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Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze...

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NEWSLETTER Wednesday, 14th August 2019 Two weeks ago our Foundaon students celebrated their 100th day of school.
Page 1: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

NEWSLETTER Wednesday, 14th August 2019

Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their 100th day of school.

Page 2: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

What’s On ………. August

Thur 15th Final payment due for Gr. 5/6 Camp Melbourne City.

Fri 16th School Assembly 2.20pm in the Stadium. All welcome to attend.

Classroom Helpers Training

Session beginning at 9.00am.

Grade 2 Dromken Riddells Creek Excursion Permission Form & money due.

Tue 20th Ivan’s Pie Drive - Orders are to be collected from the Stadium Foyer from 3.00pm.

Wed 21st Grade 5/6 Camp - PG Movie Permission Form due.

Discovery Day 9.15am— 10.15am.

Fri 23rd Book Fair Dress Up, Dress up as a favourite book character.

Mitchell South District Athletics Carnival Form and money due.

Mon 26th Grade 5/6 Camp Melbourne City departs.

Scholastic Book Fair.

Tue 27th Grade 5/6 Camp Melbourne City

Scholastic Book Fair.

Wed 28th Grade 5/6 Camp Melbourne City returns.

Scholastic Book Fair.

Discovery Day 9.15am— 10.15am.

Thur 29th Father’s Day Stall Change Grade 3—Grade 6

Scholastic Book Fair.

Fri 30th Father’s Day Stall Change Foundation— Grade 2.

Scholastic Book Fair.

School Assembly 2.20pm in the Stadium. All welcome to attend.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday in the coming week. We hope you have a lovely day. August 15th Cameron 5P 17th Archie 1R Liam 3V 18th Frankie FJ 19th Evie FD Matilda FJ James 4M Joseph 4M 20th Scarlett FD


August 16th Cassie Newbery 23rd Trish Thorley 30th Jess Lee September 6th Sam Densworth 13th Kim Studd 20th Candy Dickson

Thank you for your support.

PLANNING FOR 2020 This term we begin planning in earnest for 2020. To be able to accurately and effectively plan, we need to have a fairly firm idea of the number of students we will have at the school next year. In particular, we seek to have an accurate idea of our Foundation numbers. Please assist by completing enrolments and reminding others that you know of to do the same. We would appreciate it if all enrolments could be completed by Friday, 13th September, 2019.

Page 3: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

Mr Thompson

Another super busy and extremely cold two weeks have flown by! We have had lots of schools visiting to see the new initiatives we are implementing at KPS. In Week 3, Tatura Primary School visited to see how we have implemented and sustained our Professional Learning Communities work, led by Carolyn Crowther. We were also visited last week by Pyalong Primary School and this week by Willowmavin Primary School, where we shared some new and exciting work that we are doing to improve our Writing program. All of these schools have been impressed by our programs, student work and the helpful nature of our students. Your children may have even come home and told you about Writer’s Workshop and their new Writer’s Notebook. Exciting times ahead! We have recently received the results of the Department of Education and Training – Attitudes to School Survey that our Grade 4 – 6 students recently completed. Our results have shown a fantastic increase in all areas and I can’t wait to sit down with our students and share these results. Overall, there was no area that was lower than last year’s results, so I will meet with student groups to gather student voice on how we can improve in areas that had smaller improvement levels. The last newsletter addressed attendance concerns and I would like to clarify that as a school we do not want sick children to attend school. However, use your judgement as a parent about whether your child is genuinely sick and not just wanting to stay home. We definitely do not want to spread any illness that will make other students and staff sick, but we want to improve our school attendance data, which is currently a focus of the Department of Education and Training. Today we had a practise lock down drill. There was no emergency, however it is important and mandated that we have an Emergency Management drill once a term. The students practised staying in their room as if there was a flood or extreme wind outside. We also had a visit from the police today who came as part of a community project to better understand our facilities in the case of an emergency. Your child may have seen me walking around the school today with them. Again, there was no emergency, it was just a tour of the school. I would like to ask parents and families to reflect on their impact in being role models for our students. Our children look up to their parents, extended family, teachers and many others adults as role models. It is incredibly important that they see our interactions with others in a positive way. As a school we constantly model the school values of Kind, Proud and Safe and unpack what this looks like in many aspects of our daily life here at school. At the last assembly I also spoke to students about thinking about their actions and how good choices and bad choices can be perceived by others. It is important that students don’t just see our school values as rules to abide by so that they don’t get ‘in trouble’, but as actions that will lead to others thinking that they are kind and caring people. Attached to this newsletter is a ‘Respect Towards School Staff/Volunteers’ policy This outlines the expectations that we have of all members of our community. Please consider this policy when discussing concerns with staff and/or volunteers. We are here to support you and your children and are privileged to be able to play an important role in your child’s education. It outlines key points such as refraining from using social media to voice concerns and not approaching students in the yard, if there is a concern. I welcome any feedback that is given to improve our school processes and look forward to continuing to work with you to improve KPS. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Acting Principal

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Rationale: Staff at Kilmore Primary School, including teachers, education support staff, office staff, leading teachers, the assistant principal/s and principal are committed to providing a supportive learning environment for all our students. Our staff take their work very seriously and feel privileged to be able to play an important role in each child’s education.

Aims: To ensure that members of our community understand Kilmore Primary School’s expectations for appropriate interactions with school staff and volunteers.


This policy applies to: all staff, including causal relief staff, contractors, volunteers (including external agencies and parents).

This policy is not limited to: the school site and school times. It extends to all activities and events that are school related and when

representing the school.


All staff at Kilmore Primary School have the right to a safe and supportive work environment.

Kilmore Primary School expects that all parents/carers and visitors to our school will:

Behave in an orderly, non-abusive, non- threatening manner

Behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to school staff and volunteers at all times.

Act in partnership with the school to promote their child’s learning and model and promote behaviour aligned with school values - Kind, Proud, Safe

Respect staff at the school and value their expertise, ensuring that the time taken to speak with teachers does not take them away from their teaching duties and classroom responsibilities

Raise any concerns about their child’s learning, conduct or well-being privately with the class teacher, wellbeing assistant principal or principal – preferably via appointment

Refrain from using social media platforms to voice concerns about their child/ren

Refrain from activities, conduct or communication that is seen to undermine the reputation of the school, employees or students of the school (including activities on social media)

Respect school property and the property of staff, parents, volunteers and students

It is not acceptable to approach a student and verbally intimidate or threaten them.

There will be a zero tolerance approach to any aggression, intimidation, threats or harassment of school staff and volunteers, by any means (e.g. in person, by phone, by email, on social media etc). These behaviours may lead to exclusion from school grounds and school activities.

The principal or delegate may report aggressive, intimidating, threatening or otherwise inappropriate conduct to Victoria Police. The Department of Education and Training may also take legal or other appropriate action against community members or parents/carers who pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of school staff.

Kilmore Primary School expects all members of our community to act consistently with our Statement of Values. We are committed to ensuring that staff, parents/carers and students are able to work together in an appropriate and respectful way.



Respect towards School Staff/Volunteers Policy

Ratified by School Council: August 2019

Review Date: August 2020

Page 5: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

Foundation Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

92.14% 91.73% 92.49% 93.52% 91.73% 92.43% 92.38%

Attendance Update: Whole school attendance

percentage: 92.36%

Well the cold weather is really upon us this week, along with it has come some well needed rain

and coughs and sniffles across the school. We will be encouraging our students to:

Wash hands with soap for 15–20 seconds or as long as it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice.

Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger

students that ‘blowing their nose is like trying to blow up a balloon when they use the tissue’.

You might also like to try these tips at home!

Attendance Update:

It has been fantastic to see our families braving the

cold and even getting up that bit earlier to ‘Bee on

Time’ at school. I will be handing out a number of

awards at this week’s assembly for classes who have

filled their ‘Bee on Time’ jars and are competing for

the end of term prize of the ‘Bee on Time trophy’.

Also at assembly, students who have had 100% attendance so far this term will

receive a ‘Bee at School’ ticket and will go into the draw for a prize, which I will

draw out on Friday.

Attendance Tip #2: Family holidays - It's vital that holidays are planned during school holidays

where possible, and not during the term. If you are planning to go on holiday during term time,

make sure that you talk to your child’s teacher well in advance, and work with them to develop

an absence learning plan.

Sensory Garden:

Last Friday some of our students from Foundation to Grade 6 had the opportunity to participate in cre-

ating a Sensory Garden at the back of the foundation classrooms. Through the generous donation of both

plants and time given by the team at Kilmore Toyota, we were able to plant a range of plants that we

can eat, smell, taste and touch. The crew from Toyota commented on our students enthusiasm and dedi-

cation to the task, along with the kindness shown by our older students supporting their buddies

Have a great week & stay warm everyone!

At or above 98%

95 – 97%

90 – 94%

80 – 89%

Below 80%

Attendance Percentage by year level:

Page 6: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

At Kilmore Primary School, we are always working on modelling our school values,

developing resilience, acknowledging rights and ensuring that we develop respectful

relationships. The 4R’s is all about explicitly teaching and then giving our students

opportunities to learn about and then put our weekly focus into practise.

The students listed below have been recognised for showing that ‘I can identify when I

am feeling stressed’. The students listed below will receive an award at assembly this


We congratulate:

Foundation D – Langdan

Grade 2F – Ayden

Grade 4V – Bree

Foundation J – Saige

Grade 2J – Gurleen

Grade 5H – Luke

Foundation M – Beau

Grade 2T – Renee

Grade 5M – Charlotte

Foundation S – Oli

Grade 3D – Lachlan

Grade 5P – Ben

Foundation W – Zander

Grade 3G – Diesel

Grade 6B – Zali

Grade 1E – Keanu

Grade 3M – Damian

Grade 6M – Emily

Grade 1J – Tyler

Grade 3V – Sage

Grade 6W – Charlotte

Grade 1R – Odern

Grade 4M – Vander

Grade 1/2B – Jackson Both

Grade 4J – Isabelle

“Respond, don’t React!”

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Kilmore Primary School Student Awards

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Kilmore Primary School Come dressed as your favourite story

book character

Book Week Dress up Parade

Friday 23rd August at 9:00am

Page 8: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

To help you to discover more about our school we

would like to invite you to join us for our:

Kilmore Primary School 2020 Foundation (Prep) Discovery Days

Let our students, teachers and parents share with you the values and

friendly feeling that sums up Kilmore Primary School as a community school that has been a vital part of the local area since 1874.

Your child will have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities over

the 2 weeks and experience our quality programs.

Wednesday, 21st August 2019 9.15am – 10.15am &

Wednesday, 28th August 2019 9.15am – 10.15am

We also have school tours on:

Thursday 1st August - 10.00am

Thursday 15th August- 10.00am

Thursday 29th August - 10.00am

Thursday 12th September- 10.00am

To book a place for your child at our Discovery Days or to arrange a

tour of the school please call us on 5782 1268.

Our Formal Orientation program for children enrolled to start school in 2020 will take place in November/December.

Please enrol for 2020 by Friday, 13th September 2019

Kilmore Primary School Ph: 5782 1268 35 Lancefield Road Email: [email protected] Kilmore Vic 3764 Website: [email protected]

Page 9: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

Hello everyone! Can you believe that we are nearly half way through Term 3? I’ve worked out that on the day this newsletter is published, there are only 27 school days until the end of term. Do you want to know my strategy? I’ll tell you anyway – I did 5 x 5 (five weeks with five days each) and then added two days (Thursday and Friday) for the end of this week. Maths is everywhere! I often hear my friends explaining their strategies and how they find answers. It’s part of our focus on problem solving and reasoning. My friends are going to be busy because those 27 days include Book Week, Science Week, Foundation, Grade 1 & 2 excursions, a school production, Grade 5/6 camp, Father’s Day celebrations and more! Woah, I’m tired just thinking about it all.

Asha’s Adventures

My teacher friends enjoy learning just as much as my student friends. Each week, at least one of our staff meetings has a professional learning focus and last week the focus was on writing. Our Literacy Leaders, Miss George and Ms White led the sessions and we explored the traits of writing and Writer’s Notebooks. I love to write and this week I wrote a letter to my Foundation friends asking them to help me work out which of my drink containers holds the most water. I can’t wait to use my Writer’s Notebook to help me collect more ideas. We can write about anything!

I’ve been out and about in the yard before school, at recess and lunch time. I can be fast asleep during learning time but when I hear the bell, I stand up and go to the door ready to see everyone.

I think I’ve found the next seed for my notebook…

Page 10: Two weeks ago our Foundation students celebrated their ... · Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and to use tissues and reminding younger students that ‘blowing

Last week was National Tree Day. Our friends from Kilmore Toyota came armed with trees for us to plant. We all donned a shirt and gloves, followed Mrs Smith to the area near the Parent Club portable and started planting. I really dug this activity. See what I did there?! Someone told me that ‘to dig it’ means to really like something and I really liked the teamwork and watching the area transform into a sea of saplings. Many hands (and some paws) make light work and all the trees were planted in time for lunch. Thanks Kilmore Toyota for suppawting the day…and for my new top.

Asha’s Adventures continued…

Tree planting was hard work and I needed a snooze afterwards.

Overheard this week on my pawtrols… “Asha, I heard you snoring under the desk. I couldn’t see you, but I could hear you!” “How old are you in dog years?” “Have you met Broadford Secondary College’s new dog? He looks a lot like you, but narrower.” “Have you got your Book Week costume ready?”

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Numeracy News

At Kilmore PS, we believe…

Maths Is Everywhere!!!

When our Grade 2 students were learning about

money at school, their homework task was also

about money. The challenge was set - how can you

show $3.40 in different ways? Monopoly money and

chocolate coins were part of this creative example.

Maths really is everywhere!

Three boxes of maths resources

arrived at KPS last week courtesy of

Scholastic points. Each order placed

through Book Club helps earn KPS

points and earlier this term, some of

the points were used to purchase

resources to be used during maths

classes. Being able to use materials

to explore new ideas and show our

thinking makes a big difference to

confidence, understanding and

success. A mighty big thank you to

everyone who orders through Book


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Numeracy News continued…

Maths IS Everywhere!!!

We love celebrating hard work and effort. Understanding how to show numbers in different ways is part of our focus on place value.

True story… When Asha returned to his office he found a present from Miss George - three tennis ball canisters were waiting for him. Before he opened them, he predicted how many tennis balls could be joining his collection. He (gently) knocked over each container and found out that there was at least one ball in each. How many balls might there have been in total?

Mrs Meath found fractions in her lunchbox! There are four equal parts which means there are four quarters.
