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Tv show Opening Scene

Date post: 23-Jan-2017
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Opening Scenes TV Shows By Henry Birdsey

Opening ScenesTV Shows

By Henry Birdsey

Walking Dead

0.3 seconds. The badge is showing that there is no law as there is nobody left to look after the population as they are all dead

0.7 seconds. Arrows are shown as it shows that these are the most effective weapon and is a symbol of hunting and it shows the living are being hunted by the dead

0.10 seconds. Gravestone is shown as it is the awakening od the dead and zombies used to be seen as coming out of the grave

0.16 seconds. The eye of a zombie is showing the beginning of an apocalypse

0.13 seconds. A rotten church where nothing is left except paint that is tearing off. A rotten church could represent a rotten zombie

0.21 seconds. The American flag is still flying showing there is life but it is ripped meaning that the people are struggling

0.25 seconds. A blade of blood thus meaning there will be gore and violence and murder in the programme

0.27 seconds. A watch tower of a prison witch is abandoned and which shows that there is nobody watching the criminals as everyone becomes one as murder and crime have to happen to survive now


0.6 seconds. Lighting strikes and a man is left showing that the Vikings are strong and no matter what they will continue to get what they want

0.15 seconds. A dead body sinks as this shows that murder will happen and people will die, also that Vikings travel on boats so this help to show that.

0.20 seconds. A helmet is sinking with gold which Vikings thought was the most important thing, but due to the wanting of money so badly they begin to fall as that’s all the live for

0.28 seconds. A crow is a scavenger which is representing the Vikings as, crows steal shiny objects which Vikings also do.

0.35 seconds. If the crow does not get what it wants it becomes vicious. Symbolising a Viking as it gets angry if it doesn't get what it wants

0.38 seconds. Waves crashing (sound effects) the breaking of things using a large force which the Vikings would be using

0.43 seconds. Viking ships sailing and rowing in a storm, most likely into battle as there are weapons and body's sinking

0.11 seconds. A hand with blood on it which is floating in long grass proving that they did go on to land as well


0.6 seconds. A mask which can help cover somebody's identity as they would be able to get away with things as nobody knows who they are. Hero's and villains wear masks

0.7 seconds. A statue which is lifting its arm in order of power as they look down on people.

0.13 seconds. A water storage tank is used in order to show that water is a vital liquid as it can be used for many things but every image has a red background as it is a way of showing blood.

0.23 seconds. Empire state building is showing to show that the program is going to be in a city which will be as busy as new york.

0.24 seconds. Is a close up of the a bridge. As it is being made the wires which would be metal look like blood slowly dripping representing death.

0.29 seconds. A zoomed out image of the bridge which can be used for peoples suicides as they jump off it to end there life. This is shown due to the blood you assume death.

0.38 seconds. An extreme close up of a angel’s wings and the staple of a church, which can show that daredevil might be seen as an angel as he locks crime away

0.48 seconds. The horns of the devil which is in a mask showing that the man might have features of the devil in him meaning it might go bad later into the series


0.4 seconds in and the pages of the book turning slowly will show this film will have suspense as you will be waiting to find out what happens

0.9 seconds in and hands that have been well drawn on paper are dirty and very well detailed and look like a life drawing which causes suspicion to what is going to happen in the film

0.16 seconds into the beginning of the film and this shows a flake of skin being sliced off with a blade showing that there will be death (Stabbing)

0.24 seconds in and a scratching noise is played when the title is displayed which makes people notice it and alerts the viewers

0.44 seconds in and a photo is displayed which has in the background sticks in the formation of a cross which shows that the creator of this believes in vast extreme things

1.07 seconds in and writing of a book is being crossed out on certain words and then a smudged blood stain with scribbles have been attempting to cover it

1.13 seconds in and a photo of a young boy has been showed and a marker pen has crossed the eyes out which proves that the identity of this boy have been hidden as they eyes are one of the main things that distinguish an individual, which means he's a victim or already have been

1.47 seconds in shows a extreme close up stitching a book together so instead of using paper clips he would rather do it himself which can cause suspect of him to be creative

1.55 seconds in and towards the end of the clip and this shows a part of hair that might belong to the women in the photo and the reason for the hair might be for the identity of her so its stealing of the identity
