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UDK 930.25(44)“17/18” Liudmyla Pryhod’ko DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL AFFAIRS AND ... · 2018. 10....

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UDK 930.25(44)“17/18” Liudmyla Pryhod’ko DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL AFFAIRS AND ARCHIVAL STUDY IN FRANCE IN THE XVIII – BEGINNING OF THE ХІХ CENTURIES In the article are reviewed trends in the development of archival study and archival affairs in France in second half of the XVIII century. Furthermore are analyzed organization measures took by the government during the events of the French Revolution and the early ХІХ century and approved by the state power legislative documents, which reflect the state policy in the archival branch of the country and its implications for the formation and preservation of the national archival heritage. Key words: archival affairs of France, archival legislation, the National Archives. Recently Ukrainian archival studies are undergoing intense transformation. Despite the complexity of the processes that shape the content of this transformation, its overall condition determines the direction of the significant expansion of space of «knowledge and acquisition». Nowadays one can observe the interest of national scientists to a unique historical experience of foreign archiving associated with the development of national models of archival systems, development of archival legislation, scientifically grounded principles for archival documents organization, providing intellectual access to archival information. In the scientific-theoretical and methodological frame, this experience gets status of an influential factor for the development of archives branch of Ukraine, solving the problem of organization, formation and preservation of aggregate archival heritage of our country – the National Archival Holdings. In the context of mentioned above, achievements of French archivists seem to be valuable and authoritative, presented by ancient archival traditions, national archiving school with strong theoretical developments, methodological pluralism, international relations and significant influence on the development archival studies thought in the world. Founders and leading representatives of the French archival studies produced scientific ideas, were initiators and promoters of legislative, organizational and practical innovations, which became crucial for the development of archival affairs of the state, and subsequently distributed and used in other countries. In particular, the French archivists in difficult and dramatic period of their national history – the revolution of the late XVIII century, held a series of events in the direction of reforming the archival branch, outlined on their background promising version of the basic principles of archival construction. Despite the somewhat contradictory nature of these measures, as time has shown, they have provided impetus to European archival community to rethink the established traditions, principles of organization of archives, methods of everyday practice, a new self-awareness of professional identity of the archivist. This, in fact, explains the relevance of the chosen topic of the article. Historiography researched problem – a broad and multi-faceted. This, in particular, the works of Russian historians and arhivoznavtsiv V. Avtokratov
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UDK 930.25(44)“17/18”

Liudmyla Pryhod’ko


In the article are reviewed trends in the development of archival study and archival affairs

in France in second half of the XVIII century. Furthermore are analyzed organization measures took by the government during the events of the French Revolution and the early ХІХ century and approved by the state power legislative documents, which reflect the state policy in the archival branch of the country and its implications for the formation and preservation of the national archival heritage.

Key words: archival affairs of France, archival legislation, the National Archives.

Recently Ukrainian archival studies are undergoing intense transformation. Despite the complexity of the processes that shape the content of this transformation, its overall condition determines the direction of the significant expansion of space of «knowledge and acquisition». Nowadays one can observe the interest of national scientists to a unique historical experience of foreign archiving associated with the development of national models of archival systems, development of archival legislation, scientifically grounded principles for archival documents organization, providing intellectual access to archival information. In the scientific-theoretical and methodological frame, this experience gets status of an influential factor for the development of archives branch of Ukraine, solving the problem of organization, formation and preservation of aggregate archival heritage of our country – the National Archival Holdings.

In the context of mentioned above, achievements of French archivists seem to be valuable and authoritative, presented by ancient archival traditions, national archiving school with strong theoretical developments, methodological pluralism, international relations and significant influence on the development archival studies thought in the world. Founders and leading representatives of the French archival studies produced scientific ideas, were initiators and promoters of legislative, organizational and practical innovations, which became crucial for the development of archival affairs of the state, and subsequently distributed and used in other countries. In particular, the French archivists in difficult and dramatic period of their national history – the revolution of the late XVIII century, held a series of events in the direction of reforming the archival branch, outlined on their background promising version of the basic principles of archival construction. Despite the somewhat contradictory nature of these measures, as time has shown, they have provided impetus to European archival community to rethink the established traditions, principles of organization of archives, methods of everyday practice, a new self-awareness of professional identity of the archivist. This, in fact, explains the relevance of the chosen topic of the article.

Historiography researched problem – a broad and multi-faceted. This, in particular, the works of Russian historians and arhivoznavtsiv V. Avtokratov

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(1922–1992)1, V. Aheeva (Prozorov)2, A. Ado (1928–995)3, N. Brzhostovska (1915–1994)4, A. Voronova (1864–1912)5, A. Dobiash-Rojdestvenska (1874–1939)6, A. Kalsinf7, K. Lapp-Starzhenetskoyi (1884, other sources 1886–1971)8, O. Lyublіnska (1902–1980)9, І. Mayakovskiy (1878–1954)10, D. Samokvasova (1843–1911)11, E. Starostin (1935–2011)12, E. Tarle (1874–1955)13, I. Filippova14. An important source of in-depth study of topics submitted by E. Starostin and I. Filippov analytical reviews interpretations of archival policy of revolutionary power in the studios of European historians and archivists A. L. Bourdieu (Henri-Léonard Bordier, (1817–1888), R. Botye (Robert-Henri Emil Bautier), M. Dyushen (Michel Duchein), E. Kazanova (Eugenio Casanova, 1867–1951), L. de Laborde (Léon de Laborde, 1807–1869), Sh.V. Lyanglua (Charles-Victor Langlois, 1863–1929) and Sh. Senobosa (Charles Seignobos, 1854–1942), P. Santonі (Pierre Santoni) et al., as well as in the proceedings of the colloquium «Archives and the Revolution» (Archives et Révolution. Création ou destruction. Actes du colloque organisé par Association des archives françaises (groupe régional Provence-Alpe-Côte-d’Azur), conducted by the French Society of Archivists in 1988. This list should be supplemented by another publication already mentioned M. Dyushen15, studios by E. Lodolini (Elio Lodolini)16, E. Pozner (Ernst Posner, 1892–1980)17, T. R. Shellenberg (Theodore Roosevelt Schellenberg, 1903–1970)18, Sh. Shmіdt (Charles Schmidt, 1872–1956)19.

In Ukrainian Archival among the few publications sufficiently detailed analysis of the reform of archival work in France during the revolutionary e vents includes labor of V. Romanovsky (1890–1971), «Essays on Archival Science. History of archival business in Ukraine and the principle of subsidiarity in the archives» (1927)20.

Separately, it is necessary to identify a number of publications of foreign researchers late XX – early XXI century, in which there has been a new historical paradigm – «volte-face» in the study of many aspects of the phenomenon of the French Revolution, attempts to go beyond its traditional analysis, established priorities, estimates and schemes, of obsolete ideological postulates, bringing modern terminology, theoretical and methodological tools. In the context of acute and meaningful discussions regarding this watershed for the French and European history phenomenon, worthy epistemological potential of the «revisionist» (critical) the concept of the French Revolution. Its representatives – french historians F. Fyure (François Furet, 1927–1997; Penser la Révolution française, 1977), M. Ozuf (Mona Ozouf, Dictionnaire critique de la Révolution française / Sous dir. de F. Furet, M. Ozouf, 1988), Professor of the Graduate School of Social Sciences P. Genіfe (Patrice Gueniffey. La politique de la Terreur. Essai sur la violence révolutionnaire 1789–1794, 2000), as well as a schola-historian of Polish descent B. Bachko (Bronislaw Baczko. Comment sortir de la Terreur. Thermidor et la Révolution, 1989) filed new approaches to understanding the causes and nature of the French Revolution, the role played by the Jacobin dictatorship and terror in its history, also raised the question of the essence and mechanism of action of dictatorial tendencies in the revolutionary events21. These studies define new

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perspectives for a deeper understanding of subjects and problems of the then French Archiving.

In this article we will focus on the intellectual atmosphere of the era, features production of historical knowledge, in particular on the development of scholars and antiquarians critical processing techniques of historical sources and their impact on French Archiving. Let us analyze the practical experience of French archivists, as well as key regulatory legal acts of the French Revolution era, reflecting the implementation of the state policy in the archive sector and its consequences for the start of the archival system of the country, preservation of the national archival heritage.

Archival industry of France on the eve of the revolutionary events was a variegated picture – scattered throughout the country more than 1225 archives, of which only 405 operated in the Paris22. Archive with the status of national or central not existed. «Treasury charters» (Trésor des Chartes) – the main royal archive of the country, from the XII century, closely linked with the fate of the monarchy, its policy of centralization, who knew periods of prosperity during the reign of the best representatives of the Capetian dynasty23, was in a state of neglect. For occasional addition of new arrivals, functioning primarily as a repository of historical sources, archive at the end of the XVIII century, little interest in government. Important and relevant documents of national importance (internal policies, legislation, international relations, dynastic rights, the struggle for power in the country, etc.) were deposited in the secret archives at the Royal Chancery, advisory body to the person of the king, in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 1671), the military (1701) and sea (1659)24. State government, judicial, financial, local public institutions, private organizations, churches, monasteries, orders, schools, families, individuals also accumulate and store your «arsenal documentary». Among them were many archives containing vast and rich in content collection acts. Archivists are engaged in their conservation and concluded a thorough description to the material acts25.

The restructuring of the state apparatus in France during the XVIII century. actualized task substantial improvement activities archives, especially in the organization and preservation of their documents. The most important documentary monuments testify about the past of the people, and legal, property and other interests of the country or of a person, become part of the arsenal of political and ideological struggle between different social groups, parties and groups. They have become an effective management tool, because the power structures to meet its political and administrative functions, addressing the multidimensional aspects of nation-building had to go to the practical experience of predecessors recorded created in their written documentaries and narrative sources. Considerable value were documented complexes of liquidated institutions, presented archival heritage in saturated reorganization of state power and administration historical period end of XVI–XVII centuries. However, for a variety of new government agencies and departments, given their inherent dynamic nature of the current records management, these archival arrays were bulky and undesirable burden. Significant volume of work directly related to their ordering,

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storage and access, could get real content only with the participation and under the control of the state. However, the solution to these problems is complicated by several factors. This is – typical of France and other Western European countries absolutist monarchy departmental character of the organization of archives, designated specific features, such as organizational fragmentation and isolation of archives; no general guidance from the state archives and a single regulation of their activities; pragmatic attitude to archival documents officials, their bureaucratic «weakness», which often leads to physical destruction of valuable archival sources; shortage of professional staff, the funds necessary for the functioning of the archives, specially adapted rooms for the storage arrays documentary; secrecy archives, inaccessibility to use their documents. In terms of politics, law or theology interwoven into folders evidence of legitimacy of actions were perceived by the authorities as an explosive material and were outside the professional expectations of researchers.

Certain difficulties also created unprecedented until then in its rate of activation document circulation, increase in its share of the structure of the organizational and administrative, accounting and statistical, financial documents, political and administrative correspondence. Its acceleration is largely promoted by increase in administrative functions of the state as a result of complications forms of political and economic life, a significant expansion of the system of state bodies – ministries, departments, agencies, complex combination of hierarchical structures at all levels of society, who were supposed to perform these functions and and according to their document. Prominent role played by the growth of a new type of the creators of documents and archives – private industry, factories, trade companies, stock exchanges, banks, corporations and the like. It was evident the influence of the industrial revolution XVII – XVIII centuries, which led to the introduction of dynamic document circulation in scientific and technical documentation, the rapid growth of its arrays and complexity of its specific structure. Another aspect merits attention – the continuous accumulation of documents that reflect the colonial expansion of France, the history of the territory it captured and deposited in the archives of government agencies, departments, and then – in special archives at institutions with relevant management functions colonies and partly – in the archives of private enterprises and institutions. The essential problems of the archive sector added some facts of falsification and forgery.

Thus, the archive sector in France felt the urgent need for a substantial reform, the development of self-archiving system with its main components – the specially authorized central government; chain of state archival institutions; national archival legislation that would set the legal regulation of the transfer of documents from institutions to archives, legitimated appraise archival documents and order the destruction of those that are recyclable, support provided for improved archival work associated with the organization, formation and preservation of the national archival heritage, democratization access to archived information. Historical context required to clearly define the relationship between archives and archives of the state and society.

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French archivists did not stand aloof from the problems of archives and sent their solutions into practice – the preparation of a number of methodological publications: rules, regulations, recommendations for daily archival work, determining the order of organization of the archive, classification, registration, storage of archival documents, mainly the right content.

In particular, it is P.K. Lemuan (Pierre-Camille Le Moine, 1723–1780), guardian of church archives in Lyon, in the «Practical diplomatics or a treatise on the streamlining of the archives and storerooms charters» (Diplomatique-Pratique: Ou Traite de L’Arrangement Des Archives Et Tresors Des Chartes, 1765) paid attention to the development of applied aspects of diplomatics and archival science. Raised his perspective was also considered by J. Battenei (Joseph Battheney, 1724–1788; 1-é l’édition: Le Moine P.C., Batteney J. Supplément à la «Diplomatique-pratique» de M. Le Moine, contenant une méthode sûre pour apprendre à déchiffrer les anciennes écritures et arranger les archives, 1772; 2-é l’édition: Batteney J., Le Moine P.C. L’archiviste françоis, ou Méthode sûre pour apprendre à arranger les archives & déchiffrer les anciennes écritures, 1775)*. He filed a decryption technique and reading of ancient texts, outlined the procedure for receiving the documents in the archives of the Seniors, scheme of its ordering and presented examples of level descriptions of the case, cardboard. Jean Batten attach much importance to professional competence of archivists and he considered that only a highly educated man who is fluent in Latin and old French, aware of the intrinsic value of archival documents, will need to involve in the archive26. J.G. Shevrer grounded chronological principle storage of archival documents (Jean-Guillaume de Chevrières. Le Nouvel Archiviste, contenant une nouvelle méthode de ranger un chartrier dont l’ordre chronologique est la base; Auquel on a joint des Calculs & Tables, pour aider à la supputation des Tems, nécessaires aux Archivistes, & à ceux qui s’adonnent à la Chronologie, 1775).

Particularly noteworthy deserves the «Treatise about the archives ...» proposed by M. Mar’e (Mariée М. Traité des archives; dans lequel on enseigne le moyen de faire revivre les anciennes écritures, & la manière de procéder le plus simplement au pouillé général, pour y donner ensuite un ordre simple, laconique & constant; lequel s’applique aussi aux bibliothèques, 1779) «the course of treatment archive» of chaos and disorder. The author was a lawyer by profession, but his way of detecting deficiencies in the organization and delivery of preservation of archival documents and developed their integrated approach to address them, based on their extensive experience in the archive. M. Mar’e select the appropriate form presentation of the material – «letters of instruction», which outlined the main stages and content of the work on the improvement of archive senor, the chapter or any other archival institutions (from the initial inspection prior to the conclusion of the general inventory). Its main essence he meant like restoring family tree. The author was right when he emphasized the need for archivists mandatory consideration of the specific characteristics of each archive, «because the rights, duties, salary, senor, etc., are all different to such an extent that that it is impossible to give a certain model that could be followed». In addressing the grouping of archival documents, Mar’e was a supporter of subject-logic. From this point of

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view, he divided to recommended that documents seigneury into seven classes: 1) the owner, prebends (lat. prebenda); 2) church; 3) seigneury, suzerainty, possession seigneury, his rights, privileges, immunities and responsibilities; seigneury; 4) the court and legal proceedings; 5) land ownership; personal affairs of seigneur or the chapter; 7) reference and not required documents; on each class – into categories and within them – in the subclass. It should be noted that the reasoning of Mar’e, relatively the principles of archive documents, were’nt the original invention at that time, and reflect rooting pertinence classification schemes in Western European archival science XVII–XVIII century. Instead, his idea of creating archival «thematic catalog» with scientific purpose, proposed by him form of scientific description of archival documents and detailed description of the general scheme, undoubtedly, reflect the valuable achievements of the French arhivalknowledge opinions. The manual also contains advice of the author to ensure the storage conditions of archival documents, restoration and recovery fading texts27.

Focus on overcoming the fragmentation of «important» archival documents on the history of France and their concentration in the capital (unless the originals, the copies) was inherent in the project legal and historiography – J. N. Moro (Jacob-Nicolas Moreau, 1717–1803), developed by him in 1762. For practical implementation of the plan, he sent his representatives to the various archives in France, England and Italy. Collecting materials fell for the period 1764-1789, that is lasted until the early revolyutsii28. Officially recognized that collected copies of documents should serve, primarily for scientific purposes. However, due to the lack of well-designed criteria by which the document could be considered «essential» that is, was really historic or scientific value, messengers be Moro operated largely spontaneously and at their own discretion collected sources in the archives of the French. Only a trip to England and Italy with the participation of competent specialists, Only a trip to England and Italy with the participation of competent professionals, in particular, L. J. Brekіni (Louis Georges de Bréquigny, 1715–1795), renowned scientist and scholar, member of the French Academy, which contributed to the preparation of individual volumes of «Collected royal ordinances» (Ordonnances des Roys de France, vol. 1-23, 1733–1847), were really fruitful. According to the results of expeditions was concentrated about 4000 lists documents subsequently formed the «Fund Moreau»29.

In the context of the research topic, we can not ignore excellent tradition of collecting samples, critics and publishing of archival sources, developed by scholars of Barokko and inherited antique dealers of the Enlightenment, proved to be very fruitful, not only for the development of historical knowledge and forming techniques for their preparation, but also stimulated and corrected to some extent progress archive knowledge thoughts and archives, and in this sense deserve special consideration.

Development of «erudite research» began in France in the first half of the XVII century, with the participation of scientists, librarians, publishers, and monks of the Benedictine Congregation and the Jesuits.

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From a galaxy of scientists-scholars should select the shape of A. Dyushena (André Duchesne, 1584–1640), official royal historiographer, «the father of French historiography» , the geographer, the famous publisher of a significant number of historical documents30. He left a valuable and multifaceted scientific heritage – in manuscripts and published works on the history of the church, the royal power and state institutions in France, historical and geographical studio, bibliographic reconnaissance translations. Among them – «Library authors describe the history and topography of France» (Bibliothèque des auteurs qui ont écrit l’histoire la topographie de et la France, 1618), «History of the Kings, Dukes and Counts of Burgundy» (Histoire des rois, ducs, et comtes de Bourgogne, 1619–1628) and «History of the French cardinals» (Histoire des tous les cardinēaux français de naissance: In 2 vol., 1660–1666), published after his death by his son Fransua. Erudition and deep knowledge of historical documents, brilliant literary style earned him the well-deserved recognition and credibility. During his lifetime, a scientist prepared a series of genealogical research noble families of France – dyu Plessі-Rіshele, graphs d’Albon and dauphins V’enna, Betyun, Verji, Laroshfuko, Lyuksemburga, Monmoransi, Re de Breil, Shastene and others31. It is known that their writing and publication were carried out by order of Cardinal A.J. Rishele (1585–1642). Great attention to the genealogical studios, that almighty first minister and royal historian were paided, due, on the one hand – features of the French historiography of the XVII century., its orientation to primary sources – stories from the Bible, the origin of peoples, laws, agencies, institutions, art, the other – the emergence of the French absolutist state and deployment needed to promote the ideas of absolutism, in particular, the study of what happened as a means of formation of national consciousness and strengthen the cohesion of the nation, strengthening the leading role of the nobility in history, glorification of family ties and the cult of ancestors. So, genealogical studies by Dyushena were a response to the needs of the era and thus fulfill orders of the central government, which is clearly reflected major policy trends Rіshele: the fight against the rebellious aristocracy, reliance on middle nobility and attempts to leave its ranks only worthy of the title, at the end of the desire to achieve unconditional authority of royal power among the second state. A striking example of the «erudite» genre is the «Dictionary of the works of authors, written by medium and low latin» (Glossarium ad scrіptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, 1678–1679) Sh. Dyukanja (Charles Du Cange, 1610–1688). Its first edition was published in three volumes. The author has devoted a lot of work to identify the manuscripts in the Middle Ages and the writing of them a lot of different words, terms, sentences that are difficult to understand. Extensive knowledge allowed him to submit their interpretation of classical Latin dictionary and valuable comments. Sh. Dyukanja also had a studio of a history of Byzantium (Historia Byzantina duplici commentario illustrata.., 1680), prepared him on the rich source base and «Dictionary of medieval and barbarous greek» (Glossarium ad scrіptores mediae et infimae graecitatis,1688). He wanted to write a paper on the history of French institutions and collecting materials on this topic.

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E. Balyuz (Étienne Baluze, 1630–1718), historian, professor of canon law Kolej de Frans (Collége de France), librarian of the chancellor’s library J. B. Kolbera (Jean-Baptiste Colbert, 1619–1683) published work «Capitularies kings of France ...» (Capіtularіa regum Francorum…, 1677), separate collection «Letters of the roman pontiff Innocent III ...» (Epistolarum Innocentii III romani pontificis…,1682), також «Life of Avignon popes…» (Vitae paparum Avenionensium…, 1693). E. Balyuzu able to gather extremely valuable in content library, which includes original medieval manuscripts and made him copy of his own little-known historical sources. Over time, this collection of documents was formed «fonds Baluze» and transferred to the National Library of France (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)32.

A. Dyushen, Sh. Dyukanj, E. Balyuz submitted meaningful examples of methods for determining the «truthfulness» of historical documents, focused on the requirements concerning the preparation of the person who starts to historical writing (the formulation of hypotheses, a detailed knowledge of the sources of their ability to critically assimilate), be Applying in the historiography «erudite» and «political» types of criticism.

But not just secular, as well as scientists, monks, particularly Benedictine congregation made a specific contribution to the promotion of «erudite research», reproducing in their writings inherent in them «the spirit of patience, orderliness, respect for tradition».

Founded in the VI century, on the basis of the statute of Benedict of Nursia, the Benedictine Order (hereinafter – Order) belonged to the largest and most influential in Western Europe. His monasteries, having in their archives and libraries of a large number of authentic letters, lists, contracts, donations, were inexhaustible treasury of sources on the history of the Middle Ages. After a series of reforms based on the Order of 1627 was created the Congregation of St. Maura (pupil of St. Benedict, then – Congregation). Its members are specifically focused on improving education and religious education and sought to revive old scientific traditions of the Order. The center of activities they chose abbey Sen Jermen de Pre (St. Germain des Prés). Order to realize their ambitious aspirations, the first leaders of the Congregation – dom J.G. Tariss (Jean-Grégoire Tarisse, 1575-1648) and his closest associate, librarian dom Lyuk d’Asheri (Luc d’Achéry, 1609-1685) developed a large-scale long-term plan of activities, that in May, 1648 was considered and approved the General Chapter. The plan called for the collection and publication of works of church leaders; publication history of the church and Benedictine order, general political, literary history and the history of France, the French provinces, training studios with auxiliary historical disciplines; thorough critical study of ancient manuscripts. J.G. Tariss and Lyuk d’Asheri, important and indispensable part of the plan, consider developing rules of library and archives of Congregation (rules of use of documents, making inventories, storage manuscripts with elaborate conditions to ensure the preservation of their physical condition).

The first initiative act Congregation of Saint Maur – circular of November 13, 1647 ascribed to search, annotate and rewrite any act of the history of the Benedictine order33. Due to the extensive links of Congregation, her members to

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implement the planned plan can enjoy the best archives of churches and monasteries, private archives of Western Europe. In order to obtain necessary materials, they also succeeded in establishing extensive and efficient correspondence with many church bodies. According to O. Dobbash Rojdestvenskoi, corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), renowned medievalist and paleography, authoritative researcher the works of Congregation of Saint Maur and their correspondence, «On the day when all these yellowed paper covered by characteristic monastery handwriting, see the light, we have one of the most interesting pictures of the intellectual life of the society of the XVII century, which appear otherwise his face, different from the usual image of us»34.

More than 150 benedictine monks acceded to the numerous publications of documents, writing works on diplomatics, paleography, chronology. They were collected and systematized a large number of medieval sources. Theirs publication was carried out based on a thorough comparison of the lists of documents, to establish probable place of origin of each document, authorship, dating, reconciling different versions of the text, determine its authenticity. Congregation of St. Mavra issued a «Christian Gaul ...» (Gallia Christiana…, 1715), which describes the history of the French church of individual dioceses, multivolume «literary history of France ...» (Histoire littéraire de la France…, 1733), containing material on the history of French culture, prepared by R. P. Tassen (René-Prosper Tassin, 1697–1777) and by Sh. F. Tustenom (Charles-François Toustain, 1700–1754) a six-volume «New Treatise on Diplomatique ...» (Nouveau traité de diplomatique: où l’on examine les fondemens de cet art: on établit des règles sur le discernement des titres, et l’on expose historiquement les caractères des bulles pontificales et des diplômes donnés en chaque siècle: avec des éclaircissemens sur un nombre considérable de points d’histoire, de chronologie, de critique & de discipline, & la réfutation de diverses accusations intentées contre beaucoup d’archives célèbres, & sur tout contre celles des anciennes églises, 1750–1765), a number of works on the history of some of the French provinces and more.

Among the most famous Congregation of Saint Maur gained J. Mabiyon (Jean Mabillon, 1632–1707). To the Congregation of St. Mavra he joined in 1657, became a researcher in Saint-Germen-de-Pre. By the time all those interested in the Middle Ages, especially the archival heritage, actively rallied around the abbey – scientists, scholars, collectors, librarians, archivists, publishers, abbots, cardinals and simple monks – closed, however, lively and energetic world of connoisseurs and collectors of antiquities. This intellectual community involved in the formation of critical scientific school study French history, significantly influenced on the formation J. Mabiyona as erudite historian and his research practice. Since 1664 and lifelong, scholar monk worked in the archive and library of Saint-Germen-de-Pre, supervised research activities Congregation of Saint Maur. To the works of J. Mabiyona, include studies on the history of Christian doctrine and, in particular, launched by him the publication «Acts of the Order of St. Benedict» (Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, 1668–1701) and four volumes of the six-volume «Annals of the Order of St. Benedict» (Annales Ordinis Sancti Benedicti,

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vol. 1-6, 1703–1739). The scientist-monk demonstrated in this works a deep knowledge of historical documents and literature on the subject of research, subtle sense of critical material. J. Mabiyon has attached work to implement virtually all contemporary publishing projects Congregation, has developed a method of collecting and publishing historical documents that guided Congregation of Saint Maur. Special attention in the scientific works of J. Mabiyona deserves treatise «The six books about the case diplomatic» (De re diplomatica libri VI). The impetus for writing, became a monk-jesuit ‘s studio, flemish historian and theologian D. van Papebroka (Daniel Papebroch, van Papenbroeck, 1628–1714) «Антикварний вступ про різницю між справжнім і підробленим у стародавніх пергаментах» (Propylaeum antiquarium circa veri ac falsi discrimen in vetustis membranis, 1675). The author expressed doubts about the authenticity of diplomas Merovingian dynasty (fr. Mérovingiens) and Carolingian (lat. Carolingi, fr. Carolingiens), kept in the archives of the benedictine, including in the archive of the old abbey St. Dionysius. He urged that, since the VII century, did’nt kep any of the diploma, and among the oldest existing diplomas were fake. Therefore, the benedictin’s interest towards to the different property and privileges were not unfounded. D. Papebroka’s position completely fit into the slogan of jesuit historiography: «Nihil nisi testissimus», that is, «Nothing but unconfirmed» 35, and in the context of the time «fighting for the history» between the adherents of the Reformation and the Roman Catholic Church, a sharp controversy between the jesuits-bolandistamy and the Congregation of Saint Maur, using the historical documents and with powerful of intellectual forces, the period of which came in the second half of the XVI–XVII centuries. The conclusions of D. Papebrok, essentially, «thrown into dishonour» benedictin’s edition, made the invaluable their scientific achievements.

It should be added that the numerous and fierce debate about diplomas and charters, the so-called «diplomatic war» (bella diplomatica) in those days there were a secular environment. Against the background of the formation of new capitalist relations of charters, in the hands of senior diplomats, legal advisers to decide disputes concerning the rights, privileges, prerogatives, territorial and other claims. Archives were those «arsenal of powers», where «advocates» of the crown and feudal lords were looking for and found «weapons» which they were need, gradually realized its value, as a basis cited their knowledge and evidence, as well as the need to identify the relevant criteria of their objectivity.

J. Mabiyon thought unacceptable transformation of important scientific controversy in monastic strife and therefore, would not respond to D. Papebrok by typical for that time polemical pamphlet. He sought to establish the fundamental principles of diplomatic criticism, formulated their on the basis of scientific and organically linked with practical application. He was must to work almost six years on the preparation of the treatise. Implementation of the plan required the analysis of a large amount of the original factual material, its history, the concentration of expertise, knowledge and experience to find the evidence and convincing arguments. Effective assistance in the development of the necessary material he

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was given by the famous scholars, among them was already mentioned Sh. Djukanzha.

J. Mabiyon unveiled work in 1681, enriched with numerous drawings, drawings, samples fax of documents, references to historical sources. In it, he strongly denied his opponent, but did not deny the existence of completely fabricated or doctored diplomas. Submit false information, scientists insist, is to abandon the sincerity, integrity and honor36. Based on its own long experience of the critical study of historical sources and evidence, J. Mabiyon carefully and convincingly argued, on the basis of which it attributes and methods can be distinguished from the really real diploma forgery. Formulated by him the basics of diplomatics, palaeography, chronology, reflecting technology determine the «truth or lies» – authenticity or falsification of sources (attribution, places, dates, circumstances making history individual fonts), which to this day have not lost their relevance and are fundamental an initial analysis of historical documents. The work strengthened the authority of the scientist-scholar and earned him recognition even by the jesuits. M. Block (Marc Bloch, 1886–1944) called the date of publication of the treatise is truly a milestone in the history of the human mind, because finally there was criticism of archival documents37. In the Age of Enlightenment the tradition of scholars of XVII century, developed by representatives of «antique flow». In particular, the monk B. de Monfocon (Bernard de Montfaucon, 1655–1741), member of the Académie of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, younger contemporary of J. Mabiyona, known figure of the Congregation of St. Mavr, made during 1719–1724 worthy surprise ambitious publishing project – the publication of 15-volume illustrated body of Roman antiquities in the lands of France – «L’Antiquité Expliquée», and in 1729–1733 he unveiled a five-volume collection of the sources in the history of the French monarchy «Les monuments de la monarchie française». It should be noted, that B. de Monfocon left a bright trace in the history of European paleography. In this sense, his name is not less popular than J. Mabiyona – in diplomatique. After Mabiyon touched briefly paleography, primarily due to diplomatics, and it is reasonable methodology for the establishment of «authenticity» of historical sources was definitely an important and necessary, but gave few clues to look more «history of letters». B. de Monfocon chose the subject of a special and independent study is insufficiently studied the greek paleography, where due to limited diplomatic material had to focus on the codes, and book writing, by their nature calligraphic that there is a high art performance initials and a variety of miniatures, sent his thoughts and reasoning to complex research «history forms». In «Greek paleography» (Paleographia Graeca ..., 1708), he filed sketch of the history of the greek letter outlining its origin and evolution, a number of interesting facsimile of greek manuscripts, outlined the features of the development of the greek font in different eras and its typology. B. de Monfocon introduced developed by him, principle of Greek manuscripts dating based on the analysis of the enormous amount of factual material, descriptions, and catalogs. Studio recorded the first practical experience of a comparative study of the two branches of the European palaeography – Greek and Latin38. Colleague of B. de Montfaucon, a benedictine-

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monk M. Buke (Martin Bouquet, 1685–1754) began in 1738 serial monumental edition of «Collected historians of Gaul and France» (Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France), which included latin and greek sources, a number of epigraphic data that are important for the history of local names Gaul.

France was not the only country in Western Europe, where developed the key ideas of critical historiography, and during XVII–XVIII centuries, scholars and antiquarians purposefully and effectively were engaged the search, collection, compilation and publication of documentary base of historical science. In this context it should be noted the activities of the Congregation of the Jesuits, led by J. Bolyandom (Jean Bolland, 1596–1665) with Antwerp and the beginning of theirs fundamental issue «Acts of All Saints, which is revered all over the world» (Acta Sanctorum quotquot in toto orbe coluntur, 1643) – multivolume collection of critically treated information about the life and work of the church consecrated persons. Publications of labor was preceded by extensive preparatory work – search, ordering, matching a significant number of historical sources narrative evidence about the phenomenon of holy miracles, also dating medieval acts, determine the probability of their occurrence place, authorship, authentication or falsification of royal diplomas. J. Bolyand expounded methods of work with historical documents (history and attributes of their origin, storage), and outlined the main stages of the research work of the historian, which included: 1) search for documents; 2) check found sources for their veracity; 3) analysis of the identified «truthful materials»39.

At the mention should also figure of the Italian scholar, leader of one of the most famous while in Europe the Milan library, the librarian of the Dukes of Modena L.A. Muratori (Ludovico Antonio Muratori, 1672–1750). In his scientific legacy there are 28-volume work «The writers of Italian history from 500 to 1500» (Rerum Italicarum striptores ab anno aerae christianae 500 ad annum 1500, vol. 1-28, 1723–1751), a six-volume «Italian antiquity Middle Ages» (Antiquitates Italicae medii aevi, 1738–1742), «Annals of Italy» (Annali d’Italia, vol. 1-12, 1744–1749), which outlined the history of culture V–XIII centuries and political history of Italy which based on the processing of numerous historical sources, their internal criticism. We can mention a lot of facts about the collection and publication of historical sources in England, Spain, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. So, at a time when the story is not treated as a science, scholars and antiquarians substantiated general requirements for writing historical works, regulatory installations on heuristics technology critical analysis and verification of historical sources (the old charters, diplomatic agreements, chronicles, hagiographical sources, correspondence and etc.), which allows us to determine the ability of potential evidence-researched documents and receipt of them scientific knowledge. In their reflexes, they relied on the methodological framework formed by extending the research practices – methods, techniques, methods of source analysis, combined with estimates and statements hypothetically-regulatory nature. Scholars and antiquarians were not «true historians», but their achievements, as time has shown, have influenced the methodology of scientific study of historical documents, development of special historical disciplines – diplomatics,

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paleography, chronology, partly sphragistics, and to some extent influenced the theoretical and methodological foundations of academic scientific history of the XIX century.

In assessing scientific heritage scholars and antiquarians, M. Barg (1915–1991) rightly noted: «Overall, it was time for a new translation of historiography and – in the distant future – certainly scientific footing. History received base designed to enter into the process of the writing of history as a decisive moment of analytical tools – scientific standards, which should be specially trained, and only because of that, she was transformed into a scientific discipline. <...> Іs almost time for the historical science, where knowledge and technology of their primary sources of scientific research and the writing of history unite in the face of scientific historian»40.

It should be emphasized that the selfless work of scholars and antiquarians laid the «bricks» into the foundation of the archival heritage of European countries and seemed useful for the development of thought and arhivoknowledge of archival work in Europe. Because the critical mastering archival sources not only helped expand the horizons of understanding of their nature, specificity, but also prompted archivists recognize the need to address key scientific and theoretical and practical problems associated with the improvement of the activities of archives, as guarantor of preservation in the state of objective information about its historical past.

Finding ways to centralize archives, more effective forms and methods of organization of archival documents and ensuring their preservation, does not have any French archivists throughout XVIІI century. However, a new period in their decision at the legislative, institutional and practical level came during the French Revolution, in particular of 1789-1794.

In the first five revolutionary years by representative bodies (the Constituent Assembly, the Legislative Assembly, the Convention) were accepted the regulations which concerning the archive sector in France, according to the purpose can be divided into four groups:

– the first – the largest by number of decrees which had the force of law and allows for administrative and structural changes in the system of state archival institutions – education archive of the Constituent Assembly, later reorganized into the National Archives (Archives Nationales), as well as the archives of the departments and the judiciary;

– the second – determine the characteristics of the formation of archives, mainly due to their concentration in the storage of certain types of documents, the principle of classification and storage conditions;

– the third – to legitimize triage (fr. triage) – dismantling of archival documents and spin-off from the previous government and subject to destruction;

– the fourth – established measures of protection and archives. July 9, 1789, the National Assembly has proclaimed itself a Constituent

Assembly with the right to development and adoption of the supreme state law – the Constitution. Deputies, recognizing the political and practical importance for the country documents produced as a result of their activities, July 29, 1789 issued

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a special decree on the establishment of an archive, where these documents should be preserved. August 4, 1789 by a majority vote by the head of the archive, they have chosen deputy, lawyer A.G. Camus (Armand-Gaston Camus, 1740–1804), who made great efforts for the development of the cerebral archives and archives of the state. He sought to ensure proper organization and preservation of the documents archive. This is evidenced by an initiative of A.G. Camus the order «On archives» in autumn of 1789, on the basis of which it was supposed to organize all documents in three main classes: the first – this legislation actually Constituent Assembly; second – their record keeping records; third – books, pamphlets, magazines, were to be used in the work of the representative body of41.

In May 19, 1790 deputies formed a special committee to address a number of issues on the organization of the National Archives, and June 29, 1790 considered its draft prepared by A. G. Camus. In his opinion, it was necessary to focus on solving two major problems:

1. Concentrated in one store all documents relating to the previous state of the monarchy, as well as all acts emanating from now abolished institutions and those that will be abolished, that all these acts could be saved as historical monuments.

2. Open it to everyone for reference and learning: «Every citizen (citoyen) now has the right to ask all archives all the materials that they are. They will be issued free of charge within the established hours and days with the necessary guarantees»42.

Along the initiative of the Finance Committee discussed possible ways of concentration in the newly created archive documentary complexes with all the archives of Paris.

September 12, 1790 deputies adopted a decree on the reorganization of the archive of the Constituent Assembly to the National Archives and approved its charter. According to the statute, the National Archives – a repository of documents relating to the constitution of the kingdom, its public law, the laws of division into departments that reflect the current state of the country and of value to its future43, you have an archive of national importance. The procedure established in the Charter of National Archives documents provided their division into two main groups: 1) domenialni (Land); 2) administrative and legal. French were entitled on certain days and hours come to to the National Archives, to familiarize himself with the necessary documents to ascertain or protect their civil and property rights. However, in the civil war, intervention and terror to use it was difficult. n connection with the administrative reform and the introduction instead of 83 governorships of provinces and departments, the Constituent Assembly as his special decree of July 2, 1790 Director of the Department was obliged to organize archives for storage of documents of public institutions – the Parliament, the Chamber, who were in their territory. As the boundaries of departments did not coincide with the boundaries of the provinces and other administrative units, authorities had to decide on the distribution between archival documentaries complexes liquidated departments, which lasted almost until the middle of the XIX century44.

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November 5, 1790, according to the previously adopted law on the secularization of the property of churches and monasteries, the Constituent Assembly authorized the concentration in the archives of the districts documentary collections of churches and monasteries. Revolutionary government planned in the near future to carry out the sale of church property nationalized it, and therefore the Constituent Assembly ordered the administration to provide districts in a short sentence descriptions of these meetings.

Undoubtedly, not all that is decreed in those days, it was possible to realize. Due to the absence of general archival legislation, specially adapted rooms for the concentration of valuable archival collections, lack of funds and professional personnel, opposition to innovation from the management of public and private institutions, the National Archives for a long time continued to work in the status of the archive of the legislature of the French Republic.

Obstacle to the reform of the archive sector remained the further fate of numerous archival complexes that after the nationalization became the property of the revolutionary government – documentary collections «Treasury charters», archives suppressed her ministries, departments, institutions of the old regime, private entities, left to fend for themselves related funds and collections whose owners have emigrated abroad. The scale of the concentration of the nationalized documents clearly shows presented by A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskoj list: «... The archives senoralnoy Justice (after August 11); titles and registers of church tithes (after August 10, 1789); titles spiritual assets (after November 2); archives of the provincial administration (after 15 January 1790). After February 24 – feudal titles; after September 7 – archives of Parliament, in the 1791–1793 bienniums – аrchives of princes, immigrants, prisoners and the Crown ...»45.

The ruling revolutionary’s elite and especially its radical wing tuned – the Jacobins, although experienced the internal discord caused by chaotic political priorities, personal feuds and their own ambitions, but in matters further fate of the archival heritage of the old regime have demonstrated a certain unity in relation to rendering her «death sentence». In their minds, the French Revolution had no forerunners or ancestors and understood as the gap the cultural fabric of the times, the birth of human history back through the renunciation of the past and tradition. These views are based on the belief in the omnipotence of the human will, infinite malleability of reality, the possibility of restructuring society on the principles of «pure reason». The ultimate goals, proclaimed during the revolution, were so grand and comprehensive – freedom, equality, rule of law, precludes any milestones or compromises. Confrontation between the revolutionary governments with the old regime acquired features of a religious war, where speakers outlined the main goal was so high that it is not negotiable, where only the final result of the struggle should be the destruction of the enemy, including his documentary heritage.

A unique event of the French Revolution was the leading role that they has played a ideology of the break with the past, with its inherent direction of subjective reflection not only against the old regime, but also against the traditions, religion, customs, and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages, as the absolute rejection of revolutionary social actors realities that have existed before it. For a

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man of 1789, the causes of the revolution were undeniable – the people of France revolted against the tyranny and broke its shackles. To be a patriot at that rapid and dramatic time meant to seek renewal of the nation and to sever ties with the Middle Ages. The first issue of the newspaper «Le Point du Jour», published June 15, 1789, called for the deputies of the States General: «You are called to start the story again ...». Certainly, the origins of this ideology shaped by the «philosophical history» of the Enlightenment. On the philosophical attitudes, values, ideas of the Enlightenment was brought revolutionary elite and cultural material based revolutionary mentality and revolutionary practice. However, in the apt conclusion of F. Fjure, the irony, is that, if the revolution was trying to implement, in particular, the idea of J. J. Russo (Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712–1778) «She, on the contrary, prove the truth of of his pessimism, that is, the infinite distance between law and the fact and the inability of democratic practice to connect with the theory»46. In evaluating the activities of the revolutionary government respect to the archival heritage of the Middle Ages should also take into account the then dominant features archival culture of French society, which rightly drew attention to the Russian researcher I. Filippov. We are talking about the attitude of French intellectuals, and especially the leading thinkers of the Enlightenment to archival documents. Undoubtedly, educators recognize their unique source of historical evidence. However, they were not peculiar to the constitution of the essence of awareness and archival documents as unique cultural attractions era necessary scientific foundation, «objective» of historical and important means of detection and signs of strengthening national identity. French educators was interested the past, but a valuable and important to them still remained present and desired future. In the past, they were looking for material for the development of philosophical constructs of historical synthesis and political debate, it does not attach particular importance given the objectivity of historical facts47. So, the above factors had a significant impact not only on the outlook, core values, and ideology of the revolutionary elite, as well as its policies in the archive sector, yet don’t met the needs of formation and the careful preservation of the national archival heritage in all its wealth and diversity of its typological-species structure.

Eloquent testimony to this policy was burned in Paris on the Place Vendome genealogical documents (titres généaloques) the most famous noble families of France in March 12, 1792. May 12, 1792, the Legislature has ordered to held in the capital of another autodafe – to burn the documents of the Knights and nobles of the Grand castle of augustinian. Pre-selected from the archive documents of ownership, of a scientific nature and art. These autos on the basis of the decree of the Legislative Assembly of 19 June 1792 on the destruction of genealogical documents of the old regime have swept across the country. The action of this Act related touched first funds nobility, church archives, then – judicial and administrative documents, which should more than thirty years ago.

On october 3, 1792, to considering the needs of wartime, members of the Convention took decree, which allowed to transmit documents of the old regime – «unnecessary documents» in the arsenals for the manufacture of cartridges and granted the right to commissars of military and naval departments selected in the

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archives of the departments and districts the materials they were needed. On this occasion, even been developed the special instruction for them, where the authors emphasized the usefulness of a good old parchment. According to the decree of January 5, 1793, the military got the right to remove without prior selection in the arsenals of archival fonds and collections and are already in place to solve the question of their suitability for processing. The drama of the then collisions in the archive sector has strengthened decree of the Convention of 17 July 1793 on the abolition of feudal obligations (except for obligations related to land). One of his articles included the burning of «feudal titles», and for hiding these documents from the power of their owners were punished with imprisonment up to five years. For several months, the provisions of this decree on archival documents was performed throughout France.

It should be emphasized that the archivists in the capital and in the provinces have done everything possible to save archival sources. Some of them openly opposed the order of the authorities. Thus, the archivist of the city Lille Ropren 14 January 1793 addressed to the Minister of Justice Gara with the petition to preserve the archive of the Accounting chamber. In it, he called the destruction of documents of archive the harmful act of ignorance, which can be compared, in his opinion, only with the burning of the Alexandrian library. The answer officials from 27 February 1793 to archivist was succinct and uncontested, and his «advice» clearly confirmed the official position of authority: «All ancient paper of the Gothic letters should be there (in the archive Lille), as well as in other places, nothing but instruments of feudalism, and the subordination of the weak strong political rules, offending almost always the mind, humanity and justice. I think it is better to replace these ridiculous worthless paper (ridicules paperasses) by the declaration of human rights»48. Ropren was continue to press on maintaining the of archive, but his efforts were in vain. Almost all documents from the archives of the Accounting Chamber have been sold by the weight of 80 thousand francs, and little remains of them sent for processing to the arsenal.

There is no doubt that «archival innovations» by the authorities had fertile soil – until now unprecedented explosion of the French people, which combines together the social antagonism, unequivocal denial hated the old order and the intoxication of the revolutionary slogans, wrestling and chaos of anarchy. His performances were accompanied by spontaneous delight from the locks seniors, their property and land, and space ships, the town hall, tax services, notary offices, where the nobility kept the originals and copies of their «title», the destruction of the specific attributes of power (coats of arms, weathervanes, the teeth on the fence). Representatives of the Third Estate protested against increase of taxes, duties in favor of the aristocrats and nobles, privileges, were the requirements for seniors landowners to give up their property rights and privileges, to submit documents that serve as confirmation of their return assigned to communal lands and the like.

The generation of 1789 – from lawyers to farmers – are meant by feudalism and feudal property rights senoralnyethat is vassal lords obligations and duties of peasants49. The rule of the feudal nobility of the land and the peasants carried out

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within the seniors. However, some elements of the complex senoralny a purely of feudal origin at the end of the XVIII century, filled with new content, effectively becoming a tool of capital accumulation. We are talking to lease land, which actively have resorted the lords landowners. At the same time they crowd out rural tenants preferred representatives of the bourgeoisie or significantly increased contributions for the use of land. Or not a compulsory part of the «war on castles» was burned on the spot captured «titles» and other personal documents of the feudal nobility, confirming property rights. In particular, many of them were destroyed during the 1789–1792 years of peasant uprisings. Which is right in this regard is the reflection of E. Tarle about what «french agrarian question for the peasantry at the time was to destroy all documents that speak of the right to the ground ...»50. Nevertheless the destruction of those events with historical records of past ages would not have gained an impressive scale, if the acts of vandalism on the part of ordinary people do not supplement contradictory and negative for archival affairs of the country, measures by the authorities.

By the end of 1793 in the politics of the French Republic respect to archives of the old regime have been some changes. Convent from 2 December 1793, decided to continue to keep all archive documents, that must be burned in specially organized archives districts and 27 January 1794 decided to postpone their destruction before the conclusion of the land cadastre. Authorities had to recognize the need for the proper organization and preservation of certain types of archival documents. In particular, the sale at auction confiscated from the nobility and the church of immigrants land there is a need in the documents confirming the right to land ownership. Also in connection with the liquidation of the old chambers actualized problem relative to the transfer of cases these institutions (cases of inheritance, debt, pending, and cases subject to revision) to the archives instead of appellate courts and juries. The documents of Chambers of the old regime were to protect the property rights of individuals, to them treated with the settlement of disputes, litigation relating to land ownership, change of ownership, inheritance, etc. imitation, which could last for years in the courts. Therefore, each document for the participants in these processes has some value.

Isolation of these archival sources required the disassembly scattered across the country archives, their ordering, a clear definition of the network of state archives of France and specific documents purporting to integrate them. At the legislative level solutions to these pressing problems for the archive sector in France was started by a decree of 25 June 1794 (7 mesidora year II of the Republic – for the revolutionary calendar). Its approval was preceded by preparatory work in the Convention. In the opinion of deputies, «Now is the time that all reflected in the center, and that was all based on unity. This great principle should be the basis of our various institutions. Let maintain or establish a repository acts everywhere ... but let these scattered parts of the collection will be a central repository»51. Initiated by the deputy J. Djubua, Convention authorized the establishment of the Committee for archives (hereinafter – Commission) and ordered it to solve a number of problems:

- develop a draft decree;

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- after his decision to hold showdown of complexes documentary archives of the country and in accordance with the criteria developed by him to carry out a pre-selection of them really valuable or harmful if socially useful documents.

The Commission is headed by the сommissioner P. Boden composed of representatives of the committees of Convention – the land, financial, legal, and public education committee. Given the complex web of political passions in the Convention and the differences in the views of the deputies about the future of the archival heritage of past eras, members of the commission had patiently to maneuver in their proposals and recommendations. They had to, on the one hand, to satisfy the appeals of the Jacobins to resort to the complete destruction of the documents of the old regime, on the other – to calm the group of moderate deputies who were aware of the importance of preservation of archival documents for solving many problems of the nation and the development of the state.

A. G. Kamju was at that time in the Austrian captivity. The text of the note to the draft of the decree has prepared P. Boden. In it, he justified the action of the Convention on the documentary base of the old regime. Of course, with historical documents, reminiscent of slavery, it is necessary to put an end forever, so «our first move – to burn everything». However, there are rhetorical questions, noted author, whether all the archival documents shall be doomed to destruction? Maybe among them are essential to the state documents, such as the sale of confiscated lands, and therefore may need to store them? And in the text of the note and the draft of the decree proposals for the destruction of archival documents of the old regime, which insisted that while the majority of the deputies, submitted clearly against the background of veiled thoughts, subtexts, considerations, «sewn with white thread». The researchers concluded the travaux préparatoires clearly emerging desire of the committee members to do everything possible to save from destruction archival treasures of the country52. It should be emphasized that these songs are really risky because the development and adoption of legislation took place in an extremely difficult situation.

The absolutization of political struggle, self-destructive fear of the revolutionary government to the restoration of the old regime, conspiracy mania opened the way to terror. According to P. Genіfe, terror has become an integral part of the revolution: «... as a dark spot on the skin of the fruit gives the presence of the worm that gnaws at it from the inside»53, and led to a long train of political passions, recriminations, hatred, many casualties, the French pushed into the abyss «of darkness and chaos» cultural catastrophe. At the time of his culmination has appeared the decree of 10 June 1794 (22 Prairial years II) on the reorganization of the revolutionary tribunal. On its basis the defendant were deprived of defenders, abolishes compulsory process for obtaining witnesses, and instead of real evidence was sufficient «moral» conviction by jury, and the only punishment recognized the death penalty. The Tribunal emphasized in the decree, established to deal with those «who force or cunning seek to destroy public freedom»54. All those who disagree with the policy of the jacobins called «enemies of the people», «not only

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were punished for saying, but wanted to punish and most thoughts ...»55, and almost every day on the scaffold sent about 30-40 people56.

Approved by the Convention decree 7 mesidora years II of the Republic, has compiled the previous developments of revolutionary power in the archival legislation institutional and professional character and outlined general approaches to reform of archiving in France. In its essential features should include the definition of the object and the subject of legal regulation, and regulation of a number of key procedures of the organization, formation and storage of archival documents.

Structurally a decree was composed of six main sections: 1. Principles of organizational structure (p. 1-7). 2. Key documents and dismantling of feudal charters (p. 8-14). 3. Means and methods of dismantling documents (Art. 15-28). 4. Formation of archives in Paris (Art. 29-36). 5. The main provisions (Art. 37-40). 6. The costs of dismantling and pay employees bureau that will analyze

archival documents (Art. 41-48)57. In the decree of the main object of legal regulation defined the National

Archives, secured his high status and a leading role among archival institutions of the state, a priority list of documents, the principles of organization and formation. In art.1 of the decree recorded: archive, formed at Representation of the People, is the central repository of the Republic.

The decree also contains a detailed list of documents that should have been deposited in the National Archives: documents relating to the conduct of elections in the States-General in 1789; protocols and other documents generated during the legislative elections (national assembly) of the country; documents (acts, protocols, resolutions, etc.) that have accumulated in the daily activities of legislative bodies and their committees and commissions; international agreements; the balance of public expenditures and revenues; information about national property abroad; statistical information about birth and death rates. In addition to these documents, it is also stored print of the French Republic, samples of coins, the standards of weights and measures. Certain decree profile National Archives shows its adaptation to the needs of the central legislature of the state.

The decree has legalized the organization of documents of the National Archives on two thematic sections – landed (demesne) and administrative law, within them introduced the series. Later A.G. Kamju began to establish the historical section of the National Archives. The classification scheme of the National Archives documents based on the principle of pertinentsii (Pertinenzprinzip accessories, lat. Pertineo – «belong», «be relevant», «assist», «serve») relating to the organization of archival collections, as a set of separate documents of different origin, not about the united on historical and on one or more formal attributes (logical, thematic, chronological, geographical, etc.). Application of pertinence classification schemes in western arhivistitsi XVIII century. due to the influence of library classification and closely linked to the characteristics of the style of scientific thinking of the time, with its inherent

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rationality and utilitarian cult schemes scientific systematization, in particular, G. Cuvier (Georges Cuvier, 1769–1832) in zoology, K. Linneja (Carl Linnaeus [Linné], 1707–1778) in botany, J. Berzelius (Jöns Jakob Berzelius, 1779–1848) in chemistry. The archivists since the French Revolution, and later of the Consulate, on the classification of archival documents were not much different from representatives of other branches of knowledge, which, referring to the study of the phenomena of nature or society aspired to think logically, with almost mathematical precision. In the preparation of archival sources they preferred to subject-logical classification schemes for better use or guided by the interests of the ruling dynasties. It is worth considering the fact that from the perspective of contemporary historian’s archival document was interesting for them only in itself, regardless of the context. This approach is specifically outlined during excavations at Pompeii, as well as in Egypt, where the expedition 1798–1799 gg. Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I Bonaparte, Buonaparte, 1769–1821) was interested in it revealed artifacts primarily as a separate items of the collection of character and did not set the priority of preserving the integrity of the whole congregation finds with the history of their origin58.

For the concentration of cartographic documents and publications, in accordance with the provisions of the decree, was planned to create the National Archives the special archival repositories.

Subject of legal regulation was to strengthen the state’s influence on the development of the archive sector, as well as the relations between the National Archives and local archives in the process of formation, storage and use of documents. In order to ensure of public administration in the field of archives control over the activities of the National Archives and archives districts was entrusted to the Convention, and inspection – on archival administration – Committee of archives. The decree strengthen ties of archives districts with the National Archives, is now to him, they should be required to transmit the summary description of their documents. Documents of departments, institutions stayed in their archives, but the keepers had to at the first request the Committee to submit files in the land section of the National Archives documents of ownership, franchise and the like. After the receipt of the documents in this section, they are proclaimed the property of the National Archives. These innovations demonstrate intention to implement the Convention on the practical level, the idea of centralization of archival affairs.

One of the most important articles of the decree – art. 37 finally cemented announced earlier the principle of publicity archives, opening access to their documents for all citizens in a specially set days and hours. It should be added that access to the archives of the revolutionary government was understood primarily for use instruments in terms of their legal significance.

The decree has approved demolition and the destruction of archival documents of the Boden’s scheme. It is likely that in this way Convent sought to legitimize the destruction of historic structures archives of the old regime and to ensure the formation of the National Archives and local archives.

Were introduced three main thematic sections:

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1. section domaniale – documents concerning the issues land ownership and governance (no more than thirty years ago);

2. section judiciaire – documents on justice and acts of civil status; 3. section historique – documents that have historical value and need for

studying the history of science and art of France. By Decree postulated bound storage of documents of the first two sections. In

particular, Art.11 it was stated that «subject to conservation solutions for litigation, transactions and other acts testified in court, containing the award of, the transfer of property, receipts, exchange, entering into possession of land inheritance, property ownership and conditions, and not related to the feudal rights and duty»59. Assigned to the third section of documentary sources on the history of science, the arts were to be kept in the libraries of departments and districts, and after the 1795 reform of the Convent of the Royal library in the National60, came into her store.

In addition to these three sections, has been allocated a group of «unnecessary documents» (documents inutiles), which included members of the documents «feudal» and documents marked for disposal. They were supposed to burn or transfer paper manufacturers or arsenals. The decree established a tight deadline for disassembly of archival documents: six months for the archives of Paris and four months – for the archives departments.

After the publication of the decree Commission on archives (Triazhna or screening, as they called the commission’s contemporaries) and its offices in the departments began disassembling complexes documentary archives. According to foreign researchers, their work has led to the destruction of the integrity of documentary complexes of many archival institutions in France and the death of a significant number of archival documents. The negative effects of intensified campaign established by the Convention is absolutely utopian terms disassembly of archives, as well as the lack of clear guidelines and criteria for examination of the value of documents to be destroyed. In practice, to identify the «feudal titles» from «not feudal» was difficult. Firstly, the demesne documents (documents domaniaux), to be stored concerning property the rights and privileges of the feudal nobility, that is, had signs of «documents purement féodaux». Secondly, at the end of the XVIII century, notaries are often fixed in one document Senoralnye trespass rights and income not feudal origin (for example, the purchase of land, and transfer of the estate as collateral, lease obligations). Therefore under the autodefe with «feudal documents» falling into legitimate records and archival sources that were the focus of interests. It should be emphasized that in different regions of France notaries objected to the scheme «triazha». A significant damage caused as involving disassembly of archival documents of the random that do not have the necessary knowledge and experience, but the authorities considered «trustworthy citizens». Often they do not even ignorant of the contents of archival documents, and the reason for burning them becomes a statement that the revised written sources «gothic» style.

Unfortunately, by professional archivists revolutionary government is not trusted because of suspicions (unfounded) in an effort to save from destruction «documents the ancient slavery». Archivists to be commended on the ground.

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They fought a war with emissaries of the Convention and, most importantly, not without success. For example, managed to keep most of priceless documents «Treasury charters» that appeared in the circle of military interests ministry also the documentary of some complexes hospital archives. However, significantly affected the provincial archives administration, judicial institutions of the old regime, monasteries, the chapter, family foundations nobility. The death of the individual «gothic» documents the early Middle Ages was generally unrecoverable loss. Therefore, J. Michle (Jules Michelet, 1789–1874) was right when he lamented Commission for archives revolutionary tribunal parchments and its hasty and peremptory decision, in his opinion, had likened the actions tribunal that judged people.

According to a just conclusion of E. Tarle, not only the fear by the Convention P. Bodin and members of the Commission was caused to offer the deputies disastrous for the country’s version of the archive sector disassembly of documents. In their discussions, they were guided by accepted methods while working with record keeping and documentation selection of historical sources for publication. In particular, relied on the «triage» in the institutions and departments of France, where officials often discretion in matters concerning the organization and grouping of documents. Another authoritative source for them was the work of scholars – the monks of the Congregation of St. Moor. They also resorted to the absorption of the huge array of documentaries of those archival sources, consistent with the content of the planned publishing projects61. However, the possibility of these interpretations is due to the general state of knowledge of archival thought of the time.

Summing up the organizational and legislative measures in the archive sector during 1789–1794 years, to their positive sides should be including the following:

- the base of the main state archives – the National Archives; - definition of the tree of the state archives of France and specific

documents to be stored in them; - formation of archival administration for the management of archival

institutions on a national scale; - the democratization of access to archival information; - recognition of the power of social significance of archives and

archives, as well as its responsibility for the preservation of archives. Separately it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the decree

7 mesydora II year of the Republic. This document has laid the legal foundations of public administration archival profession, was a step forward in rooting throughout the country uniform principles of its organization and formation, classification, preservation and use of archives. It marked the first time a legal interpretation of the basic concepts of foreign archiving – «National Archives», was his introduction to the public and the scientific revolution.

Undoubtedly, the legal basis of archival institutions, formed in the years 1789–1794, was far from perfect, the controversial and not conducive to an embodiment of the idea of centralizing archival affairs. It clearly reflected the

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complex political, socio-economic and ideological realities ideological standards of critical epoch in the national identity of the French. However, archivists were able to deepen their knowledge and experience to further reform the archives, the development of national archival system during this period.

In July 27, 1794 (9 thermidor year II of the Republic) in France there was a coup. The fall of the Jacobin dictatorship, which was due to thermidor coup, does not mean the final collapse of the revolution, however, it was the beginning of the end. Immediately after the 9 of Thermidor Convention began an active cultural policy and taken a number of important initiatives: were formed the Polytechnic Pedagogical School, Mining Institute, National Institute of Science and Art, the Museum of French Monuments. The government sought to change the cultural climate in the country, put an end to the destruction of the national cultural heritage, cultural nihilism, general distrust of the cultural elite, or, in other words, to the educated people are also closer to the imperatives voiced, but not solved during the previous revolutionary events. First of all, for the deputies was very important to return to the legal and constitutional governance of the country through the prism of time solving the main problem – finding a way out of terror. In the field of culture, as well as in other spheres of society, were canceled decrees which are marked the stigma of «vandalism» and «tyranny», focusing on the implementation of a law recognizing promising for the development of national science, art and education.

Condemnation of vandalism was the leitmotif of cultural policy of the Thermidorian Convention. The key point in this context were three reports A. Greguara (Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire, 1750–1831), bishop of Blua, proclaimed afore the deputies. Submitted by them note notes a thorough analysis of cultural policies of the Jacobin Convention, a significant amount of borrowed material. The first report of 14 fructidor, A. Greguara announced a long list of cultural losses, which significantly increased the following message and hit the present scale of destruction of cultural property – destroyed churches, libraries, archives, mutilated sculpture, cut or burned paintings of outstanding artists, manuscripts and valuable books. Affected not only individual areas, but also practically the entire country: Paris, Chartres, Strasbourg, Fransiada (formerly Saint-Denis), Nancy, Versailles, Frame, Verdi and others. He has given the concept of «vandalism» for a deeper meaning than harming national on cultural monuments, which «took an ax of barbarity». The logical companion destruction of cultural heritage, part of the policy of terror, according to the speaker, was «talent system persecution» – leading figures of science and culture of France, destructive mystery, equally hostile to the Enlightenment, cultural and spiritual development of the nation. Strong evidence that was his list of scientists, artists, writers, repressed, ostensibly to «patriotic zeal», but in fact, due to ignorance, the manifestation of the «new fanaticism». The effect of a breakthrough, implemented by reports of Greguara, can not be overestimated. The French finally decided to openly express their indignation and to make public the extent of the losses, and this, in turn, meant to demonstrate the practical level will and desire to do away with the consequences of cultural catastrophe. The emerging the Committee of

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public education and the Temporary commission on the arts in spite of all the difficulties to act proactively and aggressively to protect and defend the cultural values of the state, but it was not enough. The more that the campaign against of vandalism at a practical level could only oppose the destruction of religious and feudal symbols. In order to completely stop the destruction of national relics (art, museum pieces, archives, manuscripts and any other treasures of culture and art), the public did not have a mature understanding of the need to fully preserve the national cultural heritage. However, as rightly pointed B. Bachko: «In Thermidor Revolution shattered, and everything was not like before. Changes were fundamental, affecting the same connection times, the main measurement of the Revolution»62.

Epiphany at first has touched works of art, it is only «slaves and barbarians neglected and spoil them free people preserve and take care of them»63.

Adoption of careful attitude to the archives to find ways of optimal organization and formation of their documentary arrays proceeded slowly. After 9 thermidor decree 7 mesidora year II of the Republic although it admitted a certain time applicable law, but some of its provisions to the political changes in the country and re-evaluation of the new ruling elite priorities for the development of the archive sector gradually lost its power. Communication with the National Archives of local archives in this period was practically interrupted, and its value is significantly deteriorated. The decree of October 26, 1796 made amendments to the organization files on the local level. According to the Constitution authorized the Third Republic, the abolition of districts, this act has legalized the elimination of archives districts and transfer their complexes documentary to the archives of departments. It was assumed that the archives departments should go into submission prefectures as part of the administrative apparatus 64.

«Triazhnaya» Commission ceased its activities in January 21, 1801. The era of «civilian autos» of archival documents over. However, archives of France had to endure many more shocks and losses, in particular, the transfer of documentary complexes of liquidated archives districts to the archives of departments also during the Restoration, when the archives departments have begun to actively withdraw the related paper forgiven nobles. The greatest dismay the archives have felt in the years 1810–1812, In the connection with the implementation of the ideas N. Bonaparte in Paris to create a common European archives, where to store the valuable documents, collected from all French local archives and archives of his subject.

Nevertheless gradually in French society claimed to understand that continuous rejection of the past, the desire to put an end to his paper trail has a detrimental to the state or entity. In the process of ordering archives of the Middle Ages gradually was formed the idea that any file is of value only if the integrity of the original organization of its documents, and its destruction is a crime against the future generations and society as a whole. To a certain extent nation began to impose their rights to the past, becoming the heir and guardian of the relics of national culture and art.

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Advancing «age of history». The formation of national states, the development of legal and civil rights of the individual, a substantial increase of historical knowledge through the fruitful work of a galaxy of prominent european historians, they have developed theoretical and methodological foundations of historical have formed special approach in the society to archival documents, turned his eyes to the document history. The archivists, historians, statesmen, have divided the idea of national identity, associated with archival documents an interested, caring and above all, professional attitude to national historical memory. 1 Автократов В. Н. Теоретические проблемы отечественного архивоведения. – М., 2001. – С. 300–302. 2 Агеева В. Б. Концепция «национального достояния» во французском архивоведении XVIII–ХХ веков: автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук – М., 2008. – 22 с. 3 Адо А. В. Крестьяне и Великая французская революция: Крестьянское движение в 1789–1794 гг. .– 2-е изд. дораб. и доп. – М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1987. – 446 с. 4 Бржостовская Н. В. Архивы и архивное дело в зарубежных странах (История и современная организация): учеб. пособие. – М., 1971. – С. 50–58. 5 Воронов А. К вопросу о положении архивного дела во Франции //Вестник археологии и истории, издаваемый Археологическим институтом. – СПб, 1898. – Вып. 10. – С. 33–50; Он же. Статьи по архивоведению. – СПб., 1909. – С. 8–25. 6 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История архивов романской Европы при старом порядке // История архивного дела классической древности, в Западной Европе и на мусульманском Востоке: лекции, читанные слушателям Архивных Курсов при Петроградском археологическом институте в 1918 году. – Пг., 1920. – С. 94–152. 7 Кальсина Е. А. Французское архивоведение: история, теория, методология (конец ХІХ века – ХХ век): автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук. – М., 2004. –26 с. 8 Лаппа-Старженецкая Е. А. Французские архивы в их прошлом и настоящем // Исторический архив. – Пг., 1919. – Кн. 1. – С. 143–189. 9 Люблинская А. Д. Бастилия и ее архив // Французский ежегодник. – М., 1959. – С. 104–126. 10 Маяковский И. Архив, библиотеки и музей // Архив. дело. – М.; Л., 1926. – Вып. 5/6. – С. 46–47. 11 Самоквасов Д. Я. Архивное дело на Западе. – М., 1900. – С. 1–4. 12 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – М., 1997. – С. 63–80. 13 Тарле Е. В. Национальный архив в Париже // Сочинения. – М., 1958. – Т. 4. – С. 590–623; Он же. Национальный архив в Париже // История архивного дела классической древности, в Западной Европе и на мусульманском Востоке: лекции, читанные слушателям Архивных Курсов при Петроградском археологическом институте в 1918 году. – Пг., 1920. – С. 155–202. 14 Филиппов И. С. Великая французская революция и судьба феодальных архивов //Французский ежегодник. 1987: 200 лет Великой французской революции. – М., 1989. – С. 159–175. 15 Duchein M. Theoretical principles and practical problems of Respect des fonds in Archival Science // Archivaria. – Summer 1983. – № 16. – Р. 65. 16 Lodolini E. Archivistica: principi e problemi. – Milano, 1984. – P. 209–211. 17 Познер Э. Некоторые итоги развития архивного дела после Французской революции // Архив. дело. – 1941. – № 1. – С. 83–89; Posner E. Some aspects of archival development since the French Revolution // American archivist. – July 1940. – № 3. – 159–172.

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18 Шелленберг Т. Р. Современные архивы. Принципы и методы работы = Modern archives principles and techniques / Глав. архив. упр. при Совете Министров СССР; пер. с англ.: В. А. Алешковской, Э. Г. Баскакова, Н. Д. Болдыревой [и др.]. – М., 1962. – С. 12–14. 19 Шмидт Ш. Французские архивы и их техническая организация // Архив. дело. – 1927. – № 11/12. – С. 105–127. 20 Романовський В. Нариси з архівознавства. Історія архівної справи на Україні та принципи порядкування в архівах. – Х., 1927. – С. 10–13. 21 Бачко Б. Как выйти из Террора? Термидор и революция. – М.: BALTRUS, 2006. – 348 с.; Он же. Культурный поворот III года Республики // Французский ежегодник 2000: 200 лет Французской революции 1789–1799 гг.: итоги юбилея. – М., 2000. – С. 103–125; Генифе П. Французская революция и Террор // Французский ежегодник 2000: 200 лет Французской революции 1789–1799 гг.: итоги юбилея. – М., 2000. – С. 68–87; Гуревич А .Я. История в человеческом измерении (Размышления медиевиста) // Новое литературное обозрение. – 2005. – № 75. – С. 38–63; Фюре Ф. Постижение Французской революции. – СПб.: ИНАПРЕСС, 1998. – 224 с.; Чудинов А. В. Смена вех: 200-летие Революции и российская историография // Французский ежегодник 2000: 200 лет Французской революции 1789–1799 гг.: итоги юбилея. – М., 2000. – С. 5–23. 22 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – С. 67. 23 Фавтье Р. Капетинги и Франция. Роль династии в создании государства. – СПб.: ЕВРАЗИЯ, 2001. – 320 с.; Лаппа-Старженецкая Е. А. Французские архивы в их прошлом и настоящем. – С. 147–151. 24 Лаппа-Старженецкая Е. А. Французские архивы в их прошлом и настоящем. – С. 159. 25 Воронов А. К вопросу о положении архивного дела во Франции // Воронов А. Статьи по архивоведению. – СПб., 1909. – С. 11. 26 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – С. 16–17. 27 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – С. 16–19; Кальсина Е. А. Французкое архивоведение: история, теория, методология (конец ХІХ века – ХХ век): дис. канд. … ист. наук. – М., 2004. – С. 16–17. 28 Харузин Н. Взгляд Langlois на архивное дело // Древности: тр. Археогр. комиссии Император. Москов. археолог. о-ва / под. ред М. В. Довнар-Запольского. – М., 1898. – Т. 1, вып. 1. – С. 133. 29 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История архивов романской Европы при старом порядке. – С. 132; Лаппа-Старженецкая Е. А. Французские архивы в их прошлом и настоящем. – С. 160–161. 30 Duchesne (André) // Larousse. Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle français, historique, géographique, mythologique, bibliographique, littéraire, artistique, scientifique, etc., etc. – Paris: Administration du Grand Dictionnaire Universel, 1865. – Vol. 6. – Р. 1330–1331. 31 Пронина Е. А. Пером о шпаге: генеалогии французского и фламандского дворянства Андре Дюшена // Вестн. Санкт-Петербургского гос. ун-та. – 2011. – Вып. 2. – Сер. 2. История. – С. 111–117. 32 Косминский Е. А. Историография средних веков. V в. – середина ХІХ в.: лекции. – М., 1963. – С. 129–131; Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История письма в средние века. – M.; Л., 1987. – С. 96; Зашкільняк Л. Методологія історії від давнини до сучасності. –Львів, 1999. – С. 87. 33 Бездрабко В. В. Історія науки про документ, або відкриття відомого. – К., 2011. – С. 118. 34 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История письма в средние века. – С. 98. 35 Яковенко Н. Вступ до історії. – К., 2007. – С. 92–95. 36 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История письма в средние века. – С. 101. 37 Блок М. Апология истории или ремесло историка. – М., 1973. – С. 47.

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38 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История письма в средние века. – С. 105–108. 39 Зашкільняк Л. Методологія історії від давнини до сучасності – С. 87; Яковенко Н. Вступ до історії. – К., 2007. – С. 95–96. 40 Барг М. А. Эпохи и идеи. Становление историзма. – М., 1987. – С. 323. 41 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – С. 71. 42 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История архивов романской Европы при старом порядке. – С. 134–135. 43 État sommaire des versements faits aux Archives Nationales par les Ministères et administrations qui en dépendent. – Paris, 1924. – Vol. 1. – Р. V. 44 Филиппов И. С. Великая французская революция и судьба феодальных архивов. – С. 163. 45 Добиаш-Рождественская О. А. История архивов романской Европы при старом порядке. – С. 134. 46 Фюре Ф. Постижение Французской революции. – С. 40. 47 Барг М. А. Эпохи и идеи. Становление историзма. – С. 337. 48 Воронов А. К вопросу о положении архивного дела во Франции. – С. 11. 49 Метивье Ю. Франция в XVI–XVIII вв. от Франциска I до Людовика XV. – М., 2005. – С. 25–31. 50 Тарле Е. Национальный архив в Париже // История архивного дела классической древности, в Западной Европе и на мусульманском Востоке: лекции, читанные слушателям Архивных Курсов при Петроградском археологическом институте в 1918 году. – Пг., 1920. – С. 166. 51 Воронов А. К вопросу о положении архивного дела во Франции. – С. 12. 52 Тарле Е. В. Национальный архив в Париже // Сочинения. – М., 1958. – Т. 4. – С. 601. 53 Генифе П. Французская революция и Террор. – С. 86–87. 54 Пименова Л. А. Идея свободы во Французской революции XVIII в. [Электронный ресурс] //Новая и новейшая история. – 1992. – № 1. – Режим доступа: http://vivovoco.rsl.ru/VV/PAPERS/ECCE/LIBERTE.HTM. – Загл. с экрана. 55 Революционный трибунал в эпоху Великой французской революции: воспоминания современников и документы / ред. проф. Е. В. Тарле. – Пг., 1918. – Ч. 1, І–VIII – С. 132. 56 Тарле Е. В. Национальный архив в Париже // Сочинения. – М., 1958. – Т. 4. – С. 600. 57 Старостин Е. В. Зарубежное архивоведение: проблемы истории, теории и методологии. – С. 76. 58 Duchein M. Theoretical Principles and practical Problems of Respect des fonds in Archival Science. – Р. 65. 59 Развитие архивного дела с древнейших времен до наших дней. Архивное дело с древнейших времен до 1917 года / авт.-сост. Н. В. Бржостовская ; редкол.: В. Н. Автократов [и др.]; науч. ред. К. И. Рудельсон. – М., 1979. – С. 93. – (Труды ВНИИДАД; т. 8, ч. 2). 60 Книговедение: энциклопед. словарь. – М., 1982 – С. 371. 61 Тарле Е. В. Национальный архив в Париже // Сочинения. – М., 1958. – Т. 4. – С. 604–605. 62 Бачко Б. Культурный поворот III года Республики. – С. 103–125. 63 Филиппов И. С. Великая французская революция и судьба феодальных архивов. – С. 173–174. 64 Развитие архивного дела с древнейших времен до наших дней. Архивное дело с древнейших времен до 1917 года. – С. 96.

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У статті розглянуто тенденції розвитку архівної справи та архівознавчої думки

Франції у XVIII ст. Проаналізовано також здійснені владою під час подій Великої французької революції та на початку ХІХ ст. організаційні заходи, затверджені нею законодавчі документи, які відображають реалізацію державної політики в архівній галузі країни, та її наслідки для формування і збереження національної архівної спадщини.

Ключові слова: архівна справа Франції, архівне законодавство, Національний архів. В статье рассмотрены тенденции развития архивного дела и архивоведческой

мысли Франции в XVIII в. Проанализированы также осуществленные властью во время событий Великой французской революции и в начале ХІХ в. организационные меры, утвержденные ею законодательные документы, которые отображают осуществление государственной политики в архивной отрасли страны, а также ее последствия для формирования и сохранения национального архивного наследия.

Ключевые слова: архивное дело Франции, архивное законодательство, Национальный архив.
