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Page 1: UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL OF THE … · Б о г о с л у ж е н н я а б о зателефонуйте до нього. WELCOME VISITORS! W e l c o m e t

30­го грудня December 30th


Volume 4 Issue 187—2012





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ВІТАЄМО!Ласкаво просимо доМитрополичої КатедриПресвятої Тройці. Минадзвичайно раді, що Вирішили бути на Літургії разомз н а м и . П р о с и м оприєднатися до нас після Св.Літургії в нашій авдиторії длязустрічі і знайомства зачашкою кави.


Ми радо вітаємо Вас насьогоднішнє Богослуження.Прийміть до уваги, щоПравославні Християни, котріпостом, молитвою і Св.Сповіддю належно до ТаїнстваПричастя приготувалися ­можуть приступати. Післязакінчення Літургії, підходьте,будь ласка, до цілуванняхреста і на бажання беріть покусочку просфори (посвяченийх л і б ) . П р о с и т ь с яп р е д с т а в и т и с я н а ш о м ус в я щ е н и к о в і п і д ч а стовариської зустрічі при каві тазапитати його як стати членомПравославної Церкви.

Якщо маєте будь-якіпитання щодо ПравославноїЦеркви чи катедральноїпарафії Пресвятої Тройці,—запитуйте о. Григорія післяБ о г о с л у ж е н н я а б озателефонуйте до нього.

WELCOME VISITORS!W e l c o m e t o t h eMetropolitan Cathedralof the Holy Trinity. Weare pleased you chose tobe here today. Pleasejoin us downstairs forCoffee after the Liturgy,s o w e h a v e t h eopportunity to meetyou.

Receiving Holy Communion

We are pleased to welcomeyou to worship with ustoday. Please note that onlyOrthodox Christians whohave prepared themselveswith prayer, fasting andconfession may approach toreceive Holy Communion.Everyone is welcome toreceive the blessing andpartake of the blessedbread (Antidor) at thedismissal. Please introduceyoursel f to our pastorduring the coffee hour andask him about membershipi n t h e O r t h o d o xChurch.

If you have any questionsabout the Orthodox Churchor the Holy Trinity Cathedralparish in particular, we willbe glad to answer. Pleasesee Fr. Gregory after theservices or call him.

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У той час, коли народ ізраїльський знаходився увавилонському полоні, вавилонський цар Навуходоносорнаказав вибрати з ізраїльтян найкращих юнаків дляслужби в його палаці. Серед них були і Даниїл, Ананія,Мисаїл і Азарія.

Бог їм дарував знання і розуміння всякої книгиі мудрості, а Даниїлу ще й дар пророцтва. За це, а також іза те, що тілом вони були здорові і красиві, царпризначив їх для прислуговування собі. Згодом вінДаниїла зробив начальником над усіма мудрецямивавилонськими, а трьох отроків поставив керувати



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справами своєї країни.

Але одного разу цар Навуходоносор зробив золотогоідола і повелів усім жителям поклонятися йому. Ананіяж, Азарія і Мисаїл не поклонялися. Коли цар дізнався проце, він дуже розгнівався І наказав вкинути їх у розпаленупіч. Тоді святі отроки сказали цареві: "Бог наш, Якому мислужимо, може врятувати нас від печі, розпеченої вогнем,і від руки твоєї, царю, звільнить. Якщо ж і не буде того, тонехай буде відомо тобі, царю, що ми богам твоїм служитине будемо і золотому ідолові, якого ти поставив, непоклонимося".

Після цього їх вкинули у піч. Але сталося диво: урозжареній печі вогонь не обпалював святих юнаків, доних зійшов Ангел Божий і остудив вогонь, так що цар уподиві вигукнув: "Ось, я бачу чотирьох чоловіківнезв'язаних, що ходять серед вогню, і немає їм шкоди; івигляд четвертого подібний до сина Божого".

Він випустив Ананію, Азарію і Мисаїла з печі і прославивЄдиного Істинного Бога, а їх прославив у країніВавилонській.

Після Навуходоносора у Вавилоні був цар Валтасар. Підчас його царювання пророк Даниїл удостоївся багатьохБожественних видінь, про які він написав у своїй книзі.

Після смерті Валтасара царем став Дарій. Він дужеповажав Даниїла і думав вже поставити його над усімцарством. Але заздрісники обмовили Даниїла і зробилитак, що цар, хоч і проти свого бажання, наказав кинутисамого пророка в рів на поживу левам. При цьому царсказав Даниїлу "Бог твій, Якому ти незмінно служиш, Вінврятує тебе!" Потім цар пішов у свій палац, ліг спати безвечері і навіть наказав не вносити до нього їжі, і сон тікаввід нього.

Уранці ж цар встав на світанку і поспіхом пішов долев'ячого рову. І підійшовши до рову, сумним голосомпокликав Даниїла; і сказав цар Даниїлу:"Даниїле, рабе Бога живого! Бог твій, Якому ти незміннослужиш, чи зміг врятувати тебе від левів?"

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Тоді Даниїл сказав цареві: "Царю! Навіки живи! Бог мійпослав Ангела Свого і загородив пащі левам, і вони непошкодили мені, тому що я виявився перед Ним чистим,та й перед тобою, царю, я не зробив злочину".

Тоді цар надзвичайно зрадів за нього і наказав підняти іДаниїла з рову; і піднятий був Даниїл з рову, і ніякогоушкодження не виявилося на ньому, тому що він віруваву Бога свого.

І наказав цар, і приведені були ті люди, якізвинувачували Данила, і кинуті у лев'ячий рів; і вони недосягли до дна рову, як леви схопили їх і поламали всікості їх.

Після того цар Дарій написав усім народам і племенам,що живуть по всій землі: "Мир вам нехай примножиться.Мною дається наказ, щоб у всякій області царства моготремтіли і благоговіли перед Богом Даниїловим, тому щоВін Є БОГ ЖИВИЙ і Вічноіснуючий, і царство Йогонепохитне, і влада Його нескінченна. Він визволяє і рятуєі творить чудеса і знамення на небі і на землі; Вінвизволив Даниїла від сили левів".

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Увага:Якщо ви знаєте, що хтось із вірних нашої церковної родинизанедужав і перебуває на лікуванні в лікарні чи вдома, абопотребує необхідної пастирської опіки, ласкаво просимо Вас,повідомити про це отця Григорія, настоятеля.

Можна перед Літургією подати священику список осіб,які просять молитися за їх здоров’я або за видужання хворих.

ТОВАРИСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІЗапрошуємо усіх учасників по сьогоднішнім Богослуженні,перейти до катедральної авдиторії на каву і перекуску тапоспілкуватися між собою.

НОВОРІЧНА ЗУСТРІЧ З МИТРОПОЛИТОМВінніпежське Благочиння влаштовує Новорічну зустріч ізМитрополитом ЮРІЄМ в неділю 13-го січня 2012 р.Б. в КатедріПресвятої Тройці. Вечірня в 4-ій годині по полудні, а опісляприйняття в катедральній авдиторії.

Усіх запрошуємо до численної участи!


Запрошуємо усіх вірних нашоїкатедральної родини на спільну святуЙорданську вечерю, яка відбудеться усереду 18-го січня 2012 р. зараз післяЙорданського Великого освячення водив нашій катедрі.

Квитки дорослі$15.00 від особи.Студенти: $7.50

діти 12 та молодші віком:безплатноМісця є обмежені до 125 осіб, набудьтеквитки завчасно, останній день для

набуття квитків 15­го січня.!Ця спільна Йорданська вечеря увійшла вже в традицію

нашої парафії, тому ми й надіємось на численну участь нашихпарафіян у цій Йорданській вечері.Зза квитками звертайтеся до Маргарет Пестрак 334­5267 абоОльги Сорбі 339­6786 .

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МАЛАНКА 2013Митрополича Катедра Пресвятої Тройці ­ Родинна Маланка

в п’ятницю 11-го січня 2013р.

В парафіяльному центрі Св. Євхаристії , 460 Munroe Ave.

Коктейль о 6-ій год. вечора—Вечеря о 7-ій год. вечора

Приграватиме оркестра “СІЧ” та виступ українськихтанцюристів “Розмай”

Квитки набувати лише наперед!

Вступ: Дорослі $60.00; Студенти $40.00; Молодь (до 12років) $20.00; На забаву тільки $20.00

Останній день набувати квитки: 6­го січняЗамовлення столів залежить від наперед закуплених квитків

Чеки виписуйте на: Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox CathedralSocial Committee

Квитки можна набути від членів Соціяльного Комітету: ЛесіПалащук 338­5301, Марійки Панчук 237­3098; ЛіндиЛазарович 487­7299, Ліди Горохолин 254-4502; та МаріїРатинської 668-9891.

Приходьте, святкуйте разом із нами на РодиннійМаланці!

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5­го січня—субота. Велика Вечірня: о 5:00 год. Вечора. Сповідь після Вечірні.

6-го січня — неділя 31­ша по П’ятидесятниціНеділя перед РІздвом Христовим,

святих отцІв Cповідь: о 9:30 год. ранку. Часи: о 9:30 год. ранку Божественна Літургія: о 10:00 год. ранку.


В е л и к еПовечір’я з Літією: о 10:00год. вечора.

СЛУЖБА В СУБОТУ ВЕЧЕРІЦе є перша служба Воскресіння Христового. БожественнаЛітургія наступного дня вранці є другою службою. Неділяпочинається напередодні ввечері, як і в Біблії, “І був вечір, іранок: день перший”. Таким чином, Вечірня в суботу ввечеріне тільки для тих, хто готується прийняти Святе Причасття,але і для всіх віруючих також. Як православні християни мизнаємо, що радість святкування Воскресіння не повинназводитися просто до лише Божественної Літургії. Радше будедуже корисно для нас, якщо братимемо участь в обох цихслужбах, як праведники Старого і Нового Завіту це робили ­увечері і вранці.

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І негайно піде за такою поведінкою кара: «Те, що ти говориш,свідчить проти тебе самого: якщо я прощаю, то й мені прости;якщо я співчуваю, то й мені співчувай; якщо я зберігаю злупам’ять стосовно мого ближнього, то і Ти роби із мною таксамо; якщо я гніваюся, і Ти гнівайся; якою мірою міряю, такийі Ти мені відміряй; якщо я прощаю тільки на словах, то йпомилуваний буду так само».

Але Бог завжди дає людині шанс виправитися - шляхомпокаяння, добрих справ, святого причастя. Однак у той же часнеобхідно пам’ятати, що навіть священик не в змозіпроникнути в чужі думки і в такий спосіб визначити, хто гіднийна цей момент причащастя святих таїн, а хто ні. Тому людинаповинна сама судити себе, свої вчинки дуже строго, аджекожному страшно почути звернені до нього слова: «…Неторкайся до Мене, відійди від Мене той, хто чинить беззаконняі пам’ятає зло. Відійди подалі той, хто не простив братовісвоєму, піди і принеси йому дар [свого прощення], - тільки тодіти удостоїшся прийняття святих дарів».

Преподобний Анастасій з любові та співчуття вказує нам засіб,за допомогою якого можна уникнути цієї долі: «Звернися доГоспода: Владико! Я знаю, що маю безліч гріхів і провин, але зазаповіддю Твоєю я простив моїм братам, щоб і мені удостоїтисяТвого прощення». І тоді поперед нас обов’язково чекатименагорода: «Отже, простімо братам нашим, скиньмо з себе будь-яку злість і лукавство, бажаючи прожити достойно того звання,у яке ми покликані (порівн.: Еф. 4:1). Не кажи: я багато вжепростив братові моєму, а він знову згрішив проти мене, - аджете ж саме і ти почуєш від Владики… Улюблений, благаю, некажи так. Бо скільки відпустиш братові своєму, стільки і щебільше відпустить тобі Владика».

Продовження наступному числі

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Among those whoforetold the Birth of thepromised Messiah wasthe holy Prophet Daniel.He was of royal lineagefrom the tribe of Judah.As a youth he was takenc a p t i v e b y t h eB a b y l o n i a n k i n gNebuchadnezzar (607-562 BC). and as he washandsome and of a goodfamily, he was chosentogether with several

others to be trained for service in the palace. They weretaught the Chaldean language as well as various sciences. Theking ensured that they were well provided for and given foodfrom his own table.

Among the chosen youths Daniel had three friends:Ananias, Azarias and Misail. All four steadfastly preservedtheir faith in the one true God and together refused to eat theking's food for fear breaking one of Moses' laws. They askedtheir overseer to give them only bread and vegetables, but theoverseer was afraid that they would become thin and hewould be made to suffer the king's wrath. Daniel persuadedhim to make a test and allow them to observe this regimen forten days. At the end of this period all could see that not onlyhad Daniel and his friends not lost weight --they had grownstill healthier and more handsome than before. And so theywere permitted to eat as they pleased. The Lord Godrewarded them for their faithfulness, granting them varioustalents and success in their studies. And to Daniel was giventhe special gift of interpreting dreams and visions.

Now in the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar sawan unusual dream which troubled his spirit; when he awoke,however, he couldn't recall the content of the dream. He

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summoned together all the wise men, astrologers, magiciansand soothsayers of the land, and demanded an explanation ofhis dream. But they were astonished at such a task. Who, theyasked, could begin to interpret a dream which the kinghimself could not remember! Nebuchadnezzar grew angryand ordered all these sages to be put to death. Daniel heard oftheir dilemma and requested some time to think it over. Thatnight he prayed fervently to God, and in his sleep the Lordrevealed to him the king's dream and its significance. All thisDaniel explained to the king---how he had been thinking ofthe future and beheld in a dream a terrible statue whose headwas of fine gold, "his breast and his arms were of silver, hisbelly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron and part of clay.Then from a mountain a stone was cut out without hands andstruck the image, breaking it to pieces; and the stone becamea great mountain and filled the whole earth."

In explaining this dream Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar thatas a king of kings to whom God had given a kingdom, power,strength and glory, he was this head of gold, and after himwould arise another kingdom, less powerful, and then a third;and finally these would all be consumed by an everlasting,kingdom of the God of heaven, which kingdom would spreadover the entire earth unto the ages of ages.

Nebuchadnezzar arose and, bowing down before Daniel,said: "Truly, your God is the God of gods and King of kings!"In reward for his interpretation Daniel was given authorityover all the wise men of Babylon, and his three friends--Ananias, Azarius and Misail--were made rulers of the land.(Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled precisely. The Babyloniankingdom was succeeded by three more great empires: thePersian Medean, the Macedonian or Greek, and the Roman;each of these ruled over the Jewish people. During theRoman Empire the Lord Jesus Christ appeared on earth, theSaviour of the world, and established His everlasting anduniversal kingdom--His holy Church.

According to the Holy Fathers, the stone uncut by humanhands, which broke away from the mountain and crushedthe image--signifies Christ, born of a Pure Virgin without theparticipation of a man. Overruling all temporal kingdoms,

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He raised up a kingdom which is never to be destroyed, aspiritual kingdom. Because this prophecy foretells theSaviour's Birth, it is read during Vespers on the eve of theFeast of Nativity.)

Nebuchadnezzar, however, did not remain steadfast inconfessing the God of Daniel to be God of gods and King ofkings. In the 18th year of the Babylonian captivity,Nebuehadnezzar had an enormous golden idol erected in afield. All the wise men and the learned members of Babylongathered to witness its unveiling. It was announced that atthe sound of the trumpets and the musical instrumentseveryone was to bow down before the idol. Anyone who failedto observe the king's decree would be thrown into thefurnace.

At the given moment, all bowed down--with the exceptionof Ananias, Azarias and Misail. Hearing of their refusal, theking flew into a rage and commanded that the flames beincreased seven-fold and that the three obstinate youngIsraelites be bound and thrown into the furnace. It was madeso hot that the soldiers who threw the victims into the firethemselves fell dead, and even those Chaldeans standingnearby were scorched. The three godly youths, however,remained unharmed. The Lord had sent His angel to guardthem from the flames, and they stood in the midst of thefurnace singing praises to God,

Nebuchadnezzar, who was seated on a high throne facingthe furnace, turned to his counselors: "Were there not threeyouths bound and thrown into the furnace? How is it that Isee four, freely walking, unharmed, amidst the flames; andthe fourth has the appearance of the Son of God."Approaching the furnace, Nebuchadnezzar called the youthsout. When they came forth it could be seen that the flameshad not touched them: neither their clothing nor their hairwas even singed. Seeing this Nebuchadnezzar said: Blessed isyour God Who sent His angel and preserved Ills servants whotrusted in Him. And he forbade his subjects, on penalty ofdeath, to mock the God of the Israelites.

After Nebuchadnezzar' s death, the throne passed throughhis son and his son-in-law to his grandson Belshezzar, And all

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these years Daniel continued to interpret dream s and himselfto have dreams which were significant in foreshadowingfuture events. He foretold to Belshezzar that because he hadforgotten the example of his grandfather Nebuchadnezzarand had scorned the true God, he would be killed and hiskingdom would be divided. That very night the prophecy wasfulfilled and the Babylonian empire was taken over by theMedes and Persians.

The Median king Darius looked with favor upon Daniel andraised him up to be one of the three kings under hissovereignty. Daniel's popularity roused the envy of theChaldean wise men who plotted to have him killed. Theyknew that three times a day Daniel prayed before a windowopened towards Jerusalem. They proposed the king make adecree that for 30 days no one petition any god or man, savethe king, for any reason whatsoever. Breaking this decreewould cause the offended to be thrown to the lions. KingDarius agreed.

The holy prophet Daniel continued as before to pray to Godand ask His mercy. When his enemies denounced Daniel, theking realized it was all a ruse, but he could not annul hisdecree and was forced to have Daniel thrown into the lions'den.

Early the next morning, Darius hurried to the den, "Daniel,servant of the living God," he shouted, "has your God beenable to save you from the lions?” .... “King," answered Daniel,"my God sent His angel to close the jaws of the lions, for Ihave been found pure in His sight, and before you, O king, Ihave not transgressed."

The king was overjoyed and ordered Daniel released fromthe lions' den and his accusers to take his place. These menhad scarcely entered the den when they were attacked by thelions and torn to pieces.

Then Darius wrote the following to be spread abroad: "Imake a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom mentremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for He is the livingGod... and His dominion shall be even unto the end."

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Please notify the Fr. Gregory of all sick and hospitalizedparishioners. This is the duty of the family. Do not count on yourfriends and neighbours to pass the word around. Also, let theclergy know when your family members have been dischargedfrom the hospital or moved to a nursing home.

COFFEE HOURFollowing the Divine Liturgy we invite everyone to come andparticipate in our COFFEE HOUR and FELLOWSHIP in theCathedral Auditorium.

Winnipeg Ukrainian Orthodox Deanery of the UkrainianOrthodox Church of Canada

Metropolitan’s LeveeSunday, January 13, 2013

Holy Trinity Metropolitan’s Cathedral1175 Main Street

Vespers 4:00 p.m. Reception to followAll are invited to attend.


We invite all the faithful of our Cathedralfamily to participate in the traditionalTheophany Supper which will be held onWednesday, January 18, 2012 in theCathedral Auditorium.Limited seating, only 125 ticketsavailable. Last date for purchasingtickets January 15th.Adults: $15.00; Students: $7.50;Children under 15 yrs.: FreeWe look forward seeing all of you at this

traditional supper of our parish.Contact for tickets Margaret Pestrak 334-5267 or OlgaSorby 339-6786


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January 5th—Saturday. Great Vespers: 5:00 p.m. Confession following the service.

January 6th — Sunday 31st after Pentecost.

Sunday before the Nativity of ChristHoly Fathers

Confession: 9:30 a.m. Hours: 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m.

EVE OF THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST( N ativity Holy eve ) Great Compline with

Litia: 10:00 p.m.

THE SATURDAY EVENING SERVICEIs the first service of the Resurrection. The Divine Liturgy on thefollowing morning, is the second service. Sunday begins on theevening before, just as in the Bible, “there was an evening andmorning the first day”. Therefore, the Vespers on Saturday eveningis not only for those who are preparing to receive Holy Communionbut also for all the faithful. As Orthodox Christians we know thatthe joy of celebrating the Resurrection should not be regulated tosimply the Divine Liturgy. Rather we do well to participate in bothof these services, as the righteous ones of the Old and NewTestament times worshipped in the evening and morning.

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O Master Who loves mankind, illuminate our hearts with thepure light of Your divine knowledge and open the eyes of

our mind to understand the teachings of Your Gospel. Instill in usalso the fear of Your blessed commandments, that we mayovercome all carnal desires, entering upon a spiritual life andunderstanding and acting in all things according to Your holy will.For You are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies, O Christ



Monday: Hebrews 11:17-23, 27-31 Mark 9:42-10:1

Tuesday: Hebrews 12:25-26, 13:22-25 Mark 10:2-12

Wednesday: James 1:19-27 Mark 10:1-16

Thursday: James 1:19-27 Mark 10:17-27

Friday: Galasians 3:8-12 Luke 13:18-29

Saturday: Colossians 1:3-6 Luke 16:10-15

Sunday: Hebrews 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40 Matthew 1:1-25

Let us do our best to read theseappointed passages at home everyday!

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How can you say to your neighbour,“Let me take the speck out of your eye,”

while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye,

and then you will see clearlyto take the speck out of your neighbour’s eye.


A N EGYPTIAN ABBA said, “Never judge anyone, for anyreason. Never do anyone harm. Discipline yourself,

purging both material and spiritual evil. Nurture a modestand gentle spirit. Do those things, noticing your own faultsrather than those of others, and the grace of our Lord JesusChrist will be with you lavishly.”

Never judge anyone, for any reason.

By Way Of The Desert

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By the Very Rev. John Breck

"God reveals Himself in the silence of the heart." The earlydesert monks, followed by ascetic laborers of everygeneration, came to know this truth through their own, mostpersonal experience.

We can acquire knowledge about God in many different ways,first of all through the Bible and the Liturgy. The question,however, is how we move from knowledge about God toknowledge of God, that is, to an ever-deepening communionwith Him in love.

This is a critical question, especially when we find ourselvesoverwhelmed by some crisis or tragedy in our life that strainsour capacity to believe. The same question arises, though,whenever we attempt to respond to some inner longing toknow God personally and intimately. That longing is a giftthat God bestows on us, one that corresponds to His longingfor communion with us. As a contemplative Catholic sisteronce told me, "God has placed an insatiable longing for Him-self in the depths of every human heart."

The ascetic tradition tells us that such longing is met andsatisfied at the core of our being, in the inner recesses of whatthe Psalmist calls "the secret heart." After Ho-y Fridayvespers some years ago I was in the kitchen of one of ourmonasteries, eating toast and drinking a cup of tea with anelderly priest who had spent many years in prison during theperiod of Communist rule in Romania. His only offense hadbeen to preach the Gospel and serve the people God hadentrusted to him. We spoke a little about spiritual trials, andhe alluded to those years and to their brutality. His eyesbetrayed his emotion as he recalled the loneliness and thepain he had endured. For a few minutes he was quiet. Thenhe slowly made the sign of the cross and said, "I thank Godfor those years…. Because they made me go inside."

"They made me go inside." This man, and so many like him,could have given up to despair. Instead, by the mercy of God,

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he was able to enterthe depths of hisown being, thetemple of the heart.That prison, withits bitter hardshipand persecution, itsloneliness and grief,was transformedinto a spiritualdesert. There hewas able to engagein warfare withdemons both withinand without, and heemerged from itstrengthened and renewed.

The thread that binds his experience with the in-tuition of theCatholic sister is their common focus on the heart. As holypeople within the Body of Christ have always known, it isthere that God most fully reveals Himself. After earthquake,wind and fire, it is there that His still small voice speaks inef-fable words of consolation and peace. This is as true forourselves, in the ordinary routine of our daily lives, as it is fora Father Arseny, a Mother Elisabeth, and all those who havesuffered immense-y, knowing they were bearing the Cross ofChrist.

True knowledge of God is experiential. Reading the HolyScriptures and spiritual writings, participating regularly inliturgical worship, devoting ourselves to works of love: theseare indispensable if we are to acquire such knowledge. Yetmuch depends on our ability to read, pray and serve at thelevel of the heart.

To enter into that sacred space, in this culture and with theusual demands on our time and energy, is no easy matter. Wemay try to pray each day, read through the Prayer Bookprayers, or open the Bible for a few minutes, all in an effort to"come into God’s presence," as though God were "out there"and had to be invited or coerced to enter our life. We forget

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that the heart is more than a physical organ. It is a temple,where the Holy Spirit dwells with grace and power. Our taskis to enter the space of the heart, to descend into its sacreddepths, and to stand in humble awe before Him.

To make that inner journey, it is sometimes necessary to putaside books, liturgical tapes, even the Bible, and to spend afew moments in silence. The early morning or the eveningafter dark are good times to go into our room, close the door,and light a candle before an icon. There in that stillness wecan collect ourselves and focus on what is most important inour life. We can make our confession, begging God’s mercifulforgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. We can offer up inthanksgiving the gifts of family and friends, of achievementsand healings that we have received by His grace. We canmake intercession, begging His mercy and healing forourselves and for those we love, for our enemies and for allthe people of His world. In that silence we can also allow Himto speak to us and to make Himself known.

Prayer of the heart is more than an oft repeated formula,more than a confession of faith and an appeal for mercy. Thetraditional words, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!"have extraordinary power. They possess the power of theName of the Son of God, which "upholds the universe." Thosewords, however, like all prayers, find their most true andpowerful expression when they flow from the heart, from thedepths of inner silence.

We strive to move from knowledge about God to communionwith Him. This striving, which arises from an insatiable,divinely bestowed longing, leads us finally to the place of theheart. Miraculously, in the stillness of that place and in thepresence of the Holy, we enter, for a moment at least, intoParadise.

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AGAIN AND AGAIN IN PEACEBy V. Rev. Vladimir Berzonsky

Again I was asked, “Why is there so much repetition in ourprayers?” And again I responded the way I always had before- our worship includes certain themes and terms that bearrepeating, be-cause they remind us to pay attention to some-thing significant on the way, or else to waft us up-wards intothe rarefied spiritual atmosphere of the Kingdom, lest wedrift back down to the temporal and mundane area where wemore normally spend our mental time.

Peace is among the most prominent; wisdom, another; andmercy, a third. Peace is the spiritual state that liberates usfrom the environment of distractions at minimum, angst,depression, hostility and self-destruction at worst. More thanthirty times one hears the term “peace” through-out theDivine Liturgy, and at each hearing one should revive withinoneself the au-a of serenity. Think of it as an intake ofmystical oxygen that clears the head and heart from lethargyand heaviness. Let it remind you of Who it is that is blessingyou with peace, the price He paid to present it to you, and themoment par excellence when by the glorious mystical contactyou have with the Apostles, you are there with them in theUpper Room of the dwelling of St. Mark’s gracious motherthat traumatic evening when He appeared. He greeted youalso with peace. You re-member that He said: “My peace Igive to you; My peace I leave with you – not as the worldgives, do I give to you.” (Jn 14:27)

“Wisdom!” is another power-packed word you hear “againand again.” Snap out of your daydreams, it insists. This is notthe time for reveries – mooning over something disturbing orplanning your after-noon. You are here and now. Make themost of it. Something ponderous, wise and precious for yoursoul is about to be set forth. “Attend!” Pay attention. Focusyour wandering thoughts and listen attentively. You may haveheard it before, you may even know it by heart; nevertheless,even if the words of the gospel or prayer haven’t changed, youhave. You are not the same person who listened in previous

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times of worship. Maybe thenthe phrases or parables didn’tmean much because it did notrelate to your perceived needsat the time. Today you areanother person from thatstage of life. See now whatyou can make of it and applyit to your present situation.

The Divine Liturgy is in asense much like classicalmusic, an opera perhaps, asymphony – or better yet, aconcert where one human

“instrument,” the priest, is played against the response, thechoir or congregation. It has modulated into its present form.A classic treatise on that development is called “The Shape ofthe Liturgy,” by Dom Gregory Dix. It has indeed taken shapefrom a time when the people of Christ gathered, the bishopentered and said, “Peace be with you,” and all responded,“And also with you.” They all sat or stood, heard and dis-cussed the sacred scriptures, then continued with Eucharist.That basic outline has been enhanced through the centuriesinto its present form. Indeed, it is challenging to absorb andassimilate its divine beauty, then to apply it to oneself. Moreformidable a venture when offered in a foreign tongue, buteven in English it remains a study in constant progress. Onemust first love it to be comfortable in prayer. It goes withoutsaying, of course, one must first love God with all one’s heart,soul and mind even to make the effort to immerse one’s selfinto the Liturgy. Granted, it’s not a simple matter to developan appreciation for the way we pray. We live at a time whenpeople lack the ability to focus or concentrate. They expectinstant gratification, entertainment, and quick responses totheir felt “needs.” Orthodox Christianity challenges itschildren to grow in grace, develop a mind and soul able tocomprehend the value of the treasures offered to us andexpressed in our sacred worship, and to return our affectionto the Holy Trinity “again and again.”

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JANUARY 2013Sunday 6th:

40th Day Panachyda blessed memory Orysia Bugera (followingthe liturgy that day)

Sunday 13th:

Metropolitan’s New Year Levee4:00 p.m. Vespers 5:00 p.m. Greeting & Reception in the auditorium

Friday 18th: Theophany Supper

Saturday 26th: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Vespers 5:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the auditorium

Visit our Cathedral website at htuomc.org. The site will provide news,information and event updates.





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Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of theHoly Trinity

1175 Main Street Winnipeg, ManitobaCathedral Office: 582-8946 Auditorium:582-7345 Fax: 582-4659

Web page: htuomc.org

His Eminence Metropolitan YURIJArchbishop of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy,

Metropolitan of All Canada

Archpriest Gregory Mielnik, DeanOffice: 582-8946 Residence: 415-3166

E-mail: [email protected]

ATTACHED CLERGY:Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta –Chancellor UOCCRev. Fr. Deacon Robert HladiukRt. Rev. Protopresbyter Wolodymyr Sluzar –Priest Emeritus

Holy Trinity Office Hours are:Monday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM /Secretary/Fr. Gregory: by appointment


CATHEDRAL PARISH COUNCILDr. Gregory Palaschuk—President

Res: 338-5301 Bus: 582-8946

BROTHERHOODTaras Monastyrski

Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 586-3672 Bus: 582-8946

CHURCH /SUNDAY/ SCHOOLDobr. Brenda Mielnik

Res: 415-3166 Bus: 582-8946


Res.: 222-3022 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 669-1071 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Margaret PestrakRes:334-5267 Bus: 582-1018


Michelle Kowalchuk Res: 663-2994

U. S. R.L. —TYC WINNIPEG BRANCHMaurice Bugera—President

Res: 694-9639 Bus: 582-8946


Res:253-0013 Bus: 582-1018


Evhen UzwyshynRes:668-2824 Bus: 582-89 46

Holy Orthodoxy is the direct continuation of the Church of Jesus Christ and HisApostles, the Church of the Bible, the Church of the Creeds, the Church of the

Fathers and the Church of the seven Ecumenical Councils.
