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UMaine Army ROTC Newsletter

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Newsletter for the 2014-2015 Academic School Year
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Spring 2015 1 THE BACK BEAR TIMES University of Maine Army ROTC Faces of the Battalion 5 7 Airborne School, Ft. Benning, GA 4 Nurse Summer Training Program Ranger Challenge Competition Color Guard Letter from the Battalion Commander 11 Letter from LTC Charles X. Rote 2 Letter from MSG Banister 3 The 20 th Maine Honors Society 8 4 From the eyes of an MSII 9 THE BLACK BEAR TIMES
  • Spring 2015


    THE BACK BEAR TIMESUniversity of Maine Army ROTC

    Faces of the Battalion



    Airborne School, Ft. Benning, GA 4

    Nurse Summer Training Program

    Ranger Challenge Competition

    Color Guard

    Letter from the Battalion Commander


    Letter from LTC Charles X. Rote 2

    Letter from MSG Banister 3

    The 20th Maine Honors Society



    From the eyes of an MSII 9


  • Spring 2015


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    ))''%#) '%((%'%!"!)'+!$Greetings Black Bear Nation! We have had another strong year.

    I am especially pleased with the outcomes of this years accessions board. Every MS IV was able to get their top choice. This result is unprecedented, but not without reason. When you factor in their performance at Cadet Training this past summer, on the APFT, and (most importantly) academically, it should be no surprise when we do so well. They continued to do well by the Cadets junior to them. Congratulations to them.

    Our Ranger Challenge Team, Color Guard, and 20th Maine Honor Society completed numerous activities throughout the semester. Along with the sporting events at Husson and UMaine, the Color Guard highlights included events with the University of Maine President, Senator Angus King, and Senator Susan Collins. The 20th Maine Honor Society continued its philanthropy efforts and visits to the Veterans home (that I know they enjoy immensely). Ranger Challenge did well in New Jersey and took a few trophies at this years 1stLt Zimmerman Fitness Challenge. Our Cadets continue to represent the program in a positive way on campus and in the community.

    In one engagement this year, some of our Cadets briefed the student life directors. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students stated in a note to me, Wow! They are perfect examples of the impact and importance of our ROTC program. They were bright, engaging, personable, and poised. Very impressive. I see this too, but it is awesome to hear it from others.

    The University continues to support our efforts as we continue our area improvements. New workspaces and bathrooms radically improve our environment. Additionally, new furniture and air conditioning units are in place and our Alumni Room is completely refinished. I am excited to see the end of jack hammering in our area (but if I find the money the hallway is next). In the end, it has been worth all the hassles.

    Academically, we have a few initiatives. Most of our upper level classes now count towards more general education credit (take advantage of this!). We have a proposal at UMaine and Husson to make CLC, CTLT, and CULP worth three credit hours (the latter counting also as a GEN ED). We also have proposed the addition of an independent study class to enable us to request continuation of benefits.

    Have a great summer and come back from break more fit than when you left (especially you MS IIs).

    You should be proud of what you have done! Black Bears!

    Lieutenant Colonel Charles X. Rote Professor of Military Science

    The University continues to support our efforts as we continue our area improvements. New workspaces and bathrooms radically improve our environment. Additionally, new furniture and air conditioning units are in place and our Alumni Room is completely refinished. I am YHU\ excited to see the end of jack hammering in our area (but if I find the money the hallway is next). In the end, it has been worth all the hassles.

  • Spring 2015


    The fall semester has provided a remarkable milestone here in the Black Bear Battalion. We have over 80 Cadets in the ranks and its certain to grow with the start of the spring semester. I tip my hat to the Cadets of this battalion. I have always said, and it remains true today: Cadets are the best recruiters. You recruit quality, and you retain quality. The atmosphere within the corridors of the Armory is that of a professional organization which practices discipline. I believe we have the best Cadets throughout Cadet Command right here in the Black Bear battalion. This belief was again confirmed this past summer while at FT Knox Kentucky.

    Many accomplishments have been achieved during the fall semester. The reception and integration program, the program which you receive and integrate new Cadets, is flourishing. The mentorship program is very successful, as proven by the development of all Cadets involved, the mentor and mentee. Seeing the motivation of our new Cadets is exhilarating. Knowing they learn from the example of the older, more experienced Cadets is confirmation the process is working. It is said this is a Cadet run battalion. I most certainly agree. The work of the MSIVs is amazing. From planning and executing labs, facilitating and overseeing FTX and STX, to running the battalion on a daily basis. The Cadet Battalion leadership is performing at a very high standard.

    The leadership positions within Alpha Company are designed to develop and challenge the MSIIIs. Every Cadet that steps into a leadership position exits a more proficient leader. From the start of the semester to now a fast improvement has occurred in regards to the Operations Order process and tactical squad leadership. The preparation for FT Knox is well underway for the MS IIIs.

    This group of MSIIs is one of the strongest I have ever seen. They continue to show leadership attributes in every aspect of their behavior. They too are on track to accomplish all that is waiting in summer 2015. They have assisted the MSIIIs while conducting tactical lanes, during Physical Readiness Training, and providing an example for the MSIs, while performing the duties of a Team Leader. Excellent work.

    The MSIs are persevering and moving forward at a rapid pace. It is truly challenging to grasp the college life AND the ROTC life at the same time, but our lil hooahs are doing just that. They are learning about tactics, character and presence. They are experiencing leadership in action from the more senior Cadets and they are quick to accept a challenge. They are motivated, eager, enthusiastic, excited and above all, trusting. They trust the Cadets that have come before them. And the keystone of a profession is trust.

    MSG Thomas P. Banister Senior Military Instructor

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  • Spring 2015


    While staring at a dark open abyss, a blaring red light was gearing to switch to green. I had an overzealous jumpmaster to the side of me, yet all I was thinking was 1 thousand, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, check canopy. I was about to make my night jump as the first person in the chalk (line of personnel to jump). Repetitive Army training has an impeccable ability to allow soldiers to conquer feats, such as jumping from a perfectly good aircraft. The first step in training is to pass the physical fitness test, and Airborne school is famous for their 41 club- one pushup away from passing. However, I did not witness that, the Sergeant Airbornes in Alpha Company worked hard to get everyone that deserved wings to pass the three weeks at Fort Benning. That being said, almost a quarter of the personnel did not make it through due to various reasons including injury, heat exhaustion, or inability to demonstrate good technique. The first week of training was physically vigorous with a lot of pull-ups and practicing parachute landing falls. You also get introduced to the thirty four foot tower, in which you jump attached to a harness and glide

    Army Airborne School, Ft. Benning Georgia

    Repetitive Army training has an

    impeccable ability to allow soldiers to conquer feats, such as jumping from a perfectly good


    Having the opportunity for a nursing internship through the U.S. Army ROTC program was an honor. Getting to spend it at one of the most desired locations for nursing students made it that much more of an experience. At Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) in Hawaii, I was assigned to the Orthopaedic/Neuro/Vascular floor and worked alongside an Army Nurse Corps officer. My hands-on assessment and clinical skills, as well as my critical thinking, were challenged, developed, and improved. While on my assigned unit, I was able to practice skills that nursing students generally do not get to practice until they have graduated. Some of these skills included bedside glucose monitoring, blood draws, insertion of an intravenous (IV) catheter, and hanging blood transfusions.

    Nurse Summer Training Program



  • Spring 2015


    For most college students the weekend of October 10th marked their annual fall break. However for nine cadets at the University of Maine's Army ROTC program, it was not a time for rest and relaxation. It was this weekend that marked the annual Army ROTC 2nd Brigade Ranger Challenge Competition. For one weekend, ROTC programs from schools all over the north-east met at Fort Dix, New Jersey, to compete in series of rigorous challenges. The purpose of the competition is to put cadets into challenging situations where they must push themselves to both their physical and mental limits. In the end, all the cadets learn the true meaning of resiliency, and they are better prepared to be leaders because of it. It is also a good opportunity for seeing which schools produce the toughest cadets, as winners are named by the end of the weekend. While the nine cadets that represented the University of Maine did not bring home any silverware, they did truly exemplify what it means to be resilient leader. The cadets competed in total of 10 events. The events ranged from carrying a 2000 lb log over a long distance, to pushing a full sized Hummer around a track, to assembling various military weapons while blindfolded.

    The Ranger Challenge Competition


  • Spring 2015


    along a zip-line. Once that is accomplished you get a weekend to recover from the falling before moving onto tower week. Luckily, the weather was in favor for the 250 foot tower and I was able to experience the lift of a parachute before actually jumping from a plane. I also learned that lucky for me, the lighter you are, the softer you land. Being brought up to 250 feet and peering across the Fort Benning landscape, nerves nearly vanish by the time the Sergeant Airborne releases you and you drift to the ground. Finally, jump week comes along. To complete Airborne school, five jumps must be made. In my case the jumps were three Hollywood (with a T10 and a T11), an equipment drop, and a night jump. The training made my jumps a breeze even when I did find myself tangled and before I knew it, graduation day was upon us.

    Cadet Amanda Wood

    The Ranger Challenge Competition (Continued)

    Airborne School, Ft. Benning Georgia (Continued) Acknowledgments

    Cadets that Contracted

    Cadet Morris

    Cadet Dunham

    Cadet Gibson

    Cadet Wilson

    Cadet Anderson

    Cadet Gray

    Cadet Chiu

    Cadet Cooper

    Cadets of the Month


    Cadet Kamara

    Cadet Dunham


  • Spring 2015



    I had opportunities to have alternate experiences in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), the operating room (OR), and to spend a day with COL Jennifer Bedick the Deputy Commander for Nursing at TAMC and the Regional Nurse Executive for Pacific Regional Medical Command who is in charge of at least five hospitals within the Pacific Region. While in the operating room, I had the opportunity to see four orthopedic surgeries as well as help the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) in intubating a patient. These experiences enhanced my clinical development and competency while also providing me with a more vast understanding of all the opportunities Army nurses have available to them. One of the other students even had the chance to deliver a baby while following a nurse midwife!

    While at school, nursing and ROTC are very much separated. I discovered; however, that by being enrolled in the two programs, you develop skills in leadership, time-management, and critical thinking that can be utilized in both fields of practice. My time at TAMC not only developed me as a nurse, but it also developed my interpretation and understanding of how well-married the Army and the Nurse Corps actually are. Upon completion of this internship, I now envision the two as inseparable. I feel confident in my abilities to provide safe and effective patient care while also incorporating the seven Army Values into my work ethic.

    Cadet Kelsey Rosebeary

    %"%'*'The University of Maine Army ROTC

    Color Guard team is a group of cadets that performs drill and ceremony at Army ROTC events such as the Dining In, Military Ball, and Commissioning Ceremonies. Along with performing at Army ROTC events, the Color Guard can be seen at many University of Maine athletic events and special events held on campus. Led by Color Sergeant Cadet Henry Gibson, the Color Guard team currently consists of about twenty-five cadets, ranging

    from freshman to juniors.

    This year the University of Maine Army ROTC Color Guard had the honor of presenting the Nations Colors at the University of Maine Veterans Day Opening Ceremony to kick off a week of Veterans Day events on campus. The Color

    Guard was also asked last year to present the colors at Frozen Fenway on the field in Fenway Park, before a heated rivalry ice hockey match between the University of Maine and Boston University. If you wish to see them perform, come support them at any of the University of Maine athletic events, or by following the University of Maine Army ROTC Facebook page where you will be able to find pictures and articles about the team.

    Color Sergeant Cadet Henry Gibson

  • Spring 2015


    The 20th Maine Honors society is comprised of cadets who excel academically and possess a drive to serve the community. The Honors Society meets once a week to discuss events, fundraising, and community projects. The planning and coordination that goes into these events allows cadets to hone leadership skills that are crucial as an Army officer. The 20th Maine Honors Society's primary objectives are to serve the community and coordinate large-scale ROTC events.

    Our society has coordinated and collaborated on several community projects both on campus as well as off campus. In the past we have been involved in Red Cross blood drives, the Black Bear Mentor Project, visits to the local veteran's home, and involvement in various races around campus. This fall we volunteered at the Red Cross blood drive as well as visited the local veterans home. We are currently pursuing a more consistent visiting rotation to the veteran's home. This drive is spurred by the importance that such an event holds. During the event we send five cadets, armed with donuts, to sit down and simply to talk to veterans. These veterans have served in conflicts abroad from World War Two to Vietnam. They possess unique experiences that can serve as lessons to future officers and leaders. Upon completion of our past visits the nursing staff has consistently remarked that our presence at the home is appreciated more than we know. It is for this reason that we will be increasing our partnership with the local veterans home.

    Over the course of the year we work to raise funds for the Battalion's two main ROTC events: Dining-in and the Military Ball. The amount of money raised dictates how elaborate we are able to make the events. For example, this year for the dining-in event we were able to purchase an Officer's Saber as a gift for our guest speaker. Fundraising is a year long process that is primarily directed at funding the Military Ball in the spring. The Military Ball event is an opportunity for cadets as well as their dates to experience a formal military event. During the event, traditional military customs are observed and practiced. The 20th Maine Honors Society is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the event including how the event is paid for. As such, we spend a majority of the year raising funds for this event.

    As the fall semester draws to a close our society takes stock of what worked and what didn't in the accomplishment of our goals. Moving into the spring semester we have high expectations for ourselves as a society. It is our goal to continue to raise funds for the Military Ball. We also hope to coordinate more community projects on and off campus. It is my sincere hope that the performance of the MSIII leadership this year will serve as a standard for the future MSII leadership. I challenge the future MSII class not to simply replicate our projects next year, but to develop new and more creative projects for the 20th Maine Honors Society to partake in. However future classes decide to conduct future projects, I ask that they remember these words that speak to the nature of our profession, "

    The 20th Maine Honors Society President Cadet Mikael Heikkinen

  • Spring 2015


    Entering my MSII year I viewed it as a transition year before entering, in my opinion, the most crucial year of the program is the MSIII year. This year as an MSII, I feel that I was faced with responsibility for the first time since entering the program. Towards the beginning of the school year I was given the responsibility to act as a team leader during our leadership labs as well as help explain various aspects of the program to the MS1s when I had the ability to do so. Now that the end of the year is coming upon us, I feel more responsibility slowly being added. I am starting to see cadets in my class being given the opportunity to lead PT, practice leading squads and/or platoons in marching, and with the transitional lab coming up - all MSIIs will be given the chance to take over various MSIII positions such as XO, CO, 1st Sergeant, squad leader, platoon leader, etc.

    There is no doubt that I am nervous to enter into my MSIII year due to everything I will be held responsible for throughout the year. However, if last year I had been asked how I felt about entering into my MSII year, I would have had the same reaction. Throughout this past year, as an MSII, I felt challenged. Every time a new milestone was reached, I feel as though the bar was raised a little higher which continuously pushed me to become not only a better cadet but also a better person.

    In all, it is nerve racking when beginning something new, and that goes for anything in life. The ROTC program here at the University of Maine has continued to push me out of my comfort zone and in the direction of success and has undoubtedly given me all of the recourses I would need in order to keep moving forward. Looking back on my MSII year it makes me feel accomplished seeing how much I have grown since day one and I look forward to what the future holds.

    Cadet Cassandra Andreotti-MSII

    Through the Eyes of an MSII

    CDT Hernandez, CDT Andreotti, and CDT Morris

    The MSIV Experience

    When I entered ROTC in 2011 as a Freshman I was unsure of what to expect in the years to come. Many Cadets who enter the program fear that they will be constantly yelled at and that it would be more of a basic training environment and that they will not be able to experience the college life. It soon became apparent that this was not the case by any means.

    I have been able to experience the college life like any other student while training and doing things that your average student will never be able to do. Throughout my four years I have built a relationship with my fellow Cadets that I will carry with me for many years. Going through ROTC has been the best decision I have ever made and has shaped me, not only into a better person, but an excellent leader. I will be able to apply the tools I have learned here into my career as an Officer in the Army and civilian Law Enforcement Officer.

    Cadet Patrick Flanagan-MSIV

  • Spring 2015


    Pictures from Spring Semester

  • Hello, Black Bears, family, and friends!

    This year has been full of outstanding training, leadership, and development. We began with the MSIV class (Cadets in their senior year) coming back from Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) in Fort Knox, Kentucky. All passed, and 5 out of 10 earned excellent(E) ratings. Upon our return, we immediately began preparing for the upcoming semester, knowing it would take multiple efforts as a Staff, and coordination with Brigade and Company leadership, to execute successful training and prepare the Cadets for their future roles as leaders.

    Training this year was aimed at developing leadership within all Cadets. The Battalions focus was on tactical and garrison operations, maintaining Battalion strength, and increasing our presence on both of our campuses. We completed 35 training events to include tactical labs in the Demerritt forest behind the University of Maine Recreational Center, two situational training exercises, and two field training exercises.

    Our final event of the year the military ball was a success, as always.

    It provided the Cadets with a chance to socialize and reflect upon all that was accomplished during the course of the year, increasing the Battalions morale and esprit de corps. This event also included our awards ceremony, where Cadets were recognized for their individual achievements through the presentation of awards and scholarships.

    Our Color Guard team proudly represented our Battalion in numerous events this year. They performed at events throughout the year, to include sports games at both the University of Maine and Husson University; a Veterans Day tribute to the fallen Soldiers of the University of Maine; the installation of UMaines 20th president, Susan Hunter; and at the Margaret Chase Smith Public Affairs Lecture, where U.S. Senator Susan Collins was the speaker. Our 20th Maine Honor Society also continued to gain an active presence on campus and within the community. They conducted visits to the Veterans Home in Bangor, raised money for a local charity, and held a representative position at the University of Maines Student Government meetings.

    On May 8, 2015, we will be commissioning 10 second lieutenants into various branches and components of the Army. We are very proud of their successes and are looking forward to witness all they are able to accomplish. In the meantime, the MSIII (junior) class will be headed to Fort Knox, Kentucky for Cadet Leader Course. We wish them the best of luck and are confident they will make us proud.

    Thank you, Black Bears, for all of your hard work and making this year one of the best that I have had the pleasure of experiencing! I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for all of you!

    c/LTC Kelsey RosebearyCOMMANDING

    Letter from the Battalion Commander

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    University of Maine

    5750 Armory, Room 114

    Orono, ME 04469-5750

    ROTC Military Science Excellence Fund

    The University of Maine does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Director, Ofce of Equal Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, 207.581.1226.
