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Types of crime 1980-1990 percentage of crime rate 1990-1994 percentage of crime rate 1995-2000 in...

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Crime in South Africa

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Crime in South Africa 1Types of crime1980-1990 percentage of crime rate 1990-1994 percentageof crime rate1995-2000 in percentageMurder 32%N/A25.5% Propety related crime 31%20%30.1%RobberiesN/A40%48.9%AssaultN/A18%11.7%Rape24%42%2%TheftN/A34%9.6 %Compare the crime rate to pre-apartheid. Apartheid ended in 19941The crime categories2005/20062006/2007 2007/20082008/20092009/2010 Drug offences 95 690 104 689 109 134 117 172 134 840Propety related crime570,698537,250521,513532,184553.368Sexually offences68 07665 20163 81870 51468 332Murder18 528 19 202 18 48718 14816 834Unemployment year200520062007200820092010% 26.625.524.322.92423.3Crime statistics related to unemployment rate 233South Africa Australia Level of crime86.93%40.25%Crime increasing in the past 3 years68.89%63.33% home broken and things stolen80.43%44.76%being mugged or robbed85.47%34.17%car stolen83.70%39.52%Worries being insulted59.09%41.13%Problem people using or dealing drugs70.11%52.87%Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft79.55%49.19%Problem corruption and bribery93.75%18.52% 44The Nic Diederichs Technical High School slashingon Monday the 18th of August 2008 at about 7:00 am, Morne Harmse 18 years old arrived at school carrying a Ninja sword. He was wearing a mask and he had black paint smeared on his face. The mask he was wearing was a replica of the mask Joey Jordison wears , the drummer from slipknot. Morne Harmse the walked over to wear 16-year-old Jacques Pretorius, a grade nine student. He then swung the sword at Jacques Pretorius slashing his neck. 5Jacques Pretorius fell to the round and died. Then Morne Harmse stabbed Stefan Bouwer, 17 years old, in the back of the head. Two workers at the school, Joseph Kodiseng and Simon Manamela saw this and rushed to disarm Morne ,but he then stabbed them in the face and back. Morne then dropped the sword. Joseph, Simon and Stefan were transported to Netcare Krugersdorp Hospital in serious condition. 5

Jacques PretoriusPretorius's mother Adel Bekker during her testimony in the High Court in Johannesburg tells the court "We are broken. Totally fallen apart,"..Bekker also said that her younger son currently in Grade 5, was badly affected by the loss of his brother. She said "He is not the friendly child he was.

But not only his family was effect by his murder for example Pretorius's best friend, 17-year-old JC Welman saw him get killed. He said: after the murder he slept in his parent's bedroom for a week or two and was too scared to leave the house. 6

the effect on the victimsJoseph, Simon and Stefan have physical effect from where they were hurt. For example Stefan has no feeling on the side of his head where he got slashed. But remember after something like this happing you will also have emotional effect and be very scared.. Simon said after he was hit during the attack he got frightened, "hearing the other kids screaming 'help, help'". And remember this sometimes and gets so scared Joseph, has a huge scare on his on his cheek. He said after the attack he thought about quitting his job. "Honestly, every time I resume work I get frightened. I'm not free now. 7" "Mothers Weep as Sword Case Nears an End." - South Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2012. .

7Just being there when this happened not too far away from where I lived made us all scared of going to school. The reason is because they say it was because of the music he listens to and most of the teenagers in South Africa listen to the same music. So this scared most of the parents as well. And also that people at the school were traumatized.The effect on societyThe big effect that the court had was that this was a crime were children were harmed at school. So they had to almost drop all there other case and work on this one. They were in court 48 hours after what had happened. This crime had the same effect on the police as the court did. They all had to work fast because people were worried about the children's safety8

Effect on the court and the police Krugersdorp School Rocked by 'Satanic' Killing." The M&G Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2012. .9All the blame was put on Satanism. Harmse said to the police that he followed the practice of Satanism and Satan told him to do it. Morne Harmse said in court on the 20th of August 2008 that he was told by a ghost to become a Satanist. So When police executed a search in Harmse's room, they found "disturbing elements of Satanism" that included Ouija boards and "spell books. 9

Why he did it Morne Harmse parents said that because of his physical build he was always bulled. 10 Even Mr. Bouwer (one of the victims) told South Africa's Times newspaper that just before the incident he had teased the Morne Harmse. He said he had called him "Samurai Jack" because of his ninja-style garb and the three swords he was carrying. 11N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2012. .2) BLABBERMOUTH.NET." BLABBERMOUTH.NET. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2012. .

10Conviction On 20 August 2008 Morne Harmse was charged with one count of murder and three counts of attempted murder at the Krugersdorp Magistrate's Court. Then He was later sent to the Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital for mental health evaluation. After two consecutive months of mental health evaluation. On 25 October, he was confirmed to be mentally.So then the case continued and it was transferred to the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg.Then Morne Harmse pleaded guilty to all four charges on the 14 of AprilOn the 10th of October he was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. 12

Nic Diederichs Technical High School Slashing." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 June 2012.
