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uk exports july - september 2014

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STRATEGIC EXPORT CONTROLS Country Pivot Report 1st July 2014 - 30th September 2014 EXPORT CONTROL ORGANISATION
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Country Pivot Report

1st July 2014 - 30th September 2014


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Countries: All countries

Case Types: All case types

All Cases / Incorporation Cases Only: All cases

Ultimate Destinations: All countries

Licence Statuses: All licence statuses

Reasons for Refusal: All reasons for refusal

Case Summaries: All case summaries

Ratings: All control entries

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This report covers export licensing decisions made by Her Majesty's Government between 1st July 2014 and 30th

September 2014. All the information relating to a destination is shown together, and the reader will find all (if any)

information on SIELs, OIELs, SITLs, SITCLs and OITCLs all in one place. This enhances the readability of the


The information within the report covers those licences Issued, Refused or Revoked within the period for the

following categories:

- Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs) (including information on incorporation and Standard IndividualTranshipment Licences)

- Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs)- Open Individual Trade Control Licences (OITCLs)- Standard Individual Trade Control Licences (SITCLs)- Council Regulation 1236/2005 (concerning trade in certain equipment and products which could be used for

capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment).

There have been some major changes made to the content and layout of the report, and these take into account

the commitment the Government made to the Committee on Arms Export Controls. The changes that have been

implemented in this report are as follows:

- A breakdown of the overall value of SIELs issued, into military and non-military totals- A split in the list of items between military and non-military items- The inclusion of the control entry list with a breakdown as to how many items were licensed under that

category and the value- The addition of the ultimate destination for items that are being incorporated- The addition of the case summary for SIELs that have been refused

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General Information


SIELs generally allow shipments of specified items to a specified consignee up to the quantity specified by the

licence. Licences permitting permanent export are generally valid for 2 years from date of issue. Where the export

is temporary, for example for the purposes of demonstration, trial or evaluation, the licence is generally valid for

one year only and the items must be returned before the licence expires. A licence is not required for the majority

of transhipments through the UK en-route from one country to another, providing certain conditions are met. Most

other transhipments can be made under one of the Open General Transhipment Licences, provided in all cases

that the relevant conditions are met. Where this is not the case, a Standard Individual Transhipment Licence

(SITL) is required.

The information on SIELs included in this Report has been compiled using the Export Control Organisation's

computer databases. The databases were interrogated during the compilation of this Report to identify the status

of all applications on which a decision was taken during the period covered by this Report. In a small number of

cases there may be a subsequent change of status. There are two main reasons for such changes: a licence

issued during the period may have been revoked, for example because of the imposition of trade sanctions or an

arms embargo; or a decision during the period to refuse a licence might be overturned because the applicant later

appealed successfully.

During the period 3572 SIELs were issued, 66 were refused and 35 were revoked.


OIELs are specific to an individual exporter and cover multiple shipments of specified items to specified

destinations and/or, in some cases, specified consignees. Licences permitting permanent export are generally

valid for up to 5 years from the date of issue. However, OIELs covering the export to EU Member States of items

entered on the Military List and Dealer to Dealer OIELs are generally valid for 3 years. There are no Open

Individual Export Licences for transhipments. During this reporting period 54 OIELs were issued. In addition, 46

were amended during the period to exclude particular destinations and/or items, 3 were refused and 4 were

revoked. It should be noted that the refusal of an application for an OIEL, amendment to exclude a particular

destination(s) and/or item(s), or the revocation of an OIEL, does not prevent a company from applying for a SIEL

covering some or all of the items concerned to specified consignees in the relevant destinations. Clearly,

however, the factors that led to the original decision would be taken into account in the decision on any such


A summary description is provided for all items covered by SIELs and OIELs issued for this period. The Report

also gives information on the number of small arms covered by SIELs issued in the period.

However, this information is not provided in cases where, under the Code of Practice on Access to Government

Information, the arguments for publication of the information are otherwise outweighed by the harm that this would

cause to commercial confidentiality and/or legitimate security interests in the recipient country. no such exclusions

were made in this Report.

In the case of SIELs refused or revoked, only the rating of the goods is provided. Likewise for OIELs, only details

of ratings are provided for licences revoked, refused in full or whose coverage was amended during the period by

the exclusion of the destination (including items excluded in 2015 by the amendment of 2015 and pre-2015


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Standard Individual Trade Control Licences (SITCLs)

A Standard Individual Trade Control Licence (SITCL) is specific to a named trader and covers involvement in

trading of a set quantity of specific goods between a specific source and destination country with a specified

consignor, consignee and end-user. SITCLs will normally be valid for 2 years. Upon expiry either by time or

because the activity has taken place, the licence ceases to be valid and must be returned to the Export Control

Organisation. Should further similar activity take place, a further licence must be applied for. During the period 50

SITCLs were issued, 2 were refused and none were revoked.

Open Individual Trade Control Licences (OITCLs)

An Open Individual Trade Control Licence (OITCL) is specific to a named trader and covers involvement in

trading of specific goods between specific source and destination countries and/or specified consignors,

consignees and end-users. OITCLs are generally valid for 5 years. During the period 11 OITCLs were issued, 3

were refused and 1 was revoked.

A lower level of information is provided on both OITCLs and SITCLs as the release of further information at this

stage may have an adverse commercial effect on some of the activities being undertaken. However, more

detailed information should be included in the full Strategic Export Controls Annual Report.


The entry for each destination contains the following information:

For SIELs:

- The value of all applications in respect of which a SIEL was issued for the export of items to the destination

concerned during the period, whether the export concerned was permanent or temporary. Values are shown to

nearest pound, and are also broken down by the control list entry.

It should be noted that the actual value of exports made under the licences is likely to be less than shown

because some of these licences will not be used to make all of the exports authorised and others will not be used

at all. In addition, some items are exported only temporarily and are later returned to the UK.

- The number of licences issued, including numbers of licences for items on the Military List, for other items and

for both.

- A summary description of the items covered by the licences issued during the period, with the items that were

allowed for temporary export indicated by a "T" preceding the description. The data on refused SIEL applications

does not include those refused during this period following an appeal against an earlier refusal. It does include

applications refused during this period that, at the end of it, were pending a decision on an appeal. The SIELs

data also does not cover goods that were removed from an application before a licence was issued, applications

that were withdrawn or stopped before a decision was reached, or applications where it was determined that no

licence was required or that the goods could be exported to the destination concerned under an Open General

Export Licence (OGEL).

In a small number of cases SIELs may be issued identifying more than one destination. This normally arises

where a licence is issued for the temporary export of items for exhibition or demonstration in more than one

destination. Details of these licences are included in the information for each relevant destination. This means that

the total number of SIELs issued, as shown above, is slightly lower than the sum of all SIELs issued shown on the

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destination pages.

For SIELs with an "End-Use" (END) rating:

Items that the exporter has been told, knows or suspects are or may be intended for "WMD Purposes". This is the

"WMD end-use" or "catch-all" control and goods controlled for these reasons are given the rating "End-Use".

For SIELs with a "Military End-Use" (MEND) rating:

Items that the exporter has been told, knows or suspects are or may be intended for use as components in, or

production or test equipment for, military equipment in an embargoed destination; or may be intended for use as

parts of military goods illegally obtained from the UK, irrespective of destination. This is the "military end-use" or

"catch-all" control and goods controlled for these reasons are given the rating "MEND".

For Incorporation:

Information on incorporation is provided in the same format as for SIELs, and includes the same level of

information. Information is also included on the ultimate destination for incorporated items. Also included is the

final destination of the items that are to be incorporated.

For SITLs:

Information on SITLs is provided in the same format as for SIELs. The licensing information can be found within

each destination, under the heading 'SIELs - Transhipment'. However, the items covered by issued SITLs merely

pass through the UK and it would therefore be misleading to compare the 'value' for these licences in the report

with the value of items originating in the UK.

For OIELs:

- The number of licences issued also includes additional items authorised in 2007 through amendment to a

pre-2007 licence.

- A summary description of the items covered by each OIEL the relevant OIELs issued during the period is shown

by destination, with the items that were allowed for temporary export indicated by a "T" preceding the description.

- Information is also provided on the relevant destination pages for OIEL applications refused in full or for licences

which were revoked or where coverage was amended during the period by the exclusion of the destination or by

the exclusion of items in this quarter by amendment to licences issued in 2007 or earlier.

The destination coverage of an OIEL may be amended for a variety of reasons, but mainly in the light of

recommendations received from advisory departments. Sometimes amendments follow the imposition of an arms

embargo, but they may also reflect general concerns about the destination or a relevant change in circumstances

there. A decision to exclude a particular country from the coverage of an OIEL does not mean that country is

permanently excluded. Where the concerns that led to the original decision are no longer relevant, it might be

decided to reinstate that destination.

The OIELs data does not cover applications from which specific items or destinations were removed before an

OIEL was issued, or applications withdrawn before a decision was reached, those for which it was determined

that no licence was required or that the items could be exported to the destination concerned under an OGEL.

The information does not cover OIELs whose period of validity was extended temporarily during the period

pending a decision on an application for a new OIEL. Such cases amount to a temporary extension of an OIEL

granted in an earlier period. The decision on the new application will be covered in this or a future report, as the

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case may be. As OIELs cover multiple shipments of specified goods to specified destinations or specified

consignees, exporters holding OIELs are not asked to provide details of the value of goods they propose to ship

under an OIEL and it is therefore not possible to provide information on the total value of OIELs issued.

Special OIELs:

There are four special categories of licences:

Media OIELs:

Media OIELs authorise the export of military helmets, body armour, non-military 4WD civilian vehicles with

ballistic protection and specially designed components for any of these items, mainly for the protection of aid

agency workers and journalists in areas of conflict. The licence permits these goods to be exported to all

destinations on a temporary basis only, i.e. the goods must be returned to the United Kingdom when no longer

required. During this reporting period, no Media OIELs were issued.

Continental Shelf OIELs:

Continental Shelf OIELs authorise the export of controlled goods to the UK sector of the Continental Shelf for the

use only on, or in connection with, offshore installation and associated vessels. During this reporting period, 5

Continental Shelf OIELs were issued.

Global Project Licences (GPL)

This is a form of export licence that has been introduced by Framework Agreement (FA) partners (UK, France,

Italy, Sweden, Spain and Germany) to streamline the arrangements for licensing military goods and technologies

between them, where these transfers relate to their participation in specific collaborative defence projects. In

relation to the collaborative project, each Partner state will, as appropriate, issue their own GPLs to permit

transfers of specified goods and technology where these are required for that programme. The GPLs operate on

a similar basis to UK Open Individual Export Licences. In the UK, applications for GPLs are assessed against the

Consolidated Criteria. During this reporting period, no GPLs were issued.

Transfer of Technology and Technical Assistance

These OIELs are issued for the transfer of technology and provision of technical assistance under Articles 8, 9

and 10 of the Export of Goods, Transfer of Technology and Provision of Technical Assistance (Control) Order

2002. During this reporting period no licences were issued, none were refused and none were revoked.

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Overall Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 74% (3446)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 99% (4569)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 1% (67)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 58 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 29% (39)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 52% (71)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

1% (12)

Dealer to Dealer (Dealer) Open Individual Export Licences(OIELs)

Dealer OIELs authorise UK registered firearms dealers to export certain categories of firearms andammunition solely to other registered firearms dealers on the European Union only, provided thatcopies of valid documentation are forwarded to the Home Office at least 2 working days before eachshipment.

The following is a list of the items that have been authorised for export to the following destinationsonly:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

No of LicencesIssued

Goods Summary

1 blank/inert ammunition, components for pistols, components for rifles,components for sporting guns, components for weapon sights, pistols, replicasporting rifles, rifles, small arms ammunition, smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition,sporting guns, training blank/inert ammunition, training small arms ammunition,training smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, training sporting gun ammunition,weapon sights

5 blank/inert ammunition, components for pistols, components for rifles,components for sporting guns, components for weapon sights, crowd controlammunition, pistols, rifles, small arms ammunition, smoke/pyrotechnicammunition, sporting guns, training blank/inert ammunition, training crowd controlammunition, training small arms ammunition, training smoke/pyrotechnicammunition, weapon sights

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

No of LicencesIssued

Goods Summary

1 air guns, ammunition for veterinary/tranquillising rifles, blank ammunition,components for air guns, components for deactivated air guns, components for

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deactivated pistols, components for deactivated revolvers, components fordeactivated rifles, components for deactivated semi-automatic pistols,components for deactivated shotguns, components for deactivated sportingpistols, components for deactivated sporting rifles, components for deactivatedveterinary/tranquilising rifles, components for deactivated vintage guns,components for pistols, components for replica air guns, components for replicapistols, components for replica revolvers, components for replica rifles,components for replica semi-automatic pistols, components for replica shotguns,components for replica sporting pistols, components for replica sporting rifles,components for replica veterinary/tranquilising rifles, components for replicavintage guns, components for revolvers, components for rifles, components forsemi-automatic pistols, components for shotguns, components for sportingpistols, components for sporting rifles, components for veterinary/tranquilisingrifles, components for vintage guns, components for weapon sights, crowd controlammunition, deactivated air guns, deactivated pistols, deactivated revolvers,deactivated rifles, deactivated semi-automatic pistols, deactivated shotguns,deactivated sporting pistols, deactivated sporting rifles, deactivatedveterinary/tranquilising rifles, deactivated vintage guns, inert ammunition, pistols,replica air guns, replica pistols, replica revolvers, replica rifles, replicasemi-automatic pistols, replica shotguns, replica sporting pistols, replica sportingrifles, replica veterinary/tranquilising rifles, replica vintage guns, revolvers, rifles,semi-automatic pistols, shotguns, small arms ammunition, smoke ammunition,sporting gun ammunition, sporting pistols, sporting rifles, training ammunition forveterinary/tranquillising rifles, training blank ammunition, training crowd controlammunition, training inert ammunition, training small arms ammunition, trainingsmoke ammunition, training sporting gun ammunition, veterinary/tranquilisingrifles, vintage guns, weapon sights

Cryptographic (Crypto) Open Individual Export Licences(OIELs)

Cryptographic OIELs authorise the export of specified cryptography hardware or software and thetransfer of specified cryptography technology. These licences do not cover hardware, software ortechnology which includes certain types of cryptanalytic functions.

No of LicencesIssued

The following is a list of the items that have been authorised for export to allcountries EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING:Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosniaand Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Canada, China, Congo, DemocraticRepublic of, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eritrea, Estonia,Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy,Japan, Korea, North, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Sudan,South, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, United States of America,Zimbabwe

4 cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for equipment employingcryptography, cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography,equipment for generating hopping codes, equipment for generating spreadingcodes, equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, impulse radioequipment, non-cryptographic information security equipment, software for cablesystems sensitive to eavesdropping, software for equipment employingcryptography, software for equipment for generating hopping codes, software forequipment for generating spreading codes, software for equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radio equipment, software fornon-cryptographic information security equipment, technology for cable systemssensitive to eavesdropping, technology for cryptographic software, technology forequipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment for generatinghopping codes, technology for equipment for generating spreading codes,technology for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology

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for impulse radio equipment, technology for non-cryptographic informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, technology for software for equipment employing cryptography,technology for software for equipment for generating hopping codes, technologyfor software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology forsoftware for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software fornon-cryptographic information security equipment

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 33 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 62% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number ofOIELs/OITCLs refused

0% (0)

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Open General Export Licences (OGLs)

OGL Name TotalRegistrations

Registrations inthis period


Suspensions inthis period


Deregistrationsin this period

EU GEA 001 (EU001) 1271 33 0 0 17 1

EU GEA 002 (EU002) - exports of certain dual-use items to certaindestinations

82 10 0 0 2 1

EU GEA 003 (EU003) - export after repair/replacement 82 6 0 0 0 0

EU GEA 004 (EU004) - temporary export for exhibition or fair 91 3 0 0 2 0

EU GEA 005 (EU005) - telecommunications 20 2 0 0 0 0

EU GEA 006 (EU006) - chemicals 10 1 0 0 0 0

Chemicals 47 1 0 0 2 0

Cryptographic Development 99 2 0 0 2 0

Export After Exhibition: Dual-Use Items 56 3 0 0 1 0

Export After Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items 275 8 1 0 5 1

Export For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items 226 11 0 0 4 1

Dual-Use Items: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 68 3 0 0 0 0

Open General Export Licence (International Non-ProliferationRegime Decontrols: Dual-Use Items)

266 35 0 0 5 0

Low Value Shipments 92 1 0 0 1 0

OIL and GAS Exploration: Dual-Use Items 131 4 0 0 0 0

Technology for Dual-Use Items 226 6 0 0 3 0

Turkey 51 0 0 0 1 0

X 50 1 0 0 1 0

Military and Dual Use Goods: UK Forces deployed in embargoeddestinations

74 1 0 0 0 0

Military and Dual-Use Goods: UK Forces deployed innon-embargoed destinations

155 6 0 0 1 0

Exports of non-lethal military and Dual-Use Goods: To UKDiplomatic Missions or Consular Posts

45 0 0 0 0 0

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OGL Name TotalRegistrations

Registrations inthis period


Suspensions inthis period


Deregistrationsin this period

Access Overseas to Software and Technology for Military Goods:Individual Use Only

663 17 0 0 3 1

Export After Exhibition or Demonstration: Military Goods 289 6 0 0 4 0

Export After Repair/replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods 681 11 1 0 7 0

Export For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods 555 11 0 0 5 0

Exports or transfers in Support of UK Government DefenceContracts

408 11 0 0 3 0

OGEL (Certified Companies) 19 0 0 0 0 0

OGEL (Exports under the US-UK Defence Trade Co-operationTreaty)

22 1 0 0 0 0

OGEL (International Non-proliferation Regime Decontrols: MilitaryItems)

22 3 0 0 0 0

Historic Military Goods 252 0 0 0 5 0

Open General Export Licence (Historic Military Vehicles and ArtilleryPieces)

226 7 0 0 0 0

Military Components 316 1 0 0 4 0

Military Goods, Software and Technology 954 27 3 0 5 0

Military Goods: Collaborative Project Typhoon 177 3 0 0 1 0

Military Goods: For Demonstration 423 11 1 0 5 2

Military Goods: A400M Collaborative Programme 40 11 0 0 0 0

Military Goods, Software and Technology: Government or NATOEnd-Use

944 12 3 0 10 2

Export For Exhibition: Military Goods 500 6 0 0 4 0

Military Surplus Vehicles 145 3 1 0 3 0

Objects of Cultural Interest 2 0 0 0 0 0

Software and Source Code for Military Goods 204 1 0 0 2 0

Technology for Military Goods 915 22 0 0 3 1

Vintage Aircraft 8 1 0 0 1 0

Accompanied Personal Effects: Sporting Firearms 11 0 0 0 1 0

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OGL Name TotalRegistrations

Registrations inthis period


Suspensions inthis period


Deregistrationsin this period

Open General Licence: Government of Sierra Leone 1 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Licence - Iraq 34 1 0 0 1 0

Radioactive Sources 15 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Transhipment Licence 51 1 0 0 1 0

Open General Transhipment Licence (Sporting Guns) 15 0 0 0 1 0

Open General Transhipment Licence (Postal Packets) 1 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Transhipment Licence (Dual-use Goods: Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region)

8 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Category C Goods) 292 8 0 0 3 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Trade and Transportation:Small Arms and Light Weapons)

137 4 0 0 1 1

Open General Trade Control Licence (Insurance or Reinsurance) 11 2 0 0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Maritime Anti-Piracy) 153 8 0 0 5 3

Computers (Rv) 27 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Export Licence (CRYPTOGRAPHY) (Rv) 63 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Export Licence (Vintage Military Vehicles) (Rv) 247 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Rv) 177 0 0 0 0 0

Open General Export Licence (exports in support of joint strikefighter: F-35 Lightning II)

47 7 0 0 0 0

Rv - OGL has been revoked in full.

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (16)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (19)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 67 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 13 £886,341

Other 1 £32,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 14 £918,341

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £11,559

ML3 2 £21,618

ML4 2 £325,500

ML6 2 £157,000

ML10 3 £222,044

ML13 1 £82,500

ML22 1 £40,800

PL5017 2 £25,320

all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 7]assault rifles (4) [See footnote 6]body armour [See footnote 7]components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 6, 8]components for body armour [See footnote 7]components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment[See footnote 5]components for military training aircraft [See footnote 2]components for pistols [See footnote 6]components for sporting guns [See footnote 10]

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equipment for the use of military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment [See footnote 5]equipment for the use of weapon sights [See footnote 4]general military aircraft components (2 licences) [See footnote 2]military aircrew life support equipment [See footnote 2]military helmets [See footnote 7]military support vehicles [See footnote 3]munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [See footnote 9]small arms ammunition [See footnote 4]sporting shotgun ammunition [See footnote 4]technology for electronic warfare equipment [See footnote 6]training small arms ammunition [See footnote 6]


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £32,000

civil NBC detection systems [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aircrew protectiveequipment, equipment for the development of combat aircraft, equipment for theproduction of combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, military aircrew breathing equipment, military aircrewprotective equipment, military electronic equipment, signalling devices, software forcombat aircraft, software for military aircraft ground equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the production of combat aircraft,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircrewbreathing equipment, technology for military aircrew protective equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for signalling devices,technology for test models for combat aircraft, test models for combat aircraft

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Bulgaria 1 0 0


promoting the supply of exploding grenade ammunition

Country Footnotes

1. Arms embargo sanctions in place for Afghanistan apply to those individuals, groups, undertakings and entitiesdesignated under the criteria stated in UN Security Council Resolution 2160 (2014), whose names are held onthe list established pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1988 (2011). The EU implements thesemeasures through Council Decision 2011/486/CFSP, as amended; as well as Council Regulation (EU) No753/2011, as amended.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for armed forces end use.

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3. Licence granted for humanitarian end use.4. Licence granted for Diplomatic missions.5. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. For end use by an International Organisation.6. Licence granted for training purposes. For end use by an International Organisation.7. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.8. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for Diplomatic missions.9. Licence granted for Explosive detection / disposal purposes. For Armed Forces end use.10. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. For Diplomatic Missions.

Aland Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 63% (7)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £606,454

Other 6 £8,240,180

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 11 £8,846,634

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

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Page 17: uk exports july - september 2014

ML2 1 £10,963

ML4 1 £205,040

ML10 1 £79,425

ML11 3 £311,016

ML22 1 £10

components for artillerycomponents for electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for military aircraft ground equipmentdecoying/countermeasure equipment

T military electronic equipmentmilitary guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for decoying/countermeasure equipment


Rating Count Value1C352 1 £105A002 3 £4,494,5455D002 2 £142,3278A002 1 £4,1319E001 1 £3,599,1669E002 1 £0

animal pathogenscryptographic softwareequipment employing cryptography (3 licences)rebreathing swimming equipmentsoftware for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for spacecraft

American Samoa

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

Page 17

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 72% (8)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 90% (10)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 63 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 40% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 40% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 8 £227,880

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £227,880

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 4 £105,286

6A001 1 £38,705

6A003 1 £30,837

7A003 2 £53,052

equipment employing cryptography (4 licences)imaging camerasinertial equipment (2 licences)marine position fixing equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

United States of America 1 0 0

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Page 19: uk exports july - september 2014


equipment for the use of munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentmunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military helmetsmilitary helmets


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Antigua and Barbuda

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

Page 19

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £2,050

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £2,050

equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 81% (13)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 93% (15)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 12% (2)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 66 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 20

Page 21: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 10 £208,668

Other 1 £6,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 11 £214,668

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 9 £207,000

ML13 1 £1,668

components for military helmets [See footnote 1]T sporting guns (2)T sporting guns (3)T sporting shotguns (1) (2 licences)

sporting shotguns (2) [See footnote 2]T sporting shotguns (2) (4 licences)


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £6,000

equipment employing cryptography



Mil 1

Other 1

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML11 1

components for military communications equipment


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Page 22: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count6A003 1

imaging cameras

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 2



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P software for inertial equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

South Africa 0 1 0


military combat vehicles

Country Footnotes

1. No licences shall be granted for any military or dual-use goods and technology being supplied to militaryend-users in Argentina, except in exceptional circumstances. This decision will not affect licences for itemsintended for end-users other than the Argentine military.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Page 22

Page 23: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (53)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (63)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 45 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 57% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 35 £11,670,118

Other 11 £555,501

Mil and Other 1 £15,890

Total 47 £12,241,509

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 11 £10,760,801

ML3 1 £2,160

ML4 3 £25,500

ML5 2 £147,900

ML6 2 £18,300

ML7 7 £176,899

ML8 1 £10

ML9 1 £7,675

ML10 1 £22,440

ML11 4 £427,151

ML13 1 £71,100

ML16 1 £678

ML22 1 £7,500

PL5001 1 £373

PL5017 2 £1,630

anti-riot/ballistic shieldsbomb suitscomponents for bomb suitscomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipment (2 licences)

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components for military guidance/navigation equipmentT components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

components for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for tanksequipment for the use of military electronic equipmentgeneral naval vessel componentsmilitary combat vehiclesmilitary helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentmilitary sonars

T military sonarsT munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment

NBC detection equipmentNBC filtersNBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)precursors for energetic materialsrifles (1) (2 licences)small arms ammunitionsniper rifles (1)sporting guns (1) (3 licences)sporting shotguns (1) (2 licences)sporting shotguns (3)technology for NBC detection equipmentunfinished products for combat aircraftweapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sights (2 licences)

T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

T weapon sights


Rating Count Value0C001 1 £5001A004 2 £20,4001A007 1 £8,0001C351 1 £22,9601C352 1 £1002B350 1 £18,8015A002 2 £4,7406A001 1 £300,0006A002 1 £180,000

animal pathogensT civil explosive detection/identification equipmentT civil NBC protection equipment

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)focal plane arrays

T non-military firing setsthorium

T towed hydrophone arraystoxins

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £2,240ML7 1 £13,550ML17 1 £100

T civil NBC protection equipmentT civil riot control agent protection equipmentT components for civil NBC protection equipment

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T military laser protection equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipment

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £27,052

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £27,052

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML5 1 £27,052

components for equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


SIELs for items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005


Count Value

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 1 £1,342

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Other 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,342

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005

Rating Count Value

HR AIII 1 £1,342


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

2 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

3 P components for military helicopters

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region

1 0 0


components for military helmets

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Australian Antarctic Territory

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 91% (22)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (24)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 4% (1)

Page 26

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Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 14 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 80% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 17 £12,604,794

Other 1 £2,500,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 18 £15,104,794

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 9 £12,064,018

ML5 1 £401,820

ML6 3 £6,092

ML7 1 £219

ML10 1 £2,176

ML11 1 £6,000

ML13 1 £82,350

ML15 1 £23,520

ML21 1 £80

ML22 2 £18,120

PL5017 1 £400

components for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for military helmetscomponents for military radarscomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment

T equipment for the use of weapon night sightsgeneral military vehicle components (3 licences)

T military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

military radarsNBC protective/defensive equipmentpistols (1)software for military radarssporting guns (1)sporting guns (2)technology for general military vehicle componentstechnology for military radarsweapon night sights (2 licences)

T weapon night sightsT weapon sight mounts

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weapon sights (4 licences)T weapon sights


Rating Count Value1C001 1 £2,500,000

electromagnetic wave absorbing materials



Mil 0

Other 1

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

End Use 1


Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 2 £78,868

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £78,868

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Page 28

Page 29: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £78,868

components for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclesgeneral military aircraft components

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


Saudi Arabia




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P general military aircraft components

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 55% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 29 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £18,200

Other 5 £97,205

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £115,405

Page 29

Page 30: uk exports july - september 2014

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £18,200

T components for sporting shotgunsT sporting shotguns (3)


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £64,0005A002 1 £24,0145D002 1 £644End Use 1 £3,312PL8001 1 £5,235

accessories for machine toolscivil NBC detection systemsdevices for initiating explosives [See footnote 1]equipment employing cryptographysoftware for cryptographic software

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedIsrael 1 0 0

1 0 0


assault rifles (8)gun silencersmachine guns (2)military combat vehiclespistols (4)sniper rifles (1)

Country Footnotes

1. The UK interprets the OSCE arms embargo for Azerbaijan as prohibiting the export of any military goods ortechnology to any person, or to any destination, in Azerbaijan. It has been UK practice occasionally to makean exemption in its interpretation of the embargo by approving exports of non-lethal military goods tohumanitarian, media or peacekeeping organisations, where it is clear that the embargo was not intended toprevent those exports and there is a strong humanitarian case for them.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Page 30

Page 31: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 83% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 8 £127,422

Other 3 £59,071

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 11 £186,493

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Page 31

Page 32: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £105,676

ML3 2 £2,500

ML10 4 £17,621

ML16 1 £1,515

PL5017 1 £110

assault rifles (4) [See footnote 2]components for assault rifles [See footnote 2]components for military training aircraft (3 licences) [See footnote 1]

T components for sniper rifles [See footnote 3]general military aircraft components [See footnote 1]

T gun mountings [See footnote 3]gun silencers (2 licences) [See footnote 2]small arms ammunition [See footnote 2]

T small arms ammunition [See footnote 3]T sniper rifles (1) [See footnote 3]

sporting guns (1) [See footnote 2]sporting guns (6) [See footnote 2]unfinished products for combat aircraft [See footnote 1]

T weapon cleaning equipment [See footnote 3]T weapon sights [See footnote 3]


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £50,3001C350 1 £4,0371D003 1 £3,7005A002 1 £1,034

chemicals used for industrial/commercial processescivil NBC detection softwarecivil NBC detection systemscomponents for civil NBC detection systemsequipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

China 1 0 0


military helmets

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for armed forces end use.

Page 32

Page 33: uk exports july - september 2014

2. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.3. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. For Armed Forces end use.

Baker Island

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 28% (2)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £19,073

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £19,073

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML5 1 £4,800

ML10 2 £4,273

ML11 1 £10,000

Page 33

Page 34: uk exports july - september 2014

components for fire location equipmentgeneral military aircraft components (2 licences)

T military electronic equipment



Mil 2

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML13 2

military helmets (2 licences)

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

2 2



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (6)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

Page 34

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £34,762

Other 3 £4,202,050

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £4,236,812

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £100

ML3 2 £34,662

small arms ammunition (2 licences)sporting guns (1)sporting shotguns (1)


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £2,0506A008 2 £4,200,000

equipment employing cryptographyT laser radar equipment (2 licences)

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £11,820

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £11,820

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

4A003 1 £11,820

computer analogue-to-digital equipment [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. On 20 June 2011 the EU adopted additional restrictions against Belarus, including prohibitions on the supplyof arms and related material, as well as on equipment which might be used for internal repression. Restrictivemeasures currently in force with respect to Belarus are set out in Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP, asamended; as well as Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006, as amended.All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 90% (27)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (30)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 14 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 62% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 68% (11)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 21 £317,960

Other 3 £32,575

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 24 £350,534

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 9 £188,290

ML2 1 £700

ML3 3 £11,284

ML4 1 £9,398

ML5 1 £5,000

ML7 1 £200

ML10 1 £10,000

ML11 4 £15,690

ML13 1 £29,388

ML15 1 £46,840

PL5001 1 £1,170

anti-armour ammunitionanti-riot/ballistic shieldsassault rifles (3)blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for artillery ammunitioncomponents for machine guns (3 licences)components for military communications equipment (3 licences)

T components for sporting shotgunscomponents for targeting equipmentconstructions for ballistic protection of military systemsgrenade launchersmachine guns (3)

T military aircraft ground equipmentT military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

NBC protective/defensive equipmentsignalling devicessporting guns (2)

T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

T weapon sights


Page 37

Page 38: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value0E001 1 £13,5001A007 1 £16,8356A004 1 £2,240

non-military detonatorsnon-military firing setsoptical components made from zinc selinidetechnology for nuclear reactors

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 2 £7,540

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £7,540

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £7,540

components for aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for military support aircraft

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:







Saudi Arabia





Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

2 P components for military helicopters

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Page 39: uk exports july - september 2014

3 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 32 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 7 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 97 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £751,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £751,000

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

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7A103 1 £750,800

7E101 1 £200

T inertial equipmentT technology for inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana,Namibia, Nigeria, Togo

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armour (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for military helmetsmilitary helmets (2 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £816

Other 3 £46,823

Mil and Other 0 £0

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Page 41: uk exports july - september 2014

Total 4 £47,639

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £816

training hand grenades


Rating Count Value1A005 2 £13,8457A003 1 £32,978

civil body armour (2 licences)inertial equipment

SIELs for items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005


Count Value

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 1 £4,300

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Other 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £4,300

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005

Rating Count Value

HR AIII 1 £4,300

pepper sprays for self protection


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 21 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 45% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 189 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £12,261

Other 6 £30,149

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £42,409

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML3 1 £4,178

ML13 1 £4,550

ML18 1 £3,533

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ballistic test equipmentmilitary helmetstraining small arms ammunition


Rating Count Value5A002 5 £28,8645E002 3 £1,1856D003 1 £100

equipment employing cryptography (5 licences)high performance air traffic control softwaretechnology for cryptographic softwaretechnology for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £324,750

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £324,750

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £324,750

components for military aero-engines

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

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Page 44: uk exports july - september 2014


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £253,983

Other 1 £10

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £253,993

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £121,100

ML6 2 £14,000

ML11 2 £70,643

ML13 1 £8,000

ML15 1 £39,440

PL5017 1 £800

T components for body armourT military communications equipment (2 licences)T military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

military support vehicles (2 licences)T weapon night sightsT weapon sight mountsT weapon sights


Rating Count Value

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Page 45: uk exports july - september 2014

1C352 1 £10

animal pathogens


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 67% (51)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 92% (70)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 7% (6)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 40 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 38 £946,443

Other 20 £1,305,169

Mil and Other 1 £3,125

Total 59 £2,254,738

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £52,974

ML2 3 £31,072

ML3 1 £9,650

ML4 3 £66,342

ML6 1 £1,754

ML7 2 £3,938

ML9 4 £60,000

ML10 18 £482,235

ML11 3 £143,556

ML14 1 £79,273

ML16 1 £13,830

ML21 1 £0

ML22 3 £544

PL5017 1 £1,274

Page 45

Page 46: uk exports july - september 2014

anti-armour ammunitioncomponents for artillerycomponents for combat aircraft (5 licences)components for machine gunscomponents for man portable air defence systemscomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military helicopters (2 licences)components for military support aircraft (4 licences)components for military training aircraft (6 licences)components for military training equipmentcomponents for naval gunscomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for submarinesequipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipmentequipment for the use of weapon sightsgeneral military aircraft componentsgeneral military vehicle componentsgeneral naval vessel components (3 licences)gun silencerslaunching/handling/control equipment for munitionsmachine guns (31)military guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary training equipmentnaval communications equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmentsmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles (1) [See footnote 1]software for military training equipmentsporting guns (2) [See footnote 1]technology for machine gunstechnology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for military training equipmentunfinished products for air-to-air missilesweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mounts


Rating Count Value0C003 3 £10,7735A001 1 £29,0005A002 7 £483,2745D001 1 £11,0005D002 1 £1,5805E002 2 £5,4776A001 3 £429,7696A003 2 £26,7757A003 2 £33,2697A103 1 £44,2528A002 1 £207,0008C001 1 £23,000

T components for radio jamming equipmentcryptographic softwaredeuterium compoundsdeuterium solutions (3 licences)equipment employing cryptography (6 licences)

T equipment employing cryptographyguidance/navigation equipmentimaging cameras (2 licences)inertial equipment (2 licences)marine position fixing equipment (3 licences)

T radio jamming equipmentT software for radio jamming equipment

submersible equipmentsyntactic foamtechnology for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

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Page 47: uk exports july - september 2014

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £1,625ML7 1 £1,500

T civil NBC protection clothingT NBC protective/defensive equipment



Mil 0

Other 6

Mil and Other 0

Total 6

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

0A001 5

0E001 5

components for nuclear reactors (5 licences)technology for nuclear reactors (5 licences)

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

5 6

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 5 £437,358

Other 1 £116,550

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £553,908

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Page 47

Page 48: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count Value

ML3 1 £114,400

ML4 1 £5,736

ML5 1 £316,080

ML10 1 £708

ML11 1 £434

components for air-to-air missilescomponents for anti-armour ammunitioncomponents for military communications equipmentcomponents for military training aircraftcomponents for weapon control equipment


Rating Count Value2B350 1 £116,550

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:





South Africa



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aircrew protectiveequipment, equipment for the development of combat aircraft, equipment for theproduction of combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, military aircrew breathing equipment, military aircrewprotective equipment, military electronic equipment, signalling devices, software forcombat aircraft, software for military aircraft ground equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the production of combat aircraft,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircrewbreathing equipment, technology for military aircrew protective equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for signalling devices,technology for test models for combat aircraft, test models for combat aircraft

4 P components for naval engines, equipment for the use of naval engines, militarycontainers, naval engines, software for naval engines, technology for naval engines,unfinished products for naval engines

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.

British Antarctic Territory

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Page 49: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

British Indian Ocean Territory

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

British Virgin Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 80% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £13,992

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Page 50: uk exports july - september 2014

Other 1 £180,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £193,992

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £13,992

signalling devices


Rating Count Value7A008 1 £180,000

T underwater sonar navigation systems



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 23 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 73% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 86% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 50

Page 51: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 2 £5,524,802

Other 1 £440

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £5,525,242

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £5,524,547

PL5017 1 £255

gun mountingssporting guns (1)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights


Rating Count Value0C002 1 £440

products containing depleted uraniumproducts containing plutonium-239



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

3 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region

1 0 0


components for military helmets

Page 51

Page 52: uk exports july - september 2014

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Burkina Faso

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 21 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 42 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £742,415

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £742,415

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £742,415

general military aircraft components (2 licences)military aircraft ground equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 40% (2)

Page 52

Page 53: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 0 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £994,398

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £994,398

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

3A101 1 £994,398

X-ray accelerators [See footnote 1]



Mil 2

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML9 1

ML22 1

PL5017 1

components for military patrol/assault craftequipment for the use of military patrol/assault crafttechnology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areas

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Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 2

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Burma are set out in Council Decision 2013/184/CFSP; theseinclude an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, as well as of equipment that might be usedfor internal repression as specified in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 401/2013. All exports for thisdestination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 6 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £7,230

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £7,230

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £6,559

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5D002 1 £671

equipment employing cryptographysoftware for equipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 63 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 104 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

Page 55

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

50% (1)



Count Value

Mil 1 £772

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £772

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £772

components for combat aircraft


Source Issued Refused RevokedComoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

0 1 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsriflessmall arms ammunitionsniper riflesweapon sights


Page 56

Page 57: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 83% (46)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (55)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 47 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 33 £3,956,419

Other 6 £4,237,804

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 39 £8,194,223

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 8 £88,706

ML3 3 £192,852

ML4 3 £49,198

ML5 2 £872,262

ML6 2 £736,218

ML7 2 £1,800,000

ML9 4 £11,942

ML10 4 £120,017

ML11 2 £17,163

ML13 1 £120

ML15 1 £21,000

ML17 1 £35,302

ML21 1 £2,500

ML22 2 £9,000

PL5017 2 £140

blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for assault riflescomponents for avalanche control projectilescomponents for machine guns

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components for military aero-enginescomponents for military field engineer equipmentcomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military image intensifier equipmentcomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences)

T components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military improvised explosive device disposal equipment

T components for military improvised explosive device disposal equipmentcomponents for military sonarscomponents for naval communications equipment (2 licences)components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentcomponents for pistolscomponents for submarines (2 licences)components for targeting equipment (2 licences)components for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for weapon sights (4 licences)electronic warfare equipmentequipment for the use of machine gunsequipment for the use of military field engineer equipmentgeneral military aircraft componentsmilitary combat vehicles (2 licences)

T military equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary field engineer equipment

T military helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentmilitary improvised explosive device disposal equipment

T military improvised explosive device disposal equipmentNBC detection equipmentSoftware for modelling/simulating/evaluating military operation scenariossporting guns (7)sporting guns (18)sporting shotguns (1)technology for NBC detection equipmenttechnology for Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating military operation scenariostraining small arms ammunitionwall/door breaching projectiles/ammunition


Rating Count Value0E001 2 £21C351 1 £1506A008 2 £4,200,0007A103 1 £37,652

human pathogensinertial equipment

T laser radar equipment (2 licences)technology for nuclear reactor fuel element fabrication equipment (2 licences)technology for products containing depleted uranium (2 licences)technology for products containing plutonium-239 (2 licences)

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 9 £409,767

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £409,767

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

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Page 59: uk exports july - september 2014

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML5 1 £4,647

ML6 1 £9,468

ML10 3 £293,452

ML11 4 £102,200

components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences)components for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military combat vehiclescomponents for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for targeting equipmentgeneral military aircraft components

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:









New Zealand


Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates

United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Singapore 1 0 0


Page 59

Page 60: uk exports july - september 2014

blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for exploding grenade ammunitionexplosivesfuze setting devicesunfinished products for exploding grenade ammunition

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Cape Verde

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 135 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

50% (1)


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Benin, Cape Verde,Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria,Togo

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

0 1 0


body armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsriflessmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles

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weapon sights

Cayman Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £2,400

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,400

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £2,400

sporting guns (1)

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Central African Republic

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £11,400

Other 2 £72,737

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £84,137

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML13 1 £11,400

body armour [See footnote 1]components for body armour [See footnote 1]military helmets [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value5A002 2 £37,9885D002 1 £17,5095E002 1 £17,239

equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)software for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for equipment employing cryptography

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 2127 (2013) established an arms embargo to restrict exports of arms, orrelated material, and of training, technical or financial assistance related to military activities; exemptions applyto some UN, humanitarian, peacekeeping and government entities. S/RES/2134 (2014) extended the armsembargo until 28 January 2015 and amended the exemptions.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.

Ceuta and Melilla

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Channel Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 88% (24)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (27)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 65 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 22 £115,400

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 22 £115,400

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 15 £54,562

ML3 5 £18,808

ML6 2 £29,030

PL5001 1 £13,000

assault rifles (3)blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for gun mountingscomponents for portable anti-riot devicescomponents for small arms ammunitioncomponents for sniper riflescomponents for tanks (2 licences)gun silencersmachine guns (21)

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pistols (1)pistols (2)pistols (3)small arms ammunition (2 licences)sporting guns (1) (2 licences)sporting guns (2) (2 licences)sporting shotgun ammunition (2 licences)sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences)sporting shotguns (2) (2 licences)weapon sights (2 licences)

SIELs for items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005


Count Value

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 2 £9,016

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Other 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £9,016

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005

Rating Count Value

HR AIII 2 £9,016

portable anti-riot devices (2 licences)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 85% (18)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (21)

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% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 42 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 13 £1,574,608

Other 5 £175,369

Mil and Other 1 £770

Total 19 £1,750,747

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £1,086,896

ML4 2 £25,695

ML9 3 £152,924

ML10 1 £1,407

ML11 2 £161,749

ML13 2 £120,620

PL5001 1 £1,800

PL5017 2 £23,518

anti-riot/ballistic shieldsbody armour (2 licences)components for general naval vessel componentscomponents for naval electrical/electronic equipmentcomponents for sporting gunsequipment for the use of machine guns

T equipment for the use of naval gun installations/mountingsT equipment for the use of naval guns

general military aircraft componentsgeneral naval vessel componentsgun silencersmilitary guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)military helmetsnaval electrical/electronic equipmentsignalling devices (2 licences)sporting guns (960)


Rating Count Value

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3A001 1 £66,4745D002 1 £45,0006A003 2 £62,3956A006 1 £1,500

cryptographic softwareimaging cameras (2 licences)magnetometersmicrowave components

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £115ML7 1 £654

civil NBC protection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £300

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £300

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML11 1 £300

components for military guidance/navigation equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for naval engines, equipment for the use of naval engines, militarycontainers, naval engines, software for naval engines, technology for naval engines,unfinished products for naval engines

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Page 67: uk exports july - september 2014

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Belarus 1 0 0


weapon night sights


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 61% (209)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 97% (332)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (2)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 106 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 18 £260,012

Other 251 £213,866,492

Mil and Other 3 £19,291

Total 272 £214,145,796

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £9,564

ML7 1 £438

ML9 1 £155,538

ML10 5 £11,887

ML11 7 £42,225

ML13 1 £39,310

ML22 2 £1,050

Page 67

Page 68: uk exports july - september 2014

bomb suitscomponents for combat aircraft [See footnote 3]components for combat naval vessels [See footnote 5]components for military aero-engines [See footnote 5]components for military communications equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

T components for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3]components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military support aircraft [See footnote 5]components for military training aircraft [See footnote 5]

T general military aircraft componentsmilitary communications equipment [See footnote 1]

T military communications equipmentmilitary electronic equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]military helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmenttechnology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for military patrol/assault craft


Rating Count Value0C004 1 £6,9511A004 3 £129,8531C002 5 £345,8321C111 1 £1961C202 5 £172,5831C210 2 £1,780,0001C216 1 £4,1711C231 1 £2141C350 1 £81,3412B001 10 £1,268,0212B006 2 £39,8582B201 1 £30,0002B226 1 £123,2322B230 1 £1,0452B350 22 £884,8462B351 3 £2,1182D002 1 £03A001 7 £276,8563A101 2 £325,0003A233 2 £1,238,0003B001 3 £1,419,0003C001 9 £15,806,9673C003 3 £116,125,0005A001 1 £9,9955A002 51 £49,433,8315B002 1 £55D002 31 £16,209,8995E002 23 £407,2056A001 2 £136,7466A002 2 £950,0006A003 42 £1,307,2036A005 8 £3,448,6606A006 2 £19,4936A203 6 £223,8646E001 1 £700,0006E002 3 £2,0006E101 1 £06E201 2 £107A003 9 £483,0237A103 8 £233,8418A002 4 £239,636

Page 68

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T acoustic seabed survey equipmentchemicals used for industrial/commercial processescivil explosive detection/identification equipment

T civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences)components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (5 licences)components for instrumentation camerascomponents for semiconductor process equipmentcomponents for submersible equipmentcompound semiconductor precursor chemicals (3 licences)controlled atmosphere furnaces [See footnote 3]corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (17 licences) [See footnotes 4, 8]cryptographic software (20 licences)dimensional measuring equipment (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography (51 licences)equipment for the production of equipment employing cryptographyfibre prepregsfibrous/filamentary materialsfocal plane arraysguidance/navigation equipmenthafnium [See footnote 3]imaging cameras (41 licences)

T imaging camerasinertial equipment (16 licences)instrumentation cameras (3 licences)laser optical componentslasers (7 licences) [See footnote 3]machine tools (11 licences)magnetometers (2 licences)maraging steelsmarine position fixing equipmentmass spectrometers (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical forms (5 licences)metal alloy materialsmetal alloys in powder form (4 licences)microwave components (6 licences)nuclear grade graphite [See footnote 3]numerical control softwarepressure transducerspropellantsradiation hardened TV camera lensesradiation hardened TV cameras

T rebreathing swimming equipmentRF direction finding equipmentrotary position encoderssemiconductor process equipment (3 licences)semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers (9 licences)software for cryptographic softwaresoftware for equipment employing cryptography (10 licences)space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 3]submersible equipment (2 licences)technology for cryptographic software (5 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptography (19 licences)technology for imaging cameras (2 licences)technology for lasers (2 licences)technology for space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 3]toxic gas detectors (2 licences)toxic gas monitoring equipmentX-ray acceleratorsX-ray generators

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A006 3 £8,257ML4 2 £3,243ML11 1 £7,791

components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 6]

Page 69

Page 70: uk exports july - september 2014

magnetometers (3 licences) [See footnote 6]military electronic equipment



Mil 1

Other 1

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML15 1

military infrared/thermal imaging equipment


Rating Count6A003 1

imaging cameras

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

7 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £86,575

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 1 £39,495

Total 2 £126,070

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Page 70

Page 71: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £86,575

components for military aero-engines

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A008 1 £19,649ML11 1 £19,847

components for military guidance/navigation equipmentradar equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:






Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 7]

2 P components for equipment employing cryptography, cryptographic software,software for equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipmentemploying cryptography

3 P software for inertial equipment

4 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

Country Footnotes

1. A declaration by the Madrid European Council on 27 June 1989 established an arms embargo on China. TheUK interpretation of this embargo applies to: lethal weapons such as machine guns, large calibre weapons,bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles; specially designed components of these items and ammunition;military aircraft and helicopters, vessels of war, armoured fighting vehicles and other such weapons platforms;any equipment which might be used for internal repression. All exports for this destination were approved inaccordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for government end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use. End use country is a State Party to the CWC.5. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for academic research purposes by academic end users.7. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.8. End use country is a State Party to the CWC. Civilian / commercial end use.

Christmas Island

Processing Statistics

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Page 72: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands)

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 57% (11)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (19)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 66 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 9 £457,693

Other 8 £681,069

Mil and Other 1 £104,100

Total 18 £1,242,862

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £141,700

ML4 1 £15,000

ML10 3 £4,923

ML11 2 £24,710

ML13 2 £235,240

ML15 1 £35,440

ML22 1 £280

PL5017 1 £400

components for combat aircraftcomponents for military training aircraft (2 licences)military aircraft navigation equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary helmets (2 licences)

T military image intensifier equipmentT military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

technology for military communications equipmentT weapon night sightsT weapon sight mountsT weapon sights


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £11C351 1 £2855A001 1 £40,0005A002 2 £18,4026A008 1 £531,7317A003 1 £27,6509A012 1 £63,000

civil NBC protection equipmentcivil unmanned air vehiclesequipment employing cryptography

T equipment employing cryptographyinertial equipmentradar equipment

T radio jamming equipmenttoxins

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A006 1 £1,100ML13 1 £85,000PL8001 1 £18,000

body armourcomponents for devices for initiating explosivesdevices for initiating explosivesimprovised explosive device disruptors



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

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No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 25 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 20% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 40% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £6,390,025

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £6,390,025

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £4,377,000

ML3 3 £725,800

ML13 4 £537,225

PL5001 1 £750,000

acoustic devices for riot control [See footnote 1]assault rifles (600) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]body armour (4 licences) [See footnote 1]combat shotguns (150) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for assault rifles (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for body armour (4 licences) [See footnote 1]components for pistols (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for sporting guns (3 licences) [See footnote 1]military helmets (4 licences) [See footnote 1]pistols (30) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting guns (200) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]

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sporting shotgun ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 1]weapon sights (3 licences) [See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (3 licences)body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (3 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)

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components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (4 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (4 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (2 licences)weapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sightsweapon sights (4 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.

Congo, Democratic Republic of

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 90 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £765

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £765

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £765

equipment employing cryptography

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P heading sensors for hydrophone arrays, magnetometers

2 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

Country Footnotes

1. Following the adoption of UNSCR 1807 (2008), the UN arms embargo with respect to the DRC only applies tonon-governmental entities. The embargo was most recently renewed through UNSCR 2136 (2014), andcurrently prohibits the supply, sale or transfer of arms and related materiel to all non-governmental entities andindividuals operating in the DRC; some exports must be approved in advance by the Sanctions Committee. Allexports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Continental Shelf Belgian Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf Danish Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

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No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Continental Shelf French Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf German Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf Irish Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf Netherlands Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf Norwegian Sector

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P submersible equipment

Continental Shelf: United Kingdom sector

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (8)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 42 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 44% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 77% (7)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 6 £299,242

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £299,242

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

1A007 1 £37,309

2B350 4 £211,932

6A003 1 £50,000

components for non-military firing setscorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences)

T imaging camerasnon-military firing sets



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P devices for initiating explosives, explosives, linear shaped cutting charges,non-military detonators, non-military firing sets, shaped charges

2 P non-military detonators

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Page 81: uk exports july - september 2014

3 P corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment, cryptographic software,direct view imaging equipment, equipment employing cryptography, imagingcameras, software for equipment employing cryptography

4 P corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment, cryptographic software,direct view imaging equipment, equipment employing cryptography, imagingcameras, software for equipment employing cryptography

5 P non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

6 P submersible equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Cook Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Corn Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Costa Rica

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 81

Page 82: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £1,250,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,250,000

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

6A001 1 £1,250,000

T towed hydrophone arrays


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 92% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £119,205

Other 1 £14,788

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £133,992

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Page 83: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

ML3 1 £118,566

ML7 1 £639

components for NBC detection equipmentsmoke/pyrotechnic ammunition


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £14,788

non-military firing sets



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 26 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 27% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 78% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Count Value

Mil 9 £437,405

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £437,405

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 6 £325,768

ML3 1 £1,500

ML4 1 £90,000

ML10 1 £1,174

PL5017 5 £18,962

components for pistolscomponents for sniper rifles (4 licences)equipment for the use of sniper rifles (4 licences)equipment for the use of weapon sightsflash suppressers (4 licences)general military aircraft componentsgun mountings (5 licences)military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentsmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles (1)sniper rifles (8) (3 licences)sniper rifles (17)weapon cleaning equipment (3 licences)weapon sight mounts (5 licences)weapon sights (5 licences)

SIELs for items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005


Count Value

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 1 £2,580

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Other 0 £0

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005 and Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,580

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

Page 84

Page 85: uk exports july - september 2014

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Items covered by EC Reg 1236/2005

Rating Count Value

HR AIII 1 £2,580

pepper sprays for self protection



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

3 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Czech Republic

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 92% (12)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (13)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 14 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 73% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 85

Page 86: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 11 £13,684,464

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 11 £13,684,464

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 5 £12,998,968

ML3 1 £226

ML5 1 £306,600

ML7 2 £276,150

ML10 2 £24,520

ML11 1 £3,000

ML14 1 £73,500

ML17 1 £100

ML21 1 £1,400

T components for attack alerting/warning equipmentT components for military training aircraft

components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentT components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentT military aircraft ground equipmentT military communications equipmentT military laser protection equipmentT military training equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipment

small arms ammunitionT software for attack alerting/warning equipment

sporting guns (1)sporting guns (3)sporting shotguns (1)weapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sights



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P general military aircraft components

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P components for combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipmentfor the use of combat aircraft, technology for general military aircraft components,technology for military aircraft ground equipment

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

Page 86

Page 87: uk exports july - september 2014

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 88% (16)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (18)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 17 £4,243,680

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 17 £4,243,680

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 7 £612,381

ML3 2 £548,450

ML4 3 £8,449

ML7 1 £63,840

ML13 1 £9,320

ML17 2 £2,984,289

PL5001 1 £12,000

PL5017 5 £4,951

anti-riot/ballistic shieldsbody armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for machine gunscomponents for military field engineer equipmentcomponents for NBC respiratorscomponents for small arms ammunition (2 licences)

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components for sniper riflesequipment for the use of military field engineer equipmentequipment for the use of military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipmentequipment for the use of munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentequipment for the use of sniper riflesmachine guns (1)military field engineer equipment (2 licences)military helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment (2 licences)signalling devicessporting shotguns (1) (2 licences)sporting shotguns (2)sporting shotguns (7)weapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sightsweapon sights



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 24 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 28% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £41,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £41,000

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Page 89: uk exports july - september 2014

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5D002 1 £41,000

software for equipment employing cryptography


Source Issued Refused RevokedComoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault rifles (5 licences)body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotgunscomponents for assault rifles (5 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotgunscomponents for military helmetscomponents for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)military helmets (4 licences)

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pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (5 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting gunsweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (5 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Dominican Republic

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

East Timor

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 34 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £48,772

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £48,772

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

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by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £48,772

T components for machine gunsT machine guns (3)T sniper rifles (3)T weapon sights


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £7,325

Other 1 £18,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £25,325

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML5 2 £6,225

ML13 1 £1,100

body armourcomponents for military radarscomponents for targeting equipment


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Rating Count Value5A002 1 £18,000

T equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 94% (17)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 26% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 53% (8)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £138,986

Other 11 £512,683

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 13 £651,669

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £120,000

ML9 1 £18,986

components for military auxiliary/support vessels [See footnote 3]military combat vehicles [See footnote 2]military support vehicles [See footnote 2]


Rating Count Value2B201 1 £85,3702B350 2 £25,3442B351 1 £9015A002 2 £50,180

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7A003 1 £3057A103 1 £340,0008A002 2 £9,704End Use 1 £878

components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcomponents for dimensional inspection equipmentcomponents for submersible equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)inertial equipment (2 licences)machine toolssubmersible equipmenttoxic gas monitoring equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components formilitary training equipment, decoying/countermeasure equipment, military trainingequipment, software for aerial target equipment, software for military trainingequipment, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for military trainingequipment[See footnote 1]

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Egypt 1 0 0

Serbia 1 0 0


assault rifles (7)body armourcomponents for artillery ammunitioncomponents for assault riflesmilitary helmetssmall arms ammunitionweapon sights


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (5 licences)body armour (5 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (5 licences)components for body armour (5 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (5 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)

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small arms ammunition (6 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (2 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. For civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for end use by the Navy.

El Salvador

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Equatorial Guinea

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 1 day

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 7 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 5 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 83% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 91% (11)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £5,197,146

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £5,197,146

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £5,194,806

ML7 1 £2,340

PL5017 1 £0

equipment for the use of NBC protective/defensive equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmentweapon night sights



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Central African Republic 1 0 0

1 0 0


anti-armour weaponsassault rifles (49)combat shotguns (4)grenade launchersmachine guns (20)pistols (25)sniper rifles (4)

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Page 97: uk exports july - september 2014

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 58 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 5 £835,751

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £835,751

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 4 £82,041

5D002 1 £2,710

7A103 1 £750,800

7E101 1 £200

cryptographic softwareequipment employing cryptography (4 licences)

T inertial equipmentT technology for inertial equipment



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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

Falkland Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (6)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £5,198

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £5,198

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £5,198

gun mountingssporting shotguns (1)sporting shotguns (3)

SIELs - Transhipment


Count Value

Mil 1 £3,900

Other 0 £0

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Page 99: uk exports july - september 2014

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £3,900

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application. As the items covered by issued SITLs merely

pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' for these licences with the value of items

originating in the UK.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

PL5001 1 £3,900

components for portable anti-riot devices

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedUnited States of America 2 0 0


components for portable anti-riot devicescomponents for portable riot control electric-shock devices

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Faroe Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 92% (25)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (27)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 14 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 62% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 68% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 18 £312,970

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 18 £312,970

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 8 £148,282

ML3 1 £288

ML4 2 £92,687

ML6 2 £10,932

ML7 1 £10,440

ML8 1 £1,442

ML10 2 £11,260

ML11 1 £4,800

ML15 1 £32,440

ML21 1 £0

PL5017 1 £400

components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for ground vehicle military communications equipmentcomponents for military combat vehicles (2 licences)components for military support vehiclescomponents for military training aircraftcomponents for sporting guns (2 licences)

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crowd control ammunitiondecoy flares

T military aircraft ground equipmentT military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

NBC protective/defensive equipmentpyrotechnics/fuels and related substancessmall arms ammunitionsoftware for combat aircraftsporting guns (1)sporting shotguns (2)wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionweapon night sights

T weapon night sightsT weapon sight mounts

weapon sights (2 licences)T weapon sights

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 4 £3,660,716

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £3,660,716

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 3 £410,048

ML9 1 £3,250,668

components for military auxiliary/support vesselscomponents for military combat vehicles (2 licences)general military vehicle components

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

Korea, South

South Africa

SIELs - Transhipment


Count Value

Mil 2 £3,007,213

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

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Total 2 £3,007,213

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application. As the items covered by issued SITLs merely

pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' for these licences with the value of items

originating in the UK.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML2 1 £12,100

ML5 1 £2,274

ML6 2 £2,988,224

PL5017 1 £4,615

components for military combat vehiclescomponents for mortarscomponents for periscopesequipment for the use of mortarsground vehicle military communications equipmentmilitary combat vehicles



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for nuclear fuel reprocessing equipment, software for nuclear reactors,technology for enriched uranium, technology for materials containing enricheduranium, technology for materials containing plutonium-239, technology for materialscontaining uranium-233, technology for nuclear grade graphite, technology fornuclear reactors, technology for plutonium-239, technology for products containingenriched uranium, technology for products containing plutonium-239, technology forproducts containing uranium-233, technology for uranium-233

2 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

3 P components for military helicopters

4 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

5 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 77% (108)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (140)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

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Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 47 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 42% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 57% (15)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 67 £7,870,581

Other 6 £46,118

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 73 £7,916,699

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 13 £5,603,608

ML3 4 £8,258

ML4 10 £120,224

ML5 6 £183,613

ML6 1 £19,950

ML7 6 £204,552

ML9 2 £7,832

ML10 8 £1,395,017

ML11 8 £188,713

ML13 2 £16,177

ML15 4 £58,113

ML16 2 £24,563

ML21 4 £6,499

ML22 6 £325

PL5017 3 £33,136

accessories for targeting equipmentbody armour (2 licences)components for artillery ammunitioncomponents for body armourcomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences)

T components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for equipment for the development of bombscomponents for gun mountingscomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (3 licences)components for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military airborne equipmentcomponents for military communications equipment (2 licences)

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components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences)components for military improvised explosive device disposal equipmentcomponents for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences)components for naval electrical/electronic equipmentcomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment

T components for NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for submarinescomponents for surface-to-air missilescomponents for targeting equipment

T components for targeting equipmentcomponents for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for weapon control equipmentequipment for the development of multi-role missilesequipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipmentequipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

T equipment for the use of targeting equipmentgeneral military aircraft componentsgun mountings (2 licences)gun silencers (2 licences)inert ammunition

T machine guns (1) (2 licences)T military aircraft ground equipment

military combat vehiclesmilitary electronic equipment (2 licences)military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentNBC detection equipment

T NBC detection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment

T NBC protective/defensive equipmentrifles (1)rifles (2)rifles (3)rifles (8)small arms ammunition

T small arms ammunitionsniper rifles (2)sniper rifles (14)software for military communications equipment

T software for targeting equipmentsoftware for test equipment for military guidance/navigation equipmentsporting guns (1) (2 licences)sporting guns (2)

T targeting equipment (2 licences)technology for military aero-enginestechnology for military communications equipment (2 licences)

T technology for NBC protective/defensive equipmenttechnology for sniper riflestechnology for unmanned air vehiclestraining small arms ammunitionunfinished products for military support aircraftunfinished products for multi-role missileswall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mounts (2 licences)weapon sights


Rating Count Value0C002 1 £3,4410E001 2 £51A007 2 £41,908

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Page 105: uk exports july - september 2014

5A002 1 £765

equipment employing cryptographynon-military firing sets (2 licences)technology for enriched uraniumtechnology for materials containing enriched uraniumtechnology for materials containing plutonium-239technology for nuclear fuel reprocessing equipmenttechnology for nuclear reactor fuel element fabrication equipmenttechnology for nuclear reactors (2 licences)technology for plutonium-239technology for products containing enriched uraniumtechnology for products containing plutonium-239uranium-233

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 43 £34,456,343

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 43 £34,456,343

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 4 £33,276

ML5 5 £30,000,707

ML6 2 £235,687

ML9 7 £2,315,104

ML10 18 £1,751,834

ML11 1 £4,750

ML15 3 £63,763

ML16 3 £38,676

ML22 3 £5,900

PL5017 1 £6,646

components for air-to-surface missiles (2 licences)components for attack alerting/warning equipmentcomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for fire location equipmentcomponents for military aero-engines (6 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (2 licences)components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (3 licences)components for military radarscomponents for military support aircraft (4 licences)components for military support vehiclescomponents for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for military underwater remotely operated vehiclescomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment

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components for naval electrical/electronic equipment (2 licences)components for submarines (3 licences)components for surface-to-air missilescomponents for targeting equipment (2 licences)equipment for the use of submarinesgeneral military aircraft components (3 licences)general military vehicle componentsnaval communications equipmenttechnology for military support aircrafttechnology for military training aircrafttechnology for naval communications equipmentunfinished products for military aero-enginesunfinished products for military support aircraft (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


















Korea, South












Saudi Arabia


South Africa





United Arab Emirates

United States of America



Page 106

Page 107: uk exports july - september 2014


Mil 5

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 5

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML5 1

ML10 2

ML11 2

components for military aircrew protective equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary aircraft head-up/down displaysmilitary guidance/navigation equipmenttargeting equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use of aircraft militarycommunications equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, military electronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment,software for aircraft military communications equipment, software for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for aircraft military communicationsequipment, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary guidance/navigation equipment

2 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

3 P components for surface-to-surface missiles, equipment for the production ofsurface-to-surface missiles, equipment for the use of surface-to-surface missiles,military containers, software for surface-to-surface missiles, technology forsurface-to-surface missiles, test models for surface-to-surface missiles

4 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

5 P Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios, Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems, technology for Software formodelling/simulating military operation scenarios, technology for Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems

6 P components for surface-to-surface missiles, equipment for the production ofsurface-to-surface missiles, equipment for the use of surface-to-surface missiles,military containers, software for surface-to-surface missiles, technology forsurface-to-surface missiles, test models for surface-to-surface missiles

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7 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

8 P components for military helicopters

9 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

10 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsriflessmall arms ammunitionsniper riflesweapon sights

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

French Overseas Territory

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

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Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £693

Other 1 £4,200,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £4,200,693

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £693

components for sporting gunsgun silencers


Rating Count Value6A008 1 £4,200,000

T laser radar equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £11,142

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £11,142

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £6,585

ML13 1 £4,557

aircraft military communications equipmentbody armourcomponents for aircraft military communications equipmentgeneral military aircraft components


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military helmetsmilitary helmets


Page 110

Page 111: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 36 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 26 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 42% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 68 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £36,216

Other 2 £21,441

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 7 £57,657

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £1,880

ML3 2 £29,100

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Page 112: uk exports july - september 2014

PL5017 2 £5,236

components for assault rifles [See footnote 2]components for pistols [See footnote 2]

T equipment for the use of sniper riflesequipment for the use of weapon sights [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition [See footnote 3]sporting shotguns (4) [See footnote 3]training small arms ammunition [See footnote 2]


Rating Count Value1C351 1 £1End Use 1 £21,440

human pathogenslasers



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for Government end use.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers for Government end use.3. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 87% (119)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (136)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 32 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 45% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 59% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 63 £3,836,325

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Other 5 £3,844

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 68 £3,840,169

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 12 £1,463,424

ML3 5 £13,391

ML4 4 £845,946

ML6 2 £13,173

ML7 3 £32,935

ML8 1 £348

ML9 1 £1,072

ML10 24 £393,758

ML11 7 £48,697

ML13 3 £2,920

ML15 2 £161,760

ML21 4 £770,800

ML22 3 £61,601

PL5017 1 £26,500

command communications control and intelligence softwarecomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armour (2 licences)components for combat aircraft (10 licences)components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for military aero-enginescomponents for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)components for military helicopters (3 licences)components for military support aircraft (8 licences)components for military support vehicles (2 licences)components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences)components for naval enginescomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipmentcomponents for small arms ammunition (2 licences)components for sporting gunsconstructions for ballistic protection of military systemsdecoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences)energetic materials additivesgeneral military aircraft componentsgun silencers

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary guidance/navigation equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)

NBC protective/defensive equipmentpistols (1)small arms ammunition (2 licences)software for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclessoftware for launching/ground support equipment for unmanned air vehicles

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software for military guidance/navigation equipmentsoftware for military patrol/assault craftsoftware for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentsoftware for unmanned air vehiclessporting guns (1) (2 licences)sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences)tear gas/riot control agentstechnology for air-to-air missilestechnology for air-to-surface missilestechnology for artillery ammunitiontechnology for command communications control and intelligence softwaretechnology for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclestechnology for launching/ground support equipment for unmanned air vehiclestechnology for launching/handling/control equipment for missilestechnology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for targeting equipmenttechnology for unmanned air vehiclestechnology for weapon control equipmenttest models for artillery ammunitiontraining small arms ammunition

T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value0C002 2 £2,3730C004 2 £1,3711A004 1 £100

civil NBC protection equipmentnuclear grade graphite (2 licences)plutonium-239products containing enriched uraniumproducts containing plutonium-239

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 53 £1,682,965

Other 1 £1,238,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 54 £2,920,965

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML2 1 £2,152

ML4 4 £215,891

ML5 10 £203,946

ML6 8 £87,263

ML9 6 £63,597

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Page 115: uk exports july - september 2014

ML10 19 £416,752

ML11 2 £70,403

ML14 1 £2,528

ML15 1 £551,000

ML17 4 £69,433

ML22 1 £0

components for artillerycomponents for combat aircraft (4 licences)components for combat helicopters (5 licences)components for decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences)components for launching/handling/control equipment for missilescomponents for military aero-engines (3 licences)components for military containerscomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (3 licences)components for military radars (2 licences)components for military support aircraftcomponents for military support vehiclescomponents for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for military training equipmentcomponents for periscopes (5 licences)components for submarines (6 licences)components for tanks (2 licences)components for turrets (2 licences)components for weapon control equipment (2 licences)decoying/countermeasure equipmentgeneral military vehicle components (3 licences)military electronic equipmentmilitary infrared/thermal imaging equipmentmilitary support aircraftsignature suppression fittings/coatings/treatments for military use (3 licences)technology for military aero-enginesweapon control equipment


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £1,238,000

equipment employing cryptography

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:













Korea, South




New Zealand

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Page 116: uk exports july - september 2014







Saudi Arabia






United Arab Emirates

United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

2 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

3 P Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios, Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems, technology for Software formodelling/simulating military operation scenarios, technology for Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems

4 P components for military helicopters

5 P technology for equipment for the use of air-to-surface missiles, technology forlaunching/handling/control equipment for air-to-surface missiles, technology formilitary training equipment

6 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

7 P technology for NBC detection equipment, technology for software for NBC detectionequipment

8 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 78% (11)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 20% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 40% (2)

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Page 117: uk exports july - september 2014

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

20% (1)



Count Value

Mil 4 £1,470,112

Other 8 £322,647

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 12 £1,792,760

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £2,699

ML3 1 £418,000

ML10 1 £62,188

ML13 1 £237,225

PL5001 1 £750,000

acoustic devices for riot controlblank/inert ammunitionbody armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military helicoptersmilitary helmetssporting guns (2)


Rating Count Value1C351 1 £1,3265A002 6 £206,3215D002 1 £100,0005E002 1 £10,0006A001 1 £5,000

equipment employing cryptography (5 licences)T equipment employing cryptography

marine position fixing equipmentsoftware for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for equipment employing cryptographytoxins

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedAustralia 1 0 0


Page 117

Page 118: uk exports july - september 2014

components for military communications equipmentmilitary communications equipment


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana,Namibia, Nigeria, Togo

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

0 1 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armour (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for military helmetsmilitary helmets (2 licences)


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsriflessmall arms ammunitionsniper riflesweapon sights


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (5)

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £65,431

Other 2 £1,016,500

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £1,081,931

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £346

ML6 1 £65,085

components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protectioncomponents for pistolscomponents for sporting shotgunsgun mountings


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £1,5006A001 1 £1,015,000

equipment employing cryptographytowed hydrophone arrays



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

Page 119

Page 120: uk exports july - september 2014

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (8)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 21 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 65% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £23,248

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £23,248

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £7,185

ML9 2 £15,369

ML10 1 £694

components for combat aircraftcomponents for combat naval vesselsgeneral naval vessel componentssporting shotguns (1)sporting shotguns (3)

SIELs - Incorporation

Page 120

Page 121: uk exports july - september 2014


Count Value

Mil 1 £1,089

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,089

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £1,089

general military aircraft components

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

2 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

3 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

4 P components for military helicopters

5 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

6 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Page 121

Page 122: uk exports july - september 2014

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault rifles (2 licences)body armour (2 licences)components for assault rifles (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistolsriflessmall arms ammunition (2 licences)sniper riflesweapon sights (2 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 122

Page 123: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 1 £1,391

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,391

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £1,391

components for military helicopters


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 7 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £2,050

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £2,050

equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 32 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £11,055

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £11,055

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £11,055

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T equipment employing cryptography

Guinea, Republic of

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 6 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £35,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £35,000

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

6A006 1 £25,000

7A003 1 £10,000

T inertial equipmentT magnetometers

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Guinea are set out in Council Decision 2010/638/CFSP, asamended; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, as well as of equipmentthat might be used for internal repression as specified in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 1284/2009,with exemptions for certain humanitarian, protective and UN or EU end uses. Amendments to CouncilDecision 2010/638/CFSP in 2011 and 2012 introduces further exemptions for the supply of non-lethalequipment to be used for maintaining public order by the police and gendarmerie in Guinea, for the return ofnon-combat helicopters to Guinea, and for the provision of explosives and related equipment intended solelyfor civilian use in mining and infrastructure investments. In April 2014, Council Decision 2014/213/CFSP liftedthe arms embargo though measures against individuals remain in place.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Heard and McDonald Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 83% (40)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (48)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 2% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 107 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 28% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 28% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

14% (1)



Count Value

Mil 11 £260,484

Other 22 £48,166,630

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 33 £48,427,115

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £4,500

ML3 1 £12,700

ML4 5 £58,547

ML7 3 £184,703

PL5001 1 £35

anti-riot/ballistic shields [See footnote 2]components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences) [See footnote 4]machine guns (1)military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 4]munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]NBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)signalling devicessporting shotgun ammunition [See footnote 3]


Rating Count Value1C350 1 £4621C351 1 £1055A002 18 £11,283,3825D002 5 £36,778,4305E002 2 £2116A003 1 £104,040

chemicals used for industrial/commercial processescomponents for equipment employing cryptographycryptographic software (3 licences)equipment employing cryptography (18 licences)imaging camerassoftware for equipment employing cryptography (4 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)toxins

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Mil 0

Other 1

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

3C001 1

semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

7 1



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

3 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography


Applications refused in full.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 3]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

China 1 0 0


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components for military helmets

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. For law enforcement agency end use.

Howland Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 8 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 78% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £14,023,419

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £14,023,419

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £14,008,263

ML6 1 £15,156

assault rifles (1)components for military combat vehiclesweapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P components for combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipmentfor the use of combat aircraft, technology for general military aircraft components,technology for military aircraft ground equipment

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 16 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £918,084

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £918,084

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

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The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £844,319

ML3 2 £73,765

gun mountingsgun silencerssmall arms ammunition (2 licences)sniper rifles (1)sporting shotgun ammunitionweapon night sightsweapon sights



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 77% (231)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 98% (295)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 81 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (6)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 134 £7,639,817

Other 83 £4,126,739

Mil and Other 1 £71,681

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Total 218 £11,838,237

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £375,670

ML3 6 £178,500

ML4 6 £155,055

ML5 25 £1,413,773

ML6 3 £228,882

ML9 6 £947,865

ML10 55 £2,595,776

ML11 18 £417,490

ML14 3 £729,980

ML15 5 £243,757

ML16 1 £80,626

ML21 1 £1

ML22 4 £202

PL5001 1 £272,240

aircraft military communications equipmentanti-riot/ballistic shieldscomponents for airborne refuelling equipmentcomponents for aircraft machine gunscomponents for attack alerting/warning equipment (3 licences)components for combat aircraft (15 licences)components for combat helicopterscomponents for electronic warfare equipment (11 licences)components for ground based radarscomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (2 licences)components for military aero-engines (7 licences)components for military aircrew life support equipmentcomponents for military combat vehicles (2 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences)components for military helicopters (6 licences)components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military improvised explosive device disposal equipmentcomponents for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)components for military radars (17 licences)components for military training aircraft (12 licences)components for military utility helicopterscomponents for naval electrical/electronic equipmentcomponents for naval enginescomponents for recognition/identification equipmentcomponents for submarinescomponents for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences)components for weapon control equipment (4 licences)equipment for the use of combat aircraftequipment for the use of military communications equipmentexplosive charges/devicesgeneral military aircraft components (10 licences)general military vehicle componentsgeneral naval vessel components (2 licences)military cameras/photographic equipment (2 licences)

T military cameras/photographic equipment

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military equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T military training equipmentnaval electrical/electronic equipmentsmall arms ammunition (6 licences)small arms training equipment (2 licences)software for military guidance/navigation equipmentsporting guns (2)technology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for software for optimising equipment designtechnology for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences)unfinished products for general military vehicle componentsweapon night sightsweapon sights


Rating Count Value0C001 1 £7620C003 2 £2071C202 3 £516,8751C229 2 £3961C231 2 £1741C234 2 £1,0031C240 2 £260,0001C351 1 £3002B230 2 £3,0022B350 1 £28,0632B352 1 £310,0003A001 1 £11,9703C001 1 £390,0003C003 1 £3,1894A003 2 £2,8944D001 1 £05A002 37 £1,835,5135D002 7 £63,2435E002 6 £6346A002 1 £3,1006A003 8 £289,4766A005 1 £40,0006A006 2 £6,3566A203 1 £28,0886C002 2 £677A003 3 £37,7407A103 2 £265,340End Use 2 £28,347

biotechnology equipmentbismuth (2 licences)compound semiconductor precursor chemicalscomputer analogue to digital equipmentcomputer analogue-to-digital equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment

T cryptographic softwaredeuterium solutions (2 licences)

T direct view imaging equipmentequipment employing cryptography (34 licences)

T equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)extended temperature range integrated circuitsguidance/navigation equipmenthafnium compounds (2 licences)human pathogensimaging cameras (5 licences)

T imaging cameras (3 licences)inertial equipment (4 licences)instrumentation cameras

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lasersmagnetometers (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical forms (3 licences)nickel powders (2 licences)non-ferrous alloys (2 licences)optical sensor materials (2 licences)pressure transducers (2 licences)semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layerssoftware for computer analogue-to-digital equipmentsoftware for cryptographic softwaresoftware for equipment employing cryptography (5 licences)technology for cryptographic softwaretechnology for equipment employing cryptography (5 licences)thoriumzirconium compounds (2 licences)

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value3A001 1 £12,978ML4 1 £58,703

components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitionsradiation hardened integrated circuits

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 4 £52,950

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £52,950

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 4 £52,950

components for military helicopters (2 licences)general military aircraft components (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

United States of America



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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aero-engines,environmental test facilities for military aero-engines, equipment for the production ofmilitary aero-engines, equipment for the use of military aero-engines, militaryaero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, military containers, software formilitary aero-engines, technology for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 T imaging cameras

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

5 P components for combat aircraft, components for combat helicopters, components formilitary helicopters, components for military support aircraft, components for militarytraining aircraft, equipment for the production of combat aircraft, equipment for theproduction of combat helicopters, equipment for the production of militaryhelicopters, equipment for the production of military support aircraft, equipment forthe production of military training aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0


assault riflescomponents for assault riflessmall arms ammunitionweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 81% (52)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (64)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 55 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 37% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 62% (5)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 40 £8,841,514

Other 15 £695,272

Mil and Other 4 £543,300

Total 59 £10,080,086

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 4 £186,166

ML3 1 £62,077

ML4 1 £6,750

ML5 5 £353,918

ML9 2 £67,890

ML10 19 £3,450,722

ML11 7 £104,494

ML13 3 £113,795

ML14 2 £738,155

ML21 1 £1,500

ML22 2 £3,747,989

PL5017 4 £8,058

body armour [See footnote 2]T components for air defence systems

components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 4]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 2]components for combat aircraft

T components for electronic warfare equipmentT components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles

components for machine guns [See footnote 4]components for military aero-engines (4 licences)components for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military radars (2 licences)components for military support aircraft (4 licences)components for military training aircraft (7 licences)components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 4]components for sniper rifles [See footnote 1]components for submarines

T components for surface-to-air missilesequipment for the use of machine guns (2 licences) [See footnote 4]equipment for the use of submarines

T fire location equipment

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general military aircraft componentsgeneral naval vessel componentsmilitary aero-engines (2 licences)military communications equipmentmilitary guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)military helmets (3 licences) [See footnote 2]

T military training equipment (2 licences)rangefinding equipmentsniper rifles (22) [See footnote 1]software for military guidance/navigation equipmenttargeting equipmenttechnology for general naval vessel componentstechnology for military communications equipmenttechnology for rangefinding equipmenttechnology for sniper rifles [See footnote 1]technology for targeting equipmenttechnology for weapon control equipmenttraining small arms ammunition [See footnote 4]weapon cleaning equipment [See footnote 1]weapon control equipment

T weapon control equipmentweapon sight mounts [See footnote 1]weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £8,0001C202 1 £3442B350 4 £25,4462B351 1 £3262B352 1 £174,0002E003 1 £15A001 2 £213,0005A002 2 £214,6545D001 1 £9,0005D002 1 £15E001 1 £5,5007A003 1 £20,0007A103 1 £25,000

biotechnology equipmentcomponents for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences)

T equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipmentinertial equipment (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical formsnon-military firing setssoftware for equipment employing cryptography

T software for telecommunications jamming equipmenttechnology for improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipmenttechnology for stretch-forming equipment

T telecommunications jamming equipmenttoxic gas detectors

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 3 £6,6006A003 1 £80,0008A002 3 £30,000ML4 1 £1,000ML5 1 £320,000ML7 3 £40,400ML11 1 £65,000ML17 3 £300

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T civil NBC protection equipment (3 licences)T civil riot control agent protection equipment (2 licences)T components for civil NBC protection equipment (3 licences)T components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentT imaging camerasT military communications equipmentT military laser protection equipment (3 licences)T NBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)T optical target surveillance equipmentT rebreathing swimming equipment (3 licences)T targeting equipmentT weapon sights

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £12,324

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £12,324

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £12,324

components for combat aircraft

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

3 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.4. Licence granted for training purposes. For Armed Forces end use.

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 56% (86)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 97% (149)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 7% (11)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 5 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 8 £285,987,779

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £285,987,779

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

1A004 1 £1,050

End Use 3 £262,356

PL9009 4 £285,724,373

civil aero-enginescivil aircraftcivil NBC protection clothingcomponents for civil aircraft (2 licences)components for corrosion protection equipmentdrilling/mining equipmentprocess control equipment



Mil 0

Other 11

Mil and Other 0

Total 11

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Page 140: uk exports july - september 2014

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

End Use 3


PL9009 1

chemicalscomponents for civil aero-enginescomponents for civil aircraftcomponents for pumpscorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)ferrous alloysflow measurement equipmentindustrial generatorsseals (2 licences)vibration test equipment

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 10

7 1

Country Footnotes

1. On 12 April 2011, the EU adopted additional sanctions on Iran in response to the deterioration of the humanrights situation. Council Decision 2011/235/CFSP, as amended, includes restrictions on the supply ofequipment which might be used for internal repression, as well as of monitoring and interception equipment.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.2. The adoption of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1929 on 9 June 2010 established a UN embargo

on the supply of conventional weapons to Iran, in addition to restrictions introduced under the original UNSCR1737 of 23 December 2006, which restricted any equipment that could contribute to the nuclear capability ofIran. EU Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP of 26 July 2010 (as amended) and EU Council Regulation267/2012 (as amended) includes additional measures that, inter-alia, an embargo on imports of Iranian crudeoil, natural gas, and petroleum products, trade in precious and raw metals, diamonds, Iranian banknotes andcoinage to the Central Bank of Iran, naval equipment and technology for ship-building, and on certain softwarefor integrating industrial processes. There is currently one exemption to the arms embargo, for the export ofnon-combat vehicles with ballistic protection intended solely for protective use of EU and Member Statespersonnel.

EU counter-proliferation sanctions currently in force are set out in Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP, asamended. This Decision embargoes the supply of arms and equipment that could contribute to the nuclearcapability of Iran, nearly all Dual-Use equipment and equipment for certain sectors of the oil and natural gasindustries.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 21 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 42% (14)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 93% (31)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 3 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 6 £3,035,717

Other 7 £6,803,120

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 13 £9,838,837

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £63,215

ML6 1 £2,182

ML11 1 £25,000

ML15 2 £2,915,189

ML21 1 £1

ML22 1 £10,130

PL5017 1 £20,000

assault rifles (37) [See footnote 2]components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection [See footnote 4]components for assault rifles [See footnote 2]components for military image recording/processing equipment [See footnote 3]components for pistols [See footnote 2]equipment for the use of weapon sights [See footnote 2]military electronic equipment [See footnote 5]military image recording/processing equipment [See footnote 3]military infrared/thermal imaging equipment [See footnote 1]pistols (15) [See footnote 2]software for military image recording/processing equipment [See footnote 3]technology for military electronic equipment [See footnote 3]technology for military image recording/processing equipment [See footnote 3]


Rating Count Value

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1A004 1 £14,4003A101 1 £5,975,0273D101 1 £65A002 4 £62,6877A103 1 £750,8007E101 1 £200

civil NBC protection equipmentequipment employing cryptography (4 licences)

T inertial equipmentsoftware for X-ray generators

T technology for gyroscopesX-ray generators



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for equipment employing cryptography, equipment employingcryptography, technology for equipment employing cryptography

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

France 1 0 0

Germany 2 0 0

Jordan 2 0 0

Poland 4 0 0

Russia 1 0 0

1 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection (2 licences)anti-aircraft ammunitionanti-aircraft gunsartillery ammunitionhand grenadesmachine guns (2700)mortar bombsmortarspromoting the supply of anti-aircraft ammunition (3 licences)promoting the supply of anti-aircraft guns (3 licences)promoting the supply of anti-armour ammunitionpromoting the supply of artillery ammunition (4 licences)promoting the supply of assault rifles (8000)promoting the supply of body armourpromoting the supply of Category B goodspromoting the supply of components for launching/handling/control equipment for missilespromoting the supply of exploding grenade ammunition (2 licences)promoting the supply of hand grenades (2 licences)promoting the supply of launching/handling/control equipment for missilespromoting the supply of machine guns (40)promoting the supply of machine guns (2700) (3 licences)promoting the supply of military combat vehiclespromoting the supply of military communications equipmentpromoting the supply of military containerspromoting the supply of military field generatorspromoting the supply of military helmets

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promoting the supply of military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipmentpromoting the supply of military support vehiclespromoting the supply of military trailerspromoting the supply of mortar bombs (3 licences)promoting the supply of mortars (3 licences)promoting the supply of munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentpromoting the supply of pistols (8100)promoting the supply of rifles (8000)promoting the supply of small arms ammunition (3 licences)promoting the supply of sniper rifles (200) (3 licences)promoting the supply of surface-to-surface missilespromoting the supply of targeting equipmentpromoting the supply of weapon night sightssmall arms ammunition (2 licences)sniper rifles (200)

Country Footnotes

1. General trade sanctions against Iraq, except prohibitions related to the sale or supply of arms and relatedmateriel, were revoked by the UN Security Council resolution 1483 (22 May 2003), implemented in UKlegislation on 14 June 2003 by the Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) Order 2003 [S.I. 2003/1519]. UNSCR 1546(2004) continues the embargo on arms and related materiel against Iraq, but provides exemptions forequipment required by the Government of Iraq to serve the purposes of UNSCR 1546 (2004).

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for naval end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for end use by the Air Force.4. Licence granted for Diplomatic missions.5. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for end use by the Navy.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 84% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 7 £67,637

Other 2 £14,564

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Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £82,200

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 5 £17,092

ML7 1 £40,545

ML11 1 £10,000

components for sporting gunsT equipment for the use of anti-aircraft guns

gun mountingsNBC respiratorssporting guns (1)weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £6,5647A001 1 £8,000

accelerometerscomponents for non-military firing sets



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Isle Of Man

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 65 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 51% (47)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 96% (88)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 1% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 94 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 28% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 42% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

14% (1)



Count Value

Mil 7 £230,553

Other 22 £2,166,111

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 29 £2,396,664

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £2,990

ML10 2 £24,661

ML11 2 £181,902

ML13 1 £19,000

ML21 1 £2,000

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aircraft military communications equipmentbody armour [See footnote 4]components for body armour [See footnote 4]components for combat helicopters [See footnote 1]components for military spacecraft [See footnote 2]components for surface-to-air missiles [See footnote 2]military aircraft navigation equipment [See footnote 1]military helmets [See footnote 4]

T software enabling equipment to function as military improvised explosive devicedecoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment


Rating Count Value1C227 2 £1281C229 1 £7001C353 1 £202B350 4 £634,3143A002 5 £463,3003A228 1 £250,0005A001 1 £10,4955A002 4 £284,6545D002 3 £51,0006A001 1 £420,0006A003 1 £24,5006A203 1 £27,000

bismuthcalcium (2 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences)cryptographic software (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)

T equipment employing cryptographyimaging camerasinstrumentation cameraspathogenic genetic elements

T RF direction finding equipmentT signal analysers (2 licences)T signal generators (3 licences)T software for equipment employing cryptographyT towed hydrophone arrays

triggered spark gaps



Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML15 1

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military cameras/photographic equipment

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

5 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 18 £1,091,152

Other 3 £11,835

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 21 £1,102,987

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £20,575

ML5 12 £1,023,605

ML10 2 £11,605

ML11 2 £28,843

ML15 1 £1,404

ML21 1 £120

ML22 1 £5,000

components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences)components for military aircraft head-up/down displayscomponents for military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentcomponents for military radars (4 licences)components for military support aircraftcomponents for targeting equipment (6 licences)military radarssoftware for military radarstargeting equipment (2 licences)technology for military radars


Rating Count Value1C202 1 £4932B350 2 £11,342

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical forms

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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Korea, South







United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Applications refused in full.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 3]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsrifles

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small arms ammunitionsniper riflesweapon sights

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 85% (101)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (118)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 29 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 45% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 63% (14)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 45 £7,352,039

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 45 £7,352,039

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 9 £5,142,631

ML3 2 £600,421

ML4 4 £229,654

ML5 1 £25,000

ML7 3 £36,803

ML10 19 £252,590

ML11 2 £3,988

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ML13 2 £934,196

ML15 1 £52,700

ML16 4 £59,036

ML22 3 £15,020

body armourT body armour

command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for air-to-surface missilescomponents for body armourcomponents for combat aircraft (3 licences)components for combat helicopterscomponents for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (6 licences)components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentcomponents for military radarscomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipmentcomponents for sporting guns (2 licences)components for sporting shotgun ammunitioncomponents for sporting shotgunscomponents for test equipment for military training aircraftdecoying/countermeasure equipmentgeneral military aircraft components (3 licences)inert ammunitionlaunching/handling/control equipment for munitions

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentNBC detection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmentsmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles (1)sporting shotguns (1) (2 licences)sporting shotguns (2)

T sporting shotguns (2)sporting shotguns (3)technology for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclestechnology for decoying/countermeasure equipmenttechnology for NBC detection equipmenttraining tear gas/irritant ammunitiontraining wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionunfinished products for air-to-surface missiles (2 licences)unfinished products for launching/handling/control equipment for munitionsunfinished products for military helicopters

T unmanned air vehicleswall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionweapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 57 £4,814,768

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 57 £4,814,768

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

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by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 2 £11,537

ML5 4 £212,960

ML9 1 £11,966

ML10 30 £4,262,233

ML11 4 £124,151

ML15 1 £43,500

ML16 15 £148,420

ML22 9 £0

components for airborne electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for combat aircraft (5 licences)components for combat helicopters (3 licences)components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missilescomponents for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (12 licences)components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentcomponents for military radars (4 licences)components for military support aircraft (3 licences)components for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for military utility helicopterscomponents for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences)general naval vessel componentsmilitary electronic equipment (2 licences)technology for combat aircraft (3 licences)technology for military helicopters (3 licences)technology for military support aircraft (2 licences)technology for unfinished products for military support aircrafttechnology for unfinished products for military utility helicoptersunfinished products for combat aircraft (3 licences)unfinished products for military aero-engines (2 licences)unfinished products for military helicopters (3 licences)unfinished products for military support aircraft (5 licences)unfinished products for military utility helicoptersunfinished products for torpedoes

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

















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New Zealand








Saudi Arabia

South Africa





United Arab Emirates

United States of America



Mil 4

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 4

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML6 3

ML11 1

general military vehicle components (3 licences)military guidance/navigation equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:



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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aero-engines,environmental test facilities for military aero-engines, equipment for the production ofmilitary aero-engines, equipment for the use of military aero-engines, militaryaero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, military containers, software formilitary aero-engines, technology for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

2 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

3 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

4 P Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios, Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems, technology for Software formodelling/simulating military operation scenarios, technology for Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems

5 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

6 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

7 P components for military helicopters

8 P technology for equipment for the use of air-to-surface missiles, technology forlaunching/handling/control equipment for air-to-surface missiles, technology formilitary training equipment

9 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

10 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Ivory Coast

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 106 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Count Value

Mil 1 £987,225

Other 1 £751,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £1,738,225

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML13 1 £237,225

PL5001 1 £750,000

acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets


Rating Count Value7A103 1 £750,8007E101 1 £200

T inertial equipmentT technology for inertial equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P heading sensors for hydrophone arrays, magnetometers

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council resolution 1572 of 15 November 2004 established an embargo on the supply of arms andrelated material to the Ivory Coast. The embargo was amended by Resolutions 1946 (2010) and 2045 (2012),and was most recently renewed through UNSCR 2101 (2013).

EU Restrictions currently in force with respect to the Ivory Coast are set out in Council Decision2010/656/CFSP, as amended; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, aswell as of equipment that might be used for internal repression.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 8 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 3 £66,966

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £66,966

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

1A004 1 £32,000

5A002 1 £2,050

6A001 1 £32,916

civil NBC detection systemsequipment employing cryptography

T hydrophones


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 8 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 97% (42)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (43)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 90 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 17 £3,575,077

Other 7 £42,993

Mil and Other 1 £25,520

Total 25 £3,643,590

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 4 £2,763,810

ML2 1 £32,000

ML3 1 £4,440

ML6 1 £9,250

ML11 8 £40,630

ML13 1 £600

ML15 2 £721,647

ML18 1 £2,700

ML22 1 £0

accessories for military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentassault rifles (104)body armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for sniper riflesequipment for the production of sniper riflesmachine guns (157)military combat vehiclesmilitary communications equipment (3 licences)military electronic equipment (4 licences)military image intensifier equipmentprojectile launchersrifles (13)small arms ammunitiontechnology for military image intensifier equipmentweapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sights


Rating Count Value

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1C001 1 £6001C234 1 £36,9101C351 1 £4751C353 1 £102B351 1 £2585A002 2 £4,740

electromagnetic wave absorbing materialsequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)pathogenic genetic elementstoxic gas detectorstoxinszirconium

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £1,1008A002 1 £10,000ML7 1 £11,320ML11 1 £3,000ML17 1 £100

T civil NBC protection equipmentT components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentT military communications equipmentT military laser protection equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipmentT rebreathing swimming equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Jarvis Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Johnston Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 68% (11)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (16)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 60 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 8 £332,537

Other 6 £623,671

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 14 £956,208

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £2,812

ML3 2 £165,015

ML6 1 £5,980

ML10 1 £19,615

ML14 1 £75,120

ML21 1 £9,000

ML22 2 £5,000

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PL5017 2 £49,994

anti-armour ammunitionassault rifles (1)command communications control and intelligence softwarecomponents for assault riflescomponents for military aircrew life support equipmentcomponents for pistolsequipment for the use of military communications equipmentgeneral military vehicle componentsgun silencers

T military training equipmentsmall arms ammunitiontechnology for assault riflestechnology for command communications control and intelligence softwaretraining small arms ammunitionweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £2,3402B350 1 £1715A002 3 £617,4606A002 1 £1,3006A003 1 £2,400

components for civil explosive detection/identification equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment

T direct view imaging equipmentequipment employing cryptography (3 licences)

T imaging cameras



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

2 P components for military combat vehicles, equipment for the use of military combatvehicles, technology for military combat vehicles

3 P components for military combat vehicles, components for military support vehicles,equipment for the use of general military vehicle components, equipment for the useof military combat vehicles, equipment for the use of military support vehicles,general military vehicle components, software for equipment for the use of generalmilitary vehicle components, software for equipment for the use of military combatvehicles, software for general military vehicle components, software for militarycombat vehicles, software for military support vehicles, technology for militarysupport vehicles

4 P components for equipment for the use of general military vehicle components,components for equipment for the use of military combat vehicles, components forequipment for the use of military support vehicles, components for equipment for theuse of military trailers, components for equipment for the use of tanks, componentsfor military combat vehicles, components for military support vehicles, componentsfor military trailers, components for tanks, components for turrets, equipment for theuse of general military vehicle components, equipment for the use of military combatvehicles, equipment for the use of military support vehicles, equipment for the use ofmilitary trailers, equipment for the use of tanks, equipment for the use of turrets,general military vehicle components, software for general military vehiclecomponents, software for military combat vehicles, software for military supportvehicles, software for military trailers, software for tanks, software for turrets,technology for general military vehicle components, technology for military combat

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vehicles, technology for military support vehicles, technology for military trailers,technology for tanks, technology for turrets

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region

1 0 0


components for military helmets


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcombat shotgunscomponents for body armourcomponents for combat shotgunscomponents for military helmetscomponents for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmetssmall arms ammunitionsporting gunsweapon sights


Page 160

Page 161: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 21 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 44% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £6,955

Other 7 £1,998,477

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £2,005,432

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML7 1 £6,955

components for NBC detection equipmentNBC detection equipment


Rating Count Value2B350 2 £17,2965A002 2 £1,551,1815D002 1 £300,0006A005 1 £48,8207A003 2 £81,180

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)inertial equipment (2 licences)laserssoftware for equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Page 161

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 92% (13)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 88 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 20% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 40% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 7 £4,797,640

Other 3 £24,539

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 10 £4,822,180

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £16,105

ML3 1 £6,875

ML6 1 £1,006,075

ML10 3 £3,768,585

components for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for riflesmilitary helicoptersmilitary support vehiclespistols (1)pistols (4)rifles (2)small arms ammunitionsporting guns (1)sporting guns (6)


Rating Count Value5A002 3 £24,539

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (4 licences)body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (4 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (4 licences)pistolsrifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (5 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting gunsweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (5 licences)

Kingman Reef

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Korea, South

Processing Statistics

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (168)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (200)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 73 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 18% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 45% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

9% (1)



Count Value

Mil 81 £19,300,031

Other 85 £22,400,275

Mil and Other 2 £431,700

Total 168 £42,132,006

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML2 1 £292,236

ML3 1 £42,475

ML4 4 £2,725,622

ML5 9 £410,284

ML6 3 £75,381

ML7 1 £2,928,180

ML9 9 £231,345

ML10 22 £10,135,438

ML11 23 £1,895,696

ML13 1 £2,430

ML14 2 £199,300

ML15 3 £41,007

ML16 2 £90,070

ML17 1 £183,816

ML21 2 £34,172

ML22 5 £350

PL5017 2 £12,229

aircraft military communications equipmentT body armour

components for air-to-surface missiles

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components for aircraft military communications equipment (2 licences)T components for body armour

components for combat aircraftcomponents for combat naval vesselscomponents for launching/ground support equipment for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (2 licences)components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitionscomponents for military aero-enginescomponents for military auxiliary/support vesselscomponents for military combat vehicles (3 licences)components for military communications equipment (7 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipment (8 licences)components for military helicopters (11 licences)components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (3 licences)components for military radars (5 licences)components for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for military training equipmentcomponents for periscopescomponents for submarines (2 licences)components for surface-to-surface missilescomponents for targeting equipmentcomponents for unmanned air vehicles (3 licences)components for weapon control equipment (2 licences)equipment for the use of launching/handling/control equipment for munitionsequipment for the use of military communications equipmentequipment for the use of military radarsgeneral military aircraft componentsgeneral naval vessel components (5 licences)military communications equipment (2 licences)military electronic equipment (3 licences)military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences)

T military helmetsmilitary training equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmentsoftware for equipment for the use of military communications equipmentsoftware for military communications equipmenttechnology for air-to-surface missilestechnology for combat aircrafttechnology for military communications equipment (4 licences)technology for test models for air-to-surface missilestechnology for test models for combat aircrafttest models for air-to-surface missilestest models for combat aircrafttraining small arms ammunitionunfinished products for torpedoes

T unmanned air vehiclesweapon sights


Rating Count Value0C001 1 £7621C010 3 £4,175,0001C202 2 £3,8411C210 2 £4,000,0001C232 1 £32,3001C351 8 £4,7441C352 1 £102B006 3 £59,2422B350 13 £2,180,1953A101 1 £156,7503C001 1 £230,0004A003 1 £20,0005A001 4 £856,4955A002 15 £118,2825D002 9 £1315E002 10 £400,1156A001 2 £299,679

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6A003 13 £2,071,9716A008 1 £75,0006A203 1 £31,9407A003 1 £564,0007A103 3 £7,084,3008A002 1 £35,520

animal pathogenscomputer analogue-to-digital equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (13 licences)cryptographic software (8 licences)dimensional measuring equipment (3 licences)equipment employing cryptography (15 licences)fibrous/filamentary materials (5 licences)helium-3human pathogensimaging cameras (11 licences)

T imaging cameras (2 licences)inertial equipment (4 licences)instrumentation camerasmarine position fixing equipment (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical forms (2 licences)

T radar equipmentrebreathing swimming equipmentRF direction finding equipment (3 licences)

T RF direction finding equipmentsemiconductor wafers with epitaxial layerssoftware for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for cryptographic software (8 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)thoriumtoxins (7 licences)X-ray accelerators

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value5D002 1 £1,5007A103 1 £20,000ML11 1 £408,700ML21 1 £1,500

T components for electronic warfare equipmentT cryptographic softwareT electronic warfare equipmentT inertial equipmentT software for military communications equipment

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 5 £270,469

Other 3 £1,376,095

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £1,646,564

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

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Page 168: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count Value

ML9 3 £43,356

ML10 2 £227,113

components for combat aircraftcomponents for military training aircraftcomponents for submarines (3 licences)


Rating Count Value2B350 2 £1,370,0953A001 1 £6,000

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)radiation hardened integrated circuits

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:








United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

4 P general military aircraft components

5 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

6 P lasers


Applications refused in full.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P fibrous/filamentary materials

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


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Page 169: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 21 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £139,179

Other 1 £4,510

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £143,689

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML11 1 £22,779

ML13 1 £116,400

body armourcomponents for military electronic equipment


Rating Count Value5E002 1 £4,510

technology for cryptographic software


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (20)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (26)

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% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 3% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 57% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 71% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 14 £2,717,956

Other 9 £108,430

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 23 £2,826,386

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 6 £612,840

ML2 1 £0

ML3 2 £133,675

ML4 1 £124,445

ML5 1 £10,145

ML6 1 £1,581,875

ML10 3 £51,722

ML11 2 £44,000

ML15 2 £149,760

ML22 2 £9,493

PL5017 2 £0

blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for aircraft missile protection systemscomponents for military support vehiclescomponents for military training aircraft (2 licences)components for rangefinding equipmentcomponents for sniper rifles

T equipment for the use of weapon night sights (2 licences)grenade launchersgun mountingsgun silencersmilitary aircraft ground equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)

military support vehiclessmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles (10)

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Page 171: uk exports july - september 2014

technology for grenade launcherstechnology for sniper riflesweapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sights

T weapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sight mounts (2 licences)weapon sights (3 licences)

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value5A002 2 £18,7025E002 1 £11,7286A002 1 £3,1006A003 1 £2,9006A006 6 £72,000

T direct view imaging equipmentequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

T imaging camerasT magnetometers (6 licences)

technology for cryptographic software



Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML13 1

body armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

2 1



Page 171

Page 172: uk exports july - september 2014

Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 1 £50,500

Total 1 £50,500

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value

ML13 1 £37,000

PL8001 1 £13,500

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body armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for devices for initiating explosivesdevices for initiating explosives


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 78% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £3,555,083

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £3,555,083

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £3,109,988

ML4 1 £44,100

ML10 1 £400,995

components for air-to-surface missilescomponents for military helicoptersweapon night sightsweapon sights

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

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Mil 1 £92,479

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £92,479

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £92,479

components for combat aircraft

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:





Korea, South

Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat helicopters, components for targeting equipment

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Italy 1 0 0


small arms ammunition

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 22 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 37% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £44,505

Other 1 £1,216

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £45,721

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML11 2 £44,505

military communications equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 1]


Rating Count ValueEnd Use 1 £1,216




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

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Page 176: uk exports july - september 2014

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Australia 1 0 0


components for military communications equipmentequipment for the use of ground vehicle military communications equipmentequipment for the use of military communications equipmentmilitary communications equipmentsoftware for military communications equipment

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006) established an embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial to Lebanon, with the exemption of arms and related materiel authorised by the Government ofLebanon or by UNFIL. All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 8 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 63 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



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Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 2 £16,237

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £16,237

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 2 £16,237

equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

Country Footnotes

1. UNSCR 2128 (2013) currently prohibits the supply, sale or transfer of arms and related materiel to allnon-governmental entities and individuals operating in Liberia. There are exemptions to the embargo forsupply of non-lethal equipment intended solely for humanitarian or protective end uses, as well as forequipment for support of or use by the UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia (UNMIL).The EU implement the UN resolutions through Council Decision 2010/129/CFSP and Council Regulation (EU)No 234/2004, as amended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 55% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 52 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £6,724

Other 1 £3,892,500

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £3,899,224

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Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £6,724

components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection [See footnote 2]


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £1,192,5005D002 1 £2,700,000

cryptographic software [See footnote 1]equipment employing cryptography [See footnote 1]software for equipment employing cryptography [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Jordan 1 0 0

Malta 1 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protectionbody armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 1970 of 26 February 2011 established an embargo on the supply of arms andrelated material to Libya. The embargo was amended by Resolutions 2009 (2011) and 2095 (2013).Exemptions exist, with approval from the UN Sanctions Committee, for supplies of non-lethal militaryequipment and protective clothing for use by United Nations personnel, representatives of the media andhumanitarian and development workers. Arms and related material intended solely for security ordisarmament assistance to the Libyan government are also subject to exemption criteria.

EU Council Decision 2011/137/CFSP, as amended, restricts the provision of arms and related material; aswell as of equipment that might be used for internal repression. Exemptions are in place for internal repression

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equipment intended solely for humanitarian or protective use, and for temporary export of protective clothingfor use by United Nations and EU personnel, representatives of the media and humanitarian and developmentworkers.

All exports for this destination must be in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (8)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 6 £282,457

Other 1 £420,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 7 £702,457

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Rating Count Value

ML1 4 £156,874

ML3 1 £60,990

ML7 1 £64,593

anti-armour ammunitioncomponents for gun mountingsNBC protective/defensive equipmentsporting guns (1) (2 licences)weapon night sights


Rating Count Value1C001 1 £420,000

electromagnetic wave absorbing materials



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 78% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



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Count Value

Mil 4 £209,288

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £209,288

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £152,435

ML6 1 £2,243

ML10 1 £2,970

ML11 1 £4,800

ML15 1 £46,840

aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for military combat vehiclescomponents for sniper riflesgun silencers

T military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

sniper rifles (1)T weapon night sightsT weapon sights



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 42 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)


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Count Value

Mil 1 £46,536

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £46,536

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £46,536

demolition charges/devices [See footnote 1]military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. A declaration by the Madrid European Council on 27 June 1989 established an arms embargo on China. Thisembargo also extends to arms exports to Macao. The UK interpretation of the embargo applies to: lethalweapons such as machine guns, large calibre weapons, bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles; speciallydesigned components of these items and ammunition; military aircraft and helicopters, vessels of war,armoured fighting vehicles and other such weapons platforms; any equipment which might be used for internalrepression. All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



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Count Value

Mil 1 £3,326

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £3,326

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML7 1 £3,326

components for NBC detection equipmentNBC detection equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 88 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 20% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 30% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £3,605,200

Other 1 £3,975

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £3,609,175

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

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that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £2,918,000

ML3 2 £487,200

ML13 2 £200,000

assault rifles (600) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 1]combat shotguns (150) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnote 1]military helmets (2 licences) [See footnote 1]pistols (30) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting guns (200) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting shotgun ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 1]weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £3,975

equipment employing cryptography


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (6 licences)body armour (6 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (6 licences)components for body armour (6 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting guns (2 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (6 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (7 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (3 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

Page 185

Page 186: uk exports july - september 2014

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 34 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £3,825

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £3,825

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £3,825

equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 78% (80)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (102)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 1% (2)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 86 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (4)

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 41% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 41 £3,292,429

Other 33 £2,479,028

Mil and Other 5 £51,597

Total 79 £5,823,054

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £17,750

ML3 4 £157,700

ML4 4 £334,163

ML5 3 £2,110,067

ML7 1 £16,326

ML9 2 £18,936

ML10 9 £49,793

ML11 13 £473,230

ML13 1 £13,067

ML14 1 £40,000

ML17 1 £1,090

ML21 1 £20,000

ML22 1 £750

PL5017 2 £39,556

blank/inert ammunitionbomb suitscomponents for assault riflescomponents for attack alerting/warning equipmentcomponents for bomb suitscomponents for equipment for the use of aircraft cannonscomponents for machine gunscomponents for military communications equipment (7 licences)components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences)components for military helicopters (2 licences)components for military improvised explosive device disposal equipment

T components for military radars (2 licences)components for military training aircraft (6 licences)components for naval enginescomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for pistols

T components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for surface-to-air missiles

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crowd control ammunitionT equipment for the use of military radars

equipment for the use of submarinesgoods treated for signature suppression for military use

T gun mountings (2 licences)T gun silencers (2 licences)

military aircrew safety equipmentmilitary communications equipmentmilitary helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T military training equipmentnaval communications equipmentsignalling devicessmall arms ammunition

T small arms ammunition (2 licences)T sniper rifles (1) (2 licences)T software for military communications equipment

tear gas/irritant ammunitiontechnology for military field generatorstraining hand grenadestraining small arms ammunitionwall/door breaching projectiles/ammunition

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1A004 3 £3491C010 1 £650,0001C202 1 £64,6291C350 1 £5171C351 1 £1,8001E001 1 £11E201 1 £12B350 4 £3,3333A001 1 £1,6805A002 10 £1,627,4065D002 1 £30,0005E002 1 £2126A002 1 £4,3176A003 2 £6,0006A006 2 £20,4137A001 2 £16,0007A003 2 £50,120PL8001 1 £2,250

T accelerometers (2 licences)chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific researchcivil NBC protection clothingcivil NBC protection equipmentcomponents for civil riot control agent protection equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences)devices for initiating explosivesdirect view imaging equipmentequipment employing cryptography (8 licences)

T equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)fibre prepregshuman pathogensimaging cameras (2 licences)inertial equipment (2 licences)magnetometers (2 licences)metal alloy cylindrical forms

T millimetric wave componentssoftware for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for composite laminatestechnology for composite structurestechnology for equipment employing cryptography

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Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 5 £12,524ML7 4 £38,496ML11 2 £575ML17 1 £3

civil NBC protection equipment (3 licences)civil riot control agent protection equipmentcomponents for civil riot control agent protection equipmentcomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)military communications equipment (2 licences)military laser protection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)



Mil 0

Other 2

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

End Use 2

electronic test equipmentequipment for the use of signal analysersnetwork analyserssignal analyserssignal generators

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 2



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

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3 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (2 licences)body armour (2 licences)combat shotgunscomponents for assault rifles (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for combat shotgunscomponents for military helmetscomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflescomponents for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistols

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riflessmall arms ammunition (3 licences)sniper riflessporting gunsweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights (3 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 22% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £3,299,075

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £3,299,075

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £1,858,250

ML3 2 £353,600

ML13 2 £337,225

PL5001 1 £750,000

acoustic devices for riot controlassault rifles (600)body armour (2 licences)combat shotguns (100)combat shotguns (150)components for assault riflescomponents for body armour (2 licences)

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components for combat shotgunscomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistols (30)rifles (200)small arms ammunition (2 licences)sporting guns (200)weapon sights (2 licences)


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (4 licences)body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (4 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (4 licences)pistolsrifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (5 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting gunsweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (5 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 83% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £129,756

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £129,756

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

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by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 3 £129,416

ML13 1 £340

body armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentmilitary equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedJordan 2 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection (2 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 14 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 58% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 64% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £26,883

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £26,883

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

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by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £5,635

ML4 2 £20,787

ML16 1 £461

rifles (2)signalling devices (2 licences)sporting shotguns (2)unfinished products for military combat vehicles



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

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acoustic devices for riot controlassault rifles (3 licences)body armour (2 licences)components for assault rifles (3 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistolsriflessmall arms ammunition (3 licences)sniper riflesweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights (3 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Marshall Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 80 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 14% (2)

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 35% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £3,615,200

Other 1 £13,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £3,628,200

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £2,918,000

ML3 2 £477,200

ML11 1 £20,000

ML13 2 £200,000

assault rifles (600) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 1]combat shotguns (150) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for military communications equipmentcomponents for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnote 1]military helmets (2 licences) [See footnote 1]pistols (30) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting guns (200) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting shotgun ammunition [See footnote 1]weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £13,000

civil explosive detection/identification equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

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1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (6 licences)body armour (6 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (6 licences)components for body armour (6 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting guns (2 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (6 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (7 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (3 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.

Mayotte (Grand Terre and Pamanzi)

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (15)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 46 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 66% (4)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 6 £885,755

Other 8 £994,107

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 14 £1,879,862

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £23,190

ML9 2 £588,648

ML10 2 £22,407

ML13 1 £42,100

ML16 1 £209,410

ML22 1 £0

components for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military patrol/assault craftcomponents for military support aircraftcomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentequipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areasgeneral naval vessel componentsmilitary equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary helmetsmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentmunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmenttechnology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areasunfinished products for military aero-engines


Rating Count Value2B002 1 £350,0002B206 1 £100,0002D001 1 £06A001 2 £329,4286A003 1 £15,5446A203 1 £128,2357A003 3 £70,900

dimensional inspection equipmentimaging camerasinertial equipment (3 licences)instrumentation camerasoptics finishing machines

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software for optics finishing machinesT towed hydrophone arrays (2 licences)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P equipment employing cryptography

3 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Midway Island

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 34 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £188,240

Other 2 £39,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £227,240

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £151,000

ML11 1 £4,800

ML15 1 £32,440

T military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentT weapon night sightsT weapon sights


Rating Count Value6A003 2 £39,000

imaging cameras (2 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 34 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

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Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 1 £37,872

Total 1 £37,872

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value

1A004 1 £33,882

ML7 1 £3,990

civil NBC protection equipmentcomponents for civil NBC protection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 57% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 46 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


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Count Value

Mil 3 £832,316

Other 3 £20,724,197

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £21,556,513

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £23,240

ML4 1 £350,000

ML17 1 £459,076

T assault rifles (20)T combat shotguns (2)T components for assault riflesT components for pistols

goods treated for signature suppression for military usemilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T pistols (10)


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £9,724,1721C352 2 £253A231 1 £11,000,000

animal pathogens (2 licences)neutron generatorsnon-military detonatorsnon-military firing sets



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

3 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft


Processing Statistics

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (7)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 91 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £1,982,600

Other 3 £28,481

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 7 £2,011,081

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 2 £8,150

ML13 2 £474,450

PL5001 2 £1,500,000

acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)body armour (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)military helmets (2 licences)military support vehicles (2 licences)


Rating Count Value5A002 3 £20,7955E002 1 £7,686

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptography


Source Issued Refused Revoked

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Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (2 licences)body armour (2 licences)combat shotgunscomponents for assault rifles (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for combat shotgunscomponents for military helmetscomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflescomponents for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistolsriflessmall arms ammunition (3 licences)sniper riflessporting gunsweapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights (3 licences)

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

33% (1)



Count Value

Mil 2 £234,091

Other 3 £4,977

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £239,068

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £145,780

ML3 1 £5,271

ML11 1 £34,800

ML13 1 £8,000

ML15 1 £39,440

PL5017 2 £800

T components for body armourcomponents for sniper riflesgun mountingsgun silencers

T military communications equipmentT military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

small arms ammunitionsniper rifles (2)

T weapon night sightsweapon sight mounts

T weapon sight mountsweapon sights

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T weapon sights


Rating Count Value5A002 3 £4,977

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0

Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana,Namibia, Nigeria, Togo

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0


body armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcombat shotgunscomponents for body armourcomponents for combat shotgunscomponents for military helmetscomponents for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmetssmall arms ammunitionsporting gunsweapon sights

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £24,711

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £24,711

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 2 £24,711

components for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 86% (58)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (67)

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% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 21 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 65% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 33 £68,065,166

Other 3 £283,759

Mil and Other 1 £15,790

Total 37 £68,364,715

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 8 £14,493,290

ML3 2 £2,619,360

ML5 1 £750,000

ML6 1 £3,600

ML10 5 £50,032,949

ML11 3 £10,496

ML13 2 £2,636

ML15 6 £69,103

ML16 6 £62,730

PL5001 1 £20,298

PL5017 1 £704

anti-riot/ballistic shieldsbody armourcomponents for machine gunscomponents for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (3 licences)components for military helmetscomponents for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences)components for weapon night sights (2 licences)equipment for the use of weapon night sightsmachine guns (4)

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary combat vehicles

T military electronic equipmentT military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

military support aircraft

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mortar bombsrifles (1)targeting equipmentunfinished products for combat aircraft (6 licences)wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionweapon night sights

T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

T weapon sights


Rating Count Value0A001 1 £2,5000E001 1 £17A003 1 £281,258

components for nuclear reactorsinertial equipmenttechnology for enriched uraniumtechnology for materials containing enriched uraniumtechnology for materials containing plutonium-239technology for materials containing uranium-233technology for nuclear reactorstechnology for plutonium-239technology for products containing enriched uraniumtechnology for products containing plutonium-239technology for products containing uranium-233technology for uranium-233

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £2,140ML7 1 £10,550ML11 1 £3,000ML17 1 £100

T civil NBC protection equipmentT components for civil NBC protection equipmentT components for civil riot control agent protection equipmentT components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentT military communications equipmentT military laser protection equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipment

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 17 £228,307

Other 1 £882,800

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 18 £1,111,107

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

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Page 212: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £2,650

ML5 1 £4,375

ML6 1 £240

ML10 14 £221,042

components for military aero-enginescomponents for military helicopters (12 licences)components for military radarscomponents for military support aircraftcomponents for military support vehiclescomponents for surface-to-air missiles


Rating Count Value0B001 1 £882,800

components for uranium isotope separation equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:









Korea, South


New Zealand






South Africa




United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat helicopters

2 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

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3 P components for military helicopters

4 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

5 P weapon sights

6 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Netherlands Antilles

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £3,788

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £3,788

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £3,788

components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection

New Zealand

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

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Page 214: uk exports july - september 2014

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 94% (37)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (39)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 92 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 33 £6,257,510

Other 1 £1,200

Mil and Other 1 £12,340

Total 35 £6,271,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 20 £6,100,855

ML2 5 £9,473

ML3 2 £103

ML4 3 £56,255

ML5 1 £880

ML6 1 £20,245

ML10 1 £33,575

ML11 1 £32,100

PL5001 1 £2,260

PL5017 5 £1,764

anti-riot/ballistic shieldsassault rifles (1) (2 licences)assault rifles (6) (2 licences)assault rifles (8)components for aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for artillery (4 licences)components for artillery ammunitioncomponents for assault rifles (5 licences)components for attack alerting/warning equipmentcomponents for machine guns (6 licences)components for military communications equipmentcomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for mortar bombs

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components for mortarscomponents for munitions navigation equipmentcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper rifles (4 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for surface-to-surface missilesequipment for the use of artilleryequipment for the use of machine gunsgun mountings (3 licences)gun silencers (3 licences)machine guns (1)machine guns (3)machine guns (5)machine guns (6)machine guns (8)machine guns (9)machine guns (10)military combat vehicles

T munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentrifles (1) (2 licences)sniper rifles (1) (4 licences)sporting guns (1)sporting guns (2)sporting guns (4)sporting guns (6)sporting shotguns (2)weapon cleaning equipment (3 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1C351 1 £1,200

human pathogens

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £222ML11 1 £12,118

components for civil NBC protection equipmentequipment for the use of NBC protective/defensive equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

2 P components for military helicopters

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

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Page 216: uk exports july - september 2014

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (28)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (46)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 2% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 83 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 6 £9,230,162

Other 33 £10,126,659

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 39 £19,356,821

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 3 £281,100

ML9 1 £7,750,000

ML13 1 £14,040

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ML22 1 £1,185,022

body armourmilitary auxiliary/support vesselsmilitary helmetsmilitary support vehicles (3 licences)technology for military helicopters


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £79,7161C351 2 £4392B350 1 £15,2005A001 1 £124,9765A002 19 £271,9345D002 2 £200,0025E002 1 £7387A003 1 £2,2687A008 1 £180,0007A103 2 £2,258,5008A001 4 £4,729,0998A002 4 £2,263,786

civil explosive detection/identification equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcryptographic software (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography (19 licences)guidance/navigation equipmentinertial equipment (2 licences)submersible equipment (4 licences)submersible vehicle control systems (4 licences)submersible vehicles (4 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptographytoxins (2 licences)

T underwater sonar navigation systemsunderwater telecommunications systems



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Australia 1 0 0

Serbia 0 1 0

South Africa 1 0 0


bomb suitscomponents for military communications equipmentmilitary communications equipment

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military helmets


anti-aircraft gunsanti-armour ammunition


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana,Namibia, Nigeria, Togo

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armour (2 licences)components for body armour (2 licences)components for military helmetsmilitary helmets (2 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Non Specific Country

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 2 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Norfolk Island

Processing Statistics

Page 218

Page 219: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Northern Marianas Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 92% (23)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (25)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 69 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 13 £184,321

Other 7 £4,469,532

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 20 £4,653,853

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Page 220: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £115,636

ML2 2 £479

ML3 1 £11,736

ML4 2 £20,385

ML7 1 £2,768

ML8 1 £1,300

ML11 3 £14,068

ML15 1 £15,000

ML22 2 £10

PL5017 2 £2,939

components for launching/handling/control equipment for missilesT components for military electronic equipment

components for mortars (3 licences)equipment for the use of mortars

T equipment for the use of weapon night sightsT equipment for the use of weapon sights

gun silencersmilitary communications equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

NBC protective/defensive equipmentpyrotechnics/fuels and related substancessporting shotgun ammunitiontechnology for military communications equipment

T technology for military electronic equipmentweapon night sights

T weapon night sightsT weapon sights


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £6,8001C351 1 £1712B350 2 £218,8485A002 1 £3,7136A006 1 £40,0006A008 1 £4,200,000

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography

T laser radar equipmentmagnetometersnon-military firing setstoxins

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £20,800

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £20,800

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

Page 220

Page 221: uk exports july - september 2014

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £20,800

components for multi-role missiles

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

3 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

4 P components for military helicopters

5 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (54)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (71)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 77 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 16% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 44% (8)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Page 221

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Mil 53 £17,175,240

Other 6 £3,492,159

Mil and Other 2 £2,250,000

Total 61 £22,917,399

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 11 £5,700,257

ML2 1 £78,969

ML3 5 £3,304,023

ML4 6 £129,391

ML5 2 £14,094

ML6 9 £209,046

ML9 4 £16,061

ML10 10 £3,710,655

ML11 6 £3,101,726

ML13 4 £522,838

ML14 1 £3,816

ML15 4 £161,760

ML21 3 £222,602

ML22 2 £0

PL5017 2 £0

artillery ammunitionassault rifles (600) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]assault rifles (700) [See footnote 3]body armour (3 licences) [See footnote 3]bomb suitscombat shotguns (150) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]components for artillerycomponents for artillery ammunition (2 licences)components for assault rifles (3 licences) [See footnote 3]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for bomb suitscomponents for equipment for the use of military image recording/processing equipmentcomponents for ground vehicle military communications equipment (2 licences)components for launching/handling/control equipment for missilescomponents for machine guns (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for military combat vehicles (4 licences)components for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)components for military helicopters (2 licences)components for military image recording/processing equipmentcomponents for military radars (2 licences)components for military support aircraftcomponents for military training aircraft (4 licences)components for naval enginescomponents for pistols (5 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]components for rifles [See footnote 3]components for small arms training equipmentcomponents for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for tanksCS hand grenades

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equipment for the use of military image recording/processing equipmentT equipment for the use of weapon night sights (2 licences)

general military vehicle componentsgeneral naval vessel components (2 licences)illuminatorsmachine guns (2) [See footnote 1]military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary aircraft pressure refuellersmilitary aircrew protective equipmentmilitary combat vehiclesmilitary communications equipmentmilitary equipment for initiating explosives

T military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)military helmets (3 licences) [See footnote 3]

T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)military image recording/processing equipment (2 licences)

T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)naval communications equipmentpistols (3)pistols (30) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]pistols (900) [See footnote 1]rifles (200) [See footnote 3]signalling devices (4 licences)small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 3]software for equipment for the use of military image recording/processing equipmentsoftware for military aero-enginessoftware for military image recording/processing equipmentsoftware for military training equipmentsporting guns (200) [See footnote 3]sporting guns (300) [See footnote 3]sporting shotgun ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 3]technology for military aircraft ground equipmenttechnology for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 1]training artillery ammunitiontraining hand grenadesweapon cleaning equipment [See footnote 1]weapon night sights [See footnote 3]

T weapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sights (5 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2, 3]

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value2B350 1 £32,8615A002 4 £3,432,8485D002 2 £26,450

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcryptographic softwareequipment employing cryptography (3 licences)

T equipment employing cryptographysoftware for equipment employing cryptography

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A002 2 £250,000ML1 2 £1,620,000ML3 2 £190,000ML13 2 £190,000

assault rifles (200) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

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Page 224: uk exports july - september 2014

components for rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 3]direct view imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]military helmets (2 licences) [See footnote 3]pistols (50) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]rifles (100) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 3]weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 3]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

2 P components for military helicopters

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Serbia 1 0 0

United States of America 2 0 0


assault rifles (1)assault rifles (30)components for assault riflescrowd control ammunitionweapon cleaning equipment


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Kenya, South Africa, SriLanka

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

South Africa, Sri Lanka 1 0 0Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (3 licences)assault rifles (7 licences)body armour (7 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (3 licences)components for acoustic devices for riot controlcomponents for assault rifles (7 licences)components for body armour (7 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting guns (3 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (7 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (8 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (4 licences)sporting shotgun ammunitionweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mounts

Page 225

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weapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for government end use.3. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 54% (50)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 96% (89)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 10% (10)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 46 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 20% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 80% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 33 £15,693,069

Other 14 £29,987,786

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 47 £45,680,855

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £17,700

ML3 2 £3,000

ML5 1 £15,600

ML9 3 £55,827

ML10 14 £7,218,279

ML11 3 £57,533

ML13 4 £115,510

ML15 1 £30,000

ML17 1 £1,795

Page 226

Page 227: uk exports july - september 2014

ML18 3 £8,177,406

ML22 4 £420

PL5017 1 £0

ballistic test equipmentcomponents for ballistic test equipmentcomponents for combat aircraft (3 licences)components for combat naval vesselscomponents for military aircraft head-up/down displayscomponents for military electronic equipment (2 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (2 licences)components for military support aircraft (2 licences)components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for rifles [See footnote 1]equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areasequipment for the production of artillery ammunitionequipment for the production of assault riflesequipment for the use of weapon sightsgeneral military aircraft components (3 licences)general naval vessel componentsgoods treated for signature suppression for military usemilitary aero-engines (2 licences)military helmets (4 licences)military image recording/processing equipmentnaval communications equipmentpistols (1) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]rifles (2) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting guns (2) [See footnote 1]sporting shotguns (1) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]targeting equipmenttechnology for decoying/countermeasure equipmenttechnology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areastechnology for equipment for the use of weapon sightstechnology for military aero-enginestechnology for targeting equipment


Rating Count Value1A004 2 £66,0011E002 2 £19,5002B230 1 £2,7245A001 2 £17,0005D001 1 £15D002 1 £16A002 1 £110,950End Use 7 £29,771,608

accessories for valvescivil NBC detection systems (2 licences)components for gas processing equipmentcomponents for general industrial production equipmentcomponents for hydraulic systemscomponents for pumpscryptographic softwaredirect view imaging equipmentelectric motorselectronic componentselectronic measurement equipmentequipment for the use of electric motorsequipment for the use of pumpsflow measurement equipment (2 licences)frequency changers

T improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipment (2 licences)industrial generators

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lubricantsmechanical measurement equipmentoptical sensorspressure monitoring equipmentpressure transducers (2 licences)

T software for improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipmenttechnology for civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences)temperature measurement equipmentvalves



Mil 0

Other 10

Mil and Other 0

Total 10

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

End Use 10

accessories for temperature measurement equipmentelectronic test equipmentgeneral laboratory equipmentindustrial generatorsliquids processing equipmentmachine toolsmechanical measurement equipmentpressure monitoring equipmentsurface coating equipmenttemperature measurement equipment (2 licences)vacuum pumpsvalvesworkshop tools

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 10



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

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1 P components for naval engines, equipment for the use of naval engines, militarycontainers, naval engines, software for naval engines, technology for naval engines,unfinished products for naval engines

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Bulgaria 1 0 0

United States of America 1 0 0


components for assault riflesexploding grenade ammunition

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 9 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 9 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 2 £4,206,050

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Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £4,206,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £6,050

6A008 1 £4,200,000

equipment employing cryptographyT laser radar equipment

Papua New Guinea

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £80

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £80

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

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ML21 1 £80

ML22 1 £0

T software enabling equipment to function as military communications equipmentT technology for software enabling equipment to function as military communications equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £4,548

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £4,548

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £4,548

weapon sights


Processing Statistics

Page 231

Page 232: uk exports july - september 2014

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 63 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £263,613

Other 1 £6,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £269,613

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £142,300

ML11 4 £84,609

ML15 1 £35,440

ML17 1 £834

ML22 1 £30

PL5017 1 £400

components for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military electronic equipmentequipment for the use of military communications equipmentgoods treated for signature suppression for military usemilitary communications equipmentmilitary electronic equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

technology for military communications equipmentT weapon night sightsT weapon sight mountsT weapon sights


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £6,000

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equipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 54% (6)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £20,160

Other 7 £727,920

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 10 £748,079

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £160

ML10 1 £20,000

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components for military aero-enginesweapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1C350 1 £15,3132B350 1 £4,5502B352 1 £299,5605A002 2 £207,9035D002 1 £1506D003 1 £100,1007A103 1 £24,5449A012 1 £75,800

biotechnology equipmentchemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare productioncivil unmanned air vehiclescorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)high performance air traffic control softwareinertial equipmentsoftware for equipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

3 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Israel 1 0 0


small arms ammunition

Pitcairn Islands (Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands)

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Page 234

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (13)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (17)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 10 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 71% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 13 £2,004,877

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 13 £2,004,877

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £16,358

ML5 2 £8,000

ML6 4 £381,107

ML10 2 £10,838

ML13 1 £1,210,000

ML17 1 £255,350

ML21 1 £120,000

PL5017 2 £3,224

command communications control and intelligence softwarecomponents for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protectioncomponents for body armourcomponents for military combat vehiclescomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military radars (2 licences)components for sniper riflescomponents for sporting gunsgun mountings

T military aircraft ground equipmentT military field engineer equipmentT military support vehiclesT military trailers

sniper rifles (2)

Page 235

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sporting guns (1)tanks

T weapon cleaning equipmentweapon sight mountsweapon sights

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £1,333,333

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,333,333

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML13 1 £1,333,333

components for body armour

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 94% (18)

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (19)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 78% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 15 £16,296,361

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 15 £16,296,361

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 7 £16,225,089

ML4 1 £668

ML10 3 £64,684

ML11 3 £5,770

ML13 1 £150

components for military aero-enginescomponents for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military support aircraftcomponents for sporting guns

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary communications equipmentmilitary helmetssporting guns (1)sporting shotgunsweapon night sights (4 licences)weapon sights (2 licences)

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 2 £1,590

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

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Total 2 £1,590

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £1,590

general military aircraft components (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Puerto Rico

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Page 238

Page 239: uk exports july - september 2014

Count Value

Mil 1 £167,587

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £167,587

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £167,587

components for combat aircraftgeneral military aircraft components


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (21)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (25)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 36 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 9 £9,587,466

Other 11 £4,035,858

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 20 £13,623,324

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Page 239

Page 240: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £623,200

ML3 1 £1,080

ML4 2 £13,410

ML6 2 £835,099

ML10 2 £7,500,470

ML11 3 £56,022

ML15 3 £549,760

ML22 1 £0

PL5001 1 £425

PL5017 1 £8,000

T anti-riot/ballistic shieldscomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military improvised explosive device disposal equipment

T components for turrets (2 licences)T equipment for the use of weapon night sights (2 licences)T equipment for the use of weapon sightsT launching/handling/control equipment for missiles

military aero-enginesT military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences)T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (3 licences)

sporting shotgun ammunitionsporting shotguns (1)technology for military aero-engines

T turretsT weapon night sights (2 licences)T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1A004 2 £3,696,2001C350 1 £102B350 2 £23,2925A001 1 £60,1245A002 3 £206,4455D001 1 £206A003 2 £39,7667A001 1 £10,000

T accelerometerschemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific researchcivil NBC protection equipment (2 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)equipment employing cryptography

T equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)T imaging cameras (2 licences)T software for radio jamming equipmentT telecommunications jamming equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

Republic of Congo

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 8 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 84 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 4 £194,817

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £194,817

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 3 £14,817

7A008 1 £180,000

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)T underwater sonar navigation systems



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for equipment employing cryptography, cryptographic software,equipment employing cryptography, equipment for the development of equipmentemploying cryptography, equipment for the production of equipment employingcryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

2 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography


Page 241

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 81% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 73% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 86% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 8 £63,218

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £63,218

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £1,110

ML7 1 £5,500

ML10 2 £2,826

ML11 1 £49,273

ML14 1 £4,504

ML22 1 £5

T accessories for small arms training equipmentcomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for combat helicopterscomponents for machine guns

T components for small arms training equipmentmilitary communications equipmentNBC detection equipment

T small arms training equipmentsporting guns (1)

T technology for military training equipmentT technology for Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenariosT technology for Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems

SIELs - Incorporation

Page 242

Page 243: uk exports july - september 2014


Count Value

Mil 2 £7,710

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £7,710

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 2 £7,710

components for military helicopters (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


United Arab Emirates

SIELs - Transhipment


Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £30,900

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £30,900

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application. As the items covered by issued SITLs merely

pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' for these licences with the value of items

originating in the UK.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

PL8001 1 £30,900

devices for initiating explosives



Page 243

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

2 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

3 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Ross Dependency

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 57% (60)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 99% (103)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 5% (6)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 29 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 83% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £41,054

Other 46 £56,690,763

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 49 £56,731,817

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

Page 244

Page 245: uk exports july - september 2014

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £41,054

sporting guns (8) [See footnote 14]sporting shotguns (1) [See footnote 15]weapon sights [See footnote 15]


Rating Count Value0C002 2 £36,001,2001B002 1 £361,4321C010 1 £372,8001C352 1 £102B006 1 £51,0002B350 1 £256,0982B352 2 £494,9093A001 1 £34,0013C003 2 £25,4685A002 7 £509,0626A001 2 £98,9006A003 6 £5,636,6746E001 1 £1,0007A003 3 £92,4387A103 6 £11,300,0008A001 1 £445,5008A002 3 £377,7638D001 1 £0RUS 7 £632,508

animal pathogensbiotechnology equipment (2 licences)compound semiconductor precursor chemicals (2 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentdimensional measuring equipmentenriched uranium (2 licences) [See footnote 9]equipment employing cryptography (7 licences)extended temperature range integrated circuitsfibrous/filamentary materialsimaging cameras (5 licences) [See footnote 9]inertial equipment (8 licences) [See footnote 9]instrumentation camerasmetal alloy powder production equipmentoil and gas industry equipment/materials (6 licences)

T oil and gas industry equipment/materialssoftware for submersible vehiclessubmersible equipment (3 licences)submersible vehiclestechnology for space qualified focal plane arraystowed hydrophone arrays

T towed hydrophone arrays



Mil 0

Other 5

Mil and Other 0

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Total 5

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

5A002 1

5D002 1


cryptographic softwareelectronic components (4 licences)equipment employing cryptography

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 4

4 1

7 1



Mil 19

Other 5

Mil and Other 1

Total 25

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML1 8

ML3 1

ML4 1

ML6 4

ML10 1

ML11 1

ML13 1

ML17 3

PL5017 2

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Page 247: uk exports july - september 2014

body armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentcomponents for sniper rifles (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 4]components for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnotes 13, 7]equipment for the use of military communications equipmentequipment for the use of sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 4]general military vehicle components (4 licences) [See footnote 8]goods treated for signature suppression for military use (3 licences) [See footnotes 17, 3, 9]gun mountings (2 licences) [See footnote 4]military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentsmall arms ammunition [See footnote 9]sniper rifles (1) (2 licences)sniper rifles (6)sniper rifles (30) [See footnote 1]sniper rifles (42) [See footnote 4]sporting guns (1) [See footnote 9]weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 4]weapon sights [See footnote 9]


Rating Count5A002 15D002 16A002 38A002 1

equipment employing cryptography [See footnotes 17, 6]focal plane arrays (3 licences) [See footnotes 12, 16, 17]software for equipment employing cryptography [See footnotes 17, 6]submersible equipment

Mil and Other

Rating Count1A004 1ML7 1

civil NBC protection equipment [See footnote 10]civil riot control agent protection equipment [See footnote 10]NBC protective/defensive equipment [See footnote 10]

SIELs - Incorporation



Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

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Page 248: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count

ML10 1

ML17 1

components for combat helicopterstest models for combat helicopters

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

4 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 (Rv) P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for oil industry equipment/materials, technology for oil industryequipment/materials

Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.


Licences revoked or whose coverage was amended during the period by the exclusion of the destination(including goods excluded in 2015 by amendment of 2015 and pre 2015 licences).

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography, software for the use ofequipment employing cryptography, technology for the use of equipment employingcryptography

2 P equipment employing cryptography

3 P technology for the production of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

4 P equipment employing cryptography

5 P non-military detonators

6 P air guns

7 P small arms ammunition, sporting guns, weapon sights

8 P equipment employing cryptography

9 P animal pathogens

10 T inertial equipment

11 P fibrous/filamentary materials

12 P components for rifles, components for sporting guns, rifles, small arms ammunition,sporting guns, weapon sights

13 P towed hydrophone arrays

14 P aircraft seals, components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

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15 T components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment, technology for inertialequipment

16 P technology for military communications equipment

17 P equipment employing cryptography, equipment for the development of equipmentemploying cryptography, software for the development of equipment employingcryptography, technology for the development of equipment employing cryptography

18 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

19 P biotechnology equipment, components for biotechnology equipment

20 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography

21 P imaging cameras, metal alloy tubes, syntactic foam, underwater electronic imagingsystems

22 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography, software for equipmentemploying cryptography, technology for equipment employing cryptography

23 P heading sensors for hydrophone arrays

24 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment

25 P aircraft bladders, aircraft diaphragms, aircraft gaskets, aircraft militarycommunications equipment, aircraft seals, aircraft valve seats, components foraircraft military communications equipment, components for equipment for the useof military support aircraft, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircraft ground equipment, components for military aircraft pressurerefuellers, components for military aircrew breathing equipment, components formilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermalimaging equipment, components for military radars, components for military supportaircraft, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, general military aircraftcomponents, military aero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, militaryaircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew breathing equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for military support aircraft

26 P inertial equipment

27 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

28 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography, software for equipmentemploying cryptography, technology for equipment employing cryptography

29 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

30 P accelerometers, components for accelerometers, components forguidance/navigation equipment, components for gyroscopes, guidance/navigationequipment, gyroscopes

31 P equipment employing cryptography

32 P lasers

33 T inertial equipment, technology for inertial equipment

34 P equipment employing cryptography[See footnote 5]

35 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, equipment employing cryptography,guidance/navigation equipment, heading sensors for hydrophone arrays, imagingcameras, inertial equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment,sonar log equipment, submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwatersonar navigation systems

36 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography[See footnote 9]

37 T components for military aircraft ground equipment, components for militarycommunications equipment, components for military electronic equipment,components for military helicopters, equipment for the use of military helicopters,military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military communicationsequipment, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryhelicopters

38 T inertial equipment

39 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography, software for equipmentemploying cryptography, technology for equipment employing cryptography[Seefootnote 11]

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40 P components for electronic warfare equipment, components for military radars,components for naval electrical/electronic equipment, components for navalengines, components for naval mines, components for periscopes, components forsubmarines, components for torpedoes, components for weapon control equipment,general naval vessel components[See footnote 2]

41 P software for inertial equipment

42 T towed hydrophone arrays

43 P components for guidance/navigation equipment, components for inertial equipment,guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment[See footnote 13]

44 T imaging cameras

45 P cryptographic software, equipment employing cryptography, software forcryptographic software, software for equipment employing cryptography, technologyfor cryptographic software, technology for equipment employing cryptography

46 T bathymetric survey systems, components for bathymetric survey systems,components for inertial equipment, components for magnetometers, components forsonar log equipment, components for submersible equipment, inertial equipment,magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment, submersibleequipment

47 P towed hydrophone arrays

48 P pressure transducers, software for semiconductor process equipment, technologyfor semiconductor process equipment[See footnote 9]

49 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employingcryptography[See footnote 18]

50 P software for inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Austria, China, Japan,Philippines, Turkey, UnitedStates of America

0 0 1


gun mountingsgun silencerssmall arms ammunitionsporting gunsweapon sights

Country Footnotes

1. Licences granted for sniper rifles, components for sniper rifles, weapon sights and small arms ammunitionwere issued were issued for sporting and hunting end use.

2. On 31 July 2014, the EU Council adopted further sanctions against Russia. Council Decision 2014/512/CFSPprovides for restrictions on the supply of arms and military equipment; on dual use items for military use; oncertain technologies for the oil industries; and on access to capital markets for certain financial institutions.Restrictive measures currently in force are set out in Council Decision 2014/659/CFSP and Regulation960/2014 of 8 September 2014.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for private/sporting use.2. Licence granted for naval end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for personal end use.5. Router for satellite broadband. Commercial end use.6. Licence granted for government end use.7. Licence granted for components for sporting air rifles. Civilian end use.

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8. Run flat tyres for demonstration purposes. Civilian end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment. For commercial end use.12. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for Air Force end use.13. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for civilian / commercial end use.14. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.15. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.16. Licence granted for use in exhibitions, marketing & promotions. Government end use.17. After further review this licence was suspended.18. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 90 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 2 £2,680

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £2,680

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 2 £2,680

equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)



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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £4,200,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £4,200,000

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

6A008 1 £4,200,000

T laser radar equipment

San Marino

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Sao Tome and Principe

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Saudi Arabia

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 72% (75)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 99% (102)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 28% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 57% (8)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 34 £46,498,309

Other 53 £32,572,360

Mil and Other 1 £15,890

Total 88 £79,086,560

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

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Page 254: uk exports july - september 2014

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 4 £338,000

ML3 1 £182,700

ML4 1 £5,950

ML5 1 £2,697,084

ML6 2 £169,370

ML7 2 £3,788,550

ML9 1 £5,484

ML10 17 £39,067,413

ML11 5 £100,151

ML13 1 £196

ML15 1 £14,000

ML21 2 £3,086

ML22 1 £27,374

PL5017 2 £98,952

body armour [See footnote 4]combat aircraftcomponents for combat aircraft (4 licences)components for defensive systems against NBC agentscomponents for military aircraft ground equipment (5 licences)components for military combat vehiclescomponents for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military radarscomponents for military training aircraft (3 licences)components for naval communications equipmentcomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)components for pistols [See footnote 3]components for sniper rifles [See footnote 1]components for weapon night sights [See footnote 2]equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences)equipment for the use of military communications equipment [See footnote 2]equipment for the use of sniper rifles [See footnote 1]equipment for the use of weapon night sights [See footnote 2]general military aircraft components (2 licences)general military vehicle components [See footnote 2]gun mountings [See footnote 1]gun silencers (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences)military communications equipment [See footnote 2]military helmets [See footnote 4]

T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment [See footnote 6]NBC filtersNBC protective equipmentsniper rifles (60) [See footnote 1]software for military aircraft ground equipmentsoftware for military radarssporting guns (1) [See footnote 5]tear gas/irritant ammunition [See footnote 2]technology for weapon night sights [See footnote 2]training tear gas/irritant ammunition [See footnote 2]weapon sight mounts (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2]weapon sights [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value

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0C003 3 £2,3221A004 1 £635,0001C006 1 £1,2001C228 1 £171C231 1 £1201C350 1 £1,1192B350 24 £870,7193A101 1 £16,986,5305A002 17 £13,980,6135D002 3 £46,9956A003 1 £12,0007A003 1 £10,7257A103 1 £25,000

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific researchcivil NBC protection clothingcomponents for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (22 licences)cryptographic softwaredeuterium compounds (3 licences)equipment employing cryptography (16 licences)

T equipment employing cryptographyhafniumimaging camerasinertial equipment (2 licences)lubricantsmagnesiumsoftware for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

T software for equipment employing cryptographyX-ray accelerators

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £2,240ML7 1 £13,550ML17 1 £100

T civil NBC protection equipmentT civil riot control agent protection equipmentT components for civil NBC protection equipmentT military laser protection equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, equipment for the use of aircraft militarycommunications equipment, equipment for the use of military communicationsequipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, militarycommunications equipment, military electronic equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, software for aircraft military communicationsequipment, software for military guidance/navigation equipment, technology foraircraft military communications equipment, technology for military communicationsequipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment

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4 P airborne refuelling equipment, aircraft cannons, aircrew protective masks,anti-g/pressure suits, chaff equipment, components for airborne refuellingequipment, components for combat aircraft, equipment for the operation of militaryaircraft in confined areas, guided missile decoying equipment, military aircraftground equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military containers, militaryelectronic equipment, military flying helmets, technology for airborne refuellingequipment, technology for aircraft cannons, technology for aircrew protective masks,technology for anti-g/pressure suits, technology for chaff equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the operation of military aircraft inconfined areas, technology for guided missile decoying equipment, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military containers, technology for military flying helmets

5 P air launched rockets, air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, bombs, componentsfor air launched rockets, components for air-to-air missiles, components forair-to-surface missiles, components for bombs, components for explosivecharges/devices, components for illuminators, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for missiles, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components for militarycontainers, components for military training aircraft, components for multi-rolemissiles, components for signalling devices, components for surface-to-air missiles,components for surface-to-surface missiles, components for torpedoes,decoying/countermeasure equipment, explosive charges/devices, illuminators,launching/handling/control equipment for missiles, launching/handling/controlequipment for munitions, launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, militarycontainers, military parametric technical databases, multi-role missiles, signallingdevices, surface-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface missiles, technology for airlaunched rockets, technology for air-to-air missiles, technology for air-to-surfacemissiles, technology for bombs, technology for explosive charges/devices,technology for illuminators, technology for multi-role missiles, technology forproduction installations for air launched rockets, technology for productioninstallations for air-to-air missiles, technology for production installations forair-to-surface missiles, technology for production installations for bombs, technologyfor production installations for explosive charges/devices, technology for productioninstallations for illuminators, technology for production installations for multi-rolemissiles, technology for production installations for signalling devices, technology forproduction installations for surface-to-air missiles, technology for productioninstallations for surface-to-surface missiles, technology for production installationsfor torpedoes, technology for signalling devices, technology for surface-to-airmissiles, technology for surface-to-surface missiles, technology for torpedoes,torpedoes[See footnote 2]

6 P general military aircraft components

7 P components for equipment for the use of air-to-surface missiles, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for air-to-surface missiles, components formilitary training equipment, equipment for the use of air-to-surface missiles,launching/handling/control equipment for missiles, military software, military trainingequipment, software for air-to-surface missiles, technology for equipment for the useof air-to-surface missiles, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forair-to-surface missiles, technology for launching/handling/control equipment formissiles, technology for military training equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Switzerland 1 0 0


military training aircraft

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for naval end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Accessories for small arms and light weapons for testing and evaluation purposes. Government end user.

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4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. For end use by a law enforcement agency.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 2 £24,121

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £24,121

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 2 £24,121

equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedSouth Africa 1 0 0


anti-armour ammunition


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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 83% (10)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (12)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 4 £10,051,216

Other 5 £7,308,490

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £17,359,706

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML3 1 £6,978

ML4 1 £10,140

ML5 1 £1,800

ML7 1 £360

ML10 3 £5,031,200

ML13 1 £648

ML22 3 £90

PL5017 1 £5,000,000

blank/inert ammunitionbody armourcomponents for air-to-surface missilescomponents for body armourcomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for fuze setting devicescomponents for military aircrew life support equipmentcomponents for military helicopterscomponents for military training aircraftequipment for the use of combat aircraftinert air launched rocketsinert bombsinert surface launched rocketsinert surface-to-air missiles

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inert surface-to-surface missilesmilitary aircraft ground equipmentmilitary radarsNBC protective/defensive equipmenttechnology for combat aircrafttechnology for military aircraft ground equipmenttechnology for military aircrew life support equipment


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £15,0001C352 1 £105A001 1 £81,4805A002 1 £12,0005D002 1 £07A103 1 £7,200,000

animal pathogensT civil explosive detection/identification equipment

equipment employing cryptographyinertial equipment

T RF direction finding equipmentsoftware for equipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 22% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 22% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Source Issued Refused Revoked

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Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman,Seychelles, Singapore,South Africa, Sri Lanka,Tanzania, Togo, Vessel,Platform in InternationalWaters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka,Tanzania, Vessel,Platform in InternationalWaters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (4 licences)

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body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (4 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (4 licences)pistolsrifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (5 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting gunsweapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (5 licences)

Sierra Leone

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 11 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 87% (7)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 63 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £23,100

Other 5 £88,936

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 6 £112,036

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


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Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £23,100

components for military support vehicles [See footnote 1]military support vehicles [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value5A002 4 £37,4535D002 1 £15E002 1 £26A003 1 £51,480

equipment employing cryptography (4 licences)imaging camerassoftware for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for equipment employing cryptography



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P heading sensors for hydrophone arrays, magnetometers

Country Footnotes

1. The United Nations imposed embargo on Sierra Leone was lifted on 29 September 2010 with the adoption ofUN Security Council resolution 1940. The European Union also lifted EU-imposed sanctions in November2010. The national implementing legislation on Sierra Leone is however still in force.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (121)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (151)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 67 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 37% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


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Count Value

Mil 67 £4,058,324

Other 64 £9,223,770

Mil and Other 2 £469

Total 133 £13,282,563

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £20,347

ML2 2 £4,613

ML4 2 £581,026

ML5 2 £5,625

ML6 25 £756,844

ML7 2 £882

ML8 1 £57

ML9 9 £173,513

ML10 7 £61,980

ML11 11 £1,038,260

ML13 1 £237,225

ML14 1 £7,136

ML16 1 £176,935

ML17 1 £237,451

ML22 2 £5,030

PL5001 2 £751,400

acoustic devices for riot controlaircraft military communications equipment (2 licences)anti-riot/ballistic shieldsbody armourcomponents for artillerycomponents for body armourcomponents for combat naval vesselscomponents for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for ground vehicle military communications equipmentcomponents for large calibre artillerycomponents for military combat vehicles (14 licences)components for military communications equipment (4 licences)components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)components for military radarscomponents for military support aircraft (2 licences)components for military support vehicles (6 licences)components for military training equipmentcomponents for naval communications equipmentcomponents for naval engines (2 licences)components for sniper riflescomponents for submarines (4 licences)components for tanks

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components for weapon night sights (3 licences)energetic materials additivesequipment for the use of military communications equipmentgeneral military aircraft components (2 licences)general military vehicle components (3 licences)general naval vessel components (2 licences)ground vehicle military communications equipmentmilitary aircraft ground equipmentmilitary communications equipment

T military communications equipmentmilitary containersmilitary electronic equipment (2 licences)military helmetsNBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)smoke canisterstechnology for decoying/countermeasure equipmenttechnology for military guidance/navigation equipmentunfinished products for military combat vehicles


Rating Count Value1A004 2 £7831C202 1 £1,6101C240 1 £1271C350 1 £292B350 4 £3,4832B351 1 £64,4022B352 1 £43,0003C003 4 £6,552,5005A001 1 £364,0005A002 22 £239,7635D002 5 £51,0465E002 4 £3196A002 1 £7,0006A003 13 £315,8627A003 7 £385,3468A002 2 £1,193,5009E003 1 £1,000

biotechnology equipmentchemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare productioncivil NBC protection equipmentcivil riot control agent protection equipmentcomponents for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)components for submersible vehicles

T components for telecommunications jamming equipmentcomponents for toxic gas detectorscompound semiconductor precursor chemicals (4 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences)equipment employing cryptography (22 licences)focal plane arraysimaging cameras (11 licences)

T imaging cameras (2 licences)inertial equipment (7 licences)metal alloy cylindrical formsnickel powderssoftware for equipment employing cryptography (5 licences)submersible equipmenttechnology for equipment employing cryptography (4 licences)technology for gas turbine engines

T telecommunications jamming equipmenttoxic gas detectors

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value

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1A004 2 £45ML7 2 £424

civil riot control agent protection equipment (2 licences)NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)



Mil 0

Other 1

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

1C202 1

metal alloy cylindrical forms

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

7 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £240,580

Other 2 £85,733

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £326,313

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML11 1 £240,580

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military guidance/navigation equipment


Rating Count Value2B350 2 £85,733

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:





Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlbody armourcomponents for body armourcomponents for military helmetsmilitary helmets


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

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% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 78% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 85% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £4,225,941

Other 1 £440

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £4,226,381

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £860

ML3 1 £91

ML6 1 £4,224,990

military support vehiclesrifles (1)small arms ammunition


Rating Count Value0C002 1 £440

products containing enriched uraniumproducts containing plutonium-239

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £112,455

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £112,455

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

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that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML7 1 £112,455

NBC protective/defensive equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 84% (11)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £5,300

Other 1 £440

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Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 4 £5,740

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £800

ML13 1 £4,500

body armourweapon night sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value0C002 1 £440

products containing enriched uraniumproducts containing plutonium-239



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

2 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

Solomon Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (6)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 87 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

100% (1)



Count Value

Mil 2 £150,593

Other 3 £244,200

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £394,793

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £136,620

ML13 1 £13,973

body armour [See footnote 2]components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment[See footnote 1]military helmets [See footnote 2]military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment [See footnote1]


Rating Count Value5A001 2 £227,5005E001 1 £13,200PL8001 1 £3,500

devices for initiating explosives [See footnote 4]improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]technology for improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipment [See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedJordan 1 0 0South Africa 1 0 0

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all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protectionbomb suitsmilitary helmets


Source Issued Refused RevokedDjibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0


assault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourmilitary helmetssmall arms ammunitionweapon sights

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 2142 (2014) continues the embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial. The embargo no longer applies to military equipment intended solely for the development of theSecurity Forces of the Federal Government of Somalia, providing the UN Sanctions Committee is notified inadvance.

Exemptions to the embargo authorise supplies of non-lethal military equipment intended solely forhumanitarian or protective use, weapons and military equipment for the support or use by UN personnel orstrategic partners of AMISOM, supplies for use by UN member states to combat piracy and supplies intendedfor the development of Somali security sector institutions.

From 11 July 2014 the EU implements this UN sanction regime via Council Decision 2010/231/CFSP andCouncil Regulation (EU) No 356/2010, as amended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. For end use by an International Organisation.2. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.3. Licence granted for items returned after repair in the UK. For end use by an International Organisation.4. Licence granted for Explosive detection / disposal purposes. For Humanitarian end use.

South Africa

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (84)

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 99% (110)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 88 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 16% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (6)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

5% (1)



Count Value

Mil 46 £8,600,590

Other 36 £1,799,791

Mil and Other 6 £2,744,342

Total 88 £13,144,723

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 20 £4,914,270

ML3 7 £865,410

ML4 3 £427,674

ML5 5 £138,451

ML6 4 £154,920

ML7 1 £364,293

ML9 1 £1,500

ML10 3 £114,560

ML11 5 £140,292

ML13 4 £537,225

ML15 3 £184,500

ML18 1 £130

ML21 3 £1,700

ML22 3 £5,500

PL5001 1 £750,000

PL5017 3 £166

acoustic devices for riot control [See footnote 3]assault rifles (3) [See footnote 1]assault rifles (600) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]

T attack alerting/warning equipmentbody armour (4 licences) [See footnote 3]combat shotguns (100) [See footnote 3]combat shotguns (150) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]components for air-to-air missilescomponents for artillery ammunition

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components for assault rifles (5 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2, 3]components for body armour (4 licences) [See footnote 3]components for combat helicopterscomponents for combat shotguns [See footnote 3]components for decoying/countermeasure equipment

T components for ground vehicle military communications equipment (2 licences)components for machine guns (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for military combat vehicles (2 licences)

T components for military communications equipment (2 licences)T components for military electronic equipment

components for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)components for pistols (4 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]components for rangefinding equipmentcomponents for rifles [See footnote 3]components for sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4]components for sporting guns (3 licences) [See footnote 3]components for sporting shotguns [See footnote 4]

T components for test equipment for military radarscomponents for weapon control equipmentcomponents for weapon sights [See footnote 3]decoying/countermeasure equipmentequipment for the production of small arms ammunition

T fire location equipmentgun silencers (2 licences) [See footnote 4]machine guns (1) (2 licences) [See footnote 1]military aircraft ground equipment

T military aircrew safety equipmentT military communications equipmentT military electronic equipment

military guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary helmets (4 licences) [See footnote 3]

T military infrared/thermal imaging equipmentT naval electrical/electronic equipment

NBC protective/defensive equipmentpistols (1) [See footnote 1]pistols (12) [See footnote 4]pistols (30) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]

T recognition/identification equipmentrifles (200) [See footnote 3]small arms ammunition (6 licences) [See footnotes 3, 4]sniper rifles (1) [See footnote 4]sniper rifles (7) [See footnote 4]

T software for military electronic equipmentsoftware for military guidance/navigation equipment

T software for optimising equipment designsporting guns (1) (3 licences) [See footnote 4]sporting guns (2) [See footnote 4]sporting guns (5) [See footnote 4]sporting guns (200) (3 licences) [See footnote 3]sporting shotgun ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 3]sporting shotguns (1) (2 licences) [See footnote 4]sporting shotguns (7) [See footnote 4]

T targeting equipmenttechnology for assault rifles [See footnote 1]technology for machine guns [See footnote 1]technology for man portable air defence systemstechnology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for pistols [See footnote 1]weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 1]weapon control equipment

T weapon night sightsweapon sight mounts [See footnote 4]weapon sights (7 licences) [See footnotes 3, 4]


Rating Count Value0C003 1 £165

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1A004 1 £982,1001C202 1 £9652B001 1 £229,6642B350 2 £2,4373A001 1 £19,0004A003 1 £1,5225A001 3 £118,4225A002 13 £316,4155D001 1 £25D002 2 £46,5006A001 1 £4,7626A003 4 £43,6986A006 3 £6,4047A103 1 £20,400PL8001 1 £7,335

civil NBC protection equipmentcomputer analogue-to-digital equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences)cryptographic software (2 licences)deuterium compoundsdevices for initiating explosivesequipment employing cryptography (12 licences)

T equipment employing cryptographygeneral purpose integrated circuitsimaging cameras (4 licences)inertial equipmentmachine toolsmagnetometers (3 licences)marine position fixing equipmentmetal alloy cylindrical formsradio jamming equipment (2 licences)

T software for radio jamming equipmentT telecommunications jamming equipment

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 2 £208,1646A002 2 £250,0006A003 1 £10,4776A008 1 £141,000ML1 2 £1,620,000ML3 2 £190,000ML7 2 £29,056ML11 4 £96,360ML13 2 £190,000ML15 1 £2,265ML17 1 £20ML21 1 £6,000ML22 1 £1,000

assault rifles (200) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

T civil explosive detection/identification equipmentT civil NBC detection systemsT civil NBC protection equipment

components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for body armour [See footnote 3]

T components for NBC detection equipmentT components for NBC protective/defensive equipment

components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnote 3]components for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnote 3]direct view imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

T equipment for the use of NBC detection equipmentT imaging camerasT military communications equipment

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T military electronic equipment (2 licences)military guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary helmets (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

T military image recording/processing equipmentT military laser protection equipmentT NBC detection equipmentT NBC protective/defensive equipment

pistols (50) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]radar equipmentsmall arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 3]software for military guidance/navigation equipmentsporting guns (100) (2 licences) [See footnote 3]technology for military guidance/navigation equipmentweapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 8 £37,108

Other 1 £14,138

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £51,246

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 3 £6,135

ML6 2 £10,393

ML10 2 £7,945

ML11 1 £12,635

components for air-to-surface missilescomponents for aircraft military communications equipment (2 licences)components for electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for military combat vehiclescomponents for surface-to-air missiles (2 licences)general military vehicle components


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £14,138

equipment employing cryptography

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:



Korea, South

Saudi Arabia

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United Arab Emirates



Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML10 1

ML11 1

aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for aircraft military communications equipmentmilitary communications equipment

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

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ML10 1

components for military helicopters

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

4 P components for combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipmentfor the use of combat aircraft, technology for general military aircraft components,technology for military aircraft ground equipment

5 P weapon sights[See footnote 4]


Applications refused in full.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 4]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (6 licences)body armour (6 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (6 licences)components for body armour (6 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting guns (2 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (6 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (7 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (3 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 78% (44)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (56)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 1% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 39 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 44% (11)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 64% (16)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 25 £13,526,588

Other 1 £2,644,015

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 26 £16,170,603

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 9 £12,933,984

ML2 1 £9,908

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ML4 2 £108,528

ML5 1 £6,000

ML10 12 £259,068

ML11 2 £44,000

ML15 2 £155,760

ML22 2 £40

PL5017 3 £9,299

components for airborne refuelling equipmentcomponents for artillerycomponents for combat aircraft (3 licences)components for decoying/countermeasure equipmentcomponents for military support aircraft (6 licences)components for sniper riflescomponents for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for weapon sightsdecoying/countermeasure equipmentequipment for the use of decoying/countermeasure equipmentequipment for the use of sniper riflesequipment for the use of unmanned air vehicles

T equipment for the use of weapon night sightsT equipment for the use of weapon sights

gun silencersT military aircraft ground equipmentT military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)T rangefinding equipment

rifles (1)sniper rifles (10)sporting guns (2) (2 licences)sporting shotguns (1)technology for decoying/countermeasure equipmenttechnology for unmanned air vehiclesweapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sights

T weapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sight mountsweapon sights (3 licences)

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value1C001 1 £2,644,015

electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 19 £509,586

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 19 £509,586

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

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by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML5 1 £47,000

ML9 1 £1,604

ML10 16 £369,633

ML11 1 £73,707

ML22 1 £17,642

components for combat aircraft (2 licences)components for electronic countermeasure equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military support aircraft (13 licences)components for military training aircraftcomponents for naval communications equipmenttechnology for naval communications equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:






















Korea, South








Papua New Guinea





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Saudi Arabia


South Africa




United Arab Emirates

United States of America






Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML10 1

components for military support aircraft

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

Sudan, South



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

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1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aero-engines,environmental test facilities for military aero-engines, equipment for the production ofmilitary aero-engines, equipment for the use of military aero-engines, militaryaero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, military containers, software formilitary aero-engines, technology for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, equipment for the use of aircraft militarycommunications equipment, equipment for the use of military communicationsequipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, militarycommunications equipment, military electronic equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, software for aircraft military communicationsequipment, software for military guidance/navigation equipment, technology foraircraft military communications equipment, technology for military communicationsequipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment

3 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

4 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

5 P Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios, Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems, technology for Software formodelling/simulating military operation scenarios, technology for Software formodelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems

6 P components for military helicopters

7 P technology for equipment for the use of air-to-surface missiles, technology forlaunching/handling/control equipment for air-to-surface missiles, technology formilitary training equipment

8 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

9 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault riflesbody armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmetspistolsriflessmall arms ammunitionsniper riflesweapon sights

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.

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Sri Lanka

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (6)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (10)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 87 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 15% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 38% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £5,392,800

Other 1 £19,600

Mil and Other 3 £3,375,000

Total 7 £8,787,400

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £4,377,000

ML3 3 £715,800

ML13 3 £300,000

assault rifles (600) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]body armour (3 licences) [See footnote 1]combat shotguns (150) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for assault rifles (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for body armour (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for pistols (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for sporting guns (3 licences) [See footnote 1]military helmets (3 licences) [See footnote 1]pistols (30) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting guns (200) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]sporting shotgun ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 1]weapon sights (3 licences) [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value

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1A004 1 £19,600

civil explosive detection/identification equipment

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A002 3 £375,000ML1 3 £2,430,000ML3 3 £285,000ML13 3 £285,000

assault rifles (200) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]body armour (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for assault rifles (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnote 1]components for pistols (3 licences) [See footnote 1]components for rifles (3 licences) [See footnote 1]direct view imaging equipment (3 licences) [See footnote 1]military helmets (3 licences) [See footnote 1]pistols (50) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]rifles (100) (3 licences) [See footnote 1]small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 1]weapon sights (3 licences) [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

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Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (6 licences)body armour (6 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (6 licences)components for body armour (6 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting guns (2 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (6 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (7 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (3 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (6 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. For civilian / commercial end use.

St Christopher and Nevis

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

St Helena

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £2,260

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,260

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £2,260

sporting guns (2)

Country Footnotes

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1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

St Kitts And Nevis

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

St Lucia

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 7 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £2,050

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £2,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £2,050

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equipment employing cryptography

St Pierre and Miquelon

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

St Vincent (including the Grenadines)

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 55% (5)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council resolution 1556 (2004) established an embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial to non-governmental entities in the Darfur region of Sudan; this was extended to include allindividuals and entities in Darfur through Resolution 1591 (2005).

EU Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP, as amended, embargoed the provision of arms and related material toSudan and South Sudan. EU Council Decision 2014/450/CFSP repealed Decision 2011/423/CFSP andseparated the restrictive measures imposed on Sudan into a distinct legal instrument.

The measures embargo the provision of arms and related materiel to Sudan, as well as assistance andservices related to those items or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of those items.Exemptions exist for equipment intended for humanitarian, human rights monitoring or protective use,non-lethal equipment and protective clothing for use by UN, AU or EU personnel in crisis management andinstitution building programmes, non-combat vehicles intended for protective use by EU, UN, or AU, anddemining equipment.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Sudan, South

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 81% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £137,879

Other 4 £4,275

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 9 £142,154

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £9,543

ML6 1 £78,500

ML11 1 £2,441

ML13 3 £47,396

body armour (3 licences) [See footnote 3]components for body armour [See footnote 3]components for military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 2]components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment[See footnote 2]equipment for the use of military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 2]military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 2]military helmets (3 licences) [See footnote 3]military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment [See footnote2]military support vehicles [See footnote 3]


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £7655D002 3 £3,510

cryptographic software (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3]equipment employing cryptography [See footnote 4]

Country Footnotes

1. EU Council Decision 2014/449/CFSP separated existing joint measures concerning Sudan and South Sudaninto distinct legal acts.

The measures embargo the provision of arms and related materiel to South Sudan, as well as assistance andservices related to those items or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of those items.Exemptions exist for equipment intended for humanitarian, human rights monitoring or protective use,non-lethal equipment and protective clothing for use by UN, AU, EU or IGAD personnel in crisis managementand institution building programmes, non-combat vehicles intended for protective use by EU, UN, AU or IGAD

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personnel, and demining equipment.

The EU previously embargoed the provision of arms and related materiel to Sudan and South Sudan jointly inCouncil Decision 2011/423/CFSP.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for humanitarian end use.2. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. For end use by an International Organisation.3. Licence granted for end use by a International Organisation.4. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Svelbard Archipelago

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Swan Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

Page 291

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (45)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (53)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 15 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 55% (10)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 72% (13)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 29 £3,124,029

Other 4 £79,763

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 33 £3,203,792

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 15 £1,115,532

ML3 2 £27,002

ML4 1 £1,317,372

ML5 3 £350,438

ML6 4 £60,287

ML10 4 £136,924

ML11 2 £22,505

ML15 1 £80,880

ML22 2 £13,090

components for aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for military combat vehiclescomponents for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military radars (3 licences)components for military support aircraft

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components for military support vehicles (2 licences)components for riflescomponents for smoke/pyrotechnic ammunitioncomponents for sniper riflescomponents for sporting guns (3 licences)components for training blank/inert ammunitiondecoying/countermeasure equipment

T equipment for the use of weapon sightsgeneral military vehicle components

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary electronic equipment

T military guidance/navigation equipmentT military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

military support vehiclesrifles (1)sniper rifles (1) (2 licences)sporting guns (1)sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences)technology for decoying/countermeasure equipmenttechnology for military support aircraftweapon night sights (2 licences)

T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)

T weapon sights


Rating Count Value0E001 1 £11C001 1 £01C202 1 £54,1705A002 1 £25,592

electromagnetic wave absorbing materialsequipment employing cryptographymetal alloy cylindrical formstechnology for nuclear reactors

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 15 £387,743

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 15 £387,743

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML2 1 £4,128

ML4 1 £305

ML5 9 £325,833

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ML7 1 £29,340

ML9 2 £2,676

ML11 1 £25,462

components for anti-aircraft gunscomponents for ground based radars (2 licences)components for military communications equipmentcomponents for military radars (7 licences)components for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for torpedoesgeneral naval vessel components (2 licences)NBC detection equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


Korea, South






Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

2 P components for military helicopters, technology for military helicopters

3 P components for military helicopters

4 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

5 P components for combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipmentfor the use of combat aircraft, technology for general military aircraft components,technology for military aircraft ground equipment

6 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 87% (72)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (82)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 109 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 40% (2)

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% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 32 £8,128,231

Other 4 £443,834

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 36 £8,572,065

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 6 £6,563,964

ML3 1 £1,926

ML4 2 £19,292

ML5 2 £17,005

ML6 1 £1,680

ML7 1 £410

ML10 12 £1,497,025

ML11 5 £25,875

ML21 1 £750

PL5001 1 £304

accessories for rangefinding equipmentanti-riot/ballistic shieldscomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for military aero-enginescomponents for military aircrew protective equipmentcomponents for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences)components for military training aircraft (4 licences)components for NBC detection equipment

T components for riflescomponents for sniper riflesdevelopmental missile componentsexplosive charges/devicesgeneral military aircraft components (2 licences)

T general military aircraft componentsgeneral military vehicle components

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary aircraft head-up/down displaysrangefinding equipmentsmall arms ammunitionsniper rifles (1)Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenariossporting shotguns (2) (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences)


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Rating Count Value0C004 1 £5781C351 2 £12,7506A003 1 £430,506

imaging camerasnuclear grade graphitetoxins (2 licences)

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 25 £3,234,343

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 25 £3,234,343

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £4,015

ML5 4 £806,462

ML10 18 £1,397,386

ML15 1 £490,660

PL5017 2 £535,820

aircraft military communications equipmentcomponents for aircraft military communications equipment (4 licences)components for combat aircraft (5 licences)components for ground based radarscomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missilescomponents for military aero-engines (3 licences)components for military image recording/processing equipmentcomponents for military radars (2 licences)components for military training aircraft (3 licences)components for weapon control equipmentequipment for the development of multi-role missilesequipment for the use of military image recording/processing equipmentgeneral military aircraft components (2 licences)

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:








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Czech Republic













Saudi Arabia


South Africa





United Arab Emirates

United States of America




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

3 P body armour, components for body armour, military helmets

4 P components for military aero-engines

5 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 12 days

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 86% (20)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (23)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 16 £13,200

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 16 £13,200

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5D002 16 £13,200

T cryptographic software (16 licences)

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedJordan 1 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection

Country Footnotes

1. On 31 May 2013, the EU adopted Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP, which lifted the embargoes on arms andrelated material, as well as on equipment which might be used for internal repression.

This Decision also renewed, for a period of 12 months, the remaining measures set out in repealed Decision2012/739/CFSP, which include embargoes on further equipment that might be used for internal repression(chemical warfare precursors and related equipment), monitoring and interception equipment, key equipmentand technology for certain sectors of the oil and natural gas industry in Syria, luxury goods, and Syriandenominated banknotes and coinage.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 76% (74)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (97)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 83 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 16% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 20 £3,621,849

Other 65 £39,841,974

Mil and Other 1 £3,000

Total 86 £43,466,823

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £2,107

ML5 2 £1,455,794

ML7 1 £1,403,952

ML9 4 £184,935

ML10 4 £219,210

ML11 4 £144,051

ML16 1 £7,328

ML21 2 £140

ML22 3 £2,540

PL5017 2 £201,792

components for combat aircraftcomponents for combat naval vesselscomponents for equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipmentcomponents for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military auxiliary/support vesselscomponents for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military electronic equipmentcomponents for military support aircraftcomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for submarinesequipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipmentequipment for the use of NBC detection equipmentgeneral naval vessel componentsmilitary aero-enginesmilitary communications equipment

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military electronic equipmentNBC detection equipmentsoftware for combat aircraftsoftware for electronic countermeasure equipmenttechnology for combat aircrafttechnology for electronic countermeasure equipmenttechnology for general naval vessel componentsunfinished products for military aero-engines

T weapon cleaning equipmentweapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value0C004 1 £4851C006 1 £971C011 2 £2681C227 5 £4381C229 2 £1671C230 1 £201C231 2 £2331C234 6 £7161C240 1 £151C351 1 £3001E001 1 £11E201 1 £12B230 1 £1,3402B350 3 £242,2253B001 1 £972,3483C001 4 £3,500,0003C003 7 £30,258,7505A001 1 £59,5005A002 9 £964,1425D001 1 £188,7005D002 2 £84,5005E002 1 £800,0006A003 6 £206,8376A005 3 £2,408,8756C002 1 £1657A003 1 £53,4507A103 1 £32,4008C001 2 £66,000

beryllium compoundsbismuth (2 licences)calcium (5 licences)components for equipment employing cryptographycompound semiconductor precursor chemicals (7 licences)constituents of propellants (2 licences)corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences)cryptographic software (2 licences)electronics cooling fluidsequipment employing cryptography (9 licences)hafnium (2 licences)human pathogensimaging cameras (6 licences)inertial equipment (2 licences)lasers (3 licences)nickel powdersnuclear grade graphiteoptical sensor materialspressure transducersradio jamming equipmentsemiconductor process equipmentsemiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers (4 licences)software for radio jamming equipmentsyntactic foam (2 licences)

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technology for composite laminatestechnology for composite structurestechnology for equipment employing cryptographytechnology for fibre preformstechnology for fibre prepregszirconium compounds (6 licences)

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value5D002 1 £1,500ML21 1 £1,500

T cryptographic softwareT software for military communications equipment

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £1,256,920

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,256,920

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

6A005 1 £1,256,920


The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

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Page 302: uk exports july - september 2014

1 P components for aircraft carriers, components for combat naval vessels, componentsfor equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areas, components formilitary auxiliary/support vessels, components for military patrol/assault craft,components for naval communications equipment, components for submarines,equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areas, general navalvessel components, naval communications equipment, technology for aircraftcarriers, technology for combat naval vessels, technology for equipment for theoperation of military aircraft in confined areas, technology for general naval vesselcomponents, technology for military auxiliary/support vessels, technology for militarypatrol/assault craft, technology for naval communications equipment, technology forsubmarines

2 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

3 P components for combat aircraft, components for equipment for the use of combataircraft, components for military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofcombat aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment, software for combat aircraft,software for equipment for the use of combat aircraft, software for military aircraftground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipment for theuse of combat aircraft, technology for military aircraft ground equipment

4 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £60,617

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £60,617

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £60,617

equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Page 302

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Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 18 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (4)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 89 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 37% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £111,910

Other 3 £136,379

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 5 £248,289

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 2 £111,910

military support vehicles (2 licences)


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £5,2115D002 2 £103,1166A001 1 £28,051

cryptographic software (2 licences)equipment employing cryptographymarine position fixing equipment



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

Page 303

Page 304: uk exports july - september 2014


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Angola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, India,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault rifles (4 licences)body armour (4 licences)civil body armourcombat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (4 licences)components for body armour (4 licences)

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components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for pistolscomponents for rifles (2 licences)components for sniper rifles (2 licences)components for sporting gunscomponents for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (4 licences)pistols (2 licences)rifles (2 licences)small arms ammunition (5 licences)sniper rifles (2 licences)sporting guns (2 licences)weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences)weapon night sightsweapon sight mountsweapon sights (5 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 55% (24)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 95% (41)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 4% (2)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 70 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 30% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

10% (1)



Count Value

Mil 13 £2,740,131

Other 24 £286,927

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 37 £3,027,058

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £108

ML3 1 £16,500

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ML4 3 £276,768

ML5 1 £2,204,200

ML7 1 £336

ML9 1 £6,250

ML10 3 £72,431

ML11 1 £3,739

ML14 1 £159,800

blank/inert ammunitioncomponents for artillery ammunitioncomponents for combat aircraftcomponents for combat naval vesselscomponents for military guidance/navigation equipmentcomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences)components for military improvised explosive device disposal equipmentcomponents for targeting equipmentgeneral military aircraft componentsmilitary aircraft ground equipmentmilitary equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment (2 licences)military training equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipmentweapon sights [See footnote 2]


Rating Count Value1A004 1 £10,0001C350 7 £63,3351C450 1 £66,0002B350 10 £83,9075A002 2 £35,1575D002 1 £16A002 1 £3,1006A003 2 £25,427

chemicals used for agriculture or food/drink productionchemicals used for chemical/materials production (2 licences)chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research (3 licences)chemicals used for industrial/commercial processes (2 licences)

T civil NBC detection systemscomponents for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (9 licences)

T direct view imaging equipmentequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)

T imaging camerasinstrumentation camerassoftware for equipment employing cryptography



Mil 2

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 2

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

Page 306

Page 307: uk exports july - september 2014

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML3 1

PL5001 1

anti-riot/ballistic shieldscrowd control ammunition

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

2 2

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £535,400

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £535,400

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £535,400

components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:



United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

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Page 308: uk exports july - september 2014

1 P animal pathogens

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

4 P components for combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, technology for combat aircraft, technology for equipmentfor the use of combat aircraft, technology for general military aircraft components,technology for military aircraft ground equipment

5 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography


Applications refused in full.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 15 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 119 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

66% (2)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £4,796

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £4,796

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Page 308

Page 309: uk exports july - september 2014

Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £4,796

equipment employing cryptography


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0

Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana,Namibia, Nigeria, Togo

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel,Kenya, Madagascar,Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Mozambique,Oman, Seychelles, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sri Lanka,Tanzania

0 1 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

0 1 0


body armourcomponents for body armourmilitary helmets


acoustic devices for riot control (2 licences)assault riflesbody armour (2 licences)components for assault riflescomponents for body armour (2 licences)components for military helmetscomponents for pistolscomponents for riflescomponents for sniper riflesmilitary helmets (2 licences)pistolsriflessmall arms ammunition (2 licences)sniper riflesweapon sights

Tokelau Islands

Page 309

Page 310: uk exports july - september 2014

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Trinidad and Tobago

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 5 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 10 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 66% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 36 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 75% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

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Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 2 £32,084

Mil and Other 1 £506,700

Total 3 £538,784

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

1C352 1 £10

5A001 1 £32,072

5D001 1 £2

animal pathogensT software for radio jamming equipment [See footnote 2]T telecommunications jamming equipment [See footnote 2]

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A003 1 £80,000ML1 1 £276,900ML11 1 £68,400ML13 1 £30,600ML15 1 £50,400PL5017 1 £400

T components for body armour [See footnote 1]T imaging cameras [See footnote 1]T military communications equipment [See footnote 1]T military electronic equipment [See footnote 1]T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment [See footnote 1]T weapon night sights [See footnote 1]T weapon sight mounts [See footnote 1]T weapon sights [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

Case & Goods Footnotes

Page 311

Page 312: uk exports july - september 2014

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 14 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (132)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 98% (173)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 2% (4)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 78 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 37% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 83 £19,269,275

Other 37 £25,899,106

Mil and Other 1 £398,052

Total 121 £45,566,432

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 3 £277,836

ML2 1 £45,957

ML3 1 £10,000

ML4 14 £9,148,373

ML5 22 £437,289

ML6 9 £1,387,561

ML7 3 £73,543

ML9 6 £2,236,714

ML10 12 £1,245,461

ML11 10 £231,903

ML13 1 £1,486

ML14 1 £335

ML15 1 £13,000

ML16 3 £111,973

ML17 1 £1,800

Page 312

Page 313: uk exports july - september 2014

ML21 1 £1,649

ML22 8 £4,044,393

PL5017 1 £0

accessories for targeting equipment [See footnote 5]armoured plate [See footnote 6]combat naval vessels (2 licences)components for air-to-air missiles (3 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5]components for air-to-surface missiles [See footnote 5]components for attack alerting/warning equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 5]components for bombs [See footnote 5]

T components for combat aircraftcomponents for combat helicopters (2 licences) [See footnote 5]components for electronic countermeasure equipmentcomponents for fire control equipment (2 licences)components for gun mountingscomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (6 licences) [See footnote 5]components for military combat vehicles (5 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5]components for military communications equipment [See footnote 5]components for military electronic equipment [See footnote 5]components for military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 5]components for military helicopters (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 5]components for military radars (4 licences) [See footnotes 1, 5]components for military support aircraft (3 licences) [See footnotes 2, 5]components for military support vehicles (3 licences) [See footnotes 3, 5]components for military training aircraft (2 licences) [See footnote 2]components for military training equipment [See footnote 5]components for naval communications equipment [See footnote 5]components for naval electrical/electronic equipment [See footnote 5]components for naval guns [See footnote 5]components for rangefinding equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 5]components for sniper riflescomponents for submarines [See footnote 1]components for surface-to-air missiles [See footnote 5]components for targeting equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 5]

T components for targeting equipmentcomponents for turrets [See footnote 5]components for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for weapon control equipment (7 licences) [See footnote 5]decoying/countermeasure equipment [See footnote 2]equipment for the development of surface-to-air missiles [See footnote 5]equipment for the use of military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 5]

T equipment for the use of targeting equipmentequipment for the use of weapon sights [See footnote 7]general military vehicle components [See footnote 8]general naval vessel components [See footnote 5]goods treated for signature suppression for military use [See footnote 7]gun mountings

T military aircraft ground equipmentmilitary electronic equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 3, 5]

T military electronic equipmentmilitary equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 5]military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 5]

T military guidance/navigation equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

NBC detection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences)small arms ammunition [See footnote 9]

T software for targeting equipmentT targeting equipment

technology for air-to-air missiles [See footnote 4]technology for air-to-surface missiles [See footnote 5]technology for bombs [See footnote 5]technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment [See footnote 2]technology for equipment for the use of weapon sights [See footnote 7]technology for military aero-engines [See footnote 5]technology for surface-to-air missiles (2 licences) [See footnote 5]unfinished products for combat aircraft (2 licences) [See footnote 5]unfinished products for military aero-engines

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T weapon night sightsweapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 9]


Rating Count Value1A007 1 £4,3211C240 1 £2,5001C352 1 £102B001 1 £206,6402B201 1 £205,0002B350 12 £42,3403A228 1 £14,3115A001 1 £360,0005A002 11 £18,506,6265E002 1 £1066A003 1 £19,0006A005 3 £6,403,2756A008 1 £75,000End Use 2 £59,977

animal pathogenscorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (12 licences)equipment employing cryptography (11 licences)imaging cameras [See footnote 5]lasers (3 licences)machine tools (2 licences)nickel powders (2 licences)non-ferrous alloysnon-military detonators [See footnote 5]

T radar equipmentT radio jamming equipment

technology for equipment employing cryptographytriggered spark gaps

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A007 1 £10,240ML11 1 £387,312ML18 1 £500

equipment for the development of surface-to-air missiles [See footnote 5]equipment for the production of equipment for the development of surface-to-air missiles [Seefootnote 5]equipment for the use of equipment for the development of surface-to-air missiles [See footnote 5]non-military detonators [See footnote 5]



Mil 1

Other 3

Mil and Other 0

Total 4

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):

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Page 315: uk exports july - september 2014


Rating Count

ML7 1

ML22 1

components for NBC protective/defensive equipmenttechnology for NBC protective/defensive equipment


Rating Count2B201 1End Use 2

accessories for valvescomponents for machine toolsmachine tools

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 2

2 1

7 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 24 £3,796,824

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 24 £3,796,824

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £18,730

ML5 1 £10,264

ML6 4 £91,360

ML7 3 £105,318

ML9 1 £1,465

ML10 12 £67,102

ML11 2 £3,502,584

Page 315

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components for combat aircraft (4 licences)components for combat helicopterscomponents for machine gunscomponents for military combat vehicles (3 licences)components for military communications equipmentcomponents for military helicopters (7 licences)components for military support aircraft [See footnote 5]components for NBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)components for weapon control equipmentgeneral military vehicle componentsgeneral naval vessel componentsmachine guns (2)military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 5]NBC protective/defensive equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:








Korea, South



Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates

United States of America



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P software for inertial equipment

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

4 P weapon sights[See footnote 9]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Cambodia 1 0 0


bomb suitsmilitary helmets

Case & Goods Footnotes

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Page 317: uk exports july - september 2014

1. Licence granted for naval end use.2. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Accessories for small arms and light weapons for testing and evaluation purposes. Government end user.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. For civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 35 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 1 £166,463

Other 2 £586,000

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £752,463

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £26,121

ML3 1 £140,342

components for assault rifles [See footnote 1]components for pistols [See footnote 1]training small arms ammunition [See footnote 1]


Rating Count Value

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5A002 1 £77,9006D003 2 £508,100

equipment employing cryptographyhigh performance air traffic control software

T software for diver location sonars

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for training purposes. For Armed Forces end use.

Turks and Caicos Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 22 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 51 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 3 £65,750

Page 318

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Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £65,750

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 3 £65,750

military support vehicles (3 licences)military trailers



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 61% (13)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (21)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 9 £5,122,625

Other 8 £5,306,199

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 17 £10,428,824

Page 319

Page 320: uk exports july - september 2014

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £316,400

ML4 1 £100,154

ML7 4 £4,074,491

ML11 2 £9,600

ML13 1 £511,000

ML15 2 £79,280

ML22 1 £31,700

body armour [See footnote 2]components for aircraft missile protection systemscomponents for body armour [See footnote 2]components for NBC protective/defensive equipment (4 licences) [See footnote 1]

T military electronic equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]military helmets [See footnote 2]

T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 3]

NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 1]technology for combat naval vessels [See footnote 3]

T weapon night sights (2 licences) [See footnote 3]T weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnote 3]


Rating Count Value2B001 1 £880,3142D001 1 £05A002 3 £11,9736A002 1 £6,0006A003 2 £4,390,1528A002 1 £17,760

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)focal plane arraysimaging cameras

T imaging camerasmachine toolsrebreathing swimming equipmentsoftware for machine tools

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.2. Licence granted for government end use.3. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.

United Arab Emirates

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

Page 320

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% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 67% (128)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (189)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 4% (9)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 45 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 30% (4)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 69% (9)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 72 £3,774,232

Other 59 £6,290,959

Mil and Other 4 £3,907,690

Total 135 £13,972,881

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 10 £1,275,340

ML2 1 £5,600

ML3 3 £599,604

ML4 3 £157,470

ML5 1 £4,435

ML6 2 £295,239

ML7 2 £105,247

ML9 1 £2,245

ML10 37 £288,659

ML11 7 £711,033

ML13 1 £12,500

ML14 2 £28,881

ML15 2 £149,760

ML17 1 £20,320

ML18 3 £49,358

ML21 2 £228

ML22 3 £182

PL5017 5 £68,131

aircraft military communications equipment (5 licences)ballistic test equipmentbody armourcomponents for air-to-surface missilescomponents for aircraft cannons

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components for aircraft military communications equipment (2 licences)components for ballistic test equipment (2 licences)components for combat aircraft (2 licences)components for gun laying equipmentcomponents for machine guns [See footnote 2]components for military aero-engines (2 licences)components for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military helicopters (3 licences)components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences)components for military support aircraft (3 licences)components for military training aircraft (12 licences)components for military utility helicopterscomponents for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentcomponents for NBC detection equipmentcomponents for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnotes 4, 6]equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areasequipment for the production of bombsequipment for the use of military communications equipment (2 licences)equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment

T equipment for the use of weapon night sights (2 licences)general military aircraft components (4 licences)general naval vessel componentsgoods treated for signature suppression for military usegun mountings [See footnote 4]gun silencers [See footnote 4]machine guns (500) [See footnote 2]military aircraft ground equipment (3 licences)military combat vehiclesmilitary communications equipment (4 licences)

T military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences)T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences)

military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences)

military support vehiclesNBC detection equipment (2 licences)small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2]small arms training equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 5]software for military aero-enginessoftware for military communications equipmentsporting guns (1) [See footnote 3]

T sporting guns (2)sporting guns (4) [See footnote 3]sporting guns (5) [See footnote 6]sporting guns (6) [See footnote 4]sporting guns (8) [See footnote 4]sporting shotguns (1) [See footnote 3]

T sporting shotguns (1)tear gas/irritant ammunition [See footnote 1]technology for machine guns [See footnote 2]technology for military communications equipmenttechnology for military support vehiclesweapon cleaning equipment [See footnote 2]

T weapon night sights (2 licences)weapon sight mounts (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4]weapon sights (5 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3, 4, 6]

T weapon sights (2 licences)


Rating Count Value0D001 1 £31C006 1 £8,8001C350 3 £15,3461C450 2 £582B350 6 £41,7225A001 5 £290,4405A002 26 £4,097,6595D002 4 £76,526

Page 322

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5E001 1 £16,4255E002 3 £6746A001 2 £489,5006A003 4 £168,2556D003 2 £160,0207A003 4 £906,068End Use 5 £19,463

accessories for general laboratory equipmentacoustic seabed survey equipmentchemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research (4 licences)chemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare productioncomponents for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipmentcomponents for general laboratory equipmentcorrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (5 licences)cryptographic software (2 licences)

T cryptographic softwareT diver location sonars

electric motorselectronics cooling fluidsequipment employing cryptography (20 licences)

T equipment employing cryptography (6 licences)general laboratory equipmentimaging cameras (3 licences)

T imaging camerasimprovised explosive device activation/jamming equipmentinertial equipment (4 licences)non-ferrous alloyspumps

T radio jamming equipmentRF direction finding equipment

T RF direction finding equipmentseals

T software for diver location sonars (2 licences)software for equipment employing cryptographysoftware for nuclear reactorstechnology for equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)technology for improvised explosive device activation/jamming equipmenttelecommunications jamming equipment

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 2 £33,2385A002 1 £6,4025D002 1 £726A003 2 £657,0408A002 1 £10,000ML1 1 £2,720,953ML4 1 £355,146ML7 1 £9,520ML11 3 £18,593ML13 1 £95,705ML15 1 £640ML17 1 £100PL5017 1 £281

body armourbomb suitscivil NBC detection systems

T civil NBC protection equipmentcomponents for military equipment for initiating explosivescomponents for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T components for NBC protective/defensive equipmentT cryptographic softwareT equipment employing cryptography

equipment for the use of military equipment for initiating explosives

Page 323

Page 324: uk exports july - september 2014

equipment for the use of military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipmentimaging cameras [See footnote 3]

T imaging camerasmilitary communications equipment

T military communications equipmentT military electronic equipment

military equipment for initiating explosivesmilitary helmets

T military image recording/processing equipmentmilitary improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment

T military laser protection equipmentmunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment

T NBC protective/defensive equipmentT rebreathing swimming equipment

weapon night sights [See footnote 3]weapon sights [See footnote 3]



Mil 0

Other 9

Mil and Other 0

Total 9

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

0C003 5

1C350 4

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research (4 licences)deuterium compounds (5 licences)

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

7 9

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 1 £1,000,000

Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £1,000,000

Page 324

Page 325: uk exports july - september 2014

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML6 1 £1,000,000

components for military combat vehicles

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:




Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P general military vehicle components

2 P general military vehicle components

3 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, equipment for the use of aircraft militarycommunications equipment, equipment for the use of military communicationsequipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, militarycommunications equipment, military electronic equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, software for aircraft military communicationsequipment, software for military guidance/navigation equipment, technology foraircraft military communications equipment, technology for military communicationsequipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment

5 P equipment employing cryptography

6 P weapon sights[See footnote 3]

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts for Government end use.3. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for personal end use.5. Licence granted for training purposes. For Armed Forces end use.6. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. For Armed Forces end use.

United Kingdom

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 3 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Page 325

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Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 61 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aero-engines,environmental test facilities for military aero-engines, equipment for the production ofmilitary aero-engines, equipment for the use of military aero-engines, militaryaero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, military containers, software formilitary aero-engines, technology for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

United States of America

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (225)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 98% (263)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 60 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 13% (2)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 53% (8)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 156 £158,586,681

Other 26 £195,442,768

Page 326

Page 327: uk exports july - september 2014

Mil and Other 1 £35,788

Total 183 £354,065,237

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 15 £49,125,194

ML2 2 £21,109

ML3 4 £985,724

ML4 14 £9,224,498

ML5 6 £317,680

ML6 6 £111,015

ML7 10 £11,903,857

ML9 3 £263,000

ML10 58 £54,879,588

ML11 16 £4,988,159

ML13 4 £920

ML14 8 £13,852,991

ML15 1 £46,840

ML16 3 £6,907

ML17 2 £148,666

ML18 2 £185,625

ML21 4 £17,900

ML22 12 £12,505,705

PL5001 1 £1,113

PL5017 2 £190

aerial target equipmentT aerial target equipment

aircraft military communications equipmentassault rifles (2)body armourcombat aircraftcommand communications control and intelligence software (2 licences)components for aerial target equipment (3 licences)components for anti-riot/ballistic shieldscomponents for artillerycomponents for avalanche control projectilescomponents for body armour (2 licences)components for bombs (2 licences)components for combat aircraft (10 licences)components for combat helicopterscomponents for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclescomponents for electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for environmental test facilities for electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for equipment for the use of electronic warfare equipmentcomponents for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (7 licences)components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitionscomponents for machine gunscomponents for military aero-engines (7 licences)components for military aircraft head-up/down displays (3 licences)components for military combat vehiclescomponents for military communications equipment (3 licences)

Page 327

Page 328: uk exports july - september 2014

components for military field engineer equipmentcomponents for military guidance/navigation equipment (5 licences)components for military helicopters (4 licences)components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipmentcomponents for military radars (4 licences)

T components for military radarscomponents for military scenario simulation equipment (2 licences)components for military support aircraft (11 licences)components for military support vehiclescomponents for military training aircraft (11 licences)components for naval enginescomponents for NBC protective/defensive equipment (7 licences)components for projectile launcherscomponents for sporting gunscomponents for surface-to-surface missilescomponents for training small arms ammunitioncomponents for unmanned air vehicles (7 licences)decoying/countermeasure equipmentequipment for the production of military communications equipmentequipment for the use of machine gunsequipment for the use of military communications equipmentequipment for the use of military support vehiclesequipment for the use of NBC protective/defensive equipmentflash suppressersgeneral military aircraft components (5 licences)general military vehicle components (2 licences)ground vehicle military communications equipmentgun mountingslaunching/handling/control equipment for missilesmilitary aero-enginesmilitary combat vehiclesmilitary communications equipment (4 licences)

T military electronic equipmentmilitary field engineer equipmentmilitary helicoptersmilitary helmets

T military image intensifier equipmentT military infrared/thermal imaging equipment

military laser protection equipmentmilitary scenario simulation equipmentmilitary support vehicles (2 licences)military training aircraftmilitary training equipment

T naval communications equipment (2 licences)NBC detection equipmentNBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences)periscopespistols (1)pistols (2)pistols (1932)software for military communications equipment (2 licences)sporting guns (1) (2 licences)sporting guns (5)sporting guns (7)sporting guns (1400)sporting shotgun ammunitionsporting shotguns (1) (3 licences)sporting shotguns (5)sporting shotguns (100)technology for air-to-surface missilestechnology for combat naval vesselstechnology for command communications control and intelligence softwaretechnology for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehiclestechnology for equipment for the production of military communications equipmenttechnology for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (2 licences)technology for military communications equipment (3 licences)technology for military guidance/navigation equipmenttechnology for naval gunstechnology for submarines (2 licences)technology for unmanned air vehicles

Page 328

Page 329: uk exports july - september 2014

unfinished products for military aero-engines (3 licences)wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunitionweapon night sights

T weapon night sightsweapon sights

T weapon sights


Rating Count Value0C001 1 £3,0000E001 3 £21A007 1 £208,4051C001 1 £1,2461C202 1 £6,319,0851C216 1 £3,2381C233 1 £22,6001C351 3 £6,5322B122 2 £317,9503A101 1 £316,7503A230 1 £375,0005A002 7 £186,317,7595D002 2 £300,0006A001 1 £5006A003 1 £1,242,0006A203 1 £8,7009E001 1 £19E002 1 £09E101 1 £09E102 1 £0

components for instrumentation cameras (2 licences)devices containing enriched lithiumelectromagnetic wave absorbing materialsequipment employing cryptography (7 licences)high acceleration centrifuges (2 licences)high speed pulse generatorshydrophonesmaraging steelsmetal alloy cylindrical formsnon-military firing setssoftware for equipment employing cryptography (2 licences)technology for complete rocket stagestechnology for equipment for the production of complete rocket stagestechnology for equipment for the production of hybrid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for equipment for the production of liquid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for equipment for the production of re-entry vehiclestechnology for equipment for the production of rocket interstagestechnology for equipment for the production of rocket separation mechanismstechnology for equipment for the production of rocket staging mechanismstechnology for equipment for the production of sounding rocketstechnology for hybrid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for liquid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for nuclear reactors (3 licences)technology for production facilities for complete rocket stagestechnology for production facilities for hybrid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for production facilities for liquid rocket propulsion systemstechnology for production facilities for re-entry vehiclestechnology for production facilities for rocket interstagestechnology for production facilities for rocket separation mechanismstechnology for production facilities for rocket staging mechanismstechnology for production facilities for sounding rocketstechnology for production facilities for space launch vehiclestechnology for production facilities for spacecrafttechnology for re-entry vehiclestechnology for rocket interstagestechnology for rocket separation mechanismstechnology for rocket staging mechanisms

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technology for sounding rocketstechnology for space launch vehiclestechnology for spacecraftthoriumtoxins (3 licences)X-ray generators

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value6A002 1 £2,953ML5 1 £21,874ML11 1 £3,575ML22 1 £7,385

accessories for targeting equipmentaccessories for weapon sightsdirect view imaging equipmentmilitary electronic equipmenttargeting equipmenttechnology for weapon sightsweapon sights

SIELs - Incorporation


Count Value

Mil 37 £16,921,605

Other 4 £496,727

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 41 £17,418,332

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 1 £2,512,878

ML4 2 £106,855

ML5 10 £3,089,227

ML6 2 £149,248

ML7 1 £11,808

ML9 2 £237,420

ML10 14 £10,076,565

ML11 5 £595,305

ML16 1 £102,775

ML21 2 £38,311

ML22 3 £1,214

PL5017 1 £0

components for combat aircraft (3 licences)components for launching/handling/control equipment for missilescomponents for military aero-engines

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components for military combat vehiclescomponents for military communications equipment (2 licences)components for military helicopterscomponents for military radars (8 licences)components for military support aircraft (5 licences)components for military training aircraft (4 licences)components for military transport aircraftcomponents for naval enginescomponents for targeting equipmentcomponents for weapon night sightsequipment for the use of military communications equipmentequipment for the use of NBC detection equipmentgeneral military vehicle componentsgeneral naval vessel componentslaunching/handling/control equipment for munitionsmilitary communications equipment (2 licences)military electronic equipmentmilitary guidance/navigation equipmentmilitary radarsNBC detection equipmentsoftware for military communications equipmentsoftware for military radarstechnology for military communications equipment (2 licences)technology for military radarsunfinished products for combat aircraft


Rating Count Value0C004 1 £3,4502B226 1 £73,5655A002 2 £364,4006A008 1 £55,312

controlled atmosphere furnacesequipment employing cryptography (2 licences)nuclear grade graphiteradar equipment

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:



















Korea, South



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Saudi Arabia



South Africa



United Arab Emirates



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P animal pathogens

2 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aero-engines,environmental test facilities for military aero-engines, equipment for the production ofmilitary aero-engines, equipment for the use of military aero-engines, militaryaero-engines, military aircraft ground equipment, military containers, software formilitary aero-engines, technology for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

3 P components for civil NBC protection equipment, components for NBCprotective/defensive equipment

4 P military guidance/navigation equipment, software for aircraft military communicationsequipment, software for military guidance/navigation equipment, technology foraircraft military communications equipment, technology for military communicationsequipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment

5 T electromagnetic wave absorbing materials

6 P components for combat aircraft, components for military aircrew protectiveequipment, equipment for the development of combat aircraft, equipment for theproduction of combat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft, militaryaircraft ground equipment, military aircrew breathing equipment, military aircrewprotective equipment, military electronic equipment, signalling devices, software forcombat aircraft, software for military aircraft ground equipment, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the production of combat aircraft,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircrewbreathing equipment, technology for military aircrew protective equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for signalling devices,technology for test models for combat aircraft, test models for combat aircraft

7 P components for military support aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,technology for military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military supportaircraft

8 P components for hydrophones, hydrophones

9 P components for optical target designator equipment

10 P weapon sights[See footnote 1]


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Source Issued Refused Revoked

Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region

1 0 0


components for military helmets

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 7 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £37,655

Other 1 £1,534,181

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 3 £1,571,836

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

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ML1 1 £7,655

ML3 1 £30,000

small arms ammunitionsporting guns (10)


Rating Count Value5A002 1 £1,234,1815D002 1 £300,000

equipment employing cryptographysoftware for equipment employing cryptography


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Vatican City

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 13 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 13 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


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Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 1 £6,050

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 1 £6,050

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 1 £6,050

equipment employing cryptography

Vessel, Platform in International Waters

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 73 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 11% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 44% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Source Issued Refused Revoked

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


assault rifles (6)body armourcomponents for assault riflescomponents for body armourcomponents for sporting gunsgun mountingsmilitary helmetssmall arms ammunitionsporting guns (2)weapon sight mounts

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weapon sights


Source Issued Refused RevokedAngola, Benin, Comoros,Egypt, Gabon, Ghana,Jordan, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia,Nigeria, Oman, Seychelles,Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Togo,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Mauritius, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Tanzania, Vessel,Platform in InternationalWaters

1 0 0

Comoros, Egypt, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Comoros, Kenya,Madagascar, Malaysia,Maldives, Mauritius,Namibia, Oman,Seychelles, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Tanzania,Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Djibouti, Egypt, Greece,Kenya, Madagascar,Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,Oman, Seychelles,Somalia, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Madagascar, Mauritius,Oman, South Africa, SriLanka, Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0

Vessel, Platform inInternational Waters

1 0 0


acoustic devices for riot controlassault rifles (5 licences)body armour (6 licences)civil body armour

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combat shotguns (2 licences)components for assault rifles (5 licences)components for body armour (6 licences)components for civil body armourcomponents for combat shotguns (2 licences)components for military helmets (2 licences)components for riflescomponents for sniper riflescomponents for sporting guns (2 licences)components for weapon sightsmilitary helmets (6 licences)pistols (2 licences)riflessmall arms ammunition (6 licences)sniper riflessporting guns (4 licences)weapon cleaning equipmentweapon night sightsweapon sights (5 licences)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 17 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 84% (11)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (13)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 59 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 42% (3)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 57% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 5 £190,363

Other 7 £962,938

Mil and Other 1 £28,124

Total 13 £1,181,424

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML4 1 £935

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ML5 1 £160,000

ML11 3 £25,537

ML21 1 £3,192

ML22 1 £699

ballistic test equipmentcomponents for ballistic test equipmentcomponents for military communications equipment [See footnote 2]components for military electronic equipment [See footnote 2]military communications equipment [See footnote 2]munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipmentsoftware for ballistic test equipment

T targeting equipmenttechnology for ballistic test equipment


Rating Count Value1C229 1 £8004A003 1 £7,5085A002 1 £2,1286A003 1 £96,0007A003 1 £5,5008A001 1 £506,0008A002 2 £345,002

bismuthcomputer analogue-to-digital equipmentequipment employing cryptography

T imaging camerasinertial equipmentsubmersible equipment (2 licences)submersible vehicle control systemssubmersible vehicles

Mil and Other

Rating Count Value1A004 1 £12,813ML7 1 £15,311

civil NBC protection clothing [See footnote 1]NBC protective/defensive equipment [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P software for inertial equipment

2 P technology for NBC detection equipment, technology for software for NBC detectionequipment

3 P equipment employing cryptography, software for equipment employing cryptography

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for government end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Virgin Islands of USA

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Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Wake Island

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)

Wallis and Futuna Islands

Processing Statistics

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 6 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 20 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 2 £6,780

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Other 0 £0

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 2 £6,780

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML10 1 £4,950

ML13 1 £1,830

body armour [See footnote 2]components for body armour [See footnote 2]components for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P components for inertial equipment, inertial equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Jordan 3 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection (3 licences)

Case & Goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. For Government end use.


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 19 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 69% (9)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (13)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 34 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 8 £373,920

Other 4 £5,711

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 12 £379,631

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

ML1 2 £34,800

ML3 1 £265,250

ML6 6 £73,870

gun silencersmilitary support vehicles (6 licences)small arms ammunitionsporting guns (1)sporting guns (20)sporting shotgun ammunition


Rating Count Value5A002 3 £5,2116A003 1 £500

equipment employing cryptography (3 licences)T imaging cameras


Processing Statistics

Median processing time (SIELs/SITCLs) 16 days

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 20 working days 80% (8)

% and number of SIELs/SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (10)

% [as a % of all SIEL/SITCL cases processed] and number of SIELs/SITCLs refused 10% (1)

Median processing time (OIELs/OITCLs) 76 days

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% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs/OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs/OITCLs cases processed] and number of OIELs/OITCLsrefused

0% (0)



Count Value

Mil 0 £0

Other 8 £16,371

Mil and Other 0 £0

Total 8 £16,371

Count and value of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note

that more than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs issued were granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is preceded

by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count Value

5A002 6 £12,804

5D002 1 £480

5E002 1 £3,087

cryptographic softwareequipment employing cryptography (6 licences)technology for equipment employing cryptography



Mil 1

Other 0

Mil and Other 0

Total 1

Count of the number of times a 'Rating' was used on an application for this destination. Please note that more

than one 'Rating' can apply to an individual application.

The SIELs refused were not granted for the following items (for permanent export except where the entry is

preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export):


Rating Count

ML6 1

military support vehicles

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for the

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above refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1



Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

No. Type Goods Summary

1 P equipment employing cryptography, technology for equipment employingcryptography

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Zimbabwe are set out in Council Decision 2011/101/CFSP, asamended; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, as well as of equipmentthat might be used for internal repression.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

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