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UCOL Internship Portfolio and Reflection

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University College Internship Portfolio and Reflection for Graduate Certificate in Public Relations and Marketing Organizational and Professional Communication Mechelle Little University of Denver University College August 21, 2015 Academic Director: Magdelana Red, PhD Dean: Michael J. McGuire, MLS


University  College  Internship  Portfolio  and  Reflection  


Graduate  Certificate  in  Public  Relations  and  Marketing          



Organizational  and  Professional  Communication    

Mechelle  Little      

University  of  Denver  University  College    

August  21,  2015    

Academic  Director:  Magdelana  Red,  PhD    

Dean:  Michael  J.  McGuire,  MLS  


2  Little                              

Contents    Reason  for  Internship                   3    Internship  Project,  Program  and  Initiative             4    Self-­‐Reflection    on  Projects                 5    Lessons  Learned                   7    Appendix                   9    

July  Rock  Report                 9    

Marc  Lieberman  to  Speak  on  SEC  National  Exam  Program  at   41    NAPPA  Conference  

 Fred  Marienthal  Presents  on  Private  Activity  Bonds         42  for  Local  Government  Officials        

 John  Schembari  Quoted  in  Omaha  World-­‐Herald  Article       43  on  Employee  Overtime  Expansion  

 Matthew  Sgnilek  to  Present  on  the  RX  for  RTW:         44  Managing  Return  to  Work  and  Medical  Leave    Obligations  Under  Workers’  Compensation  

 Elise  Dieterich  and  Gregory  Mottla  Author  Sharing  Data  in  the  Cloud  in  Corporate  Counselor         45  

 Jeff  Makovicka  and  David  Karnes  Author  Basel  III  Mortgage    Service  Assets  Article  in  Nebraska  Banker         46  

 Seven  Attorneys  Join  Kutak  Rock’s  Omaha  Office       47  

 John  Schembari  Quoted  in  Omaha  World-­‐Herald  Article       49  Concerning  Perks,  Pay  Raises    


2016  Best  Lawyers  in  America  Recognizes  56  Kutak  Rock  attorneys    50            



3  Little                              

Reason  for  Internship      

    During  the  summer  quarter,  I  supplemented  my  studies  in  organizational  and  

professional  communication  with  a  communications  internship  with  Kutak  Rock  LLP.  

Kutak  Rock  is  a  national  law  firm  of  over  500  attorneys  in  17  offices  located  across  the  

country.  I  worked  in  the  firm’s  Denver  office  with  the  Business  Development    &  

Marketing  department  for  ten  weeks.  During  this  internship,  I  was  able  to  observe  and  

how  a  prestigious  law  firm  utilizes  public  relations  principles.  The  writing,  research  and  

planning  skills  emphasized  in  my  coursework  helped  me  complete  my  projects.  The  

knowledge  I  gained  during  this  internship  will  increase  my  credibility  as  a  public  

relations  professional.  

    I  worked  with  the  firm’s  Communications  Coordinator  and  the  Business  

Development  &  Marketing  team.  Our  job  was  to  help  Kutak  Rock  attorneys  

communicate  their  key  messages  to  employees  and  clients.  The  public  relations  tools  

used  included  newsletters,  press  releases,  client  alerts,  media  submissions,  recent  

development  stories  and  publications  posted  on  the  website,  and  links  for  continuing  

legal  education  courses  and  networking  events.    

    This  internship  resonated  with  me  because  I  was  interested  in  both  the  legal  

services  industry  and  corporate  communications.  I  would  like  to  work  someday  in  a  

formal,  structured,  professional  and  fast-­‐paced  environment  where  the  staff  gets  along  

and  works  hard.  Law  firms  like  Kutak  Rock  and  large  companies  fit  my  criteria.    


Internship  Project,  Program  and  Initiative      


4  Little                              

My  first  project  as  an  intern  was  helping  the  Communications  Coordinator  write,  

design  and  edit  the  Rock  Report,  the  firm’s  internal  newsletter,  for  the  month  of  July  

2015.  The  newsletter  was  created  using  Microsoft  Publisher.  It  reported  on  firm  news,  

employee  accomplishments,  special  events  and  employee  features.  The  firm  feels  that  

the  newsletter  approach  is  more  effective  than  daily  emails.  People  tend  to  skim  

repetitive  emails  but  pay  more  attention  to  a  well-­‐produced  newsletter.    

Each  office  has  a  liaison  responsible  for  submitting  monthly  content  to  the  

Communications  Coordinator.  I  copy-­‐edited  the  content  the  Communications  

Coordinator  forwarded  to  me.  I  also  researched  events  and  wrote  firm-­‐related  features.  

After  copy-­‐editing  content  for  all  17  offices,  I  emailed  the  first  version  of  the  Rock  

Report  to  all  office  liaisons  and  the  managing  partner  at  the  Denver  office  for  additional  

edits.  After  receiving  and  correcting  all  edits,  I  delivered  the  Rock  Report  to  the  

document  processing  department  to  review  and  format  before  saving  the  final  version  

as  a  PDF.  We  sent  the  final  version  to  all  employees.  The  July  Rock  Report  is  in  the  


After  completing  the  July  Rock  Report,  my  second  project  was  drafting  news  

releases  for  submission  to  Denver  legal  publications  and  for  posting  on  the  firm’s  

website.  Topics  ranged  from  announcing  new  hires  or  new  partners  to  announcing  

speaking  engagements,  presentations,  district  appointments  and  interviews.  News  

releases  help  Kutak  Rock  attorneys  maintain  relationships  with  their  clients  by  

demonstrating  expertise  in  specialized  practice  areas.  News  releases  also  help  

demonstrate  that  Kutak  Rock  attorneys  are  aware  of  new  legal  developments.  In  both  


5  Little                              

Writing  for  Public  Relations  and  Public  Relations  Process  and  Principles  with  Karen  

Morales,  I  learned  that  publics  are  very  critical  to  designing  a  public  relations  plan.  

Writing  these  news  releases  helped  me  understand  how  important  it  was  to  target  

these  news  releases  to  a  specific  public  in  order  to  enhance  the  firm’s  credibility  and  

reputation.  All  of  the  news  releases  I  drafted  are  included  in  the  Appendix.  

My  third  project  was  to  track  published  media  in  different  legal  publications  and  

business  journals  such  as  The  Docket  (Denver  Bar  Association  publication),  Denver  

Business  Journal,  Law  Week  Colorado  and  DU  and  CU  Law  Alumni  magazines.  Tracking  

was  done  through  creating  Google  Alerts  for  “Kutak  Rock”.  After  reading  each  article,  I  

opened  the  firm’s  confidential  media  tracking  spreadsheet  and  inserted  information  

into  the  spreadsheet  about  the  article,  the  date  it  was  published,  the  media  outlet  and  

the  office  and/or  attorneys  mentioned.  I  also  created  a  PDF  of  the  article  to  upload  to  

Net  Documents,  the  firm’s  cloud-­‐based  document  management  system  and  archive.    

 In  my  Public  Relations  Process  and  Principles  course,  I  learned  that  an  effective  

public  relations  professional  must  have  a  solid  understanding  of  what  the  media  prefers  

to  publish.  Kutak  Rock  did  a  great  job  at  getting  published  in  their  targeted  media  

outlets.  My  tracking  work  helped  the  Business  Development  &  Marketing  team  confirm  

that  submissions  were  getting  published.  I  did  not  include  the  media  tracking  

spreadsheet  in  the  Appendix  because  it  is  a  confidential  document  that  belongs  to  the  


Self-­‐Reflection  on  Projects    


6  Little                              

In  my  opinion,  Kutak  Rock  produced  an  excellent  newsletter.  Successful  

newsletters,  according  to  Professor  Morales,  are  professionally  produced,  visually  

appealing,  fulfill  an  unmet  need  and  produce  a  positive  emotional  response  in  the  

reader.  They  also  have  a  serial  volume  and  issue  numbers,  visual  cues,  special  interest  

features  and  clear  and  concise  writing.    The  July  Rock  Report  met  these  criteria.  It  

featured  the  firm’s  colors  and  a  cover  story  to  celebrate  the  firm’s  50th  anniversary.    

Many  of  the  crisply  written  stories  reported  good  news  such  as,  for  instance,  employees  

who  have  had  babies  or  attorneys  who  have  earned  awards  or  other  special  recognition.    

These  positive  stories  helped  create  an  emotional  connection  with  readers  and  

encouraged  them  to  be  proud  of  the  firm’s  accomplishments.    

Personally,  working  on  the  Rock  Report  was  rewarding  yet  challenging.  Prior  to  

interning  at  Kutak  Rock,  I  hadn’t  had  the  opportunity  to  work  on  such  an  extensive  

publication.  The  world  of  law  firms  was  new  to  me.  I  had  to  ask  my  supervisor  a  lot  of  

questions  about  how  to  create  text  boxes  to  fit  content  and  how  to  format  pictures  

properly.  Liaisons  often  sent  me  three  times  more  content  than  we  needed  for  each  

section.  It  was  hard  for  me  to  decide  which  content  to  include  in  the  final  product.  Once  

my  supervisor  explained  how  to  identify  the  content  that  was  relevant  to  the  theme  of  

the  particular  month,  it  became  easier  to  edit  text  out.  Working  on  the  Rock  Report  was  

a  wonderful  opportunity  to  create  a  high-­‐quality  employee  communications  product  

and  it  will  help  me  creating  successful  newsletters  in  the  future.    

Kutak  Rock  also  did  a  great  job  in  writing  news  releases  to  distribute  and  post  to  

the  firm’s  website.  Professor  Morales  taught  me  that  news  releases  should  be  short,  


7  Little                              

direct  and  focus  on  topics  that  are  newsworthy  and  of  special  interest.  Kutak  Rock  news  

releases  focused  on  recent  legal  developments  and  client  alerts  of  interest  to  their  

target  publics.  For  me  personally,  I  felt  like  I  did  a  good  job  writing  news  releases  once  I  

got  used  to  the  format.  The  AP  Style  guidelines  proved  to  be  a  useful  formatting  tool.  

Through  research  and  practice,  I  also  was  able  to  understand  and  better  describe  

differences  between  job  titles  and  roles  played  by  different  attorneys  and  to  better  

describe  different  practice  areas.    

  In  contrast  to  the  newsletter  and  news  releases,  Kutak  Rock  could  have  

done  a  better  job  with  their  media  tracking.  Tracking  media,  according  to  Professor  

Gloven,  should  be  used  for  analysis  to  determine  how  well  a  public  relations  or  media  

relations  campaign  has  been  designed  and  implemented.  Kutak  Rock’s  Denver  office  did  

not  analyze  the  research  being  collected.  As  a  result,  the  Denver  staff  writing  news  

releases  did  not  have  any  feedback  about  how  effective  their  media  relations  campaign  

had  been.  They  instead  asked  me  to  create  a  historical  archive  of  all  tracked  media.  I  

believe  that  Kutak  Rock  should  have  been  analyzing  this  data  using  public  relations  

research  methods  to  assess  how  to  better  reach  their  publics.  Personally,  I  felt  that  I  did  

a  good  job  of  tracking  the  media.    But  I  regret  that  I  didn’t  ask  to  do  more  research  to  

assess  the  effectiveness  of  their  public  and  media  relations  campaigns.  This  is  one  goal  

that  I  have  for  Kutak  Rock  in  the  future  and  one  attribute  that  I  hope  to  bring  into  my  

public  relations  career.    

Lessons  Learned      


8  Little                              

I  worked  hard  as  an  intern,  learned  a  lot  and  felt  I  was  very  productive.  The  firm  

agreed.  At  the  end  of  my  internship,  Melissa  Zielger,  the  Communications  Coordinator  

at  Kutak  Rock  and  my  supervisor,  provided  a  review  of  my  overall  performance  as  an  

intern  throughout  the  summer.  She  used  Kutak  Rock’s  standard  staff  member  

performance  guidelines.  This  review  highlighted  the  knowledge  of  my  position,  

teamwork  and  communication  skills,  productivity  and  quality  of  work,  reliability  and  

commitment,  judgment  and  decision  making  and  performance  goals  for  improvement.  I  

received  very  positive  ratings.    

I  learned  a  lot  during  this  internship  that  helped  me  personally  and  

professionally.    One  lesson  I  learned  was  to  be  thorough  in  my  communication  style.  In  

addition  to  crisp  writing,  I  learned  I  should  not  be  reluctant  to  ask  questions  before  

beginning  a  project  so  that  I  am  better  able  to  complete  projects  correctly  and  

efficiently.  At  first  I  did  not  realize  that  the  firm  had  a  particular  protocol  for  

hyperlinking  in  the  Rock  Report.  By  asking  questions  and  following  up  on  all  of  my  tasks,  

I  was  able  to  produce  well-­‐written  products  for  the  firm.    

I  also  learned  how  important  it  is  to  respect  and  maintain  deadlines,  whether  

pitching  to  media  outlets  or  communicating  with  attorneys  to  make  sure  a  news  release  

looks  accurate.  I  also  need  to  be  more  confident.    Being  confident  helps  a  public  

relations  specialist  build  and  maintain  relationships  between  organizations.    Public  

relations  professionals  need  to  be  leaders  to  the  organizations  they  represent.  In  order  

to  become  a  leader,  I  need  to  be  confident  in  my  abilities  and  myself  in  order  to  work  

with  organizations  met  their  goals  and  objectives.  Overall,  this  internship  helped  me  


9  Little                              

apply  the  public  relations  writing  research,  and  planning  principles  taught  to  me  in  

University  College  in  a  corporate  setting.  It  has  helped  hone  the  professional  skills  I  can  

bring  to  an  entry-­‐level  position  in  the  public  relations  and  communications  fields.  




The Rock Report


C L I C K T H E L I N K S B E L O W T O R E A D E A C H S E C T I O N .

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Kutak Rock, the Rock Report will feature stories from long-time employees in each newsletter. If you have a story you would like to submit, please contact Melissa Ziegler ([email protected], extension 5707). “When I started in 1972 there were 12 lawyers in Omaha. Every piece of corre-spondence had three carbon copies: yellow, pink and blue. The yellow copy was for the file; pink, for lawyers’ personal correspondence books; and all of the blue copies were gathered together every single day—stapled or clipped—and sent/taken directly to Mr. Kutak. He would read all of the blues and have them back on your desk and/or the lawyer’s desk every morning. There would be comments about the substance and writing style of the letter, as well as com-ments about the layout; all typos (or even messy corrections) would be circled. We had liquid paper in all three colors, and all carbons were to be corrected and as neat as the original.” —Marilynn Herek, Human Resources Manager, Omaha, “Tom Hood was late for a meeting in Washington, DC. When he called, I told him that no excuse except the plane crashing would be acceptable. As it turned out, the plane crashed. Well, the wheel broke on landing and the plane caught fire. Tom was fine, and he was excused for his late arrival at the meeting.” —Mitchell Bragin, partner, Washington, DC

Memories of Kutak Rock

Firm News 2

Atlanta 3

Chicago 5

DC/Richmond 6

Denver 10


Little Rock 15

Irvine/LA 18

Kansas City 20

Minneapolis 21

Omaha 22

Philadelphia 25


Spokane 26

Tech Tip 28

Wellness 30

Page 2 Rock Report

Last month, Kutak Rock welcomed Kao Nou Moua as the firm’s Inclusiveness and Diversity Analyst. Kao Nou works with the National Inclusiveness and Diversi-ty Committee to assess and measure inclusiveness at the firm and create programs and initiatives based on the results. Research conducted by the Center for Legal Inclusive-ness, the American Bar Association and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association indicates numerous contributors and barriers, often hidden, that impact inclusiveness at law firms. The firm’s Inclusiveness and Diversity Strategic Plan outlines three-year goals to improve inclusiveness at Kutak Rock to ensure that people from all backgrounds choose, stay, and thrive at Kutak Rock because their perspectives and contri-butions are valued and rewarded. Kao Nou is currently a Ph.D. student in the School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota; she plans to defend her dissertation in May 2016. Kao Nou has a background in diversity-related program develop-ment and implementation, training and organizational consultation, and community organization. She has assisted with inclusiveness and diversity studies utiliz-ing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods de-signs, evaluated diversity programs and state systems, and consulted on research related to diverse commu-

nities. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, is married, and has a two-year-old son. As a reminder, everyone is welcome to join the Nation-al Inclusiveness and Diversity Forum at any time. To learn more, click here: https://vault.netvoyage.com/neWeb2/searchRes.aspx?newSearch=E&scope=all&filter=%3D999%284821-0511-2090%29&open=1. For more information about joining the Forum, please contact Kim McKelvey.

Firm News

National Inclusiveness and Diversity Forum: Kutak Rock Welcomes Kao Nou Moua

Click here to return to the Table of Contents

Page 3 Rock Report

7/4 – Bonita White 7/18 – Drew Marlar 7/24 – Calvin Jellema

7/1 – Leslie Powell, 4 years 7/18 – Michelle Mollica, 21 years 7/31 – Adrian Robinson, 3 years


Atlanta Street Food Festival 7/11 Piedmont Park Atlanta Street food Festival offers event-goers the oppor-tunity to enjoy a variety of Atlanta’s best and favorite food trucks, local merchants and artisans, and live enter-tainment from some of the area’s favorite performers. To provide street food diners with the complete festival experi-ence, a diverse selection of craft beer, cocktails and wine will be available for purchase. More than 50 food trucks will gather for the occasion. For more information, please visit: http://www.atlanta.net/events/detail/atlanta-street-food-festival/96417/. (Text and image from www.atlanta.net)

Downtown Restaurant Week 7/18 – 7/26 Downtown Atlanta Downtown Atlanta’s highly anticipated Restaurant Week returns for its 13th year. During this nine-day culinary event, top chefs offer diners signature menus at excep-tional prices. With more than 30 participating restau-rants this year, gourmet prix-fixe menus will range from $15 to $35 for brunch, lunch and dinner options. Prices per person exclude alcohol, tax and gratuity.

For more information, please visit: http://www.atlantadowntown.com/fun/restaurant-week.

(Text and image from www.atlantadowntown.com)

Los Trompos: Alliance Theatre 7/10 – 12, 7/31 – 8/2 High Museum of Art Atlanta, Sifly Piazza Experience the interactive setting of Los Trompos on the Sifly Piazza with the Alliance Theatre! Founded in 1968, the Alliance Theatre has become the leading producing theatre in the Southeast, creating the powerful experience of shared theatre for diverse peo-ple. (Text and image from www.high.org)


Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary

Dates To Remember 7/4 – Independence Day

Page 4 Rock Report

Fourth of July Celebrations

Centennial Olympic Park 7/4, 6:00 p.m. Great Lawn Centennial Olympic Park’s Fourth of July celebration will offer fun and entertainment for the entire family, including free music and Atlanta’s num-ber one fireworks display. This year’s celebration will again be broadcasted by lo-cal ABC affiliate WSB-TV. For more information please visit: http://www.centennialpark.com/index.php/plan-your-visit/event-calendar/springsummer-events/4th-of-july. (Text and image from www.centennialpark.com)

2015 AJC Peachtree Road Race 7/4 Atlanta Metro Area The AJC Peachtree Road Race, organized by the Atlanta Track Club, is the largest 10K in the world. In its 46th running, the AJC Peachtree Road Race has become a Fourth of July tradition for thousands of people throughout the metro Atlanta area and beyond. For more information please visit: http://www.atlantatrackclub.org/2015-peachtree. (Text and image from www.atlantatrackclub.org)

Atlanta Braves vs. Philadelphia Phillies 7/4, 7:15 p.m. Turner Field Spend the Fourth of July with the Braves! Stay after the Phillies—Braves game and enjoy the best fireworks display in the southeast! The All-American Fireworks Spectacular will feature incredible fireworks displays choreo-graphed to Patriotic music.

For more information please visit: http://atlanta.braves.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=atl#y=2015&m=7&calendar=DEFAULT. (Text and image from www.atlanta.braves.mlb.com)

Lennox Square Legendary Fourth of July 7/4 Peachtree Road For over 50 years, Lennox Square has celebrated Independence with patriotic activities for the whole family to enjoy, including fireworks, music, dining and shopping. Shops and restaurants will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and fireworks begin at 9:40 p.m. For more information please visit: http://www.atlantaplanit.com/events/event.php?eid=51929. (Information from simon.com/mall/lennox-square/)

Red, White, & Brew 7/4, 7:00 p.m. Georgia Aquarium This Fourth of July, celebrate with un-limited beer sam-plings, food, live music and fire-works! Red, White, & Brew will be held in the magnifi-cent Oceans Ballroom, with views of beluga whales, manta rays and whale sharks. After dinner and drinks, head up to the Aquarium’s parking deck roof-top for the city’s best view of the Centennial Olympic Park firework show. Proceeds from Red, White, & Brew benefit Georgia Aquarium’s Sponsored Educa-tion Admissions program, teacher development and H20 summer camps!

For more information please visit: http://www.georgiaaquarium.org/experience/explore/events/2015/07/04/default-calendar/red-white-brew.

(Text and Image from www.georgiaaquarium.org)


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The Chicago Blackhawks beat the Tam-pa Bay Lighting in the Stanley Cup Fi-nals to take home their third Stanley Cup trophy in six years. In the photo to the

right, Brent Seabrook hoists the Stanley Cup during the parade.

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Chicago Botanic Garden Art Festival 7/4 – 7/5 Chicago Botanic Garden This one-of-a-kind art festival brings botanic-themed and botanic-made photography, paintings, ceramics, cement, metal, fiber, wood, jewelry and other pieces to the Chicago Botanic Garden. Find remarkable items to purchase or just admire them during your visit to the fifth annual event. For more information, please visit: http://www.chicagobotanic.org/artfestival. (Text www.chicagobotanic.org) Freedom Fest 7/4 Navy Pier’s Rooftop Celebrate the Fourth of July this year at the sec-ond annual Freedom Fest at Navy Pier’s rooftop! Navy Pier’s rooftop offers a fan-tastic view of the fireworks while enjoying the breezes from the beautiful Lake Michigan. This Independence day event includes food, drinks and music for the entire family to enjoy. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please visit: http://chitownevents.com/event/chicago/navy-pier-rooftop/the-2nd-annual-freedom-fest-at-navy-piers-rooftop. (Information and image from www.chitownevents.com)

Lollapalooza 7/31 – 8/02 Grant Park Come on out to Lollapalozza, one of the biggest festi-vals of the summer! This three-day event includes a music festival with a great lineup, a farmers market and Chow Town for delicious food, Kidzapalooza, Around the Block for shopping and many more fun events. For more information: http://www.lollapalooza.com/. (Information from www.lollapalooza.com)

Taste of Chicago 7/8 – 7/12 Grant Park Be prepared to get your grub on at the 35th Annual Taste of Chicago, the world’s largest outdoor food festi-val. For five days, live music, children’s activities and upwards of three million visitors makes this event the hottest party in the city. Your taste buds will go wild sampling more than 200 different menu items from a variety of cuisines. Admission is free. For more information: http://www.choosechicago.com/event/Taste-of-Chicago/18479/. (Text and image from www.choosechicago.com)

Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary

7/20 – Jay Gilbert 7/23 – Lance Tyson

7/1 – Kevin Barney, 15 years 7/1 – Jerry Wallack, 15 years 7/10 – Chicago Office, 15 years 7/29 – Lance Tyson, 2 years

Chicago Blackhawks Win the Stanley Cup


Page 6 Rock Report

7/2 – Sandra Sykes, Washington, DC 7/15 – Kara Colton, Washington, DC 7/16 – Barry Steinberg, Washington, DC 7/21 – Joseph Ingrisano, Washington, DC 7/22 – Marcia Plummer, Washington, DC 7/28 – Seth Kirshenberg, Washington, DC 7/30 – Ellen Valentine, Richmond

7/1 – Jennifer Blunt, 14 years, Washington, DC 7/6 – Timothy Baird, 6 years, Richmond 7/18 – Nicole Conyers, 4 years, Richmond 7/19 – Chellestine Page, 8 years, Washington, DC

Happy Birthday

Office Event Days

Happy Anniversary

Important Date

7/16 – Education Event—The Emotionally Safe Workplace (Washington, DC) 7/29 – Staff Meeting (Richmond) 7/30 – Staff Meeting (Washington, DC) 7/30 – “Last Thursday of the Month Club” (Washington, DC)

7/4 – Independence Day Did you know? John Adams believed that July 2 was the correct date on which to celebrate the birth of American independence, and would reportedly turn

down invitations to appear at July 4 events in protest. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on Ju-ly 4, 1826—the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

Washington DC/Richmond

National Awareness Days

7/1 – 7/7 – National American Sweet Bakery Week 7/12 – Disability Awareness Day 7/18 – 8/31 – National Fishing Month

Please Welcome Steve Sorett to Kutak Rock. Steve joins the corporate department’s federal practice group as an of counsel in the Washington, DC office. Steve is an expert in government contracting, federal govern-ment procurement law, and federal, state and local privatization (P3 and P4 projects). He is licensed to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia and obtained his law degree from the George Washington University Law School.


Page 7 Rock Report

Kutak Rock Participates in Lawyers Have Heart Race

Washington DC/Richmond

On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Kutak Rock’s Washing-ton, DC office participated in the 25th Annual “Lawyers Have Heart” event sponsored by the American Heart Association. We had outstanding participation with 28 runners and walkers. All participants received a race packet including a red t-shirt that displayed our slogan, “Proud To Deflate Our 10K Time,” on the back. While partially sunny and breezy, it was also hot and humid. The race started at 7:30 a.m. at the Washington Har-bor. The two-mile fun walk was changed this year to a 5K fun walk which made the walk 1.1 miles longer than previous years. The DC event raised over $700,000 for the American Heart Association. We concluded the morning at Billy Martin’s Tavern, where we welcomed a delightful breakfast buffet. All the participants—adults and children—had great fun for a great cause. The pictures below show how much we enjoyed the race.

(Left to Right: Pam Germas, Solomon Blunt, Jennifer Blunt, Debbie Ruskin, Elise Dieterich, Nicole Moriarty, Marcia Plummer, and Glenn Grimes)

(Left to Right: Allison Finelli and Seth Kirshenberg; Donna Williams, Dominique Polk and George Schlossberg; Jeremy Johnson and family; Neo Tran and family; Jennifer and Solomon Blunt, Ellen Clin-ton and Andrea Ramirez; Abraham Calderon, Alicia Terry, Silas Terry, Joe Ingrisano, George Schloss-berg and Bill Colton; Nicole and Tim Moriarty)

Page 8 Rock Report

Smithsonian Folklife Festival 7/1 – 7/5 National Mall This one of a kind festival celebrates a number of cul-tural traditions and features music and dance perfor-mances, cooking demonstra-tions, crafts and discussion sessions of cultural issues that we face today. The theme for this year’s festival centers around Peruvian culture. Admission is free. For more information please visit: http://dc.about.com/od/specialevents/a/FolklifeFest.htm. (Information and Image from www.dc.about.com)

A Capital Fourth 7/4 U.S Capital’s West Lawn Come celebrate Independence Day at one of the na-tion’s biggest celebrations on the steps of the U.S. cap-ital. This PBS special will feature performances from a

number of musical icons, the National Symphony Orches-tra and a monumental fire-works display. For more information please visit: http://www.pbs.org/a-capitol-fourth/home/. (Information from www.pbs.org, image from www.capital concerts.org)

Baltimore/Washington Caribbean Festival 7/11 – 7/12 Baltimore, Maryland This annual festival represents and promotes cross-cultural programs within the Baltimore and Washington, DC metropolitan areas. The event features groups rep-resenting the Caribbean, Latin America and the Dias-pora in colorful costumes portraying different themes, dancing to the sound of Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Afri-can, Haitian, Latin and Steelband music.

For more information please visit: http://dc.about.com/od/specialevents/a/DCCC.htm. (Information from www.dc.about.com)

Washington DC/Richmond

Washington, DC Events

Richmond Events

Bikes: Science on Two Wheels 7/1 – 9/27 Science Museum of Virginia Get ready to pop a wheelie as you trace the evolution of the bicycle from its origins to the sleek, modern designs that line the streets around the world today. Get into gear with hands-on exhibits as you explore energy, force and motion, aerodynamics and engineering and uncover a diverse collection of historic, rare, peculiar and all-around amazing bikes! For more information please visit: http://www.smv.org/explore/featured-exhibits/bikes-science-two-wheels. (Information from www.smv.org)

Flowers After 5 7/2 – 8/27 Lewis Ginter Botanical Gar-den Enjoy a nice stroll through the beautiful Botanic gar-dens on Thursday evenings throughout the summer. Amenities include live music, family activities, wine and beer, dining and shopping. Garden partners with Rich-mond SPCA is on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. For more information: http://www.lewisginter.org/event/flowers-after-5. (Information from www.lewisginter.org, image from cvillenichebuzz.wordpress.com)

Page 9 Rock Report

Andrea is a new receptionist

in the Washington, DC of-


Tell us a little about your-

self and your family.

I was born and raised in

Washington state, and just

recently moved here to

Washington, DC. I have two

older sisters in Washington

state, and no brothers to pick

on me. I love sports

(basketball and football) and

enjoying the outdoors with my loved ones.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Hob-


I enjoy doing anything and everything in my spare time.

I don’t like to be stuck at home, so always find some-

thing to do. Watching new movies is one of my favorite

things to do. I love food, so every weekend I like to go

out and try new foods. Back at home I would say I

would be playing sports. This place is still very new to

me so I am trying to explore all of DC in my spare time.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about my family, and how united we

are. Even though we are miles and miles away we still

manage to communicate and stay close.

Where did you work before coming to Kutak?

Before coming to Kutak, I was a Pharmacy Assistant

for Farm Workers Clinic. Now I am trying something

new and I am enjoying it.

Do you have a favorite movie? Or a recent movie

you enjoyed?

Oh man I don’t think I could ever just pick one favorite

movie. I love watching movies. A few of my favorites

would be Love & Basketball, Think Like a Man, and

American Sniper.

What’s your most memorable moment? My most memorable moment would have to be leaving all of my family, and moving down here to Washington, DC. I moved here not knowing what to expect, or

where I would be working. It has definitely been a fun and rewarding experience.

Do you have any pets?

Oh no! Call me a scaredy-cat, but I do not like any sort

of pets. I stay as far away as I can from them.

Where would you like to travel to?

I would like to travel anywhere. It’s always great learn-

ing/exploring new places. As a child I always said I

would be exploring every country/state. Now as an

adult, I learned that is something very hard to do.

Tell us something that people might not know about you. I am a huge Denver Broncos Fan. Favorite book? Books on your bedside table now? I don’t know if I really have a favorite book. It’s really hard for me to sit down and actually read a book. I’ve started some, and never finish them. As of now, there is no book beside my table. What magazine subscriptions do you get? Right now, I don’t get any magazine subscriptions. Back at home I subscribed to Sports Illustrated. Do you have any pet peeves? My biggest pet peeve would be smart alecks. I can take humor, but I don’t think there is anyone who possi-bly knows everything. What do you like most about your job? What I enjoy most about my job is interacting with peo-ple. I also enjoy helping in different areas when need-ed. What would a perfect day look like to you? A perfect day for me would be outdoors enjoying the sunshine, and a slight breeze.

Washington DC/Richmond

Get To Know Your Co-Worker: Andrea Ramirez

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Happy Birthday 7/1 – Nick Anderson 7/7 – Mechelle Little 7/8 – Elsie Canady 7/9 – Sharena Smith 7/10 – Karen Carlson 7/10 – Steven Zartman 7/11 – Paul Belitz 7/12 – Pamela Moore 7/13 – Ellen O‘Brien 7/17 – Ken Guckenberger 7/18 – Mario Trimble 7/19 – Ardie White 7/28 – Michael Frandina 7/28 – Matt McElhiney 7/30 – Jim Arundel

7/1 – Scott Beck, 31 years 7/1 – Gary Ceballos, 2 years 7/3 – Lou Raders, 32 years 7/6 – Kerstin Stevenson, 11 years 7/12 – Steve Zartman, 11 years 7/13 – Shawn Willette, 17 years 7/17 – Carol Mihalic, 2 years 7/19 – Mark Willis, 14 years 7/25 – Micah Halverson, 10 years 7/26 – Mike Reppe, 32 years 7/27 – Mike Donovan, 34 years 7/27 – Becky Franson, 5 years

Happy Anniversary

Bob Ahrenholz retired on July 1 after a successful 34-year career with Kutak Rock. Bob has been an integral part of the firm, the office and the corporate department, not only in Denver, but firm-wide. He will be missed not only for his contributions, but his friendly personality as well. We thank him for all his hard work.

We said goodbye to Shira McKinlay, who has worked on the healthcare side of employee benefits. She was accepted into the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, in Vienna, Austria, where she will be pursuing a master’s degree in International Diplomacy.

The Denver office also said goodbye to Jodi Kopke as she took a job in Los Angeles at Eisner Pediatric & Family Medical Center as the Communications Director. Jodi was with the firm for the past seven years and will be greatly missed.

The Denver office would like to welcome Estee Sanchez to Kutak Rock. Estee joins the corporate department, specializing in oil and gas law, as an Of Counsel. She obtained her law degree from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.

We also welcome Ross Pitts to the firm. He will be working as a courier in the service center and will cross train to be backup in records. Kutak Rock said goodbye to Mel and Mark Sabey. We also said farewell to legal secretary Peggy Forrest. We thank them for all their hard work and wish them the best of luck in their new endeavors!

Last month, we said goodbye to two communications interns, Jace Prokupeck and Phillip Rendell. We also welcomed a new communications intern, Mechelle Little. Mechelle is currently a graduate student at the University of Denver studying Organizational & Professional Communication with a focus in Public Relations and Marketing.

Coming and Going


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Denver Office Summer Celebrations

The Denver office will host a function each month during the summer and the events will generally start at 4:30 p.m. These events are intended to bring everybody together on a monthly basis. Attend the monthly functions for some conversation, cocktails and a bite to eat. The first celebration kicked off on Thursday, June 11 at 4:30 p.m. This event was a great way to welcome new employees to the firm and enjoy delicious food and drinks! All employees are welcome to celebrate the summer during the next two upcoming events. There will be additional summer celebrations on July 9 and August 13.

Denver residents and downtown businesses should prepare for a busy summer as Meet in the Street returns to the 16th Street Mall. The outdoor event series, which is run by the Downtown Denver Partnership, includes small business participation and street performances, and will take place over five Sundays. This event begins on June 28 and continues on July 5, July 19, August 2 and August 9. On those dates the free mall ride will be detoured to 15th and 17th streets for the entire day. Meet in the Street was launched as a way to get locals to go outside, walk, bike and enjoy the out-door beauty of downtown Denver. It has become a chance for local eateries and performers to interact

with large groups of people who may not consider the center of a busy city as a place to spend a day outside. Last year’s Meet in the Street drew an average of 2,800 people per block and contained bike decora-tion stations, drum circles, intersection artwork, live music and piano painting. For more information please visit: http://www.downtowndenver.com/events/meet-in-the-street. (Text from June issue of Denver Voice) (Image from www.downtowndenver.com)



(Left to right: Camille Gregory, Nick Anderson, John Bales, Bob Irvin )

(Left to right: Jodi Kopke, Hillary Ellis, Tami Rogers, Gary Ceballos, Bob Irvin )

Meet in the Street Returns to Denver

(Left to right: Jesse Brown, Tom Peltz, Rick Buddin, Bob Irvin)

Page 12 Rock Report


SafeHouse Denver open-ind its doors in 1977, and currently operates the pri-mary shelter in the City and County of Denver that serves victims of domestic violence and abuse. This shelter also runs a non-residential Counseling and Advocacy Center where adults, children and ado-lecsents experiencing inti-mate partner violence are provided support services and don’t require emergency housing. SafeHouse’s shelter originally housed 16 beds that provided a safe place for women and their children. Today, SafeHouse offers 26 beds plus cribs, serving more than 250 women and children every year. In addition, SafeHouse serves hundreds more adults, children and youth through non-residential services.

Not only does SafeHouse protect victims, it offers in-dividual counseling, advocacy support groups, legal assistance and referrals to multiple programs.

On July 23, wear your jeans and bring in $5 to donate to SafeHouse Denver. For more information please visit: http://www.safehouse-denver.org/. (Information and images from www.safehouse-denver.org)

Charity of the Month: SafeHouse Denver

The Music of ABBA Arrival from Sweden is the world’s foremost ABBA tribute show at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. This 12-piece band will take you back to the ‘70s as they re-create the appearance of the original stars that defined pop music. Authentic costumes, captivating dance numbers, impeccable harmonies all come together to create the ABBA experience, live on stage. This year marks the 41st anniversary of ABBA’s first hit, Waterloo, which won them the 1974 Eurovision song contest and catapulted them to the world stage and rock stardom. This summer, come have the time of your life as you relive the chart-topping hits of ABBA, including “Dancing Queen,” “Waterloo,” “Fernando,” “S.O.S.,” “Mamma Mia,” “Take a Chance on Me,” “The Winner Takes It All,” “Knowing Me, Knowing You,” “Ring Ring, The Name of the Game,” “Money, Money, Money” and many more. You are eligible to get tickets for the incredible low price of $34 (plus a low-cost service charge of only $4

per ticket through Channel 12), online at: http://www.cpt12.org/abba. Buy your tickets at a savings, attend an amazing concert at one of the most beautiful amphitheaters in the world and support public television. “You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life…” —ABBA, “Dancing Queen”

(Image from mychordbook.com)

Discount Ticket Alert: The World’s Greatest ABBA Show

Page 13 Rock Report

Fourth of July Spectacular 7/4 Aurora Municipal Center The city of Aurora, Colorado, invites you to experience the Fourth of July Spectacular with a fireworks show that lights up the area skyline. The Auro-ra Municipal Center Great Lawn will feature live music, delicious food and a fireworks dis-play revered as one of the best in Colorado. For more information please visit: https://apps.auroragov.org/auroragov_parts/dispEvent.aspx?eid=3364. (Text from denverpost.com)

Cherry Creek Fresh Market Every Saturday, May – October Cherry Creek Shopping Center The award winning Cherry Creek Fresh Market pro-duced by Colorado Fresh Markets since 1998, is the largest farmers market in Denver. Touted as the “Cadillac of farmers markets,” you’ll find a high quality mix of Colorado growers and unique local gourmet food vendors representing the best of the Rocky Mountain region. Also enjoy chef events, gardening tips, live music and more in a fun and festive outdoor shopping environment. For more information visit: www.coloradofreshmarkets.com. (Text from denverpost.com)

Jazz in City Park: The Messers 7/5 City Park The 2015 Jazz in City Park season began on June 7 and continues each Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. through August 9. The free concerts are at the pavilion in City Park. Enjoy some of Denver’s finest food truck fare at afford-

able prices. Bring your own blankets or folding chairs. City Park Jazz concerts are held rain or shine, so it’s a good idea to bring umbrellas and rain gear in case of inclement weather. For more information please visit: http://cityparkjazz.org. (Images and text from www.cityparkjazz.org)

Colorado Irish Festival 7/10 – 7/12 Clement Park Experience the largest Irish celebration in the Rocky Mountains with traditional Irish music performances and dancing, Irish drama and storytelling, crafts, games and food and drinks at Clement Park. Friday: 5:00 – 10:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

For more information visit: http://www.coloradoirishfestival.org/Tickets.html. (Text and image from coloradoirishfestival.org)



Page 14 Rock Report

Darcie is a document


Tell us a little about

yourself and your


I am a Colorado native

and grew up in Littleton.

I have two dogs that are

very spoiled.

What do you like to do

in your spare time?


I enjoy DIY projects to improve my house. I ride my

bicycle and my motorcycle every chance I get. I like to

hike and love visiting the mountains. Pretty much do-

ing anything outside makes me happy.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about helping people and animals. I

have been volunteering for Project Angel Heart for

almost two years now and I love helping out.

Where did you work before coming to Kutak?

I worked at RegOnline in Broomfield. We were pur-

chased by Lanyon Solutions. ROL was also known as

Active Network.

Do you have a favorite movie? Or a recent movie

you enjoyed?

I have many favorite movies. My mom and dad had a

video store so I spent a lot of time watching movies. I

guess Alien is my favorite. Recently I watched Ameri-

can Sniper and it was good.

What’s your most memorable moment? Buying my first car is one of my most memorable mo-ments. It was 1964 Chevy Impala. My dad and I re-stored it and I drove it to high school.

Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs and some fish.

Where would you like to travel?

Alaska and to go back to Europe for a longer stay.

Tell us something that people might not know about you. I love flowers. Do you have a favorite book? What books are on your bedside table now? The Stand is my favorite book. I am reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell at the moment. Do you have any pet peeves? People who do not share the road with bicyclists, peo-ple who drive while on their cellphone, and people who do not stop for stop signs. What do you like most about your job? Everyone is very friendly at Kutak Rock. I am still new but I will enjoy helping others with their documents. If you could have any other job in the world, what would it be and why? My ideal job would be to promote kindness and toler-ance all around the world. People need to work on being nice to others. We are all human beings. What would a perfect day look like to you? Hiking in the mountains with my friends and their dogs would be an awesome day. What is your favorite quote? “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”—Anne Frank. What are three adjectives that describe your per-sonality? Friendly, quirky and creative. What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Real People.


Get To Know Your Co-Worker: Darcie Rodden

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Page 15 Rock Report

Congratulations Ashley and Cliff Hudson! Ashley and Cliff welcomed their fourth child on June 20, 2015. Abigail (Abby) Hudson weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Pierce Hunter, a Little Rock associate, and Lindsey Newton were wed on June 13, 2015 at the Terry House in Little Rock. The happy couple enjoyed an incredible honeymoon in Jamaica. Congratulations from your Kutak Rock family!

Fayetteville/Little Rock


Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary 7/5 – Mark Dossett, Fayetteville 7/8 – Luke Burton, Little Rock 7/11 – Geoffrey Neal, Little Rock 7/25 – Bethany Norman, Fayetteville

7/7 – Denise Bougae, 7 years, Fayetteville 7/8 – Cassy Peters, 2 years, Little Rock 7/21 – Kayla Rodriguez, 1 year, Fayetteville 7/23 – Allissa Sims, 3 years, Fayetteville 7/28 – Lindsey Sweet, 1 year, Little Rock 7/29 – Carla Fugate, 13 years, Little Rock 7/30 – Bethany Norman, 3 years, Fayetteville

Dates To Remember

7/4 – Independence Day 7/9 – Happy Hour (Fayetteville) 7/17 – Monthly Office Birthday Celebration (Little Rock ) 7/29 – Monthly Office Birthday Celebration (Fayetteville)

Page 16 Rock Report

First Thursday Fayetteville 7/2 Downtown Square Come to Fayetteville’s historic Downtown Square on the first Thursday of every month until October from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., when this district is transformed into a vibrant arts festival that features the work of over 40 artists! This com-munity event also includes live mu-sic, food and drinks, street per-formers, outdoor painting classes, and fun children’s activities. (Information and image from www.firsthrhursdayfayetteville.com)

Owner Appreciation Weekend 7/11 – 7/12 Ozark Natural Foods This is a weekend dedicated to loyal owners within the Fayetteville community. Owners can receive a 10% discount off their entire purchase and orders, as well as a chance to win a free gift card to Ozark Natural Foods. For more information: http://onf.coop/ownership/owners-weekend/. (Information from www.onf.coop)

32nd Annual Pops on the River 7/4 River Market District Celebrate your Fourth of July at one of the biggest events in downtown Little Rock! This family-friendly event goes from 12:00 to 9:00 p.m., and will include food trucks, children’s activi-ties, shopping, live music, a singing contest and the fireworks display starting at 9:30 pm. For more information: http://pops.arkansasonline.com/. (Information and image from www.pops arkan-sasonline.com)

ATA World Expo 2015 7/8 – 7/12 Statehouse Convention Center The American Taekwondo Association World Expo and competition is coming to Little Rock this July! This four-day event will include a master’s ceremony, multiple workshops on physical and business training, the world tournament

competition, and awards reception. For more information: http://www.ataonline.com/worlds/. (Information from www.ataonline.com/worlds/, image from www.atajonesboro.com)

TEDx Markham St. 7/24 Ron Robinson Theater Come join hundreds of TEDx enthusiasts for a day of networking and presentations on topics ranging from healthcare to education. This event offers lunch and dinner networking events as well as a live webcast throughout all of Little Rock. For more information: http://www.littlerock.com/calendar/detail.aspx?id=15338. (Information and Image from www.littlerock.com/calendar)

Fayetteville/Little Rock

Fayetteville Events

Little Rock Events

Page 17 Rock Report

Get To Know Your Co-Worker: Bethany Johnson

Bethany is a legal

assistant in the

Fayetteville office.

Tell us a little

about yourself

and your family.

I grew up here in

Fayetteville and

this is where I

plan to stay. My

whole family is

here and we are

all really close. I

have three children—Lexi (16), Kelsey (13) and Cohen

(2). My daughter, Lexi, dances and rides horses. My

daughter, Kelsey, plays softball and my son, Cohen, is

a wild two-year-old. All of those things keep us pretty

busy! We are members of New Life Church, which we

really love!

What do you like to do in your spare time? Hob-


I love to be outside. I love yard work, fishing, camping

and floating. I love to play golf when I get the chance.

After my kids go to bed I like to sit on my deck and drink

a glass of wine.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about my children, most of all. I’m also

passionate about St. Louis Cardinals baseball and golf.

Where did you work before coming to Kutak?

I worked for Lisle Rutledge Law Firm in Springdale.

Do you have a favorite movie? Or a recent movie

you enjoyed?

My favorite movie of all time is Top Gun.

What’s your most memorable moment? The moments when my children were born, for sure.

Do you have any pets?

No pets. Too many children. I’m not sure anything else

could stay alive in our house.

Where would you like to travel?

I would like to travel anywhere with a beach. I’m not


Tell us something that people might not know

about you.

I am really obsessed with airplanes. My favorite show is Dateline. I love sushi. I have been to over 10 Kenny Chesney concerts. I am really OCD. Do you have a favorite book? What books are on your bedside table now? On my bedside table is: My Truck Is Stuck (my son Cohen’s book), Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer and my Bible. Do you have any pet peeves? Negativity, bad attitudes, cold weather and people who drive slow in the left lane. What do you like most about your job? I love that it’s interesting, that there is never a dull mo-ment, my coworkers and the view from our building. If you could have any other job in the world, what would it be and why? I would be a Blue Angel Pilot or an LPGA golfer. What would a perfect day look like to you? A day on the beach reading a book would be pretty great! But a real life perfect day would be a day spent doing something fun outside with my kids. What is your favorite quote? “We’ve got two lives. One we’re given and the other one we make.”—Mary Chapin-Carpenter “Lord, if it’s not your will let it slip through my fingers and give me the peace not to worry about it.” What are three adjectives that describe your per-sonality? I wasn’t sure how to answer this so I asked my daugh-ters. Lexi said: caring, funny and loving. Kelsey said: caring, cheerful and funny. (Love my kids.) What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Full House.

Fayetteville/Little Rock

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Page 18 Rock Report

Kutak Rock Represented At SCCA Event


Irvine Events

Blue Whale Migration Spring/Summer 2015 5/1 – 9/30 Newport Landing Whale Watching This annual migration brings hundreds of beauti-ful giant blue whales to the waters of Newport Beach. Originally considered extinct in Southern California, these majestic creatures continue their path along the Pacific Coast. Pods of common and bottlenose dolphins have also been spot-ted in this area. (Information and image from www.destinationirvine.com)

Movies on the Lawn 6/5 – 7/18 Orange County Great Park Come enjoy a summer evening watching classic films or family blockbusters on a big outdoor screen in beautiful Orange County. Lawn chairs and blan-kets welcome at this event. Food trucks will be available as well. For more information please visit: http://www.ocgp.org/events/movie-lawn-star-trek-the-motion-picture/. (Information from www.ocgp.org)

7/5 – Cristina Derendorf, Los Angeles 7/15 – Deborah Prosser, Los Angeles 7/18 – Matthew Sgnilek, Irvine 7/21 – Tiffany Ackley, Irvine 7/29 – Margo Reyes, Irvine

7/5 – Stephanie Hingle, 8 years, Los Angeles 7/11 – Sherman Hill, 4 years, Irvine 7/16 – Cristina Derendorf, 8 years, Los Angeles 7/28 – Kathy Powell, 12 years, Irvine 7/30 – Margo Reyes, 8 years, Irvine

Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary

Alicia Dragoo and Tiffany Ackley represented Kutak Rock at the Southern California Contractor’s Associa-tion event on June 10, 2015. Pictured right is Alicia with Kutak Rock’s booth.

Page 19 Rock Report

LA Events


July Fourth Spectacular: A Symphonic Tribute to the Music of Journey 7/4 Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre Enjoy an energetic and exciting tribute to one of the most beloved bands ever. Enhanced by the musical force of a full orchestra, Journey’s popular hits come alive including “Faithfully,” “Don’t Stop Believin’,” “Wheel in the Sky” and much more. Plus, grand Fourth of July traditions: patriotic favorites, a salute to the U.S. Armed Forces and a brilliant fireworks finale. For more information: https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/July_4_Spectacular. (Text and Image from www.pacificsymphony.org)

Irvine Events Continued

AmericaFest 7/4 Rose Bowl Americafest at the Rose Bowl is an explosive celebration of all things red, white and blue. The festival includes clas-sic American food, a motor-cycle stunt show and a world renowned fireworks dis-play. The fireworks shoot off at 9:00 p.m. but the Rose Bowl will open at 2:00 p.m., at which time access to a goldmine of inflatable rides, games and crafts will be available for kid-friendly fun. Americafest tickets are $13. For more information: http://www.timeout.com/los-angeles/things-to-do/fourth-of-july-americafest-at-the-rose-bowl. (Text and image from www.timeout.com)

John Fogerty 7/15 Hollywood Bowl American rock legend and chart-topper John Fogerty is steeped in blues and gospel traditions. In 1969, Fogerty wrote and produced three multi-platinum albums with Creedence Clearwater Revival that captured the spirit of our nation with the treasured classics “Proud Mary,” “Born on the Bayou,” “Bad Moon Rising,” “Fortunate Son” and more. Join John Fogerty to celebrate his great career full of all-time hits. For more information: http://www.hollywoodbowl.com/tickets/john-fogerty-his-songs-from-1969-and-more/2015-07-15. (Text and image from www.hollywoodbowl.com)

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Page 20 Rock Report

Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary 7/5 – Tabita Peterson 7/5 – Stacey Datum-Tate 7/7 – Lisa Scott 7/10 – Wieslawd Zakrewska 7/12 – LeeAnn Parmenter 7/19 – Julie Rowell 7/20 – Jennifer Brown 7/23 – Debbie Campbell

7/1 – Jennifer Brown, 1 year 7/9 – Rosie Forsman, 16 years 7/11 – Larry Fields, 10 years 7/14 – Will Henderson, 7 years 7/28 – LeeAnn Parmenter, 7 years

Parkville July Fourth Celebration 7/1 – 7/4 Parkville

Bring the entire family for a taste of good old-fashioned Americana! The traditional salute to Independence Day includes pancakes for breakfast, a community parade, carnival rides, lots of food, fun, games, shopping, music and, of course, our fabulous fireworks finale. For more information: http://www.parkvillemo.org. (Text from visitkc.com)

Farmers Market 7/4 City Market Open daily and featuring an eclectic mix of dining, shop-ping, entertainment and attractions in a unique open-air setting, the City Market offers visitors a variety of fresh produce, meat, specialty groceries, flowers and gift

items from nearby farms and around the world. The City Market has an extensive calendar, hosting concerts, festivals and other special events. For more information: http://www.thecitymarket.org. (Text and image from visitkc.com)

KC Riverfest 7/4 Downtown Come to KC Riverfest to enjoy great rock, alterna-tive, country and ragtime music; along with delicious food, carnival rides and games, and one of the largest fireworks shows in the area. KC Riverfest offers free shuttle service, operating until 11:15 p.m. on July 4. For more information visit: http://www.kcriverfest.com. (Text and Image from visitkc.com)


Kansas City

7/3 – Office Closed 7/4 – Independence Day

Congratulations It’s a girl! Miss Adley Morgan Miller was born on June 16, 2015 at 7:01 p.m. Congratulations to Neil Miller and his wife Alexis on their beautiful baby girl!

Dates To Remember

Page 21 Rock Report

The Minneapolis office is proudly representing the Kutak Rock Bowling Club in the highly competitive BBC Lawn Bowling League at Brit’s Pub in downtown Minneapolis. The Brit’s Pub Bowling Club was origi-nally formed in 1998 and is comprised of 64 teams in the Premier and Scottish leagues. The Kutak Rock Bowling Club currently plays in the Saville Row Divi-sion in the Premier League on Tuesday evenings dur-ing the summer. Members of the team include Tim Keane, Justin Reppe, Jill Loarr and Todd Guerrero.

Kutak Rock BBC Lawn Bowling Club

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(Left to Right: Justin Reppe, Tim Keane, Steve Likes, Todd Guerrero, Jill Loarr)

(Tim Keane)

(Justin Reppe)

Page 22 Rock Report

Happy Birthday

Happy Anniversary

7/1 – Tracy Fields, 5 years 7/1 – Christine Klausen, 2 years 7/1 – Kimberly Mills, 2 years 7/1 – Margot Wickman, 10 years 7/2 – Aaron Winters, 3 years 7/5 – Robert Cohen, 32 years 7/7 – Emily Anderson, 1 year 7/7 – Virginia Barden, 1 year 7/8 – Eric Bergquist, 13 years 7/8 – Laraina Jarvis, 13 years 7/8 – Isaiah Wilson II, 2 years 7/9 – Lisa Sarver, 14 years 7/10 – Angel Younger, 9 years 7/15 – Warren Anderson, 5 years 7/16 – Kristine Dorn, 14 years

7/17 – Sean Gillen, 15 years 7/17 – Deborah Knopik, 14 years 7/18 – Kevin Hartzell, 10 years 7/20 – Michael Hoffman, 33 years 7/21 – Joel VanderVeen, 26 years 7/23 – Katherine Sedlak, 36 years 7/24 – Barbara McIntosh, 3 years 7/26 – Jeffrey Smith, 16 years 7/29 – Peggy Cassell, 2 years 7/30 – Bradley Nielsen, 23 years 7/30 – Toger Swanson, 25 years

7/2 – Courtney Incontro 7/2 – Erin O’Gara 7/3 – Thomas Makens 7/3 – Joshua Meyer 7/4 – Toger Swanson 7/7 – Dena Nelson 7/7 – Thad Schriever 7/7 – Scott Going 7/8 – Andreia Rosa 7/11 – Andrew Romshek 7/12 – Joshua Brady 7/12 – Joe Evans 7/12 – Eileen Guyon

7/17 – Robin Clark 7/17 – Rhonda Sunderman 7/18 – Michael Alvano 7/18 – Dianne Pierson 7/20 – Linda Stevens 7/20 – Lucinda Newberry 7/21 – Brian Eades 7/22 – Robert Coon 7/22 – Michelle Ueding 7/23 – Leslie Arcuri 7/26 – Asher Ball 7/26 – Isaiah Wilson II


Welcome! Please welcome Kevin Griffith (pictured right) to Kutak Rock. Kevin joins the corporate department as an as-sociate. He is licensed to practice in Minnesota and obtained his law degree from the University of St. Thomas School of Law. We also welcome Christopher Bikus to Kutak Rock. Chris joins the corporate department as an of counsel attorney in the Omaha office. He is licensed to prac-tice in Nebraska and obtained his law degree from the University of Nebraska College of Law.

Page 23 Rock Report

Sounds of Summer Concert Series 7/1 – 8/21 Shadow Lake Town Center

What better way to kick back after a long week than with a concert offered every Friday night this summer! This is a perfect outing for families to enjoy music performance from local bands, a variety of restaurants and special giveaways.

Admission is free. For more information: http://www.shadowlakeshopping.com/events/special-events-and-promotions/soundsofsummer2015/. (Information from www.shadowlakeshopping.com) (Image from www.visitomaha.com)

College Home Run Derby and 31st Annual Omaha World-Herald Independence Day-Fireworks 7/2 TD Ameritrade Park Come see some of the best hitters in college baseball show their stuff at the TD Ameritrade Home Run Derby followed by explosive fireworks. Live cov-erage of the home run derby is on ESPN. For more information: http://www.visitomaha.com/includes/events/TD-Ameritrade-College-Home-Run-Derby-31st-Annual-Omaha-World-Herald-Independence-Day-Fireworks/21164/?e_sDate=07-01-2015. (Information from www.visitomaha.com)

RiverFest Community Festival 7/17 – 7/18 Haworth Park If you love good food, good times, great music and a gorgeous riverfront setting, then River-Fest is the place for you! Two nights of live music and the Nebraska State BBQ Championship wrapped up into a fantastic regional event.

(Text from www.bellevuenebraska.com, image from www.visitomaha.com)

Brew at the Zoo 7/18 Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and aquarium will be host-ing their second annual Brew at the Zoo event from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Zoo members and guests over 21 will have the opportunity to sample beer and wine from many local breweries and wineries while enjoying a casual stroll through the zoo. For more information: http://www.omahazoo.com/about/special-events/. (Information and Image from www.omahazoo.com)



Page 24 Rock Report

Get To Know Your Co-Worker: Wesley Goranson Wesley is associate in the real estate practice group of the firm’s corporate de-partment.

Tell us a little about your-

self and your family.

I am originally from Crete, Nebraska. I attended the University of Nebraska-Kearney for undergraduate school and graduated with a degree in Business Ad-ministration with an empha-sis in Finance. I attended law school at the University of Nebraska, College of

Law in Lincoln. I just got married on June 6 to my wife, Abbie. She works in Omaha at Professional Research Consultants as their Director of Events.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Hob-


I’m a big sports fan so naturally I like to golf. I also en-joying watching and attending football and basketball games of any level, but particularly Husker games. I enjoy eating out and trying new restaurants—I’m a “foodie” but only because I like to eat. Other than that, I enjoy spending time with friends and family.

What are you passionate about?

Sports and the lessons provided thereby (both the posi-tive and negative). Traveling.

Where did you work before coming to Kutak?

O’Neill Heinrich Damkroger Bergmeyer & Shultz, a small law firm (10 attorneys) in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Do you have a favorite movie? Or a recent movie

you enjoyed?

Forrest Gump is probably my favorite if I had to choose. What’s your most memorable moment? Proposing to my fiancé, Abbie (she said yes).

Do you have any pets?

No, but I would like to change that if my wife will allow.

Where would you like to travel?

In the U.S., San Francisco. Internationally, I’d like to visit Australia (we were in Italy last August and I’d love

to go back there as well). Tell us something that people might not know about you. I was almost a Chiropractor—I finished all of my pre-requisites to enter chiropractic school before deciding to pursue my degree in finance. I’ve been to Europe three times and once lived in Dublin, Ireland for 3-4 months. Do you have a favorite book? What books are on your bedside table now? On my bedside is Toughness by Jay Bilas, The Win-ners’ Manual by Jim Tressel and the Bible although I do not claim to read much of anything except the paper. Do you have any pet peeves? I can’t stand it when people chew with their mouth open. What do you like most about your job? I like working with a variety of people. Also, I am learn-ing a lot, and I enjoy the challenge. If you could have any other job in the world, what would it be and why? Professional golfer. I can’t imagine anything better than traveling the country/world and getting paid to golf. What would a perfect day look like to you? A perfect day is sleeping in, going for a short run, play-ing 18, and then coming home to a grilled steak or BBQ. What is your favorite quote? I don’t have a “favorite” but here’s a few: “Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one.”—Bob Knight “Effective teamwork begins and ends with communica-tion.”—Coach K “Life’s a garden, dig it.”—Joe Dirt, the movie. What are three adjectives that describe your per-sonality? Easy-going, sociable and humble. What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Sportscenter.

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Page 25 Rock Report

Philly Fourth of July Jam and Grand Fire-works Finale 7/4 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Come celebrate Inde-pendence Day at the “Largest Free Concert in America” in the City of Brotherly Love! This fun-filled event includes food, musical guest Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland, and will conclude with fire-works shooting over the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Admission is free. For more information: http://www.visitphilly.com/events/philadelphia/july-4th-festival-concert-and-fireworks/. (Information and Image from www.visitphilly.com)

PECO Multicultural Series: Hispanic Fiesta 7/11 – 7/12 Penn’s Landing The Hispanic Fiesta is part of a series of out-door festivals along the Delaware River that celebrates world culture and diversity in Philadelphia. This festival features tradi-tional cuisines, crafts, music, and dance that celebrates the Latino culture and community. For more information: http://www.visitphilly.com/events/philadelphia/peco-multicultural-series-at-penns-landing/.

(Information and Image from www.visitphilly.com)

The Oval 7/15 – 8/23 Benjamin Franklin Parkway The Oval returns for the summer sea-son! This pop-up outdoor public space transforms 24th Street and the Parkway into an eight-acre urban oasis devoted to delicious drinks and food, games and fun for the whole family. For more information: http://www.visitphilly.com/events/philadelphia/the-oval-on-the-benjamin-franklin-parkway/. (Information and image from www.visitphilly.com)

Lancaster Avenue Jazz Festival 7/18 Saunders Park Green The festival is a great opportunity to celebrate Philly’s tremendous musical history and enjoy live jazz performances all day long. With genres ranging from traditional and fusion to rhythm and smooth jazz, the musical lineup includes a wide range of great talent. More than half a dozen performing artists, including vocalists, instrumentalists and dance groups, are scheduled throughout the day. For more information: http://www.lancasteravejazzfest.com/. (Information from www.lancasteracejazzfest.com)


7/29 – Roberta Nemcik

Happy Birthday

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Page 26 Rock Report

Happy Birthday 7/4 – Kelly McGuire 7/6 – Cheri Elliott 7/11 – Susan Winchester 7/13 – Monika Calamita 7/20 – Keela Seelandt 7/27 – Roxanne Bates 7/30 – Rebekah Poston

Happy Anniversary

Dates To Remember


7/3 – Office Closed 7/4 – Independence Day

7/1 – Pat Ray, 30 years 7/5 – Naomi Barnes, 9 years 7/8 – Lillian Strauss, 19 years 7/11 – Mary Zoe Kremer, 10 years 7/14 – Roxanne Bates, 12 years 7/23 – Ann Halpern, 3 years 7/23 – Harmony Simmons, 3 years 7/25 – Dan Holwerda, 4 years

Congratulations! Dan Holwerda, his wife, Kate, big brother Matthew and big sister Annalise welcomed Charlotte “Charlie” Mae Holwerda to their family on May 27, 2015.


The Scottsdale office would like to welcome new Ad-ministrative Manager, Sue Poland. Sue joins us from the Omaha office where she started in 1984 as a legal secretary in the public finance department. Sue then practiced as a paralegal before moving into an admin-istrative role focusing on benefits and the firm’s retire-ment plan. Welcome to the Scottsdale office, Sue!

Page 27 Rock Report

Tempe Town Lake Festival 7/4 Tempe Beach Park Bring your family to Tempe Beach Park to see the best fireworks show in the valley. The fireworks spec-tacular will be launched from the Mill Avenue Bridge and choreographed to music for all tastes and interests, including patriotic, pop, coun-try and more. The events start at 5:00 p.m. with live music and the fireworks begin at 9:15 p.m. Tickets start at $5. For more information: http://www.tempe4th.com/tickets.asp. (Information and Image from www.tempe4th.com)

Public Ice Skating 7/3 Ice Den Bundle up and enjoy the Ice Den’s crisp 53 degree tempera-ture ice rinks during one of their great public skating ses-sions. Public Skating is a healthy and ex-citing activity the whole family can en-joy with convenient sessions scheduled throughout the week. Public skating starts at 12:00 p.m. Admission starts at $4. For more information: http://www.coyotesice.com/public-skating. (Text and image from www.coyotesice.com)


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Activities To Beat the Heat

Big Surf Water Park Tempe Escape from the high temperatures at Big Surf Water Park. Big Surf opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. Enjoy the wave pool and all of the other attractions while getting out of the heat. Tickets start at $30. For more information: http://bigsurffun.com/. (Information and Image from www.bigsurffun.com)

Grand Canyon Road trip Take your fami-ly on a road trip to the Grand Canyon as an activity to get out of the heat. The Grand Can-yon is about 230 miles from Scottsdale and a nice four-hour drive. Put the air conditioning on and see the great gorge! (Information from www.googlemaps.com, image from www.grayline.com)

Page 28 Rock Report

Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document. You might use footnotes for detailed com-ments and endnotes for citation of sources.

About footnotes and endnotes

A footnote or an endnote consists of two linked parts — the note ref-erence mark and the correspond-ing note text.

Footnote and endnote refer-ence marks

Separator line

Footnote text

Endnote text

Insert a footnote or an endnote

Microsoft Word automatically numbers footnotes and endnotes for you. You can use a single numbering scheme throughout a document, or you can use differ-ent numbering schemes within each section in a docu-ment.

Commands for inserting and editing footnotes and end-notes can be found on the References tab in the Foot-notes group.

Insert Footnote

Insert Endnote

Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher

When you add, de-lete, or move notes that are automatical-ly numbered, Word renumbers the foot-note and endnote reference marks.

Note: If the footnotes in your document are numbered incorrectly, your document may contain tracked chang-es. Accept the tracked changes so that Word will cor-rectly number the footnotes and endnotes.

In Print Layout view, click where you want to insert the note reference mark.

On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote. Word inserts the

note reference mark and places the insertion point in the text area of the new footnote or endnote.

Keyboard shortcut To insert a footnote, press CTRL+ALT+F. To insert an endnote, press CTRL+ALT+D.

By default, Word places footnotes at the end of each page and endnotes at the end of the document.

Type the note text

Double-click the footnote or endnote reference mark to return to the reference mark in the document.

To change the location or format of foot-notes or endnotes, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher, and do one of the following:

To convert footnotes to endnotes or end-notes to footnotes, under Location choose either Footnotes or Endnotes and then click Convert. In the Convert Notes dialog box, click OK.

To change the numbering format, click the desired formatting in the Number format box and click Apply.

To use a custom mark instead of a tradition-al number format, click Symbol next to Cus-tom mark, and then choose a mark from the available symbols. This will not change the existing note reference marks. It will only add new ones.

Change the number format of footnotes or endnotes

1. Place the insertion point in the section in which you want to change the footnote or endnote format. If the document is not divided into sections, place the insertion point anywhere in the document.

2. On the References tab, click the Footnote & End-

note Dialog Box Launcher.

3. Click Footnotes or Endnotes

4. In the Number format box, click the option that you want.

5. Click Apply.

Insert or Create Footnotes and Endnotes

Tech Tip

Page 29 Rock Report

Change the starting value for footnotes or endnotes

Word will automatically number footnotes beginning with “1” and endnotes beginning with “i”, or you can choose a different starting value.

Note: If the footnotes in your document are numbered incorrectly, your document may contain tracked chang-es. Accept the tracked changes so that Word will correctly number the foot-notes and endnotes.

1. On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launch-er.

2. In the Start at box, choose the desired starting val-ue.

3. Click Apply.

Create a footnote or endnote continuation notice

If a footnote or endnote is too long to fit on a page, you can create a continuation notice to let readers know that a footnote or endnote is continued on the next page.

1. Make sure that you are in Draft view by going to the

View tab and clicking Draft.

2. On the References tab, in the Footnotes group,

click Show Notes.

3. If your document contains both footnotes and end-notes, a message appears. Click View footnote

area or View endnote area, and then click OK.

4. In the note pane list, click Footnote Continuation

Notice or Endnote Continuation Notice.

5. In the note pane, type the text that you want to use for the continuation notice.

Change or remove a footnote or endnote separator

Word separates document text from footnotes and end-notes with a short horizontal line called a note separator. If a note overflows onto the next page, Word prints a longer line called a note continuation separator. You can customize separators by adding text or graphics.

Make sure that you are in Draft view by going to the

View tab and clicking Draft.

On the References tab, in the Footnotes group,

click Show Notes.

In the note pane list, click and choose the type of separator you want to change or remove.

To change the separator that appears be-tween the document text and notes, click Footnote Separator or Endnote Separa-


To change the separator for notes that con-tinue from the previous page, click Foot-note Continuation Separator or Endnote

Continuation Separator.

Select the separator and make changes:

To remove the separator, press DELETE.

To edit the separator, insert a Clip Art divid-er line or type text.

To restore the default separator, click Re-


Delete a footnote or an endnote

When you want to delete a note, you work with the note reference mark in the document window, not the text in the note.

Note reference mark

If you delete an automatically numbered note reference mark, Word renumbers the notes in the new order.

Delete a note

In the document, select the note reference mark of the footnote or endnote that you want to delete, and then press DELETE.

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Insert or Create Footnotes and Endnotes Continued

Tech Tip

Page 30 Rock Report

Is Your Air Conditioner Making You Sick?

There are times when many of us are extremely thank-ful for air conditioning—usually after a long workout on a hot summer’s day and still sweating after a cold shower. The cold, dry air is invigorating and refreshing. But usually, after about 30 minutes, many find them-selves shivering and needing to go back outside. A majority of homes, public offices and stores, have air conditioning temperature set so low that many people feel sick and have to step outside. Some people may also feel tired and sore from shivering all day.

One problem with AC is that these systems need to be extremely well-maintained, checked and cleaned, or all potential benefits are trumped by breathing problems and infections. More so, keeping the room temperature very cold has other negative consequences. These are the top five negative health consequences that you want to be aware of: Breathing problems When air conditioners are not cleaned thoroughly and filters changed, a breeding ground for all kinds of bacte-ria and fungi is created. These systems especially can be home to black mold, as moisture can build up in the coils and ducts from condensation that forms when the cool air passes through. When these microorganisms go air-borne, they can lead to a multitude of breathing problems, including a potentially fatal infectious pneu-monia, Legionnaire’s disease, caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. Remedy: Make sure your air conditioning systems are cleaned regularly and the filter changed every few months. Fatigue, headaches and generally feeling ill Many individuals find that after a day of work, they often feel more tired than usual, headachy and a general sense of malaise. They also find that once they leave the building, the symptoms often resolve. Sometimes termed “sick building syndrome,” it may be that air con-ditioning may be the cause. In a study published in the

August 19, 2004 International Journal of Epidemiology, people working in office buildings with central air condi-tioning had more symptoms of illness than those who did not work in buildings with central air. Remedy: Raise the temperature slightly so that you are not shivering and take regular breaks to step outside for fresh air and for your body temperature to equilibrate. Getting contaminated The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is warning us that we may be more exposed to pollutants inside than outside, especially because central air condition-ing does not bring in fresh air but circulates old air. This means that if there is mold, dust, animal dander or other people in the building have viruses or air-borne infections, individuals are more prone to be exposed and get sick. Remedy: Some systems are built to allow in a “leak” from the outside. You can create your own leak by cracking open a window even slightly. Dry skin The more time you spend in an air-conditioned environ-ment, the dryer your skin may become, as the cold, dry air can cause your skin to lose its moisture. Your hair may suffer as well. Remedy: Get a great moisturizer or desk humidifier. Visiting the doctor more often Studies have shown that that individuals who spend more time in air-conditioned environments have an in-creased use of health care services. An analysis found more visits for complaints related to ears-nose-and throat problems, respiratory and dermatological prob-lems. There were also an increased number of sick-ness absences. Remedy: Do all of the above and ensure that other as-pects of the room or car are thoroughly cleaned, like carpets, curtains and the like. For more Information visit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eva-m-selhub-md/air-conditioning-health_b_7233810.html?utm_hp_ref=wellness. (Excerpted from huffingtonpost.com)


Page 31 Rock Report

Recipe: Mixed Green Salad With Oranges and Cranberries


1 cup plus 3 tablespoons orange juice

6 tablespoons dried cranberries

3 1/2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon grated orange peel

6 cups mixed baby greens

3 mandarin oranges, peel and white pith removed,


3/4 cup pecans, toasted

Feta cheese (optional)

Preparation: Bring 1 cup orange juice to simmer in heavy small saucepan. Remove from heat. Mix in dried cranber-ries. Let stand until softened, about 30 minutes. Drain well; discard soaking juice. Whisk oil, vinegar, orange peel and remaining 3 table-spoons orange juice in small bowl to blend. Mix in cranberries. Season dressing to taste with salt and pepper. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before serving.) Place greens in large bowl. Toss with 2/3 of dressing. Divide greens among 6 plates. Add orange segments to bowl; toss with remaining dressing. Top salads with orange segments and pecans. For more information visit: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/mixed-green-salad-with-oranges-dried-cranberries-and-pecans-15661. (Text and image from epicurious.com)


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Marc Lieberman to Speak on SEC National Exam Program at NAPPA Conference SCOTTSDALE, AZ – June 16, 2015- Kutak Rock attorney Marc Lieberman, a partner in the firm’s Scottsdale office, will be speaking at the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys (NAPPA) Legal Education Conference on June 25, 2015 in Austin, Texas. This workshop will focus on how the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) monitors the private fund arena and how public plans can respond. Lieberman will moderate the workshop, “Funds, Fees and Affiliates (Oh, My!)—SEC OCIE’s Examination of the Private Fund World (What They Found and what it Means for Public Plans),” with James Van Horn Jr, a partner at Hirschler Fleischer, PC. The presentation will discuss the SEC OCIE examination of private funds results; fee allocations, affiliate compensation, disclosure and transparency; private fund managers’ duties under the Advisers Act; expanding roles of fund administrators vs. auditors; and independent debt monitors. For more information, please click here. Lieberman is chair of the firm’s public pensions and alternative investments group. He serves as investment counsel to numerous public pension plans, including the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System, the Elected Official’s Retirement Plan and the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan Intelligence. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fred Marienthal Presents on Private Activity Bonds for Local Government Officials DENVER, CO – July 7, 2015 - Kutak Rock attorney Fred Marienthal is presenting at a workshop, “Private Activity Bonds (PABs) for Local Government Officials” with The Colorado Department of Local Affairs Division of Housing (DOLA/DOH) and The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA). The first workshop will take place on July 23, 2015 in Grand Junction, Colorado and the second one will take place on August 13, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. This workshop is designed for local officials, developers and other community members who want to learn how to use Private Activity Bond (PAB) financing to benefit their communities during recent changes in the bond market and economy. Mariethal provides an overview of the uses of PABS as a valuable resource in today’s single-family housing and industrial markets, and how to allocate them properly. Marienthal is a partner in Kutak Rock’s Denver office. His practice focuses on higher education facility financings, conduit private activity bonds, nonprofit facility financings and single-family mortgage revenue bonds. Marienthal routinely serves as bond, disclosure and underwriter’s counsel on tax-exempt bond financings for colleges and universities, charter and independent schools and charitable organizations. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE John Schembari Quoted in Omaha World-Herald Article on Employee Overtime Expansion OMAHA, NE. - July 10, 2015 - John Schembari, a partner in Kutak Rock’s Omaha office, was recently quoted in the Omaha World-Herald article, “Nebraska and Iowa businesses say overtime expansion would cut hours and promotions” article posted on July 1, 2015. The article explains how a proposed federal rule to make more employees eligible for overtime pay will impact small businesses, nonprofits and restaurant chains, and affect future employment opportunities. In the article, Schembari states, “If the proposal goes through, it’s likely to stick. The track record of Congress trying to overturn this administration’s proposals has not been very good.” To read the full article, please click here. Schembari’s practice concentrates on employee benefits, executive compensation, tax, corporate and privacy law. He works with private, public and governmental employers on their qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, employee stock ownership plans, insured and self-funded health plans, executive and incentive compensation programs and other equity-based compensation arrangements. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives



FOR IMMEDIATE RELESAE Matthew Sgnilek to Present on the RX for RTW: Managing Return to Work and Medical Leave Obligations Under Workers’ Compensation IRVINE, CA.- July 10, 2015 - Kutak Rock attorney Matthew Sgnilek will present at a seminar, “RX for RTW: Managing Return to Work and Medical Leave Obligations Under Workers’ Compensation,” on August 11, 2015 in Irvine, California. Sgnilek will present with Ray Hanakawa, Workers’ Compensation Specialist at Barney & Barney Insurance Services. The seminar will discuss the best practices to manage employment duties under the Workers’ Compensation return to work program with respect to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).The presentation will also cover: how to implement a return to work program, mixing FMLA leave with Worker’s Compensation, termination of employees, the ADA Interactive Process, and conflicting reports from primary physicians and legal medical examinations. For more information and to register for this event, please click here. Sgnilek is an attorney in the firm’s Irvine and Los Angeles offices. He represents employers in a variety of employment cases and administrative charges, including civil rights violations, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, wage and hour claims, ADA and ADEA violations, unfair business practices, misappropriation of trade secrets and class action disputes. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Elise Dieterich and Gregory Mottla Author Sharing Data in the Cloud in Corporate Counselor WASHINGTON, D.C – July 14, 2015 - Kutak Rock attorneys Elise Dieterich and Gregory Mottla authored an article, “Data Sharing in the Cloud: When is the Attorney-Client Privilege at Risk?,” in the July 2015 edition of The Corporate Counselor. As storing and sharing date in the cloud is efficient and cost-effective, the article investigates if client data stored in cloud is safe from hackers and from inadvertent waiver of the attorney-client privilege. The article outlines various aspects of cloud data sharing, including cost, privacy and security issues, and confidential communications with respect to the access of a third party and monitoring employee computer use. Dieterich and Mottla provide a framework of the best practices of selecting a cloud-based document repository through thoughtful due-diligence, cloud service providers built for the legal community with high security, and examining the provider’s subpoena policy. Dieterich is a partner in the firm’s Washington, DC office and has over 25 years of experience advising clients on a wide range of matters affected by government regulation, concentrating during the past 15 years on telecommunications, privacy and data security matters. Dieterich is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP-US), credentialed by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. Mottla is a public finance associate in the firm’s Washington, DC office and focuses his practice on housing finance and commercial litigation. He primarily serves as bond counsel in connection with the issuance of single-family and multifamily housing bonds by state and local housing agencies. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jeff Makovicka and David Karnes Author Basel III Mortgage Service Assets Article in Nebraska Banker OMAHA, NE – July 15, 2015 - Kutak Rock attorneys Jeff Makovicka and David Karnes authored an article, “Are the Basel III Mortgage Servicing Assets Requirements Endangering Certain Relationship Lending?,” in the May/June 2015 issue of the Nebraska Banker “ The article discusses the implementation of Basel III’s punitive capital requirements regarding mortgage servicing assets (MSAs) and how it affects certain relationship lending with a borrower. The article describes specific issues with the Basel III rules within the banking industry, including limiting MSAs to ten percent of a bank’s Tier 1 common equity (CET1), lowering regulatory capital ratios, cost, shedding assets, and losing long-standing relationships between banks and customers. Makovicka and Karnes also provide an analysis of how MSAs are penalized under the Basel III rules and discuss Congress’s plans to fix the disruption caused by the MSA Basel III requirements. Makovicka, a partner in the firm’s Omaha office, counsels public and private companies in connection with regulatory compliance mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance. His practice concentrates on banking matters and represents banking and other financial institutions and their board of directors on the strategic policy and regulatory aspects of mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, establishing subsidiaries, capital raises, restructuring transactions, and investments by and in banking organizations. Karnes is an of counsel attorney in the firm’s Washington, D.C. and Omaha offices. He focuses his practice on banking, general corporate law, governmental relations, federal legislative and regulatory law and international law. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Seven Attorneys Join Kutak Rock’s Omaha Office OMAHA, NE. – July XX, 2015 – Kutak Rock is pleased to announce the addition of seven attorneys to its Omaha office: Christopher Bikus, Maxwell Crawford, Meaghan Gandy, Wesley Goranson, Kevin Griffith, Ryan Portwood and Kerry Winterer. “We are excited to continue to add exceptional talent to our Omaha office to meet the growing needs of our clients locally, regionally and nationally. Each attorney allows us to continue providing excellent legal services while helping our clients achieve their goals,” said Mike Curry, managing partner of the firm’s Omaha office. Christopher Bikus joins Kutak Rock’s corporate department as an of counsel attorney. Bikus earned his J.D from the University of Nebraska College of Law, Order of the Coif, and his B.A from Augustana College. He is admitted to practice law in Nebraska, and before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth and Eighth Circuits and the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska and the District of Oregon. Maxwell Crawford joins the firm as an associate in the tax credit group and focuses his practice primarily on real estate matters for Low Income Housing and Historical Tax Credit transactions. Crawford obtained his J.D from Creighton University School of Law, cum laude, and his B.A from Western Michigan University. He is admitted to practice law in Nebraska. Meaghan Gandy is welcomed as an associate to the firm’s litigation group, with a focus on employment litigation. Gandy holds a J.D from the University of Nebraska College of Law and a B.A from the University of Mississippi. She is admitted to practice law in Nebraska. Wesley Goranson joins the firm as an associate in the real estate group. He obtained his J.D from the University of Nebraska College of Law and his B.S from the University of Nebraska at Kearny. He is admitted to practice law in Nebraska. Kevin Griffith becomes a an associate in Kutak Rock’s corporate department. Griffith received his J.D from the University of St. Thomas School of Law, his M.B.A from the University of St. Thomas, and his B.A from the University of St. Thomas. He is admitted to practice law in Minnesota and his Nebraska admission is pending. Ryan Portwood is welcomed as an associate to the firm’s corporate department. He holds his J.D from Creighton University School of Law and his B.S from Brigham Young University. He is admitted to practice law in Iowa and Nebraska. Kerry Winterer joins the firm as an of counsel attorney in Kutak Rock’s health care group. He focuses his practice on state government issues, including Medicaid, child and family welfare concerns, provider licensing and education issues. Winterer earned his J.D from Columbia


University School of Law and his B.A from the University of Nebraska. He is admitted to practice law in Nebraska. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE John Schembari Quoted in Omaha World-Herald Article Concerning Company Perks and Pay Raises OMAHA, Neb.- August 4, 2015- John Schembari, a partner in Kutak Rock’s Omaha office, was recently quoted in the Omaha World-Herald article, “Deserve a pay raise? Watch for perks instead.” on August 3, 2015. The article explains how more companies are offering fringe benefits instead of pay raises that usually come with annual performance reviews. After the 2008 economic recession, annual raises have decreased and employers are looking to reward employees in other ways. Schembari, whose clients include longtime local businesses, provides an analysis of how perks beyond standard health and retirement benefits appear to be less common among the state’s established businesses. In the article Schembari states, “You see all these perks in big cities in California and the East Coast: on-site meals, dry cleaning services, pet care. That’s because companies in those cities want to keep their employees on-site. That’s not the typical Nebraska mentality; we’re more family-oriented. People do their work and then go home and spend time with their families.” To read the full article, please click here. Schembari’s practice concentrates on employee benefits, executive compensation tax, corporate, and privacy policy law. He works with private, public and government employers on their qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, employee stock ownership plans, insured and self-funded health plans, executive and incentive compensation programs and other equity-based compensation arrangements. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2016 Best Lawyers in America Recognizes 56 Kutak Rock attorneys OMAHA, NE – August 17, 2015 - Kutak Rock is pleased to announce that 56 of its attorneys are listed in the 22nd edition of The Best Lawyers in America publication. The recognized attorneys span numerous practice areas across 10 Kutak Rock locations: Atlanta, GA ; Denver, CO; Fayetteville, AR.; Kansas City, MO.; Little Rock, AR.; Oklahoma City, OK.; Omaha, NE; Richmond, VA.; Scottsdale, AZ.; and Wichita, KS. In addition, four Kutak Rock attorneys were selected as the 2016 “Lawyers of the Year” in their respective practice areas and locations. This designation goes above and beyond traditional inclusion and is based upon the individual with the highest peer reviews among each practice area in a given metropolitan area: Edward Oglesby: Little Rock Litigation – Insurance “Lawyer of the Year” H. Watt Gregory: Little Rock Securities Regulation “Lawyer of the Year” Randall Frazier: Little Rock Real Estate Law “Lawyer of the Year” Robert Irvin: Denver Public Finance Law “Lawyer of the Year” About Best Lawyers For over thirty years, Best Lawyers® has conducted extensive peer review surveys to publish its annual list of premier lawyers and is now issued in nearly 70 countries worldwide. Best Lawyers is widely known as one of the most credible and respectable rankings in the legal industry. The 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in America includes over 52,000 attorneys in 137 practice areas across the nation. About Kutak Rock LLP Kutak Rock LLP is a national law firm of more than 500 lawyers with 17 locations from coast to coast. The firm serves local, regional and national clients in business and corporate law, public finance, and litigation and real estate law, with numerous areas of specialization. Kutak Rock attorneys work together in well-integrated, national practice groups to maintain and enhance their technical expertise and to reinforce and support one another in achieving client objectives

