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[Bi] N.T.J. BAILEY (1953) - The total 8ize of a generaZ stochastic epidemic. BIOMeTRIKA. 40. 177-165. N.T.J. BAILEY (1957) - The MathematicaZ Theory of Epidemie8. GRIFFIN. London. N.T.J. BAI LEY (1964) - The Elements of Stochastic Proeesses with Appli- cations to the NaturaZ Science8. WILEY. New York. [B4J N •T• J. BAILEY (1966) - A perturbation approrimation to the 8iTT() le 8to- ehastic epidemic in a ùxrge population. BIOMETRIKA 55. 199-Z09. [BsJ N.T.J. BAI LEY et C. ALFF-STEINBERGER [1970) - ITT()rovements in the esti- mation of the latent and infectious periode of a contagious disease. BIOMETRIKA 57. 141-153. [BSJ N.T.J. BAILEY et A.S. THOMAS [1971) - The estimation of pGPameters tram popuLation data on the generaL stoehastie epidemic. THEORET. POPULATION BIOLOGY 2. 257-270. U!i1 O.J. BARTHOLOMEW [19671 - Stochastic M::>dels for SomaZ l'rocesses. WILEY. New York. M.S. BARTLETT (1949) - Sorne evoLutionary stoehastic pracesses. J. ROY STATIST. SOC. SER. B11. 211-229. lilsJ M. S. BARTLETT (1954) - Proces8us stoahastiques ponctue Ls. ANN. INST. H. POINCARE 14. 35-60. [e1q] M.S. BART LE TT (1955) - An Introduction to Stoahastia Ppoaesses. Second edition (1969). CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M.S. BARTLETT (1956) - Deterministia and stoahastie modeLs for reaurrent epiàemics. PROC. 3rd BERKELEY SYMP. MATH. STATIST. PROB. (1954-55). Vol. 4. 81-109. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA PRESS. Berkeley. MR 18.951.
Page 1: U!i13A978-3-540... · 2017. 8. 23. · BIOMETRIKA 55. 199-Z09. [BsJ N.T.J. BAI LEY et C. ALFF-STEINBERGER [1970) - ITT()rovements in the esti mation of the latent and infectious periode


[Bi] N.T.J. BAILEY (1953) - The total 8ize of a generaZ stochastic epidemic. BIOMeTRIKA. 40. 177-165.

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[B4J N • T • J. BAILEY (1966) - A perturbation approrimation to the 8iTT() le 8to­ehastic epidemic in a ùxrge population. BIOMETRIKA 55. 199-Z09.

[BsJ N.T.J. BAI LEY et C. ALFF-STEINBERGER [1970) - ITT()rovements in the esti­

mation of the latent and infectious periode of a contagious disease. BIOMETRIKA 57. 141-153.

[BSJ N.T.J. BAILEY et A.S. THOMAS [1971) - The estimation of pGPameters tram

popuLation data on the generaL stoehastie epidemic. THEORET. POPULATION

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