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^ .ifiQ'JEST F Form KR EM 1 v .i&j'JEST FDR rJRCORD KETP^rTTO:! SC. JITLE (9-1-^3) To be Submitted to the Records Manager ant Division Hall of liecords Hall of Records Commission Co.Tmiesioii 1* Requesting Agency BABE COingSSIOffHt SCHEDULE NO, / page No» X 2. Division r Bureau of Requesting Agency 3. Authorization Requested (Check only one of th" square? below). B •C ,,.-,- Establish retention sche- ;~ jFicrofilra and destroy dule for records for which [ joriginals* Originals there is a continuing accumu- i? not microfilmed -would lation. The records vd.ll cease b : retained for the poriod to have value to warrant their o: tirao indicated, retention after the poriod of time indicated. " . Dispose of present accumulation. No additional accumulation is anticipated. Records have ceased to have value to warrant reten- tion. h. Item No. £. Description of Records ^escribe records accurately. Include title, :"ori.i num or, pi.rpcse, size of documents, inclusive dates, quantity (cubic or linear fe'jt), and show recommended retention pcrio<. . 6* Recommendation of Hall cf Re- cords and Hoard of Public Works. REP0RT3 OF COUDITIOS Submitted annually to Corsaissioner by institutions regulated by hiiu Filed in four categorical <• A* STATE BAKKS A?1D TRUST COISPAHIES. Fora 6k, # Xtk\ occu- py 26 drawers (£2 linear foot) of uhich 19 drsCTOrs, for tho poriod 2$2Q thru 1?31, are etorod at tha Hall of Recordo# . B* KUTUAL SAVINGS ZBSTITUTIOHS, Fora JlSIj,ti$X U*** 1539 to dat« # occupy k drawer (1 linear foot)» C. CREDIT UNIOHS. So fora Bo«* 1U x 17"* folded for filing, included on this fora are the Oatlts of Directors, 1939 to dato, occupy 1 drswer (2linear foot). B» IHDUSTHIAL FIIATCB COLTAT-IIE3* Fora IKJ, 1U X17*# folded for filinct Oathtf of Directors are Included on this fora, 1Sh$ to date, occupy 1 drosror (2linear foet)« Information reported on the above feras wao, at«a earlier date, reported on the follcwinc forces Fora 10>-7a, Sohodulo A, Stocks and Bonds Ormed by the Institution, 8| x 1^»« Fora 103-7b, Schedule B, Other Real Eotate Ownod, 85 x lit" Fora 103-7c, Schodulo C, Hortgages and JudgBents Owned, ^ x 3li". Fora 103-7d, Schedule D, Doe Fron orTo Rational, State* Private Banks, Bankers and Trust Coapaniee, 6|x Hi% In addition to the above form, the Publisher's Certificate, Fonss 103-Tx, KSI-P or Osp, all 8^ x Hi", saybe included vith tlio roporta* Theoe foras indicate that thefieporthas been p&liohed as required by laar« r ^ .TV- 7» Agency,/Sfivision or bureau Representative *-—— - >- -v, XMV a*<i*C^Tici 7////JZ3 Sijriat jre_ // Title /pate ^chcduie<futhorizcu as Indicated in Col. 6 by H'i-11 of Records Commission Disposal Authorized as Indicated in Col« 6 by Board of Public ftorks.
Page 1: u. - Maryland State Archivesmsa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagsere/se1/se52/000001/se52-0001/pdf/se52-0001.pdfto have value to warrant their o: tirao indicated, retention after the

^ .ifiQ'JEST FForm KR EM 1 v .i&j'JEST FDR rJRCORD KETP rTTO:! SC. JITLE(9-1-^3) To be Submitted to the Records Manager ant Division

Hall of liecords Hall of Records CommissionC o.Tmiesioii •

1* Requesting Agency




page No» X

2. Division r Bureau of Requesting Agency

3. Authorization Requested (Check only one of th" square? below).

B • C ,,.-,-Establish retention sche- ;~ jFicrofilra and destroydule for records for which [ joriginals* Originals

there is a continuing accumu- i ? not microfilmed -wouldlation. The records vd.ll cease b : retained for the poriodto have value to warrant their o: tirao indicated,retention after the poriod oftime indicated. " .

Dispose of presentaccumulation. No

additional accumulationis anticipated. Recordshave ceased to havevalue to warrant reten-tion.


£. Description of Records^escribe records accurately. Include title, :"ori.i num or,pi.rpcse, size of documents, inclusive dates, quantity (cubicor linear fe'jt), and show recommended retention pcrio<. .

6* Recommendationof Hall cf Re-cords and Hoardof Public Works.

REP0RT3 OF COUDITIOSSubmitted annually to Corsaissioner by institutions regulatedby hiiu Filed in four categorical <•A* STATE BAKKS A?1D TRUST COISPAHIES. Fora 6k, # X tk\ occu-

py 26 drawers (£2 linear foot) of uhich 19 drsCTOrs, fortho poriod 2$2Q thru 1?31, are etorod at tha Hall ofRecordo# .

B* KUTUAL SAVINGS ZBSTITUTIOHS, Fora JlSIj, ti$ X U*** 1539 todat«# occupy k drawer (1 linear foot)»

C. CREDIT UNIOHS. So fora Bo«* 1U x 17"* folded for filing,included on this fora are the Oatlts of Directors, 1939 todato, occupy 1 drswer (2 linear foot).

B» IHDUSTHIAL FIIATCB COLTAT-IIE3* Fora IKJ, 1U X 17*# foldedfor filinct Oathtf of Directors are Included on this fora,1Sh$ to date, occupy 1 drosror (2 linear foet)«

Information reported on the above feras wao, at «a earlierdate, reported on the follcwinc forces

Fora 10>-7a, Sohodulo A, Stocks and Bonds Ormed by theInstitution, 8| x 1^»«Fora 103-7b, Schedule B, Other Real Eotate Ownod, 85 x lit"Fora 103-7c, Schodulo C, Hortgages and JudgBents Owned,^ x 3li".Fora 103-7d, Schedule D, Doe Fron or To Rational, State*Private Banks, Bankers and Trust Coapaniee, 6| x H i %

In addition to the above form, the Publisher's Certificate,Fonss 103-Tx, KSI-P or Osp, all 8^ x Hi", say be includedvith tlio roporta* Theoe foras indicate that the fieport hasbeen p&liohed as required by laar«

r^ .TV-

7» Agency,/Sfivision or bureau Representative

*-—— - >- - v , X M V a*<i* C^Tici 7////JZ3Sijriat jre_ / / Title /pate

^chcduie<futhorizcu as Indicated inCol. 6 by H'i-11 of Records Commission

Disposal Authorized as Indicated inCol« 6 by Board of Public ftorks.

Page 2: u. - Maryland State Archivesmsa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagsere/se1/se52/000001/se52-0001/pdf/se52-0001.pdfto have value to warrant their o: tirao indicated, retention after the

Form HR-RM la(9-1-53)

Hall of RecordsCommission


(Continuation Sheet)


Page No. 2


5. Description of RecordsDescribe records accurately. Include title, form number,purpose, size of documents, inclusive dates, quantity (cubicor linear feet), and show recommended retention period.

6; Recommendationof Hall of Re-cords and Boardof Public Works.


Tho Eeporta of Condition are checked by the "DopartnBontalEsaninera afc the time of the next periodical exaninaticn ofthe reporting institution *B records* All of tbo accumulationsmentioned above are located at tho Coer&ssion office* 307 No*Bats* Street, Baltimore, with the exception of tho 19 drsrorastored at the Boll of Kecordo*HECOKI HnUTlONt Retain for fivo years after receipt and thendestroy*

• • • - . . . . . • " • . - ' • • • • • • - •

3TOCKHOIJ3E&S UST9*Ho fora So## lit * 17*» folded for f i l ing* State Sou-fes andTrust Cos5>anic3 euhcradt these l i s t s annually* givins the aacee 'and holdtocs of a l l stockholders* Tho va l id i ty of tho l i s t ai » chected durii^; the next examination of tho inst i tut ion*Occupy 20 drawera in Cccenission off ice for period 1932 t odate, and 2 drawers for the years 2£26 thru 1931 «re storedat the Hall of Records*RBCO&SNOtfXGSft Retain for 3 yeara after receipt and thendestroy* .

ICRSCT0S3 OATHS*Si x 1U % whan « U officera of aa inst i tut ion are signing theoath^ or 7 x 8 |% when an individual off icer i s signing* Theval id i ty of tha oath i e cbecked a t the tirso of the next exacd-natioo* Occvjpy h draoers in Ccessission off ice for the years1236 to date and 6 | cable f ee t for l$Z$ thru 1?3S at the Kailof Records*RBC(MS2!£&TICiSi Retain for 3 years after receipt and thendestroy*

REPORTS 0? EfcSKIKGS ASD DXVIDSHDS.Fora 73* Ss x Hi** subsitted artmwlly by State 6ankaf TrustConpaniea and l&itual Savinc» Banke, -used by the oxanincr3 &a?-~ing their examinations, occupy 2 drawora in the Cccnissionoff ice for period JS26 t o date*RECOlifENDATICiSt Retain 10 years after receipt and then destroy.



ABSTRACTS OF REHCSTS OF COStiVClM*Fora ARC* 1$ x 19"* Infomaticn recorded on Abstracts l a do-ri7J«d froa the Reports of Condition] ruled t o accoaodata e n -t r i e s for three years | used i n prcpapration of consolidatedcharts and s t a t i s t i c a l tabulations for the Ctssrd33ioncr»sAnrmal Report* Occupy 1 draver (2 l inear fee t ) i n Cocxalaaionoffice* 1937 t o date*RJBC015fflSDATICBi Retain for 6 years after receipt end thendestroy*

COBBSSH&IXEMCS "» FHIAMCIAL ZRSTXTUTI03S*Filed in three categories! (1) Stats Banks, Trust Conpaniee*and Bcctual Savings Banks# (2) Credit Unions and (3) Induo-trial Finance Coopaniss* Occupy 57 drawers (UU linear feet),


Page 3: u. - Maryland State Archivesmsa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagsere/se1/se52/000001/se52-0001/pdf/se52-0001.pdfto have value to warrant their o: tirao indicated, retention after the

Form HR-RM la(9-1-53)

Hall of RecordsCommission




Page No. 3


$, Description of RecordsDescribe records accurately. Include title, form number,purpose, size of documents, inclusive dates, quantity (cubicor linear feet), and show recommended retention period.

6. Recommendationof Hall of Re-cords and Boardof Public Works.

% of Thick are la the Conalasioa office for the years 1933to present* The rejoins 21 drasrers for tho period 1913 to2933 iwti «t tk© Hall of Records -ItI£OL!yEsr&TiaNi Retain 5 years after creation or receipt endthan deotrcr*

CORRESPOHBEBCB - GJ^^EHAL A?IO S2SCKHASEMIS*Occupies h2 drawers In the CoRsalssion office for period 1939to dato, oonsisto of corresponoenco vith Fbdoral and Stctea^erasioa, privata orcand«*tions, etc<RSCGl&aJJV.TIOHt Retain for $ years after creation or receiptand then destroy*

^ e * ,

Clvrr^.-,— \>^o
