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u liwf pi hi - Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3. PRICE 5 CENTS. STcu! SUiocrtisfmcuU. niS ACCOUNT CLOSED. (General lDtcnt5nnrms Gpcfial Totiff3. Pacific Commercial Advertiser II. N. CA8TLK, EDITOR. IS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays, BY TH1 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, At Ho. 0 Merchant it. CO ft o o Hardware, Builders and General, always up to tho times in quality, styles and prices. Plantation Supplies, a full assortment to suit tho various tcrni mil . T Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with extn parts Cultivator's Cans Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Sfcdtocks, etc., etc. Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals. SEWING MACHINES. Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington. Lubricating Oils in n General Merchandise, JS there is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be politely treated. No trouble to show goods. 3278-tf-- d 14G2-tf-- w HI it O O CO o CO lu CO o The Mutual OF N JEW lUUHAUD A. SIcCURDY, - Offers distribution Policy Life Insurance for the Policy-holde- r. Life Ins. Co. It Provides Absolute Security, mid Immediate Protection. . , . A straightforward, cieaily defined contract. For, further particulars apply to 3. 3138 1438-l- y H. E. McINTYKE & BRO., HAWAIIAN Abstract and Tille Co. NO. 4U MEUCUANT HX. HONOLULU, II. I. F. M. Hatch President Cecil Brown Vice-Preside- nt W. K. Castle Bcretary J. F. Brown, Treasurer A Manager W. F. Frenr Auditor This Company is prepared to search records and furnish a bh tracts of title to all real property in the Kingdom. Parties placing loans on, or coctemplat ing the purchase of real estate will find it to their advantage to consult the compauy In regard to title. EOF" All orders attended to with prompt- ness. Mutual Telephone 138; Bell Telephone 152. P. O. Box 825. 0. BREWER & CO., L'D Queen Street, Honolulu H. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co. . Onomea Sugar Co. Honomu Sugar Co. Wailuku Sugar Co. Waihee Sugar Co. Makee Sugar Co. Ualeakala Ranch Co. Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packets.' Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri- ters. List of Officers: Hon. J. O. Carter, President & Manager George II. Robertson Treasurer E. F, Bishop .... Secretary Col. W. F. Allen - - Auditor Hon. C. R. Bishop ) H. Water house Esq. V Directors. S. C. Allen Esq. ) HAS REMOVED TO 57 HOTEL STREET Near Nuuanu Stpeet. Silk Clothing, J apanese Crepe Shirts and Gents Underclothing: Of every description made to order at short notice. DRY GOODS AT RETAIL Pioneer Steam CAM FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Coniectloner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel 8t. Telephone. C. B. BIPIEY, ARCHITECT 1 OrrrcE Spreceels Block, Room 5, Honolulu, H. I. Plans, Specifications, and Superintend- ence given for every description of Build-in- . Old Buildings successfully remodelled and enlarged. Designs for Interior Decorations. Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, and Blueprinting. STDrawings for Book or Newspaper Illustration. THE CHEAPEST PLACE in Honolulu to get your Pnnil dog and Tinwork Done is at JAMES N0TT, JB's Cor. King and ilikea Streets. Prices lower than Ever! Call and be Convinced. JEOIn ordering by Telephone be sure and ring up the right number : Mutual Telephone Store 261, Resi- dence 244. Bell Telephone Store 78. P. O. Box 352. SUN NAM SING, No. lOO Nuuanu Street, P. O. Box 175, Begs to call the attention o the pnblio their large and well selected Slock of Japanese Goods Suitable for this maiket. which will be sold at liowest Prices. CMS. T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgments to l.abo Contracts. Agent to Oraut Marriage Licenses, llouo lulu, Uann. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A Scott s Freight and 1'arcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. Real Estate Broker & General Agent, Bell Tel. 348; Mut, Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT St., Honolulu, Oabu, H. 1. DllS. ANDERSON & TOY, DENTISTS, Hotel St., opp. Dr. J. S. McGrevr etllhS ADMINISTERED. JOHN a THOMPSON, NOTARY PUB'LIC Agent to take Acknowledgments to LABOR CONTRACTS. fEST'Office at Gnlick's Agency, No. 33 Merchant Street, Honolulu. Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1802. 3181-3- m E OFFER FOK SALE AT THE w following prices : Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at $4 .50 per doz. Poha Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz. Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 per doz. Guava Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz. China Orange and Papaia Jam, (this superior article), in 2 lb. cans at ?4.50 per dozen. Terms Cash. - KONA CANNING CO., Kealakekua, Kona, 3140-3- m Hawaii, H. I. DB. B. I. MOOBE -- DENTIST, Office: Corner King and Fort Streets (Over Ilobron & Newman's Drug Store.) Office Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. 3271-l- m ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDED 1S08. LOHDOX Capital. e 8,000,000 Assets, $ 9,000.000 Having been appointed Agents of ths above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCHMIDT & SON8. M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. DENTIST, 93 HOTEL STREET. , Hours 9 a. m. to 4 r. u. HUSTACE & CO., Dealers in WOOD AND COAL Also White and Black Sand which w will sell at the very lowest market rates. X7Bkll Telephone No. 414. fiOTMcruAL Telephone No. 414. 3083-l- y J. R. MARMONT, Boilers Inspected, Tested and Repaired WILL GIVE ESTIMATES FOB NEW Tanks, Pipes, Smoke-otack- s, Flumes, Bridges, and ceneral Sheet iron work. Iioilers repaired at libera' rates. 100 lbs. cold water or steam pressure gua- ranteed on all work. J3y-Add- ret P. O. Pox 479. Honolulu, II. I. 3144 1434-t- f J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Oflict ."ti Merchant Street. LEWEKS & COOKE, (Snocrsior. to Lcwer. & Dickion) titor.er nud leleri In Lumber And all Klntli of Building MaterUU. No. 52 KOUT STREET, Hotolnlu. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. Office with L.A.Thurston. W H. STONE, ACCOUNTANT S0&-- r. O. Hex No. 17. 3230 lmtf I B. W. M CHE8BEY, J. M. ft F. W. M'CHESNET. 124 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Ho.io. LI. "W. McCHESSEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- chants and Importers. 40 Queen St., Honolulu. E0N0LULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Kellers. Sngar 321 Hi, Cooler. Birss hsuI Lead 8lnjr. And machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid tr ships' blacksniithinn. Job work excutec on the shortest notic. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale anil Retail Grocers, 111 FORT. STREET. relophoos SAO. P. O. Bog 991 J. S. EMERSON, Engineer and Survevor Room 3 Spreckels' Block, Honolulu. 3212 1451-t- f L. A.THUBSTOK. W. 9. FEKAB. THURSTON & FREAR, Attorneys - at - Law, HOKOMJLC, E. I. i"jg?-Ofi- ice over Bishop's Bank. April 2, 1891. BEAVER SALOON, r.rt street. Opposite Wilder & Co. Q. J. NOI.TE, FB0PK12T0B. f -- class Lancbea 8erved with Tea, Coflee 3gi1 Water, Clsger Ale or tlllk. ;ies From 3 a. en. till 10 p.m. w uoHera'ItqcJgtteBa Specialty. JOHN T. WATERH0USF. r nd Dealfr to OBNERAL LISEOII ANDI3E. No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & C0-- , General Commission Agents Cor. Fort & Queen Sta., Eccolcln. a HAS. V. E. DOVE, Surveyor and Engineer. CnARGKS EXCEEDINGLY MODERATE Room 11, Spreckels' Block. WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW . AKD Agent to take Acknowledgment. OrFics No. 13 Kaahunianu Street, Hono lulu, H. I. Massage. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCE MRS. she will attend a limited num ber of patients. Address at II. SI. Whitney's, Kins et. ; Bell Telephone 75. ARTHUR SI. BROWN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w NOTARY TUBLIC, ST" Office : No. 13 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, II. I. 3200--1 y HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Law - and - General - Bookbinders ACCOUNT-BOOK- S SI AN U FA CTUR ED to any Pattern, including the Supply of Paper, Ruling, Trintintj, Paging, Perforating, binding, Gilding, Letter ing, etc. S1USIC AND MAGAZINES BOUND to any Pattern. President Harrison has Received the Last Draft for His Salary. A few days ago President Harri son received his last month's pay in the shape of a draft for $4,1G6.G7, issued on a warrant to the treasurer, signed, as usual, by tho Secretary of the Treasury and sent over to the White House by a messenger, says the Washington Star of the 3d inst. To-da- y he received another draft for iHlG.Ga, issued by the lreasury Department in the same way, rep resenting his pay for service a3 President of the United States for the first three days of March and closing his account with the Government. Notwithstanding the fact that he will be President up to noon of the 4th of March, Gen. Harrison will receive no pa' what ever for his services on that day for the reason that the federal accounting officers do not recog- nize divisions of a day in the set- tlement of accounts of salaries. Each incumbent of the office of President is paid the salary of that office beginning with the day of his inauguration, so that he gains in the beginning of his term what he loses in the end. This arrange ment was followed at the last change of administration . and at its predecessors and is so fair and reasonable that it is not likely to be changed. According to the treas- ury computation the presidential salary of $50,000 a year i3 at the rate of 1138.883 a day. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco: Tho New and Fine Al Steel Steamship " " M!AJRII?OSA. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from Sydney and Auckland, on or about APRIL 6th, And will leave for the above port with Mails and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney & Auckland The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about APRIL 7th, And will have prompt despatch with Mails and Passengers for the above ports The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. gjSFor further particulars regarding i reight or Passage apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., GENERAL AGENTS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP GO Time Table. LOCAL, LINE. S. S. ATTSTR.AJL.IA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. forS.F. Feb. 22 Mar. 1. Mar. 22 Mar. 29. Apr. 19 Apr. 26. THROUGH LINE. From San Fran. From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. MONOWAIMar.10 ALAMEDA Mar. 9 ALAMEDA Apr. 7 MARIPOSA Apr. G MARIPOSA May 5 MUNOWAI May 4 3314-3- m PIANO TUNING! W. H. BENSON. HF-Lea- ve orders on slate at Itoom 13 Arlington Hotel. Hotel St 3040-lra- tf IMPORTERS AND Groceries, Provisions and Peed SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Daily Pacific Comxibcial Advebtiseb (6 pages) Per year, with "Guide, premium-- ! 6 00 Per month 50 Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00 Per year, postpaid to United States of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00 Weekly (12 faoxs) Hawaiian Gazette Per year, with "Guide" premium.! 5 00 Per year, postpaid Foreign ........ - 6 00 Payable InTarlably In Adranc. All transient Advertisementa must be prepaid. II. M. Whitney, Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE. All . transient advertisements and sub- - iS a i : scnpiions uusi uc preyuu. Carriers are not allowed to sell papers, nor to receive payments iroui subscribers. iingle copies of the Daily Adver tises Or WEEKLY UAZETIS call ttl- - ways be purchased from the News Dealers or at the office of publica- tion , 46 M erchant s tr eet. 9 RATES Daily Advertiser, 50cts. iwr mnnth nr Sfi.OG a Vear. in advance. Weekly Gazette, 15.00 a year in advance. Tapers noi promptly paid for on presentation of the bill, will be stooped without further notice. ns for the Daily Adveb-tise- r and Weekly Gazette mav be paid at the publication office, 46 Mer- chant street, or to the collector, F. J. Petermajc, who is authorized to receipt for the same. rr A nxr anhorrihpr hn TaV9 tO the Un derailed for either paper one year, strictly in advance, will receive one copy of the " Tourists' Guide " as a premium. rMT.n Ttnllam rowarrl ill be T)aid f Of information that will lead to the conviction ol any one stealing me Daily or Weekly left at ths office or residence 01 suoscnoers. Lengthy advertisements should be handed in during the day, to insure notices received up to 10 p. M. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., H. M. Whitsey, Manager. TZTJ5 SUGAR TRUST. It Told the Planters to Eat Their Sugar. Washington, March 7, 1S93. Mr. Lorrin A-- Thurston, head of the Ha waiian Annexation Committee, by invitation to-da- y addressed the Wash ington City Club upon tne general subject of Hawaii and the United States, in tne course 01 me taiK, which was lanrelv informal, Mr. Thurston was asked what foundation there was for the report that in case - At TT! the Islands were annexed to ine urn-te- States and the bounty for pro duciner sucar secured by the Hawaiian planters half of it would go the Sugar Trust. He replied by giving a history of the dealings between the planters of the islands and the Sugar Trust in brief as follows: When Claus Spreckels and the Sugar Trust consolidated their in- terests the representatives of the latter said to the sugar planters or Hawaii, "We are ready now to take your sugar Tor a term of five years upon certain conditions." One 01 tnese conditions. Mr. Thurston said, was that if at any time the Hawaiian planters should re- ceive the benefits of sugar bounty pro vided by the McKinley bill the Trust was to have half of the amount paid on Hawaiian sugar. "If you don't like these terms, eat your sugar," the Trust said to the planters. The latter protested against the con ditions imposed, said Mr. Thurston, but after investigating the situation they were convinced that the United States was their only practicable mar ket, and if thev did not want to eat their sugar they would have to accept the offer made by the Sugar Trust. The contract was therefore signed last summer. But before signing it one of the leading planters went so far as to nut in a rerinlner plant, only to learn that he could sell no sugar to the gro- cers of San Francisco, who declined to buy under threats from the Trust that if they did they could get no more sugar from their (the Trust's; renner ies. Speaking of the attitude of the Com- missioners upon the question of the bounty, Mr. Thurston said their under- standing of the meaning of the terms of that treaty was that the instrument in itself gave the Hawaiian planters no ground to claim the payment of county on sugar raised in the isiand3, and if an amendment to the text of the treaty to that effect in express words would tend to facilitate affirm- ative action by the Senate, the Com- missioners were perfectly willing that it should be made. The phonograph is now located m the Thomas block, on King street. Mr. Stoeckle has a big col lection of new records which can not fail to please the general public EAST CORNER FORT AND KINU STREETS. New Goods received by even' packet from the Eastern States and Europe Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge . Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, rost Office Box No. 145. Tele phono No. 92. Eoyal Insurance Co., OF LIVERPOOL. "THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD." YOHK. President. as the most advantageous form of JB. JROSE5 General Agent Honolulu, II. I. DEALERS IN WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. PLANING MILL ' - - Proprietor. tffr BELL 498. Advertiser PEK MONTH by Carrier Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,17400 tSTFire risks on all kinds of Insurable property taken at Current risks by J. S. 3140-l- m ENTERPRISE PETER HIGH, - OFFICE AND MILL: On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. MOULDINGS, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. TURNED AND SAWED WORK. jf27Prompt attention to all orders. TELKPHON KS 2T" MUTUAL 55. The Daily 50 CENTS Xelivered
Page 1: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.

u liwfpihi


Vv v v

Established July a, 1850.


STcu! SUiocrtisfmcuU.niS ACCOUNT CLOSED. (General lDtcnt5nnrms Gpcfial Totiff3.Pacific Commercial Advertiser



Every Morning Except Sundays,



At Ho. 0 Merchant it.



Hardware, Builders and General,always up to tho times in quality, styles and prices.

Plantation Supplies,a full assortment to suit tho various tcrni mil .

T Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with extn parts

Cultivator's Cans Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Sfcdtocks, etc., etc.

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'and Machinists' Tools

Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills,

Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass,

Asbestos Hair felt and Felt Mixture.

Blake's Steam Pumps,Weston's Centrifugals.

SEWING MACHINES. Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington.

Lubricating Oils in n

General Merchandise, JSthere is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will bepolitely treated. No trouble to show goods.

3278-tf-- d 14G2-tf-- w


o CO




The MutualOF N JEW


Offers distribution PolicyLife Insurance for the Policy-holde- r.

Life Ins. Co.

It Provides Absolute Security, mid ImmediateProtection.

. , .A straightforward, cieaily defined contract.For, further particulars apply to

3.3138 1438-l- y



Abstract and Tille Co.



F. M. Hatch PresidentCecil Brown Vice-Preside- nt

W. K. Castle BcretaryJ. F. Brown, Treasurer A ManagerW. F. Frenr Auditor

This Company is prepared to searchrecords and furnish a bh tracts of title toall real property in the Kingdom.

Parties placing loans on, or coctemplating the purchase of real estate will find itto their advantage to consult the compauyIn regard to title.

EOF" All orders attended to with prompt-ness.

Mutual Telephone 138; Bell Telephone152. P. O. Box 825.

0. BREWER & CO., L'DQueen Street, Honolulu H. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Co.

. Onomea Sugar Co.Honomu Sugar Co.

Wailuku Sugar Co.Waihee Sugar Co.

Makee Sugar Co.Ualeakala Ranch Co.

Kapapala Ranch.Planters' Line San Francisco Packets.'Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Boston

Packets.Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri-


List of Officers:Hon. J. O. Carter, President & ManagerGeorge II. Robertson TreasurerE. F, Bishop .... SecretaryCol. W. F. Allen - - AuditorHon. C. R. Bishop )H. Water house Esq. V Directors.S. C. Allen Esq. )



Near Nuuanu Stpeet.

Silk Clothing,Japanese Crepe Shirts and

Gents Underclothing:Of every description made to order at

short notice.


Pioneer SteamCAM FACTORY and BAKERY.

F, HORN Practical Coniectloner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel 8t. Telephone.



OrrrcE Spreceels Block, Room 5,Honolulu, H. I.

Plans, Specifications, and Superintend-ence given for every description of Build-in- .

Old Buildings successfully remodelledand enlarged.

Designs for Interior Decorations.Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing,

and Blueprinting.STDrawings for Book or Newspaper


THE CHEAPEST PLACEin Honolulu to get your

Pnnildog and Tinwork

Done is at

JAMES N0TT, JB'sCor. King and ilikea Streets.

Prices lower than Ever! Call and

be Convinced.

JEOIn ordering by Telephone be sureand ring up the right number :

Mutual Telephone Store 261, Resi-dence 244. Bell Telephone Store 78.

P. O. Box 352.

SUN NAM SING,No. lOO Nuuanu Street,

P. O. Box 175,Begs to call the attention o the pnblio

their large and well selected

Slock of Japanese GoodsSuitable for this maiket. which will

be sold at liowest Prices.


For the Island of Oahu.Agent to take Acknowledgments to l.abo

Contracts.Agent to Oraut Marriage Licenses, llouo

lulu, Uann.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A

Scott s Freight and 1'arcels Express.Agent for the Burlington Route.

Real Estate Broker & General Agent,Bell Tel. 348; Mut, Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415.

OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT St.,Honolulu, Oabu, H. 1.



Hotel St., opp. Dr. J. S. McGrevr



NOTARY PUB'LICAgent to take Acknowledgments to

LABOR CONTRACTS.fEST'Office at Gnlick's Agency, No. 33

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1802. 3181-3- m

E OFFER FOK SALE AT THEw following prices :

Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at $4 .50 per doz.Poha Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz.Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.50 per doz.Guava Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 2.50 per doz.

China Orange and Papaia Jam, (thissuperior article), in 2 lb. cans

at ?4.50 per dozen.Terms Cash. -

KONA CANNING CO.,Kealakekua, Kona,

3140-3- m Hawaii, H. I.



Office: Corner King and Fort Streets

(Over Ilobron & Newman's Drug Store.)

Office Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.3271-l- m

ATLASAssurance Company


Capital. e 8,000,000Assets, $ 9,000.000

Having been appointed Agents of thsabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.


M. E. Grossman, D.D.S.



Hours 9 a. m. to 4 r. u.


Dealers in

WOOD AND COALAlso White and Black Sand which w

will sell at the very lowest market rates.

X7Bkll Telephone No. 414.

fiOTMcruAL Telephone No. 414.3083-l- y


Boilers Inspected, Tested and Repaired

WILL GIVE ESTIMATES FOB NEWTanks, Pipes, Smoke-otack- s,

Flumes, Bridges, and ceneral Sheet ironwork. Iioilers repaired at libera' rates.100 lbs. cold water or steam pressure gua-ranteed on all work.

J3y-Add- ret P. O. Pox 479. Honolulu,II. I. 3144 1434-t- f


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Oflict ."ti Merchant Street.


(Snocrsior. to Lcwer. & Dickion)

titor.er nud leleri In LumberAnd all Klntli of Building MaterUU.

No. 52 KOUT STREET, Hotolnlu.


Typewriter and Notary Public.

Office with L.A.Thurston.



S0&-- r. O. Hex No. 17. 3230 lmtf I

B. W. M CHE8BEY, J. M. ft F. W. M'CHESNET.124 Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Ho.io.


Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer-

chants and Importers.

40 Queen St., Honolulu.


Steam Engines,Kellers. Sngar 321 Hi, Cooler. Birss

hsuI Lead 8lnjr.And machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid trships' blacksniithinn. Job work excutecon the shortest notic.


Wholesale anil Retail Grocers,


relophoos SAO. P. O. Bog 991


Engineer and SurvevorRoom 3 Spreckels' Block, Honolulu.

3212 1451-t- f



Attorneys - at - Law,HOKOMJLC, E. I.

i"jg?-Ofi- ice over Bishop's Bank.April 2, 1891.


r.rt street. Opposite Wilder & Co.Q. J. NOI.TE, FB0PK12T0B.

f -- class Lancbea 8erved with Tea, Coflee3gi1 Water, Clsger Ale or tlllk.

;ies From 3 a. en. till 10 p.m.w uoHera'ItqcJgtteBa Specialty.


r nd Dealfr to

OBNERAL LISEOII ANDI3E.No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu.

H. HACKFELD & C0-- ,

General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort & Queen Sta., Eccolcln.


Room 11, Spreckels' Block.



Agent to take Acknowledgment.OrFics No. 13 Kaahunianu Street, Hono

lulu, H. I.


PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCEMRS. she will attend a limited number of patients. Address at II. SI.Whitney's, Kins et. ; Bell Telephone 75.


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w


ST"Office : No. 13 Kaahumanu street,Honolulu, II. I.

3200--1 y


Law - and - General - Bookbinders

ACCOUNT-BOOK- S SI AN U FA CTUR EDto any Pattern, including the Supplyof Paper, Ruling, Trintintj, Paging,Perforating, binding, Gilding, Lettering, etc.


President Harrison has Receivedthe Last Draft for His Salary.A few days ago President Harri

son received his last month's payin the shape of a draft for $4,1G6.G7,issued on a warrant to the treasurer,signed, as usual, by tho Secretaryof the Treasury and sent over to theWhite House by a messenger, saysthe Washington Star of the 3d inst.To-da- y he received another draftfor iHlG.Ga, issued by the lreasuryDepartment in the same way, representing his pay for service a3President of the United States forthe first three days of Marchand closing his account with theGovernment. Notwithstanding thefact that he will be President up tonoon of the 4th of March, Gen.Harrison will receive no pa' whatever for his services on that dayfor the reason that the federalaccounting officers do not recog-nize divisions of a day in the set-

tlement of accounts of salaries.Each incumbent of the office ofPresident is paid the salary of thatoffice beginning with the day ofhis inauguration, so that he gainsin the beginning of his term whathe loses in the end. This arrangement was followed at the lastchange of administration . and atits predecessors and is so fair andreasonable that it is not likely tobe changed. According to the treas-ury computation the presidentialsalary of $50,000 a year i3 at therate of 1138.883 a day.



Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

" "M!AJRII?OSA.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from Sydney andAuckland, on or about

APRIL 6th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney & AucklandThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

APRIL 7th,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above ports

The undersigned are now preparedto issue



gjSFor further particulars regardingi reight or Passage apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Time Table.LOCAL, LINE.

S. S. ATTSTR.AJL.IA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. forS.F.Feb. 22 Mar. 1.Mar. 22 Mar. 29.Apr. 19 Apr. 26.

THROUGH LINE.From San Fran. From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.MONOWAIMar.10 ALAMEDA Mar. 9ALAMEDA Apr. 7 MARIPOSA Apr. G

MARIPOSA May 5 MUNOWAI May 43314-3- m


HF-Lea- ve orders on slate at Itoom 13Arlington Hotel. Hotel St 3040-lra- tf


Groceries, Provisions and Peed

SUBSCRIPTION RATESlDaily Pacific Comxibcial Advebtiseb

(6 pages)

Per year, with "Guide, premium-- ! 6 00

Per month 50

Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00

Per year, postpaid to United Statesof America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00

Weekly (12 faoxs) Hawaiian GazettePer year, with "Guide" premium.! 5 00

Per year, postpaid Foreign ........ - 6 00

Payable InTarlably In Adranc.

All transient Advertisementa

must be prepaid.

II. M. Whitney, Manager.


All .transient advertisements and sub--iS a i :scnpiions uusi uc preyuu.

Carriers are not allowed to sellpapers, nor to receive payments irouisubscribers.

iingle copies of the Daily Advertises Or WEEKLY UAZETIS call ttl--ways be purchased from the NewsDealers or at the office of publica-tion , 46 M erchant s treet.

9 RATES Daily Advertiser, 50cts.iwr mnnth nr Sfi.OG a Vear.in advance. Weekly Gazette, 15.00a year in advance. Tapers noipromptly paid for on presentationof the bill, will be stooped withoutfurther notice.

ns for the Daily Adveb-tise- rand Weekly Gazette mav be

paid at the publication office, 46 Mer-chant street, or to the collector,F. J. Petermajc, who is authorized toreceipt for the same.

rr A nxr anhorrihpr hn TaV9 tO the Underailed for either paper one year,strictly in advance, will receive onecopy of the " Tourists' Guide " asa premium.

rMT.n Ttnllam rowarrl ill be T)aid fOfinformation that will lead to theconviction ol any one stealing meDaily or Weekly left at ths office orresidence 01 suoscnoers.

Lengthy advertisements should behanded in during the day, to insure

notices received up to 10 p. M.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.,H. M. Whitsey, Manager.


It Told the Planters to Eat TheirSugar.

Washington, March 7, 1S93. Mr.Lorrin A-- Thurston, head of the Hawaiian Annexation Committee, byinvitation to-da- y addressed the Washington City Club upon tne generalsubject of Hawaii and the UnitedStates, in tne course 01 me taiK,which was lanrelv informal, Mr.Thurston was asked what foundationthere was for the report that in case

- At TT!the Islands were annexed to ine urn-te-

States and the bounty for produciner sucar secured by the Hawaiianplanters half of it would go the SugarTrust.

He replied by giving a history of thedealings between the planters of theislands and the Sugar Trust in briefas follows: When Claus Spreckels andthe Sugar Trust consolidated their in-

terests the representatives of the lattersaid to the sugar planters or Hawaii,"We are ready now to take your sugarTor a term of five years upon certainconditions." One 01 tnese conditions.Mr. Thurston said, was that if at anytime the Hawaiian planters should re-

ceive the benefits of sugar bounty provided by the McKinley bill the Trustwas to have half of the amount paidon Hawaiian sugar. "If you don'tlike these terms, eat your sugar," theTrust said to the planters.

The latter protested against the conditions imposed, said Mr. Thurston,but after investigating the situationthey were convinced that the UnitedStates was their only practicable market, and if thev did not want to eattheir sugar they would have to acceptthe offer made by the Sugar Trust.The contract was therefore signed lastsummer. But before signing it one ofthe leading planters went so far as tonut in a rerinlner plant, only to learnthat he could sell no sugar to the gro-cers of San Francisco, who declined tobuy under threats from the Trust thatif they did they could get no moresugar from their (the Trust's; renneries.

Speaking of the attitude of the Com-missioners upon the question of thebounty, Mr. Thurston said their under-standing of the meaning of the termsof that treaty was that the instrumentin itself gave the Hawaiian plantersno ground to claim the payment ofcounty on sugar raised in the isiand3,and if an amendment to the text ofthe treaty to that effect in expresswords would tend to facilitate affirm-ative action by the Senate, the Com-missioners were perfectly willing thatit should be made.

The phonograph is now locatedm the Thomas block, on Kingstreet. Mr. Stoeckle has a big collection of new records which cannot fail to please the general public


New Goods received by even' packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, andGoods delivered to any part of the city free of charge . Island orders solicited.Satisfaction guaranteed, rost Office Box No. 145. Tele phono No. 92.

Eoyal Insurance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.



as the most advantageous form of

JB. JROSE5General Agent Honolulu, II. I.


WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


- - Proprietor.

tffr BELL 498.

AdvertiserPEK MONTH

by Carrier

Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,17400

tSTFire risks on all kinds of Insurable property taken at Current risksby

J. S.3140-l- m


OFFICE AND MILL:On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

MOULDINGS,Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.


jf27Prompt attention to all orders.


The Daily50 CENTS


Page 2: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.


S. F. TRADE NOTES. 3uxticn Sales.TUB ADVERTISER CALZ5DAB. E. 0. Hall & Son, L'd.From Circular Issued by WilMarch, 18V3

February, iSgj.AxncTioisrSALE s STOCKS

liams, Dimond & Co.

The following is taken from Wil- -8a. SPECIALft.rh.W.I'll,

iams, Dimona & uo.'s circular, unaerdate of the 11th inst.:1110


g9 March 10,i.Lat Qn'rfr.

(f March 17,, Saw Moon.

H March 24,JlFirtjynrtT

March 31,vJ Foil Moon.

JAPANESE COTTON CRAPE !The first consignment of Niulii Mill17 ! :813 is23








iOsugar rrom Jianukona, nas arrived.Tli is mill makes a white sugar and is

24 ! 95

"in"! FOR3.120V7 the only plantation not under a con-tract with the refinery. It is beingoffered to the retail and country tradeat 4 cents.THE DAIIV Per Piece S1.50 3?er Piece

ATAccording to mail advices, the general situation of sugar in Europe is

On Tuesday, Mar. 28AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,

At my Salesroom, I will sell at PublicAuction









JNT. S te A.GHS'strong, and especially so if consump-tion increases to any extent this year.It is, however, evident that as the


pledged their "lives, fortunes and sa-

cred honor" for the good of what is tothe most of them their native land.As to their being land owners, sugarbarons, speculators; they are first hon-orable, upright, Christian businessmen with records that the world mayread. It is no "Claus Spreckels move-ment;" he has had no hand in itsmanagement, and simply owns asugar plantation upon which he hasspent hundreds of thousands of dollarsto make a lovely, profitable cane-fiel-d

grow where before only an arid plaincovered with wild indigo was a sourceof discomfort to every traveler. Thelarge San Francisco house of J. D.Spreckels i-- Bros, have done more toinduce a fine line of 3000-to-n steam-ships between that city and Honoluluthan any other Arm as business andnot politics and only as honorablemerchants would they profit by anychange.

One other consideration deserves aword of notice. If the United Statestakes no action, what is to follow?What government shall prevail onthe islands? It does not appear thateven the Queen expects to be restored,if we may believe the reports creditedto her special messenger at Washing-ton.

A republican government would bebeset by many difficulties. Kven ourown strong one has been sorely testedwith Samoa, Behring Sea and Chile.What would be the fate of unprotect-ed Hawaii? The time may come,when with an English force in theport of Honolulu, the Queen mightcall upon the admiral to hoist theEnglish flag and take her islands un-der the protection of her sister queen.Who would prevent it? Could theUnited States, after declining to takethem now when offered on such easyterms? Such a state of affairs is pos-sible : to the writer's knowledge, thetime has been when an American andHawaiian flag were stitched together,

European countries produce more sugar than required for consumption athome, they must look to this country

INTERESTING TOfor the value of such surplus. Conse-quently the American market virtu-ally controls the price of sugar for theworld.

Reports from cane-produci- ng counSix Padres. tries continue favorable, and cablesfrom Cuba on the 6th inst. state that

Got aBaby at

Your House I

If youHave, then

Tas. F Morgan,'K"-t- d AUCTIONEER. ip,!crop receipts to March 1st (excluding

Guantanmo and Gibara), are 291,000,against 2SR,00O tons for same time last Stock Kaisersyear, ana stocKs are j:,uu cons ror

(Dcneral ditocrttsnnente.each year. Tnese ngures give no indi-cation of a short crop in Cuba.

K Joat and fear not;r.et all the enda ihoa ftlnt'tt at be

ruj Country, thy Ood'i, ant Troth's. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Sugar Refining Give itCo., held on the 7th inst., the follow- -

MARCH 25. 1893. g resolutions were unanimouslySATURDAY,adopted:


Millinery Goods !

Ever brought to Honolulu, will be sold atthe LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.

"Whereas, the earnings or tne com mm mipany during the past quarter warrantan increase of dividends on the com

In hot weather more infantsdie than in all the rest of theyear. Why is this ? Principallybecause they are fed on unsuita-ble food. Nestle's Food is knownas the safest diet and best pre-

ventive of Cholera Infantum andall summer complaints. Consultyour doctor about this importantfact. For fuller information writefor our book "THE BABY," whichwill be sent free to any address.Please mention this paper.


JIM1 RECEIVE!)mon stock;

"And, whereas, since the annual report of the treasurer of stockholders,on December 1st, 1S92, returns received from the corporations whose stockis held by this company (for the year

to be raised in a last emergency ; butthe danger was averted. Let the flagnow floating there for protection bemade permanent; provide liberallyfor the Queen and Princess, as theUnited States could well afford to do,and there will be no fairer jewel in thetiara of States than Hawaii.

G. D. G.

Fio.u LiverjHxl A lot ofending March 1st, 1893) render un

Of the American pictures, ee-lect- ed

by the judges for exhibitionat the Columbian Exhibition it issaid that half are the work of Chi-

cago arti3t3. Thi3 is, to say theleast, a singular circumstance. Itmay be possible that half of thebest artists of America have madeChicago their habitat, but it ismore in accordance with the foiblesof human nature to infer that Chi-

cago is the habitat of the judges.

And seeHow itWill Thrive.



Hats for Ladies & ChildrenFlowers, Velvets, Ribbons, Feather Or-naments ; also, Fine Patterns in Hats andBonnets in all the latest colors at

MRS. GOOD'S:335 1w Millinery Parlor, Fort St.


necessary for working capital the fur-ther retention of the surplus earningsof 1S91 and 1S92, as shown by the an-nual report.

"Kesolved, tnat tnere be paid aCHURCH SERVICES. quarterly dividend of 3 per cent, on ACKAG-E- Sthe common stock, and, in addition Rock Saltthere be paid an extra dividend of 10

per cent, on the common stock fromthe surplus earnings of 1891 and 1892,

Cents-50-Cen- tsand that a dividend of 1 per cent, bepaid on that portion of the preferredstock of the company which is en

If so, what about the trip?Wouldn't you like to stop at some of

the principal resorts, like Banff andGlacier, on the Canadian Pacific R. R. ;Colorado Spring, Manitou Springs, andSalt Lake, on the Denver and the RioGrande R. R.?

titled to quarterly dividends, ill theFor Sale in Quantities to Suit ! STFor gale byabove being payable on April 2d, to

stockholders of record March 13th,when the transfer books will be closedto re-op- en April 2d." HOLLISTEE & CO., DRUGGISTWouldn't you like to do all this and at

the same time avoid all hotel bills ?In aadition to the above resolution,the statement is authorized that the Wouldn't ou like to have your rooms


The service of the cathedral con-

gregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral for w, Palm Sunday,will be as follows : Holy com-munion at 6 :30 a. m., and also at11 a. m., sermon and special musicwill be rendered at the latter ser-vice. The evensong with sermonwill commence at 7 :30 p. m. -

The services of the Second Con-

gregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-

dral w, Palm Sunday, willbe as follows :

9 :45 a. M., morning prayer withsermon ; Venite, Anon in A : Bene- -

secured in advance at Chicago?company, on juarcn ist, alter provid Honolulu,vvouldn t you like to have a select anding for all these dividends, nas a sur-plus of net earnings of $5,000,000. pleasant party to travel with to and from !

Agents, for the Hawaiian Islands.the Exposition?The highest point reached by TrustALSO ALWAYS ON HANDAnd wouldn't you like to knowiustcertificates this year was 133J for com

when and how you are going?mon and 104 for preferred stock. OnMarch 8th common was quoted at

Dr. Mahctse, who will be re-

membered as the astronomer senthere from Berlin to make, in con-

nection with Mr. Preston of theUnited States Geodetic Survey, aseries of observations upon the vari-

ations in the position of the earth'saxis, has delivered a lecture on theresults of the expedition before theGeographical Society cf Berlin.The lecture is popular as well asscientific. After giving a lucid ac-

count of the objects and results of

the investigation, Dr. Marcuse de-

scribes the journey and embellishesthe narrative with a sketch of life

and scenes in Hawaii. Hi3 state-

ments of fact are in the main verycorrect, and he does not lose the


opportunity to pay a complimentto Prof. Alexander and the efficientGovernment Survey.

The Pacific Excursion Co.1214, and preferred at 101. To-da-y,

common is 96, preferred 95. ot ban rrancisco, can gave you muchStock at Four Ports, U. K., 71,800 PROP. DR. G. JAEGER'Sworry and a deal of unnecessarv expense.

tons against 92.142 tons same time They will "buy your ticket and secure you BEST QUALITYdicite, Birch, in D ; Jubilate, Toursin F : hymns 98 and 219 : anthem,

last year. Total stocks in all the prin-cipal countries at latest uneven dates

rooms at Chicago, lheir trains run overthe mo3t scenic routes, side-tracki- ng

sleepers at all points of interest, therebysaving hotel bills.

to March '2d, 1,426,551 tons against"The Pillars of the Earth are theLord's," by Tour3. 6 p. m., Even l,io8,241 tons last year.

Bice. Market is in much the same If interested drop in and get a circularsong with sermon and confirma OFwith full information about going to thecondition as mentioned in our lastcircular. Low grade Carolina is dailytion by the Bishop; Magnificat, World's Fair. THOS. W. HOBRON,

3328-t-f Agent for the Haw'n. Islands.arriving and filling three-fourt-hs ofthe demand. Sales of Island in smalllots have been made from wharf at 4c.60 days, which figure we quote. 0Ebdon in C ; Nunc Dimittis, Tours

in F; anthem, "How Lovely areThy Messengers," . by Mendels-sohn; hymns 349 and 215. Rev.Alex. Mackintosh, pastor. All are

CRITERION SALOON Kakaako. SaltxLocr. G. G. Ex. Family, 4 perbbl., f. o. b, ; G. G. El Dorado, $3 perbbl., f. o. b. ; Crown, $3.95 per bbl.,f. o. b.

cordially invited to these servicesJOHN W1ELAND Genuine Sanitary DiMingCENTRAL UNION CHURCH.

Sunday School at 9:45 A. m.--EXTRA PALE--

Braji $12.50 to $13 per ton, f. o. b.Middlings $18.50 per ton, f. o. b.Barley No. 1 Feed, 8Jc. to 85c. per ItV 100-L- l. BAGS

Public Worship at 11 a. m. and LAGER BEERctl., f. o. b. ; ground and rolled, $18.507 : 30 p. sr. Preaching by the pas

ON-- DRAFT NOW.tor in the morning. In the eventhe bag or in-- ALSO-ing the Rev. Dr. Lucas will preach

on "Unreasonable Scepticism Oyster -:- - Cocktails!For



sale by

of from


Young People s Society of Chris one to twenty- -tian Endeavor at 6 :60 p.m. PER S. S. AUSTRALIA.

Tiie Campania, the new andmagnificent steamer of the Cunardline, has made her first trip across

the Atlantic. Every berth was en-

gaged, and as there are 540 of themand some brought $600 apiece, itlooks as though the Campaniawould prove a profitable investmentin spite of her enormous cost. Itis a characteristic of this age of rushthat people will pay fancy pricesfor passages, simply for the sakeof travelling in a boat which is alittle larger, a little more magnifi-

cently furnished and a little fasterthan any of its rivals. The mere

All are cordially invited to these

to $19 per ton, f. o. b.Oats Fair, $1.45 ; choice, $1.60 per

ctl., f. o. b.Wheat $1.40 to $1.42 per ctl.,

f. o. b.Hay Comp. wheat, $9.50 to $10.50

per ton, f. o. b. ; comp. oat, $9 to$9.50 per ton, f. o. b. ; large bales,same as above.

Lime $1 to $1.55 per bbl., f. o. b.Charters. Few transactions since

our last, and with dull and decliningadvices from consuming markets,shippers show no inclination to makenew engagements, and the market isin a state of stagnation. Last charteran iron ship, 18s. 9d., nothing lessdirect.

Prospect for the growing crop con-tinues all that can be desired.


Reorganized Church of JesusCRITERION SALOON



certificate tktsL.Ari o r .

I herewith appoint- - MR. M. GOLDBERG, Agent for the sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing in the Hawaiian Islands.

Signed. PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of September, 1S90.

lOriginal to be Seen in my Merchant-stre- et Window.arI certify jueewith that I have given to 7M. BRXGER'S SONS,

Stuttgart, the sole authority for the manufacture of Sanitary Underclothingafter my system both at home and abroad. I recognize, as genuine, onlythe Sanitary Underclothing made by the original appointees which arestamped in blue with the trade mark of Wm. Willia-- Eenger's Sons andmy signature underneath. Beware of imitation.


Every piece of Dr. Jaeger's Underwear is stamped with the maker'snamethns:

Christ of Latter Day Saints ; Mili- -lani Hall, rear of Opera House.Services will be held on Sunday asfollows: 10 a. m., Bible class;11 :lo a. m. and t :30 p. m., preaching by Elder J. C. Clapp. Subsaving in actual time cannot be

the motive, for it is insignificant ject: "The Spiritual Gift of theGospel. Why are they not enjoyedand often more than lost by defec

tive arrangements in regard to connection3. For instance, the Ham

by the churches of to-da- v as anciently?"

The Advertises Laa the largestcirculation and prints moie live newsthan any of its alleged contempo-raries. Its advertising colnmnsprove that business men know a good

Thia .ait is made at the

Kakaako Salt Works, situ-

ated east of Honolulu, from

clean ocean water, which is

evaporated in about 600 ponds

laid out in the mathematical

order, supplied from about

fifty storage ponds, all keptin the most perfect order.

The above sold at a reduced

price by

burg Packet Company spend tens That New Paper. 7P.thing when they see it. If yon doof thousands in engines and thous, A meeting of citizens was held not take this journal yon are behind

the times.ands in coal in order to save five orin the Chamber of Commerce at 4

six hours on the trans-Atlant- ic

voyage, and then drop at least r. m. yesterday for the purpose o

perfecting arrangements for the is SJSF" GO TOTjdouble the time gained by defec

sue of a daily evening paper. AfterNON'K GKNUINK without this mark.

LZT" A full iw.sortnifnt. of DrrG. Jaeger's Underclothing jiistand for sale Ly

tive railroad connections with Ber


Fertilizing CompanyWhile thankful to the Planters for

their generous support duringthe past year, do now

offer a few tons of

Various Grades of FertilizersStill remaining on hand, and ready for

immediate delivery :

Complete High Grade Fertilizers,

FISH GTJA.NO,Rotted Stable Manure and Land Plaster,

Snlphate Potash and Muriate Potash,Nitrate of Soda and Dried Blood,

Dissolved Laysen Island Guano,

Pure Raw Bone MealGround Coral Lime Stone,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Having disposed of Large Quantities ofManures and High Grade Fertilizersduring the year 1892, we are now pre-pared to receive orders tor 1893, de-

livery in quantities to suit.tyWe will give tenders for any

Quantity and of any Grades desired.Fertilizers made to order, and any

analysis guaranteed.C"Whiie making your orders for

1893, give us a call, or send yourorders to


a thorough canvass of the situation 1 DunimJT0' EXCHANGEit was decided to form a stock company ana witn this m view a com M. GOLDBERG-- ,mittee of five were appointed to

FORapply for a charter of incorporaCorner Fort and Merchant Streets, HONOLULU.tion.

lin. Fast travelling is one of the" fads " of the age, and it is notimpossible that the next ten yearsmay see the speed of steamboatsand railroads doubled, if not ac-

tually tripled or quadrupled. Mr.Edison claims now to be able togive a train a speed of 200 milesper hour.

With characteristic enterprise it E. 0. HALL & SONis proposed to have the necessary OYSTER -:- -stock subscribed and a charter ap-

plied for before noon to-d- ay and anadjourned meeting is to be held at3 :30 o'clock this afternoon. The Pacific Hardware Co.

-:- - COCKTAILS AGENTS FOR THEThe promoters hope to issue theirTHE FUTURE OF HAWAII. first paper on next Monday (LIMITED.)

FORT STREET, HONOLULU.Kakaako Salt WorksThe Kindergarten.Yesterday afternoon the children JUST ' RECEIVEDEnterprise Beer

of the Kindergarten Schools in thecity were given a treat at Emma


Manager Hawaiian Fertiliztine Co.



The Boston Transcript of Febru-ary 23 contains a lengthy articlefrom Hon. G. D. Gilman, Senatorin the Massachusetts Legislature,giving a historical sketch of Hawai-ian politics for seventy years past.Xo one in the United States is bet-

ter qualified to write intelligentlyregarding these islands than Mr.Gilman. We insert the closingparagraph of his article, as repletewith sound views :

It should not be lost sight of in con-sidering the Questions that Dertain to


Leather Belting and Lace Leather !

of Very Superior Quality. An Invoice of


To Complete our Line of Sizes.




Hall by the friends of the schools.Nearly a hundred of the little oneswere present. After the exercisesand a short talk by Mr. FrankDamon and Mrs. Hyde, refresh-ments were served, which seemedto be heartily appreciated by all.There were several visitors present,and they were much interested inthe work being done by theseschools, which are supported en-tirely by charitable contributions.The value of the work done by theschools is amply attested by thefact that there are now classes ofEnglish, Hawaiian, Portuguese andChinese scholars, and almost dailyapplications are refused, owing to alack of funds and teachers.

the appeal for annexation, that the

FASHIONABLE DRESSMAH53Provisional Government and theirrepresentatives at Washington areamong the noblest and best men onthe islands, who would be noblemen


Evening of April 1, 1893



Good Music in Attendance.

CyTicket3 can be procured atPacific Novelty works, Fort Street, of A.G. Silva, Jr. 3327-1- 0t


GARDEN TROWELS,.urn vmteus in any country, it la amost unworthy insinuation to make Egg Beaters, Cork Screws. Can Openersmm tney are prompted by mercenary

MISS BURROW, ?9 HOTELstreet. Washing Di esses neat-ly made from $3. Siylish Cos-tame- s,

Evening Dresses andTea Gowns from $7 and up.


or speculative motives. They seek thegood of IIawr.il first, and, like those SCRUB BRUSHES,


early fathers of our nation, . have

Page 3: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.


sriiciAL nusixnss items.LOCAL AXl) GfiNIiKAI,. (Control Sluwrtiacmtnta. ciurol SliiDtftuvuuuta.OiflD RAILWAY 4 LASD CO




nbMr,:Maui Rri1 Hawaii. ior stmr W (1Hall. March 21-Vo- lcano: Mr Oakley. Mr1H James. Mis Tillotaon, J It 1WI. V.

OOrr, J Klliuan, (t Maal.ualrolc.ino PC Jones nnd wife). Wuyports: K Lz:irm and wife. TO Fomytli JKauhane.Col 8 Norns, Mrs 11 Anahu andabout So on deck.


A a inat Hcrrla to be Tried JJc-fo- re

the Circuit Court.August Herring, tho half-caste- ,

who murdered D. L. Huntsman,was committed for trial before theCircuit Court yesterday. Tho de-

fendant did not offer any plea ormake a defense.

Several witnesses were examinedbut their evidence'was covered bythe report of the shooting whichappeared in this paper.

Mrs. Niegel and George Kuohatestified that they witnessed theshots fired, and tho retreat of thowounded man.

A Japanese testified of the quar-rel between Herring and his wife.Ho saw tho defendant beat andkick Mrs. Herring previous to theshooting. lie also swore that no-body but himself, his wife, the de

TUAINBA.M. l.M. r.M. r.u.

!. Houolala 0:1S 8:45 1:45 :35lArrive l!onia!lall.7:30 0:57 S:57 5:351(. Hoaoullull.730 10:43 3:43 5:431

trrlv IIonolala8:35 11:55 4:53 6:501


Lete Uonolala.,.. 5:10 .Arrive Pearl City.., 3:48 .

Leave Pearl City ...6:55 ....Arrive IIonolala....7:30 ......

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted. 2863--q



Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom 8. Fran. for 8. Fran.

Mar. 22. Mar. 29.Apr. 19. Apr. 20.




Fr. S. F. for Sydney. Fr. Sydney for S. F.Ar. Honolulu. Ar. Honolulu.

Alameda A pril 7. Mariposa AprilMariposa May 5. Monowai May


Steamers for above ports will call at Ho-nolulu, on or about the following dates:

Gaelic April 11.Belgic May 11.China July 9.Oceanic August 7.China September 18.Oceanic October 16.China November 27.Ocean'c December 25.


Steamers 'or above port will call at Hono-lulu on their way from Hongkong and Yo-kohama on or about the following dates:

China April 9Oceanic May 7 hGaelic... May 29. i'

China ....June 19Belgic ....June 27Peru July 7.Oceanic July 17.Gaelic . ..August 6.City of Peking. . ..August 15.Oceanic September 25.China ..November 6.Oceanic .December 4.

Meteorological Record,

sr thb eovxumntNT burvxt. publibhxoXVEBT 40NDAT.


2. 2t S s S" & IE 8

65 80 0.01 68 5 bw a64 80 0.00 71 4-- BE 371 li 0.01 77 10 8K 363 76 0.47 77 4 . a 163 81 0.01 79 2 a 16G 81 0.05 75 0 bk 366 80 0 12 71 1 N 2


San. 30.0730.01lion 30.13 SO 02Toes 30.08 30.02Wed 15130.01 23.9riThu 30 01 29.99Prid 30 08 30.00Sat. 18130. IB 30.1:9!

Tides. San and Moon.bx o. J. &XOKB.

To-morro- w is Palm Sundav.

Kawaiahao concert to-nig- ht :itthe stono church.

The tug-of-w- ar will be resumedto-nig- ht at the armory.

Tho Honolulu Star is said to bethe name of the new evening paper.

Sign the annexation roll at thoheadquarters of the AnnexationClub.

The Hawaiian Band will give aconcert at Emma Square this after-noon at the usual hour.

William Lucas is prepared to killall species of blight. Ho can beaddressed care of this oflice.

F. A. Schaefer it Co. havo re-

ceived a fresh supply of apollinariswater, the queen of table waters.

Tho Daily Advertiser is deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a month.Ring up Telephones 88. Now isthe time n subscribe.

Dr. D. V. Lucas will leave forhomo on tho Australia. Duringhis brief stay he has made manyfriends by his interesting talks.

Judge Foster will give his de-cision this morning in tho case ofHarris and James, charged withrobbing tho Cartwright premises.

The Black Flag League will holda mass meeting this evening atEmma Square It is a ten to onebet that the natives will not attendit.

Tho Australia will carry away aheavy passenger list on next Wed-nesday. The list of booked to leavecan bo found elsewhere in thisissue.

On next Tuesday at noon, Jas.F. Morgan will hold an auctionsale of stocks. A list of the secur-ities offered appears elsewhere inthis issue.

The party of Raymond & Whit-com- b

tourists have been busy sincetheir arrival taking in the variouspoints of interest in about Hono-lulu. They leave for the Volcanonext Tuesday.

Paul Isenberg telephoned yester-day that a whale over fifty feeinlength was seen sporting off theshores ofWaialae. Some nativeswent out to capture it, but they'were unsuccessful.

The Hawaiis" and a nine madeup from the Boston and Mohicanmen will play a game of base ballthis afternoon at 3 o'clock at theLeague grounds. There will be nocharge for admittance.

The special car for the SecondCongregation of St. Andrew's Cath-edral will leave Pauoa at twentyminutes to 6 o'clock, on account ofthe Confirmation service on Sun-day evening, commencing at G


The coroner's jury, which wasempaneled to determine the causeof the death of a Chinaman, whowas found in tho bay some daysago, has not brought in a verdictyet. They promise one on nextWednesday.

A letter appeared in the Adve-rtiser yesterday signed by GeorgeJ. Hitchfield. Several people havequestioned A. M. Hitchfield regard-ing statements made in the same.He is not responsible in any wayand is not the author.

C. W. Ashford stated yesterdaythat he would get out a writ of ha-beas corpus in the case of AugustHerring, charged with the murderof D. L. Huntsman. He did notdo so but he may swear out thewrit within a day or so. .

A valuable carrier pigeon, ownedby G. P. Wilder, of Kahului, waskilled the other day by a hungrycat. About two months ago thepigeon escaped from its cage in thiscity, and a few days later it wasfound safe with its mates at Kahu-lui.

Persons who wish to add theirnames to the roll of the AnnexationClub may do so by going to theheadquarters of the Executive Com-mittee, room No. G, Campbell'sblock. The room is the one for-

merly occupied by the Chamber ofCommerce.

The yachts Bonnie Dundee,Helene, Dahlia and Hawaii weresailed to Pearl Harbor and returnyesterday with a party of guestson board of each. President Dole,members of the councils, navalofficers and newspaper correspon-dents made up the party.

The service of tho Second Con-gregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral to-morr- (Sunday) evening,will commence at G o'clock, insteadof 6 :30 o'clock. At this service, theBishop will confirm about twenty-on- e

candidates prepared by theRev. Alex. Mackintosh. All seatsfree.

The Tourists' Guide for the Ha-

waiian Islands can be had at thisoffice. This handy book is invalu-

able for strangers visiting this coun-

try. It contains descriptive matterpertaining to tho different islandswith handsome illustrations andmaps. No tourist should be with-out the guide as it will save them abother and qnesjon3.



in ffr.d condlt'on, ix Cock Phena-ant.- H

ani ten or dozen Hen Pheas-ants, either in palm or f Ingle bird, notnM:rfltary that all mast bo delivered Atonetime. Thin ofiVr to Und Ofm untilApril 1st. 1893. Tho amount olTored farech bin!, pair or tho lot, a matter of correspondeneo. Apply to

U. P. WILDKU, Kahului,to 8. O. Wilder,

Honolulu. 32ftytf

Hawaiian Stamps

TWILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHERJL large or small quantities of ued Ha-waiian J'oKtnge Stampn, as follows:

(Theso off rs nro jer hundred and nyquantity will be Accepted, no matter bowru:ill, Hi the name rates.)

I cent, violet CO1 cent, bine CO1 cent, green 402 cent, vermilion 1 602 cent, brown . 602tnt,ro(M '. 202 cinl, violet, 1891 i.H5ue 605cciit.daik blue - 1 TA5 ennt, nltramarino blue COtJct nt, green 2 6010 cent, W.tcU 4 0010 cc::, vermilion......... 6 0010 cent, brown 2 6012 cent, black . 6 0012 cent, mauve fl 0015 cent, brown A fit!18 cent, red m 10 00

60 ccntrtnl 16 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 402 cent envelope 754 cent enveloiH? 1695 cent envelope 160H) cent envelop m 3 00

DCyNo torn Btamis wanted at anprice. Address:

GEO. E. WASHBURN,625 Octavia St., San Francisco, Cal.

3021 1418-t-f


Life. Fire and Marine

Nv ill Imouiinnuu numuo


New England Mutual LifeINSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON,

lna Fire Ids. Co. of Hartford,

Union Insurance Co.



Boston Line of Packets.

1M PO UT E K8 W 1 LL V LEASEtake notice that the fine


-- , Matter,

Will pail from Boston for Ilonoluln on orabout JUNE 1, lf3.

tXp-F- or farther particulars ;iply

H. F.KKWKfc 6 CO

P0I!P0I!!- -

Pure and Fresh llach'ce-mad- e Pol

Delivered in Quantities to suitindividual consumers.



Queen and Alakea btreeta.W. J. FORBES, Manager.

DCTBell Telephone 538.3273--1 m


Nuuanu Avenue,




Table Board.. $1 per day.Board and Lodging .....2 "Board and Lodging $12 per week.jCfiSpecial monthly prices.T. E. KROUSE. PRormrroB.

E. B. THOMASContractor and Builder

ESTIMATES GIVEN ON&63Kp all kinds ot Brick, Iron,0Ps!sey Stone and Wooden Build-b- 5

ings. All kinds of JobbingJiS-a- r jn tne budding trade at-

tended to. Keeps forsaia: brick. LimeCement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, oldand new Corrugated frcn, M inton Tiles,Quarry Tiles, assorted si2es and colors.California and Monterey Sand, GranitCurbing and Blocks. Etc., Etc.

Office and Yard Cor King and SmithSts. Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 r.u

Telephones Bell S51 ; Mutual 417. Realdence, Mutual 410. P. O. Boi 117.

Big O is aetncwlerci.the leiicr remedy torOoEorrbr A Ulert,

T. S DAYS. Tho only sate rew 'r !.--r

LrcacorrhH?orYh;r?.I Drescril-- e itDt tov!

--IV 5xcW,p3 A. J. STON EK. M.

Kirk rates si.Hobsos, NKvrMiN & Co., Agsat. !i nala

UoLUSTXft ifc C.. A no!esa Aa,Bskioh. Smith A Co.. Wnole! Ateuti

"Augustk iower

For Dyspepsia.A. Bcllanger, Propr. , Stove Foun-

dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "Ihave used August Flower for Dys-pepsia. It gave me great relief. Irecommend to allit Dyspeptics as avery good remedy."

Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,Latizon, Levis, Quebec, writes: "Ihave used August Flower with thebest possible results for Dyspepsia."

C. A. Barrington, Engineer andGeneral Smith, Sydney, Australia,writes: "August Flower has effecteda complete cure in my case. It act-ed like a miracle."

Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writcs:" I consider your August Flower thebest remedy in the world for Dys-pepsia. I was almost dead withthat disease, but used several bottlesof August Flower, and now con-sider myself a well man. I sinccielyrecommend this medicine to suffer-ing humanity the world over." (?)

C. C. GREEK, Sole Manufacturer,WcoJuury, xN'cw Jersey, U. S. A.


--A-Xl CHIT JE C TOllic at present: Corner Kinj,' and

Fort Street, with Dr. It. I. Moore.

7"Tlari8, Specifications details andSuperentendenco given for all descrip-

tion of Buildings. 3317-t- f

The Provisional Government

ALL WORK ON SUCH A8Clocks. Chrnnmrranh.

Chronometers. Musical. Nantiniil. fciinr- t-cal, Optical and all other fine Instrumentsentrusted to tne undersigned is gua-ranteed to be satisfactory. Stick to theProvisional Government and get a fajrdeal. Guaranteed to be on timet


Watchmaker, Hotel St., No. 55 McLeanBlock, opposite the Shootinj? Gallery.

3289-3m- tf

THE ELITEIce Cream Parlors

Are well known for their excel-lent quality of

Kino Ice Cream,Calces, Candies, Pies,

Fancy Pastries,Ice Cream Soda, Sherbets,

Hot Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, Etc.

The most attractive colllection of

Island Curios!NATIVE FANS a specialty.



85 Hotel Street.

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by E.W. Holdsworth, containing doableparlors. 4 bedrooms, dressing an

bath rooms, dining room, pantry anakitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout; servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building.

R. I. LILLIE,2S22-t- f with Theo. H. I)ans A Co


Has removed her

DRESSMAKING ROOMSTo Hot3l st, Opp. the Y. M. C. A. Hall

Where she is prepared to do Dressmakingin all the la'est styles. The new methodof form-fittin- g employed (the methodnow used by all the leading dressmakersin San Francisco).

3PA11 work neatly and promptlyfinished. Prices as reasonable as any inthe city. 3234-t-f

For Sale or Exchange.

r RESIDENCE IN A VERYjij desirable part of Honolulu. Par-

lor, Dining Room, 2 Bed Rooms,Pantry, Kitchen, Sewing Room, in mainhouse. Cottage adjoining of 2 paperedRooms, Store Room and Bath Room.Lot 100x200 feet. Sell or exchange forsmaller property and cash or security.All the buildings are new. One blockfrom Tramways. Apply at this office.

3013-t- f


A T THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL2 V Meeting of the Kilauea Sugar Com-pany, held here this day, the followingOfhcers were elected for the current year

W. G. Irwin PresidentS. M. Damon .Vice-Presid- ent

W. M. Giffard TreasurerR. Catton SecretaryF. W. Macfarlane. Auditor

ROBT. CATTON,Secretary Kilauea Sugar Companv.

Honolulu, Mar. 21, 1S93. 3335-3- 1

Listen to the Phonograph IOperatic nriaf from Norma, Martha,La Favorita, Itehciuiun Girl. Helce-tiot- is

from tho toost popular baud ofthe United States. Motto, eomto andKntlinentul solos by premier vocal-

ists. Choice Hawaiian airs by theHawaiian Band. Your choice for 10

cents, at tho PnoxooKArii MusicBooms, Thomas' Block, KinoStref.t, between Nuuanu and BethelStreets. C. Stoeckle, Manager.

3327-- 1 m

30T" The L X. L., corner Nuuanuand King streets, buys -'-ecoml-hand

Novel In good order.

Those desirous of having theirPianos Tuned or repaired in thenear future, will please send in theirorders Immediately to W. II. Benson,as he Intends going to Maul shortly,and will be absent several weeks, tf

Ladies Shade and GardenI7atf, 25 evntfi; Knitting Silks, 40cents a 8jool; at Sachs', 10 Fortstreet.

For a Shave or Hair Cutgo to the Qukkn Stkkkt ShavixoPaklous, next door to Morgan'sAuction Room. 3329-- 1 m.

JSaT T.attst fad in Veilings, newstyle Laees and fine Embroideries, atSachs', 101 Fort Street. S322-t- f.

SST Now is the time to lay in astock of Honolulu Soap. You canbuy it of the Honolulu Soap Worksfor 50 cents n box less than inferiorsoap is now selling for in San Fran-cisco. Highest prices paid for tallow.

3317-t- f.

gSEF" For Sale, very cheap, 1 Boy'sSafety, 1 Boy'ti Ordinary. Inquire atthe Armohy. lw-331- 9.

If y ou want to sell outyour Furniture In its entirety, callat the I. X. Li.

For Bargains in New andSecond hand Furniture, Lawn Mow-

ers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

gJZT Btdroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Itugs, Bureaus, CheUbniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounge9,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatuots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

lf The Jfasical Library of thelate G. L. Babcock is now on sale atthe GOLUKN liULE BAZA All. ' -

3264-- 1 tf

3"" The Bon Ton Dressmak-ing Parlors are now at corner of

Fort and Beretania streets, open tothose of Honolulu and vicinity wish-

ing stylish suits and costumes, as wellalso as comfortable and neat gowns.

The public are now enabled to havetheir wardrobes fitted out as well andwith the same style as can be obtained in San Francisco. J267

Prompt returns made onGoods sold on commission at theI. X. L.

Fine commercial and societyprinting at the Gazette Office.

Special 32ottcc0.


at Palama, near King street,and close to the tramcars. Apply

toC. F. Peterson, over Bishop & Co 'sBank. 3274-t- f

To Let or Lease.

DESIRABLE PREMISESTHOSE Street, lately ocenpiedby Mr. E. W. Peterson. For particularsapplvto ' K. C. ROWE,

3292-t- f King Street.

Election of Officers.

A T THE ADJOURNED ANNUALJrY. Mcetine of Stockholders of theHawaiian Pork Packing Company,Limited, held on the 9 h inst., thefollowing Officers were elected forthe current Year :

E. C. Winston . .Fre?ident & Manager.Wm. McCandless Vice-Presiden- t.

f Secretary andR. L. Auerbach.. Treasurer.F. F. Porter Auditor.

The fo'lowing named yentleraen con-stitute the Board of Directors :

E. C. Winston, Wm. McCandless,F. F. Porter, J. Burke,J. Ena, W. B. Godfrey.

R. L. AUERBACH.Secretary II. P P. Co.

Honolulu, II. I., Mar. 11, 1893.3 326-- 2 w


RESIDENCE RECENTLY Oc-cupied by Hon. A. Rosa, adjoin-ing residence of G. E. Board man.

House new, pleasantly located and hav-ing all the modern improvements.Rent reasonable. Inquire of

G. E. BOAIIDMAN,3192-t- f Custom House.

1M TOUTS.Per stmr James Makee 2.VK) bags sugar.

Ter schr Mile Morris 400 bags rice.

KXPOKTS.For Fan Francisco, per shin J C Potter,

March 25-C- astle Jc Cooke. 53U3 basra sugar;Theo H Davies Co. 11 511 bags sugar; FA fc'chaefer A Co, lsot bags sugar; CBrewer A Co, 11,084 bags sugar. Total.20,739 bags sugar (3.589,512 lbs); domesticvalue. $100 (UU.07.

coi:x.LEE At Kahuku. this inland, on March

22. 1893, to the wire of Walter 15. Leo, ason.



Diamond Head, March 24. 10 p.M. : Weather, clear ; wind, light N.

The ship John C. Potter, Capt.Meyer, leaves to-da- y for San Fran-cisco with 1795 tons, or 20,780 bagssugar, valued at $100,610.07. Sheis drawing 22 feet of water.

Tho schooner Robert Searles willtake next week, besides a full cargoof sugar, about GOO barrels of spermoil belonging to tho whaler JamesArnold.

The steamer Kinau is due thismorning.

The whaler James Arnold hasbeen moved over to the P. M. S. S.Co.'s wharf.

The schooner Transit will denartfor the Coast next Wednesdaj-- .

The Molokai freight which thedisabled steamer Waimanalo re-turned to this port, has been sentto its destination by the schoonerHeeia. She departed yesterday.

The James Makee went out againfor Kapaa yesterday afternoon onher third trip to that port duringthe week.

The schooner Robert Lowers hasfinished unloading cargo. She islying in the stream.

The Discovery and S. C. Allenare at the Fish Market wharf wait-ing for sugar.

The Forest Queen was docked atthe Fort street pier yesterday.

Wasiiixotox, March 9. Assist-ant Secretary of the Navy Soley,Admiral Gherardi and CommodoreRamsey held a conference to-da- y

at the Navy Department regardingthe changing of the date of thenaval review. It has been decidedthat the rendezvous should takeplace in Hampton Roads on April17. On April 14 the fleet will sailfor New York, where the reviewwill be held on the 27th of April.

The steam .whaling schoonerNarwhal, H. J. Snow, which leftYokohama on January 25, wentashore fifty miles from Yokohama,off Susaki, where she became awreck, but most of the gear wastaken out of her. The Narwhalwas the property the EasternWhaling Company, Limited, andwas the only boat remaining of thecompany's property, the Nautilushaving been wrecked some monthsago. Hongkong News.

The Naval Court Martial recentlyheld at Tokyo to try the lieutenantwho wa3 in command of the Chis-him- a

Kan at the time of the collis-eio- n

of that vessel with the P. & O.steamer Ravenna has found himfree from all blame. The Court ofInquiry held at the British Consul-ate at Yokohama, it will be remem-bered, found that no blame attachedto the captain or officers of the Ra-venna.


A Good Team Picked Out toOppose the Ilawaiians

The tug-of-w- ar will be resumedthis evening at the Armory. Itpromises to be an interesting con-

test, as the management has sub-

stituted an Irish team from thesteamer Australia in place of theEnglish team. The new team willtry conclusions with the Hawaii-an- s,

and their friends claim thatthey will defeat the local boys.

Both teams are evenly matched.The anchor man of the Australiaspulled in the International contestat San Francisco ; the other menare John Scott (captain), JohnMatten, Joseph Kirk, Jack Brogan,M. Kelly, James Maloney, MikeMcManus. The names of the mem-bers of the Hawaiian team are:Jo. Kela (captain), Sam Pae,Ioane, Daniel Hao, Hokii, Palau,Kula, Lii.

The following is the programmefor this evening:

. . 1. Irish vs. Ilawaiians.2. German vs. Americans.3. Japan vs. Portugal.

Alatka la Fnrtliest AVest.

Most people will be astounded tofind on investigation that the an-

nexation of the Sandwich Islandswould not give the United Statesterritory further wesit than any itnow possesses. Honolulu, the cap-ital, is some two thousand mileswest of San Francisco, but it isnearly thirty degrees east of thelongitude of Attoo,the westernmostof the Aleutian Isles, which are in-

cluded in Alaska. S. F.

5 r j? t K- o o 2 o3 wa wj B p SDiy S 82 IS- - 5S Is a . 2.so So

p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.Mon... 20 6.14 6.14 11. 0 1. 0 6. 4 6.11 9.13Tnes... 21 7.11 6. 011.40 2.311 6. 3 6.11 10.19

p.m.Wed... 22 8.22 6.50 0.10 3.10 6. 2 6.12 11. 25

Thnr... 23 9. 0 8.20 1.20 4. 0 6. 1 6.12Frl 24 10. 0 10. 0 2. 0 6. 0 6. 0 6.12 0.29

a.m. p.m.V 3t 25 11.30 11.20; 6. 0 3.10 6. 0 6.13 1.31

' 3un... 2(3 6.35 6. 0 5.89 6.13 2.27j!2. Oj

fendant and Mrs. Herring rerepresent in the house at the title oftho trouble.

Deputy Marshal Mehrten relatedhow the dying statement was ob-

tained from Huntsman. It wasoffered in evidence, but C. W.Ashford, the counsel for tho de-

fendant, objected on a technicality.Herring is charged with murder

in tho first degree....

Booked to Leave.The following persons are booked

at the office of Wm. G. Irwin it Co.to leave on the" Australia :

M. Lonisson, J. E. Andre, M. Mc-Gregor, R. N. Webster, E. Wolltner,F. O. Ewing, Mrs. G. W. Ashley and2 children, T. It. Fulton, Wm. Gor-don, Jr., Capt. W. B. Ellis, J. F.Knapp and wife, Miss Young, MissKirkland, Mrs. and Miss Hopper,Mrs. Mueller, Miss H. R. Fulton,Rev. Dr. Lucas, Mrs. J. M. Oat and2 childron, E. B. Nettletfin, wife andchild, tho Misses Hatcb, J. B. Alex-ander and wife, E. Kaiser, Dr. Mac-donal- d

and wife, Mrs. T. L. Gulick,Mrs. and Miss Hicks, P. W. White,wife and 2 children, Mrs. Ovon, Mrs.M J. Rowell. P. Dunphy, W. J.Feron, Thoo. Barlow and wife, Mrs.E. S. Cunha and 2 children, Miss I.Stiles, Dr. Corwiu, J. A. Jay, MisGreenwood, Miss Sherling-- , MissSchenck, Miss E. Stoddard, Miss N.Stoddard, Master Hecker, F. J.Hecker and wife, J. W. Ceuter anddaughter, T. J. Higgins and wife,Mrs. W. C. Wilder, Miss Emerson,H. Morrison and wife, Mrs. A. J.Cartwright and 2 children, B. R.Banning, J. L. Stoddard, Col. E. D.Judd, M. Greenwood and wife, MissJ.F. Elliot, Miss May Elliot.

For plain and fancy home-mad- e

cake, leave your orders at 116 Bere-tan- ia


&Tciu 5ttJotrti5mcnts..... '- -


'plIE HEADQUARTERS OF THEJL Execu'ive Committee of the Annex-

ation Club, Room 6 Campbell Block, willbe open from 8 a. m. to 5 :30 r. m. andfrom 7 p. m. until 9 p. m.

All those wishing to sign the member-ship roll may do so during thosehours.

3337-l- w EXECUTIVE COM.

To Plant Growers.SULPHUR IS A KILLER OFTHE on all trees, and an invigo-rat-or

to the plant which is applied whichcan be seen by the foliage. The under-signed is prepared to remove all aphi orworms from them by applying to WM.LUCAS, address this office. The operatorwill swallow all live insects after 60 hoursas pills. - 3337--at

Typev ritcr for Sale.

THE HAWAIIAN NEWSATAgency a Smith Premier, nearlynew. None superior in use. At a bar-gain. 3336 Ct

For Sale.

ONE IVERS AND POND71.' Octave Upright Piano in

good order, lor sale at low price for cash.Address "R.," this office. 3334--tf

Lost.NO. 12, FOR TWOCERTIFICATE Telephone Stock,

dated October 231S39, ami standing inthe name of A. P.orba. Transfer hasbeen stopped. Finder will please returnto C BOLTE,Assignee Bankrupt Estate of A. Borba.

3334-- St


CHECK FOR $27, DRAWN BYA C. II . Bishop on Bishop & Co, No.5SG, in favor of Kawata (Japanese-- , hasbeen lost. The Gnder please return to

C. II. BISHOP, Lihue, Kauai.Lihue, Kauai, Mar. 17, 1893. 3332-l-

Room and Board.

4 PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM1. with Board in a private family at32 Emma Street. 3323-t- f


LARGE SAFE OF STANDARDONE with double doors ; state sizeand price. "W," this oflice. 3327-t- f

First Quarter of the Moon on the 2Uh at 11 b.2mJn. a. m.

Time Whistle blow at lh. 29m. 34s. p.m. ofHonolulu time, which is the same as 12h. Oni. 08.of Greenwich timu.


ARRIVALS.Friday, March 24.

Stmr James- - Makee, Haglund, fromKapaa.

Stmr J A Cummins, Neilson, from Koo-la- u.

Schr Mile Morris from Koolau.

DF.rAKTCKES.Friday. March

Stmr James Makee, Haglund, lor Ka-paa.

Br bkt Tacora, Thornton, forBritish Columbia.

Stmr W O Hall, Simerson, for Maui andHawaii.

Stmr Likelike, Cameion, for TepeekeoStmr Pele, Smythe, for Makaweh.Schr Heeia for Molokai.


Am ship J C Potter, Meyer, for SanFrancisco.

VESSELS IN FOKT.(This list does not tncludo com tera.)


U S Boston, Day. Hilo.IJ S F 8 Mohican, Ludlow. San Francisco.HUMS Naniwa. Togo, Yokohama.


Ger bk H Hackfeld, Hilgerloh, Liverpool.Am schr Robert Searles. Piltz, Newcastle.Am bkt Discovery, McNeill, San Francisco.Am sh John C Porter, Meyer, San Fran.Am schr Transit, Jorpenen, San Fran.Am brgt W G Irwin, McCulloch, San Fran.Am schr Robert Lewers, Goodman, S. F.Am bk Forest Queen, Dyreborg, Nanaimo.

KOUKION VESSELS EXPECTED.Vessels. Where from. Pne.

H M S Royal Arthur. .England May 1H M S Teineraire England May 1

Ger bk G N Wilcox. . ..Liverpool.. July 4--

Am bkt Irmgard S F Mar 31Am bkt Planter S F Mar 30Am schr Lyman D Foster.. Newc'le. Mar 31Am schr Puritan Newcastle. ..Mar 29Am bkt Wm R Hume. Newcastle. ..Mar 29Am brgt J DSpreckela.S F(Kah)...Mar 25Haw schr Liliu Micronesia..Mar 31Mis bkt Morning Star. .Micronesia. May 23BkAray Turner Boston May 20Am bkt Amelia Pt Towns'd..Apr 12Am schr Alice Cooke . .Newcastle. ..Mar 26Am bk Klikitat P Sound... .Mar 28Br S S Gaelic S F (China).Apr 11Br S S Belgic S F (China).May 11Am bk Alden Besse....S F (Kah)..Mar 30ItbkCLnigiD San Fran:.. .Apr 2AmtchrJ G North... .8 F(Mah)...Apr 4Haw bkMauna Ala.. ..San Fran.... Apr 10Br sh Greta Newc'stle.Apr 10-2- 0

Am schr King Cyrus . ..Newc'stle.Apr 25-3- 0

Am schr Olga Newc'stle.Apr 20-3- 0

Ha1 sch Lifcoliho.Lay'n I (Kauai)Apr 7--10

Page 4: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.



BY AUTflOBIT Yadminister th 3 Department of Finance.

(Signed:, HANFORD D. POLE,President of the Provisional Government

of the Hawaiian Islands.SCO 147l-- 3t

We do cot hoM QUTttlre reaponsibie for thstatements made or opiai&nj express-- ! by otiiorrefpocdectJ.


Provisional Government of theEDGAR UALSTEAD, E--i- has th:s

day been appointed a Notary Pabhc for

the First Judicial Circuit of the Hawai- -


Book, t Job PrintersHawaiian Islands.

Not Fair.Mic. Editor: It seems a perfect j

outrage on royalty to have so manyUnited States commissioners ap-

pointed from the army and navy. ;

It does not come within the pro--

vince of their calling to haul down

j A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 13, V&?,.


Executive Cocxcil.SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT S. B. Dole, President rf the Provisional

FoHKf&X OftU'E,flosoLCLtr, H. I., .March Ml.)

His Eicellency the 1 widen t of the

Provisioaal Government of the Hawaiian

Islands haa received an autograph letter

of which ihe following is a copy :

BENJAMIN IIARRI?0.President of the Uni'ed States of

America.To Ilia itxcellency


President of the Provisional Governmentof the Hawaiian Islands.

Great asd Good Feiexd: I have re-

ceived the letter of January 24th, 1833,

hy which you inform me that the Provi

AND POWER FRANCHISE. Government of ihe Hawaiian Isl-ands, and Miniver of Foreign

BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS ANDJ. A. Kin?, Minisff r of the Interior.Theo. C. .Porter, Minister of Finance.W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advisory Couxcn..S. M Damon , Vice-Preside- cf the Pro

visional Government of the HawaiianIslands.

Cecil Prawn.John Noft,

the American flag. President Cleve-land may have a slick way of doingthis annexation business, but can-not fool Royalist.

March 23, 1S93.

Paul's Price List.Mr. Editor: Having replied to

many anxiou3 enquiries that thetrue meaning of Paul's Precismeant current quotations, or Paul'sPrice for Royalty of the " best isl-

and" brands, and that on his listwas the names of an ex-Quee- n, analleged Princess and a Princeling.I now own up that I was wrong(spoke from my memory at thetime). Upon looking up Websterunder tho Bridge, rind it to be ahorse of ''another" color, and nowhasten to make the amende honor-able. In Sorrow, A. P.

Honolulu, March 23, 1593.

sional Government of the HawaiianIslands Las been quietly and peaceably F. W. MeCi esnev,

In accordance with the provisions ofan Act entitled "An Act to rebate andcontrol the production and furnishing ofElectricity in Honolulu," approved Jan-uary 12th, 193, there will be sol 1 atPublic Auction, On WEDNESDAY, the3d day of May, 1S93, at 12 o'clock coon,at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale,the exclusive right and franchise to fur-

nish and supply electr'c light and elec-

tric power within the district of Honoluluduring the term of ten (10) year3 fromthe date of such sale.

The followfng privileges are exemptedfrom said franchise :

1st. The right of any person or corpor-

ation to erect electric apparatus and pro

F. D. Tenney,C. Bolte.W. F. Allen,i I en ry Waterhouse,A. Yoang,F. M. Hatch.

established under a Proclamation formal James F. Morgan,Ed. Suhrly and publicly made at the door of theJ. A. McCandlei. Merchant Sr., Honolulu.John Eremelalh,

MUa Jennie FlagcrOhio City, Ohio.

Hood'sCL!resScrofula and All Clood Diseases."I take great pleasure la giving public tes-

timony to the value of Hood's Sarsapariila torScrofula

I hare suffered with thi? distressing troublefor nearly tea years, and in that time have triedalmost eTery medicine recommended to mawithout any relief whatever until, alter muchurging, I gave Flood's Sirsaparilla a triaL Ithas been of great benefit, and will effect a per-manent cure. I say to all people who sufferfrom Scrofula, try Hood's Sarsapariila; it willd y good." Mras Jzxsnz Flageb, Ohio.City, Van Wert County, Ohio.

Scrofulous Catarrh."My daughter, eleven years old, ha3 been

troubled with scrofulous catarrh ever since shwas three years old. Three physicians gave herno permanent relief. Ia the summer it com-menced eating into her nose. We bought

Hood's Sarsapariilaand gave it to her and it Las cured her, forwhich we are very thanifuL Wo got one boxDf Hood's Pills and like them very ranch."Mes. David C. Shutel, Chandlersville, Ohio.

HOOD'8 PlLL8 car Com tipation by teitorisgthe peristaltic action of tho alimentary canal.

IIOBRON, NEWMAN & CO.,Wholesale Agexts.


Government Building in Honolu'uon the17th day of January, 1S93, and that the.aid Government has honored you withthe office of Pres dent of the Provisional


Hon. A. F. Jadd,.Ci'ief Jatice.Hon. II. F. BIckerton, First AssociaU

Jatiee.Government and Chairman of the Exe-cutive and Advisory Councils of the Pro-

visional Government of the Hawaiian Hon. W. F. Frear, Seccnd Assx;satJustice.Islands. Henrv Saoiih. Chief Clerk.duce electricity for either light or power

for his or its own use upon the premiseswhere produced. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTINGI am pleased to note the expression of Fred Wund?aber4, Depnty Clerk.

Geo. Lacos, Second Depaty Clerk.J. Waller Jones. Stenographer.

your earnest desire to maintain andstrengthen the strong friendship which 2d. The right of the Hawaiian Tram- -

CiRCcrr Jrir;Es.ways company, Lamnea, unaer mefranchise already granted to it, to

A WhitinFirst Circuit Oahu.erect a plant, poles and wires for the E. Cooper.

Honolulu, March 24, 1S03.

Mr. Geo. F. Hitchfield, Esq.Sir: 1 Lave not the pleasure ofyour acquaintance nor did I findyour name in the latest directory.I therefore have to resort to the col-

umns of the Advertiser to com- -

purpose of furnishing power for the Second Circuit: A. N. Kepoikai. PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTEDThird aj:d Fourth Circuit: S. L. Austin.)pulsion of its cara, or for mating. Fifth Circuit : J. Hardy. xa contract witu any one or more

of the contractors to furnish it with such Offices and Court-roo- m in GovernmentBuilding, King street. Sitting in Honlulu First Mcndav in February. Mav.

has for eo many years existed betweenthe United States and the HawaiianIslands, and to assure Your Excellencythat I eball omit no effort which maycondace to the accomplishment of a pur-

pose which I so heartily desire.May God have Your Excellency and

the People ot the Hawaiian Islands in

His wise keeping.Yonr Good Friend,

BENJ. HARRISON.By the President.

"William F. Whabtos,Acting Secretary of State.

3336 1472-- 1 1

-- O-power for use on any of its tracks,whether the same i3 within the district August and November.of tnch contractors or not .

Depaetmext of Fokeigx Affaibs.A New Receipt and the3J. The right of the Government to

Office in Government Bnilding, Kin- -Best Yet.furnish to any part of Honolulu, electristreet. Law Books and Blanks,city for light or power, prodaced by the

His Excellency Sanford B. Dole, MinisPamphlets of any kind,

Freight and Plantation Books,

Colored Poster Work,ter o: foreign Affairs.power now obtained from the present

water supply of the city, up to the capa-city of electric dynamos now owned bythe Government.

Frank P. Hastings, Secretary.W. Horace Wright, Ed. Stiles, Clerk.Take hot water in a bowl,

Lawyers' Brief?,

Statistical Work,

Lithograph Colored Cards,Ball and Wedding Card,

and add, well mixed, some sour Pepabtiiext of the Ixteuiok. Business and Visiting Cants,Programmes, Billheads,The sale of such franchise is subject to noi enough to make a thin

municate with you. Finding myname in the blaok list as pubishedby you this morning, I wish to en-

lighten you abcut my position asPort Physician. In the mean timedo not think for a moment that Iobject to being associated withthose mentioned by you. I makethe third physician on your list;for the two others, both much youn-ger than I, I have great sympathy,and among other names are someof my best friends. I assure youthat I am rather pleased in findingmyself in their company.

The following are copies of twoletters filed at the Board of Healthoffice and probably at your disposal

Office in Government Building, Kingthe Rules, Regulations, Inspection and street.1

paste, then add Taro Flour, Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc., EuTariff of Rates to be charged to Consum Hi3 Excellency J. A. King, Minister ofthe Interior.gradually stirring well all theers, a3 set forth in the said alove-men-tion- ed

Act. Chief Cierk, John A. Hassiner.Assistant Clerks: James H.Boyd, M. K.time until quite thick, work it


Hosolcxu, March 20th, 1893 J

Notice is hereby given that His Excel-



has been appointed a Commissioner ofCrown Lands of the Haw aiian Islands,vice Mr. P. C. Jones, resigned.

The Board now consists of J. A. King,T. C. Porter and C. P. laulcea.

3330-3- t 1472-l-t

The Upset Price, at Auction, of saidsmooth with a spoon, and then Keohokalo'e, James Ahok Stephen

Mahanln, George C. Ross, EdwardS. Boyd.

Franchise is 2.I per centum of the gross

let it stand an hour or so to B OOK BINDINGreceipts of the Contractor from all elec-

tric light and power furnished to Chiefs op Biusaus. Ixtep.:or Dlpabt- -

mkxt.cool; then add cola water alittle at a time stirring, eachThe Bids for such Franchise shall be

on application to the Secretary :Survevor-Genr-ra- l, W. D. Alexander.Supt. Public Work?, W. E. Rowell .

Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.for the percentage of such gross receipts, time after adding water until

In all its Brandies.well mixed and smooth, andwhich the bidder is willing to pay to theGovernment over and above such

inspector, Ji.ieciric Ligni3, jonn vassKiy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrurn.Notice is hereby given that


the POi is the right Consistency Deputy Regiatrar, Malcolm Brown.. j, . , Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. II. Cu m- -

The Contractor shall be exempt reciuireu 10 eat. 11 is uieu Vmings. VChief Engineer Fire Dept., F. Hustaee.j.

ready to eat immediately,from paying such percentag3 of receiptsfor the first two years of such contract. Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McWayae

has this day been appointed Marshal of

Icopy.Honolulu, March 1, 1S93.

Messrs. J. O. Carter, Waterhouse, Jno.Ena and W. O. Smith, Drs. Ander-son, Day and Miner.Gentlemen: I see in the Adver-

tises that you are going to meet thisafternoon to organize the new Boardof Health, and make new appoint-ments, I consider it a3 my simpleduty to hand yon my resignation asPort Physician so that in case my ser-vices were not agreeable, you mightimmediately make a new appoint-ment. I remain yours respectfully,

G. Trousseau.

Keep a little of each day's poiA Deposit of $500 either cash or a Office, Government BniTding, Kingstreet.certified check on a Honolulu Bank, will b:0to make the starting paste for

Depabtiiext of Fisaxce.

the Hawaiian Islands, vice Mr. W. Q

Ashley, resigned.

(Signed.) WILLIAM 0. SMITH,Attorney-Gener- al.

be required from the successful bidderon the fall of the hammer, which deposit the next day.

11:3 Excellencv T. mMinister of Finance,shall be a forfeit to the Government if C. Porter.Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Ross.CHARCOAL !such bidder fails to execute the contract

provided for in Section 5 cf said Act,Government Hou3e, Honolulu, March Registrar of Accounts, Geo. Smithies.Clerk to Finance Office, Carl Widemann.Collector-Gener- al of Customs, Hon. A.

23rd, 1893. 333-S- t 1472-2- t Magazines, Law Books,within twenty days from the date of

sale.Music Bx)ks,

At count and Time Book.,Journals and Ledgers,Wholesale and lletail T-f- -Sd;"-A Bon'd, in the sum of. 3000, with

Blank Books of any description,Day Books and Cash Books,

Map and Photograph Mounting,Albums, Old Books Re-bcun- d,

two approved sureties or a deposit of


Honolulu, March 20. 1893.f

Notice is hereby given that


Portfolios, Scrap-book- s,

Letter Copying Books,CCSTOMS BCEEAU.

Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort$2500 in gold coin in lieu thereof will berequired, for the faithful observance ofall of the terms of ths contract, and forthe observance of all the terms and con

Office of the Board of Health,Honolulu, March 1, 1S93. j

Dr. G. Trousseau, Port Physician.Dear Sir: I am instructed by the

Honorable Board of Health to ac-knowledge the receipt of your favorof even dte in which you tender yourresignation, and to ask you to with-draw the same. I have also the honorto state that the new Board of Healthhas voted unanimously tovou as Port Physician under the new

Edge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,etreet.HON. ALBERT FRANCIS JUDD and

Collector-Genera- l, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn.Deputy-Co- l lector, Geo. E. Boardman.CECIL BROWN, Esq., ditions of the law under which the fran

HUSTACE & CO,No. 414 011 Both Telephones.

3333-- 1 w 1472-2- t

Harbormaster, Captain A. tuuer.chise is granted. BINDING IN MOROCCO, CALF, SHEEP. ROM, RUSSIA, PERSIAN AND t UTH.have been appointed Commissioners for Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, r rank 1. McotocKer.


the purpose of Eevising and Codifyingthe Penal Laws of the Hawaiian Islandsin accordance with the provisions of anAct of the Hawaiian Legislature approved

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Feb. 21, 1893.3310--3t 1468-t- f

353 3FS. 2FS. XJ Xj X G--Office i.s Government Building, King

administration, and will later on issueyou a new commission to that effect.

Chas. "Wilcox,Secretary.

Do not these letters show, Mr.Hitchfield that I anticipated your

street.INSURE WITH THE AGENTAttorney-Genera- l. W. O. SmithAugust 6, 1892, providing therefor.

3333-3- 1 1471-- lt Arthur M.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l,CF THE AT SHORT NOTICE FIEST-CLA- ES WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEEDAssignee s Notice to Creditors. objections? There the matter rests,

GERMAN-AMERICA- NNOTICE. and as I have not received my newcommission as yet, yon will seethat as far as I am concerned, I am Insurance CompanyOffice of the Board of Health. not in the way. You ask if I have AZETTETHE HAWAOF NEW YORK.

Brown.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock.Deputy. Marshals, G. K. Wilder.Jailor Oahu Prison, Capt. A. N. Tripp.Prison Physician, Dr. C. A. Peterson.

Board op Iidugratiox.Office, Department of Interior, Govern-

ment Building, King street.President, His Excellency J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration :

Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G.

The following named persons have mortgage, etc., and why I wasbeen chosen and appointed Officers of permitted to occupy the position.

THE UNDERSIGNED, ASSIGNEEBankruptcy of the Estate of Tom

Gow, a Bankrupt of Honolulu, herebygives notice, that he has filed in theCircuit Court of the First Circuit, hi3final accounts with said Estate, and hasasked for a settlement of the same, andan order for payment of a final dividend,and for a discharge from all liability assuch Assignee, and that a hearing on thesame has been set for SATURDAY, the

ASSETS $5,879,208.00- - -NET SURPLUS - 2,255,389.00iou will see now how mistaken

you have been.One more piece of information.

the Board of Health :

Hon. W. O. Smith President.Charles Wilcox Secretary.C. B. Reynolds Executive Officer.David Dayton Agent on Leprosy.

The ONLY WEEKLY PAPERThe Port Physician 13 really a Solid Security Against Fire.Spencer. Mark P. Robinson.1st day of April, 1893, at 10 a. m. of that Government employee, but he re-

ceives no salary. He gets fees Fire InSUrailC3 Only. Secretary, Wray Taylor.day, when and where all creditors whoL. L. La Pierre Inspector and Mana

Boaed of Health.When Rates are Equal, get thehave proved their debts can appear andand show cause if any they have whysuch prayers should not be granted.

from the vessels he visits, and evennot always. He does not drawone cent from the Treasury, and as

Best Security. IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE,Office in grounds of Government Build-in- g,

corner of Mililani and Queen

ger of Garbage Service.G. W. C. Jones Inspector.

The Committees of the Board are : streets.Assignee of Tom Gow, a Bankrupt.Honolulu, March 21 , 1893. 3336-3- H

far as I am concerned, the ex-penses in keeping up an efficient


WILDER3320--1 ta

Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, DrAnrlrPws. J. O. Carter. J. T. Water- -On Leprosy Dr. F. L. Miner, Johnhouse, Jr., John Ena, and AttorneyNotice.Ena. Circulating iiirouglicut the Islands.General bmith.

President Hon. W. O. Smith.

service about balance the receipts.During a long stay in the Isl-

ands I never have taken part inany political organization. I neverbelieved, however, that I owned the

On Quarantine, and ContagiousDiseases, other than Leprosy Dr. F. B. Secretary-Ch- as. Wilcox.

Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds.Day, J. T. Waterhouse, Jr. m mi ID LI Ullfll u Airent on Leprosv David DaytonOn Public Health and Sanitation PHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO country, always considered myself Inspector and Manager of Garbbage SerL announce to the public that he has as a guest ot the Hawaiian people,this day opened a store in this town for vice Li. l.. La nerre.Inspector G. W. C. Jones. $6.00 a YearSubscriptionboth wholesale and retailing of Japanese Port Physician, Dr. G. TrousseauINVOICE

Dr. G. P. Andrews, J. O. Carter.

CHAS. "WILCOX,Secretary Board of Health.

Honolulu, March 16th, 1S93.1471 3332-3- 1

I'rovisions, fcnoyu ana fceaweed a spe A FRESH Dispensary. Dr. H. McOrewNEW

-- OFcially ; Dry Goods, and every line of Japa Leper Settlement, Dr. Ii. K. Oliver.nese Manufacture, including Cotton

Board of Education.Crapes, Toilet Requisites, etc.lTOHAN,

Fort Street, near Custom House.3332-l- w

PACIFIC COMMERCIALThe members of Waialua, Oahu, Road Japanese (Mod Crape

Just to hand ex Miike Maru.

Office, Government Bailding, Kingstreet.

President, Hon. C. R. Bishop.Secretary. W. James Smith.

and am one of those who believe mfair play, trust implicitly to thesense of honor and justice of theAmerican Republic as governed byMr. Cleveland. And to finish, Mr.Hitchfield, I can tell you that ifyou take the trouble to inquire,you will find that there are a goodmany more than I of the Famethinking. Your?, very truly,

G. TnorssEAr.


Board having resigned; the followinggentlemen have been this day, appointed Election of Officers. ! Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

District Court.original patterns in large ADVERTISERNew andyarietv.

to constitute a new Board :

EDGAR UALSTEAD, T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Police Station Building, Merchant fit reel.A the Stockholders of the Inter-Islan- d William Foster, Magistrate.Jame3 Thompson, Clerk.tSteam Navigation Co., limited, held

this day, the following Oflicer3 and M. Meliieiny.VISITING HILO.MRS. ANNA B. TUCKER,


J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 18th, 1893.

3332-- 3t

3320-- tf HONOLULU'S LIVE DAILY.The Weekly GazetteAND "ILAN1WAI."

Directors were elected for the ensuingyear:

W. B. Godfrey PresidentJ Ena Vice-Presid- ent

W. H. McLean SecretaryJ. L. McLean TreasurerT. W. Hobron Auditor


W. B. Godfrey. J. Ena,


RESIDENCE: Mr. W. Hopper's,King Street, opposite the Palace.

1 you Wish to be Abreast of the Times thisNotice is hereby given that in accor-dance with the joint action of the

and Advisory Councils,


i t FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILY BATHINGj xjL Resort has been opened atWaikiki.i Tramcars pass the gate. Special arrange--i

ments can be made for Family Picnics! and Evening Bathing Parties. 3274-3- m


Or the latest dates hy each mail, can heobtained at the fitore of

J. A. IRTIsT.Waianuenue Street, Ililo.0331 1471-t- f

If yon den't take the Advertisesyou don't pei the news

G. N. Wilcox, W.O. Smith,F. A. Schaefer.

W. H. McLEAN,Secretary I. I. S. N. Co.

Honolulu, H. I., March 21st, 1S93.3234-2-

Mrs. Tucker is an experienced teacherof Piano, and the resnlt of her teachinghave been approved by some of the mostcultivated musicians of London & Boston,Mass.


has been appointed a Member of theExecutive Council of the ProvisionalGovernment of the Hawaiian Islands to

Work equal to the best at SanFrancipco prices at the GazetteOffice. DELIVERED BY CARRIERS 50 CENTS A MONTH.

Page 5: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.


Nrtu CUtoritb-ii.untB-(Dfiural CUiDcrtisnnrntfiA MORNING BLAZE.CONCERT TO-NIGH-T.THE NEW CABINET tion to the last Democratic National

Convention, and went there himselfat the head of a Cleveland delegation.

H.P.WICD.MANAt Chicago he did a tremendous workamong the southern delegates in 1.-ha- lf

of Cleveland, and his indomitableenergy told at every point. M. S. LEVY,

Two of the Men Chosen by Mr.

Cleveland as Ilis Advisers. THE NAVAL REVIEW FLEET.


There Will be Twenty-seve- nJ M. S. LEVY, 75 Fort Street.Foreign and American WarShips Present.

Washington, February 27. The


Congressman Hillary A. Herbert,

Ihe i:llence antt V fleet .f !. M.

Vivaa Destroyed

At 1 :30 o'clock this morning theFire department was called out onBeretania street beyond the Iceworks to extinguish a blaze whichproved to be in the cottage of J. M.

Vivas, the Portuguese lawyer andinterpreter. Before Engine 1 ar-

rived on the scene the house was

a mass of blaze from top to bottomand all efforts to save house or fur-

niture was out of the question. A

Email bureau was the only articlethat survived the fiery element-cott- age

and all went off rapidly insmoke.

Mr. Vivas was seen on the spot

of Alabama, is now a resident of Navy Department was formally M. S. Levy's Special SaleMontgomery. He wa9 born at Lau- -advised to-da- y that Russia willrensville, S. C. When a child his send three vessels under the comfather moved to Greenville, Butler

county, Ala. He was educated at the mand of a Vice-Admir- al to theNaval Review, and Italy a similarnumber under command of a Kear- -

5a Yaud 1,450 yards Hamburg Embroidery, $ to5c.

The vacancy in my WatchRepairing Department causedby the death of my old Watch-maker, has been filled by acompetent man of experiencefrom the States.

We are now in a positionas ol old, to do any and allwork in this line, and toguarantee satisfaction.

No work too intricate.No watch too complicated

for us. -

The excellent reputationgained in the past for finework and only such will bemaintained at all hazards.

My Optical Business is now

Adrairal. These are the first offiinches wide, neat pattern; value 10c.cial announcements made by any

A 3leiilll l'rosramaie Arrangrtl forthe Occasion.

The concert at KawaiahaoChurch will take place this even-

ing commencing at 7 :30 o'clock.The following programme will becarried out :


1. Overture "Enchantment"ltossini

Orchestra.2. Chorus (a) "Maikai Waipio"...

Liliuokalani(b) "Liko Tua Lehua"..

--...LikelikeKawaiahao Girls.

3. Solo... "Shadows" OsgoodMiss Greenwood.

4. Duet "Breezes of the Night"...Gounod

Misses Dale and Burgess.5. Solo "Thy Sentinel Am I"

WatsonMr. Wakefield.

6. Violin Solo Selected)Miss Paty.

7. Solo "Why Do the HeathenKage" Messiah

Mr English.8. Solo (Selected)

Mrs. Paty.9. Choru3 "Malanai and Warble"-.- ..

Kamehameha Glee Club.10. Solo -- "Una Voci Poca Fa"

RossiniMiss Burgess.

11. Guitar Solo Mr. Ordwayl Flute Solo "Moses' in Egypt"

IlossiniMr. Ij. Barsoti.

13. Quintette "Bells of Averdo-vey- "

VenablesMisses Dale and Burgess, Messrs.

English, Wakefield and Booth.14. Chores (a) "Jubilee Sarotte

(b) "Ka Nani o ka Pakipika"Kawaiahao Girls."Hawaii Ponoi."

of the Governments intending to Sc. a Yard 1.200 yards Hamburg Embroidery, 1 to 2narticioate as to the number of by an Advertiser representative, inches wide; actually worth 15c, a yard.vessels thpv would send. Great

10c. a Yard 2,000 yards Hamburg Embroidery, 2 to 21Britain and France, which have and stated that the first intimationhe had of the fire was the smell of

smoke and almost at the same timebeen holding back to see what inches wide, beautiful designs; value 20c. a yard.other naval powers were going to

45c. Each Ladies' Muslin Chemises, Embroidery Trimmed;mm mr tdo, will, it is understood unolli-ciall- v.

send five shii9 each. The vaiue )C. each.he heard a noise as if somethinghad dropped to the floor in an ad- -

flagship Blake and other four ves 70c. Each Ladies Nightgowns, Embroidery Trimmed;ioining room, ine nre, wnicii wassels of Her Majesty's North Ameri value SI. 25 each.located between the Kucnen ana

pantry, spread rapidly, and Mr.can squadron will be detailed lorthe Dumose. There will be three a Yard Skirt Embroidery, 5 yards a piece, nice

Vivas had scarcely time to escape pattern; value 1.50 a yard.ships from Spain, and, it is ex an established institution, andnected. the same number from with his wife and two babies, all

in their night clothes. M. IS. LEV i , 7a t ort Street.Germany. Japan will b9 repre Mr. P. Lowell was- - one ot the

hardly needs mention. Y'et asI am making' this a featuresented bv one. and Holland and

Brazil by two each, making twenty V INITIO OF1UK and a large one of my regHILARY A. IIKRBEKT.

first on the scene and stated thathe never witnessed a fire spread sorapidly before. The fire seemedto have started on all sides at once.

seven foreign vessels in all that areular business, I want to keepII II TUuiversity of Alabama and the Uni expected. These, with stvonteen

vessels of our own navy, will give RYEAS.T jINEQuite a numb.r of the old olun- - MIL! it constantly before you. Theversity of Virginia, studied law, andwas admitted to the Bar. He entered a total of fortv-fou- r vessels in the teer firemen and oiueers were on

review.the Confederate service as captain, -- AT-the scene early but there wasnoth-in- g

for them to do but stand bymany flattering testimonials Ihave received from ray paTO LIBERATE CUBA.and was in a short time promoted to AN OLD QUESTION.

and look on. SACHSN. S.the Colonelcy of the Eighth AlabamaVolunteers. He was wounded at the tients the past twro months,The house was fully covered by

The Status of Marines on United Key West, March 3. Another insurance and the furniture a littlebattle of the Wilderness in 1SG4. After Honolulu, and the daily increasing busi101 Fort Streetfilibustering expedition is to sailthe Avar he resumed the practice of States Vessels.Washington, March 1. The old

over half insured. No cause is assigned for the fire and in all probfrom Kev 'NV est. It is against one ness convince me that you aplaw at Greenvile, Ala., until 1S72,

of the Central American States, andwhen he removed to Montgomery, ability it will ever remain a mysquarrel about the status of marineson shipboard has been actively rewhere he has since practiced. He preciate my knowlege, and

are willing' to profit thereby.tery.it is believed among knowing ones

t) be destined to liberate Cuba fromwas elected to the Forty Fifth, Fortynewed in connection with the new

New Spring Flowers, New Bibbons,

ISTew Laces !


Sixth, Forty-Sevent- h, Forty-Eight- h, rule The of fillSpanish companynavy regulations which SecretaryForty-iSinti- ;, Fiftieth and Fifty-Fir- st A failure to correct anyX ni 3 ft !: J ftw "isDusters has been gradually augCongresses, aud ed to the Tracy desires to promulgate beforeFifty-Secon- d Congress as a Democrat, mented at this port until several

hundred men, who are well drilledtrouble which glasses can cor-

rect IMPOSSIBLE.receiving lO.bll votes against ,bbl

A FRESH SUPPLYvotes for S. A. Pillary, Independent and disciplined, armed with repeatDuring his long term in the House ing rilles and have abundant am My system of testing is soMr. Herbert has three times served as OF- -

munition, are ready to embark. simple and yet so perfect, thatAs far as can be learned the exChairman of the Committee on NavalAffairs. He has conscientiously goneinto the vast range of subjects covered a k isr tj i isr :k HAWAIIAN SOAP!pedition is composed almost entire

he relinquishes the reins ot theNavy Department. The fight isnow on and is hot and bitter. Thepoint of controversy relates to theduties of marines on shipboard.The marine officers insist thattheir men should be assigned tothe secondary and main batteries,and should be under the imme-diate command of officers of theirown corps.

It is understood that one of theboards appointed to revise the reg

by the navy's needs and development. the whole thing becomes apleasure to you, instead of aBy close, practical contact with en ly of native Cubans. A small lleet

steamer has been purchased orgineers, and intelligent study or con Appollinaris Waterstruction at the navv yards of the chartered in Philadelphia or Balti tedious and painful operation.Atlantic Coast, he ha3 grown into a more, and is now en route to Keythoroughly trained expert in all naval --theWest, where she is expected to ar ABSOLUTELY PURE!

One Hundred Pounds Worth Two Hundred of Any Other.

Will you bear it in mind ?

ESPNo charge for testing.affairs. In naval circles lie is unlrive in a few days. She is said toformly regarded as the one man inbe partially loaded with ammuniCongress whose opinion deserves en QUEEN S TABLE WATERS

tire respect. ulations reported in tavor ot thisplan. The Bureau of Navigation, tion, uatling guns, and neld artil

lery sufficient to supply an army A T- -which has charge of the personnel Mfor a siege of several months. McChesney & Sons H.F.WIOHMAN3320 1471

The United States Government F. A 8cliaeftr & Co.of the service, however, seriouslyobjected to any such arrangementand has endeavored, it is said, to has evidently - had information of

3337-- 2 wthe proposed expedition and means AGENTS.3301-l- yprevent the employment of ma to prevent its sailing from Florida,thanrines for any other purposemusing from precautions taken. M. L. MINER.. D. V. S.,

, . . .- - r ; 4 Ipurely yvuw ui "". rn. " m--

e or Aflnnf a ia now luinr n.f

By long and intimate acquaintancewith the mathematics of the NavyDepartment, be will need no kinder-garten lessons in the art of grapplingwith exhorbitant contractors and en-gineers. He ha3 been officially con-nected with the regeneration of thenavy from the birth of the new cruiserfamily to the last touches on thebattle-ship- s, and is better qualified,perhaps, than any man in public life,by his knowledge of the subject, toassume the duties of the Naval port-folio. In selecting him Mr. Clevelandgives the country assurance that theright hand is ut the helm in navaldevelopment.


Hoke Smith of Georgia will be theyoungest man in the cabinet and the

VETERINARY SURGEON, PHYSICIANexpected that cecretarv 1was racy ,

the navai wharf and has barely awould the recommenda- -approve d oq d ,of the board, but VIew ofions n he Pentire Jrew of 300 blue jacket's EQAN & GUNN

me protest oi iue uuimu xai- - , mn . nrn nn niW !.,, - BREWER'S BLOOKand Dentist.

Office : Hotel Stables.lOO FORT STREEguiivu J . I limner hnfh conth nnri north hparhp"VW K.VUw ...fight from both sides is so strong

and lorming a cordon around thebe unable to THE HAWAIIAN GUIDE BOCKHours: 8--10 a. m., 1:30--Officereach decision riuZZ island, which is five miles long

a impossible for a 1

to as3:30 p. m.

Have just Received a Choice Line of

JAPANESE GOODSboatallow the controversy go over to land or leave the island night or Dr. F. L. MinerResidence : "With

Beretania Street.a legacy to Mr. Herbert. day without being seen and challenged by this picket guard ot the 1892.1892.WOES OS A BICYCLIST. 2 All calls will receive prompt atAtlanta. Men and olhcers are pro tention. doU.i-i- y

Including Silk Shirts, Silk Pajamas,Custom Made Crape Shirts with Tie to match,

All sizes 14 to 18.vided with tents, and have them

AHLenz Finds His Wheel of Small Service pitched within 500 or GOO yards ofIn China. EDWIN A. JO.NES,

NOTARY PUBLIC,Cotton Crapes, a full line in printed patterns and Stripes; CrapeSuits, Coat, Vest and Pants $7.50 per Suit; Ladies' and Gent'sBicyclist Lenz, who is making

the beach. They seem to enjoytheir duty, as it is a change fromthe cramped quarters of the ship,his way across China toward India, lumoras in oiik ana uotxon ouk vv inaow uurtams, onis

writes as follows from ivuikiang on and the weather is very pleasant. Has opened an Office for transacting Sashes, all bhades; Silk Doily and Table Covers.all business in connection withThe corvette Kearsarge will lie atJanuary 29th, showing that the

lines of a wheelman in China are t3sfIf vou wish a selection of these Goods, call early. Weanchor at the mouth of the outer TOUIUSTS' GUIDEcall special attention to our fine line of Felt Hats which wenot cast in pleasant places. harbor to guard the approaches ofare closing out at $2.50 each. Goods well worth $5."I reached here safe and sound the main ship and southwest and

on the 26tli, but not without a hard southeast channels, at which pointnull of it. When the first snow she could

.intercept any vessel en- -

rr v

Trusts, Purchase and Sale of Bonds,

Stocks and Real Estate

And i3 prepared to Audit Accounts.

gjgrOFFicE: 94 Merchant street.

P. O. Box No. 55. 3250-l- y

Through thb Hawaiian Islandsfell two weeks ago I hired two cool tenng the harbor. ihe revenue JUST ARRIVEDies to carry the bicycle, and for cutter McLane will patrol the coastfrom Key West to Cape Florida totwelve days walked through cold,

Per Barkentine Tacora, 129 days from Liverpoolice, snow ana muu ioj nines, xu-u-r intercept the filibuster. Ihe disi Shiayuefan the coolies crossed the tance from Key West to Cape

HOKE SMITH. river and traveled north, which. Florida is 130 miles. For the Bass Light Pale Ale and Gnioess' Double Extra Stoutcompelled me to come round about whole distance from here to that 11. M. WHITNEY, Editor.onlv one who has been heretofore to here, instead ot staying on the point there is a belt of keys andsouth side of the river. islands, with outlying reefs from illlHSt

least known.Six years ago he was a young law-

yer, without political influence and al-mr.f- lt.

unknown outside of his ownuIn every town passed through

In Quarts and Pints, bottled by M. B. Foster & Sons, Limited, London andW. E. Johnson & Co., Liverpool ; further, a lot of

GENUINE BAVARIAN BEER!three to five miles from them. : Be

inwn nf Atlanta. He was led into there was an uproar of excitementand many times they compelled

tween the islands and outer reefsthere is passage for vessels of notmore than ten feet draught. There

Price in Honolulu. 60 Cents per Copyactive politics by the conviction thatme to ride through the misera Marc a Bavaria, Helles Maerzenbierble streets. To Tatung the roadswere fairly passable for a bicycle,

are at least a dozen passages fromthe ocean across to a smooth inside

tariff reform was in neea oi acuampion in Georgia at that time, and hewas an ardent believer in low tariff.Cleveland's tari IF message made him

riovnted admirer of that statesman, but from there west only fit for naspaee. so that a vessel mightAll of the above guaranteed to be in best condition. For sale by

El). HOFFiSCHUEGER & CO., The Book has 176 pages of text, withfoot, with now and then a rideable elude a ship cruising outside theand his natural disposition made himstretch. Three nichts I have reef to intercept her. This is whatsteadfast and extremely energeuc.

His local reputation was that of a veryehrourri n.nti-cornorati- on lawyer, and

20 Full Page Illnstraticss of Isknd Ececerjcamped out since leaving Shang CORNER KING AND BETHEL STREETS.the McLane will look after. PACK OF 1892Now on Sale.

2ST'Every Can guaranteed Fit 3thai : 609 miles I have covered toio niw1iirtpd manv damage suitshere. Inns and food are beastly ;nm!net iht rail roads with great sue and a description of Uie I'earl Harbor

Tim Atlanta Constitution didEngland All Right.

London, March 4. The Railway enterprise, and surroundingQuality.but, as usual, I have become accustomed to it, and eat wiUi chop Dailyftt. iikA t.hfi low tariff policy of Presi country.

S. FOSTER & CO.,riont. rMpveland and w.?s opposed to News says, concerning the inaugur- -sticks, as the Chinese are so fearus iv.nnmf nation. That paper had It has also FOUR MAPS of the largerfully curious. Although alwaysfnrvMra exerted a strong influence A Columbia BicycleThs the Wholesale -:- - Grocers islands, prepared expressly for it.in the south, and for awhile it made patient and controlling my temper,

yet I was compelled to draw ray AND EXPORTERS.world would be justified in usingthe magnificent streets of Wash

things uncomfortable ror nr. Cleve-land and for low-tari- ff doctrines. The The GUIDE eives a full description o

2G and 23 California St., San Franciscorevolver twice,f'onstitntion was regarded as tne each of the principal Islands and Settle-ments in this Group, and will prove aninvaluable hand-boo- k for tourists, and for"The coolies grew threatening Sole Agents."New York Sun of the South."

Smith's newspaper business was onSalmon and all Kinds Salt

.Fish residents to send to their mends abroad.when I refused to pay them an ex-

tra dollar, although I had already AVTH.Hi WINington for the great processionwhich will take place there to-da- y.

Mr. Cleveland is, without doubt,the ablest statesman in Americato meet the trying questions beforehim. It is idle, however, to expect

the side, for his'main business was asa lawyer. He was a terror against

A SPECIALTY.railroads, and every time a poor devillnit a Ipc or an arm from a railroad

Some of the illustrations in the newbook are very fine specimens of the Photo-tin-t

process of engraving, and accuratelyrepresent the scenes portrayed.

paid them too much. As they wereabout to lay hands on me the Smith& Wesson changed their minds.Another time north of here near

Administrator's Notice.accident Smith sued the company andsecured heavy damages for the injur-ed client. Pretlv soon the railroads

him to abolish protection at astroke. lie will set himself ratherCinchachou the crowd of thirty or THE NEXT EAOE ! For sale at Hawaiian Hews Com- -to reform than to revolutionize tarbegan to see that it would be to their

. . . 1 At A ? forty following grew angry because sanv's, and at T. G. Thrum's Up-tow- n

iffs."interests to empioy mis active youugattorney. He became the southern d&wdstationery store.I would not nae in snow anu muu,

The News prophesies harmoniouscounsel for the Georgia and Carolina wVipta it was no easy matter torelations between the United Statesrailroad, which is a main link of the nMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVINGwalk, and commenced stoning me. yur

'i L m. the stones and England during incomingSeaboard Alliance system. Then he X this 16th day of March, 1893, been dulybpftame attorney for the trustees of frfff lu T X;: Lrn fir-- Administration, and expresses the appointed administrator of the estate of The Guide will be mailed to any part

the islands for 64 Ont per Copy.four or five Georgia railroads which UCKttU lJ mil w- .- that notopinion the slightest fric- - Mariano Comacho or Lamacho, al ere- -

ing in the air, when they made re- -were in process of liquidation.Smith's admirers give him the ere 1 : 1 1 ,,r...frwl I at. il-i- ntrm. unuiowi u.v, -- - . "uuu iu uc tauu jr xwmcvx Dre8ent their claims duly authenticat

lit for the defeat of t he anti-Clevela- nd ian question. eii ami with the proper vouchers it any Or, to any foreign country fcr 70 Centsforces in Georgia. They say that he "England has none but the kind- - exist, even if the claim is secured bysecured popular indorsement of Mr.Cleveland's low tariff doctrines, re liest wishes for America," the News mortgage upon real estate, to the under--

I ! 1 1 I, . r, fi nn .n I I nflrtl n 11 within H.GEO. PAEIS,ii, . i- - i CtV Published by thesavs, anu tne two couniries naveturned Mr. Colquitt to the Senatewhen Grady of the Constitution was six months from dale or be forever bar-

red, and all rersons indebted to saidreally no conflicting or dividing in

S. F. Chronicle.

Have your magazine files houndat the Gazette Office.

Letterheads, billheads, receiptbooks, shipping receipts and com-

mercial printing at, the GazetteOffice.

estate, are hereby requested to maketerests.'trying to defeat inm, secured tne elec-tion of Gordon to the Senate, when HAWAIIAN GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO,immediate payment to the undersigned.the anti-Clevelan- d men were trying to AGENT.elect Patrick Calhoun.and that finally Administrator Estate Mariano CamacboDaily Advertiser 50c. per month 46 Merchant St.,3270-l- m

3334-- U 1472-5- the defeated the efforts of tne anu-Clevelan- d

men to send a Hill delega

Page 6: u liwf - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · pi u liwf hi-Vv v v Established July a, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 3337. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MAHCII 25. 1SD3.


was held to be "binding not only intha r.rrplin in which thev take

Saprea9 Goart cf the HawaiianIsl and.3.



Clothuis!!'IS- -


Cash Prices!

200 Pairs nf Pants S:100 Suiti made to order at





nlace. bat in every other in which the! same qnestion ? agitated " bat it is

only binding hen the decree is aa corr.pelent cue, that i, ma--i by aConrt having jurisdiction.

We therefore get aside the verdictand order a new trial.

A. Rosa for plaintiff; W . O bmitafor defendants.

Honolulu, March 21, 10U8.

la th? Supreme Court of thi Ha-

waiian Islands.

In Banco.

October Teem, 1892.

Alice K. Atees vs. William Ma- -


Breach of Promise of Marriage.


DOLE, i. S.

(By written agreement of partiesand counsel, Mr. Dole joins in thi3decision, though he had resigned asa Justice of the Supreme Court afterargument and before decision.)

A request waa made by defendant to be re-

leased from hi engagement to marryand to have his engagement ring re-

turned to him; the reply by themother of the plaintiff wa3 that thering should thereafter be retained, batthe nn? was not returned and theplaintiff declined to release defendantfrom hia engagement;

Held, these facts do not establish a release.


TON, J.This case was tried before Chief

Justice Judd with a jury at the Octo-ber term 1892, and the jury rend-ered a verdict for the defendant, towhich verdict the plaintiff exceptedand gave notice of a motion for anew trial on the grounds, that theverdict was contrary to the law andthe evidence. The said motion washeard on the 29h of October andoverruled, and the plaintiff excepted.The matter now comes here on a billof exceptions.

From the record of the case, itwould appear there were the follow-ing points for the consideration ofthe jury: First, was the defendant

i .ioi age wnen tne engagement wasmade; if he was not, did he ratify itafter he came of age? Second, didthe plaintiff release the defendantfrom the engagement, he havingwritten to her saying that the en-

gagement wa3 at an end, and askingthat the engagement ring be re-

turned; and plaintiff's mother in reply, writing that she (the mother)would return the ring to him herself.

As to the first point, the question ofinfancy, there seems to be hardlyany difficulty, for even if defendantwas not of age at the time the engagement was made in-th- e early partof 1890, and the evidence for the defense shows that when he wrote theletters dated November 10, 1831, andJanuary, 1892, he was of age, thenthere wa3 a recognition and ratification of the contract, and he is boundby it. There having been a legal con-tract, there can be no doubt but thatit was broken by the defendant, forin his letter he says that their en-

gagement i3 no longer to exist.Now comes the second question :

Was there a release by the plaintiff ?

She says in her evidence, "I never consented to break o2 the engagement.She also wrote him a letter refusingto release him from the engagement.There i3 nothing in evidence thatshe herself consented to the engagement being broken off. There isevidence that about the time hermother wrote to defendant sayingshe would return the ring to him,plaintiff took the ring off her fingerand gave it to her mother, but it wasnever returned to defendant. Theywent to consult an attorney (Mr.Magoon) about the matter, and tosee what satisfaction could be got forthe plaintiff from the defendant inconsequence of his breach of promise.The ring was left with Mr. Magoonand produced in Court by him. Ifthe mother and daughter ever hadany idea of returning the ring todefendant and releasing him fromhis engagement, they never carriedout the idea or intention ; on thecontrary, they took legal advice, andplaintiff wrote a letter to defendantpositively refusing to accede to hisrequest that the engagement bebroken off and the ring returned.

On this Fiate of facts, we are un-able to see how the jury could findthat there was a release. We aretherefore of the opinion that the ver-dict is not sustained by the evidence,and is contrary to the law and theevidence, and should be set aside,and a new trial ordered : and it is soordered.

J. A. Magoon, for plaintiff : C.Creighton and A. Rosa, for defendant.

Honolulu, March 4, 1S93.

The Illustrated Tourists' GuideThat popular work, "Th Tourists

Gcidk Through ths Hawaiian Islands," is meeting with a steady saleboth at home and abroad. Tourists andothers visiting these islands Bhoold beIn possession of a copy of j t. It is a perfect mine of information relating to tnescenes and attractions to be met withhere. Copies in wrappers can be had atthe publication office, 46 Merchantstreet, and at the News Dealers. Price60 cents.

Owing to a big demand for the" Brief History of the HawaiianRevolution," the Gazette Companyhas printed a second edition. Itcontains everything up to date re-

garding the overthrow of themonarchy, including the raisingof the stars and stripes on theGovernment building. It can behad at this office or at the news-dealers. Send a copy to yourfriends abroad.

Ledgers with patent backs at theGazette office.


"l two A.ill i iZ L


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With Oar Reader.Sorghum or Beet Susrar.Be of Good Cheer.Mr. Disston's Sugar.Tempera; are Record.Report of Committe on ManufactureSugar.Fertilizers adapted to Hawaiian Cane

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Great !

Grape Culture in Florida.Recent Sugar Beet items.

FEBRUARY - - - 1S93.

The 17th of January.Homesteads for Uawaiiacs.Hawaiian Fruits.Shipping Oranges to London.Information Wanted.Consumption of Sugar in the United

States in 1S92.Meteorological Summary for 1S02.Lalas or Branches, as Cane Seed.Automatic Megass Firemen.Sugar Boiling in Vacuo.How Manufacture Affects Cultivation.Sogar Production in America.Sugar Cane Insect3 in New South

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Queensland can afford to give the un-skilled laborer.

Use of Pineapples.

Yearly subscription 2 50Foreign 44 3 00Bound Volumes 3 50

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Years ago, Mrs. Yost built a type- -

writer, the Remington No. 2 and :

Caligraph which were good enoughthen. Bat the family has increased !

by thousand-?- . Other folks have !

hitched on extensions to hold 'em.But it's the same old typewriter, ;

same ribbon, same scale.', samerickety print. We want somethingmodern, and we get it in the New-Yost-

which rises superior to thedifficulties of any ribbon machine.The ribbon blur print, wears foilof holes, clogs type, takes power topull it along, weakens manifoldingand costs $3 or $10 a year. Ourink pad outlasts twenty ribbon.Can te changed in ten second?, andcosts less than $2 a year. And ssto permanent alignment the Yostfa the only machine which accom-

plishes this much desired feat.


Comf)anv.solk agents;


ISTKW GOODSA Fine Assortment

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Matting o all Kinds,

Manila Cigars.

Chinese Fire Crackers, Rocket an JJapanese Provision and soy.

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A ! ( zh'x- - ace baail-mbroi.1er-


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSiik Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Ccpa

and Saucers. A fine lot of

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Also, an assortment of new stries r,f4

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection cf JAPANESE



Ho. S2 Nuuaou Street.

The Hawaiian Newspapers


KUOKOAWith a combined Circulation of

4,800 COPIESFurnish the best medium foradvertising in the Hawaiianlanguage, and are the onlyrecognized leading Journals.

Advertisements andsubscriptions received at theoffice of the

Hawaiian Gazette Co..

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Pork PackiDs: Co.

The above Company is prepaiedto buy


In any quantity at Highest MarketPrice.

sJTis for Koastinz, Dressed or onFoot.

Manufacturers of

Extra Leaf Lard,Guaranteed pcei, and nade under the

inspection of the Board of Health."Post Ofice Box 314 ; Mutual Tel .

66.CTSIaughter Yards and Pens, Iwiiei.

CgyOfSee, 55 Hotel st., near Nituanu.


DURING MY TEMPORARYthe Islands, Charles T.

Wilder has full power of attorney to actfor the firm of Wilder & Co., and also in.any personal matters.

3281-t- f W. C. WILDER.

In Banco.I


Jcly Term, lhrS. I



KiiLiASc(iv) and Lea (w) vs. Lcmai!

(k) axd Kacwe (?:).


, J. J.

(From Circuit Conrt, Fourth Jndi-ci- al

Circnit Dole, J , did cot join inthis decision).

Probate Court has no authority, upon apetition for letters of administration,to order real estate divided among theheirs ot an intestate.

Keihi vs. BLhop 3 IIaw.3-;- , d:tin?ai-hed- .

omnoy of the court fer jcir, c. j.This case is presented on a bill

of exceptions from the Circnit Courtof the Fourth Judicial Circuit. It Uan action of ejectment to recoverland described in Iloyal Patent num-ber 4823, to Naehn, situated at Ka-pai- a,

in Hanamauln, Kauai. Theplaintiffs put in their case tending toshow that they were the great-granddaughte- rs

of the patentee, Naehu.Among the evidence for the defensewas a certified transcript of certainproceedings had in probate beforethe late Circuit Judge McBryde.They were in substance a petition byLnmai that he be appointed adminis-trator of the estate of Naehn, alleg-ing that he died intestate on the 10thNovember, 1849. This petition isdated the 26th November, 1867, andthe Court appointed the 13th Febru-ary, 1868, for the hearing of same,and the usual notice to all personsinterested was published. At thehearing on the day set, the Courttook the testimony of several wit-nesses E3 to the genealogy and des-cendants of Naehu. The propertywas shown to consist soldy of the landin dispute. Nika, the father tf theplaintiffs, wa3 present in court andtestified as to the property, but notestimony appeara to have been givenby him as to the relatives of Naehu.All the other witnesses say thatNaehn died without issue. The recordshow3 that the Court thereupon deci-ded that the property should beequally divided between Kaelehonia,Lnmai, Maria, Kauwe and Mailoloas being the issue of Mu, who was theson of Kanehuehue, a brother of Nae-hn on the one hand, and Paulea achild of Laaa (w.), who wa3 thedaughter of Iaa, another brother ofNaeho, and Laau, child of Waineke,a child of the Laau first mentioned,on the other hand.

The presiding Justice then chargedthe jury a3 follows:

"The defendant at this stage ha3put in the decision of Judge Mc-Bryde in the probate preceedings inthe estate of Naehu, deceased, whichcompels the Court, having admittedthis as proper to be introduced intothe evidence, to instruct you positive-ly with regard to your verdict. Be-cause at that time Lnmai broughtthese proceedings and evidence wa3taken and Nika was present, repre-senting his wife and children then, ifhe had any, and the decision wasgiven &nd not appealed from, pro-ceedings known to Nika and not ap-pealed from. This decision excludesthe theory of direct descendants ofNaehn through Keliikupololei, hissupposed daughter, as claimed by theplaintiffs, excludes that line of des-cent entirely and finds other heirs tothe property, including the defend-ants. And the law is, that a questionof pedigree having been settled by ajudge of probate cannot thereafter be

d; it is settled once for all.Not being appealed from, it is finallysettled, and that excludes all of thetestimony that has been given to youin regard to the descent from Naehnthrough his daughter Keliikupololei.And that being the sole issue, the solefoundation for the claim of the plain-tiffs, it destroys their claim beforethis Court, and so it is my duty to in-

struct you to find a verdict for the de-fendants. The responsibility is onthe Court as a question of law."

We are of opinion that the chargewas erroneous. The proceedings be-fore the Circuit Judge were upon apetition for letters of administrationPassing by the . question as towhether the Probate Court had anthority at all to entertain a petitionfor administration on an estate consisting solely of real estate of anintestate who had died seventeenyears before, when all claims tobe settled by the administrator wouldhave been barred by the statute oflimitations, it is very clear that thejudgment rendered by the CircuitJudge was not responsive to the pe-tition. His judgment was that theintestate's land should be equallydivided between certain personswhom he found to be the heirs. Thiscould not be done on a petition forletters of administration. It was ausurpation of jurisdiction that wascommon enough in the ProbateCourts of fifteen or twenty years ago.Undoubtedly such findings were gen-erally in accord with the real facts,and for that reason have been verygenerally acquiesced in. But neitherby statute nor by precedents doessuch an authority exist If the peti-tion before the Court was for the ap-pointment of an administrator, allthat was coram judiee was either theappointment of one or the refusal toappoint, one. We hold that the Courthad no authority upon the petitionfor letters to order the real estatepartitioned among the heirs.

This case differs radically fromKeahi vs. Bishop, 3 Haw., 356. Therethe administrator had been ap-pointed, had settled the debts andbrought money into Court to be distributed to the heira of the intestate.The Probate Court was held to have'inthority to ascertain who the distributees were, and, having the various claimants before it and hearinthe evidence of their relati on shin- -made a decree as to who were entitledto the fund by virtue of their relationship to the intestate. This decreeadjudicating the descent or pedigree

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-- OF THE- -









The second edition containsin addition to the featuresof the first publication, a fallaccount of the raisingof the stars and stripesover the Government Build-

ing, which makes the history

complete.Send a copy to your friends

abroad on the outgoing mail.

Single Copy 25c

By the Dozen 2.50


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AdvertiserPER MONTH.


B. F. EHLERS & CO.,99 - - - Fort Street.


All Kinds of Curtains in White, Cream & Colored

at half the former cost.

"Velvet and Smyrna Raisesin all sizes, greatly reduced.


In fact we offer immense bargains in all Departments.

Dressmaking under the management of Miss K. Clark

Received by the S. S. BelgicA LABGE INVOICE OF

CHOICE TEASAlso Large Line of Chinese Goods!As M&ttinf , best No. 1 in white and colors ; best camphor, wood and Leather Trnnka ;

white Pongee Silks of the best kind ; all Silk Satins, Silk Crape different kinds inblack, navy and light bine, red and other colors ; Silk Shawls, Pongee Silk Tidies,hand made; Crape Silk Shawls, all sizes, hand made: Siik Capes, embroidered byhand; embroidered and lettered Handkerchiefs, all colors; Siik Sashes Grass Clothfor dresses and Mosquito Nets and grass embroidered white Handkerchiefs,

IPajamas in Silk 3?onee and CottonAn excellent line of Chinese Vases, plain and in colors and toilet Sct3 of the finestkind. We also received a large invoice of choice Chinese Teas; beautiful carvedWood Boxes of different varieties and sizes and sandal wood Fans. We also carrya fall line of TAILORS' GOODS and keep an experienced Catter. Other Goods ofall kind3 at moderate prices.

3271 146l-3- m GOO KIM

Tlie Daily50 CENTS COMPANY. SK4-- q
