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uKnow v1 i1

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  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    In This Issue:

    The Fam .

    California Nevada Hawaii

    Rocky Mountain


    Idea Grab Bag .3


    Service Project Ideas

    The Mole5Executive Committee

    Service Committee

    LSSP Committee

    Shameless Plugs Abound..7

    Service Wiki

    Ask Ronald

    Halloween Recaps

    Any articles you care to share

    In Conclusion 8


    Sorry, I felt like yelling. Hi

    guys! Its your Intl Rep,

    Ronald Liu here. Andthanks for reading the first

    edition of the uKnow! This

    newsletter is totally packed

    with things you should know,

    things you dont need to

    know, and possibly things

    ou might NOT want to

    know, but I do encourage you

    guys to go through the whole

    thing and see what it has to

    offer. I think that might have

    been perhaps one of the

    longest run-on sentences Ive

    ever made.

    Greetings from yournternational Re resentative!

    But aside from my terrible grammar, I suppose I can let you guys

    know what I can do for you. The answer, in a nutshell, is

    ANYTHING. Dont hesitate to ask me for anything because if I

    dont have the answer for you, then I can probably find it for you.

    See those late night infomercials for technical schools that list off 80

    different professions that they can train you in? Thats me, except

    these are things I can do for you.

    I can help you with; event searching, event planning, event

    execution, icebreakers, member recruitment, member retention,

    member exclusion (jk), fundraising ideas, charity searches,

    inspirational speeches, public speaking, culinary, store

    anagement, business management, cat hygiene, defensive driving,

    aggressive driving, notary (not really), and more!

    Last and definitely not least, I am here as your friend, so if you ever

    need an ear as well, Im here for you.

    I seem to gravitate towards counseling and I hav

    open mind so if theres absolutely ANYTH

    anyone needs, let me know. Thats pretty much

    my intro, so its time to shamelessly plug my co


    Ronald Liu

    1110 W Blaine St #208

    Riverside, CA 92507

    AIM: iRonald0708

    Cell: (310) [email protected]


    Monday: 9PM 11PM PST

    Wednesday: 8PM 10PM PST

    Look forward to working with all of you,

    - Ronald

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    La FamiliaSub-region B consists of the California-Nevada-Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Southwest districts. Each districts profile canbe viewed at the Circle K International website: http / / / / /: circlek.org resources district distgovs.aspBut what about the things they DIDNT write down? Im fortunate enough to have attended the fall trainers of all three ofour districts. Want a little more insight on how they went? Read on, Circle Kers. Read on.

    Membership Education and

    Training Seminar (METS)

    Hosted by: Rocky Mountain DistrictChaired by: Emily Milian

    Dates: September 21st 23rd, 2007

    METS was the first of the fall trainers I got to attend.

    Shortly after arriving in Denver, I headed out to the

    ICON hotel site to take a sneak peak at the area.

    Anyway, attending METS gave me the idea of asking

    camps to use their facilities in exchange for helping

    clean and fix the campgrounds. We also had a great

    time making dog toys for the humane society, and we

    were also visited by the RMD Kiwanis Governor.

    Michael Hoban, an LtG led us in various team

    building exercises that Id love to share with you guys

    in future newsletters. I apologize again to everyone for

    my snoring, but I think you guys slept alright. I

    suppose teaching me line dancing was revenge for that

    (just kidding). Unfortunately, I had to leave METS

    early, but from the looks of the pictures taken, they

    had a great time even without me. It was definitely a

    great experience and Im grateful for having met the

    awesome members of the RMD district face to face.

    Fall Rally

    Hosted by: Southwest District

    Chaired by: Sarah FoleyDates: October 18th 20th, 2007

    Fall Rally always made me think of Key Club, since

    thats what we called our well, Fall Rally. But even

    though I didnt go to Six Flags, Vanderwagen New

    Mexico was a suitable replacement. Why? Because they

    dont serve you STEAK for dinner at Six Flags. Yes,

    thats the reason I loved Fall Rally. Well, there was

    that and I got to do a little deforestation. Kamp

    Kiwanis was the location at which we were staying and

    we were making sure that the nearby forest was

    protected against crown fires. Ironically enough, that

    was when I first got word of the San Diego fires.

    Anyway, Fall Rally was awesome because then

    Secretary/Treasurer Sarah Foley brought us a prop leg

    to be used in a skit. Not only did we get to use it, but I

    got to watch two girls get into a cage fight. But really,

    Fall Rally gave me more ideas to work with, as well. So

    if I suggest to anyone a Beads of Courage project, you

    have the Southwest district to thank.

    Fall Training Conference (FTC)Hosted by: California Nevada Hawaii Chaired by: Matt Schro Schroeder Dates: November 2nd 4th, 2007

    They say home is where the heart is, and I definitely had a blast in my home district. FTC was in Sonora, CA, and

    that drive never gets any better. Despite only half of the attendees being there for opening session, there was still a

    great amount of spirit and enthusiasm in the air. Loud cheering during every meal time kept people awake, while

    over $1,200 donated to UNICEF: The Six Cents Initiative ensured that people stayed hydrated. FTC was also the

    site of a newly filmed segment for CKITV, which should be uploaded soon. Altogether, about 90 hygiene kits were

    made to be distributed among the homeless and at risk youths across the CNH District. The different workshops

    included both ballroom and hip hop dancing, while other members helped my workshop co-presenters crowd surf.

    Not a bad conference, if I say so myself. Not bad at all.

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    IIIDDDEEEAAA GGGRRRAAABBB BBBAAAGGGRRRaaannndddooommm IIIdddeeeaaasss EEEmmmpppiiirrriiicccaaallllllyyy TTTeeesssttteeeddd TTTooo AAAiiiddd IIInnn YYYooouuurrr CCCllluuubbbsss FFFuuunnnccctttiiiooonnnaaallliiitttyyy

    Todays Episode:

    IIICCCEEEBBBRRREEEAAAKKKEEERRRSSS aaannnddd ssseeerrrvvviiiccceee ppprrrooojjjeeeccctttiiidddeeeaaasss

    Icebreakers are a great way to kick off your meeting, rejuvenate a stale meeting, or just an excuse to

    have fun in the midst of all that business. On the other hand, service projects will remind members

    of why theyre in this organization. A great balance is struck when you play hard with icebreakers

    but work hard with service projects. What follows is one Representatives account of Icebreakers to

    try and strategies to find service projects.Icebreaker: Periscope/Barrel/Boat, The Hugging

    Game, Random Collision Game.

    Requires: One leader and a couple of henchmen.

    How it works: Depending on the version of thegame youre playing, you will ask for people to get

    into groups of a certain number. So for example, the

    leader calls out, Groups of three or I need three

    Circle Kers helping an old woman across the street.

    Participants will get into groups of three and

    depending on the game, will have to act out an

    activity. The henchmen will sift through the group

    and any people that are not in those groups will be

    eliminated from the game.

    Good for: Seeing who really takes these games

    seriously, working with large groups of people,

    stalling for time.

    Not good for: Easily tackled members, getting to

    know people.

    Keep in mind: Those eliminated early will need

    something to do. Give them another icebreaker to do

    in the meantime so they dont get too bored.

    Icebreaker: Gimmie Gimmie

    Requires: Room split into two or more teams

    How it works: One (or two) leader(s) stand in the

    front of the room and demand an object be put in

    their hand by saying, Gimmie gimmie, *blank* A

    representative from each team must run up and place

    that object into the leaders hand. Score may be kept,

    but the group might get excited enough without it.

    Good for: Pumping up groups, starting out

    workshops, stalling for time.

    Not good for: Having people learn each others

    names, making sure every individual participates.

    Keep in mind: This exercise might not include

    everyone, but do what you can to fix the situation.

    Walk around the room and have the teams chase you

    down. Ask for random objects that a Circle Ker

    might have, such as their membership card.

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    IIIDDDEEEAAA GGGRRRAAABBB BBBAAAGGGRRRaaannndddooommm IIIdddeeeaaasss EEEmmmpppiiirrriiicccaaallllllyyy TTTeeesssttteeeddd TTTooo AAAiiiddd IIInnn YYYooouuurrr CCCllluuubbbsss FFFuuunnnccctttiiiooonnnaaallliiitttyyy

    Todays Episode:

    IIICCCEEEBBBRRREEEAAAKKKEEERRRSSS aaannnddd ssseeerrrvvviiiccceee ppprrrooojjjeeeccctttiiidddeeeaaasss

    Sources for Service Projects:Your City Name Here

    How to do it:

    1. Contact your city hall and let them know thatyoure interested in volunteering. If theres a

    particularly dirty area in your city, offer to

    clean it up on a regular basis (Adopt-A-Street,

    if you have it).

    2. If youre lucky, there will be a volunteerdepartment already there, and you can beredirected there. Make sure they contact you

    whenever they need help with any kind of

    project. Also ask them to refer you to any

    other organizations that might need help.

    3. Another department to go through would bea local Parks and Recreations department.

    Call them and let them know youre

    interested in helping out. If they ask you

    what you can do, you can offer to clean up

    parks, restore benches (by painting and

    removing staples/nails/etc.)

    4. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Have aboard member call any of your new affiliates

    at least once a month to remind them that

    youre there to help. Also, if you sign up to

    help, MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND. No sense

    in ruining that new partnership you just


    But what do I SAY?!?!

    Cold calling strangers MIGHT not be your strong spot

    (yay for business terms!), we here at Circle K

    International understand that. To help you out, heres a

    rough idea of what you could say to people you might

    be interested in helping out. (Dont read this script

    word for word, please replace names when appropriate)

    Hi, is this *Riverside Parks and Recreations*? Myname is Ronald Liu, and Im a member of Circle K

    International, a Kiwanis affiliate.

    (Should they require more information about Circle K or

    Kiwanis, you should have it for them, right? Right.)

    I was calling to let you know that our club was

    interested in volunteering with any events you might

    have coming up.

    (If they have any, theyll probably let you know.)

    Also, if theres anything else we can do, please let usknow in the future

    (If they have a mailing list, this would be perfect for


    Ok, so this isnt the most revolutionary script, but its a

    start if youre not sure of what to say. And if any of

    YOU guys have any tricks, please submit them to me

    and theyll make their way here!

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    TTTTTTTTTTTThhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee MMMMMMMMMMMMoooooooooooolllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeAccessible information made even more accessible from an inside source.

    So exactly what ARE your International Committees up to? This edition of the uKnow will fillyou in on the directives of the powerful Service Committee, the dutiful LSSP committee, and

    the work-hard-play-hard Executive Committee. What exactly is a directive? Its a goal set by the

    committee with an established deadline that has a tangible completion. Updates to these

    directives will be provided in the next edition of the uKnow

    LSSP Committee:

    Research of 8 significant project ideas for review

    Submittal of Final Project Proposal to International Board

    Complete and submit meeting minutes

    Preliminary Research on Professional Appearance of CKI

    Compile Fundraising Opportunities

    Preliminary Research on Hotel and Transportation Options

    Newsletter Publication

    Establish Executive Committee meetings

    Establish bi-weekly meetings

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    Service Committee:

    Promote & Increase CKI participation in Kiwanis

    One Day

    Continue development of marketing campaign &

    promotion of the Six Cents Initiative

    Investigate & Research ways to streamline &

    increase effectiveness of service hour reporting

    Research & Revamp marketing strategies for

    Tomorrow Fund

    Develop Education Tools for the Fundraising and

    Service Initiative

    Evaluate & Develop strategies and programs to

    solidify Service Partnerships

    Research the feasibility of and develop Service-

    in-a-box for non-traditional clubs

    Research and Develop Service at its best &

    Outstanding Club Project of the Month

    Recognition Program

    Establish and define components, recognitions,

    and programs for the CKI Fundraising Initiative

    Appoint and Direct the 2007-2008 LSSP Ad-Hoc


    Promote and develop materials for promotion of

    non-Kiwanis Family service awareness

    Research, plan, and incorporate service project

    aspects into the International Convention


    Review and revamp Tomorrow Grant Process

    Publicize & Educate members on the new Servi

    Initiative breakdown

    Research & Develop promotion of obscure Serv

    Programs (CSAW Week, Circle K Week, ServicAwards, & other programs)

    Executive Committee:

    Develop educational pieces to inform members

    International Board activities and present releva


    Develop a system for representatives to use that

    would establish policies, responsibilities, andprojects.

    Educate the members on the International

    committee process.

    Evaluate future committee structure.

    Develop the procedures for the elections proces

    International Convention and provide a more

    stable system for electing the Board of


    Research the feasibility of new membership

    opportunities and club structures.

    Evaluate current and potential conventions and

    conferences hosted by Circle K International

    Research areas for budgetary changes.

    Explore international expansion.

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    SSSHHHAAAMMMEEELLLEEESSSSSS PPPLLLUGGGSSS AAABBBOOOUNNNDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!This section of the uKnow is for YOUto control. Anything you want up here (as long as its appropriate) will be post

    as long as it is submitted within a reasonable date. What can go up here? Well, let me show you guys


    This is an official cry for help! Does ANYBODY know

    how to use Wikipedia software? As in, can anybody edit

    Wikipedia articles to a decent degree? Why? Because

    Sub-region B is now the proud owner of its OWN


    Thats right, the Service Wiki is here. Unfortunately, I

    have no idea how to code it at all. Thats where you guys

    come in! If anyone can help code the Service Wiki at


    Please contact me at [email protected] and well

    talk. Thank you so much.

    Requests in


    So Halloweens come and gone, andconsidering how were all college students,

    Im sure SOMEBODY wore something that

    theyre proud of. E-mail the pictures of

    your Halloween costume to

    [email protected] and see them in

    the next edition of the uKnow! Again,

    please keep it appropriate!!!

    ASK RONALD!Ask me anything! Im ever better than Dear Abby! Send

    any questions about life, liberty, or anything of any sort to

    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 uKnow v1 i1


    The uKnow Sub-region Bs premier newsletterto keep you in the know

    Volume 1 Issue 1 Novembe

    a Kiwanis-family memberwww.circlek.org


    In Conclusion

    Dear Sub-region B,

    Thank you for reading through this entire newsletter. I apologize for the lack of pictures, and if

    anyone would like to aid with newsletter templates and whatnot, it would be greatly appreciated.

    (YAY FOR INITIATIVE!) I hope you guys have found this newsletter to be helpful, because thats

    pretty much the reason the iBoard puts these things out. Were here to help.

    However, our word is not set in stone. If there is ANYTHING that you have to

    contribute, any hints or ideas, please submit them here. The more ideas we have,

    the better off well all be. This newsletter is VERY flexible in content, and all you

    have to do is give the word, and youll probably be featured in the next uKnow.

    Keep up the love for Circle K and keep up the passion for service. We here at Circle K

    International know you like to serve, so do so frequently and proudly. We live to serve. We love to


    In service,

    Ronald Liu

    International Representative for Sub-region B

    ProudlyREPRESENTING the California-Nevada-Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Southwest Districts
