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IT» --,•'- )(T"•/••. lyp^F^^. TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK VOL. XXVII. No. 51. BSTABMSBSDJOS:. 1995 1500 BONA J D E SUBSCRIBERS MANASSAS, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY. MAY 5, 1922 DEATHOFA WAR VETERAN C R. Keys, Who Saw Service , Overoeaa With Eightieth DiTision, Died Monday. Mi^C R. Keys, ot QamnUeo, diad tt the Mary Waahiuirton Hoapital, Fred «rieluiburtr, early Monday m«miiBtr, fol lowing an ilineaa of three weeka with fright's diseaae. "Buck" Keyt. ai he was famlliary known among his friends, ia a son of JIfs. Charles Keya, of Quantico, where he waa bom on May 2, 1893. Had he lived one more day he woold have been 29 years old. During the late world war be served I a top sergeant in Company K, SlStb 80th Division, with which company so aMy^ of the Prince Wil- liam boys BWnL He serv^ with this division with diafejiction through the pmcipal battles in France and was badly gassed in^the battle of Argonne Forest At the time of Ua recent at- tack of illness he was taking vocation' al training in a government school in Waahington. Just before he left for France he •urried Miss Inez Aahby, who, with a daughter, survives him. He also leaves U s mother, a brother, Sigsby, and a sister, Mrs. Riehard Stark, all of Qoantioo. Fanarml aat^iuea were conducted on Wadnsaday «t Qaaatieo by tli* tbtrrj^ Wade Johnson, of the Methodist Gbnreh, ot w h i ^ the deoeasad waa a BMmbar. Interment waa made ia tha fnnily bayfai^ groimd. Flowan«p«a Oemtn, wUdt m i ^ aent, alwirad tha kd^i aateaa in irMeh ba ww lM|d br tafi Bfunsrona, Iriands. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE A Short Series of "Battlefield Park" Reminders LAST IN THE SERIES' "I'd rather be a dog and bay the moon" Than nurse a phantom grudge— Against the brave- In gray or blue— Who heard the call— Who bore the brunt— . Who fought and f e l l - That dvic honor might be w<Mrtli the ucriliee. LEST WS P0R6XT APPOMATTOX By Douglas Clark No humble spot of earth by human deeds exaltad Can vie witir^hee in issues of such mora^ weight and far extending inih«Rwe. For here thff red and aagr^ brow of wai*— Was tamed and tranquilized^by winsome face and gentle voice of peace. And such a peace! No shade nor shred of compromise with valor nor with hoM»'— But manhood's noblest, bravest, best Cnuhed but unccmquered, Lee went forth to meet— Tha last dread ordeal of a lofty soul Went forth in duty's name and duty's way: And yielding nothing to tha stress of faba but all to God- Drank to its dregs disastw's bitter cup. Thus, worthy of himself and of his cause, of those be served, and Utose who served witti him— ^ . Did that great captain Robert Edward Le»— Crown the Lost Cause with MORAL VICTORY. The ttroposal to purchase the Henry Farm as a battlefield park to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in two great battles and also to be used for promoting and sus- taining interest in the study of those principles in the defense of wiuch those battles were fought, is squarely before the people of Prince William. It is of course out of tha question to expect our county td contribute any very large amount toward the $10,000.00 still rMjuired to obtain title to the land under consideration, bat we can do more t h u we think—^muehmore. How can we do it? listen]! Have the altars of patriotism no voice for the dashr Ing chariot drivers of modem business in ita manifold forms T Have the people, the common people, the yon and I people, lost interest in the patriotic saerificea that made the Southland of the sixties the wonder of the wwld—I cannot and do not baliava it. Let th« spirit of AppaauMox make its tvptul clothed witia tha aama DIGNITY and M- Mcfad br tha same msiNTERS8Tia> A m tliat gUnriflad Genanl Laa% aorvidar; and tha Booay win eena witikeat f i ^ BOARD TO CLOSE FRIDAY Lack of Funds Caiues Tnisteca to Ckse Manassas GrmMi School Next Friday. 1 MANYATIENDED l&E dREMONIES GBBKNWICH C!0ianNa9fEr«fT GraduttkM. ^Iffti Wcatkor Favored tlie UlJ: log <^ the Gomer-stfloc of Trinity Ck«rdu m Oa Friday, AprU 81, at 8 p. m., earn- iMMemaBt axensoea r^wira baU at GrasBwich sebo^.' , 73ia ataga waa taataSaQx'^•eontatf aria avergresoa aitd IUSM; The l^ataa ww*-MataS^:^w tfctf kdi< acaia«t thia backgrorad, mak&ic a vary ^eaaing anPMBKBM. Tha program ooosiated fli a(»8a. r<oe* iMteoB and readbWs, tfttdenlK' gtaalby tha priawry room, ipwhaazt- fiy aeeepted. ,^ Tha valedictory waa given by ttiaa Fiaacaa Mayknt^ and "Tlia hf Miaa Roth Virgiala Foa- t«r; both ware exe^itiMiaUy good aom- Wa. "Joy en J^MMaphat," by Baa- dall Foater, waa loudly i^plaudad. Csrtifleataa of gradoatioB ware j^a- •airtad to Xi«Baa F. M a y h s ^ Svth V. raatsr. B. Ja«kaoa KMvaQ. Bav. J, X. Caoka gava a vary^ btaraatfac and laatroetiva addreaa t» tha gn Miaa Hdea V. Gooka gava tte fei' towiag priaaa: Attcndaaea—Thatana Johaaoa. DaportaMot—Oaia Mooril. Higkaat Amraca (aaeoad gtada)— hmm rpoke Moat Pregrsa Bebert MaviMCk. Tka following priaaa aaid awaida wara c i v « by MIsa Myrtia K. JotaHoa: Beat Qygiana Book <afaca gnda}— BMaK. Hoasa. SOTraath Grade Clark Featar. Bightii Grade Bath Foatar. Atfidanca—B. Jaiteoa TOAtnlL ffighaat Avarage (sixth aad •aiaatk graasa)—William E. Lieyd. , Tha ^«gnua cloasd «i|k a *9aaeh DrOTfa^tkagitlB. GONNKB—WALTBB Bay TIakM Tffla Girt Aa BHia. (CoatrOmted) On Saturday, AprO 1 6 ^ at 6 p. m., in the preaeaee of about forty-flva gnasts, Bav. Ur. Johnaon of tha Bap- tiat Church, WasUngtaa, D. C, united ia marriage Mias Lilliaa Maa Walter, tka charming daughter ot Mr. aa^ Mra. Charles Walter, of Nokaavifla, aad Mr. Archie WiUiam O a u v , of Waahington, fomerly of Manassas Tha ring earemony waa assd. TIM attawdsnta wars Mr. Oyde Coaaar, hnthar of tha grooo^ aad Miaa NdHa Fkyaa, anirt af tka bridai Tha brida «ea givaa away by bsr aada, Mr. Wil- Baa H. Rkyaa, of WaaUagtaa. Tha >r«da waa diaaSad ia wWto aatia, with v«D aad Maaga bloaaoaw, aad earriad • bamiaat of bridaa' t>M reeipieat of ataay assftil aad aoBMgifta. After tlM caranony a boaataoas re- Paat waa served, aod a recapUaa haid, •t tile home of the groom. The happy couple went to houae- kaepkig at once at 1022 Sooth Carolina Avaona. Their many frianda wiah ^^na a long and happy married life. Tha oonMNatoaa of the new Trfadtr I^^aoopal Gharch, whioh ia b e n e eriiet- e^ oa the aite of the old boU&ig, eoaWj tier <rf Chareh aad Battle atreata, waa Wd wUb iaipxaaaiva raUgioaa aad ICa aoBie oaraaioa&a as liaaday etiei iwon, Th^ event oatald hardly have %a«n favored wttii better waatbeor aad a larga crowd gathered outaida tha chnupdi oadrarch street under the shade a<,tlia bordering treea. "Tha caramoniea eoauaaaoad at S o'Uoek aid laatad ever an Jioar. Tha rdigioaB aar> vieea were ooodaetad fay Bt. Bar. Wil- Uam Cabell Brown, D. D- Bishop lit tha Dioeeaa of Virginia. iMatad by the rector. Bav. A. Stoaxt <?ibaca. Other BMBibana of tha olaagy a4ia wat* prsaoit waaa the Sana. Gaeaga W. Ai- kiaaoB^D. D„ of Giaea Pariah, Qaoaga- town, Waahiagtcn, D. C ; B. B. Bor- waD, of-lIppatViUa; T. M. Browaa, e< HaymaAaC; W. B. Svnatt, of Mar- fdMdl; P. F. HaU. *i Alsaaadria; Bea- say J. HaaiBMwa!, D. D., of Golp^ar; Benjamin J. Badderow, «f FUifiut, aad S. L. Woodward, M. M.. Bkteiaad. Daaa of Chareh Sdwda. Tlw Maseale eafeaMmla daetad aaitar the ampitsa of aah Lodge. Me. 1«S, A. F. * A K. AaMag tta artidas plaead la OM cavity of tha eoraaratoaa wara the ilsaewiw: Haly Bib)^ Book tX Coauaoa Pray- ar, Tha Manassas Joanal, iasna of i^ril 28,1922, eontainfatg tiw p r o l a n of tha cwramaniea aad a idiatoaT of Trinity Chardi; a c<vr of tha Priaea Winiaga Newa, a Bat eontaiatwg tha namca of the ehaich.wardaaa aad vaa.; tryman of Trinity, a list of aamea of tha membars of the building OMumit- tee, a card of tiia ardiitecta, readtag as follows: Albert l^>eid«t, l^taidai A Leiden, architecta, 142S Near York Avenue, Waahington, D. C, jnd a lat- tohead aad aavekve ci tiie oqntzae- tsn, Harria Brothcn, WarxaataB, Va. DK. CSAPPELL TO HOLD EYANC^ELI^IC dERVKES JNoted Waahfagton PrcMMr to Be H«e for Two Wedn^ V Begfami^ Bbor 28. > UnioB evangaliatte aarvieaa wiQ tti held in Manassas for two wedea ha- ginainsr on May 28. They wiQ be ean- (iactad by tha Sav. Oovis G^.^Chappell, D. D., paator a( the Hand^ iVeraon Piaee Methodist Oi^^dv^Seatt, Waah- ington, D. C This aariea of aieetinga WfU be pip- eadad by aightly preparatory serrieas , daring.the '«mdc preeatUag. Oa t ^ eight «f May 22, aervieea wiB be held in the. Methodiat Cfanreh? tha next night at the Praai^teriui Cbbeh, and Wadnaaday, llmradar mad Friday aii^ita ia the B^»tiat Chard- The aMatiaga Ji^ileh wffi ba eoadaet- ad by Dr. OiawaB. wiU ha held ia tha Baptist Canireh.^caaiaMneiag at SKM o'eled a a d i ^ a ^ Saag aarvieaa will be ladlqr a aaioa'ehair>,<lht Bowwrittaa of iritldt^Bav, Xc D. O. Oarit ia ^^mk- |DBS KNOX sranxNCED :. TO I'WKNTV TEAS T^SM Trial SesvItlBg Last Night CdirietioB^ Nnzae. Manaaaaa ia ^ary factanata la aaeur- iag^ anch aa .able aad wall kaowa apaakar aodi aa iaDr. Ouq^eB. it is said that ia Waahiagtoa an orsHlow crowd haa to b» aahand i^o a i r«ta aaditortam avaiT Soaday.wfaara •paeial aarvieaa are bdd, baiag aaaUa ta hear Or. C^iqwaB. The t r ^ <tf Miaa Sarah Bupboaia Eaox, wlw was bring tried at M«m- tross for tha inoider of Mra. Margaret L. Efrtli^, waa.hmnght to a cloae laat nigiit by a JIB7 after deliberating imm hoar JOMI tfair^ -asiaaH^ She ' WaBteaead to twen^ years impriaon- mant, ^ " ^ a a t aevoa poniahamt pra- vidili Jbjr VirgiBia lawa fbr firat dagraa mnrdar. Judge Joaei^ Chioa, fot>- mcriy. swteaeed the prisoner, addiag that baeoaaiderad the jury lenient" No awtion that the vwdiet be aat| »aa Biada. Miaa Kaox wSl ba ta^ the State Ptaitentiary at BJchatoadliekt wartt ta bagia liar tsrni. The jary setfaad ta Us rooma aftar Uatfdng to isrgaaMnt of six haora. A^attomagr after attttnay plMdad hie hedtora Iha'twalvia maa, wfeoi for taro weeks, kaaa ecnsidarad tha the aecaaai weoaa waa aHar- aatriy daaomcM^a^B inirdar of iaaoeaat waaiaa^ saSl'fsfcpasd ais a lopal friend wiid-waa^^WaaMd te a eriasa cowiaifttad hf a^har.* The trial haa raJasJ^'ilwirtitaraMa bf .teraet thnvgiMat tha iwiiili|. . FIELD DAY PLANS NOWPEREICIID SigM Peiat to a Big Qaar l^ir IS T^'Nieie' Altroek a v i ^ l p Saaden to Be Here. ^•UKGlXtar NOT BAGUB Jnter Vsaai toPlay Whtta BBABD—Busrr Bav. a L. Beard, of Sodlay, aad Miaa Virginia Bast, of Pluloakoet,war« quietly married oa Saturday, AprQ 29, at tha hoiaa af the toi^ Bav. A. § . , Haaseil, praaiding aWsr"" ' ^ dMriet, perforaiag tiM The bride ia tha daughter af Mr. Aabby Baat aad ia a aad aeeoaipilahad yaaag ksdy. Bav. Baard waa raesntiy fioni the maawent MaAo«at circuit eharga to tha Sadlir dM«vs aad al- though ha baa base la Oat ceaaamity only a abort time, he haa nwda auay frieada. Aftw a teiaf waddbg t r ^ Bar. aad Mrs. Beard wiB naka thasr heme at Sodley. * The Bagia Athletie Chib, of Waah- iagtoa, wfedeh jonraeyed to *'-n-Tf t hat Satatday attaraoon to aagaga tha White Baaea te a baaahidl gaaa, wodd have baea batter named tha "Sagleta," tut t h ^ pvavad to ba a taaas af 16 aad 17-yaar-eid yaaagBtara. Tha local taaat Waa tha &rea fay a aeara of 10 tol. HM manager of the White Boasa waa negotiating for a game with the Uc Ba|^ team aadwhctha or not tiiey tamed the gaaM over to tite jn-l nion, ia a qneation. He has shown! proof that the tapm said nothing of their siia aad that tiiey tried to BUkl» it appear tltat tiny w^te a senior team. Ha farttier states tliai be BOW iiaa a rlaaajiicatiea of tlie Wasldagtea tsaaia aad that aoeh a gaaaa waald aat ba da- (OMitribttted) Flaaa have been perfected for tha big Add day to be held Satoday. May 13, for the benefit of Manassas High SchooL Comwittaea appoiatod by the Crai- aranity Laagae of the higb aebod hava worked to midce tiiia the biggeat"fam- ily day" Manassas haa ever bad. Heufy eo-opoatian haa beea mat with avorywrtien, raaaitiBg ia the fol' tewing aiiaugaaiaato; Tha maaagacs of the White Boaa team hava agreed te tha aae of Smith'k field for ttia evante; PoreaOvtlle baaa- ball team, one of thaatrongaat fai tha UNidoBB laago^ win meet the t t a m hi two gamaa of faaU; Ahrodc of tha WaaUi^toa Natioaab, aad Ban Saadata. former pftefa^ of the PUbi. dalpUa Nattoeab, wiB appear ia tbsae imd rmnisaaiaaii Upahaw haa tta favitattai to BH^ aa ad- (By Miaa Eugraia bsboum) At the meeting of the Patrona* League of the Manassas graded school last Friday a very interesting hUi» program was first pres«it«d by chil- dren from the first, second and third grades. An affective drill in rapid cal- culation was next given by membera of the fifth and sixth grades to demon- strate the value of the arithmetical rapid drill cards presented to tha school by the league. At the business meeting that follow- ed the program, Mr. McDonald, the su- perintendent of schools, made the an- houncMnent that the school board had decided to close the Manassas graded school on the 12th of May. The board had made this decision because there was not enough money to run tha school for the full nine months, in spite of every effort that had been made to economize the funds. After Mr. McDonald's aanonnea- ment, the matter wak discussed audi varioua means proposed by which enough money iirfght be raised to rUB the school for at least a part of titM awnth atill remaining, aa thia abort- ening of the school tsnn would awha it vary diiBeuH for many of the eliU^ dtaa to paaa thdr grades. A eomaiit* tee waa alao anointed to wait oa Om aehool board to go over the sitaatlaB and to aae if anytiiiag eoold be dona. ' SMCHnraOBN SALB A SUOCBSi Baefciaad HaD Aaetlaa Drawa Cww< Fraat Varieaa Stataa. WBHHNG AMMnmiBAKT Gfvaa f a t Over aizty gaai*i attaadad tiha S2ad wadding aaaivefaaiy of Mr. aad Mra. J. Frank Dogan kat Satarday at Oair home, Taradiaa.* aear town. The Mnivaraaty had aa aaaaaai bat beautiful puiiwaa as it waa givaa for the baaaOt af the Sadky^ dRirdL In- stead of gifto UM prtssato ware eoa- tribatiMia «f laoa^ iriiidi totaled ovar f IM much of tirfa eama from avtaide Ae Sadlay aa^lOMrtood aad anch from Mawaaaas. Thia maney wiQ be applied to ha^ pay og tiw daht of tha church. Delightftil refreahmenta wwa aerved daring ttia course of the aftanMoa. Tha traek arante aad diffaraat win pcova fartarsatlng to thn* win be ample proviaien aiada to aarva Imch aad rafkaahoMBlB. AeliTitiaa wffl b a ^ at 10 a. m, on SmiOi's M d , bade of Eaatara CoQsga. Adaaiarfon far aAilta, 60e. H bought btfora May U, d z tiekate for $2.00. SawQ ddldnia with parsate wiB ba adadttodfraai Othara. aadar llftean. The Shorthorn sale vriddt took ptaea on tha Boekland Hall Farm, Inc, lull Friday, attracted bnyera from the Mid- dla Weat, Pennaylvania, Weat Vb^ giaia and from all over Virginia. The taoat aotaUa-avent «f the aala was the price paid for the two-yaa»> old b^ar, Broojcsida Augusta, wbh|k waa bo««fat by Alexandtt Wanao, a( Tttnavilla, Pa., fw fS/Wa ia all forty head of exeelleat stock waa sold, compriaiag pcinidpaQy year ling heifara aad tw»jfear^olds, tbt sale avaragiag about |fiK par head. The aala totalled «20,SM. Ansoag te biqwrs w«t» Majar BoUer. af Aagoato lOitary AeadMsy, Stanaton, Va.; T aaiitdaaa I t o a , Hick- ory VaUay, Ttea^ Edward E. Mar- phaU, B«thay>«a, Pal; TackwOw B t a a , Lawiaborg, Pa.; Tate B. Sterratt, Bog Spriaga, Va.; a N. Heaver, ffbanaa doah Ceoatr. Va.; Wilaaa Brea., Law> isborg, W. Va.; F l ^ BL Saatsi^ U»> .parrPIa; ^ V. BaM; IWaplaaa; i Baird. ManhaQ; John C Chttae* ^ CaaalgfVa. •MTBBTAOI8 FBOMDB BKAVBBS—BILBT aad Mia. H. Mr. G. wich, waa a day last. Wa^kiagtoa, af Graan- viiito? on Saa- BLANDSrCMtO Mr. aad Mra. Hagh Phyaa their gaaata Saaday, Mr. MaaaMth aad dsu^rtar, Uttia Derrte; Mr. aad Mra. aad daaghtar, Uttla Mtaa Paaaia imi Mra. Haary Payaa aad JhaMa and Bartoa; Mr. aad Mrs. Wi^ tar Bvaaa aad daagfater, aad aoa Walter, jr.; Mr. La' AideU aad Miaa Lottie Ewera. AH of tlta abo«» named aiade tta tr^ fraas their hauMa te WaaUagtoa by Mr. aad MIS. Babett BM guadiV gaaata ^ Mr. aad Mza. Hugh Payne. Mr. Hugh G. Payne, who haa been on the aidi hat for savaral waeka, ia iaipraviag . A marriage liecnae was isaoadattiw eoartboaae teat Friday te Mr. MarshaU Beavma and Mrs. LOBaa Bilay, bodi of tea Ortaado aaighbarhaad. Iha eoMla waa amwiad teat IHiii faj fag tha Bav. W. T. WiM. NANGLB-IOMPUT Mr. Fred Jamea N a a ^ af tic% aad Miaa l^rgarat WnWaaiapart, Ph., wara wuitbumt aa Maaday by ^viaaJ OariE L. I adman The wa Mc-Nmka teir twaie fa Qaaatiaa. af at tha wS —R. M. Roberta, wiia chief of the Qaaatico exehaaga for tlM C * P. Tel- ^Maa .Compaay, waa iaatantly kiUad Taeaday aftaraooa^ when he waa bom- ed by a live wire aad faD to the irronnd. a fall of aaarty thirty fket It ia aaid that he waa uamarriad aad waa abaat thirty yaaia aid. •Z4nBVICB MBN TAKB NOTB All ax-aarviee aan m Virginia who reteivad deraratiena, eitetiona or other oAdal reeognitioB tor bravery or coo- Vienooa aarvite te the World war, aad who have aot aent c^riea of citationa aad cAcial letters of recommendatiott to tha Vn^ginia War Histmry Commia- sion. Room 9, Stete Capitel, Richmond, Va., are urged to do so wittwut delay. The commission is about to puUiA the cOcial dtetioB of every Virgiaiaa who baa fnmidied the proper eredaai- tiala. It ia vary importaat that this Distiagnisbad Service Uat be ma eoaiplate and if yaor aaaae ahoold ba aa, tha Honor BaU, saa Oat it r thsra by poatiag a eartigcate copy of Among thoaa preeent ware Katharw iaa Ayraa. Loaiaa Lywa, Aaaia aad Mfldrad Crad, Coaataaoa Waters. Cteiatiae Maaar, Oatiiarhw Weir. La- nier Mbraa, Htian aad Biiabca Cote- awa aad Bona Biee aad Maaara. Ed- ward Lake^ Nod Lyaa, AaUy Lawte. GQbeit G r ^ , HawM Daviaa, C k m B SMidara, Emmatt Biea,-Ba^ LaiSa*. Jack Marehaat. Jeaaph Lnrte and Charlea Siadair,- PSOMOfmrr AntHDCBTMBS CaleMl GafaMa, ef Wanaataa, Away Taeaday Laat. APraOACHOiG MABBLAGB Mia. Jeaaph Baenaaa. oi Waahh«. tea, aaaeaataa tlw approaehiag auv' riaga of bar daaghtar. Baby Nawtoa, te Mr. Algao Nawan Pratt. The aiar- rtega wiU teka ^ada aa Wadaaaday af. taraaaa. May 17, at the Ceaitral Pn». bytertea Chareh, WaaUagtae, IX t l CABD OF THANKS We wish to extend <Mir aiacere thanks to all thoee who were so kind to us during our aad bereawnent ia the death of our little eon, Praaton, who waa kSOtA on April 17,1922. C<^nd Greaville Gainea, sixty-threa yeara old, died at his home in War- rentoa on Taeaday after an illneaa of aavaral weaka from heart trouble. Tha deceaaed was the oldeat attorney of the WarraatMi Bar Aaaoeiatioa. of wUdi be waa praaidant. IB the days «rf the aid atete militte ha waa.eoload of the Third Virgiate Regimeat, aad at tha ootbcaak of tha a^aairii-Aawricaa war waa ana of tha first te agar hie aarrieaa. Ha waa repeatedly alaetad Mayor trf Warroataa, and tm yaara paat haa been a m«nber of the board of viai. . toiB of tha Virginia Mih'tary Iastitata.4| from which he graduated prior te ea- •«ing the University of Virgiaia, where he took his law degroe. He ia survived by thrae children, Mrs. J. A. Bell, of New Orleans; Miaa Elizabeth and William H. Gainea, of Warraoton. The funeral took placa Wedneaday afternoon at 8 o'clock from •r4 ••i"' Philip aad Maggie Calvert. | St. Jamea Epi8C(^)al Church.

I T » - - , • ' - ) ( T " • / • • . lyp^F^^.


VOL. XXVII. No. 51.





C R. Keys, Who Saw Service , Overoeaa With Eightieth

DiTision, Died Monday.

Mi^C R. Keys, ot QamnUeo, diad tt the Mary Waahiuirton Hoapital, Fred «rieluiburtr, early Monday m«miiBtr, fol lowing an ilineaa of three weeka with fright's diseaae.

"Buck" Keyt. ai he was famlliary known among his friends, ia a son of JIfs. Charles Keya, of Quantico, where he waa bom on May 2, 1893. Had he lived one more day he woold have been 29 years old.

During the late world war be served I a top sergeant in Company K, SlStb

80th Division, with which company so aMy^ of the Prince Wil­liam boys BWnL He serv^ with this division with diafejiction through the pmcipal battles in France and was badly gassed in^the battle of Argonne Forest At the time of Ua recent at­tack of illness he was taking vocation' al training in a government school in Waahington.

Just before he left for France he •urried Miss Inez Aahby, who, with a daughter, survives him. He also leaves Us mother, a brother, Sigsby, and a sister, Mrs. Riehard Stark, all of Qoantioo.

Fanarml aat^iuea were conducted on Wadnsaday «t Qaaatieo by tli* tbtrrj^ Wade Johnson, of the Methodist Gbnreh, ot whi^ the deoeasad waa a BMmbar. Interment waa made ia tha fnnily bayfai^ groimd. Flowan«p«a Oemtn, wUdt m i ^ aent, alwirad tha kd i aateaa in irMeh ba ww lM|d br tafi Bfunsrona, Iriands.


A Short Series of "Battlefield Park" Reminders LAST IN THE SERIES'

"I'd rather be a dog and bay the moon" Than nurse a phantom grudge— Against the brave-In gray or blue— • Who heard the call— Who bore the brunt— . Who fought and f e l l -That dvic honor might be w<Mrtli the



APPOMATTOX By Douglas Clark

No humble spot of earth by human deeds exaltad Can vie witir^hee in issues of such mora^ weight and far extending inih«Rwe. For here thff red and aagr^ brow of wai*— Was tamed and tranquilized^by winsome face and gentle voice of peace. And such a peace! No shade nor shred of compromise with valor nor with hoM»'— But manhood's noblest, bravest, best Cnuhed but unccmquered, Lee went forth to meet— Tha last dread ordeal of a lofty soul Went forth in duty's name and duty's way: And yielding nothing to tha stress of faba but all to G o d -Drank to its dregs disastw's bitter cup. Thus, worthy of himself and of his cause, of those be served, and Utose who

served witti him— ^ . Did that great captain Robert Edward Le»—

Crown the Lost Cause with MORAL VICTORY.

The ttroposal to purchase the Henry Farm as a battlefield park to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in two great battles and also to be used for promoting and sus­taining interest in the study of those principles in the defense of wiuch those battles were fought, is squarely before the people of Prince William. It is of course out of tha question to expect our county td contribute any very large amount toward the $10,000.00 still rMjuired to obtain title to the land under consideration, bat we can do more t h u we think—^muehmore.

How can we do it? listen]! Have the altars of patriotism no voice for the dashr Ing chariot drivers of modem business in ita manifold forms T Have the people, the common people, the yon and I people, lost interest in the patriotic saerificea that made the Southland of the sixties the wonder of the wwld—I cannot and do not baliava it. Let th« spirit of AppaauMox make its tvptul clothed witia tha aama DIGNITY and M-Mcfad br tha same msiNTERS8Tia> A m tliat gUnriflad Genanl Laa% aorvidar; and tha Booay win eena witikeat f i ^


Lack of Funds Caiues Tnisteca to Ckse Manassas GrmMi

School Next Friday.




^Iffti Wcatkor Favored tlie UlJ: log <^ the Gomer-stfloc of

Trinity Ck«rdu


Oa Friday, AprU 81, at 8 p. m., earn-iMMemaBt axensoea r^wira baU at GrasBwich sebo^.' , 73ia ataga waa taataSaQx'^•eontatf aria avergresoa aitd IUSM; The l ataa ww*-MataS^:^w tfctf kdi< acaia«t thia backgrorad, mak&ic a vary ^eaaing anPMBKBM.

Tha program ooosiated fli a(»8a. r<oe* iMteoB and readbWs, t f t tden lK' gtaalby tha priawry room, ipwhaazt-fiy aeeepted. ,

Tha valedictory waa given by ttiaa Fiaacaa Mayknt^ and "Tlia

hf Miaa Roth Virgiala Foa-t«r; both ware exe^itiMiaUy good aom-W a . "Joy en J^MMaphat," by Baa-dall Foater, waa loudly i^plaudad.

Csrtifleataa of gradoatioB ware j^a-•airtad to Xi«Baa F. M a y h s ^ Svth V. raatsr. B. Ja«kaoa KMvaQ. Bav. J, X. Caoka gava a vary btaraatfac and laatroetiva addreaa t» tha g n

Miaa Hdea V. Gooka gava tte fei' towiag priaaa:

Attcndaaea—Thatana Johaaoa. DaportaMot—Oaia Mooril. Higkaat Amraca (aaeoad gtada)—

hmm rpoke Moat Pregrsa Bebert MaviMCk. Tka following priaaa aaid awaida

wara c i v « by MIsa Myrtia K. JotaHoa: Beat Qygiana Book <afaca gnda}—

BMaK. Hoasa. SOTraath Grade Clark Featar. Bightii Grade Bath Foatar. Atfidanca—B. Jaiteoa TOAtnlL ffighaat Avarage (sixth aad •aiaatk

graasa)—William E. Lieyd. , Tha ^«gnua cloasd «i |k a *9aaeh



Bay TIakM Tffla Girt Aa BHia.

(CoatrOmted) On Saturday, AprO 1 6 ^ at 6 p. m.,

in the preaeaee of about forty-flva gnasts, Bav. Ur. Johnaon of tha Bap-tiat Church, WasUngtaa, D. C, united ia marriage Mias Lilliaa Maa Walter, tka charming daughter ot Mr. aa^ Mra. Charles Walter, of Nokaavifla, aad Mr. Archie WiUiam O a u v , of Waahington, fomerly of Manassas

Tha ring earemony waa assd. TIM attawdsnta wars Mr. Oyde Coaaar, hnthar of tha grooo^ aad Miaa NdHa Fkyaa, anirt af tka bridai Tha brida «ea givaa away by bsr aada, Mr. Wil-Baa H. Rkyaa, of WaaUagtaa. Tha >r«da waa diaaSad ia wWto aatia, with v«D aad Maaga bloaaoaw, aad earriad • bamiaat of bridaa' t>M reeipieat of ataay assftil aad aoBMgifta.

After tlM caranony a boaataoas re-Paat waa served, aod a recapUaa haid, • t tile home of the groom.

The happy couple went to houae-kaepkig at once at 1022 Sooth Carolina Avaona. Their many frianda wiah ^^na a long and happy married life.

Tha oonMNatoaa of the new Trfadtr I^^aoopal Gharch, whioh ia bene eriiet-e^ oa the aite of the old boU&ig, eoaWj tier <rf Chareh aad Battle atreata, waa Wd wUb iaipxaaaiva raUgioaa aad ICa aoBie oaraaioa&a as liaaday etiei iwon,

Th^ event oatald hardly have %a«n favored wttii better waatbeor aad a larga crowd gathered outaida tha chnupdi oadrarch street under the shade a<,tlia bordering treea. "Tha caramoniea eoauaaaoad at S o'Uoek aid laatad ever an Jioar. Tha rdigioaB aar> vieea were ooodaetad fay Bt. Bar. Wil-Uam Cabell Brown, D. D- Bishop lit tha Dioeeaa of Virginia. iMatad by the rector. Bav. A. Stoaxt <?ibaca. Other BMBibana of tha olaagy a4ia wat* prsaoit waaa the Sana. Gaeaga W. Ai-kiaaoB^D. D„ of Giaea Pariah, Qaoaga-town, Waahiagtcn, D. C ; B. B. Bor-waD, of-lIppatViUa; T. M. Browaa, e< HaymaAaC; W. B. Svnatt, of Mar-fdMdl; P. F. HaU. *i Alsaaadria; Bea-say J. HaaiBMwa!, D. D., of Golp^ar; Benjamin J. Badderow, «f FUifiut, aad S. L. Woodward, M. M.. Bkteiaad. Daaa of Chareh Sdwda.

Tlw Maseale eafeaMmla daetad aaitar the ampitsa of aah Lodge. Me. 1«S, A. F. * A K.

AaMag tta artidas plaead la OM cavity of tha eoraaratoaa wara the ilsaewiw:

Haly Bib)^ Book tX Coauaoa Pray-ar, Tha Manassas Joanal, iasna of i^ril 28,1922, eontainfatg tiw p r o l a n of tha cwramaniea aad a idiatoaT of Trinity Chardi; a c<vr of tha Priaea Winiaga Newa, a Bat eontaiatwg tha namca of the ehaich.wardaaa aad vaa.; tryman of Trinity, a list of aamea of tha membars of the building OMumit-tee, a card of tiia ardiitecta, readtag as follows: Albert l^>eid«t, l^taidai A Leiden, architecta, 142S Near York Avenue, Waahington, D. C, jnd a lat-tohead aad aavekve ci tiie oqntzae-tsn , Harria Brothcn, WarxaataB, Va.


JNoted Waahfagton PrcMMr to Be H«e for Two Wedn^

V Begfami^ Bbor 28. >

UnioB evangaliatte aarvieaa wiQ tti held in Manassas for two wedea ha-ginainsr on May 28. They wiQ be ean-(iactad by tha Sav. Oovis G . Chappell, D. D., paator a ( the Hand^ iVeraon Piaee Methodist Oi^^dv^Seatt, Waah­ington, D. C

This aariea of aieetinga WfU be pip-eadad by aightly preparatory serrieas

, daring.the '«mdc preeatUag. Oa t ^ eight «f May 22, aervieea wiB be held in the. Methodiat Cfanreh? tha next night at the Praai^teriui Cbbeh, and Wadnaaday, llmradar mad Friday aii^ita ia the B^»tiat Chard-

The aMatiaga Ji^ileh wffi ba eoadaet-ad by Dr. OiawaB. wiU ha held ia tha Baptist Canireh.^caaiaMneiag at SKM o'eled a a d i ^ a ^ Saag aarvieaa will be ladlqr a aaioa'ehair>,<lht Bowwrittaa of iritldt^Bav, Xc D. O. Oarit ia ^^mk-


Trial SesvItlBg

Last Night CdirietioB^ Nnzae.

Manaaaaa ia ^ary factanata la aaeur-iag^ anch aa .able aad wall kaowa apaakar aodi aa iaDr. Ouq^eB. i t is said that ia Waahiagtoa an orsHlow crowd haa to b» aahand i^o a i r«ta aaditortam avaiT Soaday.wfaara •paeial aarvieaa are bdd, baiag aaaUa ta hear Or. C^iqwaB.

The t r ^ <tf Miaa Sarah Bupboaia Eaox, wlw was bring tried at M«m-tross for tha inoider of Mra. Margaret L. Efrt l i^, waa.hmnght to a cloae laat nigiit by a JIB7 after deliberating imm hoar JOMI tfair^ -asiaaH^ She

' WaBteaead to twen^ years impriaon-mant, ^ " ^ a a t aevoa poniahamt pra-vidili Jbjr VirgiBia lawa fbr firat dagraa mnrdar. Judge Joaei^ Chioa, fot>-mcriy. swteaeed the prisoner, addiag that baeoaaiderad the jury lenient"

No awtion that the vwdiet be aat| »aa Biada. Miaa Kaox wSl ba ta^ the State Ptaitentiary at

BJchatoadliekt wartt ta bagia liar tsrni. The jary setfaad ta Us rooma aftar

Uatfdng to isrgaaMnt of six haora. A^attomagr after attttnay plMdad hie

hedtora Iha'twalvia maa, wfeoi for taro weeks, kaaa ecnsidarad tha

the aecaaai weoaa waa aHar-aatriy daaomcM^a^B inirdar of iaaoeaat waaiaa^ saSl'fsfcpasd ais a lopal friend wiid-waa^^WaaMd te a eriasa cowiaifttad hf a^har.*

The trial haa raJasJ 'ilwirtitaraMa bf .teraet thnvgiMat tha iwiiili|. .


SigM Peiat to a Big Qaar l^ir IS T^'Nieie' Altroek a v i ^ l p

Saaden to Be Here.


Jnter Vsaai toPlay Whtta


Bav. a L. Beard, of Sodlay, aad Miaa Virginia Bast, of Pluloakoet,war« quietly married oa Saturday, AprQ 29, at tha hoiaa af the toi^ Bav. A. § . , Haaseil, praaiding aWsr"" ' ^ dMriet, perforaiag tiM

The bride ia tha daughter af Mr. Aabby Baat aad ia a aad aeeoaipilahad yaaag ksdy.

Bav. Baard waa raesntiy fioni the maawent MaAo«at circuit eharga to tha Sadlir dM«vs aad al-though ha baa base la Oat ceaaamity only a abort time, he haa nwda auay frieada. Aftw a teiaf waddbg t r ^ Bar. aad Mrs. Beard wiB naka thasr heme at Sodley. *

The Bagia Athletie Chib, of Waah-iagtoa, wfedeh jonraeyed to *'-n-Tf t hat Satatday attaraoon to aagaga tha White Baaea te a baaahidl gaaa, wodd have baea batter named tha "Sagleta," tut t h ^ pvavad to ba a taaas af 16 aad 17-yaar-eid yaaagBtara. Tha local taaat Waa tha &rea fay a aeara of 10 tol.

H M manager of the White Boasa waa negotiating for a game with the U c B a | ^ team aadwhctha or not tiiey tamed the gaaM over to tite jn-l nion, ia a qneation. He has shown! proof that the tapm said nothing of their siia aad that tiiey tried to BUkl» it appear tltat tiny w^te a senior team. Ha farttier states tliai be BOW iiaa a rlaaajiicatiea of tlie Wasldagtea tsaaia aad that aoeh a gaaaa waald aat ba da-

(OMitribttted) Flaaa have been perfected for tha

big Add day to be held Satoday. May 13, for the benefit of Manassas High SchooL

Comwittaea appoiatod by the Crai-aranity Laagae of the higb aebod hava worked to midce tiiia the biggeat"fam­ily day" Manassas haa ever bad.

Heufy eo-opoatian haa beea mat with avorywrtien, raaaitiBg ia the fol' tewing aiiaugaaiaato;

Tha maaagacs of the White Boaa team hava agreed te tha aae of Smith'k field for ttia evante; PoreaOvtlle baaa-ball team, one of thaatrongaat fai tha UNidoBB laago^ win meet the t t a m hi two gamaa of faaU; Ahrodc of tha WaaUi^toa Natioaab, aad Ban Saadata. former pftefa^ of the PUbi. dalpUa Nattoeab, wiB appear ia tbsae

imd rmnisaaiaaii Upahaw haa tta favitattai to B H ^ aa ad-

(By Miaa Eugraia bsboum) At the meeting of the Patrona*

League of the Manassas graded school last Friday a very interesting hUi» program was first pres«it«d by chil­dren from the first, second and third grades. An affective drill in rapid cal­culation was next given by membera of the fifth and sixth grades to demon­strate the value of the arithmetical rapid drill cards presented to tha school by the league.

At the business meeting that follow­ed the program, Mr. McDonald, the su­perintendent of schools, made the an-houncMnent that the school board had decided to close the Manassas graded school on the 12th of May. The board had made this decision because there was not enough money to run tha school for the full nine months, in spite of every effort that had been made to economize the funds.

After Mr. McDonald's aanonnea-ment, the matter wak discussed audi varioua means proposed by which enough money iirfght be raised to rUB the school for at least a part of titM awnth atill remaining, aa thia abort-ening of the school tsnn would awha it vary diiBeuH for many of the eliU^ dtaa to paaa thdr grades. A eomaiit* tee waa alao anointed to wait oa Om aehool board to go over the sitaatlaB and to aae if anytiiiag eoold be dona. '


Baefciaad HaD Aaetlaa Drawa Cww< Fraat Varieaa Stataa.


Gfvaa fa t

Over aizty gaai*i attaadad tiha S2ad wadding aaaivefaaiy of Mr. aad Mra. J. Frank Dogan kat Satarday at Oair home, Taradiaa.* aear town.

The Mnivaraaty had aa aaaaaai bat beautiful puiiwaa as it waa givaa for the baaaOt af the Sadky^ dRirdL In­stead of gifto UM prtssato ware eoa-tribatiMia «f laoa^ iriiidi totaled ovar f IM much of tirfa eama from avtaide Ae Sadlay aa^lOMrtood aad anch from Mawaaaas. Thia maney wiQ be applied to ha^ pay og tiw daht of tha church.

Delightftil refreahmenta wwa aerved daring ttia course of the aftanMoa.

Tha traek arante aad diffaraat win pcova fartarsatlng to

thn* win be ample proviaien aiada to aarva Imch aad rafkaahoMBlB.

AeliTitiaa wffl b a ^ at 10 a. m, on SmiOi's M d , bade of Eaatara CoQsga.

Adaaiarfon far aAilta, 60e. H bought btfora May U, d z tiekate for $2.00. SawQ ddldnia with parsate wiB ba adadttodfraai Othara. aadar llftean.

The Shorthorn sale vriddt took ptaea on tha Boekland Hall Farm, Inc, lull Friday, attracted bnyera from the Mid-dla Weat, Pennaylvania, Weat Vb^ giaia and from all over Virginia.

The taoat aotaUa-avent «f the aala was the price paid for the two-yaa»> old b^ar, Broojcsida Augusta, wbh|k waa bo««fat by Alexandtt Wanao, a( Tttnavilla, Pa., fw fS/Wa

ia all forty head of exeelleat stock waa sold, compriaiag pcinidpaQy year ling heifara aad tw»jfear^olds, tbt sale avaragiag about |fiK par head. The aala totalled «20,SM.

Ansoag te biqwrs w«t» Majar BoUer. af Aagoato lOitary AeadMsy, Stanaton, Va.; T aaiitdaaa I t o a , Hick­ory VaUay, Ttea^ Edward E. Mar-phaU, B«thay>«a, Pal; TackwOw Btaa, Lawiaborg, Pa.; Tate B. Sterratt, Bog Spriaga, Va.; a N. Heaver, ffbanaa doah Ceoatr. Va.; Wilaaa Brea., Law> isborg, W. Va.; F l ^ BL Saatsi^ U»> .parrPIa; ^ V. BaM; IWaplaaa; i Baird. ManhaQ; John C Chttae* ^




aad Mia.

H. Mr. G. wich, waa a day last.

Wa^kiagtoa, af Graan-viiito? on Saa-

BLANDSrCMtO Mr. aad Mra. Hagh Phyaa

their gaaata Saaday, Mr. MaaaMth aad dsu^rtar, Uttia Derrte; Mr. aad Mra. aad daaghtar, Uttla Mtaa Paaaia imi Mra. Haary Payaa aad JhaMa and Bartoa; Mr. aad Mrs. Wi^ tar Bvaaa aad daagfater, aad aoa Walter, jr.; Mr. La' AideU aad Miaa Lottie Ewera. AH of tlta abo«» named aiade tta tr^ fraas their hauMa te WaaUagtoa by

Mr. aad MIS. Babett BM guadiV gaaata ^ Mr. aad Mza. Hugh Payne.

Mr. Hugh G. Payne, who haa been on the aidi hat for savaral waeka, ia iaipraviag .

A marriage liecnae was isaoadattiw eoartboaae teat Friday te Mr. MarshaU Beavma and Mrs. LOBaa Bilay, bodi of tea Ortaado aaighbarhaad. Iha eoMla waa amwiad teat IHiii faj fag tha Bav. W. T. WiM.


Mr. Fred Jamea N a a ^ af tic% aad Miaa l^rgarat WnWaaiapart, Ph., wara wuitbumt aa Maaday by

^viaaJ OariE L. I adman The wa Mc-Nmka teir twaie fa Qaaatiaa.

af at tha


—R. M. Roberta, wiia chief of the Qaaatico exehaaga for tlM C * P. Tel-^Maa .Compaay, waa iaatantly kiUad Taeaday aftaraooa^ when he waa bom-ed by a live wire aad faD to the irronnd. a fall of aaarty thirty fket It ia aaid that he waa uamarriad aad waa abaat thirty yaaia aid.


All ax-aarviee aan m Virginia who reteivad deraratiena, eitetiona or other oAdal reeognitioB tor bravery or coo-Vienooa aarvite te the World war, aad who have aot aent c^riea of citationa aad cAcial letters of recommendatiott to tha Vn^ginia War Histmry Commia-sion. Room 9, Stete Capitel, Richmond, Va., are urged to do so wittwut delay.

The commission is about to puUiA the cOcial dtetioB of every Virgiaiaa who baa fnmidied the proper eredaai-tiala. It ia vary importaat that this Distiagnisbad Service Uat be ma eoaiplate and if yaor aaaae ahoold ba aa, tha Honor BaU, saa Oat it r thsra by poatiag a eartigcate copy of

Among thoaa preeent ware Katharw iaa Ayraa. Loaiaa Lywa, Aaaia aad Mfldrad Crad, Coaataaoa Waters. Cteiatiae Maaar, Oatiiarhw Weir. La­nier Mbraa, Htian aad Bi iabca Cote-awa aad Bona Biee aad Maaara. Ed­ward Lake^ Nod Lyaa, AaUy Lawte. GQbeit Gr^, HawM Daviaa, CkmB SMidara, Emmatt Biea,-Ba^ LaiSa*. Jack Marehaat. Jeaaph Lnrte and Charlea Siadair,-


CaleMl GafaMa, ef Wanaataa, Away Taeaday Laat.

APraOACHOiG MABBLAGB Mia. Jeaaph Baenaaa. oi Waahh«.

tea, aaaeaataa tlw approaehiag auv' riaga of bar daaghtar. Baby Nawtoa, te Mr. Algao Nawan Pratt. The aiar-rtega wiU teka ^ada aa Wadaaaday af. taraaaa. May 17, at the Ceaitral Pn». bytertea Chareh, WaaUagtae, IX t l

CABD OF THANKS We wish to extend <Mir aiacere

thanks to all thoee who were so kind to us during our aad bereawnent ia the death of our little eon, Praaton, who waa kSOtA on April 17,1922.

C<^nd Greaville Gainea, sixty-threa yeara old, died at his home in War-rentoa on Taeaday after an illneaa of aavaral weaka from heart trouble.

Tha deceaaed was the oldeat attorney of the WarraatMi Bar Aaaoeiatioa. of wUdi be waa praaidant.

IB the days «rf the aid atete militte ha waa.eoload of the Third Virgiate Regimeat, aad at tha ootbcaak of tha a^aairii-Aawricaa war waa ana of tha first te agar hie aarrieaa.

Ha waa repeatedly alaetad Mayor trf Warroataa, and tm yaara paat haa been a m«nber of the board of viai. . toiB of tha Virginia Mih'tary Iastitata.4| from which he graduated prior te ea-•«ing the University of Virgiaia, where he took his law degroe.

He ia survived by thrae children, Mrs. J. A. Bell, of New Orleans; Miaa Elizabeth and William H. Gainea, of Warraoton. The funeral took placa Wedneaday afternoon at 8 o'clock from



Philip aad Maggie Calvert. | St. Jamea Epi8C( )al Church.




Mr. P m k Croac^ bM moMd Ua fuiUy froa th* T. B. WhadbM term to Ua «vn :^M« «Mt of h«r«.

Ur. Jad Un. HUlety %>MkM 4rov« to Da7«vill«, Va., laat SatsnUy to ria-U bar parents a few days.

Ilsoae from here who attended the laying of the corner-stone at Manwstaa Monday were Mr*. Winalow, Mrs. Ououller, Mrs. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. BaymoBd and Mrs. F. F. Ray-BMIML

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Evans Tinted their daughter in Alexandria the first of the week.

Mrs. George Henaley ia having her new honse piaatered.

Mr. E. JDeiozier haa moved from Mr. Colhert's place to Mr. Yatee^hmue.

Mrs. May Ritt«r and childres, of Ma-nasaas, vtaited at the Moore home Sonday.

Messrs. Jones and Soasell Jasper, of Washington, spent the SaUwth with their parenU, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jas­per. .

Mr. T. B. Whedbee has moved into his house recently vacated by tiie Fraalc Crooch family.

The Lars<m family, of Washington, visited the Sonafrank and Larson fam­ilies here last wedc.

Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. W. J. Jasper were Manassas callers Toea-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Winslow attoided church at Manasaas last Sunday.

The entertainmoit. at the school botise was a pleasant event financially and socially.

Mrs. CfaandlW^ closed her school at Bradley last Friday.

Mr. Wilmer Jasper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jasper, was baptized and united with the Baptist Church in Ma­nassas last Sunday.

Mr. S. Larson ia quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cfaristtee load.

BoU of HooMr of Bradley SdiooL "nie following is.tiie report of Brad­

ley school for the month of April: Number on rOU for month, 27; aver­

age daily attendance, 20.4; neither ab­sent nor tardy for mouth, LbtHe Dove, David Dove, Howard Petellat, LilUe-bdle Cox. Abeent one day, but net tardy. Oral Cox, Ldtoy Petdlat, Chailea PeteUat, Oswald Bobfauon, Lxn^se. Colbert, Flora HotUe. Norn bar promoted to higfaer gradea, I t .

Mrs. Chandler, Teacher.



Bev. Father WinatMi, of Co^peper. nlebrated mass at the home of Misaea MeCm oa Smday last

Miaa A. D. MaratoUer, who tgtut the winter in Arizona, haa returned home.

Misses Inno and Loretto McGiU have returned to their attractive home near Gainesville after spending the winter in Washington.

Miaa Jane Reeves, of Baltimore, is a guest of the Misses Buckner.

Mr. John J. McGlmie, of New York, spent the week-end with his aiater, Mrs. Thomas Meredith.

Miaa Eulalia Wolf, ci Beetostown, ia Tit^Ung bar stater, Mra. Hoaupr Hef-lin.

Mr. M. M. Waahingtoa and Mr. Frank Cockerille, of Greenwich, were Gaineaville, visitors on Monday.

Mr. P. B. Beach has sold his prop­erty, "Idlewilde," near Ellis' Mill, to Mr. Herring, of Washington, and jrill soon occupy the house of Mrs. Hannah Jeffries on the pike near Gaineavilla.

Mr. Landon Carter, formerly of Prince William conaty, and daughter, MrSi Harry Brown and children, of Washington, have rented Melbourne Cottoge and moved there this w e ^

Miss Stevens, of Manassas, spent Uie wedc-end with Miaa Nellie Cave.

B«v. C. H. Beard and bride returned from their wedding trip on Wednea-day and at« at home to their firiaods at the rectory.


Rev. Baraett Crimaley, of Ben tog-ton, preached at Hatoher'a Maaucial on last Sunday motidng.

The Comnramty Leagrte w91 meet on Saturday n i | ^ of tUa week at tike school house. All members ace urged to be present

The ladies of the Breotoville Een-aiagton hdd a very pleasant meeting last Thursday at tbe home of Mrs. L W. lisky. Eleven members were present The Ladies' Aid Sodety of the Church of the Brethren were in­vited by the hostess to meet with them and seven manbera were present De-lidoua rrfreshmento were served duT' jng the social boor, and tibe time iwaa-ed quickly and pleaaaatly.

l b s . J6ha Donovan has > ^ on the sick list this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Owens recently visited Mr. Owens' brother, who ia critically fil in Waahington.

Miaa OHre HoWager, eif WaaUag-ton, spent Sunday at her heme here.

Misaee Floreaea Oweaa and Minaie Smith spent Smday at tlw hMte of Mr. J. R. Brown.

Among tile gnaats of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vamer Soiiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Swacta and ehfldreB, Ut. and Mrs. Louis Mowir, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hedrict, Mia. G. D. Keys, Mrs. K. M. Bradahaw, Mra. Bnitli and Mza. R. H. Keys.

We do not like to see anyone get ahead of oar vQlage, if we can help it, and so we. want to rq^ort that we held the hawk reeotd of thoae who have published in the p^ier. Mr. Lee Keys has caught 106 bawka aiaee January 1 and the last week &> Maicb he e a a | ^ 13. So if anyone person can bart ttia let's hear from yoo.

Richmond, Va. Blay L—Drivers of automobiles and other vdiiclea uaing the public highways of Virginia muat come to a full stop before croaaing any main line railway track at grade un­der a law rec«itly enacted by the Gen­eral Aaaembly of Vir^nia.

The law provides that drivers of all vehicles on approachinjg any grade crossing of a main line railway track outeide an incorporated town, must stop not less than tm feet nar mom than one hundred feet from the near-eat ralL A penalty of ten doUan fdr eadi vi<rfiation ia provided in tiw act

Advoeatea of thia act pointed out tbat ita ebfoteement would graatiy re­duce the number 6^ grade croaaing ac­cidents. By enacting tbis law the Vir­ginia Bolona have givoi legal effect to the admonitiMis wliieh laihraya have for Biaiiy yekra displayed en tiicir eroeaing aigna, Urging drtv«a at Tohi' dea to "Stop, Leok^ and U s t o i P


Undw the federal aid road Ull, paaaM by the houae on Monday after-noon, more than 12,600,000 fednal frmda will be available to Virginia in tbe aittd' two yean for mad cmwtxac' tion.

The bill authorizes the appropria-timi of 166,000,000 for road conatme-tion thrmig^iout the United Statea dur­ing the fiacal year, ending June 80, 1924. It Ja estimated that under the apportionment provisions of tiie Inll Maryland will obtain approximatdy 1666,000 from the fetieral treasury during the first year and approxnnateT ly 1640,000 the year following.

It is estimated that Virginia will re­ceive $1,242,000 during the first year and $1,460,000 daring 4fae second. Pas­sage of the bill by the house with fav-oraUe action in the senate regantod aa certain, will give added impetoa io road conaten^iMi in varteua atatea and relieve the amdety whieb has been felt because of the depletion of federal funds. Proponento of the bOI say that irill aid in saving HW snemptoyaMnt prdriem.

WATERFALL Misses Paatiae Goasom and Grace

MaxlMd and Mr. Dan Alexander, of Hoadly, were recent goeste at Mt At­las, the home of Miaa Goasom.

Mr. Ben Cred receofUy poiehaaed Ford roadster.

Mrs. Jas. Jaeoba, of Riverdale, Md., waa a wask-end gaeet at "Featn^ HaO.*

The W. M. U. Society of Astioeh, met en Wedneaday afUruowt at tko school. -

At the monttly imw*ing of the Com­munity League, bold at the aehod on Friday last the fMlowiag oflkos were elected* for the enauing year: Prad-d o t , R. B| Goeeom; vtee-preaideai, O. B. Kftler; aeeretary, Margaret A. Shirley; treasurer, Nellie Goaaem.

The beya of Aatiodi Sanday Sdioel played aa inteteating gaaae at baB at "Po^ar HilT on SMarday last. Claaa No. 4 vs. Claaa No. S. Seet% 8-10 fai favor o< No. 6.

A number of oar "yoonger set" « • joyed a hors4>aek ride to *irkte Rocks'* Sanday aftaraoon.

Safvieea will be eowiacted at An-tfoeh Sanday, May 7, at 11 o'clock by tiM Mmr. Warder Lawia, of rMdaridia-

NOnCB TO THE PUBUC 1 The Farmers' Motoal Tel^bMu Co.

has filed with the State Corporation Commiaaion,.Riehmond, Va., natiee oi advance in ratea for telephone aaiika frmn $6.00 per year to $0J)O per year, whiefa win be in effect on and after Jane 1, 1922, anleaa oUitwIae eedered by that Commiaatsn. FARMERS' MUTUAL TELBPBQNB

GCMPANT. By Jaa. D. Wfeeek^ SecTy-Treas.


nReunie Savelabor Enjayjbe

Prince William

FIELD DAY Smith Field, Manassas, Va.


Egf Rolling ContMt for littlo firl*. ^ l i t pru*^ SOQ ZOA pnx«> 28c

Boys* NoT4^ CoDtett, 12 prixM, usful AT-tidM

pbctacle CoBtag^ hut curls, 10 novdities Newspaper QMitsi^ 20 yds, prize $1 valoe Reley CoAlest, 3 teuss, prise el $1S0 value

100 yard Cootes^ open to aUl prise oi $2.00 . • a f a e ^ •

Nail Driving Contest for women, prise of $li>0 value

Mounted PoUto Contest, prise of $2.00

Catdiing tbe GreaMfd iht, pr i» of $2iMi

Three-Legged Contest, |¥ i te of $1.00 viJtt*

Fat Man's Contest, ?00 founds and over ' piUe «f IIJDO ^ o e

Biisebalt-^DouUe Heidbr

'iJiMde Nkk" AUrock, of Waslirngton, wiU umime both gaines. The ''Sanders Battery/' with ''Ben'' pitching and/'Walter" catch<

ingrwyi take part in the fii^t game, bes^^^ P. M.

Lipich mil be served on the grounds by " Scluiol Civic League at reasonable rates

ADMISSION SOc; CUIA«n 8-15 yis, 2Sc; Qhjidrai linder S yra,

AutooudUlea free; Grand Sl»iUI, 10c. i


for the Bride tmk prsctiod teuM Inksr

biUBiagirtfoMi Us]



Sabseribs for THE lOintlCAL



Al Msfl Ortes «r Invikiw wfl



We da tt tiw Heffmaa way. We hare recently iMtaDed eea ef HaAaaa^ lateirt ateam pnaaint maeyMa ae we can kandle year work in a • e i n n i w i aaittaryway. Wken yen kare y e v deUHB ftaaaet hy staaa: It Uawi ast aO daat. It blawa oat a4ar aai panyfaatiea. It kflb all genw. It M s M ^ tiM eolar, ralaaa tke aas aai glrea M W Bfa to tko d e ^ It n a t e s «ka fsr*

parfMlak^ RAND WCMtK IB NO OOHPABnON. '*""'*' Wa gtf ifaaM aMaaOa «a M W vwfc, Ow 4y«k« n i iijiilifcw to ilgraaeasMt.


. V - l • - » " * P » « a e * M

lrteaaa<. us LAom PB1CB8 Aoontmm} TO WMX

If yen want year earyata aai ba« eatan t k a n ^ U y daoaai far ayilW. • 0 hefaea karlac It 4m», aa I eaa aA*a yaa • e a w . If yaa Ero oat flff

a t i U . PKICBB BSASOKABLS. i » « « » i a i . . F o r j ^ v k - , fl»a •




CHORCB STATE NEWS NOIES ir<Miwi|iii( | i mm Jt IA-IAL. A A ^ .A. .A^ :A.''.A. A . ^ A: .A. .A -'A.

CATBOUC All Saiate' Catholic Chareh, Rtv

ValentiiM D. Caevaa, pastor. Ifaaa at 740 a. m., int. thM and

flftlk Soa^ajra. Sooond and fonrtb , Sondara at 10:80 a. m., foUowad by b«Mdkti«a of tba Bl«ao«i SaeraafMot. On tbe flnt Suaday'of arary month •padal doTotion ia faoBor of tiM Sa* arad Haart of Jaioa.

XPI800PAL Trinity Epiacopat C b w ^ B«v. A.

Stout GtbaM, raeter. Sonday Seliool at 10 a. a . Firat, aeoond and fourth Sondaya at

11 a. m., and third Sunday at 8 p. m. St Anna'i, Nokaavilla—Firat .Baa»

day at 7:80 p. m. and' tUijl Soi^ay cf 11 a. m. (Sarricas in Fraa'a «sr«io«m iiaM hnminc of ehurch.)

LUTHBRAM < Bothal Lntharan CStoreh, Rav. Xdfav Z. Panea, pastor.

Sunday School at #10:80 a. m. Praachin/at 11:30 a. m. Nokesville ' Lutheran Church—

Preaching Friday at 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Holy Com-mnnkm at 10 a. m.

MBTHODIST Grace Hethodiat Epiaco^ Cboreb,

Soath, Rav. WiUiam Stovans, paalar. PraactJnff aadi Snnday at 11 a. m.

and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 10:46 a. m. Junior League at Z p. m.; Senior

Leagroe at 7 p. m. Preaching at Burlce'a each fint and

third Sunday at 8 p. qi. Buckfiall each aecond and fourth

Sunday at S p. m. Sndley Charge.

' The appointments of Rer. Homer Welch follovr:

Sudley—First, second and feurtii Sundays, 11 a. m.

Gainesville—First Sunday, 8 p. m. Third Sunday, 11 a. m.

Fairview—Second and fourth Sun­days, 3 p. m. • Woodlawn—Third Sunday, 8 p. m.

Greenwood, 11 a. m. ^ Bradley, 8 p. m.

PRESBYTERIAN ' Presbyterian Church, Sev. A. B-

Jamison, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m. . Preacliing, 11 a. m.—^"Lessons from

Spring." Preaching, 8 p. m.—*T:TK>Tight

Malcea or Mars.'* Prayer meeting ly^ilQ^'y ^ -^ P-

m. ;• • •"'• •• '

PROUl'lVK BAPTISt - PrimitiTa Bapifot Chnrdi. JBdar T. 8. DaltoUjt pastor.

Serrifiaa erery tliir^ Sunday M. U a. m. n ^ the Saturday pneedtng at S:80p.aBu

Mrs. Dinah Dovel, aged 102, said to be the oktaat woman fat the atate of Virginia, died last week at her home hi HMiayville, Page county. She ia anrvivad by four children and four great-great-grandchildren.

Retail prices of Virginia school books win be 60% higher this year] than last, Barria Hart, SUte Superin-1 totdent of ^blic Instniction, an-1 nooaees. Mr. Hart has just returned from a trip to New York, where he' was in conference with New York pub-liahers. The increase in textSooIu would have occurred sooner, he naii^ but for the fact that books have be«n supplied under a contract, made with publishers, which has sxpind.

Roger D. Eastlake's marriage since the murder of his wife seven months ago, and for whiA crime he was tried, was verified last week when it was as­certained that the naval petty officer was married in Alexandria, Va., on Bilarch 4th to Miss Susan Belle Crit-1 tenden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ma­son Crittenden, of Fauquier county.' The ceremony was performed by the I Rev. Eugene V. Jackson, pastor of the First Baptist Church. The marriage license was secured on March 8rd, the day prior to the wedding, in Alexan­dria. Miss. Crittenden is said to be a telephone operator at St. Elizabeth's Hospital k> Washington, D. C. Her whereabouts at this time in unknown.

C. E. Littlejohn has b«en employed, as field worker for the apple industry for the counties lying between Roan­oke and Afton. He will locate a labo­ratory,at Amherst, where lie will make his headquarters. Special attention will be griven to tree diseases, an4 growers will be instructed how to fight these troubles. Orchard experts who have recently inspected orchards in that section declare that the fruit crop this year will be injured more_by the lack of attention last year after the freeze than.by the cold weather this spring. After the freezes of March and April last year the owners neg­lected tilgir orchards, and much vitali­ty has-been lost, they claim, because of this lack of attention. \

In offering oar service and facilities to prospeeti:re cuBtomers and diente we are not offering something for nothing. We expect ultimately to be repaid for the expense of handling every account that com«i to us.

Banks are money-making iiistitations, and ours is no excei>- tion. If we are to continue to go f<>rward, we must operate profitably.

However, we sincerely believe that our facilities for rendering real banking service are unsurpassed, and that those who eoz^ template <q;>ening accounts cwaot do better than come to us.

National Bank of Manassas 'THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE"

Oversize Strictly Tirsta"-*!! Non-SUd hi original factory wrsppara—1922 »*»-ufactora.. The man who lives at the furthest point can enjoy th« banaflta of thaa* prieaa and faal assi»«d of the MBM fair, aqnan traatmant a» th« mma who Uvea aaarby.'

Fab Cord T O M I 30x3 17.60 12.00 I1J6« 30x3^ - 88.66 i 16.10 lUM 32xSH $11.40 : 16.10 i«! 31x4 818.10 1117J»0 e j o 32x4 tl4.7fr 119.60 tM 33x4 116.60 I 20.60

I21;60 I2J6B

34x4 116.76 I 20.60 I21;60 iSJO

32x4 H 33x4Mi

124.60 26.60

3 JO

34x4H 26.26 *M 36x4H 1127.60 »M 83x5 1180.76 *M 86x6 $88.60 Hlft

*W ^ ® ® V © V *<

Manasaaa Baptirt^ <Jhweh, JUr. T. *D. D. Oaricpaatec

Snnday—Soaday Ochool at 8:41 a. B., monwic aarviaa «t U o'aieek, B. Y. P. U. at <:4S a a i arreaiag aMnrlaa at 8 o'olMdc

Waduaadaj Piajw Hoatiag at 8 » . a i . • Rar. Bacaott Gcfaaalcy'a Appeiatneata

Hatcbar% Ifenodal'—Seeead Sua-. day, 8 p. n . ; foartb.Saaday, ^ p. m.

Broad Run «Seooad aad fourtt 8—-days, 11 a. Si.

Mt. Hony—Third Sunday, 11 a. ai., and Saturday preceding.

Summerdoek—First Sunday, 11 a. m. and Saturday preceding.

. Rev. J. A. GoHiew*s Appoiatateata Preachingr s'wvioe at the Woodbine

and associated Baptist Churches, Rev. ,J. A. Golihew, pastor:

^ Woodbine—Every second Sunday at, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Young people's maeting every Sundhy at 7:80 p; m. except aa preaching day. Prayer meeting efvary Wednes<tey at 7:80 p. at.

New Hope—Svary fourth fiaaday at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Saaday School at 19 a. as.

Oak Dal»-rirBt Baaday at 7:W p. m. aad third Bviday at II a. ak

AidNBM—nrtt Saaday at It a. ai. aad tiiM I m i a r at 7;W ». m.

Oilaada Mwrnt tmtVk Baatay a t «

CHUBCB o r ! • • B U R K U M Rev. K. K. Biaai^ paMar. Birr. J.

II. QfaM^ •ulrtaat^ Cbaaea Piaiih flwilif Sehaal M

Ma.ak Preachlag flnt aad third P—layi

at 11 a. ak Christiatt Workara at 8 p. m. Bradkry^-Soaday Bdwtd at 10 a. ak PraaeUag aaaoad aad foarth S o -

days at 11 a. Bk UNITBD BRSTHRKN

Prince Williaai Chaisa, S«*. S. D. Skalten, paator.

Maaaaaaa—Saeeod, third aad fontk goadaya at 8 p. as.

BwMiaU Bscari aad foarth »m-iaya at 7:80 p. m.

Adsa Saeond and tasth a* 11 a. n .

Midland—Third Suadaya at 11 a. a . aad awary tr«t Saaday at 11 a. • . ^ Irr . D. P. Bdl, aaaiataat paator.

PLOW TOUB GARDEN EARLY When buying year garden seeds, do not fai) to leave yotrr order for kavinf your garden plowed and property prepared at J. H. Burin ft Co.'s grooery store; or, better still, dn^ me a card. Toor or­ders are earnestly soUdtad and gratefully appreciated.

MARSHALL HARRIS l t . F . D . N a . r Va.

The dro^BMal high school, near Lynchburg, £ d not close last week as was expected would be. the case bei-eauae of the lack of funds arising ttoid. county and district school taxea, ba-caaae patnttifl have agt«ed;to curfaril the coursea and to raise iHTvatesub-seriptions in order to keep the school , open'to the end of the regular term. Teachers, too, have agreed to aecqit reduction in pay tat the last month, for moat of this is: to come from prt-vate sources. The arrangement to eontiilne tha public iagb school wiQ probably result in the private high sehool going on tiH.the end ot the achool year. The town got into a school row last wint«, since which two high schools, one by public fund and the other by sufaacriptions, have been derated. A majority ef the pa-pils in tbe town are in the subscription high achoolT

The .French government has confe'r-red upon an American, E. B. White, of Leesburg, the order . of Officer du ilerite Apricole, a decoration in recog^ nition of signal.service to agriculture, but in this instance.awarded for "ser" vice rebdered in the improveiment of horses." Mr. White began to breed horses twenty years ago after retum> ing on the advice of physiciaas to his nativa home in Virginia frwas St. Louis, where he had been active on the grain exchange. Tlie physkiana had given up hope for his recovery, bat tiw outdoor work incident to his iaterert in horae breeding aided in hia recovery. The partfamlar animal which led to iha award of the daeoratkm ia the stallitn Laet, bred by Mr. Wlota and exhibited in Chicago at the teat InteraatioBal Live Sto^ Slow. Laet waa declared grand chami^on and one of hia aooa re­serve graad champioti, giving Mr. White a record saU to be napreeadcat-ed ia the history of the idtow. Mr. White ia a member of the adviaory board ^ the Boras AasadatlaB of America.


(Ines H. RoUias, Reporter) The Wffllag Werkws' Chib held a

Bteetiag of ita membars on April 89, tha prasadent of the eto^ presidiag. After tha dab yell had been given, th aong "Onward CIviatiaa SoUien" and savaral awttsiB of faosinsas ware caDad aad It was foand that all ware preaant with tha axcapttea ct tm manbcrs. Tha rnhnrtas of tiie ^«vi' «as maettac wars road aad app>«««d andaeT«nd laaHsin of boshMSS w» ti iiioaf tan

The mambers ware glad to hava Mias Gilbert prcaeat She gave inter-esthig iastnetioBa on fancy work. Miss Gilbert aaked aU SMnhora to be preaeat, if poasiUa, at ttm cooaty meeting ef tha dobo ia Moaasaai aa May 0.

After thia the raeetiag adjoomed to meet again on Maf 17.


Power and I i | ^ Wthtbc


Bxaadaatioa Allowed M C. O. D. SUpawato

Oxford Tire & Rubber Company

1502 14th Street, N. W. FrankliB 2332 Washiagtoa. D. C.


$995.00 MOST POPULAR 1922


E 1 e c t r i e i t y to Light Homes and Lighten Labor



Write or Wire Ua ^ -

MOiKER MOTOR CO. 1333 14th Street, N. W.

Washhigt tB, D. C.

TH E thousands of farm homes equipped with Wil ly* Light

have something vastly mere ' im­portant than UiuminatioxL

Tbey haoHi a amr Had of Jtoam life.

To tbem ira city bomfort ia de­nied.

T I M touch o< a button puts tA*o-trie power t o WM^ on oouatlcaa odd

j < ^ about the farm.

—And at night WiUys' Light ia making maiqr a family cifcle l u ^ pier.

Huadrada of faruMcs «z» hasteai* ing to avail tbemsdirM of Wil lya Light tbe power aad l ighf p^at vrefe ^ftr adMDdww.

See as and Sad oat hoar aHf it i« to'^iUya UgiMr yWK i n a . >

S. Joseph Hunt DEALER


Tb« WaijM'Xaight aleere-^irmht* eqgisa opsf etet Wittya Ught. It it air-oooMU Umt.





NATCO TIRES NenrSldd,3exS...... $5.75 Nmi-Skid, 30x3 H . . . $6.88 Noii.Sldd,33z4..... $10.iM Other J^Ms hi PrDp thMi

Guaranteed 6Md Miles

Mafl Ordos Premptiy Shqipei

NatMHial Auto Tire Co. 439 K street, N. W.



Uabs AW Braces


I N C 619 F SbMt R. ff. WASBifCrai. B. C

For Sale.—Or will trade for wdl-markad Holaton heifen, aged from 6 moatha up. Gray horse, |86; bay harsa VK; whiU poay, |«0; grey poay, < l t t ; Pocherai ealt, l\i years oid. |1M; 2 gram drilla, $86 eadi; 2 a i n ^ e o n

lanters, (15 each; dtump cart, |SS; -aaatad carriage |66; Weatem stock addla. MS; ladjas* side saddle, |16;

heavy sat team road hamoaa, ISO: sot of haad-Buuia taaaa hiraoss, eollars iaehMiad, coat | 1 « , BOTST baon naad, wm aaH for $14S; aJa^oaRiaca. $»-,

Ola, l l t T B . 8 . WagoiMr. Va. 4Mf



L C. Boikttss VIrglBhk

S«liaribe for T ^ JOURNAL


f f l i lUMAttAfl JOOWAI f SNiArAi.** mm^m.^ w» x^«

s ^ ^^?^f^^ y^j^^MWUMggng;

We have jiwt received a car of Em-ertion Bilggies. If in need of a bug­gy, call and see Uieni. Prices right.

Larkin - Dorrell Company mOORKHIAnD

Manassas, Virginia

Sundair Ebietirsion TO - -. , • :

Washinsftoii, D. C


List of Virginia Dlrkdon Fwn-ialied by Mn. Hod e. K«-

ccntly Bfade CbairauB.

Sunday, Mtty 7th L^. Nb&asMU lOite A. M.

Iwtp Witd^koB 7:30 P. M. np Fare frbm lluuMMas» S1J25

BASEBALL Washingbm rt. New York, (Am. Lea|;Tie Fftrk) 3:30 P. M.

•t At^ tone of itiq j j i T - .. ,

For full information appt# to TKra AfiEXIS, SOimEIX USMa JUi JUiSm

At a T«ga!ar meeting^ of the U. D. C. tif prMident, Un. W. A. Newntan. pointed Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge as ehair. man of the Edueationa) Conunittee and she was requwUed to have publisbed the following Ust of "Virglida Diriaion ScholarshiiM'':

Fwnm Training Schsol. Famun, Va., $140.

Chatham E p b e c ^ bntftaU, Chat^ ha«^,V^,>70.

Davidsm College, Davidsoil, N. C , 160.

^epa^doah Collegiate Institute, (2) Meh,$&0.

FairfaiE Hall, Baide Ctty, VA^ $60. Southern Seminary, Boefla Vista,

Va $80. ' HoUina College, HoUins, Va., $1(0.

Virgini|i poUege, BPW<*^ Y* . $J60. Avere^ CoUeie, Di^viSe, Vlu, pSo.

. Fanqaier Ihatitote, WairattaB, Va., $100.

Bridgewater CoUege, Bridgewater, Va.. $80.

Eastern College-Consecratonr, Ma­nassas, Va., (8) each, $100. .

Staimton Military Academy, Staon-t<», Va., $200.

William and Murir College. Wil-' Uansburg, Va., $40.

Kink CoUege, Bristol, Va., $60. Sandolph-Mae«i, AsUand, Va., $7$. Fishhom Military Sehool, Waynea-

boro, Va , $160. DanviUe lOlitari^ Academy, fian-

vflle. Va., $200. Soanoke CoUege, Salem, Va., $76. Angosta Military Aeademr, Fort

IMOanee, Va^ $800. National finsinees CoI(eg«i, TkiimiicSn,

Va., $90. Tem^etotfi BMJiii& OQOfige,StaBn'

ton.,Va., $66. DnnsmOM'a PgriWiii Cdl6ge,Sbum-

fa^Va., $90. Bampdea Si^oay CoUeie; Bai^toa

lM4i*y,T» |8»., . VlJMniA Qtti»mte(i GaSHt^ BU»-

. VntHamr VbgSOi MaOtm Law H il^ikiii $100.

S^tt dan. Stattftton, Va.. $100.

veralty Of Weatham^'Hi, ^ipnniood, $100.

WilJiMi fend lliiry boSteg^ WO-HiiiiiiliBit, VA., (The JTaatt tTMMr Kiadidph Sdtelard^) $ 0 0 .

Staie Noniu^ Farmvllle, Va., (Tbe

Kate Notaad Garaei 8abelvaib>), $160. , -

StaU Normal. Harrisonburg, ya., (The Kate Maaon Kdand SebolarsUp) $140.

State Normal, Frederit^biirg. Va., (The Nannie SeddMt Barney Scholar­ship) $140.

State Normal, East Radford, Va., (The Fannie Martin Tate Scholarship) $140. Boles Gorertfng Award jtt Schoiar-

ritipa. 1. PrcsMtt affidavits of two or more

well known Confederate soldiers or Daughters of the Ckwtfedsraey as proof of the applicant's elegiUUty as a de­scendant df a Worthy Cettfederate sot-di<r.

2. Present physician's health en-dor«ement and testimonials from thdr ministers, recent teaehcn and Daugh­ters of t ^ Confederacy and at least tiiar Other phiminent people in the community, as to good moral charac­ter, worthiness and need of assistance.

S. AppUcantA must apply for the scholars^ps in doe form, upon the b l i n ^ fOr^hed for that purpose; most state ag«, residmce, parentage. Confederate ancestry, advancement, name of Khool last attended and the scholarship preferred. They moat al­so pledge themselves to abide by all the requirement and mlea of the in­stitution which they select to enter ^ to n^iff Ihe beat pesaiUe use «t Jthe op^iHtaiil^ xtbiM tUraogh tlte a ^ -a r s h ^


(Elala Copen, B^oft^r) The meeting wa« eilled to ordet by

the president Friday morning >it 10 o'dock, followed by the reading of the minntes by the secretary, which were approved. Tfie fiilbwinc program was rmdered: •

Beading^Bcrtha Lock,'Of I Knew." BecHatioii—Tlieresa Oven. Song—By the chtb maadMn, '^Id

Kaek Joe." Be< )taM<»—Elaia Copw. 'IVe are

ellle Copca ttd Bae Liii^

aing—'lioog. Long Ago. T i e mJMfting then mdjoaraiiL w a s Gilbert was prcaeat and gave

a very interecting talk and helped tiie girla with tiiefr seridng.

We win have our Tagitlar meeting toe second Thnraday ia May. We hope to have aU'tile members aad Ifias Gil­bert present at tiie aait meetinc also some vi^onk

4J>fa l O n ^ •' - ^^"^

Cittth that Is AO-Wool Assures the utmost Value and Satisfactkjii for a garment, because it » of the B^s i .

Fainting with L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT

and UiSEED <N1 to mix into it, that is all highest Quality—assures Utmost Vahie, greatest Years of Wear and Lnst Cast

To luustratc «<8lllitH PAID LESS THAM JONESI" yamrracra JONES paid $ « for 14 Gallons of

• «^ady«or use" Mixed PAINT-SMITH made 14 Gallons of the Best

Purt Paint for $34.M, by buying • Gals. L a M SMUI^MS Mat and • Gate. Unteed Oil to mix into it

SMITH SAVED tl4.4t S^TL— l»ll8tlll*A8TEI»AlNt8«»asaMasf



»• • mimilm • * - |

mce f With the eominff oi i\ j^aa wQl w«nt the bi*'' pouible eonditi^ ^ * in < at ypnr tnaoiea every uy .

_ comes sopd roads again and ^ «i yoo^ antomiritdia in the b#fft your i:az; to oa and let as Mrai|»&^ yon win wai^ fhe ose of yoiir ear

V If you are in na^ of itaw batteriea you will find thatwa i a i two of ffie.bWt bttttOHsa oa ^ laa^lst today-^TBB BZIDB and TBB ttAT. f T ^ RAt BATTBBY eaxriea with it fii iinedtaditional guarantee to give satisfaction for two ^ian< %^iS^;^Pt ^ < ^ I < ^ 1 ^ Kiddr wa tiauia ^ffljgtt

Biiy^rrfs GARAGE liANASdAS; TA.

th"'"~T' ' ' i " w \t Tiirttr iiiin \' "•

'ifijfint nrtt ft ^ • ^ « f c » » J ^ ^ » l J » g g t * J W ^ ^ •SMittiifti

All been tested by the J)epartment of Agriculture^ Statfe m Vi None lower


1. w Brabham Cow Peas, " Ito Sana Soy Beans, ^ ^^reatest land improjest GI

than all, par buali^ . . < . . . . . . » 2.40 AU of our stock bouglit iHrect in car load lots from large growls in the South and no

betl^ quality can be foufid

All at Two Dollars and Forty Cents Per Bushel Tin piriee WiV not be advanced Ha tons as our sleeks last Wib suggest f^ Inij at iim price ludd fiU¥ MOW . ^ -* ' • —

The Plains, Va. R. S. COCHRAN Thij f kins, Va.


FRIt>AT, MAT f, iMt

EstaUished 18d6

The Manassaft Journal PnblislMd Erory Friday Iqr


D. B. LEWIS, BB»iiwM Ifammr

Evtmd at tlw poat ofllee at Miniwap, Va^ aa fl&ail Bsattv '

Subscription—11.50 a year in Advance



Those who continue to opp<»e the proposed bond issue for roads on the ground that it will cost more to construct the Highway System by means of the bdnds than by using the current funds, entirely ignore the fact that the road system will be com­pleted and in use, if bonds are resorted to, many years before it could be built by current revenue. The argument that the state should not issue bonds because, in such event it wUl have to pay in­terest, which interest becomes a part of the cost of the roads, is fallacious. While it is true that neither the state nor an individual can borrow money without paying interest, yet it is likewise true that the actual returns from the roads con­structed with the borrowed money, will far and away exceed the interest which the state will be call^l upon to pay. .

If one desires to construct a business building in a city-for instance, and has a portion of tbe cost of the building available, the usual method is to borrow the remainder. Of course; interest must be paid on the money borrowed but on the other hand the owner of the building, when completed, receives the revenues therefrtan which ordinarily takes care of the interest and which yields a net return to the owner. Perhaps nine-tenths of all office buildings in the country are constructed by this method. So it is with the state. If Virginia issues bonds and builds a Highway System ten yean priar to the time that it wffl take to build it by using the current revenue, the state and her peqcle ^ ^ c>°J?7 ^ pleasures and benefits of a co^^eted system during these years, as an oftn^ to the biterast vbksH will have to be paid on thie bonds.

Few will perhaps dispute the fact that the finan­cial return to the people of the state from such a aystem of highways will be greatiy in excess of tht interest to be paid on the bonds. If this is true, and It ha» not beeh s^iously denied what good reason is tliere to ixMtpone the completion of our xodS system? The state has loovided ample fimds for the maintenance of the roada after th^ are compteted, thus maUng it certain that wh^ the b(md8 mature the roads wilLf^ be in good condi-tion. ,

Further, the comfdetion of the road system win greatly reduce the cost of mainten«ice, because th^ type of roads to be built will re eiir mo^ ieea m^douaee than titoee we have at pnaesaL^Tne

HOW A BOSINBSS GROWS All argument and theory to the contrary, this is

the way a business grows: A eustomor buys a small Ull of goods. ^ His order is weD handled, the gopd« are delivered on time aqi are of the quality Oiedfied. Next tnne he buys more, «nd as his bopioess grows his orda« iBCtease.

Bvaitually, the s n ^ initial ocdjsr grows info a big monthly order.

An the scheming of salesmoi tead admrtiaing mta will not buUd op and aaiocesafttBy maintain a bdsiness unless the ia<odiiGt is zigfaf.

Andrew Carnegie, in his great "AuteUogn^^." puts it this wty:

'1 have never known a concern to make a decid­ed suooGM tiurt <fid not do good, hcmest wwk, and even in these days of the fiercest competition, when everytiiittg would teem to be a matter of price, then lies atiU at the root of great bostneas sneeeaa the very nau^ more inqwrtant UeUx td ipaMty. The dfeet <rf attenti<m to quality, upon every man in the service, fnmi the i^cndait of the concern down to the hmdblest labmrar, cannot be overesti­mated.''

From the day he organized his first company— to build iron bridges—Carnegie pounded away on the quality idea. He would torn oot nothing but the best woric that could be done. He wdeomed a job that others could not do.

Soon he reached the point what the buyers of iron bridges w«« afraid to give big jobs to any company other than Carnegie's.

It was so with steel rails, too. Curoegje woold roO only the beet raib, regardlces of priee. When he cut his prices, he did it not by clpWMifaig his prodqet but 1^ imnoving hi* methods.

(^mefie was eae flC tiM gnat bosiDeaa men of an time.

He had the ability to project his persMiality int» evoything he touched. After his various enters prises were in operatioD he moved to New York to take care of the finances and sales, but his wonder­ful appreciatioB of the product is apparent m his statement that "c aan, fine workslupe and tocds, well-kept yiirds and surroundings, are of much greater importance than is usually supposed."

After aD, businees is just the perscmification of the individuaL The same qualities which ludag a


man to success wiU bring a business to success if the individual has the abUity to express himself through others.

To return to Mr. Carnegie again, he mentions that a group of bankers once visited one of his "works," and as the party was leaving, a member remarked, "Evidently somebody belongs to this plant."

Which was, of course, a recognition that some man took pride in having things done right. ~

Before I leave this wonderful Scotchman, let me quote one m<Mre paragraph, which has an import­ant bearing on the general subject of the success­ful conduct of business. Says Andrew Carnegie:

"A great biisiness is seldom if ever buUt up, ex­cept on lines of the strictest integrity. A repute* tion for 'cuteniess' and sharp dealing is fatal in great affairs. Not the letter x)f the law, but the spirit, must be the rule. The standard of commer-cial morality is now very ^gh. A mistake made by anyone in favor of the firm is corrected as promptiy as if the error were in favor of the other party. It is essential to permanent success that a house should obtain a reputation for being gov­erned by what is fair r a t ^ than what is morely legal. A rule which we adopted and adhered to has given greater returns than one Would believe possible, namely: Always give the other party the benefit of the doubt."— Type Metal Magazine.


Most Washingtonians do not know that their neighbor State Virginia is one of the three great apple-growing states of the United States, the or­der in which they rank being New York, Washing­ton and Virginia, with Pennsylvania fourth. There are brchuds old and new near the capital that are large and are highly productive in favor­able seasons, and perhaps" there might be more large and productive orchards near-by. It is fore­casted that the state of Washington wiU have dropped from second idace as an i^ple state and her pla(% taken by Virginia when the next nation­al census is c(Hnidled. It is computed that the number f trees now of bearing age in the chief ap^« states are: New York, 9,63 ,698; Washing, ton, 7,964,167; T rginia, 7,a»,277; Pennsylvania, 6,981,12d. In t^e numba of trees not of bearing age the rank is: New York. 2,939,881; Virginia, 2,857,007, and Pennsylvania, 2,608^6. Wash­ington is not among the first, twelve states in the number of trees not in bearing.

The main i^ple-colture distriets in this part of the country are the Cumberiand and Sh«iandoah VaUeys from T^^chester to Staonton, with the adjacent Piedmont counties east of the Blue Ridged and sections of Maryland, Virginia and West Vir­ginia lying in or adj tcent to the Potomac and Monocacy VaUeys.—Washington Times. .



He doeant try to vin ^bmm, and h» goea alone Us way, 1%a aame well^aluieed BMotal in lite Imm-dnim.of.tba day. E^ famt any dtfecent to one tten to aao^w. With aveiTbodjr amOiBC , he seada a "BoOo bratharr The <eIlo«rpe^* Ian, yaa Itaaw—jwho BH^w a teti^itKr

Ai^ amcjrMy iScM Um, bat V 4an^ loMrw a4vl

God caTw Urn lota of lanshter, and he s raa it back acahi. He aaya ha'f nevo' bothned d^^nctUagafor ^hcrinaii; H«^ gentU wfth tiie efaOdnB aad ptdito to weaw weni ffia daya are i^trnt hi WMTkg mmd hb fdonraMB a wp*SL They greet Urn with tShetioa evaty'tiaw they tam bin

- b y - • And evetybe^ Iflcaa him, bat he dent kwNT triqrl

Goeaa he'll ttvedlB year town aa be need to live tauauae; His ebedsi were alwaya roay aad Ua eraa W(c« ft^ at

shiaa; Hia aympatUeB wece ever with the weak aad with the M, Hia bean was like a Moaaoaa aad hia so«l waa tme as gold; He seemed • goSty aetioii, er a aMaaaaas, «r a He— Aad «««iybedr Bbed Uai, b ^ be celdteH t ^ yea iriiy!

L A U G H A N il L I T B

LAID HBR CROWN ASEDB Her hair waa h«r ^oown «f gkiy"—

Bnt iA«a she beeaaie his bride He fooad twaa her aigbtly eastea

To lay bar ertnm asid*i • • •

KEEPING UP ma praiMANaaip "What's the joke waidea?" - ' "That fwger hi edl 104 takes the cake." "b be denaadiag a pcivate bathi" "U weaMn^ aerptias ae araeh if ha did. Be waato to

if rn let Hat bar* a few Vmtk cbecha a psa aad a battle of U ." .

' . . . • • • BBCIPBOCITT

"Bridget," said Mia. GraodMy, 1 doat Ifte the laafca «< that asaa wbe called to aee yea last aight."

"Wad. waUr*" rMUed Bridgat "Atirt R ftatav. M<)m7 Ha « l i tta aape iftaat yoo.-


ratbw My dear, if I sbeald die peaaOeoi, aia yoa wtf prepared to ft^ year way to tka battie o< Ufet

Dmai^Ur—l timak ae, fitter; IVs baa abaady.

WILL I COMB BACK? "Now, Rastos," said the captain, "dent yea want to aukc

your will before yea go OTerT" ' "Win, nnthia', saht De only will Fse wwryta' "beat is

win I oooK back."—Beaten Tkaaaeript


Good! Bi^ ihk Ggarette and Save Money

Lowest Terms f^t\ INTEREST 11 l^KJ TO PAY i J


r V W E =inaa arfw boiUs « home I hopes bS$ tbSUteaH cliadRa

"^ wm ei cw it. The man who teaiodds hismi hoaiebMeailt aper* faaacDt anproveoiCfit.

Seateo,jrop€ily snad* of Adm White Votlhad Cmait, h at pfrmamtit • • ooik. Cttfle DaCSUM tt tS OOaCNtlB. rffH 11 t^^^i'f gi«as a irida vwiaqr of attztiitiv* iaiibM to mA^ptaialat type o£ bom*.

Year bnildiiig SMtcrisI dmtStt oaa wbow foa Hzaples of dicsc iinrihy, and can o ^ taia A*u« White £ar yoa a m i ia inan ipiantititi, Aih fain about yoat plana—jbiF pennaiiattt Coaittuctionf.c willKdt iaa Ada* Portland CMiwnt, "ika Stan^ond bjr « U & aS otiisr aialcaa arc ai:.a«urc£."


MlWt: Naidumcton, Px. ffadHOr N. Y.-LiMdb. Ab;



Style 240 K.-"-Mz: A smairdown paynawit

•ad we deliver the Victrola No red tape

U r*a «tka «r eall at a«r alar* aad • • > * » • • v l u M . dw ViCTKOLA YOU MLlBCT Vfll h* mwwr—ai to t*» <iM H a * Jar. Ca«L • ! • • « • * M i l III witli data • • ?•<•«•>.

MONTHLY •I Ail ipi filer M U L Uifetf ilNk ii the dtr •5

Buy Your ReccHrds thru

the mail ( H * panat pa B M l m a w V I C T O K R a C O M ) . Wa h«ra —aaHfcal»am liaihi tatfcaOalto*

--eStwidanI tywMeh^ an &9mMmas$ a» meafumcT


Base Ball tjoad% Tennis and Fidung Tacklei Rifles and

3ewAf^ Qocksy Victor Reoc rcis andl Ae Real ''Vktroia'' aO at tbe


H. D. Wenrich Co. FtaM Wstdi aai Jcwvliy ff(|«li'lnt



1221 F Street N.W. WASHINGTON^D.C

Tha Lmftt Oiwiar af VKmOLAS airf tfcal«n<t itadtaf teiaai* faW II alie.


fbiUn>ad Standtud C. a ADAMS

A Lost Husband A lost Imsbeod was raemtly foond at oar Laix]i Cpontcr Mtioff bte diDBer. He joct eool&it rwiit oar eooUoff and tlM way we served him. NettiHitiMlovsdUswifelMi^bvt he loved our eooktat mon. MOBAL: H aay memhwra of ytwr tonfly are A. W. Q. U todc for theni hM% and eome dowB yoorsaif sooMtiaiM. It wil not oalj do yoa fBod. bvt hdp fanaic the Boaoteor o<

eooUac. 'Ve mm feedyea weB for kaa."



fibkst Gbdi »l iewAr

Everytlmig Good to Eat

My line embnu^s Sti^e aai Fanc r Gfoctiiet

Qmeoaware. Tin voA Enamdware





8& aad I Sireds. N.!.» WAfflIN6T0N.])lC.







BRIF LOCAL NEWS! —Woric on th« chMM ^lant at Inde­

pendent HUl U procr«uins rapkOy.

Episcopftl •ervjce* will be held in the Lutheran Church Sunday niffht et 7:30 o'clock.

—A number of Man«»s»» TWin^ people attended the dance given at Haymarket last Friday night

—The Dlade is offering a apecial at­traction next Monday and,Tue»day nights in "White and Unmarried," played by Thomaa Ueighan.

—The Sanior Epworth League will. hold a social in the Kpworth Laague, room Friday, Biay 6th (twjight), at 8 p. m. All members are invited.

—The Methodist church was filled to ^ its capacity last Sunday night whan Union servicea w « e held there. Kev. A. Stuart Gibaon delivered the sermon.

—Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hynaon moved into the honsa this weak on Grant av«iue which Mr. Hynson bought some time ago erf Miaa Paanie Payne.

—Mrs. George MiOonald entertain­ed the Manassas Fi^byterian Mia-Eionary Society on Tttis^y afternoon, April 25. Mra. B. T. H. Hodge, as leader read and spoke on Africa, the subject for the uttemooiu—^eeretaxj.

—The Journal is in receipt »* » prize list of the National CapiUl horse show, of which bur fellow countyman, Mr. Melvin C. Hazen, is yics-pMsident and general manager- The show is to be held at Arlington Park May 12-17.

—The White Koae team mil croaa bats with the Park Athletit Oub, of Washington, tomorrow; on the Easteim diamond. The manager of t ^ locals states that the visiton iriioqld' t^va wxr boys a close game. The |;ame will be called at 3 b'clock.

—Mr. and Mrs. Paol Bezjrode and daughter have moved to Loiriaville, Ky., to which division Mr. Rexrode, as mail clerk, has been traaaferred. Mrs. Kexrode and daughter are visiting rel­atives in South Catolina before joining Mr. Rezroda ia Kaktc|ek3r.

—Mr. J. A. Payne, o* Backhall one of the oldest residaita of that nagb' hood, is tiwuWed v « ^ much Witt one of his legs and it is expected that he virill have to go to a hospkal for aa

Jodgin' frooi appaaraneoa, I •ay th' mora pramiaant a 9aam, tta' duller .kia raaor i tm

—The interior of Byrd's ClotbiBg store was attra^valy xodaooratad tiiia waek.

—Highland Lodge, No. 2S2, 1. O. O. P., of Indq>endent Hill, will observe the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the organixation and the 11th anni­versary of Highland Lodge on Son-day, May 7, at 8 p. m., at the Odd Fri-lows Hall. B»v. Shoemaker will ad­dress the meeting and special mosie will be. secured. A cordial invitation is extendd to all and all mmnbers are •espedally reqoested by the committee in chari^ Messrs. Arthur Lock, C Y. HiU and C. M. Wine, to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lyon motored tiuTQUgh the Valley last week stopping over several days with 2>r. and Mrs. F. L. Smith at" Stanley, ^riw were formerly of Manaasaa.

Messrs. J. W. Hall and Joaeph Cock-erille, of Briatow, were Manaaaaa via-iton Mmday. Mr. Hall paid na a emll and aUted that hia friend, Mr. Coekur-ille, Waa on his good bahaviori

Mr. Bobert Adamson ezpocta to leave Tuesday for the Bfloa Bidge San-itorfajm WIHM he haa been taking trAtment. Mr. Adamaea has beai visiting idativea here for the yast :weA or aa

Mt. Lawrence \T. Walton, who, at tme time sevoal yeara ago, waa man­ager of the Davis lee Companjr here, waa in town Wadnasday vi^tii« frienda. Mr. WaJtw ia now witb tha

operation. When oidy aevon y ^ « < Hoffman Heater Cwnpaay, of Waih- , age white aweUiag set in tins UKWfai< * iBgton. is the canae of hia suffering now.

- M r . Williani H. Golick, at Hotth Clarendon, formerly of. Manaasaa, a son of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Gnlick, now of Wa^ington, has entered into part­nership with Mr. C. H. Marstellar un­der the name of Wflliam H. Gulick & Co., with oOcia in the Evana BoiUi^g, Washington, D. C, for the aale'of real estate, investment and loans.

—Mr. William H; Holmes died at his home neajr Faymaa on A|Bil 10 at the age of 8«vepty years-f He, Offer­ed with cabeerof tte head. He is sar-, vived by hia wtfe, a sistor, thite nephews and a nieee. Ips reaaaias were boried iB tta old family grave­yard near HarUmli s tor^

—The "Pomy South" miastr^ will be ^veo under the anspkes of the B(a-nassas high aduxA next Wednesday night in the Eastern gymnaaiom. Many are in thia show who helped make t te M ^ sdmet nciiistrda a '«e-cesa sevwalt years ago, which ahral^ help make this show a decided attrac­tion.

—Tbe condition of Maater J. D. Springer, who was sevo^y attadced by tetanoos as the result of the dis­charge of a blaidi eartridge fired into his thigh by one of hia playmates at Bristow several weeks ago, coBtianea to improve. He was talnn to the Alex­andria Hospital, iriMte he treatment.

—A great deal of comfort was ex­perienced by those who tnveled through the bosiness section of lla-nassas and bf the bosiness booses on Monday after tte fire hose waa brought out aad water waa a ^ i e d to lay tlte dost in tiM streets. Let as hope tii^ iriMB tite streets bepene dusty agate Oe same ressedy wiQ be applied.

—Mr. Wilaoe M. TtirT, law partner of the late C. Vernon Ford, of Fairfax, haa been appointed by Jodgt S. G. Brent aa ComaMOwealth's attorney for FUrfax eoonty to fill the naei^red term of tt« deceased atterwy. Mr. Fair has b e n performing tka deties of this oflke since the iOneas oC Ms lata parlpsi and his appeistaMKt geee late effect immediatety.

—Mrs. Mitchell Harriaoa, of Nekes-ville, was the victim of s vobbsry in New York on Sonday when a tidef made way with a case of jewelry be­longing to her, which was vahied at $1,000,000. She, witt her famUy, en route to Now York pr^>aratory to a trip to Europe and as she was mak ing nady to leave the train in the Pennsylvania station the robber i ilia ehaace aad made hia getaway.

Miss Mattie Matthew, inrincipal of the Pleasant Valley school, Loqdoun county, retamed Wednesday to inake her home with her Imtiter, j l r . B : T. Matthew, of near Stone Hoase. -Her school ekMod Tuesday n i | ^ with an entertainment.

IN MEMOBIAM In loving raneoiteance of oor dear

sister, Jennie Dfeaa. who departed this life nine years a£o. May S,'191S. We never can forgat yoa» ear asrtflr, Wlale here on earth we stayl God only knows our feeling. Since you have passed away.

Her devoted sistera, ' , , i' ' ELLA AND NETTIE.


LITTLE JOORMS Mrs: D. &. Lewis waa a WashiagtoB

viaitar laat Satnrday.

Mr. John Farrar,of Quantico, motor­ed to Mansssas on Tharsday.

Uiu Thelma Bryant visited in Waahington on Wednesday.

• « - .

Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Lf^on w ^ Waahington visitors Sqpday.

Mr. William Crow, «f Joplin, was a Hff,,tT.«« viaitor Wedneaday.

Dr. S. S. Simpson was a Waahington visitor yesterday.

Mr. J. H. Utterback, of Haymarket, is in Manaaaaa on business today.

Mr. Raymond Ellis, of Greenwich, waa a visitor in Manassas Wedneaday.

Mr. George Furcell, of Waahington, waa a Msniiff*** visitor saverai days this week.

Mr. Hill Davis, of Lortoa, wsa a Manassas visiter last Satsday night and Sunday.

Miss Bwtiia H. Watta, of Washing­ton, visited friends in Mansssas on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gafick, of North Clarendoa, spiea* Smday with Mra; M. E. Akers.

Dr. snd Mrs. E- Marstdlar, of Hay­market, were Manassas visitols on Wednesday.

Meedames &. M. Weir aad C. A. ^ -clair were visitors in Washington on Satorday.

Misses Margaret Cora^well and Edith Gregory were Waahingfam visiton tast Sataiday.

Rev. Bamett Griaisley, of Bemiag t«i, wsa a Manassas yidtosr serrtal days this week.

Rev. A. B. Jamison has retoraed 'from his vacation and will oeci^w h»|^ pulpit on Soddsy.

Mr. George EdmonAs, of AlexawWa, gpaA Amday in Manassas witit ids daagfater, Mra. W. B. Akers.

l ittle Miaa Ruth Akers is speo^ng •ome time with her gfandmotli«r,M*a^ T-Gewge Edimimds in Aleoamdria.

Messrs. Edward 7ackw» and MoC^ ray Fletcher, of WMTsnton, motmred to y r - T - " - Wedneeday mght

Miss Thelma M. Florence, of Tbun-ton. called at the home, of her. ttafti Mrs. G. W. Russell Sonday last.

Miss Sallie Larida, td Waahington, visited friends andr^tives in Mimaa-sas over t]ie wedc end and. Monday.

Mw. EOen Foyer, of P«)!rttuno«th, Va-, vfaa m Manaasaa thia week as a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aiey.

Mr. and Mrs. I teet t Seid, tii near ijuanttco, were-in'Manassaa Thutsday aad'called-09 « » . laid IBrs. A. Si Boatwrjig^,. , , ^

Mrs. M. E. Jonas, of Nokesville, at-tonded the* eeranonies of tUjg luring bf ttex^^rsto&e of tb i ^Otitr ^ a -eopal chtneh IMTO Monday.

Mis. JeR» T r e : ^ lad mXk dMgfe-t w have retained ta t h ^ home in Fennsylvaiiai s«f» imf^r > * l * ^ t i ^ ' for "sevienu wedCS. " * ' •


B U S Y fl No transaction U too smaU to receive the care­ful consideration of The Peoples NatioiMl Bank, and we are never too busy to attend to our cua-tomerg' requirements promptly, or to extend to them the fullest measure of co-operation.

H The business and professional mai, the farmers and wage earners, and the women of, this city and section, will find it to their advantage to make use, of our exceptional facilities.

"If 8 a Pleasure to Serv< You"

The Peoples National Bank MANASSAS, YOkGINU

lightning Insurance Destructive forces in the air are incombatible. Death and damage may come with any flash of lightnin.fr.

lasure Your Liveetock Against fire and lightning in or out of buildings amrwhere in the State, on or oft prem­ises. Same policy covers any liyestJock you may in the fu­ture buy.

Rates uFoUows: & wriki w l cMt 63c per $100 Ow M« Wl cMt 90c p« $100

Fill U9 ap4 mail coupon.

MakeOup DRUG

• .K-


DRUGS : ' i


General hsannce Ageocjr Ineorporated

TH08. W. UON ManasHU f: Yirgiiila

Isstte me pdicy covering livettock agakMt fire and ligktmn{/~ for $....^.i...eoHaiglinticf. -- —

State below the number of h«ad eae&, aleo Kmit per head.

head cowa and cattle, limit per head $

......head horses, midea and otts, limit per head $.

head siuep,.limit per hsad $ . . .

Nante . — ->-Address •

\ For June Brides

-'• The succesa of a ^ iMuiiieaa dttpenda upon iM»# many satiifie4 cuatMnert tbey make and IMJCL

If yon have never trailed with ua, we respedfolly adc jron toicome in and get acqnomted^ W e are anre yon wiH be pleased with the qnality and HUCES of oar drims and dmg store tUngs.

Oar aim b to j^ease eTeryone—to treatt everyoue wiUi doe respe^ and conwd^aticHi no matb^ how large or amall d i ^ purchase may be.

a a i E TO US FOR IT "^


DR. CAUGAM" ' Dr. Oaligari and his sleep walkw will give you the thrill of a lifetime. Also Aesop's Fable of the "DlBsatis&ed Cebbl«r.~ Admawkm. Ilcl22e. .


THE BROADWAY PEACOCK' Out of the ashes of love grown

cold, revenge Uaxed into hatred. Also Pathe News. Admiasim,— Matinee, 6c-lle; nig^t, lle.22e.

BiONDAY AND TUESDAY Aprfl 8th aad 9tk

THOMAS MEI6HAN . . t a . .

'SAY rr WITH FLOWERS." Agmcar for G«*i Ok

fteek «< veO o( laae

for turn Taae'a

Orange Biotaom Engagemml '


''WHITE AND UNMARRIED" YoQ know Idd, you've picked

my heart right out of my breast pocket. You haven't forgotten TlMnas Moghan ia The Oty of Silent Men r WeD, this is bet­ter Han that AdmisaoaM 17e-


A CeeaopelitaB Prodaetkm The "X" in "Proxiea" stands

for the unknown quantity—love, The rest of it stands for thrills. A mystery picture-puzzle up to the last sizzling reel, and then— wow I Admission, llc-17c.

lir. Keith Learhmap, of Waahing-t<m, spent the latter part o« last week •Wtmc hb &th», lir.-J. P. LMch-maa, of near Bnstow.

Master Caunlea Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. v . E. Lake. left last week <or aa «staade4 vWt WiUi rdstives hk Cin­cinnati, Ohio.

M». ana Mn. Jofaa S. BasssB, of MjaAevBle, q^e^ Smtnj last at the hotae of Mrs. Boss^'a fatiHr, Mr. Jamss SasselL

Mr. Heindien Peters, who is visit­ing at hia home at Haynaiket, w a a MfiTi—T" visitor Msoday ind Wednes­day of tiiia wedu

Mr. and Mrs. Smest Reid and three chiklrett attended tiw Odd Fellows bamiMt keM at Gasap Haavhr^s en S a n ^ a f t a a o o a .

Mr. and Mrs. J. C Adaaaa and little soa, John H., of Aorotm Beii^rta, Vs., visited Mrs. Adaas'.Mhar, l b . G. W. TTIiisWi on Sataiday.

Mr. George T. Lyon left Monday ertniag for Canada wnere he will spend several awaths on a flsktag tr^ at Haaft^Mt, Nova See«ia.

Mr. L L. Sothard, of Washagton, returned te Us heaae near bdepeO' dcai HiU ysstssday ta lailliai leen^ state f i e a a neaat ofiantiaa for ap-

Mr. and Mrs. WQUaa Gftkav, at WaaUngtoQ, spent Saaday at the( hcase of Mia. Gftbons' paieata. Mr. and Mra. (»Ue Payne, of

S iEORGB R. COCKB, Preprister

• ^ e FUl PrsMriptiMM." VtrgiBia


Mr. Archie Cravcr, who has been attending high sdiool near Lexington, N. C dnriiw tke wiaftsr meatha, haa ntomed ta Mia ta SBead tha


Under and by virtue of a cer­tain decree Altered at the April term, 1922, of the Circoit Court of Prince William County in the suit of F. A. Davis et ab against Keys et als, and also by virtue of a certain deed of trust from said Keys aad wife to the under­signed, dated March 12,1921, of record in the clerk's office of said county in deed book 75, pages 267-8, the undersigned trustee therein named and directed, will oBtr tor sale, to the highest bid­der, at public auction, in pnrso-aace of said decree aad trust, on

Satarday, May 20,1922, at twelve o'clock m. in front of the Post Office in the Town of Manassas, aforesaid county, all that certain k>t or parcel of land, with dwelling there(Hi, lying and bong situate in the village of Brentsville, on Main street, and adjoining th land of Paul Cook scy et al., and known as the "CM. CoraweU Place." TERMS CASH.

H. TSaSKTOif DAVIES, Trustee.

Genuine Orange Blossotn

Wedding Ring •ttlwr tf tha ocmcwnnt riact aban. BauwrauM -wUk > UTtsk dMicm •! «imag* klMMma t U t it.'m bMa ( a M u u of ati tevv M—*- t«rtsa« fMtir <!»» O B a«M. Bwsl ,tei4M ft. I tant ' w*n ik«B. Ia Cuaa and otk»r iJlTtt^

I»M.kuftt Uadi ittim >Mtn< <>**a i |d«. . .S14 «itb mmf HMMMU. AQ. Si pUO- tka m H l today aoeoyti u a orar. tkom aa tkoWUal < U7... .Sat» M . Glvt HZa «Ua

rlak flhaaoa b7 m w bridoa aad tmtmwmi vttk auttmumt •# aU tka ontaiiM:

••ad postal mnmj oi4«r, eororlae of i M UUnt. Wo will foi^ d l n S o a »^2 «or ladlmtlae aa«t

a a « r liao oad wiU aoad a MrtOotIr i i a ^ rfae. If it l« Bot Mt&faotar, mtmi I t l o •• ia tkno dan aad « t WB nfaad laTBoat. On lOfUBoa far laUaMUtr dariiw M jMca tmn»i tool Toar oonalot* aaUifaotiM aaS

It aaaUtT of all o « MSal tmf Onor today. J.H.I

SCHMEDnEBBO&Ca SlbSaibJewekrs Sbtee JMA

Masassas Tnnfer Cs. W. 8b ATHBT,

M. R.

Bebalt tires

Slas aitaS SOzSM «lx4 m j K

84x4 $14.7* 82x4 $UM

1321-23 L S t N.W.


Geo. B. WarSeld, CasUar.

First National Bank ALIXAMIHUA. VA.



FIRE INSURANCE The did rehahle Fauquier Mo-

toal haa been doing business lor ovsr 86 years. No hi|S» sriaiiss to pay. Every member has kis •ay st the sasual meetiiig ev«7 year; s t r i c t mntusl; no asssss* •MBto; rates the kmest



FRIDAY^ l U ^ S . tDn n t MANASSAS

fmm LOCAISYOUR EYES lOgRNAL, MANASSAS; YmsS^ • ^ i ^ % * ^ * _ ^ ^ ^ W ' ^ j * ^ ^ ?

OMCeirtBWerd. Waiaua. |8e

Hooae for rmt. Milne*.

Apjily MM. W. M. 61-1*

^ - For Sale—Two young marea, age 4 and 5 years, partly broken. Cheap for quick sale. J. J. Kane, Manassas.


For Sal^^lS Duroc pigs, some pure­bred, 8 weeks old. F. Warner Lewis, Manassas, Va. fil.2

Lost—License tag No. 82368. E. S) Hedrick, Nokesville, V». • 61-2*

For Sale—One .22 cal. rifle, in good condition. J. H. Fairfax, Areola, Va.*

Stamp collections, old stamped en­velopes, Confederate stamps, old coins boaght. Charles Kohen, 616 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 61-8*

For Sale—Sevm room house and one acre of land situated on the tele­graph road one mile souUi of Occo-mian, Va. Bargain at ($1,100) one thousand one hundred dollars eapb. Apply Maude I. Carr, 28 R. L Ave. N E Washington, D. C. 60-2

For Sale—Thre»-year-old purebred Holsteia bull; registzstion papers, if desired. BMf^t B n c , Haymarket, Va. 49-tf

For Sale—Modem avenue. Mrs. E n Plains, Va.

house on Lee Chmimitt, The


For Sale—House and three acrea at land, located one miIe.Bontii of vil­lage of Oceoquan, Va. Terms cash, $1400, EzceBent bur, good tillable land, communicate wiu lunde f. Carr, 28 Rhode lalaad Anftae, N. E., Wash' ington,D. 0. 49-8

Pasture for rent on the Valentine Shaffer lOaee. W. W. Wheaton, Brif-taw.Va. 48-4*

For S»l*—SO ^uqea stock National Baidc of ftanaasas. Pays 1066 divi­dend. B. I mn Bobertaon. 48-tf

For Sale—Suit of parlor furniture, iron beA«MB sidt, dining table and miseoUaBaoaa ntie^ea. Call after the 18th. KiM Ttaaf Paimi, Grant Ave., Manaseaa, Va. 48-tf

If, (8it of every ons hundred people you meet en the street, seventy-flve were minus a foot or hand, you would marvel greatly. Yet, it is an esUb-Ushed fact that at the preeent time, seventy-five people in every hundred throughout the world are defective in the precious and important faculty of sight

The majority of people are under the impression that so long as they can see well, their sight must be quite all right. That this is a deplorable fallacy may be realized that in one de­fect—Hypermetropia, or ''long right" —the^vision may be, to all appearance perfect, and the individual be congrat­ulating himself that he can see for miles. Yet, this priced ability may be the direct cause of bad hesdaehes, bil­iousness, e j^train , and smarting, burning eyes, leading eventually to brain-fag and general nervous break­down. D<»t wait! Have your eyes examined now!

DR. O. W. HINES, Graduate Opto-Metrlst, next visit to Minssass, Va.. May 8th and 9th. 1922. . .Ofiee—New Pitace WUUam Hetd. Hours—10 a. m. to 5 p. m. VIRGIN^.:

In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Prince William, on the Ist day of May, 1922.


Oainearffle. Bclsiuli^ Va.



The general object of the above styled suit is to have sale of tiie real estate in Prince William county of which the late C. S. Hereford died seized and possessed^ to apply the pro­ceeds, as far as necessary, to the pay­ment of the debts due by the estate of C. S. Her^ord, deceased; to commute the widow's dower in the funds aris­ing from the sale, and to distribute such fund, after tiw payment of coat*, ef suit and said debts, to those entit­led thweto.

And an affidavit having been made and filed that tiie defmdants. Lney Hereford, Annie DaVis Hereford and R. C. Hereford, her husband, are not residents of this state, it is ordered that the said Lucy Hereford, Annie Davis Hereford and R. G. Hereford, her husband, do appear wUhiii- ten days after due pnbBcation Imeof, and do what is necessary to protect 'their interests in this soit.

And it is further ordwed tiiat a copy Sale—See keepers' snppUaa of i of this order be pubUahed once a week

>at a gapdent^ ^PUJM at tin [ fw four successive wedm, in. the Ma-tg» &rm^ twQ f^laa'aootti ef nassas Joam»lr«k newiqaipAr pnUished

Kotlee/—As I have noited the lofwa paators field onl^oiid San, any tres­passers eir aama wiS be pcoaecnted. CouptoB ' Fam, A. L. Emmona, Owner. 48-4

Addreas, Vnak Leo, 48-5*

Se«l oom,. $1.60 bnahd. Larida-Dorren Co., Manasaas, Va. 48-tf

For Sale—Two IniTeles, in good eon-ditioB. Fred Petty, BriBtow,Va.,B. 2.

We are hAadqwarters for dover seed, cow pus, seed petajoesj garden see^ and oiuon " ~ . ^ .

and eirculatang kt the county of Prince William, and thait.a cc^y be posted at the firoBt door of the coiBtfaoase of this county as reqnired by iaw.".

GEO. 6 . T^^BR. C I * * > AtrueCopy: ;' •.''. '

GEO. a TYLER, Qei*. C. A. Sinclair, p. q. 61-4

sets. J. H. Bmrke & Co.46 VIRGINIA^, ,

In the.tfar^'s qff ic^ef/ l^ Cireolt Court of the! County rf Prince WilKam,

Eggs for hatching White Rode: May 4, 19?2, IMrain. $1.00 per setting. J: J. Con- SLSIE HEIDENREICH GOATER, ner, Manassas, Va. 42-ti, ComplahwoA:

too. We can lauwier every aoiled ai^ tide yolfer famQy wears end do it sspa-rate from anyone's else. In the long run yonll find it more econMnicaL

N» damp wash—Mo hang oat—No inmioc—No marts on anytidiv.

He Tohaa hmbj

StTn^U^rSLi'^n^'lli^iiLr&S;^ brick tenant, house, bwn, orchard, 61 ^^*°'!?"^,„. „^„*,^ /

"aoes alfalfa; modem improvwnen*. , ^ DJ QHANCKRlf' . • ' John H. Nelsiw, 401 Q^ondo BaB^« [ •a» O^eei of the above s^ed eirit Wellington, D. C. 42-tf ^ ^ obtain a divorce a vinculo matri-"•' . , j monii tot the complainant from the de-

A n i l f i r V i l31?4II> fM«i»n»onthefft>mldo<wafQl.dea«r-l ' A f l l l L l i \ r r A l R tk>n aid abandonment without just

_^ • ' • • - • — I cause or excuse,, for mor ti«n tioee This laundry of oars is for the fcm-i years prior to the insWufiori of thia

ily washinir-** l ^ y « ? h ^ • " i r l f ' X ' ^ ^ h i : ^ been ^ and filed in this office that tiie defmd., ant, Horace Harry Geater, is not a rerident of the State of IHrginiai and that to the best of affiant's knowledge and belief, his last known post-<^Bce address or j^aee of abode was BaHMa, Canal Zme^ Panama. It is tbefefors ordmd that tiM said defendant do ai^ear here within ten days after doe pi^iestfon of tiiis order and do whrt is necessary to protect his interests in this suit. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordM^ be published once a week, tot four soocessive weeks, in the MBmi ««« Journal, a newqiaper print­ed and circulated in the cotaty of Prince William, Virginia; that a c«^y be ««it by registered mail by the derk of this court to the said Horace Harry Geater, BallMa, Canal Zone, Panama, and that a copy of the same be posted by the said derk at Oe treat door of the conrthoose of said coonty en or be-fim the next socceediag Bak Day al­ter this order is eatered.

GEO. O. TYLER, Gterk. A tnwCopy:

GEO. G. TYLER, dark. B. B. Washington, p. q. Bl-4

F. W. MacKeaaie, Cteaer <tfc a i4 C Otrsets. N.

WasUMgtea, D. C

Wherever Tea Are We Caa Serve Tea Parcel Pest AatoaMbOcs


AND LKMHOD Lee Ava, Near C B ,




Sooner or lot^ you'ivffl use a

D e l iaiVAl Cornwel l Supply C o m p a n y


.•r StyW

mm iMir T«•u^

Lsfse 110 vak S K. W. Ddca Light Phurt, good aa as

Deleo Electric Well Pomp (good aa new.) For quick salei— $1M*

Isko Refrigerator Plant (good as new.) For quick sale. ISOJM

Jewell Porcelain Lined Ice Box (just like new.) F(» qni^




CoDBerdal Ante & Sqipir Co. Franklin 8075 llafai 619

m-n» i4tk stTMt, N. w. WASHINGTON, a C.

The Paper with the Lovely Finish

THB eaqineite testoie of BrmpboBf Writiiv Paper pro. vide* a etdcndld writing tnttuee. That U why it is the

choice of so many emart woBBcn for their cofreepondtnc*. Syoqihoiqr Writing Papers are to be had in three, flniihas

and a variety of fartikmaWe tintt. Uade up in many eiaas Hid ihapcs, to meet every deoiand of good taste.. Key be ponhased by the quire or tiie ponod. Also eDfretvaadeaes cards, edth eovdqpee.

D O W E L L ' S P H A R M A C Y Manassas, Virginia

^ B *

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Prin«e William County ,to-wH:

To tile Sheriff of Prince WiOiam Coon­ty, Virginia:

Notice is hereby givoi that an in-l formaldon haa tide sixth day of Aprfl, iiltX, been filed in tiie Orcuit Court of { r^taee William County, Virginia, by Una. H. Lkm, attorney ior the com­monwealth of Virginia for the county at Prince WiBiam, that a certidn per­son, or persoBS, to-wit: Clayton Lim­ing and Lather Carney on or about tiie lat day of Ai^, 1922. in tiie said county diet unlawfiiDy use and opraate one Ford touring car, or machine, witii sngina numbered 8,075,268. for tranS' porting ardent spirit* illegally on and along tile highways of said county in exeeas <rf ,that ~ permitted by law, against the peatee nnd dignity e(f< the Commonwealth of Virginia; iridch said automobile or maehinOk has been seized, and is now in tliia poasessfon of Clayton Liming (because of a bond everted by Idm on the 8th day ef April,. 1022, to iiave the said automo­bile, or maeiiine forthcoming in com­pliance with an tmier cA tiie circuit court of said -county), for the pur­pose of having the «ame condemned

Brfae Bowie J«ha CL Taylar RivwdbIe,-MdL Aeeaauc; Va.

$5.00 aid $10LOO SAVED ON s u n s F(»t

Moi aid Youiq; Ifcii

and aoid and the procehds tiiereof to be disposed of accordingr to law.

You are therefore commanded to dte, <»r summon all perswis concerned or interested hi the said automobfle, or machine, to appear befoi« our said oonrt on the first day of the June term, 1922. to-wit, Mmiday, June S, 1922, at 10 o'dodc a. m.. and show cause why the prayer of tiie infwma-tion for cowkmnatfam and aale sbotid aot be granted.

Yon are further commanded.to post a copy of this notice at the front doer ef the courthouse and publish in the Manaasss Journal, a newqiaper pub-

SPRINGDAIf FARM Piba. 8 milas f ram U. B. Cap-

ttsl, Pkteee fissrf* OsAsty. fU.



Standard CkAiof CALL AND mSPECt


AMERICAN CLOTHIStS 727-T29 14th N.W. AbcM N. Y. Ave,


Bshed and drenlating in said eoanty, adier^ sndi seisare was matie, for loor consecutive weeks, and at least fiv»days beftire the return day of nch B^ice, and mdce dae return hereof at the June torn, 1922, of said coort

Witness, Geo. G.' l^Ier, d e ^ of our said court, at the coorthoiBe theceirf, fa the county and state aforesaid, tiie Tth (by <rf April, 1922, and hi the 148tb yaar ti tiie Commonwealth.

GEO. G. TYLER, Cleric.


Gaaraateed Firs 11 Sise MxSH faKiMs _


812 14tii St . .4 DoonNortt sTH St. Washtagtea. D. C





Pay Your SobscriiitoD ID Advancel


SjpeehUft bt ckrmk AMMCS. I make study and treatment

of any kind of disease tbe fam­ily Doctor is not curing. Tdl me yonr trooble and IH tdl joo vhat is jonr disease and vliat caa be done for i t 111 •end blank and spedsMB cai9, CUve me yoor nama.





D M M u d i l . l M l

Eaminga for the past six years have averaged over 2.14 times interest charges. Listed on Washing­ton, Baltimore and Ctevdand Stock ExehangM. We recommend these bonds for investment. Price 82, yielding over 6.65%. Descriptive circular wiU be mailed on request.

OR'ANE, PARRIS & COMPANY 823 Fifteenth Street

WASHINGTON, D. C. EsUbUshed 188S

John L. Edwards & G>. WASHINGTON, D. C. — RICHMOND, VA.





WasliiiltMi's Favoile %Rrt 1 ^ Selling evoything tiie SportsiBflQ need at lowest prices


We.stock a eomidete and-eorrect liiie of athletic s u i t e s and with each sale goes the service you , can only expect fimn aa organizatiOTt whidi for over 26 years has devoted its efforts solely to good athletic outfitting

WALFORP^S 909 P( AvnuM, N. W. WASHINGTON, p. a

SpMkfawaT wiv tar txwk tivM at »nr yfkf Mt m rimt track • • sUti tins? TWr wmaii W tktmp awi Umg-^rwi. TWr wMdi U clMay «ai hmf^mit. B t y—r tratk w—M fc> lalwii lii J VOntiMi wwdi nfcfc it to S* •tMl tlTM W€mU h» th*

would enat tlM prie* a( yMv SaiMMrW tiM

tire 7 M tajr. U • ! « • • • a M M M a c tttt Qii i: Tke •r icual priea «f (ka Hn, irack ttipaiia ami

final coat of tlM tire. Ami MtenOy tha tire tkst b acaaeiital im track

predatioM coat b lair ia teal riwt a«< b a goat t i n to S^ la tiw «Mi tha vwHtr aWva aB

CaaUaa T i n , b CCSBMHflHG. Gnat

loDger tnidt life. OtlMT «aalitica aiaat ka

price, etc, hat tha Caakba T i n tkat im those qaalMea, b tlwcheaycat t i n tobiy,

I t b tke bwcat fkmi la wear airi.taar aa tke track. TTie Caa^year Caafcba Tba af all Cwfclra U n a , h Uader a n taat it


Mba Alice MeU apent tbe waek-and «nth iManda at QtmavrtA.

Mn. Maada FetMr, Wm Amy F«t-sar, Mr. Lather Fetaer and Mr. Sam­uel Marahall, of Waahiactim, vbitad Mr. and Mra. E. H. Fetser Sqadaf.

The Catharpin HonaekaaiMri' Chib wae entartained by Mra. J. W. Alwgr last Tkonday aftaraooB.

Mra. Ellsa DorMy, «f BamrvIlK kt Tbiting her ao»4B-law and daasktar, Mr. and Mra. W. Holniea BobartMO, at "UwnviUe."

Mr. Popoviteh, of Roanoke, ipaat the week-end with hb brother-is4aw, Mr. E. Conrad, of Tecnmseh Farm.

Miaa Delb AUia<m spent tha week­end arith her brother and sbtar-ia-bw, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allbon. ot loww Loodoon.

The play giren by the Junior Lsapie of Catharpin school last Wednesday evening was attended by a large andi-enee and abmA fifty doUan realised from door receipts and tha sab of re-fraehments. •

Mr. A. B. Sanders spent the first of the week witit hb sbtw, Mrs. C. F. Brower, and other rebttvea in the county, en route to hb home in Flor­ida, after a trip to New Yorit. Mr. Sanders attendied services at Sodley on Sunday, whtr* he was at one time superintendent of the. Sunday Schodl and was warmly greeted by auuiy old friends.

Mrs. J. H. Kidwdl and Miss Edna Mae Kidwell wen callen at the home of Hn . J. S. Wood at WalHngtoa one day last week. ^

Miss Bessie Sloper has accepted a position at the National Cathedral School in Washingtom.

Mr. J. E. Kidwdl and daughter, Miss Edna Mae, ot thu plaeej and Mr. a S. Kidwell and son, Mr. Wilfred Kidwell. of Hickory .Grove and Mr. D. Allison w « « gnetrta at Hna borne of Mr. John Kidwdl at Grseqwidi on Sunday.

A daughter, yrbo ^ved only a few hours, waa boik to Mr. aad Mrs. W. Holmas KobartB«t«n Tfaanday, Aprfl iWth.

Miss Maxjoxb Brewar retiiraed to Boanoke en Wadncaday to reaame her atodka at integiBb Odbge, after tpmSag Eaatar with her parmta of thb pboa.

Dr. C. F. Grower haa recortly had a vatar system taistalted in hb resideBee.

Work b progresaiag satis£tet«rily npmi the boikUng of the cheese fafr-tinry at thb place, and Mr. a H. Sedey, of Manassas, b sinking « well

tfpq^ibeigmmds. Mr. S. B. Saadws, af .Washington,,

visited hb brother, Mr. P. H. Sanders, last-week.

Mr. J E. Kidwell b <m the sick Ibt. Mr. Pulaski, -who spent the winter

mwiths with rdatives fat Maryland, is BOW at the hoase of hb graaddsngh-

Itar, Mrs. WaMar Ward, aad haa beaa q«nte indiq>qaed for several days.

One end of a bam upon M . C E. EUiaea's farm near ken waa entirely

~ deawlbhad by the aeven wind-atorm whfch vbitad thb seetba aboat five o'doek a. m. OB Friday, i^ril 14t^ Foctonatety the atona laatad aoly it flaw ailwiitaa aad atemed to fsBow a

mew slfip woddkava

yaaca^aaa. Tktf




Mid-Washington Service G>. 1602 14tk St WaslungtMi, O. C



graded adkoel w e n bald on Friday, 4prB 21. Hie raadfaig hf Wm S B -ma Mayhogti, lOsa taft Featar and Mr. X. Jackaea DdwaQ w e n escal-bat, aad tha play g i n a by tlM pri-Buiy dapaiUiisMt waa very liitanatiiig. Cextifteatea of gndaation w e n award­ed to M^aea Kama M a y i n g Kath I atHT and Mr. SoyaD Jwteoa Kid-Inll, aad takaa aKocather, waa qnito asacosaa. Tha taaAsn, Mba Myrtb K. JehaaoB. Mba Haba ^ r g i a b Cook (Bad Mr. Edward S. Baoaa^ aia to be rumratnhtfd

Mr*. W. T. Mayhuffh aad Mr. J. W. Kidwdl w e n ee tke sick Sat tfe<a week.

n a regalar moMhly laiiitlng ef tke leagae will ka hdd taeitltA (Friday). AH aiaaibers a n arged to ba aa tide b tke tiaw far dsettaa e<

Thcfe Are KsoriMmtin Peipk

8 Their Good Judgmeot . I V ^ —« W i l l i I I mmwta tke mm$ 9t 'VmONDBT

t$ mmi af 8»srta<fai

3 EDMONDS ^ 1 d P T I C I A N Siss:




Mr*. G. D. Pi^ctt, of Seat Fbaaaa^ Md., spent bat weak wttit bar Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tkybr.

Miaa Myrtie Jdmaoa aad Mr. G. H. Wartiagtea will OMtor to Catldt ta-Bierow (Satarday) on bnaiii

Mr. G. H. WaaUagtea ivcat Uw week-end ia Mansiseii

Waa flallie C o&e retmved oe Toea day bat after spcadiag a few day* with Miaa Leaa Crepp, af Waahingtoa.

Miaa Maria Beby speot Ibaday a i ^ with Mr. aad Mrs. W. L. SpMia.

Misaaa Myitb aad Oadya M M O B aad Msaais. Gaorga .TnhaiBa aad G. H.

Ceekb thb

THB BAST MONBT GOBS Read tkb • •rffHtpwul artideby Bd-

waH H. Sarith ia tts Magasbe of i&e Saaday Star, May 7. t t tAswkatbe-coaMt eC the tkbf aad hb ill-C!»ttcn gfias, aad b written by a «Ma who haa made a study of eriaft for- maoy years. Seercta of the naderwarld aad ito heiihto aad dcptha. Order yoor copy at the


The New Wash Fabrics Are Altogether Irresistible—

They Entice One's Needle and Skill —Hie aray ginchanu, plaid«d and ekedud that look Mon cheerfol after wuriiiiiff--criq^ orcandies in poatd ghadcs to make ddeeteUc gardcB fro^»—linwas, ia erwry iaugiiiaUe sliade, to taOor into irinpk, straigkt elTeetfH-«9d sei»«g of new fabrics, d<HBesiie and im­ported, tliat are just aaUng t h ^ debat into Fai^doa tliis 8^riag>-«ad Kke aB debataatca, are exceedingly lortiy.

—32-INCH DRESS GINGHAMS, In checks, atripes and plaid*; aU coton and O Q - » sizes of checks. All are fast colors. Yard..... %^0%^ —32-INCH IMPOBTED SCOTCH GINGHAMS, in all eolora and sizes of checks. C O . More than iifty patterns to choose from. Yard _ O O C —S2-INCH KIDDIE KLOTHS, for children's dresses, play suits, women's one-piece dresses, etc. In checks and stripes, with plain colors to ma tch. Many col- 9 Q^^ ors to choose from- Yard...... „ .„... O O C —40-INCH PRINTED VOILES, light groonds with neat figures of dot*, checks and stripes, in pink, blue; lavender, etc. Many styles foom which to select. O C ^ Yard ,.„..... .- . ..... i & O C —40-INCH PRINTED BATIS1X, fast o^rs , in light grounds witilineat fis^iroi, stripes and checks. For making women's house dresses, childr^i's clothes, etc . Q C ^ Yard „ .._ „.... . ...™_ O O C —32-INCH IMPORTED AND I)0MES11C SHIRTING MADRAS, many have silk stripes. Beauttfttl etiSon tor making men^ and beys' shirts, also womfli>.'8 C | % ^ <kesses. Yard ... . .„......! . . ^ ...... ,...™. ., ._ O v C —S6-INCH PLAIN COLOR BEACH SUITIKG, lor wfn^n's and childnm's A e ^ dbthes , in aU the new cdors. Yard . ~... . . .—..... ^ #e%W* --36-INCH IMPORTED IRISH SHRUNK DRESS LINEN, in all staple colors to weU as the new sport eolors,iiv wtmiim's u d childi^ ck>t&es; included ^ t | U | also is white; Yard......._. _. „ _. „.....„.^...,.„....^.—. „.... ™. ^I*IW —45-INCH IMPORTED SWISS ORGANDIES, guaranteed permanent finish. More than 35 new shades to sdect trcm. These are qwdally adapted for ms(k- iTC ing flowers for trimmings, etc, as weD as for dresses. Yard ...^——......—...... i O C —IMPORTEDIKXTTEDSWIESS,inna-< ,Madk, C< >en, Imrnn and white ( I O C iSW BMls with nil size dota. Piearmanentfinish. Yard .„._.........:—.. .—.„..„ 4pl*<M


''<*>. • • '-i "- ••• ' / , \ f"^.', f-^.r^ T*.? " !

LR. &

Ute-$d|^ Plfi^yott to came to our st«ire


Meats, GroceriK JBid Green V^etaNes

We find that the great majority c people, when they buy foody consider quality first and in view of this fact you win Bndin our store goods of die best quality only.

We pay cash for afl kinds of produce — cahres, hogs, chicfcsy ducks, ^gh butler, hides, elc

Our motto b 'TuD measure, fuO weight and honest goods for your mon^.'' We aim to PLEASE YOU, if we succeed, tel odiCT tf not, tel us. Fanr and coyr-t»ous fareatapent — prompt senrice to aH GiTeusacaD w l ^ in need of anydnig m die grocery or meat line.

wdl (Ulhror foor order to your door. faroaio Mrvaaad ^ O M O yo« h»


wmsvJkTtmmMK •M^-vir*"''^

•sr ACTIVE S t o c k s

We are apMiaUgts lb Fiaance, Mort-SMe and Duooont Company McontiM and offer: ^ i 10 Frontier Mortgage Unit«_4U6.00' 5 Metropolitan Finance Units $000^

10 CoflUDonwealth Pinyan, ptd. 00.001 10 Commonwealth Fiunee, com. 4S.0O' 6 U. S. Mortgage Units „...160.00l

10 Cleveland Diacount, com..... Bid 20 Midland Trust A Savinft.^... g.SO 10 Colonial Finance „ 28JX) 10 First Peoples Trust Uaita. 86.00 j 6 Bankers Union Units. ; 90.00'

10 FidelityjCuital G«rft. Unite.. 85.00: 6 Motor MoHhahe Umtk. 66.00

10 National Eqaitable Invsat' ment .228.001

20 Securities Acceptance Unita.. 80.00 NoU Theao Special OCeriwn J

1000 Owenwood jso] 10 Commonwealth Hotd W.OO' 60 D. W. Grifflth, Class A.. S.00

lOO United Cigar Canada. .80 100 Miller Train Control 2.78

10 Piggly Wiggly Corp., com. 05.00 10 Piggly WigglT Corpt, pfd. 90.00 6 West Indie* Fiolt Uni{s....ll5.00

100 Hydro United Tir* 2.66 10 Noiseless Typewriter Make Offer

100 Radio, com 4.B0 10 L. R. Steel Stores Units....l36.00

600 Oil Operates Trust .86 Ws buy, sell and quote all unliated

saeotitieB, no margin aecoonte, no par­tial ttaymente. Caahonly. wr{te,fnr oar Bst of high grade bonds.

BUCK & CO.: SIMM Eraas BaiUW s

1420 N. T. A v e ^ Stacks and Bowb WttMUhai 1916

MWWMWH.rp Bsnp**

EiimraBarf Offing ON—

Fresh stock of fast selling tires, in-elnding Pmlage and other popoltf makes, hi order to makt room for ta-tare aUpmento we <rfrer tbesa yalnes at raditoad i^ieiw.


Mii ... .1 tju iixi . . . tiiM M x S ) i . . . . 7.90 S2x4H--.. U.M VtM*^.... TM SSz4)4.. . . 16.00

E< . . . . lLa» S4i4M->. U.M . . . . UJXI^ SSx4yi... . l&M . . . . i4Jk ftxS . . . . lIuM


imii^im^tlM. Oth«rBisci,|LM


. i l t S B SBBtlCS

Btr. J. C. Alexaadsr and family, of WaAington. itftat tb* wA-mA wttfc Mr. Akxukler% motiier, Mrs. It ]. Almtadtr.

A large crowd was in attendance af Ut^T. E. Clarkfs sale Friday. i

Btr. and Mrs. CUrke left Monday for their new hom^ in Washington, where Mr, Clarke wffl be engaged in tha commission business. The imt wishes of their many friends go with tham. I

We are glad to report that Mxs.' Alice Hinton, wbo has b«si quite iil for several days is better at this writtog.

Mr. Willie Floranee ap«it the week-end with Ua pareate, Mr. aitf Mrs. P. C. Flonnco.

Mr. Nelson Teaj^lsnian, of Toluca, was a goest ti WSu Lucile Clarke Sunday.

MastMT Wills Neale, of Washington, returned to his home Sunday after sp«idiBff the past two weeks with his aunt, Mrs. P. E. Clarka. ,

Uissea Leona BaUey and Vivian Taeey were visitors at ttie MinnieviU* school the past week.

Mr. WOUe Arnold, of Woo«>ridge, visited at the home of Mr. J. W. Bailey Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clarke spent Sunday in Washington.

The many friends of Mr. Buck Keys, regret to hear of his death. The sym­pathy of his many frinds in this eom-mnaity' is eitended to the. family.

Mr. Luther Pearson is spendini sev­eral weeks at Gold Ridge, teUng a coorse in cheese making. Mr. E ear-s<m will opoate the plant bare.


. iiH iitk stnsilr. # . (Ov. BlM4e blaisl AWJ

WAaHDrcrroH. D. C

TearlacCW Boadster . . . Sport . . . . . . Sedan . . . . . tMppe

. U49|

. ItK 19k


Ugkt Six. IMKJt F. O. B. FWtory

s d n cHoicB ynciNiA m s i '

hiwell Motor Co. SalsaraMi aad Service Statfsa 1821 14tk SInet. N. W.




The Civic League beld ite r^olar monthly meeting at the school house OB Friday, April 21. The i»ssid«nt, Mrs. O. M. Douglas, presiding. After the business of the leagtie was diacnss^ pd the school children rendwed a very pleasing program of s<»gs, reciteti<Hia aa4 dialognes. After iHiiiBli ice e«am and cake was sold aad tite sum ok $6.10 was realised.

l i e ncoKt meeting will be beld May 17. Bv^.Mia la cordially iovHM to attend.

Mr. and Mrs, O. E. Kiblar and aasall Mn, Jack, of Wateritll, w«ra g u a ^ on Sna4ay at Toster fian."

Mayiir and Mr*. Mi Stover Keyaar, of Qnantico, and Mrs. Elisabath Kd-ley, of Phi ladelp^ were reeent gneata at "Belted FicJds."

Mr. L. W- Payne and son, ef Wash-ifigton, visited fHends ia the aeia^diior-Ixwd last week.

Mrl. itaiy i. Jateha fa apwdiag this weak witii her soa aad daagbtar-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jaooba, at Bivcrdale, Md.

Ariwr Day was obaerved at the school here, mi Tnesds^, by planting a tree on th« sdibol lawn.

Miss Ndlie Lambot, who haa beoi employed at the Borean m WaaUag-ton, haa retarBed to her home here.

Tic Inspectnr GoIliBa ^ras bei« on Mcmday.

Miss Mary Jane Foley, of Wadiin^ ti», visited her old jbome "La Qtkage" near hCTC on Thursday laisi.

Mr. W. H. Butler 9<aA a few days in Waahington tile past week.

Miaaca Beside and Florasiee Jaeoba atteoded tha f >flpng eiKerciaea of Hickory Gtvn school on Tfamaday last.

' Miss Aaae GaaliOt waa a nieeait goest of4ier sisto', iGra. Jaci Bhowfa, of Aldie. ' • '

Messrs. 0. H. Xeyser and 1 0^ JacfAa wer» Mawsssas visitors on Tuesday.

Miss Lillian V. Gilbeit, Coimty Home DcoMBstzstiea Agaat, «C Ma-aaiaa. vii«»d tha acted hmm « • Unnilay. ;




(Rmguiar pricm $tJ0 \ L COT<w«>m.ta«!rtn _ I


(Myrtile Corawcll, Bcpecter) Mambos of the WoodUn* Sewing

Onb met at tlie adieol Iwoaa Tnsaday mining at 10:30 o'elodc The aMSt-ing was called to order by tiw preri-dent followed by smgiag "Ky OM Kentodcy Home."

Minates w«re rsad fagr the seezetary aad Improved by ttc mamhani. The roQ waa eaDed ahawiBg ftva menUMra were present.

The sobjeet was rtismsand of giving fifty per cent of the 1922 Fair Price Money for hoiHiag a IMNMO to pat ^ exMbito in aad w3l ware in tKnt of i t

Plans whidi were discassed at oar

were takea vp. It was daeidad to have the May 4 pregrami.

A preitam coandttee waa appoisA-•d, compoaed tt Katie Cabala aad Aa-BieCorawdL A Tiifreshmsnf eo—rit-tee waa appeiattod egaspeaad ef Mattha Payaa aad KaAlesa Woo^yard.

ad: ' Bmg Week iar tin Night Is Coai-teg-

Beading—Annie CerawaO. , Baadiag—Katlieaai Woadlitod. ' Beading—Myrtle ConrwA

Beading—Katie Cehaia. Sonr—Pass Me Not. The meeting adjoomed to meet

again the third Tuesday in May. Af-«l» s»j<Hl«>^ « h AM M» Mi<ti»t MMHtdUt

a««!S«9i»aii mm '•j'H*

Tune Papent Plan on n-

For those who are not'utuated so they can buy and pay cash for a car, we have an easy payment plan that w^ enable them to own a Ford car at a very reasonaUe ad­ditional cost and have the pleasure and use of your car while paying for it. Come and seei us and let us explain the terms and cost of this plan and you will be happily surprised at the reasonableness of thii. Spring b here—summer will be heire before we realize it- uMi with it comes the seaspii for (Measure touHiig whi^ ihe day V work IS done.

Chasils -Runatioiif • . Mr

• '^1,

$285a00 $319.00 |348a00


ToUiote who haveheralcrfore|i«il^fW^^ yond tueir means can now afford a Ford. Nevor bef<»1b ^ tht Uttcnry of automobite mdostrjr lias iuch liiotor car value hwi pos^bte to a prospeetive buyer of a car. And when all is said atid dotte ydii will &gi^ with the many nullions of owners and users that the Ford is the Universal Car and u the most duraUe and ecoiiomical car on the mafkat Lower in price than ever ( ^ its h&toryi even b <Hre the w i ;: WHte oitoday or j^cme

llhnassasMotorCo.,lBc • - • : • .

3 S S S E

FRESH VEGETABLES In the eptingtixae comes that inner kmging for aatut-

thing different from the samaieM of the winter meals pre­pared from fndti and •egetaMcs -wUek have been earned or •tend aO wiatar and tfaeftby lorint thdr eriepiicM aad flaTor. TUsIoasinciaoalr natural and it is one diat^oidd besMt nrcshTetetables do mock more than satiiiyahNV. b^ Th«raetasatflaieaadbodrb«Bder.

We have Already a niea saprtr of AM foBowiac green vegetsblea on oar staid: NEW POTATOBSt CABBAGS. UertDCI, CUCDllBBBS


Beatdes, yoo will find ns IM • m s , AFPLE8, BANANAS HtGHESTQUAlirr.




GARAGE Now Open f <»* Businest

We are ready to do e x p ^ repuring on yoor aatonolMie and

Y<Mi will find.m located bade of the Gornwdl S(9p^ Compaiqr* oppoelte the frai^td^wt.

Pence & Turner PROPiUETOIIS



vmETas jIUkXtMaoAO < r w s M w ^

Fanners of Prince W l a m County


Oencnl Ammmbiy ProvidMi tvt Pi^MtioB of GitiM Fbh ia

Virginia Waters -

The time has come when we have gotto organiM. Tha sooni the better, if we ever expect to .twtch out and com­mand our prices for what we have to adL

Have we not the same right to get our. pricea as has th« manufacturer? v ui

The local buyer, when you go to buy from him, has W^ nrices set The maiiufactufer seta his prices to the jobber, ffe jSb& then to the retaUer. the retaUer then to you.

Where did the manufacturer get bis raw^^oducts to start with?

He got them from you. Did you tell him what price you would take for your

wheat, your wool, your oats? . _ No. You.asked him how much he was paying. a«

tells you. What is the outcome? You keep it or sell it at his price. How about those fat steers that you have to sell?

ThosV hogs, those lambs, those calves? Did you set your pr ice ' ' •

No. Here comes that hard luck tate when the local buyer comes around. Brother farmer asks, .'*How is the market?"

"It is rotten," he says. Do you take a daily paper to see what the markets are?

The majority do not. , .. Then you chew the rag for a while and then you ask the

dealer what he is paying. He says, "I don't know." Now, how do you feel? You are at his mercy. You

either have to sell to him or keep your live stock. He ships hiiload on to market and clears ?20p or more. They are then resold to the slaughter house,, sold again from there to the retailor, from there back to the consumer, and what does a steak from that steer cost the consumer? Not less than 40c a pound. You raised it, took all the chances, and then had to take it to the local stock pens. The bj yer weighs it for you. but you pay the weight bill and then the local dealer . paj's you 5c a pound.

Doesn't this look like tying your .hands.- Gentlemen, it's worse than a convict with a ball and chain to his legs.

Now see where your losses are. Too many middlemen, too many fellows laying around studying but schemes to beat the farmer. Gentlemen, where will you be in a few years, if we don't join hands and stand together?

The Farmers' Union is your friend and he is always ready to help you. He wants you to join him and be one of his Brothers.

What would this old world be if it were T^ottor ttie far­mers? They are the backbone of the world. They are the b i g g ^ buyers in the worid. They Me the hardest Wf ™ ? people in the .world, fnan sunup toe sundowD, and and thear work is never done.

Brother Farmer, be on yoUr guard, study the man yMi vote for, know who you are putting in <^ce to rule ywi, PL tax you, and so on as it goes- —

Thank the good Heavenly Father that we live in a free country. As Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty of i^ve me death." The poor farmer is the most peacrful man on earth. He is too busy to think of schemes.

What are these poor dairymen trying to do (or viee versa), what are the milk dealers trying to do to uiem? Put them out of business, of ccmrse.

'' "It's too bad," some fellow said. But it's not going to put l»ck all he has spent t» get

up a good herd of cows, sanitary ham and dairy equippient. Thousands of dollars tied up, is he going to junk it?

Here ia what the live wire says: "No, let us organrae and hwidle our own milk. Are you on, i»other?"

"I will studyabout it," he answers. . Next time he sees him—"Well, what have you decided

to do?" H« answers, "I.guess I win stay out." . Next thinj here comes a notice from the milk dealer

sailing that he will need his milk no longer, and he goM to his wife and asks, "Well, Mary, what are we going to do; how

• am I going to meet those notes?" Miry says, "Do not come both»ing me, J told you to

join the Association." Gentlemen, that is what all this leads to. We have got

to organize, stand together, before we ever will get any­where. The Farmers' Union, wilii its three Wg headquar­ters in our capital city, is doing more to help the farm» every day and the more members it has, makes it that moch stronger.

Now, why not say to yoursdf right now, "I am gnng to see my tocal Secretwy and TVeasarer and tdl him tint I have been a siacka* kmg e»oui^ hen are my dues, yoa can bank on me now and forever more.''

What class anaposes the wealth of oar eooftty? Th0 farmer class does;^

How would the other fellow live if it were not for the farmtf?

Be on the guard, Brother Farmer, for the fellow who is trying to tear down your organization. Trade at your local exchiuige. What they have not got in stock they will get toe you. All profits are divided among its monbers whea t h ^ deal with them, so why not join the Unioii and trade at yoorstore. Join hands and he^ the poor farmer wl|» is try-ing to h ^ himself.

Yours for a better living, to aptM>Id oar lews.

Princ* William aportsineii will be in Urestod .in the B«W game iiah Uwa pMMd by the Teeeot <karml AsMmbly tor tbe profvr protoctton of tbeM fish and they ihouli do »U in their power to see tfa«t tbeM lawi are w>coroed. Local reporU itate that the g a ^ fish in the mna around Mansissa |ur* get' ting scareer every year.

The Acts of the AMembly follow: Chapter 277.—Be it enacted by the

general aaaembly of Virginia, That it •hall be unlawful to buy, sell, barterc oroffer to buy, ntXi or barter any-blaek bass, big-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, southern chub, or miUp<md bass, or California or rainbow trout, or brook or jnountain trout, at any time in this state. Provided, that this act shall not apply to Back bay and its tributaries in Princess Anne county, but It shall, in order to sell such firil caught in the waters of said Back bay and its tributaries he necessary first to obtain from the commissioner of game and inland fisheries a permit in writing, for which t lwe shall be no charge, and said commiskioner is here­by given authority to prescribe reas­onable rules and regulations concern­ing the handling of any such fish.

Violations of the provisions of this act shall be deemed a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not less than five dollars for each fish offered for sale or iwught, or bartered, or impris­onment in jail for a period not exceed­ing thirty days, or both, in Ui© discre­tion of the court trying the case, pro-.vided, that no fine greatej. than fifty dollars shall l>e imposed in any one

case. All acts or parts of acts in conflict

with this act are hereby repealed. Chapter 278^—Be it enacted by the

general assembly of Virginia, That it shall be unlawful to take, capture or kill, in any one day in this state, more than fifteen black bass, small-mouth bass, or millpond, or southern chnb, : r take, or kill in any one day in this stiie more than thirty-five rainbow « C*i-fomia, brook or mountain trout

It shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession at anytHie time more than the number of fish men­tioned in this act thatinay be legally taken, captured or killed in two days.

Tiidatimts of any of tiw provisions of this act shall be deemed a misde-;bieanor and pbnishied by a fine dt ^Mt leas than five dollars; nor more than

.tWttktt-^ve doUarS for « a ^ oStese. Provided, this act shrit not »pvif ,tO Back bay and its trSisitKriw ia M B ^ ceSs'Anne coonty.

All acts or parts of acts in oonmet with this act are hereby repealed.

_ . Ways To M«Jke Gmcreie Bay'fev Pwrfiis

HERE ai* teil way» •vary farmer and kon^ owner can UM Con-crata to unpzove hU proparty. CoacrMe ImprovemeDto lik*

thua are inazpennvf. and they add a valua to preparty far in az-ca«a of tiMir amail co«t. Concrata ImproraroenU ara parmaaeiMI improvaBtanU. Thay n«(var nead expanaiva rapursi ara rot-proof, fire-proof, rat-proof, ru»t-proof. -Concrata, once "•at. it as atrong • • solid atona, and • • avarlasting. Anybody can make thfl»e and many other needed improvement*, can do the work lumfelt and «ave moit of the coet. Get atarted now; use good cement, with re­inforcing «^era neeasMry. and follow a few aimple rule*, and you'll be aurpriaed how eauly and quickly you can put in improve-menU that will mak* your placa mora modern and mora liveabie.

S E C 1-J I* I T"%r CEME&T^ S T R E N G T H Security ia the standard Cement in this locality. Supreme in tUs section, guaranteed up to Government specification, and especially adapted to the naads of the small user. Comes ready to use and can be bought ia any quantity for any siza job.

Wa aaU SECURITY CEMENT aad eaa M » 7«a «•* y«nr job AMM qaic^ly aa4 at smaB eoat. Sea «• for any U a d of Coacnla work.

Brown & Hooff W. R. Free, Jr, & Co. Manassas, V a . NokesviUe, Va.

The Washington Wood Working Compaiiy JOIfl* F. MURRELL, proprietor .

Manufacturers of High Grade Cabinet and Millwork .„DEALERS 1H.„

3 and 5 Ply Wood Panels, Sheet Rock. Compo Upson and Beaver aowrd ^ Stock Mill Work .

^-'. 'XUMBER' TslsviMM FtaaUin SSS4-SSOT

Twallh and B Sts., N. W; WasUagtoB, D. C


yingtmy Brathera and Bamoai aad ^Uley Btimg Batite 8*uticmii-iii

VvnMtmFrvm Bn«pe.

ifade «vCT more .tremendous than in 1921 by the recent addition of many more trained wild animal displays and j the purchase of Europe's biggest horse | show, Ringling Mothers and Bamnm, ft Bailey combined will exhibit atl Washington, D. O, May 16, 16 and 17.

All who glance over the cable news i •r who read the aii«azineB must have: nMed the many contracts eaterei into j by the Wngling Brothers for foreign tal«it last winter. A special ship was i • chartered tins spring to bring the hnn- j 1 dreds of hnman performers, trained • animal acta and aijaine diq>lays to Am^ca. More than a milUon persons saw the mammotii new drcos ft 1922 dsrinc the weda tiiat it sThibitad in 1l«itit<m Sqoare Garden, New Totk. Now this marrelons exhiUtion is tonr-b^ tiw eoostry aboard five great n ^ -read trains. It is a third biggo- than the BtBglBig &r«*has and Bantam A Bail«y show of lart SCMOB. It is ten

^btnu^tAiiitt drcos now

Fanners Ediicatioiial and (k Operathre Union of America

Big aa is this wonder circas of 1922 ! —^with its more than twenty trained wild-aninal displays in steel arenas, foUy ISO wowl<R«sUy sdwolad trick horses, 7M men sad W«B«B perfona-• n , 100 downs, and scores of featnres —tke price of admissiow is BO more than b«tfi»«. Aad tboogh the trained aniasal mmbers sad Vbm immeosa

horse show were dreases ia tiMiaselveS wltils touring Enrepe, they ara not of-ferod as sapantto attnetieas by the Kn^iag Brothars aad Bamna 4 BaikT cowbsnod shows. Instead all are oe «ao gigaatfe prograa. Bvcty-ttfag k la «a« •Mwaotih aaia teat. Oas t i^s t adatits to ^ aad iachides

to tiis There ara mm* than

Pay Your Subscription in Advance

tboasaad animals is tho aeo ef this dr-eas aad titeae iaclade a tiay baby'h^

oaly raeaatly bom, aad ac-eoatpaaiod by its three ton BMUMT. A»< fa«r raaiarkable sotdofical featora; is an aiBMMed rhtnoceroos, the only. « ie known to exist and for wfaid the! RiagUags rec^itly raftissd aa off s^ of

^ W-e have the newest f00/ wear for Easter and after. Patent leather, suede and satin are in much demand and straps continue their popularity in many styles. ^

^ Our line of spimg suits and dresses are the latest in style and ihe best in quality,

^ Gin iams, orgdndies, lines; and ratines are imich used this spring. We have a complete line from which you can choose.

^ In our line of hosjery are to be found the best in silk and the latest in sport hose.

^ We always carry a complete line of dry goods Every Une of goods we carry be )eaks quality and a. visit to our store will convince you.

Jenkins & Jenkins •The Ladies' Store"


$«>/)eO.—AdvsrtiaaaeBt. t


TheFoHT ( k s s i s — Standard BnkkiB UnroBgii

From tir* carrier to radiatmr, Uw Bukk four chaMis U of the MOM powwfal construction m» the Bukk tiz.

Buick car* for twenty fears have been btuh for dop«i^bilit7--andl the Buick four eoAodies standard units which have proTO^ tiienisehpes through jrean^ of serrice.

ComiMre tbe Buick four chassis part bf part with any d&mr four cyUndmr car.





Suiday &ciBfsioii 1922 Seasm

MAY 7th £ndle$t Caverns, Va.

(Wonderfol aad l^pecti^^ Most Marvelous at Sabterranean l ussageB, &nooth, D17 Walks—Mectric lllmnioatkyh BeMttxfoI Locati(m-^ Bfg (Siicli^ -Dinh^

Lv. Manassas ftSS A. M.

For literature, tickets^ etc, apjdy to Ticket Affanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEMf^

S E. fiURGESS^Dhr. Pasi. Ageiit Southern Railway System, 1425 P S t N, W.



R«T. T. H. MceLeod prMwhed at the naual honr in the Preebyterian Church | Sonday. After the lerricee there wa* . a me^inr of the eUera aod trttateea.!

B«T. C. J. Fry preached in the Bap- j ti«t Chorch at ni^ht. The Hostlers | Club presented the church with a new J Bible at this service. Miss Virginia Calhoun made the presentation speech and the Kev. C. J. Pry accepted it for the dtnreh.

Lieutenant Joseph A. Settle died in the Walter Beed Hospitel in Washing­ton last week and was buried Thursday ia Arlincton Cemetery with Military and Masonic honors. l isat. Settle a numbw of years ago liver here and his daughter, Mrs. 3. Gibson Kemper, lives here now. He had been ill for more than a year with valvplar heart l^uUe, and w»4C)aged seventy-two years. Besides his daschter. Mis. Kemper, he is survived by his wife and a son.

Josephine Stewart, a hig^y respect­ed colored woman who was for long years a resident of this community,, dibi in Washington, where she was living the past few years. Her body^ was brona^ here and laid to rest in the colored cemetery one day last week. She is survived by a large, family of children and grandchildren, besides her husband.

Mrs. Julian Buike is very ill at her home near here.

It is reported that Cornelius Burke formerly of this place, has died in Chi­cago *iii will be broogiit hexe for bu­rial.

Rev. V. H. CouDdll will rent th« house of Mr. and Mia. Saidi«r and is Iwre to Buperintehd building a home on his Idt on the hUl opposite the school house hill.

Messrs. Lewis Quigg. Jack Detwiler and Robot E^ckley, Jr^ all have new Ford tourinc cars.

Mr. 0 . D. Detwilerfaaa a new Chev­rolet touring car.

Mr. Ahrin Detwikr, of WasUncfam, was a we^-eod visitor at W. H. Bich-arda. Ahrkt to a son of the late Dr, E. L. Detwiler, of Hemdoa.

Miss Amiie Towles took her daaa i s agrieultar* oo an inspection trip to the ftmn of Mr. and Mrs. Ensor, Tues­day afternoon. On WeibMsday, th«gr teirted sanitdes of milk brenght by pu­pils with a Baboock tester. " Quite''a number,of the Masons of Clfttott attended the laying of the eonMr.«toDe vi the Epiaeopal Cbiadi in Mahiewss Moaday «ft»n»PW

Mr. V. V. Weaver baa built an ice cream and seft.drinfc parioar badde Us rtore in tile T^Iaiie.

R«iv. H. 3. Beagen, of Chester, Pau, waa in town last week toi^cing afttf his business inteiests.

J a ^ DMwfier was unfortunate enough to rupture a bk>od wssel in his right eya one day last week. The doctor ieid him it wag tiw tfaxaof tite light where he wtnks iii tiie city aod that lie must wear shades over his •yea'for ^rotactian.

Miss Stella May Detwiler was ill with a ci^d sevnal days last wedc but waa abi« to resume her ^aee ia sehqai Monday- '

Ifr. Irvin Q^igg waa vjf fer the wecdc-«nd and also eome up M<adv ifign$ ypg lodge. '''<'^'


1S08 H street N. W. WaaUagtap^ D. C.

DnraUe aid hexpeisnre Rngs Many peofde througbout the coontry look cm W. & J. Soane as the onqiwstioned leaders in unportiiiir and maldnx de lox rugs. As a matter o fact W. A. J. Sloane are eqaaSy fa­mous f(a de^oidng and offoinff to the puUk d^tghtf uUy satisfaetocy rofs at exceedingly modesate prices. Among these are: ABT SUPSBMB RUGS. Cetefacated far long wear and adaptaMHty to any part of the reatdanee. The style of mg tiukt is easily carad for and cleaned, rrodnead in all Uie latest style and cofatriags. Alao ia plain effects, an aiaes IV t^ tal2. Tba 9x12 flgnrad, IStjSS: SxU ptaJa, IISJ*. SCOTCH STTLB UTIUTT RUGS. These qaalat and w y dsairaUe rags ia large variety, both plaia eohnrs and h r i | ^ patttraa. "Om »M3M siae range in price from $ttM ta I8SJS. '

DKUTBKT «a all latkaUa

Don't Fof«et Tbrt We Arc Hcadqaartera For

PhmhiDg and Hedrical Mateial WE MAKE THE JNSTALLATiON

Our Stock ol Fans are tbe Bert ffcSclBirtrkffMhm. MijltT uUmitm*. Git«aai

K::.- C. H. WINE '•^s^^


Mrs.. Jones, of ftederickakiirg, is visiting her i«otlMr and sister-in-law. Dr. and Ibf.. Wac|« C. Pa^aeL

Mr. Stiiipawi wddey,' of Waahteg' ton, is speadiBg a few days at Ui braie here.

Miaa Sae B. Alzh^ ia attsndiac the Womaa'!s Auxiliary to Hia Bo4rd,of Miasiens in Session at Cksirt Gtarch, Winchester, this week.

A daaca at the Maswiic hall waa aa-joyed by a nuabigr e< yovtaa paai^e Fridiy evening lut .

The Rev. and Mrs. Tb(Ha Wmiam-soa, «f WashiagtoB, visited-tiwb xala. tlvca at "SUrtay" flds wwfc.

TlM Rev. Campbdl Mayers, ef Ifid dkborg, waa a visitor at S t Paul's nctocy last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Clarkaoa and little sona and Mrs. Cary Gamble, of Huntsville, Ala., awtored from Clar cndon MI Sunday and were goesta for the day o£ R*. and l^n. T. M. Browne. Mrs. GamUe returned on Tlmrsday evening for a Mef visit at her former home, tlte rectory, and witf spend the week i d with her sao, Mr. G. P. Gamble, at tiia Univarsity.

A game of baseball b^ng ^ayad at the school groanda on Friday after-iM«B ef laat week waa lit aught to aa ahn^t end at tb» eighth iaaiBg, vriien •varatt Toentiasoa of the Ugk school ted a mnm* ftO, wUdi brake Ua ael lar-boaa. n* gasaa waa bitassa Htm h i ^ admd aad the married asaa ef Haymarhct aad the seqpra aSaad t a 12 ia favar of the latter.

Tha BMvies far Satavday a n two ceatedies by Mack m a d e Tom WWMot tha C^te." aad •nstaed." WaOaca Raid hi 'Alway* AadacJoas," was enjoyed by siaed crowd laat Saturday.

Mrs. Staart TaUeaa has from a virit to Waahiagton.



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$ 25


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BY M m Natieaally adv«tlsed taOet arti-das, reaiedlas aad aaa&rfaa at 4a-ddadly lowered priwa ssad as year order—w^ HI it ^raatptly aad aatlsf actarily.

Fine viaKty black eaameled Pia* Tacaaa^ Bettiae Special... SSc

Ladlaa' Ravalviag Spray By-riagea 7. SSe

ZSe Colartta . U . . . . . . . ^ IS* 6«e Car Mae Tooth P a a U . . . . . Ma Fall Pooad ClMlea Pawdsrad

Cocoa U e Me Pebeeo tooth Part* . . . . . . t 6«e Pepaodeirt Tooth Paste. . . We Me Kolyaoa Tooth Paata Me Best QaaUty Hair Neta, <ba... I 4«c Fleteberls Castaiis 28a Me Meanea'a Shavlaf C M M I . M « CotyV Face Powder 79e 2Se NaB Braahaa iU MavlaTaknm l»e

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Mme-O-FonB Servki laataataaseaa ReprodhcUaa

aad OSee Serviea

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Typiag Tabalatiag Priatlag

Drawiag BkMUmg IBaatraCtaw Phataatat Work Fenaograpli Lattetfa«

SobadAa fM TBI JOURXAL--f 1 J» a y«Mr ia adtpaaea.

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$1.50 the year^and worth it.

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le l^nng spirit in tike cloth«s; m#r enwgf luid drive. Tlie colors are i-Iooking; modds are snaart, t ^ ^

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A: FEW OF OUR $1750 TMig lei's SB-WMI Casmr. Fhiiek mkUtt Uf9t iA. AB-

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$17iO iki's afl-vMl Syk Kxtees Id BheSerge Site. A ^ l M i b i i MM cdbrs, tke epal if aiy twfi^ lilbr s« A^ ciifciywypbce Si«s36te44 . . . : . ^ ) W . a U

ll&SO Tsm Ma's sB-widFkMels, sii^ ui Mkhntiki Bskak i M ;

Site. Snes 33 to 42 f . . ' . . . . * i t l . U U $22i0 aB-wisl Wsrste ad Serges, ctliis nraisad Un Mktterwh

terial Bade for weir ad sorke. Inn sil was a real ^ 1 7 CA

/ ' $22ia ai-wMi Oswefi H M Sirge Site Erery HihadHnie, Mddr fiid,

mketi hmi, hmi Md tAn, fat cdiii • Yang Ma's siigk mi Uik fcaaitML CawiiTiiii* ad stoite. Soes 33

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kffgaii at $22iO. Sizes 36 to 44

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0 « r entire h»e of $30.00 and $27.50 Men's and Yoong Men's Suits. All-wool Slaters flannels. Silk and Worsted Mixtures, Moiiair hned, kand-tailored, foil faced frMrtykaad fdted collars, m die Terj latest spring A O O r ' A s^Ies and aMteriab, a f n e aawMrtaMnt of pencil stz^ies. Sixes J / / S l l 33 to 44

We Guarantee a ReasonaUe Amomit of Wear With Eyeiy Soi^ a d the Coler of Every One M<niey'8 Worth or Money Back

Hynson's Department Stores ====== ^The Quality Shop, Manassas Virginia

