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U iiil - University of Hawaiʻi...It Front 8m Franc!? Mongolia. April 2.,- For tan frtnciK!..Manoa,...

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It Front 8m Franc!? - Mongolia. April 2.,- - .. For tan frtnciK! . .Manoa, March 30. From .Yokohama: ' Siberia, April : For Vancouver: Xlagtrs, April iV- - Evening Bulletin, Est 1882, No. 6123 Ha a 11a a Star. Vol XXII, No. 71 3 :r n ii mm 'w 'Mas "?zation brdcrcd Along t: Ian: Ffcnticr; Situation Grcws Crifv'' vicTorr' i : Bcrr.hdrd3 Checked ; ; j i :??ize Trci by Teileral "Wireless CZr.T'Xf Cwitzerland, March 33 .ivl::3 ! ere.aay the 'mciillzatisn f 1t;'::i f;-- -s en the Aw :'.:.- - (rentier it n r :J5.,'..The A-ilr- ian f;rcia s.!jd hive'fceen tent. to U.e tcrd:r tr.a .n tf-.- s two armleo will: be- - fi.irs each ct'-i- r scroti the'tlne.Thet'tua-tlc- n it irrIttetfly growina more ts- - lc:: i JO 1X12 trri. ' ; i cf tr i ' ' v : I' r f J ! ..If" , . . k. all I i 1 . . 1, it i: At :;r : z::: . i kuiid and :::: c J prisoners were t: .icr.ious; ;.'-- . I ;.!3 a::;:ou;;ces . r .' . f rsrch SI An artit-- 1 if tv on by French t ,:. The Cerman c tj try.the, Cerrnan . c' ::Vei. .. ', ' ; u. : Gu:.r.Di::G o situatio:: . ' T . i J llv J : r." . ; '.'.;-r.- a arrived here t.-- c . :, it it rumored, ; merchir.trrtn frc-.- -j . ; la the feef w-;.- !.- 3 cu.: . h:r.:r for the Cernsn th!p ! r ..:! Frisdrich. The Prir.z Clt:l r i i : olive. ; c:;it; :; co:l sin? . AV CALLAO FOa ORDEHS . . .;, (: created Press Cat lej Llf'.V r;ru'," f.tarch S3-T- ho Crit-l:- h c Ilrro'crd with-coa- l, for i: : .1 z-- . tuadron arrived t;J:y . 3 13 await crdert. . , --i Assoi:A Prf- - bj. IVWaV7irelc89 '-l.', - Cenrany, l.?arch 23. tisld i"- - ;w.al Vender Coltz, In com-r-m- d cf t?-.- e .Turkish; xperatiom" it ted as tayirg cn hit return to Cer. lir U-.z- i t e Dardanelles are capable cf res":".: 3 any. assault. ; . . Turk;.', trccpi are.matstna" along le frc L :r cf Smyrna to prevent in- - on. - - . ; v ,Offic!il Ccnstantlnople detpatchet try-- , a Turkish aeroplane . dropped tcrr.ts'en a 'Critish :warthlp, doing ccnsic::r;:s-c:ms:s- . : ' v ' ;UGArt CAfl rr.A: 2i:CO, Cal March 33. C. ir: rZ c -:s test,4XS cents. Pre- - , 43 cents i Cr; L;, frrtJe'ar.J' Clue tone; . I ! . . . iC'xf LTD .i- .lav - iiil i i I U M ; iin -- en:. in. ?05fiinjaffiajm.:'ii7cn:c::: -- r:.:;.oHincinj.enr!i 0 L rt r'-- 't v,ov;: . ' r' . - ;r i ; (r -- :.:: -- i. tu.r,nh ; c':'. : .. - . Frc!i;j:ti:na3 Rigid as Thct In: Hu::;a Likely to BsT'StcJ jJcv; Cul'vDk In Xcndcji V As -i- iip.l Prrss by Federal Wireless , LC ;rCN, Cr.;!and, March SO.. Cr;ot Criliin: faces prohibition. AVithir. S. 33. anal In the r.ezr fyl.re it Is likely alcoholic, .department today that the will t3 as rigidly suppret::d fleet l preparlng'to Guantana-l- n Crc t Critain Jn Russia. "We ara ;ma Thursday. President Wilson- - w.TOdefiniteplanavfor;aipublia,Jiiemorial W It la clanned to; send Jit least tmeV-r- , tw f.-M.- rj Csrmany, Austria and drink,, r J . i . uu; . vi rZ:::.u ,l 1 wv CT. snh.s inter to the Shipowners. A::claJcn. . ; ; ,; ' Tl-- j drink question shares l.f' cf the- - Fataba 4s. t.r.kirg Jl l f?"h in public discussion today. fi!S? ers ,ln ;reat numbers,; have I.?'. Llryd-Cecrc- o to seal their H1 "ls cellars ar.d prohibit Intoxlca c!.-- 3. The labcr-leade- rs "are r "; thujlastically supporting him t RICH . F H i LAD E LP H I Ar J KILLS GRANDMOTHER Asfwl.io1 Tress "by 'Wirelpss ' PHIL; DZLPHIA, Pa March: 33. C- -' :n, a wealth businessman, ton cf X president cf Philadel- phia Charifcer cf. Commerce, -- today ir.ct and i i . t . : i jr years cia, wme sne was astecp in ner hcr-.e.-- ;. He is believed to have sudden- ly teccrne . ! r insane. ; .' Cohen is a brother of Lieut.1 Albert CChen'-cf-'t- U, S. S. Delaware and cf 'l.'i:s Eleanor Cohen, tennis.. chanv pion of Philadelphia. - U ALL-i- S QUIET ALONG ! V- - MEXICAN BORDERLINE ; :. ; - i; lAsscMriatedTrVss b Federal WiMess WASHINGTON, D. f, March 33. Everything is in Crownsville across the, line'from the Vilta-Carran-- za battle. - No confirmation has- - been received of the report that. Zapata is preparing to evacuate the capital The president today denied Gen. Scott will be to the border. FRIS3IE FLOATED; v. ; DAMAGE IS SLIGHT Assojate'd Press by Federal WirVleas SAN TRANCISCO, Marcrr 33v Th steamer General Frisbie. which struck a rock In the bay with;303 passengers on board yesterday, waa floated today. The damase is slight. ; Therewere no casualties, all the passenger, being rescued and taken ashore,; the;. scene cf the accident being in full light of the exposition crowds. A shifted buoy is tlamed. for the accident V Lyman's bill to require; publisbing cf kracr license renewals was tabled ; v i ' ; ! ' 71 . - ., 'i. - -- - l'. . r .i . . ...rrr.LIvinj helmet, airpumpand equipmef.tutetf ..Dive'n; "Agraz "' ' r -- .ik fetery Danish Come 10 Knclulii WUIr Bat- - 1 ;rv.r; iated rress..by.Telleral Wirelesi ' ASHINGTON,' Fletcher rt'ported'to navy. hope that; he . , - - 1 visions of battleaWpr;t.hrousli.v Pn? on July if passible,! . Atlantic li;-o- rr leave as ? "'.'t ty "and ci rAl the the will be' the has zl: In mrragansett bay. Hi. Federal H.-D- . the, - 1 un jurinui tot ' oca s i.K7 m in ic uc-i- Profcab,y cruisers - jdeitreyert and;oth-faste- r programs haTip teett n ijn r. Deforo ... f0c other reasoD-- j. .The Fr4 rpltimnn Rrrtirwt Datil! ' -- will ai n.nn.l : .onrfita istll. .triMrnw Va UAKKtwIn ;.' 1 . 1 - Hon baa td Mil tool If the church wlli- - Qnsent'to!glve;jup ' - Hawaii Sh March fAhW Will . be. 12 .the killed nis crandmother. .....tu. quiet sent SHIP ejezre;:ed :; ass s a bsb ei;n ninitier, paron Kato tor several, hours .The! . unknown but presumed to be the . ' - " -- - - 5 ( W SPEAKER CHOSEN FOR CJAPANARLIAMEfm (Snecla :to Kinnn i: 1 Mar 30. S. Shindaf the COvernmentalny-wil- l be the speak- er of the-iie- vtf WlUmenL; v.j InoBe KakrToro, member of . "the Japar ete PMnMVWra a: iharSe.of ttzKuaiU; T.ea Tor onice.aner nil tnaf;he be by J.'Yamamrchl, i 1 Deputy Sheriff lxhj acting; cor will today, investigate the death of Koo KInr'.Cheonsi Chinese boy, who alleged, to have run over ty .fitllVeryr :on belongingTto the Y. ;Voq Sing t boy .is, saia .nave aiiempiea . cross - tung street to the path of the' Vehiclewhen he was thrown ander. the feet of. the horse. Tie died from the'.Injurles at the hospital last night . . '; -- V-- MORNING ON 'CHANGED The market was still weaker today and stUl nore eluggish. Only Common was trong, selling at add- ing more its! gain of; 10 yester Another feature iwaa a sale1 of - shares going, at 149. The , last QuOUtlpn; was 137 -2J Tt I'.Vi 1--8 6 l-- S - Thirteen . dollars, in ; Oahu i rtailrcsd 5s for; by j-?,- ' . J ' 7R' 1 1 mm - Public f.temorialScrvice, Is Arf ranged For Sunday,' Abrii 1 , at National X5u:.rd ' The- - territorial affairs committee of. the ofi Commerce and Secre- - n. r? nmw . : vapwv marfi. i,n Sunday; AprU Ul ext, Sunday Vas Impracticable 'on acdouatiof 'the 1 111 1. 1 4v-- Aiembers :i tne jcnamier-a- 3 wen of tbeTlIonoIulu ,vAd;Club are now discussing .tentatively - tie raising a public luiia, for; the ae-- pendent .families f tbmenT lot' In jjfift $ RECOVEfli FROM INJURIES IN FALL to HawalLShlfipo) --pp iiTOKIO, Mareh Japa- - awIei4Aa a OtilrtnA dlfe spamasi4 T,7from ;the injurie of nii.faHtfrom horse recently;: He-ha- i hi. tL '.'- l1r:H.:C.v'-- : .t j , 11 O A F ! n A r & nnnT.h FJ PPR n -- been teacbed.' 4 whether llH JArAN tS t J lb CH ing or evening, local : " ? iea tbeitF (Special to: TOKIO, :29.American program held rom.ti; t tatsador Guthrie conferred with For' a;m..'at Mxxaiarf tHinmc.rtii.. kl. plornatic duties.; fi sa b 9,sbB'B today. nature 'oL.tbeylsit on v JUL) TOKIO, V T succeeded wIJdf v 1 oner, Is been k ...Tipiiiy.' The ia to-- , ! HIlo 75 15 to day. Kekahi, ft - : 1 1 thousand sold 103," 'Weaker" r ; v -- . Chamber .U. jV.A aa members, or (Special ma .a resumed aa r' a is as -- P rl . vv;. ;:;vf:;r-'-- 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS rTi S The I following public hearings "M by legislature are scheduled ?4 for l this week1 irta k i - Child labor bill, public hearing 54 4 by house military 'committee; hall ii 8 pf representatives, 4 -- p'jnv::;" : ft. ?C' f Sanday movies" bill,s public 'M ' hearing by senate military ;com- - .IS Si mittee, senate chamber7:ji.' m; M -- Wednesday, March 3T. A; ivi M S Hoholuln charter -- convention 5 K'bill, public hearing'by house com-5- it H'mittee on municipal and county '!, &3 affairs, hall V of ' representatives, S s 7:30 p. m.. ; 5?'i nance, In hall of representatives 7:30 p. m. "? - -- ' i - r-- . r- - -- -. 1:71 ... ii . rf tl:i r'.w-r!r- fert,' which is active 1A ' r"fitT?-r- . -t G.' D.. vani,vOn ri; .t: - Entijn' Pt M, Catet, acundlr'wlth electro-mag- ; PRINTS, i mmm ODAY Com jDulsory, Military 'ilhstruc- - tion for Youths of Hawaii Is , Arguea ror, oy uen. uarier-- , The house of Yepresentatlves ia con vening tb.la af ternoon to vote on "tie llolstein , compulsory. vmiUtary educa-- . tioa bill, ' .requiring, all Abl?-bodie- d young 'men .'arriving at 18 i years; to take; . 4 8 .military -- lesions--of two tours each undr ; army and - national guard instructors, v Pfedictipns - are that At will-pas- s ,fhe kiwer: branch of thei leg islalnre.;-- . ;.i ?..-':--;.rr:-'-:-- : ;At eleven o'clock thii morning the house convened; as 'a committee cf the whole. - RepTesentativfr Raw 1ms , pre siding, to hear addresses :oa the Liu by ; M ajor-gener- Carter' commanmnf the 'Hawaiian department,1 Judge Ad vbcdte ' Cttafh .Matsey; and Colonel Jr1 W. Jones, adjutant-genera- l of. the natiohai: guard. " Owing to' the submar- ine; disaster Admiral Moore was v un able to "appear,' but 'a imritten Comma: n (cation on the measure was read by the clerlt;Of the house. -- All officers gave their hearty. Indorsement" jto the bllL ; "' I General CarterTispokeiclearly and his argument; appeared Mu carry con? slderable weight iwiththe - doubting members of the house, lie. urged the passage of the measure for, three rea- sons, as 'follows;.- - ia-- iVi;.-k"-4- First: . To teach thel' young v men proper sanitary 1 methods and social Second: To teach .thenar first. - aid (Continued joa page1 iiipjiis 5 KALLS . 5- WlrH4 . rii n GrJIiEi miXED i ;- - V- - - -- ' - -- ;:r-.i -- :;-? i- TlSpeofal Star-Bulltf- n CorrwpondeijeeJ f HAKALAUr Mafch'; 27.Yesterday at .6 p. ra., ' a Japanese carpenter named Sato." returning from . woric while., crossings the'. 185-fo- ot railroad bridge across ; Hakalau gulch .mis- - ? stepped and plunged to the; gfound. Death' was " InsUnt 5 Deputy-.- : SherifT j Martin of Hila appeared soon i"after- - v, :' A I V .V- - : i Submar. in2lF-- 4 " ;; ii -- V.i' iii P.lerf Hurrying to Boston For Possible Decision - In V Noted Case of. V. J. Lovvrie . .Vs. Hawaiian. Commercial & ' Sugar Plantation; Interests 1 Speeding cn . their way to Boston In the expectation of important develop ments in;.lie ' Lowrte suit" of territory- -wide1 fame, aeveral . of Hawaii's well known business and professional men have left Honolulu without pub- lic announcement of ' their plans. - V; "J. V Cooke, J. B. Castle, Attorney V.vR.Vcastle and !Attorney D. L. With ifig ton are among those who are hurrying Trom Honolulu - to the Hub CltyMt is said In business circles that a decision in the case may be expected abctit the. middle of April,' Another statement has it that an Important phase" will be reached on ; April ; 5. Whether the case will be put before a Jury' fr will be virtually decided by the'.ccurt official .who acts under the Massachusetts code could not be learned this morning." , v V m ! r. The Wilhelmina last Week carried J. F7 Cooke, Jf B. Castle and Attorney WithTSgtoa, and , XV. IfXiastle sailed on the Korea this morning. . ' ' ; The Lowrie suit ' has been little heard' of In Hawaii since 'August and September of 1310. In; 1907. W. J. Low'rfe, former manager of the Ha- waiian Commercial Company, brought stilt for 40O,0OO against the late Hen ry P. Baldwin, James B. Castle, Willi- am It Castle, George P. Castle, Marr Csistlellitchcock, Harriet Castle Col many' Caroline Castle Westervelt and Helen ' Castle .Meade. - The original Complaint was sworn to In New Yort but the case was brought in the Mas- sachusetts court and has been there ever since. ' A duplicate suit was be- gun in Hawaii but it Is understood tt was never seriously Intended-t- o press ' it and It fell through when : at one 'security for costal :r ;' 'pty&&T . i uivne uatjeu 1115 suit iot uanias, on alleged wrongful uTsmissal as man- ager of the company, the damages be- ing in part 'estimated upon an arrange- ment by which he was to be' paid for making Hawaiian Commercial a 0.000 ton plantation. He took hold of the plantation in" 1901 and was. dismissed the following year.'.-"'.-,V-''.''- : - After dragging, in the court of Mas- - isachusetts for. years,' the. case revived local interest wijen In August, 1310. Attorneys. KJ D. SilUman, former judge well;known here, and-Jame- 3 JH.' Cot- - ter. arrived from the mainland. ,' They ; represented ; Lowrle's interest .and was taken, afterwards to -- be submit- - .. Weather, along this' ccasC 6 .Ideal .tedfo the court official In Bostcn. The! Toir" both-can- harvesting' and "gro'vingj taking 'of. thi3 testimony 'oc:- - ?er , ,. ' .jj - jv j t - : : '773 - 71 - o 2 PBICE PIVD CEITIZ nn a f r iii ii ii 'f X- - ; , - i 1 j J ; :'vV--- "' f; J U J -- 3 J l Li KJ : "U Emcrts I !ov; Cc z: ult c n IJcttc-J- s .cf ! Rirhj Craft Firi-il- y 0:- - " 1 "T , - - 1 : . ' . 1 - r '. IIAVY DZ?A?u :foADVIC2.A7.ii72 Wdrh Ariain: l liarlyylni: i. ::::::: j afternoon fcctc:h CD c:I 1.3 feet inshore from where it v.: originally; located en Hz z:i floor, with tha navy tuj ITavjo holding: a bridle cf wire cab! : around her, and a tij bu:j marking the spot 'in ' cas 3 th: drag. breaks or slip 3. : No efforts are being mad 3 to continue salvage wcrlr, whic'-- i came to' an abrupthalt at 5:10 o'clock this morning, when th: heavy wire ; cable with nhizl: the dredge California wa3 1 : f t-i- ng the submarine, snapp::l like twine" at the heave ; cf a swell, undoing- - in- - an inctar.t the. work cf thi prcvio-- 3 i hours;- i r- It is agreed by navy and civ ilian experts that tha gear no -- .7 in; use cannot; h"nd!j the 7-- 1, the tremendous - strain ncc::-sar- j' to part the inch and half wire cable indicating that tho submarine is waterlcjjcd, ev- ery, compartment probably b:- - ingfloodecL 7 ' .' 'Nothing but pontoon meth ods can float her,, and a long conference wa3 held at the Honolulu, naval station , thi morning, relative to the b ::t methods of procedure. Hope of saving life, long ago given up,' became an - impccsibility this motaing when the condi- tion bf the.r-- 4 became known through the : accident to th3 hoisting gear, and, the? job is now r.e of salvage only. .That beig the case thoroughnecs takes precedence over speca, and it .lis unlikely 1 that any niove wiUjbe-mad- e 'until Jthe Navy i Department is Kear dv from. t;''- - '; Although no : official ' an nouncements of negotiaticr-- 3 were given but; this mcmirg it is understood that cable m::- - sages,r detailing the sirjiiier., have ; ; been exchanged Washington, and that p:--- 7 by- this afternoon a tl;7 :i.e plan;.wiU;l3e d'edd: '
  • It

    Front 8m Franc!? -Mongolia. April 2.,- - ..

    For tan frtnciK! ..Manoa, March 30.

    From .Yokohama:' Siberia, April :For Vancouver:

    Xlagtrs, April iV- -

    Evening Bulletin, Est 1882, No. 6123Ha a11a a Star. Vol XXII, No. 71 3

    :r nii mm

    'w 'Mas

    "?zation brdcrcd Along t:Ian: Ffcnticr; Situation

    Grcws Crifv''

    vicTorr' i

    : Bcrr.hdrd3

    Checked ; ;

    j i :??ize Trci by Teileral "WirelessCZr.T'Xf Cwitzerland, March 33

    .ivl::3 ! ere.aay the 'mciillzatisn f1t;'::i f;-- -s en the Aw :'.:.- - (rentierit n r :J5.,'..The A-ilr- ian f;rcias.!jd hive'fceen tent. to U.e tcrd:r tr.a

    .n tf-.-s two armleo will: be- - fi.irseach ct'-i- r scroti the'tlne.Thet'tua-tlc- n

    it irrIttetfly growina more ts- -

    lc::i JO 1X12

    trri. ' ; i cftr i

    ' 'v :I' rf

    J ! ..If", . . k. all I i 1 .

    . 1, it i:At :;r : z:::

    . i kuiid and ::::c J prisoners weret:

    .icr.ious; ;.'-- .I ;.!3 a::;:ou;;ces


    r .' . f rsrch SI An artit-- 1if tv on by Frencht ,:. The Cermanc

    tj try.the, Cerrnan. c' ::Vei. .. ',



    u. : Gu:.r.Di::Go situatio::


    .i J llv J: r."

    . ; '.'.;-r.- a arrived heret.-- c . :, it it rumored,

    ; merchir.trrtnfrc-.- -j . ; la the feef w-;.- !.- 3cu.: . h:r.:r for the Cernsnth!p ! r ..:! Frisdrich. The Prir.zClt:l r i i : olive. ;

    c:;it; :; co:l sin? .AV CALLAO FOa ORDEHS

    . . .;,(: created Press Cat lej

    Llf'.V r;ru'," f.tarch S3-T- ho Crit-l:- hc Ilrro'crd with-coa- l, for

    i: : .1 z-- . tuadron arrivedt;J:y . 3 13 await crdert. .

    , --i

    Assoi:A Prf- - bj. IVWaV7irelc89'-l.', - Cenrany, l.?arch 23.

    tisld i"- - ;w.al Vender Coltz, In com-r-m- dcf t?-.- e .Turkish; xperatiom" it

    ted as tayirg cn hit return to Cer.lir U-.z- i t e Dardanelles are capablecf res":".: 3 any. assault. ; . .

    Turk;.', trccpi are.matstna" alongle frc L :r cf Smyrna to prevent in- -

    on. - - . ;v ,Offic!il Ccnstantlnople detpatchettry-- , a Turkish aeroplane . droppedtcrr.ts'en a 'Critish :warthlp, doingccnsic::r;:s-c:ms:s- . : ' v '


    CAfl rr.A: 2i:CO, Cal March 33.C. ir: rZ c -:s test,4XS cents. Pre--

    , 43 cents


    Cr; L;, frrtJe'ar.J' Clue tone;. I ! . . . iC'xf LTD

    .i- .lav-

    iiili i


    U M ;

    iin -- en:. in. ?05fiinjaffiajm.:'ii7cn:c::: --r:.:;.oHincinj.enr!i


    L rt r'-- 't v,ov;: . ' r' . -

    ;r i ; (r -- :.:: --i. tu.r,nh; c':'. : .. - .

    Frc!i;j:ti:na3 Rigid as Thct In:Hu::;a Likely to BsT'StcJ

    jJcv; Cul'vDk In XcndcjiV

    As -i- iip.l Prrss by Federal Wireless ,LC ;rCN, Cr.;!and, March SO..

    Cr;ot Criliin: faces prohibition. AVithir.




    In the r.ezr fyl.re it Is likely alcoholic, .department today that thewill t3 as rigidly suppret::d fleet l preparlng'to Guantana-l- n

    Crc t Critain Jn Russia. "We ara ;ma Thursday. President Wilson- -


    WIt la clanned to; send Jit least tmeV-r- , tw

    f.-M.-rj Csrmany, Austria and drink,,r J . i . uu; . virZ:::.u ,l 1 wvCT. snh.s inter to the Shipowners.A::claJcn. . ; ; ,; '

    Tl-- j drink question shares l.f'cf the- - Fataba 4s.t.r.kirg Jll f?"hin public discussion today. fi!S?ers ,ln ;reat numbers,; have I.?'.Llryd-Cecrc- o to seal their H1 "lscellars ar.d prohibit Intoxlcac!.-- 3. The labcr-leade- rs "are r ";thujlastically supporting him

    tRICH . F H i LA D E LP H I A rJ


    Asfwl.io1 Tress "by 'Wirelpss' PHIL; DZLPHIA, Pa March: 33.

    C- -' :n, a wealth businessman,ton cf X president cf Philadel-phia Charifcer cf. Commerce, -- todayir.ct and

    i i . t . : i jryears cia, wme sne was astecp in nerhcr-.e.-- ;. He is believed to have sudden-ly teccrne . ! rinsane. ; .'

    Cohen is a brother of Lieut.1 AlbertCChen'-cf-'t- U, S. S. Delaware andcf 'l.'i:s Eleanor Cohen, tennis.. chanvpion of Philadelphia. - U


    V- - MEXICAN BORDERLINE; :. ; - i;

    lAsscMriatedTrVss b Federal WiMessWASHINGTON, D. f, March 33.Everything is in Crownsvilleacross the, line'from the Vilta-Carran-- za

    battle. - No confirmation has- - beenreceived of the report that. Zapata ispreparing to evacuate the capitalThe president today denied Gen. Scottwill be to the border.


    Assojate'd Press by Federal WirVleasSAN TRANCISCO, Marcrr 33v Th

    steamer General Frisbie. which strucka rock In the bay with;303 passengerson board yesterday, waa floated today.The damase is slight. ; Therewereno casualties, all the passenger, beingrescued and taken ashore,; the;. scenecf the accident being in full light ofthe exposition crowds. A shifted buoyis tlamed. for the accident

    V Lyman's bill to require; publisbingcf kracr license renewals was tabled

    ; v i


    ! ' 71


    - ., 'i. - -- - l'. . r

    .i . . ...rrr.LIvinj helmet, airpumpand equipmef.tutetf ..Dive'n; "Agraz"' 'r --


    fetery DanishCome 10 Knclulii WUIr Bat- -

    1 ;rv.r;iated rress..by.Telleral Wirelesi

    ' ASHINGTON,'Fletcher rt'ported'to navy.

    hope that; he

    . ,- - 1visions of battleaWpr;t.hrousli.v

    Pn? on July if passible,!

    . Atlanticli;-o- rr leave




    ty "andci



    the will be'



    zl:In mrragansett bay.



    H.-D- .


    - 1 un jurinui tot ' oca s i.K7 m in ic uc-i-

    Profcab,y cruisers - jdeitreyert and;oth-faste-r programs haTip teettn ijn r. Deforo ... f0c other reasoD-- j. .The Fr4rpltimnn Rrrtirwt Datil! ' --will ai n.nn.l : .onrfita istll. .triMrnw Va

    UAKKtwIn ;.' 1 . 1- Hon baa td

    Mil tool If the churchwlli- - Qnsent'to!glve;jup

    ' - Hawaii ShMarch fAhW Will . be. 12


    killed nis crandmother. .....tu.






    ass s a bsb

    ei;n ninitier, paron Kato tor several,hours .The! .

    unknown but presumed to be the.' - "- - - - 5 ( W


    CJAPANARLIAMEfm(Snecla :to Kinnn i: 1

    Mar 30. S. Shindaf theCOvernmentalny-wil- l be the speak-er of the-iie- vtf WlUmenL; v.j

    InoBe KakrToro, member of ."theJapar ete PMnMVWraa: iharSe.of ttzKuaiU;

    T.ea Tor onice.aner nil tnaf;hebe by J.'Yamamrchl,

    i 1Deputy Sheriff lxhj acting; cor

    will today, investigate the deathof Koo KInr'.Cheonsi Chinese boy,who alleged, to have run overty .fitllVeryr :on belongingTto theY. ;Voq Sing t boy .is,saia .nave aiiempiea . cross - tungstreet to the path of the' Vehiclewhenhe was thrown ander. the feet of. thehorse. Tie died from the'.Injurles atthe hospital last night . . ';--

    V-- MORNING ON 'CHANGEDThe market was still weaker today

    and stUl nore eluggish. OnlyCommon was trong, selling at add-ing more its! gain of; 10 yester

    Another feature iwaa a sale1 of- shares going, at 149. The ,

    last QuOUtlpn; was 137 -2J Tt I'.Vi


    6 l-- S- Thirteen . dollars, in ; Oahu irtailrcsd 5s for; byj-?,-

    ' . J '


    1 1 mm-

    Public f.temorialScrvice, Is Arfranged For Sunday,' Abrii 1 ,

    at National X5u:.rd' The- - territorial affairs committee of.the ofi Commerce and Secre--

    n. r? nmw . : vapwv marfi.

    i,n Sunday; AprU Ul ext, SundayVas Impracticable 'on acdouatiof 'the


    111 1. 1 4v--

    Aiembers :i tne jcnamier-a- 3 wenof tbeTlIonoIulu ,vAd;Clubare now discussing .tentatively - tieraising a public luiia, for; the ae--pendent .families f tbmenT lot' In


    to HawalLShlfipo) --ppiiTOKIO, Mareh Japa--

    awIei4Aa a OtilrtnA dlfe spamasi4T,7from ;the injurie of nii.faHtfrom

    horse recently;: He-ha- i hi.

    tL '.'- l1r:H.:C.v'-- : .t j ,

    1 1 O A F ! n A r & nnnT.h FJ PPR n -- been teacbed.' 4 whetherllH JArAN tS t J lb CH ing or evening, local

    : " ? iea tbeitF(Special to:TOKIO, :29.American program held rom.ti; t

    tatsador Guthrie conferred with For' a;m..'at Mxxaiarf



    plornatic duties.; fi

    sa b 9,sbB'B

    today. nature 'oL.tbeylsiton





    succeeded wIJdfv 1


    Is beenk

    ...Tipiiiy.' Theia to--




    15 today.Kekahi, ft -

    : 1 1

    thousandsold 103," 'Weaker"

    r; v -- .


    .U. jV.A

    aa members,









    as--P rl . vv;. ;:;vf:;r-'-- 8PUBLIC HEARINGS rTi SThe I following public hearings "M

    by legislature are scheduled?4 for l this week1irta k i -

    Child labor bill, public hearing 544 by house military 'committee; hall ii

    8 pf representatives, 4 -- p'jnv::;" : ft.?C' fSanday movies" bill,s public 'M' hearing by senate military ;com- - .ISSi mittee, senate chamber7:ji.' m; M

    --Wednesday, March 3T. A; ivi MS Hoholuln charter --convention 5K'bill, public hearing'by house com-5- itH'mittee on municipal and county '!,&3 affairs, hall V of ' representatives, S s

    7:30 p. m.. ; 5?'i

    nance, In hall of representatives7:30 p. m. "? - --' i -

    r--. r- - -- -.

    1:71 ... ii

    . rf tl:i r'.w-r!r- fert,' which is active 1A ' r"fitT?-r- . -tG.' D.. vani,vOn ri; .t: - Entijn' Pt M, Catet, acundlr'wlth electro-mag- ;

    PRINTS, i

    mmmODAYCom jDulsory, Military 'ilhstruc- -tion for Youths ofHawaii Is

    , Arguea ror, oy uen. uarier-- ,

    The house ofYepresentatlves ia convening tb.la af ternoon to vote on "tiellolstein , compulsory. vmiUtary educa-- .tioa bill, ' .requiring, all Abl?-bodie- dyoung 'men .'arriving at 18 i years; totake; . 4 8 .military -- lesions--of two tourseach undr ; army and - national guardinstructors, v Pfedictipns - are that Atwill-pas- s ,fhe kiwer: branch of thei legislalnre.;-- . ;.i ?..-':--;.rr:-'-:-- :

    ;At eleven o'clock thii morning thehouse convened; as 'a committee cf thewhole. - RepTesentativfr Raw1ms , presiding, to hear addresses :oa the Liuby ; M ajor-gener- Carter' commanmnfthe 'Hawaiian department,1 Judge Advbcdte ' Cttafh .Matsey; and ColonelJr1 W. Jones, adjutant-genera- l of. thenatiohai: guard. " Owing to' the submar-ine; disaster Admiral Moore was v unable to "appear,' but 'a imritten Comma:n (cation on the measure was read bythe clerlt;Of the house. -- All officersgave their hearty. Indorsement" jto thebllL ; "'I General CarterTispokeiclearly andhis argument; appeared Mu carry con?slderable weight iwiththe - doubtingmembers of the house, lie. urged thepassage of the measure for, three rea-sons, as 'follows;.- - ia-- iVi;.-k"-4-

    First: . To teach thel' young v menproper sanitary 1 methods and social

    Second: To teach .thenar first. - aid

    (Continued joa page1

    iiipjiis5 KALLS. 5- WlrH4

    .rii n

    GrJIiEi miXEDi ;- - V- - - -- ' - --;:r-.i -- :;-? i-

    TlSpeofal Star-Bulltf- n CorrwpondeijeeJf HAKALAUr Mafch'; 27.Yesterdayat .6 p. ra., ' a Japanese carpenternamed Sato." returning from . woricwhile., crossings the'. 185-fo- ot railroadbridge across ; Hakalau gulch .mis- - ?stepped and plunged to the; gfound.Death' was " InsUnt 5 Deputy-.- : SherifT jMartin of Hila appeared soon i"after--

    v, :'A


    V .V- - :iSubmar. in2lF--4



    ii --V.i'

    iii P.lerf Hurrying to BostonFor Possible Decision - In

    V Noted Case of. V. J. Lovvrie.

    .Vs. Hawaiian. Commercial &' Sugar Plantation; Interests

    1 Speeding cn . their way to Boston Inthe expectation of important developments in;.lie ' Lowrte suit" of territory--wide1 fame, aeveral . of Hawaii'swell known business and professionalmen have left Honolulu without pub-lic announcement of ' their plans. - V;

    "J. V Cooke, J. B. Castle, AttorneyV.vR.Vcastle and !Attorney D. L.

    With ifig ton are among those who arehurrying Trom Honolulu - to the HubCltyMt is said In business circles thata decision in the case may be expectedabctit the. middle of April,' Anotherstatement has it that an Importantphase" will be reached on ; April ; 5.Whether the case will be put before aJury' fr will be virtually decided bythe'.ccurt official .who acts under theMassachusetts code could not belearned this morning." , v V m ! r.

    The Wilhelmina last Week carried J.F7 Cooke, Jf B. Castle and AttorneyWithTSgtoa, and , XV. IfXiastle sailedon the Korea this morning. . '

    '; The Lowrie suit ' has been little

    heard' of In Hawaii since 'August andSeptember of 1310. In; 1907. W. J.Low'rfe, former manager of the Ha-waiian Commercial Company, broughtstilt for 40O,0OO against the late Henry P. Baldwin, James B. Castle, Willi-am It Castle, George P. Castle, MarrCsistlellitchcock, Harriet Castle Colmany' Caroline Castle Westervelt andHelen ' Castle .Meade. - The originalComplaint was sworn to In New Yortbut the case was brought in the Mas-sachusetts court and has been thereever since. ' A duplicate suit was be-gun in Hawaii but it Is understood ttwas never seriously Intended-t- o press'it and It fell through when : at one

    'security for costal :r ;' 'pty&&T .i uivne uatjeu 1115 suit iot uanias,on alleged wrongful uTsmissal as man-ager of the company, the damages be-ing in part 'estimated upon an arrange-ment by which he was to be' paid formaking Hawaiian Commercial a 0.000ton plantation. He took hold of theplantation in" 1901 and was. dismissedthe following year.'.-"'.-,V-''.''- : -

    After dragging, in the court of Mas- -isachusetts for. years,' the. case revivedlocal interest wijen In August, 1310.Attorneys. KJ D. SilUman, former judgewell;known here, and-Jame- 3 JH.' Cot- -ter. arrived from the mainland. ,' They ;represented ; Lowrle's interest .and

    was taken, afterwards to --be submit--.. Weather, along this' ccasC 6 .Ideal .tedfo the court official In Bostcn. The!

    Toir" both-can- harvesting' and "gro'vingj taking 'of. thi3 testimony 'oc:- - ?er, ,. '.jj - jv j t -


    : '773 - 71 - o2


    nn a f r

    iii ii ii

    'f X- - ; , - i 1 j J;

    :'vV--- "'

    f; J U J --3 J l Li KJ : "U

    Emcrts I !ov; Cc z :ul t cnIJcttc-J- s .cf ! Rirhj

    Craft Firi-il- y 0:- - "1 "T , - -1

    : . ' . 1 - r '.

    IIAVY DZ?A?u:foADVIC2.A7.ii72

    Wdrh Ariain: lliarlyylni: i. ::::::: j

    afternoon fcctc:h CD c:I 1.3feet inshore from where it v.:originally; located en Hz z:ifloor, with tha navy tuj ITavjoholding: a bridle cf wire cab! :around her, and a tij bu:jmarking the spot 'in ' cas 3 th:drag. breaks or slip 3. :

    No efforts are being mad 3 tocontinue salvage wcrlr, whic'--icame to' an abrupthalt at 5:10o'clock this morning, when th:heavy wire ; cable with nhizl:the dredge California wa3 1 : f t-i- ng

    the submarine, snapp::llike twine" at the heave ; cf aswell, undoing- - in- - an inctar.tthe. work cf thi prcvio-- 3 ihours;- i r-

    It is agreed by navy and civilian experts that tha gear no --.7in; use cannot; h"nd!j the 7-- 1,the tremendous - strain ncc::-sar- j'

    to part the inch and halfwire cable indicating that thosubmarine is waterlcjjcd, ev-ery, compartment probably b:- -ingfloodecL 7 ' .'

    'Nothing but pontoon methods can float her,, and a longconference wa3 held at theHonolulu, naval station , thimorning, relative to the b ::tmethods of procedure. Hopeof saving life, long ago givenup,' became an - impccsibilitythis motaing when the condi-tion bf the.r-- 4 became knownthrough the : accident to th3hoisting gear, and, the? job isnow r.e of salvage only. .Thatbeig the case thoroughnecstakes precedence over speca,and it .lis unlikely 1 that anyniove wiUjbe-mad- e 'until JtheNavy i Department is Keardvfrom. t;''- - ';

    Although no : official' an

    nouncements of negotiaticr--3were given but; this mcmirgit is understood that cable m::- -sages,r detailing the sirjiiier.,have ; ; been exchangedWashington, and that p:--- 7by- this afternoon a tl;7 :i.eplan;.wiU;l3e d'edd: '

  • -



    iiWffllEOIllIliDEttSBATTEflED BV 1W BE IS C.

    Says Complaint Is an Old OneBut Businessman Now,

    Taking Notice

    Just why should H.- - P. Wood bemIe the goat' for the bortcomlng.cr n?e Hawaii rromouon vommmw.wleji lhat organization since fta;inleraj said ""because if these IslandscepUoa has been absolutely' and oon-ar- e ever attacked It would be lmpos--tlnuously , In ;. the tunas ot; men- - ap--bolnted from-th- e buslhesa organlza- -tionl of Honolulu Is more than has 0f rvice.- - jt would befimpossl-ye- t

    teen made clear," said W. It Far-- , Die to get; ships to! trtnjf then- - here.rington yesterday. . (Sugar boat are sot suitable ai rmy

    "While I was presiding office of the' transport"-.--V.:- v .':."V- ,v V -Chamber, of Commerce. Mr. Tenney,)? th general perhapssorprised . Jilsthe chalrmjam of the finance commit- - audience when he said that. he wouldtee,: remarked that he considered ill j not twant - to. have todefend these isthe business men responsible for'tbe,)andS wjx 35,900 soldiersi V He urgedunbusinesslike methods bich; .had tthatv the training start ' la theV early

    ' been prevailing in the Promotion Com- -mittee.; I agreed with that view andstill agree; with it to me extent tnai3!r. Wood should not, be ! made thegoaf of raujts wmcn are snarea ana.he went on.And 'of this! numbershould, be without question j Shared , oonnnft . tmai'i vears'of stee.

    equally byj every, man ht has been -nn 1 11 rniiuuLiuu'ijUUiuuLLCD tw

    t last ten years: j : - I: i Wdod, has been subject to a!o 8uca ftn C like this wilF' sUp'd

    committee, and that committee has Uuta the - ereitet achievement ; torbeen appointed from among the lead- -Ing business men 01 tnis city.; j.ne cnt

    i ticism, and it is jost'ciTtlcism, is that 1

    jerciy.igai. ' it is tlie:;duty tf liiegovernment Jo protect its pec Ta idf

    .nut--j the sole-purpos- of-thls- T bill.:

    the committee lias had no system ofaccounting,' the method and . lack ofmethod has been.a Joke.

    "This jsnl the first time the com-plaint has been heariL.U is merely thefirst time that btslness'men; fcave lis-tened aild : taen notice:- - i

    "Mr. Wood'i system Is A creature ofthe system of valy a few years agowhen contributors td the 'PromotionCommittee fund t 'Were refused anylist of erpenditures or others contrib-utors. That refusal was made to theEvening Bulletin , when ?.Mrt Bockuswas business manager and my goodfriend Fred Waldron was a leadingfactor on the Promotion

    Tines bavechanged, thanks t4aev".erai things-an- the; Aaiub ana tne

    tMBut Just theVSiie Tdo not, believeiat our buslnesi leaders should sit'

    up on a tool virtueand point .the Cnger of scorn 'at '.MJWood .i Furthermore, it la mighty podrtaste to do whllt Mr. Wood is ab-- Ieent j.iV, ."c" v 'IIa8 anythlsg happened to Jadicatethat Mr. "Wood has refused' to acceptany accounting system which hls'com-xnltte- e

    in!sht, suggest T. :--:"Has Mr. "Wood al any time closed a

    year, without, the full Indorsement of'"- ' ''his committee? ' '7;

    "I have always been In favor ofthrowjn; the Proaotioa Committeewide cren so ss to secure the closestlwr.ov.kJe and - on. theI rt cf the puhlle, but I do protest!B"-in- Et tMs-rresen- t echene cf tach.i:..i WooJ w tile he is away, eticklnsl."::v up ia the foreground as the goat,'v h'' the' business--cositslttmen,--wh-l ave teen 'jointly responsible, r.dt c . c t ' rr. c 3 decidedly imperious towardEn !nqv'r!r. pftb!!c, run and hlde." '

    m ; ; ; 7 ...


    .1. 1.

    L.. .


    xwujc occu

    tsia tteei'saie-is-d secure caniases


    la of JSO.uCO. ' .

    p!n!rtr vas fcrcllly.. and- without,pal rihtaken .from Maklnos officeever his drugstore, Nuuanu and Hotelttrerts, the nlt of; June 11, 19CV,

    t'herl Henry,; Ches-ter A. Dcjle and.otheri la the employcf the Sugars Planters' ssociatloar

    removed to the station and ,

    l.rln charges - theetria aad thus a

    of the labor dlfT!- -The Japanese strike Ion? will

    k.?ov,iage Association, the.

    enny ,

    soclalloa. &.a ume

    againfct any .aemanas on


    (Continued from part. joT -metbl.tfor..'Us la. accidental and on

    third;; a protection for ftawaiLTH renrranhlr.il location nf these

    i--. mkM it hwWelYtht the eoldieiy, be brouhtno fo lu-fcirte- tandard.-'thevg- eil

    j sjDe 4 1& transport v troops ttf the- - Ufront the; mainland' In tlm

    ages.:'.'' --. ' - rf. 'Vi--"Oo you lenow that durfhgthe 'citfl

    waf. only 6 000 tQ8 2,750,000 whoBerre1 were. 0Tgr. 25 of.'!?,t enuBtI at 12 years cf age.T r&tti--amk r r a a- iMftPinnan : nv sinvinsr j: rentiemen; 4hat: nassae

    yo: both collecUvely and lndlvldual- -jy to your eying j'M-'f:- r li Captain Massey : pointed ' ot i the.Jy . that military schools are doingand he that the territory takei hand in making it posslble foi aUto get military edtfctloflv'p- - He aaiathat the army oncers In-- Uawaql wete

    than 'JU5t'niar.to jasiist JinJiore lug 'the tyoutj; men la 4 iallilaryvwayv -- W- ; tK:'v At the cbnclusloa ef Captiia' Massey's talk. Chairman, Rawlins,. ( ques

    the y cf 's'ueif 4 Measureis the llolsteia bill; to whichCarter reolied: i. TS;j "Ther'e Is' no QuesCbnT'is togality.' Don't kzow. we, nowhave -- 'compulsory ". militaryawsT By the .acttf Xonsiesa: eich

    ind 'every clUieii cf lie United "Elite!18 iiid '44 years U i Ki3-- ,

    er tt- - Ue- - naticr.il' ralrd.-.wtciie- Yictltely-o- r not; an cc'te calletflctoService at 'iny- - tlr. :. It ii'ticre t

    j 1-- "purpose of procurlnr - i-- JootersAs pcEElhle at the lc ilaof wagesr for: the -- i t dlifrlbatlne aacnff the mchers tf eild t3-- "icciatlGiT the cost atZ expenses whlctriny of thp eneaper? or Associa-tion fcijht be. put to fcy rtssca pf-aa- ydemand p'r tequcrty ,s2.ld-laborer- sfor. hlsher.wages or t:tleT'socIil ?xndtanitary conditions cf ii'J tfrf thepurpese": cf. purch!,frcii,: Varlouiaewsfapers publicb'ed Ji'lie Jirineslanguage ia the TerrLiryicrjfliwthe support of suth' nwj?:',-perss'-- fot.the plans and policies t iip ted ty,saldis'socIation,';with reference, to the em-plojce- nt

    and : treatment; of laborersemployed the toesilcfs. cf sAld 'as-sociation; and for thejpurpose of pur-ehasln- g.

    from said.jiewsr?perav pubrILhed ia the-Japanes- e language, 6i-ler- ce

    loick of . crltlctcrj of- suchand policies, as Aforesaid, i

    Ttaf the month tr-May- ,' 1S03,tho ;ipas?sa;litcrers zLi;lji,tacultivation, mining. txanspcrtatloncf "sugar cane tad' sgr, ani em-ployed by, the yarlou'smembers cf said

    1 association. lorra an- -

    ca the sevtraJ frigar3d for the pufpose :'of

    iorat trncil ndStfr' cfthW

    ttv committee --of said Higher "W aAssociation." . '

    Te. compiaiat relates.-that- ! the tdemand. for higher waggs,nier for a. cdfe.

    Says the complaint, the laborers walked out' '; ,'.'' ' T'r 'i It thea ta.detaf! the;crcumBtunP nrroiin?!nff the ftllpped - n- -i.wfni the'Vife and nrlTata

    5 ' the -- HIghefUurpose tj dlscreditlnjeWage Association v nd , blocking iwt

    1 The: gt0IT 0f(a:iedetal indict - 1


    JVIduaHy la the legal papers. "

    ymaastics, : . swimming.' .and ,

    v. I among" themselves known as the. I ;

    i-- er.T.'cgs'.'Assocfatioa, the ichict cf

    v j ' wl.lch asioclatloa vas.to secure frcl. 1 ; . tJ i i- - I t8 en:p!cyeri of'ialdmen- -

    ' 1 'ullS- Z f;ters of said Hiiher Association.- .' , tlgher wEges, to Wiethe suncf J22.59An echo, of the famous Japanese la-- cbnti they then "belr ttIJ $14bcr; strike of I9C3 -- was heard today. . $et for the' purpc cf secur-whe-nFred K. Sikklno, through hi at-- better hmises and betfef Sialtarytorney. Joseph. Llghtfoot,, filed in ir--J ln' th Prions ci:ra

    cuft court a suit ?alns.t the Hawaiian tyto recover a cer- - fltto

    mwai1;- - and thatF.X ipiiinto at all tlrieser

    rhafrmflW wf tti

    the sum ' : f

    caly High J,yilllam

    w as police




    .there opened with dynamite or other 1 nce to di8CBS8 the quesUon; were re-fcrcl- tra..means and ..data .extracted fctpd hv the nlanters. - in Julvt lSG9.

    criminal t2.l"Stletiers ccmel set







    be remembered by kaciaaliias'at one. nera.- - ' -- -?llf?e ensaliona! incidentt of 190.1. ,A; jfc&g t&Ttttornir fw ;tS

    eJt continued theJtrlke was a planters; H&i Sheriff, : Henry. fLcMa8 affair, wltTi develop- - .Sheba.-dIt- or of the lUwsil Shinpo,meat fQllowln& each other ia rapid; deciared to be and servantsseaUonarsUccessIoiL - . . : of tae Planters' . associaUon; are

    0ni0f;Uie txc rt.ttese Charged - with ; .niesilly., wilfully., andwas the irrest of Fred Maklno, chaiN ..maliciously aUempUnr to"procure evi-ma- nof the executive committee of the MM raV!n ttk-- the"

    K?Lre-rfan,tIon-;, i.Higher- and

    icrcioie w urugsjore





    -- you matservice







    aIl agents

    jbs. iuc. Wu iu 'meTjt agalistlaiino; and tta ; latermoral or the fv '- - ' noUe prossing by Robert WBreckons.Included the Wkre the em, thcn a a djstrJctAttornei, related,ployea of three Us -- plantations on 1 Xne suit j, against the planters as-Oa-hUonolrtl PlanUtCompany;! Uq W. A. KlaneyV who wis, theOahu Sugar. Company ; and .Kahuitt;. planUrS' counsel;, S; Shebaana Ches-Sca- f;

    Company. The iaddenU lead-- . Ur rjoyie, interpreters employed byins up this denouement are narYaV the planters, and William Heiryhood In. Maklno a complaint, as follows: was sheriX The members of the--That the tald membera of said rg. assoclatfon are' named. indl--

    at ocremwier men--






    l.:- -


    in la



    purpose, among others, of . agreeing new term'.begina "next, week foupon and enforcing" a unirorm rate of ciasfies of the physical departmentwages to be paid laborers employed 0f the, T. M.', C'Xi.-- . The schedule ofby the members of said association; glasses will be the isanje as before, in-f- or

    the purpose of mutually protecting eluding folk arid aesthetic danciag.said members


    A target for a terrific end destructive rain of shot and shrapnel pouredfrom four German battleLilps I andcruisers fa1 the bombirdmeni of AVeslHartlepool.. England, on December 1C,the new British freighter City, of New- -

    ounser-coa- i yesterday axternooa bearsmute esUmoox tp the.; hivwt wrougStoy uermao oomnaraxnent- -"A;:iarge 'irteeT patch aboutiV feetaoove ine water line on tbVSUrboard

    side and sddlUcmal eviden-.-- e of hastvrepairs to Its, fanaef are poJ ited tit byorncera r, 'cone Aled rentsmade by ,flyinf shell rw"Ichserious have to shipping then'seeklnishelter'At-the- . British poftv- v.--,.Capt

    'RZAbnvi hais iqf;tfa posses-slo-a;several 'jpleeet steel shrapnel

    which hs4 .been JrabWt ed la te doorleadinif; toto theCity! tf Tfeweaatle'aehartroom. --The froa.- - idder leadingw ine upper flee u Ipped by' ftn-bth- er

    piece of aetaJ. ",'V The City of ; NeweasUt :Ws WdeKrbiflg cOtopleUda at West vrtjepoolwhen- - theahipbundlnr' bter was vis-aed by the Germans. v v --

    Ciptaia Abram fcadT tiken commandof the resaeprearatoiy to lu goingIntov commission An. Jaauary.'v :uir::' f We were-startled-b- the report.offiring' about a mile nd a half off WestHartiepooVsa!d the Wppef today."Four wat vesaelsiflyingther BrUIshcolors were seen; Their- - guns ; werfetrained : seaward r and several

    ere flred ia that directloarf when wit-hout', mentehtt:; warhlflg p ; WestHartlepool ahipplng districtr received afierce hall of rahell rid shrapael fire,I? J waii fhea 'jsarned. that; the vesselstore German and that a, bombardmentof the-tow- n waa oa' f&eaittestTneflrin'sr. kept ' ftif for about .40 minutes:

    ."The fighting shlps, were enable toiflfroaeh thev twft 'becaitssof . shaIj.water.vVAilarge: GermanDerchaatman, ; A prized takea at th'ebegTnning tjf the wir, was" badly damaged tad-late- r, iuakf' ;v 'Ci."ptAltf,!Abra3n saldt that v Several

    Ei-lil-h ivesieia thea; at Hartlepooleither cilder toastractloa tr awaitingcargt were" kit! by' fltln missiles'. InsomeUtitaices' they; were 'utoui'bfcommission, r'.west : Haruepoor w saidto vbe the: location for several "lareeshTpb ending. ccaeerasl y Iti the opinionof ofSeers In the City,of NewcaatlcthfGermans tried, to' cripple all 5 shippingthen At the port? v : v. rt- f yV: There, is no doubtj ia my mind thatthe shrapnel Vere polsoneda?: insistedCaptila Atrahf "I remained it' WestHartlepool untlt Jaauary, wlren tntCty of, Kewctle Jvent; intcV,tommiiSion and stemed for iNew.Tork:: Bus?.ness wai entirely suspended at theshipyards; for week folldwlnsr. thebombafdmefit. tf&mage done' theCity of Kewcastle .was hastU y ;; repair-ed. 1 was. that 86 persons haddied fonowmgr the ' raid 'by 'the Ger;msas. -- rnialmps every, instance death

    hid 'foIloWed 'cnong the irounded.iathe .cAfer'ot thoseho received t theslightest scratch froa;the flying, bitso't : bursting1 shot.' .blood , poison lag Issaii ' td - have- - immediateiyi followed.The asuaitiis ; totaled; 186.H. ; '( , J.-- ' The City kof Kewcastle irepreseatsthe- - latest type of freighter. It wassupplied, with 10.0CO tons of cargo, be;fore leaving PfCw" York and; GalvestonThe! freight is fsitQed. td VladlVostoSf.It consists ot ,machicery.,taotortrucksand - Quantrty f cdtttja. u if: - -- .. Captain v Abranf reports three , day'delay la - passlag'-- ' Panama canai be-cause of recurring- - slides;- - The-- yesselwfj be followed- - by h' number of othervessels operated 4jy thes' well-know- aniermaai;ae.:S 'M :'.,;f:f-;i'f- .

    iiAruuruiasier - wuiiaia -- 4; osier ; njeiaacld '. Bhlpmate ;In', . Captafn; ADram,Twenty-eigh- t years ago Foster and theskipper were, together la. the Britishship Drumlarig. r TTiey, made gvoyage la this famous-windjamme- r and Ithea separated.'..- - Thevredniaa of theveteran xaarinersf was a- - Joyful evdnt

    The City of NewcAstle. IA. ITttifeetlong? 56 feet beam and .has, a- - defithot-j82- , feet. vtt.J3iprcpeUed by the

    Opinion of ship$ias; men: lt; isone cf the. finest cargot carriers to call4t Honolulu, in many months- -; BeforeSteaming foe-- . the -- Slberiaa.coast'ithlsafternooa;tte vessel wljl-b- suppliedwith 69 .toaa .of. bnkef cpal. . ,


    ThehbuseHioiint resolution callmgfor the- - employment of : aS Aoecialteacner la the Hawaiian lore and language at the Normal School appearedIn' the senate yesterday,-passin-g firstfetaingv a-t-

    After having Ubled th& .bill to dto--hfblt ' the - attorney" geheraf- - and othercfflcials'from practising Moutside., the

    '.commlueas : yecOmmead'iluon 10 pass wney a .oiu. proniDtunjdistrict.' maglstratea'rfroni practisingprivately was .adopted; by .the 'house.;

    dent Order of ;ThbenIx, for the moneyadvanced" pfc it td extridtte .WUHaraF, ; Armstrong? from California lastyear raa. expected: td- - piss the senatetoday i ; The senate 'ways ' arid meanscc-m- fttee reported favorably - on t ityesterday.: ? i

    inio's cemetery site' altuatioa; longsuDjecx or mucn discussion, win be

    defialtely settled' la the aext twoyears,. If .Senator, Metrge .3.. BL 92becomes law., He. would have; the ter-ritory set Aside 46000. foi .the purchaseof ; A; desirable ? burial .around site . bycondemnation; proceedlnes.- - VV.

    ;S, ' a 204,. setting- - aside ftijm ' tax Ielection expenses and sorting thejirob-le- m

    over which' TerrttorlaJ Secretary.Thayer - his i been, puxxllris the ; last

    - - ' f 7

    . No longer will tie marriage licensebroker be able to, whistle his, waylightly dtown to tbe immlgrstion stationi' pull out his', official pad and 'col-lect aorae change for his personal use.if a bill introduced In the house byRepresentative Sllva Is enacted.

    '.The bill authorizes treasurers: deno--ty sheriffs" add' deputy taf assessors toissue licenses and specifies, that feesshall become county realizatioaa. Noothers ire empdwerei to Issue the certificates.- - '''It- - Ik estimated" around , thelegislature that license ' brokers havecollected seVeral hundred dollars annually - at the lmmrirratibn' statidnalotie froni" "picture1 brides'" and. therrprospective bnsband8Tli4L "biiV if enacted, Witt end this, practise.

    .1 -: jjk-- i m. ' , v A ui.J'": ''Alfeglnlg . ettrttni' craelty I Rose Cdrren jtMf filed a ' petition in circuitcotirt asking' a divorce froin 'John G.Correa

    ' ' Sixteen Ford automobiles were received by tb.6 Schuman Carriage Comnany. via the Matsontar today: Theorders, were two months behind,' M an- -ager Paxson reported. J " ,

    ThereWill be' an Important meeUngof WalalaeVi Kaimuki jad palolo im-provement Club tomorrow evening at7:30' o'clock Aat Ulinokalanf school.tot the ;purpose of hearing; the reportofj te road cdmifiit ee. j'Further continuances of, a week

    were granted by Circuit Judge Whit-ney in the two arguments In the Thel--ma Parker. Smart- - will case,"; set forheirlng" this morning.' It ia announcedalso that argument on administrationof thr- - estate" set "tot tomorrow, willreceive a week's' contlnuaace.. t

    olderkfria of St:- - Andrew'scathedral , Sunday "ach.ool iwill hold adelicatessen sale ; In the parisn houseSaturday' afternoon ot this week' at 26cl6ck' for fhe purpose?'or lflcreaslhgtheir Linttavoffe'rbg;ttCoatributron8may tie sent' to the halTIa the mora- -tjt, " '.. .' S ...



    Fashionable gown to. order.' .Mft.W'T'nn'Tvive Avl Tart fit AdV.; The C4&f er display ot nandabmi ttil

    lmeryjat tjltoaftParsea istaodtcomprehensive' th!syear.--Ad- v. :

    Book ' for iwttL- trip aronaa wianadally r4 td;6 pass. iM each; in first--class automobile'' 'Phone 2999; opp Y.

    r- - Wednesday, March 31," la CaliforniaRIpo Olive DayCall "bt Henry-Ma- y& Co-'- a , and sample - jdenclous: ripeollves.dertisemeit :

    Hiving completeirfiacoveted fromUs late illness Dr. Fv Sehurman, osteo-path; may b'e consulted at hla offices,Beretania' atreet; cor Union. Adv;?"Henry ' May & x. treceived by - the

    Matsonfat today ; shipment of freshI. X. I chickeft tamaletf in husk. Telephone 4your :t)rtler.early; 127i.-s-Ad-v.

    A' sociat will; be. herd at the Metho- -rarst churca, . April. 9; at. 7: 30 p. m.Muslo and' pK tuTes will - be A part ofthe good i thing- - provided.-- All arecordially IaYlteL advertisement '- The-successf- til chlckea raiser is thi

    maa 'who' has Investigated the claimsof the r PetalumAlectrte 1 incubator;has bought one apd .faf tslng 3t,'Y(dshould I- be" inter,ested., X ee the! Call-forni- x

    .Feed Cqi fore'tajlis: -- . 'The annual clearance sale; now ori

    at.Yee Chan Cd.'s lage store, is at-tracting: wide ,' and ; aA? wellis-- , showlngaome . Uuly worthy ' bar--gamsv-- sucn saxes ; as uiea ,me. 11wortlf while; pufchashg in;, quantitieslarge enouga tt las( aometlnie. Seetheir ad oa aaother pagv; " j"yesterday- - aad recomm.ededf . lts.: pass- -

    , ,Ta ar lengthy report; the Jlaads com-mltie- eof ' the. house states that the

    reason' the lhter-Islaa- d SteanV Naviga-tion Company had not been" using theKihel ,wharf,i Jtfaut ' Wast' becausdjthepassage through the: reefs had riotbeen marked by 'lights or buoys andtravel through ;vthe ireetv to the landing was therefore unsaiev ; ,; i

    After jone,.ortwo ameadmeata E,&90 was promised. passage in toe upperhouse yesterday and was expected, togo successfully tlfrough the flaalreadipgf today;rIt isr to cover thd 1914deficit incurred .by 'the'Hawail countysuperyisorB: last year In,committeeot tne wnoie' Kice .agam. criticised inesupervisors,!; aveTrrng" theyhad vfolat-e- 4

    ihe law arid i Intimating someoneshow bepunlshedHheref or. fBut thelegislature must- - make good for; theerror, Just as it friad'gobd for IL P.Wood's, error, la giving a printing con-tract to the" Paradlst, of the Pacificwithout calling; for bids. ; -

    Oriental ICrecirn

    Btik M4 Ski Dl t,.as 8 . t .... .mmw

    tt tk air It iaT- -Mm. Or.-L- . rr

    ya itdto will mthe part or emroyes, ior-per- e jriii be newcJa8se.torgaalxed. hreek ortwiv.'wasi eipectea to pass ihet t&l fKftGwlhlAber-ti-ages- - cr for better soclaf aaa for beginners as weir jss for more ad-, upper "house today; vThw8yY arid! r1irtB2:.'2f nitnry - ccnditions or-iu- e. tor lae -- yancea PUPHSl r - v mesn rommittM t): t.mKMfL 'iit sve VI '


    TVill l)e deUveretl to all pari of the city on Oobl Friday AprlF2. Scmf in Voiirorder early; Our aim is toirkake them better than "ever'this year. ' -- 1

    MISS "CAROLINE SHIPMAN of Hiloreturned to the islands la the Matsonla

    --' TERRITORIAL TREASURER C. J.M'CARTHT is back: from an officialtour otvMaui;

    5 Wl G. OGG; the plantation man fromHawaii, .was an arrival ia the MaunaKea this mcrning. V' r " ' -- '

    P. Sw W; RAMSDEN, the insuranceman. Is", booked as., a departing pas-senger oa the Krea hia morniag.. i; DR. F. F HEDEMAN was number-

    ed with,. the passeagers- - la the Mat-spai-afrom the coastthis moraiag. ;

    5 MRj" andllRS; W Rj CASTLE aail:ed, on the. Korea for the .mainland, to-day, v They win go , as far east asBoston. , y :'y-'::4-

    ' DONALD sl BOWMAN, health Inspector on Hawaji, visited Honolulutoday. He Is enroute to Molok'aljwlthDr. George ; McCoy.-- , ;;":;; 4'. 1 1

    C. S. DOLE hts completed a business" trip to Hawaii, returning - thismorning m the steamer Mauna Kea.He will leave soon for Kauai. . .

    JAPANESE CONSUL ARtr A...whohas .been touring" Hawaii with his sec-retary for the past; ten days, returnedto Tlonblulu on the .fauna Lpa pis

    CHARLES KAHN, brother of. Congressman Kahn. of. California was ;anarrival from the coast fa the uatsonia.He will remain. a short 'time ia theisiaads. r; :---.

    4-- ,,'; .

    AT d. WHEELER, assistant superintendent of public : works,, will ' leavefor'Haw'ail'. tomorrow fo inspect andmber "of homestead roads either. Inprogress w to be punt.

    SCOTT C. BELL, formerly of Pe--peekeo, 'Hawaii, Is a ; member of the3d Gordon.; Highlanders,; according toa. letter received here, arid wilt soon, bedespatched for. the front.

    CHIEF JUSTICE and MRS. A. G.M.; ROBERTSON left on the. Korea today for the coast A Report has It thatJudge "Robertson may go to Washington. 'His term expires May ,15.

    ,i Philip 'Armour nr. grandson bfthe meat k?ng. 'and Wa. bride; whovv. V iv.'i. 1 1came to riawaii oa ,meir. uoueuivuia. few vks left for : the mitnland ,iri the Kr a" this morning. , f I ;

    GEORGE iL COOL 'manager of thiHilo Tribune. Is back from a businessand nleaaure trio td the mairilarid. Hewas a' passenger Ihr the Matsonla andWill contmue the . Journey ' to Hilo in

    v MRS 3AME3 X l'A DAVENPORT,wife of the coagres8m4a. from Oklahoma Is included in nthe, aogreasion-a- l

    party , coming" to Honolulu.; She Isa Cherokee Indian; her. maiden, namehetnr ' Rvrrt Ironside. : . ' . .. . . .

    E. C; RUEBSAJfithe federal, treasury agent , who has beea.here iavestl- -gating the federal buuaing site . matter, left on the ; iiorea tats morning,with his wife, and son, for Washing-ton-:

    :He,wUl report oa the JEIilo build-ir- iaa . weff aa ori. the local slte :

    JOHN F. NESS, former manager ofthe Paradjse, othe .Pacific; has taken





    iiewersLiim an3



    over the management for J. W Kersh- -ner vulcanlzer, with headquarters onKing street Heis notifying- frienflsto that .effect in order to correct theerror that he was with the KershnerVulcanizing Company, 4 ,1 '

    DELEGATE J. K: KALANIaNAOLEand Princess. Kalanianaole were givenan enthusiastic reception on the ar-rival of the Matsonla in which theyreturned from San Francisco today.The delegate was met at quarantine bya large party' of legislators and friends.The Royal Hawaiian band ' played . aserenade at the wharf. . , '

    f COL. H. ROULETT, commissionerto . the Panama-Pacifi- c . exposition atSan Francisco from Maryland, arrivedwith Mrs. Roulett today ia the Matsonsteamer Matsonla. v With CoL Roulettare. a party vpf eight tourlstA: 1 Theywill leave in a few days for the volcano, Hawaii's natural wonder,-- ' Theymay tour Maul and Kauai also. '

    H. KENNEDY of Waterh'ouse TrustCompany

    . has receiyea news of theinterned" British, aeroplane and its

    aeronaut,' Flight Lieut, D. Murray, acousin of Mr. Kennedy. ' The, aeronauthad been dropping bombs on Germansoil and was returning when his ma-chine dropped Into the North Sea. Itdrifted into Dutch waters and now theaviator and machine ; are Interned InHolland.' . . , . 'T : '; .; i

    rR.' WALLACE, president of theAmerican . Shipbuilding Company,which has figured prominently in sup-plying tonnage; in.ihejigreat lakes andmaintains an immense plant at Cleveland0. Is a .vi,3ftbrI1to) ilonolulu, arriving in . the :Wat$?Rte ,today.- - Mrs.Wallace and several Jrlends. are numbered with the torty'-wb0.- . Intend totour the Islands;; bQfore returning tothe coast , 1:.,: , - .-- . GEORGE GERARD TUNELL, conmissioner of taxes for the . Santa Ferailway and prominent in railrotdw:ir- -cles alona the Pafl6( coast is herewith his brlde't a honeymoon trip.Their: marriage wia ne"of the socialevents at Evanstorif Illr some Weeksago. - Mr. and MrsTtmeii were pas- -sengera In the Matson liner Matsonla.Mrs, Tuaell .was Miss Madallne E. Bail- -lief of EVanston. 'The Tunells will visitthe volcano hnd other points of Inter-est before returning to the mainland.


    7 . Representative William; Williamsontold ? the Star-Bulleti- n, ' following , hisvote In the. house against House Bill210, an act to probe the financial af-fairs of the various counties and ter-ritorial governments, that he voted todefeat the measure because he ., be--

    a. v.


    v: " r' (ByF.

    and Curio Stores at75c per


    CITT tRANSFCf COUPANf, ; - Phnne 1231

    illevea that It does riot fully cover theground.

    The measure calls for a commissionto investigate. ther accounting systems,not the accounts themselves, he said,"and I believe $12,000 too much moneyfor such a purpose. About $5000 wouldbe more tike it as the systems arepractically the same' in' ech county.Also I have not been 'entering per-sonalities into my legislative con-duct! W . : . - ..; V-,- ' -

    Although' the billdoes not include in Investigation Intothe accounts themselves the followlng from lines 5, 6 and of section1 of the bill is ; contradictory, mem-bers of the bouse say:, "aad to trior--mighly investigate the general .finan-cial affairs' . V . Jn vogue in 'saidterritory and its v Theline refers to the duties, of the. conh-mission- .' - ' ij:''r, .''..i

    yJL it'jji u

    ; The ccrdi

    b back adj-isi- a iirdf to cvsrvmetier cf pcsrjrs :aYc:aing strain cn clothes ct

    Lid cnnnj" tVa7J r; ' V - ";-- ' ":T "

    Avoid ! . Theyare all bfericr. Loci fcrthe worch ,

    cathe t hi this vzyyoa will be sun: cf gettlr.

    , the; gennne rjoodi Ught,cocL strong aadconf

    by. the fcalisrs.

    lEs C A-,t-i yirtca Lj. Cc.. . .SJarley, Itsti, V,

    v for Sale Eoery whir .

    ,- .r r

    copy. .


    : 'SThe Book. Indispensable to'3f- .


    . ::i-'- - . ''

    .tj,-- - ; (k?..rti;;v: ?,; ; : -V and Tourists and the Army. Sold at all Book


    "deadlmhts" fordefromplategl











    the divin

    Hawaiian Reference


    Window Glass, "A" Grade,J Single and Double! strehitf hup to fiO inches by ;": ." '

    Plate Glass for Auto Windshields; set by skilled workmen.


    177 So. King Street

    PlateiGlass for Tops of nflWRate Glass for Window 'vre an view

    1 is desired. This glass, is exceptionally clear,j Fancy Glass for Partitions Doorsi and Skylights. '

    Opalescent Glass for Lampshades, Etc. ,

    fiiiilding Materials


    Abcolatc Ccmfort




    i'. v


    - ".--Y V 'v

    (Continoed from page om) that several hundred feet hadand the: Navajo heaved andten:ceJhe ndAfwjhauled, onthe: capture, andeveryone engaged in the rescuework was jubilant over the success of the operations. Tlie tugnavajo'had the submarine fast? wprk,! thecatleJ

    . In a. rrrir?l fif wrtm iaMa tdiirri :hsA Kepn", rifiMPH ; nnr --Wl dredge ;; parted. Tor several;arlyinthe day, and besides a Jours a shorty cross sea . hadlift was able from its positionto give the drag a ' forward

    : movement, v Another bridle; under the submarine from the.opposite : end was; carriedaboard the: California, whichwas .taking .the lift jW-

    ' 1 For hours on end the: heavywork aboard dredge and tugcontinued.: Operations wereslow but sure, and when it became certain that the combination lift and pull had brclienthe F--4 from her resting placecn ths bottom, and that prog-ress was being made shoreward, the belief prevailed thatthe passage into shallow, watercould . be navigated, and that.thetow could be brought rightinto - the Inter-Islan- cl ' company 's crydock. Forward projcss, however, was deceptive,

    and in some cases inches werekzizz1 finccl, where thoseac:rd the drcce thought that;fc:t v,;rc T:irj covered.'

    navy cilicers connected withthe work is that, the sunlren

    tvrccn 10 and 100 feet inshore,although reports - during theearly mcrniir hours stated

    r'i- V 11 I

    We c;n .iih ycu with detillatr.J :i:.ctS f:r ir.y and V

    i cxcurjicr.s. .,C:r. H:ttl and Ur.!:n Cts. .

    Yit- - U'J, T. H.

    fc C , - ... wc . . ;,: i 1:3

    r., c."ii; aa -- o c u a r.antzidCZAClCix nCf.'LDY. .

    IZz Per Coxtt air Honolulu drug stores.


    11C3 Alakea St, Honolulu. Pho'ns 5114.Something new. Hat patterns 25c.Free Instruction on how to make yournew hat, by our. Milliner.

    being given by some of theporkers on the dredge as highas 550 feet. ;, f..

    As dawn.was simplifying theflvage

    been making, and. finally zsharp lift proved too much forthe hoisting gear, l The cable,tested to 84 tons breakingstrain, snapped, and either thebow or the stern of the F--4Whichever the California was

    J fast to settled bdcl--j upon thecoral sand. ; Tne liavajo's ca-ble held,sp the labor of ' theday and night 'is not losfci I'hesunken vessel is still markedby drag and buoy, and whensalvage operatipns;pegin againthere will be no need to re-locate her. r' v V-'-

    V70RK DISCOKTEHJED. VWith the hoisting gear, on

    the : California carried v away,there wa3 no chance cf makingshcreway with the submarinefor many hours, and a hastyconsultation ' decided those incharge cf the work to knock offfor the day at least. The tugswhich had been standing ,bywere recalled,, and the dredge posed

    wmcn Ceenfor four .days,- - given a chanceto a:hcr3. Cixah wereCached frc th California tothe Alert'aniravajo,-tellin- jcf the situation there wasa general lull in activities.

    conference; held. .About 9 o'clock Lieut C E. Smith

    la charge cf the salvage work; NavaConstructor J.., A.-Fure- technical expert of the 'jobandjH. G. Plummer ofthe HawaUjn K Pledging Companycame ashore :i and met Rear-Admir- a:C. B. T. Moore atahe Honolulu navalFiatlcn. Their were Joined by J. U.Eheedy of the Jntcr-Islan- d Steam Nat-ratio-

    Company . and a long conferas to ways and means of salvage

    ensued. The meeting war executivebut it Is understood Xhat technicalmethods of salvage .were discussedAs the raising of the F--4 nqw involvesmaterial and not personnel,, the navyc'lcials are anxious to handle it withthe best chance of success consistentwith ordinary economy. - Whether thew ork will be given to one of the localconcerns cr to a coast" concern oru h c ihcr the navy officials here ! willtackle it with hired gear and equipment probably depend on advicesfrom Washington." :

    MAY USE BELL."There Is a good thance ' that the

    cast iron diving bell, constructed asa rush job by the Honolulu Iron' Worksunder the supervrsion.cr Civil Englneer a W. Parks, be used to locatethe exact lay of the sunken F-- 4. The

    cylinder was practically completed this morning, only the conhecHons for air hose and ..telephone remaining to be made. However, weather conditions are not very favorablefor lowering the bell : over the submarine and with the dredger crew

    If eyeibnevipvnraMachine (no matter what make) --will send in their names and adrpresses, they will each receive .'something of great interest i '

    Dcrplrchi Lin::: Co;, Ltd., JForl Strpet

    , . . . : --. . -- - . .

    ill KJ VikLLMU


    v The feature of the modern hygienic kitchen--LIGHT, BRIGHT, EVEELASTEJ G Cannot Chip,

    : Eust, nor' Taint the Food. rj; I .; "; i?' t':. Cost no more than other makes, yet indestructibie.

    : ? "Wev invite your vinsiectidnv of 1 the - "Pride of: the lKitchen."-v- ' - (


    . - ;:C7. 17. DHI0ITD Cz CO., LtiHK7' rtH,t

    ashore and '. work suspended for theda jr. --there is little-- chance-Uia- t an attempt be made to lake actual ob--serrations. The. beu maj be - tested,boweren later la the dav - : V,

    Last nisht Jack7 Arax, the dhretwho went down 215 feet Sunday morning, with merely a divine helmet; tocombat the enormous pressure, madea careful study of the diving bell, andtested its capacity. Taking off hiscoat, and cap," Agras easilythrough the oval manhole in the cover of the cylinder to the considerablesurprise of several interested specta-tors. Owing to the ; radiating ribswithin the cover of the tube, an .ovalinstead of a round manhole, had to becut,and"lie aperture looked email forthe entrance and .egress. In fact, thediving bell la larger in all dimensionsthan was at first planned, owing tofact that an ot instead of a . otlength of cylinder was sent up fromthe naval - station at Pearl Harbor.The air capacity la so large that a mancould probably go down "and .remainan .hour without Inconvenience, evenwithout the pumping of .air from thesurface.- -, .'. v


    ; f - ,IMPROVEMENT ON BtLCmeasure of extra ' precaution

    against accident to the man who la tobe lowered in the diving bell was 'suggested this morning, and although ' itmeant . a delay of several hours, '.itwas so well thought of by Ciirll Engineer Parks that he at once adopted it

    The extra factor of safety, will . be' a diver's helmet, with air line attached, which will be . carried .within thecylinder. In the unlikely contingency of the las8 deadlights giving way,the WAn- - within the cylinder wouldmerely have to put on the' helmet andcall for air, and he could then be rais-ed safely to the surface,' even if --theocji wss iiooaea.' . ,; , -

    : FA8T TO SUBMARINE,; ; .v 'WeVe gotjhe T--i, or else We'vegot. two cables" round a chunk of coralthat spouts 'air; ad oil at ..the sametlme.::-

    - : " ; : ; 'Xf':' So remarked one" naval offlijer yes-terday afternoon when a second dragline caught .and held . or the obstaclethat the tugs Navajo and Intrepid hadsnagged earlier In the day. With Rub-bles rising where ,the - cables f'Jneld,there was nd doubt that the miss-- ,ing submarine had been finally, hook-ed, and on thla supposition - Vastamount of heavy work was success-fully : accomplished during th,e j'aftet--noonn- d

    throughout the' night' ,1 Shortly after r noph'l the .driHg" pi,heavy wire cable between the two bigtugs which' had been sweeping; 'across,

    . . . , I the spot --where-tbV F-- 4 was sunCTew, lias ? aDOam to He, caught .the strain : .and held

    fro --; ;














    firmly.- -' The. Intrepid's line was thenpassed: to the Navajo, which thenheld the ' submarine' in a 'bridle! thetug's nose pointing in shore, ' Another drag was then rigged between theIntrepid - and the Makaala, nd thiswas swept under the Natajo frombow to stern, .the hope being that Itwould hook up' the sunken beat fromme uypusiie ; cnu. inaa. yia.-Pe- ja t pythe Navajo. - On the first drag theNavajo's cable bridle" seemed to befouled, but on a second attempt madeabout 4 o'clock,- - the I drag held lastwithout showing any strain oa r theNavajo's .tow, It : waa then apparentthat the submarine waa caught In twodifferent places by two different cables.

    The operation Of passing; both endsof the line to one boat was repeated,the - Makaala this time : making fast,while the . Intrepid took, the dredgeCalifornia in tow and maneuvered herInto position alongside of the Maka:ala, whre both lines were1 transferred; over the stern of the .dredge andpassed to the .. big winches

    It 'was S o'clock last : night whenthe two drags'!er6 . fina3ljr.n 'p6si-tlon- ,

    the handling, of this hea.vy gearrequiring jaice calculation beforehandand quick, action at the moment (pfcompletion. 1 Hpw.ever,:' .exerythlngwent off according to schedule, andthose In charge of the salvage' workToiea 11 tne mosi successrui cay sincethe quest for the lost1 FA had beenstarted- - ' - ' f : --

    With 8fV..nlght,svleepf behindthem, navy c; en and .dredger and tugcrews felt ready, to ' tackle., anothernight shift.- and 'there was no talkof quttlng when the sun went down.Brilliant moonlisht and fsvofable weathert conditions allower --trk to bekept;tp almost as mT sJTdurmz thedaylight and InHlddlflon to nature'snight : lamp," electricians of the submarines1 had 'overhaded' and repairedthe disused wiring of the Californiaand with power supplied by the JMakaala tied up alongside, a big string, ofmcanqescents .and a 'couple of arcsgave the' workers plenty ,of llght';by

    hich to,work.-v- ::EFFECTS CAREtFOR'

    While the waters' off the harborwere being combed for. the vanishedsubmarine, Paymaster IC"J3. Corcoran of the Alert, was engaged In thesad . duty of making. av careful inven-tory of the personal effects' of the menwho have been given 4 up for lost.;.;4wavy regulations require that , all

    personal .belongings of jnen who losethelc lives In the service .be carefullynventoried by an officer and then forwarded to the next, of kin. The submarine crews lived ashore, quartershaving been fitted up in the old storesheds of the Honolulu naval station,and the work of collecting 4he belong-ings ;of theJost 21 is considerable.- The .loss of the-F-4- - is the greatest


    disaster as to loss1 of nfe';that : theUnited States navy has' had' since theless of the Maine in Havana harbor17 years ago. '';-- : "' ' i

    LONDONS SH0VN0LD KSPHOTOOF THEMSELVESWhile guests of Mr. and Mrs; R A.

    MacMIUan of Kahuku at a dance atthe Hauula hotel, 'Mr. and Mrs. JackLondon --were shown a photograph ofthemselves driving a six-hor- se tallyhothrough , the town of Fortuna In theSierras of Calif ornia:,' The. photographwas taken by Manager : Zumstein ofthe hotel many yesrs ago and is oneof the ""wall-flower- s, at the hotel. .X' Because of the ; absence of Chan

    .VKCdervt. EetJar1ardscheduled for today was postponed uhtil tomorrow morning at l(T o clock. -

    wmmimm mi

    Qomralttee Vill Call.on FederalAgent and Express Its

    : Vievvs: x. At the business meeting f the Outdoor Circle held last Saturday mornIng at the home of Mrs. Frederick" J.Lowrey, It was unanimously decidedthat th e circle should favor' the Irwin;Site for the federal building. A commlttee waa appointed to see Elr Cituebsam, who has been here Invest!gating' thematter.. and make 'knownthe preference of the circle. The reason for this action was not discussedat this .meeting ' though at previousmeetings It has been taken up.

    Among. totte 1 things v that werebroughtM-befor- e the members 'was thehibiscus luncheon for Miss FrancesLawrence to be given at the ' Oahu.Country Club on April 17. . Miss Lawrence was one of the five women whostarted this organization. She is takIng her first vacation in twenty yearsfrom iier, kindergarten Work and.-wi- lremain on the coast for some months.At this .luncheon every one present isasked to wear the flower of Hawaii.


    to i am miThe annual meeting of the Mountain

    King Mlnlng;Company. win be held onApril 22 fit wiich 4lt jia expected, sev-- ;en directors - will be elected, for .thecoming year ? Heretofore there ,ha,vebeen only - five directqra, . as ..follows

    W. S. Miller; president ; YD, Paul RJsenberg, "Vice-preside- nt: . H. T, Harper, secretary-treasure- r; n Av McMlt

    vlan, managinsdlrQctor, and A. T Dunbar..;;..v:-- .

    beenasked If he twou!d .serve as a director.and h& -- has f signified .his willingnessto do sa &ul laenberg has .also con- -'tinted ' tcTUrVe another year:

    The managing .director, in' his lastreport,7 says:-"- 'J 'Y-'- ; :h

    nd regardHo mlnfar operation :uhderoundfei still advauclag ourmain tunnel along a magnificent bodyOf ore.,-'jTh-i body of ore is now opened up- - toa length of about ISO ieet,averaging about eight to ;ten feejt inwidth; and ail. the --time .enhancing Invalue as : we advaace. We have hadaverages quite frequent,!! ?40to tu per-ton- . , - -- 1

    .'The new power plant has been Inoperation for.some ireeks and is Wpfk-in- g

    ? niagnlfioently sIt 'dpes not takecne-thlr-d of the time to dd-pti- r drlUinfcnow that it'uied' toitake? (f'Y.' "Vr. hav' pow'.takea- - lown two- -thirds of ' tne1: id mm rana zo or tnestamps and moved all.of it up to thenew' mill 'rgftaf xBt- - the 6nd of Aprilwe expect: tc besfa full opgfatldn" withthose 20 stamps, and thereafter It willbe a Very short i!m& until the other10 atamps will -- be installed alongsideof the 2d," then-We- . Wlltibe" in a position to turn --out huUion In large quantit-ies.-.for we belief we " have ' thegoodaT' :" V-;: --.v ' '':

    LfCfS DOVy RULES. . .l i mmm-- t - 1

    In : dlscossWg; thdv apprpachins'. social season; a young matron says tnatthe success, of every erent vhether inhome,-- ' church pr club, depends ' uponthe foresight 1 of - the women monthsbefore; Vv & 'v The brilllaney, chirffl 1 and successof a party Independent upon .the'phy-slea- l

    condiUonr or the ho8tess. x;Shecannot be ehtertalnlng,'' witty or clever iIf she is loaded down with all the c'om-- tDlaints a'women'is'helf 'to: and very 1few are free from the functional trou-- lbjes which bring with them; dizziness,backache; sick headache,: sleeplessness and Intense .nervousness. 1 'f Thousands updtt thousands :pf mbthH

    era, wives and daughters in .every section of thi great country, who. Jiaveregained health, Mgdr' and cheerfuldisposition' after months of misery andeten despair are the ones' who--, trulyappreciate the marvelous restorativepower 'of Dn'Plerce's? Favorite'. Pte--.scripUon:'-.'- - ':r::- - - T:''''Every woman who haa reason (0 Delete 4hat backache, headache, unnat

    ural pains, lovr? '' spirits, ; sleeplessnightslj Irregularities orv a ; catarrhalcondition is caused by a derangementof the womanly functloni, owes It -- toherself and dear ones to speedily ,overcome tnej trouble - before "as generalreak0twn causes' permanent prostra

    tion. . , .: r'V.-2-U-- -; ;;';-;;,V--Dr Pierce' FTortte .Prescription, is

    a .remedy that any - ailing Foman. tansafely take because-l- t Is prepared withpure glycerine from roots and herbs,contajning.'' tpnicb properties fit themost - pronounced ;character and with-out


    alcohbL" ; ": ' - i.Get Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescrip

    tion today, either ln liquid- - or tabletformVat1 any- - dealer, "in' mediclnee- - Ifyou want to better your physical con'ditioh Purely and ipeedily: -- Every ingredient la jDt. Pierce s Favorite Pre-scription' is printed along yith the dlrrections. '"..v---'- ' T--s ' -- '

    Every ailing woman should write today for 'confidential advice to a. specialist who; has i hatt years of- - expertence to treating .J diseases peculiar, towomen. . His advice Is given .without;charge, and writing places you under!

    vVr Ripe Olives (OldsHission Brand) . ... . .. Reg. Price, 40c tin. . . .?. . . . .Special at 3ocShredded Whole Whpat. Reg; Price, 15c pkg. . Siial at4 for 2jcRoyal --Macaroni . . , : vl-.- .. . . . r Reg Tric l(pkg.oSiecial .at:3 for 2ic,

    t ... . vRegPridejiiOc pkg.. pSpecial af37or25cRimY.-TTAY- : fis'CO.. LTD. ha litQe disc to 1-2-- 7-X




    Noonday : Programs are GivenProgram to Be Changed v

    . uauy

    The subject' of the noonday meetingin makat pavilion of4 the Young Hoteltomorrow will bVHla Pfayerfulness,"by M las Caroline Chandler Mlaa HetertCadwell will sing a aolo. ' ;: i:

    Holy " week is being? o6served bydaily services In1 Honolulu. Noondayservices are conducted In tlie : makaipavilion of the Young Hotel .frpm 12to 12:30 o'clock.. The general topic ofthe week la, "The Character of .Christas" Revealed in the Last Week In Jerusalem. George Andrus of Kamehame- -ha Schools conducts the singing.. .

    The subject: today .was ?Hls Sincereity" by. Rev. 0. C. Peters. Mrs. W.Hi Pry. sang a solo. , . - ..: -- .'Episcopal Services, '',;'-- ; -

    Holy week services it St Andrew sEpiscopal Cathedral will be dally, asfollows: 'A'!'-'''--;t:y- y.Cz:?-;::- 'v?'f r.

    Tuesday Holr Communion; 7 a. m,Service with the Qospel for tbet Day -5:zo. p. nv - - . r- .- ,

    Wednesday-HoI- y .Communloiu: 7 a.!m Service with the Gospel lor the Day,

    20 p. m: v Passion music : Onvet toCilvary," by MauhderTS to;- Y-

    Maundy Thursday Hoi .Communion, 7 and 10 i.m. Bervice with theGospel for .the Day,'B'20 p.m. ;Good FrldayPoaUma' Mailai, ! 'Morning prayer litany, and ante-com- -

    mup lonvq a nuyjea hQurs;, aervlce,'Catholic Services. ,. .' , .'; ...

    i Holy ,week services in tha Catholiccathedral will be held during ihe lat-ter half of the week. - '. ,-

    Thursday, 7 a. nuolemn pontlflcalmass. , Blessing or. the holy oils. .HolyCommunion; Z p. m. washing of thefeet by' itLvRev. .Bishop Libert; y 7 p.m.porsuguese; aermp'n on the Passlon.:. ;,.-.- ; .v, Friday. V9 ? a. the Passion; Adoration of the Cross; 3 p. m,TTfitations .of the Cross with Hawaiiansermon; 7 p. m.r-6tato- ns of,the Cross

    8 - p. jn.r-Engll- sh aervmon on,the passion. : r- - : -

    fiaturdar, . 7 , a. nv-rBIes- sing :of ' theFire, Jteadlng.of the Prophecies, Blessing of j the Baptismal Water, SolemnMass Alleluia. .Conilrmatipit .duringthe afternoon. vV;f;;'?;r;. V

    Holy Week jservlces will be held Inthe Convent Chapel, KaimukL at-- 7 a;nu and a p. nv Thursday,Prtday andSaturday. , . , i ; ; .;. v

    St . Augustine ChapeL Waiklki. willhold a .service :IMdajr Ilt at 7: 30O'clock. V --- 'vVV; i 'dress" Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Butfild, IT. TVand write :', 4I)eaf Doctor:

    Tease r send meu . without charge, further information." 136 page .book on'Woman and . Her Diseases' sent tree.' r

    iiL. y ..U'jgyr "rj for Jbrcn- ' cM.iJ, a5fhria;!Q IH,...Jf;; aff clioivS.: 'tJotaLErowa Soa,Sostoa,ilM4tT5JL

    L5Vr Vi

    ;tuf '"'-- '

    i.;.-r- .: .

    :'cja:J.'. ' 'iH'V.'isC.n''':" Ji'i

    '' 'r i5 ;



    THE SIGN OF rjUJUHfjyg vT J



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    .gtoiaitej fancy dry goods stock, ;wiTafe' carryii:

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    10c Turkish Towels sale St 5c c!15c Turkish Towels; sale. 'y; .7c c::

    ,25c Turkish Towels; sale..' .3 for$1.25 ard 27-in- ch Emby. Flouncing; sale price G5c yar.I75c yard 27-inc-h Emby Flouncin g; sale price 33e yard50c yard 27-in- ch Emby. Flouncing; sale .price T. 25c yardIteguiar. 10c Embroidery and'Xcesj sale price. .5c yard3Segnlar l5c and 20c Imby.- - and Laces ;ale pricelOc yd.iRemember aU other dods are 'marked 25


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    CVfr'w; :':; '! and people We veryfetaiL '

    you buy your lis: you i : -:V..." J V




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  • foub

    RILEY H.TUESDAY. . A ..:;.V.'iI .JI.BaiV3C9l5.

    BELIEF FOE FAimjES dEIIStf OF- THE F--4. ' , : ' ;' j '. ;

    ; The Star-Bulleti- n gladlyt gives publicity1 tothe folIbFjng:.?


    . v "In view of the recent di ster to the. subtna ri dxM, the Honolulu branch, Navy, ReUef'Society pro-- :

    T los To uk iue people of 'llonoluI J' to subscribefor the relief of the families f the men, who went rdown on the lost boat - The Nary. fleJieSoelety;

    . has not asked for help for over, a year, and instead.., , of giving the nsual entertainment to raise .funds. It t "-

    -'.' r sks for Immediate subscriptions for the 'necessitiesof these families. - Subscriptions In any. amount 5 willbe most welcome and should be , sent to, Admiral;C. B. T. Moore, Navar Station. Pearl Harbor" T

    HOUSE BILL NO. 210.

    The legislature should pass House vpill ftol210, providing for a reforrn in public accoun-ting and an appraisal of, public property 'orfeme oni inai win acnieva,iue iranose ui tins

    are.Its defeat in thejiouse yesterdapjV the

    T 1 ar-- B ul 1 etin feel a sure,, as fair express! far Oft he house's . opinion upon ; the) princiiJes) oilv. 1 1 Icli t h cr bill is based." " We are InfonUe hhti a t Icnst one case a representative favpredtl:c bill but'felt constrained to vote against itin the form amendments moulded it. Perhapsi :i the heat ,of debate things were said that; liould have been left unsaid and probablythese created prejudice against the bill tselfi

    But' as. v the good ; purp6se!ebiQ5 ;ltjfe ;.biil,; s to the nc :ssity for a reorganization oi.pub- -

    2 r. ccou: t- o. to. the wisdom oregislativetion at th: ' time, there should be riaqueltion."Vhat " f. bill -- intended- to Vaccomplisli,, is

    vhat. a non-partisa- n. Chamber of iGomraerce,--

    , hat a representative Civic Convention,;,wbat, inmcrcial b'odids and businessmen all oVer

    territory, cfe demanding. r ' t'Let, there be no mistake as to the widespr; :ctation tliat this legislature .ia going tJL

    ; I : : !i rc :r. thing definite Vt oward Tefbr' accounting; methods .Let there a'or.o mistake that dissatisfaction will follo

    ' ' ' ". L p! ; : ' y.z'lo t-- lk cf "business govcrmtlsV" u ..V.. :. for dollar-in- ' public afTairs-'VAYjle-

    . .1 ; . y r.i:d the , counties are .willihg.t1 tu; firm foundation.' r That finnJound;irit i the purpose of House Bill No. 210 to


    j vrill Lc doing the-- creditable tliin! lers the bill end passes it '



    r,r-- -j a X w






    t the Advertiser published an ; articlethat II. P. YTood as chainnan of the

    Fr.ir Commission should bo recalledi rn r.ci-co- . the 'Star-Bulleti- n 'differed..;ly ';.::d iid zo and v.hyi The .talk

    all for Mr. AVood vras hort-live- d. ;sliort-livc- d should be the movement

    t act II. P. "Wood summarily ns secretary of'.? Hawaii Promotion Committee. It appears

    iaaaate from much the same quarter as the: call" talk. It. is admitted that a house-..nin- fr

    15 needed in. the Hawaii. Promotion' .amittce's affairs. But that of itself is not

    .."icient reason to discharge the man who"asis in charge of the routine Tork. ;

    '..2 entire community is the house-'keep- er ofIlavraii Promotion Committee. Men who

    ; time to time have represented the former'.Tchants Association and the old Chamber. Commerce ;cn the committee have been or

    :uld-hav- been. in thorough touch Titlr itsacial affairs. -- For a long time on, the com-.ittc- e

    one of the members acted as treasurer.I he no responsibility T Is it all to be placed

    : ""odd's shoulders T Were the businessmen.

    1 1 ; ? committee not keeping check of its iBnan- -'

    1 transactions T '' ;..', -'Vy.; V

    There is di:alkfaction with Secretary 1Vood: ; count of loose ends and tangled accounts

    t . j cc lamittce's office. But it is'still to ber th.at the committee placed upon him the

    i t pcnsililUy for such transactions andIf .ouhlrred none... Less than a year ago

    i--mittc'"' .expressed its ;cohfidehcef in Mr.

    . t..hi::-- r i.v lion which in effect constitutedca'?or..mcnt,of: his administration.

    . : v.yhn-hi- rusquely nowfor no morethan lias been shown will not be either

    : .'ul cr consistent VVIf there has been waste of promotion funds,

    businessmen ,wl;o for; years liaye been oncommittee cannot; possibly 'escape their

    c f responsibility for it. . No more can themunity all ot us escape re--

    fiDg-rrpl- ns publicity;



    V VAY

    sort of audit the leeij get- -



    accounts' liave'Jately

    iiWill the abandonment of iforis pnejof thelessons of tlie present war T Already there hasbeen, much, speculation er Hhe Changes inwarfare that' will result from the present worldconflict Tlie submarine has raised the ques-tion' of the utility 'of tlreadnoUghtX-Th- evalue of cavalry has bn open to Uoubt. "ICowthere are those who saythe crumbling of thedefenses of Liege the comparatively easy caiture of , Antwerp, the impending conquest ofthe Dardanelles, write the dooin of the perma-nent fortificatioi'tL In that question Hawaii is yitallyj interested.Here is theyiew' of a correspondent Iul ScottMoer'ofl ChicofDailbeen in the. .French lines i since the outbreak ofthe war tui4Jr)i6;ii5'i iymjiiiy;-o- ; the opera-tions in which , French and; Belgian fortifications have been ;sahed by , the big Germanguns, -- lie says: ; r:: :u' .This Question of fortlflcaUons touctiea the. United

    States closely.; It -- has aa long coast line to defend.lit would o well. It seems to me, to study, the ex- - --' ''perience of LOngwy, Maubeuge, Liege; Namur and

    'Antwerp.-- , The last named was considered by' some ,rtrategists to be the strongest fort In Europe. ' In .

    ' September it German general said to Jacques Obels, fsDecial correspondent of ,The Daily News, 'We will "

    take Antwerp nny time we like. : He made good this 'i statement Within a month the defenses of Antwerp

    . were a ruin knocked to pieces In two or three days :- by a comparatively small force jof .CSermans.: ".They:pimply had" guns , which could shoot , farther than I

    5 the guns:f the: forts.;- - ;:S ' r'f'''! - ':; .I ' i ""Are we to conclude -- that altrpermanent fortlflca-- .:.'iions- - are useless? r Yes, i practicaUy just that v IV'-- ;

    know the.re are many army men, who wiU not agreeuY-- with .me; but there are some who wiir7The disad-- -

    ; vantages of a fort are, first, thB great, tnitiaal. ex VA v pense;(and, second, iu immobility. ; ;When ittia at;;'.

    'tacked by heavier pieces than i defend .it it becomesu Instantly a.ead loss. There, Is; not.eveni.Uihto J

    dismount and save thJ guns. ; - - ;"This war has 'shown pretty clearly that properly '

    .' Vonsructed trenches and "earthworks. In a properly ''i'iAOon i harder in clnrm hn .thft hpst.t.

    i ;iV"rtrced -- concrete vtfortiflcations. : ,4t is T better . to

    'If French; had spent one-ha- lf the time and money.AV'tS'-- S 'trenches along the Belgian border that they

    pelpt on the forts " of : Longwy "and Maubeuge' theV.GertiEns would probably, never have gone Into

    "Al w all. I have r been" wohderlng If' America "7.jdtraulri be well advised ; to' adopt an enUrely new 7.eT ie coast aeiense roue.requirius icbs uiuue buu. --9r.rtre GSi than" that- - In 'use.' i Let It do away with' ?tcrts. LeIt have plenty of cannon yes, and the-- ,Ai;i;er Uhd 'stronger jthe better, .for, s If they ,: are r

    ri ..needed Ulull, it will be against. the splendid weaponsf ; of ' a modern fleet. Let 'it not ' however, Immobilize'

    these guns on" permanent mountings, v; yy-T:- - :l. " ,?Tbe United States could have a similar Verles of ,

    concrete bases at atrategic points aii;aiong tne sea---board. Then wherever the attack, was, big gunscouli be rushed by rail from all the artillery -- bases

    ' in the region.; Instead of having a- - definitely sit- -uated tort to bombard, the enemy "would find him-.- .-

    I self Greater i by ! a fire; the' sources of which he 1 --V could only guess. : And even if he should succeed In ?

    Jocatlng the defending -- batteries J they . . Would have i'only to change position before continuing their fire.fA.well Intrenched body-o- f troops, well supported by

    , Artillery, could, it seems to me,: successfully tepel v. almost, any eZort to. land men on American soil, it "tThe ; Erst essential, in my opinion, l guns the :

    L'nest '&t. finest that can be mounted; and after v',: that, mpbmty." ,V;; ;f

    ' Ofcourse", tins is an island and isolated ahutlieissue hcre is diflerent; t Mobhere is not so easy as it sounds. , Nor has itbeen proved 'that the huge German guns' wouldbe.cjTcctive'Anounted orlaIpsvfl!lch de--ipcnd.s ,9.n tIieA inside revelations of .the strengthof the Dardanelles. If its line'if fortificationswas is;ctrcn as the worldlniJbejmyibelievJitwAs,; then "iheviewfMowrj: is upheld and there ' is Va profoundlesson and earning for the United Statesi x i

    A bill was introduced in the bouse yesterdayby Iiepresentative EJ. Crawford winch shouldbe passed Janariimbusly;- It puts upon; the par-c-nt

    or guardian of a 'minor child ; some real

    this j proposed AIaw, raiansf cannot escapeblame'; for the delinquency of : their youngdaughters If Xt Js howli the daughters wereneglected A?rploited.i

    BusinesconfidenOe in the property values ofHpn6ihfirtisVtfir-iTli-

    Nuuanu Vajjey Itfcalty Company has just beenorganized tenlpasizes the --prediction of thispaper thatmatters of a real estate nature aresteadilyv imprjjymBothv businessmandence propeiya're, moving. 7. ;HonoJulu l tooprosperous forsaniVthing like realty stagnaton;

    r European - governments haven ft jyet considered a' tax on huge armaments as a safeguardagainst,, war.,;-

    - -.-!;,:;; mU40mk0--i

    '" '" eMMRBSMBiMMMSSMSkM ' Xr.il ' ' V V ? 4 ' I

    - The neutral :who turns the mother cheek-wo- n rtbe disappointcSl if he expects"a wallop, .l V.--

    Italy is also' ccnfing war"fnews. Now fort!:3 atrccity; ttcrxcsv v';y

    I'EEi OF 01 LOil'5 PASSIOIJzyffTWtM again. ; Left thj 'city'tdlre." -"- .'.-"- ' ;;--- ;'V' turn only for the evening cupper with; THE ; DAY OF. CONTROVERSY.- - the 12 apostles and return-agai- n a'; v .;:-,.-?.- . .'""4 w v h priaener;But before-be- ' left he spokeThe .Lessons from ; the; Withered Fig t his last word to his people, the last

    i v; ;.Trtt.' ' ":; ;And as they passed by In the morn-Ins- ,

    'they aaw,- the fig tree witheredaway from tha rootav And Peter calllug to remembrance saith unto

    ' him,"Rabbi, behold the fig tree which thoucursedst Is withered -- away.


    Ions. that

    - the fatal t wjhicb-- htalone Into a

    And : Jesusr i answering, salth unto inwhlch waa uttered all the pathos otthem, "Have faith . In God. Verily, I v his passion. : It waa a cry whose pa-sa- y

    . nnto you,c whosoever v shaU ? aay l thos : the world can never forget andunto this .'Be thou taken vp whose significance everyand casf lnto the sea; and shall not 'must consider. It was not for Jeruaa-dou-bt

    In his heart but. ahall believe ' lem alone. ' That proud,-- , bigoted andthat what he saith ahall come to pass; "selfish city was but . type of hu--he shall have It t. Therefore I ; say manlty. Here Is Infinite, divine yearn--rvto ycv all, things whatsoever you lng.. And here Is hope of a finalpray and ask for,- - believe ' that ye re-- apprehension. It is not for Jerusalemcelve them, and ye , shaU ihave them, alone. It Is for1 the world, which GodAnd ve stand praying, for-- ;so loved, that Jie gave his ' only .: be-giv-e.

    If ye have tngbt against anyone, --gotten son; that whosoever believed Inthat your; Father, who si tJfo In him should not perish have eternalheaven, may forgive you your tress 'life. ;: ; v .';pass. . .' ' - :.' rU..-- , ' I Jesus is ever to us the' revelation ofv u- - t w God. He shows us ' God's" atUtud?,

    THREE WARNING He unveils God's purposes. He speaksC'K. ' ':; .. . ' , ' - : . Jfor the father. And never mqrewon

    ;-- ' : The' Two Sons. V"1"''": I derfully - than here. :"'";-c- : ,;: v.V ;'But what think yel' A m$n had I It was not for himself. It was . no

    sons; and' he came to the first for : a mere religious interest ."apartand said. 'Sen go work today In from the great human Interest it wasvineyard And be answered. and said: for the men because he1 will not;' afterward he repeat-- f loved them, and because their highested himself and went. Anil be came to welfare was his supreme concern.. thatthe second, and said likewise. ' And he he sought to lead them from their fol--answered said.x 'I;: go sir; and lies to His faith.: It was infinite andwent Which of the two did divine .yearning to bless, them.' ButwlILof his afther?" ' i . ; ; j they would not There is the tragedy. They, say, The firsts v -; , I of human In .that refusal, that de--

    Jesus salth: unto them, -- Verily, I . liberate human rejection of , diylnesay unto you, that the publicans and

    harlots go Into 'the kingdom 1 ofGod Jbefore you. , For John came untoyou in the way of righteousness, andye believed him not; but the publicansand the. harlots believed him; and, ye,when ye saw, it did not even repentyourselves afterward lhat ye.mlgbtbelieve bimcsv"5.v.V:; rtvThe Greatest Commandmteti'v".And one of the scribes canie, . andheard them Questioning together, andknowing that be had answered themwell, asked him "What commandmentIs. the first of alir?i-HVv-H

    Jesus an8wered,tThe first of ' all Is,Hear, O. Israel : Lord our' God.the ; Lord Is one, and -- tbou. sbatf lovethe Lord thy God with 411 thy heartand; with alf' thy soul, and' with all

    Lthy mlnd and: with al.Uhy-strength- ;'The second .Is, this, .Thau Shalt lovethy neighbor , as' thyself.;" .There bnone ' other commandnsent r greaterwan-- mese., j ' ; --

    And the scribe said c&b him 5 ' "Ofa truth. Teacher,' thi . hast well 'saidthai -- He! une;'aAd'Here'ia-n6n- eother; but He, and Wlov-- e HImv withall the heart and')wIth?alF 'th'e;under.standing, i and . with; - aU" h strength,and to love thy : neighbor as himself,,is, much more. than all whole- - burnt of-ferings and -

    And when Jesus saw that he answer-ed discreetly, he said upto him; JvThouart not far from the Kingdom bf God."The, Conspiracy Acalnst 'Jesus. V ' - v;

    And It came' to fjass that' when.'Je-- sus had finished 1 all rthfese ; words,"7 he

    saii unto his discipleff.'Ye know that(after .two days ) passover tdmeth,ana the son or Man is, aenverea up

    'to be crucified. y-.;- y '.7 Tien were'; gathered together ; thichief priests, the elrs of the people,nnta the court of the ,h.lgh priest, whowas called Caiaphas ; and they tookcounsel together .that they might takeJesus by subtlery, and kill him. But

    "Not -

    4 tumult f will ;rinto who. Weals'

    was called Iscariot, being 'f the numberof 12. And he awar "and; com-muned with the chief priests and captains.' how mlsht deliver him unto .thom 'eia'd.weighed unto him SO ofAnd from that time he sought oppor-tunity to deliver unto them In the ab-ienc-

    of the multitude.- - ," -fUesday The XSreat '"' liament-T- y 'X Tuesday of the laslweek of Jesushad been called, the' day of contro-versy. ,, Controversy1 with

    with Jesus Finding fault "withSaviour! .Where Was It that our

    Lord met . such ' treatment? -'.' Iff .capital city, of . his! people; , ih Jerusa-lem; where every Jew ' prayed forcoming ' of '. the Messiah, - where , theprophets, had spoken" of the comingof . kingdom of. Go- d- Who was ittiat set him at naught challenged

    sought to him in hisword s ? His o people rwhom ',, h elgved, the, leaders of the peopleeager hope for. the coming salvaUonhad Jiecome a passion almost unparal-leled ..in history. . ,'. ', Jesus : had ' come- - from Galilee .to. of-fer himself unreservedly to people

    the the truth; aifd life. ' Jeru-salem rejected hintv He came untohis own and ' v own; received ? himnot. V;" 'fV'iZ'y&Ai.

    And. he left theiiSvLeft ; the temple,on that fatal Tuesday; never to tread

    public utterance " that' fromSurveying all the history or the

    foUy and wickedness of the pastdeclaring the ; ofhour; which be alone understood, fore-casting Tutore

    could see., he broke cry

    mountain, generation








    andnotr the

    -- .






    grace,'t We . see the; truth' and beautyof the appeal of Jesus.;' And yet howUtUe: our day is different to : that!Men still think they know, better thanthe Master what Is good-H- e seemsto show them an Impcssibie and ' Im-practicable ..way of hlesslng. i Theythink.happlnesa Is. In: selfishness, andthey; still say,; we" will .not have . thisman to reign over us. '-- Jesus' princi-ples of disclpleship seem too. high. Wecannot follow the teachings, of. hispossible perfecti6n. Jerusalem wouldnot and Europe' Will .not and Ameri-ca will not The rejecUoh is repeatedover .again. '' :.';'..'"-,;',''.'.'- . '' '' v

    There are ; some whc rially 'think,like the Saddeuces, that. Jesus, pro-gram of life means the destruction-o- fthe social order; Ananias and Caia-phas led the assault upon our. Lordbecause' His- - success' meant, '4a. thesupposed, the Interference of the Ro-man and the disruption of. the state.Men tell us today tnat business wouldhave ' been abandoned'- - If? Jesus prin-ciples werie enforced ;ff national lifewould he Impossiblersoclety could notexist 1 civllizatiori; - would " disappear";there' would .be no law; no; property,no incentive to labor,' no ' amblUon.Sometimes such men - belong' to thechurch, but they lWui noVbe dfeciplesof Jesus. Sadly our Lord looks at ourwealthy,r.prosperous life 3 and "says" tous: "How ; wondrously I couia transform It; with what a different spiritmen ' could workv . What brotherhoodoft.' brain and ;hand : there jwould be!How; all the ; hatred s and oppressionand commercial Iniquity would vanish,if I were1- - leader! f And . there wouldbe no less wealth and progress, but farmore.-O- h America, America, now of-ten would I have led you td the wayof life --and ye would not" ' A. '.;

    'And ' more among us are like thefickle people of Jerusalem, who willnot think and will not' be earnest.. Ifthe religion; that Jesus has ' can do

    they said," during" the feast lest i anything for us gjve us hred andarise among the people.",' butter we-- - accept It' Eat his

    And .Satan entered 'Judas, are far away; his fellowship



    pieces stiver.




    with God . means nothing to wehave Interests and pleasures.And so the great world ; go6o onway. ' It Is rejecting Jesus, "but It

    And ihv"wef and theVidoes not know htm











    us;our our


    ItVines not care.He Is '.here as he was in- - Jemsalemwith soul-transformi- power openingthe way to glorious life 'aid" beauty.They, do not know; they do not care.It is not deliberate rejection of him;but It Is deliberate rejection of all theholier,- - higher calls of life. : And Jesuscannot save them as he Wou la.'4' r

    That love," mftU'e and; yearning',' ofthe' heavenly Father, hai nevtf teas-ed-.

    ' No fejection "has 'lost 'it to anysoul. Jesus' cry Is not a sentence ofcondemnation, but still a e-i- ll tor repen-tance. .He did not leave'Jerusalem; toits fate, but came back that he mightdie for his people; 'And the last mes-sage of the risen Christ sends the her-alds of salvation to al! the world, be-ginning at Jerusalem. ; Guilty; Jerusa-lem 8tUl offered mercy! -- ' And ; eachof us, however much we ha7 rejectedJesus and his light-an- d loading, ar3'still: of fered his; salxatlon to the'utrfermoatj todays ; w e ji i i.., :'-:-

    In 'spite of the lo'w' rates ' chargedfor the use of the forests, the Tongassnational forest Is self-supporti- ; al-most twlce over,'-Twenty-li- re per centOf this Income reverts to' the territoryfor schools and roads. ' '' V f-- - ?-'- ':


    mmil J .' :y tT-'-- l y:''-, f-k- r; In Nuuariuy elose to end of oailmeone-s- f ory; bunra--"-- . iu w , . vuuipieiuj v-- urmbuuu, , jas , aiiu eiecinc iignts, - gar--'

    'age;: and seiyantsr, qtiartersy;Ow1aer will rent for six.Xmonths: biulS!5w - li?SISSS':;: SS

    f - f ' ?;i' " ; ..v; f v- - . ; i; further particulars ' '; " ' ;";:. ""

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    WICHMAIVK ;CO:;;i ? ; . Leading Jewel ers - ::


    frrrfrrli mm--JOHN F. HALIJY:; It woa't 5 be

    long before I will be out of this news-paper game.: , . 'lXyy''r--' MAYOR LANE: , We expect togive the congressional pirty- - aHa- -wailau entertainment Whun tney win

    X;;LH;. m sbow.vyou'-eample- s ;of! tliat lM?autiful engraved letter,

    ;' 'VShadett Grecian' withview i towards your use ot onyoW Kirsoual cards and sta-tionery- ' ;: "". 'A'


    0 Oi 10110111 E1IST0

    CASH IIGBUFOrJSnever forget,


    L . -- ( - viTbe f of the HIlo TSllroad bond-"-'"TTirirp W. a LY.MER. jop eresr payable last Octo-o- r

    being c ty and. ; county attorney were prSented today and honor-whe- nthe eglsUtnre is ,InAsesslon 'tt rjuuop Ox bank. AN

    keeps a feUow busy. , although they are nearly six monthsc?erdue was no precipitous rusn

    SUPERVISOR HORNER --pro--J( cash 'n on them. It was said leaspeso to, fight for my communtty buakJban a doxenad been presented thiser: scheme until It Is carried out. mQrninc. r " ,' ;' . .will save msnejjor-th- majortty of the coupons are .ex--.

    i;-'-. ..f: ... pected to be presented Thursday, the

    ; ---Wf F. CROCKETT: : If the school first of the month,teachers of this territory would give ::Jothhig-- ; more was given out todaya little more personal and Individual a to the arrangemefitsv the road isattention to thoso,ln their classes' Vhol-- making for setUngaslde part of Itsare behind in their studies, tbelleve earnings ifcr the repayment cf . thethere would be fewer delintiuent girls' I133.C0O loan needed to meet 'tfie ln-i-n

    the. Industrial school As a re pre-te- st payments.: V ; 'vsenUUve, I visited ; the Glrls Indus-1-. The bondholders t committees' andtrial School a few days ago and I was the railroad have made 'arrangementsimpressed with tie belief that ihost of that assurance the earnlnjcs ofthe girls were'tinen tally -- unbalanced, the railro
