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  • 7/28/2019 Uint III Notes


    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering1





    Compiled by


    VSA School of Engineering


  • 7/28/2019 Uint III Notes


    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering2

    UNIT I I I



    REQUIREMENTS OF TV Broadcast Transmission, Design

    principle of TV Transmitters, IF Modulation, power output

    stages- Block diagram of TV transmitters, visual exciter,- Aural

    Exciter- Diplexer- Transmitting antennas-Radio wave

    Characteristics- propagation phenomenaspace wave

    propagation- Line of sight range- space wave reception oversmooth terrain- distance

    reception- Shadow zones- co channel interference- Ghost

    imagesinterference problems. Receiving antenna requirements,

    characteristics and types- parasitic elements- Yagi aerials-

    Feeders- matching- booster amplifiers.


  • 7/28/2019 Uint III Notes


    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering3


  • 7/28/2019 Uint III Notes


    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering4

    Yagi aerials:

    Yagi-Uda antenna:

    The antenna widely used with television receivers for locations within 40 to 60 km from the

    transmitter is the folded dipole with one reflector and one director. This is commonly known as

    Yagi-Uda or simply Yagi antenna. The elements of its array as shown in Fig.(a) are arranged

    collinearly and close together. This antenna provides a gain close to 7 db and is relatively

    unidirectional as seen from its radiation pattern drawn in Fig. 9.18(b). These characteristics are

    most suited for reception from television transmitters of moderate capacity. To avoid pickup

    from any other side, the back lobe of the radiation pattern can be reduced by bringing the

    radiators closer to each other. The resultant improvement in the front to back ratio of the signal

    pick-up makes the antenna highly directional and thus can be oriented for efficient pick-up from

    a particular station. However, bringing the radiators closer has the adverse effect of lowering

    the input impedance of the array. The separation is shown in Fig. (a) is an optimum value.

    Antenna length:

    As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to erect a separate antenna for each channel because the

    resonant circuit formed by the antenna is of low Q (quality factor) and as such has a broad

    band response. For the lower VHF channels (Band Ichannels 2 to 4) the length of the antenna

    may be computed for a middle value. while this antenna will not give optimum results at other

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering5

    frequencies, the reception will still be quite satisfactory in most cases if the stations are not

    located far away.

    Though the antenna length used should be as computed by the usual expression:

    but in practice it is kept about 6 per cent less than the calculated value. This is necessary

    because the self- capacitance of the antenna alters the current distribution at its ends. The smal

    distance between the two quarter wave rods of the driver, where the lead-in line is connected

    can be taken as too small and hence neglected. Note that this gap does not affect the current

    distribution significantly.

    Antenna mounting:

    The receiving antenna is mounted horizontally for maximum pick-up from the transmitting

    antenna. As stated earlier, horizontal polarization results in more signal strength, less reflection

    and reduced ghost images. The antenna elements are normally made out of 1/4 (0.625 cm) to

    1/2 (1.25 cm) diaaluminium pipes of suitable strength. The thickness of the pipe should be so

    chosen that the antenna structure does not get bent or twisted during strong winds or occasional

    sitting and flying off of birds. A hollow conductor is preferred because on account of skin effect,

    most of the current flows over the outer surface of the conductor.

    The antenna is mounted on a suitable structure at a height around 10 metres above the ground

    level. This not only insulates it from the ground but results in induction of large signal strength

    which is free from any interference.

    The centre of the closed section of the half-wave folded dipole is a point of minimum

    voltage, allowing direct mounting at this point to the grounded metal mast without shorting the

    signal voltage. A necessary precaution while mounting the antenna is that it should be at least

    two metres away from other antennas and large metal objects. In crowded city areas close to thetransmitter, the resultant signal strength from the antenna can sometimes be very low on account

    of out of phase reflections from surrounding buildings.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering6

    In such situations, changing the antenna placement only about a metre horizontally or vertically

    can make a big difference in the strength of the received signal, because of standing waves set

    up in such areas that have large conductors nearby.

    Similarly rotating the antenna can help minimize reception of reflected signals, therebyeliminating the appearance of ghost images. In areas where several stations are located nearby,

    antenna rotators are used to turn its direction. These are operated by a motor drive to set the broad

    side of the antenna for optimum reception from the desired station. However, in installations

    where a rotating mechanism is not provided, it is a good practice to connect the antenna to the

    receiver before it is fixed in place permanently and proceed as detailed below:

    (i) Try changing the height of the antenna to obtain maximum signal strength.

    (ii) Rotate the antenna to check against ghost images and reception of signals from far offstations.

    (iii) When more than one station is to be received, the final placement must be a

    compromise for optimum reception from all the stations in the area.

    In extreme cases, it may be desirable to erect more than one antenna.

    Sound signal transmission:

    Audio signals from different microphones are received at the sound panel in the productioncontrol room. After due amplification all the outputs are fed into a switcher, where they are

    mixed and desired output is selected.

    The final output goes into the distributor in the master control room, where the picture and

    signals are received. This distributor is switched to select corresponding picture and sound

    signals from the desired studio.At the transmitter the audio signals are frequency modulated and

    transferred to assigned sound carrier frequency by the use of multipliers. It is amplified through

    power amplifier to raise the power output to desired level.

    Picture signal and sound signal modulation in TV transmissions:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering7


    A dc restorer circuit (DC clamp) is included before the modulator. Because of

    modulation at a relatively low power level, an amplifier is used after the modulated RF amplifier

    to raise the power level.

    Accordingly this amplifier must be a class-B push pull linear RF amplifier

    Both the modulator and the power amplifier sections of the transmitter employ specially

    designed VHF triodes for VHF channel and klystrons in transmitters that operate in UHF


    The modulated output is fed to a filter designed to filter out part of the lower side band

    frequencies. This results in saving of band space. The filter output feeds into a combining

    network where output from the FM sound transmitter is added to it.

    This network is designed in such a way that while combining, either signal does not interfere

    with the working of the other transmitter.


    Audio signals from different microphones are received at the sound panel in the

    production control room. After due amplification all the outputs are fed into a switcher, where

    they are mixed and desired output is selected.

    The final output goes into the distributor in the master control room, where the

    picture and signals are received. This distributor is switched to select corresponding picture and

    sound signals from the desired studio.

    At the transmitter the audio signals are frequency modulated and transferred to

    assigned sound carrier frequency by the use of multipliers. It is amplified through power

    amplifier to raise the power output to desired level.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering8

    Operation of TV transmitter with neat block diagram:

    A television transmitter consists of the visual transmitter for the picture and Aural

    transmitter for sound.

    Outputs of both the transmitters are connected to a common transmission line feeder to the

    transmitting antenna through a combining unit called Diplexer.

    Block diagram of Monochrome TV transmitter:

    A TV transmitter transmits both audio and video signals using a channel bandwidth of 7 MHz

    Two transmitters are employed. One for the picture transmission which is amplitude modulated

    and uses a vestigial side band. Other is used for audio signal which is frequency modulated.


    A dc restorer circuit (DC clamp) is included before the modulator. Because of

    modulation at a relatively low power level, an amplifier is used after the modulated RF amplifier

    to raise the power level.

    Accordingly this amplifier must be a class-B push pull linear RF amplifier

    Both the modulator and the power amplifier sections of the transmitter employ specially

    designed VHF triodes for VHF channel and klystrons in transmitters that operate in UHF


    The modulated output is fed to a filter designed to filter out part of the lower side

    band frequencies. This results in saving of band space. The filter output feeds into a combining

    network where output from the FM sound transmitter is added to it.

    This network is designed in such a way that while combining, either signal does

    not interfere with the working of the other transmitter.


    Audio signals from different microphones are received at the sound panel in the

    production control room. After due amplification all the outputs are fed into a switcher, where

    they are mixed and desired output is selected.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering9

    The final output goes into the distributor in the master control room, where the picture and

    signals are received. This distributor is switched to select corresponding picture and sound

    signals from the desired studio.

    At the transmitter the audio signals are frequency modulated and transferred toassigned sound carrier frequency by the use of multipliers. It is amplified through power

    amplifier to raise the power output to desired level.

    A coaxial cable connects the combined output to the antenna system mounted on a

    high tower situated close to the transmitter. A turnstile antenna array is used to radiate equal

    power in all directions. The antenna is mounted horizontally for better signal to noise ratio.

    Visual Exciter:

    This visual exciter consists following,

    1. Video processing unit2. Visual modulator3. VSB filter4. Phase compensator or delay equalizer5. Frequency converter.

    Aural exciter:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering10

    The audio signal is given pre-emphasis by a high-pass network of time constant of

    50s, and is amplified in the audio processing unit. It is then fed to crystal controlled

    oscillator modulator for frequency modulation. The audio signal voltage is applied to a

    varactor diode in parallel with the tuned circuit of an LC oscillator that generates a center

    frequency equal to the sound IF carrier.

    The center frequency of the LC oscillator is stabilized by an automatic frequency

    control (AFC) circuit that compares this frequency with a crystal drived stable frequency.

    Diplexer: Standard practice in television transmission is to combine the outputs of both

    the visual and aural transmitters by means of a diplexer unit for feeding a common

    broadband transmitting antenna system.

    Constant impedance notch (CIN) is the commonly used diplexer.

    Need for notch filter and delay line in the path of the Y signal:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering11

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering12

    Shadow zones:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering13

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering14

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering15


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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering16

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering17

    Antenna feeding systems:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering18

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering19

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering20

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering21

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering22

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering23

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering24

    Impedance matching and quarter wave transformer act as a impedance

    matching device:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering25

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering26

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering27

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering28

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering29

    Fundamentals of digital TV transmission and reception:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering30

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering31

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering32

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering33

    Interference suffered by TV signal

    In addition to thermal and man-made noise, the carrier signal must compete with

    various other forms of interfering signals originating from other television stations, radio

    transmitters, industrial radiating devices and TV receivers. When the interfering signal has a

    frequency that lies within the channel to which a TV receiver is tuned, the extent of

    interference depends only on the relative field strengths of the desired signal and the

    interfering signal. If the interfering signal frequency spectrum lies outside the desired

    channel, selectivity of the receiver aids in rejecting the interference.

    a)Co-Channel interference:

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering34

    Two stations operating at the same carrier frequency, if located close by, will interfere with

    each other. This phenomenon which is common in fringe areas is called co-channel

    interference. As the two signal strengths in any area almost equidistant from the two co-channel


    become equal, a phenomenon known as venetian-blind interference occurs. This takes the

    form of horizontal black and white bars, superimposed on the picture produced by the tuned

    channel. These bars tend to move up or down on the screen. As the strength of the interfering

    signal increases, the bars become more prominent, until at a signal-to-interference ratio of 45 db

    or so, the interference becomes intolerable. The horizontal bars are a visible indication of the

    beat frequency between the two interfering carriers. Figure 9.3 shows the bar pattern that

    appears on the screen. The frequency of the beat note, which is equal to frequency separation

    between the two carriers, is usually of the order of a few hertz. This is so because most

    transmitters operate almost at the correct assigned frequencies. Motion of the bars, upwards or

    downwards occurs whenever the beat frequency is not an exact multiple of the field frequency

    Co-channel interference was a serious problem in early days of TV transmission, when thechannel allocation was confined to VHF band only. This necessitated the repetition of channels

    at distances not too far from each other. Now, when a large number of channels in the UHF

    band are available such a problem does not exist. The sharing of channel numbers is carefully

    planned so that within the service area of any station, signals from the distant stations under

    normal conditions of reception are so weak as to be imperceptible. However, during a period of

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering35

    abnormal reception conditions (often during spring) when the signals from distant VHF stations

    are received much more strongly, co-channel interference can occur in fringe areas. The use of

    highly directional antennas is very helpful in eliminating co-channel interference.

    b) Adjacent channel interference:

    Stations located close by and occupying adjacent channels, present a different interference

    problem. Adjacent channel interference (see Fig. 8.5) may occur as a result of beats between any

    two of these frequencies or between a carrier and any sidebands. A coarse dot structure is

    produced on the screen if picture carrier of the desired channel beats with sound carrier of the

    lower adjacent channel. The beat pattern is more pronounced if the lower adjacent sound carrier

    is relatively strong and is not sufftciently attenuated in the receiver.

    The next most prominent source of interference is the one produced by picture sidebandcomponents of the upper adjacent channel. The beat frequency between adjacent picture carrier

    is 7 MHz. Since this is far beyond the video frequency range, the resultant beat pattern is not

    discernible. However, the picture sidebands of the upper adjacent channel may beat with the

    desired channel carrier and produce an interfering image. To prevent adjacent channel

    interference, several sharply tuned band eliminator filters (trap circuits) are provided in the IF

    section of the receiver. This was explained in Chapter 8 while discussing desired IF response

    characteristics of the receiver. In addition to this, the guard band between two adjacent channels

    also minimizes the intensity of any adjacent channel interference. A space of about 150 km

    between adjacent channel stations is enough to eliminate such interference and is normally


    c) Ghost interference:

    Ghost interference arises as a result of discrete reflections of the signal from the surface of

    buildings, bridges, hills, towers etc. Figure shows paths of direct and reflected electromagnetic

    waves from the transmitter to the receiver. Since reflected path is longer than the direct path, the

    reflected signal takes a longer time to arrive at the receiver.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering36

    The direct signal is usually stronger and assumes control of the synchronizing circuitry

    and so the picture, due to the reflected signal that arrives late, appears displaced to the right.

    Such displaced pictures are known as trailing ghost pictures. On rare occasions, direct signal

    may be the weaker of the two and the receiver synchronization is now controlled by the reflectedsignal. Then the ghost picture, now caused by direct signal, appears displaced to the left and is

    known as leading ghost picture. Figure shows formation of trailing and leading ghost pictures

    on the receiver screen.

    The general term for the propagation condition which causes ghost pictures is multipath

    transmission. Ghost pictures are particularly annoying when the relative strengths of the two

    signals, vary such, that first one and then the other assume control of the receiver synchronism

    In such cases the ghost image switches over from a leading condition to a trailing one or vice

    versa at a very fast rate. The effect of such reflected signals (ghost images) can be minimized by

    using directional antennas and by locating them at suitable places on top of the buildings.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering37


    Advantages of IF modulation:

    The main function of this section is to amplify modulated IF signal over

    its entire bandwidth with an input of about 0.5mV signal from the mixer to deliver about

    4V into the video detector.

    IF section is used to equalize amplitudes of sideband components , because of vestigia

    side band transmission.

    IF section is used to reject the signals from adjacent channels.

    Interference problems in TV reception

    a) Man-made impulsive interference

    b) RF interference

    c) Co-channel interference

    d) Atmospheric noise interference

    Differentiate Co-Channel interference and adjacent channel interference

    Co-Channel Interference Adjacent Channel Interference

    Two channels operating at thesame frequency are called as

    Co-Channel stations

    If the co channel stations arelocated close to each other,

    then they interfere with each

    other. This is known as cochannel interference

    Stations located nearby andoccupying adjacent channels

    are known as adjacent channel


    The inference caused due tothe beat between these two

    frequencies or between a

    carrier and any other side band

    is called adjacent channelinterference

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering38

    Preferring horizontal polarization for television receiving antenna?

    We prefer horizontal polarization for television receiver antenna because it

    results in more signal strength, less reflection and reduced ghost images.

    Indoor receiver antennas:

    In strong signal areas it is sometimes feasible to use indoor antenna provided the

    receiver is sufficiently sensitive.

    Yagi antenna:

    A yagi antenna with a large number of directors is commonly used with

    success in fringe areas for stations in the vhf band.


    The outputs of both the video and the audio transmitter are

    combined by the diplexer circuit and given to a common broadcast

    transmitting antenna.

    Co-channel interference:

    If two stations are operating at the same carrier frequency and located

    nearby then they will interface with each other. This is called co-cannel

    interference and it is common in fringe areas.

    Adjacent channels:

    It is the interference due to stations located nearby and allocated as

    adjacent channels.

    Guard band:

    Guard band can be defined as a small frequency band introduced

    between two consecutive channels in order to reduce interference .

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering39

    Ghost interference:

    Ghost interference arises as a result of discrete reflections of the signal

    from the surface of hills, bridges, buildings, towers etc.

    Requirements of high level modulation:

    In high level modulation, the video signal has to be modulated by

    the picture carrier in the final power amplifier which has a high power

    level. Grid bias modulation is employed.

    Ground waves:

    Vertically polarized electromagnetic waves are radiated at zero or

    small angles with ground. They are guided by the conducting surface of

    the ground along which they are propagated. Such waves are known as

    ground or surface waves. As the ground waves travel along the surface of

    the earth, their attenuation is proportional to frequency. The attenuation is

    reasonably low below 1500KHz.Therefore, all medium wave broadcast and long

    wave telegraph and telephone communication is carried out by ground wave


    Sky waves:

    In ground wave propagation ,frequencies above 1600 KHz does not serve

    any useful purpose as the signal gets very much attenuated within a short distance of its

    transmission .Therefore ,most radio communication in short wave bands upto 30MHz is

    carried out by sky waves. When these waves are transmitted high up in the sky , theytravel in the straight line until the ionosphere is reached. This region begins about 120Km

    above the surface of the earth. The region consists of large concentrations of charge

    gaseous ions, free electrons and neutral molecules. The ions and free electrons cause to

    band all passing electromagnetic waves.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering40

    Space wave propagation.

    Propagation of radio waves above about 40MHz is not possible through

    either sky wave or surface wave propagation .Therefore ,the only alternative for

    transmission in the VHF and UHF bands, despite large attenuation is by radio

    waves which travel in a straight line from transmitter to receiver. This called

    space wave propagation.

    AM preferred over FM broadcasting the picture signal:

    If FM is adopted for picture transmission ,the changing beat frequency

    between the multiple paths delayed with respect to each other would develop a

    bar interference in the image with a shimmering effect as the bars continuously

    changes as the beat frequency changes therefore ,no study picture is

    produced. Apart from that ,circuit complexity and BW requirements are much less

    in AM than FM. Hence AM is preferred to FM for broadcasting the picture signal.

    Dipole array:

    Dipole antenna is used for band I&III transmitters. It consists of dipole

    Panels mounted on the four sides at the top of the antenna tower. Each panel has an array

    of full wave dipoles mounted in front of reflectors. To get an unidirectional pattern, the

    four panels mounted on the four sides of the tower are so fed that the current in each lags

    the two alternate panels and by reversal of polarity of the current.

    Image rejection ratio:

    Image rejection ratio is defined as the output due to desired station divided

    by output due to image signal.

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Department Of ECE School Of Engineering41

    Yagiuda Antenna:

    This is a widely used antenna for television receivers .Generally ,for

    locations within 40 to 60Km from the transmitter is the folded dipole with one

    reflector and one director. This is commonly called Yagi antenna or Yagi-Uda


    Essential parts of TV transmitter:

    The essential parts of TV transmitter includes a video processing unit . A

    Visual modulator which is a diode bridge modulator, phase compensator or delay

    Equalizer and frequency converter.

    LOS range:

    The shortest distance between the transmitting and receiving antenna is known as LOS.

    Venetian blind interference:

    If two stations are operating at the same carrier frequency and located

    Nearby then they will interface with each other. This interference may take the form of

    regular horizontal bars moving up and down the picture is known as venetian blindinterference.

    Types of interference problems:

    1. Man-made impulsive interference

    2. RF interference

    3. Co-channel interference

    4. Atmospheric noise interference

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    Television and Video Engineering

    Unit-III Television Transmission system, Propagation And Antennas

    Elliptical polarization:

    The electric vector may rotate at the angular frequency of the wave about the line

    of propagation, the tip of the vector tracing an ellipse, in which case it is referred to as

    Elliptical polarization.

    Ghost images:

    The transmitting signal gets reflected by large objects and arriving a little later with

    respect to the direct ray, due to path difference, produces an additional image displayed

    horizontally by a distance proportional to the time delay between the two paths.

    Antenna gain:

    The increase in the signal received by an antenna with respect to a reference antenna

    usually the /2 dipole antenna, is termed as antenna gain.

    Types of antenna feeders:

    Twin wire feeders

    Coaxial cable feeder

    parasitic element:

    The rod elements placed on either side of a dipole antenna and parallel with it can

    make the dipole unidirectional in response. These rod elements that have no electricalconnection as such are called parasitic elements.
