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TWU Student Union Referendum

Date post: 22-Dec-2014
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Referendum: A campus wide vote on a mandatory fee.

The vote is initiated and approved by students via a campus election process, and later approved by the campus administration, Board of Regents, and Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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Why We Hold a Referendum?

Texas Legislature wants to see that students approve taxing themselves.

The vote provides effective feedback about whether or not students want a service or facility.

We cannot raise a designated fee in Texas more than 10% of the current fee without a campus wide referendum.

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The Current Student Union

Positive attributes to carry forward: Location central to campus

Positive role in student developmento Leadership and volunteer opportunitieso Employment opportunitieso Student engagement

Provide space for student organizations to meet, advertise and gather campus information

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Why TWU Needs a New U?

I. Space Limitations

II. Aging & Outdated Building

III. Cost to Repair and Upgrade

IV. Technology concerns

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I. Space Limitations

The current Student Union opened in 1970 with a campus population of 5,810.

Fall 2013 enrollment totaled 15,104 at TWU.

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Space ComparisonSquare Footage of Texas Student Unions

University Enrollment Union SF Texas A&M 50,000 400,000

UNT (Expected to Open in 2015) 40,000+ (projected) 200,000 University of Houston 38,000 54,700 UNT (Current Union) 35,754 80,000 UT Dallas 20,000 105,000 Texas Woman's University 14,740 75,000 Lamar 14,093 77,000 Stephen F. Austin 13,700 110,000 Sam Houston State 12,282 100,000 Tarleton State 9,633 100,000 Texas A&M Commerce 9,000 92,000 Angelo State 7,084 110,000 Midwestern State 6,093 53,050 Sul Ross 2,716 30,000 *Fall 2011

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II. Aging & Outdated Building

The current TWU Student Union is outdated and lacks modernization.

The current building’s design results in underutilization of space and does not meet all ADA requirements.

Student Union Room 207

Water damage to ceiling

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III. Cost to Repair & Upgrade

Examples of upgrades/repairs neededo Repurpose Post Office location: $640,000o Upgrade SU 207: $400,000+o Fire Marshall mandates: $1,000,000+

Cost of examples exceeds $2 Million Other repairs & upgrades are necessary to

fully utilize the current TWU Student Union

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IV. Technology Concerns

Age & structure of the TWU Student Union makes it difficult and cost prohibitive to install updated technology infrastructure

Potential technology upgrades within a new TWU Student Uniono Wi-Fi throughout the facilityo Increased digital signageo Audio broadcasting throughouto Webcasting and media upgrades in all meeting rooms

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Fall 2011o Discussion regarding a new Student Union was initiated

with the Student Union Advisory Board

January 2012o Meetings with Facilities, Information Technology and

Distance Education were held to assess project feasibility

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Timeline February 2012

o Meetings were held with SGA on all TWU campuses

o TWU student representatives and staff visited seven Texas Student Unions

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April 2012o Denton Campus Focus Groups

Student Recommendations• Expanded dining options, additional dining seating,

study and quiet areas, lounge space, & game room expansion

• Accessible and upgraded technology space including; meeting rooms, theater, public areas, outdoor space, & student organization work & meeting space

• Stronger Green initiatives (LEED certified)

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Timeline April 2012 (continued)

o Dallas Campus Focus Group

Student Recommendations• Retail kiosk or vending machines for school supplies • Recreation and/or game room space• Additional staffing in Student Life

o Houston Campus Focus Group Student Recommendations

• Additional study space • Expanded dining options and seating• Extended access hours for study space• Lactation room

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April 2012 (continued)o Student Survey – a survey was sent to all TWU students assessing the

student utilization, satisfaction and wish list for the current Student Union.

o 1,222 responses were received

Recurring Feedback Received More variety of meeting room space & amenities Quiet space & extended access hours Additional programming space and expanded game room More dining options/variety Modernization Technology enriched areas More seating

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TWU Union Wish List Student organization work space & SGA offices Expanded dining options Additional meeting rooms Larger game room & options Theater Information desk Designated Veterans area Green initiatives High technology Lounge, study & quiet spaces Incorporate campus traditions/history/spirit

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The Vision

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Expanded Dining


University of Texas - Arlington

Curry College, Milton, MA

Texas Christian University

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Missouri State University

Manhattanville University, New York

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Diverse Meeting Space

University of Texas - Austin

Texas TechUniversity of Texas - Austin

Texas A & M

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Lounge Space

Texas A & M

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - Austin

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Texas A & M Texas A & M - Commerce

Information Desk

Stephen F. Austin

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Student Organization Space

University of Texas - Austin

Texas A & MTarleton State University

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Fee ComparisonTexas Student Unions

University Union SF Union Semester Fee

UNT (Expected to Open in 2015) 200,000 $166

University of Houston 54,700 $135Texas A&M 400,000 $100Sam Houston State 100,000 $100

Texas A&M Commerce 92,000 $100

Lamar 77,000 $100

Stephen F. Austin 110,000 $85

Sul Ross 30,000 $85

Angelo State 110,000 $66

UT Dallas 105,000 $65

Midwestern State 53,050 $55

UNT (Current Union) 80,000 $52

Tarleton State 100,000 $50

Texas Woman's University 75,000 $35*Spring 2014

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Proposed Fee

o Current Fee: $35

o Proposed Fee: $149

o Increase of $114 per semester – effective September 2015

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Future Timeline

February 2014o Educational campaign on all three campuses

March 2014o Referendum (vote) on all three campuses

August 2014 o Board of Regents presentation

Spring 2015o Seek Legislative approval for fee changeo Design process begins

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