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UK carte de résident famille non-européenne de citoyen européen - 6 avril 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 UK carte de rsident famille non-europenne de citoyen europen - 6 avril 2010


    Version 04/2010

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 1 o 15












    Please read the uidance notes at the ront o this or beore akin

    your application.

    Our application ors chane periodically. I you obtain this or soe

    tie beore applyin, please check that it is still the version hich ust

    be used hen you are ready to apply.

    There is no ee or an application on this or.

    for inoration about other EEA ors, see pae 4.

    I you need help in copletin this or telephone 0845 010 5200.

    Applications on this or ay only be ade by post.

    You ust send your application to the olloin address:

    UK Border Aency

    European Applications EEA2

    PO Box 306

    Dept 45


    L2 0QN

    This or is

    to be used or


    ade on or ater

    6 April 2010

  • 8/9/2019 UK carte de rsident famille non-europenne de citoyen europen - 6 avril 2010





    To apply or a residence card as coniration o a riht

    to reside as a non-EEA national aily eber o an EEA

    national ho is exercisin Treaty rihts in the UK or or per-

    ant residence in this capacity. See part 14 o these notes

    or inoration about Treaty rihts.

    You ay include your aily ebers in the application ithey are also non-EEA nationals.

    A non-EEA national is a national o a country hich is not

    part o the European Econoic Area.

    To apply or a residence card as coniration o a riht to

    reside as a non-Siss or non-EEA national aily eber

    o a Siss national residin in the UK or or peranent resi-

    dence in this capacity.

    You ay include your aily ebers in the application i

    they are also non-Siss or non-EEA nationals.

    Althouh Sitzerland is not a meber State o the EEA the

    Areeent beteen the European Counity, its meber

    States and the Siss Conederation on the ree oveent

    o persons ives siilar rihts o residence to the aily

    ebers o Siss nationals ho are not theselves either

    Siss or EEA nationals.

    You and any aily ebers included in the application

    ust be in the UK to apply.


    The relevant leislation or applications on this or is The

    Iiration (European Econoic Area) Reulations 2006.

    You can consult it on our ebsite at

    .ukba.hoeoice.ov.uk or obtain a copy ro HmSO.


    Only non-EEA or non-Siss aily ebers o EEA or Siss

    nationals residin in the UK.


    You ay apply at any tie durin your laul stay in the

    UK. I you apply hen you are here unlaully, that ill be

    taken into consideration in decidin your application.


    Your application ill be delayed i it is incoplete. To avoid

    that, you ust:

    ake it on the current version o EEA2

    provide all the photoraphs o yoursel and any ailyebers included in the application as speciied in theor

    provide all docuents speciied in the or

    coplete all sections o the or as required

    sin and date the declaration in the or.


    Please note the olloin uidance and inoration hen

    you coplete the or.

    Use a black pen to coplete the or - and capital letters ornaes, addresses and siilar details.

    Coplete all sections as required, includin the Personal

    History section.

    Section 1 This is here you ive your on details. Leave

    a space beteen each nae and part o the address(es)

    required in this section (do the sae here naes and

    addresses are required in other sections).

    Sections 1 and 2 Its essential that you provide the photo-

    raphs o yoursel and your aily ebers included in the

    application. Please use a paper clip in each persons caseto attach the photoraphs to the spaces provided. Do not

    use staples, lue or any other sticky adhesive. See part 7

    belo or ore uidance on photoraphs.

    I there is any dierence beteen the personal details iven

    in these sections and those contained in your and/or your

    aily eber(s) passports o identity cards, e ill alays

    use those iven in the passport(s) or identity card(s).

    All sections I you are at present unable to provide any o

    the inoration or details requested in any o the relevant

    sections, please explain the reasons in a letter and enclose

    it ith the application or. I you need help ith any o the

    questions, you can seek advice by telephonin 0845 010


    Section 9 This section lists the docuents and photo-

    raphs hich you have to provide. I you cant provide any

    o the docuents speciied in the application or, please

    explain hy in a letter ith the or and say hen you ill

    be able to provide the. See part 8 belo or ore uid-

    ance on docuents.

    Ensure that your passport or identity card and those o any

    aily ebers included in the application are sined as


    Section 10 You ust sin and date the declaration. I you

    dont, it ill delay your application.


    You ust provide the olloin photoraphs:

    To identical colour passport-size photoraphs o yourselith your nae ritten on the back o each one.

    To identical colour passport-size photoraphs o anyaily ebers included in the application ith theirnaes ritten on the back o each one.

    The photoraphs should be in colour, recent (ithin the last

    onth), and approxiately 45 illietres hih and

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 2 o 15

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    35 illietres ide, the size o a passport photo.

    Each photoraph ust sho the individuals ull ace clearly

    aainst a liht backround. Sunlasses are not acceptable.

    Nor is any head coverin unless this has to be orn or

    reliious or cultural reasons. But i the coverin conceals

    the ace, this ill not be acceptable.

    Use one staple or paper clip in each persons case to

    attach the photoraphs to the spaces provided. when

    staplin, do so at the ede o the photoraph so as notto daae the iae o the ace. Do not use, lue or any

    other sticky adhesive to attach the.

    I the application(s) is/are successul, the photoraph(s)

    provided ill be reproduced in your and your aily e-

    bers residence card(s).


    The docuents provided ith the application ust be orii-nals.

    Copies o any kind are not acceptable unless there are validreasons or not bein able to provide the oriinal docuent.In such circustances, e ay accept a copy certiied bythe body or authority hich issued the oriinal (or exaple,a copy o a savins book certiied by the buildin society orbank), or by a notary.

    The reasons or not bein able to provide the oriinal docu-ent ust be explained in a coverin letter. As a rule, eare unlikely to be able to rant your application ithout theoriinal docuent.

    Any docuents hich are not in Enlish ust be accopa-nied by a reliable Enlish translation.

    make sure passports or identity cards are sined.


    The address to hich you ust post an application on or

    EEA2 is:

    UK Border Aency

    European Applications EEA2

    PO Box 306

    Dept 45


    L2 0QN

    Postin it to any other address ill delay it.

    Please also use this address or any other correspondence

    about your application. Applications on this or have to

    be ade by post. They cannot be ade in person at any o

    our public enquiry oices as e do not oer this service or

    applications ade on or EEA2.

    I you use Recorded or Special Delivery, this ill help us to

    record the receipt o your application. Please ake sure

    that you keep the Recorded or Special Delivery nuber.

    we ill return your passport(s) and other docuents by

    Recorded Delivery. I you ould like the to be returned

    by Special Delivery, you ust provide a prepaid Special

    Delivery envelope hich is lare enouh.


    we ai to decide applications as soon as possible. for

    inoration on the curent processin ties or residence

    card applications or or peranent residence on or EEA

    2, see the EEA/EU nationals pae on our ebsite.


    I you need to contact us ater you have applied please do

    so as instructed belo.

    To send us ore inoration about your application, rite

    to the address in part 9 and ive the olloin details in

    your letter:

    the applicants ull nae, date o birth and nationality

    any Recorded or Special Delivery nuberthe date on hich the application as posted

    the Hoe Oice reerence nuber i you have one.

    I you need your passport because you have to travel

    urently and unexpectedly, call 0845 010 5200 and provide

    the personal and other details listed iediately above.


    You can obtain application ors via the UKBA ebsite at



    for enquiries other than obtainin an application or call

    0845 010 5200.


    The non-EEA aily ebers o an EEA national have a

    riht to reside in the UK i their EEA national aily eber

    is exercisin a Treaty riht in one o the olloin cateo-ries:

    Worker: a person who is pursuing an effective and

    enuine activity or reuneration as an eployed person;



    Economically self-sufficient

    Retired: a person who has been economically active; or

    Incapacitated: a person who is permanently incapacitated

    and unable to pursue eployent, havin been econoi-

    cally active.

    The olloin nationals ay exercise Treaty rihts in theUnited Kindo:

    Austria Beliu

    Bularia** Cyprus*

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 3 o 15

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    Czech Republic Denark

    Estonia finland

    france gerany

    greece Hunary

    Iceland Irish Republic

    Italy Latvia

    Liechtenstein Lithuania

    Luxebour malta

    Netherlands NorayPoland Portual

    Roania** Slovakia

    Slovenia Spain

    Seden Sitzerland (but see part

    1 o these notes)

    *A docuent issued by the Turkish Republic o Northern

    Cyprus does not establish that the person is an EEA nation-

    al. Only a docuent issued by the Republic o Cyprus stat-

    in that the holder is a national o the Republic o Cyprus

    establishes that the person is an EEA national and accord-

    inly entitled to ree oveent ithin the EU.

    **The nationals o Bularia and Roania joined the European

    Union on 1 January 2007. guidance and application ors

    or Bularian and Roanian nationals are to be ound at



    part applies only to applications or a residence card)

    I your aily eber (spouse) is a national o one o the

    8 relevant Accession States i.e the Czech Republic, Estonia,Hunary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia

    (Cyprus and malta are exept), and you are not yoursel an

    EEA national, you ill not be eliible or a residence card

    unless your aily eber has copleted 12 onths con-

    tinuous laul eployent in the United Kindo and is

    eliible or a reistration certiicate.

    Hoever, i they are reistered under the worker

    Reistration Schee, you can apply or a aily eber

    residence stap on or fmRS, available on our ebsite,

    and send it to the address iven on that or.

    16 OTHER EEA fORmS

    The other EEA ors are as ollos:

    EEA 1 or reistration certiicate applications by EEA nation-

    als and their EEA national or Siss national aily e-

    bers and by Siss national and their Siss or EEA national

    aily ebers

    EEA3 or peranent residence applications by EEA nation-

    als and their EEA or Siss national aily ebers and

    by Siss nationals and their Siss or EEA national aily


    EEA4 or peranent residence applications by non-EEA

    national or non-Siss national aily ebers o an

    EEA national or Siss national

    fmRS or residence stap applications by non-EEA national

    aily ebers o persons required to reister under the

    worker Reistration Schee.


    I you enae an iiration adviser, you should take care

    hen choosin one. The Oice o the Iiration ServicesCoissioner (OISC) reulates iiration advisers. Their

    ebsite at .oisc.ov.uk contains a list o authorised

    advisers. It also has links to ebsites or solicitors, barris-

    ters and leal executives. I you have a coplaint about an

    iiration adviser or need other inoration, the OISC

    contact details are:

    Oice o the Iiration Services Coissioner

    5th floor

    Countin House

    53 Tooley Street


    SE1 2QN

    Telephone: 0845 000 0046

    Alternatively the Solicitors Reulation Authority, hich reu-

    lates solicitors in Enland and wales, can help you ind a

    solicitor i you contact the on 0870 606 2555 or visit their

    ebsite at .sra.or.uk

    The address and telephone nuber or any coplaints about

    a solicitor are:

    Leal Coplaints Service

    Victoria Court

    8 Dorer Place

    Leainton Spa


    CV32 5AE

    Telephone: 0845 608 6565


    I you ish to ake a coplaint about our service, please

    reer to the coplaints pae on our ebsite or detailed

    inoration about ho to do so.

    I you are unable to access the ebsite or i you need urther

    advice ater readin the inoration on the coplaints pae,

    please telephone our contact centre on 0845 010 5200.


    we ill treat all inoration provided by you in conidence

    but ay disclose it to other overnent departents,

    aencies, local authorities, the police, orein overnents

    and other bodies or iiration purposes or to enable

    the to peror their unctions.

    we ay also use the inoration provided by you or train-

    in purposes.


    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 4 o 15

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    5/15EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 5 o 15

    Your ull nae as in your passport or identity card (ID card)

    Surnae or aily nae

    Passport or identity card nuber Hoe Oice reerence i you have one




    Any other nae(s) by hich you are or have been knon


    National insurance nuber i you have one





    Your UK address - please inor us iediately i this chanes

    Your daytie telephone nuber


    Your e-ail address i you have one

    Your obile telephone nuber i you have one

    Post code

    S E C T I O N 1 - A P P L I C A N T S D E T A I L S


    I you have copleted 1.14 and the address is that o your iiration adviser, please state their Oice o the Iiration

    Services Coissioner (OISC) nuber




    Your title - please tick

    Your date o birth

    I other, hat is your title?



    Day month Year


    Your ender - please tick

    male feale

    Post code

    Date you

    last entered

    the UK

    Day month Year1.10

    Nae and address in the UK or all correspondence about your application i dierent ro 1.11

    Staple here

    Attach to identical

    photoraphs o you

    (the applicant)here ith staple or

    paper clip

    Do not use lue or

    other sticky adhesive



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    S E C T I O N 2 - N O N - E E A O R N O N - S w I S S N A T I O N A L f A m I L Y m E m B E R S

    I N C L U D E D I N Y O U R A P P L I C A T I O N

    Please ive details belo o any non-EEA or non-Siss national aily ebers included in the application. I ore than 3 are apply-

    n, please ive their details, ith photoraphs, on a copy o this pae and enclose it ith this or.

    the aily eber is your child, please provide docuentary evidence o the relationship (ie ull birth certiicate), i your details are

    not shon in the childs passport or ID card.

    the aily eber is a relative other than a child (e parent, brother, sister, cousin), please provide appropriate docuentary evi-dence to conir the relationship (ie ull birth, arriae or civil partnership certiicates).

    Your aily ebers ull nae


    Date o birth




    Relationship to you

    Day male fealeYearmonth

    Your aily ebers ull nae


    Date o birth

    Relationship to you

    Day male fealeYearmonth

    Your aily ebers ull nae


    Date o birth

    Relationship to you

    Day male fealeYearmonth

    Hoe Oice reerence

    i they have one

    Hoe Oice reerence

    i they have one

    Hoe Oice reerence

    i they have one

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 6 o 15

    Staple here

    Attach to identical

    photoraphs o your

    (aily eber)

    here ith staple or

    paper clip

    Do not use lue or other

    sticky adhesive

    Staple here

    Attach to identicalphotoraphs o your

    (aily eber)

    here ith staple or

    paper clip

    Do not use lue or other

    sticky adhesive

    Staple here

    Attach to identical

    photoraphs o your

    (aily eber)

    here ith staple or

    paper clip

    Do not use lue or other

    sticky adhesive







  • 8/9/2019 UK carte de rsident famille non-europenne de citoyen europen - 6 avril 2010


    S E C T I O N 3 - Y O U R E E A O R S w I S S N A T I O N A L f A m I L Y m E m B E R ( S P O N S O R )

    Please ive the personal details o your EEA or Siss national aily eber belo.

    3 . 1

    3 . 5

    3 . 7 3 . 8

    3 . 9

    3 . 1 0

    3 . 6

    3 . 1 1 Their relationship to you

    Evidence o relationship: birth certiicate/arriae certiicate/civil partnership certiicate (please circle to indicate)3 . 1 2

    Date they last entered the UK3 . 1 3

    Their title - please tick

    I other, hat is their title?


    Their ull nae as in their passport or identity (ID) card

    Surnae or aily nae


    Their date o birth

    Day month Year

    Their ender - please tick

    male feale

    Hoe Oice reerence i they have one Passport, ID card or reistration certiicate nuber

    Their UK address - please inor us iediately i this chanes

    Post code

    Their telephone nuber

    mobile nuber i they

    have one

    Day month Year

    3 . 2

    3 . 3

    Any other nae(s) by hich they are or have been knon3 . 4

    Daytie nuber

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 7 o 15

    Note 1. There is no requireent or your EEA or Siss aily eber to apply or a reistration certiicate and e can decide

    your case ithout hi or her applyin. Hoever, e ust receive evidence o his/her identity, e passport or identity card. I

    your EEA or Siss aily eber ishes to apply or a reistration certiicate, he or she ay apply separately, usin or EEA1.

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    S E C T I O N 4 - Y O U R E E A O R S w I S S N A T I O N A L f A m I L Y m E m B E R ( E m P L O Y m E N T )

    You ust coplete this section i your EEA or Siss national aily eber is a orker ie a person pursuin an eective and enuine

    activity or reuneration as an eployed person. I you are supportin the throuh orkin, you ust coplete this section ith

    your details.

    full nae o eployer (ie business or ir)4 . 1

    Business address and telephone nuber

    Telephone nuberPost code

    4 . 3 Address and telephone nuber i the address at hich your EEA or Siss aily eber (or you) is eployed is dierent

    ro the one in 4.2

    Telephone nuberPost code

    4 . 2

    4 . 4 Type o business

    4 . 5 Position oered to, or held by, your EEA or Siss aily eber (or you)

    4 . 6 Date eployent started/ill start Day month Year

    4 . 7 Nuber o hours to be orked each eek 4 . 8 Salary/aes paid each onth/eek

    a onth/eek (delete as appropriate)

    4 . 9 4 . 1 0Expected duration o eployent National insurance nuber i obtained

    Eployers Declaration

    Eployers stap

    (eployees nae) has been eployed as a orker in this business

    ro in accordance ith the details iven above.

    Sinature o eployer

    Day month Year

    Evidence o Eployent: Please provide us ith at least one o the olloin and tick relevant box(es):

    Contract(s) o eployent

    most recent ae slips

    Letter(s) ro eployer conirin your EEA or Siss aily ebers eployent (or your eployent)


    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 8 o 15

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    Business Details

    5 . 1

    Your EEA or Sissnational aily eber ust coplete this section i he or she is sel-eployed. I you are supportin the

    hrouh sel-eployent you ust coplete this section ith your details.

    I a established in business/olloin a sel-eployed occupation as:

    Nae o business

    Business address

    Post code

    Business telephone nuber

    Evidence o sel-eployent/business to be provided:

    A lease on business preises

    Construction Industry Schee (CIS) card or the buildin trade

    Bank stateent(s)


    Inland Revenue sel-assessent ors

    Evidence o tax and national insurance contributions bein paid

    5 . 5

    Sinature o sel

    eployed person


    5 . 2

    5 . 3

    5 . 4

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 9 o 15

    Accountants letter

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    S E C T I O N 6 - Y O U R E E A O R S w I S S N A T I O N A L f A m I L Y m E m B E R ( S T U D E N T )

    6 . 1 Nae and address o educational establishent at hich your EEA or Siss national aily eber is studyin

    You ust coplete this section only i your EEA or Siss aily eber is a student.

    Post code

    Telephone nuber o educational establishent

    6. 3 Course title

    6 . 4 Date course o study starts/started Date course o study ill end

    6 . 5 You are required to provide the olloin docuentary evidence o your EEA or Siss aily ebers course o study and unds:

    a school, college or university letter confirming enrolment and the completion date of the course, and

    a bank statement or evidence of a grant or scholarship.

    Day month Year Day month Year

    S E C T I O N 7 - Y O U R E E A O R S w I S S N A T I O N A L f A m I L Y m E m B E RO T H E R Q U A L I f I E D P E R S O N S )


    A doctors letter or edical report conirin that your EEA or Siss national aily eber is incapacitated. This

    should state i the incapacity is likely to be peranent.

    You ust coplete this section only i your EEA or Siss national aily eber is econoically sel-suicient, retired or peranently incapaci-

    ated. Please tick the appropriate box belo to sho the basis on hich you are applyin or a residence card and provide the docuentary evi-

    dence requested.

    Econoically sel-suicient

    Evidence that your EEA or Siss national aily eber has coprehensive sickness insurance and unds su-icient to aintain you and other aily ebers included in this application durin the tie they intend to reside

    on this basis. I you are the orker and are supportin your EEA or Siss aily eber please provide docuen-

    tary evidence o this.


    Evidence that your EEA or Siss national aily eber is in receipt o a pension.

    6 . 2

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 10 o 15

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    8 . 1 Do you or any aily ebers included in this application have any criinal convictions in the

    UK or any other country (includin traic oences) or any civil judents ade aainst you?

    Yes No

    S E C T I O N 8 - P E R S O N A L H I S T O R Y

    You ust anser all the questions in this section on behal o yoursel and any aily ebers included in this applica-

    ion. It is an oence under Section 26(1)(c) o the Iiration Act 1971 to ake a stateent or representation hich

    you kno to be alse or do not believe to be true. Inoration iven ill be checked ith other aencies.

    I you have ansered yes to question 8.1 above please ive details belo or each criinal conviction and/or civil judent, startin

    ith the ost recent one - but irst see Note 2 about criinal convictions. I you or any aily ebers included in this application

    have received ore than to convictions and/or civil judents, ive details on a copy o this pae and enclose it ith this or.

    Date o sentence/judent

    Details o the sentence or civil judent (ive details on a separate sheet and enclose it ith this or i

    you need ore space)

    Country here the sentence as passed or the civil judent as ade

    8 . 2 Have you or any aily ebers included in this application ever been chared in any country

    ith a criinal oence or hich you have not yet been tried in court?

    Yes No8 . 3 In ties o either peace or ar have you or any aily ebers included in this application

    ever been involved, or suspected o involveent, in ar cries, cries aainst huanity or


    Nature o the criinal oence or the civil action (ive details on a separate sheet and enclose it ith this or i you need ore space)

    8 . 4

    Have you or any aily ebers included in this application ever been a eber o, or iven

    support to, an oranisation hich has been concerned in terroris?

    Have you or any aily ebers included in this application ever, by any eans or ediu,

    expressed vies that justiy or loriy terrorist violence or that ay encourae others to terrorist

    acts or other serious criinal acts?

    Nae o person convicted or aainst ho a civil judent as ade

    Note 2 Convictions spent under the Rehabilitation o Oenders Act 1974 need not be disclosed. more inoration about the Act

    is iven toards the end o this section.

    8 . 5 Yes


    Yes No



    Have you or any aily ebers included in this application ever been involved in, supported

    or encouraed terrorist activities in any country?

    Yes No

    8 . 6

    for help in anserin the questions belo, please see the deinitions on the next pae.

    Date o sentence/judent

    Country here the sentence as passed or the civil judent as ade

    Nae o person convicted or aainst ho a civil judent as ade

    Nature o the criinal oence or civil action (ive details on a separate sheet and enclose it ith this or i you need ore space)

    Details o the sentence or civil judent (ive details on a separate sheet and enclose it ith this or i

    you need ore space)

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 11 o 15

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    8 . 7 Have you or any aily ebers included in this application ever enaed in any other activities

    hich iht indicate that you ay not be considered to be persons o ood character?

    I you have ansered yes to question 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 or 8.7 above please ive urther details in the space provided belo. I

    you need ore space, continue on a separate sheet.

    Yes No


    for the purposes o anserin questions 8.3 to 8.7, the olloin inoration provides uidance on actions hich ay constitute

    ar cries, cries aainst huanity, enocide, or terrorist activities.

    This uidance is not exhaustive. The ull deinitions o ar cries, cries aainst huanity and enocide can be ound in Schedule

    8 o the International Criinal Court Act 2001 at .opsi.ov.uk/acts/acts2001/ukpa_20010017_en_1 or purchased ro The

    Stationery Oice (telephone 0870 600 5522). It is your responsibility to satisy yoursel that you are ailiar ith the deinitions

    and can anser the questions accurately on behal o yoursel and any aily ebers included in the application.

    war cries

    grave breaches o the geneva Conventions coitted durin an ared conlict. This includes an internal ared conlict and an

    international ared conlict. The types o acts that ay constitute a ar crie include ilul killin, torture, extensive destruction o

    property not justiied by ilitary necessity, unlaul deportation, the intentional taretin o civilians and the takin o hostaes.

    Cries aainst huanity

    Acts coitted at any tie (not just durin ared conlict) as part o a idespread or systeatic attack, directed aainst any civil-

    ian population ith knolede o the attack. This ould include oences such as urder, torture, rape, severe deprivation o liberty

    in violation o undaental rules o international la and enorced disappearance o persons.


    Acts coitted ith intent to destroy, in hole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or reliious roup.

    Terrorist activities

    Any act coitted, or the threat o action, desined to inluence a overnent or intiidate the public and ade or the purposes

    o advancin a political, reliious or ideoloical cause and that involves serious violence aainst a person; that ay endaner

    another persons lie; creates a serious risk to the health or saety o the public; involves serious daae to property; is desined

    to seriously disrupt or interere ith an electronic syste.

    Oranisations concerned in terrorisAn oranisation is concerned in terroris i it coits or participates in acts o terroris; prepares or terroris; prootes or

    encouraes terroris (includin the unlaul loriication o terroris); or is otherise concerned in terroris.


    The Rehabilitation o Oenders Act 1974 enables criinal convictions to becoe spent or inored ater a rehabilitation period.

    The lenth o the rehabilitation period depends on the sentence iven. for a custodial (prison) sentence the rehabilitation period is

    decided by the oriinal sentence, not the tie served. Prison sentences o ore than to and a hal years can never becoe spent

    and should alays be disclosed. further inoration on rehabilitation periods can be ound at Nacros Resettleent Plus Helpline

    on 020 7840 6464 or by obtainin a ree copy o their lealet on 020 7840 6427.

    S E C T I O N 8 - P E R S O N A L H I S T O R Y

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 12 o 15

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    I section 5 (sel - eployent) has been copleted, docuents as evidence o your EEA or Siss aily eberssel-eployent (or your sel-eployent), such as Construction Industry Schee (CIS) card, a lease on business preises,

    bank stateents, invoices, Inland Revenue sel-assessent ors or national insurance contributions.

    I section 4 (eployent) has been copleted, evidence o your EEA or Siss aily ebers eployent (or youreployent) as a orker, includin letter(s) ro eployer(s); contract(s) o eployent, and the ost recent ae slips (at

    least one should be provided). These should eature a ull national insurance nuber rather than a teporary one.

    I section 6 (student) has been copleted, a school, collee or university letter conirin that your EEA or Siss a-ily eber is enrolled on a course o study and ivin the copletion date. I your aily eber is in receipt o a rant or

    scholarship, provide evidence o this. I they are not, other evidence o unds such as a bank stateent should be provided.

    A school letter or dependent aily ebers ho are attendin school (see Note 3).

    I section 7 (econoically sel suicient, retired or incapacitated) has been copleted, docuent(s) con-irin that your EEA or Siss aily eber is:

    retired and in receipt o a pension; or

    peranently incapacitated, havin previously been in eployent/sel-eployent, such as a doctors letter or edical

    report conirin this condition.

    Your EEA or Siss aily ebers passport or ID card.

    S E C T I O N 9 - D O C U m E N T S A N D P H O T O g R A P H S

    To recent, colour passport-size photoraphs o yoursel ith your nae ritten on the back o each photoraph.Please see the uidance notes or inoration on hat types o photoraph are acceptable.

    Your current passport or ID card. I you do not have a passport or ID card, you ust provide another or o identity.

    The current passport(s) or ID card(s) o each aily eber included in section 2 or ho a residence card isrequired. I they do not have a passport or ID card, you ust provide another or o identity or the.

    To recent, colour passport-size photoraphso each aily eber included in section 2 or ho a residencecard is required ith their nae ritten on the back o each photoraph.

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 13 o 15

    Note 3: I dependent children are not at school please provide an NHS card to conir residence.

    econoically sel-suicient, e evidence o coprehensive sickness insurance and o unds, such as a a bank stateent,

    or evidence o eployent. I you are the orker and are supportin your EEA or Siss aily eber you should provide

    docuentary evidence o this; or

    for your application to be complete, you must provide the documents and photographs listed in this section which

    are relevant to your application.

    Any documents which are not in English must be accompanied by a reliable English translation.

    Tick the boxes next to the relevant ites to sho the docuents and photoraphs you are providin. Attach

    all photoraphs to the spaces in sections 1 and 2 as instructed there.

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    S E C T I O N 1 0 - D E C L A R A T I O N

    I hereby apply or a residence card or ysel and any non-EEA or non-Siss national aily ebers listedin this or. The inoration I have iven in this or is coplete and is true to the best o y knolede.

    I also declare that the photoraphs subitted ith this or are a true likeness o ysel and any aily

    ebers included in the application or, as naed on the back o each photoraph.

    I conir that i, beore this application is decided, there is a aterial chane in y circustances or ne

    inoration relevant to this application becoes available, I ill inor the Hoe Oice.

    I understand that all inoration provided by e to the Hoe Oice ill be treated in conidence but that it

    ay be disclosed to other overnent departents, aencies, local authorities, the police, orein overn-

    ents and other bodies or iiration purposes or to enable the to peror their unctions; and that, i

    such bodies provide the Hoe Oice ith any inoration about e hich ay be relevant or iiration

    purposes, it ay be used in reachin a decision on y application.

    I understand that docuents provided in support o this application ill be checked or authencity; and that

    alse docuents ill be retained and ay result in y application bein reused and in y prosecution and

    subsequent reoval ro the United Kindo.

    I understand that the Hoe Oice ay also use the inoration provided by e or trainin purposes.

    I a aare that it is an oence to ake a stateent or representation hich I kno to be alse or do not

    believe to be true, or to obtain or seek to obtain a residence card by eans hich include deception.



    You ust no read the declaration belo and sin it. It ust be sined by you (the applicant) and not by a

    representative or other person actin on your behal. I you are under 18, your parent or uardian ay sin.

    EEA2 Version 04/2010 - pae 14 o 15

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    A P P L I C A N T S C H E C K L I S T

    Is EEA2 the riht or or you and is it valid or use?

    See date on ront pae.

    Have you copleted all relevant sections o the or as


    To ensure that your application is coplete, please ake the olloin checks beore postin it. Tick each box

    that is relevant to your application.

    Have you sent the docuents and photoraphs speciied in section 9 as listed belo?

    Current passport(s) or ID

    card(s) includin those or a-

    ily eber(s) and your EEA or

    Siss national sponsor


    I you are unable to send us any o the docuents speci-

    ied in section 9 hich are relevant to your application,

    have you iven an explanation and said hen you ill be

    able to send the?

    Have you, or your parent/uardian i you are under 18,

    sined and dated the declaration in section 10?

    finally, please ake sure that the application is addressed exactly as shon belo.

    All other relevant docuents speciied in section 9

    UK Border Aency

    European Applications EEA2

    PO Box 306Dept 45


    L2 0QN

    P H O T O g R A P H S A N D D O C U m E N T S C H E C K L I S T

    Please coplete this part o the or to help us check that e have received your photoraphs and docuents, and

    to keep a record o the hile they are ith us. At A, tell us ho any o each o the listed ites you are providin

    ith your application. At B, list any other docuents provided by you and state ho any in each case. Continue on

    a separate sheet i necessary and enclose it ith this or. All docuents ust be oriinals.

    Photoraphs o yoursel

    Photoraphs o any aily ebers

    Passports and/ID cards

    Your EEA or Siss aily ebers pass-

    port or ID card

    Contracts o eployent/eployent

    letter/ ae slips

    A lease/CIS card/ Inland Revenue or

    Evidence o unds

    School/collee/university letter

    Coprehensive sickness

    insurance docuent

    Pension docuent

    Doctors letter/edical report

    A. Listed ites B. Other docuentsHoany?

