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  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    7.0 Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings

    7.1 Introduction

    This chapter investigates the water saving reliability and financial performance

    of a potential RWH system for a proposed school building. This building type

    was selected as it has significantly different characteristics from those in the

    domestic studies in terms of occupancy, water usage patterns and roof area.

    The previous chapter demonstrated that domestic rainwater systems are not

    cost effective. It was considered possible that installations in larger buildings

    may perform better financially but this required further investigation.

    The building in question was a proposed mixed junior and infants school with an

    estimated population of 680 pupils and staff (340 male, 340 female). The facility

    was been designed by a Local Authority (LA) who provided details of the

    building upon request. Discussion with the LA revealed that, although no RWH

    system was planned in this instance, they were not opposed in principal to the

    installation of such water saving technology. However, it was stated that the

    health and safety of the pupils was paramount and that if such a system was to

    be installed then uses would be limited to low-risk applications such as toilet

    flushing and that the inclusion of a UV unit would be preferred. For these

    reasons the selected applications were limited to WC and urinal flushing and

    the use of a UV unit was assumed.

    A RWH system supplier was contacted1 and asked for information and advice

    on a suitable approach. The use of an indirect system with an in-building header

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    tank was recommended (see chapter two, section 2.4.1). Other relevant

    information is shown in tables 7.1-7.3. All prices are for the 2007 period and

    include VAT. Note that the water demand figures shown in table 7.1 were based

    on the system suppliers own estimation methods.

    Table 7.1 Estimation of term time daily water demand

    Parameter Item Value

    Occupancy details Number of males 340Number of females 340

    W.C. flushing Volume per flush (litres) 6.0% of males who visit W.C. per day 30%Number of visits per day for above 1% of females who visit W.C. per day 100%Number of visits per day for above 3

    Urinal flushing Volume per flush (litres) 7.5Number of urinal ranges 10Operating time (hrs/day) 8.0Number of hours between flushes 0.5

    This gave an estimated total daily water demand for WC and urinal flushing of

    7.9m3/day. This figure was used for the term-time period, Mondays to Fridays. It

    was assumed that no water use occurred during weekends or school holidays.

    This gave an annual water demand of 1,547m3.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Table 7.2 Key RWH system and building components

    Component Value(s) Comments

    Rainfall Daily rainfall data forEmley Moor weatherstation

    Adapted for UKCIP (2000b) medium-high emissions climate change scenario


    Roof plan area: 1,845m2

    Runoff coefficient: 0.90

    Initial losses: 0.25mm

    Roof material: pitched roof tiles

    See table 3.2. High value used becauseinitial losses also taken into account

    See table 3.3 and also Fewkes (1999a)First flushdevice

    No first flush device Use of first flush devices is limited in theUK

    Coarse filter Coarse filter coefficient:0.90

    Commonly applied value. See table 3.5

    Storage tank Initial degree of filling:


    Top-up location: in-building header tank

    During commissioning and testing the

    tank is filled to capacity

    Assumes indirect RWH system used,see chapter 2, section 2.4.1

    Pump Power rating: 1.0kWPumping capacity: 55l/min

    See table 3.6

    UV unit Power rating: 55W KMC required UV unit in order tominimise perceived health and safetyrisks. See chapter 2, sections 2.5.6 and2.6

    Water and


    Supply charges:


    for 2007-08period, increasing yearly

    Sewerage charges:1.17/m3 for 2007-08period, increasing yearly

    Annual increase estimated using

    regression analysis of historic YorkshireWater price data, see chapter 4, section4.7.5 and appendix two

    See chapter 4, section 4.7.5 andappendix two


    Unit charge: 8.7p/kWhrfor 2007, increasingyearly

    Annual increase estimated usingregression analysis of average historicdata, see chapter 4, section 4.7.5 andappendix two

    Decom. costs Assumed zero System assumed to be decommissioned

    at same time as rest of building.Associated costs likely to small part oftotal decommissioning expenses

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Table 7.3 Maintenance activities and costs for school RWH system


    Value (inc. VAT) Comments


    maintenancecontractoffered bysystemsupplier

    250/year for contract

    UV unit: supply and installreplacement bulb once peryear, 60

    UV unit: supply and installcartridge filters every 6months, 60

    Annual site visit by engineer who will:

    check and clean filters, check pumpand repair/replace as required at noextra charge, replace othercomponents at no extra charge ifmade available


    Storage tank: assumed willremain functional for selectedanalysis time horizon

    Coarse filter: replace every15 years, 2,450 + 50installation fee = 2,500

    Electronic controls, replaceevery 15 years, 140 + 50installation fee = 190

    Plastic pipes (internal),replace every 35 years, totalcost (parts + labour) = 500

    Replace mains top-upsolenoid valve every 7.5years, 175 + 50 installationfee = 225

    Replace mains top-up levelswitch in header tank every12.5 years, 20 + 50installation fee = 70

    UV unit replacement every

    10 years, 840 + 50installation fee = 890

    For all items in this section: seechapter 4, section 4.7.4 and appendixtwo. Note that complete componentreplacement was assumed, not

    repair, as cannot be sure repair willbe possible (e.g. specific componentsmay not be manufactured in thefuture)

    KMC QS estimate

    Component purchase and delivery to site cost data for fifteen different tank

    sizes were obtained from a number of RWH system suppliers. Installation costs

    were estimated by the LA. Further information on how these were derived is

    available in appendix four. Estimated total capital costs for each tank size are

    presented in table 7.4.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Table 7.4 Capital cost estimates for school RWH systems

    Tank size (m3) Capital cost () Tank size (m3) Capital cost ()3.0 9,792 15.0 12,0485.0 10,285 18.0 11,695

    6.0 10,074 22.5 12,3887.0 10,544 27.5 13,0469.0 10,873 36.0 14,36211.0 11,213 45.0 15,67812.0 10,967 54.0 16,97113.0 11,601

    The LA predicted that the operational life of the building would be at least 50

    years and so this was used as the discount period. Discount rates of 3.5%, 5%,

    10% and 15% were investigated. LAs would normally employ discounts rates

    towards the lower end of this spectrum, however the higher rates were included

    in order to maintain consistency with the domestic RWH system studies from

    the previous chapter.

    7.2 Analysis stage 1: determine optimum tank size

    Analysis of the system was conducted using the thesis model described in

    chapter five and was conducted in two stages. First, the coarse hydrological

    and financial performance of each of the fifteen tanks shown in table 7.4 was

    assessed. The results from this were used to select the most appropriate tank

    size which was then taken forward for a more detailed study. Results from the

    preliminary analysis are shown in figures 7.1 and 7.2.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.1 Predicted hydrological performance of various tank sizes






    0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

    Tank size (m3)


    = tank sizes included

    in school case study

    Figure 7.2 Predicted financial performance of school RWH systems over

    50 year period












    0 10 20 30 40 50 60

    Tank size (m3)


    r = 3.5%

    r = 5%

    r = 10%

    r = 15%





  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    The hydrological results showed that the maximum percentage of demand that

    could be met was approximately 71% although this would have required a very

    large tank size. For the capacities assessed the volumetric reliability ranged

    between 12% (3m3) and 57% (54m3). The discount rate was found to

    significantly influence the financial savings achievable. For higher rates (10%

    and 15%) most systems showed a financial loss with a limited number showing

    a small financial gain. For the lower discount rates (3.5% and 5%) the smaller

    systems (3-11m3) showed a loss whilst the larger ones (12-54m3) showed net

    benefits. At the lower discount rates, increasing system capacity was correlated

    with increasing savings, although the rate of improvement showed diminishing

    returns as tank size increased.

    A decision had to be made as to which tank size to take forward for the more

    detailed analysis. The 54m3 tank was selected for the following reasons:

    It showed the best water saving reliability in terms of the percentage of

    non-potable demand met (57%).

    With the lower discount rates (3.5% and 5%) it was the best financially

    performing tank of those for which data was available.

    Larger tank sizes may have benefits in terms of peak flow reduction in

    the downstream drainage network. Although this is not explicitly

    considered here it is a possible benefit.

    Further, institutions such as LAs are likely to use lower discount rates since

    they are required to consider the wider impacts of their actions both spatially

    and temporally, e.g. due to policies such as Local Agenda 21 initiatives. For

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    public sector works Central Government recommends a declining discount rate

    of 3.5% (HM Treasury, 2003). When society is the stakeholder then discount

    rates in the range of 2-4% are commonly used (Ashley et al, 2004; Herrington,

    2006). On this basis the selection of the 54m3 tank was the logical choice since

    it showed the best overall performance when lower discount rates were


    7.3 Analysis stage 2: detailed analysis of selected tank

    Details of the 54m3 tank were input into the detailed analysis module of the

    thesis model. The simulation was run using discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10%

    and 15%. WLC, AIC and financial savings results are shown in tables 7.5-7.6

    and figure 7.3. Note that in figure 7.3 the RWH system savings at n = 5, 10 and

    25 years have been also been marked on the graph.

    Table 7.5 WLC results for school case study (n=50 years)

    Discount rate (%) RWH WLC () Mains-only WLC () RWH savings ()3.5 80,606 104,621 24,0155.0 65,095 79,535 14,440

    10.0 42,142 42,438 29615.0 33,639 28,776 -4,917

    Table 7.6 AIC results for school case study (n=50 years)

    Discount rate RWH AICs (/m3) Mains AICs (/m3) Ratio RWH/Mains1

    3.5% 1.04 1.35 0.775% 0.84 1.03 0.82

    10% 0.54 0.55 0.9915% 0.44 0.37 1.17

    1Ratios < 1 show that the RWH system was more cost effective than the equivalentmains-only system

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.3 RWH system savings for school case study (n=50 years)











    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



    r = 3.5% r = 5% r = 10% r = 15%




















    Figure 7.3 shows a general trend of increasing year-by-year savings although

    this pattern was occasionally reversed due to maintenance requirements.

    However, the overall magnitude of the savings was greater than the associated

    operating/maintenance costs. Despite this, for the high discount rate of 15% the

    system still incurred a loss because the present value of future savings were

    relatively quickly attenuated to very low values. For a rate of 10% the system

    just reached the breakeven point before the gradient of the graph effectively

    became zero. For the lower rates of 3.5% and 5% the attenuation effect was

    much less pronounced and in these instances payback was achieved in 15 and

    16 years respectively. These results emphasise that in this particular instance

    the choice of discount rate was of paramount importance in terms of the

    perceived financial performance.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    From the information presented it can be seen that, for the school system:

    The selected discount period had a large influence on the perceived

    RWH system savings. Shorter periods would have resulted in diminished

    savings or even net losses for potentially profitable systems.

    The variation in predicted savings between different discount rates

    increased as the discount period increased.

    Lower discount rates resulted in greater system savings.

    At lower discount rates the system is profitable, unlike the domestic

    systems in chapter six which all showed a financial loss.

    7.4 Detailed breakdown of costs

    The relative contribution of a number of key cost items to RWH system WLCs

    were determined. The cost elements consisted of capital, maintenance, UV

    operation, pump operation and mains top-up costs. Discount rates of 3.5%, 5%,

    10% and 15% were assessed. All other parameters were as shown in tables

    7.1-7.3. Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show the comparative results from the four

    simulations. Table 7.7 presents the same data as figure 7.5 in numerical form.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.4 Percentage contribution to school RWH system WLCs of

    various key cost elements







    1 2 3 4

    Discount rate (%)




    UV op.

    Pump op.

    Mains top-up

    3.5% 5% 10% 15%

    Figure 7.5 Percentage contribution to total maintenance costs of

    individual maintenance items







    1 2 3 4

    Discount rate (%)

    %contributiontomaintenancecosts Item 1

    Item 2

    Item 3

    Item 4

    Item 5Item 6

    Item 7

    Item 8

    Item 9

    3.5% 5% 10% 15%

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Table 7.7 Tabulated maintenance data from figure 7.5

    ItemNo. Description

    Low cost(@NPV)

    High cost(@NPV)

    Low cost(%)

    High cost(%)

    1 Annual maintenance contract 1,915 6,124 36.9 45.4

    2 Replace UV unit bulb 460 1,470 8.9 10.93 Replace UV unit cartridge filters 919 2,939 17.7 21.8

    4 Replace coarse filter unit 402 3,055 9.5 18.4

    5 Replace electronic control unit 31 232 0.7 1.4

    6 Replace internal plastic pipes 4 158 0.1 1.0

    7 Replace mains top-up solenoid valve 132 623 3.1 3.8

    8 Replace mains top-up level switch 16 111 0.4 0.7

    9 Replace UV unit 336 1,868 8.0 11.3

    Figure 7.4 shows that the capital, maintenance and mains top-up costs

    accounted for the majority of the WLCs in all cases. The proportional

    contribution of each varied as the discount rate was changed. Higher discount

    rates placed more emphasis on the capital costs, which was not unexpected

    since higher rates have the effect of increasing the relative contribution of near-

    term expenditures. Capital costs accounted for between 21-50% of the WLCs.

    Maintenance, UV operating, pump operating and mains top-up costs displayed

    the opposite trend and had greater effect on system WLCs with lower discount

    rates. This was also not unexpected since lower rates increase the relative

    contribution of expenditures that occur in the future. Maintenance activities

    accounted for between 13-21% of the WLCs and mains top-up for between 35-

    55%. UV operating and pump operating (electricity) costs accounted for only a

    minor proportion at between 1.2-2.1% and 0.7-1.2% of the WLCs respectively.

    Figure 7.5 and table 7.7 show the relative contribution of each maintenance

    activity to the total maintenance cost. The annual maintenance contract was the

    most expensive single item at between 37-45% of total costs. Replacement of

    the UV unit cartridge filters was second highest with a cost contribution in the

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    range of 18-22%. Replacement of the coarse filter unit was next at between 10-

    18%, then UV bulb (9-11%) and UV unit itself (8-11%). The remaining items

    accounted for a relatively minor proportion of the costs. These consisted of the

    replacement of the mains top-up solenoid valve (3-4%), electronic control unit

    (0.7-1.4%), internal plastic pipes (0.1-1.0%) and mains top-up level switch (0.4-


    Variations in the discount rate had some degree of influence on the relative

    contribution of each maintenance item but in most cases this was not

    particularly large. It was noticed that higher rates tended to give more weight to

    maintenance items that occurred on a regular basis (e.g. yearly maintenance

    contract, replacement of UV bulb and filters) and less weight to those that

    occurred irregularly, for instance replacement of the coarse filter and UV units.

    7.5 Sensitivity analysis of financial results

    A sensitivity analysis of the proposed RWH system was conducted. Sensitivity

    to changes in eight key parameters were investigated. The selected parameters

    were daily rainfall depth, capital cost, maintenance costs, mains water supply

    and sewerage charges, roof area, discount period, water demand and the

    storage operating parameter . Variations in each batch of key parameters were

    analysed in conjunction with discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15%.

    Percentage changes to RWH system savings (the difference between mains-

    only WLCs and RWH WLCs) were selected as the method for assessing

    sensitivity as this was deemed to be the key parameter in judging the financial

    success (or otherwise) of the modelled system.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Changes to parameter values in the range of 100% were investigated where

    possible. Exceptions were changes to the storage operating parameter , which

    was varied between 0-1 in 0.1 increments, and changes to the discount period

    which for obvious reasons could not be reduced by as much as 100%. To

    enable the percentage changes in RWH system savings to be placed in context,

    the original savings associated with each discount rate were as follows (from

    section 7.3):

    r = 3.5%, savings = 24,015.

    r = 5%, savings = 14,440.

    r = 10%, savings = 296.

    r = 15%, savings = -4,917.

    Figures 7.6-7.10 show the sensitivity analysis results for the four discount rate

    scenarios. Note that on the graphs the label SupSew Charges refers to mains

    supply and sewage volumetric charges, not mains standing charges.

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.6 School sensitivity analysis results, r = 3.5%








    -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%

    % change in parameter













    SupSew Charges


    Discount Period

    Water Demand

    Figure 7.7 School sensitivity analysis results, r = 5%










    -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%

    % change in parameter













    SupSew Charges


    Discount Period

    Water Demand

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.8 School sensitivity analysis results, r = 10%












    -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%

    % change in parameter













    SupSew Charges


    Discount Period



    Figure 7.9 School sensitivity analysis results, r = 15%










    -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%

    % change in parameter













    SupSew Charges


    Discount Period



  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    Figure 7.10 School sensitivity analysis results for changes in storage

    operating parameter (YAS/YBS algorithm)





    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











    r = 15%

    r = 5%

    r = 3.5%

    r = 10%





    = 0, YAS

    = 1, YBS

    Note: secondary y-axis (right hand side)

    refers to r = 10%. Primary y-axis (left hand

    side) refers to r = 3.5%, 5% and 15%




    In figure 7.8 the percentage changes in RWH system savings were much larger

    than for the other discount rates. This was due to the fact that the savings were

    relatively small at 296 over 50 years. Therefore even small absolutechanges

    in this figure resulted in large percentagechanges. This needs to be borne in

    mind when comparing the results from this graph to those in figures 7.6, 7.7 and


    Examination of sensitivity analysis results

    Investigation of the results showed that not all of the relationships were linear in

    nature. The sensitivity of RWH system savings to changes in rainfall depth, roof

    area, discount period, water demand and value displayed an exponential

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    decay type relationship (increasing form). For the discount rate and water

    demand the rate of change was relatively small for variations in the range of

    -50% to +100%, suggesting relative insensitivity to these two parameters for all

    but large negative changes. Variation in RWH system savings showed a linear

    relationship with changes in capital and maintenance costs. The slope of the

    corresponding lines was negative, showing that as capital and maintenance

    costs decreased the RWH system savings increased. Sensitivity to changes in

    mains supply and sewerage charges was also linear although in this instance

    the gradient of the line was positive, indicating that the RWH system became

    more cost effective relative to the mains-only system as the cost of mains water


    With one exception, in figures 7.6-7.9 the slopes of the lines were similar

    between the different discount rate scenarios. This indicated that the relative

    sensitivity of RWH system savings to changes in the selected parameters was

    generally similar despite variations in the discount rate.

    The exception to this general trend was the capital costs, which displayed an

    increasingly negative gradient the more the discount rate increased. This

    indicated an increasing sensitivity (in terms of RWH system savings) to changes

    in capital costs at higher discount rates. This can be explained by the fact that,

    since they occurred in financial year zero, the capital costs had the same

    present value regardless of the selected discount rate. By comparison, the other

    parameters all had financial impacts that occurred at various stages during the

    operational phase. Increasing the discount rate led to a reduction in the present

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    value of these parameters, or reduced their financial impacts in the case of the

    hydrological variants. This in turn led to reduced sensitivity in RWH system

    savings to changes in these parameters. This manifested itself in the results as

    increased sensitivity to capital costs, the only parameter not affected by

    changing the discount rate.

    Table 7.8 shows the gradients associated with each of the key parameters,

    except for which is discussed in the following subsection. Note that for the

    non-linear curves these results represent the average gradients. The steeper

    the gradient the more sensitive RWH systems savings were to changes in that

    particular parameter. Positive values show that the system savings increased

    as the value of the corresponding parameter increased, whilst negative values

    showed the opposite relationship (savings decreased as parameter value

    increased). The maximum gradients (most sensitive) have been highlighted in


    Table 7.8 Sensitivity analysis results: parameter gradients

    Discount rates and corresponding gradientsParameter 3.5% 5% 10% 15%

    Rainfall depth 1.66 2.11 55.52 2.28Capital cost -0.71 -1.18 -57.42 -3.44Maint. costs -0.69 -0.87 -21.98 -0.86

    Mains charges1 2.51 3.18 83.71 3.45Roof area 1.61 2.05 53.87 2.21

    Discount period 0.97 0.93 14.99 0.45Water demand 1.15 1.46 38.58 1.59

    1Mains supply and sewerage unit charges, not standing charges

    The data shows that the RWH system savings were most sensitive to changes

    in mains water supply and sewerage charges. The slope of the results was

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    constant and positive, i.e. as mains charges increased there was a

    corresponding linear increase in system savings. The results here are in sharp

    contrast to those for domestic systems. For these, system savings were

    typically very sensitive to changes in capital costs and relatively insensitive to

    changes in the other parameters (with the exception of the LA/Government

    stakeholder perspective). The results for the school case study show a higher

    sensitivity to more parameters and there was no parameter to which system

    savings were not sensitive (m0). Sensitivity to changes in capital costs were

    still apparent, particularly at higher discount rates, but were less important than

    in the domestic studies.

    Increasing the discount period beyond 50 years made little difference in most

    cases (slightly more for lower discount rates than for higher ones). Compare

    this to the results from section 7.3 in which it was apparent that system savings

    were highly sensitive to discount period variations in the range of 1-50 years,

    especially at lower discount rates. With regards to the sensitivity analysis

    results, the relative insensitivity for discount periods greater than 50 years

    indicated that system savings were approaching the maximum that could be

    achieved, particularly for the higher discount rates.

    Given the high sensitivity of the system savings it can stated that accurately

    predicting the long-term financial performance of RWH systems such as the one

    modelled for the school case study is difficult. Even at low discount rates, such

    as might be employed by public institutions, variations were large. For example,

    at a discount rate of 3.5% changes in capital and maintenance costs of 50%

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    Rainwater harvesting software from:www.SUDSolutions.com


    resulted in variations in system savings of about 30%, or approximately

    7,000. Changes in mains water costs resulted in even bigger swings. For

    instance, with a 20% reduction in expected future mains prices the system

    savings reduced from 24,015 to 11,963, a decrease of about 12,000.

    Conversely, increasing future mains charges by 20% resulted in an increase in

    the predicted savings of about 12,000. From data presented in chapter three it

    can be seen that the price of mains water, although generally becoming more

    expensive since privatisation of the industry in 1989, has tended to fluctuate in

    price. The results presented here have shown that even relatively small

    fluctuations can make significant differences to the perceived financial

    performance of systems such as the one modelled for the school case study.

    This needs to be borne in mind when using the predicted results to aid the

    decision making process (i.e. whether or not to install the system).

    Justification for using the YAS algorithm

    From examination of figure 7.10 it can be seen that the percentage difference in

    system savings predicted by the YAS and YBS algorithms were moderately

    small for three of the selected discount rates and large for one. The smaller

    differences corresponded to discount rates of 3.5%, 5% and 15%, which

    showed percentage variations between YAS/YBS of 6.3%, 7.9% and 8.4%

    respectively. The large difference corresponded to the use of a 10% discount

    rate and the variation in system savings between the YAS/YBS algorithms was

    204%. This latter result was primarily due to the fact that the predicted savings

    were small. YAS predicted 296 over 50 years whilst YBS predicted 897 over

    50 years, 601 more than in the former case.

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    It is concluded that, whilst the school case study showed more variation

    between YAS/YBS algorithms than did the domestic studies, the use of YAS

    was still justified since the variations between the two approaches was

    moderately small in monetary terms. This was especially true considering the

    discount period employed. The noted differences in savings would be small on

    an average per-year basis when distributed across 50 years.

    7.6 Comparison of thesis results with RWH system suppliers method

    Regarding the private sector company who supplied the water demand

    estimation given previously in table 7.1, details were obtained of their in-house

    design and assessment method for commercial systems such as that proposed

    for the school building. A comparative study was then conducted between the

    predicted RWH system performance using the suppliers method and the thesis


    The suppliers method was similar to that described in chapter six and appendix

    two for the approach labelled Company 1 methodology. Hydrological

    components explicitly considered consisted of the roof (plan) area, runoff

    coefficient, coarse filter coefficient, average monthly rainfall for the region in

    question and average monthly water demand (assumed same for all months).

    Financial aspects consisted of savings on mains water bills and an assumption

    that each cubic metre of harvested water supplied incurred an operating cost of

    0.03/m3. No maintenance costs were included and no discounting techniques

    were used (discount rate effectively zero).

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    In order to maintain consistency between the system supplier and thesis

    methods, the data for the hydrological elements was based on the information

    collected for the thesis. Where necessary, the data was scaled and adjusted so

    that it matched the characteristics of that required for the suppliers method, e.g.

    daily data scaled to monthly data.

    A spreadsheet was created that mimicked the suppliers method as outlined

    previously. Further information and a statement of the assumptions used are

    given in appendix four. The suppliers tank sizing method was based on

    providing 6 days of average daily demand and this gave a recommended

    capacity of 25.4m3. No tank size of this specific size was available on the

    market and so the next largest was selected for which data was available. This

    was a tank with a capacity of 27.5m3 and capital cost of 13,046. The

    performance of this tank was then simulated using both the suppliers method

    and the thesis model, using a zero discount rate in the former case and rates of

    3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% in the latter. Further, the suppliers approach assumed

    no maintenance requirements. For the thesis simulations the maintenance

    requirements where as given in table 7.3. Comparative results from the

    modelling exercise are shown in figure 7.11 and table 7.9.

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    Figure 7.11 Comparison of performance predicted by system suppliers

    assessment method and thesis model









    0 10 20 30 40 50




    r = 0% r = 15% r = 10% r = 5% r = 3.5% CapCost



    = 13,046





    0% (supplier


    Savings =






    Table 7.9 Summary of results produced by system suppliers

    assessment method and thesis model

    MethodologyTank size

    (m3)% demand


    savings ()1Payback(years)

    Total savingsover 50yrs2

    System supplier 27.5 77.6 2,647 5 119,304Thesis, r = 3.5% 27.5 47.4 353 14 17,652Thesis, r = 5% 27.5 47.4 210 17 10,515

    Thesis, r = 10% 27.5 47.4 0.02 50 1Thesis, r = 15% 27.5 47.4 -77.31 Never -3,8661Annual savings do not take into account repayment of capital cost expenditure, i.e.they are simply the difference between the annual running costs of the mains-onlysystem and the proposed RWH system2Calculation of total savings over 50 years included repayment of capital expenditure

    From figure 7.11 it can be seen that the comparative financial results displayed

    large differences. The suppliers method calculated the annual savings based

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    on the volume of mains water substituted (minus 0.03/m3 for assumed

    operating expenses) multiplied by the discount period of 50 years, then

    subtracted the initial capital expenditure. Since no discount rate was applied,

    the present value of the 2,647 annual savings were the same for all years.

    Application of discounting techniques in situations such as this is correct since

    consideration must be given to the opportunity cost of capital and it is a

    shortcoming of the suppliers method that this was not done. Using the same

    basic methodology but applying discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% to

    the cumulative 2,647/yr savings was found to give NPVs of 65,361, 50,970,

    28,892 and 20,277. All of these are considerably lower than the result

    obtained when no discount rate was applied (119,304).

    For the thesis predictions, the predicted total savings over 50 years were also

    significantly different. For discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% the

    predicted savings were 17,652, 10,515, 1 and -3,866. Payback periods

    were given as 14, 17 and 50 years for discount rates of 3.5%, 5% and 10%

    respectively, and no payback at all was achievable for the 15% rate. This

    highlights the sensitivity of the results to the selected discount rate and the

    importance in selecting an appropriate value.

    The effect of assuming no maintenance requirements is also evident in figure

    7.11. The lines corresponding to the thesis results display a general increasing

    trend punctuated by irregular dips in system savings. These dips were due to

    the cost of maintenance, a consideration that was excluded entirely from the

    suppliers methodology.

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    Table 7.9 shows that the suppliers assessment produced very different

    hydrological results compared to the thesis model, predicting a volumetric

    reliability of 77.6%. However, this was based on the implicit assumption that all

    of the collected water could be used, i.e. that the tank capacity was effectively

    infinite with no overflows. The more realistic finite storage method employed by

    the thesis model predicted a lower volumetric reliability of 47.4%.

    It is acknowledged that these results were based on the consideration of only

    one case study, and that an investigation into a wider range of circumstances

    would be beneficial, e.g. a larger range of tank sizes, different schools and other

    commercial/institutional buildings. However, from this brief study it can be

    concluded that the RWH system suppliers method:

    Did not realistically model tank behaviour and overestimated the volume

    of harvested rainwater that could theoretically be supplied.

    Did not adequately account for likely operation and maintenance costs.

    Significantly overestimated the magnitude of financial savings that were

    ultimately achievable because no discounting techniques were applied.

    Based on these limitations it is advised that predictions of water saving reliability

    and financial performance be treated with caution if they have been generated

    using similar methods to the one investigated here. It is strongly recommended

    that a more thorough and realistic approach be used whenever possible.

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    7.7 Summary and discussion of results

    7.7.1 Overview

    The aims of this chapter were to investigate the water saving reliability and

    financial performance of an indirect RWH system for a proposed school building

    with 680 pupils and staff. Water uses were to be WC and urinal flushing with a

    combined yearly demand of 1,547m3. The system was to include a UV unit in

    order to minimise any health risks. The predicted operational life of the school

    building was fifty years and so this was used as the discount period when

    assessing the RWH system. Discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% were

    used. A maintenance schedule was created that included regular activities

    (yearly maintenance contract and replacement of UV filters and bulb) and

    irregular activities (component replacement).

    Analysis stage 1: determine optimum tank size

    Capital costs were obtained for commercial rainwater tanks in the range of

    3-54m3. The first stage of the analysis involved using the assess savings

    module of the thesis model. The aim here was to determine the most cost

    effective tank size from the range available, and then to take the selected tank

    forward for a more detailed analysis. Out of the fifteen commercial tanks for

    which data was available, it was deemed that the 54m3 capacity was the best

    selection (also the largest tank of those assessed). This tank was selected

    primarily because it a) showed the best hydrological performance with a

    predicted volumetric reliability of 71%, and b) was the best performing financial

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    tank under discount rates of 3.5% and 5%, saving an estimated 24,015 and

    14,440 respectively.

    Analysis stage 2: detailed analysis of selected tank

    Details of the selected 54m3tank were input into the detailed analysis module

    of the thesis model. For discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% RWH

    systems savings were predicted to be 24,015, 14,440, 296 and -4,917

    respectively. AICs and AIC ratios were also calculated for the same discount

    rates. For the same discount rates listed previously, the AICs in /m3 were 1.04,

    0.84, 0.54 and 0.44. AIC ratios were 0.77, 0.82, 0.99 and 1.17. This showed

    that the RWH system was more cost effective than the equivalent mains-only

    system for all discount rates except 15%. AIC ratios were more favourable

    towards the RWH system at lower discount rates. The range of figures also

    demonstrated the sensitivity of the results to the selected discount rate.

    The discount period was found to strongly influence the perceived system

    savings. The results at n = 50 years were compared to those at n = 5, 10 and

    25 years. It was concluded that:

    The selected discount period had a large influence on the perceived

    RWH system savings. Shorter periods resulted in diminished savings or

    even net losses for potentially profitable systems.

    The variation in predicted savings between different discount rates

    increased as the discount period increased.

    Lower discount rates resulted in greater system savings.

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    Stakeholders that take a shorter term view are likely to perceive less

    financial benefit than those who take a longer term view.

    7.7.2 Detailed breakdown of costs

    The relative contribution to system WLCs of the capital, maintenance, UV unit

    operating, pump operating and mains top-up costs were determined. It was

    found that, for the discount rates assessed the capital, maintenance and mains

    top-costs accounted for the majority of the WLCs. Capital costs account for

    between 21-50%, maintenance 13-21% and mains top-up 35-55%. UV unit and

    pump operating costs were only a minor proportion of the total costs at between

    1.2-2.1% and 0.7-1.2% respectively. The relative contribution of each cost

    element was found to vary with different discount rates. Higher rates placed

    more emphasis on the capital costs whilst lower rates gave more emphasis to

    the other cost components. This result was not unexpected since higher

    discount rates had the effect of reducing the present value of future

    expenditures, thus increasing the percentage contribution to system WLCs of

    the capital costs borne in financial year zero. Lower discount rates had the

    opposite effect, that of increasing the present value of future expenditures and

    thus increasing their percentage share of the WLCs.

    The percentage contribution of each maintenance item to the total maintenance

    cost was determined. The annual maintenance contract was found to form the

    largest fraction at between 37-45%. Replacement of the UV filters was next

    highest at between 18-22%, followed by the coarse filter unit (10-18%). Next

    highest were the UV bulb (9-11%) and UV unit itself (8-11%). The remaining

  • 8/3/2019 UK; Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Communal Buildings - Bradford University


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    items accounted for a relatively minor proportion of the costs. These consisted

    of the replacement of the mains top-up solenoid valve (3-4%), electronic control

    unit (0.7-1.4%), internal plastic pipes (0.1-1.0%) and mains top-up level switch

    (0.4-0.7%). It was also observed that higher discount rates tended to give more

    weight to maintenance items that occurred on a regular basis, e.g. yearly

    maintenance contract, replacement of UV filters and bulb.

    7.7.3 Sensitivity analysis of results

    A sensitivity analysis of the financial model was conducted in order to determine

    the robustness of the school case study results. Percentage changes in RWH

    systems savings were selected as the metric for judging model sensitivity.

    Variations of up to 100% in a number of key parameters were assessed.

    These were daily rainfall depth, capital cost, maintenance costs, mains water

    supply and sewerage charges, roof area, discount period and water demand.

    The effect of varying the storage operating parameter between 0 (YAS) and 1

    (YBS) was also investigated. Variations in each batch of key parameters were

    analysed in conjunction with discount rates of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15%.

    Not all relationships were linear. Sensitivity of RWH systems to changes in

    rainfall depth, roof area, discount period, water demand and displayed an

    exponential decay type relationship (increasing form). For the discount rate and

    period, results were relatively insensitive to changes in the region of -50% and

    +100%. Linear relationships were apparent in changes to capital costs,

    maintenance costs and mains supply and sewerage charges. Increasing capital

    and maintenance costs was found to decrease RWH system savings, and visa

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    versa. Increasing mains supply and sewerage charges was found to also

    increase RWH system savings, and visa versa.

    RWH system savings were most sensitive to changes in mains supply and

    sewerage charges. Contrast this to the domestic studies in which the sensitivity

    analysis results were dominated by the capital costs. Results for the other

    parameters varied but system savings showed moderate to high sensitivity in

    most cases. Exceptions were the water demand and discount period to which

    system savings were relatively insensitive for changes in the 0 to +100% range

    (but was still nevertheless sensitive to changes in the 0 to -100% range).

    Sensitivity to the storage operating parameter was also relatively low in

    relation to variations in monetary savings.

    Capital costs showed greater sensitivity at higher discount rates. This occurred

    because higher discount rates reduced the present value of other ongoing costs

    but did not affect the present value of the capital costs borne in financial year

    zero. Therefore, at the higher discount rates the capital costs constituted a

    greater proportion of RWH system WLCs and it follows that the savings

    (difference between RWH WLCs and mains-only WLCs) would be more

    sensitive to any change in capital cost value.

    Given these results it can be stated that accurately predicting the long-term

    financial performance of RWH systems such as the one used in the school case

    study example is problematic. However, as will be discussed in the next

    subsection, existing alternative assessment methods, such as those commonly

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    employed by private sector systems suppliers, would appear to be even less

    useful than the thesis model for predicting future financial performance.

    Therefore it is argued that, whilst the approach taken in the thesis may be

    sensitive to assumptions regarding future conditions, the thesis model is still

    more realistic and more useful as a decision support tool than many of the

    existing methodologies.

    7.7.4 Comparison of thesis model results with RHW system suppliers


    Details were obtained of a RWH system suppliers in-house method for

    assessing RWH systems such as the one considered for the school case study.

    The hydrological and financial performance predicted by the suppliers

    methodology was then compared to that predicted by the thesis model.

    Hydrological components explicitly considered by the supplier consisted of the

    roof (plan) area, runoff coefficient, coarse filter coefficient, average monthly

    rainfall and average monthly demand (assumed same for all months). Financial

    aspects consisted of savings on mains water bills and an assumption that each

    cubic metre of harvested water supplied incurred an operating cost of 0.03. No

    maintenance costs were included and no discounting techniques were applied

    (discount rate effectively zero).

    A spreadsheet was created that mimicked the system suppliers approach. The

    recommended tank size was based on providing 6 days of average daily

    demand which in this case was 25.4m3

    . The nearest actual tank size was

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    27.5m3 (capital cost = 13,046) and so this was selected. The performance of

    this tank was then simulated using both the system suppliers method and the

    thesis model, using a zero discount rate in the former case and rates of 3.5%,

    5%, 10% and 15% in the latter. No maintenance requirements were assumed

    for the supplier approach whilst the thesis simulations used the maintenance

    schedule given previously in table 7.3

    There was a marked difference between the two approaches in the predicted

    water saving reliability. Supplier methodology estimated a reliability of 77.6%

    whilst the thesis model estimated 47.4%. The difference was primarily due to

    the different ways in which storage tank behaviour was taken into account. In

    the suppliers approach it was simply assumed that all harvested rainwater

    would be available for use, essentially an infinite reservoir approach. The thesis

    model employed a finite storage algorithm in which overflow occurred if the

    capacity of the tank was exceeded. This more realistic approach explains why

    the thesis model predicted a lower volumetric reliability.

    The predicted ultimate financial savings were significantly different. Over a 50

    years period the suppliers methodology predicted constant savings of 2,647

    per year, or 119,304 over 50 years including repayment of the capital costs.

    The thesis model predicted savings of 17,652, 10,515 and 1 for discount

    rates of 3.5%, 5% and 10% respectively. For the 15% discount rate an overall

    loss of 3,866 was predicted. It was apparent that the differences in predicted

    savings between the two approaches was large. The closest result from the

    thesis simulations was for the 3.5% discount rate with a saving of 17,652. The

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    A Whole Life Costing Approach for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsRichard Roebuck PhD, Bradford University

    system suppliers results were nearly eight times this amount. A primary reason

    for this disparity was found to be due to the exclusion of any discounting

    methodology. The yearly savings of 2,647 forecast by the supplier were simply

    multiplied unadjusted by the analysis time period to arrive at savings figure of

    119,304. Using the same assessment method but applying discounting rates

    of 3.5%, 5%, 10% and 15% resulted in savings of 65,361, 50,970, 28,892

    and 20,277 at NPV. All of these were considerably less than the original


    It was acknowledged that this comparative investigation was based on the

    consideration of only one RWH system, and that an investigation into a wider

    range of circumstances would have been beneficial. For example other school

    facilities and other types of buildings such as offices. However, from this brief

    study it was concluded that the method used by the system supplier:

    Did not realistically model tank behaviour and overestimated the volume

    of harvested rainwater that could theoretically be supplied.

    Did not adequately account for likely operation and maintenance costs.

    Significantly overestimated the magnitude of financial savings that were

    ultimately achievable because no discounting techniques were applied.

    Based on these limitations it was advised that the water saving reliability and

    financial performance results generated by such methods should be treated

    with caution. It was strongly recommended that a more thorough and realistic

    approach be used whenever possible.
