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Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Пам’ять Преполобної Марії...

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We welcome our faithful, friends, and visitors who have come to worship with us today in God’s vineyard. Please come and join our family in regular weekly worship at our Cathedral John 15:1-2 Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують наші Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити та молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби. я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Квітнеь 2019 April V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected] Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced Commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt Пам’ять Преполобної Марії Єгипетської Tropar, Tone 8 The image of God was truly preserved in you, O mother, for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. Therefore, Holy Mother Mary, your spirit rejoices with the angels. Тропар, голос 8: У тобі, мати, образ Божий явним став, взявши бо хрест, пігла ти за Христом і цим ділом навчала нас не дбати про тіло, бо воно тимчасове, а піклуватися про лушу – бо вона безсмертна; тому разом із ангелами, преподбна Маріє, радіє дух Твій.

We welcome our faithful, friends, and visitors who have come to

worship with us today in God’s vineyard. Please come and join

our family in regular weekly worship at our Cathedral John 15:1-2

Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують

наші Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити

та молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби.


Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin

Квітнеь – 2019 – April

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected]

Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt

Пам’ять Преполобної Марії Єгипетської

Tropar, Tone 8

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O

mother, for you took up the Cross and followed

Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the

flesh, for it passes away, but to care instead for the

soul, since it is immortal. Therefore, Holy Mother

Mary, your spirit rejoices with the angels.

Тропар, голос 8:

У тобі, мати, образ Божий явним став, взявши бо

хрест, пігла ти за Христом і цим ділом навчала

нас не дбати про тіло, бо воно тимчасове, а

піклуватися про лушу – бо вона безсмертна; тому

разом із ангелами, преподбна Маріє, радіє дух


Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers.

Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m.

Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m.

Робочі дні Союз Українок / U.W.A.C. Work Bees – Watch for information

Сердечно Вітаємо!

We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome

To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава На Віки!

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

April / Квітень - Schedule of Services

Sat Apr 6 3rd Soul Saturday / Задушна Субота/

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m/Confessions 9:00 am Tone3/Голос 3 – Heb/ Євр. 6:9-12 10:32 - 38 - Mark / Мр. 7:31-37

Reposed/Спочилим: 1 Cor/Кор. 15:47-57; John/Ін. 5:24-30

Akathist & Confession / Акафіст і Сповідь 5:00 pm

Sun. Apr 7 Sunday 5 of Great Fast / Нед. 5-го Вел. Посту

Annunciation of Theotokos/Благовіщення Пресв. Богородиці

Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone4/Голос 4 – Heb/Євр. 2:11-18; Luke/Лк. 1:24-38

Wed Apr 10 Pre-Sanctified Gifts / Ран.Осв. Дарів

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone4/Голос 4 – Isaiah/Іс. 41:4-14

Sat Apr 13 Akathist & Confession / Акафіст і Сповідь 5:00 pm

Sun. Apr 14 Sunday 5 of Great Fast / Нед. 5-го Вел. Посту Mary of Egypt/При.Марії Єгипетської

Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone5/Голос 5 - Gal Гал. / 3:23-29 – Luke/ Лк 7: 36-50(Venerable Mary)

Heb/ Євр 9:11-14 - Mark/ Мр. 10:32 –45 (Ord)

Pasia / Пасія 5:00 pm - All Saints - Melfort

Sat Apr 20 Lazarus Saturday /Лазарева Субота Confession: 9:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m.

Tone 5/Голос 5 - Heb/ Євр 12:28-13:8: John/ Ін 11:1-45

Sun. Apr. 21 Sunday 6 of Great Fast / Нед. 6-го Вел. Посту

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem/Вербна- Вхід Господній в Єрусалим Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday- Phil/. Флп. 4:4-9, - John/Ін. /12:1-18

Wed. Apr 24 Great & Holy Wednesday / Велика Середа Holy Unction Forgiveness/Масло Свято

Service/Служба: 7:00 p.m

April / Квітень - Schedule of Services (Con/t)

Thur. Apr 25 Great & Holy Thursday/Великий Четвер

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. 1 Cor/Кор11:23-32 – Matt/Мt 26:2-20,John/Ін. 13:3-17,Matt/ Мt 26:21-39

Luke/ Лк 22:43-45,Matt/ Мt 26:40 - 27:2

12 Passion Gospels/Страсті

Service/Служба: 7:00 p.m.

Fri. Apr 26 Great & Holy Friday Holy Shroud/ Велика П’ятниця Плащениця

Service/Служба: 6:00 p.m 1 Cor /Кор 1:18 - 2:2 - Matt/Мt 27:1-38, Luke 23:39-43, Matt/Мt 27:39-54,

John/ Ін. 19:31-37, Matt/Мt 27:55-61

Sat. Apr 27 Great & Holy Saturday / Велика Субота

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m

Confessions/Сповідь after Divine Liturgy/по службi 11:30 – 12:00 noon

Rom/Рим. 6:3-11 - Matt/Мt 28:1-20

No Vespers / не відбувається Вечірня

Sun. Apr. 28

Resurrection of our Lord – Pascha Світле Христове Воскресіння – Пасха Matins / Пасхальна Утреня 5:30 am.

Paschal Divine Liturgy - Пасхальна Служба Божа Acts/Діян. 1:1-8 - John/Ін. 1:1-17

Mon. Apr 29 Bright Monday / Світлий Понеділок

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія

Ilarion Chapel 10:00 a.m. Acts/Діян. 1:12-17, 21-26 - John/Ін. 1:18-28

An Akathist is. . . . .

An Akathist (literally a service during which one stands upright) is an

Orthodox Christian hymn dedicated to one of the Persons of the Holy

Trinity, the Theotokos, a Saint, the Cross or even some holy event.

Akathists continue to be written to this day and are modeled after the 6th

century hymn to the Theotokos, which is especially celebrated during

Great Lent. They are composed of thirteen parts and a prayer, each of

which has a kontakion and an oikos. They are often read or chanted by

laity as well as clergy. Please see www.orth odoxwiki.org/akathist or

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akathist for additional information.

To Holy Trinity,

Theotokos, Saints,

Cross, Holy event

Please Pray for The Health & Well Being — Просимо Молитись За Хворих

Просимо подати імена своїх рідних або знайомих, котрі

перебувають у стані хвороби та потребують нашої молитовної

допомоги щодо швидшого одужання. Також пам’ятаймо у своїх

молитвах за тих, хто не може вийти з дому або перебуває у

старечому домі чи шпиталі. Молімось за здоров’я та одужання,

імена надруковані по англійськи нижче:

Please submit the names of your relatives or friends who are ill, so we can say prayers for them

to help restore their health. Remember in your prayers all those who are homebound, in care

facilities or impeded by illness and cannot attend Church. Please pray for the well-being and

health of those listed below:

Alexandra Clark Ernie Michael Peter Toni

Alice Erika Gordon Myron Rose O.Taras

Ann Elaine Jamie Nadia Stan Walter

Anna Elsie Lily Nick Susan Wasyl

Caleb Elsie Mary Paul

Please let Father Taras or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our

prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list.


Deepest Condolences: The members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy

Trinity wish to express sincerest sympathies to the families Judge Richard, Janet &

Nicholas Danyliuk, Gordon Danyliuk, Orest Danyliuk & Adele Danyliuk who recently

experienced sorrow through the repose of their daughter, sister, niece & granddaughter.

Alexa Danyliuk

Memory Eternal яї

Хрещення Baptisms We welcome the following to our Church family - Вітаємо

Daniel parents - Stas & Alesia Karpets

Anastasia parents - Volodomyr & Olha Antonov


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи

Катедри відбудуться 9-та Квітня, год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось

на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00 pm in the Church basement.

If your have concerns or observations, concerning our cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер, 18 го Квітня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, вечеря і збори

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch: Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday April 18th

Cocktails 5:30 – Supper – 6:00 - Social to follow.


Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Збори Сoюзу відбудуться у вівторок,

7-го Травня о год. 7:00 по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their next meeting

Tuesday, May 7th - Wine & Cheese

We invite all members to attend this event about USRL /CYC Conference

UWAC Olha Kobylianska Easter Tea & Bake Sale April 20th

Rejoice in the glory of our Lord and celebrate His Holy resurrection. May your Easter basket be always filled with Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness.

Happy Easter!

Сир - Cheese Масло - Butter Paska - Паскп Baked Ham - Шинку Кубаса - Kobasa Писанки - Pysanky Babka - Бабка Beet Relish - Буряки Хрін – Horseradish Яйця - Eggs Candle - Свічку Salt - Сіл

Катедральна Членська Вкаладка

Cathedral Membership

Богдан Трійщук зараз приймають членську вкладку на 2019 року.

Простмо всім запам'ятати заплатити цю вкладку як най скорше.

Пропануємо Членська вкладка на 2019 рік є:

Від особи (18 роки і старшi) – $200.00 a за Родину: $400.00 Студенти – $30.00

Gord Trischuk is now accepting membership dues for the year 2019.

Please pay the minimum tithe (membership dues) at your earliest convenience.

If you wish to pay in instalments, please see Gord to make those arrangements

Membership dues for 2019 are as follows:

Individuals (18 years & over) – $200.00 – Family: $400.00 – Students: $30.00

Come Help clean the Church for Pascha

at the Church

Monday April 22th 9:00 am We need many volunteers

both ladies and gentlemen

to come & help clean & prepare the church for Easter

Запрошуємо всіх прийти помоги

St. John Chrysostom reminds us. . . .

“The bee is more honored than other animals, not because

she labours, but because she labours for others”

Times for Work BeeS

Perohy Prep: Wednesday: April 10th - 8:00 am

Perohy Pinching

Thursday: April 11th - 8:30/9:00 am

Cabbage Roll Bee:

Thursday: April 4th - 9:00 am

Paska Bees: April 2nd, 9th

Gleanings from Parish Council. . . . . 1. The Reserve Fund has been established as per the motion passed at

the AGM

2. The Annual minimum donation/tithe have been slow in being submitted. Council askes members to please pay your fees promptly as funds are required to meet basic budgeted items such as heat water, gas, etc. See article elsewhere in the bulletin for details

3. Quarterly meeting is set for March 31 after Divine Liturgy/Coffee & Fellowship. Wasyl Rybalka will give a short presentation on Consistory & is prepared to answer questions

4. Vera Senchuk will be finishing the icon project on the choir loft. There will be two angels, one on either side of the Bohorodytsa

- Parish Council is asking parishioners to make donations directed to this project

5. Hall flooring: - Council decided to hire out the removal of the flooring as it contains asbestos and needs to be removed and disposed of properly. The project has been deferred until August when there will be minimum disruption of work bees, etc. There will be a call for people to help move furniture the last week of July and first part of August.

6. Anyone having suggestions for a 50th Anniversary gift to All Saints, contact Rod

7. The cost for cleaning the chandeliers would be about $7,250. Council felt this project should be deferred as it is crucial to have the hall windows replaced. The cleaning was referred to the budget committee for consideration for next year. Any volunteers?

8. The back steps at the church are deteriorating. Gord to get quotes on the following: new cement, if repairs can be done, iron grating, and metal frames with treated wood steps

9. Sound system is needed in the basement. The speaker is in the Sunday School room. Decided this should be moved to the main area. Speakers are needed for Easter and other large services. Larry Klopoushak will follow-up on the possibility of setting up a monitor, choir speakers and any other equipment needed to have sound & monitor so people seating downstairs can see and hear the service upstairs.

10. Concerns were raised that our sidewalks are not being properly cleaned of snow, so it turns into ice when the weather turns mild and becomes a safety issue.

11. Sunday of Orthodoxy went well with approximately 60 people attending. Concern was raised that not all Orthodox Churches participated. All Churches were invited and

Fr. Taras said we need to continue to extend a hand of friendship and fellowship.

12. An invitation was extended from Bishop Filevich for their Easter breakfast on April 30. UWAC provides them with Paskas & Babkas for the breakfast.

13. Hall lights: Maurice Werezak will continue to install another row of lights. A lift will be rented for him to work from.

14. Pussy willows for Palm Sunday; Gord, Maurice, Larry B., & Larry will scout out sites and start gathering them.

15. Heritage Fund Committee met. They’ve recommended monies be placed in a 5 year term GIC at a preferred rate. The Committee will thus know the amount of money they have each year for grants.

16. Bingo is being audited last week of March by SLGA (Sask. Gaming)

Divine Liturgy Prayer Books The Liturgy companion books in the pews are for your use

during the service. In order to prevent damage to these

books, please close them before putting them back. Place

them in the book holder with the coils up.

Thank you, Stan Hawryliw, Parish Liaison

Green Grove Camp

Green Grove Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on

April 2nd, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The location will be the

Ukrainian Orthodox Hall Boardroom at 919 20th Street.

The Committee will make recommendations to the Green Grove Board regarding

current and future structural possibilities for the Camp. Anyone interested may

attend the meeting or you may make a written presentation and deliver them to: John

Demkiw (382-7259) Morris Penteluk (229-6128), Maurice Werezak (230-8957).

Великодня Утреня і Служба Божа

В неділю 28-го квітня 5:30 рано

5:30 a.m. Sunday, April 28th, 2019

Освячення пасок відбудеться після

Служби Божої надворі біля Церкви

Blessing of Baskets to follow the Divine Liturgy

in the Church Courtyard

The Saints

Many think that the saints are far from us. But they are far from those

who distance themselves from them. They are very close to those who

keep the commandments of Christ and have the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Saint Silouan the Athonite

Some Thoughts on Forgiveness

In a recent Psychology Today magazine there was a brief article about a most important subject on which I frequently find it necessary to meditate. It is entitled "Forgiveness - Serious Stuff or Fluff?" Drawing upon the research done by Drs. Robert Enright and Suzanne Freedman, the article makes it clear that forgiveness is indeed a powerful resource for personal health.

The research was the result of work done with a group of people for whom forgiveness must certainly be immensely difficult - one might even question whether it ought to be attempted! They were incest survivors. Understandably, not a single one expressed any desire to forgive the persons who had done this terrible deed to them. Half of those interviewed were assigned to some workshops on forgiveness anyway. The result was that not only did all of them eventually forgive those who had hurt them, but a year later they reported far less anxiety and depression than another control group who had not gone through the forgiveness process. A dramatic affirmation of the wisdom of that most beloved prayer of Christians which says: "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors".

The Psychology Today article makes it clear, however, that forgiving does not mean letting the guilty party off the hook. "It’s not excusing or forgetting - it’s giving up resentment that you’re entitled to (my emphasis)" Dr. Enright says that the paradox is that "by giving this gift to the other, it is the gift-giver who becomes psychologically healed (my emphasis again). This point cannot be over-emphasized. Many of us find it hard to forgive because often the things we are asked to forgive are things that really did hurt us and we were justified in feeling offended This is not always the case - sometimes the hurt was not intended and it is a matter of wrong perceptions on our part. But even these "imaginary" offenses can hurt just as much as if they were intended, so for all practical purposes we can treat them the same way as all other hurts.

The point is that unless and until we forgive we shall be the ones suffering - while those who gave us the real or imaginary injury go Scott-free! In other words, unless and until we forgive we continue to give the perpetrators the power to continue the pain they have inflicted upon us. Peace and restoration come when we forgive.

Note also that forgiving does not mean letting people off the hook by excusing or forgetting about the hurt they have done. There are consequences to every action. If an action - or a word or even a thought - were good, then there are good consequences. If, however they were bad then there are bad consequences. When we forgive, we give up resentment. We give up trying to get even - by the way it is usually not possible to literally "get even" - what we call by that name is simply doing another bad deed to get back at the one who did such a deed to us. It does not really make us "even", since this new deed was either less or more serious than the one that preceded it. All we do by this wasteful and destructive activity is prolong the chain of evil deeds. We actually make evil stronger and thus make it less likely that the world will ever become a better place for us or our children or theirs.

There could be wonderful consequences if we stopped trying to "get even" and instead tried to forgive. Yes, I do mean "tried", because forgiveness is a process and not a simply a state (especially not a state of emotional tranquility) of mind that is easily achieved after we have simply stated: "I forgive". Of course, the statement in itself is an important step in that process - but the process continues. I hope to continue this discussion in a future message. God bless you all! By Very Reverend Ihor Kutash

St. Seraphim of Sarov on Christian Homes

“Neither do walls or rich furniture make a home. Millionaires in magnificent mansions may never know a home. But where there are good relationships, where love binds the family together and to God, there happiness is always to be found. For good relationships are heaven anywhere.”

" Ні стіни, ні багате оздоблення не створять оселі (або домівки). Мільйонери в розкішних особняках ніколи не відчувають себе вдома. Але де є хороші відносини (або стосунки), де любов пов'язує сім'ю разом і з Богом, там завжди можна знайти щастя. З хорошими відносинами почуваєш себе як на небі (або на небесах)".

All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church 50th Anniversary June 22nd & 23rd

June 22nd - 4:- 5:30 pm Vespers & lesser blessing of waters - 5:30 – 7:30 pm Wine & Cheese

June 23rd - 9:00 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

- 12:00 Group photo & lunch to follow

For further information and/or tickets call Evelyn Wojcichowsky (306)220-3874 or (306)374-7976

Donations for Candles & Easter Flowers for Pascha

Сестриці зараз приймають пожертви на свічки і квіти для Божий

Гліб на Великодню П’ятницю та Великдень

The Sisterhood is now accepting donations for flowers & candles for

Сhrist’s Grave on Great Friday as well as Easter Sunday

Please contact /телєфон, Alice Sopatyk/Олеся Сопатик 306-933-2572

Зеленйй Гай Green Grove Camp

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp

July 7th – July 21st, 2019 Youth Camp 7 – 13 years

August 18th – 25th , 2019 Teen Camp Grades 7-12 For applications, check on line at http://www.greengrovecamp.ca or on

FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/GreenGroveCamp/

Saturday April 20th

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Come to our Annual Tea & Bake sale to purchase your Easter Baking,

Pysanky/Easter Eggs, Paskas, Babkas, Varenyky/Perogies, Holobtsi/Cabbage Rolls,

Pre-orders must be in by April 7th

For Easter Breads – call Pat (306)652-3178

For Perogies/Varenyky or Cabbage Rolls

– call Vesper (306) 202-6622 or Cindy (306) 222-6523

Palm Sunday Квітна Неділя

Неділю перед Велкоднем звемо Вербною. У цей день жінки нарізали

вербових патичків, несли їх до Церкви, щоб святити. Галузки ці тримали як

“помічні од недуг і грому”, ними можна було “Викликати у посуху дощ”. Для

цієї мети брали лише червону вербу – шановане в Україні дерево, оскільки

воно найпершим розпукиється і, отже, оповіщає про весну. Є звичай “ бити”

кожного стрічного свяченого в Церкві лозою. Є приказка “Верба б’є, не я б’ю,

від нині за тиждень Великдень . Свячену лозу шанують, закладають у хаті за

святі ікони.

On the Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem, or Palm Sunday, we recall how the people

waved palm branches to welcome Our Savior. If palms are not available, then we use what God has

provided by blessing pussy willows, the first signs of Spring, or new life for us. The blessed pussy

willow branches are taken home and place around our icons in the kitchen and dining room.

St John Chrysostom on eyes, ears, feet hands, & mouth

Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works. If you see a poor man, take pity

on him. If you see a friend being honored, do not envy him. Do not let only your

mouth fast, but also the eyes and the ears, and the feet,

and the hands, and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast,

by being free of avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin. Let the eyes

fast, by discipling them not to glare at that which is sinful… Let the ear fast…by

not listening to evil talk and gossip…Let the mouth fast from foul words and

unjust criticism. For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes, but bite

and devour our brothers?

April Anniversaries: Tesform & Bisirat Ghebremedhin (18)

Tom & Nadine Potts (22), Ernie and Helen Wasylciw (30)

April Birthdays: Semen Pilchenko (01, Jason Uhyrn (01), Kim Benoit (03),

Mariann Kindrachuk (03), Ashley Smyrnov (03), Wally Wachniak (03),

Maksym Kosynsky (04), Artem Pshenyshny (04), Dmytro Soloviov (04),

Orest Woroniuk (04), Oleh Antonov (05), Danylo Pastukh (05), Richard Bolbas (05),

Maksym Pastukh (05), Sophia Volos (05), Oleksandr Pashko (06), Yuriy Pasikashvili (06),

Mariya Pastukh (06), Nadine Potts (06), Yevhen Odinstov (06), Ihor Valorko (06),

Yaroslava Kurnosov (07), Clint Smith (07), Larry Balion (08), Andriana Homa (08),

Vitaly Kizka (08), Sergey Paturov (09), Tolia Prystupa (09), Yulia Yaremenko (09),

Terry Lynn Kochan (10), Dmytro Hab (11),), Yurij Makarchuk (12), Yuliya Valorko (12),

Dr. Evan Howlett (13), Diana Kurnosov (13), Margareta Kortunov (15),

Yaroslaw Kramerenko (15), Molly Pertryshyn (15), Volodymyr Saviak (15), Evhen Uhryn (15),

Iryna Dzhura (16), Carl Lynn (16), Lillianne Manziuk (16), Lesya Dobushevska (17),

Serhiy Ischuk (17), Vitaliy Kosynsky (17), Tammi Trischuk (17), Volodya Horivchuk (18),

Julia Marko (18), Vladyslav Pavlovsky (18), Adeline Kochan (19), Nick Karnauch (20),

Critina Popa (20), Mark Skoretz (20), Anastasia Statsenko (20), Liliya Vitkovskyy (20),

Evgeniy Mayechev (21), Nebay Mehari (21), Yulia Perlyna (21), Vickie Rak (21),

Lori Braun (22), Olena Kolchuk (22), Corinne Wachniak (22), Joshua Fedusiak (23),

Joel Howlett (23), Andrij Odintsov (23), Halyna Pasikashvili (23), Elizabeth Ripak (23),

Lilia Vitkowska (24), Luba Malko (25), Kyle Stasiuk, (25), Colby Yuzik (25),

Maksym Sadovskyy (26), Tristan Walton (26), Mykola Federov (27), Tatiana Manziuk (27),

Anton Kurtseba (28), Olga Luciuk (28), Elsie Stefanuk (28), Larissa Cipyvnyk (29),

Fr. Patrick Powalinsky (29), Yurij Yaremenko (30)

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595

Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-227-1993

Parish Liaison – Stan Hawryliw – 306-652-3178

TYC/USRA President – Maurice Werezak – 306 230-8957

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki – 306-343-9987

CYMK President – Matthew Hrycuik – 306 – 955-5468

Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts – 306-249-1519

Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-227-1993
