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UCCS Campus Sustainability Prepared by Linda Kogan SECRES Meeting December 7, 2006

UCCS Campus Sustainability

Prepared by Linda Kogan SECRES Meeting December 7, 2006

Question: How will our communities Question: How will our communities and economic systems and economic systems survive into the future?survive into the future?

Sustainability is:Sustainability is:"..development that meets the needs of the present "..development that meets the needs of the present

without compromising the ability of future generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"to meet their own needs"

World Commission on the Environment and World Commission on the Environment and Development, 1987Development, 1987

Global WarmingWarming of 2.5-10.5 degrees F

Low end impacts: serious but manageable

High end impacts: catastrophic

The Next Century

Clear Impacts: 1Clear Impacts: 1ºº F degree F degree warmingwarming

“How far can it go? The last time the world was three degrees warmer than today – which is what we expect later this century – sea levels were 25m higher. So that is what we can look forward to if we don't act soon…I think sea-level rise is going to be the big issue soon, more even than warming itself…

How long have we got?How long have we got? We have to stabilize emissions of We have to stabilize emissions of carbon dioxide within a decade, or temperatures will warm carbon dioxide within a decade, or temperatures will warm by more than one degree. by more than one degree.

That will be warmer than it has been for half a million years, That will be warmer than it has been for half a million years, and many things could become unstoppable.and many things could become unstoppable.……We don't have We don't have much time left.much time left.””

Dr. James HansenDr. James Hansen, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies., Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.–– The IndependentThe Independent 2/ 17/20062/ 17/2006

Higher Education ImpactHigher Education ImpactThe higher education population in The higher education population in the US is greater than the population the US is greater than the population of Australia.of Australia.

Annual direct and indirect impacts of Annual direct and indirect impacts of American higher education industry American higher education industry over $1.2 trillion.over $1.2 trillion.

Universities are “employers, purchasers, engines of economic growth, innovators, cultural meccas, branders of place and increasingly, major real estate developers.”

The United Nations The United Nations Decade of Education Decade of Education

for Sustainable for Sustainable DevelopmentDevelopment

“…“…invites all nations to integrate sustainable invites all nations to integrate sustainable development into their education systems at development into their education systems at all levels from preall levels from pre--school to higher education school to higher education and in nonand in non--formal as well as formal formal as well as formal education, in order to promote education as education, in order to promote education as a key agent for change.a key agent for change.””

UNECE: 2004UNECE: 2004













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Annual Savings by University Environmental Sustainability Programs

Rosemary Collard, “Annual Savings by University Environmental Sustainability Programs,” adapted from Garrett W. Meiggs, Campus Sustainability in Higher Education, Ithica:Cornell University, 2005.

Energy Energy Conservation Conservation


Campus Electricity Usage 04Campus Electricity Usage 04--05 (kWh)05 (kWh)

–– FY(03FY(03--04)04) 122,073,342122,073,342–– FY(04FY(04--05) 116,392,110 05) 116,392,110 –– Reduction per sq. ftReduction per sq. ft . 4.65%. 4.65%

Cost Avoided $670,385.00 Cost Avoided $670,385.00

Lillis Business ComplexUniversity of Oregon’s Lundquist College of Business

LEED Silver Certification

In addition to making good sense, the building's environmental elements enhance students' educational experience.

- Dean James Bean

UCCS Ecological Footprint – 34,543 acres

UCCS Per Capita Footprint – 4.1 acres

UCCS - Ecological Footprint - 2003

Built-Land Buildings












Built-Land Buildings



2005 Sustainability Task Force Final Report2005 Sustainability Task Force Final Report


Vision: The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is a recognized leader in sustainability, integrating social, economic, and ecological values into institutional policies, programs and practices.

Institutional Sustainability Institutional Sustainability LeadershipLeadership

If we heed the research of our own scholars and If we heed the research of our own scholars and display the visionary leadership necessary to mitigate display the visionary leadership necessary to mitigate unsustainable trends, then, and only then, may we unsustainable trends, then, and only then, may we expect our political leaders, corporations and future expect our political leaders, corporations and future graduates to do the same.graduates to do the same.

Scientific research

Programs Policies Practices

20022002----Campus Sustainability CommitteeCampus Sustainability Committee

2003 2003 ---- Students for EnvironmentalStudents for EnvironmentalAwareness and Sustainability (SEAS)Awareness and Sustainability (SEAS)

2005 2005 –– Sustainability Task ForceSustainability Task Force

2005 2005 –– Sustainability Officer, first inSustainability Officer, first inCU systemCU system

2006 2006 –– Sustainability Action PlanSustainability Action Plan


Vision for OperationsVision for Operations

UCCS is a living laboratory where the UCCS is a living laboratory where the physical infrastructure as well as operating physical infrastructure as well as operating processes exemplify sustainable practices processes exemplify sustainable practices and serve as teaching tools for the entire and serve as teaching tools for the entire

campus community.campus community.




Objective Objective –– Recognizing the seriousness of global Recognizing the seriousness of global climate change, UCCS will strive to reduce its climate change, UCCS will strive to reduce its contribution to greenhouse gasses by reducing energy contribution to greenhouse gasses by reducing energy use and encouraging the use of renewable energy.use and encouraging the use of renewable energy.

Target 1Target 1 -- Decrease Total Energy Use Intensity of Decrease Total Energy Use Intensity of UCCS by 5%UCCS by 5%

Target 2Target 2 -- Increase energy efficiency of all newIncrease energy efficiency of all newbuildings by at least 10% below ASHRAEbuildings by at least 10% below ASHRAE

Target 3Target 3 -- Increase sourcing of energy to 6% Increase sourcing of energy to 6% renewable energy renewable energy -- to meet goal of 25%to meet goal of 25%renewable energy by 2025renewable energy by 2025

Target 4Target 4 –– Purchase Energy Star equipment Purchase Energy Star equipment –– useuseLCCA to analyzeLCCA to analyze

ENERGY – 5 year targets

2005 2005 -- $1.3 million Energy Performance $1.3 million Energy Performance Bond for resource conservation projects Bond for resource conservation projects

Lighting retrofitsLighting retrofitsDigital Direct ControlsDigital Direct ControlsExit sign retrofitExit sign retrofitBoiler isolation valvesBoiler isolation valvesWater saving retrofitsWater saving retrofitsEnergy conservation educationEnergy conservation education

Operations/Resource ConservationOperations/Resource Conservation

ECM #1 – Lighting retrofit

Total Project CostTotal Project Cost

Simple PaybackSimple Payback

Anticipated Savings per year Anticipated Savings per year

Reduced CO2 (greenhouse Reduced CO2 (greenhouse gas)/yr gas)/yr

• $73,667

• 2.56 years

• $28,809

• 641,758 lbs.

2005 2005 –– DPS purchases hybrid car DPS purchases hybrid car

2006 2006 –– Utility Bill Audit $22,000 refund, Utility Bill Audit $22,000 refund,

$5$5--6K savings per year6K savings per year

2006 2006 -- Initiated Facilities Resource Initiated Facilities Resource

Conservation GroupConservation Group

2006 2006 -- Colorado Springs Utilities Audit Colorado Springs Utilities Audit

Operations/Resource ConservationOperations/Resource Conservation

Buildings2006 - Goal of LEED certification for Recreation

Center and Science Engineering Buildings

2006 - Renewable Energy – Rec. Center –solar pre-heat for swimming pool

2006 - Heller Center - sustainable design

Future – UCCS Facilities Guidelines andSpecifications

Operations/PlanningOperations/Planning2006 – UCCS Facilities Strategic

Plan Update: SustainabilityFocus

2006 – North Nevada UrbanRenewal Plan

Future – Energy Master Plan

Future - Transportation Master Plan

Education Vision StatementEducation Vision Statement

UCCS is an educational environment UCCS is an educational environment where the emphasis on sustainability where the emphasis on sustainability

informs, enables, and engages oninforms, enables, and engages on-- and and offoff--campus communities through campus communities through

knowledge, involvement opportunities, knowledge, involvement opportunities, and outreach. The goal is to translate and outreach. The goal is to translate

sustainable concepts into action.sustainable concepts into action.

2004 2004 -- 6 6 -- Numerous Sustainability Symposium, Numerous Sustainability Symposium, charrettescharrettes, community roundtables, , community roundtables,

20042004--6 6 -- Campus Sustainability Day Campus Sustainability Day –– SCUPSCUPBroadcast, Earth DayBroadcast, Earth Day

2006 2006 -- Multidisciplinary Sustainability Multidisciplinary Sustainability Minor approvedMinor approved

2006 2006 -- First sustainability focused Freshman First sustainability focused Freshman Seminar course offeredSeminar course offered

2006 2006 –– Sustainability presentations in classesSustainability presentations in classes


The most significant part of a The most significant part of a universityuniversity’’s ecological s ecological

footprint may not be energy footprint may not be energy use, but rather the failure to use, but rather the failure to

teach students about teach students about ecological limits.ecological limits.

The Unmeasured Footprint

Sustainability in Higher Sustainability in Higher EducationEducation

OperationsOperationsEnsure that critical activities are ecologically sound, Ensure that critical activities are ecologically sound, socially just, and economically viablesocially just, and economically viable

EducationEducationEmphasize these concepts in curriculum, research, Emphasize these concepts in curriculum, research, outreach outreach -- prepare students to contribute as working prepare students to contribute as working citizenscitizens

LeadershipLeadershipCreate institution that functions as sustainable Create institution that functions as sustainable communitycommunity


Contact Linda Kogan at [email protected]
