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Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf ·...

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Two grumpy giants and a baby D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois at Chicago Tanja Lange Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Page 1: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Two grumpy giants

and a baby

D. J. Bernstein

University of Illinois at Chicago

Tanja Lange

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Page 2: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Discrete-logarithm problems

Fix a prime `.

Input: generator g

of group of order `;

element h of same group.

Output: integer k 2 Z=`

such that h = gk, where

group is written multiplicatively.

“k = logg h”.

How difficult is computation of k?

Page 3: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Dependence on the group

Group Z=` under addition,

represented in the usual way:

DLP is very easy.

Divide h by g modulo `;

time exp(O(log log `)).

Order-` subgroup of (Z=p)�

assuming prime p = 2` + 1:

DLP is not so easy.

Best known attacks:

“index calculus” methods;

time exp((log `)1=3+o(1)).

Page 4: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Order-` subgroup of (Z=p)�

for much larger p:

DLP is much more difficult.

Best known attacks:

“generic” attacks,

the focus of this talk.

Time exp((1=2 + o(1)) log `).

Order-` subgroup of properly

chosen elliptic-curve group:

DLP is again difficult.

Best known attacks:

“negating” variants of

generic attacks.

(See Schwabe talk, last CWG.)

Page 5: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Real-world importance

Apple, “iOS Security”, 2012.05:

“Some files may need to be

written while the device is locked.

A good example of this is a mail

attachment downloading in the

background. This behavior is

achieved by using asymmetric

elliptic curve cryptography

(ECDH over Curve25519).”

Also used for “iCloud Backup”.

More examples: DNSCrypt;

elliptic-curve signatures

in German electronic passports.

Page 6: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Generic algorithms

Will focus on algorithms

that work for every

group of order `.

Allowed operations:

neutral element 1;

multiplication a; b 7! ab.

Will measure algorithm cost

by counting # multiplications.

Success probability:

average over groups

and over algorithm randomness.

Page 7: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Each group element

computed by the algorithm

is trivially expressed as

hxgy for known (x; y) 2 (Z=`)2.

1 = hxgy for (x; y) = (0; 0).

g = hxgy for (x; y) = (0; 1).

h = hxgy for (x; y) = (1; 0).

If algorithm multiplies

hx1gy1 by hx2gy2

then it obtains hxgy where

(x; y) = (x1; y1) + (x2; y2).

Page 8: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this


If hx1gy1 = hx2gy2

and (x1; y1) 6= (x2; y2)

then logg h is the negative

of the slope (y2 � y1)=(x2 � x1).

(Impossible to have x1 = x2:

if x1 = x2 then gy1 = gy2

so y1 = y2, contradiction.)

Algorithm immediately recognizes

collisions of group elements

by putting each (hxgy; x; y)

into, e.g., a red-black tree.

(Low memory? Parallel?

Distributed? Not in this talk.)

Page 9: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this


(1971 Shanks)

Choose n � 1,

typically n � p`.Points (x; y):

n + 1 “baby steps”

(0; 0); (0; 1); (0; 2); : : : ; (0; n);

n + 1 “giant steps”

(1; 0); (1; n); (1; 2n); : : : ; (1; n2).

Can use more giant steps.

Stop when logg h is found.

Page 10: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Performance of BSGS

Slope jn�i from (0; i) to (1; jn).

Covers slopes��n; : : : ;�1; 0; 1; 2; 3; : : : ; n2


using 2n� 1 multiplications.

Finds all discrete logarithms

if ` � n2 + n + 1.

Worst case with n � p`:(2 + o(1))

p` multiplications.

(In fact always < 2p`.)

Average case with n � p`:(1:5 + o(1))

p` multiplications.

Page 11: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Interleaving (2000 Pollard)

Improve average case to

(4=3 + o(1))p` multiplications:

(0; 0); (1; 0);

(0; 1); (1; n);

(0; 2); (1; 2n);

(0; 3); (1; 3n);...

(0; n); (1; n2).

4=3 arises asR 1

0 (2x)2 dx.

Page 12: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Interleaving (2000 Pollard)

Improve average case to

(4=3 + o(1))p` multiplications:

(0; 0); (1; 0);

(0; 1); (1; n);

(0; 2); (1; 2n);

(0; 3); (1; 3n);...

(0; n); (1; n2).

4=3 arises asR 1

0 (2x)2 dx.

Oops: Have to start with

(0; n) as step towards (1; n).

But this costs only O(log `).

Page 13: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Random self-reductions

Defender slows down BSGS

by choosing discrete logs

found as late as possible.

Page 14: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Random self-reductions

Defender slows down BSGS

by choosing discrete logs

found as late as possible.

Attacker compensates by

applying a “worst-case-

to-average-case reduction”:

compute logg h as

logg(hgr)� r for

uniform random r 2 Z=`.

Negligible extra cost.

Page 15: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Is BSGS optimal?

After m multiplications

have m + 3 points in (Z=`)2.

Can hope for (m + 3)(m + 2)=2

different slopes in Z=`.

Page 16: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Is BSGS optimal?

After m multiplications

have m + 3 points in (Z=`)2.

Can hope for (m + 3)(m + 2)=2

different slopes in Z=`.

1994 Nechaev, 1997 Shoup:

proof that generic algorithms

have success probability O(m2=`).

Proof actually gives

� ((m + 3)(m + 2)=2 + 1)=`.

Page 17: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Is BSGS optimal?

After m multiplications

have m + 3 points in (Z=`)2.

Can hope for (m + 3)(m + 2)=2

different slopes in Z=`.

1994 Nechaev, 1997 Shoup:

proof that generic algorithms

have success probability O(m2=`).

Proof actually gives

� ((m + 3)(m + 2)=2 + 1)=`.

BSGS: at best �m2=4 slopes,

taking n �m=2.

Factor of 2 away from the bound.

Page 18: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

The rho method

(1978 Pollard, r = 3 “mixed”;

many subsequent variants)

Initial computation:

r uniform random “steps”

(s1; t1); : : : ; (sr; tr) 2 (Z=`)2.

O(r log `) multiplications;

negligible if r is small.

The “walk”: Starting from

(xi; yi) 2 (Z=`)2 compute

(xi+1; yi+1) = (xi; yi) + (sj ; tj)

where j 2 f1; : : : ; rgis a hash of hxigyi .

Page 19: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 20: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 21: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 22: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 23: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 24: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 25: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 26: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 27: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 28: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 29: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 30: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 31: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 32: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 33: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 34: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 35: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 36: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 37: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 38: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 39: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 40: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 41: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 42: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 43: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 44: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 45: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 46: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 47: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this
Page 48: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Performance of rho

Model walk as truly random.

Using m multiplications:

�m points (xi; yi);

�m2=2 pairs of points;

slope � is missed

with chance � (1� 1=`)m2=2

� exp(�m2=(2`)).

Average # multiplications


0 exp(�m2=(2`))

� R10 exp(�m2=(2`)) dm


p2` = (1:25 : : :)


Better than (4=3 + o(1))p`.

Page 49: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Performance of rho

Model walk as truly random.

Using m multiplications:

�m points (xi; yi);

�m2=2 pairs of points;

slope � is missed

with chance � (1� 1=`)m2=2

� exp(�m2=(2`)).

Average # multiplications


0 exp(�m2=(2`))

� R10 exp(�m2=(2`)) dm


p2` = (1:25 : : :)


Better than (4=3 + o(1))p`.

Don’t ask about the worst case.

Page 50: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this


Bad news:

The walk is worse than random.

Very often have

(xi+1; yi+1) = (xi; yi) + (sj ; tj)

followed later by

(xk+1; yk+1) = (xk; yk) + (sj ; tj).

Slope from

(xk+1; yk+1) to (xi+1; yi+1)

is not new: same as slope from

(xk; yk) to (xi; yi):

Repeated slope: “anti-collision”.

Page 51: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

m2=2 was too optimistic.

About (1=r)m2=2 pairs

use same step, so only

(1� 1=r)m2=2 chances.

This replacement model )(p�=2=

p1� 1=r + o(1))


Can derivep

1� 1=r

from more complicated 1981

Brent–PollardpV heuristic.

1998 Blackburn–Murphy:


1� 1=r.

2009 Bernstein–Lange:

simplified heuristic;


1�Pj p2j .

Page 52: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Higher-degree anti-collisions

Actually, rho is even worse!

Often have

(xi+1; yi+1)=(xi; yi)+(sj ; tj)

(xi+2; yi+2)=(xi+1; yi+1)+(sh; th)

followed later by

(xk+1; yk+1)=(xk; yk)+(sh; th)

(xk+2; yk+2)=(xk+1; yk+1)+(sj ; tj)

so slope from

(xk+2; yk+2) to (xi+2; yi+2)

is not new.

“Degree-2 local anti-collisions”:


1� 1=r � 1=r2 + 1=r3.

See paper for more.

Page 53: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Is rho optimal?

Allow r to grow slowly with `.

(Not quickly: remember

cost of initial computation.)p

1� 1=r ! 1.p1� 1=r � 1=r2 + 1=r3 ! 1.

Experimental evidence )average (

p�=2 + o(1))


But still have many

global anti-collisions:

slopes appearing repeatedly.

Page 54: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Two grumpy giants and a baby

B: (0; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; 1).

G1: (1; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; n).

G2: (2; 0)�f0; : : : ; ng(0; n+1).

Page 55: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Two grumpy giants and a baby

B: (0; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; 1).

G1: (1; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; n).

G2: (2; 0)�f0; : : : ; ng(0; n+1).

Minor initial cost: (0;�(n + 1)).

Page 56: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Two grumpy giants and a baby

B: (0; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; 1).

G1: (1; 0)+f0; : : : ; ng(0; n).

G2: (2; 0)�f0; : : : ; ng(0; n+1).

Minor initial cost: (0;�(n + 1)).

As before can interleave:

(0; 0); (1; 0); (2; 0);

(0; 1); (1; n); (2;�(n + 1));

(0; 2); (1; 2n); (2;�2(n + 1));

(0; 3); (1; 3n); (2;�3(n + 1));...

(0; n); (1; n2); (2;�n(n + 1)).

Page 57: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Grumpy performance

For (1:5 + o(1))p` mults:

BSGS, with n � 0:75p`

or interleaved with n � p`,finds (0:5625 + o(1))` slopes.

Page 58: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Grumpy performance

For (1:5 + o(1))p` mults:

BSGS, with n � 0:75p`

or interleaved with n � p`,finds (0:5625 + o(1))` slopes.

Truly random walk

finds (0:6753 : : : + o(1))` slopes.

Page 59: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Grumpy performance

For (1:5 + o(1))p` mults:

BSGS, with n � 0:75p`

or interleaved with n � p`,finds (0:5625 + o(1))` slopes.

Truly random walk

finds (0:6753 : : : + o(1))` slopes.

Two grumpy giants and a baby,

with n � 0:5p`,

find (0:71875 + o(1))` slopes.

Page 60: Two grumpy giants D. J. Bernstein University of Illinois ...cr.yp.to/talks/2012.06.08/slides.pdf · DLP is much more di cult. Best known attacks: \generic" attacks, the focus of this

Grumpy performance

For (1:5 + o(1))p` mults:

BSGS, with n � 0:75p`

or interleaved with n � p`,finds (0:5625 + o(1))` slopes.

Truly random walk

finds (0:6753 : : : + o(1))` slopes.

Two grumpy giants and a baby,

with n � 0:5p`,

find (0:71875 + o(1))` slopes.

Also better average case than rho.
