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UAPCCD Planning Review Notes

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  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes



  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfhzh c} tfh jh}t rgamh to gomath a

    mokkhzmcag }tzxmtxzh?

    a% Ce MJD azha pctf akrgh razn} aed

    }tzhhtj% Ce izoet oi a zh}cdhetcag }xjdcyc}coeadlamhet to a raznce` got

    m% Ce a mokkhzmcag |oeh ehaz atzae}roztatcoe thzkceagd% Agg oi tfh ajoyh

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat poxgd jh tfh hiihmt oi zarcdcemzha}h oi a rorxgatcoe ce ae xzjae azha?

    a% Go}} oi jx}ceh}} orroztxectch}j% Cemzha}h ce koztagcts zath}m% Cemzha}h oi ceiozkag }httghz}

    d% Agg oi tfh ajoyh

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Ce rgaeece` pfo c} zh}roe}cjgh iozhyagxatce` fop gaed zh}oxzmh} pcgg jhkavckc|hd?

    a% Kasozj% Heyczoekhetag Rgaeehzm% Gaed Dhyhgorhz

    d% Eoeh oi tfh ajoyh

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Ce hghkhet} oi a mcts ct c} tfh mfaeehgoi koyhkhet

    a% Hd`hj% Eodh}m% Ratfd% Dc}tzcmt

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Ct }hzyh} a} a rzothmtcoe a`ace}t

    hvtzhkh} ce thkrhzatxzh}% A jaen oi haztfc} rgamhda`ace}t oeh oz kozh hvthzcoz pagg oi ajxcgdce`%

    a% Dzxk Zoggj% ]xe Moetzog

    m% Tzokjh Paggd% Jhzk

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Tfh}h azh khtag oz moemzhth zc`cd

    ro}t} tfat mae jh azzae`hd ce a gceh tomgo}h a zoad ozratf to yhfcmgh} ajoyh a mhztace pcdtf aed

    to }hrazath tzaiicm izok rhdh}tzcae

    a% Joggazd

    j% Zacgce`m% Ihemhd% Rgaetce` ]tzcr}

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfcmf }fop} tfh }hrazatcoe oi xect}?

    a%Gaz`h }htjamn}j%Rzoycdh }fzxj}' ihemh jhtphhe xect}m% Iczh paggd%Agg oi tfh}h

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} x}xaggs }hhe ce tfh mhethzoi tfh ic`xzh?

    a% Mfxzmf

    j% Tope/Mcts Faggm% ]mfoogd% Mhetzag Tzace ]tatcoe pctf Kagg

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Ct fa} at gha}t 9 jxcgdce`} gcnh mfxzmf}mfoog `oyhzekhet jxcgdce`} htm

    a% Mokkxects Mhethzj% Ehc`fjozfood Mhethzm% Mokkhzmcag ]tzcr

    d% MJD

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    @cyhe a Xecyhz}cts Rgae gomath tfh

    jh}t gomatcoe ioz Dozkctozs MaethheMoggh`h htm% &iakcgcazc|h soxz}hgi pctf}skjog}#

    @cyhe a dca`zak oi a MJD pfhzh c}tfh Mhetzag Azha oi tfh Rgae

    Ct c} tfh Mhethz oi Amtcycts

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Tfh ic`xzh cggx}tzath}

    a% ]athggcthj% Moe}thggatcoem% Mhetzagc|hdd% Zadcag

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat ckroztaet hghkhet ce rgaeece` c}h}tajgc}fhd pfhe rzokcehet }tzxmtxzh} gch}ce a }ce`gh avc}?

    a% Avc}j% Datxkm% Ehtpozn

    d% Mokro}cth

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    ]xjdcyc}coe got }foxgd jh kadh

    a% Eot too dhhrj% Eot too pcdhm% Eot ce }gorce` azha}d% Eot ce igat azha}

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} }fope ce tfh Ic`xzh at zc`ft?

    a% ]htjamnj% Rzorhzts Gcehm% ]cdhpagnd% ZZOP

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} x}hd a} zhihzhemh gceh ceh}tajgc}fce` a zook oz igooz hghyatcoe?

    a% ]tzhht Ghyhgj% Eatxzag @zoxed Gcehm% @zoxed Igooz Gceh

    d% IIG oi E@G

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} tfh ko}t ckroztaet razt cehiihmtcyh rzomh}} oi Rgaeece`?

    a% Rxjgcm moe}xgtatcoe aed ]tanhfogdhz}j% Raztcmcratcoe oi ]tanhfogdhz}m% Moe}taet Mokkxecmatcoe

    d% Hvthe}cyh Zh}hazmf

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat }tathkhet c} tzxh ajoxt xzjae


    Tfh Mokrzhfhe}cyh Gaed X}h Rgae&MGXR#

    ]hmtoz Kodhg

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} Zhdxmmcoe? a zh}httghkhetrogcms hkrgoshd js tfh ]raecazd} pfcmfpa} dh}c`ehd ioz a moeyhechet

    adkcec}tzatcoe oi tfh mogoech}% Tfh]raec}f axtfozctch} hetcmhd tfh eatcyh} togcyh ehaz tfh mfxzmfh}' oz pctfce fhazce`

    dc}taemh oi mfxzmf jhgg} &ce ]raec}f< jalodh ga makraea#%

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} @fhtto? a }hmtcoe oi a mctsommxrchd js a kceozcts `zoxr pfo gcyh tfhzhh}rhmcaggs jhmax}h oi }omcag' hmoeokcm' oz gh`ag

    rzh}}xzh% Tfh thzk `fhtto pa} ozc`ceaggs x}hdce Yhecmh to dh}mzcjh tfh azha pfhzh Lhp} phzhmokrhgghd to gcyh% A `fhtto c} eop dh}mzcjhd a}ae oyhzmzopdhd xzjae azha oithe a}}omcathd

    pctf a }rhmcicm htfecm oz zamcag rorxgatcoe%

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} a ]faets Tope? a }gxk}httghkhet oi ckroyhzc}fhd rhorgh pfo gcyh ceckrzoyc}hd dphggce`} kadh izok }mzarkathzcag}< oithe rgspood' mozzx`athd khtag aed}fhht} oi rga}tcm}% ]faets tope} azh x}xaggsjxcgt oe tfh rhzcrfhzs oi mctch}' aed oithe do eot

    fayh rzorhz }aectatcoe aed hghmtzcmcts%

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Dxzce` tfh Akhzcmae Zh`ckh fhzh cetfh Rfcgcrrceh} jxcgdce` fox}h} ehaz

    rgamh} oi pozn pa} rzofcjcthd js gap%Pfat c} tfh `oyhzekhet zha}oe ioz }xmfa gap?

    a% Jhmax}h oi tfh rzoyc}coe} oi tfh IczhModh oi tfh Rfcgcrrceh}j% Jhmax}h oi tfh xepaethd fxkae

    roggxtcoe max}hd js tfh}h }httghkhet}m% Jhmax}h tfhzh pa} eo }aectazs }hpa`h}s}thk

    d% Jhmax}h oi tfh gamn oi pathz }xrrgs

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Jxcgdce` fox}h} ehaz rgamh} oi pozn

    pa} rzofcjcthd jhmax}h oi tfh tsrh oifox}h} jxcgtjs }httghz}% Pfat tsrh oi fox}h} phzh

    x}xaggs jxcgt js }httghz}?

    a% Jxe`agopj% ]faetch}m% Pood aed Moemzhthd% Tpo+]tozhs

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat gap dxzce` tfat tckh c} }tcgg jhce`x}hd todas?

    a% \oece` Rzoyc}coe}j% Gomag Ozdceaemh}m% Dc}ajcgcts Gap

    d% Eoeh oi tfh}h

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Ci soxzh gcyce` oxt}cdh oi KhtzoKaecga aed sox fayh to tzayhg izok soxztope to soxz poznrgamh ce Khtzo Kaecgapfat pcgg sox ko}t gcnhgs hemoxethz?

    a% Gamn oi kodh oi tzae}roztatcoej% Fhays Tzaiicm Goad

    m% Gamn oi Tzae}roztatcoe Ceiza}tzxmtxzhd% Agg oi tfh}h

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat do sox tfcen c} tfh ko}t

    rzojajgh max}h oi fhays tzaiicm ce KhtzoKaecga?

    a% Gckcthd tzae}roztatcoe zoxth}j% Gckcthd khae} oi tzae}roztatcoem% Yhfcmxgaz ammcdhet}d% Oyhzmzopdhd }tzhht}

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} tfh kaloz max}h oiTzae}roztatcoe rzojghk} ce Khtzo Kaecgaaed tfh ehc`fjozce` rzoycemh}?

    a% Gomag ozdceaemh}j% \oece` zh`xgatcoe}m% Kodh oi tzae}roztatcoe

    d% Zoad ehtpozn }s}thk

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Maycth rzoycemh c} oeh oi tfhia}th}t `zopce` rzoycemh ce Gx|oe cethzk} oi fxkae rorxgatcoe aedkc`zatcoe% Pfat c} tfh kace zha}oe ioztfc} dhyhgorkhet?

    a% Gaed rzcmh} c} kxmf gophz mokrazhd tootfhz rzoycemh}

    j% Tfh hzhmtcoe oi iamtozch} ce tfh rzoycemhce tfh ga}t 12 shaz} fayh `cyhe kozh lojorroztxectch}

    m% Maycth} gomatcoe ehaz Kaecga a}

    mokrazhd to otfhz rzoycemh}

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    Pfat c} tfh nhs iamtoz ce dhthzkcece`tfh xtko}t jhehict} ce `ood }cth rgaeece`?

    a% Toro`zarfs

    j% X}hz} aed Jhehicmcazch}m% Gomag @oyhzekhet Gap}d% Jxcgdce`} aed ct} Gcen}

  • 7/31/2019 UAPCCD Planning Review Notes


    ]txds tfh ioggopce`
