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Udgam Matters December 2013

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Udgam School Newsletter 2013
December 2013 Issue Vol.07 JINGLE ALL THE WAY... Congratulations to the winners of the FUN ZONE November! AARUSH SINGHVI SR KG - F PALAKSHI TUMBESWAR 1 - B VRAK PARIKH 5 - C Fun Zone Winners! What’s Inside Student-Teacher Relation Understanding Children Hustle Bustle Of Activities Media Buzz Pre-Primary In Action Special Event Merry Students Bookmark This! Research Reveals Beautiful Colours Fun Zone SMALL MATTERS 'Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle.' How true! A person's character is known by the small things he does in life. While observing the small actions and gestures of teachers and students every day, I realize that the small deeds we do in life matter more that the great heroic ones that most of us are not capable of but only read in newspapers or in history! These small matters add up to shape our character and conduct. The quality of a teacher is known by the small things she does. For instance, a teacher's command over the English language or the lack of it can be judged by the punctuation marks, spelling, use of tenses and by her handwriting. The common errors being 'didn't knew', 'sticked' or an apostrophe where is not required or the omission of it where it is required. One them is after 'your' (your's) while writing letters. I wonder if this matters any more when we are so used to 'sms' language! The conduct of a student is known by the small things he or she does: greeting teachers, standing up when the teacher enters the class, giving way to teachers while climbing up the stairs or coming downstairs. There are students who just push teachers and elders and go ahead. Students who come shabbily dressed or not dressed in proper school uniform give a bad impression of themselves to the teachers and anyone else who is watching them in the school premises. It also reflects their upbringing. Another small matter that reveals one's nature is punctuality. This value is sadly missing in most of us! We are so ready with arguments and excuses for being late! Isn't it ironic that people wear expensive and fashionable watches but never From the Principal - Ms. Radhika Iyer bother about time? Whatever the value of watches, let us remember TIME is more precious and valuable. The same goes for pens. There are people who possess expensive and attractive pens and, in contrast, there are those who won't buy a pen! When they have to sign anywhere they frantically hunt for a pen! Students come to me for filling up some form or collecting some certificate, and without a pen! Then there are teachers and students who do nothing about their bad handwriting. It is possible for everyone to write neatly and legibly. I believe that handwriting is not simply the function of the hand but of the mind. One has to have the determination and commitment to write well. Yes, this art is not valued today as most of us depend on computers and mobile phones for our writing! A piece of advice to all those who have good handwriting – preserve it, some day it may be exhibited in the museum! Teachers and parents can make a 'small' contribution in developing the conduct of students by exhibiting the desired conduct themselves – being punctual, presenting a good handwriting, keeping books and other belongings in their proper place, speaking politely, dressing appropriately. And most important, in an English medium school, is that we, teachers, should converse with another in English so that our students learn from us. We cannot impose on youngsters what we ourselves would not do! UDGAM MATTERS Subscription is open for January to March 2014 @ Rs 200 for 3 issues. Please collect a form and pay the money to your class teacher. Subscription
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December 2013 Issue Vol.07


Congratulations to the winners of

the FUN ZONE November!




Fun Zone Winners!

What’s InsideStudent-Teacher Relation

Understanding Children

Hustle Bustle Of Activities

Media Buzz

Pre-Primary In Action

Special Event

Merry Students

Bookmark This!

Research Reveals

Beautiful Colours

Fun Zone


'Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle.' How true!

A person's character is known by the small things he

does in life. While observing the small actions and gestures of teachers and students every day, I realize that the small deeds we do in life matter more that the great heroic ones that most of us are not capable of but only read in newspapers or in history! These small matters add up to shape our character and conduct.

The quality of a teacher is known by the small things she does. For instance, a teacher's command over the English language or the lack of it can be judged by the punctuation marks, spelling, use of tenses and by her handwriting. The common errors being 'didn't knew', 'sticked' or an apostrophe where is not required or the omission of it where it is required. One them is after 'your' (your's) while writing letters. I wonder if this matters any more when we are so used to 'sms' language!

The conduct of a student is known by the small things he or she does: greeting teachers, standing up when the teacher enters the class, giving way to teachers while climbing up the stairs or coming downstairs. There are students who just push teachers and elders and go ahead. Students who come shabbily dressed or not dressed in proper school uniform give a bad impression of themselves to the teachers and anyone else who is watching them in the school premises. It also reflects their upbringing.

Another small matter that reveals one's nature is punctuality. This value is sadly missing in most of us! We are so ready with arguments and excuses for being late! Isn't it ironic that people wear expensive and fashionable watches but never

From the Principal - Ms. Radhika Iyer

bother about time? Whatever the value of watches, let us remember TIME is more precious and valuable.

The same goes for pens. There are people who possess expensive and attractive pens and, in contrast, there are those who won't buy a pen! When they have to sign anywhere they frantically hunt for a pen! Students come to me for filling up some form or collecting some certificate, and without a pen!

Then there are teachers and students who do nothing about their bad handwriting. It is possible for everyone to write neatly and legibly. I believe that handwriting is not simply the function of the hand but of the mind. One has to have the determination and commitment to write well. Yes, this art is not valued today as most of us depend on computers and mobile phones for our writing! A piece of advice to all those who have good handwriting – preserve it, some day it may be exhibited in the museum!

Teachers and parents can make a 'small' contribution in developing the conduct of students by exhibiting the desired conduct themselves – being punctual, presenting a good handwriting, keeping books and other belongings in their proper place, speaking politely, dressing appropriately. And most important, in an English medium school, is that we, teachers, should converse with another in English so that our students learn from us. We cannot impose on youngsters what we ourselves would not do!


Subscription is open for January

to March 2014 @ Rs 200 for 3

issues. Please collect a form and

pay the money to your class



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December 2013

Mrs. Meetika Sharma, Vice Principal - Primary Section

We all remember the famous rhyme “CHUBBY CHEEKS”. The rhyme ends in a question: “Teacher's pet is that you?” Every student wants

to be a teacher's pet. Why is it nice to have a good relationship with the teachers? Well, for starters it makes learning enjoyable and school interesting. As school is a child's second home, emotional needs are catered for if the relation with the teacher is healthy. We have a lot written and discussed concerning a parent-child relation but a child-teacher relation is also very important.

Ÿ Want to create a great relationship with your teacher? Try these tips:

Ÿ Work hard every day by completing classwork and participating in class.

Ÿ Ask questions whenever you don't understand something. If you feel shy during class, ask after class.

Ÿ Be polite and respectful all the time. That means "please" and "thank you," of course. Also follow class rules such as listening when another student is talking, taking turns, or raising a hand instead of shouting out.



You'll do your best in the school, if you're well-fed, well-rested, and organized, so don't forget these back-to-school rules:-

Sleep: Get to bed on time. You should feel rested when you wake up.

Breakfast: You'll have more energy and do better in school if you eat a good breakfast.

Night-before routines: Get organized the night before by setting out everything you need. Pack your bag and lay out your uniform. Polish the school shoes and don't forget to keep the school I-card near the uniform.

These little steps taken will give a smooth start to your day. You will feel energized and full of positivity. Your participation in the class activities will increase and your teachers will appreciate the new you!!!

Count that day as lost when you have not put a smile on someone's face.

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Ms. Pratima Patel, Director, Primary School

Bringing up children can be full of pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Pleasant for those who change themselves according to new age parenting i.e. they change their ways in accordance with the change in time, and unpleasant for those who think parenting remains as it was passed on to them down the ages.

A few points may be worth sharing:

Ÿ To create a loving and comfortable as well as stimulating environment for the child

Ÿ To monitor the health development

Ÿ To help him/her build a good self image

Ÿ Unconditional acceptance, concern, sharing a dignified relationship, encouraging freedom with defined limits

Ÿ Children do misbehave and create an embarrassing situation and we are unable to exercise control over it. But guidance and tactful handling may ease the situation.

There is no clear cut way of parenting. There may be some handy tips to sail through the crises smoothly. This is because each problem has more than one solution depending on the circumstances and the environment.

We should know that certain kind of behaviour is normal for a specific age group and one must simply know how to handle-

2-3 years: terrible- throwing tantrums4-5 years: fascinating- possessive-more imitative6-7 years: sensitive- feels insulted easily

We need to be aware that throwing tantrums, shouting or sulking are all attention seeking behaviour. Only when attended with more concern and when the child gets want he or she wants, then it becomes the habitual behaviour.

Parents and teachers are the role models as good behaviour and values cannot be taught but caught.


As you know Udgam School has adopted Thaltej Municipal School and we have been trying our best to improve the quality of the school at all levels. We have made donations in the form of cash, books, stationery, furniture, food and other items spearheaded by our managing trustee, Mr. Gautam Choksi and our Executive Director, Mr. Manan Choksi, and Joint Director, Mrs. Bhumi Choksi. The overall project leader is Ms. Pratima Patell, Director Primary Section.

If you are interested in making a difference where it matters then please donate to make the situation better for the have-nots. A little bit of sunshine goes a long way in brightening up the world!

For donations in cash/cheque or cash please visit the page www.udgamschool.com\thaltej-municipal-school



December 2013


It is easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.

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December 2013


Class 4 observed “Go Green Day” by bringing all green ingredients in their Lunch Boxes for a day. Not only eating but sharing was a great fun. The message of eating healthy and being strong forever was convincingly passed on.


Students and teachers were pleasantly surprised by the visit of world renowned athlete P.T Usha.

Children of Preprimary section were taken for an educational trip to Madhuban Farm.The kids had a lovely time and came back with endless tales of the animals and birds that they had seen and the fun they had in the farm with their friends.

Pre Primary kids enjoyed the winter season and went out for a day's picnic with their buddies and teachers. They played several games and came back tired but happy.

Similarly Class 1 students went for a Nature Walk on a chilly morning and were astonished to see the variety of fruits and vegetables. They had a wonderful hands-on experience class.

Preprimary section also celebrated Christmas. Children came in red and enjoyed drawing and colouring Santa Claus along with listening to and watching stories of Christmas and Santa.

Mrs. Deepa Hemnani Academic Coordinator

The chilling December month saw a sudden dip of 3 degrees in temperature, leaving everybody wrapped in woollens.

Winter is considered to be the season of remaining healthy and active as days are shorter and sleepy and cosy nights are long enough to rejuvenate.

The school also remained busy with gamut of activities beginning with “Self Defence Training” for girls. The girls were taught the techniques to protect themselves while in unforeseen crisis. They were prepared mentally and physically to face any untoward incident.

Each and every student and member of Udgam School became a proud part of Computer Science Education Week. It was program of “Hour of Code” for each one. The timetable was rescheduled, there was a thirst to learn and do something new in computer class among the students.

To make learning fun and interesting Class 7 went through rounds of enriching quiz which made learning fun while filling their minds with the required information.

Children of Class 6 were seen in groups all around the school measuring the waiting area, class room, chess room, Principal's room, Admin office, play grounds, Tennis Lawn and what not to learn the concept of Measurement from small scale to larger area.

To save the Mother Earth and to decrease the level of land pollution “No Plastic Week” was observed by Class 8. They avoided using anything made of plastic and also encouraged the others to do so.

Students of Udgam School decided to collect money for Charity in a unique way. They made use of skills learnt in their Work Experience class. They made mobile covers, cushions, batwas, book marks, gift tags, quilling earrings, keychains, holders, envelopes, hangings. This year they made all this with a mind set of selling them all end of the year and to use the proceedings in Charity for underprivileged children.

The students of Class 11 made good use of their entrepreneurship knowledge by making chocolates, cakes and goodies and selling them in the canteen area with attractive placards and packaging.


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When you don't understand something, you cannot master it well and in case of technology, it begins to master you. We may call ourselves well ahead due to our advanced technology but our overwhelming dependency goes hand-in-hand with a general illiteracy that is quite alarming.

This has given rise to the 'Hour of Code' a worldwide effort to get students to spend an hour learning how to program using a set of pre-designed tutorials.

Udgam School celebrated the 'Hour of Code' to commemorate the worldwide Computer Science Education Week from 9th to 15th December. It is part of an effort to introduce computer programming to all levels of students and encourage them to learn programming. Each and every student and teacher has been involved in an hour of programming and upon successful completion they are being given certificates. The school has five state-of-art computer labs with one-on-one access and relies heavily on technology with a full-fledged IT Department apart from a highly qualified faculty.

All computer teachers were involved in making the event a success. Mrs. Krupali Sanghvi, Computer teacher, Secondary Section, made exemplary effort in this regard.

The week-long Hour of Code initiative strives to help students better understand their ever-changing technological world. By getting kids thinking about writing computer code, the Hour of Code is meant to make them ready for the world of technology. It is aimed to give an insight into the logical understanding of systems that now govern almost everything in the world. The program's tutorials make use of popular games like Minecraft and Angry Birds to enable the user to write codes.

The puzzles and creative activities are designed to teach students computational thinking and the basics of computer programming. Students solve each puzzle by programming visual code blocks to achieve a goal. The Programming Concepts are based on Repetition, Conditional logic, Computer Drawing, Handling keyboard Input, Creating apps, Computational Thinking, Problem Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, Algorithmic Thinking and Automation.

The initiative has been masterminded by Code.org, a non-profit supported by Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and other tech luminaries. It will reach across 33,000 schools in 166 countries, which will all set aside at least one hour this week to teaching computer science.

In the words of US President Obama, a strong supporter of the hour of code, “Don't just buy a new video game, make one. Don't just download the latest app, help design it. Don't just play on your phone, program it.”



December 2013


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Who doesn't like to play games or watch cartoons? We all love them but remember one

things, that if you watch too much or play too much, you will start living in a world of illusions. You will keep thinking about super heroes or Tom and Jerry and not concentrate in your studies. You will not take your studies seriously and will keep thinking of the game. For example, in Temple Run game you will be thinking about the game and the next levels and during exam also you will keep playing instead of studying. You will remember Jump and Run and all the rules of the game rather than the actual answers.

It would be a good idea for parents to take the mobiles from their children and shut down the computers so that they have to study. Do not give in to their tantrums. You can keep a separate time for games and not let them play during other times. My parents do the same for me. Even I used to play these kind of games a lot. In fact you can say I was becoming addicted to these games. Then my parents stepped in and removed me from the World of Illusions. Initially I was angry and upset. I would sit and think of the games all the time. I would sulk and cry. But now I know what happens when we play too much.



December 2013


she is a famous doctor.Ishan's research spread throughout the world and he got many prestigious awards.

So from this story we come to know that if you have faith in yourself you can achieve anything, you can face any obstacle in your life.

So we should even be like Alia and Ishan who had faith in them and now they are on the top of the world. This surely proves that “Faith Can Actually Move Mountains.” attractive placards and packaging.


Faith!!! It is a small word with a deep meaning. What is faith? Faith is nothing but believing -

believing in a dream, a religion, a person or a goal you need to achieve. History tells us that great things were achieved through faith. As Jesus said that even a tiny bit of faith even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

Once there was a girl named Alia who was twenty years old. She was studying to be a doctor. One day when she was going back to her home from college, she suddenly fell down on the road. A crowd gathered around her help her to reach the hospital. The doctors informed her parents that she was suffering from a viral disease which cannot be cured. Her condition was so bad that she was not even able to move her hands properly. The doctors were helpless because the research about the diagnoses of the disease was not yet completed and no medical authorities were permitted to give medicines as a prescription for her disease.

From her childhood days, Alia had a dream to become a famous doctor, and although she was totally helpless, deep inside her heart she had the faith that God would save her life. Her pain and suffering increased day by day but she never gave up. All the doctors gave up her treatment. She was on complete bed rest. Alia wanted her life to be normal again. She knew that the doctors were not ready to give her the medicines because they had the fear, if the medicines gave a wrong reaction and threat to her life, they would lose their jobs.Alia's best friend Ishan was working in a prestigious hospital in London. He was a great doctor. Alia had the faith in him that her best buddy would surely help her.

As Alia was in bed, she was not able to even move her hands but still she sent an E-mail to Ishan about her health by dictating to her sister.

When Ishan came to know about her situation, he was very worried. He reassured Alia by telling her that she would be fine, but although he was aware of the fact that it might not be possible to cure her, Ishan didn't gave up. Every day he used to research about the disease and one day he came back to India along with medicines for Alia.

After taking the medicines within 15 days Alia was fine.Ishan's and Alia's faith proved them right. Their faith takes them to heights. After that Alia continued her studies and now

Play games and watch cartoons but not too much.

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December 2013


when I decided that I wanted to be a heart surgeon. But, at that point of time, I was too small to know that to be a cardiac surgeon, it is necessary to be a doctor first. But, I had a strong purpose and desire to achieve my goal, and that made me what I am today.' he said.When asked about robotic surgeries, he said that healing is not just about giving the right medicine. It is also about relating with the patient, instilling faith and communicating to him that he will be fine. A robot can never do what a human surgeon can. We have to be in the right frame of mind to take decisions.

Dr. Shetty feels that the best part about being a cardiac surgeon is that you literally get to touch the hearts of people.

He also talked about his experience with Mother Teresa. 'In her presence, I feel the divine presence of God. It was an honour treating her. She always used to say - the hands that help are much better than the lips that pray. These are the inspirational lines for me till date.’

He also talked about the advancements made in the field of medicine. He said that first, the ICU used to be a quiet place as very few used to survive. But now, it usually buzzes with life as very few succumb to heart operations. 'Today, heart surgeries have become safer and more predictable' he said.

When he was asked how he de-stresses himself in his busy schedule, he answered, 'I never get stressed because I have a strong passion for my work.’

Talking to him was like gaining the most precious piece of advice in the world. It was really astounding how his feet were on the ground even after reaching great heights. God should keep creating such wonders to make the world better and safer place to live in.

A Meeting With Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty – the cardiologist with a 'Heart’Shreeja Desai - 9A and Gurleen Kaur Nanda - 9C

'God sent people with heart problems on the Earth. But then, he realized his mistake and to rectify it, he sent cardiac surgeons like you to Earth.' These were the lines said by Mother Teresa to the resplendent cardiac surgeon Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty. We completely agree with her compliment after meeting the paediatric cardiac surgeon.

When we were offered the interview, we were on cloud nine. How could we ever miss out on such an opportunity? Yes, we did have second thoughts due to our unit tests. But, we still chose to interview the dazzling person. After meeting him, we had totally no regrets on our decision.

Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty is an extremely humble and idealistic man. He had an encouraging charm on his face which refreshed us and swatted our stress away. He was offered the VIP seat on the stage, but he instead chose to sit with us on a simple chair. This was the first insight to his personality. First of all, he asked us to introduce ourselves and tell what we wanted to be twenty years from now. We all gave a brief Idea of what we wanted to be. After listening to us, he said, 'Everyone has really high goals, which is very good. But, nobody gave an explanation as to why they want to be in that profession. Having a purpose is very important in life.' He then narrated his life story explaining the power of purpose. 'None present here would have failed in second grade. But I failed in second grade. I was a very dull child. My family had lost all their expectations from me when, in fifth grade, I learnt about the first successful heart transplant in Cape Town and how the heart surgeon gained appreciation from millions. That is

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Snow is falling, Santa is coming,

Stars twinkling, Christmas is coming!

Children are smiling, gifts are wrapping.

There's a snowman standing, Christmas is coming!

Hymns are playing, people enjoying,

Bells are ringing, Christmas is coming!

Snow is falling, Santa s coming,

Stars twinkling, Christmas is coming!


At sharp six o'clock my alarm ringsJust like a trumpet in my ear!

I wake up sleepily from a cozy bed,And snuggle into my sweater.

Hearing the birds chirp, I rush to the balcony...

I sit on a chair and close my eyes,And listen to the flutter of the wings.

The fresh cool breeze gushes into my ears,And makes my hair sway as trees.

The branches sway and hug each other,And wish each other 'Good Morning'.

I wish I could fly with the birds so high,Or till late in my cozy bed lie.

Winter mornings I enjoy,They always bring me joy.



December 2013



Rahul was a very intelligent boy. His father worked as Chartered Accountant in a well known

company in Mumbai. Rahul was good in studies and took great interest in school activities too. He was very happy in school and loved to live in Mumbai.

But soon, his father was transferred to Ahmedabad. It was a beautiful city with wide roads and lush green trees all around. Rahul was sad to leave Mumbai but he got admission in a very good school in the new city. The school was very big and Rahul was proud to be part of it. His first day was wonderful and he made many new friends. He was happy that he was not missing Mumbai a lot. However, the friends he made were not too good.

A rotten apple spoils the apple and a good apple in a barrel of rotten apples gets spoilt even faster. So, in the company of the boys, the boy soon started thinking and behaving like them. He lost interest in studies and became rude to elders. Soon he started bunking classes too which came to the notice of his teachers. The teachers called the boys' parents and discussed the matter. The parents decided that the time had come for them to intervene.

That evening the parents sat with him and shared with him his teacher's views. They asked him the reason for bunking classes. He replied arrogantly “I love to go to restaurants with my friends”.

The parents advised him about the importance of attending classes. They also made him understand the fun of learning 'grammar' in English, do 'experiments' in Science, topics in Maths, and also learn about the great kings in History. His parents told him “Now is the time to wake up my boy and change yourself. Leave the bad company and get back to your good old habits. My boy, wake up and smell the coffee...it is not late.

The boy understood the meaning of his parent's words. He realised his mistake and how the influence of bad company had changed him. He thanked his parents for opening his eyes. He gave up his bad company and started attending classes regularly. Soon he made good friends, his grades improved and his good habits returned. He started enjoying his new school and the new city.

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The Gift of the Magi


December 2013



Ms. Pallavi Sridhar Librarian

My dear readers,

Jingle bells, jingle bells, reading all the way,Oh what fun it is to read and dream on every day! Have a merry, jolly and happy Christmas, full of good food , fun and warmth. And of course, a enjoy a rollicking reading week with these heartwarming Christmas tales.

A Christmas Carol

Hi! I'm the Reading Angel, and here's your

Christmas reading list. Happy Reading!

The Polar Express

The Little Match Girl

The Night Before Christmas

How the Grinch stole Christmas

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December 2013



Ms. Aarzoo DaswaniResearch Coordinator

Set your clocks forward by ten minutes

Students arriving to school with time to spare have the luxury of setting in,preparing their class materials and focusing thier minds on the lessons to come. They have all the time they need to literally and figuratively wake up.

Students showing up class at the last minute miss out on this natural transition periods. Students simply rush and fial to enjoy the most exciting first part of the school day.

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December 2013

Siddhi Kathad1 B



Ishita Sharma4 F

Palakshi1 B

Hiya Shah3 A

Manushi Choksi Sr KG

Dhyani Patel1 E

Neil Shah3 E

Vrushil Shah9 B

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December 2013


Participate and win prizes!Solve the puzzle according to your age group. Where it is not possible to send the solution by mail, take a picture and send it to [email protected]

This crossword puzzle is for onlyPre-Primary section

Colour the dotted areas. Which animal do you get? Send us a pic and your answer to [email protected]


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December 2013


This crossword puzzle is for onlyClass 1 and 2

Write the answers and send to [email protected]

Odd One Out Quiz

Please circle (or underline) the word you think is different.

For example:Mother Brother Friend Daughter

































This crossword puzzle is for only Class 3 to 5

Please write the correct answers and mail to [email protected]

1. How many years are there in a millennium?_________________________________________

2. True or false? The horse is the fastest land animal. ___________________________________

3. The Beatles music band featured how many members?________________________________

4. True or false? Scarlet is a bright red colour. __________________________________________

5. What galaxy is Earth located in?__________________________________________________

6. What is the first element on the periodic table of elements? ____________________________

7. True or false? Mickey Mouse's middle name is Fauntleroy. ____________________________

8. How many sides does a triangle have? _____________________________________________

9. True or false? Harry Potter's middle name is James. __________________________________

10. Bees create what sweet substance? ______________________________________________

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December 2013


This crossword puzzle is for onlyClass 6 to 12

Please complete it and send a picture to [email protected]

Instructions: Using the capitals as clues, fill in the puzzle with the name of the country.

4. Seoul

5. New Delhi

7. Wellington

9. Beijing

11. Cairo

13. Nairobi

15. Abuja

16. Rome

17. Bangkok

18. Madrid

Across Down

1. Brasilia

2. Paris

3. Canberra

6. Johannesburg

8. Berlin

10. Buenos Aires

12. Moscow

14. Tokyo


2 3




9 10












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December 2013


Beginning this June our school will have its own Playgroup for the very little ones who are yet to begin proper school. Registrations are going on now for admission to Playgroup.

A place to set a paceThe tiny tots can come to school and get acclimatized to a routine for one year. This will prepare them better when they start proper school from Nursery.

A place to make friendsKids can meet others of the same age group and they will find this the perfect place to socialise. They will be happier and healthier.

A place to learn good habitsGood manners, healthy eating and habits of sharing and caring are nurtured from an early age. This makes the kids more manageable and they are less prone to throw tantrums.

A place to come and play inThe little ones can come and enjoy playing and colouring (with a little bit of learning through fun). They will love to come here everyday and be school ready.

A place to be in for the next 16 yearsA child in Playgroup is beginning a 16 year relationship with a 50 year old school – Udgam! Parents can relax about admission to Nursery when the rat race begins as these children will be automatically absorbed in the Nursery section.

Basically, this is a great beginning from cradle to crayons... and when it is Udgam you can expect only the best!

Please fill the online admission form available on our website www.udgamschool.com and submit it along with the required documents to Udgam School For Children, Nr. I.O.C. Petrol Pump, Jodhpur Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad-380 015 by 31/01/2014[From : 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM]

For Admission to Playgroup Children born on or before 30/09/2012 are eligible.

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December 2013


Mrs. Sagarika SahanaContent Manager

How many LOL moments did you have today?As another year draws to an end, let us pause and examine our relentless lives for a while. The common questions that we find are- Have we done enough? Have we achieved something? Are we headed towards the right direction?

Are we clear about our long term goals? How many of us actually ask the question- Have we been happy?

In our quest to be a good teacher, student or parent, have we forgotten to live our lives to the fullest? We enter the daily rigmarole of life which starts right from the moment our feet touch the cold ground and continues till we hit our beds at night for a senseless sleep induced by a day of mindless hard work.

When was the last time you did something for 'FUN'? When was the last time you threw your head back and went into peals of merry laughter? Have we forgotten to 'live' in our quest for the perfect life? No life is perfect without lots of laughs and no person can have attained much if he or she has not been happy.

Take time to let down your hair, smell the flowers and stand and stare. Do things that make you and others happy. Spend time with the people you love. Share your bounty with others. Pursue goals that are close to your heart. Laugh out loud. Everything else will fall in place... after all zindagi na milegi dobaara!

Udgam School For Children

Opp. Sardar Patel Institute,Thaltej, Ahmedabad- 380 054. Gujarat, INDIA.Phone No: 079-26850339, 99251 53153 | Email Id: info@udgamschool.com-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pre-Primary SectionNear IOC Petrol Pump,Jodhpur Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380 015 Gujarat, INDIA.Phone No: 079-26769595, 90999 02221 | Email Id: [email protected]


Editor: Sagarika Sahana, C

ontent Manager

Designer: Anuja K



