOE-News: Backfence. KXLA-Music.

10:15-RH.1-Basil de Soto. KGB-Record Hits. RGER-Kostelanetz. BRAD-Dr. Richardson.

10:30-11111J-Woody Woodpecker. RNX-Peter Lind Hayes Show. KALI-Duke Johnson. BRIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-lour Soloist. KFMB-Let's Pretend. KFOX-Serenade in Blue. KGR-Woody Woodpecker. KGER-Earl Lee. BOWL-Spanish Home Hour. KPOL-Merchant's Quiz.

*KRKD-News; Morning Melodies.

RWKW-Teddy Fragoso. 10:45-KALI-Eyes on Skies.

KFOX-Morning Musical. 10:50*KGFJ-News. 11-KABC-Met.: "Cost Fan

Tutti." KFI. KFSD-Mary Lee Taylor. RAN. KFMB-Galen Drake. KALI-Music. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-Masters in Miniature. KALI-Rhythmic Age. KFOX-Record Parade. KFSD-Mary Lee Taylor. HGER-Church of Open Door. RGFJ-Musical Festival.

*KLAC-News; Peter Potter. HOWL-Spanish Flour. KPOL-Merchant's Quiz.

*KVOE-News; Backfence. 11:35*KHJ-Sam Hayes. 11:30JKFI, HFSD-Farm & Home.

HA./-Basil De Soto Show. KALI-Music. KFAC-To France with Music. HFMB-Robert Q. Lewis. RFSD-Farm S Home Hour. HFVD-Shopping Highlights. KGB-Dance Orchestra.

*RGER-News-World Evan- gelism.

*KRKD-News. KWRW-La Hora De Los

Angeles. *KXLA-News.

11:45-RHJ-Flvit and Maket KALI-Let's Go to Town.

*KPOL-News. KRKD-Lawrence Welk. RXLA-Western Music.


12-KFI-Farm Reporter.

*KHJ, KGB-Ford News. *K1''X, KALI, KFMB-News.

KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-Luncheon Concert. KFOX-Rhythm Luncheonette. KFSD-Sat. Date (to 5:30), KFVD-Something Old.

Page 29: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

600 700 740 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 154-0 1600

KKKK K`K°K° FL F F ° M°B Aá, MA XIS °`°':P I °B '

B CMID... " C G C °.


1111 (Ill Ill I




















*KGB. KIEV -News. KGER-Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ-Moods in NI uste. KG11.-Ho,nen"akera Matinee.

*KIEV -New a. *K1 AC -Sews: liter Potter.

BOWL -Jae Adams Show. K PHI -Top Tunes. KPOLr-Temple Ra oiisl. KRKD-Hit Tunes. *K{ OE -New a: Top Ten 'Tunes. RXLA-Slwhir.

1::15-RFI-Farmland Pa rig Line. KNX-Garden Guide. KHJ-Music. KALI-Fee Horl urn.. RFMIt-Bogle Ness..

*KFOS. KGER-1 nlred Press Nee a.

KGB -Time Dot. 1t::lo-RH.1, KGB -Mau 11u Faro,.

KALI-Bro. Clarence (Welch. KFOX-Piesle in Swing. Krip-.someihtng New.

*KERB-lenoh. 13..e (belle rd. RGR-Man on Farm. RGER-Radio Kida Bible ChM KLAC-5:11 Club to 4 p.m. RPOL-aloe {{bile.

l e :40-KiiN-This I Relieve. 12:45-KNX. KFS11t-Garden bale.

RFR'R-Jerry A Iteieriy. * RFAC-News. RFOX-Le tin American Moak

*RRKW-News: Sports. 1RFI-Now Hear This. 2 hours.

KEW -Frank Evans, :t'', Airs. KNN-This Is Loa Angeles. RCBQ-Ratner Recommends. K FA(' -Serena dr KF.IIK-Matie Melodies

(Tll 4:30). KFOX-Wen/ern Hit rarade. KFVD-Sometliint 'sorrowed, KGR-Bands of Time. ROPE -Freddie Marlin. KGFJ-Rendez.Qua with

Mimic. KIEV -Wally George. KMPC-1'a rode of Hits.

*KPMO-News: S"s'r. KPOL-Joe While. RILED -Polka Time *K VOE-hews : Open. Ranee. RWKW-Bill Gerr (lion.

1:15-KGF: R -Story Rook Time. KM PV -Dneout Dope. RXLA-Adv, la Reaeerel..

1 ::10-RNT-Pldlip Norman. RCBQ-Reserved for You. KFA(-Serenade. KFI D -Something Blue. KGB-Sporls Parade. R C.ER-serenade In Rise. K311'C-L.A Angela vs San

Diego. *R X1. t -Neese.

1:45-KCRQ-llff the Record. KFOX-Western Bit Pa rude. KXL.A-Musir.

1:55--KBIG--Sparkys Fire Kennel. 2KABC-Ira Cook Platter Carly

KNX-Do It '1ourself. KALI-Beautiful \lesivo. KKIG-C:.t Mina Bandstand. KFAC-Saturday Matinee. KII'D-Hnrlen. (Matinee.

*KGR-Nave: Walter Preston. KGER-1 mix Beath Rand. KPOI.-MueiceI Comedy. KRKD-Tops la Pops.

*KVOE-News; Open Howse. K {{KW -Rill Garr.

2:15-KGER-Let's Go To Town. ! ::k. -RN C--Symphonetle.

KCBQ-Keep Guard lip. Mile :R-Peter Slack. Organ.

2.48-KN X -World Aaafcumrnt. KGER-Reachcoml.er's

Serenade. K('ISQ-Off the Record. RPM -Parade of Hits KWKW-Bill Garr. ItF horns. I -Record Review. 2 hos. 3 KNS-?Meet the Music. KALI-S. S. Hernandez. KRIbi-Catalina Bandstand. KfiR-Record Review. RGER-Beachcomber's

Serenade. KG F',1 -S1 nsie In The Air. KIEV -Music.

HOWL -Joe .(dews sh.o. R 11 R R' -1.a.. wince Welk.

*RVOF--News; .Herr) -Go- Round.

*K XLA-News. a: I.S-KNI.A-Musie. 3 :50-R(`BII-Rot. F'lunerau.

KNT-Meet the Music. KF'AI'-Kfring Sewonde. K FWII-Red Rowe (:1 hre.% K F VMS-l.ifeliues. KG11.-11elody Time, 114 hrs. K OW 1.-1 %hieu. K WK 11' -King Crosby Time

1:45-K('RQ-(:oral Star. :t :.ut * K G F.I-se.vs.

4 KAKI' -flat twin,. fag. tKKI1.-Catalina

Raudslaod. KI'ISQ-Off the Record. K F.AC-Musical Masleroleees. *K FOX-New s; Score; Krcords * KGIt-Hemingway. KGER-Jr. '('own .Heeling. K(i FJ-Sluairel M nigh.

*KIEV -Neese; Musir. * KE.A('-News; Ales C.orpar. KMPC-Mnsir Tool Ordered. KOW I,-Iibiro.

*K WKW-News: Rill Saartraon. I:18*RH.L R- ~ins ay. 4 :2.1-K FOX -Record Parade 4:30-K 1114; Na. y Rom.

KH.I-Garden Y.4110w. K KII:-1 'al a lino Ito tideland. K('ISQ-Marines in Kminw, KFI'D-Novel Tones. KGB -Salute f.. Sallow, KG FR- terent on I ciei h. K POI ,-Il naive Cara. nu.

4 :45-K ILL -Music KI1144-11fí the Record.

*KR KID -News. I :.ii,*KGF'.(-News.

5 KABC-Science Editor. KFI-1lntorlwt Melody Time. KDJ-Rob I:reene-News KNA-KF'SI R -Gaston Fischer K('BQ-Nary hour. Is lift -Cat allure Rand« nod. KF.t('-Siinsrl Serenade. KFYO-Novel '(runes.

*KI:R-News. KI:1:R-Aubrey 1.re. KGF./-M usira l Reveries. KURD -Sweet ,red Iwt. ely.

*K VOE-News: .Inwn°err. RN KW -Children's Program. KTLA-Melody '.alley.

5:15-KAI%C-Income Tag Info. KFI-American Red Frost. KILO -KGB -Al Helfer. KNX=today in 1.... Angeles. KFII\-Melody Time. KFWR-Sport. with Mark

Scott. KG Fl -Key boa rd 31 n g ir. KWK W -% port . Final,

S: au* K 1 BC- N e.rs. Kl l-.0 Stranger and Alone

*KN\, R1'SIB-Tom Dermot.. Kll.l-Al Helfer. K('ISQ--01f the Record. RF'1('-I aurasinu llemoriew.

*KI'11\, K(ill.-News. K I' O1)-\\ orld Today. ,

KFWIt-Red Rowe Keevrrd Slow.

Krill -Academy Reed. KGER-Olga Gra. rm. KI'lll..-Parade of lilts. KItKII-Sports I)iel. K \I KW-Ronsano Sneer.. kW. KXL{-Squeakin Denton.

5:41-K \HC -Know Your Schools. *KNX, KFS111-Frank Co...

KH.1-jack Brirkhouee- Spots

K FOX -Keyboard Capers. *KFoil-Ke ltenborn. KGFJ-Fdm News. KLAC-Sew Baiter. Sports. KRKD-Race Results.

6 R e %RC-Paule.. Carter' KI'I-Polk.. Party. RHJ. KGR-Ha wail Call..

IKNX. KFMB-Gangbusters. RCBQ-Trea.ury Rho...

*RFAC, KFOS. RWKW-News. KFSD-Reuse of Glees. KGER-Bark lo the Bible. KGF'.(-Res neat I'erfornienee. KGIL-Easy Listening.


KSII'I'-Hub Kelley, Sports, K PRO -Speed mud Se f el y. KRKD-F1euinc 1'nrielirs.

*K\OF:-\rws: Sports. *K 1{ K 1{ -New.: 1 Osiu.

g:uS-KFA1'-Dhuier Coloerl. 0:1S-KA1IC-3lu.io by Reg Koury,

*KSIY('-Sews, KPMII-Pum.mis Y011111. K I'OF}-Yenl house Serenade, K11K11-Cliristian Science,

s:yu-K:\ KC -Mau of ('olor. KH.I, blob -Garden Show.

K11 -Polka Petri y. r, K Va, K IrSIB-I.ullsouke

KCBQ-1111 the Record. KFM -Concert (:rand. KFOA-Dinner Music. KFSn-'Thealre Roy el. KFWH-itrlrtiy I' 011ie. KGER-{;uucert Hull MAL -Memory Sleludies, KSPF-Tudny's Raves. KBK11-'t. Time Wallace. K1{K{{-11oy... hour. K XLA-SI uair.

e:4fi-R.\IS(-lOM' Child aud You. KIII-Dinner :Melodies. KKK11-Slldufght Miss

7 KJIHC-Slaflue. In Rev le.... KF'1, KI'SD-Tes 1lMiaow.

*K H.1 -Fa nn Quiz : Neon. KN\-Tuvo fur the Money, KI:KQ-Anunymous. K1'SIIS-Ilrrb Shriner. KFAC-I1r. Ilfleld. KbB-Sur. McGuire. KFON-1'rai.dly 11e 11e11. KI:FK-1Sali;more Gospel. K1:F.1-Ilusirri Oi cent.

e, errnade. 2 hr. KIi11K. KM PI'-.lohn 31arShane,

*KRKI1, K\LA-News. 7:15-KItKD-Fl. polo g {nrtetlrs,

KXI,A-4rrent on lmoth. :3u -K A W:-ManagemeW Show.

K FI-'Lr Kltter Slum ,

KW -Andre Kustrlaurla, KS IC -Jimmy ltnkely buw Kl'KQ-Id.wreuce Welk. KF'A1'-1s.. Haul let Church.

KI:11 It- Peter l.lud Ha) re. IL FYI\ -1 nu Were There. K I'SI)-Pee 1t're Kh.g. * K 1.11 H--1'omouiui. y \

on per. KI:1:-\Inonlighl Serenade. KRK11-11r. Rirlu.rdsnn. KWK1Y-La Horn Popular.

: :45-h.t K('-I.a Our `ow. *KFOA-lo. P, News.

KIMO-Rosary Hour, K XI, \-Ileleu Louise.

SKAB(', KI'ItQ-Lune Itnuger. KFI, KI011-Graud Ole (Spry. KII.1, K(:IS-t-'ollrge 1'hnir. KFA('-I:. rn(ng Concert. K FSI11-Itiaap.'. KFII.-Kay Robinson Show. K vital ion. Kr.rrly KI:FR-Itihle 'rrPo.surv. KIiFA-World 11141e Society.

*KL.U'-News: Spmrls Digest. KM I'1' -/'liarles Slone.

*K1 0I1 --News; On Sta.e. KWK1{'-Slill, Na KXI.A-Cllurrh in the Baru.

14:05-K CI. FSD-Brand Irle limy. 8:10-K LAC -Gene Nurmnn s:15-K1:1:1t-slebren 1'1.ristlao.

K11'KW-Puerto 1.lrr. g:Y5-K.\Itl'-Back tu the Bible. a::u1-K ABC-La w'renre Welk.

IT. FL KF'SI)-Toni, Ilnll 1'nrly. RIL1-Iwnnbardnlnnd. KN\-1'rinte Classics. 1:1'ItQ--Plneterbraius RFStR-Slake Wog for Youth. K1''IYR, KGB-Loyoln-

NI. Mary's. KGFR-Yoire of China. KGF.1-College of Die Science. K WKR-Ilamuna Gardens. * KG F.( -N e.rs.

tt:15-KGF:1: Wflnessbsc law men. KGFJ-Eyes on the Sky.

9R1KC-I.awrente Welk. *KIIJ. MAC, KFNSI, K1'uE-

New.. KNX-1'res, of A. F. of L-

"HUNTER HANCOCK SHOW" 'Real Crazy' Musk 'Baal crazy' MC

'REAL CRAZY' SHOW! ... 9:00 to 11:30 P.M.

Monday thru Saturday KGFJ 1230 Kc.

KF)in--Syucop.Hon Piece, KFYIX-Billy Íterg Show, - -

KCHQ-Daurlug Party.' .

*KGFJ-Runner Baneurk.- - MM. -Musical Scrapbook.

*K1.1I'-Nrwa; Grim Norman. *K1 OE -News: Easy Listening,

K WK tV-Sereunde its Blue. 9:1:1-KRJ-Nutlatal Gourd :show.

KIN \-Jimmy 1\'akelr. 9:30-KAISC-I,ayrm.u's Hour;

KFI- America's Baodstsud, KRJ-Slmica Whalen. KNS-1Mele Mimic Bay. KF'NB-,Ilmu.y Na41y KI9D-Duae Ranel. JnmMrree. K(iGK-Join" Brown. KSI PC -Lucky Lacer Dance. KIVKIP-Co.mell of Chun:hes. KNi.A-Milsic.

8:45 -KILO -Mel Ketrke Trio. KN'K W -Saturday I/ance,

lo*KAIiC, lm KI.AC-Nrues,

KF'I-.erirp's 1'up. Miuict KRJ. KIiR-SlaJur l.eagae

HaseheII. *KNA, KFMB-/'B:1 News. *KF'A('-News; (rossroads °I

SI u sü. Kt''iD-Sat. Site Reporter. K Ft l) -Spade Cooley. R1IfB-Larry Ilnley (g bra.) KGF:R=Top Ames. K(.11r-Slnrllght O.Jlrumw. K \(.A -. 'lit fie Stone. - -

lu:16-KAB< Prrsb,vterinu Chiwrh. *RNA -Ca urroll A Mot t.

KF'SIH- Weal] imgimu Report, KFSL/-1)ante 'rime. 1(1.1; K-1 °ire of Faiui. -

K 1% K t1'-/.ordun Beker Ll.ri d, I0:YS-KN\=1'hls I !Sobel e.. -

lu;au-IC \BC-l.aw1rure Welk. Orris. KN\-Phllip Sormnu. KHL.4=('bis la )unr Sung. K('HQ-.thin O'Leary. KF'1111-Sllulatnrra. KGkR-Sut. Nile Serenade. K11 K W-Poirty at Joe's.

1 1 KAIsC-Melodies 'Till -Midnight.

K II -Record Session. *KILL KS\-Nrws, '

RF'SI II-NI a.rtrrpferrs: KGIt-Danrin[ 1'ar.y: K I'll N- l',mi,iii.. i' Sluale- K \ LA-Sluatr.

11:10-KN\-ipmrla. ' '

KS \-F'nuik . Rrudey Web. II::tu-ItFl-Murinr.Hall of Rands;

K(: VI-Resident one In Rhythnt 11 45 -KS \-(:ill Bellmore.

12*1:.\1:1'-.11idnlgl.t News. I`

KN\-Music Till Dawu. KF'I-Midnight Flyer. KI'AI'-Sluaie Ilut of light; K FM K-Slusts het light. .

Klad-Nigld ( tub. *K LAC-News : Ales /smiler. -

K111.1:-.luhn SlarShnne. KKKIt-Sl.ronliOil Serenade. KNI.A-Kirk Latzer Show.

1::15-KA Ill '-Knrk to the Bible. hFM-Itrn Winter (41/2 hours).

1 1:1:a-KA1.A-It, Johuson: J. Morris

VACATION PLANS Ray Milland and his wife,

Mal, will vacation in.Europe early next summer. -

Page Twenty-nine

Page 30: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

' SUNDAY, APRIL 11 Indicates Newscast. Indicates Highlight.

TBA-To Be Announced.

8 RABC-Clem Davies Ministry. KFI-Funny Paper Man. KHJ. KFX.M, KGB -Wings of

Healing. IKNX-Salt Take Tabernacle.

KCBQ-Church Guide. KBIf Road of Faith. KFAC-Breakfast Symphony. KFMB-This Is My Faith. KFGX-New home Baptist Ch. KFSD-Call to Worship. RFVD-Rev. Rentals Felten. KFW B-Fannies. KGB-Time for Meditation. KGER-Rev. Markham. KGFJ-Armchair Concert. KGIL-Sun. Morning Melodies,

*KIEV-News; Music. *KL.AC, KWKW-News.

KMPC-People's Gospel Hour. BOWL-Amer.-.Japanese Hr. KPMO-Christian Science. EPOL-Bible Research. KRKD-Rerord Shop.

*KVOE-News; Sun. Salute. *KXLA-Hens.

8:05-KBIG-Children's Church. RLAC-Catholic Hour.

8:15-BRIG-Children's Church. KFOX-Missionary Baptist. KWKW-Cluristadelphiaº Ch. KX 1.A-Music.

8:30-RABC-Light & Life Hour. KFI-Scout Jamboree. KILL, KFXM, KGB-Back to

God. *KN N-News. Bill Shaded.

BALI-Maurice Johnson. KBI(i-Catalina Bandstand

(to 5:45 p.m.). KCItQ-Units elan Time. RFOX-Radio School. RFSD-Land of the Free. KFMB-Trinity Choir. KFVD-Church of Christ. KFWB-Magic Land Tales. KGER-Bible Treasury. KGFJ-Divine Science. RC,IL-Alexander St. Church. K%IPC--Challenge to Youth. KPOL-Union Rescue Miseloº. KIYKW-Romano Smeraldo.

5:35JUSX-Invitation to Learning. 8:45-KCB(Hymns of all Faiths.

KFM Men,ornble Music. KFSD-Carnival of Books. KFWIt-Music. KGER-(Mental Missionary. IiGFJ-Goodwill Visitor.

9 R %BC-Sunday School Hour. KFI-News. KHJ, KFXM, KGB-Radio

Bible Class. JR'X-Capitol Cloakroom.

KALI-Radio Li'l Tokyo. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KCBQ-Dr, Frank Lowe. RFAC-Liberal Catholic Ch. KFMB-Sunday Carousel. KFOX-Popular Melodies.

*KFSD-News and Weather. *KFVD-News and Music.

KFWB-Make Believe Ball- room, Al Jarvis. 5 hrs.

RGER-World Literature KGFJ-Goodwill Visitor. KGIL-Fashions In Rhythm.

*KLAC-News; Christ Unity. KMPC-Bolero Time. KPOL-Rescue Mission. KRKD-Sunday Serenade. KVOE-News; Salute. KWKW-Italian Hour.

How Christian Science Heals



KFI (640 kc.) Sun. 9:15 a.m.

9:15-KFI-Christian Science. KFAC-Talks on Books. KFSD-Roadside Chapel. KGFJ-Spotlight Parade, KOWL-Armenian Hour.

9:23-KNX-This I Believe. 9:30-KARC-World Tomorrow.

KFI, WEND-Eternal Light. KH.L, KFXM, KGB-%olee of

Prophecy. *KNX-llonard K. Smith. *KCRQ-New s.

KALI-,Japanese Hour. KFAC-Morning Concert. KGFJ-News. Kt...R-.John Brown. KIEV-Lawrence Welk. KLAC-Peter Potter. KOW L-Spanish Home Hour. KPMMO-Songs for Sunday. KMIL-Joe White.

9:45-KNX-Answer Man. News. Page Thirty

RCBQ-Mayor's Report

10 RABC-Sunday News Journal. KFI-Herbert J. Mann.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB-News- paper of the Air.

IKNX-Man's Right to Knowledge

KCBQ-Parade of Hite. KALI-Lotus Vesper Hour. RBIG--Catalina Bandstand. KFOX-Sentimental Hour. KFSD-Heritage over Land. KFVD-The Best in Music. KGER-Radio Revival. KGF.1-Hits of the Week. KG11,-Melody Favorites. KIEV-Music. KLAC-Peter Potter. KMPC-Hour of Music. KOWL-Am. Hellenic Hr.

*KS GE-News; Sun. Salute. KXI.A-Continental Serenade. KWKW-Italian Novelties.

10:13--KFI-Hometown Happenings. KHJ. KGB-Frank & Ernest. RFOX-Angelus Hour.

10:25-KRIG-Sports News. 10:30-KFI-Calif. Sportsman.

KHJ, KGB-Lutheran Hour. J KNX-University Explorer.

KGER-Chosen People. KFSD-Chicago Roundtable. AMYL-American-Jewish. RPMO-Melody Chapel. KWKW-Itallnn Melodies.

10:45-KFI-Calif. Senators Report. KNX-Christ, Fos. KFGX-Benethctlons. KGEK-Dr. Dan Gilbert. KVOE-Your Money and You.

11 KA7tC-Message of Israel. RFI, KFSD-Cath. Hour. KH.I-Keep Ilealthy. KNX-Sy'mphonefe. KAI.1-Grace Memorial. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-First Methodist Ch. KF%D-tat Baptist Church. KGER-Open Door Church. KGF,1-Sunday Showcase. KLAC-Peter Potter. RMPC-Music City Show. KMIL-Eagle Rock Baptist Ch RI GE-First Methodist Ch. KWKW-Italian Melodies. KXLA-Squen kin' Deacon.

11:15-KW-Land of the Free. I1:25*KBIG-Southland News. 11:30--RABC-National Vespers.

KFI-Young America Sings. KIL1 KGB-Across Pacific. KNX-N.V. Philharmonic. KFIIX-Christian Church. KFSD-Song in My Heart. KGi)-31antovani Urch. KW'KIV-All Saints Church.

11:45-KHJ, KGB-Record Pets.

12-KARC-Christian in Action.

RH-Golden Hour. *KHJ. RFAC, ROB-News.

KCBQ-Andre Kostelnnetz. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand.

*RFAC.-News. *KFMB-News.

RFIIX-Popular Melodies. KFSD-Ratner Recommends. KFI II-The Rest in Music. KGER-Open Door Church. KG1L-Pop Parade. KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.

*KIEV-News; Music. KLAC-Peter Potter. ^' KPMO-Music Masterworks. K PI IL-Serenade.

*HYDE-News; Kids. Quiz. RWKW-Italian Novelties. KXLA-Squenkin' Deacon.

12:05-RFAC-Plano Parade. 12:15-RHJ, KGB-Bill Cunningham. 12:30-KABC-Dr. Oral Roberts.

KFi-Facts Forum. KW-Sunday Serenade. KC/IQ-First Presbyterian. KFA(,-In Modern Manner. KFMB-N.Y. Philharmonic. KFSD-Shirley Thomas. K611-Music You Want. KGER-Earl Opie Sings. KOWL-Hungarian Melodies. RPIII.-Christian Center. KRKD-Val Clenard Show

(Til 3 p.m.). KVOE-Planet Man. RWKW-Portuguese Hour.

12:43*RFI-World of Books. KFVD-Piano Parade. KGER-Singing Americana.

1HABC-Dr. Charles E. Fuller. JKFi. KFSD-Opera:

"La Traviata " KHJ-Guy Lombardo. KNX-Main Street Music Hall KALI-Momentos Musicales. K BIG-Corn One Itnndstand. KGRQ-Metropollt an Opera. !UAL-Sunday Theatre. KFIIX-Western Church. KFSD-Weekend (2 hours). KFVD-Moods & Melodies. KGER-Healing Waters. KGFJ-Serenade to Afternoon KLAC-Peter Potter. HOWL-Scandinavian Hour.

KPMO-Mount Sinai. KPOL-Music of Italy,

*K5l)E-News; Music. KWKW-Milt Nava Show. KXLA-Eddie Arnold Show.

1:13-KFWII-Hollywood Star. KMPC-Music You Ordered.

1:30-KH.i-Flight In the Blue. .

*KNX-The World Today. KGER- Sumshlne Mission. KLIC 570 Club. KXLA-Church In the Barn.

1:55-KILL-Lorne Greene.

2 KARC-Voice of Prophecy. KH.1, KFX51, KGB-Shadow.

KNX, KF)IB-'The Wetbacks' KALI-Calif. Hungarian Hr. KFAC-Sunday Theatre. KFGX-Good News. KFVD-Harlem Holidey. KFWB-.Jim Smallwood. KGER Sunday Concert. KGFJ-H'wood House. ROIL-Slelmly Time.

*KLAe-News: 510 Club. KM PC-Baseball KOWL-Catholic Holy Hour. KPIIL-Spanish Hit Parade. KVOF.-Music. KXLA-Music.

2:13-KFGX-Healing Waters. 2:30-K MC-Greatest Story Told.

HH.1, KFXM, Kilt-True Detective Mysteries.

RFAC Sunday al the "Pops." KFIIX-Life & Comfort. KGER-Colonial Tabernacle. K(:FJ-Say It With Music. KIIIIi.--Spanish Home Hour. RPOL-Mickey Katz. KWKW-Proudly We Hall. KXLA-3lusic.

2:55-X111.1-Cecil Brown,

3 KARC-Dr. Billy Graham. JKH.J-Nick Carter

NNX-Johnny Mer'er. KFIC-Mone Concert. K Fat B-Mcl'lellan's Music. KFIIX-1outh Program. KFI D-Christian science. KFSD-Mantoiani. KIWIS-Kennedy Calling. KGER-.John Brown. KGFJ-Harlem Jukebox. KIEV-Music.

*KLAC-News; 570 Club. KOWL-Tiddish Hour. KVOE-Music. KWKW-Robert Bieyquia

3:30-RABC-Ilerald of Truth. KFI, KIND-NBC Symphony.

*KH.1-Bob Considine. KALI-Weller Street Baptist. KFOX-Revival Time. K GKR-Temple Time. KI'i1L-Your Money at Work. KWKW-Brondway Palace.

3:15-11111.1-Richard Knllsen, News. *KPOL-News. 4KARC--Church In the Home.

KGB-Oklahoma Symphonies,

RNA, KFMK-Jack Benny. KALI-Bro C. Welch. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KFOX-Gospel fight.

BIBLE STUDY HOUR with Dr. Barnhouse 4:00 P.M. Sunday

Ill, I.t.




I o ', W,G , S

KIWIS -11r. Itarnhouse. K FII B-Music. RGER-11111 Fashioned Revival KG F'.1-Dixieland.

*KIEV-News; Music. *KL.:IC-News; Alex Cooper.

KOWb-Italian Hour. KPOI--0hnrrh of Christ. K ...ar11 usic.

:13-KRKD-The Voice of Healing. KFWB-Walter White. 111'310-A.A.V. W.

:30-KARC-Wings of Healing, KFI-The Marriage.

IKNX, KFMB-Amos 'n' Andy. KFIIX- Issembly ut hod. KFS1)-1 uiz tine Expert.

*KFW'It. KFVII-News. KMP('-Parade of Hits KIIW'Ir F'nith of Our Fathers. R BOL -Baptist Church. RWKW-Rev. Brown.

:45*REW11-Lorry Finley. KMPC-Les Brown Show. 1(31 I'll-Social Security.

*K IYIL-News. KRKD--Bunday fops.

C*KARC-News; Evening Comes. J KFI-Sunday nt Home. II MIL KGB-Youth Symphonies.

KNX, KFMB-Bergen & Mc- Carthy.

KCBQ-Evening Comes. KFAC-Concert Favorites. KFOX-Sunday Gospel. KFSD-Income Tax.

KFWB-Paris Star Titns KGER-Bible Treasury Wow. KGFJ-Jive at Five.

*KLAC-News; Alex Cooper. KMPc-Magic of Melody. KPOL-Sunday Vespers. KRKD-King's Ambassadors.

*KVOE-News; Pentecostal Ch. 3:15*KFi-News.

KGER-%oice of China. *KFWB-Dr. Curran Shields.

KRK)-Record Shop. 5:30-KARL-Music by Manto;sni.

RFI, KFND-Shirley Thomas. *KNX. RFMB-Sunday Desk. *RCRQ-:den s.

KFAC-Favorites of France. RFOX-Bedside Mission.

*KFWR-Guest Star. *KGER-Imo Christian

Assembly. Kt:FJ-Moods in Music. KCMG-Ambassadors. KRKD-Record Shop. KWKW-Ruthlnnd Inn. KXLA-Lincoln Ave. Church.

5:40*KFWB-Drew Pearson. 5:45*KARC-Private Wire.

KCBQ-Draw Pearson. KFOX-Beacon Light.

*RFW1t-Walter White. 5 :5S-KH.I-News.

e*KARC, KCBQ-W. Winchell.

KFI. KFSD-MBC Star Play- house.

KHJ-Sunday Symphonies. KGB-Author Meets Critics. KNX. KFMB-hall of Fame. KFAG-Masters of Music.

*KFOX, RX ..A-C.P. News. KFWB-Dr. Shields. KIWI-Request Performance. KG1L-Fuse Listening.

*KLAC-News; Top Ten Tunes. KRKD-St. Gennaln Founda-

tion. *KVOE-News; Armed Forces.

K%%KW-Rutbland Inn. 6:10-KFGX-Assembly of God. 6:15*RABC, WSW-Taylor Grant.

KFWB-Drew Pearson. KPOL-Sunday Vespers.

*KRKD-Record Shop. KXLA-Music.

6:30-KARC-Mickey Katz Show. KHJ, KGB-Reviewing Stand

IKNX. FUMES-Hollywood Music Hall.

KGRI)-Greatest Story. KFOX-Dinner Music. K F'WB-U re Pearson. KC:e:It-Lnllueran hour. RPM0-5 ictor Herbert. KRKD-Record Shop. KVIIE-Bible Center. RWKW-\oice of (sweet. KXLA-Lutheran Gospel

Union Hour. 6:15-KFW R-Musical. 6:55-KFI-Shirley Thomas Reports.

7 JKABC-American Music Hall. JRF1-Inheritance.

KW, KGB --Pentagon Report. IKNX, KFMB-Gene Autry.

KCBQ--What's Name of Song REAL -111-F7 Concert. KFIIX-Bell Full Gospel. KFSD-Lust Man Out. KFWB-Union Rescue Mission RGER-Dr. Gordon Palmer. KGFJ-Aie Marie flour. ROIL-Music Box.

*KLAC-News; Ten Top Tunes. KMPC-,11mmie Fidler.

*K%(l5 -News: Concert Music. KXLA-Motional Voice,

7 :15-KI1J-Hazel Markel. KMPC-Studio "A".

*KXLA-News. 7:30*RABC-Week Around World.

KFI-Harris-Faye SNOW. KH.I KGB-Twenty Questions

IRAN. KFM1t-The Whistler. ECHO-This Week Around

the World. KFAC-l'oneert Classics. RFOX-Gospel Friends. RFSh-Meet the Press. RFWit-American Clril

Liberties. WAS-Down You Go. KGER-Vesper Time. KGFJ-Week's Fasorits Story. KMPC-Freedom Story. KS 0E --City Manager. KWKW-Pilgrim Hoar. KXLA-Church of Open Door

7:15-RFWIt-Rosary Hour. KGF.1-Country Music Time.

KGER-Bethel Reformed Ch. KMPI-United Nations.

8*RABC, KCBQ-Mon. Headlines.

KFI-Meet the Press. JKHJ, KFXM, KGB-Sounding

Board. KNX, KFMB-Our Miss

Brooks. REAP-EvenIng Concert. KFGX-Chamber Music. KFWIt-Presbyterian Church KGER-Bethel Reformed Ch. KGFJ-Salvation Army. KGIL-lst Baptist Ch. Van N.

*KLAC-News; Gene Norman. KMP C-Legion Salute.

*KVOE-News; Concert Music.

Page 31: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

BWBW-Maple Chapel. 8:15*KABC. KCBQ-Pant Harvey.

KGFJ-Blue of Evening. K31Pt-Hour of St. Francis.

8:30-KABC-Career Theater. IKFI KFSD-Standard Hour.

Kill. KGB-State of Nation. 1KNX-My Little Margie.

KCHQ-Elmer Davis.

Dr. Joseph Murphy Church and College of

Divine Science 8:30 to 8:45 A.M. 8:30 to 8:45 P.M.


KGFJ 1230 Kc.

KGFJ-( ollege of Div. Science KMI'C-Iteugious News KW KW-Voice of Prophecy.

8:45-KGER-3lessage to Israel. KCBQ-Aragon Ballroom. KGF.1-Town & Country Time.

*KGFJ-Greater Faith Church. KMP(-Start to Live.

9KABC-Meditation, Moderns. *KHJ, KFXM, KOB-Newo.

paper of the Air. KNX, KFMB-Bing Crosby. ECHO-This Week in

Washington. RFOX-Holy Will Program. KFWB-Community Hour. KGEIt-Bethel Church. KGFJ-Greater Olivet Church. KGIL-Mnsiral Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News; Gene Norman. YAW-Youth on the March.

*KVOE-Newsi Concert Music. K WK W-Music. KXLA-Old Fashioned Revival

9:15*K ABC-Elmer Davis. KH.1-Rnkeyser Reports. KCIIQ-L'. N Story. KFWB-Walter White. KWKW-Forward March.

9:30-KABC-Rev. Fritchman. KFI-All Star Parade of

Bands. Klt.l, KFXM, KGB-Chicago

Theater of the Air. IKNN. KFMIt-,lack Benny.

KCBQ-American Music Hall. KFOX-Evangelist Temple. KFSI)-The Marriage. KGER-'!,1n 11111 Baptist. KGF.1-Apostolic Faith Church KLAC-Who Knows This? KMIPC-lucky Dance Time.

9:45-KABC )lusic by Rex Koury. KCBQ-Mautovani,

i0*KABC-George Sokolsky. *KFI, KFYtI)-Richf, Reporter. *RCRO-News. *KNX, KFMIt-10 p.m. Wire.

KFAC-tiateaay to Music. KFOX-Billy Berg Show_ KFWB-Leslie Claypool. KGFJ-Temple of Peace. KGIL-Starlight Ballroom. KLAC-Freedom Forum. KPMO-Frost Warnings.

*KVIIE-News: Concert Music. KWKW-Sunday Eve Concert.

KXLA-Woice of Calvary.



K ABC 10:15-10:30 p.m. every night except Saturday.

KRKD6:45-7 a.m. every morning ex-

"cept Sunday.

10:15-KAISC-Or. Frederick Bolles. KFI-Mayor Poulson Reports. KNX. KERB- Answer Man.

*KCItQ-George Sokolsky. KF$D-Lucky Dance Time.

FMB--tnswer Man. KFW'R-Dr ('urnm Shields. KWKW-_ Rays of Sunshine. KXLA-Melody Time.

10:25-KNX-This I Believe. 10:30-KARL-Revival Time.

K F1-Songs That Never Die. KHJ-.lien's Corner. K NX-The Leading Question. RCIllt-Evening Concert. KFMlt-Concert Miniatures, KFWB-Echoes of Eden. KGH-Music You Want. KWKW-Proudly We Hall.

KXLA-Memory Lane. 10:5-KH.1-Music.

11 HABC-Treasury Show. KF7-Supervisor's Report.

*KHJ. KNX-News. KFAC-Nocturne. KFMB-Masterpieces.



KMPC EVERY NIGHT -9.30 10 12 P N.

KFSD, KMPC-Dance Time. *KLAC-News; Gene Norman.

KGFJ-Music Basket. KWKW-Party at Joe's. KXLA-Grace Memorial Ch.

11:15-RFI-Fth Army Rand. KHJ-Music 'Pill Midnight. KNX-i)reliestrn.

11:30-KABC-Lawrence Welk. KFI-Show Time.

*KFWIS-Drew Pearson. KGFJ-Rendezvous in Rhythm

11:45-KNX-Dwight Cooke. KFW'I$-Music You Want.

1.1KABC-Dr. Billy Graham. KNX-Music Till Dawn. KFAC-Music Out of the Night KFMR-Music Into the Night. K GFJ-Night Club. KM PC-Bruce Wendell. KRKD-Moonlight Serenade

(III 1:Otl a.m.).


TV -Radio Life, 1610 No. Argyle St.

Hollywood 28, Calif.

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See Pages 32, 33 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

5KABC, KCBQ-Elroy Hirsch. *KFI-Feature Wire.

KHJ-Bobby Benson. *KNX, KFMIR-Ed. R. Marrow.

KALI-Voice of So. America. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KF,'.C,-Sunset Serenade. RF'OX-Texas Tiny. K FVI)-Clyde Cudwell.

*KFWB-Neu s. Klat-Today In Sports, RGEIt-Aubrey I.ee. KGF.1-3iusicul Reaeries. K 1itI.-Melody Time. KLAC-Alex Cooper.

*K.Ml'(-News; Bill Stewart. *K1310-News; 5 a.m. Fiesta.

KPOI.-Musical Comedy KItKD-Sweet and Lovely.

*KWKW-News. 5:15-R.A11C-fen Beardsley.

K(' BO-Fleet wood Lawton. KFWB-Mark Scott.

*KFI, KFOX-News, JINX-Today iu Ins Angeles. KF.H1t-Harold Keen. KFSD-Sports Daily.

*KFWB-Mark Scott. KGFJ-Pianists of the Future. KWKW-Rare Resume; Sports

5:30*KABC, KCBQ--Chet Huntley. IRFI, KFSD-Voice of Flrestn.

KIIJ, KGB-Wild Bill Hickok. *KNX-Tom Harmon.

KFAC-Continental Varieties. }Mill-Sports Final,

*KFOX-U.P. News. KFWB-Red Rowe. K GEK-Olga Graves.

*KLAC-News; L.A. Today, KM PC-Stars of Song. KRKD-Spurts Dial. KWKW-Romano Smeraldo. KXLA-Sa ueakin' Deacon.

5:45*K ABC. Kt'BQ-Bub Garred. *KNX, KFMR-Frank Goss.

KFOX-Keyboard Capers. I KLAC-Sam Baiter, Sports.

KM M'-Bill Stewart Show_ KRKD-Rare Results.

*K11.11-Ceeil Brown. 6*R%BC-Quincy Howe. *KFI-George Putnam News. *KHJ, KGB-Gabriel Heatter. IKNX, KFSIK---Radio Theater. *KCB9-John Vandercook *KF:'d . KFOX. KLAC-News,

Music. *KFSD-News; Bing Sings.

KGFJ-Request Performance. KGIL-Easy Listening.

KMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports. KRKD-Esening Varieties. KWKW-Italian Melodies.

6:15*KABC, ROW-Sports Today. KF1-Out of the West.

¡KHJ KGB-Perry Como Show KFOX-IA,mbardoland.

*KMI'C-News. KVOht-Penthouse Serenade.

6:30-KABC-31 antuvani. KFi-Amerlean Way.

*K11J, KGB-Virgil Pinkie,. KCKt!-Stage Door Gossip, KFAC-Musical Milestones. KFOX- limier Music. KFW'B-America trances. KGEIt-Rev. Al Harlan. RI:11-)lenuery Melodies. K.MPC-Today's Races. KKKI)-:y-t Time Waltzes.

KW-Hoyos Hour. XXI A-Frank Simon.

6:45*KABC-John Vandercook. *RHJ. KGB-Sam Hayes.

KCBQ-Quincy Howe. RHKD-Slum Clearance.

6:50*KGFJ-News. 6:55*KHJ-Bill Henry.

7 K4HC, KCBQ-Lone Ranger. KFI-Fibber McGee & Molly.

IKHJ. KGB-The Falcon. KNX-Bob Trout, KFAC-Music at Seven. KFOX-L.B. Town Forum. KFSI)-Can You Top This?

IKGF.1-Musical Digest. ROIL-Evening Serenade. R5IPC-I3111 Stewart Show.

*KLAC. KI'MO, KRXD. KVOE -News; Music.

KXLA-Joe Nixon. 7:05--KNX-Night Watch. 7:15-KFI-Heart of the News.

KRKD-Dinner Music. 7:30*KABC, KCBQ-H. J. Taylor.

KFI, KFSD-The World We Live In.

KH1-Could This Be You? KNX RFMR-Talent Scouts. RFAL'-Echoes and Encores. KFOX-Adv. in Research_

*KFWB-Your Community Newspaper.

EIGER-Evening Concert. KRKD-Dr. Richardson. KWKW-La Hora Popular. KXLA-Toastmasters,

7 :45*K ABC-Headline Edition. KCBQ-Supervisor. RFi-Your Nation's Business.

*KFOX-United Press News. KFSD-Sth. Wants to Know. KFWB-Rosary Hour.

7:55-K.AItC 9helluh Graham. *KHJ-News.

8 KABC-Bark to the Bible. KFI, KFSD-life Man's Fam.

IRHJ, KFXM, KGB-Under Arrest.



by Arnold H. Exo of Chicago

8 p.m., Monday, April 12, 1954

KFWB - 980 on your radio!

KFWB-invitation from Beverly.

KNX, KFMR-Suspense. KCBQ-Proudly We Hail.

IKFA('-Evenlug Concert. KFOX-Ray Robinson Show_ KGFJ-World Bible Society.

*KLAC. KXLA-News, KWKW-Milt Nava.

8:15*KFI KFSD-News of World. K('BQ-Sammy Kaye. KGEIt-Itebrew Christian Hr. KLAC-Gene Norman. K XL 4-Music.

8:30-KABC-Lunn 'n' Abner. ¿EH, KFSD-Kailroau Hour. IKHJ-Let George Do It.

KNE, KFMR-Lowell Thomas. KGB-America Sings. KGER-Voice of China. KGFJ-College of Div. Science K W K W-Music. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

8:45-KABC-Freddie Martin. KNX, KFMIS-Tennessee

Ernie, KGEK-Witnessing Laymen, KGFJ-Internal Revenue. KAB-Brolherhuod at Work. C 9 KCRQ-Celebrity Table.

I KFI, KFSD-Telephone Hour. *KHJ, KGB-Newspaper of Air.

KNX, KFMIB-Beulah. KCBQ-Met. ()Kra Auditions. KFOX-Record Parade. KGEK-Dr. Vernon McGee. KGFJ-Hunter Hancock. KGIL-Musical Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News: Gene Norman. KMPC-Confidentially Yours. KWKW-Fire, Facts and Fun

9:15-Kill. KGB-Something to Think About.

KNX, KFMB-Jullus La Rosa. *KWKW-Neu s.

8:25-KNX-Bill Salience. 9:30-KABC, KCBQ-Santa Monica

Symphony, KFi-America's Bandstand.

*KHJ-Reporter's Roundup. KNX-Burgie Music Box. KFMB-Paul White. KFSD-Gulden Voices. KGB-Betty Clooney, 3 Suns. KMPC-Dance Time. KWKW-Pruct. Catholicism. KXLA-Jack Morris.

1:40-KWKW-Valley Party Line. r :4S-KF31 B-7Yuompson's Tunes.

10 * ABC-News. Edw. C. HIU.

KFI, KFSD-Richt. Reporter. *KHJ-Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KNX, KFMB-CBS News.

KCBQ-Edwin C. Hill. KFWB-Larry Finley (to 4).

*KFAC, KLAC KXLA-News. KGIt-Keep Guard Up. KGER-Peter Slack. Organ. KGIL-Starlight Ballroom. KPMO-Frost Warnings. KWKW-Collegiate Cavalcade. KXLA-Rick Lazar Show.

10:05*KCBQ-ABC Late News. KFAC-l.rossroads of Music. KGER-Tomm Baird. KLAC-Gene Norman.

10:10-KABC-Edw. C. Hill. *KNX-Carroll Alcott.

10:15-KABC-Dr. Frederick Bailes. RIFT-A Joy Forever.

*RH.1, KGB-Frank Edwards. KCBQ-Doug Oliver Show. KCBQ-Sports Capsule. KFI4D-Lucky Dance Time.

*KFMB-Edward R. Murrow. KGER-Peter Slack, Organ. KWKW--Gordon Baker Lloyd. KNLA-Muslc.

10:25-KNX-Tons Hanlon. 10:30-KABC-The Lonesome Gal.

KHJ-Sports and Music_ KFI-AI i'oska. KNX-Philip Norman, KCBQ-Doug Oliver Show. KFMB-Miniatures. KGER-St.s Home Church. KXLA-Happy Hoedown.

Page Thirty-one

Page 32: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


- Monday -Friday Daytime Radio Logs §

.ta',p5~4//+,/r.no1.rOx p.to',ta,l.p-.,b~"0-,o ora+lKon0,+4.0mv1P+.1.t,br/l..~~O~.ri,.,a./.eg,j7 KGF,1 Night Club

Murie-Music-Music Your MC - Jim Gates 12 Midnight to 6 a.m. 'MORNING ALMANAC"

6 a.m. to 6:50 a.m. , NEWS -6:50 to 7 a.m.

The Original Twenty-four Hour Station

KGRI 1130 Kt.

*ludieales :News Broadcast !Indicates Hiclilil'ht TBA-To Be Announced.

K %BC, KCRQ-Kr.nkln.l ChM8 Krl-Johnny Marra, Talks It

Over. *Kll.l. KGK-Cecil Brown.

KAX-Ralph Story Show. KALI-Dr. Mande Rall.'. RBI(; -('at aline amidst milt. KFAC-Stock AJnrkel h igll-

lighls VIEW( Breakfast. *K1 SD -71 ewe, Stock Report a. K F{l)-'full le Time.

*KF'1V It. ILIAC, K51 CC, K%LA -News.

KG F.1-Bible ca..Jete. K(111,-1lualeJ ('Pork. Kll;1'-Allis Slate. *K M I'C-yews. KO W11,-.1panbh (lour.

*KNIT» -Vets: Fairly Risers. K 11i1.-.1or White ohms. KRKII-Chris( Clnrrch ('nit'. KWKW-31111 11/.1'14.

SOD *Kr1V It- 11rk Scott. KLAS1.-Stock Market Report.

a :lt*KII.1, KN\, 9111 W' I.-News. *KHJ, KGB -Bets Greene.

K .1LI-Ilelen Markham. *KI'A('-SM' In New*. Kllttl--Italph Mors chow. KI"H\-'.'v spa, trimury. KFtl)-Time and Tempo. K I''tS R -Bill Leyden. K I; F.1-I...A. County /:n.. -M.

The Judge Speaks -Tar. 1 oire of the Rllud-'Y. Your County, at Work-Th. L.A. fire Dept. F.

KI.AF-..ant Baiter, *01511'(' -Rua. Nrwp: Sports,

KOWU-SÍmnisl. News, KI'lll.--Vni,e of ('als am. KKKD-('punt re Church -Tar.

W, Th. F; 51iseionnry Hoar -M 0;8o*K It.I-Sports L:1.-31.-1'.

KFAC-M ore I'. rode. ILIAC -Haynes at MP ttelns. '8~ KH.1-Hotlond Engle. Nwn.,

S;:Ma*KI''-Pat Bishop Report. KH.L KGB -bible Institute

F; Ilium+-Tn, '11,. !KV\, KINK -Makers, Mind. *KG11,. KF.tC, KF1'D-News.

K 1L1 --I.. C. Pa re. K FII1-11fn'd of 1.11.', K FSD-Lend of the Free.


Earl McDaniel's SPIN d. WIN

7:15-10:30 a,m. M -F

'FVIt-Bplu and Win, kGFK-%nice of Chian. KGF.1-1/irine Science. K 1E Y -Ill lisle. KMPC-eloek Wntrherr KIIR-L-Pralon atemuoes. K 11.411,-Mnsic of the World.

*KhCKD-News; Sweet Harmonies.

K1VK W-Yo;re of 51 eslro, kXl. 1 -pan Teri. (test -51, IV, F S:4.1-KFI-Andy and 'Irg.nta,

'INN -Rosemary. KFAC-Ooity, KJ'MPB-Molly Mutate. KFSD-('a naval of Books.

*KF19K, KOFJ-New.. KGKR-Rihle Treasury.

*KGF.1-News. KG11rFashions in Music,

Pá9í':ThUty-two -

K1''K1V-Ynlre of Men tea. a:5:1*KKtI;_-SooYl,land !steins.

9 KAHC-CaMon Guide. KFI-Andy and Virg:uia. KH.1-)Irindy Manor.KN\,

K1J111-R'rndy 1\arren. *KC HO. KF'SD, Kl, 1C-Se'w..

K R11;-t'alahim Ra mist. nd, KI't('-tlor,,ins CtuRert., K rid \-Rrlit:ioua Movie-rl-F.

*KE1111-Ners, KGB -Record Rhapsody, K(:M:R-Lutheran Dour.


9:00 a,m, to 7:00 p.m. 10 HOURS SOLID BLOCK

Mon. thru Sat. KGF1 1230KC

K1:1.1-Tin1e for Mimic. FOWL -American .Irnlah not

*K1'5141.-11en.t Music for H» Mrs.

KliK1t-5lmlrr,, Melodist. h11K1V-'ropy Se hi. KX1,.1-I.ou ~roe.

9;111-KI.A('-Hawn", at the Reins, KFI{'H-Rill Leyden !chew. KA 1,1-,lcrording to Record,

9:15*K tK(', KI'1I4-4'he 1l not lay. KI'I J.,rdirs' Day. KHJ, KI:IL-Capllol ('ommen- tary-M, 'r, IT. P. KNJ;, KF?1J1- 1.,t .loony. KA1,1 1»nn,e111i11g 1hl, F1'KI(-John MnVane. KIIIX-Dnme 5liaainuary, KI sD..-S.iL Hit Parade. *KTI D -News, K (.1'J-Horae,wdres Ili( rad

8:10-K1RC-Betty 1'rntker-11, p, 1'; '.Impirer'. yprriol-Tu, Th

KFI-I,nd,rs' nay. II:90-FD1-(:uy l.nmbardn-)l :

Havel .Nark.I-To, Tie ;

Gahriel Nee uer-W-, F. 9:2tS aft lilt.. KM I'f;, K P111,--Ne,re,

RCB(1-Itelfy ('rocker. 9:30-K.t11(,-5lnd Ito,naucra,

Kll.l-Nurno Stoma. KNX, KI'LIS--Ilelen Trent. IUFN.-Piano Pa lade. KI11\-Beacom 1,ig111 Church. h F\ 11 -Spin and Win, KFt'B-AI Jam in, Klili-tlll.ir for Milady. Lai1;It-.In1m Km.vu. KI:F.1-=tinte for 5lasir, KIEt'-le,srreure Welk.

LAC. -Pet re. Vol ter. KMt`C-Chef Milani, KIIt1'1,-RpanlsÍl Dome 11nuc. R1'llltlnar f Ileum ohm hW 1V -Tony Krin, 1.NIA-.loe Ni1on,

9:45 -IL AM'. KtBQ-F:ser Shure Rae *KFI-5lidnmrnl,,c New.,

KN\, KI'MK-Il,,r Gal Mindsy KFIIC-11,sir.

O;5,s-KI'RQ-11°Plywoo.l Byline. 10*hARC-Vr,.w; trl, Dot Todd.

KFI, KI"Mot-.Lrt Raker -M, ''n. W. Th, F.

*KILL F(:R-Nrwsl+nper of Air. KNx-Itoad of lole. K.1LI-SP. News; Mu.h'a

de 'resits, K('BQ-h:rrr Since ):.'e, K I 1('-1 of NI HUI.. *KFII\, Kf;ER-r.r. N..rs, Fsl141l-51i4 Morning Mat, K1:F.1-51u/.Iral Port 'aita. K(i11.-51;d Mor,., Melodies.

*KIM;''--Neea: nlnair, *hLAC-Vevs; Peter Palte'. *KM PC -News ; Ira Cook,

K11111.-liddisls Hour. 1411, --St Hite Isnatmimosa al.

10;10,--h1'W\-Bnrnnl p -M; l seem lily of God -1'11, IT.

10:16-KFI-serond Chance -M-1 , KILL RF1S11.

Tellx-'Pest K1X-Na Perkins. KA1.1--.\ Story & A 101a c. KCRQ-Fnlln.r 'not Woman. *K1118, KI't Il-(.'het H,,n11e4, INF'11X-1'eoule, Places aim

'Thin es. KIiF,R-Ton.my Baird. Kt'/,I.-Mnsiral Cmnrdy. KKKD-Ile. Richardson.

10:86*KCBQ-White House Report. 10;30-K.1BC-11y True Story,

KF1. KFSD-9lrlks It Rlch, KñJ-JAcl[ á'ti`wét'-M. Y, Wr

F: Standard School Broad- *KFAC-Dirk Joy. News. ca s1 KFWB-.lerry, Be+rriy,

KV\-1'om,e Dr. Malone. *KWK'V-Nrws: Spurts. KI'KQ-Kofree Klolrh, I2:30-KIIJ-.faek Wagner Show. K F'.1C-1unr Soloist. KW'KW-News, Sports Now Si FILM It -tittle Show. a ' , brf. each hr 5' 1,4 hr. KI'SU-Heasen o., Forth, 'III. -KABC-Bi11 Daridsnn Show. K M11\-Chapel of II sic. KI'tD-tlnlet Schramm, K1:11».Time lo Kolas. kld:K-Helen Markham. KII{1'hpauish Hour. Kl'lll.-Mercl,ants' Quiz,

*KItKII-Ne.s: 1I,lodirs, K 111K'V-Telddy Frr e oso,

*KN.LA-Vews: Dl,uir, KNC-(: :Mho c Licht. KI:EIt-Rev, Le Roy Kopp,

I11:45--KN \--fiulding Licht. 1n:On*KGt.1-2Sews. 1a:65-K,1KC-t1'hispering Streets,

*KFAC-Ditk Joy, V.ws, K F:+D-Ruh Rnpr. KEN 5t, KGIt-W'onder- f.l ('its.

K N\, KFNR-Yid Mrs, Rnr- tm,. * K A LI-News.

FFAC-Ma stern in 51 inia tare. K FIIX-.la r, 1. Lloyd. K 11 11-811,1e Ina( ilute, Kb F.1-5111eica l Festival. *K LAI '-Nora; I'elrr Poi ter.

11 :111-KI'111-Itl,yl hen ie Agr--11 , 1t ;)t -K AR(' -When A Girl At a riles. *KFI--Vea.

KNN-Perry Mason. KALI-Serenade in Blue -51:

Nary Rand -9'u: Giant Star Here's to Vets-Th h;

1'm,r Slur -I', K FAC-folk Soma.

*Kl5i)-1a aline Frederick. LNGILIC-Sunshine Mission.

*K\I,A-Paaadrua Nees. II :25*KH1-Sa,,' Noyes, 11:311-K 1BC. KI'RQ-51od.rn

Romances. K FI. K/ND-rhrase that I'ay.

1511.1 KI;K-Quern for a I )uy. KNY C51 It--NoraDrake. K 1I,Í-Itrol her ('lar. 11 eleh. K('RQ-Modern Kum ne wrs. KFAC-Inn. 51101. Han, KF' 11-hIpar,,. Mission. 1:1'111.-Hxir Core riots, *K 11111 -News. KIIWL-I on' e Rea rers, 01X1.4-1110mrtow11 Jamboree.

I1 :41-KFI-Sts riiog's 1,ady's (Book KNN-Itrithter Play. KF'1thI-\lolly Morse. KFTAI--Second Chance. KGER-Dan Gilbert, K 111VL-Lucille Horn Show. Kr111,--News, KItKD--I.nwre,ce Welk.

I :311*KG Ir,l-News. *KUM f, -Chen Washington. II :55-K.111'. K('RQ-lark Berrie.

12*KARL', kl'ItQ-Noontime News KFI-f',,r,n Reporter,

*1111,1. KG11, K1KV. KLAC,

Kr. *KN N, KI'M 11-11111 Kennelly, K R IG-eat,lina handstand. K 1.. IC-Lhnrh.on Concert. *K 1'I lb -Kibler of the Air. K/iFK -Iles , .1. Vermin McGee klIF1-51ood. in Music. ILI;1 I,-Homenn, keys MI.JInee, *KII: V-Ne.a: Muslo. ((11111,-.1oe Adams Show.

*111'5111 --Nevin; llumena keys h P111.=1'rui lije Baptist Cl,. rrh K it 11 -II it Tunes. h XI,.A-IlomaIow'i .Ixmboree.

I:n3-111,.4('-P.ter (roller. 1":IA*K,tiK'-Psul II orvey News.

K YID- Road of (,Ire. * K 11.1. KGB -Cedric Foster. KNN-Hilltop K CRIS-Ilome °u Ili. Rauch. *K F01, Kt;Eft-I',1'. N..rs.

12: KIM:. KRK11-News 14rad- Itnr.,

t^:311*K.%BC, KtIWi.-Ram (layes. K 1'1, KI 'l) -Pepper Poore.. KILO -Tapestries of Life, ! Iiy N, KI'M 1L -Art Idnkletier. K1111:-eatillinn Bandstand. Krux-ttciconic Nrlghhor, K I1 li-I lr. Orr.*KFt1'It-Hers.

Ida 1'a Ra UN rd, K tat-1`url,in Tiro.. K (t hat-Lnn,l,rm, Serenade.

LAC -5111 Chili. 011'111.-.1. While. KRKI}-Hit 'runes, K X I. 1-M usir.

1't :46-K.4 RC -Art. Dot Todd. KFL KFIII)-Bigot to

Happiness. *KIWI -News: Rob Freed.

KCDd1--root Hervey,

j. KF1. KISSD-Backstage Wifs. ¿KSN-Arthur Godfrey, l'(s lire

KBIO-Catalina Bandstand. K ('K¢-5fy True Story. KI'. t' -Serenade -M. Tu, TI,;

Songs of France -W'; ,ulathin Army -F. KI',tlit-Hilltop Bowie. K1211-Tes,,s Ti,,,-

H n II 11-unter Hacock, *K(:B--Ever.tt Holies,

K I; F.1-Kendeavolla with M sedr.

KO;1, It-Ne,vs, KIEV -Top '1'e,, * K L,11' -News; Sp11rte. 0111104--. tie Adam.. K 1'111, -.lire While. K HUD-Polk a Time.

*k1'l1E-Nrnat Open Roue. K W'KW-ferry C K\LA-Frank Simian.

1 :111-1 L,\C-340 I lob I :I1 -K1,1. KF731t-Stetla Dana s.

KF,1C-1,.A, Schools. K F5114 -Arthur Godfrey. K IDS -Behind Ili. Story. Kt.F:K-Sl,opph,g with' Vicky.

1 :'t-Ri '1H1/ -H l,lnpeMg S &K MG -Who's in the Neu ,

1:30-011.1, KFaD-]bung' W'ldder Brown.

KI' At' -Concert Matinee. K rt'1-Hu rlrn, Matinee, KKIIII-Freddy Martin -11;

Music in the Air -Tar; Here's to Vrta-It': Navy Ica ,,dal a red-Th ; I.,. Rro..a

K I I: ''-51 sir. *K Rh: 1) -\eon; Polka Parade. 1111'11 W' -Lawrence Welk. K\LA-Ira rot Nera-51, T11;

(in rile' Chat s -F; David

1:41-K11, hi CID -Woman to Mf House,

KI'Bli-When a Girl Marries. Ki;E1t-t;ardeu School. KNI,1-Music For You -M,

'I'u. W. I; Farm News-Th. 1 :55-K ABC -Betty Crocker.

KB113-Pass the Word -To - TI,; Sports 'Package -1 ; Sports Ili cbhgl'ts-M.

2-K ABC -Murder in At ternoou. K 1'1. KFSD-Junt Plain Bill. KILO -Johnny Olsen -M. Tu.

Th; Quirk' What's the \nnwrr:'-W. F.

KA1,1-Reauti(ut Mealco, K 1110 -Catalina Bandstand. Kt' Ith-Ilorene Brll-Tar, Th;

Betty /'rocker -W. P. Ike It -After Serenade -

51. 'Di, Th; Quick What's the Ans.erl'-W. F.

*KI:F,R-Peter Slack. Piano -51; Nesa; Guest Artists, Tu; News. L. It. Band -F.

KIWI -.Musical Matinee. * I: LA(= -Herr ; Sports. *KM PC-News ; lolm,,y Grant. *I(l'118-Nees; Western Varieties.

K ('OIL-Muwlral Comedy. KRKII..-Tops m Pops -Tu:

Hurt. Speaks -W; Garet Star -NI. Ti,; Here's Is Veteran'.- F.

K 11101 1V -Story of Ruby ''a tent O,e.

KNI,A-3luuic for 1ou-M. Tu. W. Th: Bob Barker -I.

2:145-KI.AP 370 Club. 111'RI!-Tll) 1 Believe; News. 1:13-KFI, KFaD-Front Page

Carrell. *K(`BQ-51a el In Block -11, F.

KliElt-.tune Christy -M. KM PI Hoy Grant -M. W,

'1'h. F; Baseball -Tu. KItKD-L.A. County Schools.

51; Satiation Army -W: Music -Ms; Tops h, Pops -t K\hA-Ad vent tare in Research -51 ; Story Book Tim, -Tar: Calif, Cavalcade IV: People, ('laces and 'things-Th.

:23*14 11.1 -Bol, Greene. 4 ::M1-KFI, KM}tD-Lorenzo Jones.

KIM -Behind the Story. KNX-Curl Massey. KCB(--51art In Block. KFAC-''oday's Pop Concert. KGER-Peter Slack, Organ. KPUI,-Musical Couteaty.

Page 33: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

oyOYO .4:.04.O+Or!!r-PP/:O'O>.vYOkoO+'4

aytime Logs (Continued)

gcOY-O 4K4x.or44r.i>d'd>O'Ylhc *KFWB-News; Jerry. Beverly

KRKD-Help Yourself to Health-M, W; News-Tu, Th; Tops in Pops-F.

HXLA-Continental Serenade. 2:45-KFI, KFSD-10 Pays to be

' Married. KFIJ-Lynn Looks at Holywd. KNX-Wizard of Odds. KCBQ-Ted Malone. KFMB-Curt Massey_ KRKD-Tops in Pops. KWKW-Nusie--N. Tu, W.

2:35*KWKW-San Gab. Val. News. KBIG-Bill Tusher.

*-KABC-Mike Malloy. /KFI. KFSD-Weleome Travlrs. *KHJ-Music.

KNX-Ruth Ashton. KALI-Hour of Mexico. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand.

*KFAC-News; Kebd. Stylings. KFOX-Matinee Melodies.

*KGER-News; Homellfe. KGFJ-Music in the Mr. KIEV-Music.

*KLAC, KXLA-News. BOWL-.doe Adams Show. KPOL--Musical Comedy. KVOE-News; Music. KWKW-Bill Garr.

3:05-KNX-Philip Norman-M-F. KLAC-570 Club.

3:10-KNX-Untold Story. Goss.

3:15-KABC-Follow That Woman. KNX-Off Balance. KCBQ-Around the Town. KGER-Music in the

Afternoon. KXLA-Tom Brennen Show.

3:25*HBIG-World Roundup. KWKW-News and Sports.

3:30-KABC-Ever Since Eve HFi KFSD-Dr. Paul. KHJ-Bugliesreel. KFAC-World of Opera. HFMB-Ruth Ashton-Jf-F. KFWB-Red Rowe. KGER-Commuter's

Carousel. KGIL-Melody Time.


KOWL - 1580

Latin Music

Maestro 3:30 M-5 11:30 S

HOWL --Chico. *KRKD-News; Tops In Pops.

HWKW-Bill Garr Show. 3:45-KABC-Reserve.

KFMB-Molly Morse. *KFI-News.


HFSD-Voices of NBC. HWH W-Muslc-H-Sa. KALI-Salvador Hernandez.

3:50*KGFJ-News. 3:33-RABC, HCBQ-Betty Crocker

M, W, F; Shoppers Special -Tu. Th.

4 RAW-Mary Margt. McBride. KFI, KFSD-Life Can Be

Beautiful. '

*KHJ, KFX111, KGB-Fulton Lewis. Jr.

KNX-Phllip Norman. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KCBQ-Ronnie Kemper. KFMR-Make Mine 51011e-

M, W, F; Guy Lombardo- Tu, Th.

*KFOX, KLAC-V.P. News. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KFVD-Clyde Cadwell.


8:15 to 8:30 P.M. Daily 4 to 5 P.M. Sunday

KGFJ 1230 Kc.

KGFJ-Musical Moments. *KIEV-News; Music.

KLAC-Ales Cooper. *KPHO-News, 1600 Club.

KVOE-News; Music. KLAC-Ales Cooper.

4:10-KFOX-What's The Scare.

4:15*KFl-Burritt Wheeler. KHJ, KFX.M. KGB-News,

Frank Hemingway. KCBQ-Kid's Korner. KFSD-Words and Music.

4:20-KFYIX-Record Parade. 4:23-KBIG-Southland News.

*KItKD-News. 4:30-K.'.ItC-Nancy Holme Show,

KHJ, KGB-Curt Massey. KNX-George Fisher. KBIG-Movtetime. HCBQ-Lum 'n' Abner. KFOX-George McLain. KFI D-Clyde's Ride. KRKD-George McLain.

4:45*KABC. KCBQ-Fr. Bingman. *KHJ. KGB-Sam Hayes.

KFOX-Record Parade. *KFSD-News & Stock Reports.

KFVD-News in Bronze.-Th, F; Tops in Pops-W.

*KRIM-News. KWKW-Fenture.

4:55-KFI-linor Manning. KNX-City Editor.

Request Performance Your favorite top concert artists. "Music You Love" -Old and New.

6:00 to 6:50 p.m.

KGFJ 1230 kc.

Radio Stations

KALI', 758 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena 1 _....RV. 1-7149

KBIG, 6540 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28 _...HO. 3.3205

KBLA, 11516 Oxnard Blvd .........ST. 7.3619

KABC, 1639 N., Vine St., Hollywood 28 HO. 2.3141

KFAC, 5775 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 36_._...... ... ,...__...WE. 0161

KFI, 141 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 4 ..... DU. 2-2121

KFOX, 542 S. Broadway, Los Angeles 13...... ..... ._....._MA. 2247

KFV,D, 338 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles 5 -- _. __.DU. 8-2345

KFWB, 6419 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28.._ HO. 3-5151

KGER, 541 Spring St., Los Angeles 13 ......_ MA, 2551

KGFJ, 6314 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28...._ ..................... HO. 4-0201

KGIL, 4919 Van Nuys Blvd., Sherman Oaks._........._. ST. 7-3467

KHJ, 1313 N. Vine St., Hollywood 28....... ... HO. 2.2133

KIEV, 102 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale 6 ......._..CH. 5.2388

KLAC,' 1000 North Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood 28 ..._.._....HO 2-7311

KMPC, 5939 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28 _.._....HO. 9-5341

KNX, Columbia Square, 6121 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28..HO. 9-1212

KOWL, 1815 Ocean Front, Santa Monica......, EX. 4-6761

KPOL, 5087 Huntington Drive North , Los Angeles 32, Calif. KRKD, 541 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13 _...... 'TU. 7111

KUSC, 3616 University Ave., Los Angeles 7_.._ RI. 7.2295

KWKW, 800 Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena 8.. ..__._...-_._ RY. 1-6744

KXLA.'1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena 15 .... RY. 1.6991


NOW .. at a NEW TIME!

9:30 -10 a.m.

Monday thru Friday

° "Beat the



KABC Radio's.

popular audience -

participation show




NOW .. at a NEW TIME!


Monday thru Friday

on your dial

KABC Radio Page Thirty-three

Page 34: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

TUESDAY, See Pages 32, 33 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings oPHARC, KCBQ-Elroy Hirsch.

*KFI-Feature Wire. HHJ KGB -Sgt. Preston.

*KNX, KFMB-Ed. R. Murrow. KALI-Voice of So. America. KCBQ--Sports Parade. HBIG-Dancing at Avalon. KFAC-Sunset Serenade. KFOX-Texas Tiny. HFVD-Clyde Cadweó,

*HFWB-News. KGB -Western Sernade. KGER-Aubrey Lee. KGFJ-Musical Reveries. ROIL -Melody Time.

*KLAC-News; Sports. *HMPC-News; Bill Stewart *KPMO-News; 5.O'clock Fiesta

HPOL-Musical Comedy. KRHD-..Sweet & Lovely. *H KW -News. HXLA-Melody S alley.

5:05-KLAC-Gene Norman. 5:15*KABC-Len Beardsley.

.*KFI-News. ,HFWB-Mark Scott. KNX-Today in Los Angeles. KCBQ-Fleetwood Lawton. KGFJ-Serenade in Blue.

' HWHW-Race Resume; Sports I:30*KABC,'HCBQ-Chet Huntley. KFI-Guy Lombardo Show.

KHJ, KGB -Sky King. *KNX-KFMB-Tom Harmon.

KFAC-Continental Varieties. '. *KFOX-News. *KFti'B-Red Rowe Record

' Show. HGER--Olga Graves. KGFJ-Musical Reveries.

*KLAC-News; L.A. Today. KMPC-Stars of Song. KRHD-Sports Dial. KWKW-Romano Smeraldo. HXLA .eakin' Deacon.

5:45*KABC, H BQ-Bob Garred. *KNX, KFMR-Frank Goes.

KFOX-Keyboard Capers. ' KFWB-Red Rowe.

JKLAC-Sam Salter, Sports. KMI'C-BIII Stewart. KRHD-Race Results.

5:55*KH,1-Cecil Brown. HMPC-Race Preview.

6 *KABC-Quincy Howe. *Hí1 -George Putnam News.

HHJ-Gabriel Heatter. IHNX, KFMB--Johnny Dollar.

*KCFYMJohn KGB -Lynch oak,

*KFOX, KFAC, KLAC-News. KGFJ-Request Performance.

. KGiL-Easy Listening. /KMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports.

KRHD-Evening Varieties. HWHW-Italian Melodies. S:05-KFAC Dinner Concert. KLAC-Ten Top Times.

6:10-KFOX-Sundown Serenade. 6:15*HARC, KCBQ-BSI Stern,

KFI-Out of the West. KHJ-Answer Man. KFOX-Lombardoland. KGB -Perry Como Show.

6:25-KHJ-Bing Crosby Sings. 6:30-K ABC -M antovani, *KFI KFSD-News, Swayze. *KHJ, KGB -Virgil Pinkley. ,(KNX, RFMR-fly Friend Irma

KCBQ-Tri-CIty Byline. KFAC--Musical Milestones. KFOX-Dinner Music. KFWB-America Dances. HGER-Rev. Al Harlan. KGIL-Memory Melodies. KMl C_Todavis Races. KRKI)-1y Time Waltzes. HWHW-Hoyos Hour. KXLA-Frank Simon.

6:35-11FI-Elmer Peterson. 6 :45*K A BC -John Vandercook,

*K KRJ Sam Hayes. )-Quincy Howe.

HRKD-Midnight Mission. 6:50+KFI-Melody Time. 6:55*KHJ-Bill Hears.

7 KABC, KCBQ-Starr of Space. KFI, HFSD-Fibber McGee

and Molly. KHJ, KGB -Mickey Spillane. KNX, KFMB-People Are

Funny. KFAC-Music at Seven.

- KFOX-,loin the Navy. KGB -That Hammer Guy.

IHGFJ-Musleal Digest. ROIL -Evening Serenade.

' KM PC -Bill Stewart. *KRHD-News.

KXLA-Joe Nixon. ::15-K1Ei-Heart of the News.

KFOX-Here's to Vets. KRKD-Dinner Music.

*HARC, KCBQ-News. 7:30-R BCTliree-City Byline.

HFI-KFI Calling. Page Thirty-four

APRIL 13 KHJ, Knelt -Search That

Never Ends. KNX, &FMB -Mr. and Mrs

North. KCBQ-String Nocturne. KFAC-Echoes and Encores. KFOX-Lets Go To Town.

*&FWB-Community Newsp. KGB -Let George Do It. KRKD-Dr. Richardson. KWKW-La Hora Popular. HXLA-Mary B. King.

7:45*KAItC, KCBQ-Headline Edition.

*KCBQ, KFOX-News. KFWB-Rosary Hoar.

7:50*KCBQ-Headline Edition. 7:55-KHJ-Lorne Greene.

8 KABC-Back to the Bible. HFr, HFS1)-1 Man's Family.

(HHJ KFXM, KGB -High Ad*. KNX KFMII-Lou. Parsons. KCBQ-Let's Talk Politics.

,'KFA Evening Concert. KFOX-Ray Robinson Show. KFWB-Fan in the Stand. KOFJ-World Bible Society.

**KLAC HVOE-News; Easy Listening. KWKW-Milt Nava. KXLA-News.

8:10-KMPC-Dugout Dope. 8:15*RF1, KFSD-News of World.

KNX-Dance Music KFMB--Cancers Program_ KGE11-Hebrew Christian. KLAC--Gene Norma.. KM PC -Baseball. KXLA-Music.

6:25-KNX-This I Relieve. 8:30-KABC, KCBQ-Lum 'N Abner.

KFI, KFSI)-Dinah Shore. KHJ-Author Meets Critics. KNX, KF316-Lowell Thomas. KFt4 B -Loyola -Occidental, KGFJ-College of Div. Science KGB -America Sings. KXL-4-Joe Nixon.

8:45-KABC-Freddie Martin. KFI-Hostess Mary Hickox. K.\N KFMB-Tennessee Ernie KGFJ-Cancer Prevention. HWKW-Music.

9 KABC. KCBQ-Town Meeting. KEl, KFSD-Dragnet.

*KHJ. KFXM, HOB -News- paper of the Air.

KNX, KFMB-Beulah. KFOX-Billy Berg Show_ KGER-Melody Four Quartet. KGFJ-Hunter Hancock. ROIL -Musical Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News; Gene Norman. *KVOE-News; Easy Listening.

KWKW-Adventure In 3-D. 9:15*KH.1, KGB -Mutual Newsreel.

KNX-Phil Norman. KFMB-BIB Salience.

*KWKW-News. 9:30-KFI-America's Bandstand.

KHJ-Music. KNX-Burgie Music Box. KFMB-Paul White. KVOE-O. Stage. KXLA-Jack Morris.

9:45*KABC. K(:BO-Monitor News. *MU -Edward Arnold. 10ABC -News; Ed. C. Hill,

*K*KFL, K FSI)-Richf, Reporter. *HMI -Fulton Lewis. Jr. *KNX KFMB-10 O'clock Wire *HCBQ-Edwin C. Hill. *KFA KLAC-News.

KFWE-Larry Finley (to 4). KGER-Tommy Baird. KGi .-Starlight Ballroom. KPMO-Danee Time.

*KVOE-News: On Stage. *HXLA-Rick Lazar Show.

10:03*K('i$Q-ABC Late News. KFA(,'-Crossroads of Music. KLAC-Gene Norman.

10:15-KABC-Dr. Frederick Bailes. KFI-A Joy Forever.

*HHJ KGB -Frank Edwards. *KNX-Carroll

ii,ert KCBQ-Doug O Show. HFMB-Eduard R. Morrow. HWHW-Gordon Baker Lloyd. KXLA-Music.

10:25-KNX-Tom Hanlon. 10 :30-K ABC -The Lonesome Gal. KFI-Al Poska.

KHJ-Mayor League Baseball. KMP C -Dance lime. KNX-Philip Norman. KCBQ-Doug Oliver. KFWB-Larry Finley Show. 10:45-KGER-Heres to bets.

11HARC-Melodies till Midnight. *KNX-News. Scoreboard. *KHJ-News.

11:15-KNX-Merry-Go-Round. 11:30 -BFI -Ben Hunter.

*KGFJ-Rendersous in Rhythm. 11:40-KNX-Itallance 'o' Records.

12*KABC-Midnight News. KFI-Ai Poska, Flyer. KNX-Musie Till Dawn. KFAC-Ed Stoddard, Music. KGFJ-Night Club. KMJ'C-Bill Stewart. KRKD-Moonlight Serenade

(tit 4:00 a.m.) HXLA'-BIB Johnson Show,

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 See Pages 32. 33 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings 5HARC, KCBQ-Elroy Hirsch. *KFI-Feature Wire.

KHJ-Songs of the B -Bar -B. *KNX KFMB-Ed. R. Morrow.

KALI-Voice of So. America. KCR(t-Sports Parade. KBIG--Dancetime at Avalon. KFAC--Sunset Serenade. KFOX-Texas Tiny. ' hi VD -Clyde l.'ad»ell.

*rvl WB-News: Red Rowe. KGB -Today In Sports. KGER-Aubrey Lee. KGFJ-Musical Reveries. ROIL -Melody Time.

*KLAC-News;. Sports. *KMPO-News; Bill Stewart

KPOL-Musical Comedy. KRHD-Sweet A Lovely.

*KWKW-News. HXLA-Melody Valley. KLAC-Gene Norman.

5:15*KABC-Len Beardsley. *KF1-News.

HFWB-Mark Scott KNX-Today in Los Angeles. RGB-Bandstand. KGFJ-Pianists of the Future. K WK W -Race Resume; Sports

5:30*KABC, KCBQ-Chet Huntley. KF1-Sports, Rollie Thomas. KHJ. KGB -Wild Bill Hickok. KNX KFMB-Tom Harmon. KFAC.-Continental Varieties.

*KFOX-News, KFWB-Red Rowe Record

Show. RGER-Olga Graves. KGFJ-Musleal Reveries.

*KLAC---News; L.A. Today. K\IPC-Stars of Song. KRHD-Sports Dial. KWRW-Romano Smeraldo, KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

5:45*KABC HI BQ--Bob Garrett. *KFI, HFSD-Elmer Peterson. *KNX KFMB-Frank Goss.

KFOX-Keyboard Capers. KFWB-Red Rowe.

stKLAC-Sinn Batter. Sports. KMPC-BIB Stewart. KRKD-Race Results. KMPC-Race Preview.

5:55*KHJ. KGB -Cecil Brown. 6*KABC-Quincy Howe.

*KF1-Geo. Putnam News. *KHJ, HUB -Gabriel Reciter.

KNX KFMB-Crime Photog. KCBA--John Vandercook.

*KFAC, KFOX. KLAC-News. KGFJ-Request Performance. KGIL-Easy Listening.

¿KMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports. KRHD-Evening Varieties. KWKW-Italian Melodies. HXLA-Music,

6:05-KFAC-DInner Concert. KLAC-Top Ten Tunes.

6:10-KFOX-Sundown Serenade. 0:15*KABC. RCBQ-Rill Stern.

KFI-Out of the' West_ KHJ, KOII-Perry Cnrno Show. KFOX-Lombardoiand.

6:30-K.1 BC -M a n to va n i , KFI-AB Star Bands.

*KILL KGB -Virgil Plnktey. KNX--Guy Lombardo. KCBQ-Tri-City Byline. KFAC--Musical Milestones. KFOX-Dlnner Music. KFJIB-Crime Classics. KFtt B -America Dances. HGER-Rev, Al Harlan- Kt;llrMemory Melodies. KMPC-Today's Races. KRKD- 5 Time Waltzes. HWHW-lloyas Hour. KXL:4-Frank Simon.

6:45*KAR('-.John Vanderrook, KFI-Natalle Hinderus,

*KHJ, KGB -Sam Hayes. KCBQ-Quincy Howe. KRKD-Midnight Mission.

fi:50*KGFJ-News. 6:55*KHJ. KGB -Bill Henry.

7KABC, KCBQ-Lone Ranger. /KF1, KFrSD-Fibber McGee

and Molly. (KHJ, KGB -Squad Room.

KNX KFB-21st Precinct, KFA(i


at Seven. KFOX-Waltz Time. KGER-Family Illble Hour.

"MUSICAL DIGEST" Family Dinner Hour Concert

7:00 to 8:00 P.M. Nightly Except Sunday KGFJ 1230 Kc

/1/61,J-.ilusical Digest. *KLAC. KRHD-News.

KOM-Evening Serenade.

KMPC-Bill Stewart. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

7:15-KFi-Heart of the News. KFOX-Report from Wash -ta. KRKD-Dinner Music.

7:25*KABC, KCBQ-News. 7:30-KABC-Three-City Byline.

*KFI-Walk a Mlle. . KHJ. KGB -Cisco Kid.

¿KNX KFMB-Symphonette. KFAC-Echoes and Encores. KCBQ-Anonymous. KFOX-C.N. Story. KFWB-Yr, Comm. Newspaper KGER-And for Tomorrow. KRHD-Dr. Richardson. KWKW-La Hors Popular.

7:45*KABC, KCBQ-Headline Edition.

*KCBQ-ABC News. *KFOX-U.P News. HMS -Rosary Hour.

HXLA-Flre vention. RABC Back to the Bible. 0-HAW-Back KFI HFSD-1 Man's Family. RBI, KGB -Nightmare. KNX, KFMB-FBI In Peace

and War; News. KCBq--Hollywood Airport, KFAC-Evening Concert. KFOX-Sororitie Shop. KFWB-Fan In the stand. KGFJ-World Bible Society.

*KLAC-News; Sam Baiter. KWRW-Milt Nava.

*KXLA-News. 8:I0-KMI'C-Dugout Dope. 8:15*KFI KFSD-News of World.

KGER-Hebrew Christian. KLAC-Gene Norman. HMPC-Baseball,

8:30-KABC, KCBQ-Lum 'N Abner. KFI, KFSD-Glldersleeve. KHJ, KGB -Family Theater. KNX, KFMB-Lowell Thomas. KFOX-Ray Robinson Show. KOFJ-College of Div. Science KX1 A -Joe Nixon.

8:45-KABC. KCBQ-Freddie Martin KNX. KFMB-"Tennessee

Ernie." KGFJ-Elleen Burton Show.

9 KABC, KCBQ-Myst. Theater. +KF1, KFSD-Groucho Marx. *KHJ KGB -Newspaper of Mr.

X KNX, KFMIi-Beulah. KFOX-Billy Berg Show. KGFJ-Hunter Hancock. KGIi -Musicarl Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News: Gene Norman. HWKW-Coimell of Churches.

9:t5-KNX-B111 Salience. *KHJ. KGB -Mutual Newsreel.

KFMB-Bill Ballange. 9:25-KHJ KGB-Something to

Think About. 9 :30-K ABC -La w rence Welk.

KFI-Amer. Bandstand. HH.1-Music. KNX-Borgie Music Bog. KCBQ-Ont of the Blue. KFSD-Barrie Craig. RGER-John Brown. KXLA-Jack Morris.

9:45-K1IJ-Edward Arnold. 10*KABC-News; Edw. C. Hill. *KFI, KFSD-Rich, Reporter.

KHJ-Fulton Lewis. Jr. *KNX REM11-10 O'clock Wire *KCBQ-Edwin C. Hill.

KFWB-Larry Finley (to 41. KGB -Let's ('.o To Town.

*KFAC, KLAC-News. RGER-Peter Slack, Organ. KGIL-Starlight Ballroom. 11P110 -Frost Warnings. Ms -LA -Rick Lazar Show.

10:05*KCBQ-ABC Late News. KFI-A Joy Forever. KGER-Vietory Mission. KFAC-Crossroads. KL(C-(:ene Norma n.

10:15-KABC-Dr. Frederick Bailes. KFI-A Joy Forever. KNX-C. Alcott: Hanlon. KCBQ-Doug Oliver Show. :

*KEMB-Ed.. R. Morrow KFSD-Lucky Dance Time. KGER-Peter Slack, Organ.

10:30-KABC-The Lonesome Gal. RF1-AI Poska Show. KNX-Philip Norman. KH.1-Mnplor League Baseball KCBQ-Douglas Oliver Show. KMIY' Dance Time.

10:45-KGER-Les Brown 111 11 -Melodies 111 Midnight. KFi-Eleventh Hour News.

*KNX-News: Scoreboard. KNX-Merry-Go-Round. KFI-Sports, Rolle Thomas.

11 :30-K FI-Iteo Him ter. *KGFJ-Rendezvous in Rhythm.

II :4a -RN st-ltal lance 'n' Records. r8 2*KABC-News. r/, KFI-AI Poska, Flyer.

KNX-Music Till Dawn. KFAC-Music out of Night. KOFJ-Night Club. KRKD-Moonlight Serenade (ill 4:00 a.m-) KM PC -Bill Stewart. KXLA-Bill Johnson Show.

1 -K11 -lieu Hunter (4Ya hrs.),

Page 35: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


See Pages 32, 33 for 8 a.m. to S p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

5 KABC-Elroy Hirsch. *KFI-Feature Wire.

KHJ, KGB-Sgt. Preston. *KNX. KFMB-Ed. Murrow.

KALLII-Voice of So. Amrriciv. RCBQ-Sports Parade. RBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KFAC-Sunset Serenade. KFOX-Texas Tiny. KIND --Local Scene. KFSD-Clyde Cadweó.

*KFW15--News; Red Rowe. KGER-Anbrry Lee. KOFJ-Musical Reveries. KOIL-Melody Time.

*KLAC KWllW-News. *KMPC' News; Bill Stewart.

KPOL-Musical Comedy. KRKD-Sweet 5 Lovely. KXLA-MelodyValley.

8:05-KLAC-Alex Cooper. 6:15*KABC-Len Beardsley.

*KFI-News. KNX-Today in Los Angeles. KFMB-Harold Keen. KEW'S --Mark Scott. KFSD-Sports Daily. KGFJ-Here's to Vets.

6:30*KABC, KCBQ-Chet Huntley. KFI-Sports, Rolle Thomas. KHJ, KGB-Sky King. KNX HEMS-Tom Harmon. KFAC-Continental Varieties.

*KFOX-U.P. News. *KFSD-World Today.

KFWB-Red Rowe Beeord Show.

RGER-Olga Graves. HGFJ-Musical Reveries. KMPC-Stars of Song. KR&D-Sports Dial. KXLA-Squealtin' Deacon.

6:45*KABC KCBQ-Bob Garred. *KFI KIND-Elmer Peterson. *KNX. . KFMB-Frank Goss.

HFOX-Keyboard Capers. KFW'B-Red Rowe. KGF.1-L.A. Traffic View.

IKLAC-Sam Baiter, Sports. KMPC Bll Stewart. KRRD-Race Results.

6 *K ABC-Quincy ' Howe. *KFI-Geo. Putnam News.

*KNX Meet Mrr.IEHJ,

bri N eNntiy.

*RCBQ--John Vandercook. *KFAC RP", KLAC--News.KFMR-Ray

Rolland. KFSD-News: Bing Sings. ROER-American Soul Clinic. KGFJ-Bequest Performance. ROIL-Easy i istening.

JHMPC Bob Kelley, Sports. KRRD-Evening Varieties.

6:65-KFAC-Dinuer Concert. KLAC-Top Ten Tunes,

6:10-BFOX-Sundown Serenade. 6:a5*KABC, KCBQ-Bill Stern.

KFI-Out of the West. KHJ-Answer Man KFDX-I.ombardoland. KGB-Eddie Fisher.

o:16-11H.J-Bing Crosby Sings. 6 :30-KABC-M antova n i.

*KFi. KFSD-News; Eddie Cantor.

*KHJ KGB-Virg11 Pinkie,. K° , RFME-lime for Love. KCBQ-Trl-City Byline. KFAC-Mnslcal Milestones. KFOX-Dinner Music KFWB-America Dances, KGF.B-Evening Concert. KGIL-Memor' Melodies. KMPC-Today's s Races.

K KRD-en.4 'Time Waltzes. KWKW-ltoyos flour. KXL.'.-Frank Simon.

6:45*KABC-John Vandercook. *KHJ, KGB-S. Hayes.

ROBQ--Quincy Howe. HGFJ-Ski Information. KRKD-Midnight Mission.

tl :50*HGFJ-News. KABC, KCBQ-Starr of Space.

F /KM, KFSD-Fibber McGee and Molly.

KHJ KGB-Offle, Detective. KNX KFMB-On Stage, KFA', Music at Seven. KFOX-i ariety in Review. KFWB-America Dunces. RGER-Family Bible Hour. KGFJ-Musical Digest. KGIL-Evening Serenade.

*KL.%C KRKD-News. KMPP-8111 Stewart. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

1:05-KLAC-Ten Ton Tunea. 1:15-KFI-Heart of the News,

D KRK-M Dner Naugle. 7:30--R .4BC-Throe-City Byline.

JKF1, KFSD-Truth or Consequences.

'KHJ. KGB-Rod and Gan Club RNX-The Chorallers. KCB{4-String Nocturne. ILFAO-Kokeo. and $snares,

HFMB-Stand By, San Diego. KFOX-Meet the Band.

*KFWB-Community Newsy. KGER-Helen Markham. KRKII-Dr. Richardson. KXLA-Music.

1:13*KABC, KCBQ-Headline Ed. *KFOX-V.P. News.

KFW1t-Itosory Hour.

8 KABC-Back to the Bible. KFI. KFSD-1 Man', Family.

JKHJ KGB-Crime Fighters. ¿KNX-Meet Milite.

KCBQ-Platterbroina. JKEAC Evening Concert.

KFOX-Ray Robinson Show. KFSD-One Man's Famfy. KFWB-Fan in the Stand. RGER-Bible Treasury. KGFJ-World Bible Society. KLAC, KMFC-News.

*KVOE--Newsy Lass Wdeoint. *KXLA-News.

g:14-KLAC-Gene Norman. KMPC-Dugout Dope.

t:1S*KFl, KFSD-World News. KCBQ.-Sammy Kaye. ROE Hebrew Christian. K.MPC-Baseball. K XLA-Muelc.

It :95*KN X-News. :30-KABC RCBQ-Lum N Abner.

KFI KFSD-Roy Rogers. KHJ-Enchanted Hourt Music.

*KNX, REMB-Lowell Thomas. KGB-Proudly We Hall. ROER-Voice of China. KGFJCol, of Divine Science. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

6:45-KABC, HOWL-Freddie Martin KNX, KFMB-Tennessee

Ernie. KGER-Witnessing Laymen. KGFJ-Report to Parents.

9KABC-The World We Live In. /KFI,KIND-Six Shooter. *KH, KGB-Newspaper o1 Air.

KNX KFMB-Beulah. KCB(1--Pant Whiteman. KGER-World Lit. Crusade. KGFJ-Hunter Hancock. KGIL-Musical Serapboo;z.

*KLAC-News; Gene Norman. KFOX-BIly Berg Show.

9:15*KH.I, KGB-Mutual Newsreel. KNX-Norman; Balance. KFMB-income Tax.

9:30-KABC-Paul Whiteman. KFI-America's Bandstand. KHJ-Music. KNX-Burgie Music Box. KFMB-Paul White. KFSD-Jane Picket...

*KGB-Fulton Lewis. RGER-John Brown. KVO1.- On Stage. KXLA-Jack Morris.

9:13-HFMii .Thompson's Tunro_ KHJ-Edward Arnold.

9:55-KHJ-Wendell Noble.

10*KABC, KCBQ-News; Ed C.

Hill. *KFI KFSD-Rlebf. Reporter. *KW-Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KNX KEMB-10 O'clock Wire *KCB4-Edwin C. Hill.

KFW Larry Finley (to 4). KGB-Marine Report.

*KFAC. KLAC-News. KGER-Tommv Baird. KCAL-Starlight Ballrocm. KPMO-Frost Warning,. KFAC-Crossroads of Music. KLAC-Gene Norman. KXLA-Rick Lazar Show.

10:03*KCI$Q-ABC Late News. KFAC-Crossroads of Music.

10:15-KABC-Dr. Frederick Bolles. KFI-A Joy Forever.

*KHJ KGB-Frank Edwards. *KNX-Carroll Alcott.

KCBO--Jim O'Leary Show. KFMB-Edward R. Marrow. KFSD-Dance Time. KXLA-Music.

10:2,5-KNX-Tom Hanlon. ií:30-KABC-The Lonesome 'ial.

KFI-Al Poska Show. KHJ-Major League Baseball. KNX-Ph I Norman . KCBQ-Jim O'Leary Show. KFMIJ-Concert MinIntures. KFWB-Larry Finley Show. KGB-Music Shop. HOER-Bishop A. O, Bradley KM1Y;-Dance Time.

-K/aBC-Melodies Till Midnight. *KFI. KHJ-News. *KNX-News; Scoreboard.

KFMB-Musk Masterpieces. KFOX-Popular Music.

*KGB-News; Music Shap. KGER-Bro, Clarence.

11:15-KFI-Sports, Rollie Thomas. KNX-Merry (lo Round.

11:30-KF1-Ben Hunter. *HGFJ-Rendezvous in Rhythm.

11:441-KNX-Rallance 'a' Records. 12*KABC-Midnight News.

KFI-Al Poska, Flyer. RNX-Music Till Dawn. KFAC-Music Out of the Night HGFJ-Night. Club. HFMB-Dwight Cake.

16:15-KFHB-Music Into lliebS.


FRIDAY, APRIL 16 See Pages 3L 33 for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daytime Radio

Log Listings

SKABC, KCBQ-Elroy Hirsch. *KFI-Feature Wire.

KHJ-Songs of the B -Bar -B. *KNX KFMB-Ed R. Murrow.

HALF-Voice of So. America. KCB/ -Sports Parade. KFA(,-Sunset Serenade. KFOX-Texas Tiny. KFVD-Clyde Cadweli. KFWB-Red Rowe. RGER-Aubrey Lee. KGIL-Melody Time. KGFJ-Mnsieal Reveries.

*KLAC-News; Sports. *K.MPC-News; lull Stewart.

KPOL-Musical Comedy. KRKD-Sweet and Lovely.

*KWKW-News. KXLA-Melody Valley.

5:05-KLAC-Gene Norman. KGB-Western Serenade.

5 :15*K ABC-Len Beardsley. *KFI-News.

KNX-Today in Los Angeles. KFWB-Mark Scott. KGFJ-Piru,lsts of the Future. KWKW-Race Resume: Sports

5:30*KABC, KCBQ--(:het Huntley. KFI-Sport Report. KHJ, KGR-Wild Bill Hickok. KNX HFMII-Tom Harmon. KF.A -Continental Varieties.

*KFOX-1.7 P. News. HFWB-Bed Rowe Record

Show. KGER- iga Graves. HGFJ-Musical Reveries.

*KLAC-News; L.A. Today. KMPC-Stars of Song. KRKD-Sports Dial. KWKW-Romano Smeraido. KXLA-Squeukin' Deacon.

5:45*KABC, HC2 Et/ -Bob Garred. *K*KNX,

HHFMB-Frank Goss. KFOX-Keyboard Capers. KFWB-Red Rowe. KFVD-Sundown Serenade.

JKLAC-Sam Bolter, Sports. KM PC-Bill Stewart.

5:55*KHJ KGB --Cecil Brown. 1111111'C --Race Preview.

6 *KABC-@Wacy Howe. *KFI-Geo. Putnam News. *KHJ, KGB-Gabriel Heatter,

KNX. HFMB-Junior Miss. *KCBQ-John Vandercook. *KFAC, KFOx KVOE-News.

RGER-American Soul Clinic. HGFJ-Request Performance. RGIL-Easy Listening.

JHMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports. KRKD-Evening Varieties. KWKW-itallaa Melodies.

6 :0S-KFAC-Dinner Concert. KLAC-Top Ten Tunes.

6:10-KFOX-Sundown Serenade. 6:15*KABC, KCBQ-BIII Stern.

KFI-Out of the West. JRHi, KGB-Perry Como Show

KFOX-Lombardol and. *K31 PC-News.

RVOE-Penthouse Serenade. 6:30-KABCMantov ant.

*KFI-News; J. C. Swayze. *KHJ KGB-Virgil Pinkley,

KNX-Stan Freherg Show. KCBQ-Trl-City Byline. KFAC-Musical Milestones. KFMB-Stan Freberg. &FOX-Dinner Music . RFWB-America Dances. RGER-Evening Concert. KGIL-Memory Melodies. KMPV-Today's Races. KRKD-We Waltz Time. KWKW-Hoyos Hour. KXLA-Frank Simon.

6:25-KFI-Can You Top This. 6:45*KABC-John Vandercook.

*RHJ, KGB-Sans Hayes. KCBQ-Quincy Howe.

*KIiFJ-Oppor. Digest; News, KRKD-Midnight Mission,

6:50*KGFJ-News. 6:55*HHJ. KGB-Bill Henry.

7 11.4BC, KCBQ-GWette Fights. KFI, RFSD-Fibber McGee

and Molly. RHJ-Counterspy. KNX, KFMB-(iodfrey'e

Digest. KFAC-Muslo at Seven. KFOX-Our Cats. KGER-Family Bible Hour. KGFJ-Musical Digest. ROIL-Evening Serenade.

*KLAC. KRRD-News. KMI'C-11111 Stewart. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

7:15-KFI-Heart of the News. KFOX-Report from Wash'tn. KRKD-Dinner Music.

:30;K ABC -News; Hits, Eucoree. *KFI-Hyd. Sound Stage.

KHJ, KGB-Cisco Kid, KFAC-Echoes and Encores. «FOX-Eileen Barton Show. KFSD-ttuest Stet.

*KFWB-Community News.. RGER-Rey. Al Florian. KRKD-Dr. Richerdeov. ' KWKW-La Hora Popular. KXLA-Property Owners.

7:t5*KFOX-V.P. News. KFSD-Jlmmle Fidler. -- KF W 8-Kimsey Hour. KXLA-Women's Club,. KRKD--Catbollc Hour.

8 KABC-Back to the Bible. RFL RFSD-1 Man's Family. KHJ KGB-Take a Number.

JKNYI, KFMB-Mr. Keen. RCBQ Navy Hour.

JHFAC-Eveninc Concert. KFOX-Ray Robinson Show. KFWB-Fan in the Stand. BOER-Bible Treasury. KGFJ-World Bible Sociey.

*KLAC-News. KRRD-Polka Party.

S:10-K.MPC-Dugout Dope. 6:15*KFi KESD-News Pared..

RCBQ-Sammy Kaye. KGE --Hebrew Christian. KLAC-Gene Norman, KMPC-Rasebail, KXLA-Musie.

S:t5*KNX-News. 6:30-KABC RCBQ-Lam 'a Aimee.

KFI KFSD-Dinah Shore. KHJ, KGB-Have a Heart. KNN, KFMB-Lowell Menu a. RGER-Voice of China. KOFJ-Col.ol Divine helmet.. KXL h-.loe Nixon.

6:45-KABC-Freddie Martin. KFI .State Income Tax. KNX. KFMB--Tennessee

Ernie. KG ER-Witnessing Ls Tessa. KGFJ-Treasury Dept.

9 KABC, RCBQ-Oaris, Harriet. KFI, KFSD-Bob Hope Show.

*KHJ, ROB-Nawsp. of Ale. KNX, HFMB-Beulah. KFOX-BRIy Berg Show. KGER-Report Irons Wash. KGFJ-Hunter Hancock. RGIL-Musical Scrapbook. KLAC-Gene Norman. KXLA-Joe Nixon.

9:15*KH1, KGB-Mutual Newsreel. KNX, KFMB-BIH BaUsaee. KGER-Guest Star.

9:20-KNX-Julius La Rosa. 9:55-KHJ. KGB-Something to

Think About. 9:3*-KABC-What's Name of Slone:

KFI-America's Baudetaad. KHJ-Music. KNX-Burgie Music Box. KCB( World We Ilse 11t,

`KGER-John Brown. *KVOE-News{ On Stage.

KXLA-Jack Morris. 9:35-KNX-AI11 Ballance. 9:45-KHJ-Edward Arnold.

KFMB-Thompson's Tunes. 9:55*KHJ, KGB-Robert Hurleigb.

10*KABC-News; Edw. C. Hill. *KFi, KFSD-Richf. Reporter. *KHJ-Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KNX HFMB-10 O'clock Wire


KFWB-Larry Finley (to 4). KGB-.Search Never Ends. ROiL-Starlight Ballroom, KLAC-Gene Norman. KXIr1-Rick Lazar Show.

10:05*RCBQ-ABC Late News. KFA , Crossroads of Musk. KIND-Lucky Dance Time.

10:15-KABC-Dr. Frederick Bailee. KFi-A Joy Forever

*KH,I KGB-Frank Edward'. *KNX-Carroll Alcott.

HOBO-Jim O'Leary Show. RFMB-Edward E. Morrow. KFSD-Dente Time. KXLA-Musie.

In :25-KNX-Tom Hanlon, lo:30-KABC-The Lonesome Gal.

KFI-Big Story. KHJ-Major League BeeebeU. KNX-Philip Norman. KFIVB-Larry Finley Skew, KCBQ-Jim O'Leary. KGER-Whole Truth Temple.

10;45-KWKW-Part at Joe's.

11 -Melodies Till Midnight. 1*KFl RHJ. KNX-News.

* KFOX - Scoreboard. Popular Music.

*K LAC-News ; Gene Normal' K 1PO-Dance Time. - KFSD-Dance Time. KRKD--Saddle Serenades

11:15-MI-Sports Final. KNX-Merry-Go-Round.

11:36-KFI-Ben Hunter, *HGFJ-Rendesvoue in Rltytil,..,

11:40-KNX-Ballnnee 'a' Records. 11:55*KFI. KCBQ-News.

12*KABC-Midnight News. HFl-AI Poska. KNX-Mosic Till Dawn. KFAC-Music Out of Night. KGF.1-Night Club. KGER-Doug Douglas Do 5)

'KRKD-Moonlight Sereruds- PitQR iák1K4Fese

Page 36: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


RADIO PROGRAM FI\'DER Nofe:.* Indicates Programs of

A Joy Forever- EFL, 10:15 p.m. M -F Adams, Joe : HOWL, 12 b, M-Sa -, Adventures of pule and Harriet . , -_._. .-KABC. KCBQ. 9 p.m. F

*Alcott, CarrolL.._..._,_,.KNX; 10:15 p.m. M -F: -....-_.._.. ...»..___...._ 10:15 Su All Star Parade of Hits KFI, 9:30m, Su America's Bandstand........-.HF'l 9:30 p.m. M-Sa American Slusle Hall...___ ....... _KABC, 7 p.m. Su American Way KFI, 0:30 p.m. M America's Popular Music.._-KFI. 10:00 p.m. Sa America's Town Meeting. ._.KABC, 9 p.m. Tu Amos 'a' Andy --.-_-_KNX, 4:30 pal. Su

- Answer Man -, KNX. 9:45 a m. Su ..-.. _..._ 0:1S pm Tu, Th

Arnold, Edward.__.,.-._....._...K11J. 9:341 p,rt,. T -F - Art Baker _._ KFI, 111 a.m. SI -P :cunt Jenn.y.._...._.._,.. _KNX, 9:15 a.ui. M -F -Author Meets the Critic..._...SHJ. 8:30 p.m. Tu;

, ........._.....__.._,..._...._._...KGIB, 6 p.m. Su Autry, Gene .. _.. KNX, 7 p.m. So Babbitt, Harry.,...._ -.KNX. 7:45 a.m. M -F Back to Ole Bible _ KAHC, 12:15 a m. 7 Back to God. _....__......... .,.-._....KID. 8:30 a.m. Su Backstage Wife..._..-..._- .-KFI, 1 p.m. M -F Belles, Dr. Frederick..._..KABC, 10:15 p.m. Su -F ' - ,.,KKKD, 6:45 a.m. M -Su Ballet. Dr, Stanley K SLl, 8 a.m. M-Sa

, Baker, Art...._ ....... --- KF1, l0 a -m. M -F Ballauce, BIR..._.__....._.._...KNX, 3:15 p.m. M -F; -_...,,_.__ ...... _.._..9:2o p,in. Ta-Th; 9:25 p.m. M; _____...._,.__r .._...- 9:15 p.m. W; F - _...11:40 p.m, M -F; 11:45 p.m. Sa

Baseball KHJ, 10:30 p.m. 31-S1.; 2 p.m Su *Buukhage, H. 111-___.KHJ. 9:15 a.m. M-Th:

*Beardsley, Len... .KABC, 5:15 p.m. M -F *Beatty, SIorean..-.._.,_.-. .KF1 8:15 p.m. M -F Behind the Story..._-.... ..KHJ, 2:30 p.m. M -F Benny. .lark._.,-,_.._.-_.__KNX. 4, -9:30 p.m. Su Bergen, Edgar..._ KNX, KFMB. 5 p.m, Su Beulah._ .,-._.__._.._....._..KNX. 9 p.m. 51-F Bible Study Hour.....--__....... ... __.KFVD, 4 p.m. Su 'Bible Institute ....... _.,_...._KHJ, 8:30 a.m. M -W -F 'Big Story. KFI, 10:311 p.m. F Biaen.an, Frank..KABC, KCBQ, 4:45 0.m. 114-F *Bishop, Pal .KFI, 6 a.m., 6:45, 8:30 a.m.. 51-F;

.-. 5 p.m. 3111-9'; 6:45 a.m. Sa Blind Artists Guild KFWB. 7:30 p.m. Su -Buck. Martin KCHO 2:15 p.m. SI -F BgWfpg KABC, 7 p.m. F ,Breakfast Club._._ - KABC. KCBQ, 8 am, M -F Breakfast Gang.-- ........ 7:15 a,m. M-Sa Breakfast In Hollywood KF1, 7 a.m. Si, Breakfast Nook_.,..._.. ..... .KVOE. 7:115 a.m. M-Sa *Brickhouee, Jack..._ KHJ, 5:45 p.n., 8c., Brighter Day......- .. KNX, 11:45 am. 51-E *Brown, Cecil___.KHJ, 8 a.m.. 5:55 p.m, M -F;

' - __.,_,_,.._..0:55 p.m. So; 2:55 p.m. Sa Buenos Dias..._ ...... ..._ _....._...KFVD, 6 a,m. M -9c.

- bulldog Drummond..-_.,_......_....KHJ, 3 p.m. Su Boll, Frank -KFWI). 6:30 p.m. M -F .Burgié Music Box...,..,_,-._.KNX, 9:30 p.m. M yn Buruette. Smlley -..___,,.KXLA, 8:15 p.m. M -F *CBS Sunday Deak...._-..._.-.... KNX, 5:34. p.m. Su Can You Top This __- KFI, 6:35 p.m. F 'Cantor, Eddie __KFI 6:35 p.m, Th *Capitol Cloakroom.._.__ KNX, 9 a.m. Su *Capitol Commentary _.KHJ. 9:15 a.m. M -E Career Theater KABC, 8:30 p.m. Su Catalina Bundstand....6:45 amt. 5:45 p.m. M -Su Catholic Hour..._... KFI, 11 a.m. Su _._.._......_........._...._.._...._KLAC. 8:05 sm. Su

*Chatterton, 1.arry.....___. Kill, 9 0.n., Sa Chef 9:30 a.m. 31-F Chicago Theatre ..._..._.._......._./M.O. 9:31, pm. Su 3:30 p.m. 51-Sa Cloruliers ,-_,...,,_ __.KN.KOWI.,X, 7.30 p.m. Ti. Christian Seleuce,..__, ._.KFI, 9:15 a.m. Su; .:...r.-..........._-. ,,,,-._.-_. KFVD, 3 p.m. Su Church In the 11ome..._ _._.KARC, 4 p.m. Su Church of the Open Door_...KGER. 11 n,m, Su Cisco Kid _ ...KIIJ,' 7:30 p,nt, W -F ChM liberties Upton ...... 6:15 p.m. Bu

, City Hospital- ..,..._.... _..,. KNX. 10 a.m. S. *Claypool, Leslie _ HF1V1t, 6:30 p.n., Su College of Divine Science KGF1, 8:30 p.m. I) Community Newspaper..KFWB, 7::31 pen, M -F Como, Perry._ ,,,,...KHJ, 6:15 p.'0. M. W, F *Considine. Bob......._ ...... ___..... Kll.l, 3:30 p:nt. Su Cook, Ira..,_._.._ y._.__.. KAMtM, 10 11,01, Se; KMPC, 10 a.m. M -F

Cooke, Dwight KMMR, 11:45 pm.. Su Cooley, Spade _ KFVD, 10 p.n.. Sa Cooper, Alex_..._.KLAC, 4:05 p.a 5:05 p,m, D KLAC, 12:05 a.m. M -S,

Could This Ise You-..___._..___.RH.1. 7:311 p,m, M Counterspy _ --KILL 7 p.m- F Crime Claeslcs..._.,___,_._ __KNX, 8:344 p.in. S.. Crime Flel.tors..._....,...-.._.,.-,.K11J, 8 p.m. Th Crime Photographer HNX, 6 p.m. W =Crosby; Bing __...._._._,_.._..KNX, 9 p.m. Su

,Crowley. ,lames:....._......__.......KARL, 7:45 p.m Sa *Cuoningha,u. 11:15 p.m. Su Dante Time At Avalon..,,. KBIG. 4 p.m. D Davidson, RIII. :__.__,__..._.[ARC, 1 p.m. 3I -F: *Davis, Elmer .......KABC, 9:13 p.m. Su;

.,... ..-.._.._._....,..,, .KCBQ, 8:30 p.m. Su

news and co,nmentaf lea

Date With Slate. ---....KIEV, 1:30 p.m. 51-Sa De Soto. Bnsit._._..._ .KHJ, 8 a.m. Sn Dixieland Music_....... KGFJ, 8:15 p.m. M-Sc.

_4 p.m. Su Doctor Paul ._._._,__....KFI, 3:30 p,m. M -F Do it Yourself.__...........:._...._._..KNX, S p.n., Su Dragnet _ KFI, 9 p.m. Tu Drake. Galen __.KNX, 1I a.m. Sa Dugout Dope ...... 8:16 p.m. 51-F;

1:15 p.m. So Dvorak. Geo. ....... _.._.._......... _...WB.KF1, 5:30:Sí Echoes of Eden..._..._..___..KF, 10: p.m. Su Editor of the Alr..._.._....... KFVD, 12 u., SI -F *Edwards, Frank ..............._.KHJ, 10:15 p.m. 51-F Enchanted Hour KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th *Engle, Holland ..... 8:25 u.n.. it -F Escape... ..................._.....,_..._..........HNX. 8 p.m. Sa Evening Concert..._ ._-......... .....KFAC, 8 p.m. I) Eternal Light--.,--,._-. _, BFI, 9:30 am, Su Evans. Frank....._. ._ ............._...KH.1, 1 P.M. Ma K veniog. Comes - .KABC. 5:05 0.m. Su Ever Since Eve KARL, 3:30 p.m. SI -F Facts Forum KFI, 12:30 p.n.. Su Falcon _..__......,.._. .............,._..KHJ. Family Theater _......_._. KHJ. 8:30 p.m, IV Farmland Party Line...-._..KFI, 12:15 p.n,. Sa Farm Reporter ,,.. K11, 12 noon 31-Sa Fan.. Quiz .-. ._.._._.-KHJ. I p.m. Sa FRI In Peace and War KNX. 8 p.m. W Fearless Folllea....-,_. _.,_-.KHJ, 6 a.m. M -F *Feature Wirn:_. -. KFI, 5 p.m. M -F Ferris, Bob -- KNX 7 a.m. 5l -F Fibber McGee and Molly KFI, 7 p,m. M -F Fidler, .jimmy.,_ .., KMPC, 7 p.m. Su *Fischer, Gaston_. KNX, 5 p.m Sa Fisher, George .... .__-_...... ......HNX. 4:30 p.m. 51-F Five Seventy .LILAC, 1:05 p.m. M-Sa;

....1:311 p.m. Su Flying Feet

r y

_ K111.1, 9 a.m. Sa

Follow That Woman KABC, 3:15 p.n.. 51-F *Foster, Cedric._..-___..__.KHJ, 12:15 p.m. M -F Fox. Christy ......... ._..._._,,._ KNX 10:45 a.m. Su Frank nod Ernest KHJ, 10:15 a.m. Su Freedom Story KMPC. 7:30 pan. Su Fritclnm,n Rev. Stephen .KABC. 9:30 pm. Su trout -Page Farrell..KEI. KEW). 2:15 p.m. M -F Fuller; Dr. Charles.- KABC, 1 p.m. Su *Fuller Sid._ KHJ, 12 110011 U funny taper Man._ K11, 8 emit Su Gangbusters KNX, 6 p.m. Sa Gurr, Bill KWKW. 3 p.m. M-Sa *Garrett Rob .KABC. 7:30 a m , 5:45 p.nk. M -F I,ate,vay to Music. KFAC. 10 p.m. Su Gillette Flights KABC, 7 p.m. F Godfrey. Arthur-KNX. 1 p.m. M -F: 7:30 p.m, M Godfrey Digest .KNX, I p.m. F Golden Hour KF1, It M Su *Goss. Frank.. ..K-NX, 7:311 a.m. 111-Sa;

3:10 p.m.. 5:45 p.m. SI-Sa Graham, Billy BABC, 3 0.m, Sr.

It a m. Su Graham, Sheilab....KABC 7:30 p.n.. I0. W, Ti,; Grand Ole Opry KFI, 8 0.m. Sn Grant. Johnny KMPC, 2-5 p.n.. SI -F Greatest Story Ever Told -KABC, 2:30 Great Gildersleeve ............- _..KFl, 8:30 p.m. W *Green, Bob.. KHJ, 7:45 and 8:15 n.m.

_._ ..... 2:25 p.m. M -F *Griffith, Les..._......_ KABC, 1:25 p.m. 51-F Guest Star x........_(5.1, 5:30 p,m. Ba;

,_.KRKD. 2 p...,, M, Th; 111116. 7:30 a.m. Su Guiding Light.... ..... __......_...KNX 10:1S a.m. M -F Gnnamoke._ .,-..,__..KNX, 6:30 p.m. Sa Ilnnco,k, Hunter...._ KGFJ. 9 p.m. 51-Sa Hull of Fame..._.._._..»., .KNX. 6 p.m. Su Hanlon. Ton. KNX. 10:25 p.m. 51-F *Hardy. (Oleo,, .._..._..RA.1, 10 a.m., 9 p.m. M -F Hannun,Tom..KNX. 5:30 p.m. 5t -F; 5:30 p.m. Sn Harris -Faye Show..........__ KFl. 7:30 pm. Su H arris, Rnsn__._.,,...._ _ KFI. 8 a.m. Sn Harris GIL KXLI 12.45 p.m. Se;

. .................._.._.-...._.._.. 10:05 p.a., S1-Sa *Harvey. Paul.-.-.KABC, 8:15 p.m. Su;

1:4:15 p.m. 31-F Have a Heart KHJ, R::w p.m. F Haven of Hest.__....KXLA, 8:30 a.m. M. W, F:

_...KHI. 8:30 a.m. Tu, Th, Sn Hawaii Calls...,, ..... _......,_.._ .............KHJ, 6 p.m. Sa *Hayes, Sant, KH,1, 11:25 a.m., 4:45 p.m.,

0:15 p.o. M -F: 11:25 a.m. Se: _ ................... _..._..._ ..... .._....K SBC, 12:30 p.n.. M -F

Hayes, Peter Lind..._ .,.- KNX. 10:30 a.n,. Sa, tó,ynes, thick - ILEAC. 6:05 a.m. 51-131. Heart of the Newa KFI. 7:15 pn.. SI -F *Heather. Gabriel KHJ, 9:20 a.,.. W, F:

.........._ ....... ....... _....... _.... .......6 p.m. 111-1 Helfer AI ,.--KM. 5:15 p.m. Se *HemI

._ nzeay, Frank...__,_,._.__....,..KHJ. 7 a.m..

_....._...,_...__.....,-, 4:15 p.m. M -S.. *Henry, Bill..._..........-.._._...KH.1, 6:55 p.,,,. NI -F Ilitbee, Les..._._ - K114, 5 p.01. se ,If b Adventure __..,,,......KHJ, 8 p.m. Tu *Hill. Edwin C-_...._.._........._ KCBQ, to p.m.,

-........__......_. ..KABC, 1010 p,m. SI -F Hilltop Rouse__._____,-..K_NX. 12:15 p.m. M-1Hirsch,

Elroy .»_...KABC. 5 p.m. M -F

*Hones. Everett.._....__,-,_,_,-.BHJ 5:55 p.m. Sa Hollywood Music Hall _,._... ,_._ KNX, KFMB, 6:30 p,a,. Su

Hollywood Btarwuy.,_....,.._.,_....HABC, KCBQ, ...._ . _...8:30 p.m. M -F

Hollywood Sound Stage...____...KFI, 7:30 p.m. F' Holme, Nancy KABC, 4:30 p.m. M -F

Hometown Happenings BF1, 10:15 a.m. Su Hometown Jamboree......KXLA, 11:30 a,m. 51-F Hope. Bob.. KFl, 11 a.m. M -F; 9 p.m. F *Huel,es, Rush...._ .... _....... ...,HHJ, 3::t0 p.m. 51-F Hour of St. Francis _,-.....KIIPC 8:15 p.m. Su *Howe, Quhacey -:-..--KABC, 6 p.n. M -F *Huntley. Chet __... ._ KABC, 9:15 a,m.,

Imman. Presthyterlan....KABC. 10:15 pm. Sa; Inheritance KEl, 1 p.n.. Su Incitation to Learning KNX. 8:35 'a.m. Su It Pays to be Mnrried..__ KFI, ':45 p.m. 31-F It's Your Business..._ KABC, 7:30 p.m. Sa Jarvis, AL...KFWIO. 9:30 a.m. /11.-F: 9 a,m. Su *Jacobs, Jake KFVD, 6:30 p.m. Su Jerry and Beverly ..-KFIVB, 12:45-4:30 p.m. D Johnny Dollar.- ..... .._ -,_.._ _.KNX, 6 p.m. To Jump -Jump.._..... ..... _._,. SF', 9 a.m. Sa Junior Miss KNX. 6 p.m. F Junior Town Sleeting, ,,._ KMPC, .6:30 p.m. Su Just Plain BI1L.-.-..-_ KFI, KFSD, 2 p.m. 5l -F Katz, Mickey...__._..-__.,_...KABC, 6:30 p.m. Su Keep Healthy KHJ, 11:00 a.m. Kelley, Bob KMPC, 6 p.m, 51-Sa **Kenneatlly, Bill' HNX, 12 noon. .31-F - KFI Calling. KFI, 1:30 p.m. Tu Koury, Rev._.KABC, 6:13 p.m. Se. 9:45 p.m. Su Labor. Art .._--_.....-.,.SXLA, 1:15 a.m. 51-Sa Ladles' Day_...-.-...,._ KF1. 9:15 a.m. 51-F Ladies' Fair .............._...._.._ _...KHJ, 3 p.m. 51-F Land of the Free.. -.V KHJ. 11:15 a.m. Su La Rosa, Julius. .........._...........KFMB. 9:15 p.m. M

................._.._....._....._..._........ .KNX. 9:15 p , St Lea.dlg Question......._---..._...KNE 10:30 p.m. Su Lee, Aubrey K(.ER. 3 p.m. 51-F Let George Do It.__. .... _KH.I, KGB, 8:30 p.m. M *Lewis, Fulton.._....H KJ, 4 m M ., 10 p.m. -F Lewis, Robert Q__ _..KNX. 3:05 p.m. M -F;

-......._.._...._......- 8 a.m. Ba Leyden, Bill..._ KFWB, 6-9:30 n.m. M -Su Life Can Be BeautifuL__......._...KFI. 4 p.m. M -F Llnkletter, %et KNX, 12:30 p.m. M -F Lloyd. Gordon Baker..KWKW, 10;15 p,m. M -F Lomb.. rd... Guy KNX, 6:30 p.m. W _...KIIJ. 9:20 p.m. M; KFI. 5:30 p,m. Ti. L bnrdoland. U.S.A...,_.--..-.KHJ, 8:30 p.m. -Sa tune Ranger KABC. 7 p.m. M. W. 8'11.111. Sa Lonesome Gal. The -...-KABC, 10:30 p.m. M -F Lorenzo ,tones.- KFI, 2:30 p.m. M -F Lucky Lacier Dance Tilpe..._.KMPC, 9:30 p.m. ...._.,..__ ............._._ KFSD. 10:15 p.m. D 1

Lunt 'u' Omer KABC, 8:30 0.m. M -F Lutheran Gospel Hour.r,...KXLA, 6:30 p.m. Su Lutheran Hour KHJ, KGB, 10:30 a,m. Su;

....-.__ ._....._-..._-KGEB, 6:30 pm. Su Lux Radio Theatre..._ KNX, 6 p.m. 31 1 ynn Looks at H'wood_KHJ, 2:45 p.m. 5l -F MaeShane, .lobo......___ ...............K51PC, 7 Perkins.mi Sa 51 :. rrkins _ KNX, 10:15 amt.M-F Make Up Sour Sind.- KNX, 11:30 n.m. 31-F Malloy, )tike .-,...- KABC, 3 p.m. M -F Man and Ills Music KABC, 8 a.m. Sa Mann, Herbert J _,..........K11, 10 a.m. Su Manning, Dave "Dixie" -KGFJ, 8:30 P.n.. 51-Sa

__ ...... __... 4 p.m.. ll::w p.m. Su Manning, Knox-KFI, 7:45 a.m.. 4.55 p.m. 51-Sa Man of Color......_._- ..... _., _..KABC. 6:30 p.m. Ss 51uu on the Farm ...__......._.. KHJ. 12:30 p.m, Ma 51an's Right to Knowledge....KNX, 10 a.m. Su Mansfield, Andy S S irgmla BFI. 8:45 a.m. M -F; Mxotovant .,,..KABC, 6:311 p,m. M -F Markel. HazeL__.,_..__._..._...KHJ. 7:15 p.m. Su Massey, Curt...-.----KNX, 2.30 p.m. 51-F;

--..- ..... ._._.._-...-.KHJ. 4:30 p..o. M -F Martin, Freddie ..................K%BC, 8:45 p.m. M -F' .liars, Groucho -.._..._-_.,__. .-KFI, 0 P.m.. W Masterson. Paul ._,..._....._..KABC. 5:30 a.m. 51-F May, Fred.. KBLA. 8:30 a.m.., 5 p.m. SI-Sa Mayor Poulson Report.. KFI, 10:15 p.m..Su McBride. Mary Marearet......KABC, 4 p.m. M -F McDaniel. Earl..._ KFVD, 8:45 x.m. 51-E Meet Millie ,,._, KNX, 8 p.m. Th Meet Mr. SleNutley----w KNX, 6 p.m. Th Meet the Moans_ ..._..._.........KNX, 3:311 p.m. Se Meet the Press MET, 8 p.m. Su Melodies Till Mlduigbt_.,_.KABC, II p.m. 51-Sa )ten's Corner KHJ, 10:30 p.m Su Mercer. Johnny_.__._._. KNX, 3 pm:- Su Merry -Go -Round..-.- , KNX 1115 p.m. M -F 5leybere. Dot....._.,_-_._._.KGFJ, 5:45 p.m. Su Mickey Spillane ...,.__-. ._. KHJ, 7 p.m. Tu Midnight Flyer KFI. 12 p.m. 34_Sa )like Malloy............KABC, KCB41. 8:45 pan. 5f -F Modern Romances...,.,........_..,,. KABC. KCBQ.'

11:311 am, hl -F Monitor Views the News __KABC, 9:45 p.m. Tu Monroe, S augi,n ......_......._.._ KNX. 7 p.m. M Mood* hi Music. KGFJ, 12 noon M-Sa. Morning Chapel Hour..KFIIX, 1:30 am. Tu-Sa Mr, and Mrs, North... KNX. 7:30 p.m. Tu

*. Thirty six

Page 37: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


Mr. Keen.... KNX. 8 p.m. F Murder In The Atternoon...__.SABC, 2 p.m. M -F .Murray, Johnny.._ ___,.....KI'l, 8 a.m. M -F *Marrow, Edward R _....SNX, 5 p.m. 31-F

Musky Out of the Night._KFAC, 12 m-6 a.m. D Music You Ordered .K.MPC, 4:15 p.m. So Musical Crossruads._...SFAC, 10:05 p.m. 31-Sa Musical Digest..._ ... ..._ __.__.KOFJ, 7 p.m. 51-Sa Musical Masterpieces ,..KFAC, 4 p.m. D Musical Momenta_._......_.........KGFJ. 4 p.m. M-Sa Mutual Newsreel...._.KH.1, KGB, 9:15 p.m. M -F My Little Margie ........... ._,-_ KNX. 8:30 p.m. Su

My Friend Irma_ _ . ..KNX. 6:30 p.m. Tu Mystery Theater.-....,...._._ KABC, 9 pm. 5%

My Tree Stury..._.._...._.KABC 10:30 a.m. M -F National Farm & Home.-_....KFI, 11:30 a.m. Sa National Vespers ........_...._SABC. 11:30 a.m. Su National Solee KXLA, 7:00 p.m, Su NBC Star Playhouse__ KFI, 6 p.m. Su NBC Symphony..... _.KFI. 3:30 p.m. Su

*Nesbitt, Norman_........__.KMPC, 8:30 n.m. M -F *Newspaper of Air..._...-__RHJ, KFXM, KGB,

........__............__.._ 10 a.m. S -F: 9 p.m. Su -F New York Philharmonic-JINX,11:30 n.m. Su Nick Carter..._.__..........._..___.._HJ, 3 p.m. Su Night SSatcb..._..___ _......_.__....SNX, 7 p.m. M

Nightmare KAJ R p.m. W Nixon. Joe....._........_.._......_.HXti..4, 8:30 p.m. M -F *Noble, VVendell_..._.KBJ, 9:43 p.m., M, W', F Nora Drake_....._....._......_ SN.1', 11:30 a.m. M -F Norman, Gene _ ._KLAC, 8:15 p.m. 31-Sa

p.m. Tu, W, F: 10:05 p.m. 111-Th

*Norman. Phil .-_..... _....SVXl 3-:05 p.m. M -F Official Detective ^ .. JIí1J, 7 p.m. 7b O'Keefe. Waiter..._.... ......_.......KNX, 2:45 p.m. M -F Oklahoma City Symphony..KH,1. KGB, 4 p.m. Su

Olsen. Johnny...-.__,..SHJ, 2 p.m. M. Tu, Th On Stage...,.._......._. KNX, 7 p.m. Th One Man's Family . .._ .KFI, 8 p.m. M -F Open House._._..___. ..KVOE 12:05 p.m. 31-F Opera _..KFI, 1 p.m. Su: EABM', 11 a.m. Sa Other Side of the Day_._.._.....KFI, 1 a.m. M-Sa Our Gal Sunday KNX 9:45 a.m. M -F Our Miss Brooks.__..__....._......._...StNX. 8 p.m. Su Parade of Hits......._...,.._._ .MI' KC, 1 p.m. Sa Parade of Sports.._._....__..EMPC. 0 p.m. M-Sa Parsons, Louella..........-...._.._.F KNX. 8 p.m. Tu *Pearson. Drew ..__ KWB, 6:15 p.m.,

11:30 p.m. Su; KCBQ, 5:45 p.m. Sr,

People Are Funny._...... .._._...SNX, 7 p.m. Tu Pepper Young's F.amity....SFI. 12:30 p.m. 31-F Perry Maaou_._,......._......KNX, 11:15 a.m. M -F *Peterson, Elmer KFI, 5145 p.m. W. Th. F:

_.......___..-_ _._ 6:30 p.m. Tu Phil° Vance._ .._.......KABC. 2:30 p.m. 111-F Phrase That paye.__......_...KFI, 11:30 amt. 31-F Plnkley, Virril....-......_......__KA1. 6,30 p.m. M -F Polka Party.._... _ KF7, 6:30 p.m. So

Pua ka, AI__.-_....,.-.._.._.....LFI, 10:30 p.m. M-Th Potter, Peter.. .___ K1.AC, 9:30 a.m. D Private Wire_ ...._-._KABC, 5:45 p.m. Su

*Putnam, ..... _...KFI. 6 p.m. M -F Queen for a Dey _ ..._..KHJ 11:30 a.m .M -F wilds. What's She Answer? KILL. 3 p.m. W, F Race Results...`_.._._._-_KRKD, 5:45 p.m. M -F Railroad Hour.__._...__.....-_-_.KFI. 8:30 p.m. M Report from the Pentagon......,.....KHJ, 7 p.m. Su Report to the PeoDle......._....[.4DC. 6:00 p.m. Sa

Reporters Rouodup._.._._._..._...KBJ, 9:30 p.m. M Request Performance ... KGFJ, 0 p.m. D Reviewing Stand_..._.___..._.illJ, 6:30 p.m. Su

*Richfield Reporter....... ... ..._. KFI 10 p.m. Su -F Right to Happiness KIT. KFSD. 12:45 p.m. M -F Ritter, Tex. .KFI, 7:36 p.m. Su Road of Life ..._.._..____..KFI, 1?:15 p.m. 3I -F;

Roberts, Dr. Oral KABC 12:30 p.m. Su *Roby. ..JLNX. 11 p.m. SI -F Rod & Gun __.._.._KHJ 7.3u p.m. Th Rogers. Roy KFI, 8:30 p.m. Th Romance of Helen Treut..KNX, 9:30 a.m. M -F Rosemary.......-__...,_...._._. SNX. 8:4.5 a.m. M -F Rowe, Red...... _.-...._KFR'B, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa *Kukeyser Reports. ....._....-KHJ, 9:15 p.m. Su Salt Lake Taternacle.._ KNX, 8 a.m. Su Sampson, BIIL..--. KWKW, 1.2 a.m. 31-Sa

Schramm, Violet.._..__.KFVD 10:30 a.m. V -F Science Editor+... KABC. 5 p.m. Sa Scott, Marl...-. .... ._._._....KFW'B, 5:15 p.m. M-Sa Scout 8:30 a.m. Su

Second Cbaoce..._...... ___...KFI, 10:15 a.m. M -F Second Mrs. Burton ..._._KNX, 11 a.m. 31-F Search That Never Ends..-KHJ 7:30 p.m. Tu 1st. Preston of the Yukon.. --K11.1. 5 p.m. Tu

*Shields. Fred......._..._.. _.KFi, 7:15 a.m. M -F Shoemaker, Steve _REVD. 7 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. Sa Shore, Dinah __._KFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu. F Show Time KFI, 11::10 p.m. Su

atngiser. Frank..____....r.....KH.I, 8:25 a.m. Sa Six hooters.........._..._........_.._... KFI, 9 p.m. Th 'Sky King - KHJ. 5:30 p.m. Tn. Th Slack, Peter_......-.... ROES, 2:30 p.m. M -F:

5 p m Sa

Slate Anita ..... __. _.._._KIEV, 0 u.m. hi-Sts*Smith,

Howard 9:30 a.m. Su *Soknlsky, (ienrge_._..__. .... _....K.4BC. 10 p.m. Su Something to Think About

KHJ, 9:18 p.m. St, W. F Songs of the B -Bar -B KHJ, 5 p.m. W. F Songs That Never Die..._...HFI, 10:30 p.m. Su

Songs You KOrdered...__._...KMPC

9 p.m. Th, F Sounding Beard.....___.._. __. H.J. 8 p.m. Su Space Patrol...----KABC, KCBQ, 9:30 a.m. ha

Spin and Win- ..... _..._r,....KFVD, 8:45 a.m. M -F Squad Room...._...._.r.....^.. KHJ, 7 p.m. W Squeakin' Deacon.-___,....._.KXLA, ti p.m. q -F;

._. ._...s.5:30 p.m. Sa: 11 a.m, Su

Standard Hour.... .KFI, EFSD, 8:30 p.m. Su Standard School Broadeant..KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Th Starling David KFI, 11:45 a.m M -F Stars of Space RABC. KCBQ, 7 p.m. Tu. Th Stars Over Hollywood.... 9:30 a.m. Sa

State of the Nation_ KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Su Stella Dallas.._`___.. KFI, KFSD, 1:15 p.m. M -F Stern, BIIl:_..._..^..,_..._.KABC 6:15 p.m. M -F Stewart, Bi1L.._._...._._..._._KMPC 5 p.m. 51-F:,..7

p.m. M -F; 12 m. M -'F; lu a.m. Sa

Stock Reports.... ... KLAC, 8:05 a.m. M -F Story. Ralph.._.._._._...KNX. 6 a.m. 7:15

_8 a.m.. 3:10 p.m. M -F Stranger and Alone....._ KHJ, 5:30 p.m. Se Strictly Dille..__.._...... KHJ. 11:45 a.m. Sr Strike It Rlch.-.....-_..._...-_...KFI, 19:30 a.m. M -F *Sunday Desk....__.._.r ..__.KNC. 5:30 p.m. So Sunday sews JouruaL..__..K IBC, 10 a.m. Su

Sunday at Home ...... ....KFI, 5 p.m. Su supervisor's Report.__.__.__..KFI, 11 p.m. Su Suspense.._....__.____ ._......_.......KNX, 8 p.m. M

*Swayze, John KFI, 6:30 p.m. Tu-Th-F Symphonette .KNX, 11 a.m. Su: 3 p.m. Su

symphonies for Youth---KHJ. KGB, 5 p.m. Su Take a Number _......_...

.K_....,.... KHJ. 8 p.m. F

Tapestries of Life.._......_..HJ, 12:30 p.m. 31-F

*Taylor. Henry J KABC 7:30 p.m. M

Telephone Hour.._.._.. KF'1, K?SD. 9 p.m. 51

Tello-Test.._....._..._. .KHJ, 10:15 a.m. M -F: - _.._..._ ..............3:45 p.m. M -F

Tennessee Ernie KNX, 8:45 p.m. M -F *Ten O'Clock WIrs..... KNX, 10 p.m. D That's Rich.... --.....--KNX, 6:30 p.m. F Theater of Today ._.......KNY. 9:05 n.ra. So

The Marriage .. ._.._ KFI, 4:30 p.ra. Su The Shadow KHJ 2 p.m. Su The Whistler. .._._..SNX. 7:30 p.m. Su There's a Party at Joe's.._....KW'KW, 10:30 p.m.

_.__.....__.....__...M-Sa: 11 p.m. Su

This I Believe_ ........ _.......ENX, 12:40 p.m. Sat 9:25 a,m. Su

This le Los Angeles... KNX, 1 p.m. Sa This is lour Song KB1.A. 10:30 p.m. So This Week Around World RAItC, 7:30 p.m. Su

a -Thomas. Lowell.. _....._ _.SNX. 8:30 p.m. M -F Thorne* Shirley...... _....._...._.......KEl, 5:30 pm. Su Three -City By-Lioe.K ABC, 7:30 p.m. Tu, W, Th Time For Love .._....KNX. 6:30 n.m TI, Todd, Art. and Dotty 10:05 a m. M -F;

13:45 p.m. M -F Town Hall Party KFI, 8:30 p.m. Sa Traffic Jamboree aTOE, 5:05 p.m. M-Sa *Travis, Henry ....--..._..._......._...KHJ, 10 a.m. Sat True iretective Mysteries..._ KHJ, 2:30 p.m. Su Truth or Consequences._ KFI, 7:30 p.m. Th

Tusher, 2:55 p.m- M -F' Tuttle Time.... ___KFVD 7:30 a.m. M -Ka Twentieth Century Concert HaiL.SNX, 1 p.m. Su Twenty First Precinct KX, 7 p.m. W Twenty Questions.._ ..,_...KBJ..N7:30 p.m. Su

Two for the Mosey...__ ...KNX, 7 p.m. Sa Unity Viewpoint __..KFAC, 8:45 a.m. M -Ss Under A KHJ. 8 p.m. .M

University Rxplorer_.._...KNX, 10:30 a.m. Su Untold Story...__..._._.__.._..SNX. 3:10 p.m. M -F *Voile. David._....__...__.KNX, 8:15 a.m. M -F *Vanderronk, loh. ..KABC, 6:45 p.m. M -F Voice of Firestone..._. KFl, 5:30 p.m. M vole« of the Blind ._.. _ ...KGFJ. 8:15 a.m. W Voice of Propheey_..._..___...KBJ, 9:30 a.m. Su:

__.KABC, 2 p.m. Su

Wagner, Jnrk..KH.J. 10:30 a.m., 12:50 p.m. M -F Wakely, Jimmy KNX 9:15 p.m. Su Walk a Mile._ EFL 7:30 p.m. W.,

Wehl, Earnest....._-.....KWKW. 8:45 p.m. Th, 8a Welcome Travelers....y._.._....._KFi, 3 p.m. M -F Belk, Lawrenre.__._...K%BC. 10:30 p.m. Sn:

Wendy Warren- KNX, 9 a.tu. M -F 's VWetbacks......_........._ ............._...H1vX, 2:00 p.m Su

What's Name of That Son _It 9:30 pen. F

Whalen, Monlca,.._....._..._.._..KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Sa tt r. her, ',inrritt._.._ KFI, 4:15 p.m. M -e When a Girl Marries..._.KABC, 11:15 a.m. 3f -F Whispering Streets....... .... RABC, 10:55 a.m. M -F White, Joe .... 12:30 p.m. 31-Sa;

. 9:30 n.m. Su: 5:45 a.m. M -Su

Whiteman, PauL__...__...._.$ABC. 9:30 p.m. Th White, Walter......__._._.......SFWB, 5.4.5 p.m. Su Wild Bill Hickok._.-.RHJ, 5:30 p m, it, W. F. Williams, Tex.._.... KFI, 7 p.m. Sa

**Winchell, Walter RABO, 6 p.m. Su Molts of Healing. _...KHJ, 8 a,.m. Su:

4:30 p.m. Su

Wizard of Odds_._....__.___.KNX, 2:45 p.m. M -F Who Kaows KLAC. 9:30 p.m. Su Woman In Sly Ileum ..._..._....SFI, 1:45 p.m. M -F Woody Woodpecker-....._....KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Sa

Wonderful City_._._... - KHJ, 11 sm. 31-F

World Bible Sorlety._-._._....SGFJ, 8 a.m. H -Se World of hooks KFI, 12:43 p.m. Su

World of Onera.._._..._.._..KFAC, 3:30 pat. M -F *World Today ..... _.._....... KNX, 1:30 p.m. Su World We Live ln.........._.......KABC, 9 p.m. Th:

_......._....._.._......_..9130 p.m. F World Tomorrow _..._.._._-.KABC, 9:30 a.m. Su Young America Sings_...-._.......KFI 11:30 a.m 8u toung I1r. Malone...--KNX, 10:30 a.m. 31-F Young. Nnrn,a....__,-,.. .KHJ 9:30 a.m. 51-FYonne

madder Brown... KF4. 1:10 n.m. M -F Your Child and You........-...KABC, 6:45 p.m. Sa


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ROBERTA RECALLS Roberta Linn, star of KTLA's "Cafe

Continental," painfully remembers spending eight hours a day for three days in a bathtub, in order to get the desired effect for a scene in a film, during her childstar era.

Page Thirty-seven

Page 38: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got



DAILY Time Channel

6:25 p.m. 2 Tom Harmon 6:30 p.m. 13 Gary Goodwin 6:50 p.m. 4 Cleve Hermann

10:30 p.m. 2 Gil Stratton 10:30 p.m. 9 Bill Brundige 11:00 p.m. 7 Hank Weaver 11:15 p.m. 4 Elroy "Crazylegs"

Hirsch 1:00 a.m. 11 Jackson Wheeler

Saturday, April 10 10:45 a.m. 7 Dizzy Dean 10:55 a.m. 7 Phila. Athletics vs.

Phila. Phillies Exhibition Game

12:45 p.m. 2 Experimental Handicap from Jamaica

12:45 p.m. 2 Gotham Stakes from Jamaica

1:15 p.m. 2 Wrestling from Hollywood Legion Sandor Szabo vs. Danny McShain

1:15 p.m. 9 Hollywood vs. Portland

5:00 p.m. 4 Outdoors with Waggy Wangen- helm

6:00 p.m. 7 Saturday Night Fights. Joe Miceli vs. Steve Marcello. From Boston

6:45 p.m. 7 Sports Bar with Hank Weaver.

8:00 p.m. 7 Under the Pepper Trees with Hank Weaver

8:15 p.m. 7 Hollywood Legion Bouts. Entire Card. Main Event: Dick Finley vs. Windy Jackson

10:00 p.m. 6 Jai Alai from Ti. j uana.

Sunday, April 11 1:15 p.m. 9 Hollywood

Portland 2:30 p.m. 11 Jalopy Derby from

Culver City. Monday, April 12

8:30 p.m. 11 Wrestling from the Hollywood Legion. The entire card.

8:30 p.m. 11 Roller Derby. Tuesday, April 13 -

8:15 p.m. 9 Los Angeles vs. San Francisco

Wednesday, April 14 7:00 p.m. 2 Blue Ribbon Bouts 8:15 p.m. 9 Los Angeles vs

San Francisco 0:00 p.m. 5 Wrestling bouts

from Olympic Au- ditorium. 10:45 p.m. 5 Wrestlers' Lament.

Thursday, April 15 7:30 p.m. 9 Fishing Tips with

Jack Slattery 8:15 p.m. 9 Los Angeles vs.

San Francisco 10:30 p.m. 11 Jackson Wheeler's

Sport Shots Page Thirty-eight


Bill's ' Corner By Bill "The Angel" Brundige

PENNANT PREDICTED Leave it to Sweeney!!! That's the

cry around 'beautiful' Wrigley Field this summer. Bill returned to his na- tive haunts just seven days prior to the opening day double-header be- tween his Los Angeles Angels and the Padres at San Diego.

The confines of baseball's western showplace aren't strange to Sweeney. Four times previously Bill has man- aged the Angels, and in two of those seasons he brought Los Angeles home with the pennant.

An intense desire to win burns inside Sweeney's big Irish 'heart. And, Angel +, president Don Stewart has hand- ed him a group of 3

players capable of Bill Brundige victory against all of the other seven Pacific Coast League clubs. There is concern at one or two positions, but even the Yankee roster discloses talent deficiencies, and New York is generally regarded as base- ball's best.

Strong on "Line" Baseball men swear by the theory

that power must be supplied by the "line" players-first base, right field, third base and left field. Here's where the 1954 Sweeney Seraphs are strong. Fred Richards, personally, held the Angels up through a major portion of the 1953 season. Stan Hack said, be- fore moving to the Chicago Cubs, that 'Fuzz' looked better this spring than he had ever seen him.

Bobby Usher has speed to go with the power he displayed last year. Bar- ring injuries we hope will not plague Los Angeles this summer, Usher should finish as one of the PCL's top hitters. On the -other "line." the returning Dixie Upright has paced all Angel batters this spring in the 'long ball' depart- ment. Dixie reported ín better shape than at any time in his career, and is confident, though not vainly so, that this will be his best season. Third baseman Tommy Brown has created more conversation than any new Los Angeles' player. Brown is no Hack at third, but will handle the assignment in a vastly better than average man- ner. His hitting has been a source of delight. Brown can give Sweeney the 'long ball' and crash through with the sharp single to deliver a game win- ning run. The power is there. Now, about de -

Friday, 7:00 p.m. 4

8:15 p.m. 9

8:30 p.m. 13

April 16 Gillette Bouts. Moose Ward vs. George jolinuor From New York Los Angeles vs. San Francisco Wrestling bouts from Ocean Park

Tense. It would be foolhardy to even suggest the Angels won't miss Gene Baker. I, frankly, felt Baker was one of the best shortstops I'd seen in sev- eral seasons during the 1952 and '53 campaigns.

Bud Hardin, as this is written, has nailed down the shortstop spot. Bud is a fine glove man, possibly holding a slight edge on Gene on balls hit into the hole. Playing regularly Hardin may ease the loss of Baker more than expected. With him as a keystone part- ner at second is Gene Mauch, a pep- pery player with a lot of savvy. He'll play position on batters as well as any second baseman in the loop .

though one or two may- be slightly faster.

Pitching Problem And, completing the survey of

'through the middle' defensive strength, records indicate that 'Sparky' Adams can go and get 'em with most center fielders in baseball.

If there are weaknesses in the Los Angeles structure It is' pitching and catching. Behind the plate Al Evans is completely willing and thoroughly capable of the first string job. But. Al is a veteran of the game, and it's doubtful he can play every day. John nv Pramesa sat the 1953 season out with a lame back, but so far has shaped up pretty well. A definite de- cision on his performance this year can't be determined so soon after the season starts.

The Angels need, and will perhaps get, help on the mound. The addition of Lorenzo Hinchman to the south- paw staff should be tremendously helpful, taking half the load from the competent shoulders of Joe Hat -

ten. Of the right handers Shelly Jones

has looked most promising in the spring drills, and is considered a for- tunate addition to a well sprinkled staff of right handers.

Brave Angel Bill Sweeney indicated to me re-

cently on a Channel 9 interview that he will employ running tactics this year, feeling he has the speed to hit and run, steal, squeeze and so forth. This type game coupled with the po- tential power cited earlier can make the 1954 Los Angeles Angels the most interesting club to watch the PCL has fielded in recent years.

This could be the year for the flag to fly at Wrigley Field after the wins and losses are tabulated at season's end.,I hope you'll witness the Angels' parade to the pennant, step by step. either at Wrigley Field or through the eyes of our Channel 9 cameras, as Lyle and I join the Angels in bringing this wholesome sport into your home.

I'm going to be brave in closing, and predict a Los Angeles pennant and then ... I'm going to 'leave it to Sweeney.'

Page 39: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

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FROM THE OUTSIDE IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT to recognize this building as the headquarters for Channel 13 at 1000 North Cahuenga Blvd. in

Hollywood. Ever since January 1, 1954, Channel 13 has had a new owner, the Copley Press Incorporated.

I .r-. - E .

lobON THE INSIDE of Channel 13, here's an unusual shot taken on

the "Hollywood on TV" set.

Watch Out for ÇhanneI 13.E By Ted Hilgenstuhler

T THE stroke of mid-


night on January 1, 1954, a change took place at Channel 13. The call letters KLAC- TV became KCOP.

Behind the scenes other changes occurred. Lucky Channel 13 had a new owner-the Copley Press, Incor- porated. The powerful newspaper syndicate purchased the TV station from the KMTR Radio Corporation, owned by President Dorothy Schiff of the New York Post. Radio station - KLAC was not involved in the deal.

'CV stations don't come cheap. The price for Channel 13: $1,375,000. No one shells out that kind of money 'ust for the heck of it. The powers- thst-be behind the Copley Press did not take their first fling at TV blind- folded. They had several factors in their favor.

First of .all, heading a chain of seven successful daily newspapers in Los Angeles county_- they knew the local market. They knew the people and the environment, and, most im- portant of all, what the people de- manded from public media.

Operating radio station KSDO in San Diego, they were familiar with the field of broadcasting. They also had made a concentrated study of TV before purchasing Channel 13. So the big switch from KLAC-TV to KCOP was not an overnight decision. April 9, 1954

No Miracles Maybe the TV public expected mir-

acles. Maybe, with the change of ownership, they expected to see something new, different. startling and fabulous to appear when they flipped to Channel 13. Maybe, like a grandiose Hollywood premiere, they expected dazzling lights, long- winded speeches and promises, super -

colossal promotional stunts, and all the miscellaneous fanfare and fancy doings so typical of big events in Hollywood. Nothing of the sort hap- pened.


Oh, at the KLAC studios a few of - bees were changed and fixtures add- ed. Some new personalities, such as Chef Milani, Marilyn Hare, "Weather Miss" Louise O'Brien, Rex May and others were added to the KCOP staff. They added shows such as "Debut" and "Ethel Barrymore Theater," and reshuffled -some of the regular pro- grams.

KCOP did not purposely drop any of the former KLAC-TV favorites. Betty White, for example, had an op- portunity to devote full time on her "Life with Elizabeth" shów and also to sign a five-year contract with a' coast -to -coast network. Naturally, she took it. KCOP had no intentions of holding her hack.

No, there was little fuss by or about the new owners. The lack of ostentation, however, did not mean the lack of planning. Behind the

scenes men and minds were and are hard at work.

Time Will Tell KCOP has several broad objectives. First of all they are in business to

make money. It has generally been accepted that local TV stations lose money or else have a tough time to just about break even. Building, production and talents costs in TV are tremendous.

KCOP hopes to whip the problem. One of the very first moves at the station was to cut advertising rates about twenty-two per cent. Despite the lower rates and commensurate increased advertising, KCOP doesn't intend to diminish the quality of its shows. On the contrary, the channel is hoping for better shows which, in general, will appeal to most mem- bers of the family.

Station officials are not predicting the impossible. They do not want to promise today what they will have to take back tomorrow.

They do.say one thing, however: "We are going to live or die in the

first year. Comes January 1, 1955, you can either condemn or congratu- late us for the job we have done."

It's a date for us. We hope, for the sake of Channel 13 and more important, for the TV public of Los Angeles, that KCOP's first year of wooing will result in a happy and lasting marriage.

Page Thirty-nine

Page 40: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

9 RESIDENT ROOSEVELT will doubtless go down in history as one of our most radiogenic Chief Execu-

tives. Until he Inaugurated his Fire- side Chats, radio as a direct means of communication with the people had been grossly under -rated. Adept use of the air, coupled with the need for the public to be informed rapidly and effectually during the war, estab- lished radio one step beyond news reporting and commentating. Radio became - a governmental force.

this TV Entered

When television finally stood up to walk on its baby feet, it was natural that it should follow in Big Brother Radio's footsteps. We first became excitedly aware of TV's stirring im- pact vl hen the Kefauver hearings held lookers spellbound. Shortly after, we also realized what a potent aid tele- vision could he in boosting a man un- known to most of the country into the hot glare of national spotlights.

Election Force Election year served additionally to

i MURROW DONS A WAR CORRESPONDENT'S UNIFORM in 1950 to dig out Korean news firsthand. (All photos

. by CBS.)

(7. ff.


push TV into political. and gov- ernmental prominence. For the first time in the United States' history, at. home citizens were able to watch the machinations and operations of the nominating conventions of our polit- ical parties. Then came that tense night when a young ice -presidential nominee, his personal and political reputation in jeopardy, sat down in NBC's El Capitan Hollywood studio and appealed to the country's voters. Television had come into its electrify- ing own as a rapid. effectual and panoramic medium for the entire na- tion. Wise ones began to speculate how much further the influence would penetrate.

Recent developments have given a hint of the answer when CBS's ace newsman, Edward R. Murrow, de- voted the entire half-hour of his "See It Now" telecast to an analysis of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his methods of investigation. With this telecast, TV made advances in sev- eral directions. -

It is not our intent to delve into the merits of the Murrow-McCarthy con- troversy. TV -Radio Life is a tele- vision and radio magazine. not a political periodical. We realize that our readers may be arrayed down the line from extreme pro-Murrowism to extreme McCarthyism. What we would like to do is single out a few facets of this controversy in an ef- fort to determine how they affect television.

Timely First, regardless of one's views, one

must admire Mr. Murrow for tackling a "hot" subject. TV does too little of this. With exception of a handful of programs like "See It Now," "Meet the Press," or "Man of the Week," television makes few all-out efforts to present hot -off -the -griddle fea- tures. The term "features" Is used in differentiation from news and com- men t9 ry.

Secondly. Murrow did not plunge into his seething subject so fast that he was not prepared. His approach was workmanlike. He employed film clips, actual transcriptions, and a vast .

array of facts. These required tre- mendous research, careful sifting and compilation.

Furthermore, _he presented them without sensationalism, forthrightly and objectively. And in contrast to many commentators who merely ex- p'ess their own views and offer no chance at rebuttal, the CBS news- caster did. This rebuttal has been scheduled for this week's (April G) "See It Now" telecast.

April 9, 1954



Page 41: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got


1 Xoii Phase ?

Has the '1Iurro'c-41eCarthy encounter touched off a fresh TI' challenge?



+"'- -----

r r,

Az" i tti MURROW, DURING WORLD WAR II DAYS, chats with correspondent Bill Henry. Murrow was at this lime

CBS's London correspondent and chief of the network's European staff. Though these were the days (and nights) of Luftwaffe bombings, Murrow seldom wore an iron hat or mask.

On his five -a -week radio program. the CBS commentator did not entire- ly disregard the furor subsequent to his "See It Now" telecast. He re- ferred to the matter only in passing. Closest he came to showing any feel- ing was on one broadcast when he said that the Senator had accused him of consciously aiding the Com- munist cause and that it would re- main to be seen after the April 6 telecast ho had better served the cause --McCarthy or himself.

Background War. whether it is verbal or actual,

is not an unknown experience to Ed- ward R. Murrow. During World War II he, spent nine years in England reporting the cataclysmic events with his "This Is London" series He scored his first big scoop in 1938 when, en route to Poland, the Nazi's marched into Austria. Resourcefully charter-

--- April 9, 1954

-r- - ,,q



MURROW ARRIVES IN NEW YORK on fur- lough from his London job of reporting

World War II.

ing a plane to twenty-three passenger airliner was the only ship asailablel he flew to Vienna, arriving in time -to give an unforgettable description of the Reich troops' entry into the city. Made Chief of CBS's European staff. he vas responsible for organiz- ing a crack globe -circling group of correspondents serving CBS. When he finally returned to the United States. he was made a network vice-presi- dent and Director of Public Affairs Sor CBS. He gave this up later to return to his first love --reporting.

Three years ago he started a unique radio show. "Hear It Nov." "See It Now" is the TV counterpart and has been, ever since its inception, an ex- ample of the fine use to'which tele- vision can be placed.

In our country's formative years there was a personal link 'between

People and Government. Even as late as a hundred years ago the famous Lincoln -Douglass debates were of -phis direct nature. Now comes television, with its scrutinizing eye and pheno- menal ability to span the continent simultaneously. Never has any medium had such an opportunity for public sere ice.

But the corollary of privilege is responsibility and this TV has, too. If it is to fill its vital place and grou with the phases to which it is so uniquely adapted, television must faithfully delineate the issues. This will he a task s%hich ill require re- porters of unbiased minds, fearless souls and a true reporter's indefati- gability and integrity.

It is to be hoped that the April 6 airing of "See It Now" will em- brace all the excellent qualities of Murrow's previous programs.

What will be said and what proved is unknown to us now. But one thing will be demonstrated and that is the vigorous right of Americans to speak freely and the democratic preroga- tive of every citizen to make up his own mind 'after listening to both sides.

Page Forty-or...4.

` 3a

Page 42: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got






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lab ART BAKER, "You Asked For It" emcee, watches sword swallower

perform. Program is now looking for a new way in which to present this act.

lib HERE IT IS, FOLKS! One of the most -requested items on "You

Asked For It!" A baby picture of emcee Art Baker! (Photo courtesy Alice Baker.)


34 .3


MARY ELLEN CLEMONS, left, and Art Baker Bert Fisher, with his jumpy "performers."

watch flea circus owner,

You Asked for It... IIEY'VE HAD just about everything imaginable on Art Baker's "You Asked For It." Everything from

a boxing kangaroo to a head -walker. Beast, man and what -do -you -want

appear, as you are aware, in direct response to viewers' requests. These come raining into the "Asked For" office in daily loads. Yes, fans really ask for it!

But sometimes they don't get it. Not that the program is lax or unco- operative. Quite the reverse. Art Baker, Wayne Steffner Productions, Co -Producers Cran Chamberlin and Maury Cohen and Writer Bill Webb are constantly trying to give viewers their desires. Only some of the re- quests are almost impossible to get.

Several fans hale asked to see two trains colliding at ninety miles an hour.

A seven -year -old child wanted ro see Joan of Arc actually burned at the stake.

Someone else asked that Baker talk to a cannibal and wheedle the recipe for human -being stew (Ugh!)

Flying saucers have been requested more than anything else. People real- ly want to see them. "Hundreds have asked," claims Baker.

A Tough One When one viewer asked to see a

boxing kangaroo on the KABC-TV'er,

the producers were puzzled until they discovered that the animal was really an ordinary wallaby. It took two years to find the critter and have it shipped from Australia, but the stubborn animal refused to perform. The program waited for another year while animal trainer Floyd Humeston taught another one which eventually made its debut ón "You Asked For It."

To Extremes This is an example of the extremes

to which the show will go to provide lookers with answers to their re- quests. "Asked For It's" crew are pretty determined individuals and consider difficult assignments a chal- lenge to their ingenuity. So if some- thing asked -for is not available at the time a request comes in. it is by no means forgotten. In fact a file is kept of hard -to -find material and persons working the show keep nibbling away at this formidable list, periodically solving some of the toughest items.

It took six months, for example, to produce one request for a flea circus. "There are probably only two or three legitimate flea circuses in the country," Art explained. "After it had taken us all that time to track one down, the fleas hopped around so fast we couldn't keep them in camera range."

It took over a year to fulfill an- other wish. Someone asked to see

Page Forty-two April 9, 1954

Page 43: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

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HEAD -WALKER WAS HARD TO FIND. Search, which lasted one finally,culminated in Everett Coriell's show appearance.


And Didn't Get It! Art Baker's Unique Show Seldom Fails Its Fans. It's Almost As I f the Slogan Was "The Difficult We Do with Ease, the Impossible Takes Us Just A Little Longer"

By Evelyn Bigsby

Father Simon, the "diving priest" of Saone, France, who dives from a 100 - foot tower into the Seine River to raise money to rebuild his parish. Much red tape had to be cut to ob- tain permission to film this stunt.

Fourteen months was required for presentation of a plastic surgery re- quest. Clearance had to be obtained from the medical association and spe- cial lensing of important cases had to be executed meticulously. Two months were needed to line up the request to see a million dollars in cold cash. "We finally got it from our sponsor," quipped Baker. The bills, neatly bundled and stacked, arrived at the studio under armored guard.

To find one of the two head - walkers in the world (yes, there are only two) the program conducted an

April 9, 1954

exhaustive search which lasted near- ly a year. Finally Everett Coriell was found and he appeared on the show to walk up and down a flight of stairs on his noggin.

Some of the requests are unfillable, much to the program's regret. Many would like to see the Long Ranger without his mask. Scores would also be glad to see the Old Gold Cigarette dancing girls with their packages off. ("They won't cooperate," mourns Art.) Until recently, the bid to pre- sent a ride in a jet plane was con- sidered futile. Now the request is be- ing worked out after research and with assistance from the Navy. So if your request is like this dne, and if the program has been "silting on" your letter for some time, don't lose heart. The delay is probably caused

n "


Barn, a boxing kangaroo, and its trainer, Floyd Humeston, get Barn ready for a ring engagement.

Q í-

° . a' ' IT TOOK TWO MONTHS to line up the request to see a million

dollars in cold cash. Here it is guarded by Brink's.

by the extreme difficulty in execut- ing your wish, but perhaps, at this very moment, your project is being moved from the back burners to the front of the stove.

If your request is out of this world, he resigned in a pleasant way like the small girl who asked to see an octopus juggle or the other little girl who wanted to see someone actually sawed in two and offered her little brother as subject for the experiment.

Two projects currently being pushed are to find a sultan and his harem and to demonstrate, by special flouro- scope. that a sword -swallower really does swallow a sword.

"We're trying to lick this one," grinned Baker, "but sword - swal- lowers, even just plain ones, are not too easy to get."

Page Forty-three

Page 44: TV & RADIO LOGS APRIL · There were film stars Barbara Taylor and Barbara Rush. And TV stars Lyn Osborne and Ed Kemmer of "Space Patrol." After graduation in 1949. Tom him- self got

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They Wanted Easy Money...

They Lost ... $200,000,000

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Each year, confidence men rob people like you of their homes, their

hopes and their life savings. A staggering total of $200,000,000

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every year by people who put their trust in men who have given them

nothing but promises of quick wealth and left nothing behind but

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