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Saturday, Nov. 11, 1916. THS TACOMA TIMES. Ol SEVEN \u25a0- \u25a0—MB IF YOU WANT TO REACH TIMES READERS USE A WANT AD MWMEJUMMWNi TIMES WANT ADS CLABBTFIED ADVERTISINO R VTES I t*«*nt n tToril carli Insp.-tion—:J Ihur*. for tht« [>rl.e of 2. I month, p"r line | er rao.ith 1.P3 5 months, per line jier tnoTtli .5 6 months, per Una per mouth 90 12 months, per lino per month 75 Swap juls 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in Qtlvnaet No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. PHONE MAIN 12 TDK TIMES IS TAIMIIA'S _____*r» WK FtKCKIV* .I--! 11V ONLY INDEPENDENT O&^X .^JjJ PHUNi;. ()U|< NUMBEK NEWSPAPER It MAIN I. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DLUKCTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE COAI.MON-AEAI._H TITUK TKUST CO.. Tlia Competent. Tel. Main 191- --108 8». 10th st, TACOMA TITL-.~CO. «i.und floor Fidelity Bids. MnH. 21.4 ""^AJ-lIUILANCES AUTOMUDILK ambulance. Only one In city. Main ... CARPET BEATING ft CLEANING Tacoma kuo _*"actoky our method of cleaning carpets wtth compiessed air ana steam makes a perfect Job. Absolutely no wear on carpet, or russ. I<a,ying. refit- ting. lliS O. Main 7784. CARPET CLEANING U. U HOUCK—Carpet b-utlng. re- fitting and laying, feather reno- vating and upholstering. 2812 6th ay. Main 12 5. COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIE3 bKt-'TIC tanks, country water Sup- plies. Coffee Plumbing Co., 101J A st Main BTI. ~ Commercial Truck St Storage Co.— Furniture moved. peeked and stored. Team and auto vans. Flre- froof warehouse. Best corps of ___________ men ,n c,tr' Main MA, HAY, GRAIN, FUEL PETI-K.iON~_i_.Oa, It OS SoT~K~.it. Main 331. INSECTICIDES AND SPRAYS CAHBOLINKUM ami Creo-Sol for chicken lice. Caroo Vegetable •pray water glass. Standard ___**!_____*_\u25a0 Co* Maln •48*- JUNK DEALERS ~~"~ FOR SALK—6 horses, very cheap! Wai Ila & Sons, 1328 Commerce St. Tel. Main M&9. MOOREKIELD'3 BATHS MOORBi'IELD BATHB FOR Rheumatism, Kidney Diseases La Grippe. Open day and night 702j Pacific ay, Main 5284. MONEY TO LOAnT"" M to .<* ON IMPROVED property. Loans for building a specialty. Also make loans payable tn email monthly Installments. I_ R. MANNING & CO. Tel. Main 26. Equitable Bldg. REAL, KSTATK LOANS, term or monthly payments. March-Mo- Candless. Room 200. National Realty Bldg. | 1100,000 on farm or city property. C. 3. Johnson, 801 H Pacific ay. OUR own money to loan. W. N. Doub A Co., Inc., 504 Cal. Bldg Main 1188. I'HIVATB money to loan, $60 to \u2666 1000; no commission. Payments to suit Call 5118 So. Fife. Felix Dubois. 7 PER CENT money, Uoommtsslon. 2511 South 54th, 80. Tacoma, Wn. LOW RATE money; no delay. 1. B. O'Malley. TM Tacoma Bldg. 15000 to loan at 7 and 8 per cent Other money at 6 per cent In- Sulre of J. L. Snapp. 1221 Fidelity ldg. Main 4.»4. LOANS Short or long term, any amount. 418 California Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANR Amounts from |890 up; city or farm; lowest rates. NORTON * CO., 218 Berlin LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgages. Lowest rates, special privileges to bor- rowers—B to 8 years. Money al- ways on hand—no delay. H. J. SCHWINN A CO., Inc. 218-18 Tacoma Bldg. : MULTIGRAPH TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS CHARIOH QUALITY LETTER , SHOP—"Sound Selling Service." 308 Equitable Bldg. Main 1101. '^O^TEOPATHS DR. HUDSON. 225 Provident Bldg. Main J1496. Res. phone. Main 4451. PATENT ATTORNEYS R. I. ELLIOTT7~.2O2T-.atU Realty Bldg. Mech. Kng. Patents. M. 8778. SALARY AND CHATTEL LOAN 9 Money on Credit (OUR business' la that ot supplying "Money on Credit" te honest men and women, employed or having a regular Income, without security and to others on furniture, pianos and atorage receipts. Coast Finance Company 210 Bankers Truat Bldg. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT 9 FIDELITY TRUST CO.'S SAFE PK- POSIT VAULTS. Ground floor. >>yv^ | - vv)V )^ VV^jVVV-MVVV. MAAmX m . BCAVENOBRB AMERICAN GARBAGE CO. Re- moving garbage A refuse of all kinds. 218 Puy. ay M. 148. R 7588 C. O. LYNN O, Funeral Directors. 810 Tacoma ay. Main 7745. BUCKLEY-KINO CO.—Professional Funeral Directors. 780-82 St Helens. Phone Main 411. CASSEI-Y. ALLEN McDONNBLL CO. —Funeral directors. 1110 Ho. llth. Main 8151. 80. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 5423 Union ay. Main 1028. Geo. W. Piper. SALARY LOANB LOAN of |i to 2100 to the salaried worklhgman without security or Indorsement. Standard Credit Co. 408 Bankers Trust Bldg. RENT—BASEMENT GOOD basement, rent cheap, fine tor sfbrage or auto bus. Sliver House, 1512 Tacoma ay. mmmmfmmmmfmmfm mmmtmmmmmmmmtmmfmtt SAFETY DgPOBIT BOXES 14.00 per year, tire and burglar proof. Peoples' Safety Deposit Co, 117 So. llth. BerMta 111.1 g. Main Jon. PHYSICIANS L'K. WARICKN HI'.WN Discuses of wemen and an.to-urinary ami skin disrate*' 110] Commerce at. OH. f. 11. .CHI IO XD Kh—«wYn AND aUJUITO-UIUNARY DIS- EASES. FRENCH Bii'l.. ll.'iii PACI^'IC. 11 \IN* 1711. tat. LA UAkA -- Surgeon. X-lUy, diseases of women, „-nlto-m ln- ary. Htalty lildg Dtt. C m, CAM Diseases of Women. 101.1 So. U'th MaUi 63J DR. B. ELIZABETH DRAKETPhys- tclaa and Surgeon. 1010 Fidelity Bliig. Main 231; I'i-oetor Hi, Mad- Ison 117 R-l. DU. i'ETI.USI.N-DANA. 22Q Berlin Bi.iig. (Soandlaavtaa Am. b.nki Office. MalnjH7B; res., Main 87T. DR. FORUM AN, \u25a0UHQJRON Bankers Trust Bldg. DR. YOCUM. Nat. TleTlty Bids. Day, Main 500; night, Proc. 1766. uf n c i i/TTTpiin^itrr^ SEE the ne%v WoodstO.il lyp .vi t tr that speaks for Itself. Both price and quality. 11. D. Baker A Co.. 1007 A at RAZORS SHARPENKD~" WE sharpen safety razor blades. All work guaranteed. Owl Drug Co., 804 Broadway. CITY Window Cleaning Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 463... tm.m^m^.^^^^^t.^^m^m^m,^m\ FURNISHED HOUSE- KEEPINO ROOMS IF you do not find the desired rooms advertised here. Insert an ad under "Wanted—Housekeeping Rooms." For rates see flrat col- umn, this page. ONE suite, I rooms, bath; another furnished housekeeping room. 1001 80. J. Main 7167. FINE hskpg. rms. $2 wk. up. 709% Pao. ay., Eau Claire Apts. IMPERIAL—Fine hskpg^rms., $8 mo. up; walking distance. So. 10th and Yakima. THE CLAYTON, 1814 V. SoT Taooma ay.; new management; all outside rooms; light, phone, laundry- THREE nicely furnished housekeep- ing rooms, private bath, walking distance. 809 So. Yakima MORTON Apt__.4o_H WmMt tftk ot Special low rates on fur. house- keeping suites. Free water, light and linen. Main 2748. BAY VIEW APTS. Special rates to bachelors. 162SV. Tacoma ay. "FOR SALE—__UTOS~ FORD for sale cheap! Call 33 -5 No! 30th st. TEACHER OLOF BULL, 27 years in Tacoma. Studio, Temple of Music, Broad- way. POPULAR MUSIC GET i.in- prices nn ih<- rebuilt heat* ere, just us good as new. for lit- tle money. Tac. Ay, Km*. E\- change. Main HIT. \u25a0». _ I MtlV Ni have them. i..t n.\ i_..m. ,*m Uf \u0084|,| lv ti.em east for you, Northland fish Co. Main 131 AUTOMATIC lift rotary Whits coaT plete with Rttarl'.m. ins, $12. 831 Tar..ma ay. WILL BUY And pay cask fur veal, hogs, ;>onl- try. Kult.ii Warket, 1500 Jeffer- son. Main tMt, Kf\j, WATCHES .1. a... .i or main "-"JC springs. 50c, guaranteed, 1111 Pacific ay. WANTED— flogs, cattle. v*«l. hides, poultry. Will call for same. Pay highest market price. Taeoma Meat To Main 2100; after bus- iness hours Main 8381. c.-iSll PAID FOR UJ-I.D rUHMIT- URH AND OTHER MERCHAN- DISE. WM. FITZ-HI.NUY 102 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MAI IA rr a"?-Ins urea "ToT-Fidelity Bldg. Main 1737. F'IA.NU expert, tuning ani repair- ing. T, T. Itlchmoiid, 3022 So. 12th. Phone Main 2424. wn win liive you permanent, pay- ing employment organising lodges. The Owls, South lletid, Ind. PARTNER wanted in garage busi- ness. K-3, Times, CIVIL Service Examinations open the way to pood government po- sitions. I ran coach you by mail at .-in..ii cost. Full particulars free to any American citizen of IS or over. Write today for •booklet, 0E709. Earl Hopkins, Washington, i>. C. ~^FARMIT^rNTI^^ WANTED Information regardtng good farm for sale. Northwestern Business Agency, Minneapolis, Minn. ACKM'S HOW MEN AND WOMEN CAN MAKE HONEY. Sell Ynnoco Complexion Brushes, Mirrors anil other French Ivory Toilet Acces- sories. Appropriate for Christ- mas gifts. Write for particulars. Tatini'O Ivory Co., Leominster, Mass. WOULD 11(0 MONTHLY an General Agent for $150,000 corporation and a Kurd auto of your own, in- troducing Stock and Poultry Remedies, Dips. Disinfectants, in- terest you? Then address Royol- eum Cooperative Mfg. Co., Dopt. A-202, Monticcllo, Ind. AGENTS make from $50 to $75 weekly selling our genuine Sheepskin coats and vests. Won- derful opportunity. Ask for free outfit and particulars. Siberia Sheepskin Coat Co., 173 E. Broad- way, New York, Desk 44. AGENTS WANTED —New discov- ery Just out. immense profits. No canvassing; everybody sure cus- tomer; don't delay. Write G. Booster, 110 West 34. New York. __DENTIBTB New OB Method HJjJjC DENTIST DR. ELMER M. JOHNSON 604 Warburton Bldg. Cor. llth and Broadway. Main 11»» \u25a0\u25a0'^^\u25a0^\u25a0'^'^-'.^\u25a0^'.^^^^'\u25a0^^NP'^^^^SJV^trf^^^^^SJ^^S^Ni^^rf'*^^^ FLESH REDUCTION GROW THIN NATURALLY. A Modern Method. No Drugs, Fast- ing, Massage or enervating exer- cises. PERMANENT REDUC- TION CERTAIN, also correction of many ills Incident to excess flesh. Class or Private. Founder of the System here now. Information Free. Call or Write. Natural Sys- tem, 427 Provident Bldg. masqlTkrade costumes SWITCHES, waves, wlga, hair goods. Thorsen's, 818 H Broadway. Main 6765. \u25a0ani-i-M-n*-! -i*"!' *11 \u25a0* "'*l AM __,___._\u25a0-\u25a0! MINING FOR mining business or mining in- formation, enquire A. M. P. Co., _._ i \u25a0 i ...... I.i i.. -1........ FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALK Msmmatk BroaSa tut keys, ! Irch the wall .Huner, I'.n ki md. Sl*. i\ i*:s 1, !j,i,-,| mi.l rebuilt" M R, v\\ in, ISH Br ladway. Mam 88 11, -' 1 -.1 KU' I'A . 1 liinilli.n 1..'10 vi vvit.ii coal |4k. Trade foi oow 01 heifer. O. nrandt. Vt . M'aah. WILL ;lve lesm sf horses to rtll- i \u25a0: 1 1• t>- for their f. .-.I for tlie v. Inter. Inquire at 1120 M »t. I'm: H .M_ cil liAP Good tram ol work hoses vi will trade for Some tattle; also _t'Ue tut.eieulln tested Durban bull, is mi,.. 01.1 for sale. Inquire at Brook- dale Dairy, 1 Btile west I-Inilnn'. t sta., Saaaaway Una. Bargalni in Heaters 75 he vl*Kits. . ste.'i raacss witK water call, t.i be closed out at 1327 Broadway. M. H. rivln, Muiu 6844, l.liHiiji. iii iv ing iii.ii v. spring wagi.n ninl hun ss cheap. S-41 5... Park. Madison 1884. RAOTIMK and popular mualo taught ln from 10 to 20 lessons. < Call at 14 Temple of Music, . Broadway. Main 1253, Res. Proo- tor 2125. ~ WELL DIGGER I WELL DIGGER. B. T. Birch. Park- land. Wash. *h^^n^^» AMMAAMAMAM "*|*^J*^J>j'V(*>j>xj'»_»>.ru*xji*vr«j^j< HOTELS SHASTA HOTEL—Modern outelde rooms. $2. (2.80 and 83 per week up. 80c Bight up. 1316 Market. HOTEL HIROSHIMAYA, Cor. Mar- ket and 1-th; modern; EOc, 75c, 8L ""swaps . FARM wanted for Tacoma Improv- ed property. Give details ln flrat i letter. K-2. Tlmea. TO EXCIIANGE^One F grade t,e- \u25a0 fever hammerloss shot gun; 30-ln. I full choke barrela; automatic ejectors; first class condition; cost 875. Want one Remington auto-loadlng shotgun, full choke; must be perfect inside and oat. Guy S. Beals, Puyallup, Wash. Phone Red Sl». Togged off^r. and LAND LOGGED-OFF land, cloae to Taoo- ma, 116 an acre and up. E. F. Gregory Co., 2nd Floor National Realty Bldg. IN Southwest Washington to set- tlers only 16 00 per aore and up. Ten years to pay, Interest at «%. WEYEIIHAKUBER TIMHER CO. Tacoma Bldg. Tacoma, Wash. 20-a. tracts 828 acre, nr. So. Prairie. Terma. 818 California Bldg. SITUATION FEMALE WANTI-D—Work by day Of hour. Phone Main 3380. Mra. Lay. BUSINESS CHANCKS A GOOD little grocery for sale. la- volce price. For cash. Call even- ings between 6:80 and 10:00. In- quire 1702 So. E st. BLuYPRINTOrMAJPS^ SURVEYING CITY and county surveys, mspa Nicholson Eng. Co., 506 Fidelity. U_l_ 171 KENT—HOUSES I-ROOM house, newly papered. .lose to cars, garden, woodshed, fruit trees, water. Call at 1888 l-ust I. 202 and _04 No. Tacoma aye. This Is a d.MibV^ house of seven and '\u25a0ii. looms suitable for two families of friends or can be rent- ed together as a rooming house till car line, near Stadium high school. Low rent to proper par- ties. L. R. MANNING & CO. Vel. Main 28. Kijultnble Hid,* BERTLESON RENT- HOUSES 209 Hank of California Bldg. 610 Ho. 30th, Br. and bath. ..lIR.OB 610 So. K. 7-r. and bath $25.00 71- So. Oakes. l-r. and bath ..|IO.OO till So Pine. 6r 7.00 111 K. 27th, l-r. and bath $12.00 H. .1 SCHWINN & CO., INC. Tnc.inn Bldg. Main 14 l-I'IV- Manfula »»»Callternta ivi I/_, 1.d11.11S hi**,. M. 41*1, l.ONil DIttTANCK Moving—Oet Our Wees HJIMAH. MAIM 1859. MA I V '.0n() •'",al Hml \u25a0•onK ill .Mrs OWI 1.1 Distance-Moving. Storage. Nights and Sundays, MAIN 8008 City Moving & Storage Co FIREPROOF storage, sis Tee ay. A UTO DELIVERY CO. TEAM and auto trucks. Local and long distance moving Mala 8401. Night service. >13 Ct.mn._rce j^TilFwashi^ •"ill., family washing. Main 1811 '-"'* Tacoma Wet Wnsh. *i»***^w MAMMMMAOMmwtM BTOCKS AND BONDS SELL $5000 Commercial club and $20001 Ta.oniH Transit bonds. J. E. Mi'l.'arland. 314 Equitable llldg. STOCKS nnd bonds bought. sold and quoted. J. K. Mcl'arland, 314 I.unliable Llldg. PLEASANT furnished room In C. S. home; walking distance; furnace heat. Phone Main 6792. ,' FOR KENT The cleanest flat In Tacoma. Four beautiful rooms with l.uth, gas range, hot and cold water; five minutes' walk from Cnion Depot. Kent $12.. Rio per mo. Mrs. K. H. Nye, 2140 So. E st. nTKLI^EEM ALE "_ WANTED—Persons to color art pictures at home, easy work; no experience; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. WOMEN WANTED—FuII "time 111, spare time lis an hour, selling guaranteed Wear Proof hosiery to wearer. Experience unneces- sary, enormous Christmas busi- ness, (luaranteed Stocking Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. COMPETENT girl to assist with general housework. Phone Proc- tor 2355. REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY—Light spring wagon; must be In good condition. W. S. Sanborn, Summit View, Old line. WANT to buy heating stove that will take in big wood. J-2, Ths Times. WANTED—Furniture and atovss. J. O. I'm ii.-., Main 8839. WANTED—Furniture of all kinds Immediately; pay good prices Lewis Fur. Co., 1004 Tacoma ay. Main 2J21. PERSONAL FITS—I cured my daughter by sim- ple discovery; particulars free. Z. Lepso. 115 Island ay., Milwau- kee, Wis. WEALTHY bachelor physician tT, would marry. P-Box 35. League, Toledo, Ohio. MARRIAGE desired. Widow worth 820,000. Messenger, Box 5.4, I_os Angeles, Cal. LADY, 25, worth 860.055! would marry. Mrs. Kate Warn, Los Angeles, Cal. mmmmmmmmmmmf&tmim VIOLET RAY MISS WICKERSHAM will resume Violet Ray work st 820 So. L Phone Main 781 J. '^^^IONS^FEJMALE 0"" SEWING done at home: prices very reasonable. Madison 1192. sTO^DGiiyvr^ir^ AND OF.FICE HELP COLUMN IF you need such help place an nd under this Heading. If you want a position place an ad here—thla column is devoted to such needs. 15 words 3 times for 30c. MAHAFFAY Insures. 306 Fidelity 40 ACRES—IMPROVED 5-HOOM HOrSK, large barn and all outbuildings, creek, cream and mall route, mm mile to pave- ment, is mii.-s to Taooma; hay, tools, new separator, 8 nillcli coy. s, some young stock; team. PrICS $4000. Some cash, balance easy. LEGAL NOTICES Bast "C" Street. Said Improvement consisted In grading said portion ot sa!4 street to the established grade with a roadway fifty-alx - (88) feet In width, ami laying down on said roadway a pavement of brick on a concrete I.use, with reinforced con- crete and granite curbs, concrete retaining walls and the necessary storm water drainage. Provided that that portion to be done by the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Hallway Company and the Tacoma Hallway * Power Com- pany, under their franchises. Is not Included in this Improvement. Said installment may be paid on or before December llth, 191.. but If not paid on or before said date ml.l* d -t.ic. .'»i, penally and coats will attach. JAMES C DItAI.K. city Treasurer. Nov. 11-18-25, 1916. JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR. IM Tacoma Bid* Main 7818. ISO DOWN, $10 MONTH A beautiful home, 4 large rooms and kitchenette, lights, water and gas: I lots on corner, fenced, fine lawn ami shade trees. woodshed and chicken house. Place is close in, near car line and school. Price 11.r.0. See It. MASON IIHOS. Main 4041. 405 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Easy Terms 11.40(1 (i-iooni boats at 2029 East 34th st,, modern, Karaite, barn, 4 large lot H, 2 lots In bearing fruit trees, excellent soil, fine locality. 21*2 blocks from car line, close to Kust Side Maul. District. Must be sold this week. II AVEI.tiCK C. IKIYLE * CO, 211 California lildg. Main 11, OPPORTUNITY! HEBE IS FOURS Dandy .-room liuiikulow, newly painted Mini lived up In upple- ple order, has electric lights, city water, fireplace, pantry, front and Lack porch, lour good level lots, all fenced, and In cultiva- tion, good tunl.'ii soil. chicken house and lots nf range for chickens. Isn't thai Just what you have been looking for? Price only |SOO, easy terms, |100 cash, balance 6 per cent. E. K. aRKUORY CO. 2nd Floor Nati I'.ealty Illdg. Ask for Salesman 10. LEWIS CO. FARMS Now is the time to buy a farm l.ii in products of all kinds bring a good price, and will for sev- eral years. Lewis county Is the best section for farming, dairy- ing and si.i.ii r;i i> miv wi have the best list of Lewis county farms in the city. Come ln and see us. Tin. prices are right. Here Is a sani|»lc. 50 acres rich clay loam. No rock or gravel. 30 ucres cleared and in cultivation. Balance pasture. House, barn anil outbuilding*. Orchard. Fine creek through the place. On county road, milk and cream routes, 11. X D. und phone line. Close to school. 4V. Rtllss from town. Price |_,300. tf.OO cash. Balance on easy terms. 6%. a Koo.i siock and dairy ranch. ACME UKAI.TV COMPANY 1219H Pacific Avenue. Headquartsr* for Lewis Co, Forms E(i(JS ARE HIGH TWO acres, f.-room house, only 81,300, 3250 cash, handles it. $10 per month. It's easy. Conic see It. 0. N. JOHNS 200 Natl ltunk of Tacoma Hlilg. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby Riven that nt 1 o'clock P. M., Monday. Nov. 13th, 1916, I will sell at public auction at the Central Pound nf the City of Ta- coma. Wash., 1 black and whlto heifer about 2 years old; also 1 black und white spotted Del for, brown down the back, about 2 years old. Same having been duly adver- tised as estrays. W. 11. NELSON. Poundnuistcr. Nov. 10-11, 1910. SEALED PROPOSAL* will be re- ceived by the Commissioner of Public Safi'ty, City Hall, Tuenrua, Washington, between the hours of 9 anil 11 A. M. on the 2nd day of De- cember, 1916: For furnishing the City of Taco- ma with one motor inopellcil, motor driven pumping engine with a ca- pacity of not less than 800 gals, per minute. Each bidder to furnish complete specifications for the proposed ap- paratus which shall be In accord- ance with specifications on file in the office of the Cnniinissloner of Public Safety. Amount/of bond required will be 25 per cent of the contract price. Proposals must be marie on the printeri form fuini.slieil by the Com- missioner of Public Safety and ac- companied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the proposal made payable to the Clerk of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Delivery to be made l<\ O. B. Ta- coma, Wash., at Engine House No. 6 within 90 days after signing of the contract. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. H. PETTIT. Commissioner of Public Safety. Nov. 9-10-11-13-14. 1918. BOND CALL— Notice Is hereby given that the following number- ed Bonds of the following number- ed Local Improvement Districts of the City of Tacoma, are called for payment, and that Interest on same ceases Nov. 11, 1910: Local Improvement District No. 574, Bond 14 only. JAMES C. DRAKE, City Treasurer. Nov. 11, 1916. LOCAL Improvement District ,vt 453. —-Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 4778 of the City of Tacoma. a roll has been placed In my handa for collec- tion of the sth annual Installment of tho assessment levied for im- proving South 261h Street from Pa- cific Avenue to a point 192 feet east of the east line of "A" Street and from East "D" Stre.t to a point 166 i. >-t wrest of the wA«t liin- of SEALED PROPOSALS will be re- ceived at the office of the Com- missioner of Public Works, city Hall, City of Tacoma. between tho hours of 11 M. and I P. M. on the 17th dny of November, 1916, fn«r fur- nishing lal..ii* and material for plaukliiK llth Street from Hroad way to Tacoma Avenue, In Local Improvement District 4035 accord- inn to plans and specifications M file In the office of the Commis- sioner of Public Works. Amount ot bond required will b* the same as contract price. Proposals must •• made on print- ed form furnished by said Commls- . loner snd accompanied by certified check for five per cent, of the amount of proposal, made payable to the order of the, Clerk of th* Commissioner of Public Worke. Work to be commenced within 10 dsys after signing contract. Work to be completed within 60 days after signing contract, but If ."aid work he not completed within 60 days after signing of contract, said contract shall become void us per specifications. The successful bidder shall agree to accept, ot par, In payment of said supplies and work, any end all u( the bonds Issued In pursuance of Ordinance No. 8488 and shall have no claim whatever on account there- of against the City of Tacoma ex- cept solely upon such bonds and solely from the special assessment made and special fund by said Ordl- I nance created. The Commissioner reserves th* right to reject any and all of th* -Ids. CH AS. D, ATKINS, Commissioner ot Public Works Nov. 11-1.1-14-15-10, 1916. .......i. improvement Msirtflt No 255.- Notice la hereby given that In iiursuanc. of ordinance No. 27811 of the City of Tacoma a roll has keen placed In niv hands for Urn collection ot the 10th annual In btalliiKiit of the assessment levteil I for Ihe Impi'ovenient of Commerce Si reel, from the center of Huntli 7th Street to the westerly curb line of Hood Street; South 7th Street, from the westerly curb line of I'a- clflo Av.nue to Commerce Street; Smith 9th. South llth. South liitli, an.l South llth Streets, from the present pavement on Pacific Ave- nue to Ihe present pavement on South "("' Street. Said Improve- ment consists in grading said por- tion of Commerce Street, South 7th, South Bth, South llth, South 13th, and South 15th Streets to the es- I tahlished Kiado with a roadway fifty-six feet in width, and in lay- ing down on said Commej-ce Street, except on Street intersections a permanent pavement of asphalt with brick gutters on a concrete base, and on South 7th, South 9th, South llth, South Llth, and South 16th Streets, a permanent pave- ment of sand stone blocks, with brick gutters on a concrete bast-; the Improvement also consists In constructing concrete ami granite curbs, anil the necessary storm wa- fer drainage. Said Installment may be paid on or before December 12, 1910, but If not paid on or before said date added Interest, penalty and cost, will attach. JAMES C. DRAKE, City Treasurer. Nov. 11-18-25, 1916. LOCAL Improvement District No 819.—Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of Ordinance No. 4780 of the City of Tacoma a roll \u0084a« been placed In my hands for .he collection of the sth annual install- ment of the as"-«sment levied for Improving South 6()th Street from "M" Street to "J" Street. Snl.l Improvement consisted in constructing cement concrete side- walks five (6) feet in width on each side of the street, except that the aprons at "M" Street are con- structed of wood. Said Instol'.ment may be paid on or before December llth, 1916, but If not paid on or tieforo said .late added Interest, penalty and costs will attach. JAMES C. DRAKE. City Treasurer. Nov. 11-18-25, 1916. LOCAL Improvement District Nn 971.—Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 6486 of the City of Tacoma, a roll has been placed in my hands for the collection of the assessment levied for constructing cement concrete sidewalks five (5) feet in width, n the south side of South Bth Street from Prospect Street to the alley between Fife and (lakes Streets. Said assessment may be paid on or before December llth, 1918, but If not paid on or before said date, intereat at the rate of six (6) par cent per annum will attach. JAMES C. DRAKE, City Treasurer. Nov. 11-18-25. 1918. LOCAL Improvement DUtrlot No. 481.—Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 4779 of the City of Tacoma, a roll haa been placed In my handa for the collection of the 6th annual Install- ment of the assessment levied for paving Rosemount Way from North 4th Street to its northerly end, nd the connection between Rose- UNIONS WILL WHOOP 'ER UP All the labor unions In Tacoma in.* going to have oue of the big- gest times ever pulled off In the city next Thursday night In cele- bration of the decisive defeat of all the referendum measures on the ballot. The get-together of organized labor Is going to be pepped up with red hot sitseclies lively dancing and an all-round jollifi- cation. The celebration will begin at 8 p. tn. with speeches by James Bradford of Seattle, candidate for governor on the progressive tick- et; Lucy H. ("aße, secretary of the FOUR MORE INDICTED Before being dismissed lato Friday night, tlie federal grand jury brought In four secret in- dictments, all of them believed to ho against alleged violations of the law against the manufacture Joint legislative committee; VryA Chamberlaiu of Puyallup. whim everybody knows, and Urnest P. Marsh, president of the Washing- ton State Federation of Labor. Hi .iiiri.nl la known to have some fireworks up his sleeve lo start the ball rolling. When the speechmaklng Is fin- ished at 8. the orchestra will tun* up for dancing which will laat until midnight. It's going to bo a big time from ull indications. All union men tn the city, wltk titer wives, sweethearts, and chil- dren are Invited. WOMEN CAN DRIVE 'EM American women are becoming 'motor enthusiasts because of two general facts, according to Stew- art McDonald, vice president ot the Moon Motor Car company. The expanding horizon of til* 80th century woman is one r»a- son, but the wore Important faot Is that better finish, easier con- trol and greater safety of the up- to-date automobile Is making Mis problem of driving far simpler than It ever was before. and sale of booze. Indictments returned Friday were against llddle Marino of Ab- erdeen, one-time pugilist, on a charge of selling llu#or without a license. Tex Vernon, another puglllat. was Indicted on a white slave charge. William t'. Vest, young Tacoma contractor, was indicted on a charge of having forged au 1.8 money order while postmaster of Globe ln September, 19 IS. His bond was fixed at $1,000. The Moon company has retain- ed experts to Improve ths control I syßteni of the car and Increase t'.ifl safety of operation. The 1917 Moon, which Is now on the mar- ket ln Tacoma, embodies all of i lie vory latest Ideas. Any wom- an may operato It and feel per- fect confidence ln her ability to Instantly meet any emergency, Ui* li.iliirs maintain. JUST WONI GIVE IT UP (I ..il.-.I Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 11. -Na- tional Republican Chairman WlU- cox still "stood pat" today on Ms statement of yesterday yielding nothing to the demoorats. "We are Kettin**; a number of charg-ei- and suggestions of frauds," he added. "Tliene have come ln letters and tolagrams, nioßtly anonymously. Wa have followed the plan of turning them over to state chairmen for inves- tigation." LEGAL NOTICES. mount Way to North 2Bth Street. Said Improvement consisted ln grading said streets to the estab- lished grade, with a roadway on Rosemount Way eighteen UN) feet In width, and a roadway on the connection between Rosemount Way and North »6th Street twelve (12) feet In width, and In laying down on said roadways a pavement of axplialt on a concrete base, with concrete curbs and gutters and all necessary storm water draluuge. At the Intersection of Rosemount Way with the lanes an Waukato Heights pavement Is widened to within one (1) foot from property line. Slid in*.i..no., hi may bo pnid on or before December llth, 1816, but If not paid on or before said date, added Interest, penalty auu vosta will attach. JAMES a DRAKE, City Treasurer. Nov. 11-18-», 1916. LOCAL Improvement District No 326. —Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 3166 of the City of Tacoma a roll has been placed In my hands for the collection of the 9th annual Install- ment of the assessment levied for Improving *'A" Street from the North line of South 21st Street to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company's track near the center of Puyallup Avenue; South 22nd Street and South 28rd Street from the present pavement on Pacific Ave- nue to "A" Street. Said Improvement consisted In grading said streets to the estab- lished grade with roadways fifty- six feet In width, and in construct- ing and laying down on said streets a permanent pavement of asphalt with brick gutters on a concrete base; also In constructing granite curbs and the necessary storm wa- ter drainage. Also in extending all sidewalks to the curbs, taking up and relaying the same where nec- essary. Said Improvement also consisted In constructing concrete sidewalks I eight (8) feet in width on both sides of South 22nd Street. Provided that on part of the In- tersection of "A" Street and South 21st Street, the pavement shall con- els of sandstone blocks on a con- crete base. Said installment may be paid on or before December llth, 1918, but If not paid on or before sal.l dint- sdded Interest, penalty and cost wttl attach. JAMES C. DRAKE. Clt> Treasurer BOOST FOR THE PARK In the interest of developing the Itulnler National park, Steph- en T. Mather, assistant secretary of the interior, in charge of na- tional parke, will address Taoo- mans at 1 o'clock Tuesday tn tho Commercial club rooms. Mather is urging a stronger co- operation ln the Northwest, to- wards obtaining greater appro- priations for the Improvement of the park. He wants to make ML. Tacoma easily accessible and g comfortable summer rosort i?r persons of all means. Special Invitation has been Ml* sued for the meeting to the Ro» tary club, Mountaineers, Automo- bile club, city commissioners, county commissioners, Metropoli- tan park board und the school Kvery auto owner ln Tacoma la alno urged to attend. DUKE TAKI.S NKW JOB Schumann- Heink Nov. 15. Tacoma Theater Prions—ea.no, mv-.iMi, 91.50. Si'il (I mail i.rdcrs to Heinle*** K. Newell, care Sherman, clay 4. Co. wJtm\\m^C mWm^' a*W**W*W**r m**i "\u25a01 -8' mM\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 M ' 11111 Ml ,J___l_JlßT -111 Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle Leave Municipal Dock, Taoo- ma, 7.18, 8:90. 11 00 a aa.; 1:08 6:80, 8:00, 7:08. 9:00 p. aa Leave Colmaa Dock. Seattla : 00 8:00, 11:90 a St.; 1:00.8:99. t 00. 7 00. 9:11 p. m. Fastest and Finest Steamers KIbM Round Trip- Ilally. S. fl. JONIBfI, Agest. orflcee Municipal Doa 81 1418 Doings of the Duffs . Jt Must Have Been Ver^Dark When Pansy Let Her Caller In- By Allman {MM Pmm l.ena«_ Wire.) - HAMFAX, N. 8.. Nov. 11,-4 The D-uke of Devonshlro arrived here today and was sworn in M Canada'a governor general.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1916. THS TACOMA TIMES. Ol SEVEN\u25a0- \u25a0—MB



I t*«*nt n tToril carli Insp.-tion—:J Ihur*. for tht« [>rl.e of 2.I month, p"r line | er rao.ith 1.P35 months, per line jier tnoTtli .56 months, per Una per mouth 9012 months, per lino per month 75

Swap juls 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in QtlvnaetNo Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents.





COAI.MON-AEAI._H TITUK TKUSTCO.. Tlia Competent. Tel. Main 191---108 8». 10th st,

TACOMA TITL-.~CO. —«i.und floorFidelity Bids. MnH. 21.4

""^AJ-lIUILANCESAUTOMUDILK ambulance. Only one

In city. Main ...CARPET BEATING ft CLEANINGTacoma kuo _*"actoky — our

method of cleaning carpets wtthcompiessed air ana steam makesa perfect Job. Absolutely no wearon carpet, or russ. I<a,ying. refit-ting. lliS O. Main 7784.

CARPET CLEANINGU. U HOUCK—Carpet b-utlng. re-

fitting and laying, feather reno-vating and upholstering. 2812 6thay. Main 12 5.

COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIE3bKt-'TIC tanks, country water Sup-

plies. Coffee Plumbing Co., 101JA st Main BTI. ~

Commercial Truck St Storage Co.—Furniture moved. peeked andstored. Team and auto vans. Flre-froof warehouse. Best corps of___________ men ,n c,tr' Main MA,


Main 331.


chicken lice. Caroo Vegetable•pray water glass. Standard

___**!_____*_\u25a0 Co* Maln •48*-


FOR SALK—6 horses, very cheap!Wai Ila & Sons, 1328 Commerce St.Tel. Main M&9.


MOORBi'IELD BATHBFOR Rheumatism, Kidney Diseases

La Grippe. Open day and night702j Pacific ay, Main 5284.

MONEY TO LOAnT""M to .<*

ON IMPROVED property. Loansfor building a specialty. Alsomake loans payable tn emailmonthly Installments.

I_ R. MANNING & CO.Tel. Main 26. Equitable Bldg.REAL, KSTATK LOANS, term or

monthly payments. March-Mo-Candless. Room 200. NationalRealty Bldg.


1100,000 on farm or city property.C. 3. Johnson, 801 H Pacific ay.

OUR own money to loan. W. N.Doub A Co., Inc., 504 Cal. BldgMain 1188.

I'HIVATBmoney to loan, $60 to\u2666 1000; no commission. Paymentsto suit Call 5118 So. Fife. FelixDubois.

7 PER CENT money, Uoommtsslon.2511 South 54th, 80. Tacoma, Wn.

LOW RATE money; no delay. 1.B. O'Malley. TM Tacoma Bldg.

15000 to loan at 7 and 8 per centOther money at 6 per cent In-

Sulre of J. L. Snapp. 1221 Fidelityldg. Main 4.»4.

LOANS — Short or long term, anyamount. 418 California Bldg.

MORTGAGE LOANR Amounts from|890 up; city or farm; lowestrates. NORTON *CO., 218 Berlin

LOANS for home building or topay off old mortgages. Lowestrates, special privileges to bor-rowers—B to 8 years. Money al-ways on hand—no delay.

H. J. SCHWINN A CO., Inc.218-18 Tacoma Bldg.



SHOP—"Sound Selling Service."308 Equitable Bldg. Main 1101.

'^O^TEOPATHSDR. HUDSON. 225 Provident Bldg.

Main J1496. Res. phone. Main 4451.


Bldg. Mech. Kng. Patents. M. 8778.


Money on Credit(OUR business' la that ot supplying

"Money on Credit" te honest menand women, employed or having aregular Income, without securityand to others on furniture, pianosand atorage receipts.

Coast Finance Company210 Bankers Truat Bldg.



moving garbage A refuse of allkinds. 218 Puy. ay M. 148. R 7588

C. O. LYNN O, Funeral Directors.810 Tacoma ay. Main 7745.

BUCKLEY-KINO CO.—ProfessionalFuneral Directors. 780-82 StHelens. Phone Main 411.

CASSEI-Y. ALLEN — McDONNBLLCO. —Funeral directors. 1110 Ho.llth. Main 8151.

80. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS.5423 Union ay. Main 1028. Geo.W. Piper.

SALARY LOANBLOAN of |i to 2100 to the salaried

worklhgman without security orIndorsement. Standard Credit Co.408 Bankers Trust Bldg.

RENT—BASEMENTGOOD basement, rent cheap, fine

tor sfbrage or auto bus. SliverHouse, 1512 Tacoma ay.

mmmmfmmmmfmmfm mmmtmmmmmmmmtmmfmttSAFETY DgPOBIT BOXES

14.00 per year, tire and burglarproof. Peoples' Safety DepositCo, 117 So. llth. BerMta 111.1 g.Main Jon.


of wemen and an.to-urinary amiskin disrate*' 110] Commerce at.

OH. f. 11. .CHIIO XDKh—«wYnAND aUJUITO-UIUNARY DIS-EASES. FRENCH Bii'l.. ll.'iiiPACI^'IC. 11 \IN* 1711.

tat. LA UAkA -- Surgeon. X-lUy,diseases of women, „-nlto-m ln-ary. Htalty lildg

Dtt. C m, CAMDiseases of Women.

101.1 So. U'th MaUi 63JDR. B. ELIZABETH DRAKETPhys-

tclaa and Surgeon. 1010 FidelityBliig. Main 231; I'i-oetor Hi, Mad-Ison 117 R-l.

DU. i'ETI.USI.N-DANA. 22Q BerlinBi.iig. (Soandlaavtaa Am. b.nkiOffice. MalnjH7B; res., Main 87T.

DR. FORUM AN, \u25a0UHQJRONBankers Trust Bldg.

DR. YOCUM. Nat. TleTlty Bids.Day, Main 500; night, Proc. 1766.ufnc i i/TTTpiin^itrr^

SEE the ne%v WoodstO.il lyp .vi ttr that speaks for Itself. Bothprice and quality. 11. D. Baker ACo.. 1007 A at

RAZORS SHARPENKD~"WE sharpen safety razor blades.

All work guaranteed. Owl DrugCo., 804 Broadway.

CITY Window CleaningCo., vacuum cleaning.Main 463...



IF you do not find the desiredrooms advertised here. Insert anad under "Wanted—HousekeepingRooms." For rates see flrat col-umn, this page.

ONE suite, I rooms, bath; anotherfurnished housekeeping room.1001 80. J. Main 7167.

FINE hskpg. rms. $2 wk. up. 709%Pao. ay., Eau Claire Apts.

IMPERIAL—Fine hskpg^rms., $8mo. up; walking distance. So. 10thand Yakima.

THE CLAYTON, 1814 V. SoT Taoomaay.; new management; all outsiderooms; light, phone, laundry-

THREE nicely furnished housekeep-ing rooms, private bath, walkingdistance. 809 So. Yakima

MORTON Apt__.4o_H WmMt tftk otSpecial low rates on fur. house-keeping suites. Free water, lightand linen. Main 2748.

BAY VIEW APTS. Special rates tobachelors. 162SV. Tacoma ay.


FORD for sale cheap! Call 33 -5 No!30th st.

TEACHEROLOF BULL, 27 years in Tacoma.

Studio, Temple of Music, Broad-way.


GET i.in- prices nn ih<- rebuilt heat*ere, just us good as new. for lit-tle money. Tac. Ay, Km*. E\-change. Main HIT.

\u25a0». _ I MtlV Ni have them. i..tn.\ i_..m. ,*m Uf \u0084|,| lv ti.em eastfor you, Northland fish Co. Main 131AUTOMATIC lift rotary Whits coaT

plete with Rttarl'.m. ins, $12. 831Tar..ma ay.

WILL BUYAnd pay cask fur veal, hogs, ;>onl-

try. Kult.ii Warket, 1500 Jeffer-son. Main tMt,

Kf\j, WATCHES .1. a... .i or main"-"JC springs. 50c, guaranteed, 1111

Pacific ay.

WANTED— flogs, cattle. v*«l. hides,poultry. Will call for same. Payhighest market price. TaeomaMeat To Main 2100; after bus-iness hours Main 8381.



MAIIArra"?-Ins urea "ToT-FidelityBldg. Main 1737.

F'IA.NU expert, tuning ani repair-ing. T, T. Itlchmoiid, 3022 So.12th. Phone Main 2424.

wn win liive you permanent, pay-ing employment organisinglodges. The Owls, South lletid,Ind.

PARTNER wanted in garage busi-ness. K-3, Times,

CIVIL Service Examinations openthe way to pood government po-sitions. I ran coach you by mailat .-in..ii cost. Full particularsfree to any American citizen ofIS or over. Write today for

•booklet, 0E709. Earl Hopkins,Washington, i>. C.

~^FARMIT^rNTI^^WANTED — Information regardtng

good farm for sale. NorthwesternBusiness Agency, Minneapolis,Minn.


HOW MEN AND WOMEN CANMAKE HONEY. Sell YnnocoComplexion Brushes, Mirrors anilother French Ivory Toilet Acces-sories. Appropriate for Christ-mas gifts. Write for particulars.Tatini'O Ivory Co., Leominster,Mass.

WOULD 11(0 MONTHLY an GeneralAgent for $150,000 corporationand a Kurd auto of your own, in-troducing Stock and PoultryRemedies, Dips. Disinfectants, in-terest you? Then address Royol-eum Cooperative Mfg. Co., Dopt.A-202, Monticcllo, Ind.

AGENTS make from $50 to $75weekly selling our genuineSheepskin coats and vests. Won-derful opportunity. Ask for freeoutfit and particulars. SiberiaSheepskin Coat Co., 173 E. Broad-way, New York, Desk 44.

AGENTS WANTED—New discov-ery Just out. immense profits. Nocanvassing; everybody sure cus-tomer; don't delay. Write G.Booster, 110 West 34. New York.



DR. ELMER M. JOHNSON604 Warburton Bldg.

Cor. llth and Broadway. Main 11»»\u25a0\u25a0'^^\u25a0^\u25a0'^'^-'.^\u25a0^'.^^^^'\u25a0^^NP'^^^^SJV^trf^^^^^SJ^^S^Ni^^rf'*^^^


Modern Method. No Drugs, Fast-ing, Massage or enervating exer-cises. PERMANENT REDUC-TION CERTAIN, also correction ofmany ills Incident to excess flesh.Class or Private. Founder of theSystem here now. InformationFree. Call or Write. Natural Sys-tem, 427 Provident Bldg.


SWITCHES, waves, wlga, hair goods.Thorsen's, 818 H Broadway. Main6765.

\u25a0ani-i-M-n*-! -i*"!' *11 \u25a0* "'*lAM • • __,___._\u25a0-\u25a0!

MININGFOR mining business or mining in-

formation, enquire A. M. P. Co.,_._ i \u25a0 i ...... I.i



FOR BALK Msmmatk BroaSa tutkeys, ! Irch the wall .Huner,I'.n ki md.

Sl*. i\ i*:s 1, !j,i,-,| mi.l rebuilt" M R,v\\ in, ISH Br ladway. Mam 88 11,

-' 1 -.1 KU' I'A . 1 liinilli.n 1..'10 vi vvit.iicoal |4k. Trade foi oow 01 heifer.O. nrandt. Vt . • M'aah.

WILL ;lve lesm sf horses to rtll-i \u25a0: 11• t>- for their f. .-.I for tlie

v. Inter. Inquire at 1120 M »t.I'm: H .M_ cil liAP Good tram ol

work hoses vi will trade forSome tattle; also _t'Ue tut.eieullntested Durban bull, is mi,..

01.1 for sale. Inquire at Brook-dale Dairy, 1 Btile west I-Inilnn'. tsta., Saaaaway Una.

Bargalni in Heaters75 he vl*Kits. . ste.'i raacss witK

water call, t.i be closed out at1327 Broadway. M. H. rivln, Muiu6844,

l.liHiiji. iii iv ing iii.iiv. springwagi.n ninl hun ss cheap. S-415... Park. Madison 1884.

RAOTIMK and popular mualotaught ln from 10 to 20 lessons. <Call at 14 Temple of Music, .Broadway. Main 1253, Res. Proo-tor 2125.


WELL DIGGER. B. T. Birch. Park-land. Wash.

*h^^n^^» AMMAAMAMAM• "*|*^J*^J>j'V(*>j>xj'»_»>.ru*xji*vr«j^j<


rooms. $2. (2.80 and 83 per weekup. 80c Bight up. 1316 Market.HOTEL HIROSHIMAYA, Cor. Mar- •ket and 1-th; modern; EOc, 75c, 8L

""swaps .FARM wanted for Tacoma Improv-

ed property. Give details ln flrat iletter. K-2. Tlmea.

TO EXCIIANGE^One F grade t,e- \u25a0

fever hammerloss shot gun; 30-ln. Ifull choke barrela; automaticejectors; first class condition;cost 875. Want one Remingtonauto-loadlng shotgun, full choke;must be perfect inside and oat.Guy S. Beals, Puyallup, Wash.Phone Red Sl».

Togged off^r.andLAND

LOGGED-OFF land, cloae to Taoo-ma, 116 an acre and up. E. F.Gregory Co., 2nd Floor NationalRealty Bldg.

IN Southwest Washington to set-tlers only 16 00 per aore and up.

Ten years to pay, Interest at «%.WEYEIIHAKUBER TIMHER CO.

Tacoma Bldg. Tacoma, Wash.20-a. tracts 828 acre, nr. So. Prairie.

Terma. 818 California Bldg.


Phone Main 3380. Mra. Lay.

BUSINESS CHANCKSA GOOD little grocery for sale. la-

volce price. For cash. Call even-ings between 6:80 and 10:00. In-quire 1702 So. E st.


CITY and county surveys, mspaNicholson Eng. Co., 506 Fidelity.U_l_ 171

KENT—HOUSESI-ROOM house, newly papered.

.lose to cars, garden, woodshed,fruit trees, water. Call at 1888l-ust I.

202 and _04 No. Tacoma aye. ThisIs a d.MibV^ house of seven and'\u25a0ii. looms suitable for twofamilies of friends or can be rent-ed together as a rooming housetill car line, near Stadium highschool. Low rent to proper par-ties.

L. R. MANNING & CO.Vel. Main 28. Kijultnble Hid,*


209 Hank of California Bldg.

610 Ho. 30th, Br. and bath. ..lIR.OB610 So. K. 7-r. and bath $25.0071- So. Oakes. l-r. and bath ..|IO.OOtill So Pine. 6r 7.00111 K. 27th, l-r. and bath $12.00

H. .1 SCHWINN & CO., INC.Tnc.inn Bldg. Main 14

l-I'IV-Manfula »»»Callterntaivi I/_, 1.d11.11S hi**,.M. 41*1,

l.ONil DIttTANCKMoving—Oet Our Wees


MA I V '.0n() •'",al Hml \u25a0•onKill .Mrs OWI 1.1 Distance-Moving.Storage. Nights and Sundays,

MAIN 8008

City Moving & Storage CoFIREPROOF storage, sis Tee ay.

A UTO DELIVERY CO.TEAM and auto trucks. Local and

long distance moving Mala 8401.Night service. >13 Ct.mn._rce

j^TilFwashi^•"ill., family washing. Main 1811'-"'* Tacoma Wet Wnsh.


BTOCKS AND BONDSSELL $5000 Commercial club and

$20001 Ta.oniH Transit bonds. J.E. Mi'l.'arland. 314 Equitable llldg.

STOCKS nnd bonds bought. soldand quoted. J. K. Mcl'arland, 314I.unliable Llldg.

PLEASANT furnished room In C. S.home; walking distance; furnaceheat. Phone Main 6792.


FOR KENT The cleanest flat InTacoma. Four beautiful roomswith l.uth, gas range, hot andcold water; five minutes' walkfrom Cnion Depot. Kent $12..Rioper mo. Mrs. K. H. Nye, 2140 So.E st.

nTKLI^EEMALE "_WANTED—Persons to color art

pictures at home, easy work; noexperience; good pay; samplefree. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison,Chicago.

WOMEN WANTED—FuII "time 111,spare time lis an hour, sellingguaranteed Wear Proof hosieryto wearer. Experience unneces-sary, enormous Christmas busi-ness, (luaranteed Stocking Mills,Norrlstown, Pa.

COMPETENT girl to assist withgeneral housework. Phone Proc-tor 2355.



wagon; must be In good condition.W. S. Sanborn, Summit View, Oldline.

WANT to buy heating stove thatwill take in big wood. J-2, ThsTimes.

WANTED—Furniture and atovss. J.O. I'm ii.-., Main 8839.

WANTED—Furniture of all kindsImmediately; pay good pricesLewis Fur. Co., 1004 Tacoma ay.

Main 2J21.

PERSONALFITS—I cured my daughter by sim-

ple discovery; particulars free.Z. Lepso. 115 Island ay., Milwau-kee, Wis.

WEALTHY bachelor physician tT,would marry. P-Box 35. League,Toledo, Ohio.

MARRIAGE desired. Widow worth820,000. Messenger, Box 5.4, I_osAngeles, Cal.

LADY, 25, worth 860.055! wouldmarry. Mrs. Kate Warn, LosAngeles, Cal.



MISS WICKERSHAM will resumeViolet Ray work st 820 So. L

Phone Main 781 J.


SEWING done at home: prices veryreasonable. Madison 1192.


COLUMNIF you need such help place an nd

under this Heading. Ifyou wanta position place an ad here—thlacolumn is devoted to such needs.15 words 3 times for 30c.

MAHAFFAY Insures. 306 Fidelity

40 ACRES—IMPROVED5-HOOM HOrSK, large barn and

all outbuildings, creek, creamand mall route, mm mile to pave-ment, is mii.-s to Taooma; hay,tools, new separator, 8 nillclicoy. s, some young stock; team.PrICS $4000. Some cash, balanceeasy.


Said Improvement consisted Ingrading said portion ot sa!4 streetto the established grade with aroadway fifty-alx- (88) feet Inwidth, ami laying down on saidroadway a pavement of brick on aconcrete I.use, with reinforced con-crete and granite curbs, concreteretaining walls and the necessarystorm water drainage.

Provided that that portion to bedone by the Chicago, Milwaukee &Puget Sound Hallway Company andthe Tacoma Hallway * Power Com-pany, under their franchises. Is notIncluded in this Improvement.

Said installment may be paid onor before December llth, 191.. butIf not paid on or before said dateml.l* d -t.ic. .'»i, penally and coatswill attach.

JAMES C DItAI.K.city Treasurer.

Nov. 11-18-25, 1916.

JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR.IMTacoma Bid* Main 7818.

ISO DOWN, $10 MONTHA beautiful home, 4 large rooms and

kitchenette, lights, water and gas:I lots on corner, fenced, fine lawnami shade trees. woodshed andchicken house. Place is close in,near car line and school. Price11.r.0. See It.

MASON IIHOS.Main 4041. 405 Cham, of Com. Bldg.

Easy Terms11.40(1 (i-iooni boats at 2029 East

34th st,, modern, Karaite, barn, 4large lot H, 2 lots In bearing fruittrees, excellent soil, fine locality.21*2 blocks from car line, closeto Kust Side Maul. District. Mustbe sold this week.IIAVEI.tiCK C. IKIYLE* CO,211 California lildg. Main 11,


Dandy .-room liuiikulow, newlypainted Mini lived up In upple-ple order, has electric lights, citywater, fireplace, pantry, frontand Lack porch, lour good levellots, all fenced, and In cultiva-tion, good tunl.'ii soil. chickenhouse and lots nf range forchickens. Isn't thai Just whatyou have been looking for? Priceonly |SOO, easy terms, |100 cash,balance 6 per cent.

E. K. aRKUORY CO.2nd Floor Nati I'.ealty Illdg.

Ask for Salesman 10.

LEWIS CO. FARMSNow is the time to buy a farm

l.ii in products of all kinds bringa good price, and will for sev-eral years. Lewis county Is thebest section for farming, dairy-ing and si.i.iir;i i> miv wi havethe best list of Lewis countyfarms in the city. Come ln andsee us. Tin. prices are right.Here Is a sani|»lc.

50 acres rich clay loam. No rockor gravel. 30 ucres cleared andin cultivation. Balance pasture.House, barn anil outbuilding*.Orchard. Fine creek through theplace. On county road, milk andcream routes, 11. X D. und phoneline. Close to school. 4V. Rtllssfrom town. Price |_,300. tf.OOcash. Balance on easy terms. 6%.a Koo.i siock and dairy ranch.

ACME UKAI.TV COMPANY1219H Pacific Avenue.

Headquartsr* for Lewis Co, Forms

E(i(JS ARE HIGHTWO acres, f.-room house, only

81,300, 3250 cash, handles it. $10per month. It's easy. Conic seeIt.

0. N. JOHNS200 Natl ltunk of Tacoma Hlilg.

LEGAL NOTICESNOTICE Is hereby Riven that nt 1

o'clock P. M., Monday. Nov. 13th,1916, I will sell at public auction atthe Central Pound nf the City of Ta-coma. Wash., 1 black and whltoheifer about 2 years old; also 1black und white spotted Del for,brown down the back, about 2 yearsold. Same having been duly adver-tised as estrays.

W. 11. NELSON.Poundnuistcr.

Nov. 10-11, 1910.

SEALED PROPOSAL* will be re-ceived by the Commissioner of

Public Safi'ty, City Hall, Tuenrua,Washington, between the hours of9 anil 11 A. M. on the 2nd day of De-cember, 1916:

For furnishing the City of Taco-ma with one motor inopellcil, motordriven pumping engine with a ca-pacity of not less than 800 gals, perminute.

Each bidder to furnish completespecifications for the proposed ap-paratus which shall be In accord-ance with specifications on file inthe office of the Cnniinissloner ofPublic Safety.

Amount/of bond required will be25 per cent of the contract price.

Proposals must be marie on theprinteri form fuini.slieil by the Com-missioner of Public Safety and ac-companied by a certified check for5% of the amount of the proposalmade payable to the Clerk of theCommissioner of Public Safety.

Delivery to be made l<\ O. B. Ta-coma, Wash., at Engine House No. 6within 90 days after signing of thecontract.

The Commissioner reserves theright to reject any and all bids.

F. H. PETTIT.Commissioner of Public Safety.Nov. 9-10-11-13-14. 1918.

BOND CALL— Notice Is herebygiven that the following number-

ed Bonds of the following number-ed Local Improvement Districts ofthe City of Tacoma, are called forpayment, and that Interest on sameceases Nov. 11, 1910:

Local Improvement District No.574, Bond 14 only.

JAMES C. DRAKE,City Treasurer.

Nov. 11, 1916.LOCAL Improvement District ,vt

453. —-Notice is hereby given thatIn pursuance of Ordinance No. 4778of the City of Tacoma. a roll hasbeen placed In my handa for collec-tion of the sth annual Installmentof tho assessment levied for im-proving South 261h Street from Pa-cific Avenue to a point 192 feeteast of the east line of "A" Streetand from East "D" Stre.t to a point166 i. >-t wrest of the wA«t liin- of

SEALED PROPOSALS will be re-ceived at the office of the Com-

missioner of Public Works, cityHall, City of Tacoma. between thohours of 11 M. and I P. M. on the17th dny of November, 1916, fn«r fur-nishing lal..ii* and material forplaukliiK llth Street from Hroadway to Tacoma Avenue, In LocalImprovement District 4035 accord-inn to plans and specifications Mfile In the office of the Commis-sioner of Public Works.

Amount ot bond required will b*the same as contract price.

Proposals must •• made on print-ed form furnished by said Commls-. loner snd accompanied by certifiedcheck for five per cent, of theamount of proposal, made payableto the order of the, Clerk of th*Commissioner of Public Worke.

Work to be commenced within10 dsys after signing contract.

Work to be completed within 60days after signing contract, but If."aid work he not completed within60 days after signing of contract,said contract shall become void usper specifications.

The successful bidder shall agreeto accept, ot par, In payment of saidsupplies and work, any end all u(the bonds Issued In pursuance ofOrdinance No. 8488 and shall haveno claim whatever on account there-of against the City of Tacoma ex-cept solely upon such bonds andsolely from the special assessmentmade and special fund by said Ordl-

Inance created.The Commissioner reserves th*

right to reject any and all of th*-Ids.

CHAS. D, ATKINS,Commissioner ot Public WorksNov. 11-1.1-14-15-10, 1916.

.......i. improvement Msirtflt No255.- Notice la hereby given that

In iiursuanc. of ordinance No. 27811of the City of Tacoma a roll haskeen placed In niv hands for Urncollection ot the 10th annual In

btalliiKiit of the assessment levteilI for Ihe Impi'ovenient of CommerceSi reel, from the center of Huntli7th Street to the westerly curb lineof Hood Street; South 7th Street,from the westerly curb line of I'a-clflo Av.nue to Commerce Street;Smith 9th. South llth. South liitli,an.l South llth Streets, from thepresent pavement on Pacific Ave-nue to Ihe present pavement onSouth "("' Street. Said Improve-ment consists in grading said por-tion of Commerce Street, South 7th,South Bth, South llth, South 13th,and South 15th Streets to the es-

I tahlished Kiado with a roadwayfifty-six feet in width, and in lay-ing down on said Commej-ce Street,except on Street intersections apermanent pavement of asphaltwith brick gutters on a concretebase, and on South 7th, South 9th,South llth, South Llth, and South16th Streets, a permanent pave-ment of sand stone blocks, withbrick gutters on a concrete bast-;the Improvement also consists Inconstructing concrete ami granitecurbs, anil the necessary storm wa-fer drainage.

Said Installment may be paid onor before December 12, 1910, butIf not paid on or before said dateadded Interest, penalty and cost,

will attach.JAMES C. DRAKE,

City Treasurer.Nov. 11-18-25, 1916.

LOCAL Improvement District No819.—Notice Is hereby given that

in pursuance of Ordinance No. 4780of the City of Tacoma a roll \u0084a«been placed In my hands for .hecollection of the sth annual install-ment of the as"-«sment levied forImproving South 6()th Street from"M" Street to "J" Street.

Snl.l Improvement consisted inconstructing cement concrete side-walks five (6) feet in width oneach side of the street, except thatthe aprons at "M" Street are con-structed of wood.

Said Instol'.ment may be paid onor before December llth, 1916, butIf not paid on or tieforo said .lateadded Interest, penalty and costswill attach.

JAMES C. DRAKE.City Treasurer.

Nov. 11-18-25, 1916.LOCAL Improvement District Nn

971.—Notice Is hereby given thatIn pursuance of Ordinance No. 6486of the City of Tacoma, a roll hasbeen placed in my hands for thecollection of the assessment leviedfor constructing cement concretesidewalks five (5) feet in width,

• n the south side of South BthStreet from Prospect Street to thealley between Fife and (lakesStreets.

Said assessment may be paid onor before December llth, 1918, butIf not paid on or before said date,intereat at the rate of six (6) parcent per annum will attach.

JAMES C. DRAKE,City Treasurer.

Nov. 11-18-25. 1918.LOCAL Improvement DUtrlot No.

481.—Notice is hereby given thatIn pursuance of Ordinance No. 4779of the City of Tacoma, a roll haabeen placed In my handa for thecollection of the 6th annual Install-ment of the assessment levied forpaving Rosemount Way from North4th Street to its northerly end,nd the connection between Rose-


All the labor unions In Tacomain.* going to have oue of the big-gest times ever pulled off In thecity next Thursday night In cele-bration of the decisive defeat ofall the referendum measures onthe ballot.

The get-together of organizedlabor Is going to be pepped upwith red hot sitseclies livelydancing and an all-round jollifi-cation.

The celebration will begin at 8p. tn. with speeches by JamesBradford of Seattle, candidate forgovernor on the progressive tick-et; Lucy H. ("aße, secretary of the


Before being dismissed latoFriday night, tlie federal grandjury brought In four secret in-dictments, all of them believed toho against alleged violations ofthe law against the manufacture

Joint legislative committee; VryAChamberlaiu of Puyallup. whimeverybody knows, and Urnest P.Marsh, president of the Washing-ton State Federation of Labor.

Hi .iiiri.nl la known to havesome fireworks up his sleeve lostart the ball rolling.

When the speechmaklng Is fin-ished at 8. the orchestra will tun*up for dancing which will laatuntil midnight.

It's going to bo a big time fromull indications.

All union men tn the city, wltktiter wives, sweethearts, and chil-dren are Invited.

WOMEN CANDRIVE 'EMAmerican women are becoming

'motor enthusiasts because of twogeneral facts, according to Stew-art McDonald, vice president otthe Moon Motor Car company.

The expanding horizon of til*80th century woman is one r»a-son, but the wore Important faotIs that better finish, easier con-trol and greater safety of the up-to-date automobile Is making Misproblem of driving far simplerthan It ever was before.

and sale of booze.Indictments returned Friday

were against llddle Marino of Ab-erdeen, one-time pugilist, on acharge of selling llu#or without alicense.

Tex Vernon, another puglllat.was Indicted on a white slavecharge.

William t'. Vest, young Tacomacontractor, was indicted on acharge of having forged au 1.8money order while postmaster ofGlobe ln September, 19 IS. Hisbond was fixed at $1,000.

The Moon company has retain-ed experts to Improve ths controlIsyßteni of the car and Increase t'.iflsafety of operation. The 1917Moon, which Is now on the mar-ket ln Tacoma, embodies all ofi lie vory latest Ideas. Any wom-an may operato It and feel per-fect confidence ln her ability toInstantly meet any emergency, Ui*li.iliirs maintain.


(I ..il.-.I Press Leased Wire.)NEW YORK, Nov. 11. -Na-

tional Republican Chairman WlU-cox still "stood pat" today on Msstatement of yesterday yieldingnothing to the demoorats.

"We are Kettin**; a number ofcharg-ei- and suggestions offrauds," he added. "Tliene havecome ln letters and tolagrams,nioßtly anonymously. Wa havefollowed the plan of turning themover to state chairmen for inves-tigation."

LEGAL NOTICES.mount Way to North 2Bth Street.

Said Improvement consisted lngrading said streets to the estab-lished grade, with a roadway onRosemount Way eighteen UN) feetIn width, and a roadway on theconnection between RosemountWay and North »6th Street twelve(12) feet In width, and In layingdown on said roadways a pavementof axplialt on a concrete base, withconcrete curbs and gutters and allnecessary storm water draluuge. Atthe Intersection of Rosemount Waywith the lanes an Waukato Heightspavement Is widened to within one(1) foot from property line.

Slid in*.i..no., hi may bo pnid onor before December llth, 1816, butIf not paid on or before said date,added Interest, penalty auu vostawill attach.

JAMES a DRAKE,City Treasurer.

Nov. 11-18-», 1916.LOCAL Improvement District No

326. —Notice Is hereby given thatIn pursuance of Ordinance No. 3166of the City of Tacoma a roll hasbeen placed In my hands for thecollection of the 9th annual Install-ment of the assessment levied forImproving *'A" Street from theNorth line of South 21st Street tothe Tacoma Railway and PowerCompany's track near the center ofPuyallup Avenue; South 22nd Streetand South 28rd Street from thepresent pavement on Pacific Ave-nue to "A" Street.

Said Improvement consisted Ingrading said streets to the estab-lished grade with roadways fifty-six feet In width, and in construct-ing and laying down on said streetsa permanent pavement of asphaltwith brick gutters on a concretebase; also In constructing granitecurbs and the necessary storm wa-ter drainage. Also in extending allsidewalks to the curbs, taking upand relaying the same where nec-essary.

Said Improvement also consistedIn constructing concrete sidewalks Ieight (8) feet in width on bothsides of South 22nd Street.

Provided that on part of the In-tersection of "A" Street and South21st Street, the pavement shall con-els of sandstone blocks on a con-crete base.

Said installment may be paid onor before December llth, 1918, butIf not paid on or before sal.l dint-sdded Interest, penalty and costwttl attach.

JAMES C. DRAKE.Clt> Treasurer


In the interest of developingthe Itulnler National park, Steph-en T. Mather, assistant secretaryof the interior, in charge of na-tional parke, will address Taoo-mans at 1 o'clock Tuesday tn thoCommercial club rooms.

Mather is urging a stronger co-operation ln the Northwest, to-wards obtaining greater appro-priations for the Improvement ofthe park. He wants to make ML.Tacoma easily accessible and gcomfortable summer rosort i?rpersons of all means.

Special Invitation has been Ml*sued for the meeting to the Ro»tary club, Mountaineers, Automo-bile club, city commissioners,county commissioners, Metropoli-tan park board und the school

Kvery auto owner ln Tacoma laalno urged to attend.



Nov. 15. Tacoma TheaterPrions—ea.no, mv-.iMi, 91.50.Si'il(I mail i.rdcrs to Heinle*** K.

Newell, care Sherman, clay 4. Co.

wJtm\\m^C mWm^'a*W**W*W**rm**i"\u25a01 -8' mM\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 M ' 11111 Ml,J___l_JlßT -111

Steamers Tacoma andIndianapolis for Seattle

Leave Municipal Dock, Taoo-ma, 7.18, 8:90. 11 00 a aa.; 1:086:80, 8:00, 7:08. 9:00 p. aa

Leave Colmaa Dock. Seattla: 00 8:00, 11:90 a St.; 1:00.8:99.t 00. 7 00. 9:11 p. m.

Fastest and Finest SteamersKIbM Round Trip- Ilally.

S. fl. JONIBfI, Agest.orflcee Municipal Doa 81 1418

Doings of the Duffs . Jt Must Have Been Ver^Dark When Pansy Let Her Caller In- By Allman

{MM Pmm l.ena«_ Wire.) -HAMFAX, N. 8.. Nov. 11,-4The D-uke of Devonshlro arrivedhere today and was sworn in MCanada'a governor general.
