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UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)

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  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)


    Electronic Newsletter forElectronic Newsletter for

    Faculty Instructional DevelopmentFaculty Instructional Development|Med/Ed eNew

    Faculty please vol-

    unteer to parci-

    pate in the Class of

    2017 White Coat ceremony

    August 9, 2013!

    College of Medicine Faculty -

    RSVP Today!

    Each year, approximately 115

    outstanding students have

    the honor of joining one of

    the most presgious and lead-

    ng medical instuons in the

    country when they are for-

    mally welcomed as the Uni-

    versity of Arizonas newest

    class of medical students at

    the annual White Coat Cere-


    The University of Arizona Col-

    ege of Medicine Tucson is

    counng on its faculty to

    aend and help formally wel-

    come our new students dur-

    ng the White Coat Ceremony

    to be held August 9 at 5 p.m.

    at Centennial Hall.

    These students will become a

    part of the legacy of thou-sands of alumni whose contri-

    buons to medical science

    have resulted in advances

    that have expanded the

    boundaries of knowledge,

    alleviated untold suering

    and saved the lives of count-

    ess individuals. Read more


    In the past year, clinical educators andResidency Program Directors Lisa Ston-eking, MD, and Kris Grall, MD (Emergency

    Department), and classroom educator, Rich-

    ard Friedman, PhD (Immunobiology), ex-

    plored how to integrate an audience re-

    sponse system into teaching to make it

    more interacve, engage residents and un-

    dergraduates in more reecve thinking

    during the learning experience, and to track

    aendance or engagement. What they dis-

    covered was that before you can use such

    an app to accomplish any of these objec-

    ves you have to learn how to use the app,

    how to integrate it seamlessly into the con-

    tent of the lesson plan and how to interpret

    the data you receive to make the experience

    producve for students and instructors

    alike. Drs. Stoneking and Grall used Poll Eve-

    rywhere in resident educaon didacc con-

    ferences and Dr. Friedman used it in immun-

    obiology lectures for basic science under-

    graduate students. For resident educaon,

    Poll Everywhere provided an objecve

    method for taking aendance and ensuring

    a higher compleon rate of post-session

    The techno-learning curve: Teaching

    with technology in classrooms and clinical settings

    evaluaons (Stoneking & Grall). Dr. Friedman

    realized that an audience response system helped

    him to monitor learning in real me, that is,

    whether students understood the content of the

    lecture, and enabled him to be more responsive

    and interacve with students.

    These experiences reinforced the noon

    that technology can make our lives easier.

    At the same me, however, each instructor expe-

    rienced the challenge of the learning curveas

    we all do when we aempt to incorporate new

    technology into tradional teaching pracces. To

    this iss

    The techno-learning curve

    AMES\OMSE Teaching Scholars

    The techno-learning curve (contd

    Preceptor resources

    White Coat Ceremony

    Upcoming Events


    Jul 20131010

    OMSE FID News Facul ty Instruct ional Develo

    Editor Karen Spear Ellinwood, PhD, JDEditor Karen Spear Ellinwood, PhD, JD

    Connued on page 3

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!
  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)


    About the

    Teaching Scholars Program


    he AMES\OMSE

    Teaching Schol-

    ars program is

    designed to assist clinical and

    science faculty in developing

    or enhancing their teaching

    and assessment skills, mentor

    education research projects

    aimed at improving teaching or

    assessing practices at the UA

    COM, and promoting the com-

    pletion of participants educa-

    tion portfolios in preparation

    for promotion and tenure. In

    its first year, the Teaching

    Scholars program had 6 facul-

    ty participants: 4 clinicians

    from Emergency Medicine, 1

    from Pediatrics and a scientist

    Special thanks

    o the


    ies faculty for theirarticipation in 2012


    iomedical Communicaons

    Mike Grith, MS

    ohn Hall, PhD

    hemistry & Biochemistry

    Marc Tischler, PhD*

    ell Biology and Anatomyack Nolte, PhD*

    ellular & Molecular Medicine

    erman Gordon, PhD*

    aul St. John, PhD*

    ollege of Educaon

    uis C. Moll, PhD

    amily & Community Medicine

    aul Gordon, MD*

    ejal Parikh, MD


    ohn Bloom, MD*

    ulia Jernberg, MD

    upita Marnez, PhD

    evin Moynahan, MD*


    elia OBrien, PhD

    usan Ellis, EdS

    ail Pritchard, PhD

    aren Spear-Ellinwood, PhD, JD


    hris Cunni, MD*

    ean Ellio, MD*

    oe Livingston, MD,


    my Waer, MD*

    AMES faculty members

    in the Biochemistry Depart-

    ment. All 6 engaged in educa-

    tion research and produced

    presentations, and posters and

    are working on manuscripts for

    submission to peer reviewed


    We thank all of our program

    faculty, listed below, which

    included members of AMES,

    theAcademy of Medical Edu-

    cation Scholars, and education

    professionals from OMSE, the

    Office of Medical Student Edu-

    cation, and the College of Edu-

    cation, as well as faculty from

    various departments in the


    Faculty Development

    Events Calendar












    The FID series event will launch

    the 2013-14 academic year with

    Dr. Sean Elliot on How to create

    your educational portfolio

    August 22, 2013. For more infor

    mation about upcoming semi-

    nars, go to please visit our web-

    site! /kse/

    View ScholarsPresentaons

    OMSE F ID N e w s Facul ty Instruct ional DevelopmenFacul ty Instruct ional Developmen

    View Scholars


  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)

    3/6OMSE F ID N e w s Facul ty Instruct ional DevelFacul ty Instruct ional Devel

    be helpful, the learning curve should not outrun the derived benets. In other words, we

    should see some good outcomes for learning or teaching in a reasonable amount of me and

    eort. But too oen the one thing that stands between us and incorporang any new technol-

    ogy is that feared and awful learning curve. So you might ask, how can I tell whether the learn-

    ing curve is worth it? And, how could I reduce that learning curve?

    Is the learning curve worth it? Dr. Friedman presented a poster of his research on this topic at

    the Medical Educaon Research Day on July 10, 2013. Dr. Friedman has been teaching more

    than 25 years. He has given immunobiology lectures to undergraduate and graduate science

    students many mes. In fact, he has delivered lectures on the same material with minimal

    eort to update content to reect current research. Using Poll Everywhere, Dr. Friedman

    found he had to review lectures he had given before through a dierent lens, re-examining

    how he structured the content, whether the examples best demonstrated concepts, and how

    to frame quesons to assess whether students were understanding content and then anci-

    pate how he might respond to students needs for dierent and addional explanaon in real

    me. This sort of eort and me in planning is key to adapt ones teaching to the parcular

    students in a given lecture. Dr. Friedman found that the audience response system allowed

    him to do this and that 80.5% of his students found it helpful in varying degrees to beer un-

    derstand the concepts presented. For Dr. Friedman, then, the extra me and eort in re-

    planning lectures and embedding new acvies were well worth it.

    Drs. Stoneking and Grall found it dicult to incorporate PollEverywhere using anquated PCs

    in didacc conference rooms. Despite dicules, their plot research showed that ARS data

    evidenced an 8.3% decrease in aendance of resident and faculty at 7 am conferences, per-

    haps, indicang that an audience response system might serve to ensure a more accurate and

    objecve head count. Some lessons learned included:

    Bring your own computer

    PollEverywheres mac presenter is easier to use

    Provide faculty who tech content in didacc sessions with technology training in how to

    incorporate content-based quesons to make sessions more

    [Connued from page 1]

    Is there value in us

    an ARS to boost th

    number of post-

    session evaluaon

    Yes! Poll Everywhere data denced a greater than 49% in

    crease in the compleon rate

    session evaluaons by residen

    and nearly 80% increase for fa


    Source: Stoneking, L., K. Grall, A

    & K.C. Spear-Ellinwood (2013). P

    presentaon. Medical Educaon

    search Day.

    Reducing the learning curve

    The UA College of Medicine has

    subscripon service to Poll

    Everywhere. Socrave and Poll

    Everywhere both have FREE

    versions that can be used in

    everyday teaching situaons. Y

    can pracce with the FREE

    versions. Contact Mike Griffith,MEd, Associate Director ofBiomedical Communications,

    to request inclusion in UA COMsubscripon service.

    Figure 1. Source: Friedman, R. (2013). Poster presentaon. Medical Educaon Research Day.

    [Connued on page 4]

    http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/TWTarshttp://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_10/polleverywhere.comhttp://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_10/polleverywhere.comhttp://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_10/polleverywhere.commailto:[email protected]?subject=Interested%20in%20Teaching%20with%20Technology&body=This%20is%20a%20referral%20from%20the%20OMSE%20FID%20website%0A%0Amailto:[email protected]?subject=Interested%20in%20Teaching%20with%20Technology&body=This%20is%20a%20referral%20from%20the%20OMSE%20FID%20website%0A%0Amailto:[email protected]?subject=Interested%20in%20Teaching%20with%20Technology&body=This%20is%20a%20referral%20from%20the%20OMSE%20FID%20website%0A%0Amailto:[email protected]?subject=Interested%20in%20Teaching%20with%20Technology&body=This%20is%20a%20referral%20from%20the%20OMSE%20FID%20website%0A%0Amailto:[email protected]?subject=Interested%20in%20Teaching%20with%20Technology&body=This%20is%20a%20referral%20from%20the%20OMSE%20FID%20website%0A%0Ahttp://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_10/polleverywhere.comhttp://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_10/polleverywhere.comhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/TWTars
  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)

    4/6OMSE F ID N e w s Facul ty Instruct ional DevelFacul ty Instruct ional Devel

    [Connued from page 3]

    There are a variety of resources online for clinicaland classroomeducators, including links to learning modules, a

    guide for engaging students in inquiry learning, Microskills for teaching, and encouraging students to examine for

    cognive error. The 2012-13 AMES\OMSE Faculty Instruconal Development (FID) Series has come to a close, but you

    can access recordings of all 13 seminars onlinesimply Click&Go!- Use your UA NetID to access the videos!

    Find out more about team learning , CBI and other instruconal methods and the recently developed online tools,

    ThinkSpace and GroupShare.

    Check out our Faculty Instruconal Development Calendar online!

    Source: Socrave. Also, view video tutorial.

    interacve and idenfy gaps in knowledge or the

    need for claricaon.

    Drs. Stoneking and Grall will connue their use of

    PollEverywhere because, on the whole, the me and

    eort to learn the applicaon was manageable, they can

    resolve the technical issues their inial research idened,

    and, in just one semester, they have developed facil ity

    with Poll Everywhere, enabling them to assist faculty in

    learning how to integrate the technology in individualsessions .

    Socrave: An audience response app for clinicaleducatorsInquiry learningasking students eecve quesons, can

    promote more meaningful reecon as students learn.

    Clinicaleducators might nd it easier to incorporate ques-

    ons targeng medical-knowledge or to promote discus-

    sion or reecon during rounding, if they had an easy-to-

    learn/use app for their cell phones. Socrave, say a few

    UA COM physicians, might be that app. Socrave is an

    audience response system that is FREE to instructors and

    students. There is a teacher version and a student version.

    To use it with a smart phone, a PC or an iPad, you must

    download the app. Instructors are given a room number

    and students can check in to answer instructor generat-

    ed true/false, short answer, or mulple choice quesons

    created before rounding or on the y.

    One advantage of using Socrave is that it allows for

    students quiet reecon at the bedside before gener-

    ang a more open discussion in the presence of the pa-ent. Clinicians can use it to encourage reecon before,

    during or aer rounding. The instructor can ask students,

    for example, to reect on their observaons on or inter-

    view with paents, how to obtain or interpret lab results

    or other tests, or how to determine what tests to order or

    what and how to include in their dierenal diagnoses.

    Using current and ubiquitous technology as well as pro-

    mong interacon models a habit of inquiry-learning that

    can help students culvate habits of

    reecve pracce and promote rou-

    ne examinaon for cognive error.

    Consult Hospital or site policy on the

    use of cell phones for teaching in

    clinical sengs.

    Contact Karen Spear Ellinwood

    for more informaon.

    View AMES/OMSE Teaching

    Scholars postersof their educa-

    on research.


    Stoneking, L., K. Grall, A. Min & K.C. Spear-Ellinwood (2013). Meaningful Fa

    ulty Involvement in Resident Didacc Conferences. Poster presented at

    UA College of Medicine Medical Educaon Research Day.

    Friedman, R. & K.C. Spear-Ellinwood (2013). Using Poll Everywhere for Class

    room Teaching in Basic Sciences: Student Responsiveness and the Instr

    tors Learning Curve. Poster presented at UA College of Medicine Med

    Educaon Research Day.

    O nline resources for preceptor & classroom educators!

    http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/preceptorshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/preceptorshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/faculty-instructional-development/instructional-resourceshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/faculty-instructional-development/instructional-resourceshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/KSpearEllinwood_MicroskillsCard_2013.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/CommonCogErrors_kse.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/CommonCogErrors_kse.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/CommonCogErrors_kse.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/fidseries20122013http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/fidseries20122013http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/teamlearninghttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/cbiresourceshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/CBIetoolshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/fidcalendarhttp://www.socrative.com/http://www.socrative.com/http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/TWTarshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/TWTarsmailto:[email protected]?subject=I%27d%20like%20more%20information%20on%20how%20to%20use%20PollEverywheremailto:[email protected]?subject=I%27d%20like%20more%20information%20on%20how%20to%20use%20PollEverywherehttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/2013postershttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/2013postershttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/2013postershttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/2013postershttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/2013postersmailto:[email protected]?subject=I%27d%20like%20more%20information%20on%20how%20to%20use%20PollEverywherehttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/TWTarshttp://www.socrative.com/http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/fidcalendarhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/CBIetoolshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/cbiresourceshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/teamlearninghttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/fidseries20122013http://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/CommonCogErrors_kse.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/CommonCogErrors_kse.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/sites/omse.medicine.arizona.edu/files/images/KSpearEllinwood_MicroskillsCard_2013.pdfhttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/faculty-instructional-development/instructional-resourceshttp://omse.medicine.arizona.edu/preceptors
  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)


    The White Coat Ceremony schedule

    3-4 pm Family and Friends Welcome [Centennial Hall Lobby]

    This is an opportunity for friends and family members of the incoming medical class to meet and chat with

    UA College of Medicine faculty.

    5-6:30 pm White Coat Ceremony [Centennial Hall]

    The ceremony will be followed by a short recepon on the plaza in front of Centennial Hall.

    Keynote Speaker -James L. Sco, MD

    Alumnus - UA College of Medicine Class of 1983. Dr. Sco is an

    inner-city emergency physician widely known for his compas-

    sion for the underserved, from Washington, DC, to the villages

    of sub-Saharan Africa.

    Read more about Dr. Sco...

    Read more about the program

    Read more about the origins of the White Coat Ceremony

    Pay parking is available at the Main Gate, Second Street and Tyn-

    dall Avenue Garages.

    Click here for more FACULTY INFORMATION!

    White Coat Ceremony

    RSVP by August 2nd


    Rebecca Parada-Anderson,Director Special

    Events, Associate Director, Program in Medical


    Em: [email protected]

    Please include your name, department and email address

    & remember to bring your white coat!

    Click to enlarge

    OMSE F ID N e w s Facul ty Instruct ional DevelFacul ty Instruct ional Devel

    [Connued from page 1]

    http://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/programhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/programhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/programhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/programhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coathttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coathttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultyhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultyhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/person/rebecca-parada-andersonhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/person/rebecca-parada-andersonhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/person/rebecca-parada-andersonhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultyhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultyhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultymailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20White%20Coat%20Ceremony!http://medicine.arizona.edu/person/rebecca-parada-andersonhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/node/14192/join-us-19th-annual-university-arizona-college-medicine-white-coat-ceremony-august-9-2013http://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/facultyhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coathttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/programhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/event/special/white-coat/program
  • 7/27/2019 UA OMSE Med/Ed eNews v1 No. 10 (JUL 2013)


    ProfessionalDevelopment The AMES\OMSE FID Series presents a topic

    relevant to teaching, assessment and/or medical

    education research from August through May

    each year. Please subscribe to our newsletter for

    current information on topics, presenters, and

    special events.

    If you would like to volunteer to present atopic, contact Karen Spear Ellinwood

    OMSE is starting a new series for Resi-

    dents as Teachers and community-based

    faculty beginning Fall 2013. Stay tuned!

    Save the date!

    edEd eNews Volume 01 Issue 10 July 2013edEd eNews Volume 01 Issue 10 July 2013

    Date/Time Presentaon Title Presenters

    22 August 2013

    FID Series 2013-14

    Developing your Educaon


    Sean Ellio, MD

    Director, Faculty Instruconal Development

    Chris Cunni, MDOce of Medical Student Educaon (Comstock House)

    Em. [email protected]

    Ph. 520.626.5173

    Instruconal Development for all teaching faculty

    Karen Spear-Ellinwood, PhD, JD, EdS

    Associate Specialist for Faculty Development

    Oce of Medical Student Educaon (COM-3215)

    Em. [email protected]

    Ph. 520.626.1743

    Educaonal Support for Residents and Fellows

    T. Gail Pritchard, Ph.D.

    Interim Senior Learning Specialist

    Oce of Medical Student Educaon (COM-3210)

    [email protected]

    Ph. 520-626-2390

    Assessment of Student Performance

    Susan Ellis, MA, EdS

    Program Manager for Assessment of Student Performance

    Oce of Medical Student Educaon (COM-3215)

    Em. [email protected]

    Ph. 520.626-3654

    Request support for

    instruconal development

    Ifyou would like to consult with a pro-ssional educator or discuss opportunities for

    our department or community based faculty at

    our site, please click here to complete the

    nline form.

    MSE Faculty Instructional Development staff

    ll work with you to design a customized plan

    r faculty instructional development for you,

    our department or site.


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