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UDMI A'WD W^M^'N-®! i>A©E ' ^.'...

Date post: 30-Jun-2018
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Murmony of Color and Design E ssential in Modem Home ^tte rkan Women Are Rapid ly Becoming Expert in Decora - tive Characteristics of the Periods—Carpets Are Com- ing Back into Pop ularity and Abolish Care of Floors Today la America there Is no greater competition in industrial art than that of the manufacture of textiles for all kinds of household furnishings. This is ' ^n ' iait due ' to the fact that B-oirien are ' . : becomin g more discriminating 'throu gh a .wide . : interest in the decora- •OVfe characteris tics of periods. . , . '"' Des igner! make all sorts of eitemsh r e research lb' museums . ' , l ibraries and old prfats ' ta reproduce the particular - lab- liff ' lis yphofcteiy -and Bindow hang- ings to . complete the . ensemble of a robin furnished in early ' Ameifcan or rt pnsh 'libpite , as the case may be. ' Earlj _ : nineteenth century furniture lias .been In;vo gue for the. past year , inspired by ' the romantic fsiliicm in goitns , ear ly toerican , . Kcench provin- c ial and Bledermeier. It points to a more or less permanency. : These models on the whole are har- raoalcus in the average American borne. They combine gracefully as the lines are charming ly simple and comfortable. Tfcey are -easy to live with. The Jig ' nt fnllt soon * of Bledermeier combined -rfti i ebony <a darker.deta lls give a de- llzhtful contrast. - ' . Han gtogs-afe all voluminous. Many , . aire .shown restin g on the floor. They : should fall at least to within an Inch of ' . the floer. . ' ; ' ¦ - - . ' . ' ' . ' . . , l' ill ' one. decides on figured draperies : , Etld, : . figured , upholstery materi al it . te-pulfl ie rnare restli u to select & plain wsiif .ttirfac*. Too many ' paltems -^poii jt he ' appearance bl a room. . -- . :- ! Carpe ts iare ;cennln g into their- own •j£g^i ; «iey, ' certa lnly ; aboUsh ' .t|ie care of , floors. i. ' A room car peted ai over Is rlpa and luscurlpus and creates a.warm 'co^' iltiuBp ' here ; . Pla lli , cblois ' ln che- n l tte ; and brd adloomarb betag.sbbwn. ' vft tt tlte 'fcbae . bf pitterpA a snialj room ;^Uld: :aI j rt ys. 'bavV.6inalt pat terns to ^v^ ttr/aflo/ ggr efteirt. " With i. plain 1 ;carpet l destgric (l ' . . nigs may be - placed , y^c«^r/ec4eo, ' for ' . ' color ' motif and .. nefe^^aVul:.te , 'nbt ^,be ;:«i|v*eib^: ^^0^00 ^0^ - 00 >j j, {'0 i ; ' - ; * . Thtf ,^^' -^)4pufiioh car ^t itft lvlttv /Bn ^t; flq1yer: ^ttf;m ^lsM ^^<^ :>lo>eiri ^dgsrlp1 ^ ' (|, ^>; the: j ^ptitfsari y j ae^'^Wfen ^ vfombjni^' -nlii elx 'Svlth: ' t4ip.ilippie/. ^^ .v^t h^rvy'^mWfa^j tjtep lture. ' ow ' 6yn> -}i pbp.rrii ^,)alyvoy«;)ha ^ ' a- nttin s p-laW ' . especially. tolch ithat. j of pri mitive Mew. ¦Witwti >0 j : 00r '0 ' ¦:. ' ' .. . Homespun -' ' : "l' , **)' !'"" -' ' ' '' , " ¦ ' " ' i i . i., i ;' ' Vi ' i ' ole /lb oaya tlio txat tiling tin luap la somnUilng- ypu give your promise- . , . * •¦*?- . . A «|)f|ng r ollp elotlienpln Willi tlio nnmv of the owner printed op It la a Mfcauiu'd for childre n' * rubbers botln nt lionio nnd at school, ». * A small amount of cranberry IpVy la dollolp ini nnd nttrnoHvo in tho c«nler (if a ompofrult, . * ., flclect toyo to phono the clilld, not to :to9, »» J)l» j»Kan(», ' ' , . . ' , ' ,. ,. ¦ ' , ; ? . 4 , ' Honey iimy!; lMi nubitlt utod In a»\y coke weipp/eurcfof ciio rbr , «ii|i i; ' « ' . , , ' .;¦ :l ;i ,i ' ;, '' , ' . : . . . ¦ ' , ' -: , , . ' .. , ' i ' : , S. ¦ ,1. -. - . ¦M [Jrt lW' illllMJlli MJ ^Miiil<^,witi U^t»iiN' ii^wyini l iiW. ' :U Oldest Science Now Up To Date The Oldest Science of Them AU Keeps Step -with Ever- Changing Demands By Shiaiey W. Wynne , M. B, On P. H. Commissioner of Health , New X<*fc City ' It is -sometimes . hinted that good coots are bom, no t made: Those-of us ' who , for any length of time h&TC been placed at the tender-mercies of a thoroug hly poor ' cook -will ' - agree with this sentiment, yet what of the old- fashioned cook- book? What of the modern accumula- tion of data on ' scien tific diet? Jn the old days cook ing was re T garded as craft , as carefully tested recipes handed down from mother to daughter bear witness. To-day cooking has taten uM.iurrt ui^iuvji aa a laboratory science. Simple loods have acquired a vital significance. Bal- ance d variety in diet has been found as essential to the health as it was known to be pleasing to the palat e. - But the fact remain s t hat we still have tfcie poor cook . in our midst, ' as many a vic tim : of her unfo rt un at e efforts can ' testify. 'Why. , we may ask , when tn ' every hand she can find opportunities ; for self-impro vement? The answer . I believe, is not far to seek. The good cook rnOst possess another ! at tribute in addition to the aver age allotment of brahis -and ability to cohr centrate. She must ' be gifted! with Imaglnatloh. ' V . ' , If the cook of; (He familly possesses ima gjnatlon , her household will riever- becqme bored with. tlie ' ibeals she pre- pares, ' - She ' , will ;see, &• it tliat ' he ' r menus Include: that pr icejee s ingredient —varie dviyr: f Wh'tlie ,bate ticed diet cbn ' . be 'fcoita ^M-.tte fbo&' bftyihl cli ' lfc otte r d*3% ^Mb ^i' a*e:p i ttM fc ' : ; : ;OtMbi ;ispilp/ Ir ' lsE ^ tv;;tflm *£oaaJad, : . am-if^K ' jotTile^ b«iuicecl r n*iu " :, , ,yet:iuru ^mltt ^ tlti bb ;6f ^lils:meiiii ' .wour A' pe: *nb ^h to ' ' drlyb , -bi»y. family, 'ti> * trouble. .' Thla eje ' r amp . Ip ' ,: i«, ?pf 'co ' tirSo , ' - e>a^iited. ,Even tho imoat -Inade quate coot, varies ¦ her njienCt a' . n-certain:extent. ; Bill nil {do in^by ipl. these rqiers of J iljo kitchen fqj -fiot that nn-ort oslbn/al dash of the untiBi )ai;ijiHt go a long : way toward crea- tirig ' tliat variety which Is the ackno w- Wd gcUi ' sii jce of life. : ; j v ^mllloV' . essohiliiiB.rhay be pre pared in;rjOW; ways anil ther bby, given tj io .tbtl g of liovelty. A llttle .thqu ght spent upon ; thw . appear ance .of . ' the various dishes . is often well, riiWardod. ' . Or i gi- na lity nnd , . dai ntiness ;in tho Bervln g of (pud; will stir the , family ' palate to cit- peot ont wonder. A litodgy dining room ttib Ja bi'bi gs on^Hat tired feeling " even beforo tlie rjieai lS'taited . , " , ' . » ¦ ¦ ¦ -.Ci> |ldrcn ; it seems to mo; are the rn ost fre quent , -aurlo rcra . -fr dm ,'haek lieyed mbftMl inb routine; cfliidVep must , for their hedith nnd ' ft fowtli , ' ' eat certain looiis. . . . " in iar. too. rnany. cases these foiia.i ni-b Mrve n ' dqV " after day In ,nn unyarylrj it , cycle. Meals become ' , -in the oyca of.the chlldrcn. : . t.lresome.l htctrup- tlun.i <it tliB inore ii . n iwrtiuit , wor ld of play. Wliorr wo stop to consider , can wo blame the ohlloreh? , : ' Would not ' a danli - . of.tllo unexpected improve wntlers l/totiy?. An occasional touch of honey liilihi ' nijike the bread and butt or slip dbton Vriuch raoro easily, But not too much. A tow tenderly atcwed prune s served ' now-.and then with the rice nilglif hfa ko tllat whole- some standby a Imndr td/olti: more dc- lcctRblo. Tho ncctMary :qu»rt of milk a day mi ght onoe'l)i; d ihlj o bb flavored with cliocolato ariet •thiu«< tti f ti Into a now and Interesti ng, bevera ge. And what applies .to -tho cliildran holds good for tho rest bf in ' , Meabi, to bo temptin g, nood not uo oKperulye . but tliii cook mutt use Ina inuity in prepar- ing and servin g thorn. ono-fourth of tlio liquid ' caJM for , bi omitted. This mnkes a ' niblst cakiu which keeivi fresl t lilhiost'irideflnlt iay. - - .«¦; ? To enooi iro so n loV# pf rending In tlie child , see that he Is ' pro vided with a comfortable , wolWIihted plane to read , ' » ' •* < - * Uaw, fresh plneniipln contnlns » »>ii^- atanco , which preVbjiU i , aelatl li. from sott ing; aa It Is bint to uto cooked or council pineapple l |i gelatin desser ts and salads. \ ' - * . - '• '* ' . ' ¦ Oavo time by washing dltlica once or twice a day Instead of three .limJj , nnd alrilrylng them l iutoad of divLg by 'ow*l. I > V*. , > ' •« ' ¦ I Parents should liot- have fiiitlf i-ow^ at the tabic, if only fpr the «ak«ftf not (polling a ni iilirs oiipotlte.for foom . ' . •¦ ¦ V. 't /:rf ,S; : '.!;M' :; ;. saft 1 f l '^¥°^%'^ ; ^Wf THE C H E F' ~ S AYS Perhaps 2othlng j. ciU3 -take the placs of a -real mint julep to the traditional Kentucky Colonel. ' : But ' tia ' jnwy lang Island hostesses this near julep, made with delicious canned grapefruit will be an added trick to serve the guests who pop In with holiday greetings. Grspefrnil Jslrp: ~ 1 cup sugar , 3 cops water , % dozen stalks mint, ' .i cup lemon juice, 1 can grapefruit Julce . and I quart ginger ale. Boll ' su gar and wafer^to gether 5 . minutes, . ' Remove tips from mint, - allow-stalks ' to slind up in syrup ; while cooling. Strain. Add lemon J Uice and grajeCruIt. juice to cold syrup. Chill ; Just before serving add ginger ale. ' Pour -cwer-crackeil Ice in tal) beverage glasses, garnish with seg- ments of canned grapefruit. Top with mln ' t. " Makes 8 (all glassfuls: . When the drinks are .passed in mld- aftemo on or form the refreshments of an evening ' gathering, a- firm fruit cookie is the .best companion ¦ of the fruit beverages ^ Here Is one ' with the ol d world flavor of . Christinas spice cakes. M«cha Date-V nt Ban Hi cur^s flour " 1 tsp. baking powder *~ tsp. ' salt ] , i tsp. cinnamo n J ,i tsp. cloves J tbsp. .cocoa ' 1 cup brown sugar > .i pkg. pasteurized dates 5 . -i cup . raisins V >i cu p nut meats 2 eggs . ; M cup strong coffee : M cup shortening Mix and sift dry ingredients. Mix raisins , s liced dates and chopped nut meats throu gh flour with finger tips. Beat eggs; beat In sugar gradually- Stir in dry ingredients and fruit alternately wit h ' icoffee ' and melted shortening. Spread;mlkture evenly oyer a sballow paper-lined pan. Bake In moderate oven ' <350° PJ tbr ' SO minutes. Cool , cut. Into strips , roll . in ' : confectioners ' sugbr. IB bars. ¦ . - . .. . ¦ - Vlhy Snowflakes Differ : - . "Bje groyMpua o lSJ 8ns;:to» , . > oi ia^^i^cl' ^a ll . eyvend 'ji tlflci -bliii VeayeC-^j BriHlie i ' ^^bjotiie ' ofi'tlieV ohbek. /^The ' Great Bear hi gh ' iif sky 4s!' s lebpy r and ^tn ' ah awful yawn bloii^' .lils'. cbld 'b reath across ' tha i sky '^jj jonn ' iCj ^ / tiie ' flnt snowfialtcs i . BIrice the -last real snowfall , In late Jfarbbv ' thb' seasons of- sprin g, siitanier , arid ' 'autumn have ' come and gone and the . red children on ' earth have planted tho corn, , picked the strawbcnles, cul- tivated the beans and s quashes , and have witnessed the golden ^. harvest. During; these warm periods , many harsh words may have been spoken In an ger , but rnan y,. man y klrid words of hcln- fulness:haye also been . spoken throu gh- out the lopg summer. All of these words . , of both .k inds, have gone skyward ; and when the first snowffakes ' come down in little hard balls t liat'pslt you on the .face , the Indian beUeyes they are your harsh words returned to you. Then , come down , too, the soft feathering kind that show as pretty patterns on your dark garment , ' as yt>u catch t liem on: the trail. , The red man sees in these de- . signs of be ' aiity, the kind ' vjor ds ypu uttered in the surnmer. ¦ . . ' .; Tho Tnrfi arui called the ' f list sn ' ovrfall " 'ii if ii ¦ ¦ - . ' we f tils; . •:• . ¦ ..: ¦ , :, . .;a«? : ' ' " " |»S ' i jl q. ibut J 'h the , tra il when heavy " .suuw.vyux.i 1 the- woodlan d/ , ^ i' riJ liuro ru apDerry juu Het. accord. In s to direc tions on: packa r e. Oar- uluh ico cola ruupborry 'Jmj Uot WlUi ra epberry ja m. ' " -, Lemon Mines ifijemt , . (Moko a 2 pItit«,o« fllllneT ' fqr. a me dium sltod.Blooi. .or-lB individual- plo^) '^, \ . ' 1 cup rafsta a : ' ,: ' . . '*' ' ' ¦ ¦ 3 cupa ilnely c1iodp«4 appla V t cu p cliopnad nuu ' ¦ ' , ¦4 clip cunilled orohga pool or. ornn go marmalMa ¦ , ; :• , H'cup inman Ju lco . : > . Z cu pa sugar 'i' - , " I \L teaspoo n salt ' 2 toa npooiiB cinnan aoii ' 1 teas poon oacli of clove* ant ginger " »;. . . , ;. Hcald , drMn end cliop (lib ralalna, Mix all laercdlpnli. Soil in ifur ll. i«d J are, Whe n m«V(U((' into tle» add to each pint M, cu p moUnd ' pdt . - tor , This Is a tim p cir.and wore wliolosomo comblu ntioti than nuuoy. . ' mlncomoa ti, . . . . ¦ v A un lqiio Ohrl olmai dosiert Is a J-omon Wlnjio Moat Bund ao, miido by Bcrvlii c tlili mlnt i o meat ft imndae miico or/ir tanUla Ico brt atn , , , A pint jnr of ihU liilnca . moat motion B delightfu l ClirlUmaa Kilt, If wra ppe d attraet tvoly In -oollo. pluno impor , and deonmtod ' wmt Cbrl nlmnp 000I0. ;> . •¦ ' . . .. . Coff f * for t(, r |»^„ : »t«# ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ; ' .: liODf, ' nam plo your 000Vln1t.tU . ti OlirHlma s KvoT If bo, yoWli w«ut coffco- Kood , hot audi itrour. 'A^ «i "»«(<»/ of fact, ooKoa will bo tippM. ,., SU!* 4 .l ,y M"» «««i t«'6t ' tiie milt - , - . llioiiili frlonil i »^fl pot «D|#«r. ' Banra * It pi ping hot, for nouTu urli wor # dUcoura glug than luhtwsrm coImE Uoil lt ,.Derco Uu ' w MtW «. byTite 21 \fj « Vl^r. m J °* »'*wr. «*• . cell enl; cqor«« for Ura o group ! luaur V y ^rmtiMWSN^wmii f" . f wfiSSESnip^^'^ Helpful Hints For Ckistirias Here . Are - a Few ' Dainties It Will Be Worth While Mak - ¦ ¦ ing for the Holidays ' , ' , .I- HO < . HO! GIN<5EEBEEft " » 'i«lter * ft i' ' l-- "-. - •;¦ " : ' ' - . : ' . , ' . ' 1- Wltll - - ,. .- r. . . - - i . ( Yi)' . . i laV ¦ ¦. , . . . . . .:._ —ir> >uc , aoouc ihe man made of gingerbread ' . Make -. a dark, 4plcy . gin- ger bread , rol l it quite thin and cAti'jt with a cutter or .pa per ' patte wr 'UT the sha pe of men. ' ¦ ' /- . ¦: ., ' Gingerbread * 1 cup sorghum flavored corn syrup . ' :: , . '' % cup sugar . ~ ,_ ( •-¦ 1 cup boiling wate r ' . '" . ' - ' .{ cup liquid shortening 291 cups flour M' cu p cornst arch 1 tsp. ,so da ' 1, tsp. salt Hi tsp s, ginger : , . Vi tsp. cinnamon , ¦ Vi'ts p. cloves ' , 1 Combine ingredi ents in the order given. Beat. Add enough flour to make a . dou gh. Roll out en a well floured boar d and cut In the shape of men, Bake in o- mbdei ato oven (350° P.) unt il a delicate brown. ' , —000— k'Oil ;ill£ tikllUtt'ltMAb 'I'UKE . Gny nnlmu!;i and flguret nmdc from popcorn , balls to hang-on the tree or to uke as table favors are new thb j year. Bits of ' the popcorn confection arc eliapcd Into . varloii s size balUi and put tbg«!Uicr, " . iwitli -tooth ' picks , ' "Eye s," "nosb" arid "mouth " are made iwllh nuts, rnl slii.i and-dales. Suit yaursolf an to what funny snow man or Incredi- ble elephant yatt will fashion , but do ikb this i-cclpo for niuklnj the popcorn balls , if you want suecen, Topcorn Conf ecllon 1 cup. ligrtt irf olatsc s 1 cu p dark corn 'syrup . - ' ¦ . " 1 tbsp. vinegar . ' , - 1 2 tbspi. corn oil . ¦ V, 3 quarts popped com - " •! tsp. salt . fltlr; molasses, nymp and vine gar in heavy laucep nn and cook to tempera- ture , 210" P., or tiiitfl brittle «/hen 'lrlcd In " cold water. Stir at (lie last-when syrup bolls with large bpbulMi.i Add oil and stir only enough to mix , . fllbwly pour over slightly naile d popped ' corn and mix well. Fur pi Into bulla ivltli ' the liand u, luting an tlttl ojueiisiir ^.An . pos- nlblo. ¦* , ., ' . ' .. . -;. .;; ;. :^ . Wlien pop ping t|\o corn In a:«U||ct or commorol ol Doppcr oilier tiitn.tiis wn-e kind, |t M 'iiHf»»iiWdll |D ' t a cooking oil ni»dn fr^n- ' oorn Uj tlvS'd; it produbca tho flaklr at grallui, . ' . ' ; •• - ,. ¦ —«0o-r / ' " , . - <iA»inv mum ov \wwv,\ H nvo you tiv ' flr tried lo. inaUn your own candy cones for llu> HollduyaT ' Von can clioo&o tho stws you (iro fer If you do ao, Unk e a taff y, from o milab lo rcplpe, color It If you like , pull I t into ¦trips and glvo , otcli one the ' proper "croo k." In bullin g tint tarry, rub your ll ngom with, a cooking r>!l, to ennr tl ngaimt bu rn */ ' ' ¦ "¦» ' - . - . ¦ ' : . ' f utl p tk 'Cim ' s:. ' , ' immmm. Liunbeij ack CMh Retbm&r ' . Fa shMn Fa vors CwMzroy Not Long Ago the StBJodb y {tough and Ready Mate rial , ' Cordu roy Now ; tjra . oes- the Most Fa shionable Aflfnirs : .And again fashion ' s pehdulum swin gs to a favori te In days Of yorev This time It Is corduro y which'Is staging -a con : s plciious comeba ck, r iri that ' leading st yle creators . of the- present day are sponsoring It for their - smartest s pec- tator an d active spor ts modes. . Once corduroy was 'heavy stuff that lumberjacks preferred , " Now It has 4a ibclare nt ree at.the snt artest functions . For lbunging . pajamas ' , for . the uUlitar- lan jacket suit , for sports coats , blouses, scarfs , bstgs and accessories in general it is corduroy which £s finding its way into high places uiese days. . Soil, lightweight arid with a velvety surface, t he corduroy ' which - Is making appeal to the smart seti drapes with the easy grace and elegance that the modern style-wise woman demands. Such ' r ich dark greens and , beautifu l wine tones as go to make up th e wide range of bright sMdes ar etn"the land- scape bf ' the ' nefe ^vinte ' r ' . -cor duroys. Black , t he , modish jie dff/ subtle pastel tones ' and . the chid and ^'Char rn of thb swaiiiy whltb; " co? duro>y vnlch 'tis said wUi' befflu ite . ithb'Vage for ' winter resort wear.,.;. .. ' I-. . 00.... ¦ ¦:.. -. ' " . For lspbrts iapparel . several. new binds b' f. harr ' pvy'WaJe velvety corduroy share the s potUgKt wj th. tne wider wale varie- ties. '*' Suits, . s kating ' j ^tflrhes , ridin g habits and s pectator ^costumes use-these weav&: ¦ ' ' " ¦ - . "" ; ' . . ¦ . Corduroy coats ' Hped tyith lambs '^ wool or an gora, which luive b&n ' : pronolnent ' to- the ' ,footbal l " cheeBrig sections, are now, lea ding " fn 1 trie Uneup - for / .the Olympic games at I^ejPlaC id. One such' erusemb le is " . o f chocolate ' brown cird ij r py/.lined with lambs ' " wool,in na fflral tone. A^sklrt . bf the . same ma- terlai ; , ban be maa ^' ' . uf ' . - the ' .cIevcr 'iEdreu > l arxu ' tting dividin g-the skirt or . in the re gulatlpn sport5' pafital opp:r. A beret , ol ' cordiirb y-of a yeHpvf, and : brown angora Cljrbh ri and chamois ¦ gloves -complete the ' costume.''' , ' . "" . . .. ' " : , : ' - : ' Modern Strain Is Over-Rated Days Before Electr icity Proved More Severe on System Than Present Speed Existence . . BY ALICE S. EVAN Now . that It is beginning to get dark ear ly, and arti ficial light has to be-used even during the day, the proper light- ing is quite a problem with, many of us. Physicians and artists have come . lo thc-conduslon that this generation has found the secr et of retaining a youthful appearance unll l late in life; ' Whllc - it is probably too early to.deflnih uy say t hat women have put back the clock twenty years or so, t here Is . evidence that we liave learned to look young at an age where -our grandmbtners were considered old. , This Is rathe r surprising " in view of the fact that we are supposed : to be living under " a greater mental and nervous stra in and , therefore, ;use up our UK forte quicker than -the . gener- at ions with preceded us: But, the very condition s-which have niade for greater wear an d tear . have also produced their own remeds. . - The electric lamp certainly is proving a most valuabl e " aid in the preservation pf a youthful face. Bad lighting, which means the old kerosen © lamp, andtne older cand les , no dou bt produced a severe stra in upon the eyes,.and strain is, as . I have o ften pointed ' out . - . one of t he principal sources of TOmkl lng; "in t he case m eye strain, the areas around the eye 056 prim arily affected, ytjrinkles, however ,: have a tende ncy to spread , once the y have start ed. .: S '0 . ' . ¦ . - . ' . " ' ¦ The experts of the' Oeneral .Electric Pompany have now -leajpb ' d'/tiuit :elec- tr ic light is not producing:th e con- ' dltion of. real daylight , unles ? :ttie light ls:npt only si^lently.stio ^ ^but ' propr. erly a pfeceS. - 'i hirt 1 the rays ^ correctly ' dis- ¦ -'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ! ' h: £ : :^:0 -/ ¦ ¦ /•; •'rea ches ;us idlr fct:. Its the ;.e ye. resiilts from ' ¦ - . lj :th^:S^eijicei " o ' t con-. ¦ ? ' j: -Ti gto{/:&ln^bper lj' ¦ -.v . : ¦ - ¦ pje ^fcoE ; ; |flht;a(j;;H ^ ¦ - - , •' : ¦' - s' ; "ia fg1 ra(u>p%- -sjli^;- ¦ _ ;-¦ .: iMh^: . fr ^;tb *;dar |c; | Epots.to; thp Ughfc.miist^^ cbn ^ual iy ' reri ¦adjust ilsett ^ ^lctf'lea^- 'tijV-aR.'bver . ^rtlbr t^T tile /facial . ' mitbeles iuidj y$ff i%!t$i , , pro duces ^a^ ^ $ pn'ditIon favox- ' able tb.wrUi kling. ; . . : ' "" . - ¦ ' .;, ' - ' . I Thls ' . coiidltlbn can b^/ corrected" by what,.the technician calls- , balanced lighting, which- means the lights should be placed " . In such " a mapner iia ' to llgnt thii rbori l evenly; with thb ' cbntfasts of Ught.and shado w eilmbni ited as much as possible. •" ¦ . " s ' , '. ¦ ¦ ' .- little when tried in cold water iforms a fairly flrm. bjii), J (252'' p.iV Pour onto a li ght ly plied flatter tu id ' when,, cool enou gh to han dle , pull into strips arid forh j catjE s. A few. dro ps of flavor ing r pay ho worked in wlillo It Is bclnj piillod. ¦ . ' . ' ., ¦ ¦; , ' ' ( : , ' ' .;' Tho use of corn syru p, as in all puch cand y recipes, will keep your taf fy from Betting- grai ny or s ' u 8ory. r . ' jt p , . ' ' ., - ... , ..: ' .:- . , ^ , ' ; . . " ' . - ' . . ' . ' . ¦ ' ¦• . I , . ' . ' ¦' " :, ' ' ' , ; ' ¦ f , . ; ¦ - . -¦" "" , ' .. ' . . ' . .,: ' : .. !: ' ¦:. ¦ , . ' . ' . . WI SS MARION BPt lAGVE G.ILMORE , ij ow .iiaaociatod s - . with the Krii g Bnltiiitr . " Com pany ^ . iia Diret for ' of .it orne , ^ EconomlcB nr id 13«pctitjyo 'Piotitinii , - witj orfle i tlio fd ilow- iiij ; flno line of purB i yvliolcuomoi Cliri atrrMB opecinltjca, ' - ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , ' ' ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' . . " ¦ "¦ ' . ' * , . ¦, ' , ' ¦ ¦ -1 0 ' ¦ '"¦ - ¦ . ' ¦ ¦"" ' ' ./• , " - OLD FASHION FRUIT CAKES ' .'.: ' ¦ ?• ' ;r i ^'DJRKSbEN 'FRUIT^uM^^ '' - ¦' ' \ ^Z: 0 2 ^r: >^R^iUHawy|iB»;Mi^nU»/«»icBs '*" - - - '^- " "7-- ¦ ¦ •/¦ ¦ ' ,.C:vHN !!(Nf^Nif^ ' . ^fVv '^ t ; ' ' .iTANCt* COOKIES-' : : ' ; '' : - i; - : ^' ; ' ; ' ' . 1 ^k ^0i ' ':. - ¦:¦ ' ¦ :¦¦ 0 1-¦ : ¦ ¦•: ': . 00^ ¦ ¦¦ h ' s ¦ . ¦ ' ,. . ' ¦ ¦;¦¦ ' : ,. v- . . awc^BRopgrfe -i- 'XiMW'jb Ji ii^ ¦ . . ¦; ' - ., " 3PI I |NaE|iltE 4pc ,, ; L ' Eb ^irl p 1 '^ 1 ' ./ 1 : , ' . . , ¦ ' ¦ > , AUo OOCO ^NlJT 'MACA^0Nft-1N'SEa " _ t ¦; \ ' i ' \ ' -: '' ' . ' tmH. :^ . ' . . ' ' . ' ' CALL -REPIJD ^IC' O^flOo 'Vr..,^' ' , ' ' " " " ' ' Our Hojno ^vJR o Man WJII CdU To ' s^ird ' ji : ¦ 5 ; ?: : ki}^^NG'' C(3Mr#^ wmmmm ^immmm WmtiliiKrintw^ iif ^ ¦&< ¦ ' •¦¦^ '^^^ 0(0 PALI, SPECIALS tea nott tc BaH ag jc.Cattsn MuttrtMM-^ «1( Has: tho Jplcct i tor »HJI0: 50 Ort alc . rait autt etH ^rote el&in. -S an4-s-plec i * &uUai —f rom I1J up to »30 ; M Om lllovej vlUi side : a na i, Jn all colon. . horn »M.W to »M: V8.0O0 ydi. Floor oiyo rlnif. .Irom .»?(> to t2,OO por-yard;:a s Bedroomrand-DU ilax lfoora Bulten , I rom ISO' Up to '1113. Also 5*00 piec es of Odd Purnliur e. Mm WlilM nmtelilir - top -'UrtilM . - .' »tali > th«lr«. i tmhy carrl a|»«;- . DaTeni»»t , To4llea: , .,Yiullty ilreM . era , . Ua rbtd s, : Pll lown. . -Jtus .uhct', 'consola mlntu«: unit nuny;:o^Jicr:liat julnn , loo tiup itfoiiB -to' .ni eriiiwj . '*- At»p; Haw'A co .mp leui- Dns . ot ,D«nvanU- d»«J . jar nltur *. ' : . ' ¦; " , silfmtHE i'nipj imiu:'cp .,. ' )K'c ,. , . <W, W«i «jil|i.BI; „;:, -, - . \jf thSiim, 'B» 'I. - tint Bart. 'M|»i--T*.^ra " K». : K . . UaafVJtyUy rr ntu s lo P-Vetoes 1' . £3. . *> . ' ¦ UDMI A'WD W^M^'N- ®! i>A©E ' ^. ' ¦; ; ? DS££<DB2A¥0N<B ¦= Si(DME IPBLANPaliN® Conducted h y CyntM^ G2ECiM§> rAS&1D©WS «? . BiCDME NOTES . Utiy'flocrut b AIfei^. : ,l P«naifed' l : te.'Il«ii- . ' ; ' ! Vdelr ' ,% ct fv/oc ;:;A l4 . ' itcUer ^J t' ' »l»- ^r^njl ffi ' . ' . ^ ,;, :;^.^ ' ;;,: , :¦; ¦¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ^ 0 , ' i . VtVife' ' riti l ' l Belv Uto : flfaburi t ' .jit „W<5ilh- ' ; ' ¦AVli>le ' | W0 l' ^ /th»' ' nrin V't)r. bby ' -Bc^ti. teJ s- ' iti, , ' tW4' , ooliMl *' '6ibr pbrtbr nilrlg. )- Wit ' tJiln J c- . : ''/»(wjn ld ' yfiiV'bHap s^vud jicttrn . a ., :•; ' ( ;- 'i ,.ri:^.!Pobdcratt, .flwt- ' atd ( ' 'i iim*ln8' : ' . .; ' ,( .;.;; ; 5)n^i)B| ¦ put ' Vri «ad,iyon ' ,u l•i' ma , •j S.^ta «liava ' iboen ' cxbbptlDrtnl ly tibr y of, iD ,ti> 7-tlolp 'rf :th ' flit' "((bad tiirna'! libfcm' n li lqrs . tlitui " ; u^uultVi J^gu.iCuU), : V-,In:iLc4' ^ ' nBofea, (),(li)0' , 8t;bubi ti\i|ifra '' iit Sort flpit -jiorrtti ji- dlsjj- lbiltlna elicit ' boolt- lOti ,: iii ' do ' ai)iis dt, cities ti tid tbwiis , boy tjb ^ ns M iitit . rjl. to 'i' noii^ aiiU illiow.i or tlifl '^Wdy. dhd' In ij olhe Ins fanc eii uiidor- tbo . te ' ttw dlatr lbutlpii rit. tho . : ' wmiest pf tlic ' - 'rollafingbnoles. ,'• ¦ ' , .. . . . ' , " ¦ JBby ^co ' uto ' hbyb ihad no amall part In the collection of perishable nn d non- liorlz ir iafclo fo(ld atuf fii, ns well m In tho delivery of these foods to the unem- ployofl or to others In real need, Kr oni' Tor Hand , Malno ; Jneloioiivlllo , Florida; Providence , R, r., and Walla Walla , Wasliiniston, as well at fxom scores of ' towns and cities In Wwoon thogo ' rh nipt q pbinUi , comes word of the activities of those boy ocoilts of olirn, With a hew and bri ghter year loom- in g upon Hie lioriup n, \vo have a duty to perform today—we muat print a word of thnnVj t to theaa 'Icon ogo yowtla who linve doii^ nior« than their eluro will- Initly. ¦ . , .; 1 J, , ",^J V ; '- . - . - .^' - .. ' - . , ,. ¦ . ' . ¦ , . ..,- . -i . ¦ , -^CtfjWfaril,Service';-:;' , - " ff i$* -0" ' >G.ven.ti W Nution t HlVSC•¦ •: ¦ c-^ , ,'V ; ' ,y.;, ii: : ,.; - ' 3 otrlpo salt pork Orang e Julio. l^omou julco , r«it S! atrlp s of rat MU.poilc over lireaot of firm , pluui p «li: ;Uiu , Cook •"J «>"«w wl iliwit cpvor lu liot ovon (tC(i » V,} until mut t bc'Ktiiu to brown. Itoduc a beat to nfbdo rata ov«n lM\r.) and cook until moat I t (endur , bil ling «wt 16 mtai ilea with oraug « lulco, Add JI Mpooiu> cmoq to * to o|(-|i eup^raiup } mIm UimI, Abou ot ot orauufe j m I bV w 111 . rir ^wltb .lf.Wcfcl^Vnlliaill! at cookltiK tlmi, which »litml4 »vtr- ato. ID mlmiUi par poum» wllhout j to»«j lM or ioutiat with druiln ir. Woul d Jn . bottom ' «» muMr w»y * Tho friiit J ulc«r »l*e r i atilletocw BiTor lo tiwi rtlfl hut do noteluin ii! llioiiili tlmy litlp w Keep H Moh t audi tinder, tmi hietbod inar b* Me illint Kenwtpti iuu wt tor Uwl roui m u tbMjMnn if. , , . , ( , " ' f»^JhPlt 7HIll . . - your , fami ly anil your p 80cat s . tbH CIirtli ri naa .by «sr» . WE ouu or tivo'" iUlKoroat" atoU ua tor aifincr. < ClirlalaIao : ]lInnor « aro . ao , shu jlar that a hcvolty will bo ap . predated, .f lora Uu a foiy.uumiu a. it ibno that you w«ll Cud well worth toj iaaldur iiig: . ' <¦*> •;. ¦ . Crmbirry Mold , ¦' < ¦ ¦ i/^ii ltckfluo Ibaioii . BoUituj . ¦1% cu pa Imllll iK wnM ir ' Julco V4 lemon Vt cup celery, flri tly out, , M cup canne d abroddod pineapp le 1 cu p thick crauliorry eauco, swcolened Dliaolyb KoUllit in boiling water. Ch ill, When allftl ttly thickened , add lomoo Julco , celery, plnoap Mo and cr siiljorr y oauco. Turn Into mold. Chill until firm, llamoid. - Oamlih wl tli mayoun alia, fiervea t , on tam e Plato with fowl... Flout Fowl wi ll) Orang i Jul c» Oaotlna/ Clilcken or other fowl . _ ; jf* ^ Vyy^ . -^ft y ' '^ fj/JSkL ' 'A "¦*" ¦•••• "«» i - .^^mgrn ^ ii ' .IffSP TCI^ . ' . - ' "' $&M? : ; }§S^V/' Dy BETTV DARCLAY J g- ' - 'Aidt h'bw ^erbr icfej ' 5TT: years sM. .61 St.fJoihes , :is; being , h ' elu> fbr.the,ttran i Jur y" on the ;chim te <it : breaking Inti trie hbnie of;T: if: Tain mb^eyatiHaup : liaugb on December ' 1 7, and . takudg it sh ' qtgiin and other articles , of tj ioVtota: iplijefiL-d 1 . -value ¦ ' of' $50. v, ' ,Epe»ii ' ,. : Stat< trob pcra vlAvestIgated . . the case. ' ¦[ - .- ' ¦ ¦ '0 0- '0J VE!M:. ^U ~ ' wt^i^ Xl^^ ¦ V'-?¦ - A Gtiristmas Dinner Gets Lunch J . ' "¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' .. . i . . . . . . .. : - ~v - ¦ . i A terr ' Si y* more aad it'll be cranberry sane© sad dressing fo* this blrd . ta t ri ght now it' s being served: -with inuk , with Frank If onseU. . Sheffield Farms milkman, as dietician, /Wiihout thought of «*at Is . lii store for It , this duck is Bpcndh is Its last few days at Oentcr , . ' : - tlorlche alioiarIslan d. . - ' - Net sales of Williams , ' . Olli-O-Matic Corp., Bldomlngton , l)i iror, the three months ended ' TBepj t. 30, i' Wl ' ,- totaled $979,930, Against- i8DJW3D , lri Uie same period , of ' 1930, a gal lt of ai.a per cent. The company ' s stotel t Is on an 80-cent annua l dividend beula, coni par ed ' with $1.20 formerly. , ' ' OIL-O-MATIC AHEAD

Murmony of Color and DesignEssential in Modem Home^tte rkan Women Are Rapid ly

Becoming Expert in Decora -tive Characteristics of thePeriods—Carpets Are Com-ing Back into Pop ularity andAbolish Care of Floors

Today la America there Is no greatercompetition in industrial art than thatof the manufacture of textiles for allkinds of household furnishings. Thisis ' n 'iait due' to the fact that B-oirienare ' .: becoming more discriminating'through a .wide.: interest in the decora-•OVfe characteris tics of periods. . , . '•" 'Designer! make all sorts of eitemshreresearch lb'museums.', libraries and oldprfats 'ta reproduce the particular - lab-liff ' lis yphofcteiy -and Bindow hang-ings to . complete the . ensemble of arobin furnished in early 'Ameifcan orrt pnsh 'libpite, as the case may be.' Earlj _ : nineteenth • century furniture

lias .been In;vo gue for the. past year,inspired by ' the romantic fsiliicm ingoitns, early toerican , .Kcench provin-cial and Bledermeier. It points to amore or less permanency.: These models on the whole are har-

raoalcus in the average American borne.They combine gracefully as the linesare charming ly simple and comfortable.Tfcey are -easy to live with. The Jig'ntfnllt soon* of Bledermeier combined-rfti i ebony <a darker.deta lls give a de-llzhtful contrast. -'. Han gtogs-afe all voluminous. Many ,.aire .shown restin g on the floor. They :should fall at least to within an Inch of' .the floer. . '; ' • ¦- • - . ' • . ' '. ' .. ,l' ill 'one. decides on figured draperies :,Etld,:. figured , upholstery materi al it.te-pulfl ie rnare restli u to select & plainwsiif .ttirfac*. Too many 'paltems -^poiijthe' appearance bl a room. . --. :-! Carpe ts iare ;cennln g into their- own•j£g^i;«iey,'certa lnly;aboUsh '.t|ie careof , floors. i.'A room carpeted ai over Isrlpa and luscurlpus and creates a.warm'co^'iltiuBp'here ; . Pla lli, cblois' ln che-nltte; and brd adloomarb betag.sbbwn. 'vf ttt tlte 'fcbae. bf pitterpA a snialj room;^Uld: :aIjrtys.'bavV.6inalt pat terns to^v^ ttr/aflo/

ggr efteirt." With i. plain 1

;carpet l destgric (l '..nigs may be - placed ,• y^c«^r/ec4eo,' for'.'color ' motif and

.•.nefe^^aVul:.te ,'nbt ^,be;:«i|v*eib^:^^0^00 ^0- 00 >j j, {'0 i;'- ;*.Thtf, ^'-^)4pufiioh car ^titftlvlttv/Bn ^t; flq1yer: ^ttf;m ^lsM^^<^:>lo>eiri ^dgsrlp1 ^'(|, >; the: j^ptitfsari y j

• ae^'^Wfen^vfombjni^'-nliielx 'Svlth:

't4ip.ilippie/. ^.v^th^rvy'^mWfa^jtjtep lture.'ow' 6yn>-}ipbp.rrii ^,)alyvoy«;)ha ^ 'a- nttin s p-laW'.especially. tolch ithat. jof pri mitive • Mew.¦Witwti >0j :00r '0 ' ¦:. ' '• . . .


-' ':"l' , **)' !'"" -' ' ' ' ' , " ¦' " ' i i . i . , i ; '' Vi'i'ole /lb oaya tlio txat tiling tin luapla somnUilng- ypu give your promise-. ,

. * • ¦ * ? - . .

A «|)f|ngr ollp elotlienpln Willi tlionnmv of the owner printed op It la aMfcauiu'd for childre n'* rubbers botln ntlionio nnd at school,

• ». *A small amount of cranberry IpVy la

dollolpini nnd nttrnoHvo in tho c«nler (ifa ompofrult, .

* • • .,flclect toyo to phono the clilld, not to

:to9,»» J)l» j»Kan(», ' ' , ..

' , ', . , . ¦ '

, • ; ? . 4 , '

Honey iimy!;lMi nubitlt utod In a»\ycoke weipp/eurcfof ciio rbr , «ii|ii; '«'

., , '.;¦ :l ;i ,i ' ;, i ¦ ' ' , '. :. . . ¦ ' ,' - : , , .' . . ,' i ' : , • S. ¦ ,1. -. - •.¦M[Jrt lW'illllMJlli MJ ^Miiil<^,witiU^t»iiN'ii^wyini liiW . ':U

Oldest ScienceNow Up To Date

The Oldest Science of ThemAU Keeps Step -with Ever-Changing Demands

By Shiaiey W. Wynne, M. B, On P. H.Commissioner of Health , New X<*fc City

' It is -sometimes . hinted that goodcoots are bom, not made: Those-ofus' who, for any length of time h&TCbeen placed at the tender-mercies of athoroug hly poor 'cook -will'- agree withthis sentiment, yet what of the old-

fashioned cook-book? What of themodern accumula-tion of data on

'scientific diet?;¦ Jn the old dayscooking was reTgarded as craft, ascarefully testedrecipes handeddown from motherto daughter bearwitness. To-daycooking has tatenuM.iur rt ui^iuvji aa

a laboratory science. Simple loods haveacquired a vital significance. Bal-anced variety in diet has been foundas essential to the health as it wasknown to be pleasing to the palat e. -

But the fact remain s that we stillhave tfcie poor cook .in our midst, ' asmany a victim : of her unfo rt unateefforts can' testify. 'Why. , we may ask,when tn ' every hand she can findopportunities ;for self-impro vement?The answer . I believe, is not far to seek.The good cook rnOst possess another !at tribute in addition to the aver ageallotment of brahis -and ability to cohrcentrate. She must ' be gifted! withImaglnatloh. ' V . ' ,

If the cook of; (He familly possessesimagjnatlon , her household will riever-becqme bored with. tlie 'ibeals she pre-pares, ' - She ', will ;see, &• it tliat ' he'rmenus Include: that pr icejees ingredient—varie dviyr: fWh'tlie ,bate ticed dietcbn'.be'fcoita ^M-.tte fbo&' bftyihlcli'lfc

otte r d*3%^Mb ^i'a*e:p ittM fc':;: ;OtMbi ;ispilp/Ir'lsE tv;;tflm*£oaaJad, :.•am-if^K'jotTile^b«iuiceclrn*iu":,,,yet:iuru ^mltt ^tltibb;6f lils:meiiii '.wour A'pe:*nb^h to''drlyb ,-bi»y. family, 'ti>*trouble. .' Thla eje'ramp.Ip',:i«,?pf 'co'tirSo,'- e>a^iited. ,Eventhoimoat -Inade quate coot, varies ¦ hernjienCt a'. n-certain:extent. ;Bill nil {doin^by ipl. these rqiers of J iljo kitchenfqj -fiot that nn-ort oslbn/al dash of theuntiBi)ai;ijiHt go a long :way toward crea-tirig 'tliat variety which Is the ackno w-Wd gcUi 'siijce of life. : ; j v

^mllloV' .essohiliiiB.rhay be pre paredin; rjOW; ways anil ther bby, given tj io.tbtl g of liovelty. A llttle .thqu ght spentupon ; thw .appear ance .of . ' the variousdishes . is often well, riiWardod. ' . Or igi-nality nnd, . daintiness ;in tho Bervln g of(pud; will stir the , family 'palate to cit-peotont wonder. A litodgy dining roomttib Ja bi'bigs on^Hat tired feeling " evenbeforo tlie rjieai lS'taited. , " ,'. » ' ¦ • ¦¦¦

-.Ci> |ldrcn ; it seems to mo; are the rnostfrequent , -aurlo rcra . -fr dm ,'haek lieyedmbftMlinb routine; cfliidVep must , fortheir hedith nnd ' ftfowtli ,' 'eat certainlooiis. . . ."in iar. too. rnany. cases thesefoiia.i ni-b Mrve n ' dqV "after day In ,nnunyarylrj it ,cycle. Meals become',-in theoyca of.the chlldrcn. :. t.lresome.l htctrup-tlun.i <it tliB inore ii.niwrtiuit , wor ld ofplay. Wliorr wo stop to consider , canwo blame the ohlloreh? , : '

Would not ' a danli -.of.tllo unexpectedimprove wntlers l/totiy?. An occasionaltouch of honey liilihi 'nijike the breadand butt or slip dbton Vriuch raoro easily,But not too much. A tow tenderlyatcwed prune s served ' now-.and thenwith the rice nilglif hfako tllat whole-some standby a Imndr td/olti: more dc-lcctRblo. Tho ncctMary :qu»rt of milka day might onoe'l)i; d ihljo bb flavoredwith cliocolato ariet •thiu«< tti f ti Into anow and Interesti ng, beverage.

And what applies .to -tho cliildranholds good for tho rest bf in', Meabi, tobo temptin g, nood not uo oKperulye . buttliii cook mutt use Inainuity in prepar-ing and servin g thorn.

ono-fourth of tlio liquid 'caJM for , biomitted. This mnkes a ' niblst cakiuwhich keeivi fresl t lilhiost'irideflnlt iay.

- - • .« ¦; ?

To enooi iroso n loV# pf rending In tliechild , see that he Is' provided with acomfortable , wolWI ihted plane to read ,

• ' » '• * < - *Uaw, fresh plneniipln contnlns » »>ii^-

atanco , which preVbjiU i, aelatlli . fromsott ing; aa It Is bint to uto cooked orcouncil pineapple l|i gelatin desser tsand salads. \ ' -

*. - '• '* '.

' ¦

Oavo time by washing dltlica once ortwice a day Instead of three .limJ j, nndalrilrylng them liutoad of divLg by'ow*l. I >

V*. , > '•« ' ¦ IParents should liot- have fiiitlf i-ow^

at the tabic, if only fpr the «ak«ftf not(polling a ni iilirs oiipotl te.forfoom .'. „ •¦ ¦ V.'t /:rf ,S; :'.!;M' :; ;.

saft 1 fl'^¥°^%' ; Wf


C H E F'~ S A Y S

Perhaps 2othlng j.ciU3 -take the placsof a -real mint julep to the traditionalKentucky Colonel.': But' tia 'jnwy langIsland hostesses this near julep, madewith delicious canned grapefruit will bean added trick to serve the guests whopop In with holiday greetings.

Grspefrnil Jslrp: ~ 1 cup sugar , 3 copswater, % dozen stalks mint, '.i cuplemon juice, 1 can grapefruit Julce.andI quart ginger ale. Boll ' sugar andwafer^together 5. minutes,. ' Remove tipsfrom mint, - allow-stalks 'to slind up insyrup ; while cooling. Strain. Addlemon JUice and grajeCruIt. juice to coldsyrup. Chill ; Just before serving addginger ale. ' Pour -cwer-crackeil Ice intal) beverage glasses, garnish with seg-ments of canned grapefruit. Top withmln't." Makes 8 (all glassfuls: .

When the drinks are .passed in mld-aftemoon or form the refreshments ofan evening ' gathering, a- firm fruitcookie is the .best companion ¦ of thefruit beverages Here Is one 'with theold world flavor of .Christinas spicecakes.

M«cha Date-Vnt BanHi cur^s flour • "1 tsp. baking powder*~ tsp. 'salt],i tsp. cinnamo nJ,i tsp. cloves •J tbsp. .cocoa '1 cup brown sugar>.i pkg. pasteurized dates5.-i cup. raisins V>i cup nut meats2 eggs

.; M cup strong coffee :M cup shortening

Mix and sift dry ingredients. Mixraisins , sliced dates and chopped nutmeats through flour with finger tips.Beat eggs; beat In sugar gradually- Stirin dry ingredients and fruit alternatelywith' icoffee' and melted shortening.Spread;mlkture evenly oyer a sballowpaper-lined pan. Bake In moderateoven ' <350° PJ tbr 'SO minutes. Cool,cut. Into strips, roll . in': confectioners'sugbr. IB bars. ¦•.- . . . .

¦ -

Vlhy Snowflakes Differ :

- . "Bje groyMpua o lSJ 8ns;:to»,.> oi

ia^^i cl' ^all.eyvend 'ji tlflci -bliiiVeayeC-^jBriHliei' ^bjotiie' ofi'tlieVohbek. /^The 'Great Bear high' iifsky 4s!'slebpyrand ^tn 'ah awful yawnbloii^'.lils'.cbld 'breath across' tha i sky' jj jonn 'iCj / tiie 'flnt snowfialtcsi .

BIrice the -last real snowfall , In lateJfar bbv'thb' seasons of- spring, siitanier ,arid ''autumn have ' come and gone andthe. red children on'earth have plantedtho corn, , picked the strawbcnles, cul-tivated the beans and squashes , andhave witnessed the golden . harvest.During; these warm periods , many harshwords may have been spoken In an ger,but rnan y,. man y klrid words of hcln-

fulness:haye also been .spoken throu gh-out the lopg summer.

All of these words., of both .k inds,have gone skyward ; and when the firstsnowffakes 'come down in little hardballs tliat 'pslt you on the .face, theIndian beUeyes they are your harshwords returned to you. Then , comedown , too, the soft feathering kind thatshow as pretty patterns on your darkgarment , '• as yt>u catch tliem on: thetrail. , The red man sees in these de-.signs of be'aiity, the kind' vjor ds ypuuttered in the surnmer. • ¦ . .'.;

Tho Tnrf iarui called the ' flist sn'ovrfall" 'iiif ii¦ ¦ -.' we

f tils;. • : • .¦..: ¦, :, : ¦. .;a«?:

' ' " "|»S'i• jlq.

ibutJ 'h

the , tra il when heavy" .suuw.vyux.i1 the-woodland/ , ^

i'r iJ liuro ruapDerry juu Het. accord.Ins to direc tions on: packa re. Oar-uluh ico cola ruupborry 'J mj Uot WlUira epberry ja m.' " • -,

Lemon Mines ifijemt , .(Moko a 2 pI t it«,o« fllllneT' fqr. a

medium sltod. Blooi..or -lBindiv idual- plo^)'^, \.

' 1 cup rafsta a : ' ,:' . . '*'' ' ¦ ¦3 cupa ilnely c1iodp«4 appla •

Vt cup cliopnad nuu • ' ¦ • ' ,¦4 clip cunilled orohga pool or.ornn go marmalMa ¦, ; :• ,H 'cup inman Ju lco . : >

. Z cupa sugar ' i ' - , " I\L teaspoo n salt '2 toanpooiiB cinnan aoii • '1 teas poon oacli of clove* ant

ginger "»;. . . , ;.Hcald , drMn end cliop (lib ralalna,

Mix all laercdlpnli. Soil in ifur ll.i«d Jare, When m«V(U((' into tle»add to each pint M, cup moUnd ' pdt . -tor , This Is a tim p cir.and worewliolosomo combluntioti than nuuoy..'mlncomoa ti , . . . . ¦ v

A un lqiio Ohrl olmai dosiert Is aJ-omon Wlnji o Moat Bund ao, miidoby Bcrvlii c tlili mlnt io meat a» ftimndae miico or/ir tanUla Ico brt atn , , ,

A pint jnr of ihU liilnca . moatmotion B delightfu l ClirlUmaa Kilt ,If wra pped attraet tvoly In -oollo.pluno impor , and deonmtod 'wmtCbrl n lmnp 000I0. • ;> . • • ¦ ' . . . . .

Coff f* for t(,r|» „:»t«# '¦' ¦ '; ' .:

liODf,' nam plo your 000Vln1t.tU.tiOlirHlma s KvoT If bo, yoWli w«utcoffco-Kood , hot audi itrour. 'A^ «i"»«(<»/ of fact, ooKoa will bo tippM. , . ,SU!*4.l,y M"» «««it«'6t 'tiie milt- , - .llioiiili frlonil i »^fl pot «D|#«r.' Banra *It pi ping hot, for nouTu urli wor#dUcoura glug than luhtwsrm coImEUoil lt,.DercoUu 'w MtW «. byTite21 \fj «Vl^r.m J °* »'*wr. «*• .cellenl; cqor«« for Ura o group ! luaur

Vy ^rmtiM WSN^wmii f ". f

wfiSSESnip^ '

Helpful HintsFor Ckistirias

Here . Are - a Few ' Dainties ItWill Be Worth While Mak -

¦¦ ing for the Holidays ', ' ,

.I - HO<. HO! GIN<5EEBEEft"»'i«lter * fti'' l-- "-. - •; ¦" :' '-. :'. , ' .' 1 -

Wltll - - ,. .- r. . . - • - i .(Yi)' • • . .ilaV ¦¦. , . . . . .

.:._ —ir> >uc , aoouc ihe man made ofgingerbread '. Make -.a dark, 4plcy. gin-gerbread , rol l it quite thin and cAti'j twith a cutter or .paper ' patte wr 'UT theshape of men. ' ¦ ' / - . ¦:., '

Gingerbread *1 cup sorghum flavored corn

syrup . ' ::,.' '% cup sugar . ~ ,_ ( •- ¦1 cup boiling wate r ' . '" .'

- '.{ cup liquid shortening291 cups flourM ' cup cornst arch1 tsp. ,soda

' 1, tsp. saltHi tsps, ginger : , .Vi tsp. cinnamon ,¦ Vi ' tsp. cloves ' , 1

Combine ingredi ents in the ordergiven. Beat. Add enough flour tomake a. dou gh. Roll out en a wellfloured boar d and cut In the shape ofmen, Bake in o- mbdei ato oven (350°P.) unt il a delicate brown. '

, —000—k'Oil ;ill£ tikllUtt'ltMAb 'I'UKE .

Gny nnlmu!;i and flguret nmdc frompopcorn , balls to hang-on the tree or touke as table favors are new thb j year.Bits of ' the popcorn confection arceliapcd Into . varloii s size balUi and puttbg«!Uicr ,".iwitli -tooth ' picks, ' "Eyes,""nosb" arid "mouth " are made iwllhnuts, rnl slii.i and-dales. Suit yaursolfan to what funny snow man or Incredi-ble elephant yatt will fashion , but doikb this i-cclpo for niuklnj the popcornballs, if you want suecen,

Topcorn Confecllon1 cup.ligr tt irfolatscs1 cup dark corn 'syrup . - ' ¦• • ."1 tbsp. vinegar . ' ,

- 1 2 tbspi. corn oil . ¦ V,3 quarts popped com

- " •! tsp. salt .fltlr; molasses, nymp and vinegar in

heavy laucep nn and cook to tempera-ture , 210" P., or tiiit fl brittle «/hen 'lrlcdIn "cold water. Stir at (lie last -whensyrup bolls with large bpbulMi.i Add oiland stir only enough to mix, . fllbwlypour over slightly nailed popped 'cornand mix well. Furpi Into bulla ivltli' theliand u, luting an tlttl ojueiisiir ^.An. pos-nlblo. ¦* , ., •' . ' . . . -;. .; ; ;. :. Wlien popping t|\o corn In a:«U||ctor commorolol Doppcr oilier tiitn.tii swn-e kind, |t M'iiHf»»iiWdll |D't a cookingoil ni»dn fr^n-'oorn UjtlvS'd; it produbcatho flaklr at grallui, . ' . ' ; • • •

- , . ¦ —«0o-r / • ' " ,. - <iA»inv mum ov \wwv,\H nvo you tiv'flr tried lo. inaUn your

own candy cones for llu> HollduyaT ' Voncan clioo&o tho stws you (irofer If youdo ao, Unke a taff y, from o milab lorcplpe, color It If you like, pull I t into¦trips and glvo , otcli one the ' proper"crook." In bullin g tint tarry, rub yourllngom with, a cooking r>!l, to ennr t lngaimt burn */ >¦ ' ' ¦ "¦» ' - . - . ¦ '

: . 'f utl p tk 'Cim ' s: . ' , '


Liunbeij ack CMh Retbm&r'. FashMn Fa vors CwMzroy

Not Long Ago the StBJodb y{tough and Ready Mate rial ,

' Cordu roy Now; tjra .oes- theMost Fashionable Aflfnirs :

.And again fashion's pehdulum swingsto a favori te In days Of yorev This timeIt Is corduro y which'Is staging -a con:splciious comeback, r iri that ' leadingstyle creators .of the- present day aresponsoring It for their - smartest spec-tator and active spor ts modes. .

Once corduroy was 'heavy stuff thatlumberjacks preferred ," Now It has 4aibclare ntree at.the sntartest functions .For lbunging . pajamas ', for. the uUlitar-lan jacket suit , for sports coats , blouses,scarfs , bstgs and accessories in generalit is corduroy which £s finding its wayinto high places uiese days. .

Soil, lightweight arid with a velvetysurface, the corduroy ' which - Is makingappeal to the smart seti drapes withthe easy grace and elegance that themodern style-wise woman demands.Such ' rich dark greens and , beautifu lwine tones as go to make up the widerange of bright sMdesar etn"the land-scape bf ' the 'nefe ^vinte'r '. -corduroys.Black , the , modish jiedff/ subtle pasteltones 'and . the chid and ^'Char rn of thbswaiiiy whltb; "co?duro>y vnlch 'tis saidwUi'befflu ite.ithb'Vage for ' winter resortwea r., . ;. ..' I -. . 00.... ¦¦ : . . -. ' " .

For lspbrts iapparel .several.new bindsb'f. harr 'pvy'WaJe velvety corduroy sharethe spotUgKt wjth. tne wider wale varie-ties.'*' Suits, . skating ' j^tflrhes , ridin ghabits and spectator ^costumes use-theseweav&: ¦' ' " ¦- ."" ; '. . ¦

.:¦ Corduroy coats' Hped tyith lambs' woolor angora, which luive b&n':pronolnent

' to- the ',footbal l" cheeBrig sections, arenow, leading" fn1 trie Uneup - for / .theOlympic games at I^ejPlaC id. Onesuch' erusemble is" . of chocolate 'browncird ijrpy/.lined with lambs' " wool,innafflral tone. A^sklrt. bf the. same ma-terlai ;,ban be maa ^''.uf'.- the '.cIevcr 'iEdreu >larxu'tting dividin g-the skirt or. in theregulatlpn sport5' pafital opp:r. A beret , ol'cordiirb y-of a yeHpvf,and:brown angoraCljrbhri and chamois ¦ gloves -completethe 'costume.''' ,' ."" . . ..' ": , : '- : ' •

Modern StrainIs Over-Rated

Days Before Electr icity ProvedMore Severe on System ThanPresent Speed Existence . .

BY ALICE S. EVANNow. that It is beginning to get dark

early, and arti ficial light has to be-usedeven during the day, the proper light-ing is quite a problem with, many of us.

Physicians and artists have come . lothc-conduslon that this generation hasfound the secret of retaining a youthfulappearance unlll late in life; ' Whllc-itis probably too early to.deflnih uy saythat women have put back the clocktwenty years or so, there Is. evidencethat we liave learned to look young atan age where -our grandmbtners wereconsidered old. ,

This Is rathe r surprising "in view ofthe fact that we are supposed : to beliving under "a greater mental andnervous stra in and , therefore, ;use upour UK forte quicker than -the. gener-at ions with preceded us: But, the verycondition s-which have niade for greaterwear and tear . have also produced theirown remeds. .-

The electric lamp certainly is provinga most valuabl e "aid in the preservationpf a youthful face. Bad lighting, whichmeans the old kerosen © lamp, andtneolder candles, no doubt produced asevere stra in upon the eyes,.and strainis, as. I have often pointed' out .-.one ofthe principal sources of TOmkl lng; " inthe case m eye strain, the areas aroundthe eye 056 prim arily affected, ytjrinkles,however ,: have a tende ncy to spread ,once they have start ed. .: S '0 .'• . ¦• . - . ' . " '¦

The experts of the' Oeneral .ElectricPompany have now -leajpb 'd '/tiuit :elec-tr ic light is not producing:th e con- 'dltion of. real daylight , unles? :ttie lightls:npt only si^lently.stio ^^but'propr.erlyapfeceS.- 'ihirt 1 the rays correctly 'dis-¦- ' ¦¦ ¦¦'!' h:£ ::^:0 •-/ ¦ ¦/ •;

•'rea ches ;us idlr fct:. Its• the ;.eye. resiilts from' ¦ - . lj:th^:S^eijicei"o't con-.¦ ? 'j:-Tigto{/:&ln^bper lj'

• ¦ • -.v . :¦-¦ pje^fcoE;

;|flht;a(j;;H ^¦-- , •' : ¦' - s';"iafg1 ra(u>p%--sjli^;-

• ¦_ ;-¦ .: iMh^:.fr^;tb *;dar|c;|Epots.to; thp Ughfc.miist^ cbn^ual iy'reri¦adjust ilsett

^ ^lctf 'lea^-'tijV-aR.'bver .^rtlbr

t^T tile/facial .' mitbeles iuidj

y $ffi%!t$i,, pro duces a^^ $pn'ditIon favox-'able tb.wrUi kling. ;.. : ' " " .- ¦ ' .; , ' - ' .I Thls '.coiidltlbn can b^/ corrected" bywhat,.the technician calls-, balancedlighting, which- means the lights shouldbe placed ". In such" a mapner iia 'to llgntthii rbori l evenly; with thb 'cbntfasts ofUght.and shado w eilmbni ited as muchas possible. ••" ¦ . "s ', '. ¦ ¦' .-

little when tried in cold water iforms afairly flrm. bjii), J (252'' p.iV Pour onto alight ly plied flatter tuid ' when,, coolenou gh to han dle, pull into strips aridforhj catjEs. A few. dro ps of flavor ingrpay ho worked in wlillo It Is bclnjpiillod. ¦ .' .' . , ¦ ¦; , ' ' ( : , ' • ' .;'

Tho use of corn syrup, as in all puchcand y recipes, will keep your taf fy fromBetting- grai ny or s'u8ory. r .

'j t p , . ' ' ., - . . . , . . : '.:- ., ^

, ' ;

. . " '. - ' . . '. ' . ¦ '¦ • . I , . ' . • ' ¦' " : ,

' ' '

,;': ¦ ¦ f , . ;

¦- .- ¦" " "

— ,' •

. .'. .

'. . , :

': .. !:

'¦ : .


, .'.' .

. WISS MARION BPtlA G VE G.ILMORE , ijow .iiaaociatod s -. with the Krii g Bnltiiitr ." Com pany . iia Diret for 'of .itorne ,

EconomlcB nr id 13«pctitjyo 'Piotitinii ,- witjorfle i tlio fd ilow-iiij; flno line of purB i yvliolcuomoi Cliri atrrMB opecinlt j ca , '

- ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦,' ' ' ' " ¦¦ ' • ¦

. '. . " ¦ "¦ ' .

' *, . ¦ , ', '¦ ¦- 10 ' ¦' " ¦ - ¦

. ' ¦¦""'' ./• , "


¦ ?•' ;r i ^'DJRKSbEN'FRUIT^uM^^ '' - • ¦'• ' \

^Z:0 2 ^r:>^R^iUHawy |iB»;Mi^nU»/«»icBs '*" -- -' - ""7-- ¦¦• / ¦ ¦',.C:vHN!!(Nf^Nif^ ' .^fVv ' t

; ' ' .iTANCt*COOKIES-' :: ' ;'' :-i; - : ';' ; • ' • ' . 1

^k ^0i ' ':. - ¦:¦' ¦ : ¦¦ 0 1- ¦ : ¦ ¦ • : ': . 00^ ¦ ¦ ¦ h 's

¦.¦' , . . '¦ ¦; ¦¦' : ,.

v - . . awc^BRopgrfe - i - 'XiMW'jbJi ii^¦. . ¦ ; '- ., " 3PII |NaE|iltE 4pc ,, ; L'Eb ^irl p 1' 1 ' ./ 1 : , ' ..

, ¦ ' ¦> , AUo OOCO ^NlJT 'MACA^0Nft-1N'SEa "_ t

¦; \ 'i

' \' -: ' ' '.

' tmH. :^. ' . . ' ' . ' ' ;¦ CALL -REPI JD ^IC' O^flOo 'Vr. .,^ ' ' , '

'"" "' ' Our Hojno ^vJR o Man WJ II CdU To 's^ird 'ji :

¦ 5;?::ki} ^NG''C(3Mr#^wmmmm ^immmmWmtiliiKrintw iif ¦&< ¦'•¦¦^'^^^0(0

PALI, SPECIALStea nott tc BaH ag j c.Cattsn Mutt rtMM-^«1( Has: tho J plcc ti tor »HJI0: 50 Ort alc.rait auttetH ^roteel&in.-S an4-s-plec i*&uUai—f rom I1J up to »30 ; M Om lllovej vlUiside : ana i, Jn all colon. . horn »M.W to»M: V8.0O0 ydi. Floor oiyorlnif. .Irom .»?(>to t2,OO por-yard;:a s Bedroomrand-DU ilaxlfoora Bulten , Irom ISO' Up to '1113. Also5*00 pieces of Odd Purnliur e. Mm WlilMnmtelilir - top -'UrtilM .-.' »tali > th«lr«. i tmhycarrl a|»«;-.DaTeni»»t ,To4llea:,.,Yiullty ilreM .era , . Uarbtd s, : Pll lown. .-J tu s.uhct', 'consolamlntu«: unit nuny; :o^Jicr:liat j ulnn , lootiup itfoiiB -to' .ni eriiiwj .'*- At»p; w« Haw'Aco.mpleui- Dns .ot ,D«n van U- d»«J . jar nltur *.' : .'¦;", silfmtHE i'nipj imiu:'cp .,.')K'c ,. ,.<W, W«i «jil|i.BI; „;:, -,- . \jf thSiim, 'B» 'I.- tint Bart. 'M|»i--T*.^ra"K».:K .. UaafVJ tyUy rr ntu s lo P-Vet oes 1'. £3.

. *>. '¦ UDMI A 'WD W^M^'N- ®! i>A ©E ' ^ .' ¦;;?DS££<DB2A¥0N<B ¦= Si(DME IPBLANPaliN® Conducted hy CyntM^ G2ECiM§> rAS&1D©WS


Utiy'flocrut b AIfei^.:,lP«naifed' l :te.'Il«ii-. ' ;'!Vdelr ',% ctfv/oc;:;A l4 .' itcUer ^J t'' »l»-^r^njl ffi '.' .

^,;, :;^.^

';;,: , :¦; ¦¦¦ ¦.¦ 0 ,

' i .VtVife' ' riti l'lBelv Uto: flfaburi t '.jit „W<5ilh-' ;' ¦AVli>le'|W0l' /th»''nrin V't)r . bby ' -Bc^ti.teJs-'iti,,'tW4' ,ooliMl*''6ibrpbrtbr nilrlg. )- Wit' tJiln J c-

.:' '/»(wjn ld'yfiiV'bHap s^vudjicttrn . a•., :•; '( ;-' i ,.ri:^.!Pobdcratt, .flwt- 'atd (' 'iiim*ln8': '..;' ,( .;. ;;;5)n^i)B|

¦put ' Vri «ad,iyon',ul •i 'ma,

•j • S.^ta «liava'iboen' cxbbptlDrtnl ly tibry of,iD,ti>7-tlolp'rf :th 'flit' "((bad tiirna'! libfcm' nlilqrs .tlitui"; u^uultV i J ^gu.iCuU) , : V-,In :iLc4' 'nBofea, (),(li)0' , 8t;bubi ti\i|ifra'' iitSort flpit -j iorrtti j i- dlsjj- lbiltlna elicit' boolt-lOti ,: iii' do'ai)iis dt, cities titid tbwiis, boytjb ^nsMiitit .rjl. to'i'noii^ aiiU illiow.iortlifl '^Wdy.dhd' In ijolhe Ins fanceii uiidor-tbo.te 'ttw dlatr lbutlpii rit.tho .:'wmiest pftlic '-'ro llafingbnoles. ,'• ¦ ' , .. ..> ¦ . ', "¦

JBby ^co'uto' hbyb ihad no amall part Inthe collection of perishable nnd non-liorlz ir iafclo fo(ld atuf fii, ns well m In thodelivery of these foods to the unem-ployofl or to others In real need,

Kr oni' Tor Hand , Malno ; Jneloioiivlllo ,Florida; Providence , R, r., and WallaWalla , Wasliiniston, as well at fxomscores of ' towns and cities In Wwoonthogo ' rhniptq pbinUi, comes word of theactivities of those boy ocoilts of olirn,

With a hew and bri ghter year loom-ing upon Hie lioriup n, \vo have a duty toperform today—we muat print a wordof thnnVjt to theaa 'Icon ogo yowtla wholinve doii^ nior« than their eluro will-Initly. ¦. ,

.;1J ,,",^J V ;'- . - . - .^'-.. '-. , , .¦.' . ¦ , . . . , - . -i . • ¦

,-^CtfjWfaril,Service';-:;', - "ff i$* -0" ' i»>G.ven.tiW Nutiont HlVS C• ¦•:

¦ c- ,,'V ;',y.;,ii: :,.; - '

3 otrlpo salt porkOrang e Julio.l^omou julco ,r«it S! atrlp s of rat MU.poilc overlireaot of firm , pluui p «li: ;Uiu , Cook

•"J «>"«w wl iliwit cpvor lu liot ovon(tC(i » V,} until mutt bc'Ktii u tobrown. Itoduc a beat to nfbdorataov«n lM\r . ) and cook until moatIt (endur , bil ling «wt 16 mtai ileawith oraug « lulco, Add JI t«Mpooiu>cmoq to * to o|(-|i eup^raiup }mImUimI, Abouot ot orauufe j m I bV w 111. rir ^wltb .lf.Wcfcl^Vnlliaill!at cookltiK tlmi, which »litml4 »vtr-ato. ID mlmiUi par poum» wllhoutjto»«j lM or ioutiat with druilnir.Woul d Jn . bottom ' «» muMr w»y

* Tho friiit J ulc«r »l*eri atilletocwBiTor lo tiwi rtlfl hut do noteluin ii!

llioiiili tlmy litlp w Keep H Mohtaudi tinder, tmi hietbod inar b*

Meillint Kenwtpti iuuwt tor • Uwlroui mu tbMjMnn if. , , . , ( ," '

f»^Jh Plt 7HIll ..-your , family anil yourp 80cat s. tbH CIirtli rinaa .by «sr».WE ouu or tivo'" iUlKoroat" atoUua toraifincr. < ClirlalaIao : ]lInnor « aro . ao, shu jlar that a hcvolty will bo ap.predated, .f lora Uu a foiy.uumiu a.

it ibno that you w«ll Cud well worthtoj iaalduriiig: .

'<¦*> •;. ¦. Crmbirry Mold ,¦'<¦ ¦i/ ^iiltckfluo Ibaioii .BoUituj .¦1% cupa Imllll iK wnM ir' Julco V4 lemon

Vt cup celery, flri tly out, ,M cup canne d abroddod pineapp le1 cup thick crauliorry eauco,

swcolenedDliaolyb KoUllit in boiling water.

Ch ill, When allftl t tly thickened , addlomoo Julco , celery, plnoap Mo andcrsiiljorr y oauco. Turn Into mold.Chill until firm, llamoid. - Oamlihwltli mayoun alia, fiervea t, on tam ePlato with fowl...

Flout Fowl wi ll) Orang i Jul c»Oaotln a/

Clilcken or other fowl

. _ ;jf* Vyy^ .-^fty

' ' f j / J S k L ' 'A "¦*" ¦¦•••• "«» i - .^^mgrn i i

'.IffSPTCI . ' . -' "• ' $&M?:; }§S^V/'


g-'- 'Aidt h'bw erbr icfej' 5TT: years sM. .61St.fJoihes ,:is; being, h'elu> fbr.the,ttran iJur y"on the ;chimte <it : breaking Intitrie hbnie of;T: if: Tain mb^eyatiHaup:liaugb on December '1 7, and . takudg itsh'qtgiin and other articles , of tjioVtota:iplijefiL-d1. -value ¦• 'of ' $50. v,',Epe»ii' ,. :Stat<trob pcra vlAvestIgated . .the case.' ¦[ -.- '¦ ¦ '0

0-'0J VE!M:. ^U~ 'wt^i Xl^ ¦ V'-?¦

- A Gtiristmas Dinner Gets Lunch J. ' "¦ '¦¦ ¦' .. . i . . . . . .. . : - ~v - ¦

. i

A terr 'Siy * more aad it'll be cranberry sane© sad dressing fo* thisblrd.tat right now it's being served: -with inuk, with Frank If onseU. .Sheffield Farms milkman, as dietician, /Wiihout thought of «*at Is .lii store for It, this duck is Bpcndh is Its last few days at Oentcr

, . ' : •- tlorlche alioiarIsland. . - ' -

Net sales of Williams ,'. Olli-O-MaticCorp., Bldomlngton , l)i„ iror, the threemonths ended'TBepjt. 30, i'Wl',- totaled$979,930, Against- i8DJ W3D , lri Uie sameperiod ,of '1930, a gal lt of ai.a per cent.The company 's stotelt Is on an 80-centannua l dividend beula, conipar ed' with$1.20 formerly. , ' '

