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ENGLISH X TYPE B LISTENING SECTION In this part of the test, you will have the opportunity to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special instructions for each part. Part 1 Questions: 1 to 4. Instructions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogues will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogues and the questions, read the five possible answers, then decide which one would be the best answer the questions you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Man : We are almost out of cereal. Woman : I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk, bread and fruit. Man : Would you get me some instant noodles, please? Woman : Sure. Narrator: What does the man want the woman to buy? A. Fruit. B. Milk C. Bread. D. Noodles. E. Cereal. The best answer to this question is "Noodles". Therefore, you should choose answer (D). Sample answer: A B C D E 1. A. Relieved B. Bored. C. Anxious D. Sleepy. E. Content. 2. A. To watch her step. B. To treat the wound soon. C. To have enough rest. D. To take care of herself. E. To clear away the glass carefully. 3. A. The man and the woman will organize a big project. B. The man and the woman will be teammates. C. The man will be the chairperson of the committee.


In this part of the test, you will have the opportunity to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special instructions for each part.

Part 1

Questions: 1 to 4.


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogues will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you listen to the dialogues and the questions, read the five possible answers, then decide which one would be the best answer the questions you have heard.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:

Man: We are almost out of cereal.

Woman: I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk, bread and fruit.

Man : Would you get me some instant noodles, please?

Woman: Sure.

Narrator: What does the man want the woman to buy?

A. Fruit.B. Milk

C. Bread.

D. Noodles.

E. Cereal.

The best answer to this question is "Noodles". Therefore, you should choose answer (D).

Sample answer:


1. A. Relieved

B. Bored.

C. Anxious D. Sleepy.

E. Content.2. A. To watch her step. B. To treat the wound soon. C. To have enough rest. D. To take care of herself. E. To clear away the glass carefully.3. A. The man and the woman will organize a big project. B. The man and the woman will be teammates. C. The man will be the chairperson of the committee. D. The man and the woman will occupy the same office. E. The man gives her a surprise.4. A. At the library.

B. In a sick bay.

D. In a laboratory.

C. In the canteen. E. In a school hall.

Part II

Qustions: 5 to 7.


In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also in English. The dialogues and the responses will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. Choose the best response to each qustion.

Now listen to a sample question.

Man : May i taste the caramel pudding you just made?

Woman: Of course you may. How does it taste?

Man : . . .

Narrator: What is the most appropiate response for the man to reply?

A. It is very expensive, i think.

B. It taste delicious.

C. I think i will cook it myself.

D. I don't think i'll come with you.

The best answer to the questionis "It taste delicious". Therefour, you should choose answer (B).

Sample answer:


5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III

Questions: 8 to 11.


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dilogues or monologues will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must losten carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five picture provided in your test book, then decide whice one would be the most suitable for the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

8. A.





9. A.

B. ```




10. A.




E. 11. A.




E. Part IV

Question: 12 to 15


In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be repeated twice.

They will not be printed in your test book, so you must losten carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you listen to the monologue and the questions, read the five possible answers, then decide which one would be the best answer the questions you have heard.12. A. A blackout.

D. Afternoon rush. B. A broken computer.

E. Unavailability of flashlight. C. The importance of electricity13. A. Had dinner.

D. Cleaned the kitchen. B. Listened to the radio.

E. Worked on the computer. C. Shopped at the supermarket.14. A. They would like to take shelter from sunlight. B. They were bored and unhappy living there. C. The marsh was completely dry. D. The weather was very cold. E. It was their life cycle.15. A. We should think wisely before taking further steps. B. We should learn from the mistakes we made. C. We should be sharp when making decisions. D. We should understand our weaknesses. E. We should help each other.


10th Grade:As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me.She was my so called best friend. I stared at her long, silky hair,and wished she was mine. But she didnt notice me like that,and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me forthe notes she had missed the day before. I handed them to her.She said thanks. I want to tell her, I want her to knowthat I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy,and I dont know why.11th grade:The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didnt want to be alone, So I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go home.She looked at me, said thanks.I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why.Senior year:One fine day she walked to my locker. My date is sick she said,hes not gonna go well, I didnt have a date, and in 7th grade,we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as best friends.So we did. That night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as She smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes.Then she said- I had the best time, thanks!. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why.Graduation:A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine-but she didnt notice me like that, and I knew it.Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her.Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said- youre my best friend, thanks. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why.Marriage:Now, That girl is getting married now. and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didnt see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said you came !.She said thanks. I want to tell her,I want her to know that I dont want to be just friends, I love her but Im just too shy, and I dont know why.Death:Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my best friend.At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years.This is what it read:I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesnt notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I dont want to be just friends,I love him but Im just too shy, and I dont know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me !I wish I did tooI thought to my self, and I cried.1. What is the girl expectation at last?

A. She wanted to leave the man alone

B. She wanted the man become her best friend forever

C. She wanted the man married with another girl

D. She wanted the man tell honestly that she loved her

E. She wanted the man to have a good manner

2. What was the girl actually feeling to the man?

A. She didnt care anymore about him

B. She didnt love him

C. She love him as a best friend

D. She love him too

E. She hates him as her enemy

3. What was the man feeling at 10th Grade?

A. He felt that the girl is angry with him

B. he felt that the girl didnt notice him enough at that time

C. He felt that the girl love him too

D. He felt that he love the girl at the first sight

E. He felt something wrong with the English class

4. The following is TRUE except.....

A. The girl finally married with the man who wrote the diaryB. At 11th grade, in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart

C. At 7th grade, they have made a promise that if neither of them had datesD. The girl was his best friend forever

E. They have ever watched Drew Barrymore movie together5. What is the suitable title of the text above?

A. Unspoken Love

D. True Love

B. Broken Heart

E. Endless Love

C. Secret Affair

TEXT 2Dear Louise,

Years of gathering with food, good friends, and fun. Lets get together one more time to watch the new year come!Saturday, December 31th 7 p.m.At my house Jl. Anggrek 8



6. What is the party for?

A. To welcome the new yearB. To send a big huggedC. To have good friends

D. To watch new friends

E. To enjoy food and drinks

7. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell the importance of new year

B. To coordinate the event of new year

C. To invite a friend to attend the new year party

D. To make someone happy in new year party

E. To remind people the coming of new year

TEXT 3Once, there was an 80 year old woman was sitting on the sofa in his house along with her 25 years old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window. Mother asked her Son,What is that? The Son replied It is a crow. After a few minutes, the Mother asked her Son the 2nd time, What is that?The son said Mother, I have just now told you Its a crow. After a little while, the old Mother again asked her Son the 3rd time,What is that?

At this time some expressions of irritation was felt in the Sons tone when he said to hisMother with a rebuff. Its a crow, a crow.A little after, the Mother again asked her Son the 4th time, What is that?

This time the Son shouted at his Mother, Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times IT IS A CROW. Are you not able to understand that? Are you a deaf or what? said her son rudely.A little later the Mother went to her room and came back with an old tattered diary, which she had maintained since her Son was born. On opening a page, she asked her Son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary.Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 20 times what it was, and I replied to him all 20 times that it was a Crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 20 times. I did not at all feel irritated I rather felt affection for my innocent child.

Reading that, her son was speechless, then he asked for forgiveness to his mother, down to her knees.

8. The mother repeat her questions with the purpose of.....

A. Testing her sons concentration

B. Testing her sons affection to her

C. Showing her attention to her son

D. Showing her forgetness

E. Showing her senile9. The underlined in the text above is....

A. Ancient

D. Old fart

B. Shabby

E. Primitive

C. Retarded10. The following is the reason why was the son feel irritated to his mothers questions, except.....

A. He thought that his mother miss him so much

B. He thought that his mother was deaf

C. He thought that his mother was blind

D. He thought that his mother didnt know the name of the animal

E. He thought that his mother was annoying11. From the text we know that affection is............

A. A tender feeling toward another, fondness.B. A feeling to discover or feel the absence ofC. A feeling of regard with distaste or aversionD. An intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fearE. A feeling of extreme dislike or antipathy12. What does the son finally feels?

A. He cried for his mothers fault

B. He regretted to have a deaf mother

C. He regretted his attitude to his mother

D. He regretted his love to his mother


13. "When did the farmer find that ancient tool?"When he . . . . .his field."

A. Was ploughing

D. Is ploughing

B. Has ploughed

E. Has been ploughing

C. Had ploughed14. A : Have you heard that uncle Joe will come next week? B : Oh, really? When did he tell you? A : Last week.

The underlined sentence is used to express .. . . . . . . .

A. Happiness

D. Enjoyment

B. Pleasure

E. Curiosity

C. Surprise15. 'Whom did you invite to this meeting?'

'The managers . . . . . reports you read this morning.'

A. Whom

D. Whose

B. of whom

E. Of which

C. Which

16. Setiawan told me,"I will return your bicycle as soon as I come home today."Means

A. Setiawan told me that he would have returned my bicycle as soon as he had come home that


B. Setiawan told me that I would retrun his bicycle as soon as I come home that day.

C. Setiawan told me that he would return my bicycle as soon as he came home that day.

D. Setiawan told me that he will return my bicycle as soon as he comes home that day.

E. Setiawan told me that I would return my bicycle as soon as he come home that day.

17. Lisa : What about going to a sea-food restaurant, Dad? Dad : . . . . . . .

What will Daddy say to show that he doesn't like sea-food?

A. I'm afraid I like fish

B. I can't stand eating sea-food

C. I am really fond of eating fish

D. I am sure I'll enjoy it very much

E. Its menu doesn't offer us many kinds of sea-food18. "Can we get ticket for the second show of the 'Gladiator'?" "I think they . . . . ."

A. Are sold out

D. Be sold out

B. Are to be sold out

E. Are selling them out

C. Sold out

19. The Shopkeeper : . . . . . to try the shoes on?

Mrs. Bakar : No, thank you. I can do it myself.

A. can you help me

B. Would you like to help me

C. May I help you

D. Do you mind helping me

E. Do you object to helping me.20. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

(1) Standing 8.6 metres high and weighing 70 tonnes, the Merlion statue has a lion's head and

a fish's body, and calls this 2,500 square-metre-park home.

(2) The statue was relocated 120 metres away from its original position in 2002 to where it stands in Merlion Park today, in front of the Fullerton Hotel and facing Marina bay.

(3) I'd like fell you about Merlion Park. It is located on Fullerton Road, Singapore.

(4) The majestic, fearsome head also recalls the legend of Sang Nila Utama, who first spotted a

lion an the island and gave Singapore its name

(5) The large figure of the Merlion with water pouring out of its mouth and fish scales on its

body are symbolic f Temasek, the name singapore was known for in ancient times .

(6) spotting this archetypal symbol of Singapore is easy when you are in the vicinity of the

Merlion Park and One Fullerton.

A. 3-1-5-2-4-6

B. 1-6-3-4-2-5

C. 3-6-1-5-4-2

D. 1-6-3-5-4-2

E. 3-6-1-4-2-5
