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Uapccd Hoa-Toa Review Notes 1

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  • 7/23/2019 Uapccd Hoa-Toa Review Notes 1


    HOA|TOASituation: Filippo Bruneileschiwas oneof the foremostarchitects and engineersof the Italian Renaissance. In hisearlier days, he lostto his greatest rival ina competition forthe design ofa pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery in1401.

    Who is his greatest rival?

    a. Francisco Bramante

    b. Arnolfo di Cambia

    c. Lorenzo Ghiberti

    d. Michelangelo Buonarroti

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    He is perhaps most famous for inventing linearperspective and designing the dome of whichfamous cathedral?

    a. Church of the Holy Wisdomb. Notre Dame Cathedralc. Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiored. None of the above

    Situation: Filippo Bruneileschiwas oneof the foremost

    architects and engineersof the Italian Renaissance. In hisearlier days, he lostto his greatest rival ina competition forthe design ofa pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery in1401.

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    Situation: Given a church facade

    1. What style was used for theFacade?

    a. Renaissanceb. Gothic

    c. Romanesque

    d. None of the Above

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    2. What type of Arch wasused?

    a. Pseudo Four Centered

    b. Gothic

    c. Lancet

    d. None of the Above

    Situation: Given a church facade

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    Situation: Given a church facade

    3.What type of Architecture was used inthe ornaments?

    a. Renaissanceb. Gothic

    c. Romanesque

    d. None of the Above

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    Situation: Hagia Sophia is considered as the epitome ofByzantine architecture and is saidto have "changed the historyofarchitecture. " It was the largest cathedral in the world for nearlyathousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520.

    The current building was originally constructed as a churchbetween 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine EmperorJustinian and was the third Churchof he Holy Wisdom to occupythe site, the previoustwo having both been destroyed by rioter. It

    was designed by the Greek scientists Isidore of Miletus, aphysicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician. The churchcontained a large collection of holy relics and featured, amongother things, a 49 foot(15 m) silver iconostasis. It was theseat ofthe Patriarchof Constantinople and the religious focal point of the

    Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years. It is thechurch in which Cardinal Humbert in 1054 excommunicatedMichael I Cerularius - which is commonly considered the startofthe Great Schism. In 1453,Constantinople was conquered by the

    Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who subsequently

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    The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessel were removedand manyof the mosaics were plastered over. Islamic features-suchas the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets were added while

    in the possession of the Ottomans. It remained a mosque until1931 when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-

    opened in1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey.

    1.What was the concept it derivedfrom?

    a. Byzantine Architecture

    b. Early Christian Architecturec. Islam Architectured. None of the above

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    2. There is a prominent series of windows layeredin

    multi-levels of the church. What was the mainpurpose of the windows?

    a. For thermal insulationb. For the play of lights inside the churchc. It is for structural stabilityd. None of the above

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    Situation: All about the Great Pyramidsat Gizah, Egypt try

    and research how it was constructed

    1. The Nile River is the longest river inthe world, stretching north forapproximately 4,000 miles from East

    Africa to the Mediterranean. Whatmaterial was used for the constructionof the Pyramids?

    a. Compacted Sand

    b. CJ Stonesc. Clayd. Mud

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    1. From the earliest times, the waters of the Nile,swollen by monsoon rains from Ethiopia,flooded the surrounding valleys every yearbetween June and September of the modern

    calendar. Since most of the Egyptians werefarmers, when the Nile was at its highest, theywere utilized to build the Pyramids. How did theEgyptians transfer the materials from the

    production area to the construction?a. Axle and wheelb. Wooden wheelsc. Stone wheels

    d. Pulley and wedge

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    3. In terms of construction, what is the

    similarity of the Pyramid constructionwith modern day construction?

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    4. What is the advantage of modern dayconstruction?

    a. Cheaper in costb. Designed betterc. Faster to build

    d. More stable

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    5. The Pyramids at Gizah. What is theirdimension? Why are the dead mummified?What is the lowermost chamber called? Method

    of Construction.What Pyramid is two times the area in Plan ofthe famous St. Peter's Basilica?

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    6. The famous Pyramids of Egypt are generally

    considered to be the world's oldest monumentalstructures and were built as tombs for thepharaohs. The Rice Terraces of the Philippines

    are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the"Eight Wonder of the World" and was named asa World Heritage Site in 1995. How are theysimilar?

    a. Both were built by Nomadsb. Both were built around 1000 BCc. Both were used for religious purposesd. Both employed a unique construction method

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    Situation: Temple of Amon, Karnak

    1. What kind of Temple?

    a. Mortuary Templeb. Shrine

    c. Cult Temple

    2. What is the design on the Columnsat the Great Hypostyle Hall?

    a. Corinthianb. Papyrusc. Palm Capital

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    3. Columns at the Great HypostyleHall were built taller than the rest,why?

    a. To direct people to the inner parts of thetempleb. To let in subdued light into the templec. To carry the heavy slabd. For ceremonial purposes

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    Situation:Figureof Barasoain Church Elevationis shown

    1. What style was used in the columns as seen inthe facade?

    a. Baroqueb. Gothicc. Romanesqued. Renaissance

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    2. What style was used in the pediment ofthe church?

    a. Baroqueb. Gothicc. Romanesque

    d. Renaissance

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    3. Identify what kind of pediment was usedin the facade?

    a. Baroqueb. Gothicc. Romanesque

    d. Renaissance

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    4. What is the most striking feature of thechurch?

    a. Bell Towerb. Columnsc. Pediment

    d. Facade

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    Difference between Romanesque and GothicArchitecture

    1. How do Romanesque and GothicArchitecture differ in terms of StructuralElements?

    a) Gothic has tympanum below clerestory and

    Romanesque has none.b) Gothic has flying buttress to support its heightwhile Romanesque has pillars.

    c) Gothic is lighter in volume while Romanesque

    is massive

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    a) Gothic has triangular arch while Romanesque has circularopenings

    b) Gothic has bigger openings compared to Romanesquec) Gothic has circular openings while Romanesque has

    triangular arch.d) Gothic has smaller openings compared to Romanesque

    2. How do Romanesque and GothicArchitecture differ in terms ofOpenings?

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    3. How do Romanesque and Gothic Architecturediffer in terms of Architectural Elements?

    a) Gothic is centralized in plan while Romanesque isin Latin Cross

    b) Gothic is richly ornate while Romanesque hasstone facade

    c) Gothic structures are built higher and lighter thanRomanesque

    4. How do Romanesque and Gothic Architecturediffer in terms of Decorative Elements?

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    4. How do Romanesque and GothicArchitecture differ in terms of

    Decorative Elements?

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    Difference' between French Gothic and SpanishGothic

    French Gothic:A style of architecture developed in

    northern France that spread throughout Europe

    between the 12th and 16th centuries;characterized by slender vertical piers andcounterbalancing' buttresses and by vaultingand pointed arches

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    Spanish Gothic:The distinctive characteristic of Spanish Gothic

    cathedrals is their special complexity, with manyareas of different shapes leading from each other. A

    few uniquely Spanish elements added to thisotherwise English and French-inspired style were theinclusions of a cloister, a Spanish favorite, and thepositioning of the coro (an elaborate set of choir

    stalls) right in the main nave. Windows that come to apoint as well as giant altarpieces, generally carvedand multi-colored, are two other Gothiccharacteristics.

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    Situation: Muslim Architecturecharacteristics and distinct features

    1. What is used to call people to gather?

    a) Mimbarb) Minaret

    c) Mihrabd) Kaba

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    2.What is the most strikingfeature of Muslim Architecture?

    a) Minaretsb) Tracery windowsc) Domes

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    3) What kinds of windows are prevalent inMuslim Architecture?

    4. From what style did Muslim Architects

    patterned their structures?

    a) Renaissance Architectureb) Gothic Architecture

    c) Early Christian Architectured) Saracenic Architecture

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    Situation: Art Nouveau linked with GothicArchitecture. Art Nouveau was inspired by naturalforms and structures, not only in flowers andplans, also in curve lines. The Architects tried to

    be in harmony with the natural environment; whileGothic Architecture was expressed mostpowerfully in great churches and cathedrals andina numberof civic buildings. Its characteristics

    appeal to the emotions.

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    1. Which among the ff. has the beststatement about Art Nouveau and GothicArchitect ?

    a) Art Nouveau was more expensive than

    Gothic Architectureb) Art Nouveau used animal skin motifs and

    Gothic Architecture used them as wellc) Art Nouveau used whiplash lines and Gothic

    Architecture was rude and barbaricd) Art Nouveau was unnatural while Gothic

    Architecture was characterized by nature

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    2. Which of the statements is the reasonwhy people stopped the Art NouveauMovement?

    a) Because of the Warb) Because it was too expensivec) Modern International Architecture is more


    d) Modern International Architecture is moreexpensive

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    3. Which Art Nouveau inspired structureby Antoni Gaudi remains to beunfinished in Spain?

    a) Casa Batllob) Pare Guellc) Casa Milad) Sagrada Familia

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    4. What is the difference between the ArtNouveau in Germany (Jugendstijl) andthe Art Nouveau in Catalan, Spain(Gaudi's)?

    a) Catalan Art Nouveau is Organic with EarthColors while Jugendstijl is richly decorated.

    b) Catalan Art Nouveau is colorful and richlydecorated while Jugendstijl has more ofPerpendicular and Straight Lines.

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    5. During the period of Revivalism, why didsome architects prefer the style of ArtNouveau over the other styles thatflourished during that time?

    a) Because they rejected Floral Styleb) Because Classical Revivalism is expensive

    and hard to build.c) Because Art Nouveau is unique, hard to

    reproduce or copy

  • 7/23/2019 Uapccd Hoa-Toa Review Notes 1


    Situation:The Farnsworth House was designed andbuilt from1946 to 1951. Its structure consists ofprecast concrete floor and roof slabs supported byacarefully crafted steel skeleton frameof beams,

    girders and columns. The facade is madeof singlepanesof glass spanning from floorto ceiling,fastenedto the structural system by steel mullions.The building is heated by radiant coils set in the

    concrete floor; natural cross ventilation and the shadeof nearby trees provide minimal cooling. It ischaracterized, by its fusion with its outsideenvironment.

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    1. Who is the architect of the FarnsworthHouse?

    a) Le Corbusierb) Ludwig Mies Van der Rohec) Frank Lloyd Wrightd) Louis Sullivan

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    2. What architectural style did the architectapply in designing the house?

    a) Modern Organicb) Classicalc) Modern Internationald) Art Nouveau

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    Situation: Architect Otto Wagner Germany was one of themost distinguished personality in Vienna at turn of thecentury from the 19thto the 20th. His early commissionswere for private houses and office buildings in theHistoricizing style exemplified by the 1867 Epstein inBaden.

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    1. What was the reason why Otto veeredfrom being a Classicist to a 'Modernist?

    a) He wants to reinvent himselfb) He wants to teach his students in

    "Akademie der bildenden Kunste" at Viennasomething new

    c) He was commissioned for the project by thegovernment

    d) He just wanted to do something with whatmaterials were available.

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    2. In Germany, how was heinfluenced by the Modern


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    3. What was the greatest effect of theIndustrialization Movement?

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    Why does Architect Otto wanted theskyline of Germany be designed withvariety in building height or with a playof elevation of buildings?

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    1. In the given illustration,what architectural stylewas used for the


    a) Tudor

    b) Gothicc) Renaissanced) Romanesque

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    2. In the given illustration,what was used for theArches?

    a) Parallelb) Equilateralc) Sequential

    d) None of the above

    Si i

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    1. Which ArchitecturalStyle is evident in thefigure at right

    a) Romanesqueb) Renaissance

    c) Medievald) Byzatine

    Si i

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    2. Which type of Arch wasused in the secondaryentrances of the


    a) Equilateralb) Segmentalc) Tudord) Lancet

    Situation: There are modern ways of

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    Situation: There are modern ways ofsuppressing earthquakes in terms ofbuilding design and innovation. But the

    traditional Filipino Architecture had longbefore discovered this in the design of theirhomes1. What is the traditional Filipino Architecture

    technique that could withstand earthquakes inthe Philippines?a) Putting of rosaries and religious artifacts beneath the


    b) Putting stones that serve as rollers beneath thefoundation.

    c) Making use of sturdy and heavy trunks of wood forcolumn foundation.

    d) Bamboo posts running through roof connected oncentral apex placed slanted around the exterior walls.

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    2. What is the raw/natural material thattraditional Filipino Architecture used asmotifs in the design of their homes?

    a) Egg shellsb) Capiz shellsc) Mud Bricks

    d) Hand-cut stones

    Sit ti T i T i B t P l

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    Situation: Tawi-Tawi Boat People

    1. How is the family arranged in the boat tomaintain balance?

    a) Single Rowb) Clustered in the middlec) By Two's

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    2. What is used to balance the boat?

    a) Katigb) Papag

    c) Vintad) Roof beams where fishnets are


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    3. What is the effect on the people livingin the boat?

    a) It affected their body posture

    b) They are not good at verbalcommunications

    c) They are short

    Situation Structure of Architect Bernini is shown

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    Situation: Structure of Architect Bernini is shownsee following figure

    1. Identify what kind of columnsare used?

    2. As shown in the figure, whatkind of vault is used in thehallway?

    a) Cloisterb) Barrelc) Fand) Groin

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    3.What style was used in the faade of the

    entrance way?

    a) Romanesque

    b) Renaissancec) Gothicd) Classical Revival

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    4. Bernini is known for what style?

    a) Romanesqueb) Gothic

    c) Renaissanced) Classical Revival

    Situation: In 1401, a design competition was held

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    g pfor the set of bronze doors for the baptistery ofthe Cathedral in Florence. The original plan was

    for the doors to depict scenes from the OldTestament, and the trial piece was the sacrifice ofIsaac. However, the plan was changed to depictscenes from the New Testament instead. The

    winning entry was later dubbed by MichaeIangelo,a hundred years later as the "Gates ofParadise.

    1. Who won the commission?a) Lorenzo Ghibertib) Donatelloc) Filippo Brunelleschid) Antonio Manetti

    Situation: Le Corbusier, also known as

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    ,Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris explicitlyused the Golden ratio in his Modular system

    for the scale of architectural proportion.

    1. How would you describe hisarchitectural style?

    a) Modern Classicb) White Boxc) Neo-Classicism

    d) Minimalist

    Situation: You were asked to design a Textile

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    Situation: You were asked to design a Textilefactory.

    1. What would be your primeconsideration when choosing thelocation of the loading dock?

    a) Sun Orientationb) Adjacent Property

    Situation: If you have a project site that has

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    y p ja sloping to steep terrain.

    2. What expensive method of the sitepreparation is sometimes inevitablewhen building in a steep slopped


    a) Gradingb) Use of Explosivesc) Cut and Filld) Using Stiltse) Mat Foundation

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    3. What is the maximum angle of a lawn


    a) 25 deg

    b) 30 degc) 35 degd) 40 deg

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    4. What is the cheapest way to avoid glare

    on the windows?

    a) Provide long canopies

    b) Provide plants on the plan, boxesfronting the window

    c) Provide tinted glasses windows

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    5. What would be the effect if there would be

    two oppositely located windows on theupper portions of the room?

    a) Minimal movement of air insideb) Fast movement of air insidec) Mat Foundation

    d) No air movemente) Slow movement of air inside

    Situation: Given a floor plan of a hotel room to be

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    Situation:Givena floor plan ofa hotel roomto berenovated see following figures

    1. Estimate the number of acoustical tiles of 0.60x1.20 mts. will be needed?2. Estimate how many wood planks T&G wood

    will be used?

    3. Estimate how many liters of paint will beneeded for the interior walls?

    Situation: Shown a figure of a complex

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    Situation: Shown a figure of a complexdevelopment floor plans and elevation there are5 structures of different forms and height see

    following figures.1. What would be the most expensive part to


    2. What kind of space inter-relation is shown?a) Clusteredb) Radialc) Grid

    d) Centralized

    3 Which structure shows a space after the

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    3. Which structure shows a space after thehallway?

    Situation: Paraline drawings are 3-

    Dimensionaldrawings where parallel lines remainparallel.

    1. What do you call a paraline drawing having a30 degree/60 degree angle?

    a) Obliqueb) lsometricc) Cabinet

    d) Cavalier

    Situation: Other topics you should know

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    Situation: Other topics you should know

    1. Featured work of Andrea Palladio analyze the

    work illustration?

    2. Many Architects became very active duringthe Rennaissance Period. Andrea Palladiohas become famous among them. Whatcharacterizes the Palladian Style ofArchitecture?

    a) Ornate and Decorativeb) Asymmetryc) Unpredictable Proportionsd) Proportionality

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    3. Who was the architect of the Dome of theRock?

    4. Who was the architect of Robie House?5. Who was the architect of Seattle

    Museum?6. Who was the architect of the Bank of

    China Louvre Pyramid and the Rock n

    Roll Hall of Fame?a) LM. Peib) Richard Ropersc) Frank Lloydd) Victor Horta

    7. For a self-styled "western architect" , and one closely

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    7. For a self styled western architect , and one closelyassociated with the corporate end, I.M. Pei's mostelegant buildings have arguably been his two post-retirement, non- western projects. The museum atSuzhou evokes the timber framing and calm serenity

    of Buddhist temples while the dense stone mass ofDoha's Museum of Islamic Art sits somewherebetween Ancient Egypt, Byzantium or modernist

    Baghdad. Is the latter an attempt to address a non-western culture, to forge a new language? "I supposeyou could call [Doha] something in the middle, a'middle-Eastern building," Pei laughs -- a boyish giggle

    that makes him appear oddly ageless. What isdominant in the works of LM. Pei?a) Use of Glass & Steel

    b) Use of Geometric Formsc) Use of Triangle

    8. What shape is prominent in the Bank of

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    8. What shape is prominent in the Bank ofChina and Louvre Pyramid?

    a) Rectangle

    b) Squarec) Triangled) Circle

    9. Who was the architect of the Carpenter'sCenter? Function of Brise Soleil

    10. Who was the architect of the Tjibao CulturalCenter?

    11. Who was the architect of the Kuala LumpurAirport? Tropical Forest Concept?12. Who was the architect of the Quezon

    Memorial Pylon?

    13.Who was the architect of the Chapel of the Holy

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    p ySacrifice?

    14.Who was the architect of the New Toronto City

    Hall?15.Who was the architect of the Guggenheim

    Museum at Bilbao?16.Who was the architect of the Zentralsparkasse

    Bank at Viena?17. Who was the architect of the Bank of New York?18. Who was the architect of the Sony Center?19. Who was the architect of the Notre Dame du

    Raincy?20.Who was the architect of the TWA airport and the

    Dulles airport? Eero Saarinen?

    21.Who is Kenzo Tange? Architecture need not be

    22.Who was Vitruvius? - is the author of De

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    Architectura. known today as, The Ten Books onArchitecturea treatise written of Latin and Greekon architecture, dedicated to the emperorAugustus. This work is the only surviving major

    book on architecture from classical antiquity. Heis a famous for asserting in Architectura that astructure must exhibit the three qualities offirmitas, utilitas, venustas that is, it must bestrong or durable, useful, and beautiful(strength, unity & beauty). According to

    Vitruvius. architecture is an imitation of nature.As birds and bees built their nests, so humanconstructed housing from natural materials, thatgave them shelter against the elements. Whenperfecting this art of building, the Ancient Greekinvented the architectural orders: Doric, Ionicand Corinthian. It gave them, a sense ofproportion, culminating in understandingproportions of the greatest work of art thehuman body. This led Vitruvius in definingVitruvian Man, as drawn magnificently by

    Leonardo da Vinci the human body inscribed inthe circle and square (the fundamental

    23. What is the law of Indies? To guide and regularize the

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    g gestablishment of presidios (military towns), missions,and pueblo,"(civilian towns), King Phillip II developedthe first version of the Laws of the indies, acomprehensive guide comprising of 148 ordinances to

    aid colonists in locating, building and populatingsettlements. They codified the city planning processand represented some of the first attempts at a general

    plan. Signed in 1573, the Laws of the Indies are seenas the first wide-ranging guidelines towards designand development of communities. These laws wereheavily influenced by VitruviusTen Books Architecture

    and Alberti's treatises on the subject.24. Who is regarded as one of the pioneers of modernarchitecture and is known for his use of theaphorism "less is more"? Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

    2 Wh D i l B h ?

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    25.Who was Daniel Burnham?26.Who said The house is a machine to

    live in?27.Study the different Dictums28.Who is the architect of the San Miguel

    Building in Ortigas Center?29.Who was the First Filipino Architect?a) Juan Nakpilb) Juan Arellano

    c) Tomas Mapuad) Jose Maria Zaraqosa

    30.Who designed the Metropolitan Theater in


    31.What is the Architectural Character of the

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    31.What is the Architectural Character of theMetropolitan Theater?

    a) Post Modernism

    b) Art Nouveauc) Art Decod) Eclectism

    32.Deconstructive structure by Frank Gehry inBilbao

    a) Falling Waterb) Opera Housec) Guggenheim Museum

    33.This work is an example of Frank Lloyd WrightOrganic Architecture .

    a) Falling waterb) Petronas Towers

    c) Dulles Airport

    34. Distinctive feature of Frank Lloyd Wright

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    Falling watera) Overhanging Slab

    b) Falling Waterc) Cantileverd) Steps

    35. ln the Fallingwater, what is the function of theOverhanging Slab?

    a) Bedroomb) Terracec) Living Roomd) Dining

    36.The use of long Un-braced Canopyby Frank

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    g py yLloyd Wright for wide openings

    37.If the Greeks introduced the concept ofproportion during the Classical period, whowas the famous architect who reintroduced the

    concept of proportion in modern times?a) Ludwig Mies Van Der Roheb) Le Corbusierc) Eero Saarinen

    d) Frank Lloyd Wright

    38.Famous structure designed by the Le

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    g yCorbusier in Marseilles, France with rough-cast concrete as steel frame proved too

    expensive in light of post-war shortagesa) Unite d Habitationb) Villa Savoyec) Notre Dame du Haut

    d) Pilotis39.Who was the architect that made the Chek LapKok Airport where Natural Light, TensionedMembrane and Anthropometrically correct

    dimensions where emphasized?a) Eero Saarinenb) Sir Norman Fosterc) Richard Rogersd) Fumihiko Maki

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    40.Who designed the Sagrada Familia?

    a) Antonio Gaudib) Pierre Luigi Nervi

    c) Leon Bautista Albertid) Michaengelo

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    41. Who designed the interlocking thinshell, shark-like concept that can beseen on the shore of Sydney,


    a. Jorn Utzon

    b. Earo Saarinenc. Norman Fosterd. None of the above

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    42. Who is the father of PrestressesConcrete

    a. Jorn Utzonb. Earo Saarinenc. Norman Foster

    d. Eugene Freyssinet43. What is the style did Frank Gehryused?

    44. Michael Graves (born July 9, 1934) is an American architect.Identified as one of The New York Five Graves has become a

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    Identified as one of The New York Five, Graves has become ahousehold name with his designs for domestic products soldat Targetstores in the United States.

    Graves was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended Broad RippleHigh School, receiving his diploma in 1950. He earned a bachelor'sdegree from the University of Cincinnati where he also became amember of the Sigma Chi fraternity, and a master's degree from HarvardUniversity.

    An architect in public practice in Princeton, New Jersey, since 1964,Graves is also the Robert Schirmer Professor of Architecture, Emeritusat Princeton University. He directs the firm Michael Graves & Associates,which has offices in Princeton and in New York City. In addition to his

    popular line of household items, Graves and his firm have earnedacclaim for a wide variety of commercial and residential buildings andinterior design. Graves was elected a Fellow of the American Institute ofArchitects in 1979. In 1999 Graves was awarded the National Medal ofArts, in 2001 the Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects,

    and in 2010 the Topaz Medal from the American Institute of Architects.

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    In 2003, an infection of unknown origin (possibly bacterial meningitis) left Graves

    paralyzed from the waist down. He is still active in his practice, which is currentlyinvolved in a number of projects; including an addition to the Detroit Institute ofArts, and a large Integrated Resort, Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore.

    In 2010, Graves was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame. The2012 Richard H. Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture has been awarded to

    Michael Graves and will be presented at a ceremony in Chicago on March 24,2012.

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    45.Who was the architect of Sagrada Familia?

    The Sagrada Familia was designed by Antoni (Antonio in

    Spanish) Gaudi (1852-1926) who worked on the project from1883 and devoted the last 15 years of his life entirely to theendeavor. In 1882, prior to Gaudis involvement, Francesedel Villar was commissioned to design a church on the site.

    He resigned a year later and Gaudi was appointed theproject architect, redesigning the project entirely. The projectwas scheduled to be completed in 2026. A portion of thebuildings interior was opened for public worship and tourslast September of 2010. On the subject of the extremely longconstruction period, Gaudi is said to have remarked. My

    client is not in a hurry

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    46.In 1903, architects Barry Parker and Raymond

    Unwin were tasked to translate EbenezerHowards idea of a Garden City. This projectknown as the First Garden City is locatedapproximately 35 miles from London. It is also

    called as :

    a)Welwyn Garden Cityb)Letchworn Garden City

    c)Howards Garden Cityd)Greenbelt Garden City

    47.Eugene Fressinnet is known fora)Cast in Place Concrete

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    a)Cast in Place Concreteb)Thin Shell Const.

    c)Prestressed Concrete

    48.Richard Buckminster Fuller is known for(geodetic domes)

    49.Who is Felix Candella? Thin shell constructionusing reinforced concrete

    50.The "India House" in California looks like

    a) 2-storey high pitch roof with porchb) 2-storey high pitch roof without porchc) 1-storey high pitch roof with porchd) 1-storey high pitch roof without porch

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    51.It is a structure in the middle of Paris designed

    by a Japanese Architect and is made ofreflective glass

    52.Who is the Architect of Hongkong ShanghaiBank in Hongkong?

    a) Jack Frostb) Norman Frostc) Norman Foster

    d) Jack Foster53.A building designed by Norman Foster that hasthe Floating Beam Concept.

    54.Sir Norman Foster's most famous work in HongKong where he used a diagrid as a structural

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    Kong where he used a diagrid as a structuralconcept is

    a) China Bankb) Citibank HQc) HSBC Bldgd) World Bank

    55.What is the location of the Bank of China?56.Kevin Lynch57.What is the primary purpose why the Great

    Wall of China was constructed?

    58.The Unitarian Church was created by? (Note: in1852, Arch. Francis D. Lee made some GothicRevival addition to the church)

    59.Who is the Architect of the Kaufmann House?

    aka Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright

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    60. A church "built for all times" after previouschurches were damaged by earthquakes in 1863

    and 1880.

    a) San Sebastian Churchb) Loboc Church

    c) Paoay Churchd) San Agustin Church

    61. What style mostly influences PhilippineChurches?

    a) Romanesqueb) Post-Modernc) Baroque

    62. Louis Isadore Kahn (born ltze-Leib Schmuilowsky)(February 20 1901 or 1902 March 17 1974) was a

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    (February 20, 1901 or 1902 - March 17, 1974) was a

    world-renowned American architect of Estonian Jewishoriqin, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United

    States. After working in various capacities for severalfirms in Philadelphia, he founded his own firm in1935.While continuing his private practice, he served asa design critic and professor of architecture at Yale

    School of Architecture from 1947 to 1957. From 1957until his death, he was a professor of architecture at theSchool of Design at the Universityof Pennsylvania.Influenced by ancient ruins, Kahn's style tends to themonumental and monolithic; his heavy buildings do nothide their weight, their materials, or the way they areassembled. Louis Kahn's works are considered asmonumental beyond modernism. The National AssemblyBuilding (Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban) in Dhaka,

    Bangladesh is considered as his Magnum Opus.

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    a) Michael Gravesb) Philip Johnson

    c) Walter Gropiusd) Buckminster Fuller

    64.Works of Walter Gropius65 The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar In

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    65.The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. Inspite of its name, and the fact that its founder was an architect, theBauhaus did not have an architecture department during the first years

    of its existence. Nonetheless it was founded with the idea of creating a'total' work of art in which all arts, including architecture wouldeventually be brought together. The Bauhaus style became one of themost influential currents in Modernist architecture and modern design.The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequentdevelopments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design,industrial design, and typography. The school existed in three Germancities (Weimar from 1919 to 1925, Dessau from 1925 to 1932 and Berlinfrom 1932 to 1933), under three different architect-directors: WalterGropius from 1919 to 1928, Hannes Meyer from 1928 to 1930 andLudwig Mies van der Rohe from 1930 until 1933. What brought about

    the closure of the school?a) World War 2b) No architect successorsc) Disagreement between members

    d) The school was a failure

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    (Although Mies van der Rohe had a disagreement with

    Hannes Meyer and would not allow any supporters ofHannes Meyer to attend the school, it was actually theNazis that forced the school's leadership to close shop)

    66.Why did the members of Bauhaus migrate to

    the US?

    a) Because of the Warb) To teach in Chicago Schoolsc) Energetic Economyd) More opportunities and liberal views

    67.Relation and transition of industrialization withmodern architecture

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    68.A controversial style defined as the ideas of

    fragmentation, non-rectilinear shapes whichserve to distort and dislocate some of theelements of architecture. The finished visualappearance of buildings is characterized by

    unpredictability and a controlled chaos.

    a) Deconstructivismb) International Style

    c) Expressionismd) Modernism

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    Architectural style originated in Florence. It is

    the activity, spirit or the time of the humanisticrevival of classic art and literature.

    a) Baroqueb) Neoclassicism

    c) Renaissanced) Rococo

    Study the characteristics of the Works ofFamous Architects:

    a) Alvar Aaltob) Andrea Palladioc) Peter Behrens

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    From the given figure, identify

    the Architectural Style useda) Art Decob) International Stylec) Renaissance

    d) Modernism

    An Architectural Style centered on thedissolution and reconstitution of individualcharacteristics of three dimensional forms,using simplified Geometric Shapes. CUBISM

    M d i i l h i d i il b

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    Modernism is a style characterized primarily bythe simplification of form and, the elimination

    of ornament. The first variants were conceivedearly in the 20th century. Modern architecturewas adopted by many influential architects andarchitectural educators, however very few

    "Modern buildings" were built in the first half ofthe century. It gained popularity after theSecond World War and became the dominantarchitectural style for institutional andcorporate buildings for three decades. Theexact characteristics and origins of ModernArchitecture are still open to interpretation and


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    In the given figure, what design motif does

    the drawing represent?

    a) Renaissance

    b) Art Decoc) Neo-classicismd) Greek

    The Lancet Style. The style of Early Englisharchitecture

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    distinguished by its use of the lancet arch; sometimescalled First Pointed Gothic.

    The Flamboyant Style. Its most conspicuous featureis the dominance in stone window tracery of a flamelike S-shaped curve. Wall surface was reduced to the minimumto allow an almost continuous window expanse. Structural

    logic was obscured bycovering buildings with elaborate tracery. Attractive

    French examples include Notre Dame d'Epine nearChalons-sur-Marne, Saint-Maclou in Rauen (1500-14), andthe northern spire of Chartres Cathedral. SpanishFlamboyant architects developed their own intricate forms

    of vaulting with curvilinear patterns; the Capilla delCondestable in Burgos Cathedral (1482-94) and SegoviaCathedral (begun 1525) provide examples. Flamboyant

    Gothic, which became increasingly ornate, gave way in

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    Questions on the Russianarchitectural style

    Questions on Gothic


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    What are the obviouscharacteristics of a

    Gothic Cathedral?a) Pinnacles

    b) Richly OrnateFinialsS
