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Types of Religion

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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T ypes of Rel igion: Christi anity , Islam, Buddhism & JudaismMajor Religions of the World Rel igion adds meaning and purpose to the lives of followers, granting them an appreciation of the past, an understanding of the present, and hope for the future. By definition, a religio n is a belief system concerning one or more deities and incorporating rituals, ceremonies, ethical guidelines, and life philosophies. Since the early times of Paganism§, religion has diversified and grown to include major monotheistic religions like Judaism§, Christianity§, and Islam§, as well as Indian and Far Eastern religions like Buddhism§ and Sikhism§, Iranic religions like Zoroastrianism§ and Bahai§, and African indigenous-based religions like Santeria§. Other belief systems, including Atheism§ and the Mormon Church§, have also developed with time. While religion dictates peace and good will, many battles and divisions have taken place because of religion. Rel igious belief plays an important role in the history of the world. The people of the world could benefit from learning about the different types of religion. Christianity With well over two billion followers throughout the world, Christianity§ is an Abrahamic religion centered on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. One of the big issues surrounding Christianity is that some people question the existence of the Trinity. Other points of debate are the Christian beliefs in Immaculate Conception, the original sin, the existence of the Devil, and the coming of the apocalypse. Learn mor e about Christianity and find out how it became the world's largest reli gion with holidays that are known worldwide.Christianity§
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Types of Religion: Christianity,Islam, Buddhism & JudaismMajorReligions of the WorldReligion adds meaning and purpose to the lives of followers, grantingthem an appreciation of the past, an understanding of the present, andhope for the future. By definition, a religion is a belief systemconcerning one or more deities and incorporating rituals, ceremonies,ethical guidelines, and life philosophies. Since the early times of Paganism§, religion has diversified and grown to include majormonotheistic religions like Judaism§, Christianity§, and Islam§, as well asIndian and Far Eastern religions like Buddhism§ and Sikhism§, Iranicreligions like Zoroastrianism§ and Bahai§, and African indigenous-basedreligions like Santeria§. Other belief systems, including Atheism§ and theMormon Church§, have also developed with time. While religion dictatespeace and good will, many battles and divisions have taken placebecause of religion. Religious belief plays an important role in thehistory of the world. The people of the world could benefit fromlearning about the different types of religion.


With well overtwo billionfollowersthroughout theworld, Christianity§

is an Abrahamicreligion centeredon God, JesusChrist, and theHoly Spirit. Oneof the big issuessurroundingChristianity isthat somepeople questionthe existence of the Trinity. Other points of debate are the Christian beliefs inImmaculate Conception, the original sin, the existence of the Devil, andthe coming of the apocalypse. Learn more about Christianity and findout how it became the world's largest religion with holidays that areknown worldwide.Christianity§

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More than onebillion people inthe world followIslam§, worshipAllah, believe inangels, andconsiderMuhammad asthe latestprophet. Theseare only a few of the beliefs set bythe religion thatis disciplined andstrict in its rulesand customs. The Five Pillars guide Muslim life, as do the Qur'an, the Hadith, and thefatwas which contribute to the Sharia. Discover more about thecustoms and beliefs of the second largest religion in the world. Whatdo Muslims whisper in a newborn's ear? Find the answer to thisquestion and more. Islam§


Who is Buddha?What exactly isBuddhism§? Learnabout the questforEnlightenmentthat intriguedpeoplethroughouthistory and learnabout the FourNoble Truths of Buddhism.Meditationplayed asignificant role inthe life of Siddhartha Gautama, who left his princely lifestyle to find themeaning of true nature. Buddhism has continued to change the lives of people today who follow the path towards enlightenment. What is so

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special about the Bodhi tree? Discover more about the peacefulreligion that worships no God and believes in a spiritual journey basedon karma.Buddhism§


Over twelvemillion people inthe world followJudaism§ andregard the Torahas the mostimportant holybook of Judaism. Jews believethey are thechosen people of God andconsider Mosesas the founder of this religion. Thelaws of Godguide Jews throughout their lives and followers of this religion spend alot of their time praying. Delve into the religion of Judaism to find outmore about their customs and beliefs. Learn about what Jews eat aspart of their diet and the number of pilgrimages in which theyparticipate.Judaism§

 You can also learn about other world religions including Candomble§,Hinduism§, Jainism§, Shinto§, and others. If Types of Religion is missing areligion you are interested in, please be sure to contact us and let usknow, and we'll work on adding information about that religion to thewebsite.

What is Religion?

Religion is often defined as a set of beliefs that explain the world andthe universe; however, for individuals, religion and spirituality are morethan just a way of understanding the world. We hope to not onlyprovide practical, and historical information about religions of theworld, but to also examine what each religion means to its followers. The history of religion§ is an interesting one, and we hope that Types of Religion will help make it accessible to a wider audience.
