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· --------- - --- - -------- -----------------------· - ---------- Vol. 3, N o.5 T()VICJ June, 1946 Th is Issue: DUNCAN SIVERTS CAMPBELL GARRETT "CLICK" BAIN Who le No. 26 HALE II Official Publication of th e British North America Philatelic Socie ty
Page 1: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


Vol. 3, No.5

T()VICJ June, 1946

This Issue:







Whole No. 26


Official Publication of the

British North America Philatelic Society

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::\Il l


Wn arc Jwarl)· solei out Imlay (!\lay l<lth) or Ill<>

Holmes H.andbool< and Catalogue of Canada and B.N.A.

W I~ WAH N 1•: D YOU a lllllltllt agn '"' had only (in c·ojoii'M lr·ll. now Ill. Tit •· clt•naantl is iiH'rl'a~lng, which should It'l l you li1P hool< IS popular ami a clt>fl1til<· IIPI'd, II' )'ltll r·o lll'c· l ('anatla and 11 :-\ .1\.

It Was Two Books Bound Together-



A llandbool< ltai'IH•d anti jamnu•<l full or \'aluahlc• lnforlllal ion on C:matl. and D.N.A.

The most c·omplt'lt' Catalogn•• ( 61 h J·:tlil ion) l'\ PI' puhlisht·tl un 1 ht•, · popular ltPms.

WH wi ll fill OI'CI<! I'fl IIH long H!; :;lock laSt!\ al $:i .2G post paid (add l~C ln CIH'<'I<!·)

Wu have M<'c'lii'Pd fm111 I•:st al c•s a l't'\\ c·oplr·s nt' I hP ,Jn;t 1 ·till iwt ( purple• t'O\I·r 1

"hic·h \\c' offl'r al >i7.nn JtO!>Ipaitl

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCf:MENT A J'c·w ME' lK ol' Mht•P IH "''rc• n•s•·n·c•d l'or Jll't'Jl< ll 'i ii J.: tlu • IH'\1 c·•lillctl!, IJit l ll u · l ,\'1'' '

has bct•n nH•III'tl clown :111tl a :Jrcl !'cli t ion h; donhll'nl. Sn 1111'S!' <Jrc• lo he• I•OIIIH I,

uncut ancl unlrilllllll'd in a IH'alll lt'ul lc•allt"l' dr·-Juxc• c·ovc•1.

Price $1 t. OH Postpaid

JUNE SPECIAL Cnnacht #:!.G:!., 0. G . ... ... . .:!5

0. <: ., lllcwlc •I l.:! fo

0. U., Pial<' Blu<~k 4......... .... :!.:!fi

0. G., Full ~IH't't or I 00. ....... .... :lll.llll


(deductable from firs t $1.00 order l

' : I C T 0 R I A STAMP C 0.

London 40 Ontario Canada

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BNA TOPICS 71 -- ----------- - -

• ~J ;. .. ~.. • ....

P lloTo BY Cm·nn:sY OF IJI.::-; ny G.\TI·::<

Illuslratc<l nbovl' iR rL rPproduclion Ill' lhP shrot of lhl' 13c Halifax llarhor. found

tmperfnral!'. 1\tr. Hl'nrr Gall's of nrtroil. 1\lichig-nn. reports that h<' Jll'rsonnlly cut the

sheet fo1· 11istribution :trill that l\ll's~:~rs. Lichll'nsiPin, Shormaker, Dris!Py, l!ond, Hunter,

nnd hilliRI'lf, all have blocks. ThrN• bloci<R wl'nl to a deall'l' :11111 lh!'ir prPRI'nt ownrrs nre not known.

Page 4: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.

7~ 13N/\ TOPICS


?'he fulll!lriny is 1111 i111f:·.r f "''' mun· i;HJI''r tcwt (lr /idc•s 1111 1: . .\'. :I. 1n SLarnp Col· lccLing (W<>el\ly) J.muton, J·:ll!f lwul. jru111 1·uiu111c I , Nu. 1, ,<.;qJlc' IIIIIC:r 20th, 1913 to th~ 1'11 11 of l'nlume XX.\' /I I , N11. 858.

AflE>r Long Vt•ars {G. 11. Burgiu) Vol. I, 0:o. I. 1\ Hornall!'P ol' t ht · 'l'w••l vt• l't ' IH'" ( 'ana•la Vol. I, No. 1. Landst't'I'H Nt•wJ'oun dla nd (\V. ('ortt .. ltl) Vol. 1. No . ~. 'I'll" Cllr i;;l nm!i l'osla):'t' :-;raurpli of Canada \'ol. 1. :'\o. 1:1- . l!ig lt Valu<' l'arct'l l'o~;l Slautp~ Vul. II, No. :~a. A long tho Cari bou Trai l (S Goldi'r) Vol. II, :'\o. 3R How llw Brilisll Colurn h ia :vtall Was Carrit•d Vol. II , No. 3R. Tho PoKI;u:t • :-;IIIIII Jls ol' NPII'I' u ud land ( 1\. \\'. II. l'ooll') Vo l. II , Nos. ·Ill, ~ J, ·11i , 17

Vol. !II , Nos. r,G, fi7. !iX. (1:1. (i!i, G(i. G7. Th<~ Can ad ia rt !O:X)l<'llit ionary l<'oreo ( lllusl rnl Pd with post.rna l'l;) Vol. Ill, !\o. !;·1. Christmas in a Colon ial PosL Otllcr (S. GolciPI') Vol. III , Nc>. 61. Impressions from Dl'itlsh Col umbia Vol. Jll. No. 61. Canad ian ·wa ... Tax Vol. III. No. 75. Vol. JV. No. 94. Vol. VI. No. 142. Canadian Railway Mail Service Vol. V, No. 1J5. The Papal Crown on Canadian Stamps Vol. Vl, No. J35. First ]!'!SUO Of CUlHl da (~'fajor H. LocklHI I'I.) Vol. VII, No. ]58. Canada.- ·A New Edward Variety Vol. lX, No. 211. Aerial Post in Can:ula Vol. X No. 237. F' irst. At•rial Mail D<'livcry DI.'I\\'P<'n l\'fontr<>a l ancl 'l'oront,o Vol. X, No. 237. First Tmns·Ailan t ic /\rrial Mail Vol. XlT, No. :10:1. Nowl'omu'll a u!l l' ruviRionaiK Vol. XV, No. :wr.. No. :lfi7. No. :lli!l, No. :no. N <'w l'ou ndlan tl Cnrlhon Pin I!• Nn111hl'l'l< { ll lliH'r) Vo l. XV Nn. :lR!i. Nl'wl'ountl ltuul J\prla l Mall Vol. XV. No. ~!X!I . N<~wfoun<lland 2c Coi'Ollutiou Vol. XV I , No. 402. The: Poslage Stamps of Nt'wfonncllancl (.1. Hnhinson) Vol. XVI, No. 410. N('W Cunad lan P oRLa J.;r Hall's Vo l. XVII, No. 4Pl. Ncnvfonncl lan d Alnnu ll to ll nlll'ax Vol. 'XVII. No. ·I:!R. N1•wfou ntll tt11tl Alnnnll J•' imwo Vnl. )\VII, No. 4:11. Nc'w f'nun•llau tl. 'l'l11• St•al w ith Paw:; Vol. XV II , No. '1:!2. Hum! l\ lnll n<'ll vPry in SasJ<alehP\I'an ( 1•'. Carl wrl~hl) Vol. XV I I, :\'o. 4:)!1 . NewfO\IIHllanti - Nova Scoli;t Air !\-fail Vol. XVII, No. 441 . Nova Scol.ia ftl'mainclf'rs Vol. XVI IT. No. 4(iR. Iklwl'<'11 lhr Dlt l - ancl l h<l Bravo' t' (ltPv. C. s;, Morton) Vol. X I X, No. 47!i. J:\"ovn Scot.ia- TiH' Cenl s Ts!mf'S Vol. XlX. No. 477.

· B ri tish Colon inl S lamns Usrrl Ahrond Vol. X TX. No. 47R. Our Sto rmy PPt.rrl (nl'v. C. S. :"~•Tori on) Vol. X IX, ~o. 41!5. Prince• Edward Island Vol . XIX. No. 485. 'f'he Con nlt>l'fPit of lh t> N E> wt'ouucltand 3 Ct•nl Ca ribou ]HSIH' (11. i\. 'l' r uiJy) Vol. X!~': .

No. 491. 'I' ll " :l c·Pn l Nt•wl'onndiawl 1Rno TynP nn P i nl< PatH'r \'o l. XX. ':\'o . •lnli. i\ IIP·I•;n.J r.v 011 IIH• ' !'11·• •1\•,. l'l'lll't' ('Hnn d a (H . Hoh• •rl ~< ) Vol. XX . No. r.or.. '!'host• Nt1wfoundlantiH (Jlpv, C. S. 1\Tnrlon) Vol. '\ X. 'r\o. !il!;. A Nov1t Scotia F'in1l Vol. XXJ, No. 521. L<>lter to th<' l;;clitor-·-Ca nadian WaiNmarks {C. J. l'ass~> t) Vol. XXI. No. 524. A ir Mrril AcrrHlR Can:~da (J. W. HohRnn) Vol. XXI. No. !i2!>. 'l'ntllH·Allanllc Fli!'h iH· - FuriiH•r ()c• l all~ Vol. XXI'. No. !i2!'i. PPnny Posta.t!P. for Canada Vol. XX T. No. :,~0. Canadian Nol<'S and Nl'ws V.o l. XXL No. :,:10. Canadian Notes ami N ews (Dnll'<'r) Vol. XXT, No. 534. Canadian .Advrr t i s ing- Can('rl!ations Vol. XXT. No. 5:{R. IVE'Sf.<'l' ll C;.narl inn Notr~ (G ·•l•ll'l') ''~1 . vvr. ·" " · fi4:t :-Jrw r.anarlinn Arl vf' r t if;i n .rr Cnncrlla lions (\V. Bnt t l'r) Vol. XXT, No. !i46. Can111l lan .1\rlvcrl is! ng (' r OC<'llal ionJ<- S li !>PIPmc•nlary T.i st (R. H. Johnson) Vol. XXU,

No. 1. Canadian Precancels Yol. XXIT. No. 550. N<>wfou ndlancl Slogan CatH~(•llations (H. B. Hubf'r) Vol. XXTJ. No. 550. The D cv ('lopmE>nt of Or!'anizPrl pr. ;J., t,lv in Canacl~l Vol. XXII, No. 552. Bnrly P o!<IS in Ilritlsh Columhia Vol. XXJT No. 13.

Page 5: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


T he Canad ian D1•aver Vol. XXll , No. 563. Winnipeg :ro:xhlbition Notes Vol. XX II , No. 569. Winnipeg SLam I) Exhibit ion Vol. XX Ill . No. fi75. Canadian CO\'crnmenl Stamp Dun•nu Vol. XX Ill, No. 5Rl. The Cabots or Newroundland (II. E. !Iuber) Vol. XXIII , No. 583.


Newfoundland ::-lotes (II. E. lluher) Vol. XX lll, ~~~. 5!15. Vol. XXIV, ~o. GOO. British Columbia Cancr llntions Vol. XXIV, No. GOO. Third Canadian Philal<'llc l~xhi bilion J\lont rl'a l Vol. XX IV, No. 602. Canadian P1·ecancels (E. II . Taylor) Vol. XXIV, No. 615. ('amulian Slo~an Poslnrarkll Vnl. XXIV, ~o.ll21. Thu l'm>t Ollh'l' nt Nc·wrollllllaiHI ( Ho•v. ( '. s. !\lorton) Vol. X X IV, :'\o li:!1. Un•t>lln~s i'I'OII l Canada (J. :\1. 1\lolr) Vol. X XV, No. fi:l!i. Drlllsh Colurn])ia Phllat1•1lc l·:xllihitlon, Vancouv(•r Vol. XXV, No. 63!i. Canadian Varieties (J . .\1. :'>1olr) Vol. XXV, No. 643. Air :'11ail NoiPs-Red LakP Vol. XXVI, No. 6!i 1, li!i5. '!'Ito Elliolt Air :\Jail Slnnrps of ('anatla (F. J. FiPitl) Vol. XXVf, No. fill3. ~I'll' ('anadlnn l'o:-~lul Slo~am• Vol. :\XVI. No. tili:l HarPst Caruullan Co VI' I' V<Jl.. X XV I. No. 61i5. Til n 3 crnL HPolof Canada l !i7li· 1R~J7 (IJr. 1·:. 1:. 1\la:-~on) Vol. XXV I, No~ . li!i~l. !i7H, (i7 1,

674, 675. Canadian Air .\lails- nl'tl Lakt> Coldfll'lds Set·vicP Vol. XXVI. No. 674. A :'\pwfouncllnnd Disrovc•ry Vol. XX\'11, No. 694. Au Alleged Error or Colour- 20c in Li~ht Drown Instead or Olive Cn•t•n (J. M. 1\loir)

Vol. XX VII, No. 702. Newfoundland Post Oflkt\ Hepor t- July 1, 19:!5 Jun l' 30. 1!J2(;. Vol. XXVl ll , No. 7111. Cnnadian l'rrcancellerl Sta mps (Prof. French) Vol. XXVII I, No. 720. Newfoundland Air Stamps (A. D. PPrllu) Vol. XXVI II , No. 721. Canada 1927-Sc Conrerlrrallon Comnwmo1·ati\'l' (J. H . Tit>rnPy) Vol. XXVI II, ~o. 724. Canadian Postal Cnnc<'llat Ions Vol. XXVITT, No. 724. lllllllilllon or Canaoht Collt nto •ntorallv o •t~ ( J . II . Tlt•rnPy) Vol. XXV II I, Nu. 7:!!1 . N owfoundhu1d Do l'luo·tlo (A. B. I'Prlln) Vol. XXIX Nn. 7:1fi. Nt•w SlallliJS of NPwfouncllancl (A. II. I'Prlln) Vol. XX lX, No. 737. Nl'wfoundland-Thl' TnH' !:;tory or thr DP Plnr•do (H. C. HH!Il') Vol XXIX, No. 744. Do Plnedo-Last Word Vol. XXIX No. 748. In ~olclr!!t C'anatla- llow :\I ail Ill l'Pnt to Colli PHI Phli'P~ Vol. XX I X, No. 74!1. Nowroundlmld'ti Clenn Rlnlo Vol. :XX IX No. 7/iO. Nmvfolll'lltllunol Clli rolf\ (II. K llulu•r) Vol. XXIX, Nn. 7ri•l. CnniHIInn CIH HIIICII (C .• 1. l'h lll lpH) Vul. XXX . No. 7!i!i. Now!ountlland Notes (A. U. Perlin) Vol. XXX. No. 767. Canada's First A it· l\lail Stamp ( K L. Chicano!) Vol. XXXI, No. 784. British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol. XXX I I, No. S32. l•'lrst Arctic A ir Mail V.ol. XXXlli , No. 845. Newfoundland Proofs and Essays Vol. XXXIII , Nos. R4 4, 853. Cheny Red Air Lines Vol. XXXlll, No. 858.

BOOKLET PA NES and BOOKLETS of CANADA Wish to Buy the Following:

I Wi ll Pay H ighes t Cash P rice. ALl, CO:\ll'f,R'I'J•: - FHEN('II BOOI\IA•:Ts

No. 104n. ltnlll !'1111111-:•'. l'\u~. IO!ia · IO!Ia. Colll iJI IIaliou. Nu~. Jll!la . H!la. lti:la, ll i7:l, I 63a - lli7u, CoJJHhi nnllon. NoK. :!:l!!n, ~:~:111 . NoH. 2:1 1 a · :.!:1:1 :1 , ( 'o lllil 111:1 tlun ( I:H<f 3 booldl'ls, plain Cont·of·A nus 1'11\'o'l').

AL.~O-I'auc• l66c with ''l'LATI~" I will ~o:laclly par lOJI cash prirr for any, or If you 11 i:-~h to riPal . 1 havP uool<·

let pan<'il nntl tt A'rl'ftt many compl~>lr booklrlli many of I hP ran· c nco:-~- 11 hie· It I will exchn ngr, lf you pr!'fPr.



Page 6: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


NOTr=S ON THr= WAR TAX ISSUE OF 1916 Evf'ry coiiPCIOr of Canatlian slamps ill l'anlili:u· wi.th lhl' \\'at· Tax 1:-stH' or l'tl6.

!~sued to Jll'f'JI<IY lhf' :?c t•osta~P ralt• phtll lht• It· rax. Tht•st· stallll>>~ lll'rt' ls,..upd in awn colors, a carmiaw and a ht·own, anti from 111 o cliffl•t·c>nt oliP><. 'l'h•· :.t>I'Hilcl tlic> was , ... touch eel and so gi I'<'S us s1•1 t>r:tl 11 a~ s ur idt•na ifkal iou. l>isl in~u bh in...: 1 ht'llt' tliPs IJ:; tho usual IIH'Ihncl is t•asy. hul J 11oulcl likt• lo m••ulion t110 otiH·r lllt ':tlls ul' itlt>niifl!·ation. hnl It ol' whit-It I lwliPV(' 11·ill h••lp ll~t• c•ollt•c,lor. PSIII'C'ially wit It u,·t·cl c·opl•·s 11 h,,,.,. 1 ho• ea nrPila lion may t. hl i 1 Pr:tl t' i l1a i 1•a rl or I hP ciPsign wh i<'h ~wrvt•tl I' or c· l assi lit-a I ion. Th1· follow lug atltlition al lltl'lhods 11 il l i nc·n·asc· I he• ac·t·urary :~uti t'l'l'l:ti ll l~· ol' ll~t• dt•s igl :ll io 11 ami lht• lnsl 1110 clo·soTi pl ium; 11i ll p ro ; .. Vt'l ',l' ho •lpi'1 JI o n ll1 •· 111 '111\lt o· .. il ~ 1: 11111•>'.

1>1 1•: I J>II O: II J. LJu iJro l<l' n ltorl :wn lal Iiiii' utuh·r 1111•

largl' lt•llt'l' "'!'". :!. A lll'HVY litH' • r c·olor :-Iaili ill).: IIC)(Il

1111' lop nl' llw "I" lo 1111' '"I'" oi' lhP "ITt"·

:1. l.lgh I 11h1tth•.



H i ~lll haud ~ltlt• of liorizoul: ll lin•· brtl)\1•11 hy:! ~hOI'( ~ Iaiii i ii ).: l'I'OS~ Iiiii 'S, This h.-a vy I ill I' iH t·onq>lo•lt• ly 11 i ,, . ill).: HI' i:-; \'PI,Y f:ttlll II at I\ ~;Ita • r. ·.

:\Inn• slutly protlm·t•tl olht•t· diiTo•lt'IH'I'S, tlutll' of 11hit-h is sullki 1111) IHUtlotlllt'•·.t to n'Cl'ii'P ntl'lllion. l wonltl al>l'tt'l'llll•· h••ating ft·ont anyollP wlw has a 11ay of clb· tinguishing h"lW!'!'Il thE' two clit•s nlhl't' than lhost> tiiC'IIliOH<'tl abo~t• .

• loll' Slll'lto,.., :::: ~.!r

EDWARD OVERPRINTED WRAPPERS Jl y 1<'11 \SI\ \V. C 1~1 1'111 :1 1.

l was lool<ing ov<'r a Janw box or misrPIIanN>WI <'11\' Piopt•s :Jt HI prll-i u:.;- 1111'111 flit ' :u• ('i';J :Lit''!1 (')l.jlf'('l<'cl l'n l'lllllC'- r·;ngl i!lh 'I 1PilllY Ht•tl:;' lll•i ~~~ I liP hnj "'" r... fOJ'Itllll', )I I\; I : Kll l 'llli~ illg how ag1• tlld 11111 llt't "'>>:ttl!) t'illl') ldl'l1 l .illlt•; rallt •·r 11:1:. ir 1111· l:•r .. ilo·u•:<. lll<u llr11l lllghl ;tlrmalls in lht• tar .. ':!ll's ltlttl 11hoh• J,onldo·l pan•·s "" ''11\1'1. lh;JI "' , ,. worth con~ltll•ntblc>.

'l'wo 1-:clwartl wr:tJIIH't'!\, U\I'J'Ionnlt•tl "lc··· anti llllslally u:,t••l al lh•· liut• or h~• •.. in I rigm•t l lilt', ""IH't'ially :.i11n• I had 11111 h<•t•n a hi" to ;inti :111y tl tl:t 1111 1111'111. ( 1 h.l\ ,. !':u·h hut In t•ut Mlllllrc• fHJ'IIl, rollt•r l':tll<'t·ll••ll. ~"" lltal dalt• \\:t:-1 11111 hn1111) ,

'l'h•• l11o I fnnn tl ll•'r" pl:llnly <'lllll't'llt•d l•'n·tlt•l'i<'lou, N . II., :11111 "' '" "" :. llltl)'li , tlurk, ht'lli'Y 111:111lht pap•·•·. llll~llllllll"'l. '1'!11· "It- 11 11 ~c· Ht·d" 11a:• d:1l•·cl .1111 .1 1 '· l!tll ~ li ~~ )1. Hi liu·llt•K. ' l' ht~ " II' 11 11 :;,. Sl:1 t" \'lolo•l" \\'iiH d:d t•tl 01'1 • l11· I' ·~. I 'IllS ; ·' 1 x 1 '· a ~izt• 1101 li!lt<•d In tit<• lloiiiii'S' hnol< ( l loPs 1111• X x l :l :-;izo• o'XI:-<1'') . 1 Jll'l'. -ltlllt> 1ho· reason ror t il e Kcarc il .Y or 11 hniP ll'r:tJI IH' r s 11o1 <ll'<'rpr iul l'd 1s r llal 111m I o f ll11'lll ,,t.,.,. u setl ror til e ra l r c· ltangf' to onr c·t•nl.

A Wl'llJIIH' I' ill l:ng•'t' I lt:111 a po~ l a I hntltl a nil 1:< llll ,L(lllltlllt' rl , 11'1 I h a 11111 a I ion i 1' 111 o lill l'S or tYP<' lhnl il was to ht' usptl on l y hy publisht>rH ou mai l lo rlt•· Unil"tl Stalt·s. 'l'ltilS un~lllll nt<'tl rontl i 1 ion n t:; t hi' pu hl ishPr'll mrr hool of mai !lug. l'o;;l a! hanol s a"' gummNI ror I he r onl·c>n i<'IH't' of t lw a II' t'aJ.:P usa.L:l' hy in eli l'itlua h•.

Tht' cJt.lails or its us<' only lo thl' Unllt•rl Stalc>s ll<'<'tls furll~t•r, \JIIanalinn .\ !-IIIIi· lar· Rillmlion I'Xh rs in tho 1,~ t't>lll J.:l'l'l'll HI'\ Pnuc> !\lamp of a '"" Yl'ar!l a ceo. Tlu'sc· :.!><• wc>r<' only ~oltl In Unll<'<l St:IIPS Jlllhlh'attons 11hiiP C'anarla u~•·•l lh" rt•tl slalltt• Tl '':'. IIH' ~mit• or 1111' ~l'l't'llS \\'OIIItl 'lost•l,l t'ill'd< lit•• 11 ' \l'lllll' tll'ril•·ol fr• Ill lh<'lr ~~~··till IH:<il ings to Canada. (It was a su•·L of l'lll'l~llll~ I'll t t')' ft •t>) .

Re. SLOGAN CANCELLATION LISTINGS A & B 'J'hO RIIIJ.\'1111 t'll lli'PIIatiou li~ l ings o l' till' lt •I(Prs !\ & 11 \l't'l't' tlt•signall'cl J'o r ldo• 11 1 ; ,: ,·a·

!ion with lhP ll rsi lhn•p l t•llt•rs ttl' till' !! loga n . In nnll' l' I hal all l ist iugs s lto ul tl nm1· t'O II · form to lhtl 'N11111hrr' i dt>n li fication, t ho J\ & B listings shoulcl li<' t'OII'C•<·it•d so ll1a1 tit•• 1it·st s loga11 uoiPtl rnt· <?ac lt l!' llf' l' ~hal l rrrP(V(' 1h1• ll rsignating llllllliH•I' r.. a11 tl Pac· h sut·· cessive s logan he nnmrrically incn·<~~wd by filc>'s- A5, Alt1 . • \Hi. <'lr. Tht· minor, or suh· Y:triclif'S, may h<' dl'siguarerl with lh(' lt1wc>r cas(' ktt<'rs a. b. c. t•lr.

( · II. ll. t: .11:t:1 a r


Write to the Editor for Extra Copies

Page 7: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


BRINGING N~::ws Asour P'~::oPL J:: AND SrAMPs l3y TI1•:v. Jo11~ S. D.11~

The new TWO CEN'l' Newfoundland his collection of Postal Stat ionl'l'y, :Vfr. surcharge on Scott #257, the 30c Hose, llond's showing certain ly provided sonH' M emorial College, has bf'comf' a SJH'CU· enlightening and revf'aling i nformation Jator's item. Prices CJUOtPcl on th is ~ Lf! III J' to all pn•scnl. Charh·s l\'lcDonough or run from lOc to 40c per copy, mint. Usvfl Phii:Hlf'lphia was certai nly glad that lw copii'S on COI'<'I', cl aiC'd w i lhi 11 a fc· w days 'maciP it' as wrrf' C lar c•rH·P W . Hrazc·r. ot' issnc ar11 hanl to flncl. Al•c•ragc rPI:trl <lordon Wc•PI, W il liam \ \ 'al l ac:o and tl11• Jlric:p Is l!it JH'r eopy, hnt Jr tlw lssup l.-1 ol h<•r ' r c•g-ulan;'. as l l rn iterl as -claimcrl, !150,000, !.111'!1 we can l ook for a rise in price. Woncler how Il l is surcharge wi ll a IT ret t.IH' aoc M em o· rin l Co l lf'~0 sta rn p '!

UNAJ' :-; 1 IPr<' I!:! a cl t>s<: ripllnn lalrcn front an

nucl ion calalogun about 1 ,,.o Can ad ian sla11l JIS on cover. "l3ol h stalllPl> ox i tli7.P<l a lovely shade or brown. Ex tremrly nne nncl un usual." I though t that om' :; llonl<l be in the reco rcls.

l3N.APS Sissons and \Vegg or 'l'oron lo, Canada ,

are to be congratu lat•1rl on their fine catal ogue for their first sale. Have heard many f1worable commE>nts !'rom ol.ht'r <lC'a h' 1'8 about ll. I' l'l l'l' list ol' I II P salo 11-1 aval lnlJIP nl $1.011 nne! wi l l l'" t·tal nly rl'lkcl ·Ji to lJ.N.A. lllltrl<t' l HH I l 1:~ liHiay.

BNJ\1'!:-i I r you Utin k somo It ems a rf' ha n l t.o

fln tl In B.N.A., ju~;L try lo Jliek liJJ NPW· I'IJnn dlaud covt• r~ clalPcl lwi'om 1!1011. You ouly havl' l\5 Hltt lll JIH to ellont~c• J' ro1u!

II! N J\ J>S Lute~;!. nclv i e<' nbou l liH' Bo~gs' hnuk

on Canada is t hat it should be r<>ady by .Jun e. It w ill bo in two voltrnws and will s!'ll at over t he $10 marie

l3NI\PS May offered some very interesting ac·

tivit!es in club c i rcles. The T .H.D. party at J3uffalo on May lOth ancl Jlth wei· comed close to 200 guests. The 'Quiz Pro· gram' winners adciPcl some su rprising girts to th ei r cotl('ct ions, not ltw l ('ast ol' wh ic h was a 'snpf•rb' roost~· r. T ilt' hour:;o and aucllon ttdtl<•d J<oru•• flll<' Jnal t>· ria l Lo soiiH~ l ucl<y pr:•rson!l coliPet ions and the d inner adtiC'd some vital vit.aminl> to many fortu nate colll'c tors of ·rood on (or with) stamps'. F.very O!H' pr<'RI'nt lR 1\'0I'thy Of aud d<'SI'I'VNl lll(' ll i lon hu( I ' ll havu lo conOu n n l y~-;c•ll' to llNAI'~II'rs.

ll••rt L. llu.ulch, Wall <' r S. llayh•.v, Lf'H Davenport, Charles Fostc>r, E<l. Good a It•, Dr. Ja,mes Goodwin, Richanl lrNJI('y, Jack Levi ne, Lany ShoPmalwr, and probabl y many olhC'rs.

TIHl 1'\cw York Ch;q>ler C'l' .JOY<'<i a v<•ry lntcresiing evening for t heir May 71h mr.f'lilll!. N el son Dond, #81 . or Hoanoi<P, Va., was the guest t>Xhlbi tor and show('(!

B.:\/1 P~ For sonre time now Ca11ada Scott #2L6,

13c Silver .Tubilcl' , in su prrb m iut con· d it iou ha:; g-orH' oJ'f ih<' 1-:<' IH•ral mari<Pf , lind Ill !trill \'OniH'I' ilol! I l<' i l VIHI I li n t'it l · lowing- stor y. A Hoyal Ai r l;'o rco otllc'rr from Hrilaill wa:; bny iug- si;JHIJIS !'rom a wiC' i<<·t l n a Jurg-P po!;t otflcp iu Ontario, Canada, ancl wal> amazNI to Iran\ that. t.h (l 'J3c Si l vc•r .Juhi iC(' ll'af< t'or sal<'. T!(• bought a number or copit•f;. 1\l'l\'1' furtht>r exam ination, he not ict•d I hat Pach stamp had a tiny pif'CI' cli ppt'd oil' the corrn'r. He rcturnccl to the post omce anrl poin t PCl it out to the cl erk, who info r mNI him lhat t il <> st amps wi"r<' pu rc! I<U><'d fronr a collt•ctm· in l hP city aud rl'·:<old. I hal't' rPec• i vf'd rnall l'rcH!I li t .. !H II ll l' c:ily wi l h lhn 1:1<: Silvl'r Juhill'<' !; i :t lii JI c:lippr•d in llii• t<:lllH' ll llllliH'l'.



F o u nded b y A lber t N. Harris Is in Its

Year o f Unin te rrupted P ubl ication and ia recognized as t he Leading

n ri t ish Reference Journal for Collector s

* • Subscrip t io n : 10 a hi ll in~:s per annu m fo r 26 for t n ig h t ly issues. Payable uy money order throu g·h your post·

office, or by draft on London. • • •

Harris Publications, ltd. 11 2 Strand LONDON, ENG.

Patronize TOPICS Advertisers

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~ .e6.

Hy C. B. D. C arre ll








H ~ 0. K · iO O. \"\I Q '>;-· -----:--.,


K 110.

nrfHf KlNGffiWARo ~~ .. HEMORI AL




HELP - TH E: -






t,?THE MUSKol( r\t FRE"£ A








H ~'> o

RflP THE §A~, ....;:,. B U Y E- 11


Page 9: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.

BNA TOPICS 77 ----------·---------------------H 86

H 87

H 90 H 95 H 100 H 105 H 110 ll l15 ][ 120

II 122 n 12s 1L 1:10 lL l:l:i ll 14111~ H 1401.1 II HOc

H 142a. H l42b II 145 H 150 li 155 H 155lJ H 156

H 160

"Help Prevent Forest Fires. Aldl'z Prl'venir Les FNtx dr l•'orNs". Quebec 1920, '21, '22. "Help Prevent Forest Fires. Aldez A Empecher Les Feux de F'or!'ls". :'11on­trenl '24, 26, 27. Trois Hiv(•rs '24, 26, 27. Queb<'c '24, 27. "Help Protect Our Fish, Forrst nnd GnmP". St. John 1926. "lie]() RPd Cross Annual Appl'nl. Hamilton" 1937. "Help Save the Children Fund. !•'amine Relief. Elgin Ul<lg. Ottawa". 192!!. " II r iJ) the Doy. Local Campaign. ThiR Wprk". Ottawa 1927. 2S. :n 3:!. "Jlrl1• the Crippled Chlldn'll. J<'('b. !Jih- i61h". Toronlo 1!)35. " Jlr lp liHl l•' r i'Hh Air l~lltH I " Toron; tl l!l:l!l, 10. "l lplp .fhll J lam lllun l\·louulaln Haualorlu1n for Cn11111111 1pl ii•••K". I!J J:l, H . JO: , 17, 24. "Jl(•IJI the llulllillon Patriotic I•'und" 1 !l17. ( Nol ill us.) "ITC'IJI lho !l f'alth LPagur. :-lalunlny l\lay 10". Toronto 1!141 . (Not lllus.) ''lfplp th1• King I•;clwanl l\lo 'lllnrlnl Fund !'or CmlllllltiJIIivl':~". Tnronlo l !li:!. 1::. "11<'1)1 '"" Mnn·A· lllnl'i< C:uuq•nh:n". ' l'nrunl o l!l:l:l, :1•1, ::r •. "llPip th1• !llut<klll<a l•'n•p llut<pllul for ('ollfllltiiJIIIvt•~<". 'l'umulu 1!11:1 In l!llt;. As HOc bul "l•'RI~I~" in KIUH't' hPforC' "llnHJJilal". 'l'ornttlo l!ll!l , :!U, 21. "IleiJI lh<' :\luskoka. Hospital for Consumptivrs". Toronto 1921, 22, 23. 3n. 31, 38, 39 to 43. "Hell) Lhe Muskoka. Hos11ilal for Consumptives". Tot·onto 1!123·31 , 1938-44 . "llclp the llfuskoka Hostlital fo•· Consumptives". 'l'Ot'OIIIO 1931-38. "Help the Orphans on llfnrch 17". Ottawa 1930. 31. 32. "ITPIJl the Poor. Local Cmupalgn This WE>t.>k". Ottawa 1927. (Not. lllus.) "Hrlp tho Red Cross". About 30 Towns From 1927 to dnl<'. "Help Lhe Reel Ct'OHs". A new type t'or 1945 ft·om WlndMr. (Not !ll u!;.) "Help the ned Cross. AidPZ L:t Croix Hongc". ;vrontrPal 1927, 3!1, 40, 42, 43. QnC'bcc 1943. Drummondvlllc 194ri. ''Hrlp lh<' Sani. Duy ITNtlth Stamps". Hamilton 1926.


SALES DEPARTM~NT NEWS II. H. ~h;n.llli, Nail'.~ MOIIII!Jt' r

I Ol WeKt COl h St rPt•t N. Y. 23. N. Y.

'!'ho nrw 11lyiP cl rrults will Wlll'k n 101 dtrfrrPnl l'mm Il l «' old. i\c·c ·onqmuyln~ 1•acll c ircuiL ls a combined Houle ShN•t and l'ttrl'hus<• Ht•po•·t blank. It is ouly IH'C<':<xary w note lh<' uumbe1· of ilems bought from NICh hook and the lola! vnlur of P\li'C:IHlsrs ft·om each book. 'l'ho ol<l h lanl<s callt'd fiJ I' pa)':r ntllltbcrs as wPII.

\V(' also have n Post Cnr(J rortn which ill lo IJco srnt to lh<' S .!lf. on rPct•ipl of n cir· cull. This Is a dcslrabe featu1·r. aH WI' can always lmow jusl wht•n• ! ' ll!'h circuit is at any time, nnll If il becomes nrcf.'ss ary to rl'·routf' fot· any or thr many rP:t!lons which may crov up, it ran be rlone qui<·ldy nn1l rorl'l'l'tlr. HccirJirnls or l'lrcults will plrasc be sure to observe (h is vrry uecE'ssarr piOcNiur<'.

We have rt>ccived many comrllimf'nts on the apprarancc· anti f111mat of tlH' nPw clrntll books. 'l'ltf'y nt·r only r; fot· :?!ir fot· thns1• who han• :<onH· Hlanti•H lh<')' want f'xchnn~NI for coin (U. R. coin.)

# 4. 26. 40, 54.


T WO CENT 1868, DARK CRI.::EN, NO. 23A 9, t l . 14, 15, 16, 17. 20. 22, 23 . 24.

27. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35 . 36 . 37. 18, 41' 42, 43. 44, 45, 47. 48. 50, 5 1' 52, 55, 56 . 57. 58, 59, 60.


REG. BARRACLOUGH Box 115 , Place D'Arm .. s. 1\lontreal

2 s. 3<l, 53.

Page 10: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.



(Part 6)

W<• Jll<'k \111 11illl #19H in o11r 1•ffor1 to point out 10 the Scoll Puhlu·alions lilt• errors in tltt• ('anachL :.c•clion of lil<' l·:n<·yl'lo tH ·clla of l'hilatl'l~ ... and WI' ~1.11 I wi1 h a good :<tamp, bccaullt' il's a bacl oue!

"No. 1!10 (says t hc> foolnotr•) 11 as i ll I t,,,,.,, '" ltur•· (11r11u'f/ 11 JHIII ••I 1/u· /lisl•lrir·ol 1ss/lt' fl( 1!1:!7 fUll il 1/'1/S 11111 Jill/ fill ~11/1' 1111/i/ J!l:l J"

:-:ow, r••a ll y, of l'OIIIIIIIHHioll . 1 il':<. llu l wi11•n them ... !

g,• n lll'llll' ll ! \\ , . f• rgilc· ) 1111 l' l rOI'!< ror "lll h<sio n. W e• l u l ·~·h· l ' )'0 11 l' l'l'l >n ; WI' 1' \1 •1\ h l iul\ our c·)'l'>< a11 cl :<11ai low a r1·11 or your fanl'i r111 s l t< 1il :• ,.:tli1 · it cO III \'S to drawin~ fa11111si<':< ou t o r lh in air, a11d •· ll ll H'~IIin;; us i n

'l'llo• l Or (':ttll o•r ~olalllp IIIli> 1111/ illll'lldo •ol In l1:11•' furllh'cl :1 pa11 111 111,. l l islulic·al IHHII' of 1!1:!7. II 1\:IH II • I 1'\1'11 c •·al .. d 111 ll11• t.alll•· c olll 'l' lll ol :.1.11111' lll:tllllf:ll'lllro·n;, '1'111' lll ~olorh'al IHHH•· c1f 1!1:!7 11as Joruolnc•o·ol· h) lho (':tllaclian lla111. :>:ulo l'ulllll:tll), 1\loilc• lhc lllc• ('arlic'l' \\01!" ch-:;i~IIC·cl a11ol lll!llllllac'ltlrl'cl h) Ill<' t:lit ish i\lno·n•·=lll t:anl, );ulo• C'onqoany, whi<'h prinll'cl no l'a11aclian pusla~·· ~tamp:; IH'l\\c•pn ll\!17 a11ol I!I::U'

:\J()f'\'OV\'1', lhiH Sl:llll)t \\:tS IH'i1hc•r 1L l'!llllllll'lllllralil't' Or a SIH'I'i;tl is:<IIC It \\,IS di'Sii"IH'cl for 1h(' I'XJII'I'SS J1111'P\JS<' ol' I 'PJIIH('ill~ Llil' IIIISati:<t'aclOl'y lilt• "l,lhrary" sta111jt of 1!130. Studt•n1s will 1WiiL't' lltal 111 man~· l'l'!< JlPCls- dontinant "1na pl t' lo •al'" m o t if, biling ual i n sc·ri pLi on, I'L<:.- t hP C'arlil'r is 1• l riH' 1111'111h<' l' ol' tiiP /\n•h S ••rlt•H.

C lick <llsli i< <'S seem ing l<l cl'itici:t.l' Cl'!'r)' l'oolnot P i n Scott, h n l it att tu•ar s lha l lhP boys cl own aL 011<' \V('st 47tli :-Jt. r ('ally i<n ocl< llll' lllSPIVI'!; o ut w rilin~ :;urh i n l t-rli n ears iiii 'Ol' l'('('tiY. Th r 1\I'Xt offc' IHJI'I' if< lhP rooluo i C' lo lhl' Tlli(IPria l ( 'on r• •)l •f)l•• I S~ III' . 11 ril"hlly t<l:lll'S t hai I'I' JII'I'Hc'lll:tl i vo•s ol' (;n•at l11· ilni 11 ;cncl 1111• llr il h<h llct lllilli"ll" ll ll'l al Oltll\1'11 In 1!1:1:!: \I IIH I i t cl11co,; 11111 :u· l<n owlc•clg o• I:; lh:t l al><ct pn·~\1'111 \\'1'1>' l'l' lll•·,;c·ulalil o,.; Of aJ J !Ill' ('1'11\\11 ('oJonh•H, 'J'Iim< till,; \\'liS llll I'~C'IIIHII'I• galll>'l'llll: ,r llllllho•r 1111ol !1111111 chi l tii'PII, hl11 an l'l'OilOllliC ~o:allwl'lug or I liP I'll lin· lll'il bh EIIIJ>i 1'1', The• 1'\ JtianaiCJI'.I' paragraph should hi' r<'pha~<'d lo <'xprl':;s this.

Of ('(IIU<IciPrahll' 1111lrl' illlJllll'llllll.l', IO ('Jic•k 'H lllillcl. is 1111' 111iSJ>l:ll'c'lll< Ill ctf I he• JII'PSI'lll # :.!tlt ... I he• 1 :l(' \' l11lc•l ('i I :ulc•l.

\\'hy Sl'ull':< c•alnlnguco that 1 nlhll'ss 111111111 '1' uf ;Ill siiHilat· s t:IIIIJtS Hliuuld l11• >-II

illc'OilSIHI I'll ( ttH f o IIlli lit• !Ids IIlii' 1'\t'l ' ftl lOll I II a II c ·~ Jlf'I'SS••tl IIi Ill uf ":<1111 ttl i fy i 11g" I •:t grouping IOI"f'lhc•r all sl:tlli Jill which loo lc nll l<l', Is li:tl'll io gU!'SK. Suro• ly , 110 woi'Ht' t·a,.;p could h nve b<'<'n chosen to ll Hl l<•' an I'X(•(' ptl oll, for 111« ' 1'<' was B~'V<'I' any 1 h«H IJ.' ht i hal 1 hh 13c violell'lhou l ll bn consi<lerC'cl a "parl" o t' llw 11('W M<'dall io n ! !;SUP. II ,,·as ~> II PI' I ' roin· c ill r u <'<' th at al:lc dc>nominalion :< houid hav<• h f'CII III <' n rcesRary (dill:' l o l' ii:L il i"Ps iu JlO~tn l ral<'::l) at llw t~alll(' l imP a Ilion• t~ :dlsfac t ory l llti' JH•ss ol' lht• J\i 11 g wa:-o IH' ill g- ltl't•p:o rc>c l to rPtl l:tCI' I ho nwlnvard hracls of llw Arch l,;sur. fly all rig hts. i1H'll1di 11g- Sc·olt'H prt•(·c>· cl rn t or add I ngo subsrqtwnlly i~Slll' d th'IWIII ina UonR to <'a rl i<·r is:;ll!':<, II IP prc•lif' lll #:?Il l should be plac<>d immediately afll'r thtl J)I'<'St'lll #174. Click so Hl'rious ly rrc·ommr111ls.

Long-lillH' 111('111hf'I'S or nNi\l'S 111'1'11 " " ' tak!' ('lid;'s \101'11 for lht• 111'\l c·ha ng<', hut hiii'P lhl' aullwril)' M lhar l'XJII'I'I on <'anadian J•h ilat,.lit· lllall<•t·s, 1>'. \\';dlc•r l'••llcll'l< Ill Ill:; arllc-IP, ".~111111' ,"o:/tllltltll··t C'tlltll~>ttifl l'ontt·li,ll., ·· ill fiu•~ol' pa,.:•·s , \'ol I, :>:u I. ,\lr. )'ollt)(•k wrote>, '"/'/11' /.'tllttt/ ll'i//111111 .\I<IIIIJ>. ,\'11. :!UI, ll'tt' 1111/ '(\\ Ill• / Ill ,.,,lllllt <~l'tlttlittll of /Itt' t 't'll/t' lllti'JI 11/ lilt• jirsl 'J'nwv· 11/unlic· JlltSo\llf/1' tllllif'r sl.,tl/1 ttl/ lit• 111111' •.. 11 """I /)t' illr/1'1'(/ 11f(lf fill' 1 /.'0.1/11/ 1\ 'j//ift/11' /I'll,< /Iii' jil'.~( l't',,SI'/ /11 IINI' ''' IIIII Jl'lll'• I' l 'l't'//l .,il'o/1/

j11r tllf' Clllirc• j<llll'llt'!f, 11111 ,fflllltlllf IIH' .~ /IIIIIJI fllillll,. ·momll'tl 1/lo· first l11ll:i11 rt of 1/u· 1'11/•111/1 lllltf fill' llt()/llf'J' 1'111111 11' 1/ /1}1 s/o'l/111,"

i\'1 1·. l'olloc·l< g-oc•:< on In \lctl'ol~ C'l ic'lc (':1 111 1111 iiii (H 'OV I' IIJtoll, ".liu/, ••I ' ''"~'"''· d• -'1''1' lfl•' (11(1 11/ flli' fll'/1/1/' i/ , ,\'(1, :! 1(1 /1' 1/S 1111/ iSSI/t 'l( f., 1'11/lli/ll '/lllll'fll o• 1/t•' 1'/lll f/11 1/ill/1 11/ 1/11· Jo: 111/li ,.,. / ,fllfttli sl s . .Vo. :?ill'i 1nrs, 11111 :\'o. 2 111 l ' fi/111111 ' 11/IJI·ul l 'd Ill <' I !;H//r 1111111 ,.,.,.,w /'If 11/ 1111 · jflllllffill[l fl/ lflf' ('(1/11/1}/IJ/ :\' t' /1' /lri/1/Sit'il'/o : Jll'illl' Ill 17X4 i/ /1111/ 11'' 1'11 II 11'11'1 1,( 1/lr' .\'td'll ~f'fi i UI r·(l/011,1/.' ' ~nfr SPII. gPntlt•lll(' ll!

Sc•ntt ~~·ll l<'s dnwn ancl ri:>rs a Jll't>lly gnud joh l'nr a whilr . Clil'lc 11'1"1'1'1>< ill!' laho•lit!: of cut Al!3 as "Co.'> n:u1·:u \T o:o. Co 'I· 1.111•""'1·:'' whl'll act nally Ill<' mco•·l i11,a.: JIOI'Irayl'd is till' P rl'liminan• Cunl'l'rf'll<'<' at ('hal'lni!Piown In 1864: thE' Confr•tlcoralinll Conl'c>n•n(·c· no. b{'ing twirl. until !hi'<'!' rrars latl•r 111 Qnl'h<'C. 1\ sli~-:hl rh:tnl(l' 11<'1'<' In r<'atl. "Ptu·:·C'u.'>· F1 n~:tt,\TIOX ('o:o. f'1·:ul:"n~". possihly'!

#241 ancl 24 1a. lllc dark c·an11inc• .. . lllr rannill<' n>~l'. :\lure• ul IIH>H' ;H·I'Ilrso•,J Hh:11lo va riPiic>~ '! No rril'nds , not IIIIo; I fin<'. 'l'h is I i Ill<' we· II a"~' ti<'l i lt~·t:llt· gc t~• • · rnnu·n1

Page 11: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


control over colors. #24l a, tho <'armine •·osp shad''• is not rn<'n•ly a tint of thP #24 1. H was the flrsL to appear. The color not dolug- justi ce to the <l<'sig-n, it wa!\ JHI I'JlO!WIY <lar i<Pnetl. And ag-ai n Click dofrH Lll e IJonnl't to J•'Wl' for a biL of in l'onnntlon wllith should ll'arl tiH' Cl\lalogulsts to dPsig-nate lhi'Rt> ns lwo sl'parat <' and <lisLinrl ('() lor Yar i ,• ­ties, just like #'s 169-170 or 171 -:! , or any otlH'r iut<'ulional rhnn~rt> of color.

The W ar EITort Tssue wiJHis up c:u r discuR:<ion of th<:> basic ttostal istitH's. ami he;·e W<' have lillie comtllainl saYI' in thl' unhappy lntPJ'[lOlation or "A" d<•nomiuatlous. ami lhosc w<'ird color cl<'scrit>t ions.

H <'lll<'mlwr lho " dull g-rr<'n" 21: ;\rch nhoul whic:h (' li ck roJnplai JI I'cl? Wl'll, \1'1' nnw run int o~~ "dull IHI'<'II" l3c~ Tan l< .... nn•l t":l ic' l< l nv itc•R you to I'OIIIJI:J I' t' lilt• 1\\'o c·r ol or~: Ho111o l'aney ll ll llling-, Ph , l<f'•'dK'? And lhl' !iHc: "v loiPt " _ . . wow! <'o l llp:ll'" II w i th auy or lh l' a ron•-nol<•cl ·'violPIH" tu you r alhuu1 ~111all woudP1' I• ~"n•l llaih It 1 hal v iol •''-' blush wllh modt'!\IY ___ or is it sham(1'!

('/'o Ill' ('tm lilllltt/)



!!60 Crouch, Dr. S. ~lunrt, 65 111~-:hlancl Avt•nu••. Toronto, Out., Canada 261 Fox, John A., 116 Nassau Strl'l'l, :-;ew Yorl; 7, N. Y. 2G2 George, Erni'Sl R, Tim. -1:~3. 1'. 0. lllll~ .• l~druou l on . A l ta., Canada 263 Trlcsch man, Clll'Stl' l' C., 2:!5 Larrabro :,;tl't'l' t, ]~ . Ha rl l'o nl , Con n. 26•1 Licl man, Dn,•tct. !iO W. SC'llllll'r S l r<'('l, Chi<'n ~-to 10, 111.

.APPJ,I(',\TJOi\S FOil :'III·;J.I H!;;nSJilP DaY IS, K J., Box 50. LakP\ il'w P. 0., Ontario. Canatla (C) CAN. stampl<>ss. postal Rla­

llont•ry, lll'<'cancl'ls, first day ~ firMI ili~hl t'O\ l'rll. By H. 'l'ril'kP). :'\n. !t:l . • l ohmmu, F enlon A., 10 l!n~t>rs Ill d ).(. , Janl!'!!tO\\ 11, N. Y. (D) 11.:'\.,\. lly I tau . ~lo ·y•·r­

IIOil, No.3. Sm i t h. K. .1\f., !l:\7 MrDoug-al St., J.'m; l oria, Oh io ( UC) N I•'D. Cll\'(• r s, poslri ,L;'I' , l ill' l'<llll rt ',

etc. Dy Il . n . i\l 1•ycr!1, ::--Jo. !l. \\'tllrox. Fran!<. 4G!i St. Jnhn Slrt'<'l. l\Jontn•al I, 1'. Q .. ('ana•ln (C') :--J I•'Jl. all pha:-1·~.

l ly J. IA'vhu•, Nn. I. lli'\'O)Jii ( 'harh·s 1'., l>ll•IR Vi<'torl; l ,\\1•, J.luntn·al, <'nu;ula (<') li.N.t\ . mint & ~~~· •'- l:y

J. L""' '• "· No. 1. Kohyla r:~., L l. Col. Alh<' il G., l XII:; Mound St., Spri lll!lil'ld, Ohio (C'X) C.\N l 'o~ l ag•·.

a'111ails, bl ks .. cancel., coilfl, <:OI'l' rs , stnl'r ry , By J. l.(•v iJw. No. 1. l\lalcolm, \V_ G .. 8 Walmt>r Hoacl, N .. Toronto, Canncln (C) B.N.i\ . 1\y .J. L1• viiiP , :--Jo. 1. J.IcUonncll, Ernrst V., 30 Moss ~t., V ictori a, B.C., Canach~ (C) ll.N.A .. u.:-;., ll.W.l. By

H. 'frickcy, No. 92. Osborn!', Dr. R. 11., 312 No. Doyll' .\\'1'., Los An~<·h·s 33. CaL (C) n.:-; .. \_ ~ S<'lllHiina\·ia .

Dy J. L<ovinl', No l. noy, Thomns, Ill )l<'Gnwran, llir iJmourl , Qnr .• Canatla ({') (';\N, NFIJ. !'HE 11 ,.,1_ ('.\:\

- n'rnail, blkl'l. , bkll.s., roi iR, c•ov!'rs, prPcanrPIR, rrvrmu•s, slat iiHll·rr . By ll. 'I' r i ck··~- . No. 92.

\'l'l.1.111'11. K r nni'( IJ ('., WJJI•allt•y , On1.. ('a n:~tla ((':\) ('i\:\' l 'm~ta~:;P, hll1~ .. 111111:<. (K tH•t·iai­lzr<l), <·oliK, 1'11\'C'rH, 1111. J111K., varll'll<•s. lly H. T rh-l<t•y, Nn. !1:!.

Walton, V. C., !1'15 Sl. L awrl'11rc1 A\·c•., Nia~ara l•'alb. Canada ((') II.N.A. lly IL l l"tll,.y, :-\o. 164.

Wicnrr. Ray, l\05 B ill H olt llom<'s. Grl'al Palls, J.lont. (C) CAN l\linl po~lal-(1', sin,clf':< & blks., 1st clay a ir covr rR, stationery_ By R. Tr lc: IH•y, Nn. !l:!.

AI)J)I ' I' IONS '1'0 KX C II ANC 17;HH <:ooclricl<, II. L .. l'lnnlntlon ~ l<l' l tlon, ('orl'ulynl', l ll' l'hlt·c'. Hr. (:ulau:~ ((''\) (' ,\ N, :":I-'ll.

P lt i<J-uscd posta~('. Tri('l'l<'hman C'IH'SI<'I' C., 225 L arrab('p St., E. llarrfonl, Conn. (CX) CAX rC'v!'llllf'S.

CAN, NFD-mlnl JlOStagc l 'i\N. NFD. N.ll., N$ .. P.E.l.- u!<C'!l t1osta~;C'.

rn:SI GNA'l'IO:--'S ACCEI''TE11 70 Noc, Oscnr 1'., 2!!21 R O rand Tll vd ., D<'lroll 2, M ich.

1 24 RchUJn, Arthur )l., 1816 Scott AVI'., Los J\ngl'l i'S 26, Cal.

Propose a Member to BNAPS

Page 12: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.


Official Journal of The British North America Philatelic Society

Vol. 3 No. 5 JUNE. 1!!46 Wlto iP :\o. :W ·-

l'ubllshc<i Mon t illy

l!ldilo1·: JAcK L•·:n:-: •·:, 510 Libe rty AV C'IIllt\ Brool<lyn 7. N. \' . .'\.~.wJcill/r; }.'t/ifr;r: Hw11 \HI> 1'. IIJ :nl.l :\'. ~:; i\ l lo •n StrP.('f, llnffaln :!, N. Y.


I Insertion 6 lns<.' rtions Full Page

Half Page Quarter Page ................... .. . Single Column Inch .......... ..

$8.00 4.75 3.00 1.0 0

$7.00 4.00 2.50


12 In se rtions

$6.00 3.50 2.00

. 7 5 GVJI!f Must JJ t: J.' •·c:l'i v t'tl by ./:)th uj Jtou/1! J•r,·r·r·rti.uu f 'u l;lir·ati<nl.

-::::.-=--=-.=-_:.;::::-- -=- -=.-- - -- - ..L--- ---THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA PHILATELIC SOCIETY

• • • • - 0J'~"It'J·:m; -

J'rcsidcJtt: W. H. IJ(WJo'~IAN."', 77· 1X 9Glh Av .. ()ZOIII! !'ark 17. N. Y.

Vicc·J>?·cs·iclcnt: J. R DAIIIlAl' LOIHlll, 454 MI.. Stephen Al'f~ .. W··~ t JIIOIIIIL, P .Q . .Sec1·ctary: J. ],..J•:VJNJ•:, G10 Liberty Ave., HrQolllyn 7, N. Y. ~·rco.w ·r1:r : W. C. I'J ·:·n:Jt~IAN , RO CraJJht' rry St .. Brooklyn 2. N.Y.

Nair..~ /lfllllllfl''l': H. H. Jlh:v~:us, 101 \V(•Ml (iHI 11 St., New Yorl1 2:!, N. Y.

JAul·adiLit: lt.. J. D UNt!AN, llox :II!\, A l'lll~Lmn". II. C. , Cauad<l

==--=-'--- --=-----=-~" 'l'he N. Y. Group meets the Jst Tuesday of each Month at the Collectors Cluo.

22 F..ast 35th Street, New York Ci ty

The Philade lphia Croup mrrt.s th e 2nd a 11d 4lh Fridays or ('a.c h mo11lh. 182J Arch S t ree t.. L'hilacidphia, J>a.

JUNE 14 - 15 - 16

You are cordiall y i11 vit.r d to br. prr fH'nL at lil t• l'ul i<'l'lurs l 'l n/1 •1/ .\' t ' /1' \' fl rl.', ~~ I·:<Jst 3;-t.h Street, N ew Yorl< Ci ty, liS r hi' l-> 111':-<l or ill!· l"r·w \'or I< C' llapl t•J' nr IIH• Hri l i ~ h i'\ 111'1 h Ame rica Philat:elie ~oc i r t y.

TltP l'rogmlll Con llui ii Pt' ha~ arra n g\'d f'or flit• t•X IIi hil lou or snnH· · ·~ rr ·pl i on ;tl Jll:tl•· rial II ul'iJJg- those Lh n ·r· dar :~ J•' rl day •·v••IJiug , .I o no· J.1 I h S:il u relay :d'II• J' JJ otoll an rl ,., , .. uing, ,luue J[)th- Su !l <luy ll llll'lling :11trl ai'll'I'IIOOn , J u u p 1(i( h. 'l' i1P H t•t'( 'JII i ou ('oulltli l lr ·t• will be Jlrescn t du r ing n il !Wssions to a r rangl' r11irl gua nut frl' <JJJ iJJ fl' I'Ps ting- and p lt ·:lS<II JL program for yul!r l•hilatl'liC ptPasur<·s. You'll IJP glad y ou t:a ii Je - ~O J' I 'Y it' ~·ou don ' t.

Jtem cml!er thmw dutr·.~-· dllll l ' 14 -15-lG. ('in·l<' flu ' "' · ~,, yun r "i'IJ"inl nwn t r·t~ll'n t/tlr.

·=· --- ·=·

ADDJT10NAL COPII:S of THt YEAR BOOK MAY Bt OBTAINtD at soc each \Vritc to: HidtH n l P. ll l'dlt:y, 11·:l All<·n S1., B1!1Talo :?, N. Y.

Page 13: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.



In t 0tlll4 't'llo n 11 l ilt lhP nrl klo ptt hiiKhPd H,\' ,1 '1'()/'11 '8, .Jat llt:tt'} I·'•·IH't t:t t y , l !llfi. flit l h!' Rtt h jC'ct of l hi; llpfu't' Colu ll tbia T rallt lllty a nd :'ll :t v l ~:ll ll• tll l 'll l llfl: tll)', (i o ldt• tt , I I. t: .. on!' Illustration wa:~ lnad\'t't'lt•ntly Olllillc•tf. IL is ht'l'l' prucllt<'l'tl. II ~1111\\' S lit<' lalll'l Itt w hich refPrrnce wall madr In the lln;t t Htra~;raph of tht• "Addt•ntlnlll", pnniC'<I 1111 pag,• !J or 1 hat i:;su<'.

CANADA PRtCANCtLS lh J. L t.n;q:

Several mf'mbl'rl\ have wrillrn nncl vt•ry <·onRidt•rntl'ly offl'rt•cl soml' additions a1.1l corrC'c llons to I h o ctwclc I iR I. or Ca natlia n l'n•c·an r~>l ~ fii'I'SI' nl 1'<1 in I hi' A pr i I I !).J 6 i11su•• o f fi N . I '1'0 I' I ( 'N. ThP fo llow In" <: h:t n).:t'K Mhmtld ()c• tnadc•:

1\1~\' ll'lt C' r ''t·'' lntll<'alt'K "do11l>l•, 1 inrnlq/" lnKIPatl uf "I• i1•lt- int·• 1 1". ltamilton : DC' It•IIJ A-l!ll b, ln>wrl A·J!Jln, 19ll'. N. Wf'stmlns l l'r: Jlt'l l' l t' ll-171 , ln sl' r t B-20 1. Oshn.wn: I nsert A-l91h. St. T h o mas: l n!IPrl ll·:!tl:l. Vmtcouvt•r : 1u~<t>r l A· l7 :! il, B-:11:1. Vlc lo rln : DI'IPl t• A·'f 6~. l tt lll'rl A- 171. W lnnlp<·,::: l nsc•t•J ll-3 13.

·.· -- ·:·


'l'h c all.en danls of the annua l T . II. & B. pa rl y a! l l a n t ilt.o n. On l. A p ri l ~ilh had ;L

raro tn•aL wlll'n lllr. CC"mltl K Wrllhurn ~hOIII'tl tlw lti~l11i~hls o!' his l'antuus ro ll••rtion by· lli<'HilS of lllusLra ll'tl slitll's. I t I!< WI' II knell\ I} thai I ho <'flllt'l'l iott 1lf llrit bit ( 'olttml,[a & V n ncO ll \'l'r l s lnu tl l'orm t>d hy ~ l r. WPil hurn i~; lhl' !liii'Sl in P>.i:-.II'IH't'. Tit•• itPnt:l t;hOI\' 11 i nelwll'tl PvPrylh I n g- I' rom sl a 11) piPS!< t•nvt • rs 1 h rfHtgh I hi' pos t agt' i sS ll l'~. 'I' h i' t·:t rl y hantl·tHampR, \\'!' lls· l•'an.:o t'll\'t'rs, <'nttthinnlinn rnv••rs with 1'. S and British ('nltmthia & Vn ncuttv<'r SLit l llfiS, ('tiV('I'K \1 llh lll:tiiY or IIH• l'lll(' llriltslt l'uhtntt.ia NJIIIII'I'al ('lliiCI'b,

ancl copi es of the rare Vanco \11' ('1' Rla 111 ps lhl'ms\' l vrR.

Th(l album pagl'!l wrrt' ''''I'Y nkt'ly wrillt•n with i llustralivl' ntaps, hislurit•a l huild· lnJ.:S an !I towns, somr or whit-It 1\'1'1'1' lint\\ n nnd Hlllllt' arlnal photos

Ht t tt ,lt ll> 1'. ll t.H tt I'

\Vh t• n you t•onsld••r scllin~ .•.•

you ('llllllO t clo hl'tlt•r t ha n \\' l'il e In the lnlo•rnalimml audiont•t•r>< tha•t snlll

the J • J~ESIUF.N'r JH ' OS J<::\ · 1-:L'l' an ti AH1'Jit 'R 111:'\'D ('nll•·t·tinn,.

H. R. HARMER NPW \'n rl• 22. N. Y. '

M ention " T OPICS" W hen Answering nn Ad

Page 14: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.

Cou.,,c-riOl\" OF REn~BJ·:;-;J) JouN s. DAIX

The above photograph s ' lO\\'S a registe red pa t·cel post la twl bt"ar ing fiVl• horizontatly riblH'd pape t· Deavers. TIH' seconcl sl.amt> from tlw lc·f t shows the vnr iroty listf'li in Jar­r ell',; hanclbook as from l'lalt> 2, #20- a short hol'izon l;tl Ji nr of color aero;.;s lhP Jnwl't' }IOrtion or the ll)l )lC' I' rig iLL '3'. Tllis lal)(' ] is the c•arlit•:sl lmown ph•c·p s llu\\'illg- pa rec·l post and regi stration r:~tes.

PaT.r ici< Daby was the Asst•s;;or for HociH•stc>r To\\'nship. 'l' lw coniPnls of' the pan·c•l W<1 S ihC fiSf;('SS!lH'Il i. roll wrapp!'ll in lli'WSPOIIU' I '.

Page 15: T()VICJ - Bnapsbnaps.org/hhl/Topics/BNA Topics, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 1946... · 2014. 2. 20. · British Columbia (W. Ward) Vol. XXXI No. R01. Newroundland-The NPw PrlntinA'S Vol.

CLASSIFIED TOPICS RESr.RVI.I) I O H .v11::.~1B F.RS O f' B. N. ,\ . P. S.

Rates 2c l><'r wmd. :\lin. 15 words per ad. 'rltt·ee rim!'s at pr ic!' of 2. r.oo words at will S 1.00 r•ayablc in :uh·am·f'. Rcou 's numhet·s ll!<f'cl unlcs:< ot h<'lwls" sP<'· c ifted.

WAN'l'IO:I> ('A;--:AillAN l'n•rutH' f•ls: Of'lllll,l•: n ANI> !N\'I•ii!Tl•: ll VAllli·:TIJ•:s. l•'o rwanl wlfl1 you r prlct> o r prPI'c•n·llrP l11 c•xc·hnn~· ·· .l lll'it LPVilll•. !'.10 l. l lwr ly AvP. , Jlrooldyn 7. N. Y.

COVERR-Ncwroundland Slalllplc•ss or· prt•·stamp and any usecl prior to l l\l!U. Dan C. Meyer!lon. 766 l>;a!ll<'rn I'Hrl\way, llrooklyn 13, N.Y.

Hi\~l<A'I'C'lii•: WA:'\ LA\\' S'l'l'd\.11';-; - l tcl l'llnl l ll ~: 7f•c•, po:~llloroff 17 $~: # I, (J, I G, l !l $a: #3, 'I, li. I X. 1'111"'" }111111' ,,,,.,.and '1'11/·.'N plc•mH· •·illll' r, twu ol 1111· or lcll rno w h c·ro 1 may try lo 1(1'1. p holoHfnlic: copic•H or a11y lllrtllil' ' '' l'it't't-s. I ' ll g lnd ly lli\Y nil coslfl. .J. Lcwlnl•, f.IO lJillerly Ave• .. Brnol<lyn 7, N. Y.

SOMEONE must have a lH'I'·slamv cover of Newfoundland lhal I can us~. Just drop a llno to At·1hur n. ~toll. 1:!40-72nd St.. llrooklyn 211. N. Y.

WANTED ·N!o;Wli'OUNOL.AND ONLY. \\'hoJt•,ml<' sour<·<• nf supply, :tl;;n J.:ll<HI singles on 20 day approval. Kenneth Mlnuse. 1!!36 Grand Concourso•, l'\Pw York 56, N. Y.

-----CANADIAN POSTAL S'l'ATIO::o< l~RY-IO:nlly Victorian and later L r l!r•t· C'artls. Post Cards, Wr3Pl•ers and Early Rlamp .F:mbosst'<l Enveloth'S. C:11oadian Hl'venut•s und p , slagl'. lnr1u iri<';; in\'it <'cl. II. L. nauleh, 162 Chatham St ro•c>t, llmnlrllr<l. Onlu rio.

WANTED-Nrwfounrllancl 5c blu <' . roul!'llc>d !-;Pal. !:il'ott #411. Usr·•i l'ainl, l;f l'ipo.; or b\OCI(S. Dan C. Meyrr!>Oil , 7G5 l~asll'r l l Parkway, llrooldyn 13, N. Y.

NJI}Wl~O U ND IJAND lU~V I·:NUi·:s--f,ct. 111 0 1\llOW whal<'v f' r you ir;ovl'. A. 11. Jl·loll. i :!40-7:!ncl HI., llrooidYII :!R, N. Y.

CANADIAN SI.OGAI'H ('UI'•'rH ancl :! :\ 4'11 in I'XI'il:tlll-:1' l'ur liiiYiirln~o: ur ;lilY

year not ll!<tt•ci. C. Garrl'll, llox 512, C.:rnnbrook, B. C.


DISON EXCIJ,\ NCE & COHltESPONDE:'\GI•; C Lt;B. Or~anlze<i l!J:l:!. DIH's $1.011 a year. l\tembl' I'S in all parts of the Worlcl , Including .\lalta. Cy1•rus. U~aruia. t't<-. Time will 11rovc your cOIIN·tion will gro11 f:u;t with this in IPrnaliunal c·xl'ltant;•· and by mutual agreement with its fo r<'ign partners. st'cun• X1•w lssu<•s. r~t Day Covers, etc. , nt race. Swap li !<Pd duplicnt rM. Application form !'rout l 'I'IIIIKyhallla Stale Man ni{O r,

C hnYict Cowell , B·E·C 4 720/ 1, 11820 Summctl ~> lc Aven ue, l' loila tl•· lphin 211 , l'enn.

ARE YOU A DEALER who wouldn't m ind o lurKer clientele>

ARE YO U A N AUCTIONEER who wo uldn ' t m ind onore b uyers for you r 8nlc&>

ARE YOU A W HOLESALER who wouldn't mind more source• of supply and sales>

ARE YOU A COLLECTOR who wouldn ' t mind gett ing items that seem hard to find?


Try a "TOPICS" Ad for Best R esull's

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---·- ·--·~;N;~I~;-~E;~~:~-·- ·- ·---·-~ We- arc llsting bi'IO\\ tlw \\ l'ig hls & J\lcailnl'l'l'. Gas. E l t-tlrk and Eh•ct l'icit) ,1

& Gas Insrlcclion stam(ts. 'fhC!;<' are all largp !;il<'. \'Pry aU nil' I h •• slamt•s anoi will make a vl'ry clcsl •·ahl l' add i I ion to your 11.:'\.A. Ct)llt•c t ion. ,\ II n umltt•rs a ..

from I h<> ?-larl<s 1 !14 !i H t•vPllllt' ('a I a IOJ.:IIP ( Pri rt• $I. Hit)

WI~IC:ll'l'~ allll (; :\ s I :t.I•)('TH I I'

:-.t t•:t.::->llltt<:s 1R7r. Ctto\1';>~ 1 · ~ fi !)!'i ... ····· ....... .'Il l

ISS7 C'ttll\\'~ ( ' t •ltl ,.,,,, -4·~11101. 1•: 7 j;l{J .7!'i ,; :t r., ...

. · ~· J·; '; :!!if' ·•r

\\' i\1 :! ·1 :ie . I~ • ·-. .. J•: !';th· \V .\1 :!7 :!Oc .nr. t: ·I ~ I .1 11 !I ,;.u

\\':\) :!)( :JOe .ox t: fi ~-· .:~o ················ - ............ . .

\\',\I :!!1 r,,tc ................ . Iff 1X7!) :~ ~~ M \I I' II /'}tit' ('IJII( 111/s

\\' l\1 :w $1 .................. . II• El:! t ;ic ••••••••• ••••n•• - ~~~ W:\1 32 ~2 .................. . I;; GJ I ~5c -- ····-············· .or. 1•; 1:1 50c .1 0

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vVo lmve a lllllllbcr or st•lcctlou:; of ('auadian lt1·n·n111'M and 1\oulll 111 J.:lad lo tillhlllll. them on approval.

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