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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · um. VOL- XIX.R*5,838. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1860. PRICE TWO...

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um. VOL- XIX.R* 5,838. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1860. PRICE TWO CENTS. _ ____ w-a-wrpAl-^ *r»«*'*0~~ Ry HOBAIXB _,._-.. ., inaiii xmb lF.ee. M »aa rai.t-s ei '*-*J|53-. raa citt uu, -BBBTV*,2rtk*r. M 114 oeiivU p*. weak. Uafl RM4_l1v«^^4-_-rM _l.avea; 8X tot At mantkt | lav.V8BKit-tBKLT T»I«-r.B, .TB-B "-VlaROR PAPER rOR THB ('OUNTRY 4_._r.Tan Sxtv_b»t MoaiiB*. at the low price of 81 »-_T_^-^-~' T»"* C.0e.ft_ 85; Wv.r_nde.t_ir XTT^ciMB. for 8-i Twenty Ceptea, te ene .ddre*. <**.d .^'JtLaSib-tM tke rate of 81 pei anmun.. 9»; Twenty fSj-Vt Pdieu af .*__. *ut_«.h_ (and xny larger nambar at _-T__ a/ Rl R) *e_h), ****- Aay perton te iidin* Q* x rvlub of ttaaVotmtVa "_TtWttod «. e. eatra oepy TabaerlpiM- ¦^e_^___7_i«l-BV.rxVB.«-Tlai.ra. eeM ONEDOL .,__ f fcl UNE te aeok iaatrUoa. THB BBHI-WEBI-.-Y TBIBITITB - .-a..-TrBtoxvand Fbidxt Moaitfta.,_*... .. J__S«_r IwtCaiaite 8S; NveCo»_efor |UX TBB NBW'fOBB TR1B rNB, ROtk rl'KOPKAN ClRCUbATlOH, X. __.B_.lhed bb U_ departere af axb Mail .it*ainer for Llverpee. 5tfl_r^.--r%t_*ru,kJuded. Bia.. Cop__, BU Ceuta. THB 1.BW--©KK ~*ll»VWB' _,__ ROR CALIFORNIA. OXEOOB AND THB BANDW10H kta-ad oa tM e*pxrtta. ot each 0aU Steatoer te A»p_ xt 81 to par a-nutu Ptii.-le t opie, Slx ( ei-ta. _*_ Spccial Xoticco. Kepabllca. 1 e.tral raMnitte. _<__?^%_ttj$ __!-_-tioi of tfiit l Oiumittee will be Beld 011 W __l)NKSl>AY Kktl-aNU, Jan. II, at 7} o'ciock at No IU Broadway. __,__..* _, . . ^ tABUUY. I bairman Couiuuttae 1859. H. T. Cubtblaid, J gee^tariet Com. 18M. OBO. bl-XBBOW, 1_ "l*eveaie*alh Ward I nloa Kepublieaa CMB Reiuviu. tb*t tb* true intere*u of tbe country dewand toat th a_e*4lo__ i-ow atit.tin, it .hould be debniuly .e.tled 111 ajcord ioee with tbe piiurtple.«.i_bodled ln the D.-rlaritl'ti of Inde- aaadratt and unxlterxblv oppo«_d to the further citeation ol a .Wn. w.ir b, while tt oBly liA» to a compxrative clvUixatlon a kxrberout people, degTBde. x tupeiior rxce, awl ob.truot. the tTc* e*. ot ...telll.ei.ee and ( hrl.tfanity, the under.igued bereby i,Ja ,ei .ruitelvei 10 ev.r, bot-orxble eflort toward a compir.-r, _u.vaa.in. of thi. Itlalrict aud to the uutuediate aud coii.uut etacel*ii4.n of ">e documema oftbe campalgn. At a meeting of JkXiiib Ward Uuik.u Republiean Club, beld tt No. *_ lioae y, ol patuniay rveniug, Jau 1, 18W, it wat unxoiinouaiy _.«._<«_ 1 bat ibe con._tu.io_, .dopte d by tbi* club be p.ib- b__d ln Tbe Trlbune, anl tbat al) pertoot retiding in tlilt war* tud ___.err.tfd favorably toward tbe objec. .et forth, be Isvurd 10 eall at tbe roooit xud et.roll thamielve, at memnrra. 1 bo next meeting of the club will be ,*_«_. at xn early day, wben tbe roiutituuon will be taady lor ilrnature*. W. C. MAlbllALL, Temporary Cbxlraixo. C.XBUtt OBOTBI, Stvcrrtarj John l-alor, W. A. tual'v, Jt.eph P. Ctx'per, Anthony Lam kreebt, Jobu T.Brew, Johu xVebo, J. 8. Courtier. i_w_ J.Ki.x, W- 1 A.l_ui,rr, X L. Olibert, J. J. Oliver, Petar i'aii_er, Temporx. Kxeemive C.ouimitU.. TXe Piiattaa Ileaae af tbe liaited Htatea. Uk. ORUE f. NEbBITT k Co., Basaaxi. Job PaiBTaa., Bi___be Booa kU.t fx. .rita Stxtidibbi, WaoLBsxLB axb Xbtail, L)TH0_)BFHU' PatMTBBt ATD K_.8HXTBB*, Cxan Mai.t FaCTcaxBt, CaFFBBFI_ATB _BOHXVBBI ATD PalTCTXBf, Ebt.lof. MxarFxcrraaax, IBB Ct7T AKO CoLOB PbIBTBBI, Mt- 07, IP xad ITI Pexrl-tt, xnd 79 Pine-tt, New-York, WUl Wtse tbe teccad edition of their beautiful Countl__|-lloute Caleiidxr for 1060 aad 1K1, oa XVe__oe*d*y morniug. Tbey uuy Re kal, without ebxme, ob sppUcatioa. Breeklya Taberuacle laectare*. Tke tftk Lecture will ke delivrred by tbe Ree. R. 8. BTORXS, jr., On TUESDAY EVENINO, Jxn 10. Bnioect, " Tbe Freacb UUtory aad Bpirit>' 1 epea M 7; Lectare xt I. TiekeU, 85 centx._ laectare. by Dr. rudder. Tk* Rev _J)..Mvi 0 Bio UU..R, M. U., 1). D., Bill deliver IP Rai CourM of KP* Lecture. ob india, ln New-York, AT THK t:i)t)PKR iaNSI'llUTE, Coaio.eneliif MUNDaY KVK.NINO, Jan. 9. AND AT THK I'laYMOUTH tliURCH, bKODXLYN, CoDimenciiigTfl Hl)AT KVKNi.Nli, Jau. it". Oa all*rua-« eaening^-MDNUAT and WKMNKSDAY, la B.wYo.x. ilK*>UAl andTkirilBI)Ai'.ln Orooxiyn. jt, bc.jai'T.. Ibe Racaa of iuOla.Th*ir lj_n|uxfo*.Cnri- ea. Cuatoma. Fxxira.I'ldixn ilerimU. liinooo WU aad Hindoo Woumsu. UL Bc.JBCT..Pbjtical I'ecuiiBrttitw aud Beauti*i oftbe Coun¬ try. 1 be Literature of India-Tbe Atbielo* xnd Jk.gg_1.0f Hiuoottao. ______ ML MbjbcT..'fb*. brabiadulc erie.thood.C*»te.Detcriptiou o) a *Uit toa'ieiupi* cuvrrtng more Uaui u-.u arre* of ground.Mude of W-'onhip. tt. 9V*tneT.1Ua Aiiiif.ut Hindoo. and tbe Modern Atbeui- am*. ai Hiud00 1'anlbeum aud Botton Iraiitcajii- _-tniai_iu. v Drraert of Hindoo Pruverb*. 8. 8v».iBCT.lirilicai Ferioda lu the Uialory of Uie Bftti.h Ktuplre la india.cvorne aocotuit of narller Muti- ,_* and Ma*_nraa '10* Oreal Rnbelium.lu Ralun and Occaaio.i. 1 be Atrocitie* | how far «xx.*ra__d?.Hvreic Deeda. Dt.iiuy ef iudia. Tke Lest-K. euailane iu.tn_i.ian with r.Lte_xifliuent. F_.iu eiuwa* wmcb xtteu.ed tke foruier courte, and the Bat liiat «_il_ak 1 viuleut ia_t-*toriu ou Ihe cioaing eteuiug. tbe b<twt aaa 01m,. ta uverOuwuit, it may be feared tbat uiore ticx- .ta wUl tbau _«> be aceomiuudaled. Tlie ageul d»..ni R prapar .> ttate ta.ail wbu obtaau l'uui_ tioteti abxli iuiv* llakeu for ika. C_>ort* Bl- or a Oantleman aad Lady. ai M Lxtra !__*. N. reatx T**cbert and Stu.enU, bO .aat*. _.i_iaW at.__x ticxet*, So oenl*. loi txle ai xll tbe eook-.toie* in .New-York xnd Brooklya, xad M tke __>t «u eveaiugt ef L__t_ei. I)eon opao al ., to ooa>- 1 al 8 o'clocA. Breeklya .llereaatile L.lbi_unr LECTUREB. Tka Ekrraiitk Lactuie of tbe courte will be d- iivertd by tba REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, On TUEfiDAY EVENINO, Jaa 10, M 8 e'cloek. Bnbjeet: "XOBERT BURN8: HIS LIKE AND POETXY." Ttcketi :*> eeult eaeb. WUl be aaid at tbe door._ Mr. aad .In*. li. VaadeaRaX'a DKAV.A ill RE AtJIiN.S At BOPE CHAPEL at 8 p- ni. A new programme every itbb- pxfrt.m Sti»k««pvve, hheridan, Bulwer, UicXeii,, kc licietl, wilb Keaerved tiexla, 5o cemai wiUiuut, 85 centf. The Beadder Lectare*. PRtt given xt tbe Cooper Inatitut*. xnd tlnee repetted in xaaay of our laxge cltie*. bave e.erywkere beeu received wiih tha uiott uiibooiided .utbunaatu. iael>urMs U to be repvaled *t tb* Cooper IntUtute, oom- BMaci-| Jxu. 9, xad Plviuoutb Cbutcb, brooklyn, eu-uueiiciaf L^a'i rk.nee te bexr tbe Doctor before bl. departure for India Br.. olaer'e Blx Lectaree, on The Four Kirtt Centu- tieaot t,hi-iuauitj," aillcomuieuce xt Cltntou Hall, Katt Bth- M on M Oi-vDaY Jxn. Ib, 18-', at 71 oclkCk p m, aud coutueia eu'.l!lllIt^UAYS and MuNDAYe. contecutively. iioketixt 81, adiiiitting a Ixdy xnd geuHemxn; 81 for every adauiouxJ lad, boldxlbchaiieuberga Mu.ic Store. No. 7t>» Broadway, Irxaeia't booktlure, So. 5j4 Broadway, Cbrlitern t Bookttoie, Ro 7u:i broaoway. Radde't Bookttoie, No. 800 Broadway, anl M tJ_k_d*t- botikalore No. 191 WUlian-et. _ Dr. Beadder In Braoklva. Tbe Bet. Dr. BtiL'DDKK wiU give the ttrtt ef bit FIv E Lli.il HK* on i.N.lA, xt the PlyuikiuUi (.burcb, Brooklyu, lHiHlu*.dav)EVKNiNO, Jan. 10. Tbe lectuie eomoiuei u> tke bi,be_t degrer lu.'.ructioo witb xi/iuteuieut xiclett tor the eouxaaouly al. lor a gaallemau ana lady 81,10. Teacber. _M btudenxt 5o eeutt. biugie 1 ickett 50 centt. loco__ue_ce M I o'cik-k-_ Leettre rtotlce.-THOMAS 1). PARET will daliver tbe ¦axtleciure in tbe bound Brook lecture Courte. in tba .x.eth- aaUtChurc., Bound M.ook, N. J on 1'UE.DxY EVKNINO, Jua.lv. ^ub)er_, " ^*v* l'hougbi." Breeklya Yaena Meo'e ('hrl.tlaa A.aeclatioB. .. Ibeteguur asou-biy mratiug wili be held in tbeir rooiot, Riovtiv. iuaiitule, cu T-KbOAl KVKMaNO. a*. ^ 0M00X. Au l.tay wiil beread bj t\M. V. TI'i'PER, e»q. rJuyect. "Ibaliue Piiilabtbropy. Tbe publiu xre cordially fapppP attead. Hai. af TeMpertl.ice..7'he Uuarterly Seation of the Oi.t.a Iii-i.iou ni k-aatrin Nev.it.-ik wiU cuuumence on VXbbM.bAf Al'iKKNOOaN, Jau, 11, M S.'eleMB. ui, at Ra- it* lulton it, bii.kaklyu. 4J__c_ri and Repreteulatirri ar« taajuuBla. to ti* punctkaal iu tbeir atleodanca _ JOHN DAXi_d, Orand Scrlle. X Speetttcle Never Hi-I.re Wltaei___l In New- York.. 'iwu 1 bouaaud perriaua out lu tho uaidal of a pourinx BBJii »torm ta bear a l-eoturr. buebwaatbe fact at tbe laat of akr Mudder lo.i*e g vro Nov tl, attbaCoopar In.tit-U- Dr. RlL'-DKK, by urgeut ix<aaat 01 aouie ol tha leadinx eiam of aai eity, repaaU Ibe Courae, -wiutiiniag IIONUAY Jau. 9, tt tk* 4 ooper lnttitute, T0*EBDkY, Jaa. 10, .t U_ Piyuijutu t___turb, Jt. v. Heury War. Beoc'.er't, brooklyn. R'*t fall of dry .fatlelle., bit mautn* oV;.r wtm xvit, Blilt.lv, _d l-AlllO.., Bl. DX BCLXUER'S INDlA LKtitREb._ Tw KdllOl_i7l -i-Iiaher*, dkc..A eeutleu an tv- -u.t. med to iu|p'yiu< 1. __al» wltfca__cla*,__Bf aa tke. .ei,' dephrt-.ieior _. iri.pa- de.ireito *«;t at u r. liaoie ojt RKM (_.!')..v.1 loi ...me ,..p.,._ule joiiina. Ad.ii.a. or call ea Br. F).l.K.S, « aiiloruia Ageu, ), No. 14 An_.it., N. i r-fiae al aar » ery (.aod 1'c-uple » u* **y w truuiaeJve., " P*_a. Nouody -.. a Mia.ioi,»r* 1 dont w»ut ... iear nitu '. .ueyattend onr of th. ,.t 1'llllKH laXOTUXRB. bave RheaX opixUuxia on tbt* poiut .uddenly cbau.* _, 4_e.eral Haclely of Vfeebanlca aad Tradeanea.- Tka xaiiual tu. ob of 'jtheer* ol tbi* l-ciMy, Xi tbe .b*u_igyrar, aill be h. id nt idetbaoioa' rlal,, N0- 4_! Rioacwuv, onTCKSDAY. Jan. lu, 1860, xtl o'aleck p ui. Tka aaU wll! be clottd at 7 o'cloct p m. WM. V AN NORDEN, Ber.retnry. Halaaxna Ia. Hall, J.AVS OK/lta-, Bemevid '.ou. No. 10 to N'o. 18 VX'all-tt. 8. L. Hi i.l. C. Co.XBUL Itir Monun.eul JTTT8 -BlIaB ~~' 1 3rASt.Y.Y ORIB1S wv, a- mr IB cvurae, alClil*>'TOB BALL, Aat-irp,*,..- ., RVKNINO, Jau. II, al « o'eloek A ur. _,i aa, kl.. 1 artb, and 0* orlgli.vi t. tfbeau Mo'ib.lut, Lakea, Coal Hed* aud V .. ,__..«,_. ll.u.t'uled l»v diakgTB-U, ui.tw, **¦ JOflN H WIlI'l }. ( f.tkiri&ian i.-.t.re onoUUe.. .tf* . B_»w r^wi__~A__eblae. M0. w,k,. .. ,..roiufMtitr |>akKKB MA4.IINK, uuder l*f*-*f Hi-re. (,,0ver k bi-.er, and W bari.r * XX _4._eU~'-«'«l|e-lbieM, _-k-alil.li,boi...-a. .p,d le .'.Ul-.l ¦**l""* UHM)., a Co No >..:, Ur,.aJw*y. Dr. Keadder*a l.eetare. Tbe Rrv. Ot. bt I'lu.P.R wi.l give the bret of hl* Tlve Le*. tnrei vn 1NDIA at tbe liy.i.outb Cbureh, Hrooklyn, THII (.oe.day) F.N ENINO, Jan. 10 riubje-.t: " Tba Race. of lndia, thrir 1 »ugnag*», Curiou. Cuattima, Kakiri, indian lirnuila, llindoo W it. au. HinJoo Women." iBeeo-4 lect.re at the Caop-r Inititut* WF.UNESDAY F.VKMMI, Jan. 11.) Tickete tot the ceurae, R|i a genUeman ud lady, Bt 50; trarbm and pupili of achm.l*, B ernta; tingle tieketa, 40 ci nti. Donr. opru at 7 to comnienreat 8 o'eloek. Ncto pnblications. WORCESTER" NEW TJNAI.KTDQF.I) DICTIONARY * l-t Nt)NV COMPI.ETED, And the delivery of copiet to tubicribert will eommenee Jaa. 2, lia-'i. Ibr l.ib iry l.tliliou, on rxtr. Un* paper, aud b.und in bulf 'I titkry iiiciiccco, ia ia.urd at 0" 50 per copy. Thi. eiitlos, out-qualrd for typngraphL-al bra.ity aud e.uerrd exeellanea cf ttecitien, by anj kindtol work evrr uaued from the Amerioau pret. ia pnbli.brd foi nihicribara ouly. 1 hr entiie work I. couipriaed iu oitt thoutaud tight huudred ondji/ty-fuur royal tuarto p-tgtt, witb Introductory iraatiae. on Prounm lation. Orthug aphy, and varioua .ubje-t* irlatiug to the ..ngli.h l.an.uagr. aud to Lrxicograpby, aud alao an .ppaud-t roukiiiitigtheu.ua) a. coinp.iiiniri, * to at: Kliglilb l.n ti ni uj. I'Uniig ibe patt jear, advauce aliret. oliba uew quarto bave been kubu.iil.-d to tbe moet eu.iueut ..-nniar*; and,In aeeord .uc* wiib ttr exp.raaioMol'appruval a-i firrly and g-uerally landered, wa coilideutly nflri it to lha publl-Ba.iu tba word. ol i'he Nortb Ai'.ir.ckn il.ti.-w-"'lii fc. STANIJARU Dli TIONARY OK 1MF ENOL.I8H LANUCAOE." We preient the .ollowuig couaiJerationi and tettiuioni-i* ia ilahebr-1: I. 'Iba rn'.lr* wo k in all iu part. I. NENV. 1. Iba VdCAHl'-Allk roiitaln. 1 NVENTY THOUSANU word. ar.d drtii.it.oni more th_n auy otber Kngliih Dictionary. 6 ll.e voeabnlary of Tl.( IINH Al, i ERBd of the Hci- aoe*. Arti, I'rafrttioiia, aud 1r.de., i* r.ja-rielly full a. d accurat* 4. Ihe ILLUsiTRATloNri aie ONE THOUSAND KlVE lil'NDBED kunutubrr. 8. KIV'_.ii.(._»AM)»YNl)NYM_, to callad, are troetad In nowerd of Or... THuUsaM) O.SE lil.NiiKr.l) du.iuet ui. ° Tho 8EPARATK 11 KFrKKNCEi-raqniredeither for 8yno- nyuia, llluatralioi.a, or Technical lermi, tbe whole work baing tyuiuirttic-l and rou.iatrut. 1. lu l.K. liUt.KAi'HY and PRONUNCIATION lt rapra- trnta tb* oaage ol tho beat Engitah and Auieiican wiiten aud .pnakera. M. lt ia IM PARTIAI. toward .ill *et t. aod parllea. Vv * aubjoin the fifllowiug tettiuiouialt wiucli wm be re*d with inttre.t: The Uon. Oao. B.v-eaorr, LL.D., .iti: "On queitloni of orthtigrapby I .ball in.-ie it my «ta.iid_rd, al! iwiog uiyaelf rare detiatiou., or, peibapa, no deviaticna wbalevei." " 1 hr new and mthrtitir- etyinnlofiei, the coueia*n*li ind coinpleteueaa ol the detintUou., ihe meety with which ibe dil- Ini u: shtdea of iut ttniiig iu ayuuuym. are di-tiugui.ned, aud tliu cou.i itutiou. accuracy ol 'hewurl in all il* dep_r:iueut., giveit, ln wt iudgmeul, the higbe.t claitin to pubtic Uvor. mmm" mwm s "WILLlAM CULLEN BRYANT." "I conenr wtth tba opinion ot Mr. Bryant. " 8_nnyiide, May 14, 1U59. NN A-H1MJTON IRVINO." Tbe Hoa. Edward Evtwett, iu ipeaklng of WorcMler'i Dic- tiiiii.iy. layi: " I bavr made ronatant uie of Mr Worceater'a IJictiouaiina aiuoe tbeir hnt publica.ion. Hia orthograpliy and proiiuutiatioii reprtaent. ao far io. I aui aware, tbe rniwi .pproved ...age uf our laiiguage. Hii dehuitior. ae.dom loave auyiuiug to deiue." '.riii large Dictionary, how in courae of publieetlon, will be, in everv re.pect, auperior to any one exiating of the Kngli.U l_ngu_ge. JO-EFU O. COOG-WEUa. " Aatur tibrary, Miy 1, 1859.'' Profeaaor Charlet D. Clevrland, ln th* " Compendiam of Auierican Lilerature." »ay»: "liwiU, in fullneaa, in con.iatent orthograpliy, and ii, t-.rrect orthoephy, be iu advance, doubUe«e, of enyihiug of lb. kiud we uow btve." "* * * In fine, the work uiuat take ita nnehallanged plaee ai tor in ldvu.ee of my previou. atleinpt iu tblt direction, and ai uecea-aiiiy tbe iiauJard Dictiou-r- ot' tlie l-igMab lauguagr." (Nortb lUueneau Reviaw. Onr llit of .ubwribrr. already embraca. npward of 8IX TllOLSANI) lutuirt, conititutlng ona of tbe tuoit iplrn Ud tributea to patleut buduitry ever recorded iu tbe anuali ei lilera- ture. Copiei dellverad ln thr ord-r of aobacriptlon. UHJKLllNO, -WA-4 B BHEWEIL, Bo-ton. W0RCESTER'S"NEW DICTIONABY ran be obtalued iu New-York onlv from tha agent of Metiri. HKKLINU, BNVA.N k UKr-NV-ll _t Kaioui No. 4 Applrlou'a buildu,g. wberetUeCO.NIPliETENVOaK ruay now be aeen. The public kte iuvited to call and rxamine SfECIMl-N CuPll-S of iheLlliRAUk EDlTlUN. it wiil be fumi-bed ia auy ityle of bludilg lie.lrrd. _...., aj Par.oi.. .t.hlngto.-bM.rihe will plaaaa leave namr and ad- di*M a. >ba*a at aeud by mail to the .uDacriber. P. U. box No. 1 *4i. .Nrw-York t ity. J- Y. BAlLEY, AanuL MEM&K8. H1CKL1NO, OWAN k BRr-VNTrili. JL'ST PUBLISHED, By J. B. LIP-'I-aCOTT fc Co., PhU-delphis: V00TFAXL8 ON TUE hiilNDARY OK ANOrHER NVUKLD. By R.IBP.BT UALB OWBB, Formerly Mambtr ot luugrea. and AMMMM Mtui-terto Naplea. 1 Volume. 1-u.o. Bl 15. Thi. work 1. devoted io an inti-iry whetber occetloual luter fareuce. trom knoth.r world iu una be re^ity or itelueion. 11 treal.ol tuapbeuou.e-aoi" oltiep, Dreauia, rtoiunambulum lt exau.inr. tbe, .tieged evidenee. lor preaeiitW-ula, *ecood-atght, hoiiae b.onttug.. (tud *pp_iUiou*; reltrrlug lo the mo.t approved ruodrru worl. on ballu-iiuaiiou. iu.auity, aua iu« u.rvuu. .y»- Uui- ltiuquire. whaiU.-i. ttbrn we Mildowuthe uarratlve. of allagrt (incluuu g our nwu) that loiieh uu tbe marvel. relurred to, aii_-re Tulgariuper.'.iUoui, we aie ovenuokiag any Mtual phruomtna COMPENSATION; Or, Ai.wa't. A FrTraa. By Anae M. II. lA.-iw.Uir. 1vol., Umo. 01. '. Her atory will. »e arr .ure, be adiuired aud rnjoyed for Ita healtiiy tune, it. delitbtlul pa-.age. concerntng uiu.ic, tt. baaa- iU-lp.ctura.ofa aoriallilrditlrreut from our. ln Amailea, iu excelleut dewripUuu. ol a.eue.y, iU evideuc. o! exteiuive aud ve-ied reediiig. aud tha unilurm a'eganee of iu .tylr The pub- h.brr. bave printrd U beaulifuiy, and it ahoeld barouae'a favonte Ui aU uuliiTatea circlei.' [KTeiiiug baUutin. CABrBEI.L'8 HISTORY uK VIRGINIA. The mttory of the Culouy aui Aucient Uomlalou of Vugiul*. Dy CU-.ie. C_i_pb.il. 1 vol., bvo. fl! Mi. BECK'S MEDICAL Jl'RISPRL'DENCE. New fUvited Edllon. ELEBENT8 OK HEDICAL JURI8PRUDENCE By Theodrlc Rouaeyn Beck, M. U., Lla. U., Profeeeor of MntcrU Medica Ui ihe Aibany Medic&l College, kc ; aud John B. BerA, M. D., Profeaaor of MaterUMedic* _ud Medicl JurtiprudeDC* in the Coilege of Pbyiiti-n* and 8urgeoni of the City ot" New- York, fce. -.l-rruib Edition. W ith Nbtee by an Aaaociatlou of the irirndi uf Dr. Ueck. Th* whole reriaed by Prot C. R. dil- nian, B. I)., of the College of Pby.ician. and Surgeone of New- Yoik. i.voli.,lvo. law and Medicai 8tyl*a, $10. V. THErRlVALS. A Talb ob tbb Tibm or Ajibob beaa ab» Auliak.bb lliainaa By the Hou Jrre. Clemana. Author oi " Bern_rd I.IU." and " Muttang Oray." I.u.o. *1. w- TITLE HUNTINO. By E. L. Llmnvb-itji. 1 voL Umo. flL MANL'AL OK LIBRAR'ES,' SOCIETIES, AND INSTI- TIONB IN THK trNlTEDBTATRB AN1J URITIdU PRUV- 1NCE< OF ItOK-H AMLRICA. ...._. (ontai-lngau Hiitorictdand.-vUti.ticBl Account oT Li-ranei. CuUe.ea, aud LoLege ^ocietiea, Academir., iiaminarte*. aud lllitb ach-ola. Inttilutioua lor the »*-!, iJumb, hund, and iu- aants Ag.icultur_l, liulorical. Scientlhc. Mereaatile, and Young Htu'n Chriatiaii and olber Anoriatlou*. Hy NViUlia. J. Bbaaa, Lhief tlerk ol tbe fcmiiuiouian luttilute. 1 voL Bvo. 7uu pp. » *" VI... LAMAR'S BIBLICA1 INTEBPRETATION. THE ORUANON UF oCRlPTCRE; Or, Taa Ibdoctivb Mbtuod KiaucAt iBTBapaBTATioK. By J. s. lawnar. 1 -ob, Jlmo. »_. Ib Prett, 1. M'i.lAN HOME; A Txlb op Coilb..* -ira. Hv Krederlr W. Farrar. FeUow ol Trinity CoIIm*. Cambridgai Auuorof "Erie; ur, littieby LiUie'' 1 voi., llo.o. Ptibliabtd from advance iheelt, by tpec.ial _rr__g__a_nli wBh tha autbor. BAY ANU b.AL. By th. Autbor of " NVide, Wide World," aad The Author of " Uuier. and Ceati." 2 vol... Umo. _^___ k BOOK TO* mWm AMEHICAJM BOY. BIOORAPHY OkTfLF-TAI'OIIT MEN. Thit ti oue of tbe nioit viluable and luteretting Boeki or 11 .ort ever iaaued. , ,, ... . Tl,. lui.odLitory L.tay 1. pirliiulirly valnible at ti.i. tuna, in view of tbr ti.ituteur.l dUaOlotlaa »l our l-.v-d uion. Ne paieut wUl aver rrgret plkcr.t bia Uooi in Iba baula m nn aoo. By Prol. 6 B. EuwaUDI. ilageToL Snceui*. Ju.t p.bllikedby J. E. Tl LTON fc Co , Boatoa. Rl.Iil'ATH- LIFE OF IlKOWX. Now Roady: REUl'Alii ri LIKE OK BROWN. Pilt-a 4 For tile by s. T. MUN80N, _ Ajeut lor New-York. I'lFE ILL1 Sl BATKD: A tirat-claai Pbtorifll _l Weekiy.Nol. *.t lrtulat.. .-_.-!-¦ in all tbe rilataa, North and rtoutb Kaat ixid NNrit. Ad.pir.i i. ih« rariuer. Plaiurr. «rr, MiiV, iBveotar, Meriiaui.- to -.ii«o:«, aud tha fc.ully. *t « vaer; *1 h_Jl a year. Addra.. >.>WLK.R A WKLL-, Na ko. broadway N. I._ _ 1l_f£ C II I I- <> K I _F- Oi.li FAVi iRIIK. MFKItY'S Ml SEI M PAR'.EY'fl MA44A/INE. Bc e..ir_..r».*lu'i'«N P-.'il IETH y»_-«lih the Jan iary Nwnb«r, u.,ir.ura:ii>. lUuti.'i. Hrfiuii'ul.y illu.irkttMl ,1 ¦ jfii, 10 taa. nuglr r...lea. Yot iale by Now. Agrui. I. N. STEaR.N'S A Co., Pu__-heii, No. 11. Na_autt.,N. Y. A RCHITF.CTH _k ME( HANIC8' JOURXAJa, f\ publi.brd we..kly, iii per yt»r, cooUina iUu.trkUoua and '.tka rurre.it iulom ..n-u abviit vrifthU^ roruieotrj v.ith B,iLDINOa_d tbe MF.CHANKUh ARTS. F.very Ar uiu,-i, h*,der laii-e.it. r llid M»- b.ve U PtiUuhai I. 1IARTHJ1.L, lUt-Jf-Bua-at Newiork. DATPLETON & Co., . No*. 341 and 848 BROADWAY, N. Y., BXTB Jl'tT Pl'HI.I.HBO: MOitPIlY'H QaMES: BELECTION OF THE BEST OAME8 PLAYID BT THB Dl.TINIJI IIHKD I IIAMFIOB, IN EUROPE AND AMKkICA, ANALYTICAL AND CX1TICAL NOTEB J. I.OWX.kTIItl. 1 Vol. 12n,o. Clotb. 473 pagef. 81 U. TO THK REAIIER. Mtey friend*, bo'h in Y urope and Aaierica, h|T* frequently orred me to arraupe a coUeclion of my gaiuea, wlncl. ihey at- tuied n.e would mo-t with kiudiv rereptiun from rb-tt-pU/er. grnrrtlly. Hut cnlinurd contetti during tk. paat twelv* bionttu woi.ll bave precluded my con. urrlnf witb to flattering . 'equ.-.t, had it uot Deeu for tbe aniitance rendered me by my 'rni.il r-eir l.bwenlli.l. Th. copinu. note* witb whicb tbu vuiuine ia enritbtd tre inainly due to bi* v*e!l eamed repittatlou ai.d a.-iduity aa tu unalyit, and will aiuply reoay aeraaB from every lover of oui uuble gauir. PAUL MOaFil Y. EVENING8 AT THK MICROSCOPE; Or. REK.Ak.IlES MINl TER OROANS AND^FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFX. PHIL1P HENRY G0S9E. 1 vol., 12uio. llluitialed. 4_0 pagc*. 8190. OPINION8 OF~TIIE PRE88. " It 1* a work wbich every intelligent laniily ihould own ". [4"oii|_T»ga'ionaJi*t. " lieia aie atboDtand matlera.aye, ten thoutand.of which i.in.-ty-nir.e r.-ad. ii. a hundred aie i.-r.nraut xnd yetacxrelul ttnul .ftlil. bouk willmxkn u* wlaer xndbettei.''.IChy Iietu. " ln tbi. work tleautbor tweept tbe wholefield of atOBMSMM wi nd. ii. leaviug .ntouclird no p .rliou ofzoology wbi.b lt under control oflhe wTcroacope."- iKirbiutnid Kxaiultier. " It it uot t mere cuinpilaiiun, bnt givn the retnltf of original obiervatioi.i by itt auihur, on<- of the moit emineut nxtoralitlt ol Euf land.' li'iirliand Tianicnpt. GREAtTaCTS: A FOPULAR HISTORY AND DEScRlPTIOl. oftbe MOST RFMARKABLE IN\ Bb i'l _>NS OF THK PRESENT CBRTVKT. By FR EDERICK t,. BAKKWELL, Autbor of " l'hiioaopbical Coiiveraationt." 1 vol., IZmo. Illmtrated. RL CosTBBTt: Tbe Progreti nf Inventioa. The Kaleido.cope. Steam .-avigatiou. Tbe M.,1.- Oitc Wkttm 4 ariitget and Rtilw.yt. Tbe Dioraina. 1 he Alr ) nglne. Tbe iereoaeope. 1 hotogrtphy. The Eleetric Telegrtp h. I)i..oivuig Viewx ElectroMagueti. Clo.k*. t-ieiiri, Metxlturgy. Tbe Klectnc L>ghl da. Ligbting. Inatantaneout __tgbtt. Paper- viaking Macbinery. Printing Marbine*. '. bi« ii .ue oftbe book" whlrh every onain.y nrnfitably read, tnd wbich it lt to baudy to bave about.". [N. W. Chriitian Advocxte. Ws acarcely know of t more iuterettinf book, etpecially to lliote who have alaite for inveiition, and are rurlou. about the di.inhlr. whicb beiet tbe path of all inq'iirer* iu the world ot Macl.inet tirience, xud Art ". [City lteui. " i he book it bnely illuitrat.-d, xnd ihould betn tbe hxndtof xll who hxve ete.ii xn inkllng for tcience.".| Troy Whif. " 1 be iutoimxtioti whicb lt would require a hbrary tu fnruiib it here rniacri.irated in elexr detcripiiomof all tbe lexJing iuven- tiont, di.c-veilei, xnd tcientibc triumpht of ibe age.".[Uoaton Xrauiciipt. RESTATEMENTS CHRI8TIAN DOCTRINE, TWENTY-FIVE 8ERBON8, BY HENRY W. BELLOW8. 1 Vol. Jiino ciDth. 81 15. " Wetb'nkmany mindi wili be pat ou ti food trxek of tboniht, mtr.v betrtt xwxkrned to a good tiate of feeliug, irretpecttve of tbeology, by Ueae aiiiiuated aud vigorou* du.onr*e».¦'. [_ ottou Irautciipl " Dr. i-r'-ttw* ii well known .* an acromplithed Kholar aud dne of tbe moat proiuiueut among tbe elergy of the I'nllariau i hi-i, b. lo tele,-ting tbe Sarmoii* In the pre.«nt volume, b* has be. n n.aii.iy |Over_>cd by tkat daaire lo tbrow lighl upon tha) dlt- cuud'.n uf l.i. Cambridge Addraaa.. hiub, it will b* raai.iu brird, crealcd uo little aenaatiao.".[Courler and Knqalrar. ~~R. CUMiltNGS'8 GREAT BOOK. D THE GRKAT TRIBULATION. XEADY ON SATURDAY: THK BECOND BXXfXB OF THE OREAT TRIBULATION, rOXBIRO BOOK II. OF THEeE CELEHRATED LECTURES. THE 8UCCESS OF THK FIRHT 8F.RIEB Ha- been grealer tban could have been anticlpated by the Pob- luheri 1 he concludlnt volum* lt no *. rapidly paa.ing througt. tbe piet., tnd will De itturd on aATURDAY, Jau. 14. 1 7ol. Iln.o. miiilln. Price Rl. I NIKORM W'l'lU KIR8T BERIK8. RUDD k CAKIaKTON, Publtiher., No I*. UrxuJ-tt., New-York. K JEAKLY KEADY: DARWIN ON TBE ORIOlN OK THK 8PECIE8, BT BBXB. OF NATURAL eKLECTION; Oa, THE PBKSERVATION OF FAVORED BACE8 IB THB 8rRU0OLK FOR LIFE. »7 Cbxblbi Dxawta. D. APPLKTON lt Ca, PubH.her*. Not .*_ xud 148 -roxdwxy. H. B. PBICE, PUBLISHER xnd BOOK8EI.LER. WIU coutinue to receive ,ub*er.ptioui for HALL'S JOURNAL OF HKaLTH FoR TiiE YEAR iME II.11 P will not be letpobtible for ltttert without they htave tbe following xddrtit: ". H. B. PRICE, Publlther. No. 184 Broxdwty, New-Yerk. FEBKI __KY NUMBEK UE flCKLE.i! THE CaRNIVAL OK KUN HAS COM0KNCKD ! Tbe lovert of fun xre retpectfullr Inlormed that PICKLKS KOR FKURUAR* IS OUT! PllKLES KOR FKBRUaRY 18 OUT! Full e. ever ol all eortt of Comicalttiet. Newt Dealert wll! plrate be wide awaxe thia morning, aa tbe early bird wili kII tn. greatrit number of PICRLKS. Notwlthttandiug tbe groa. c.i_ui. ii lon, PIlKLKS bat becom* the favorlta COMIC MAOA/I.NE of tbe UAY. Pertrm at a diaUuoe, who det'ie to teceive t uiuuthly compendiuiu uf Oeuulue Humor, wlU pleaa.. o.drr PICKLKS! '1 eu Ceutt t copy. Oue Dollx. a year. Wxilea frre, oo receiut of the rxah, by 11. DEXTKR k C-IMPANY, PublUhen, No. 113 Nxxtxutt., N. Y. T 1118 WEEK* LIIE ILLU.STKATED con- m RRM riif ran-d viewaof Wixrd't .Nr w Ice IV, i'lie .ehool uakiter'. Vx uoing; 'l'be WUe't Beci-et j 14y Firtt and Lait .Vov.-l. ht _*l AFFxixa.New Seedling Kniili; iudutlrial Scbuolt; Ad- vei* ty aud 1'iu .writy Aiuencnuship builJingi iliuti tj Young Oentltmtu;'ihe City and Viciulty; I'oetry; Peraonal M.tter., MerLaiiixi Hlpoitcf the Proceeding* o. tbe Polyu-rhni: Aaao- rlnii ii Ituw to fipeiid Meney. Only 4 eent* May be bad of fvewinieb or at tbe Puhllcatn.n Oftio, aNo. IP Broadway, Now Keady: THE TBIBUNE ALMANAC KOR leBHJ. Thm tnt ed tion it txbaatted. Tbe .econd editlaa will baraady on W tu.lay. APPROPRIATIONB BY CDN4JRE88. CAblM.T OK TIIE UNITED BTATE8. CALKNDXKS KOR 1860. CHhoNOlaOOlCAL CY4I.E8._....__ CoNoiitUTloN OF THK UNITED BTATBX DAY AND NIOHT, LENOTH OF. ECL1PSKS FOR 1800. _ >Q| INOXXfl ANO 80I.STI4.ES FOR 0P. Bw&ty^^ gStl!?_¥ffiS^*V__ OF ffBB UBFTXD TtIuaB war, 8KETCU of tux RANsAS IN lUi- LASD FOR TBI LalNDLESS. _L.r.TKRS4' PLENIPOTENTIAEY AND B1N18TXXB REBIDENT. im l-ATIONR !'rf.'.*_ k'RT,Voi -V.AR VOTE FOX flY BTATEX Rk TUIlNH OF* K.I.KCTION8 in xll tbe Stxtaw boidlng Oetl- .raJ 1 le. tiin. durlnt the ye*r IU*., __efully cmpilad expraMly _..¦ THfc TRIBUNE ALMANAC, and compttad wiM M__tt aeeliut.. for oonveuient tefereoca. BEA-ONB. DI'RATION OF. BKNAiK OK THK. UNITF.D BTATES. BLAVF. TRADE, FORRIUB. fiii*EREIOM OF RUROrX. __,- 8TARS, MORMNO AND EVENINO. B'lAl K OOV KRNMENT8. ivPRK-S LOCRT, JUDOE8 OF. TRUE_kBUXY EB___AT_J FOR 1PR I*BM .jeTa'-JJ'pfepB-)- «*- <****> B ca _tt, Amarte* eeto, ty-^t-xgfrgBllBtBPMlPq,,__, j,^., i^^0_^^Trt; ¦?** Atdtaat Mun-Ata^ rfb ^ Buddl,_gt, N.w T.rk. Qluttonerp anb Sancj} <g>oob*v._ D ______ f..r IMC__1 _*__*__$__<$_£ wholt-kir.-d retalli i>n.me,cla! > NVEL41PBB »B^« M-i NOTR PAPFB *i - p*i raa-; ,!*JJa\%£_mMA »l.a,d FfNlLBCAP .. .! »t*____*l AW'°i_Li u, ?A1ER, tU BT kTlt»Y$t£^j£^^ CDrp <2>oo-8. AliREAT OPPORTUNITY. TREMENDOU3 BAR-AINS (I.OAKS J.ND FUR8. FII.PIN'H F.NTIRE rJTOCI- RIJHT P08IT1VELY BB «>-__. M ._.,.. DURINO THF. MONTI1 OF -ANIJARY, QliTE REOARIH.E8S OK TOHT, AS HE BETIRK8 FROM THE RETAIL TRADE AT THAT TIME. , Tb* rtor* wUl b* potliively eloted "JaJBtflWAB-B4,. _L___I HfcOADWAY, betweaaAfl-itj and Ith-ib. Ol/I NNil.hES k MOYNAN at* eloafag *-t the belanc* of their Hilkt at * great rednctlon. PricBi from 4/, 4,'-, 5/,.\6to ttjuirjuri._- ^7t"TirR0Al)WAY, batBflflB Amity and 4tli-«t*. Tie" 1 WII.KF.fl R MOYNAN ire bow lelling oil Ihr baUtnca of their DREti- OOODS at on- Biully I.OW PKH K-4. __,- VALKMiAl'LAID.SandSTRIPE- *i 1,6 ud 1/, w*ftb 1,6 asd 4 prr yaid. _ OT.O.VaNCLOTHS _t_0*-i.t*,wortk 75 c*nti p-r yard. Al.o, .lot of.mall brlght FLAiD FRENCH POPLIN8 at 80 eentt, worth * 1 p*r yard._ n-!-BROAUVVAY, between Amity ond tth-ato. if I NNiLKE, k MOYNAN ara oflrrin* OREAT UAROAINd io ALtr-WOOI. DE- LAINEri, full Lblate color, frox. 3/6 to 4/ per yard. Fariu.r prleat fiom 4/1. 6/ per yard._ _ **0 I BROAOWAY, between Amity and tth-ata. fljrl WH.KEH A MOYNAN. 500 doirn mer* fine FRENCH K1D OLOVES at 5/ per pair, werth 7,. _-____._ 1 heae Olovea we -_ ronfidently recomniead, a* they have given univerial latlifa. tion to our cuttomere. VJfJ IH. o a Id" way. .JO*/ T'JCKER bi raaaired ta ternpt and plaaee ibe Mlll'oa BY MEI.LINO OUT!! BY 8ELLINO OUT!! UNDER COST!! UNDER COriT!! AB t_« pretty toflettriflet of tha ¦*.*._. FLOWKR.S, REATHER-I, ORAND BRIDAL FAVORITES, 801REE C01FFURJ-8, 01 THR 8ET. J. T. reipeeifully remind. hii petreas, that fce ariH ihortly .*- *mmj More 7M Broadaay, two doort above -tb-it WITB AR E.NTIRE NEW 8TOCK OP OOODS, FOR 8PRINO TRADE. _ WM. mmmm\*ml\mV* CRA P-Tt3<)OD3 FAC" TORY. No 83 Fulton-av., Hrooklyn, eatibllibed 11)84..I wocld call tha attrntlon of the wholeaal. trade to my maiiuftc- ture of CRAPE O'MiDS, aa Colla... Cuff., Bet., Nailt, fce.. aud ran gn.mntra to tbowi boi.ie* who may favor me with tielr or drra. the nrwrat and rholee.t p-Ueru* of tha Bee*_u. good. wfctch plaaar and atll qni;k. Oootlamade up to ordar, and when ruitor-cn deilre it, ofthrir own in-iarie'... Teruit, a*b. Kor partlc.lart, .*U or addrett W. REMBLER, No. W Fulton-av., brooklyn. IX) HC^P^KniT MANUFACrURERH.. For aale. and eoiurUntlT en hand, round 3TEEL WIRE of the c-Mt brard, aither rouni, robed aad tanpered, or eovared, at the aweet market ericee, by HOBIaBa B,Rl_?-i. No*. .7 .nd 19 North Ftrat-rt-, WlUMinebargh, N. V. H. B..Covering lor tke Ua de._____________ S"lT_l_rf-iTNa ENTIRELY NEW.-Ive/i Petrnl Sleeve Buttoo. and Shirt dtn.li; alao 'Cuff and CoUat Ph-i ftr l.adiai, aad AraUte far Cbiidrea. They reoulre ne b-Uon bole. do nol Bufa*lrn. coiublae great bMotv *i-d utilitT. For -xla, wnc I*m_* aud .etail, al the Oald and 811. er Watr.h Ca-e Ma_.urec-ory of JOHN H Q1FF1N, Wo. 17 Vaaay-et., N.Y. fux*, KobfB, kt._ Flj^I*rr¥ijR8! FURS! AT A OREAT KJ-DUCTION. A OENEBAL CLEARINt* OUT. In ordar to make room for -prfe.g Oooda. I.MMwMUrml-ed.o^^^^ any otber aeiabnthmaaV I baaa aow marked dowa my irntlra itoek of RICH FURfl tBaadJOp. r .-ml le.i tban coat. i be l.adioe'attention i. re- ifaatAuly Iuvited to tbia magnlhe.nl aaiortment. T^ Ma BAJaT-l-, N*. B7 Caaal, onr. Weoeter-ot. Marble Building. 1Mro_n_-NT NEWrl FROM EUROPE. THE UUDSON'8 BaY FUR COMPANY, No. 54 Broadway. Havteg ju.t received by a .petial act of i'arllainairt, aa *_t*n.loa of tbeir cbarter *vr a liu.ltad time, gi*« bereby FUbLIC NOTIC- that thty wlH tellthrlr enllr* Stock of ' LAD1P.B' AND CHILDREN'8 FUR8 atRet.ii at AN 1MMENSE riACRIFICE, for Caah only. At tbeir Waraboute. No. 54 broadway, will ba k*pt op** po*itivrl> ouly for IU day. lougar, Ladia. and tfentlamen are raipectfi-Uy rruaeeled to eall a. aaily as po.ti.le. mmmt ' 1 By Order oftha Board, MAKK J. KINO, Dlreetor. for t\)t tjolii-ario. A~im_rTlCnr_U-B--NT^ for tbe HOLIDAY8 A CARD. Tba lebMrfti-v poHiely ealit tb* meatloB tt tha pubMc ual brg* and baaullful cellectioa of ifRAMF.D ENORAVINOS.PAINT1N08. PHOTOORAPH xftLe PALMER MARBLE8 In PArihK PARTOL'TS. WA FUR and 0IL-C0LOR BOXE8, DRAWINO INBTRIi MENT8, DRAWINO HOOKS fco.,' orming tb* mott np tharth* BBBBaaM dr the eemlng HoUdaya. *_ W. 8CHAU3, Ra 8-0 Broadway. IELLD-8 FOR HOLIDA- TABLEB. PETER OOOPEAi'S ¦BFIBBB 8HKET AND 8HHI.D I8INOl_ASa A prim. trtlr.r v. iy .xl.Lji.ely oaed fer iALV-R-FOOT JELJ.Y, itLA.NC MANOE, TABLE aud WINE JElI.IES. AnJ fot IEI.L1FTI.NO rBEBEBVEB Tb. flkred. with dii., tion. for otlng, it pat up in auiaU paob ^aa for KAMll. i L'SE, and t. aold hy aU tha principal Orooeri iad Druggitu Ihroagbout tb* United Staut. PETElt COOPER, No. 17 Ul Rl.l.MI HI.1P, Naw-York. (Jrinting. AT EVERDELL'", hia eebbratod WEDDINO CA RD», tpleudldly angraved. can only he had. Broadway, wruer of Duane-il. Ordera by bm_1 toliclted, aad apeeimru. teat A~T"\VM. EVERDELL tt SON'8, No. 1U4 Ful- ton-tt., "WEDDINO CARD8, NOTES, fce. Nole paper and EuvrloMi i-amped with plalnor oolored Initiali. (Eiub- Utked 1815.1_ C1ARDS, f 1 p«T 1,000; CIRCIJLARS, in quanti- J tla*. W) ta-nti prr 1,001', 8ILL-HEAD8, 04 50 per reem- m ECRLER'8 fr-iting Ottc*. No. 17 FulUn at, Naw-York. Wedding Carda, Notea, Envelopea, _kc..Broad¬ way StyUi Tbeee oelabrated oardi, eutraatvi ln thr hlgb- eatrtyie ef tha art, enly lt EverdaU'a, 301 broadway, eor. Duaue. (TljaiKcB for finsincso BXox. AMBR0TYPE aud PHOTOGRAPH GAL- LERY hi broadway FOR 8AbEat a barralu on accoiuo- datiug leru.i. Tba pur,ba*ar taught tbe art, li detired. A rure .-b-nr.e lor auy one wubing to engiga in tne Irniueaa. For par- tieular. apply at KlMbALL'ri, No. 447 Broadwaj. 1X)R t-ALE.A"weTT-aUbliBhtAd C-tintry NEW8- ' PAPEIt. domi ago-d bu.lne... Apply to Mr. THOMAf h. ROOREH, tureuiaa ef Tbe Tnbune Prlntlng Otfloe. FOR 8ALE-A flouriihinK BOY8' HCIIOOL in BHOOKLYN. worth from »I,-UU to fll.'.mua year. Ad¬ drett 8CHOOL, 1 ribune Office. SEALED PROPO.SAL8 will be received by thu fcchool DfEc ra ofthe Bevanteenth Ward, at the office-f tha i Urk of tl.e board of Educalion, eorner ol Orand and Elm-tti, unul WEDNE.SDAY, tbe 15lh day of January tlnat), al U o'clock, Loon, for repalrii.g, paln'lug, furuiibing, aud heatlng Ward Prbooi Ilouir No il), Ui aaid .evrutreBlh VV*rd, p..rai, aot to plan. aud ipe. lb, aliuu. on aie, aud to be teeii at the utt>. a of Ibe -upeiia'endrtit of rirbool building. No. 'M Cr.aby-.t. lioeo.al. u.u.1 coutaiu au e.tUnate lor r.. li brau.-.b of tbe work Mpaialtlv, and b* iudcrwd. 1'iopo.il. l"..r niaaou work. pro- mtmt .'or ,-np.nl.r wora, propo.i,. for paiuting, P'opoaala for tunniting propoaal. for haaliug aud racb prop«*al uni.t iir b> dorwd on th* oul.'.de, witb tbr uama of Ibe ptrty wuo olfer. iha 'Iwo ir.poti.ible and apprcved luretlei wil! be retpiired from eacb eoutiat tor. 1Ur bri.ool tlfliceriof the NNard re^rve tha right tn rejr.-t __» _r aii o:" laid uropoiitl., U* deemrd for the pnbli.- ln.ernt to __-£ lkANII.SlirS.iN, 1 JU.-EPH MKJliltP., Buil_in, KAMCEL CANlhM 1., } c-mmi II IIHtBERr NNILL'AMS, I Committee. MICIiAEl. 1IAI1N, J_ CECOMrMOM'OAGE8 WANTED..The un- Odrr.igned will puicbaae 015,fl0io a*'.°"'»of good.lM.riae- ondMongkg-'" tmprovrd N.w-York and BrooAiyu i'ropertv, rr llrtt Moiig.gr. on ( ouiitiy Karun. J. N AN BtjKC>, .i(o.M WllUaui *t Room l*o. 7. Offica houra from 11 ui. to 1 p. m. A\'AMKD.T« nive in EXCHANGE br u TT FARM .,r NV K.V1KRN I.ANDS, a light, genterl, anJ hlghlyrai.»-rtkblalirrtlBE.SB, In thi. city. Addra-t MA.NI.- FA( i I'RVR. 1 rtbBM Ortiitr, with full litim. WAN l KD.A Peraofl with tmae Capital tt. take an INTKhKBTIntwoCOAI. YaltDS.uow diing a ikid bu.lnr.*; or, If afafctra*. aM wB b. Sl.l.H App'y *t u.a Diug Stoir no. 1.0 < b.rry-at Naw York.at 1 p- m. «"T tluM| . PABTNER VVAN'IET). with | l" rtl" ". *|.ia.i r.th, toi'.in another witb MBM _n,oi ni tf petchlM .ti r.labll.had Mrr.a.ilii. Bu.ln. -a in a proipei-ni ronditloi,; a NVhola.al* and ltrt.il 4ti,re, w.t- t kinl f.iU'irtrou.pli-tr ie pi.il.nJiy i.irlymrt witn kafai) tai'Ol-il h - Vt HliNr Y, No. Ji' ro_dw.y, loou. Ni 11 !3.m*.8.m.nt0. DRAYTON" PABLOR OPEIUS. l'OLYTECIINIC INSTITUTK, BROOKLYN. KVF.BY EVRNlRi) _ 71 KXCEPT SATURDAY. Alao. SATURDAY AFTERNOOV. Mle'aleek TUFbDAY MOHT. Jan. 10, "NOTHINO VENTUBE NOTIIINO IIAVE.V Beuor Ollveira. "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER." Placea tecured xt mutic >toi«. md ticket offic*._ LA U R A~ K E E~H E ' »_T H14TBS. NEW 8COTTISH DR _MA TO-NIOHf, TUESDAY, Jix 10, injfi, AND EVKRY NIOHT THIS vVEEK. M rt AG..FS R4IBERTSON, at JEANIE DEAN3 Biu LAURA KEENE, t* EFFIE DEANS. ln Sfr VV»lt*r -ott't beau'-Ifii! 'lomettie ttory draoittitad .1- prewly for tblt Tbeater, by DION B41UXCICAULT,«.., author of Jeitie Hrvwu," ib thxbb ACTf, JKAMK DEAJSS, THE HEART OK ".IO-LOTHIAN. Fredoced .e-.der tkedirection ud fnperintondoiice of Mr. Bo«. ta,t,M' \.KW SCENERY AND NEW C03TUME8. ED1NBURUH .N 1737. ^^ Qf ^ ^^ m^^FZ&&Wfo TO .BOOTH. « j _ A uew Overture te tbe Hetrt of Mid-I.othian xnd new dexcrlt. tive niutic.bave beeu compoted exptettiy to accomptnyand illua- BPS thB ttory. b,^ ^^ _ __,_ Dratt Circle Seat* u»y ke facuredONA WEEK ln advxnie. Doori p«nxt ii|o',.-loc*.i_rfor____.e to couuueaue M 1#. Ptrformxnce ever M 10 o'eloek. _^^^^^ w ALLACK8 THEATER. Door* open »t 1, to eonunenca ti Tk, MOHK NOVFLTY. TWO COMKDIE8 4)u tbe 8am* Nitkt. A HU.bAND TO ORDER, FLANCHE'8 -OMIC DRAMA In Two Aet», called THK tRI-H KuBT, TO-NIOHT (TUESDAY). J«i. 10, AND EVERY NIOHT TILL FURTHKB NOTICE, Tbe New Comedy in 3 Anta, bow erowding tbe Loudon tbeater, cxlled BOBBABD TO ORDER. Bxrtr. de Bexn.e (. retnrned MpJrxnt nohlemxa).... Mr. BM Pl*ne Mxreeao (ta offieer ln the !. iperixl arroy).l__Usr WalUck Acalole I.atour (xyoung Uwyer)................Mr WaMM Phillipeau (a wnaltby faroir,r,e_a*in to Plerrt, Marc*«"lMr. Blafce Hervaut... Mr Olivor Joaepbitie (t he *tl_r*n'i aia_«).Mra. Ho«y Kli-e (tb* Baron'tward).....Mra. Bloan Madune Philtipean.-Bi. yernen The Ori-bextra under tbe dtrectioa ef Mr. X StoopeL Te eouelude witb tbe Coiui.: Drxmx ln 1 xctt, cxlled TIIK IBI-ill POaT. Terene* O'Orady.Mr. Broujham Mr. eherlffCapaieomb.Mr- Young Mr Uanholouiew Lane.Mr. Bpor* OeorgeLane........ Mr.lovd John.M>. Partfo* Mn. Capiicomb.;;M".b',>*u Mn Lump.M_- *?">' Mary Capticamb.M1.I Pyne TO-MOHROW (WEDNESDAF) EVENINO, A HUnHAND TO ORDER. THURSDAY EVKNINO, __.__ A BUSBANDTO ORDEX. Te eonelude etck evening w itb_ TUE 1RI. H POST. P.rfenuxBce wUl tmminate by UM o'clook. Box boox open ln xdvxaca. The new xnd tplendid PWy, eoutialint el a proiogue and Ave xctt, <_<.*d THE ROMANCE POOR YOUNO MAN. will be the aaxt uovelty prodaoeX w 1»,TER GAKDEN. Kaiuillet wbo kate not yet witnened tbe perfonnance of tbe ¦_rauit of THE OCTOBOON; Oa, LIFE IN LOITI81ASA, Are refpaetl'ully iufotinej tbat thi. bexutifil picture of South¬ ern tceuary and Southrru li'e can on,j be pretented for a LI.M11KI) NUMBKR OK NIOHVS. Oa tbit evening, TUESDAY, Jan. 10, it will be performed for tbe br-neat of _ Mr. OEORGE HOLLAND, thtt veteran favorite appearing in the part of Squlre Bunoytide Salei. ^ruddor, . Yantoo Overteer, Mr. Joteph Jelferaon; _o*, the Oct-roon, Mr*. J. H. Allen- Jaeob McCloakey, Mr Bangt; 1'bl'I a V ellow boy. Mixt Burke; Pete, xn old tlave Mr. George Jxmitoo; Mn. I'eyton. Mra W. R. Ulake; Oeorge f'.-ytoa. Mr. A. II l.avtnport; Dorx Sunnytide, Mrt. Moddxrt; Rutt, Mxt* of tbe Mxgnolix, Mr. H.rriion. Sext* may be ee ured tU day* inxdvtnce. Doori tre opeued .t 7 o'clo-.x. Parformxnoe ceiu- meure* xt 74 preeitely. On SATURDAY, tba 14th, tbere will be * mornlng perfonu- tne* of TPE OCTOROOM, or tbe convanienee of familie* xnd pertont living Bt a dlttanre. Chlldrtn wlil be tdmitted at kalf price. ^__________ BARNUM" AMERICAN MUSEUM. MASTF.R CAXLO FERRATI, Only 10 yeart of tge, On'y ten yexri *f aft, Who will make, lo fbll riew of the tpectatort, . DaRINO ASCENT ON A TIOHT RyPE, Ftoa TH. 8TAOE TO THfc OIDDY HEIOHT .f tke reof of the Lieture Rooru. Tl KSDAY. Jan. K. -Evening,nt1|o'ciock.CARLOFF-RRA- Tl'a TEHRIK1C KEAl ; arter which tne beautiful Comedy of A L THAT OLI1TERS 18 NOT OOLD; follow-l by THE CAMP AT4!HALONS-Or.THE RIVAL PAOF.S. Afternooa at 8 o'ciock. The daring Ttght-Rop* Atcention of Carlo F*rrali after wbicb. tbe DUMB OlRL OK THE INN, and TdE PHE- NOMFNON. _ __ W_ figure of Otxwxtomir) Brown; two Speert from Hxr- per't eny Link of tbe Sbacklet thxt were out by Copoia xnd Look; xuto,r.ph Letter froui John Brown; x Living Mxrbled Sexi.xndtwo Ktngxioot, exu xll be leeu, together witb tbe MW),i 00 curiotitic*. AdmRtanea, »c*M*; Ckildrea BBvler 10, U eeatt; Pxrquet, ll twato axtrx. NIBLO'B 8ALOON.~ OEO. CHRIBTY'S MINBTREIa^. _m MONDAY EVENINO, Jxn. 9, tnd F.VERY EVENINO DUR- IN.i THE WKBK. In centBSJBSBM ef the unlimiled pationxga bettowed opon th. blxbly xmudug Comedy, MRS.DAY'8 lEW-YEAR'S CALL8 FOR 1P0, aad tbe JUVENILE CRYHORN CONCERTS, wbicb bave been witne.led by over 8,000of tbe mott esthu'lattto and blghly deli.hted auditon during tne paat waek, tbey wiU be coLtinued uutll funber notica. OEO (iHRI. 1 Y, tke Princa of Etbiopian dolineaton, la bl* great urigtual obara. et ofKETER DAY. M AS1 t.R KUUENE, .ke Wendar," ln bit orinlnal ckaracter of LUC1NDA DAY. Mr. EDW AKDs. tba only perton in tbe clty wbo d*no** th* EttenceofOld \ ir, nny Mei.n. CAMPIiCLIa, OltiVFiN, IIEBMAN, xnd REEVE8, tbe bett Vocal Uuxrtette lu tke Minatrel Profattion, ln new Songt, Cborutet. B_ Ths great Skxting M.tcb between Hlgbflyer xad Tramxa. xnd tha extiaordinary abiiltlet of Peter Day, will be axhioitad EVERY EVKNINO. Koi full partleuixrt .«. Prcgr*aunaw. Door. op* b tt «*.to eouimenco M 1|. Tlckat* 15 eanU. M R. and MR8. G. VANDENHOFF . DRAMATIC READ1NOS, AT HOPE CHAPEL. TO-NIOHT .L.DY OK LYONS. After whick, by Mr. VANDKNHOFF, TennT*on'. CHAKOE OF THE LIOHT BKIOADEI Tlcketi. witb BeMTved Beatt, 5c centt; without, 25 tentt. Commenee M 8 o'ciock. LiGiiT guahdballT" L1UHT OVAJtD BALL. LIOHT OUARD BALL. ACADEMY OF MU8IC. ACADEMY OF MUBIC. ACADEMY OP MU61C. TUESDAY EVENINO. TUESDAY EVENINO. JANUARY 10, 1880. JANU4UY 10, 188* Tbe Ball Rcom Floor will be New-having been bullt, ea ixu- provtd principle*. at a e_*t ol R 1,800, *xprs**ly for tbit ball.Mag-Bcent Deeoration., Flxgt, BaBBrr*. Mirrurt, Sln|iBg Blrdt, ho. DODWORTH'8 BANDH. DODWORTH'S BANDX ONE HUNDRED MUSICIANB. ONE HUNDRED MUSICIAN8. Tlck.t. Two Dollar*. Aduitttlng * (ieotlemxn tnd Ladlct; To be kad M tM pnueip*! kotal* and miiaie rtor**. VAh AMBURGH tk Co.'s MENAGBRIK, AT PALACE OARDF.N8.144. _4.,o__rSt_i *v. Et*ry MORNINO, AKTERNOON and EVRNlNt*. Anio_la fat xt II o'ciock aath d»y _ T LION8 Mi I.IONEBHE*. 4 TIOERS. 4 x-F-OrARDR ORAND AQUARIA; CHINESK MllK DUKHfl. THE ONI.Y MENA41KRIE IN AMERICA. Trlek Pur.y, Poay and Monkry, Malt**» Jack. Oraat war alrv pbant llxoiiibxl, i-iof. Lxngworlhy'ftraiued l.ion*. 1 itert, l_op- ar,l..l-r A liberaj REDUCTION M ADE to SCI1Q41L3. vv IILL BIIOKTLY CLOSE. ROSSITF.R k MIONOT'S PAINTINO, "THE HOMK OP WA8HINQTON AFTKK THE WAK," Ob exti'ltlo. at tka ACADEMY OF DKSIO.N, 1 __.**., aaat Broadveay, Ihb I a. ai lo i p. tn., and botu 1 to 8 av«nl.Tg_, tji. 1.-..U, -t*M__ J. MoCLURE. IJAL.MKK" STAll K, "TUE WHll'E OAPTIVE," on aihib.tioii al acn.trB'H OaLLBRY, B*. taa broadway, Between llouttoo aad HlretilM .'. Adulatiua M oenlt. Opeu from 9 a. ot. to I. p. ta. B~ ANVAHD'** GBEAT IMcri'UE, THE ORISON Bow on Exbibltiuii at xx e,i.,n'i Oallery, No. IM Rrsadway. ADMISalON FREE.' WAUGHR PANORAMA of ITALY, at tha Chapal ef rtuteara Inetltote, No. BM Madlaoa tt will ploaeitorilivalyenNN'Ft'NF.SDAY. Jan. 11. Oaaa aver* AB- 1 ERNOON ai 1, aad Ib iha F.VRNlNO at 7. a'tUtk, '1 ukeia .5 eeut*; '.hiidrea lO eeat*. LIGHT GUARD BALL -NOTICE to HACK- MEN..All drlvere of cvrlagee wili aet down theiraeea- paay with ihair horaa* beading toward IMh-at, and take ap in 'evaraa order. By ordi r of AMOa PIL8BURT, Oaneral ..p.rtntaaa-a-. NEW-BOWKBY GALLERY . FJaa PAJNiS Nij.-...un __,. Paint.uga old asd inodarn, ara aeweeTaced it rrdocad pric*.. Coni.ot..riirt and coliertor* may Aad PVa tt.re. of hlgh rharaatai ._ ti.i. collaetion. Paintlngt beagMaeA .Old on conio.le.t_-, or rx.!ian_ed, at lha. NEW-BOWK.RN OALLBBY OF ARTH, _ ___^ No. M New Bowery neer Jama*-*t.. !T. Y. HITLOCK'- PRP.R PIOTURE OAI.LKflY OB OIL PAINTTROB. Wa IM CAWAlr-fla. OfBtB. W ALADY eng.jvyd iw teaching aa governeM at tbo Bouth rnlng hom* tolhr N.rth Wi.hr.* .ituatiou *. OOt ERrTESB or laa" Young I.idiaa'Scbool." Ad- drr.a E. V. II., humiuerleiu, AnguHa .o Va., Ml* of Wo. R. Diiiilap, e*l. ______________________^___^_ FAMILY~si.WING WANTED.-An Aiaorbaa NN'i.low nr. n.tnmrd to doing ".-wiug for familiaa at aar own bou.a, i'» u.ily In want of work th* baai of rrlhreaea r.aa br rlven. Tb* enevoV ut may b* _**>ir.-.t of .lolug a kindly wt by givlog ber work immadiately. Appiy at No. 220 lit-i*., oom No. i'i. s 31TUAT10N WANTED.By a genti««l yoang 5 CJlrl, buMKAMSTRESS Md toaeitat u CHAMBERMAIO md iu WAITINO, ca,. givetoo.l ciiy raferenc-t. Apply at Na 2u llth-it., between Mh end ath-BV- WANTT D.-By"a young WOMAN, a litaatioo ¦tCOOK, Wa«HKB, iud I.onar. Th* b*-t dty raBr* ence. given. Apply to or iddreu No lo6 Weat BBbtt- WANTED.By au-^neat Proteittant Woman, a 81T0AT1ON; I.-goodplah. Cook. a .pl-adtd Waebei and Ironer. and an *xc*li*ut Baker of braad, piae, fce.; win da llonarwork ia of kiud .iiapoaitiou aad -b-_n ua hor work wiU go to tha country. (au be »**.i at No. H4 BiMdway, ap ttair*. W~^TeD--A -itnatiiin, by a Protegtant roant WOMAN at !.At.">lJBE ri or Cl AMUZR.vf AID, vad PLAIN cEWF.R, In a privete family. tlood eky wtoBa Can ka aean at No. Ul VA aat 31M-.I between 7th and 8Ma.., Can be ie*ii for two dayt. ALL FAMIL1E8 wautmg uuod 8ERVANTS. OemiM. trl.h, 9<*tc_, Engli.h, fcr.-tydl at tba !?»- 8T1T'TTE au i HOME OF DOMr..sriC8, N*. 138 Etiiauth- .L.eorBerof Slxth-av. Thtaeatauaivr o'tc* bw abaadaaae of civt!, eapal.Ie belp to uil all, al a.laii wagaa. Condactod by a reapeetarle Amanaan lady. CaB aad aaa._ GARDENER WANTED.One wbo __dtw-tanda ibe CARE of t GREEN HolTSE pwtVUy, aad wb* la aot ifiaid of work. Addreea Bo_ No. 1,180 V-tt-OBee._ RBAT CURI08ITY.Particubra aeat iTee.. Ageate wantod. 8HAW fc CLARK, Tilddsford, -U-to. fOBX'OMPOSITO-TWANTED..None bot a ' ikilled hand Bee.i iflP'r- FRANUri HART fc Ca. No. 61 CouitUndVtL G SALESMAN WANTED.In a Hat Cop, and ritraw Oood. Jobbtng Houae. On* who eaa .__ti__-C* a Bb- eral txul «afe trade may applv to _ M ki. R MOODY b Co.. Na 18" Broedwy. SERVANTS in GREAT ABUNDANCE.. Frenck, 0.r____, 8-*4_h, and Iriah, toaether wii_ Eugu_h, French, and Oeroiio firrtclaa. COORrl, wfth good rat^mm*. m.T be obtained at Ihe rooma ot tho EMi UJYBE.XT «1J- C1ETY, Noa 1.and 14 Bible Hou_a Mh ¦_, betwr a Marut ttb- avt. A lady ln atlendauce. The Oerui-a, ItalUa, aud FTancb iaiiguage. tpok.n. ri^EAC^HER..Wanted by a young gentbman a X iltuatlon ln aome privata family, Aeademy, or CollMeto TEACH th* phytical iciencet, mat-e.uatlca. or French. H* i* agrsduateof aNew K.Dt_uid Colleg*. a d can faruith th* b*m of raferencea. Addrtaa F. 8., Trioune Offlo*. WANTED.A YOUNG MAN aa Clerk in a ata- tlouary Storr: one who under.laudt th* b-ilae**. Ad- diM* Box No. 1,586 Poit Olfic*. itauug releMBM. WANTED-^Aneat, tidy Girl, toCOOK, WAfiH, TT IRON, and inaka her.all generally ntefol. A_»o, aOirl for CHaMBERWURR and WAIliNO. Nooa need appby without tha beet of city rtferance. C*U *t No. W8 2d-at., eor¬ ner 18th-*t. ______________________________ WANTED.AGENTS in every city and town. An ictWe peraon, with a MpiUl of #25, e*n tuak* flM rjr week; rerpeciabl* article Addreai J. E. COOLEY k Co., ooghkeeptie N. Y._______________________ W'AJSTED..flOO per M.mth can be mado flflU* ing 8TENC1L PLATE8. Tooli fo-outt__gt_._ePI.ia. fatnl.bedfar 010. Innperianra-d peraon* eaa out tb* Plave*. Fer paitic-lara aldieea (i-c-oeuia itamp) P -OrJNMll.LII-EN, Uwraoc*. Maaa. 5 1 _l_f_ TRAVELLNG AGENTS WANTED. gT_pVFvF lo aaai my arepaiatiea, whieb will yl«td a am large eompan.a'ion For p«rtiruian a ldreea, with atamp, A. C. WILCoX, HtitUviile, Oceida Co., H. X._ Id kd wa YOUNG MEN ot amull meana oaa .\yT_rt / make over 100 per oeni aara profit ia city or eeoar by Boitoaaaaaay aaaf.il. bonoral'W- Dr COOK. 90 Or-od.it. £oet anb foxtnb. j 0«T.A Bowery 8aving« Bank BA.NK-BO0K, J No. 140,449. Tbe bnder wid ple*** le*T* it at the Bank. '_ MAT.LDA HILU LOST.A NEGOTIABLE NOTE of ftWO 25, drawnby t.ULLINM, (Jd.H.SELI. fc Go., and aay.b:. a* (on__*>rial liraurh Bank, (laveland, Ohlo. with enrreat rata of axchenge iu New-York. 8aid aota maiarea eigbt MBBI froai rirpu 14. 1»--, aal ia p«7**le le lb. order of tke draaara, aad -iJorted by them. Th* obJe«t of thia _dvertiaem*Bt I* to eantloa th* pabBa Bniait buymg uid uota. * TWEIDY BR08. b Ca _OfDaabary, Ot L~08T.rn^ew^York City, a POCKET-BOOI., coBtalnlog 010, and papan to tbe amouat of abont 01,>W. The payme-t or tbe paper. i. atopped. 1 Iir nador wUl reoetve Tllby leaving tha book, inouay and papera, with tha Rer. OHN C. OULD1N, No. IM Rivingtoa at ABKAH aM OULDIN, PotietowBL, Pa A $o tUliom it fllarj Ccncem. LL Penons are bereby forhiddan to traat my wi/eROriALlE DlMON, Iai* of Llma, Pem, a. aadabta aontrietetl by her w_l be reeognised or paid by me .Naw-Vork. Jan. 1, 1860._JOHN F. DlMON. OUR LADY READERS wUib* pleated lo iearn lhat MADAME MARTENSE (of Paria) ka. added to her DREbriMAKINO E.STABLISHMENT, No. 189 Oreeue-it (two doora north of Bleecker), a larjo aantbeT WHEEtER k WILBON'S 8EWINO-BACBINRB, aad vi iii execute ali kindi of FAMILY SEWiNO with expedttlon, ln tbe beat poeaible manurr, and at ONE HALF THE PRICE USU4LLY C11AROED. ha wiil B,»o amd into FainUiea, reaidtng in City or Country, by the day or week. MACH1NES AND FIR.ST TLASS OPERATORS.' thereby obviatiog the ueceaalty of puichaaina a Maehiae, aaA itfttrwerd being tro.ibled witii keeping it lu ordar. B. COLEMAN St, SON have opene^UB a EUTAW HOU6E, in Baltanora_ -TX) PHYSICIAN8.-A Phyflifl-aa of more BMB Jl M yei r«' p. a -tie* iu oue btction (ui lb* lower part of tha city), about removi.ia up town, de.irea to diepoae of tba auu* aa favurable tera... No better .rbiauce to bo had iu the city. Addr.-.i Dr. RENNEDY. .No. IM Duao* park. R Jprofcs-ional NottccB. Oltiee for Prucurtug_ A MERICaAN and FOREIGN PATIiNTS. J. P. PIBS80N.NO. 5 WALL-8T.. N. Y. A paniphiet of laforntattou aert tt'o by a.*!- D~RTciIAJlLE8~8WEE'r lntoD** '*> bn B New- York, at tb. N-Joual Hetel, No 5CoortU_dt-t- i^f*mu, No iti Ubarty-at.), on Toe*laya aad Wadmtdart, fkafttarmi waak ln taci mouth, eommoncl-d I>a-ambar. HR M aOaad to Bona-rtting, Hip ...d Spiuel Dl---«_ r""8<__J ?S_?___ and Rheumittc diffic-Hla*, C«Mr*-Md Carda aad Caraato Dl.raar.. _______^_ FI 8MITH N«. Ti Wfttiidtt., three doora > weatorr-tb-e*., rtENTIfT, of Brteen yeara eapartaasaa ._______. to lu-ert ARTIFICIAL TEETH, -WPI__ii_rwi_ "_ti_u.-. Ouuf NVork ah» «n 0.ld aadllUlrar KlMo. aud VbV £_teri!i:n,. fl-_»i..« «- KateMd-iarkb Mra aad baaa* gevee. Cbargea mo_.r.te. Work guar.nl aed._ On. FI-ATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 4T . Tbird tt.. rit. Luala, Mu.-COMMIririlONER for NF.W- YORK. OHIO, IONVA. CONNECTICUT, and tb. uiher StaUw. Aaa Mrrrantile Agency for the Eatterti aid rloutbera Stataa, pvile.iltr kttritl.,. will na gl vrn to th* prompt eollaoflon of afl elaima intnttted to I.i. _r. ln thia oteie. Md Sootharti lllooia, aod by rripouaible correapondantt tt all point* along tbr Miaito tippi and Mlbouri l-Ma*. above Cincliiuati. lliPiKaM. .»: IIou. Erattut Coraliig llrriny Taiu.i 11 iiibbIL mor- bant; M.i.r.. Martla fc Smith.,NVu,. Rant, E. H. RlmbalL NV hituig fc t iart, NV. E. Noyea VYu. M. Tvarti. At'.r.-v, __4 Coiinaajoia, New-fork; J... 1loru~r and Danlei M. NVilaoa, *. i. -rchanta, aad HoraceOreaJaty,e»o New-York City ^o Sp-jT-otrun. I^NGLISH 8KATES, GUN8, PI«TOIa8, Abt., J wiiolaatia aad retail, al ALKRJtD WoODUAB'fl I" ai.n'i Depol No. U4 Hreadwav Coal, &c. WYOMING VALLEY COAL, 05 PER TUN. Oidan raratvrd al the oflfee ot* th* CoOflMV, No. B NViUiaa. it, adeltl, Yard. No. 8818tk-*v. 4or6(f. Carriugee, &t. WOB 8ALK-A QUARTER OOACH, made b, M- one oithel-eat city makera.haa only baaa ma a l*w iLaea aad will be*old low, aa tha owuer haaao fkrthar aaa for U. Ta b».B.y.uktliii.KS'.S.ubiet, Noa.18.__d 191 Marteret. froa fl a ua. to 4 p. ui.
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · um. VOL- XIX.R*5,838. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1860. PRICE TWO CENTS. _____w-a-wrpAl-^*r»«*'*0~~ Ry HOBAIXB _,._-.. ., inaiii xmb lF.ee. M»aarai.t-s-BBBTV


_ ____ w-a-wrpAl-^ *r»«*'*0~~

Ry HOBAIXB _,._-.. ., inaiii xmb lF.ee.

M »aa rai.t-s ei '*-*J|53-. raa citt uu,-BBBTV*,2rtk*r. M 114 oeiivU p*. weak. Uafl

RM4_l1v«^^4-_-rM _l.avea; 8X tot At mantkt |


4_._r.Tan Sxtv_b»t MoaiiB*. at the low price of 81»-_T_^-^-~' T»"* C.0e.ft_ 85; Wv.r_nde.t_irXTT^ciMB. for 8-i Twenty Ceptea, te ene .ddre*. <**.d.^'JtLaSib-tM tke rate of 81 pei anmun.. 9»; TwentyfSj-Vt Pdieu af .*__. *ut_«.h_ (and xny larger nambar at

_-T__ a/ Rl R) *e_h), ****- Aay perton te iidin* Q* x rvlub of

ttaaVotmtVa "_TtWttod «. e. eatra oepyTabaerlpiM-¦^e_^___7_i«l-BV.rxVB.«-Tlai.ra. eeM ONEDOL.,__ f fcl UNE te aeok iaatrUoa.

THB BBHI-WEBI-.-Y TBIBITITB- .-a..-TrBtoxvand Fbidxt Moaitfta.,_*... ..J__S«_r IwtCaiaite 8S; NveCo»_efor |UX


X. __.B_.lhed bb U_ departere af axb Mail .it*ainer for Llverpee.5tfl_r^.--r%t_*ru,kJuded. Bia.. Cop__, BU Ceuta.

THB 1.BW--©KK ~*ll»VWB'_,__


kta-ad oa tM e*pxrtta. ot each 0aU Steatoer te A»p_xt 81 to par a-nutu Ptii.-le t opie, Slx ( ei-ta._*_

Spccial Xoticco.Kepabllca. 1 e.tral raMnitte. _<__?^%_ttj$__!-_-tioi of tfiit l Oiumittee will be Beld 011 W __l)NKSl>AY

Kktl-aNU, Jan. II, at 7} o'ciock at No IU Broadway.__,__..* _, . . ^ tABUUY. I bairman Couiuuttae 1859.H. T. Cubtblaid , J gee^tariet Com. 18M.OBO. bl-XBBOW, 1_

"l*eveaie*alh Ward I nloa Kepublieaa CMBReiuviu. tb*t tb* true intere*u of tbe country dewand toat th

a_e*4lo__ i-ow atit.tin, it .hould be debniuly .e.tled 111 ajcordioee with tbe piiurtple.«.i_bodled ln the D.-rlaritl'ti of Inde-

aaadratt and unxlterxblv oppo«_d to the further citeation ol a

.Wn. w.ir b, while tt oBly liA» to a compxrative clvUixatlon a

kxrberout people, degTBde. x tupeiior rxce, awl ob.truot. thetTc* e*. ot ...telll.ei.ee and ( hrl.tfanity, the under.igued berebyi,Ja ,ei .ruitelvei 10 ev.r, bot-orxble eflort toward a compir.-r,_u.vaa.in. of thi. Itlalrict aud to the uutuediate aud coii.uut

etacel*ii4.n of ">e documema oftbe campalgn. At a meeting ofJkXiiib Ward Uuik.u Republiean Club, beld tt No. *_

lioae y, ol patuniay rveniug, Jau 1, 18W, it wat unxoiinouaiy_.«._<«_ 1 bat ibe con._tu.io_, .dopted by tbi* club be p.ib-

b__d ln Tbe Trlbune, anl tbat al) pertoot retiding in tliltwar* tud ___.err.tfd favorably toward tbe objec. .et forth, beIsvurd 10 eall at tbe roooit xud et.roll thamielve, at memnrra.

1 bo next meeting of the club will be ,*_«_. at xn early day,wben tbe roiutituuon will be taady lor ilrnature*.

W. C. MAlbllALL, Temporary Cbxlraixo.C.XBUtt OBOTBI, StvcrrtarjJohn l-alor, W. A. tual'v, Jt.eph P. Ctx'per, Anthony Lam

kreebt, Jobu T.Brew, Johu xVebo, J. 8. Courtier. i_w_ J.Ki.x,W- 1 A.l_ui,rr, X L. Olibert, J. J. Oliver, Petar i'aii_er,

Temporx. Kxeemive C.ouimitU..

TXe Piiattaa Ileaae af tbe liaited Htatea.Uk.ORUE f. NEbBITT k Co.,

Basaaxi. Job PaiBTaa.,Bi___be Booa kU.t fx. .rita

Stxtidibbi, WaoLBsxLB axb Xbtail,L)TH0_)BFHU' PatMTBBt ATD K_.8HXTBB*,


Ebt.lof. MxarFxcrraaax,IBB Ct7T AKO CoLOB PbIBTBBI,

Mt- 07, IP xad ITI Pexrl-tt, xnd 79 Pine-tt, New-York,WUl Wtse tbe teccad edition of their beautiful Countl__|-llouteCaleiidxr for 1060 aad 1K1, oa XVe__oe*d*y morniug. Tbey uuyRe kal, without ebxme, ob sppUcatioa.

Breeklya Taberuacle laectare*.Tke tftk Lecture will ke delivrred by tbe

Ree. R. 8. BTORXS, jr.,On TUESDAY EVENINO, Jxn 10.

Bnioect, " Tbe Freacb UUtory aad Bpirit>'1 epea M 7; Lectare xt I. TiekeU, 85 centx._

laectare. by Dr. rudder.Tk* Rev _J)..Mvi 0 Bio UU..R, M. U., 1). D., Bill deliver

IP Rai CourM of KP* Lecture. ob india, ln New-York,AT THK t:i)t)PKR iaNSI'llUTE,


CoDimenciiigTfl Hl)AT KVKNi.Nli, Jau. it".Oa all*rua-« eaening^-MDNUAT and WKMNKSDAY, la

B.wYo.x. ilK*>UAl andTkirilBI)Ai'.ln Orooxiyn.jt, bc.jai'T.. Ibe Racaa of iuOla.Th*ir lj_n|uxfo*.Cnri-

ea. Cuatoma. Fxxira.I'ldixn ilerimU.liinoooWU aad Hindoo Woumsu.

UL Bc.JBCT..Pbjtical I'ecuiiBrttitw aud Beauti*i oftbe Coun¬try. 1 be Literature of India-Tbe Atbielo* xndJk.gg_1.0f Hiuoottao.


ML MbjbcT..'fb*. brabiadulc erie.thood.C*»te.Detcriptiouo) a *Uit toa'ieiupi* cuvrrtng more Uaui u-.uarre* of ground.Mude of W-'onhip.

tt. 9V*tneT.1Ua Aiiiif.ut Hindoo. and tbe Modern Atbeui-am*. ai Hiud00 1'anlbeum aud Botton Iraiitcajii-_-tniai_iu. v Drraert of Hindoo Pruverb*.

8. 8v».iBCT.lirilicai Ferioda lu the Uialory of Uie Bftti.hKtuplre la india.cvorne aocotuit of narller Muti-,_* and Ma*_nraa '10* Oreal Rnbelium.luRalun and Occaaio.i. 1 be Atrocitie* | how far«xx.*ra__d?.Hvreic Deeda.Dt.iiuy ef iudia.

Tke Lest-K. euailane iu.tn_i.ian with r.Lte_xifliuent.F_.iu eiuwa* wmcb xtteu.ed tke foruier courte, and the

Bat liiat «_il_ak 1 viuleut ia_t-*toriu ou Ihe cioaing eteuiug. tbeb<twt aaa 01m,. ta uverOuwuit, it may be feared tbat uiore ticx-.ta wUl h» tbau _«> be aceomiuudaled. Tlie ageul d»..niR prapar .> ttate ta.ail wbu obtaau l'uui_ tioteti abxli iuiv*

llakeu for ika. C_>ort* Bl- or a Oantleman aad Lady.ai M Lxtra !__*. N. reatx T**cbert and Stu.enU, bO.aat*. _.i_iaW at.__x ticxet*, So oenl*.

loi txle ai xll tbe eook-.toie* in .New-York xnd Brooklya, xadM tke __>t «u eveaiugt ef L__t_ei. I)eon opao al ., to ooa>-

1 al 8 o'clocA.

Breeklya .llereaatile L.lbi_unrLECTUREB.

Tka Ekrraiitk Lactuie of tbe courte will be d- iivertdby tba


TUEfiDAY EVENINO, Jaa 10, M 8 e'cloek.Bnbjeet:

"XOBERT BURN8: HIS LIKE AND POETXY."Ttcketi :*> eeult eaeb. WUl be aaid at tbe door._

Mr. aad .In*. li. VaadeaRaX'aDKAV.A ill REAtJIiN.S

At BOPE CHAPEL at 8 p- ni. A new programme every itbb-

pxfrt.m Sti»k««pvve, hheridan, Bulwer, UicXeii,, kclicietl, wilb Keaerved tiexla, 5o cemai wiUiuut, 85 centf.

The Beadder Lectare*.PRtt given xt tbe Cooper Inatitut*. xnd tlnee repetted in

xaaay of our laxge cltie*. bave e.erywkere beeu received wiihtha uiott uiibooiided .utbunaatu.iael>urMs U to be repvaled *t tb* Cooper IntUtute, oom-

BMaci-| Jxu. 9, xad Plviuoutb Cbutcb, brooklyn, eu-uueiiciaf

L^a'i rk.nee te bexr tbe Doctor before bl. departure for India

Br.. olaer'e Blx Lectaree, on The Four Kirtt Centu-tieaot t,hi-iuauitj," aillcomuieuce xt Cltntou Hall, Katt Bth-M on MOi-vDaY Jxn. Ib, 18-', at 71 oclkCk p m, aud coutueiaeu'.l!lllIt^UAYS and MuNDAYe. contecutively. iioketixt81, adiiiitting a Ixdy xnd geuHemxn; 81 for every adauiouxJlad, boldxlbchaiieuberga Mu.ic Store. No. 7t>» Broadway,Irxaeia't booktlure, So. 5j4 Broadway, Cbrlitern t Bookttoie,Ro 7u:i broaoway. Radde't Bookttoie, No. 800 Broadway, anlM tJ_k_d*t- botikalore No. 191 WUlian-et.


Dr. Beadder In Braoklva.Tbe Bet. Dr. BtiL'DDKK wiU give the ttrtt ef bit FIv E

Lli.il HK* on i.N.lA, xt the PlyuikiuUi (.burcb, Brooklyu,lHiHlu*.dav)EVKNiNO, Jan. 10. Tbe lectuie eomoiuei u>

tke bi,be_t degrer lu.'.ructioo witb xi/iuteuieut xiclett tor theeouxaaouly al. lor a gaallemau ana lady 81,10. Teacber._M btudenxt 5o eeutt. biugie 1 ickett 50 centt. loco__ue_ceM I o'cik-k-_Leettre rtotlce.-THOMAS 1). PARET will daliver tbe

¦axtleciure in tbe bound Brook lecture Courte. in tba .x.eth-aaUtChurc., Bound M.ook, N. J on 1'UE.DxY EVKNINO,Jua.lv. ^ub)er_, " ^*v* l'hougbi."

Breeklya Yaena Meo'e ('hrl.tlaa A.aeclatioB... Ibeteguur asou-biy mratiug wili be held in tbeir rooiot,Riovtiv. iuaiitule, cu T-KbOAl KVKMaNO. a*. ^ 0M00X.Au l.tay wiil beread bj t\M. V. TI'i'PER, e»q. rJuyect."Ibaliue Piiilabtbropy. Tbe publiu xre cordially fapppP

attead.Hai. af TeMpertl.ice..7'he Uuarterly Seation of the

Oi.t.a Iii-i.iou ni k-aatrin Nev.it.-ik wiU cuuumence onVXbbM.bAf Al'iKKNOOaN, Jau, 11, M S.'eleMB. ui, atRa- it* lulton it, bii.kaklyu. 4J__c_ri and Repreteulatirri ar«

taajuuBla. to ti* punctkaal iu tbeir atleodanca_JOHN DAXi_d, Orand Scrlle.

X Speetttcle Never Hi-I.re Wltaei___l In New-York.. 'iwu 1 bouaaud perriaua out lu tho uaidal of a pourinxBBJii »torm ta bear a l-eoturr. buebwaatbe fact at tbe laat ofakr Mudder lo.i*e g vro Nov tl, attbaCoopar In.tit-U- Dr.RlL'-DKK, by urgeut ix<aaat 01 aouie ol tha leadinx eiam ofaai eity, repaaU Ibe Courae, -wiutiiniag IIONUAY Jau. 9, tttk* 4 ooper lnttitute, T0*EBDkY, Jaa. 10, .t U_ Piyuijutut___turb, Jt. v. Heury War. Beoc'.er't, brooklyn.R'*t fall of dry .fatlelle., bit mautn* oV;.r wtm xvit,

Blilt.lv, _d l-AlllO.., Bl. DX BCLXUER'S INDlALKtitREb._Tw KdllOl_i7l -i-Iiaher*, dkc..A eeutleu an tv- -u.t.med

to iu|p'yiu<1. __al» wltfca__cla*,__Bf aatke. .ei,' dephrt-.ieior _. iri.pa- de.ireito *«;t at u r. liaoie ojtRKM (_.!')..v.1 loi ...me ,..p.,._ule joiiina. Ad.ii.a. or callea Br. F).l.K.S, « aiiloruia Ageu, ), No. 14 An_.it., N. i

r-fiae al aar » ery (.aod 1'c-uple » u* **y w truuiaeJve.," P*_a. Nouody -.. a Mia.ioi,»r* 1 dont w»ut ... iear nitu '.

.ueyattend onr of th. ,.t 1'llllKH laXOTUXRB. baveRheaX opixUuxia on tbt* poiut .uddenly cbau.* _,

4_e.eral Haclely of Vfeebanlca aad Tradeanea.-Tka xaiiual tu. ob of 'jtheer* ol tbi* l-ciMy,Xi tbe .b*u_igyrar, aill be h. id nt idetbaoioa' rlal,, N0- 4_!Rioacwuv, onTCKSDAY. Jan. lu, 1860, xtl o'aleck p ui. TkaaaU wll! be clottd at 7 o'cloct p m.

WM. VAN NORDEN, Ber.retnry.Halaaxna Ia. Hall,

J.AVS OK/lta-,Bemevid '.ou. No. 10 to N'o. 18 VX'all-tt.

8. L. Hi i.l. C. Co.XBUL

Itir Monun.eul JTTT8 -BlIaB ~~' 1 3rASt.Y.YORIB1S wv, a- mr IB cvurae, alClil*>'TOBBALL, Aat-irp,*,..- ., RVKNINO, Jau. II, al «

o'eloek A ur. _,iaa, kl.. 1 artb, and

0* orlgli.vi t. tfbeau Mo'ib.lut,Lakea, Coal Hed* aud V .. ,__..«,_. ll.u.t'uled l»v diakgTB-U, ui.tw,**¦ JOflN H WIlI'l }. ( f.tkiri&ian i.-.t.re onoUUe..

.tf* . B_»w r^wi__~A__eblae. M0.w,k,. .. ,..roiufMtitr |>akKKB MA4.IINK, uuderl*f*-*f Hi-re. (,,0ver k bi-.er, and W bari.r * XX

_4._eU~'-«'«l|e-lbieM, _-k-alil.li,boi...-a. .p,d le .'.Ul-.l¦**l""* UHM)., a Co No >..:, Ur,.aJw*y.

Dr. Keadder*a l.eetare.Tbe Rrv. Ot. bt I'lu.P.R wi.l give the bret of hl* Tlve Le*.

tnrei vn 1NDIA at tbe liy.i.outb Cbureh, Hrooklyn, THII(.oe.day) F.N ENINO, Jan. 10 riubje-.t: " Tba Race. of lndia,thrir 1 »ugnag*», Curiou. Cuattima, Kakiri, indian lirnuila,llindoo W it. au. HinJoo Women."iBeeo-4 lect.re at the Caop-r Inititut* WF.UNESDAY

F.VKMMI, Jan. 11.)Tickete tot the ceurae, R|i a genUeman ud lady, Bt 50;

trarbm and pupili of achm.l*, B ernta; tingle tieketa, 40 ci nti.Donr. opru at 7 to comnienreat 8 o'eloek.

Ncto pnblications.WORCESTER" NEW


l-t Nt)NV COMPI.ETED,And the delivery of copiet to tubicribert will eommenee Jaa.2, lia-'i. Ibr l.ib iry l.tliliou, on rxtr. Un* paper, aud b.und inbulf 'I titkry iiiciiccco, ia ia.urd at 0" 50 per copy. Thi. eiitlos,out-qualrd for typngraphL-al bra.ity aud e.uerrd exeellanea cfttecitien, by anj kindtol work evrr uaued from the Amerioaupret. ia pnbli.brd foi nihicribara ouly.1 hr entiie work I. couipriaed iu oitt thoutaud tight huudredondji/ty-fuur royal tuarto p-tgtt, witb Introductory iraatiae. on

Prounm lation. Orthug aphy, and varioua .ubje-t* irlatiug to the..ngli.h l.an.uagr. aud to Lrxicograpby, aud alao an .ppaud-troukiiiitigtheu.ua) a. coinp.iiiniri, * to at: Kliglilb l.n ti ni uj.

I'Uniig ibe patt jear, advauce aliret. oliba uew quarto bavebeen kubu.iil.-d to tbe moet eu.iueut ..-nniar*; and,In aeeord .uc*wiib ttr exp.raaioMol'appruval a-i firrly and g-uerally landered,wa coilideutly nflri it to lha publl-Ba.iu tba word. ol i'he NortbAi'.ir.ckn il.ti.-w-"'lii fc. STANIJARU Dli TIONARY OK1MF ENOL.I8H LANUCAOE."We preient the .ollowuig couaiJerationi and tettiuioni-i* ia

ilahebr-1:I. 'Iba rn'.lr* wo k in all iu part. I. NENV.1. Iba VdCAHl'-Allk roiitaln. 1 NVENTY THOUSANU

word. ar.d drtii.it.oni more th_n auy otber Kngliih Dictionary.6 ll.e voeabnlary of Tl.( IINH Al, i ERBd of the Hci- aoe*.

Arti, I'rafrttioiia, aud 1r.de., i* r.ja-rielly full a. d accurat*4. Ihe ILLUsiTRATloNri aie ONE THOUSAND KlVE

lil'NDBED kunutubrr.8. KIV'_.ii.(._»AM)»YNl)NYM_, to callad, are troetad In

nowerd of Or... THuUsaM) O.SE lil.NiiKr.l) du.iuet ui.° Tho 8EPARATK 11 KFrKKNCEi-raqniredeither for 8yno-nyuia, llluatralioi.a, or Technical lermi, tbe whole work baingtyuiuirttic-l and rou.iatrut.

1. lu l.K. liUt.KAi'HY and PRONUNCIATION lt rapra-trnta tb* oaage ol tho beat Engitah and Auieiican wiiten aud.pnakera.

M. lt ia IM PARTIAI. toward .ill *et t. aod parllea.Vv * aubjoin the fifllowiug tettiuiouialt wiucli wm be re*d with

inttre.t:The Uon. Oao. B.v-eaorr, LL.D., .iti: "On queitloni of

orthtigrapby I .ball in.-ie it my «ta.iid_rd, al! iwiog uiyaelf raredetiatiou., or, peibapa, no deviaticna wbalevei."

" 1 hr new and mthrtitir- etyinnlofiei, the coueia*n*li indcoinpleteueaa ol the detintUou., ihe meety with which ibe dil-Ini u: shtdea of iut ttniiig iu ayuuuym. are di-tiugui.ned, aud tliucou.i itutiou. accuracy ol 'hewurl in all il* dep_r:iueut., giveit,ln wt iudgmeul, the higbe.t claitin to pubtic Uvor.mmm" mwm s


"I conenr wtth tba opinion ot Mr. Bryant." 8_nnyiide, May 14, 1U59. NN A-H1MJTON IRVINO."

Tbe Hoa. Edward Evtwett, iu ipeaklng of WorcMler'i Dic-tiiiii.iy. layi: " I bavr made ronatant uie of Mr Worceater'aIJictiouaiina aiuoe tbeir hnt publica.ion. Hia orthograpliy andproiiuutiatioii reprtaent. ao far io. I aui aware, tbe rniwi .pproved...age uf our laiiguage. Hii dehuitior. ae.dom loave auyiuiug todeiue."

'.riii large Dictionary, how in courae of publieetlon, will be,in everv re.pect, auperior to any one exiating of the Kngli.Ul_ngu_ge. JO-EFU O. COOG-WEUa.

" Aatur tibrary, Miy 1, 1859.''

Profeaaor Charlet D. Clevrland, ln th* " Compendiam ofAuierican Lilerature." »ay»: "liwiU, in fullneaa, in con.iatentorthograpliy, and ii, t-.rrect orthoephy, be iu advance, doubUe«e,of enyihiug of lb. kiud we uow btve.""* * * In fine, the work uiuat take ita nnehallanged plaee

ai tor in ldvu.ee of my previou. atleinpt iu tblt direction, andai uecea-aiiiy tbe iiauJard Dictiou-r- ot' tlie l-igMab lauguagr."

(Nortb lUueneau Reviaw.

Onr llit of .ubwribrr. already embraca. npward of 8IXTllOLSANI) lutuirt, conititutlng ona of tbe tuoit iplrn Udtributea to patleut buduitry ever recorded iu tbe anuali ei lilera-ture.Copiei dellverad ln thr ord-r of aobacriptlon.


W0RCESTER'S"NEW DICTIONABYran be obtalued iu New-York onlv from tha agent of Metiri.HKKLINU, BNVA.N k UKr-NV-ll _t Kaioui No. 4 Applrlou'abuildu,g. wberetUeCO.NIPliETENVOaK ruay now be aeen. Thepublic kte iuvited to call and rxamine SfECIMl-N CuPll-S ofiheLlliRAUk EDlTlUN. it wiil be fumi-bed ia auy ityle ofbludilg lie.lrrd.

_....,ajPar.oi.. .t.hlngto.-bM.rihe will plaaaa leave namr and ad-

di*M a. >ba*a at aeud by mail to the .uDacriber. P. U. box No.1 *4i. .Nrw-York t ity. J- Y. BAlLEY, AanuL


JL'ST PUBLISHED,By J. B. LIP-'I-aCOTT fc Co., PhU-delphis:


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1 Volume. 1-u.o. Bl 15.Thi. work 1. devoted io an inti-iry whetber occetloual luter

fareuce. trom knoth.r world iu una be re^ity or itelueion. 11treal.ol tuapbeuou.e-aoi" oltiep, Dreauia, rtoiunambulum lt

exau.inr. tbe, .tieged evidenee. lor preaeiitW-ula, *ecood-atght,hoiiae b.onttug.. (tud *pp_iUiou*; reltrrlug lo the mo.t approvedruodrru worl. on ballu-iiuaiiou. iu.auity, aua iu« u.rvuu. .y»-Uui- ltiuquire. whaiU.-i. ttbrn we Mildowuthe uarratlve. of

allagrt (incluuu g our nwu) that loiieh uu tbe marvel. relurredto, aii_-re Tulgariuper.'.iUoui, we aie ovenuokiag any MtualphruomtnaCOMPENSATION; Or, Ai.wa't. A FrTraa. By Anae M.

II. lA.-iw.Uir. 1vol., Umo. 01.'. Her atory will. »e arr .ure, be adiuired aud rnjoyed for Ita

healtiiy tune, it. delitbtlul pa-.age. concerntng uiu.ic, tt. baaa-iU-lp.ctura.ofa aoriallilrditlrreut from our. ln Amailea, iu

excelleut dewripUuu. ol a.eue.y, iU evideuc. o! exteiuive audve-ied reediiig. aud tha unilurm a'eganee of iu .tylr The pub-h.brr. bave printrd U beaulifuiy, and it ahoeld barouae'afavonte Ui aU uuliiTatea circlei.' [KTeiiiug baUutin.

CABrBEI.L'8 HISTORY uK VIRGINIA. The mttory ofthe Culouy aui Aucient Uomlalou of Vugiul*. Dy CU-.ie.C_i_pb.il. 1 vol., bvo. fl! Mi.


ELEBENT8 OK HEDICAL JURI8PRUDENCE ByTheodrlc Rouaeyn Beck, M. U., Lla. U., Profeeeor of MntcrUMedica Ui ihe Aibany Medic&l College, kc ; aud John B. BerA,M. D., Profeaaor of MaterUMedic* _ud Medicl JurtiprudeDC*in the Coilege of Pbyiiti-n* and 8urgeoni of the City ot" New-

York, fce. -.l-rruib Edition. W ith Nbtee by an Aaaociatlou of

the irirndi uf Dr. Ueck. Th* whole reriaed by Prot C. R. dil-

nian, B. I)., of the College of Pby.ician. and Surgeone of New-Yoik. i.voli.,lvo. law and Medicai 8tyl*a, $10.


A Talb ob tbb Tibm or Ajibob beaa ab» Auliak.bblliainaa

By the Hou Jrre. Clemana.Author oi " Bern_rd I.IU." and " Muttang Oray."

I.u.o. *1.w-

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MANL'AL OK LIBRAR'ES,' SOCIETIES, AND INSTI-TIONB IN THK trNlTEDBTATRB AN1J URITIdU PRUV-1NCE< OF ItOK-H AMLRICA. ...._.(ontai-lngau Hiitorictdand.-vUti.ticBl Account oT Li-ranei.

CuUe.ea, aud LoLege ^ocietiea, Academir., iiaminarte*. audlllitb ach-ola. Inttilutioua lor the »*-!, iJumb, hund, and iu-

aants Ag.icultur_l, liulorical. Scientlhc. Mereaatile, and YoungHtu'n Chriatiaii and olber Anoriatlou*. Hy NViUlia. J. Bbaaa,Lhief tlerk ol tbe fcmiiuiouian luttilute. 1 voL Bvo. 7uu pp.

» *"VI...


Mbtuod o» KiaucAt iBTBapaBTATioK. By J. s. lawnar. 1

-ob, Jlmo. »_. Ib Prett,1.

M'i.lAN HOME;A Txlb op Coilb..* -ira.

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Ptibliabtd from advance iheelt, by tpec.ial _rr__g__a_nli wBhtha autbor.

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Tl,. lui.odLitory L.tay 1. pirliiulirly valnible at ti.i. tuna,in view of tbr ti.ituteur.l dUaOlotlaa »l our l-.v-d uion. Nepaieut wUl aver rrgret plkcr.t bia Uooi in Iba baula m nn aoo.

By Prol. 6 B. EuwaUDI.ilageToL Snceui*.

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1l_f£ C II I I- <> K I _F- Oi.li FAVi iRIIK.MFKItY'S Ml SEI M PAR'.EY'fl MA44A/INE. Bc

e..ir_..r».*lu'i'«N P-.'il IETH y»_-«lih the Jan iary Nwnb«r,u.,ir.ura:ii>. lUuti.'i. Hrfiuii'ul.y illu.irkttMl ,1 ¦ jfii,10 taa. nuglr r...lea. Yot iale by Now. Agrui.I. N. STEaR.N'S A Co., Pu__-heii, No. 11. Na_autt.,N. Y.

A RCHITF.CTH _k ME( HANIC8' JOURXAJa,f\ publi.brd we..kly, iii per yt»r, cooUina iUu.trkUoua and'.tka rurre.it iulom ..n-u abviit vrifthU^ roruieotrj v.ithB,iLDINOa_d tbe MF.CHANKUh ARTS. F.very Ar uiu,-i,h*,der laii-e.it. r llid M»- b.ve U PtiUuhaiI. 1IARTHJ1.L, lUt-Jf-Bua-at Newiork.

DATPLETON & Co.,. No*. 341 and 848 BROADWAY, N. Y.,




J. I.OWX.kTIItl.1 Vol. 12n,o. Clotb. 473 pagef. 81 U.

TO THK REAIIER.Mtey friend*, bo'h in Y urope and Aaierica, h|T* frequentlyorred me to arraupe a coUeclion of my gaiuea, wlncl. ihey at-

tuied n.e would mo-t with kiudiv rereptiun from rb-tt-pU/er.grnrrtlly. Hut cnlinurd contetti during tk. paat twelv*bionttu woi.ll bave precluded my con. urrlnf witb to flattering. 'equ.-.t, had it uot Deeu for tbe aniitance rendered me by my'rni.il r-eir l.bwenlli.l. Th. copinu. note* witb whicb tbuvuiuine ia enritbtd tre inainly due to bi* v*e!l eamed repittatlouai.d a.-iduity aa tu unalyit, and will aiuply reoay aeraaB fromevery lover of oui uuble gauir. PAUL MOaFil Y.



PHIL1P HENRY G0S9E.1 vol., 12uio. llluitialed. 4_0 pagc*. 8190.

OPINION8 OF~TIIE PRE88." It 1* a work wbich every intelligent laniily ihould own ".

[4"oii|_T»ga'ionaJi*t." lieia aie atboDtand matlera.aye, ten thoutand.of which

i.in.-ty-nir.e r.-ad. r» ii. a hundred aie i.-r.nraut xnd yetacxrelulttnul .ftlil. bouk willmxkn u* wlaer xndbettei.''.IChy Iietu.

" ln tbi. work tleautbor tweept tbe wholefield of atOBMSMMwi nd. ii. leaviug .ntouclird no p .rliou ofzoology wbi.b lt undercontrol oflhe wTcroacope."- iKirbiutnid Kxaiultier.

" It it uot t mere cuinpilaiiun, bnt givn the retnltf of originalobiervatioi.i by itt auihur, on<- of the moit emineut nxtoralitltol Euf land.' li'iirliand Tianicnpt.




FREDERICK t,. BAKKWELL,Autbor of " l'hiioaopbical Coiiveraationt."

1 vol., IZmo. Illmtrated. RLCosTBBTt:

Tbe Progreti nf Inventioa. The Kaleido.cope.Steam .-avigatiou. Tbe M.,1.- OitcWkttm 4 ariitget and Rtilw.yt. Tbe Dioraina.1 he Alr ) nglne. Tbe iereoaeope.1 hotogrtphy. The Eleetric Telegrtph.I)i..oivuig Viewx ElectroMagueti. Clo.k*.t-ieiiri, Metxlturgy. Tbe Klectnc L>ghlda. Ligbting. Inatantaneout __tgbtt.Paper- viaking Macbinery. Printing Marbine*.'. bi« ii .ue oftbe book" whlrh every onain.y nrnfitably read,

tnd wbich it lt to baudy to bave about.". [N. W. ChriitianAdvocxte.

Ws acarcely know of t more iuterettinf book, etpecially tolliote who have alaite for inveiition, and are rurlou. about thedi.inhlr. whicb beiet tbe path of all inq'iirer* iu the world otMacl.inet tirience, xud Art ". [City lteui." i he book it bnely illuitrat.-d, xnd ihould betn tbe hxndtof

xll who hxve ete.ii xn inkllng for tcience.".| Troy Whif." 1 be iutoimxtioti whicb lt would require a hbrary tu fnruiib

it here rniacri.irated in elexr detcripiiomof all tbe lexJing iuven-tiont, di.c-veilei, xnd tcientibc triumpht of ibe age.".[UoatonXrauiciipt.



1 Vol. Jiino ciDth. 81 15." Wetb'nkmany mindi wili be pat ou ti food trxek of tboniht,

mtr.v betrtt xwxkrned to a good tiate of feeliug, irretpecttve oftbeology, by Ueae aiiiiuated aud vigorou* du.onr*e».¦'. [_ ottouIrautciipl

" Dr. i-r'-ttw* ii well known .* an acromplithed Kholar auddne of tbe moat proiuiueut among tbe elergy of the I'nllariaui hi-i, b. lo tele,-ting tbe Sarmoii* In the pre.«nt volume, b* hasbe. n n.aii.iy |Over_>cd by tkat daaire lo tbrow lighl upon tha) dlt-cuud'.n uf l.i. Cambridge Addraaa.. hiub, it will b* raai.iubrird, crealcd uo little aenaatiao.".[Courler and Knqalrar.









Ha- been grealer tban could have been anticlpated by the Pob-luheri 1 he concludlnt volum* lt no *. rapidly paa.ing througt.tbe piet., tnd will De itturd on aATURDAY, Jau. 14.

1 7ol. Iln.o. miiilln. Price Rl.I NIKORM W'l'lU KIR8T BERIK8.

RUDD k CAKIaKTON, Publtiher.,No I*. UrxuJ-tt., New-York.






Cbxblbi Dxawta.D. APPLKTON lt Ca, PubH.her*.

Not .*_ xud 148 -roxdwxy.


WIU coutinue to receive ,ub*er.ptioui forHALL'S JOURNAL OF HKaLTH FoR TiiE YEAR

iMEII.11 P will not be letpobtible for ltttert without they htave

tbe following xddrtit: ". H. B. PRICE, Publlther.No. 184 Broxdwty, New-Yerk.


Tbe lovert of fun xre retpectfullr Inlormed thatPICKLKS KOR FKURUAR* IS OUT!PllKLES KOR FKBRUaRY 18 OUT!

Full e. ever ol all eortt of Comicalttiet. Newt Dealert wll!plrate be wide awaxe thia morning, aa tbe early bird wili kIItn. greatrit number of PICRLKS. Notwlthttandiug tbe groa.c.i_ui. ii lon, PIlKLKS bat becom* the favorlta COMICMAOA/I.NE of tbe UAY. Pertrm at a diaUuoe, who det'ieto teceive t uiuuthly compendiuiu uf Oeuulue Humor, wlUpleaa.. o.drr PICKLKS! '1 eu Ceutt t copy. Oue Dollx. a year.Wxilea frre, oo receiut of the rxah, by

11. DEXTKR k C-IMPANY, PublUhen,No. 113 Nxxtxutt., N. Y.

T1118 WEEK* LIIE ILLU.STKATED con-m RRM riif ran-d viewaof Wixrd't .Nr w Ice IV, i'lie .ehool

uakiter'. Vx uoing; 'l'be WUe't Beci-et j 14y Firtt and Lait .Vov.-l.ht _*l AFFxixa.New Seedling Kniili; iudutlrial Scbuolt; Ad-vei* ty aud 1'iu .writy Aiuencnuship builJingi iliuti tj YoungOentltmtu;'ihe City and Viciulty; I'oetry; Peraonal M.tter.,MerLaiiixi Hlpoitcf the Proceeding* o. tbe Polyu-rhni: Aaao-rlnii ii Ituw to fipeiid Meney. Only 4 eent* May be bad offvewinieb or at tbe Puhllcatn.n Oftio, aNo. IP Broadway,

Now Keady:


Thm tnt ed tion it txbaatted. Tbe .econd editlaa will baraadyon W tu.lay.



>Q| INOXXfl ANO 80I.STI4.ES FOR 0P.Bw&ty^^gStl!?_¥ffiS^*V__ OF ffBB UBFTXD



!'rf.'.*_ k'RT,Voi -V.AR VOTE FOX flY BTATEXRk TUIlNH OF* K.I.KCTION8 in xll tbe Stxtaw boidlng Oetl-

.raJ 1 le. tiin. durlnt the ye*r IU*., __efully cmpilad expraMly_..¦ THfc TRIBUNE ALMANAC, and compttad wiM M__ttaeeliut.. for oonveuient tefereoca.BEA-ONB. DI'RATION OF.BKNAiK OK THK. UNITF.D BTATES.BLAVF. TRADE, FORRIUB.fiii*EREIOM OF RUROrX. __,-



I*BM .jeTa'-JJ'pfepB-)- «*- <****> B ca _tt, Amarte* eeto,

ty-^t-xgfrgBllBtBPMlPq,,__,j,^., i^^0_^^Trt; ¦?**Atdtaat Mun-Ata^ rfb^ Buddl,_gt, N.w T.rk.

Qluttonerp anb Sancj} <g>oob*v._D______

f..r IMC__1 _*__*__$__<$_£wholt-kir.-d retalli i>n.me,cla! > NVEL41PBB »B^«M-i NOTR PAPFB *i - p*i raa-; ,!*JJa\%£_mMA»l.a,d FfNlLBCAP .. .! »t*____*l AW'°i_Li u,?A1ER, tU BT kTlt»Y$t£^j£^^

CDrp <2>oo-8.





Tb* rtor* wUl b* potliively eloted "JaJBtflWAB-B4,._L___I HfcOADWAY, betweaaAfl-itj and Ith-ib.Ol/I NNil.hES k MOYNANat* eloafag *-t the belanc* of their Hilkt at * great rednctlon.PricBi from 4/, 4,'-, 5/,.\6to ttjuirjuri._-^7t"TirR0Al)WAY, batBflflB Amity and 4tli-«t*.Tie" 1 WII.KF.fl R MOYNANire bow lelling oil Ihr baUtnca of their DREti- OOODS at on-

Biully I.OW PKH K-4. __,-VALKMiAl'LAID.SandSTRIPE- *i 1,6 ud 1/, w*ftb 1,6asd 4 prr yaid. _OT.O.VaNCLOTHS _t_0*-i.t*,wortk 75 c*nti p-r yard.

Al.o, .lot of.mall brlght FLAiD FRENCH POPLIN8 at80 eentt, worth * 1 p*r yard._n-!-BROAUVVAY, between Amity ond tth-ato.if I NNiLKE, k MOYNAN

ara oflrrin* OREAT UAROAINd io ALtr-WOOI. DE-LAINEri, full Lblate color, frox. 3/6 to 4/ per yard. Fariu.rprleat fiom 4/1. 6/ per yard._ _

**0 I BROAOWAY, between Amity and tth-ata.fljrl WH.KEH A MOYNAN.500 doirn mer* fine FRENCH K1D OLOVES at 5/ per pair,werth 7,. _-____._1 heae Olovea we -_ ronfidently recomniead, a* they have

given univerial latlifa. tion to our cuttomere.

VJfJ IH. o a Id" way..JO*/ T'JCKERbi raaaired ta ternpt and plaaee ibe Mlll'oa


AB t_« pretty toflettriflet of tha ¦*.*._.


801REE C01FFURJ-8, 01 THR 8ET.J. T. reipeeifully remind. hii petreas, that fce ariH ihortly .*-

*mmj More N« 7M Broadaay, two doort above -tb-itWITB AR E.NTIRE NEW 8TOCK OP OOODS,


WM. mmmm\*ml\mV* CRA P-Tt3<)OD3 FAC"TORY. No 83 Fulton-av., Hrooklyn, eatibllibed 11)84..I

wocld call tha attrntlon of the wholeaal. trade to my maiiuftc-ture of CRAPE O'MiDS, aa Colla... Cuff., Bet., Nailt, fce.. audran gn.mntra to tbowi boi.ie* who may favor me with tielr or

drra. the nrwrat and rholee.t p-Ueru* of tha Bee*_u. good.wfctch plaaar and atll qni;k. Oootlamade up to ordar, and when

ruitor-cn deilre it, ofthrir own in-iarie'... Teruit, a*b. Kor

partlc.lart, .*U or addrett W. REMBLER, No. W Fulton-av.,brooklyn.

IX) HC^P^KniT MANUFACrURERH..Foraale. and eoiurUntlT en hand, round 3TEEL WIRE of the

c-Mt brard, aither rouni, robed aad tanpered, or eovared, at theaweet market ericee, by HOBIaBa B,Rl_?-i.

No*. .7 .nd 19 North Ftrat-rt-, WlUMinebargh, N. V.H. B..Covering lor tke Uade._____________

S"lT_l_rf-iTNa ENTIRELY NEW.-Ive/iPetrnl Sleeve Buttoo. and Shirt dtn.li; alao 'Cuff and CoUat

Ph-i ftr l.adiai, aad AraUte far Cbiidrea. They reoulre ne

b-Uon bole. do nol Bufa*lrn. coiublae great bMotv *i-d utilitT.For -xla, wnc I*m_* aud .etail, al the Oald and 811. er Watr.hCa-e Ma_.urec-ory of JOHN H Q1FF1N, Wo. 17 Vaaay-et., N.Y.

fux*, KobfB, kt._Flj^I*rr¥ijR8! FURS!


In ordar to make room for -prfe.g Oooda.

I.MMwMUrml-ed.o^^^any otber aeiabnthmaaV

I baaa aow marked dowa my irntlra itoek of RICH FURfltBaadJOp. r .-ml le.i tban coat. i be l.adioe'attention i. re-

ifaatAuly Iuvited to tbia magnlhe.nl aaiortment.T^ Ma BAJaT-l-,

N*. B7 Caaal, onr. Weoeter-ot.Marble Building.


No. 54 Broadway.Havteg ju.t received by a .petial act of i'arllainairt, aa *_t*n.loaof tbeir cbarter *vr a liu.ltad time, gi*« bereby

FUbLIC NOTIC-that thty wlH tellthrlr enllr* Stock of' LAD1P.B' AND CHILDREN'8 FUR8atRet.ii at AN 1MMENSE riACRIFICE, for Caah only.At tbeir Waraboute. No. 54 broadway, will ba k*pt op**

po*itivrl> ouly for IU day. lougar, Ladia. and tfentlamen are

raipectfi-Uy rruaeeled to eall a. aaily as po.ti.le.mmmt ' 1 By Order oftha Board,MAKK J. KINO, Dlreetor.

for t\)t tjolii-ario.

A~im_rTlCnr_U-B--NT^ for tbe HOLIDAY8A CARD.

Tba lebMrfti-v poHiely ealit tb* meatloB tt tha pubMc ualbrg* and baaullful cellectioa ofifRAMF.D ENORAVINOS.PAINT1N08. PHOTOORAPH

xftLe PALMER MARBLE8 In PArihK PARTOL'TS. WAFUR and 0IL-C0LOR BOXE8, DRAWINO INBTRIiMENT8, DRAWINO HOOKS fco.,' orming tb* mott nptharth* BBBBaaM dr the eemlng HoUdaya.

*_W. 8CHAU3, Ra 8-0 Broadway.IELLD-8 FOR


¦BFIBBB8HKET AND 8HHI.D I8INOl_ASaA prim. trtlr.r v. iy .xl.Lji.ely oaed feriALV-R-FOOT JELJ.Y, itLA.NC MANOE,


Tb. flkred. with dii., tion. for otlng, it pat up in auiaU paob^aa for KAMll. i L'SE, and t. aold hy aU tha principal Orooeriiad Druggitu Ihroagbout tb* United Staut.

PETElt COOPER,No. 17 Ul Rl.l.MI HI.1P, Naw-York.

(Jrinting.AT EVERDELL'", hia eebbratod WEDDINO

CA RD», tpleudldly angraved. can only he had. Broadway,wruer of Duane-il. Ordera by bm_1 toliclted, aad apeeimru. teat

A~T"\VM. EVERDELL tt SON'8, No. 1U4 Ful-ton-tt., "WEDDINO CARD8, NOTES, fce. Nole paper

and EuvrloMi i-amped with plalnor oolored Initiali. (Eiub-Utked 1815.1_C1ARDS, f 1 p«T 1,000; CIRCIJLARS, in quanti-

J tla*. W) ta-nti prr 1,001', 8ILL-HEAD8, 04 50 per reem-

m ECRLER'8 fr-iting Ottc*. No. 17 FulUn at, Naw-York.

Wedding Carda, Notea, Envelopea, _kc..Broad¬way StyUi Tbeee oelabrated oardi, eutraatvi ln thr hlgb-

eatrtyie ef tha art, enly lt EverdaU'a, 301 broadway, eor. Duaue.

(TljaiKcB for finsincso BXox.

AMBR0TYPE aud PHOTOGRAPH GAL-LERY hi broadway FOR 8AbEat a barralu on accoiuo-

datiug leru.i. Tba pur,ba*ar taught tbe art, li detired. A rure

.-b-nr.e lor auy one wubing to engiga in tne Irniueaa. For par-tieular. apply at KlMbALL'ri, No. 447 Broadwaj.

1X)R t-ALE.A"weTT-aUbliBhtAd C-tintry NEW8-' PAPEIt. domi ago-d bu.lne... Apply to Mr. THOMAfh. ROOREH, tureuiaa ef Tbe Tnbune Prlntlng Otfloe.

FOR 8ALE-A flouriihinK BOY8' HCIIOOL inBHOOKLYN. worth from »I,-UU to fll.'.mua year. Ad¬

drett 8CHOOL, 1 ribune Office.

SEALED PROPO.SAL8 will be received by thufcchool DfEc ra ofthe Bevanteenth Ward, at the office-f tha

i Urk of tl.e board of Educalion, eorner ol Orand and Elm-tti,unul WEDNE.SDAY, tbe 15lh day of January tlnat), al Uo'clock, Loon, for repalrii.g, paln'lug, furuiibing, aud heatlngWard Prbooi Ilouir No il), Ui aaid .evrutreBlh VV*rd, p..rai,aot to plan. aud ipe. lb, aliuu. on aie, aud to be teeii at the utt>. a

of Ibe -upeiia'endrtit of rirbool building. No. 'M Cr.aby-.t.lioeo.al. u.u.1 coutaiu au e.tUnate lor r.. li brau.-.b of tbe workMpaialtlv, and b* iudcrwd. 1'iopo.il. l"..r niaaou work. pro-mtmt .'or ,-np.nl.r wora, propo.i,. for paiuting, P'opoaala fortunniting propoaal. for haaliug aud racb prop«*al uni.t iir b>dorwd on th* oul.'.de, witb tbr uama of Ibe ptrty wuo olfer. iha

'Iwo ir.poti.ible and apprcved luretlei wil! be retpiired fromeacb eoutiat tor.1Ur bri.ool tlfliceriof the NNard re^rve tha right tn rejr.-t

__» _r aii o:" laid uropoiitl., U* deemrd for the pnbli.- ln.ernt to__-£ lkANII.SlirS.iN, 1JU.-EPH MKJliltP., Buil_in,KAMCEL CANlhM 1., } c-mmiII IIHtBERr NNILL'AMS, I Committee.


Odrr.igned will puicbaae 015,fl0io a*'.°"'»of good.lM.riae-ondMongkg-'" tmprovrd N.w-York and BrooAiyu i'ropertv,rr llrtt Moiig.gr. on ( ouiitiy Karun. J. N AN BtjKC>, .i(o.MWllUaui *t Room l*o. 7. Offica houra from 11 ui. to 1 p. m.

A\'AMKD.T« nive in EXCHANGE br u

TT FARM .,r NV K.V1KRN I.ANDS, a light, genterl, anJhlghlyrai.»-rtkblalirrtlBE.SB, In thi. city. Addra-t MA.NI.-FA( i I'RVR. 1 rtbBM Ortiitr, with full litim.

WAN l KD.A Peraofl with tmae Capital tt. takean INTKhKBTIntwoCOAI. YaltDS.uow diing a ikid

bu.lnr.*; or, If afafctra*. aM wB b. Sl.l.H App'y *t u.a

Diug Stoir no. 1.0 < b.rry-at Naw York.at 1 p- m.

«"T tluM| . PABTNER VVAN'IET). with| l" rtl" ". *|.ia.i r.th, toi'.in another witb MBM

_n,oi ni tf petchlM .ti r.labll.had Mrr.a.ilii. Bu.ln. -a in a

proipei-ni ronditloi,; a NVhola.al* and ltrt.il 4ti,re, w.t- t

kinl f.iU'irtrou.pli-tr ie pi.il.nJiy i.irlymrt witn kafai)tai'Ol-il h - Vt HliNr Y, No. Ji' ro_dw.y, loou. Ni 11




TUFbDAY MOHT. Jan. 10, "NOTHINO VENTUBENOTIIINO IIAVE.V Beuor Ollveira. "BETTER LATETHAN NEVER."Placea tecured xt mutic >toi«. md ticket offic*._LA U R A~ K E E~H E ' »_T H14TBS.




t* EFFIE DEANS.ln Sfr VV»lt*r -ott't beau'-Ifii! 'lomettie ttory draoittitad .1-

prewly for tblt Tbeater, by DION B41UXCICAULT,«.., authorof Jeitie Hrvwu,"


THE HEART OK".IO-LOTHIAN.Fredoced .e-.der tkedirection ud fnperintondoiice of Mr. Bo«.ta,t,M' \.KW SCENERY AND NEW C03TUME8.ED1NBURUH .N 1737.

^^ Qf^ ^^

m^^FZ&&Wfo TO .BOOTH. «j _

A uew Overture te tbe Hetrt of Mid-I.othian xnd new dexcrlt.tive niutic.bave beeu compoted exptettiy to accomptnyand illua-

BPS thB ttory. b,^^^ _ __,_Dratt Circle Seat* u»y ke facuredONA WEEK ln advxnie.Doori p«nxt ii|o',.-loc*.i_rfor____.e to couuueaue M 1#.Ptrformxnce ever M 10 o'eloek.


wALLACK8 THEATER.Door* open »t 1, to eonunenca ti Tk,


4)u tbe 8am* Nitkt.A HU.bAND TO ORDER,



Tbe New Comedy in 3 Anta,bow erowding tbe Loudon tbeater, cxlled


ORDER.Bxrtr. de Bexn.e (. retnrned MpJrxnt nohlemxa).... Mr.BMPl*ne Mxreeao (ta offieer ln the !. iperixl arroy).l__Usr WalUckAcalole I.atour (xyoung Uwyer)................Mr WaMMPhillipeau (a wnaltby faroir,r,e_a*in to Plerrt, Marc*«"lMr. BlafceHervaut... Mr OlivorJoaepbitie (the *tl_r*n'i aia_«).Mra. Ho«yKli-e (tb* Baron'tward).....Mra. Bloan

Madune Philtipean.-Bi. yernenThe Ori-bextra under tbe dtrectioa ef Mr. X StoopeL

Te eouelude witb tbe Coiui.: Drxmx ln 1 xctt, cxlledTIIK IBI-ill POaT.

Terene*O'Orady.Mr. BroujhamMr. eherlffCapaieomb.Mr- YoungMr Uanholouiew Lane.Mr. Bpor*OeorgeLane........ Mr.lovd

John.M>. Partfo*Mn. Capiicomb.;;M".b',>*u

Mn Lump.M_- *?">'Mary Capticamb.M1.I PyneTO-MOHROW (WEDNESDAF) EVENINO,


A BUSBANDTO ORDEX.Te eonelude etck evening witb_

TUE 1RI. H POST.P.rfenuxBce wUl tmminate by UM o'clook.

Box boox open ln xdvxaca.The new xnd tplendid PWy,

eoutialint el a proiogue and Ave xctt, <_<.*dTHE ROMANCE

POOR YOUNO MAN.will be the aaxt uovelty prodaoeX

w 1»,TER GAKDEN.Kaiuillet wbo kate not yet witnened tbe perfonnance of tbe

¦_rauit ofTHE OCTOBOON;


Are refpaetl'ully iufotinej tbat thi. bexutifil picture of South¬ern tceuary and Southrru li'e can on,j be pretented for a

LI.M11KI) NUMBKR OK NIOHVS.Oa tbit evening, TUESDAY, Jan. 10, it will be performed for

tbe br-neat of_

Mr. OEORGE HOLLAND,thtt veteran favorite appearing in the part of Squlre BunoytideSalei. ^ruddor, . Yantoo Overteer, Mr. Joteph Jelferaon; _o*,the Oct-roon, Mr*. J. H. Allen- Jaeob McCloakey, Mr Bangt;1'bl'I a V ellow boy. Mixt Burke; Pete, xn old tlave Mr. GeorgeJxmitoo; Mn. I'eyton. Mra W. R. Ulake; Oeorge f'.-ytoa. Mr.A. II l.avtnport; Dorx Sunnytide, Mrt. Moddxrt; Rutt, Mxt*of tbe Mxgnolix, Mr. H.rriion. Sext* may be ee ured tU day*inxdvtnce. Doori tre opeued .t 7 o'clo-.x. Parformxnoe ceiu-meure* xt 74 preeitely.On SATURDAY, tba 14th, tbere will be * mornlng perfonu-


or tbe convanienee of familie* xnd pertont living Bt a dlttanre.Chlldrtn wlil be tdmitted at kalf price.



Only 10 yeart oftge, On'y ten yexri *f aft,Who will make, lo fbll riew of the tpectatort, .DaRINO ASCENT ON A TIOHT RyPE,


.f tke reof of the Lieture Rooru.Tl KSDAY. Jan. K. -Evening,nt1|o'ciock.CARLOFF-RRA-

Tl'a TEHRIK1C KEAl ; arter which tne beautiful Comedy ofA L THAT OLI1TERS 18 NOT OOLD; follow-l by THECAMP AT4!HALONS-Or.THE RIVAL PAOF.S. Afternooaat 8 o'ciock.The daring Ttght-Rop* Atcention of Carlo F*rraliafter wbicb. tbe DUMB OlRL OK THE INN, and TdE PHE-NOMFNON. _ __W_ figure of Otxwxtomir) Brown; two Speert from Hxr-per't eny Link of tbe Sbacklet thxt were out by Copoia xndLook; xuto,r.ph Letter froui John Brown; x Living MxrbledSexi.xndtwo Ktngxioot, exu xll be leeu, together witb tbeMW),i 00 curiotitic*.AdmRtanea, »c*M*; Ckildrea BBvler 10, U eeatt; Pxrquet,

ll twato axtrx.




In centBSJBSBM ef the unlimiled pationxga bettowed opon th.blxbly xmudug Comedy,

MRS.DAY'8 lEW-YEAR'S CALL8 FOR 1P0,aad tbe JUVENILE CRYHORN CONCERTS,wbicb bave been witne.led by over 8,000of tbe mott esthu'latttoand blghly deli.hted auditon during tne paat waek, tbey wiUbe coLtinued uutll funber notica.OEO (iHRI. 1 Y, tke Princa of Etbiopian dolineaton, la bl*

great urigtual obara. et ofKETER DAY.M AS1 t.R KUUENE, .ke Wendar," ln bit orinlnal ckaracter

of LUC1NDA DAY.Mr. EDW AKDs. tba only perton in tbe clty wbo d*no** th*

EttenceofOld \ ir, nnyMei.n. CAMPIiCLIa, OltiVFiN, IIEBMAN, xnd REEVE8,

tbe bett Vocal Uuxrtette lu tke Minatrel Profattion, ln newSongt, Cborutet. B_Ths great Skxting M.tcb between Hlgbflyer xad Tramxa.

xnd tha extiaordinary abiiltlet of Peter Day, will be axhioitadEVERY EVKNINO. Koi full partleuixrt .«. Prcgr*aunaw.Door. op* b tt «*.to eouimenco M 1|. Tlckat* 15 eanU.



TO-NIOHT .L.DY OK LYONS.After whick, by Mr. VANDKNHOFF, TennT*on'.

CHAKOE OF THE LIOHT BKIOADEITlcketi. witb BeMTved Beatt, 5c centt; without, 25 tentt.CommeneeM 8 o'ciock.

LiGiiT guahdballT"L1UHT OVAJtD BALL.




JANUARY 10, 1880.JANU4UY 10, 188*

Tbe Ball Rcom Floor will be New-having been bullt, ea ixu-provtd principle*. at a e_*t ol R 1,800, *xprs**ly

for tbit ball.Mag-Bcent Deeoration.,Flxgt, BaBBrr*. Mirrurt,

Sln|iBg Blrdt, ho.DODWORTH'8 BANDH.


ONE HUNDRED MUSICIAN8.Tlck.t. Two Dollar*.

Aduitttlng * (ieotlemxn tnd Ladlct;To be kad M tM pnueip*! kotal* and miiaie rtor**.

VAh AMBURGH tk Co.'s MENAGBRIK,AT PALACE OARDF.N8.144. _4.,o__rSt_i *v.

Et*ry MORNINO, AKTERNOON and EVRNlNt*.Anio_la fat xt II o'ciock aath d»y _


Trlek Pur.y, Poay and Monkry, Malt**» Jack. Oraat war alrvpbant llxoiiibxl, i-iof. Lxngworlhy'ftraiued l.ion*. 1 itert, l_op-ar,l..l-r A liberaj REDUCTION M ADE to SCI1Q41L3.



Ob exti'ltlo. at tka ACADEMY OF DKSIO.N, 1 __.**., aaatBroadveay, Ihb I a. ai lo i p. tn., and botu 1 to 8 av«nl.Tg_,tji. 1.-..U, -t*M__ J. MoCLURE.


on aihib.tioii alacn.trB'H OaLLBRY, B*. taa broadway,

Between llouttoo aad HlretilM .'.Adulatiua M oenlt. Opeu from 9 a. ot. to I. p. ta.


Bow on Exbibltiuii at xx e,i.,n'i Oallery, No. IM Rrsadway.ADMISalON FREE.'

WAUGHR PANORAMA of ITALY, at thaChapal ef rtuteara Inetltote, No. BM Madlaoa tt willploaeitorilivalyenNN'Ft'NF.SDAY. Jan. 11. Oaaa aver* AB-

1 ERNOON ai 1, aad Ib iha F.VRNlNO at 7. a'tUtk,'1 ukeia .5 eeut*; '.hiidrea lO eeat*.

LIGHT GUARD BALL -NOTICE to HACK-MEN..All drlvere of cvrlagee wili aet down theiraeea-

paay with ihair horaa* beading toward IMh-at, and take ap in'evaraa order. By ordi r of

AMOa PIL8BURT, Oaneral ..p.rtntaaa-a-.

NEW-BOWKBY GALLERY . FJaa PAJNiSNij.-...un __,. Paint.uga old asd inodarn, ara aeweeTaced

it rrdocad pric*.. Coni.ot..riirt and coliertor* may Aad PVatt.re. of hlgh rharaatai ._ ti.i. collaetion. Paintlngt beagMaeA.Old on conio.le.t_-, or rx.!ian_ed, at lha.


No. M New Bowery neer Jama*-*t.. !T. Y.HITLOCK'-


Wa IM CAWAlr-fla.



ALADY eng.jvyd iw teaching aa governeM at tboBouth !» rnlng hom* tolhr N.rth Wi.hr.*

.ituatiou *. OOt ERrTESB or laa" Young I.idiaa'Scbool." Ad-drr.a E. V. II., humiuerleiu, AnguHa .o Va., Ml* of Wo. R.Diiiilap, e*l.


FAMILY~si.WING WANTED.-An AiaorbaaNN'i.low nr. n.tnmrd to doing ".-wiug for familiaa at aar

own bou.a, i'» u.ily In want of work th* baai of rrlhreaea r.aabr rlven. Tb* enevoV ut may b* _**>ir.-.t of .lolug a kindly wtby givlog ber work immadiately. Appiy at No. 220 lit-i*.,oom No. i'i.

s31TUAT10N WANTED.By a genti««l yoang5 CJlrl, buMKAMSTRESS Md toaeitat u CHAMBERMAIOmd iu WAITINO, ca,. givetoo.l ciiy raferenc-t. Apply at Na2u llth-it., between Mh end ath-BV-

WANTT D.-By"a young WOMAN, a litaatioo¦tCOOK, Wa«HKB, iud I.onar. Th* b*-t dty raBr*

ence. given. Apply to or iddreu No lo6 Weat BBbtt-

WANTED.By au-^neat Proteittant Woman, a81T0AT1ON; I.-goodplah. Cook. a .pl-adtd Waebei

and Ironer. and an *xc*li*ut Baker of braad, piae, fce.; win dallonarwork ia of kiud .iiapoaitiou aad -b-_n ua hor work wiUgo to tha country. (au be »**.i at No. H4 BiMdway, ap ttair*.

W~^TeD--A -itnatiiin, by a Protegtant roantWOMAN at !.At.">lJBE ri or Cl AMUZR.vf AID, vad

PLAIN cEWF.R, In a privete family. tlood eky wtoBaCan ka aean at No. Ul VA aat 31M-.I between 7th and 8Ma..,Can be ie*ii for two dayt.

ALL FAMIL1E8 wautmg uuod 8ERVANTS.OemiM. trl.h, 9<*tc_, Engli.h, fcr.-tydl at tba !?»-

8T1T'TTE au i HOME OF DOMr..sriC8, N*. 138 Etiiauth-.L.eorBerof Slxth-av. Thtaeatauaivr o'tc* bw abaadaaae ofcivt!, eapal.Ie belp to uil all, al a.laii wagaa. Condactod bya reapeetarle Amanaan lady. CaB aad aaa._

GARDENER WANTED.One wbo __dtw-tandaibe CARE of t GREEN HolTSE pwtVUy, aad wb* la aot

ifiaid of work. Addreea Bo_ No. 1,180 V-tt-OBee._RBAT CURI08ITY.Particubra aeat iTee..Ageate wantod. 8HAW fc CLARK, Tilddsford, -U-to.

fOBX'OMPOSITO-TWANTED..None bot a' ikilled hand Bee.i iflP'r- FRANUri HART fc Ca.

No. 61 CouitUndVtL


SALESMAN WANTED.In a Hat Cop, andritraw Oood. Jobbtng Houae. On* who eaa .__ti__-C* a Bb-

eral txul «afe trade may applv to_M ki. R MOODY b Co.. Na 18" Broedwy.

SERVANTS in GREAT ABUNDANCE..Frenck, 0.r____, 8-*4_h, and Iriah, toaether wii_ Eugu_h,

French, and Oeroiio firrtclaa. COORrl, wfth good rat^mm*.m.T be obtained at Ihe rooma ot tho EMi UJYBE.XT «1J-

C1ETY, Noa 1.and 14 Bible Hou_a Mh ¦_, betwr a Marut ttb-avt. A lady ln atlendauce. The Oerui-a, ItalUa, aud FTancbiaiiguage. tpok.n.ri^EAC^HER..Wanted by a young gentbman aX iltuatlon ln aome privata family, Aeademy, or CollMetoTEACH th* phytical iciencet, mat-e.uatlca. or French. H* i*

agrsduateof aNew K.Dt_uid Colleg*. a d can faruith th* b*mof raferencea. Addrtaa F. 8., Trioune Offlo*.

WANTED.A YOUNG MAN aa Clerk in a ata-tlouary Storr: one who under.laudt th* b-ilae**. Ad-

diM* Box No. 1,586 Poit Olfic*. itauug releMBM.

WANTED-^Aneat, tidy Girl, toCOOK, WAfiH,TT IRON, and inaka her.all generally ntefol. A_»o, aOirl

for CHaMBERWURR and WAIliNO. Nooa need appbywithout tha beet of city rtferance. C*U *t No. W8 2d-at., eor¬

ner 18th-*t.______________________________

WANTED.AGENTS in every city and town.An ictWe peraon, with a MpiUl of #25, e*n tuak* flM

rjr week; rerpeciabl* article Addreai J. E. COOLEY k Co.,ooghkeeptie N. Y._______________________W'AJSTED..flOO per M.mth can be mado flflU*

ing 8TENC1L PLATE8. Tooli fo-outt__gt_._ePI.ia.fatnl.bedfar 010. Innperianra-d peraon* eaa out tb* Plave*.Fer paitic-lara aldieea (i-c-oeuia itamp)P-OrJNMll.LII-EN, Uwraoc*. Maaa.

5 1 _l_f_ TRAVELLNG AGENTS WANTED.gT_pVFvF lo aaai my arepaiatiea, whieb will yl«td aam

large eompan.a'ion For p«rtiruian a ldreea, with atamp, A. C.WILCoX, HtitUviile, Oceida Co., H. X._Id kd wa YOUNG MEN ot amull meana oaa.\yT_rt / make over 100 per oeni aara profit ia city or eeoar

by Boitoaaaaaay aaaf.il. bonoral'W- Dr COOK. 90 Or-od.it.

£oet anb foxtnb.

j 0«T.A Bowery 8aving« Bank BA.NK-BO0K,J No. 140,449. Tbe bnder wid ple*** le*T* it at the Bank.


LOST.A NEGOTIABLE NOTE of ftWO 25,drawnby t.ULLINM, (Jd.H.SELI. fc Go., and aay.b:. a*

(on__*>rial liraurh Bank, (laveland, Ohlo. with enrreat rata ofaxchenge iu New-York. 8aid aota maiarea eigbt MBBI froairirpu 14. 1»--, aal ia p«7**le le lb. order of tke draaara, aad-iJorted by them.Th* obJe«t of thia _dvertiaem*Bt I* to eantloa th* pabBa

Bniait buymg uid uota. * TWEIDY BR08. b Ca_OfDaabary, Ot

L~08T.rn^ew^York City, a POCKET-BOOI.,coBtalnlog 010, and papan to tbe amouat of abont 01,>W.

The payme-t or tbe paper. i. atopped. 1 Iir nador wUl reoetve

Tllby leaving tha book, inouay and papera, with tha Rer.OHN C. OULD1N, No. IM Rivingtoa at


A$o tUliom it fllarj Ccncem.

LL Penons are bereby forhiddan to traat mywi/eROriALlE DlMON, Iai* of Llma, Pem, a. aadabta

aontrietetl by her w_l be reeognised or paid by me .Naw-Vork.Jan. 1,1860._JOHN F. DlMON.

OUR LADY READERSwUib* pleated lo iearn lhat MADAME MARTENSE (of

Paria) ka. added to herDREbriMAKINO E.STABLISHMENT,

No. 189 Oreeue-it (two doora north of Bleecker), a larjo aantbeT

WHEEtER k WILBON'S 8EWINO-BACBINRB,aad vi iii execute ali kindi of

FAMILY SEWiNOwith expedttlon, ln tbe beat poeaible manurr, and at

ONE HALF THE PRICE USU4LLY C11AROED.ha wiil B,»o amd into FainUiea, reaidtng in City or Country, by


thereby obviatiog the ueceaalty of puichaaina a Maehiae, aaAitfttrwerd being tro.ibled witii keeping it lu ordar.

B. COLEMAN St, SON have opene^UBa EUTAW HOU6E, in Baltanora_

-TX) PHYSICIAN8.-A Phyflifl-aa of more BMBJl M yei r«' p. a -tie* iu oue btction (ui lb* lower part of tha

city), about removi.ia up town, de.irea to diepoae of tba auu* aafavurable tera... No better .rbiauce to bo had iu the city.Addr.-.i Dr. RENNEDY. .No. IM Duao* park.


Jprofcs-ional NottccB.Oltiee for Prucurtug_


A paniphiet of laforntattou aert tt'o by a.*!-

D~RTciIAJlLE8~8WEE'r lntoD** '*> bn B New-York, at tb. N-Joual Hetel, No 5CoortU_dt-t- i^f*mu,No iti Ubarty-at.), on Toe*laya aad Wadmtdart, fkafttarmi

waak ln taci mouth, eommoncl-d I>a-ambar. HR M aOaad toBona-rtting, Hip ...d Spiuel Dl---«_ r""8<__J ?S_?___and Rheumittc diffic-Hla*, C«Mr*-Md Carda aad CaraatoDl.raar.. _______^_

FI 8MITH N«. Ti Wfttiidtt., three doora> weatorr-tb-e*., rtENTIfT, of Brteen yeara eapartaasaa

._______. to lu-ert ARTIFICIAL TEETH, -WPI__ii_rwi_"_ti_u.-. Ouuf NVork ah» «n 0.ld aadllUlrar KlMo. aud VbV£_teri!i:n,. fl-_»i..« «- KateMd-iarkb Mra aad baaa*gevee. Cbargea mo_.r.te. Work guar.nl aed._On. FI-ATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 4T

. Tbird tt.. rit. Luala, Mu.-COMMIririlONER for NF.W-YORK. OHIO, IONVA. CONNECTICUT, and tb. uiher StaUw.Aaa Mrrrantile Agency for the Eatterti aid rloutbera Stataa,pvile.iltr kttritl.,. will na gl vrn to th* prompt eollaoflon of afl

elaima intnttted to I.i. _r. ln thia oteie. Md Sootharti lllooia,aod by rripouaible correapondantt tt all point* along tbr Miaitotippi and Mlbouri l-Ma*. above Cincliiuati.lliPiKaM. .»: IIou. Erattut Coraliig llrriny Taiu.i 11 iiibbIL

mor- bant; M.i.r.. Martla fc Smith.,NVu,. Rant, E. H. RlmbalLNV hituig fc t iart, NV. E. Noyea VYu. M. Tvarti. At'.r.-v, __4Coiinaajoia, New-fork; J... 1loru~r and Danlei M. NVilaoa,*. i. -rchanta, aad HoraceOreaJaty,e»o New-York City

^o Sp-jT-otrun.

I^NGLISH 8KATES, GUN8, PI«TOIa8, Abt.,J wiiolaatia aad retail, al ALKRJtD WoODUAB'fl I"

ai.n'i Depol No. U4 Hreadwav

Coal, &c.


Oidan raratvrd al the oflfee ot* th* CoOflMV, No. B NViUiaa.it, adeltl, Yard. No. 8818tk-*v.

4or6(f. Carriugee, &t.WOB 8ALK-A QUARTER OOACH, made b,M- one oithel-eat city makera.haa only baaa ma a l*w iLaeaaad will be*old low, aa tha owuer haaao fkrthar aaa for U. Tab».B.y.uktliii.KS'.S.ubiet, Noa.18.__d 191 Marteret. froa fla ua. to 4 p. ui.
